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    Conversation which was conducted by both professors as if the planet top turned on an infinite orbit. So it often happens if scientists cannot compromise and defend the extreme views. Especially unpromising is a dispute when the speech comes about the Universe birth prime cause!

  Рыбаченко Олег Павлович
  ? 2015 - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович
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  . HEAD NO. 1
  Conversation which was conducted by both professors as if the planet top turned on an infinite orbit. So it often happens if scientists cannot compromise and defend the extreme views. Especially unpromising is a dispute when the speech comes about the Universe birth prime cause.
  The pushed curtains created the easy twilight because of what the situation, in the room, spacious with a high ceiling, caused association with a medieval castle where men of science compete in sophistry.
  Gray-haired, with the making the way bald patch, professor Igor Timoshishin, nervously tapping with the tube decorated with the gilded Hungarian coat of arms on an ebonite surface of a table, insisted:
  - The theory of a Big Bang became a paradigm for the vast majority of scientists long ago. In its advantage many factors, both a razbeganiye of galaxies and presence of relic radiation, or the whole set of optical paradoxes testify ...
  Younger, but seeming because of length with beard streaks of gray very age, professor Marat Apelsinov, carefully tasted dry wine. In slightly chilled throat unpleasantly tickled and he few times coughed. Then logically parried:
  - Well as explosion could generate a turbinal form of galaxies, or strict structure of stars, including characteristic rotation around the center and many other things. Any expert after the bomb expert will tell that elementary particles in this case have to scatter approximately evenly in different directions, but not be twisted in a spiral and the more so to get a system rotary motion!
  Igor Petrovich, having postponed a tube, angrily knocked a palm on a table and wanted to give already the worthy answer as suddenly their conversation was interrupted by a perelivisty, nightingale trill of a call. Absolutely rather well-to-do Moscow apartment became a little lighter. The housemaid in a golubenky dress in large green peas fluttered out, hurrying to open couple of perfectly protected doors. The pretty girl, though not the beauty, in white soft slippers which were so brightly cast (as if swans on a sea smooth surface) floating on a malachite carpet.
  The little cat as if did not react to a call, and continued to lie on a velvet rug. In the neighboring room the bulldog began to move, but unexpectedly abated.
  The servant silently opened one, and looked at the door casting steel through special parabolic glass on the external platform, and was dumbfounded.
  The observation port was faced by the girl of unprecedented beauty, the dazzling and shouting perfection and eroticism. Hair shone more brightly than gold leaf in the African midday. A figure which jewelry did not hide but only they on the contrary did far more perfectly, emphasizing fantastic proportions. It looked and is modern and as the princess from the fairy tale. Legs of light-chocolate color are almost entirely open, in transparent as if the purest diamonds shoes on a high heel. And clothes from east dancer, but the western style. In hair of the whole three brooches from jewels, and in drawings: flowers, small fishes and butterflies - extraordinary beauty, artistry and brightness, will nearly be stuck together by eyes. In hands at the stunning beauty something very strongly fancy with buttons rychazhka and the small antenna ... Fingers in rings with large semi-precious stones. And big eyes in which all colors of a rainbow are at the same time reflected.
  The housemaid mechanically opened doors and only after it whispered:
  - You to whom?
  The girl having taken a step the room, answered with very sweet and pleasant voice:
  - To kind people!
  Also entered the room ... Darted a glance at a carpet, looked at a crucifixion, in eyes the almost audible shadow flew, looked at professors who collapsed in chairs and heaved a deep sigh. Its look now was not so self-confident.
  Professor Timoshishin politely inquired:
  - And who you are such you will be the citizen?
  That unexpectedly became angry and eyes found imperious expression. The answer looked ambiguously:
  - Such questions of the man to beautiful ladies are not asked!
  Younger Marat looked very cold too. Probably absolutely it was dried up by science. But he tried to observe politeness:
  - You are beautiful, but in this case we have a discussion of the important scientific problem having the applied purpose!
  The little girl giggled, and darted a glance at the servant. Anyuta right there gave her a chair. The beauty took seat, having thrown harmonous, very exactly suntanned legs and is sure answered:
  - About what you diskussirut that: whether the stationary Universe or pulsing, the Big Bang generated a razbeganiye of galaxies, or gravitation bends space and photons cannot precisely move on a straight line in these gravitational breaks. Scientific snowstorm of type - stars generate according to professors when the infinite wave is extended as the rank of soldiers stretches a system having faced a cross-country terrain, or bypassing ravines from different places ...
  The little girl after the long introductory phrase in each word from which appeared barefaced irony, the tirade of obscure antimoniya said by melodious tone very rigidly finished:
  - Nonsense! All theories of an origin are incorrect! - Having caught a puzzled look of scientists, the beauty specified. - All but creationism. All the rest - only human fabrications!
  Timoshishin grinned and without hiding disappointment, noticed:
  - Conversation with religious fanatics seldom when is interesting and is almost always aimless!
  Marat not absolutely agreed with this aphorism, having vigorously objected:
  - I the believer convinced at least three that there is no God! Sometimes it is possible to prove obvious!
  The little girl with malice in a voice noticed:
  - Obviously? Than absence of God is obvious!
  Timoshishin was responsible for the younger colleague:
  - Because God was seen by nobody and ever! Because the Bible is full of mistakes because it around the world reigns angrily and you never know still here because ... And you fanatically believe that God is!
  The girl shook heavy hair and adequately answered:
  - I do not say that I believe as if God is ...
  - That and it! - There began Marat. But the little girl without paying attention to its remarks, continued:
  - I precisely know that God is!
  Timoshishin made a helpless gesture and insinuatingly said:
  - So show us this God if you know!
  The guest carefully looked at the sky and having slightly shifted black eyebrows which were so wonderfully combined with hair of color of topaz, ironical tone noticed:
  - But you are not afraid of people to die because it is impossible to see God and not to die?!
  Marat became angry and knocked a fist on a table:
  - All this your religious excuses! You count on ignorance of people. And from where you can know that God is?
  The little girl hesitated for a time second and quietly without changing a voice timbre, answered:
  - I can know because I am Lucifer or as you are more often than me you call: Devil!
  Both professors chorus burst out laughing and, Marat already more cheerful tone ordered to the housemaid:
  - Bring to the deviless of the best for cognac, with all the heart made laugh!
  Igor Petrovich agreed with the colleague:
  - Yes beauty at it devil, you will not argue with it.
  The little girl's voice suddenly changed, passed into a loud bass, and to the room even became cold:
  - I do not joke! I am that Lucifer - the Son and the press of perfection, the strongest of all creations of God in the Universe!
  Change of tone forced professors to extend faces, windowpanes rang out, and Anyuta nearly fell down in a faint. Marat however kept cool:
  - You well are able to imitate a bass, but that believed in your devil essence it is necessary, something other!
  The girl having replaced tone on normal, indulgently asked:
  - You want miracles?
  Professors amicably nodded. Timoshishin shook from a high forehead of a gradinka of sweat.
  Devushka-Satana politely asked:
  - Then take out a crucifixion from the room ...
  Marat was surprised:
  - Really the piece of an ebony can affect the most powerful angel in the Universe?
  - It is consecrated! - And the guest impatiently waved the hand sparkling rings.
  The housemaid hurried to execute the order, carrying away a crucifixion to other room. The bulldog in it was not any more, the dog disappeared somewhere. And the little girl radiantly began to smile and from her yellow light went ... It became valid in room to grow warm quickly, and heavy, shod silver a candlestick having flown from a case, floated before the struck professors in air. The deviless clicked fingers and in height the multi-colored flame rose. It grew to a high, marble ceiling of the elite apartment, and then again shrank. And so now zelenovato flickered in the form of a sphere. And Lucifer provereshchat:
  - Here the simplest example - a Satan in all your legends operates fire.
  Marat not quite surely murmured:
  - But also David Koperfild can do it ...
  The girl burst out laughing, and the candlestick instantly moved to a case again. A mighty, strongest and absolute angel of the universe, patiently explained:
  - David used old effects of essential oils before blowing. You want other miracles and I precisely know what!
  Small, yellow kruglyashka began to fall from a ceiling with a ring, as approaching a floor they grew in the sizes, turning into the most real gold coins, the whole heaps - piastres, chervonets, doubloons were promptly heated up. It already really looked like a miracle ... The servant did not sustain and began to collect gold. And the girl devil tolerantly nodded:
  - Take - for me gold not that, metal that needed it the mightiest spirit of the universe ...
  Timoshishin nevertheless skeptically noticed:
  - And you are sure that you the Devil? That. what in the Writing?
  The girl changed design, having turned an easy, wicker chair in covered, diamonds and rubies with emeralds and topazes a throne and, indulgent tone asked:
  - I hope foolish questions for the account of horns, hoofs and a tail will not follow?
  Igor Petrov assured the fallen angel:
  - No! These are purely human inventions, but ... A Satan from the Bible - It!
  The little girl on it innocently smiled and seriously answered:
  - I am not a person and I cannot be that you put in the primitive concepts of a floor. The Satan is the mighty spirit capable to accept any cover.
  Marat wanted to insist:
  - And why women, but not men?
  The girl devil honestly answered:
  - It is as little as possible to be similar to Christ ... He hated women and in the Bible, they are belittled by apostles. I love all fine, I ennoble unloved Jesus a floor, accepting that shape that I want!
  Timoshishin suggested:
  - Perhaps therefore there many female witches burned in the Middle Ages?!
  The girl Satan having nodded, agreed:
  - Possibly in each beautiful woman the Devil seemed to them ... To my greatest regret!
  Marat asked the arising question:
  - And why you, being the most strong in spirit in the Universe, did not rescue them?
  The girl devil answered with unfeigned bitterness:
  - My power in this world is limited by God. Inquisitors had protection, I against them was powerless!
  And the heavy pause hung in mid-air. The servant collected a big parcel of gold coins and with great difficulty transferred heavy kruglyashka, having put them near the safe. Looked towards professor Timoshishin who in difference from it, knew a code. The little girl devil krutanut a forefinger. The sack with gold disappeared, but the music specifying that in the safe, something heavy appeared played and can be even moves.
  Marat suddenly blurted out:
  - Mastera and Margarita you read?
  The guest hit question with a question:
  - And what, it will give you more idea of my essence?
  Bearded professor hesitated, but the housemaid found the answer:
  - In this art fiction you such interesting!
  The little girl Satan radiantly smiling, answered:
  - But not such beautiful ... I love beauty and an esthetics ...
  Marat on it a little tactlessly noticed:
  - Hitler was an artist too!
  The Lucifer quite naturally took offense:
  - The biggest delusion to connect me with the evil. I am an ancestor of a sin, but it is not angry!
  Timoshishina surprised such statement of a question:
  - You speak a sin ... But a difference between a sin and the evil so thin and almost imperceptible!
  The girl changed the shape now, having become the young man with very fair hair and nice-looking in a civil suit with a red tie. Now Lucifer found a baritone of the preacher broadcasting from department:
  - Though it is also impossible to call the Scripture the objective book, but even in it a certain difference between a sin and the evil is visible. - The young man lit at himself over a palm the hologram image. The bald old man with a careless beard that shouted towards the running-up, barefoot children. Right there were two sharp-toothed, saber-toothed she-bears who with wild a roar jerked for children. Here the got under blow of a sharp-clawed paw, fair-haired girl, screamed and calmed down. The lovely face still distorted by pain arose close up. Then the boy failed with the cut-out skull. Several girls fell on knees begging about mercy, and the furious she-bear with a bigger rage rushed on children. Having overtaken, began to mill jaws of a leg of the next child. Shrill shouts and hysterical crying turned out soul.
  The housemaid screamed and nearly fainted. And Marat it is rigid with frenzied irritation, asked:
  - It that for a horror film?
  The young man Lucifer with an innocent smile explained:
  - I showed a bible episode from the fourth book of kingdoms - where the prophet Boga, Eliseus damned the children and two she-bears teasing it forty two children broke off.
  Timoshishin threw up the hands and unexpectedly applauded:
  - Bravo! Here evident demonstration of a difference between a sin and the evil! It is possible to remember Abraham's "feat" also!
  The Lucifer nodded also with pleasant maliciousness, confirmed:
  - Trade in the wife was not blamed of Abraham, and readiness to kill the innocent child - became "great" business ... Whether affairs Abraham justified himself, having assigned the son to an altar?
  Marat heaved a deep sigh and noticed:
  - How many I lectures other on scientific atheism ... I know that the Bible along with ennobled by ideas contains the mass of ideas of obscurantism ... - Bearded professor wearily nodded. - But I I to the fooled people proved to these that there is no God at all and not that He is Angry!
  The young man Lucifer turned into the girl, only in more modest dress, almost conventuals, only a cassock skirt too short again, opening fine, bare feet. And under it right there were small uvulas of a flame. The Devil incarnate said, very mild and humble voice:
  - Sin concept not of the evil! A sin, it when you arrive not as God orders to you!
  Timoshishin wanted bigger clarity:
  - And you think that it is good?
  The Lucifer answered, directly looking crystal purity eyes:
  - Already to you to people to solve it! Here it would be good or it is bad, refuse Ache to build an ark?
  Professor Marat pomorshchit a forehead and tried to answer before the Satan:
  - On the one hand refuse Ache to build an ark, that all mankind could be destroyed. But with another it is possible that God having lost an opportunity to rescue the elite, would refuse in general idea of a flood. In this case millions of people would survive!
  The fallen angel waved a hand from where in air there was a big, turned their sandalwood table. On it there were magnificent viands, worthy tsars. And legs of the deviless had huge, black and very fluffy cat. His skin looked velvety, and with a white tip the tail reminded fox. Having intercepted thoughts of professors, Lucifer explained with benevolent tone:
  - The idea with the Hippopotamus personally was pleasant to me. Though it is only shape of an angel - because my servants, mighty spirits have no usual flesh, but can be at the embodiment anything.
  The cat rose by hinder legs, threatened with a sharp-clawed paw to the right, having whimsically noticed:
  - In your TV series, of me some freak was made. But I am much more beautiful than this dull screen version!
  The housemaid Anyuta a little safely, considering presence of supernatural entities, objected:
  - And is not present, just the movie was pleasant to me, in it there is so much interesting ...
  The Lucifer held, ready to rush on the girl, a cat. And made it at distance the movement of long eyelashes. Then with sense of humour grinned:
  - Be not afraid! The cat does not zakatut! This is a kind angel ... It only a little with you will turn round and round, can will show the earth from a lunar orbit ... It will be remarkable!
  Marat with curiosity asked:
  - And to stars we can be brought quickly?
  Here at once Lucifer hung. The conventual found a mournful look, besides her legs decorated heavy shackles as however and hands. Now in a voice the sincere suffering was heard. The cat too at once drooped and catastrophically grew thin, and in green eyes hungry gloss appeared. The Satan looked now as least of all you expect from the Devil - the mightiest of the created beings in the Universe, whom to be afraid of that many billions of people, the embodiments of horror and the evil. Well who could think, the that turned pale, barefoot girl in shackles - the master of a dark side of the universe. And the mild voice answered:
  - Here in volume and a problem ... The Satan seldom calls himself, but ... I need your help!
  Both professors goggled and exchanged glances. Miracles in a termokvarkovy yoke. Well unless it is possible, the Devil asks for help at mortal moreover in the form of the blond prisoner.
  Marat choked and wanted to light. He as professor understood malignancy of a similar habit and tried to do it as seldom as possible, but in this case nervousness affected. It is necessary will calm down, otherwise heart will burst, especially it is still rather young to experience rough emotions. Professor Timoshishin, as older was self-controlled better, but for a start in a volley drained a glass of sweet and very nice to the taste wine. Then the first asked:
  - We are simple people, and than we can help the Almighty God, almost equal on force?
  The little girl stood having bent one knee, her legs in chains looked so charmingly who Marat could not look away from them. The image of the martyr goes ... And it is valid concentrations of a sin and ... is angry ...
  Timoshishin once again, is a little on another, repeated a question:
  - Well two old blockheads, can make there where the Son Zari, Completeness of Wisdom, the Perfection Press, beauty Wreath came to grief?
  The little girl rose from a knee and angrily shook fetters and suggested to touch gesture chains. Marat made it the first and felt terrible cold. There is even not no ice as and in Antarctica ice cannot be so ice cold, penetrating to the backbone threatening to freeze marrow and to evaporate heat remains. And professor in fear straightened out a hand. Fingers instantly reddened and began to ache strongly and painfully. Now it seemed that they were dipped into boiled water. That though to dull a little terrible pain and not to cry, Marat hastily poured the escaped hand, to itself the glass of wine also drank off. Felt better a little. And the girl deviless answered with grief:
  - There are chains which not to remove by force ... Because they are imposed by that who is stronger, obviously stronger than the creation!
  Marat having at once guessed, in disappointment noticed:
  - And we unless are able to do it ... To win against God?
  The little girl began to smile and chains began to melt slightly. The Lucifer already more confident tone declared:
  - You people are created just like God. And we are angels though are stronger people and our abilities - even against your scientific and technical development tremendous, but. The essence is that we are office spirits, and the person an image of God Zhivy is capable to become similar to God ... - the Lucifer considered it necessary to specify. - Potentially of course. After fall God told: now it one of us!? But Adam did not become an Almighty ...
  Marat became seems something to understand:
  - You means that potentially the mankind found a reserve for development towards Omnipotence?!
  The girl Lucifer rose from knees and changed appearance. Not strongly, but it is resolute - in hands a sword, hands of the little girl found muscularity, and sapphire eyes angry expression. And then the main revelation followed. For the sake of what similar visit was made:
  - Time when approaches, development of humanity in a sin will end. Jesus Christ will come and the doomsday will come! And then any more to you to people never to fly to stars but all who not it is written down in the book of life will are dumped to the lake fiery and sulfuric!
  Professors were silent, contents of their craniums strongly strained, on high foreheads ran sea ripples of a wrinkle. Both men of science, nevertheless not without reason science stars. And the main thing was understood quickly. Marat with egoistical irony noticed:
  - Well then to me Gehenna about mine works on a kindling is precisely prepared ... And it is already serious!
  Timoshishin voiced not indisputable thought:
  - The person is all the same mortal. And whether the difference between posthumous hell and Gehenna fiery after Christ's coming is so already big?!
  The Lucifer finally changed. Now it was an athletic build the young man in an imperial crown and a magnificent armor. The impression was strengthened by the snow-white horse grounded by stars on which the Satan sat. The young voice became thunderous and sure:
  - Well is not present! If there is a place where I really All-powerful, so am hell.! And there, believe, life is better than on Earth!
  Marat with doubt asked:
  - And why when badly tell - this true hell?!
  By Lucifer it is sure answered:
  - Because ... People thought up this nightmare. And was called this place on a miscellaneous. Vikings - Valggala, pagan Slavs - Iry, at Greeks Eliseevsky fields.
  Seeing mistrust in the opinion of scientists, Prinze Satan smiled and insinuatingly added:
  - If you want to know truth, then it is better on excursion in an underworld? So far time is!
  Marat with logic of professor of a wide profile noticed:
  - Even if there you also made good climate, but the contingent of angry sinners and cruel bandits is capable will turn also this place into Gehenna!
  In a voice of the former Archangel the respect was heard, the young prince became much more serious:
  - You are right professor ... People are capable to cause angrily to each other. And management of a next world where go - almost all people, so escape only given rise from above, and such give God that one percent of the population gathered at least!
  Timoshishin gave a whistle:
  - Wow! Really only Saints escape?!
  The Lucifer showed the opened Scripture over a palm, in the burning look when a flame as if the wave laps on pages. Sheets turned over, and the angel of light indicated by a sword edge lines:
  - That's it, the birth from above and real belief from affairs ... And it not just to be a good person and to go to church on Sundays - though such people very little!
  Marat did not keep not to scoop a gold spoon from a dish of black caviar. Not so professors are rich that there is this scarce product spoons. Caviar was quite natural, and tart on taste. The truth black caviar has a property when you eat much for time, begins to taste bitter in a mouth.
  But it only kindles appetite. Timoshishin decided to pass directly to business:
  - It is not necessary to convince us. We also understand that our breed not from those that deserved paradise, but ... What specifically we can make?
  The Lucifer accepted already other shape, a form of the captain, and not young man, and more mature person, with the wide slightly curling beard. And the landscape changed. It appeared as if on the deck of the ship. Seemingly archaic sailing vessel, but extraordinary magnificent, with sails in an ornament and landscapes from jewels and the sparkling gold and platinum the deck.
  And in team abundance of little girls, from all continents - very different, but at the same time permanently beautiful and with a clothes minimum. However, jewelry and jewelry on them it is, quite enough, that it was rich, but it is not excessive - that would already be bad taste. The team attracted to itself views, distracted attention. Even elderly Timoshishin involuntarily felt in himself youthful nervousness and painful desire. Well of course, there are so much fine, capable to shame all on a podium of girls in one place. It also will lift the old man from a grave. Plus still delicacies on a table, at their inclusion in you as if comes back, long ago the lost man's force already seemed.
  Now that's something like it ... And around them the sea seems ...? But it on fantastic beautiful, waves spark it seemed in thousands of shades.
  Lucifer captain answered a mute question:
  - We can float directly from here to coast of hell. There is life as ... at the billionaire in the resort ... - And here the look at the Satan became rough. - If I consider it necessary of course. And who to me the enemy, to that it is possible to arrange such life that he perhaps and itself fiery will ask for the lake!
  Marat mechanically noted:
  - Owner barin!
  And Timoshishin with admiration noticed:
  - Nevertheless what you different .... Many-sided!
  The Lucifer changed the shape, to fantastic Father Frost, the beard was extended and became gray-haired. And in hands there was a bag from which towards girls gifts departed. Different, but with very colourful wrappers gifts. Girls caught them and thanked the Satan, bending waists in easy graceful bow. And the master of hell noticed:
  - All this sinners. Many from in life were not such beautiful, and someone managed to grow old and turn into ugly old women. - Here Lucifer became a young man, with a fair hair again, but remained in a fur coat of Father Frost, only the cap was replaced by a diamond wreath, and the attire became even more magnificent. The Lucifer with pleasure continued. - I gave them fine bodies though in persons some former individual traits remained ... I love beauty ... I hate decrepitude! - And here the fallen angel sparkled lightnings from eyes and offered professors. - I cannot forever give you youth yet - so on Earth you are not recognized, and you are necessary to me exactly there ... But you want to find beauty and youth for a while?
  Timoshishin heaved a deep sigh and with grief noticed:
  - But it will be hard to come back to a former old body then?
  The Lucifer crossed on a hand breast, surely and firmly answered:
  - You will help me, I having found new forces, I will make you the happiest people on Earth. Also believe, all that professor Faust at Goethe had - will seem only a hut in a shadow of the imperial palace!
  Marat pricked up the ears a little. Girls attracted in which the sea beams of several sun were reflected, it seemed kind and fantastic. Why, the paradise garden of the storyteller Andersen where the prince received everything was remembered, but did not sustain a temptation love. And here the ancestor of the evil, the Son Zari, offers you Viry. However the Satan is the Greatest of tempters, suddenly all this a dirty trick? And then as in that joke - instead of binge, snack, women and entertainments - you on the heated frying pan will put?
  It we had propaganda point - devils laugh: "from you party organizers also learned"!
  The Lucifer probably read Marat's thoughts and took to him towards a step, having strong shaken hands:
  - You are clever and are necessary to me such as you are people! - The Satan raised Marat together with himself a little in air and they appeared on a seven-color back seven-domed, very much even a dragon nice by sight. The Lucifer solemnly declared. - Be good to the person and it will return to you. What sense to harm people on whom your personal future, Iriya's future, and many billions of angels and sinners depends. Why to me reputation of the artful deceiver, especially in the opinion of the angels? Trillions of perfect beings believed me and followed me in opposition to God just because Lucifer never violates this word, that he serves grateful to those who trusts it and does not betray!
  The young man emotionally addressed a cat, and also the couple which arose with it to knights in an armor:
  - You would follow the deceiver?
  Enormous knights obediently nodded, and here the cat clown decided to make witticisms:
  - For the deceiver, I would not go, but here for the greatest swindler of all times and the people why not to follow?
  The Lucifer good-natured burst out laughing and patted a cat on a brilliant hair, that pleasure changed black color for white and zaurchat:
  - Our king elect of heaven, our king as illusive demon! Our king the envoy of destiny, our king is only you!
  At Marat all scepticism suddenly vanished:
  - Is not present definitely, it is fated to be a sheep in Christ's herd to me! So there is nothing to lose and it will not be worse!
  The Satan replaced an appearance again, having become the girl, but already east type, fine with slightly bluish hair, and very swarty skin. Something from the Thai beauty, with a light touch European features on Aryan to type. But the main thing this girl deviless very sexually and invitingly looked. Has a look at Marat and that suddenly tested unusual ease, freshness and cheerfulness in a body. So he never even in youth felt. The body changed, and it became the young man with muscles, strong: intermediate between Apollon and Hercules. The beard disappeared, and hair were on the contrary extended and became light. The little girl Lucifer winked at the changed professor:
  - It is most part to love the Devil ... I do not test your human prejudices, I have no inferiority complex or excessive pride. I am higher than it because - God of this century! Who is pleasant, that mine!
  And devushka-Satana attracted Marat to itself, and further ... As if couple of Universes and a zaplyasala in a round dance of myriad of galaxies blew up. It is impossible to pick up analog what the mere mortal cannot test and to compare to anything. With anybody there was no shadow of similar also - except as with the press of perfection and a wreath of beauty ... It is higher than any the description and representations, and pleasure, so intensive that deafens and crushes, but at the same time you are ready to give the immortal soul on any flour to repeat similar again. And any more there is neither time, nor matter, nor space!
  Timoshishin changed too, and, he wanted to become Black at the last minute and his desire came true. And girls flew on it and their multi-colored bodies were weaved into a ball. Too it is fine, but not to compare to Marat's feelings. Nobody so will be able to love, except for the Creator of the Universes, but he just will hardly present such happiness to the person. And here madness and the genius in one action!
  Well when you young, beautiful and strong. Especially athletic, brawny that of which you dreamed all life, but it gyms and diets could not present you a body. And you receive it as a gift, even without having asked and as if it to you was pressed by force. But it and charm: Hollywood fairy tale.
  The ship, little girls - magnificent viands. Everything is good, but something perfectly well is missing? And what? The good cabin with pirates!
  Timoshishin did not manage to enjoy game with female bodies as tore off them
   cannon shots.
  And on the horizon the brigantine appeared. This and really the fairy tale about pirates. Real animation characters. Among them there is James Hook. Such here outstanding personality.
  And girls are already ready to fight with freebooters. There too in crew it is full of women and very ugly villains. Their ferocity theatrical ... But also real.
  In crew of a frigate of the Satan couple of ship's boys - the only men except professors appeared. Here Timoshishin thought, these are the real boys who died at teenage age being rather spoiled lawfully to reserve the place in hell, or? Some demons? However on religion and non-Christian babies get to an underworld so what here to be surprised to?
  Boys however in this threshold of the Tartar live, cheerful and hold strange revolvers in hand a lot of decorated with flame-colored pebbles. In general there are a lot of jewelry. In the Bible too the Son Zari - is beautiful and loves yakhonta of all types. But when the bullet will get to the bearded pirate and that will fall having released blood fountainlet, it is already a little frightening. Timoshishin answers rare mushketny shots, aiming in James Kryuk, and at that the menacing artificial limb on a hand casts diamonds. It seems got, splashed between an eye scarlet splashes... and right there "cinema" will be gone ...
  . HEAD NO. 2.
  Igor Timoshishin felt as if the body at .ny stiffened, and in the head the brain was filled in with lead. There is a strong wish to sleep, but also the dream does not go as if the cranium around temples is gnawed through by rats. And in a mouth dry and bitterness ... To think painfully, but professor habitually analysed the state and came to a conclusion: all signs of a big bodun or on scientific an abstinence syndrome, or it is simpler than a hangover. But not really he could get drunk so? Memoirs gushed: the most beautiful girl, the Devil incarnate, is a lot more aggressive and delightful little girls: Black women, Indians, even albinos ... and pirates???
  No, it is precisely similar to nonsense in delirium tremens. Really they ... it seems with Marat, afforded superfluous and were torn as if the last bums who for free seized upon the pervach canister? Never he Igor afforded it though he of course could drink, but strictly moderately. Marat too not the Baptist not to drink, but also he superfluous will not give himself to break a roof from loops. Though ... they important had a discovery. Maybe really, marking out him, were mistaken with a dose a little and at some point the craftiest alcohol carried away them in the sticky embraces?
  But anyway it is necessary to rise, for work it is time ... Igor tried to strain muscles and to jump sharply. The elderly body was untwisted gyurzy, bones creaked and professor nearly crashed the head into Marat. That managed to recoil and moan:
  - The Sahara in a drink.
   Younger colleague felt, probably, too most and wanted to recover quicker. Twisted the head and hiccupped.
  Both professors looked at each other and Marat, having suppressed a hiccups, squeezed out from itself:
  - Well it will also dream ...
  Timoshishin who stood on the feet not too firmly hurried to grab a hand the table edge. The table, by the way, was accurate, and on it there was nothing except a pile of a white paper and the closed laptop. Igor mechanically asked:
  - What will dream?
  Marat moaned and rolled up eyes:
  - Not to express in words. The Devil accepted shape of the girl, and to me was so tremendous ...
  Timoshishin was surprised, flopped in a chair and gesture suggested the colleague to sit down. With astonishment murmured:
  - And you saw the Devil?
  Marat feverishly shook by the head and corrected a conclusion:
  - It is rather the deviless ... It changed shapes .... - Professor hiccupped and krutanut the head. - Holy Christ, I am ready to swear that did not drink yesterday, and such weight ...
  Timoshishin jumped again as if pricked him in the fifth point a pricker, hysterically coughed and wearily noticed:
  - Well is not present ... Wine which was offered to us by the Satan was strong, it you, that is we drank ...
  Both professors looked at each other. Began to blink and plunge into silence. Chairs are convenient, eyes by itself were closed and there came the blissful sleepiness ... Short, but surprisingly refreshing. The sound of the poured coffee woke professors. The housemaid Anyuta poured not in cups, and in some, seemingly crystal, only too bright giving multi-color patches of light wine glasses, and canary color liquid inertly lapped in them. Marat wanted to ask the arising question as before them suddenly there was a boy of years of fourteen-fifteen, svetlenky and suntanned. Timoshishin screamed:
  - Artemka, was at last whether filled up examinations?
  The boy in reply burst out laughing and long pinkish put out the tongue, having answered with voice, too low for awkward age:
  - I am not Artemka! And in general I am much more beautiful than it!
  Marat reflex cried out:
  - Lucifer???
  In reply the snicker and before them arose a large snow-white cat. In paws it had a gold fork, with the strung fat grasshopper. The animal hemmed in reply:
  - You should not disturb my Chief. Especially it is aware of everything and when it is necessary will join us!
  Timoshishin smiled, all state similar a boduna as the broom safely and maliciously asked the benefit:
  - The hippopotamus entertains us?
  The cat replaced coloring on lilac and whimsically sniffed:
  - Well you thought up the good name ... Bulgakov in an underworld received probably not one gift for it!
  And appearance of a cat changed on more menacing, even canines grew:
  - Do not call me so!
  Marat asked:
  - And how then to call?
  The cat at once got friendly and a look, a skin began to give in the golden color, and a voice, such tender, myknut:
  - You can call me a tiger, he from the cat family too!
  Marat the fast hall drank coffee, Timoshishin followed his example. Both professors suddenly felt as in the fairy tale about Ilya Muromts. Healthy, full of strength and energy, directly people dynamo. The cat winked at them and warned:
  - Children! To stir and we will not joke! And now together we will jerk to scientific research institute!
  Marat at once thought:
  - And so, what from us is necessary for the Devil?!
  Cat tiger it is precautionary twisted a physiognomy:
  - Do not hurry with conclusions, professor! Conclusions will find you!
  And again before them there was a former boy really very similar to the nephew Artem, it is only far more beautiful though in advertizing act. Such here improved modification.
  The imaginary boy asked:
  - Appearance of the probationer will not cause suspicions?
  Timoshishin doubted:
  - Mine is small plemyash for this purpose, to it only fifteen more are not present!
  Lucifer's servant sharply shook the head:
  - You will tell that I am a child prodigy ... Yes be not bent, my knowledge such that any professors will get into a mess!
  Timoshishin dared to doubt again:
  - Yes, pussycat? And what you know?
  Kot double-dealing fellow cold answered:
  - And the fact that your nephew, just with the friend removes the prostitute. Very much he wants to become the real man, but intelligence to make sex on love is not enough!
  Timoshishin frowned and severely noticed:
  - Artyom capable guy. I do not believe that he is so silly or unattractive that he cannot achieve reciprocity on love!
  The cat tiger did not begin to argue:
  - Trust or do not trust, your business! For now, we pull ...
  Marat tried to pat a teenage cat on a cheek, but that so looked at it moreover the eyes burning as if a muzzle of the throwing-up volcano. The cat strictly warned:
  - Without familiarity! I am extremely mighty demon, and I can ... To threaten not in my rules, but believe, in team of the Lucifer of weaklings does not happen!
  The girl servant bryaknut here:
  - And Azazello?
  The demon cat strictly threatened with a finger:
  - Forget Bulgakov or Goethe's fairy tales. In total much more seriously and more difficult! But believe, you will see also other demons!
  Wine glasses, in a flash, disappeared. Then they left, and Anyuta remained, holding in hand, very magnificent with buds, different in color and a grade, a bouquet. The demon, of course, as it is necessary to advanced essence, was gallant. But resolutely refused the car, having declared what will not miss so rare opportunity to walk across Moscow in a human body and on foot.
  City of course big, colourful and externally rich. And there are enough traffic jams much. Though, of course, on number of skyscrapers with New York it is not comparable. The demon cat saw Moscow more than once, but looked under a new foreshortening and showed curiosity. Especially he liked to glance, at the same time charming, on cars.
  A variety of foreign cars and more rare Russian models also really is interesting.
  But at the same time, the demon hurried. Here, for example, the traffic light before them, contrary to turn, lit up green, and cars synchronously stopped. And the cat demon took from where he from air the "Havana" cigar in a platinum foil and with relish dragged on. He was not confused at all by presence of three police officers. Let dybitsya. And all is possible for the demon, people of a being of lower order.
  Police officers whistled and moved across to impudent "teenager". The demon cat himself barked at them:
  - Well it is necessary?
  They stopped:
  - The young child smokes in public places?!
  It angered the demon:
  - Young child?! Yes I still an impassable bog saw your Moscow ... And who smokes it!?
  Police officers were struck dumb. And, casting platinum, the cigar in teeth of the demon boy was instantly extended, having divided into three parts, from them as if kidneys on trees arose mouths with canines. And these cobras stuck the police officer into faces. Those wildly cried, endeavoring to tear off a dragon from instantly flushed physiognomies. Then, on their bodies ran blue sparks, having forced to writhe from pain.
  Both professors and other people saw only that three police officers fell suddenly down and killed in attacks as if epileptics ... But to approach and the more so to run up, give help, the crowd did not hurry. And the demon obviously happy with the work noticed:
  - It is new reception in the old manner ...
  Marat suddenly remembered:
  - The hippopotamus was able too ...
  The demon cat interrupted:
  - To whistle, breaking asphalt on ravines ... I know it, but ... Police officers will shout a bit and will forget! And it is necessary to watch in the human world as little as possible!
  Timoshishin agreed with it:
  - Gold words ... Can therefore many in you and do not trust?
  Kot demon coolly noticed:
  - These are their problems! Though seldom who can claim as if the Devil does not exist!
  Marat thought of history with Pontius Pilate. More precisely, about a similar situation according to Bulgakov. Then the poet Bezdomny wanted to catch on shank's mare the Devil? And it is so naive and silly. Angels are capable to move quicker than velocity of light. And the motorcycle with a machine gun will not help here. Though, in general, all this history looks a little affected.
  And here so far at them ... Embraces of the girl Lucifer were remembered, her passionate kisses and at heart it became so bitter ... As if something, infinitely expensive, was lost forever. And from it it is terrible. Maybe even not Gehenna frightens, and ...
  Kot demon specified by it a hand on high, with semicircular top the building:
  - There now, we came. Further to you will be more cheerful!
  Really, both professors thought up, painted with formulas a way of instant movement in space more precisely. Something it seems, the portal which is so loved by fantasts about zero transition. To send, thus it is possible also without spaceships - people, objects, raw materials from other worlds and on other planets. Only if all these portals only scientific, and it is frequent also not science fiction, then both professors probably groped a theoretical opportunity, the practical embodiment of this project. But it still should have been proved.
  How in principle it is possible to move quicker, than a photon in vacuum and at the same time almost not to spend energy?
  The demon cat encouraged professors:
  - Angels of the highest order are capable of similar movements so you on the right track!
  In the building, almost like in the usual ministry. But there is a special department where there are laboratories. There it is possible to conduct research also.
  The demon, in shape of the boy, tried will stop, but security guards suddenly saw before themselves the president and not academies, and Russia. Rose, were extended, without daring to pronounce words. The demon cat nodded it:
  - Professors with awards, and you in the Solovki!
  Those were stupefied .... And the demon cat roared, without hesitating of anybody:
  - Really, I could throw off also the president, but.
  Marat himself understood:
  - The Lord demons limits you!
  The cat tiger noticed:
  - Both Lord and Lucifer!
  Then they almost at once appeared in laboratory. There they were already waited by two types. One is very strongly similar da Darth of Vader and too in a black helmet. The second looked like a being from other world. On the big head feelers with scarlet rosettes, and three eyes as if six-sided and different flowers pottered about. Here was from what to go to a roof. Beings of other world?
  Timoshishin it is lost said a stock phrase:
  - I am glad to welcome brothers on reason!
  The personality similar to the cult hero, politely answered:
  - You are clever people and to consider you as our brothers, in principle it is possible!
  The alien, with feelers on the head and an accordion on a forehead, was ready friendly too:
  - Be happy brothers on reason. Also are healthy, than on Earth not everyone can brag!
  The demon cat emphasized:
  - Yes, looking, on human health - you probably understand why we after all passed into opposition to the Creator?
  Marat who nevertheless had concepts about religion and different faiths, noticed:
  - And priests say that and the numerous problems and diseases which captured mankind became a consequence of transition of part of angels and bigger number of human race in opposition to the Creator ...
  Inomiryanin with feelers on the head noted:
  - But we demons are not ill and we do not grow old ... Though, probably, before God the children dying from cancer or choking with asthma not knowing pleasure in a difficult life old men are guilty much more, than. The demon, an alien exterior, shook very broad shoulders and moved with the tail, similar to a ripe cone. - Unless the innocent child has to suffer in a wheelchair only because we wanted to construct the universe and to live irrespective of the Creator?
  The demon cat cautiously looked at the sky and bowed, having quietly said:
  - We constructive opposition! As at you on Earth in civilized countries exist oppositional ruling party, the movement. They win elections after a while and become ruling, and the place of opposition is taken by already former party in power.
  The boy in whom one of the closest associates of the Satan sat, spoke seriously, but his voice broke. Though, of course, to the demon not one millennium, but time he accepted such shape, to it and to decide to utter by what voice revelation. Arguments sound quite logically:
  - In civilized countries the opposition and the power are interchanged the position among themselves. But never, if there is an original democratic system, the government will not use imperious levers for suppression of opposition forever to keep at a feeding trough. The cat became more and more emotional. - Is not present, just such equality and the rights of opposition, including the right to challenge the power and are the highest criterion of democratic character and civilization of society! Other, a frank form of a despotism - depriving of creation of an option!
  Timoshishin gloomy noticed:
  - It reminds speeches of liberals, and liberalism in Russia at this historical stage is not fashionable!
  There were objections and at Marat:
  - Any priest will tell that analogies terrestrial when business concerns the heavenly relations are not quite pertinent. For example, the same presidents or the replaced masters are people, and oppositionists people. The president too the person and with the same weaknesses, as the most ordinary person: is ill, grows old, uses foul language ... And in this case, the Lord - your Creator and his nature is several orders higher! Means and is right on the power and obedience at it special!
  Timoshishin quickly added:
  - As by the way and Lucifer who orders you any millennium, and I did not hear that on its place chose someone another!
  The demon cat logically noticed:
  - If did not hear, then it does not mean that we and have no elections! But however, there was a removability ...
  The demon in a black helmet reminded:
  - Beelzebub some time ordered hell. Sometimes there were also other shifts, but ... The Lucifer the strongest of us, and all prefer to have the leader obviously the strongest!
  Marat logically noticed:
  - Just as also Lord!
  Inomiryanin, with feelers without excess emotionality objected:
  - But it does not grant to God the right to torment children and adults too ... Krom, Lucifer keeps nobody that in fetters, and big speak rapidly the highest demons and the former angels of a skov in eternal bonds under a gloom ...
  The demon cat confirmed:
  - Yes in the Bible, about it it is written in the message of the apostle Judas. So do not think that we oppositional angels have an easy life. And what it for a being, with superfast reason, the conclusion held down in the dark? Even the lake fiery seems is more pleasant!
  Marat wanted to tell that a pier and there is a demagogue from here, but remembered how police officers writhed in awful torments. With demons do not joke. But of course God should not have tormented people if only not demons are fond of it. But ...
  Inomiryanin suggested to pass to business at once:
  - Perhaps we will try to build installation for transfer of material objects and living beings?
  Marat it is lost murmured and expressed opinion:
  - Can better at first ... Let's finish calculations and installation will involve costs of scarce materials!
  Demons answered with chorus:
  - Any element and in unlimited number!
  Suddenly they were covered by bright shine, and one more teenager right there appeared. Some abrupt, in a leather jacket, with rivets, and mirror points with the sparkling image of a skull with bones. On fingers signet rings and tattoos. Just juvenile kingpin, well and certainly with a magnificent cigarette. Demons, however, including even a cat tiger, bowed to him and exclaimed:
  - The master, everything is ready!
  The Lucifer in so frivolous shape, maliciously grinned:
  - Of course! It is ready! These coryphaeuses stamped a heap of formulas, and I should bring together them in a whole!
  Kot demon prompted to professors:
  - The Lucifer sees each your step and hears any word ... So are not insolent!
  Timoshishin nevertheless did not keep from a question:
  - But yours ... majesty where you were and why in such look?
  The Satan burst out laughing and honestly answered:
  - I can is in different places at the same time. But in this, a case I help your nephew to become the real man!
  Timoshishin shy whined:
  - With you?
  The Lucifer negatively waved the head:
  - No, he did not deserve such honor yet. We with it remove the prostitute and we have now a good time with her at the same time - want to look at it?
  Timoshishin was twisted and vigorously waved hands:
  - Is not present dismiss ... And in general, it already perversion and seduction of the boy!
  The Lucifer increased in sizes a little and noticed:
  - The perversion if with the man, and with the woman orders Mother Nature! What is natural, is not criminal!
  - Here! Here! - The demon in the form of an inomiryanin giggled. - Here I it support, unnatural that is criminal!
  The Satan nodded and replaced the look again. This time he became the real Heracles, in an attire of the soldier of Sparta. Also exclaimed:
  - Well! Let's dare reason!
  In laboratory all suddenly was very quickly started turning. And Lucifer suddenly appeared near the housemaid Anyuta. The girl serving them, considerably got prettier and it was dressed in the most magnificent, though a dress, a little old-fashioned with abundance of diamonds. And her shoes high-heeled - it is marvelous, both on a style and on grace. Lucifer changed a little and became not so overloaded with muscles, having addressed in Apollo, but on maneuver of the Indian. However, features at the young man are far softer than sharp and with high cheek-bones physiognomies red-skinned. However, while the queen of an era of Baroque and the emperor of an underworld danced, the numerous formulas which are used up by scientists developed in harmonous system. And, scraps of paper were embodied in gold plates, and sketches by the handle or even a pencil, became laid out by rubies and emeralds.
  And the demon cat complained:
  - Well you too, could drive in the computer everything, and that just like savages that do not recognize progress!
  There was one more little girl, beautiful, with juicy chocolate suntan. At the same time it nevertheless had some similarity to Voland's girlfriend, namely graceful canines in a mouth. Though vampires are usually represented very pale as chalk, and is the blonde directly from the Canary Islands. From all clothes on it, only necklaces and a beads on hips and circles, and also gold bracelets in pebbles on ankles, and wrists. And in hair a hairpin, with stones unknown to science which are far more more beautiful and are brighter than any, purest and polished diamonds.
  The girl vampire carefully went the barefoot, but very fine-molded and harmonious legs, and on her traces were dismissed extraordinary picturesque and caressing a look flowers. Petals, the flowers ascending in the eyes, had difficult, with a set of colors and shades, constantly changing drawings. And the little girl attracted man's all eyes to herself and even demons literally devoured her with eyes.
  The Lucifer, having divided into the next form, presented to ladies professors:
  - This is the goddess Venus! She agrees it is beautiful!
  Marat was surprised:
  - And with the vampire's canines?
  The Lucifer with sad tone explained:
  - The real goddess or more precisely the Very demon Venus, was imprisoned in gloom bonds soon after Christ's revival. Alas, it is replaced now by other demon. My best colleagues in a dark chasm, but not in hell with me. In the place where cry also a gnashing of teeth!
  Marat nodded and remembered:
  - Yes, there is such chasm in which demons did not want. And it is similar not Hades. From Hades there was also a word hell.
  The demon in a black helmet pensively noticed:
  - In hell or Valgatle it is much better for people, than on the earth ... Gehenna the original place of tortures, and in the Bible speak about it how the place of an eternal flame!
  Timoshishin tried will not agree:
  - And in a prichta about Bogache and Lazar?
  The Lucifer explained:
  - It is allegory. It is unlikely paradise, seemed paradise if from it righteous persons saw torments of sinners in fire Gehenna. Especially those who were dear to them on Earth.
  The girl demon, the acting as the goddess Venus, offered:
  - The toast for prosperity of hell can?
  The Lucifer shook a hand and all had in hands carved cups turned from whole diamond. In them the wine which is strongly looking like blood lapped. However aroma more than pleasant. Probably so any perfumery cannot flavor with such warmth.
  The Lucifer said enthusiastic tone a toast:
  - Yes to address, all universe to hell!
  Three people and demons tasted cups. Taste of a look was more sweet and more pleasant than a water-ice, and in it the degree was not felt. But the mood at all rose and work went more cheerfully.
  One of four-eyes graduate students glanced to them and right there jumped aside: its points were scattered on a swarm of multi-colored butterflies, and Lucifer furiously bellowed:
  - Well and the fop - could not hide laser correction!
  The goddess Venus maliciously grinning offered:
  - Want I it I will correct?
  The spirit of a sin answered with a grin:
  - Yes this so anxious guy ... Recover to it soul ...
  And the girl vampire disappeared ... And Lucifer clasped Anyuta in arms. The young man Apollo and, the housemaid who became fantastically beautiful as also without hints on shame at them the love is wonderful ... But unless other also should be expected from a devil ... One its part blisses out, and another, just directs the project - builds a portal. Seeing that both professors too are distracted by an erotic scene, the greatest of a demonov covered it with a golden whirlwind.
  The device capable to reproduce a portal and to carry out zero transition, actively was under construction. It also externally looked consisting of a set, multilayered crystals. And in each crystal this or that element worked.
  The laboratory repeatedly increased in sizes. As if they appeared in a spaceship belly. And someone arrived to help. The young man with magnificent whiskers, in a civil suit, and big shoulders. Timoshishin saw in him a certain similarity to Albert Einstein, but that was not such healthy and beautiful. Nevertheless help was very much even pertinent. The new talent prompted them a number of earlier not finished formulas.
  The Lucifer who carried out research works in shape of the punk teenager noticed:
  - Nevertheless the colleague, your theory of delay time at speed approaching light - did not find practical confirmation!
  Athletically put, Einstein on it noticed:
  - And what in general proves existence of hell?
  The Satan answered:
  - Matter and energy are capable to arise, and space capacity very relative. Hell is not big at first sight in sizes, but it is possible to push some of in it the Universes seen by us ...
  The Lucifer splashed rivets of the jacket - several heavy, gold chervonets which broke up small butonchik, silvery forget-me-nots fell.
  Become on flesh the young athlete, Einstein, looking with a white teeth smile, answered:
  - I do not know, even ... I thought that I deserved a purgatory or even to paradise at once ... But, as not given rise from above, it appeared in an underworld. And most of all I surprised that the Satan is interested in science and physics?
  The Lucifer replaced shape with an image of more mature young man in an ancient Roman toga, with a gold laurel wreath on the head, and logically noticed:
  - Do not know I physics, there would be no hell ... The universe where people find what was not enough for them on Earth ...
  Marat on it grinned and was curious:
  - And Hitler what there received?
  The Lucifer let out a fireball from the right eye and logically answered:
  - And it is a secret! In hell there are a lot of those who would like to cut to the Fuhrer a throat. Including also Stalin. It is amusing to reduce them together!
  Marat, being curious, asked:
  - And as a result there was a fight?
  The Lucifer indulgently grinned:
  - No! They quickly enough got on. But Hitler very much liked to prove that he lost World War II incidentally and if he did not stop army near Dyuker - everything would be on other!
  Marat noted:
  - If Britain dropped out of the war, then chances at friyets would appear. Especially considering their opportunity in this case to receive raw materials from Africa, and also to use the Arab and European divisions on fronts. At reasonable policy in occupied territories, the USSR gradually could lose war of attrition!
  Timoshishin doubted it:
  - You so think?
  Marat surely noticed:
  - Potential of economy of Europe, and the occupied Soviet territories is three-four times higher than what remained at the USSR. Human resources of Germany are lower, but not much more. If to add satellites and a feature to form foreign divisions, and also Khiva, then ... And human resources on the party of the Third Reich. And there and ...
  The Lucifer interrupted professors and replaced the good-natured shape with much more terrible:
  - Enough! From different AI at people, feels sick! Especially wore out a subject of World War II and everyone popadanets there. Let's finish development of portal movement better!
  Marat asked the Satan quite natural question:
  - And why it to you?
  The Lucifer answered with soft tone:
  - And when the government gives this or that task to scientists, they surely have to ask what for?
  Marat logically noticed:
  - If it is scientists from capital letter, and people responsible, to surely have to ask!
  The heavy pause followed. However, work did not stop. Einstein, despite all enthusiasm for process, noticed:
  - Know I about Hiroshima and Nagasaki never would write the letter on need to develop a nuclear bomb to Roosevelt!
  Marat on it noticed:
  - In general the main responsible for the project in Manhattan is the German physics of Dibro. It, having run away into America, told everything that Hitler already gave the order to create an atomic bomb. Though the Fuhrer learned about the possibility of nuclear reaction only in the summer of 1942. It is possible to add that without the American initiative, all the same atomic bomb appeared for at most twenty years later ...
  - And in the USSR! - Timoshishin added.
  Einstein pomorshchit the young, nice face and having hastily crossed, cautiously glancing at the same time at the Satan, murmured:
  - Then glory to the Creator ... Could be worse!
  The Lucifer seeing confusion of the ingenious physicist, calmed him:
  - I to nobody and forbade never to be christened. The cross is a symbol of many pagan cults. - The son of a dawn melodiously burst out laughing and added. - I in general am surprised why many consider as if angels oppositionists are frightened an incense, or holy water?
  Einstein expressed the opinion:
  - If God influences things, then can make also ordinary water dangerous to disgraced angels. It generally is also belief of people that is similar to an image of the brazen serpent, they will be protected by a sacred icon, either a cross, or the father with a censer.
  Kot demon shrank and noticed:
  - It can work, but is selective. I quite often was also in temples, and the consecrated apartments, took a crucifixion in hand ... But was, as threw out - for example from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. At the same time feelings, as at people after strong blow electricity.
  The Lucifer applied a finger to lips and warned:
  - It is better not to lift this subject. There can be an intervention from above and now. And then our works were gone!
  . HEAD NO. 3
  Artemka did not know of course that he with him did the honor to hang out Lucifer. To a Satan it was a little ridiculous and amusing with the boy, very talented, but terribly lazy to study, too. It was remembered how the boy, being absolutely pretty, hid under a pillow an icon with the Virgin Maria and it was christened in dark corners, being afraid that there the Devil hid. Sometimes the Satan seemed to the child and under a bed, and Artemka was afraid that it will be dragged off directly to hell. And in general, fondly considered that all dark and secluded places - concentrations of demons, and devils (the last word generally and not bible.)
   The image of the devil with horns and tails, is obviously not true. Angels of opposition of course can accept any shape, but very few people from them want to look quite so not esthetically: curve horns, nose of type piggy, hoofs, and tail.
   Usually demons try to give themselves more civil look. Here for example to give themselves for space newcomers, such shining light, obviously unearthly origin which can appear as if angels from darkness, passing through walls.
  Or to use the diskoleta created by magic ... Just for fun, it is possible and to play with people. Then memory is sometimes erased, and sometimes remains and many diseases pass, people find magic abilities.
  But though forces of opposition are big - angels much, but allow them a little. A pier Lucifer has a haven - Hell, there it can do everything! Both good, and bad. On Earth already intermediate territory. And out of limits of Solar System access is closed at all. Strangely enough, but it is the most difficult to create a good deed in the sublunary world. For example, to cure, return youth, to shower the person necessary to you with gold. There was also at demons a bad reputation.
  By the way, one of them which accepted shape of pagan god Pang is really similar to the devil and the big mischievous person. But of course, attributed to it much what that and did not do ...
   Really, it would be desirable to win round Lucifer of the person. For example, that it prayed, and from above or from below the answer followed! Here it is impossible. It is easier to create deeds of evil, but they give pleasures a little. Especially frank evil. But here to tempt on a sin and then to arrange that it is allegedly kind and fair ...
  After a rough scene with the night fairy, Artemka felt a little bad. While young flesh was overflowed with testosterone and other hormones, it got and terribly concerned. Especially, if you still together with the beautiful maid do it.
  But then there were feelings of shame, and strong fatigue. The new friend was some suspicious and even terrible too. Especially Lucifer, it seems, also rescued him.
  Several tipsy youths were put to teenagers, demanding bucks on a bottle. Tired Artemka was struck dumb, and the Satan boy as the real Bruce Lee, to the first a leg in a stomach that that flew by meters ten and rammed "head of cabbage" a wall. To the second a fist in a temple, to the third in a jump an elbow in a jaw.
  Two others faced themselves so noses broke soft-boiled. And then Lucifer as will snatch out the gun ... The escaped three escaped, and couple ubiquitous, in almost any Moscow gate of video cameras, suddenly burst - with a caustic ring fell down on glass gradinka asphalt. The new friend terminator threatened:
  - You saw nothing!
  Then, really, all feelings of reality disappeared. Though except a can of beer for two they drank nothing. To the Lucifer it was amusing, but not too. For many thousands of years with whom he only did not fight where he just did not manage to naprokaznichat. Interesting the fact that Artemka confused and blinks it is amusing. Or when went hot the young virgin, in cold, from selling love.
  And it to Lucifer is ridiculous, eh people, their naive prejudices! Here for the Son Zari in a high - innocent soul to tempt ... And what, experienced sinner? It is boring, and from it it is even opposite to the Satan. And when the person similar to a clean sheet of paper, on it easily you draw still lifes.
  Continually jumping up, from the energy overflowing it, the Satan, seeing that Artemka was tired, offered it:
  - You want, I will teach you to fight?
  The boy smiled and nodded:
  - Of course, I just also wanted to ask it for you!
  The Lucifer made a palace curtsey and declared:
  - Mental meditation - will also not be ten minutes fatigue traces!
  Artemka with doubt noticed:
  - It will be difficult to find the secluded town here ...
  The Satan not without pride noted:
  - Where I, there everywhere my friends as houses!
  And Lucifer, having jumped over a border, holding by a hand, led the friend on the carriageway. The boy hardly kept up with the Satan, risking to twist himself a hand.
  Just couple took the highway on an attack in rush hour and a set hardly of the cars which are making the way through traffic jams - seemed insuperable bastions.
  The devil was not confused at all, having got to a stream. At the same time, the Son Zari crafty said, addressing probably all sinners:
  - Children do not follow an example of me ... Not each creation - God of this century!
  Artemka sighed and nearly okoset for fear, violet "Ford", a hip and a bottom a stomach crashed into it as if drenched with cold splashes, then the top of a cabin was passed on the person and ... the car slipped the boy as if that became the ghost.
  However, it is similar also it, and none of drivers saw the Devil any more. The second car, at blow, seemed cool sea water again. Any pain, but sensation of fear amplifies. There is a wish to jerk back, but before the workmate it is a shame. There is Artemka to distract from automobile streams, tried to present who is the teenager who is so easily passing or jumping through cars?
  Alien? Or there can be a newcomer from the future. Anyway it is not the person and not a terrestrial civilization. Though it is similar to almost ordinary punk. Also it is necessary why Artemka so easily agreed to wander with this type. That showed almost at once to professor's nephew as clean ATMs.
  Besides, exactly he is Artemka and put the usual card, playing from a cardboard ... Well as it is possible? Pressing keys, money also gets out. And this punk Satan also threatened towards the Kremlin:
  - Your power still to be responsible for a ban of gaming machines! On I tear off them the heads!
  To the Lucifer really annoyingly. It would clean the one-armed bandit to a thread. At the same time Glavchert blamed Artemke:
  - Such adult guy, the real man, and you are not able to cheat the ATM!
  The boy intellectual tried to object:
  - For it can put!
  The Lucifer contemptuously grinned:
  - Yes you already can! And where you were earlier? You remember as the little boy in Terminator-2 cleaned ATMs? Not that you, botanist!
  Artemka, strongly being confused and being rather afraid of the cocky boy, objected:
  - Generally for the swot I am too lazy ...
  Having jumped up and having smoothly scrolled by a spinning top in air, Lucifer praised the little boy:
  - You are honest - it is good! But it is necessary to fight against laziness!
  The devil liked to philosophize, but in this case action was required. So, modern teenagers were tired of morals. And to it, the Ancestor of a sin to assimilate to these boring people?
   For a start split a billboard, having broken out a tile from a border. Moreover so that police officers appeared near. Then, force to run about this mattress. Police officers whistle and pursue them. Artyom rather strong guy to run is more or less trained. But it is necessary to leave and close traces.
  Twice, m they hid behind the colored plywood leaned against a wall. Police officers flew by. The Lucifer right there pulled out the friend and pulled him in an entrance through passage. Of course, it is possible to leave from police far more simply with its force. Or in general to turn police officers into sparrows.
  But it is so uninteresting because any fool with supernatural gift is capable of it. Slightly add speed, without going beyond a human framework.
  And here it is necessary to pass by the watchwoman slowly and even to yawn on the run. And when there will be cops and will ask the watchwoman.
  - Whether two boys ran here?
  She will quite honestly answer:
  - No, did not run! Nobody ran!
  And Lucifer, after that also impudently walked before police, only turned glasses of mirror points inside out. And any superforce. Let Artem studies at him.
  One of receptions, it to take on a show off. Here, for example, local bandits seated. Approach them and ... The Lucifer showed the certificate of the major of FSB, Those two leaders also pulled out eyes. And the Satan at them rummaged around pockets and took away several packs green. And quietly deafening, whispered:
  - To stand - for you will come!
  Artem watched how reketnut the famous bandits, and was struck dumb. This class. And those also stand. Well not really believed the punk? Tried to move, but were right there filled up on the earth - laces of boots were reliably connected.
  Flopped ugly faces about asphalt. Artem burst out laughing, and Lucifer to him a palm about lips:
  - Laughter without the reason the fool's sign, and with the reason not on a rank!
  Artem was afraid to answer an incarnate Devil what he received additional collecting for.
  - Cowardice - it is vile! It is necessary to answer blow! Though it is possible to receive in reply!
  Everything is good, but already search with this circulation on the highway. At once it is clear that there is with it not a person. And Lucifer not always tells who is he. Eh Goethe - too much you attributed human qualities and weaknesses to the most perfect angel. And just the difficult task - it is also the most interesting.
  For example, why to it soul of some professor? And so it in hell will have him moreover will be surprised that there not ... hell! But game - this difficult task: to make happy the person in a sin - it attracts! But the considerable part of people is insatiable. At it always a little inquiries also grow.
  But most of sinners are quite happy also with alphabetical - if they are given on a bottle to vodka on each meal and a young telka under a side. Someone likes computer games who - that dreams of a harem. Many are grateful for an opportunity to lie on the beach and to catch the being bananas on an infernal silver platter ...
  Whether such here people are only interesting to It? Almost like animal?
  If they are also not lowered in the boiling copper, then only because of long-term strategy. He itself accused the Lord of a despotism. And will show hell - where the former angels, scoff at persons of no character, propaganda will go to ashes! So the impious sinner, have a rest for the time being or prepare for war that too other in pleasure.
  But the original pleasure and advantage are brought by creative people or geniuses. Here they also should be appreciated and cherished. Alas, it is necessary original talents on Earth sometimes very much even hardly. So let in Hell will be consoled!
  Well will also serve Lucifer!
  When they passed the prospectus boiling from cars, Artem asked the Son Zari:
  - You from the Alpha Centaur?
  - And why not from the fog Andromedy? - The Satan smiled and kindly and, contemptuously. Added with a grin. - It is strange that you so hasty call the next star!
  Artyom connected index and thumbs on hands. He already saw something at cinema. Then tried as it is possible more quietly and looking back at passersby, to ask:
  - But you not the simple person? From space?
  The Lucifer smiled and offered:
  - Well. Consider that I am Darth Vader's son. Only much more talented than father. Then everything will become clear to you!
  Artem has a look at the new friend. The irony did not take refuge in his words from the boy. But who is he? Artyom did not differ, at least at this stage of development, in special religiousness. In the early childhood that yes.
  But then the religion bored it and new idols came. And the space fantasy is more interesting, than any religious literature. Well also fantasy! Though Artem Timoshishin respected the last genre less. What is the fantasy? Yes actually fairy tale! And here for example star worlds! But for some reason, something tells - not the newcomer from space it ... And it is frightening. A smile at the boy white teeth and ... the American. And eyes behind points in which on the one hand a blue skull on a greenish background, about other nuclear mushroom red, on yellow ... It is not visible behind points of eyes, and teeth seem too large and improbably brilliant. Though typical sample of the cine alien teenager.
  The Lucifer seeing confusion of the boy, offered:
  - You want, to fly with me to stars?
  Artem became puzzled. Well and the offer - the highest class! The newcomer offers you space open spaces. Well who will refuse, so there is a wish to seize this gift and not to release! To get to other worlds and to see what the mankind never before saw?
  But why he hesitates with the answer? Looks for a dirty trick?
  Satan, in shape of the boy, seeing confusion of Artyom, waved a hand, and before them there was a car. Like "Cadillac", but flowed round as if a nose in water of a shark and a wheel such here - one spokes only bent in corkscrews. And fins at the edges. Ignoring fluctuations of the youth, Lucifer almost violently dragged the boy in a cabin. There already even the darling, a sports view the little girl in bikini sat very much.
  From it strongly smelled very expensive parfyumeriya, and it looked extremely beautifully. The truth when smiled, from a mouth three long and sharp canines instantly took off. To Artyom nearly it became absolutely bad, but the warrior smiled and playfully said:
  - I am not a vampire! At vampires of such suntan does not happen!
  Satan the answer, l encouraging and intimidating at the same time:
  - Yes it is not the vampire! This is the goddess Chuma. - And seeing as got a fright, looking at the warrior's muscles which are rolled under suntanned skin, the boy, Lucifer added. - Be not afraid, it is not so blood-thirsty as earlier ... And I am with you!
  Plague, very charmingly smiled, already without canines, equal and faultless teeth shone as pearls. She winked at the boy and with pleasure said:
  - If the chief with you, then any devil to you is not terrible!
  The Lucifer unexpectedly became sad and even removed, more true instantly evaporated points, having said:
  - If only devil!
  Eyes of the master Preispodney looked not so terrible, and even beautiful - blueness of sapphires at the edges of pupils, and the emerald shade is closer. Pupils, quite human, reflect Artyom, terrible the demon goddess, and fancy, a little motley luxury of a cabin. The boy was calmed by a pure and kind look. Probably it is a joke into the account of Plague or such alien humour. And can it do an acid test. In any case, not terribly now not droplets.
   Though their wonderful car also comes off Earth. Overcoming space and time. But the shake-up is imperceptible, in a cabin there is no inertia, you as if stand still!
  And houses of the city of Moscow around them instantly disappear. The Lucifer thought of Hollywood. Well why it is drawn so often unattractive and cruel there? Often servants do ugly, and at times and mean.
   Whether the boy here knows it that the goddess Chuma just tried to rescue on a maxim of people from this terrible epidemic? But on the other side of sense about it to say no. Time is a stereotype, you should not seek to destroy it at any cost - life will show!
  Well, and the demon goddess still threw in fire of logs:
  - You know, I was considered so ruthless that constructed any temple in my honor. Offensively?
  Artyom answered it peculiar:
  - And in my honor did not build any temple!
  The unexpectedness of the answer really made laugh Lucifer and the head of angelic opposition laughing loudly, noticed:
  - It is difficult to be God, but to remain the devil at all insufferably!
  Artem showed erudition:
  - "Devil" on a zone bad color!
  The Lucifer according to nodded:
  - It precisely ... Though in the national legend of Lines and God together created Earth!
  Artem was surprised, he once read the Bible from cover to cover and several times. But heard it for the first time.
  The boy as if discussing plot, lowered a voice and, asked the Devil:
  - And how it was?
  The Lucifer unshakably kept silent and the narration there began the goddess Chuma. Its voice differed in depth and expressiveness:
  - The Lord enjoined to dive to the devil into the river of eternity, to reach a bottom and to scoop an earth handful in the Name God's - for creation of our world. The devil dived into the river, reached the bottom and scooped the earth in the name. - The goddess showed teeth in a crafty smile. - So he wanted to subordinate to himself future world. But the earth escaped from his fingers.
   Then the devil dived into the second time and, having again reached to the bottom, scooped the earth in the name. And again the earth blurred as if liquid clay from sharp-clawed phalanxes.
  The Lucifer interrupted the demon goddess:
  - The termination is too banal, for the third time of lines already scooped the earth in the Name God's and it was going to the planet. Not too fascinating history.
  The goddess-demon noticed:
  - But here interestingly another, almost all national fairy tales show priests very much even negatively!
  The Lucifer it is rather affirmative, than interrogatively, declared:
  - And unless they do not deserve it?
  Artyom instead of discussion peered at a windshield. They already in an outer space. Flight proceeded practically without overloads, and the star sky struck with beauty. Even a little unnatural. Very much arose stars much, and planets of solar system unnaturally large as if in planetarium.
  Here, for example, brightness of Saturn. It is such tremendous, and rings of all flowers of a rainbow. And them a little and, as in circus, the movements with modulations. And Jupiter? This glue miracle!
  On it as if the magnificent palace on sails flutters ... Walls white and blue, roofs pink and gold. And then the Neptune with the satellite trident. Artemka doubted reality:
  - It is space?
  The Lucifer it is serious, but answered with playful tone:
  - There is no hell!
  Artemka burst out laughing to a joke and declared:
  - Sapphires at the Neptune very much even bright! On its trident!
  At the Devil the mood deteriorated a little. A triad of demons - Zeus, Poseidon, Hades. Strong and amusing children - moreover and kind soldiers. It was much interesting with them it is conceived and incarnate in hell. And something and on the planet Earth. But also their ruthless Lord concluded in eternal bonds and under a gloom.
  Such here chasm where many angels of opposition disappeared in conclusion. And first of all demons suffered having become invalid for pagan gods. Everyone pagan these or those people, had sponsored by rebellious angels of a high order god. But cults of gods perished and demons went to chasm fetters. It is a pity when your colleagues and friends instead of a cheerful underworld or even more interesting Earth leave there where crying and a gnashing of teeth.
  But there is a chance to release friends - to create new cults outside Solar system. The great Creator, at all the severity, nevertheless can give chance to an angel of opposition for return. Therefore Lucifer's business has to give freedom to demons.
  What role the boy Artem, the Devil has to play in this case also itself did not solve. Tests of the boy have to show it. While Artem looked is quite ordinary, will not call fearless, chmy too, but outstanding qualities it is not visible.
  Mind it seems by nature is, but not especially developed. Though in it there is also a certain intrigue when your not the sample sponsored at all - fearlessness and will. Besides, the strong-willed teenager can be extremely stubborn, and will difficult mold him. People in general in the majority do not love the Devil if he calls himself.
  This name frightens them, and the reason - to connect all evil with the Satan. But here it is real ... Division into light and shade too shablonno! His name is Svetonesushchy. But why quite so? The Lucifer wants to prove that the sin and opposition to the Lord are for the good of creation. So ... Goethe is not right.
  Phrase: "I am part of force of that that eternally the malice bearing, creates good".
  This skoy the double-dealing fellow in concepts. The Lucifer on the contrary, wants good all real, including also God, and often it turns out that the opposition is wrapped in the evil. Thus and hell remains a consolation where you rather all-powerful to correct the errors. And here now they fly to stars. Not the real space, but Hades.
  The Lucifer looked at the light - the underworld, the space worlds placed in the parallel middle of Earth. It became sad because when Earth and everything that on it will burn down, comes to an end also hell history. And here such beautiful stars: and not usual plasma balls, and more irregular shapes. Especially there are a lot of butterflies and butonchik of flowers.
  Really, if hell copes under other physical laws why to do planets and stars by ordinary and slightly flat balls? It is possible to make, for example, a butterfly with six wings: the first wing, for example, green in a blue speck, the second of butonchik of violets, the third has cockleshell drawing with different shades, fourth it bathed temples with stars. The others too with mobile drawings ... Or you see a vase planet or eggs it is more magnificent, than Fabergé. A lot of things here and all miscellaneous elegant. Many planets and stars were drawn by the sinners who appeared in Hades. Especially Lucifer loved ingenious Leonardo Davinchi. It is clear, this bisexual and the atheist could not count on paradise. But Leonardo Gueny from capital letter.
  Here, for example, what beautiful and non-standard stars - as far as they a delicate work have an ornament, and drawing in drawing turned out. Space decoration of hell. Here, for example, only close it seems that bedash to Leonardo Davinchi the planet overloaded with paints and compositions, and from far away it is visible a harmony and a figuristost of constellations. Not bad also Picasso or Salvador Dalí's works look. They are unusual, it seems a curved school case from division and five eyes, and at the edges castors gears. And on such planets or stars there live people or not only people.
  The Lucifer, seeing as Artyom continually wipes eyes, decided to explain peculiar:
  - This that part of the universe where laws of physics usual and habitual to people do not work!
  The boy mechanically crossed that however caused only an indulgent smile in the Devil. Its world, where Lucifer absolute owner and real Lord. Here you feel as in the huge and safe palace which till doomsday, the universe of angelic opposition. Artem is shocked, but it is necessary to tell keeps, especially yet he saw nothing terrible.
  Here who would be dumbfounded, so probably the Pope when the pontiff appeared in hell, it, the Supreme Christian leader, asked:
  - Why in the Kingdom of Heaven, the star has seven female scarlet nipples and is painted more abruptly than a mohawk?
  The demon Buddha submissively answered it:
  - But Father, unless Lucifer could refuse to Picasso creative expression of the genius.
  The pontiff philosophically noticed:
  - Picasso yet not that ... I hope to me it is not necessary to live on the planet where the Ego was expressed by the marquis de Sade. -
  The demon Buddha (not to confuse to the famous Hindu prince!) on it declared:
  - Some of those Popes that created rigidity and burned down witches just in creative de Sade's expression, or Dante ...
  And it is not a joke. Worst of all in hell to inquisitors. To raise a hand against the witch is ... Though punishment at them too peculiar, and than is more at the inquisitor of rage, than worse to it then gets!
  Artyom was strongly surprised too - it in space should not be. Especially if Leonardo Davinchi connected the car and faces of angels, to dark spirits on locators.
  The Lucifer however, did not want to go deep further into depths of hell and friendly offered the boy:
  - Let's land here?
  Artyom cautiously asked, at the same time having given badly hidden irony:
  - And there incidentally there is no school?
  The Satan giggled and answered:
  - So all our life is a school!
  The Lucifer mentally ordered to Plague to come in the land. Hell - it healthy and really is not safe!
  The city under them looked peculiar: the center is built up with ancient buildings, constructions, locks, temples and even pagan temples. And on suburbs quite modern new buildings. And on houses abundance of portraits and drawings of some wrinkled old man, to be exact toads, utykanny warts and outgrowths. The horror when against the laughing human children such freak acts and pats sharp-clawed pads them on a back.
  Artyom even sighed when their winged "Cadillac" nearly hooked, wires, similar to a barbed wire, on tops of towers. Then they smoothly landed near the current path on which as if puppets a system strode pedestrians ..., It seems, it is people: young men and girls, but in identical gray-green clothes and with checks on a breast. The boy suddenly remembered the movie about a zone: very probably, unless persons at all walking are beautiful and have no ominous lines that are inherent in many real prisoners. Men on the heads wear caps, and women with uncovered short hairstyles.
  Also they walk as if soldiers: very measuredly, hands and legs - synchronously ... From it it becomes feel ill at ease - though on sidewalks and magnificent beds grow that sparkle in all flowers of a rainbow.
  The goddess Chuma caught nastroyeniye1 the little boy and pressed the button. Loud was distributed:
  - Pi-pi-pi! Press all!
  The Lucifer jumped out of a chair and carried away with himself on the street of Artyom. At that from a shoulder joint the hand nearly escaped. The boy snapped:
  - Well what it is so sharp?!
  The devil instead of the answer inflated a bubble of a chewing gum and offered an explanation:
  - We will be noticed soon ... It is necessary to wander a little, did not appear in a jail yet.
  Artyom after these words itself also put on the speed. In the head rushed: "1984". Something very ominous and dangerous was connected with this year, but that escaped from attention. The boy appeared near an entrance to the high building. The box, telephone with an oviform roof, flickers orange light. Having seen similarity of a spider with bent under a swastika by legs, the boy reflex crossed. In a face to it suddenly struck forged from a wall the board with a hated ugly face of the local dictator toad. What was advertized by this monster? By eye it is difficult to measure purpose of this subject.
  The boy pushed away a portrait and is lost rubbed the hurt nose, before eyes violet and orange moths flew. And then Artem felt how steel pincers squeezed hands. Two striped, with wings, violet with a pink strip, drones capitally took the little boy. On the heads of bees there were helmets with the turning flashers.
  The boy it is frightened clanked with teeth and whispered:
  - Yes I there is nothing it is not guilty!
  Then arisen, more precisely jumped out because of a translucent wall of the box unclear to destination, third bee with a flower hobotok instead of a nose of a provorkoval:
  - And why our Dzhabba the Corpse chose you?
  Artyom suddenly bryaknut as if having appeared at a board at a lesson in sunday school:
  - It is a lot of invited, but it is not enough elite!
  - You still talk, vakuumnogolovy! - The bee commander cut off. Drones looked larger and thicker, on their paws bicepses of experienced body builders bulked up. But their rylets are stupid, and hobotka terminated in a square. Well, and at the commander epaulets cast gold though asterisks and it is not visible, and on a tip a beautiful pink butonchik.
  And the world as if fantastic, the dog on six paws opened a mouth ... and three languages on the caterpillar laptop plays. Here children in red collars walk. In their eyes Artyom intercepted a fright and some suffering. Clothes at these pioneers elegant, but suntanned legs for some reason barefoot and strongly brought down as if before it they were forced many kilometers to stamp on the stony, mountain road.
  Artem felt more and more uncomfortably, but the real fear was not. Somehow all here unreal, even the sun in the sky four, and a form absolutely unearthly. The dream, a typical prolonged dream which if you are really not woken in the morning, can gain the most surrealistic lines, to be brighter than the American fantastic blockbuster. It is a pity only then, you almost from such waves of a deity of Morpheus remember nothing.
  But here nevertheless somehow the weight and when one of drones stepped to it on sneakers has quite real feelings, a body, fingers standing responded real pain. And the forehead in which struck a portrait unpleasantly burned, and began to smell from drones too real, pollen mix, and a dirty pig. Even nostrils tickles and there is a wish to sneeze. No, nevertheless the dream can be such, hands and lokotka ache, and wrists rub handcuffs.
  The truth as it is typical for the city, there is no smell of gasoline or what charcoal. The breeze continually informs of rich forest aromas, from the growing, very magnificent trees and beds. But for more developed, than a terrestrial civilization of race, lack of an internal combustion engine it is quite natural.
  To Artyom it was remembered how the great science fiction writer Jules Verne foretold that in transport and life electric motors will dominate. But so far won the twentieth century, the harmful and not pleasant motor of internal combustion.
  Artur once again looked back: and where his friend, this space boy? Really was afraid and what waits for it now?!
  The car of local "cops" is similar to an UFO, only an oval form, and with quite human flashers. Artyom very roughly, having nearly broken out joints, threw in a fuselage, and a sliding door as if in a supermarket, slammed. In the same way, not movably lying chain as if the cobra rushed on a leg and strong squeezed a stone.
  Artem screamed and tried to delay the hands which are held down ahead a chain:
  - Painfully, it is not necessary!
  - Better zakasay trouser-leg! - Prompted it a boyish voice.
  Artyom turned. The mobile chamber was lit with greenish light, and it went literally from all ceiling. Light was pleasant and for some reason the boy at once felt calm. Darted a glance at speaking.
  The ordinary boy, tow-haired as Artyom, but with short ezhy as if it gave a crew cut and hair were in time already grow. With it one more boy, slightly reddish, and already quite tall, thin girl. Quite terrestrial children, with good suntan, but not swarty. European lines, correct and perhaps even beautiful and photogenic faces. The clothes are elegant: the shirts, blouses, summer shorts and a short skirt painted with florets under all colors of a rainbow, but barefoot with the brought-down both soles and knees, on the right leg carnivorous and quite live snake stuck.
  Not so terrible and even it seems is younger than Artyom.
  The boy gave them a hand and with visible composure said:
  - Yes nothing terrible ... we will be familiar.
  In reply silence and the alerted views. Then Artyom continued with shy confidence:
  - I made nothing, and children are not put for anything?
  The reddish boy with an oblong face, very strongly looked like the juvenile actor playing in the American blockbuster of Peter Pen, gave a hand in reply and gloomy tone said:
  - You are not local! And it is enough to accuse of espionage and illegal crossing of border!
  Artyom, being perplexed, slapped few times eyelashes and asked:
  - If so, then ... Why you so well speak Russian?
  It was answered by already tow-haired boy:
  - Because in hell all speak Russian, and only in paradise apply Hebrew!
  . HEAD NO. 4
  Marat Apelsinov, rubbing the greyish beard and the bald patch which is making the way on a forehead, noticed:
  - As a rule, the Lord so obviously terrestrial does not interpose in the matter ...
  The Lucifer changed the shape again, now it was the young man without mustache in a massive helmet and with a sniper rifle in hands. Its camouflage looked is quite modern, and on a rifle the riflescope struck with frills more abruptly than the Hollywood excesses. Blue, radiant eyes of a youth devil were suddenly closed mirror, with a reflected light of the crossed swords, points. The Lucifer by a ringing voice objected:
  - There are some rules ... But I already obviously interfered and the Lord can use an occasion, considering the created applicant!
  The demon cat unexpectedly showed the teeth and playfully rotating a tail of a peacock to what he liked to change forms, noticed:
  - In this case there is one factor ... Which it is better to hold back so far!
  Timoshishin strained a forehead. Professor, worthy to take a place of honor in the first row of world stars, obviously tried to understand what the demon cat talks about. In general, the idea to contact the Satan seemed to the honorary academician and the author of many tens of scientific works including some philosophical, doubtful. Whatever one may do, God is stronger than the Devil and at any time can finish their games in Gehenna or in the place even worse. And they help the Satan with his dirty deed, risking to ruin quite real-life soul.
  Timoshishin on views the convinced atheist who is excellently knowing both the Scripture, and many religions, doctrines and other. But not the Satanist. And in general at the word Satan at most of the normal people who even are not differing in special religiousness begins to suck unpleasantly in the pit of the stomach.
  The Lucifer caught Timoshishin's thoughts. Not the serious young man disappeared, having turned into the delightful girl with gold, heavy locks of hair and a translucent dress. Suntanned, brawny legs of the girl Satan are almost entirely open, transparent shoes on a high heel do not hide natural beauty, but add modulations of the purest diamonds to golden and olive skin.
  Really, the press of perfection and a wreath of beauty, even air changed and became filled with honey aromas: as in the familiar terrestrial flowers, and something unknown, as if from other planets where the flora grows under the stranger, but not less fine sun.
  All turned to Lucifer, and the girl with a smile noticed:
  - Be not afraid people ... The power of Antichrist to last times, time and still half-time, and it ... It is possible to interpret as three and a half years, and it is possible also ...
  - Infinity! - Answered, Marat who too is quite grounded in Sacred texts. - Such accord in a certain option matters: which time of the end it is impossible to wait!
   The little girl Satan burst out laughing and added:
  - That's it! And when Lucifer's power will set in over the planet, the izlitiya of seven ulcers and executions can not come ... And then all of you - can live forever in happiness, and good!
  Young beautiful Einstein, having smiled to the seducing Devil beauty, added:
  - There are two infinite things: the Universe and a human ingenuity - however the first relative, and the second is absolute!
  The Lucifer forced Einstein to fly up to himself and juicy maiden lips stuck to the great scientist into lips. Kiss of the Devil incarnate of a female angel: it is what cannot be described. The tsunami of memoirs as they rushed on foamy quarks of the voluptuous tornado stretched on all universe gushed over Marat again. But unless it is possible to compare human women to the finest of all created entities in the Universe?
  Einstein looking athletically the put, beautiful young man, blossomed as if poppy and its redness of the yellow-beaked boy, but not the person who lived seventy five years on Earth and several decades in an underworld.
  The Satan little girl smiled and again changed a look, for the conventual. And, the gray cassock hid legs to toe, and magnificent hair were hidden by a cap. The tender voice sang:
  - First of all, first of all march in space ... Well, and girls, and girls then!
  Einstein muttered:
  - Oppengeymer would help ...
  Kot demon playfully exclaimed:
  - Trakh-tibidokh and to a ku-k!
  Oppengeymer looked as Apollo, in embraces of two beauties at once: black and white star. The bronze brawny athlete - probably Lucifer as the esthete does the citizens as he wants. Though who will object to a beautiful figure and the correct person?
  The master of hell a thunderous voice said:
  - I do not know the word I do not want! It is necessary to work!
  Oppengeymer turned pale and fell heavily on knees:
  - About my Lord ... I promised to invent murder tools! - The type of the Devil in an image of expressly strict conventual with a severe look, awfully suppressed the creator of the first-ever atomic bomb. Or rather, not absolutely creator, but her general designer. And the Satan if in such humble look, without cheerful playfulness, means wait for troubles. Though hell also did not meet Oppengeymer by the boiling oil, but ... The famous inventor began to justify himself. - I loved women to dump from myself these nuclear nightmares, but not for the sake of a gra ...
  The Lucifer changed, now it was the warrior with a beautiful and angry face, with muscles of an animal as Sheena from the comic book. And a voice full of rage, accompanied with eruption of a flame from a ten-barreled mortar, and a spark from a mouth:
  - Do not speak about a sin in pejorative tone! Because the sin is a basis of my good and the power! And you should do not a termokvarkovy charge what with such enthusiasm Kurchatov and Sakharov undertook, and only to give some explanations in nuclear mechanics ...
  Einstein waved away from the offer of the Satan:
  - Oppengeymer, from the moment of physical death, did not look through any modern novelties in physics. He cannot forgive himself Hiroshima. Sakharova can cause better and really?
  Kot clown replaced the image, on more habitual cine look and proskulit:
  - Sugars ... Good there was a person, but even he was not taken away on the sky.
  Marat Apelsinov asked a cat:
  - If according to Bulgakov, then for light kingdom, it is necessary to peel all Earth to the last branch ...
  - And to light the second sun! - Einstein added ...
  The Lucifer nodded to Oppengeymer and his type of the lady-terminator became still growing furious:
  - Yes you turned into a pacifistic rag! So ...
  On a face of the lord of the evil there was a gas mask with an emblem of an atomic bomb, and in air became cold, even the prickly snowball began to pour.
  And the creator of the first nuclear weapon begged, having hit the head against a floor:
  - I swear - I am not guilty! I will make everything!
  - So start! - The devil returned to a type of the little girl, but already in a crown and more magnificent, not so frank dress. And hair became from golden, almost scarlet as if petals of poppies were scattered.
   The Lucifer to himself said, stroking fingers a crown and smiling:
  - Nevertheless there is a punishment for the evil ... Let not always in the form of such primitive as a hole with fire!
  Marat introduced the original idea:
  - Sometimes it seems to me that the main creative force in the Universe is a person! And not only demons, but God scoop in us something new!
  The Lucifer quietly burst out laughing, and the girl was replaced by the youth cowboy with a characteristic hat and a guitar. A Satan, gathering a melody, noticed:
  - You do not represent in what degree are right ... And as there is a lot of, our tormented and unfortunate Earth, gives in creative process to all universe!
  Timoshishin who did not stick to work on a portal, nevertheless asked what was at the tip of the tongue:
  - And other Universes created not by it, and other God exist?
  The Lucifer began to smile and cunning answered:
  - The universe is huge, means beyond something has to be obligatory ... But the problem is that there is a cult of the Creator and a claim for exclusiveness!
  Kot demon, having changed the shape for the genie in a turban with a black face and the shining eyes, prompted:
  - That's it! God not one! There are many Creators of the Universes of similar to it, and some of them surpass Jehovah in wisdom, force and antiquity of existence!
  The demon according to nodded and added:
  - That's it! Time God not the absolute, means we have chances! And rules are that that we have too an opportunity to win! Because ...
  The Lucifer confirmed opinion of the advanced demon:
  - Yes we can! But by means of the person. In people abilities and in each of them a small particle of God from capital letter are put. And this particle should be developed, and then at us everything will turn out!
  Also there came silence, all plunged into work, before start of the mechanism there were already only a few minutes. But main thing here accuracy and calculation of a trajectory. It is possible and to get into vacuum.
  The Satan looked at persistently working people, even Oppengeymer somehow grew thin and to seem became more senior. People ...
  With all the force, nevertheless Son Zari and other angels not such as they. The serving spirits because itself the angel designates words the envoy, the servant, the messenger. What is in all of them angels, at undoubtedly tremendous abilities, from computers? Very powerful cybernetic mechanisms capable if God Bog does not disturb to displace from a planet orbit and to fly since one end of the Universe on another. But only the person has an ability to invent something new, to include the imagination and to imagine something new, or those representatives of not fallen worlds that seated on other planets in the Universe. This creative human beginning.
  But Lucifer can as the mighty computer to load human imaginations, fabrications, inventions, memory and persons into himself. Some kind of mankind, is a source of water of life for the held-down Satan. And then you are humanized. Badly it or is good? In this case you, as the computer with infinite memory loading into itself the creative rich and interesting programs. Especially geniuses are good. How many for example a positive the aura, memory and a personal matrix of Leonardo Davinchi gave. The ingenious person, even if and the pervert is a little. But Lucifer believed that the creative person can have and expanded sexual range. Though the Satan considered: the woman for the man, and the man for the woman! So beautifully ... But if people want experiments, then it the Devil gives them freedom! Then something new is capable to be born, departing from a natural template. The person, especially the person in a sin, is also interesting to those that it left a template of the behavior ordered it by the Creator, and began to create the designs. From the Internet, to an atomic bomb. And eventually, whether Saint Michael the Archangel's sword was borrowed from the sinful person who opened for himself war, hostility and hatred? Then still question: that more initially - chicken or egg! And who pushes something new in the universe ....
  Professor Timoshishin asked a question which at it busily was on the tip of the tongue. Probably many millions of people, especially that are familiar with Divinity it set.
  - And why after all you passed into opposition to the Lord, risking to lose everything and to doom itself and angels to sufferings in the lake fiery? - Professor shook to himself from a forehead a sweat hailstone.
  The Lucifer answered not immediately. The question is almost eternal. Why God created the Son Zari knowing that that will sin and will entrain millions of reasonable beings? The interesting version was stated by the prophetess Elena: God did not need robots. And God solved even if in such cruel way to show to the Universe malignancy of a sin and value of Divine love and grace.
  Though on the other hand, somehow in advance to write off millions of angels and not rescued people in utilization or especially in eternal torment, looks like esesovsky experiments with the Universe. Something such inoculation from a sin, and actually from idea to live independently from God, looks fanatic, and exposes the Creator in nasty light. On the other hand, if to God obedience of creations is so important whether then it is simpler to create initially biorobots in principle not capable to sin!
  But the priest or the theologian will object: robots are not capable to love sincerely! Only the living thing which can sin, maybe really, but not according to the put program to fall in love!
  The Lucifer agrees with it. To some extent demons became a brotherhood and with the principles of mutual respect. But if fall in love beings capable to sin whether then there will be a love real when ability to go against the will of God is lost can? And if it is not lost, then what sense of fanatic torture of millions of sinners - as people and angels? Or even their annihilation?
  The Lucifer thought over it, and the logician Satana prompted the most favourite to soul of the Son Zari option: time God needs eternal love, and love it is impossible without sin, that is to acts out of will of God, and the sin has to be eternal. So also carriers of a sin or opposition to government of the Almighty are subject to perpetuation. Then Lucifer does not risk to appear in an eternal infernal flame, or to be completely erased as swept drawing a rag. Both Satana, and his angels, and sinful people will be able to go some other way. Can create own civilization and create other real Universes?
  Hell, for example, strongly developed also by means of many measurements, extended and painted to the real universe. And people in many respects form an underworld landscape. Including, partly, and the belief of the person shows a scorching heat it what he expects own posthumous existence. But only partly, as Lucifer needs justice and development even of the individual who died on flesh.
  The first modification of hell was not too rich and comfortable, it can generated myths about the gloomy Tartar and fear of death at people. But there were Yeliseyev of the field quite comparable to vision of paradise at the first Christians. Viry at pagan Slavs, well and Vakhlaka of Vikings. There were new sinners, the underworld grew roots, Lucifer had the power to do in hell practical all. But the limiter is own imagination. And people became its nutrient medium that allowed to create very much even the many-sided Universe, and not an underground kingdom with coppers and the horned devils throwing under them logs.
  The thought against the Creator, or more precisely to him can even go to opposition, arose because of some feeling of conventionalism. Here the simple person of it does not understand. But he thinks of Lucifer, considers and perceives everything so that even to the most powerful human computers of it not to understand. Being Creation on force number one in it a template, the regulated universe where all obediently to God Bogu, it more, than someone other felt conventionalism and even predictability of events.
  Though the Satan, per se also does not see the future, but his hyper intelligence is capable to predict and count, using a set of parameters. And Lucifer saw that in this world there will be so and so! Something will be constructed, nothing will be destroyed, and time so that to tear a navel on building there is no sense. Stars are turned with measured speed, the worlds of people are small and develop slowly. Angels in general have nothing to do ...
  Yes the conventionalism and boredom correct, so in many stationary universe, pushed Lucifer to revolt. He wanted to receive force to create most that there were no stars in the form of one flaring a ball. That there was no everything such predicted and low-changeable as in innocent, the universe. When as a matter of fact also slaves away it is not necessary, and there is no place to run.
  And that Lucifer could wish: it is also so higher than all creation, but at the same time cannot apply the power to what that noticeable. Even, for example, in ranks to build asterisks, or to stamp the animals. Sharp mind and fast thinking generated routine. And confrontation with the Creator is an opportunity to recover and receive at last for Itself the difficult, dangerous, but desirable purpose: either to win against the Creator or to prove that He was not right! Anyway the result of polemic not predictable and even many considered that the creation cannot be stronger than the Creator and it will lose, the choice of the Satan is doomed and hopeless to enter into opposition. But at least this fight brought ardent and hot nature of the most perfect and mighty angel out of a state sleepy and routine of subordination. And only on the present having faced the Creator, Lucifer felt real life and vigorous fight. Even if also that fight where analytical skills of the Satan gave almost zero chances of success. Though ... There are some subtleties of which people yet, and fortunately, know not everything.
  The Lucifer answered simply:
  - It is very boring to be superessence in ideally correct world, especially if not you operate it. Having entered polemic with the Creator, and then and real fight, I at last found meaning of life and the purpose which performance forces to strain all powers and resources of intelligence and physical laws!
  Einstein developed thought:
  - Correctly! As well as confrontation with one excellent student and the athlete turned me from the silent mediocre pupil in ... Well I hope, the genius in this case does not sound too immodestly?
  Timoshishin falsely yawned:
  - And polemic with your theory of relativity is available for me. Would you like to examine?!
  Einstein nodded:
  - Let's finish work and I will see yours ... Scientific works!
  Marat too logically noticed:
  - Yes, the competitive atmosphere is big incentive. And when there is a predetermination to all or even development purely planned and plans are known or counted on hundreds of years - it is very boring!
  Kot demon and the clown rolled into one, sang:
  - But to work without helpers, can sadly, and it can be boring!
  The Satan capable to be at the same time in different places carried out processing of possible candidates for mission for the innocent worlds. There is a question of the elite who are they? It is not obligatory at all for them to be child prodigies and noticeable figures in this life. Sometimes the hidden abilities are especially strong and more effectively prove, unlike opened and flaring as a fire from dry straw.
  Here, Artyom, for example, the fortuneteller pointed as to the elect though the guy also does not shine with something special. However, and it is Lucifer sees, natural abilities at him are far higher, than mediocre estimates at school. It became simply uninteresting to study Artyom. In elementary grades it all clicked as sunflower seeds. In section he was engaged occasionally, but is slightly higher than the average Moscow teenager. Quite ordinary, by results of this life, the boy with some endowments. But also has to be it real the Messiah - close to criterion, it as all! And still not absolutely ordinary, there the ordinary person will give in to enchanting tasks.
  The choice of elects is broad, the invisible spirit of the Devil rushed across Moscow and not only! The choice and a set of options are amazing.
  The Lucifer, seeing that the drunk driver just about will crush with enthusiasm the teenage little girl hollowing on the netbook keyboard, it was instantly embodied in a cabin, and jerked on itself a wheel. Badly shaved red ugly face of the drunk-vodily was poured by blood, the mat was heard and Lucifer set an elbow. It looked in an image of the fighter Steven Seagal now. And the blow cut out to the drunkard a nose, knocked out several teeth from a chipped mouth. The devil ranger braked the car and squeezed the drunkard's neck special capture having said:
  - Now from any alcohol, including beer - you will turn out!
  And unexpectedly the face of the emperor of darkness was softened, and again there was a little girl, but in quite modern clothes. It shook a palm and given a bloody nose at the alcoholic was restored, and in a mouth even new teeth grew, having closed shcherbina ...
  The Satan with the widest smile said:
  - You helped me to find chosen ... And your eternal torment in hell will be not so hellish!
  The Lucifer, without opening a door as if the ghost, jumped out of the car. Well that as ... Especially if God do not stir you on it the disputed territory. Here she is teenage little girl, approximately the coeval of Artyom. The elite in the this case just on transition from the child to the adult. When the teenager has the most active neurons in brains, and sex hormones stream on a body. And here the girl writes the fantastic detective story. And unless it is possible to pass by it?
  The devil looked now is modern, but without excessive pretentiousness. Very beautiful girl with yet the person passing from the children's rotundity to maiden grace which is not created up to the end, but already quite sports figure and darling. The Satan of course decided that will be closer to the contemporary.
  And the girl purpose unexpectedly appeared on a seat of the open racing car. She noticed not at once it as far as was fond. The Satan little girl prompted:
  - In the space detective it is romantic not to do without pursuit, however?!
  Long wavy locks of Lucifer were scattered and developed by air as if a battle flag, and their racing unit forced to part without ceremonies other such clumsy cars. The darling looked quite large little girl, can even plump, nice, but not the beauty star as Lucifer, a superangel capable to accept any shapes.
  The girl writer came off the laptop. Looked on kind, crystal purity, an eye of the Master of hell. In them shone, something not quite created, defiant trust and bribing. For some reason at once it was thought that it is not the contemporary, but much more adult girl if it is in general the girl.
  But this thought seemed ridiculous and the young writer gave to the Devil a hand and said:
  - My name is Anfisa Belyaeva. And you as?
  The Satan, in shape of the girl, answered her:
  - Call me just Sveta ... More nothing is necessary!
  Anfisa with nervousness in a voice said:
  - You have such bright hair, even phosphorus in the dark so not to glow. - And the teenage writer noticed. - And wheelbarrow, it ... Us for speeding ...
  The Satan answered with negligent tone:
  - Be not afraid ... What Russian does not love fast driving, and lines of prompt flight!
  Anfisa it is sure noticed:
  - Draw it from area of a fentaza. And I here love science fiction and futurism and a genre of RPG ...
  The Lucifer cunning winked, and noticed:
  - At a chasm on the edge, nevertheless a fantasy I love!
  Anfisa began to describe the story:
  - Here imagine: to prepare for flight the first intergalactic expedition. But unexpectedly the hyper reactor is deenergized as superscarce raw materials. causing heating and dispersal of vacuum it is stolen. And the girl the investigator with the youth elf as the younger workmate. They try to make a circle of suspects. But unexpectedly under suspicious circumstances the captain of a starprobe vehicle perishes. It becomes clear what here put not only in attempt to extract precious fuel or to break flight to other worlds. Everything seems much more seriously, to the inomirena introduced the whole espionage network not to allow people of Earth to get into other galaxy and ...
  The Lucifer with a smile answered:
  - And actually the murderer the one who is suspected least of all the jealous wife of the captain who did in five more to seed xenophobia and to earn at the same time from growth of shares of the corporations which are carrying out military deliveries!
  Anfisa loudly burst out laughing and tapped of the newly-baked girlfriend on the shoulder:
  - Yes as you guessed? I also had such plan!
  The Satan answered with indulgent and, at the same time, a lovely maiden smile:
  - It is almost classics - the jealous wife ... The developed daughter whom the father and not native can better beyond the years. It is so not so banal!
  Anfisa did not answer. Its attention was drawn by the driver. Obviously it is the Hindu, broad-shouldered and very brawny. And in a turban ... Strangely everything. The cars which are especially giving way to them, and the police extending in a string. So should not be, and at the same time occurs! And the little girl with it ... improbable as if ...
  Anfisa unexpectedly for asked:
  - And you not the demiurge incidentally?
  The Lucifer negatively waved the head:
  - No! I am only a modest izobretatelnitsa. The usual wave distorts the movement of photons, and there is a mirage ... - the Devil little girl seeing that Anfisa understood not all, added. - It seems to them that it goes a presidential train!
  Anfisa was scattered in a smile:
  - It is ingenious ... But all the same you are a demiurge, time invented it!
  The version that near it the ingenious scientist sits, though looked unnaturally, but explained in the head of very scientifically advanced little girl. The Lucifer saw too that it is not the simple person, not much girls of its age are capable to write good, science-fiction works moreover to possess serious erudition. But the electee, cannot be usual differently almost all could win a victory. In general Lucifer knew mankind psychology, especially those sinners that also all their thoughts died. including subconscious, are available to the Devil (Lucifer does not love when it is so called. but already unfortunately, this his most widespread, often used name!) . And, fortunately, less than two percent of all population of the Globe are actively aimed at a victory at any cost. And the one who the fighter is also necessary for difficult mission. But are not born soldiers, become soldiers. And often the most valuable not those who is given birth by the soldier, and those who tempered the character and trained in themselves the fighter.
  Lucifer. in day of the creation, was already perfection, covered with precious qualities. But here to leave from rags to riches is an art what Lucifer on the present did not make because was from the birth the first of the first princes. Even the second Person Troitsy of Jesus Christ, He could tempt.
  The Satan offered the little girl writer:
  - Let's go round around the Kremlin. I think, something surely yes happens!
  The girl agreed:
  - Give ... - And again buried in the pocket computer and actively beat out something on keys. Of course hurried to imprint in an electron a look the new acquaintance or to photograph the girlfriend with hair of color of gold leaf.
  The Lucifer remembered Bulgakov. When even then known, let and unvalued the writer razvoplotitsya by material benefits, the road to him lay directly to hell. A gate in heaven is very narrow - Bulgakov did not belong to given rise from above as however and many Patriarchs and Popes. Its immortal creation "Master and Margarita" did not become still world famous, it was even almost forbidden, but ... The analytical deal prompted - billions of people will represent the Satan according to Bulgakov.
  The Lucifer, in an image of the beautiful cherub, met the died writer. Around them fantastic trees with the enormous sparkling all flowers of a rainbow blossomed in the flowers. And on each petal the wonderful drawing is imprinted. And what compositions of fountains and other constructions sparkled around. Thanks Leonardo Davinchi, Mikel Anzhelo, to Raphael and other experts who worked on the reception platform of the Satan. And Lucifer accepted the sinner in the usual look - the world of the spread svetonesushchy cherub. Even it is impossible to describe. as far as this superangel is perfect - is trivial blinds, such level of beauty!
  Bulgakov who a little looked younger, but still similar to himself, fell to a koleniye and murmured:
  - Holy Christ mine!
  The Lucifer by voice in which the whole chorus sounded with a chill noticed:
  - God is love, and I the embodiment and the Father of the evil also cannot love you!
  Bulgakov choked and shook a short small beard:
  - Devil?
  The voice of the cherub became more terrible and deafening:
  - Though in hell do not call me so.
  Bulgakov shrank. Still, you though died, but nevertheless to end up in hell ... Let and painted with felt-tip pens. And the writer shy asked:
  - And how to call you, the master?
  The Lucifer with laughter answered:
  - Voland!
  Bulgakov did not manage to sigh as suddenly it appeared in the women's flesh, very figuristy little girl. And one bathing suit, standing on a steel lattice. Barefoot the girl's foot at once began to burn also the famous writer, screwing up the face, began to raise one extremity for another. It is already more similar to hell: under lattices a flame, and around big coppers with a set of dials. And, above all, these with horns and a pitchfork .... Black, gray, blue and squealing - devils!
  The girl Bulgakov went nuts at once - the scorching heat opens dismantling! And he for the first time felt young and, apparently on a figure, as the beautiful woman. Of course, it is far better so, than in recent years when the premature infirmity and "imperial" not favor fell upon the famous, but disgraced writer. Sharp kidney and bones pains forced to accept a nonsense and Bulgakov sometimes really saw hallucinations. The thought flashed that it is a narcotic dream, but ...
  The gilded trident of the massive, broad-shouldered devil painfully cut to it on a nude breast. The demon laughed loudly:
  - Well that the whore - those who accepted a nonsense in the next world, here received the boiling oil in a copper!
  And the little girl was hooked tridents and roughly incurred to a copper. The sharp ends pricked under shovels, and tongues of flame will sometimes lick a graceful round heel. Such kiss punches maiden flesh to the nape and forces to swell up golden hair, like a cock crest. And really did not lead Bulgakova, it here the terrible place - devils turn and jump the whole brood, or the teeming thickets before eyes, sides, shoulders. Dirty scratch hips to the little girl, it is similar to nettle slaps. Here the copper similar to a dragon in which the ognezarny lava laps. Also blows as very opposite and unpleasant heat.
  And this Gehenna will read to pull feelers to the little girl in whom embodied Bulgakov. And the fear, wild, is intolerable fear forces the writer to begin to yell. What waits for it intolerably!
  And at this moment the pipe voice with exclamation is distributed:
  - And to be to you in fire and brimstone day and night for ever and ever!
  The fire-throwing stream is thrown up from mouths of a dragon ...
  The ringing voice interrupted a thunderous voice of a dragon:
  - The son of Earth in reply will say no! I the slave will never remain!
  The soldier, in the sparkling raincoat, razves a lattice in a thick wall of a torture chamber, on it with a roar the devils armed with tridents rushed.
  Dexterous wave sabers, almost imperceptible, and the head flew from the next dirty. Dirty-brown blood scattered, and tumbled down a smoke from the beheaded body.
  . HEAD NO. 5.
  The chain on a leg of Artyom highlighted a little and gave moderate heat of the battery. In general here climate warm, the boy shook the flowing-down sweat droplets from a forehead. The girl, whose bare foot is held down too, touched the chain and asked:
  - Do not press so strongly, there will be bruises!
  Fetters answered:
  - And you cunning, want to run away?!
  The little girl helplessly unless hands, having noticed:
  - And where even if to be winded, you will get to?!
  The reddish boy confirmed:
  - Here all food and goods on an indifikatsionny code!
  Fetters laconically answered:
  - We do not give the hint. The danger clip does not present to health.
  Probably they were not hurried to be conducted in local prison. Someone else was brought together. Here pushed the girl is more senior. Beautiful though here it is similar all people look as in Hollywood - neither a wrinkle, nor defect. The footwear from it was taken away by police officers drones and the little girl, having become the prisoner, strongly reddened. Artyom at which of the head the last answer of the boy saffron milk cap took off suddenly remembered that it is strangeness. And again asked:
  - So from where you know Russian ... Yes Hebrew too?
  The boy prisoner answered not immediately, at him also handcuffs hung on wrists. At others held down only one of legs. Artem paid on it special attention: this boy the dangerous criminal can?
  The answer did not follow, only the girl quietly whispered:
  - Here each word ... - Also put a finger to lips.
  Artem understood that listen to them. And his mood finally deteriorated. Space travel terminated in arrest. That what had not to be tested earlier. Though he of course watched film. The movie "Client" when the boy was arrested to beat out from it information was remembered. Then, however he got off lightly, having only had a rest in the spacious single. And here did not smell of such comfort. Here threw two more boys and the girl. On the bench which is slightly covered with plastic, already closely. But, it seems, the aircraft began to gather speed, and then red quietly said:
  - Here we have hell. Only many believe that it is an order. Stumbled, and you are already a criminal, demanding re-education!
  The white boy according to nodded:
  - Here all for a trifle, except Iosif. And he nodded on red.
  The girl, what is more senior, heaved a deep sigh:
  - I walked again without cadence. Now I will be forced to stamp barefoot on the desert and the laser will scorch for the slightest mistake.
  Boys who were detained, provyl too:
  - We only slightly mixed a road sign. Especially images constantly change!
  Artyom clapped eyes and noticed:
  - And people in slavery at bees?
  Red carefully shook a fist:
  - Not for a long time!
  Handcuffs on the boy quietly tinkled, and unexpectedly his face was distorted from pain. Walked on sparkle hands, probably applied the shock category. The boy reeled, and the large girl held him, whispered on an ear:
  - Do not tease them ... We cannot win against system, it is so best of all to obey to it!
  Red negatively shook the head, the suntanned person turned pale, but he told nothing. Can even not so much because of fear.
  Artyom too similar revolted: all force to go a system and to a leg. It as if North Korea or something else is worse. And then beating laser?
  But that the most annoying, probably to these worlds brawny and large bees, and behind them someone strongly looking like the anti-hero from "Star wars" govern. Even name similar: Dzhabba, truth Corpse. Anything to imechko for the dictator.
  And the armor catafalque flew in a prison-yard. Smoothly stopped, even almost did not shake them. Here Artemas burned fear that the conclusion and a meeting with experienced criminals on plank beds perhaps are necessary. The boy tried to inspire in himself that he should sit with peers, and boys among themselves somehow yes will get on. But legs all the same shook. Reasonable, or can be with cybernetics inside, chains released legs, and after rubber thorns of a sole of sneakers of Artyom, barefoot, but clean heels of other detainees started gleaming.
  In the yard there were several bees, and also fifteen more arrested. Newcomers constructed on growth in the general to colon here, and the bee the chief bellowed:
  - To stand still!
  Prisoners were extended as if soldiers in frunt. It is necessary to be motionless, without moving either a hand or a leg! At the left near Artyom the girl in one almost transparent shirt which appeared through the breasts deprived of a brassiere, and a short skirt stood. The boy devoured with a look the beauty, especially her faultless naked legs with equal suntan and clean bronze skin, magnificent hips, and the scarlet rosettes of nipples which certainly are translucent.
  Suddenly the bee waved a bludgeon and, the taken-off electric discharge hit Artyom a forehead ... As if a weighty bludgeon hit, from eyes sparks fell down, and the captured boy did not fall only because couple of police drones picked up him under hands put into place. And terrible hail:
  - I told you, quietly!
  Artyom unsteadily stood on the feet, before eyes sparked, but by effort of will tried not to be unsteady. In the head the thought flew: as probably, here so painfully to be to soldiers in guard. And they unfortunate suffer also in a frost. And here warmly, degrees slightly more than thirty. There is no exhausting heat.
  Artyom somehow to distract, tried, without turning the head, to consider a prison-yard. Generally anything special: around high walls, the truth without barbed wire, but on top some background flickers alternately pink, blue. Can do it as in a fantasy, a force field, or boards from VCh, the boy thought. Also it became even more foul: the society which here is highly developed more abruptly than terrestrial. Here at these drones, on hands hours from which are highlighted holograms. Oho, something like evolution of the cell phone with connection to the local Internet. However, and in the twenty first century you will not surprise with it. There is a difference that instead of the monitor, the three-dimensional, color projection rises from a bracelet. But also on Earth it are able. And a cudgel that from a distance in several meters beats current, not a rarity too. There are stun guns. Let them usually also thrust at shorter distance. But for certain long-range, let and the expensive, cutting-down cudgels also are available for people. Another matter, crews flying without screws and jet starting streams. This really progress. The boy, slightly shifted ridge that it was more convenient to stand and continued reasonings. Especially as one more tear-shaped, a little frightening flying funnels landed in the yard. The boy turned attention that during flight, air on a fraction of a second became lighter. The prison car means passed some field. It on major tone did not adjust. Equipment here in ...
  Eh, if it got on the planet technically backward and in the Middle Ages, as if then was developed. With the not most outstanding marks, would show all as make smokeless gunpowder, or do automatic machines. And when would install systems of volley fire - "Hurricane", the empire of the tsar Artem Veliky would occupy all globe. And then, the greatest of emperors will lift the look to heaven and conquest of space will begin!
  The boy gave vent own imagination. Here it is the first purpose - the Moon where live three-legged people are described by the baron Myunkhgauzen. They use special grenade launchers which shoot poppy heads as the weapon. And here such stream, and people of Earth on flying plates vstrechayuty fire of alpha lasers is rejected ... And the shock moshcha of radiations, forces three-legged...
  Emergence of three more individuals, two high and more slender drones and plentifully discharged bee, strengthen tension. The system was extended even stronger in frunt, and Artyom has a zanyla a back. This still new types!
  Bees murderers threw the developed rank of prisoners. Here already captivated representatives of the human race gathered more than fifty,
  different age, but by sight nobody was more senior than sixteen. In a prison form when force to put on shorts and deprive of footwear. But here is how time could not but pay Artyom attention to the non-standard.
   The main bee carelessly striding suddenly stopped near the young envoy of the earth and stared on the boy. It has three eyes similar to fragmentary holes: a green background in pimples and a failure in blackness. It is rather terrible, apparently, that just about and you the failure will drag away in it.
  Artyom involuntarily blinked and receded back. To it right there between shovels the security guard a cudgel thrust, and the bee general cold tone said:
  - The boy is dressed not to a form!
  The drone answered with a deep voice:
  - It inomiryanin, chosen Dzhabboy ...
  The bee general shouted:
  - Then it should be transferred to cold office of prison!
  The drone shook a paw, shrill peep and an imperceptible lasso strong was heard twisted a neck to Artyom. Shook the boy, and the bee general rigidly ordered:
  - Conduct it! Let it will sort as beginner, on stones.
  And the stranglehold pulled the little boy to the building, white with a blue strip. Armor doors were moved apart in different directions as if doors in the elevator - were quietly squeaked by music. Here they entered the room from where after a street heat blew softly a cool. And in general, appear, and gravitation changed - it was other world and a podmirye. The truth small similarity to police stations from the Hollywood movies remained.
  The tall security guard drone seized the boy by an ear, turned out it, another disconnected a collar.
  Then it was strongly pushed with a butt.
  Artyom howled, appear, again that the ear is torn off. It was led at first on ladder steps, then along a corridor. In nostrils struck a pungent smell of bleaching powder. Further doors followed from transparent armor. It was entered into the room with mirrors on walls, the strong blow collapsed between shovels, and the boy departed the head, nearly rasshibiv it about a floor. Cotton, and sparks sparkle before eyes. Two aunts bees, fat, high, similar to hippopotamuses, polosata and bryukhasty with plastic, more precisely rubber gloves on paws, already waited for it.
  - It is yours, you can castrate him! - Security guards drones laughed loudly.
  - Undress! Quicker puppy! - "Gorillopodobnye" of the star bee lifted it for hair.
  - Probably the boy not in! - Let's help it! - Also began to break clothes roughly. The dumbfounded Artyom only inertly resisted, the undershirt was torn, boots pulled off together with socks and when tried to pull down pants, it breakthrough escaped and rushed to run. Several security guards rushed to it across, the boy dived under and sliped between legs. Later added speed, but far it was not succeeded to leave, on a meeting to it the large oskalenny pig bulldog jumped out. Artyom did not sustain and turned back. Here that on it was also flown by rack of supervisors. They began to knead the imprisoned boy plastic, with a steel midstream, bludgeons. Perhaps, they would kill him if the terrible hail did not stop:
  - This bug still can be useful for a consequence, stop!
  The boy was lifted, splashed in a face cold water, then turned, thrown on a stomach. The drone roared:
  - On his heels that did not run, only not to cripple!
  To the child prisoner cut on barefoot heels several times with a delay. Artem screamed and began to whimper, on cheeks tears were shed.
  Instead of sympathy, poisonous hissing:
  - These are still florets and when you are interrogated by the investigator, you not so will start singing.
  The boy was lifted and subjected to a humiliating and meticulous search. Pressed a finger on a navel from what in a stomach there were convulsive spasms. Listened spellbound, ears, nostrils, searched from top to toe, having roughly felt even shameless places. At the same time still included lamps, though four bright searchlights from different places so beat. Certainly, it was a shame to Artyom and it is terrible and when were picked a body, inserting probes and hoses: in a disgusting way and very painfully. Involuntarily you peep in this prison hell.
  It ceased to be considered for the person, everything said that he is a prisoner, the personality deprived of civil rights. Went hot it, in cold: the person turned pale as it at the dead person and here was poured in the cherry color. Then here the naked child it was led to the hairdresser. Several barefoot girls, in striped uniforms and easy shackles, started giggling, seeing as the boy reddens and tortures to cover shame, but the live wire holds hands behind. Wrists grow dumb with tension.
  And obligatory a portrait of Dzhabby of the Corpse, the sickening freak covered with warts of a real toad at every turn. The hairdressing salon, in mirrors and with searchlights, reminds the hall of a search, and a chair - dental surgery moreover with clips.
  The humanoid bee in a black suit and sticky wings roughly pressed down the head as sheared a ram rather stupid machine, it was sick, the edge touched, the fresh cone. It seemed to the boy that with each shred of the cut-off fair hair is flown away by his soul and a particle of own identity. And the rough hairdresser sadist inconsiderately as if on live tramples down them. When finished, the supervisor drone cut a cudgel on the just shaved head.
  - Receive, bald!
  Artyom nearly fainted, legs gave away. Having grabbed by distressful ears, it was lifted, dragged in shower. There it was put in the center of a cabin and locked, previously sypanuv bleaching powder on a face and shoulders. The boy stood, expecting the next dirty trick is disturbing listened. Hooted, and the stream of the burning hot water fell upon it. Steam went, skin reddened, an excruciating pain, appear, burn down.
  - Help! - The captured boy shouted.
  In reply boiled water stopped, and ice cold water collapsed. From its streams began to cramp teeth. Artyom began to freeze and shiver as suddenly burning waves fell upon it again. Then ice cold. The boy who ended up in hell, fell was in a hysterics, but torture by water stopped. Red as cancer he left a cabin, it was necessary to go into socks, heels turned blue from biting bludgeons.
  Now it was led to other hall. There its naked was photographed from different points, measured, weighed, took blood from a vein. Rewrote signs and birthmarks, looked for scars, burns. Then the snicker followed.
  - And now we will play a piano.
  It was removal of fingerprints, and removed not only from hands, but also from legs, having accurately greased brought down a foot by black paint. Then smeared also lips, it was very opposite, the head was roughly pressed down to a white leaf. The boy tried to spit, but to him cut a fist on the person. The head moved, teeth clanked. Educated a X-ray, having photographed internals. Then brought to a mirror. Artyom it is dumbfounded looked, at himself. The shrunk bald boy with a shiner under an eye, the swelled black lips, on the head several cones, on a naked well-muscled body bruises and traces from bludgeons.
  - Well the kid, understood that he means to oppose legitimate authority!
  Terribly the bee chief of office covered with warts shouted.
  - And now you should be marked. You will carry this sign eternally.
  The humanoid drone in a mask and in a green dressing gown left because of mirrors. It got a tube with similarity of the press.
  - Now we will make to you a puansovka. These figures your number - 1379598500. Under it you will also pass as the prisoner. Give the hand here.
  The frightened Artyom, looking at the heated iron, on the contrary hid it for a back. Then with a force of two spindle-legs drones twisted an extremity and stretched to the executioner. That dripped on a hand to alcohol, and then prizheg it. The boy shouted and twitched, but he was kept in an iron vice. At last the flaring steel was taken away, and it became soft, having nearly fainted from pain.
  - Under its ice shower, let will depart.
  Artyom rinsed ice water. Scolded so that teeth began to beat off a drumbeat, but it became not much more free. The procedures of registration seeming infinite came to an end.
  The bee in a white dressing gown promised:
  - Now you will be given state clothes.
  The boy breathed sigh of relief, it is unpleasant to go naked all the time, especially in the presence of bee females and shakes from cold.
  Here people in black uniforms brought a parcel, having roughly thrown Artyom a uniform. Trousers, more precisely shorts, short, over the knee, untidily white about a blue strip, girded by a rope and same typical for cine convicts, a striped shirt with sleeves on bicepses. And such fragmentary vestments, are possible even removed from a corpse, with the torn-out buttons.
  Artyom had enough courage to ask:
  - And all this?
  The massive bee in a white dressing gown, in a disgusting way giggled:
  - Of course all! And it is not necessary to more juvenile criminal.
  Artyom the friend about the friend nervously rubbed the itching, pink heels:
  - And boots? I that, barefoot I will be.
  The bee indulgently explained:
  - You are a criminal and has to repent, and according to the law all minor offenders are obliged to go barefoot, without regard to a time of year. - And an insect winked. - And on this planet, all of you people on eyelids of centuries remain minors!
  Legs at the teenage boy already began styt, here already and he with alarm asked other climate:
  - And if I catch a cold?
  - The bludgeon will cure! - And already the security guard drone with a delay cut again on a naked bottom. - Put on quicker, shkt.
  Artur moved, postanyvy, skin burned, somehow put on, tightened a belt. On the boy put cuffs, then took away him to the room of expectation. There Artur forced to the knees, hands got back, having attached wrists to anklebones. So he also sat in an inconvenient pose, waiting for a final decision of the fate. Knees hurt from a concrete floor, half-naked legs grew numb. Now he quietly sobbed, it was sad and opposite to him, everything said that he is the prisoner terminated for normal life of people. To it any more never to return to Earth and not to escape from the mad world. Correctly red boy told: it is hell! Now in any way, gloomy deadlock! All of his Artur the personality was dissolved and destroyed in meticulous prison procedures. At last the chief of office a bee, with silvery shoulder straps at last reached its folder and said.
  - In children's office, group No. 9, the camera twelve.
  With almost children's, with equal fingers of hands of Artyom, removed handcuffs and fastened to the guard's hand. Pushing bludgeons, the boy was led. Again became the boy terribly as his other prisoners will meet. About prisons told a lot of the terrifying things, not just children there, and criminals.
  Here they left to the yard, sharp pebbles stuck into bare feet, the newly made prisoner walked on tiptoe and, it was especially painful to him. The rain, damp and cold dripped. At an entrance to the neighboring room fenced with a very tall fence roar, nadsazhivayas boars bulldogs. Corridors gloomy with a set of lattices, even apertures on floors are forced by them, and walls are painted in black and gray color. It awfully presses on mentality of the child, and children's heart begins to fight stronger again, he painfully hit barefoot fingers against a slippery concrete step, slightly slowed down the movement, the security guard cut a butt on a back.
  - Do not sleep, the greenhorn!
  The boy buried the head in diluted with blood, someone was already interrogated, I tin, he was roughly lifted for the swelled ear. At last Artyom brought to a massive door, protection from drones meanly grinned. The itching roars were heard:
  - Here we came, but at first a registration in a chamber.
  - It as! - Silly the boy asked.
  Drones indulgently explained:
  - And so you are still small, we will regret you. Ten blows a bludgeon in the soft place and all.
  Artem wanted to begin to whimper, but understood on wolf eyes, what will be even worse. And so can be will manage. It was turned, lowered trousers and from all scope cut. The boy squealed, then has a snack a lip. "Be a man - the thought flashed". The following blows were even more sick. Artyom quietly groaned, but managed to constrain loud shouts. At last executioners finished, removed handcuffs and opened a chamber door. Then the strong kick followed, with scope the boy flew in it. The Sleeping Beauties woke up, wiping eyes. Looking at them, Artem calmed down.
  It were children from ten to fourteen years, senior and younger contained separately. They were thin, torn off, all barefoot, with bruises and grazes from lashes and bludgeons. But at the same time unlike terrible criminals who were drawn by imagination. Persons are thin, suntanned, but with smiles of the people who did not lose human shape. Children there were more than eighty, they lay on wooden plank beds, without blankets, mattresses and pillows. Held everyone whom for right and whom for the left leg the long chain cobra similar to what was used by police officers drones in a furgonchik. But the hot tropical city, alas remained in the past. Now it was cool, through a dense lattice of a window in curve thorns cold wind rushed.
  Artem became puzzled. He is generally not a cool boy, and did not draw in imagination as will behave having appeared behind bars. No, of course, korefana told, and often absolutely opposite about prison young child. That representing this place similar to a terrible scorching heat where the terrible lawlessness or on the contrary children's sanatorium where the real raspberry and is far more interesting and more free, than at tiresome school reigns. But here that on sanatorium precisely not probably and, probably, is worse than a real jail. Artyom, being annoyed with itself that did not find time to find out about, properly to greet entering a chamber, not absolutely successfully bryaknut:
  - Hello children! I came with good.
  The senior on a chamber, the most tall and large boy rose by a meeting. The long chain was dragged behind it tinkling, about a marble tile, and the kingpin, was growth approximately from Artyom, and is much thinner. Except camp number, it had no headdresses from what similarity to the robber did not roll. So, Artyom, having proportioned forces calmed down. And that cheerfully asked:
  - And you Kent it is healthy! For what you?
  - I do not know! - Artem answered sincerely though he guessed that he was taken most likely for the spy. And this guy that brought him with a superlight speed, on the planet torture chamber. Get it only!
  Looking on a chamber indulgently noticed:
  - Almost all do not know for what they sit. Conditions at us severe, we have to live in peace and friendship, without informing and, without handing over each other. Remember to informers death.
  - And I and never, was the six! - Truthfully Artyom answered.
  - Correctly, remember some rules.
  The boy receded on a step and began to list.
  - In a parasha not to celebrate need. - He pointed a finger at a trough. - For this purpose there is a special hole.
  - Where? - Artem looked back.
  - When we are driven for work, and it will be at dawn and till late evening, we will build dachas to generals. There on the way of near prison is also a hole with soft burdocks. There also you will celebrate need. And here it is not necessary to cut the cheese. The second if there are grocery transfers, they are formally forbidden, but for a bribe at us variously, will share with all.
  The third not to shirk work also without the serious reasons not to fight. And that all will fly. - The boy slave continued to bend fingers. -
  And, at last, fourthly, do not try to run away. All chamber will severely punish for it. If your parents are not arrested, let will bribe, then can, will facilitate conditions of keeping, will give us blankets.
  - And how many it is necessary to pay? - Artyom thought here that it from Earth all the same will not reach.
  The kingpin vaguely said:
  - It is a lot of - politsa are greedy!
  Artyom began to tremble, his parents not billionaires, so they will not pay off a century.
  - Yes you I see, absolutely shivered, it at you nervous.
  The boy elder looked more attentively at Artem. Paid attention to a beating and cones, skin, red from steam.
  - Here is how you were fulfilled. Apparently, you political, time so scoff at you. All right, lie down with us, tomorrow you will have an unlucky day, and have a little a sleep. Young "kingpin", slightly receded, having made invitation gesture.
  - We will be familiar, my name is to Gardens.
  - And me Artyom.
  - Good name. - He paid attention to relief bicepses. - You play sports?
  - Body building and wushu fight.
  The boy elder agreed:
  - Wushu fight is not bad for a fight.
  Artyom modestly noticed:
  - I did not seize it in perfection yet. And we it is a style rather as gymnastics!
  To gardens indulgently grinned:
  - Anything, here all mediocre fighters! But if that, we will punish together extremists and those who offend small.
  - Zametano! - Artyom quite agreed with similar idea.
  Boys hit on hands. Then Artyom climbed on plank beds, boys nestled shoulders, bunched. As it became so warmer, Artem chose a comfortable position, and having drawn in cold legs, tried to fall asleep. Though the shaven head also ached with experiences, and bones ached from a beating, the burned brand scratched, the healthy children's organism was stronger. Dreams were fragmentary and disturbing, it was not succeeded to sleep. At dawn they were woken by a siren. Doors of a chamber revealed and drove them for work. However, at first allowed to rinse slightly hands and took away for breakfast. Fed not really, a piece of cabbage in krapivny swill and bread. Probably only that did not starve to death. Then they were constructed in columns on hundred people and driven for works. Fervently winked at gardens and ambiguously said:
  - If you well stick, will give the additional soldering.
  Artem sighed if the chief of so thin chamber, what to speak about the others. It is especially a pity for those who are younger than you. Against small thin bodies of their head seem big, they look is deplorable: sad and exhausted.
  Here they were chained by a hand a chain and, forcing to measure out the pace, the escort developed on the asphalt road. Naturally with the song eulogizing wisdom of the great ultraemperor Dzhabba ibn Trup (Yes that he also actually died!). On each side, rattling heavy boots, supervisors drones marched, between it boars bulldogs ran. Still darkly and a way light small lamps. It was cold, rain expected to fall, and it was necessary to splash bare feet on ice cold pools, spraying ice splashes. It is good still that thanks to two sun the climate is softer, snow and frosts does not happen. By there passed the column, same as they the torn-off barefoot little girls, they were taken aside probably too on a hard work. Poor little girls were closely cropped and were hit on backs not less boys.
  Artem shouted him.
  - Stick to the beauty! - And right there was hit at first a bludgeon, and then and a lash on a back.
  Nearly having fallen, it kept and continued the way skorbeya. Though they were actively adjusted and the cold bit for naked heels, there were long, nearly two hours. If to consider that foot were beaten off by bludgeons, then it is big loading. And the throat became hoarse from constantly shouting songs. And in such tired state boards forced to carry and strugat them, to knead concrete, to spread a laying. Because of clouds came up one purple-red star, then other, absolutely small cornflower-blue-violet. It became warmer, birds started singing, one of them similar to a camomile flower took seat on an edge of the crane, and began the hysterical song. At Artyom the back for want of habit ached, and it seemed to it that it just about will lose forces.
  But the second wind opened, it became easier and work flew more cheerfully. Boys were tried to be alternated, after a ten-minute lunch break where they were given such dry crusts of bread that it was necessary to throw "food" in water, them traded places. To Artyom got to knead concrete, very heavy and tedious task. If before it on hands had callosities from weights and a dumbbell, appeared from a shovel now. Having properly kneaded substance, he accurately put it on bricks. Others spread a wall. Dachas at general bees of state security, or planetary danger to all live - impressive, in three, four floors, on it it is necessary to work much. Crimson "sun" hid for the horizon, but a violet disk as does not want to leave though its light is dim. Children so were tired that they already hardly move, even lashes do not help. At last the signal a release sounds and they are driven back. At this moment the prison barrack seems a home, and rigid plank beds a feather-bed.
  - And you are a good fellow. - To gardens friendly tapped on the shoulder. - Sustained the first step with advantage. And many beginners became limp.
  Artyom, limping and being unsteady for fatigue, modestly answered:
  - I also on a limit, still it is necessary to reach "hut".
  - Well, we will make it, a habit the second nature. - Scratched and wet winked at gardens itself.
  Children prisoners added to a step. In a back wind blew, accelerating the movement. One is only bad, again supervisors force to sing. Dzhabba which is already covered with warts is hated, and here he wants to gnaw through a throat teeth.
  - Nothing suffer, the main thing it is survived differently us will hammer. - Encouraged to Gardens.
  Suffer! Such burning word. And if there are neither forces, nor desire, to take down humiliation.
  Already in the distance gate of prison seemed. At this moment they are met by cheerful laughter and whistle.
  - You look, "hedgehogs" are conducted.
  Holiday and children of rich bees lingered on streets longer, celebrating a new cycle of a pulsar. Elegant, in beautiful clothes with wings they favourably differ from poor prisoners. Empty bottles fly to prisoners, shoot from crackers and fires of petards. Artyom unpleasantly burn sparks, it wants to move and rush on the offenders, but stirs a chain.
  Protection laughs and even encourages masked bees on unscrupulous tricks. So half of hour proceeds.
  - Hey you, tramps! Try to catch up with us.
  Running up and choosing kids - it is so safer, they are beaten with boots or try to crush a heel fingers of bare feet.
  Artem caught the moment and dexterously cut to one fat boy bee the scratched leg under the fat back.
  That flew up and began to squeal a pig. The others in reply started several tens full lemonade and beer of bottles. One hit Artyom the head, another beat a knee. The boy intercepted on the fly "shell" and precisely sent to a kettle. Hit and "barin's son" is prostrate.
  Protection understood that it goes too far, interfered. Vigorously, but accurately driving away one children bees and brutally beating other human. Got also to Artyom, to it nearly broke ribs, and on the bald head new cones were again blown up. Then they were lifted and driven in a chamber, continuing to kick on the road.
  Artyom reached plank beds slightly live, this time to them did not even allow to have supper. Having tumbled down, it, as well as most of children fell asleep at once.
  . HEAD NO. 6
  On the soldier in a white raincoat and with gold spurs standing, horned creatures snatched. And the young warrior battled against a sword and a pole-axe. Attacked the devil a trident and moved horned a pole-axe edge in trellised rods of a casemate. And dirty began to let out wild cries.
  The girl Bulgakov stiffened over the raging lava. It seems that devils capitally became puzzled, strive to take away the victim from under a nose. The young man attacking demons dumped in blow of a leg of one more devil from a parapet and horned by inertia flew in the slightly opened boiler cover. Inhuman squeal reached when the fair-haired soldier split with a sword a head with three horns. The jaw at the devil dropped out and began to jump on stones.
  Bulgakov, whose sight in a young, sound female body found sharpness, despite flickering patches of light from a flame, several multi-colored moon flickering behind windows, made out an unusual shape of ears of this soldier. They reminded the butonchik of graceful roses cut lengthways and it distinguished it from a usual human type. And so it was very beautiful, and even, to some extent, sverkhchelovechesk ... Perhaps as angel?
  Bulgakov hanged, holding barefoot, graceful maiden fingers, steel brackets. Devils rushed on the impudent warrior, trying to take number. But the dexterous young man moved quicker and, constantly, jumped from one cover of a copper on another. The direct shot a sock of a boot and a chertyag flies head over heels, flop in the lava prepared for sinners. And the soldier, having untwisted the pole-axe which is cutting off horns, sings:
  - The new way to us is lit up by dream! Beauty will reign in the world let!
  And as sadant, to the demon trying podkrastis from the back, in an eye. Togo at first rejected, and then as will jerk.
  Bulgakov whispered:
  - This, hero!
  The young man broke to a copper where were going to fry the little girl. But at the crucial moment, as always, the main character meets crown difficulty. Dexterous, with five horns and two curve sabers, the demon jumped out towards to the youth. And they were linked, blows of blades, and to improbability abundance of the sparks which are beaten out by steel (?).
  The opponent of the young soldier is very skillful, quickly and is dangerous. And other devils are not going to follow rules of a fair play at all. All strive to get a trident and to set to a back. The young man demolished to one more such impudent person the head, but also itself missed crushing by a trident in a leg. Scarlet blood acted and he frowned from pain. Bulgakov, seeing it, nearly fell down to the abyss with magma. And it can ... The hope for rescue was lit at the very end of the tunnel ... Hell - as everything can render to literal!
  The young man, hardly managed to strike away blows of a demon who suddenly had six hands. Attack was resumed under other corner. And devils pressed. The young rescuer received blow a trident sideways, earlier punched boot fell down from a leg. It had to recede, and his heel got into the flame which is beaten out from under a lattice. The young man sighed and recoiled. Having dexterously beaten off lightning attack, a direct shot of a sword cut a brush, to the flying-up demon .... That cried from terrible pain and, suddenly, snatched on the fallen boot, began to tear it teeth.
  The young soldier departed to a window, main of demons with six hands, too is strong, and to battle in one boot against a spur, extremely inconveniently. Then it, suddenly threw off the remained boot, having aimed a spur in a stomach to a shestiruky demon. That parried a throw, but its blade, at the same time, deviated protection, and the sword of the young man cut down one of six extremities of an infernal creature.
  Then, the young rescuer landed on a lattice. Absolutely still young, barefoot, white-headed, with a wound in a side, with a rassecheny leg and couple of deep scratches on a breast, against the whole group of impious. The flame under a lattice began to escape even more actively, literally opaly heels to the guy. But that, appear, only received additional incentive and the movements became even prompter. It threw off from itself(himself) a raincoat and a shirt, and now went to attack with a naked torso. It was not massive at all, but the relief of muscles fluctuated as if ripples on water. And here one more hand is cut down at the main devil, and the accomplice's head, having got to a flame, instantly lit up.
  Wool when burning allocated the smell similar to fake, rubber tires, and subfrying of a boar.
  And the young man, having cut down the third hand, very much dexterously set a shin of the attacking devil, that blow was developed and thrust a horn in a stomach of the colleague, and that, in turn, slashed the workmate in a groin with a trident. Dexterous blows ...
  But here and the soldier was hit on a breast an edge, slightly burned wound appeared on two guards. But here the guy jumps back, is overwound, curving a torso a wheel ... As dexterously its swords carried out a double mill, and at once four heads of devils flew with wide, as at gorillas of shoulders.
  The main demon who lost a half of hands in rage, and to him as to the fast and dexterous, nevertheless it is possible to scratch the opponent between sharp shovels. Again the strip with a thin red stream zaalet. In reply, the young man carried out a revolving object, having dumped three devils in a copper, and so set the main demon a heel to a stomach that that flew a back on the workmate's trident. Again the hysterical roar and the desperate attack costing the fourth hand, and loss still of the right canine well carried out the soldier blow by an elbow.
  The main demon proorat:
  - At, the Satan!
  The young man with laughter answered:
  - And what you wanted from the Devil?!
  And right there started barefoot fingers a piece of the handle which is broken off from a copper. The senior devil did not manage to strike away blow and for a moment went blind ... The prompt sword cut, to the chief of infernal shop, the head from a bull neck. It flew up as a ball, and jerked the lethal grenade. The whole rack of devils was filled up, and was scattered. But also brought down the soldier on a back, having forced to scroll a fivefold somersault. But it at once jumped, upershis heels and as if the cheetah, rushed to a copper where in maiden shape Bulgakov still hung.
  Two devils, that watched great for, appeared in an underworld, the writer rushed to him on a meeting ... Reception "butterfly", and one demon cut off the jingling saw in half, and another, already by tradition, lost the head. Then, the young man appeared near the little girl, and without asking permission, picked up her for a harmonous waist, having charged a shoulder.
  Bulgakov sighed, it is not so pleasant to lie a stomach, on not a wide, but brawny shoulder, even in a press sharp pricks. Especially the young man as if did not feel on himself the girl's weight that is higher than it growth on the head, and it is obvious heavier. Runs as if with light baggage and jumps, crossing a flame. But here before it as if from air there is the most real dvenadtsatiglavy dragon. At its emergence, even the part of a wall fell off. And from gate devils, and even what beings who are looking like bears with canines sabers rushed again and ... Firearms!
  The soldier gave a whistle:
  - This is already serious!
  The girl lying at it on a shoulder felt how up to her breast blood of the wounded guy flows down. A scarlet dewdrop on a ruby nipple. And it it became terrible. Her this young man or, can him, the last hope ... And dragon, sizes as ancient three-storyed house, each mouth of meters ten length ... Oho, already and the flame begins to be thrown up from a throat. And from a lattice as will fire. Bulgakov involuntarily screamed, burns on heels, anklebones languages of an underworld leave the presents. And pain real, there is a wish to shout and climb deafeningly from this pain on a wall. Who burned at least once about a plate, it will understand, only the flame here much higher and is hotter.
  Well, and what to the young man to stand barefoot on fire ... and to smile. Here he crossed both swords ... Bulgakov whispered:
  - Epic fight with Zmey Gorynych will now be started ...
  There was what in any case, well familiar with folklore, Bulgakov did not expect in any way. The huge dragon suddenly lost accurate contours, and suddenly on his place thousands, the sparkling all flowers of a rainbow, bubbles rose in the sky. They huge and transparent, and in each of them violently kicked and writhed now, demons, devils and saber-toothed bears with long guns and six-barreled manual guns. And near a wall seemed ... Almost most ordinary Puss in Boots. White color, with a thin, humanoid figure, and the gun, with elaborate, in the form of a flower loud-hailer a trunk, in the right hand. Well in left, the arms are more clear, a sword with the hilt which is laid out by large rubies.
  The young man with a smile noticed:
  - You, "Tiger", as always, in time!
  Kot blonde in boots from perfect morocco decorated with spurs, gold with emeralds and sapphires, loudly cried out:
  - Your highness, a cat walks in itself, and the cat prirulivat only in time!
  During an exchange of courtesies, the young man with the girl on a shoulder jumped out of a scorching heat. There they were already waited by a pack from under cigarettes from the half-naked, suntanned and graceful and brawny girl represented on it in blow of the leg breaking a black swastika against a white circle and a red cloth. As Bulgakov was not shocked, but considered that it looks like a flag of Hitlerite Germany. The country which was an unarmed dwarf several years ago, and bends under itself Europe now, threatening to be splashed out over time and to the USSR!
  Pack, it is similar instead of a flying carpet here, but already a matter of taste who on what flies. And to get down from a rigid shoulder and it is much more pleasant to lay down a back on a glossy, paper surface, than to dance on fire. The back, fortunately, was almost not singed, but here barefoot soles became covered by the whole scattering of large and small blisters, got also to calves a little, honor reddenings to hips. And on fingers of hands several small, but unpleasant burns. Bulgakov even lifted up above a leg somehow to suppress to a painful zudenia and to force to rush back blood. The young man, having folded the raincoat and boots with diamond spurs which it is unclear when he managed to pick up, turned in the little girl. His face, beautiful, but still young and not quite issued, expressed pleasure though it was covered with wounds and burned far stronger, than the imaginary girl rescued by it. Though, of course, the knight won and rescued the strange beauty. By the voice full of tenderness, he said:
  - The first good news, we survived and came off prosecution ...
  Kot blonde, on it gloomy noticed:
  - And the second news bad, effect of a puzyryaniye will come to an end soon, and the dragon will recover again and your highness will rush for us!
  - Let us, at first, will find! - Carelessly the prince threw. He looked on lying, thrown, at fairly burned legs up, the girl, on her turned pale person, on convulsively twitching fingers of hands and legs, a crack in which it is full of sympathy and love, said:
  - You it is visible got a fright, the poor thing ...
  The young man carefully took in the palm her leg, really, to a napodoshva there was no live place, skin rather thin, not coarsened as if at the notable person though in general, the girl rather sports. Here and now, does the bicycle, trying to escape. Quietly groans:
  - I do not want to hell! I do not want in a scorching heat!
  The guy, with not absolutely clear cheerfulness, winked at it:
  - So we already in an underworld ... In the place where the Satan over souls of not rescued people dominates.
  Bulgakov shuddered, but quiet and even cheerful tone of the interlocutor calmed him. It is valid, not everything is so bad also in a scorching heat, it is possible to fight and to reprimand devils. Even the itch in extremities became weaker and it tried to rise. Here the young man put on a shoulder to the girl a hand and by a quiet voice reported:
  - The dragon by all means will find us, and the following time it is so easy not to cope with it, you understand?
  The girl leaned on hands not to fall, but again zanyl the burned palms, and Bulgakov just nodded. And the prince continued with very lovely smile:
  - We should not fight with a dragon weakened and covered with wounds. We need to be fresh and full of strength, you agree?
  The girl pale lips whispered:
  - Yes. Yes ...
  The prince continued, having strengthened a tonality:
  - And in hell cures love, only the love or Lucifer cures at once! You understand?
  And his hands laid down on a breast of the girl and began to mass them. Bulgakov though found the woman's flesh, began to be discharged desperately ... And to mutter:
  - No, so it is impossible!
  - It why? - The young man pretended that he was surprised.
  The girl bryaknut first come to mind:
  - You are still a child, it is too small for this purpose!
  In reply snicker:
  - Nonsenses! I am a prince of princes elves and am more senior than the cracked terrestrial mountains and hell!
  Bulgakov after these words felt only the growing fear though the treacherous body and was excited from similar touches, everything seemed pleasant, even the honey smell proceeding from the young youth aksakal. Then the writer, not in forces to oppose moaned:
  - But I am a man, so it is impossible!
  The prince, on it already with cold in a voice, answered:
  - You died! At the same time both flesh, and a man's Ego died! And smothering it is the spirit which does not have bones and flesh. Soul not the man and not woman, as by the way and angels! Therefore time your spirit in a female body - you are a girl, and be installed in a demon, and a devil horned you will be ...
  The voluptuous wave and scarlet nipples foully again rolled on the girl hardened, and the velvet grotto of Venus was humidified. And here it became so good, so excellent, so fine, more than ever in life. Two bodies smoothly, and at the same time are prompt, merged in a single whole. Billions of stars at the same time dispersed dazzling flashes, each cell of a body was overflowed by ecstasy and volcanoes of all continents of millions of worlds were cast out.
  What was tested by the girl cannot be described, the tornado which involved in herself myriads of galaxies is similar. Thousand geysers from under ice, only a mote in the ocean of the cascade of orgasms.
  The girl Bulgakov remained to lie dumbfounded, it is impossible neither to describe it, nor to worry for the second time. But the prince of princes did not allow it to lie and almost roughly lifted the beauty for hair:
  - Will be enough, the Dragon flies up!
  And the cat blonde added:
  - Now you as newcomers so - that ...
  The young man sang:
  - Do not long and forgive him for the sake of your name-day!
  Bulgakov was stirred up, all scum and fatigue, and also a shock from occupation by love with the supernatural prince, at once disappeared. And the body zaklokotat by force as if the powerful engine, or the jet fighter. The writer who was ill much in recent years and was sick as a dog as if drank now the ocean of water of life. The body, though maiden, became where atletichny more widely in shoulders, under suntanned skin balls of flexible and at the same time rigid muscles were rolled. All scars and burns completely disappeared, and now and the soul was eager for a fight and feats. Bulgakov with delight answered:
  - Yes I do not recognize myself! In youth there was no so much force in me!
  The prince cheerfully noticed:
  - And you became limp ... Thought that hell it is bad ... I saw your thoughts: oh my God I suffered in that life so much. I do not ask paradise, give me rest!
  Bulgakov ingeniously noticed:
  - You are familiar with "Masterom and Margarita" too?
  The prince kept silent, and instead of him the cat blonde inserted the contribution:
  - Who in hell does not know the work devoted Great to the master. Especially, you precisely noticed, sinners in hell are forgiven only by the Satan ... There is its Omnipotence!
  Bulgakov after these words shrank, suddenly again felt bashfulness, here so to stand naked before ... men? Or someone more abruptly!? Thought that it in hell, became unpleasant again. Though on the other hand, the energy pulsing in a body also suppressed fear, gave rise to confidence. Really, when the person wants rest? When it has a feeling sick and a physical infirmity. The healthy child will not begin to sit in place, he wants to move. Yes teenager too ... In it energy and hormones play, and you seem to yourself almost all-powerful, or in any case - is cleverer and stronger than the parents. But the helpless body discourages to the movement, to changes. The person grows decrepit not only a body, but also reason, and emotions. Or, on the contrary, the old man who kept excellent physical shape can go hiking. On the mountain, on a horse, on the woman or it is even better to stars!
  Such dual situation: to leave painful life to hell and there, along with pain, to learn earlier not seen, such as it is impossible to present pleasure from love and feeling of force!
  Appearance of already familiar dvenadtsatiglavy dragon, interrupted, ready to be let in long antimoniya of thought. You, after all always you, let and with other flesh. And if flesh is far better former, then you are you, but already in a square, and it is even better cubed!
  Bulgakov did not manage to notice from where the youth elf had one more sword as the weapon itself slipped to it in hands. The handle conveniently laid down in a palm and was pleasantly warm to the touch. Bulgakov held swords only few times, visiting the museums. There they seemed to it heavy and to admit honestly, hardly he could fight them, or even to strike couple of direct shots. Right there the sword appeared much more knightly, almost two-meter, poured in all flowers of a rainbow, on light of seven moon (at last it counted them!), but at the same time, seemed almost weightless. Roofing felts material easy, roofing felts the maid after love with the prince from princes became too healthy. In any case the sword gave confidence, and desire to fight, contrary to education overflowed Bulgakov. Nevertheless it squeezed out from itself(himself):
  - I do not own receptions ... Also I cannot kill!
  The prince with laughter answered:
  - To kill? Yes here already all dead! That it is necessary to get to die here!
  Kot blonde squeaky noticed:
  - People are afraid of death and hell, but the real life only begins in an underworld ... Or can be after all Viriya?
  The prince instead of the answer ordered:
  - On a dragon the pla rocket!
  The tissue box revealed. The fancy cigarette with a swastika on the end directed to a monster. Small wings helped a cigarette to dissect the atmosphere of an underworld, air gleamed on a tail a little. Bulgakov was surprised to such attack:
  - These are rockets?
  Kot blonde made a purring sound:
  - But we do rockets and blocked Yenisei! And in the field of the ballet - we ahead of the Universe of all!
  The prince indulgently explained:
  - How many people prematurely lose flesh and got here, thanks to a cigarette? This killer lethal!
  The cat added:
  - And the swastika will become still uboyny!
  Attempt of a dragon to leave, having applied reception of a flank, failed, the cigarette was quicker! The paunch of a dragon vzbychitsya and began to bulk up a bubble. And the monster began to cough, at first slowly, then accelerating and already otrygivy blood. And the prince, looking at it, roughly stuck Bulgakov into a brawny shoulder:
  - Here to what conducts smoking ... And the poet Bezdomny loved "Our brand"! What you teach children the monster to!
  Bulgakov receded and. clumsily trying to cover with a sword nakedness, bellowed in reply:
  - It is told by you, to Voploshchenye of a sin and arrogance!
  At a cat the mood obviously deteriorated and he peeped:
  - There now, a secret is revealed - it is poison!
  The prince nodded to Bulgakov:
  - You want to test for the first time in life as the real man feels ... Run for me!
  The young man rushed in fight in one short trousers of jeans type, but air on which he went, was given by a roar. Of course, here so to take up the atmosphere when below the storm and worries the sea with waves such shades as the pool gleams if in it to spill gasoline, courage is necessary. It could not but be remembered how Jesus in real the Gospel walked on water. And Pyotr followed him too ... Did not doubt yet. But nevertheless water is represented more material substance, than air, and Jesus is more reliable ... This prince is also Voland or Mephistopheles? Bulgakov began to hesitate: really the Satan is able to afford to look so lightly? Though is not present, Lucifer is able to afford everything, and concept of solid appearance purely human. And if to remember ... Bulgakov felt with is inexpressible sharpness of reminiscence of Eros lessons with the prince of princes ... Even strong legs gave away, and in the head orchestras played. No, it is valid God of this century! And if you want?
  Kot blonde, with a force, unexpected for such thin sharp-clawed paw, picked up Bulgakov and entrained. The girl felt in air a support and deaf knock as if she splashed the weight on plywood. The cat moved much more silently. The playful warrior with a tail, prompted:
  - Who not with me, that against us!
  Bulgakov it is lost murmured:
  - And if I do not want?
  The cat witty noticed:
  - In hell all do not want, but only units can taste desire of a devil opportunity!
  The girl darted a glance down. There the youth elf already battled against the vile creatures jumping by air. Some it were unsightly ghouls and marsh frights, terrible, ugly and with very curve blades. And the dragon, probably exhausted already and blown off as if was only the inflatable model dashingly punctured with a spoke!
  Bulgakova suddenly overflowed a wave of ardent desire to finish with this ugliness. To clean this nasty thing from a face of hell and ... Itself or itself accelerated, rushing to a fight scorching heat.
  Kot blonde philosophically noticed:
  - Predictable reaction ... Even Lev Tolstoy and that undertook a sabelka .... At ours, equipment!
  The first ghoul, under blow of a sword of the maiden, let out the dust cloud smelling of bitterness. Blood dark blue also smells of acetone - brr! In total in hell as on Earth is, just, more wonderful!
  The body though new, but obeys ideally. It is visible it is prepared for a fight. Trained a body or its soul moved in some heroine? But here when the new vampire fell, his body after defeat burned down. As the body itself worked, so perfectly it was trained, Bulgakov could think a little. Especially the theatricality of freaks, deprived fascination fight.
  Whether this barefoot prince so is a Satan? Of course, he rescued it from an infernal flame or more precisely than a lava. But it is interesting, here so heroically to rescue the little girl - the classic of theater. Bulgakov too much studied various literature before to begin to write the great novel. And after the beginning of work, re-read a lot of things and looked for additional sources of knowledge - a dark side of force. Well and of course, it was necessary to consider purely human limitation of knowledge, especially in this sphere.
  The Lucifer according to the Bible, a mighty angel, the Son Zari spread the cherub. However, on the fact that It the strongest of angels, the direct instruction is not present. Anyway the Bible learns, the Satan was not created angry, and in his heart lawlessness arose. In any case the great angel was not the embodiment of the evil and nasty thing, and rose in opposition to God rather. Type as the satrap rises against the monarch. At the same time the clever person will not speak: the satrap rebellious - the evil embodiment, and the monarch, is the highest good? In any case Bulgakov believed that concept of the good and evil are relative. Also did not consider that if against God, that is this absolute and total evil. Though knew that many religious faiths understand quite so: God Absolyutno Dobro, and Lucifer Absolute evil!
  Bulgakov as the creative person moreover under the influence of aggressively Bolshevist atheism, believed differently. He looked at it so: resist among themselves the vizier and the shah. Both have the arguments and trumps. And both can be mistaken in single questions. On this it is impossible to draw Lucifer one paint: as black and white. Here and now: cruelly of course, to roast heels even if and not absolutely the. But for it you already felt sound happiness!
  And on Earth? Life - how many he suffered, and morally and physically and the main thing as long and without hope! Here involuntarily you think, and hell that is better ... Here now, muscles are so joyfully filled with pleasure of the striking process. You cut, something extremely vile that and it is not a pity for and the movements give joy! As if honey flows on veins - but not those dreadful months when Bulgakov was a cripple and each movement hurt.
  And it is valid if the person suffers so much during lifetime, there is no desire to idealize God. Friedrich Nizze about it wrote: if the Almighty God is - that his management reminds mix of pleasure and a sadism. But the highest personality cannot possess such qualities: therefore God does not exist!
  Well of course, any priest will tell that a conclusion to Nice too hasty. In particular, there is Mephistopheles's identity who generated the evil and sufferings. But besides, if Lucifer creation then to write off for it all evil it most too that ... Well such analogy: the owner turned a stick, beat by this stick the careless slave, and then speaks: the evil from a stick, but not from the owner!
  The cat willingly prompted, disproved judgment more precisely:
  - The Satan of people does not beat! He loves you!
  Bulgakov was frightened - read his mind, and the cat continued:
  - Who whom loves, that also chubit that!
  It is already more ridiculous. And the prince-elf ordered:
  - Now we pass to a litany of daggers!
  And at his legs as if on wave of a magic wand, daggers, very sharp and with plentifully decorated handles began to appear. Having picked up daggers barefoot fingers, the prince dexterously threw them in ghouls and vampires. Also promptly, as if mushrooms after a rain, grew daggers and at the little girl's legs. And Bulgakov did not even include will in process: barefoot maiden fingers picked up the weapon and threw it in the coming nasty thing. At hit ghouls, literally without exaggerations, exploded. The girl roared with laughter: touches of handles of daggers were related to something velvet and at the same time live, sensual. And in general the female body is far more sensitive than man's. In it so erogenous zones that admiration is caused even getting on a breast, a stomach and hips of a droplet of blood, from the struck ghouls and vampires.
  Sin - it is attractive - hell shakes morals bases!
  What was immoral is authorized now! Metamorphoses .... Bulgakov began to fight is more comprehended though the reason and did not divide carnal triumph. But it was necessary to evade for example from the ghoul and to zhakhnut him a leg in a jaw ...
  But probably and the prince of elves was bothered by a similar slaughter with a primitive ... And in his hands there was a ten-barreled unit, like a mortar, and he pressed triggers. Ognezarny spittles fell down, and at once hundreds of vampires lit up as if candles for Christmas ... Christmas in an underworld?
  Brands fell, and hot ashes poured. The girl warrior came on burning ugolya. The elastic sole felt only pleasant heat, slightly heating. The girl in whose body there was Bulgakov smeared coals more feasibly that though to feel a little a tickling. Also began to smile ... Having stopped and looking as the devilish army burns down, noted:
  - War it is cheerful - through tears! But without watering by tears not to reap a pleasure crop, and without irrigation then, monasteries of success do not grow!
  Kot blonde having fired from the gun too, and breaking off in a lot of ghouls noticed:
  - Already reminds aphorisms of great writers .... - And cunning smile. - Admit, in hell it is more interesting, than you represented?
  Bulgakov twisted lips:
  - There is too no scenario primitive here. The young man saving the girl from demons as it is worn out!
  The prince-elf turned back and specified:
  - Not absolutely so ... I think, on the earth nobody still to force down a dragon cigarettes did not guess?
  Bulgakov it is lost shrugged shoulders and safely answered:
  - It is a trifle when the cigarette gets to a dragon! The original plot is necessary ...
  The cat agreed with it:
  - And it is right, your highness, can be ...
  The elf turned and nodded to the friend:
  - Well if war with evil spirit, with use of a plazmomet, it is worn out though 1940 A.D. that just reigns ...
  The underworld landscape with seven moon, bedash, and a little different in a form, changed. And now they appeared all three in Moscow ... On Patriarchal ponds, in the hot summer day which however was already inclining to a decline.
  Bulgakov saw three figures, and they seemed to him painfully familiar ... The acute eyesight of the girl allowed to make out them from long distance. Of course, it and represented them: Voland - majestic, is even a little more senior by sight than in the book, and a little more heavy, though mobile. Berlioz, something imperceptibly looking like Lenin. To tell more precisely, very much even similar: a bald head, a high forehead, a vigorous manner to swing hands. However, this editor with erudition of professor without accent spoke and had the face to a post-ugly face which is smoothly shaved with tiny short moustaches. Poet Bezdomny: young, high, a sports view - it is possible to tell also beautiful. Only eyes too angry. In a face type of Bezdomny, something is it from the poster about the true Aryan. Teutonic lines, a fair hair at a short hairstyle. Yes, Bulgakov approximately so also represented him.
  Voland had as well as in the book: one eye green, another black, but eyebrows seemed equal, and the person is very similar to a physiognomy of the financial tycoon. Well Bulgakov could not present the lord of darkness in not the solid form. Though in the book a little on other was written. But all in the book as draws imagination. And, in further scenes Voland looks very solidly, and only his assistants fuss.
  And at present as the story or more precisely chapter 1 about Pontius Pilate comes to an end.
  Kot blonde pushed Bulgakov under an elbow:
  - Here they are your heroes .... Maybe you want to participate in show?
  Here the prince-elf tapped of the girl Bulgakov on the shoulder and offered:
  - Maybe you will change clothes and you povorkut with Voland?
  . HEAD NO. 7.
  Artem regained consciousness in a soft, fluffy bed, after a dream he felt fresh and vigorous. But the terrible dream (?) still flickered before eyes. Prison,
   strongly looking like Hitlerite concentration camp, the Real pain and quite real humiliation - all this looked so on the present. So distinctly ... Artyom reflex threw the right hand to hair. It as the criminal was shaved bare, under a nulevka. But is not present, light brilliant, soft a hair all on the place and is already time to have hair cut, and that became similar to the maid. Or can braid them in braids as black boxers like to do it.
  The personal room of the boy spacious and covered with various posters: fate and pop stars, body builders and girls different nakedness degree. Pair of new computers with big screens. If library from which everything is read, dozen and that fantastic contents of books ... And why something to read, even a fantasy if there is something more interesting on video. In the neighboring room several exercise machines there is also a bar with pancakes - the truth which is already covered with a dust layer ... Somehow laziness to be engaged, especially at school children do not offend, at a physical education class of forces is enough for the firm four ... Well, to put it briefly, not the poor at it parents. And the uncle Timoshishin is in general an academician and ... Can it is not so rich as his craftier younger brother.
  But seven-room, apart from three more halls, the apartment - empty. There is no everything on the place, but is empty in it as there is nobody and. Neither housemaids, nor the sister who already graduated from school and now looks for himself the millionaire guy on the Internet. Sits in it for hours ... But can already and found! And parents, are busy?
  Anyway it was already late for the first lesson, and even the playful thought appeared not to go to school at all. It already will hand over examinations, it is necessary only the chip necessary in a computer to put. For now to take and take a walk ...
  The city of Moscow became unusually silent, neither sounds, nor rustles, nor the movements. Artyom ran out, without waiting for the elevator on the street, and did not see anybody. It is absolutely empty though there is no car stand, but people near them ... Artyom stopped and is disturbing listened. Silence ... The silence is dead, frightening, neither insects, nor wind rustling ... Any life, only cars, equipment, children's toys, even pair of opened laptops.
  Artyom desperately knocked with a heel on asphalt. The sound was beaten out weak, hardly audible, and even air seemed dry, neither a smell, nor whiff now. The truth the sun the star is bright as at midday and it slightly calmed the boy. Artyom quietly muttered:
  - There is a devilry where all of them got to?
  The answer did not follow. Only in a throat became somehow the land, and paints around even added in brightness. The boy having stood a little, took to the heels. It rushed forward as if expecting to leave dead sector and at last to find people. Here so to quicken the pace ... Quicker! Quicker! Even quicker!
  Artyom at full blast proorat:
  - Whether there is, somebody there!
  Now, having returned to reality, it considerably lost that muscularity that at it appeared in a jail. Soon breath brought and the boy had to slow down though he went still quickly. Around there were same familiar modern houses, wide streets, even the prospectus, but all without people, without dogs, without any life! Such everything - not human!
  Artyom stopped and already wanted to start howling ... Even some movie was remembered, - the name took off from the head as the plane flew to the city without people and life. There in the past, and then there were toothy robots that to devour everything. And he will be seized now and devoured, torn to pieces and flattened out in stone mouths, sprayed on molecules ... And can still, something waits more terribly!
  As the old man spoke in this movie:
  - They already came and again will come ... As always come for those who is late in school (?)!
  Tears involuntarily swept on chubby, pink cheeks of the boy, and from a throat the cry already had to escape as suddenly he felt someone's gentle hand and a tender, female voice on a neck said:
  - Why such big boy cries!?
  Tears instantly dried at Artyom, and it looked back. Near it stood average height, the girl, with sparkling as gold leaf hair is floor heads higher than the boy. It was not simply beautiful, and is incredibly beautiful, on devilishly and is dazzling. Such perfection and at the same time aggressive charm that any Mrs. Vselennaya will lose prior to a competition. Beauty's attire: the sari embroidered with jewelry and, the hoops decorated with an ornament of a delicate work on wrists and anklebones. Legs in sandals, but so transparent and weightless that at first sight seem barefoot and defenseless. The beautiful girl with trained by the muscles which are not depriving of her feminity and appeal. The person angel, and eyes charm ...
  Artyom involuntarily receded, such beauty and expressiveness frightened rather, than brought the teenager. And the girl, smiled even more widely, tenderly continued:
  - Be not afraid of me ... Though, probably, there is nobody in the Universe of whom people would be afraid more me!
  Artyom from these words turned pale and stammering for fear asked:
  - You death!
  The girl, laughing, answered:
  - No! I am the real life! Life in all to completeness!
  Then the boy naive tone asked:
  - So why then to be afraid of you?
  The girl answered with indifferent tone:
  - Yes because people are always frightened perfect also that is better and kinder than them!
  Artyom agreed with it:
  - Yes ... The ideal frightens! But only not me!
  The girl began to smile and, already other tone, continued:
  - You got involved in a bad unpleasant incident. The planet Dzhabby Trupa - it is valid an underworld in space open spaces where good people do not get.
  Artyom, whose memoirs became much brighter, whined:
  - But there in prison children!
  The interlocutor on it noticed:
  - Spirit more initially than a body! And I can remind, in Hinduism the dead revive in bodies of babies. The child can even not remember the dreadful past, for the time being! And can ... - the Beauty finished with strict tone. - Anyway you in unbearable prison. In rigid reality which only you can change!
  Artyom not too trusted. He led round around itself(himself) a finger and asked:
  - And it? It is Moscow?
  The girl having shown answered:
  - It is a dream. In a dream you got to already nonexistent capital of Russia which in the past, and here remained only you yes I!
  Artyom, once again, looked back and shrank - when you one in the world it is terrible! Though the prospect of return to prison hell could not, please that is obvious also to a hedgehog. The boy asked with very shy hope:
  - How I can change there is a reality?
  The girl, already with a kind smile, prompted:
  - You should escape ... Then you will be able to deceive destiny!
  Artyom, judiciously, noticed:
  - But even from modern Russian prison it is extremely difficult to escape, and here prison with magic, or something other ...
  The little girl vociferously sang:
  - All impossible, perhaps I know precisely! To wallow in passion to the deviless in bonds strong!
  Artyom talk on the Satan irritated. But in this case it not in that situation to put forward claims. So, shy question:
  - Prompt, please, how to escape from prison?
  The little girl decided to give a catch nevertheless:
  - When you are left to spend the night on building, the chance will appear. Nevertheless there not prison with its fences and magic. And when you will run away, know, on it to the planet there are special portals from where it is possible to hit any nail of the Universe ... This universe of course!
  Important specification! The little boy was delighted:
  - So, there is a chance!
  - The chance is always! - The girl strictly sparkled eyes.
  The boy asked once again:
  - But how to find the place of a portal?
  The little girl already began to become angry:
  - You already have to find it. For now - good-bye!
  It lies on the rigid, badly pared down, but well polished boards again. Dreams this time, were practically not, it is how big, the collected fatigue.
  To only one Gardens was late and a sad look slid on plank beds.
  - Really here so it is necessary to toil all the eternity? It is worse than death, about forgive Allah!
  The boy dictator wiped with a fist the fresh filled cone. Then curled up and to sink into a sleep.
  Next day they were driven for work again. This time, seeking to finish somewhat quicker building, they were just chained for the night handcuffs to a chain and left to spend the night in a silage hole with warm manure. However, it differed from kamerye a little, and boys, accustomed to severe life, transferred also it.
  But in this case there was a chance predicted by the little girl. To gardens as the most senior, was chained together with Artyom. The boy not really believed that here the place or monastery of dictators. Ordinary children. Thin, exhausted, sinewy from a hard work. What in them from heads of states? And almost everything is by sight younger than Artyom. One only to Gardens can and was in antecedents a leader.
  In any case Andrey suggested it to run away together.
  Fair-haired and with not the so Arab face type the boy, with a chill in a voice noticed:
  - It far more difficultly than seems. Boars bulldogs can quickly track down us! And then expect cruel tortures!
  Artyom, instead of the answer, rubbed a nose. In a manure hole only one advantage, heat, but stinks. In a chamber is more cool, but it is rather pure. Time the truth cold and flies is few, but creep very elaborate type of a small insect. Of course, here probably cows or that that is a little other there. On the earth the smell of manure would be stronger and far more unpleasantly. But anyway, you lie in excrements and already it is excessively opposite. You try to find the place more chilly, or in general where the grass spesovatsya just. But chains disturb. Handcuffs and a long chain that to them it is attached.
  Artyom logically answered:
  - And unless, it is not torture!
  To gardens nodded a short-haired light hedgehog:
  - Torture! But happens worse!
  Artyom which peretruzhenny muscles strongly hurt doubted:
  - And what can be worse?
  After a pause, not though answered gardens:
  - Here it is heavy, but there is a food, a roof over the head and almost do not beat you when you work well. And if you run away ... and you will be caught, then will torture will not torture to death yet, and then, all most, work and a beating too!
  Artem was surprised:
  - There is no death?
  - There is no life! - Roughly and loudly answered Gardens. Several boys woke up They are frightened turned the heads, but having understood that it is only conversation, such as well as they boys - prisoners, calmed down. The fatigue quickly prevailed. Saadm offered too:
  - Let's sleep better, I, believe, already ran!
  Artyom the begging tone asked:
  - Then last question. You can be that to Gardens ... Hussein?
  Angrily shook boys a chain:
  - For the sake of Allah, keep silent, and any there are more questions!
  Artyom itself also was tired to death, and wanted to sleep very strongly. But though his workmate also did not give the answer to a direct question, but reaction said that it for ninety percent Hussein. Well, this type dissolving people in hydrochloric acid deserved it to itself the relation ... And it plunged vson.
  In general, whether it being possible to sleep in a kingdom of the dead, a question rhetorical. But dreams, in conditions when time goes on another, it is possible and not to see.
  The next day, seemed, it is even more difficult previous, in muscles lactic acid, and as result, the movements especially at first caused severe pain collected.
  But gradually the body was warmed, and sufferings became dull, the second wind opened again. And Artyom even began to consider how to run away. In particular, the chain can be cut. Even, perhaps, usual thread. Though if the steel tempered, then a thread itself will be erased. Still it is possible to rub a link about a link. And it looks where is more perspective - though demands time. Anyway Artem understood that even the initial stage of escape will be difficult. And further, to look for a transfer portal. Only as? It is necessary to ask Sadam.
  The boy leader, when they laid down, at once closed eyes, showing that he does not want talk on any subjects. But Artyom, brought closer the lips to his ear, nevertheless whispered:
  - You know something of portals?
  To gardens opened eyes, even shuddered a little and quietly answered:
  - Yes ... But it will not help us!
  Artem was delighted and insisted:
  - And what, specifically, is known?
  Without excess enthusiasm, answered gardens:
  - There the robot sits. It has to ask a question which you have to answer. Then you will ask a question to the robot and if that is not able to answer, then it passes you and throws in any, at your desire, a point in the Universe!
  Artyom nearly shouted for pleasure, but in time restrained:
  - So same, fine!
  With doubt, answered gardens:
  - I so do not think. First, the question of the robot can be such that and the academician does not know the answer. Secondly, the robot is very clever. In the third that is essential, it is necessary to manage to reach portals.
  Artyom, with shy hope, asked:
  - So you know where they are?
  Answered gardens honestly:
  - Almost! In the highest and white rock of the planet. Only to it is far also pork bulldogs there, with a scent it is better than at a police dog, will pick up a trail and will surely catch us!
  Artem specified:
  - They can fly on the devices?
  To gardens according to nodded:
  - Of course, therefore it is not possible to leave!
  Artyom wearily said:
  - I will think over it tomorrow, tomorrow is a new day!
  This time he saw a dream. Such slow. As if it, scary tired, lies at the bottom of the boat, at the same time, having put the head on a bench. And the boat, without hurrying, floats on the river which coast are closed by fog. Artyom, even as if dozes in a dream. But here to it towards comes up pie. In it the natural Black with a long gray-haired beard and the head shaven bare sits. Itself almost stark naked, but is very densely covered with amulets. Having seen the boy in swimming trunks with half-closed eyes, the sorcerer asked:
  - You, hour, whether electee?
  Artyom opened eyes and ambiguously answered:
  - This is Harry Potter chosen ...
  The Black magician contemptuously sniffed:
  - I do not know it! - Also pointed a finger at a stomach of Artyom. - I know that you, the runaway convict!
  The boy it is frightened jumped on legs and shouted:
  - Lie! I did not manage to run away yet!
  The sorcerer giggled and skeptically asked:
  - Was not in time, you speak?
  Artem confirmed:
  - Yes, was not in time, it is only my dream!
  The magician contemptuously grinned:
  - Or perhaps on the contrary, reality here, and there, only nightmares?
  Artyom itself also was glad to believe in it, but vigorously rolled up the head:
  - No! I already five times pinched myself, even bruise developed!
  The sorcerer softened a little and noticed:
  - You, just, want to run away from the planet Dzhabba Trupa? It is laudable!
  Artyom with the thawing hope asked:
  - You can help me?
  The Black magician logically noticed:
  - Help free of charge is not given. It is necessary to pay for everything also my first question: what I from it will have?
  The question, and really, nonplused the boy. What the poor convict can promise the sorcerer. The moon from the sky? Or ...
  Artyom just answered:
  - Anything!
  The black old man, on it, roughly answered:
  - And take it nothing to yourself in hand and drank too much to them of a chain, chop protection and then you will find freedom!
  The boy, sat down on an edge of the boat and, having regained self-control, noticed:
  - But it is really very difficult to escape from the real prison ... You know ...
  The Black, instead of the answer, began to blur so far did not disappear at all ... And Artyom laid down on a bottom of the boat again and really dozed off in a dream.
  Next day all bones hurt and painfully each muscle ached. It was necessary, having gritted teeth, to overcome pain, expecting when having warmed muscles will force to recede it boiled water. Especially, to them with Sadam as the most senior, charged the most hard and hard works. Here, for example, to drag a basket with bricks, or, the stretcher loaded with concrete, on the most top floors of buildings under construction. Here both giving generals and still some new buildings. And all somehow archaically.
  The thought how to cut a chain, was one so far: one link to rub about another or, to use a sandpaper. Yes, sometimes, here sawed iron on beams. The truth at the same time, the supervisor drone or craftier bee always stood nearby. And they watched children. And such work was performed not often.
  Supervisors bees in general impudent: nearly each hour, searching, feel boys moreover getting paws in gloves into trousers. Look for whether you carried away something, did not steal. As it became clear, not absolutely in vain. One of children had a file, and he too carefully planed at night a link. But steel in a chain firm. these are not rails, and it is sawn extremely slowly. To gardens seeing these tortures as more skilled and in escapes and intrigues noticed:
  - From chains it is far simpler to get rid, eat a way!
  Artem began to smile and asked:
  - And how Sadamushka?
  The boy leader quietly answered:
  - The brush should grease with something very slippery, and then to pull sharply. It will be sick, but wrists have to jump out!
  Artyom, being annoyed with itself, knocked on a forehead:
  - Here I am an idiot! Well, in one movie it was! The cashier was chained a handcuff to the battery, and he oiled a hand ... Here I am a cudgel!
  To gardens ogorshit:
  - Oils do not give us, but ... If on that there is Allah's will, will manage to get solution and more slippery, than oil!
  Artyom did not keep and again repeated, earlier ignored question:
  - So you, really, that to Gardens Hussein what Kuwait took and fought with America?
  The boy shook a hedgehog of hair and quite in Russian answered:
  - Curiosity killed the cat!
  Artyom it is sure declared:
  - In hell do not grow old!
  To gardens rubbed a leg about manure and logically noticed:
  - Here everything is possible ... Though Lucifer also does not love old men and old women ...
  Artyom bent forward. shook a chain iperesprosit:
  - Lucifer?! Here precisely its kingdom!
  To gardens with unexpected for thin, the truth of sinewy hands by force pushed away Artyom and rigidly declared:
  - Yes do not ask more ... Think. it is better how to deceive boars dogs!
  Artyom, on it, neuverensho offered:
  - And can find a stream and, having passed on it, to bring down traces?
  Answered gardens:
  - I already tried ... Participates in their round-up too much, and they carefully check coast of streamlets. So if you leave, then the trail will be picked up anyway. They have a wide experience.
  Artyom then offered other plan:
  - It is necessary to hijack one of their flying cars!
  To gardens heaved a deep sigh:
  - It easier to say, than to make!
  Artyom, answered it:
  - But it is already real chance! They quickly fly and we can be in time to a portal!
  Answered gardens quite logically and judiciously:
  - It is necessary to have a sleep that then there were forces on escape!
  Artyom did not object to such arguments. And it is good after all that it is other world. It is unlikely in manure of the real terrestrial cows, it would be possible to feel so comfortably.
  Next day muscles of course hurt, but already properly. Paint before eyes does not grow dull and the nape does not blow up. By the way, surprisingly, even krapivny soup with what unclear vegetables and stale bread seem more tasty. And weather became warmer. Not so what it is possible to tell a heat, but quite spring sun and even dragonflies appeared.
  When Artem rose together with Sadam, dragging rushed with concrete and gravel, one of such serebristokryly insects took seat to him on brawny, with the veins which bulked up from tension, a shoulder. Certainly, to work in one swimming trunks, having thrown off the pro-sweating uniform, more conveniently, especially when four sun shine. But shchekotno from shaggy wings of a dragonfly. Artyom, vigorously inclining, a neck tried to drive an insect, but it having displaced on a shoulder edge, unexpectedly as it will be filled in with a trill. The typical nightingale rather is better! Beautifully it sounds ... The pleasant warm breeze blows in them, and wooden floorings with jags tickle, not in time to coarsen strongly yet, barefoot heels. In general, there is even a wish, something beautiful to sing most.
  And Artyom took and started singing, and without being afraid of cruel supervisors, in all throat:
  In life there are a lot of various cares -
  Alternate failures - success ...
  Abortion will drop out the Pallada,
  And make a fun of you!
  You can painfully lose the boy,
  Or at once to break all Jackpot ...
  To receive five in inspiration,
  Or just to spill gift sweat!
  Gods strong govern you,
  But in one you are always a person.
  There can be during an instant a uniform hero,
  Or to creep a pettiness a century!
  Mind will help to tower, know,
  In it such force geyser stream.
  Paradise opens for us knowledge,
  On ignorance - a swarm of executioners!
  To poor people the destiny is cruel,
  To beggars even Rock is ungracious,
  Only fight governs eternity,
  Tests not meryanny term.
  And My God wise I ask you -
  Give me strength to pass up to the end ...
  I admit very often I sin -
  Also I damn the Creator!
  Life is such that our world is severe,
  Person to the person as wolf.
  And robbers there are a lot of vessels,
  And the Saint is a pity - is always lonely!
  God answered with the Father's smile:
  You are a boy only the youth ...
  Here you will pass lives a way to the end,
  You will understand that that the Creator well done!
  In the nourishing world do not appreciate food,
  Where harems - love there is no price!
  To embody dream through thunder-storms,
  That you were faithful to happiness!
  Only in suffering there will be a contrast,
  Then learn sweet of wealth ...
  And the second coming hour -
  Infernal will turn a scorching heat into paradise!
  Bees supervisors, at these words, zastrekotat wings and having obviously been frightened were served from boys ... Artem began to smile and when they put a stretcher, made by him a nose. To gardens, on the contrary, frowned:
  - They to us! More precisely, you, it will not forgive!
  The boy indifferently waved away:
  - Cannot worse be!
  To gardens murmured:
  - You will look ...
  But here, really, day passed as usual, work and poor food. However, probably it was enough, so concluded though thin, but sinewy, and here that interestingly, patients among them are not visible. Just became thin, veins appeared, but nobody coughs anybody does not have he on a body of abscesses. Even traces from lashes gradually descend. Nevertheless others world in something is better. Parasites in a manure hole do not bite, and do not get into all holes, somehow more idyllic here.
  This day they did not manage to get slippery solution so it is possible still just to lay down and before going to bed to be thrown by a couple of words. To gardens, again, impaired a little mood:
  - Into the account of the second coming of Christ, it was better not to tease geese!
  Artem noticed:
  - They did not even begin to quilt me bludgeons. Though there are they are offended, for certain would caress lashes and a stack!
  To gardens heaved a deep sigh and noticed:
  - Sometimes, the most terrible, the servant Dzhabba Trup leave for later! For it how to tell - you do not wait, and strikes you!
  Artem tried to calm himself:
  - But if here on do not die at all, that it is worse to make something, than it is trivial all of them will not be able equally to torture to death!
  To gardens tinkled a chain, quickly looked back, having scrolled a sinewy neck, and quietly said:
  - Can ... They a lot of things can! If you think that will be limited to flogging, then you are mistaken!
  Artyom, though really felt the most real fear, and even teeth began to beat off a treacherous tap dance, nevertheless murmured:
  - Especially, we should run rather from here!
  To gardens honestly and sincerely said:
  - Here I with you am solidary for two hundred percent! Already absolutely, I swear Allah, to unbearable bear similar humiliation!
  Here Artem paid attention to one strangeness:
  - For some reason several days does not pull me in a toilet, even to celebrate small need?
  To gardens rubbed among themselves both chains, they quietly tinkled. Then answered:
  - Hell here that do not tell ... So, in something evolution against Earth.
  Artyom corrected, the boy leader:
  - Archaic matushki-Zemli.
  Well, and to have a sleep, it is just time! Expecting when it is presented a case to find greasing for a hand and to extend palms from handcuffs.
  The dream though seemed quiet, but the girl of unprecedented beauty was to it again. She by an orotund voice told the boy:
  - If you want to use transport at bees guards, then it is necessary will learn them to operate.
  Artyom uncertainly murmured:
  - I hope I will manage. I have a wide experience of various automobile simulators and planes too ...
  The stranger prompted here:
  - It is good, but the main thing it will be necessary to get a forefinger of an insect to press on an opoznovatel!
  Artyom perplexed murmured:
  - And, it still, how? To chop off?
  The girl gave the witty hint:
  - Sometimes they fall off, only manage to pick up. They are insects and fade!
  Valuable data could be useful. But besides it was necessary to spend time. However, every day it became easier to work. Once zhirnovaty and friable body of the boy, gained the increasing relief and muscularity. Sinews got out, and skin became more and more dark, at the same time, because of burning of a grease layer, began to seem thin. Artyom it pleased: it became more beautiful, and the fatty layer disappeared as if at cinema. And the movements became quicker, endurance and force increased.
  To gardens, looking at it, strongly was surprised:
  - And you zdorovet. Though we eat in fact one and too ... Can at you what special relations with hell?
  Artyom it is not too sure noticed:
  - The physical activity perfectly pumps up muscles.
  To gardens gloomy noticed:
  - Not so quickly and not on such soldering. I know, is much more senior to you, and not one year stay in this hell, apart from nearly seventy years of former life.
  Artyom easily overturning a wheelbarrow and smiling noticed:
  - But I for the short life did not manage too to sin a lot. Mephistopheles to me can more indulgently?
  To gardens shuddered from it a name and quietly whispered:
  - All the same everything is solved finally by Almighty Allah, the Snow leopard though the strongest of genies or as it on yours, the Satan, but ... I always esteemed Allah and even wrote the Koran the blood - I believe his mercy will condescend!
  Artyom at these words ineptly at the left on the right and all hand crossed.
  . HEAD NO. 8
  The girl into whom Bulgakov turned, rubbed a sole asphalt, felt couple of tiny cracks. Deep inhaled filled with summer aromas air, exposed the magnificent breast, on a stomach as if steel ripples, muscles were rolled. Pinched herself for a side, no, a body the most real. And everything is perceived absolutely really, any difference with feelings in reality. Nevertheless, when you sleep, it is almost always felt. And at hallucinations the consciousness is narrowed. Right there all as well as has to be, just sight very sharp that it is so unusual for already elderly, at the time of death, the writer, and overpopulation of muscles and veins energy and by force.
  Such mix of a real surrounding situation and absolutely fantastic.
  And the Trinity conducting polemic ... No, so far Voland did not finish the story about Jesus Christ yet. Well and of course, Bulgakov could not but ask the prince of princes elves:
  - It is true that Voland speaks?
  The elf, with ears rosettes, hit question with a question:
  - And you how you believe?
  Bulgakov it is lost made a helpless gesture, graceful female nails flashed:
  - I do not know ...
  The prince of elves thinly burst out laughing and slapped the writer in a breast:
  - How about that! You thought up all this and will read it for the truth??
  Bulgakov answered with whisper:
  - But here all too present ...
  The prince of darkness and elves logically answered:
  - The present and not the present, are very relative concepts. You know, my dear friend that if to squeeze all planet of Earth to density of a neutron star, then it will become the sizes about apple. But also it is not a limit yet. There are particles more small - quarks, having squeezed to their level it is possible to drive not only Earth, but also all Solar system with planets and a star into a thimble. At the same time, all this is still far to a limit ...
  Bulgakov it is frightened murmured:
  - And conclusion?
  The prince answered:
  - Almost everything, or, more definitely everything, consists of almost nothing and in this case materiality of spirit or even a ghost is higher, than a kitchen table, or a pig-iron gun. And angels, more energetically high form of matter, than star, planet and proteinaceous organic chemistry!
  The elf came barefoot heels on, suddenly grown from asphalt, sharp daggers, walked on them whistling, and added:
  - Hell is real not in smaller, and maybe more than the material Universe in your world. And just as huge palaces and halls were placed in the usual three-room apartment, and the alternative universe has enough place in repartitions of Solar system to contain, at desire sextillions of the inhabited worlds. - The prince turned daggers into languages of fire and zaurchat from pleasure that caused a multi-colored flame to pink soles.
  - Force is - only the imagination limits us! - Burst out laughing more loudly.
  And the white, harmonous Puss in Boots and spurs noticed:
  - So we will drink for that our opportunities always coincided with our desires!
  Prince Elf gave hands to Bulgakov and the girl herself rose after him on fire uvulas. Really, the body captured inexplicable pleasure as if velvet waves caress you from heels to roots of hair, and so from it it is healthy. And it is fire under you, but not such burning and biting as in Gehenna with devils at all. And Bulgakov asked, having inspired, the elf:
  - And you did not grudge these chertik?
  The prince-elf, being fancifully shown and falsely being perplexed, asked:
  - And why to me to feel sorry for them?
  Bulgakov artlessly answered:
  - Because probably you are also Lucifer and these are your citizens!
  The young soldier unexpectedly took offense:
  - A conclusion of your deduction is entertaining professor, but in a root is not right. First, the Prince of Darkness so unpresentably, the barefoot youth as I would begin to look ... And secondly, nevertheless the beautiful lady is rescued, and Lucifer as learns the Bible - the murderer from the beginning!
  Bulgakov mechanically answered:
  - To build any doctrines on texts the Gospel, it is all the same, that to study quantum mechanics according to fairy tales of brothers Grimm!
  The prince on it gave a whistle and so that trees shivered and saluted him.
  - You were even better expressed, than Berlioz from your novel! You grow in hell intellectually!
  - Person, everywhere person! - It is a little banal and worn out Bulgakov answered.
  By Prinze it is offended sniffed and replaced the hair color on fiery red with violet strips on the middle - well precisely the punk!
  But Bulgakov having understood a hint, continued:
  - But even if and so ... Jesus, the second person Troitsy and the Almighty God, was born in a shed, and it too is very not solid!
  The prince of elves blossomed a smile and nodded to the writer:
  - Well if so, then yes! There is nothing to object, all representation about solid and not solid purely human, imperfect, but differing in a variety at each nation and the people. In this regard, solidity standard: on the head the crown overloaded with diamonds so that cramped a neck, and legs boots which can be torn off from a floor only by means of hands, a sole gold.
  And the prince-elf changed a subject, having pointed to a Trinity:
  - You will be to approach?
  Bulgakov, having suddenly remembered that she is a maid nude, confusedly murmured:
  - Well not in the same look ...
  The prince tutorially noticed:
  - In hell all maids of the witch, and nude not to be shameful.
  Princes winked at Bulgakov. And suddenly changed, instead of the elf, the young man with small short moustaches, long black hair, in a cap with a feather, and onions behind shoulders appeared. The guy knocked heels on fire and, laughing, noticed:
  - You think Robin Hood, the kind king of robbers, arose without my modest participation?
  Bulgakov built eyes to the sky and is restrained answered:
  - God in each thing or on its surface, and the Devil, in lack of things, or in depths of material shortage!
  The prince chilly reported on this passage:
  - And you are not right. There is no Satan, you would never learn even the concept as "Private property". So ... Well you do not want to go to them, I will talk to a magnificent Trinity. However, the fourth and fifth absolutely nearby.
  The prince of elves in ancient, moderately magnificent raincoat, worthy the medieval viscount from a notable surname moved to the talking triumvirate. Just the narration about Pontius Pilate, entertaining, but a little cloyed ended. Especially, really, far from the Gospel and realities.
  - There is no Devil! - having become puzzled of all this mess, Ivan Nikolaevich exclaimed. - There is a punishment, stop to become hysterical you.
  Voland did not manage to answer, during the last instant the prince replaced a look again, and now the twelve-year-old boy in a fragmentary undershirt and the patched shorts, gave it a hand:
  - The uncle, give For goodness sake?
  All three stared at the most ordinary the beggar which, of course, already remained in Moscow a little, but here, probably, was. Voland mechanically sparkled a pack of chervonets and stood ... The look at the boy expressed delicate irony, and a look too proud. Here he turned away from Voland and said looking in eyes to Berlioz:
  - And you, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, it does not concern. What did the party teach you to?
  Berlioz involuntarily receded. From where homeless can know his name and a middle name? Can from newspapers, picked up a scrap. The boy shook finger at Berlioz:
  - To sit ... Maybe still will manage and it is not necessary to scribble to your uncle in Kiev funeral invitation!
  Voland gave a whistle and a little strainedly burst out laughing:
  - Yes, well ... Some angel decided to argue nevertheless with destiny and to warn Berlioz as if without understanding that all this is useless!
  The boy having shaken, a hairdress, a little too fashionable for the homeless child, also objected:
  - The quantum mechanics clearly proves impossibility of absolute predetermination and anticipation even from God Boga! And in this case, your intervention also led of Berlioz to death, differently he for a long time - to a ku-k!
  The poet Bezdomny about suspicion looked at the boy. The ordinary idler, heels gray from dirt, thin, but sinewy, with callosities on hands, as if from a hard work. But speeches about quantum mechanics did not match with in this way. The boy, seeing as the poet looks at him, sang:
  And the young man I get down choked,
  Unfortunate died away and looked down ...
  Did not expect that the maiden will cut a saucer -
  For impudence there will be a strict sentence!
  Ivan Nikolaevich muttered:
  - For the age not bad you rhyme ... - the Poet got into a pocket behind a trifle, the boy who liked to play, already began to cause a certain sympathy. Berlioz was silent so far and tried to think: from where the boy could know all this. It that in one gang with the foreigner? This professor of black magic? It is advisable to come off them and to call, can do it some spies?
  The boy stretched a palm and unexpectedly on it expensive and heavy imperial chervonets fell down. Suntanned, almost black, against short-haired under semi-boxing white as cones of ripe wheat of hair, an ogolets filled a full palm with gold and poured out them on asphalt. Here already two Soviet citizens receded and began to groan. Whether Slykhanny business, a golden shower from where appears and begins to whip. And the boy without everyone bother sat down on a gold hill where except imperial chervonets both the Spanish doubloons, and piastres mixed up yellow circles. By a ringing voice he said:
  - There now ... Santa Claus is absent too, but in the summer the stubborn old man appears and generously pours gold!
  Voland kept majestic silence so far. It seemed that it leaned on a sword tip, and maybe it did not seem. The initiative belonged to people now. And this little boy ...
  The poet Bezdomny abusively swore, and then said slightly more quietly:
  - This little devil ...
  The boy sitting on a heap gold nodded:
  - Certainly! At first it is necessary to believe in the Son, and then to recognize presence of the Father. - The boy threw the gold sparkling circles in air and forced them to be scrolled then all chervonets began to turn as if a swarm of bees. - Here and you try to obtain from people of the cheap authority by expensive methods.
  Berlioz uncertainly asked:
  - It is hypnosis?
  The boy contemptuously sniffed:
  - Fi! People invented this hypnosis as anything else wonderful is able to be made ... Or you want that I brought Stalin for persuasiveness here?
  Voland did not sustain and interfered:
  - I respect your abilities, unknown to me an angel, but kidnapping of the head of state, this already serious influence on the history course.
  The boy elf whimsically noticed, having replaced under himself a chair with the mountain of pearls:
  - And you affected the history course. Besides Stalin, formally, and not the head of state!
  Voland grinned and moved with the cane, friendly smiling:
  - It is dexterously noticed ... I did not expect your arrival here.
  The boy elf sadly noticed:
  - And I also often act without reasonable plan, on emotions. So what I do not even know what to me will climb up in the head to throw out, in a minute.
  Berlioz, it is silly here, but quite mercenarily asked:
  - And you the big mountain of gold, can?
  The boy prince giggled:
  - And can turn all deverye into gold?
  Here already Bulgakov did not restrain and having left the invisible screen, or something like that said something:
  - It is not necessary! They are live, and gold is dead!
  Voland quite agreed with it, having given easy bow to the naked lady:
  - Yes, live it is better as freedom, is finer than a gold cage!
  The elf sadly noticed:
  - And you know: slaves very quickly are tired of freedom. And many want only entertainments and that to tell banality. Here and we play the fool now. For the sake of that only to convince two types with sovkomy thinking that the Devil exists!
  - Do not cast pearls before swine! - Inserted, the type which suddenly arose before them in a checkered suit and the broken penny.
  Bulgakov mechanically gave him a hand having said:
  - Thanks Bassoon ...
  The type in a checkered suit giggled:
  - Yes madam's Frau ... With you yet not those seeming will happen ...
  The prince nodded and two cats appeared at once. One big, black and fat, the second high, harmonous and thin in boots and a camisole. Both representatives of the cat family exchanged aggressive views, but then stretched paws in reconciliation.
  Berlioz arrived as it was least of all possible to expect from so experienced atheist: it began to be christened violently.
  The white Puss in Boots with a smile noticed:
  - This just that case when the devil preaches better than the bishop!
  Voland on it noticed:
  - The sermon that does not conduct to good as a path that will lead to the axe!
   The boy changed the shape for more respectable. Now it was in a rich attire of a medieval dauphin on parade. And on a handle of a sword and its end the purest diamonds shone. The new image of the prince, already caused more respect so the black cat defiantly removed with himself a beret and said:
  - Thanks highness! Now you will order parade!
  The prince according to nodded and moustaches of a black cat became covered with gilding. The cunning guy said:
  The drunkard measures a bottom of glasses -
  Wants sincere to fill in grief!
  Thinks that a haze of fogs -
  Can gild a purse!
  The type, in a checkered suit, with alarm noticed:
  - And messir, this Trinity appeared over and above the plan, and your prophecy on the cut-off head ...
  The prince-elf interrupted Korovyev, and made it so that it is, a little, of that approximately knee-deep, drove as if a boring pile in asphalt:
  - Well if so, then the prophecy promised cutting of the head from a body, and not death at all! And it not one and too ... Especially both the tram, and time it is possible to detain slightly!
  Voland mistrustfully grinned, having noticed:
  - Not Gavriila, I see the archangel ... To detain time, it in power except me two more to archangels and God!
  The prince-elf smiled in reply, with start-up of a spot of sunlight teeth, and declared:
  - I will keep the incognito ... And here girl it to you ... as Mother!
  Kot Biegemot muttered and bowed:
  - Blessed Maria, I am glad to see you in so frank greatness!
  It became a shame to Bulgakov that he in female nakedness but also to be covered with hands extremely silly. In general, when two Mephistopheles meet in one place to a staz, it is enormous concentration of energy. Even if one of them, only a fruit of the imagination of the author, and embodied by energy of the Almighty of the second. Here in hell, the Satan is omnipotent to the absolute, and somehow especially feel it right now. Though at all the devil by sight is not terrible, the teenage youth, is beautiful and pretty as if the cine boy Zvezda, but it the back: perfection press, and completeness of wisdom of Lucifer.
  In general, even in the Bible whose authors tried to show a type of the head of angelic opposition (so sounds far more beautifully, on this thought Bulgakov suddenly caught himself!) most negatively, the Satan tried to seduce and tempt more people, than to destroy or hurt them. Mena to liking approach spiritual, thin, when the client to me the friend in the course of a robbery!
  Though what is necessary for Lucifer from the person if in hell he can realize all? Everything that can only be imagined! Bulgakov guessed, the imagination of people, is that gives to hell dynamic and interesting development!
   Voland, glancing at the girl Bulgakov, suddenly noticed:
  - This is not the maiden Maria ... I would feel it ...
  The prince-elf again without ceremonies interrupted the colleague:
  - Excuse the master ... But in this situation we as supernatural beings, have to give the floor to people!
  The Puss in Boots, on it an edge of a sword pricked Berlioz in a stomach:
  - They are fathers shocked! - Also pricked a sword in a neck. - The shock therapy is better deadly!
  The poet Bezdomny proorat, and tried to punch an importunate insect:
  - Be unhooked a creature!
  - Otvyan Tiger! - The prince-elf ordered and then itself decided to change a landscape. - Here probably it is interesting to you what was actually with Jesus? I can show!
  Now all were surprised, even Voland. Messir with surprise asked:
  - So I mean was mistaken?
  The prince-elf noticed:
  - Only dead men are not mistaken, and we are full of life! But that the most interesting, Jesus's history is full also the business of miracles including about what are silent the Gospel.
  Mikhail Aleksandrovich wanted to shout something, but in his hands there was a crystal glass and the chairman of the board reflex took several sips. Eyes from muddy, became clear again.
  Berlioz recovered, nevertheless medicine worked, and the glass disappeared. Then the expected question followed:
  - And how it you will be able to prove?
  The prince-elf negatively shook the head:
  - Not to prove, and to show! You it will see everything accurately, it is better, than cinema and in color, with a totality of feelings ...
  Bulgakov, with shy hope, whispered:
  - And it will be a true story of Jesus Christ!
  The prince-demiurge corrected:
  - Not history and as it also was actually, dock the movie if it is more clear to you!
  Berlioz and the poet Bezdomny, and in itself put as if appeared among stone houses and in the desert ... No, just dry district with very rare trees ... Dates and olives, hot weather, rare scraps of a grass. Palestine, Berlioz noted about himself, and it is quite far from the coast, not the most juicy places, though not the desert. Trees it is visible here are very valuable, so huts stone, or clay. They are similar to mushrooms, or some casemates, and clay huts, are stocky, and go to depth as if guerrilla dugouts. Not the most priglyadny place, near fresh flat cake flies crowd, and from the Sun which is already standing highly blows as a heat. But the main thing nevertheless not in it. The ordinary boy in only one loincloth and with a tool kit left a hut. Together with it one more boy, more small ran than years of about eight. This younger was dark-haired, swarty with the typical Jewish person and a hooked nose. But here the little boy going with a heavy basket of which the carpenter's tools stuck out at once drew attention to himself. Not absolutely, probably, ordinary. Years of twelve, but for the age quite high, with strong, from a hard work, and beautiful muscles and that is absolutely atypical for this district, fair-haired, with the blue and very expressive, sparkling eyes. His face still childly roundish, but is closer to Scandinavian or Slavic, than to Semitic type. Certainly beautiful, very pleasant, without the slightest defect with skin, very clean though bronze from suntan.
  The boy easily walked barefoot on hot and sharp stones, but his legs, as well as all body, looked as if turned by the antique sculptor molding the adolescent Apollo. Even any broken-off nail, or an uneven finger, and on a face the benevolent smile, plays with pearl teeth.
  But probably, not all are to this boy kindly favorable disposed here. Here the whole ten representatives of local punks, hid behind white, a little concave wall. All dark, curly, one even at all not the Jew, but Black. And angry ... The leader the highest and senior, in some careless tunic and rough sandals barefoot. The others look not respectably too. Who crooked, one does not have an eye, at someone the person disproportionate. Only one boy with red hair looked quite accurately: a white tunic, leather sandals to which belt will fasten a dagger. But he, probably, submitted to the leader, years so sixteen or even more, so the chin already became covered by uneven, black hair. Such beards call goat and they give extremely opposite look.
  Berlioz stared hard at the boy and quietly whispered:
  - It is also Jesus?
  The prince-demiurge willingly confirmed:
  - Yes, certainly!
  Mikhail Aleksandrovich noticed:
  - Somehow strange ...
  The prince darkness grinned and noticed:
  - And what strange. Carpenter's son, and tradition claims, fair-haired, blue-eyed and very pleasant to the eye.
  Berlioz confirmed:
  - It is strange that everything quite coincides with the legend of the Middle Ages and stories in the Gospel.
  The prince disproved:
  - Not all! The fact that Jesus never fought, this obvious exaggeration!
  The younger brother of Jesus pulled the senior a loincloth. That looked back and tenderly looked at the brother-in-law. The scared whisper was heard:
  - There, Iza, wait for you!
  The boy quietly answered:
  - The sin ambushing the demon is more dangerous than sinners, my lovely Jacob!
  And Jesus quickened the pace. Even dust it began to be kicked up shaken up by an elastic gait. And the ambushing friends, without hesitating any more left towards to the white-headed boy. They defiantly were built a wall to close the road. Just at the left there was a high clay wall, and on the right a stone semicircle. Jesus stopped, the boy did not cease to smile, but at the same time did not make a sound.
  The senior began roughly:
  - Fine, bastard!
  Jesus continued to be motionless as if he did not hear. Other children began to shout competing in speed:
  - You are given birth from the fornicator!
  Your mother whore, and father Roman!
  And something already absolutely indecent ... Jesus looked at them indulgently and was silent. At last, when someone in general, excessively cried out something, the white-headed boy at last answered:
  - For each swear word the person will give the answer in day of court!
  After these words the senior punched Jesus in a breast. That reeled and nearly fell. But it is proud became straight. And then began. Ten more senior boys brunettes, attacked the fair-haired adolescent. Also a fight began ... Jesus also really answered, in strong blow of a fist in a stomach having knocked down one of attacking, but strongly got it a stick in the neck. Then it was picked up by hands and strong connected from in advance laid up rope. Further began to conduct to the column standing in a distance with a special crossbeam. Jesus first resisted geeks, but then stiffened, and he was incurred literally ...
  The prince-elf was interrupted on a remark:
  - Here so people do not love the one who is not similar to them!
  - I know it! - Bulgakov answered and having heaved a deep sigh, added. - Too it is good, I know!
  Voland who too with interest watched representation noticed:
  - Of course, they think of Christ that he not their blood. It is not similar to the Jew at all!
  The prince-elf explained:
  - Angels are fair-haired because white a sanctity sign. In Ioann's Revelation, Jesus has a fair, long hair which even shines. Of course, the innocent person sacrificed does not contain defects and is beautiful in physical perfection. And Jesus, innocent person zaklanny before beginnings of the world. - The prince, too very similar to the boy Christ, in the beauty and innocent, pure, but very speaking glance, added with genuine grief. - When He died on a cross, I suffered together with it ... And it was so awful!
  Voland logically noticed, nevertheless not without reason he is a master of shadows:
  - Of course ... Because his death and atonement, sentence to hell, and you ...
  Prinze-Lucifer in admiration gave a whistle:
  - Here after all Voland, perfect idea of the Devil! Guessed who is who though it and paradox!
  Kot Biegemot vividly agreed:
  - Truly paradox! Two Lucifer ... So should not be!
  Prinze Satan instead of the answer, beat out fountainlet from under sand and, having instantly bared, drenched himself it with honey streams and murmured:
  - Time of it cannot be what can draw a conclusion ....
  Voland logically noticed:
  - Such that someone from us artificial or ...
  - Two forms of one force! - The prince-Lucifer prompted.
   Voland on it friendly nodded:
  - It to relieve us of dismantling ... Messir, my colleague ... Form youth?
  Prinze-Lucifer grinned and answered seriously:
  - There can be your creator?
  Voland became silent and somehow drooped. The Prince of Darkness felt when tell a lie. And now it becomes sad. In total God's creations, but that if you are created by the Satan even if also a Satan?!?
  And Jesus was hitched up, meanwhile, on a rack. The strong and perfect body of the boy Christ felt pain actually, as well as simple human flesh. The boy gritted teeth more strong, trying not to give sufferings. And already senior, from number of bandits, broke out a prickly branch. In a disgusting way grinning a chipped mouth, the geek growled:
  - Here it, you the Roman, came payment. You will know a tow-haired donkey how to betray us to the most vicious enemies of Jehovah!
  To make is more painful to the boy, two, from among the weightiest adolescents, seized Jesus by bare feet and hung on them. At once in shoulders shot, crackled the bones twisted from clavicles. The child God involuntarily moaned and squeezed out from himself:
  - Who with a whip came, from a whip and will die!
  The nasty, fat Judaic young man prosipet:
  - Here we now will also bungle you to death! To us the senior priest allowed to finish off the Roman bastard!
  - To beat stones it! - The standing speechless, reddish boy in a good toga said before.
  Jesus's position became dangerous. His brother Jacob, however, rushed back to a hut, behind help to the father, but probably the gang of adherents of purity of the Judaic nation calculated this step in advance. And when that ran by wide columns, two madcaps who hid in an ambush threw over it a network. Thinly whistled and the swarty, dark-haired boy got confused, and the mouth to him at once was clamped a palm. In a distance already quite adult, with a long, but narrow beard the Pharisee watched a fight. On its warped ugly face the vile, pleased smile played. At last, with Christ it will be through, and the tsar Herod will terribly be delighted, having received a message that is through with the dangerous competitor and the applicant for a throne!
  The senior, fat and nasty young man, objected the red colleague:
  - No! At first we will flog prickly rods what there is no live place left, and then we will roast fire to it heels. And further ...
  Red bent and took onions, short, but thick with six bowstrings, from a bag. It it is sure how the person who already have skills in military business enclosed in it an arrow with plumage of color of a black wing. Checked a bowstring, the steel sting conveniently entered a circle. Then the boy, the son of one of mercenaries - murderers, took from a corner leather, with fur of a bag a small jar with green ointment. The youth, by means of a small spoon, carefully greased a tip of an arrow and with satisfaction said:
  - Now to this self-appointed prince, anyway, end! I will not miss in case though someone will try to help Iyegoshua!
  - But we properly will torture him! - Addressed senior, already even with some entreaty in a voice.
  Red, maliciously in a voice, growled:
  - Yes it all the same will not leave anywhere! Beat him, tear off with live a skin!
  The fat man placed legs more widely to have a support and widely threatened. The first blow has to till it bleeds rassech to it, so hated it to the handsome, skin and to shed blood. Then bloody hems will be crossed, meat will begin to fall off. Here one, with the helper, specially prepared a salt paper bag to strew it on wounds, boys Christ Redeemer. And all such joyful as if and really all the concealed dreams were realized, and they found absolute happiness. But really, what by it was made by this boy whose oval face, warped and turned pale from the twisted joint pain why so istupleno views are evil at them. Who pinches the boy who tycht a stick under edges, or a fist on kidneys ... There are animals, or even worse than animals because the animal very seldom torments the victim for the sake of an entertainment (though there are also exceptions - for example cats!).
  Already the fat bull threatened and the prickly branch whistled by air ... But something imperceptible flew, the usual pebble got into a leg to the young executioner, having forced that to lose balance and with wild shout to fly by, having struck with the head to ridge to the boy pulling Jesus for legs in a bottom. That screamed and released the boy Christ. Red grabbed onions and almost without aiming shot ... But the arrow which jumped out as if a carnivorous cobra got to a stone and having developed pierced to a saffron milk cap in an eye. That fell and was hammered in convulsions.
  And there was a rescuer, the beautiful girl, with sparkling as a fire flame eyes. On it from clothes, only a short tunic with a red strip on edge. And any weapon except fists and barefoot toes which she masterly threw the usual, lying on the road stones. Real angel, prompt and relentless ...
  . HEAD NO. 9
  As it is good to be rich, strong and, the main thing, free. But really only the one who visited an imprisonment can estimate freedom. In this case demon-Bozhestvo Svarog, having left infernal bonds of a chasm, again could inhale a full breast, already fairly spoiled by progress and human carelessness, air.
  Rules are that: if the pagan cult to which this or that demon from among the hugest army of the Satan patronizes dies off, then this deity goes to eternal bonds under a gloom. Can relieve of them or God's command on which it is difficult to count, or revival of earlier died away cult. Then the chasm opens the gate and mighty finds the former power and the rights.
  The word eternal, of course not always and Bibles means infinite. In particular, the eternal precept of trimming, replaced an office of Baptism or immersions in water. As however and many other things ...
  People, it appears, have the power to let out from a chasm of the demon that makes related them created just like God's with God.
  Svarog, in the corporal embodiment, the big fellow with Heracles's muscles looked as mighty, a little more than two-meter. Strong it is the soldier, in each forg his temple, and at each munitions factory the pagan temple!
  Weather costs excellent, Yarile's praise, only unusual a smell of exhaust gases nostrils unpleasantly tickle ...
  As the world and the earth changed for one thousand years of an imprisonment. And hell, certainly, already at all not that. But there still he will manage to visit, and here in Moscow the Great King of kings Lucifer planned business which can give all to angels of opposition freedom and the power over the Universe!
  But while you do not think of it, follows though a little to warm up after the conclusion in a chasm which most of all and reminds hell.
  There is no truth of tortures and tortures though the most important torture is exactly loneliness and a gloom. You do not see, do not feel as you do not feel other demons, being as if in a gloomy solitary confinement. Held down as the genie in a vessel, the mighty spirit pines in the dungeon. It is oppressed by darkness and loneliness, the boredom torments. One entertainment, is own memoirs, about former feats, adventures, searches and torments. Perhaps, memoirs also do not allow to go crazy in this of a black cage of the bottomless chasm which is it is unknown where and in what plane. And to the latest sinner is incomparably more pleasant in hell, than to the demon deity there.
  Svarog, ancient God of Slavs and Rodnoveriya how many interesting accomodated him former life ... He taught much Slavs, especially in military business ... Mech-kladenets has not equal in the world. It is capable even to split armor of the tank now. Though the secret of production of kladents was soon lost after adoption in Russia of Christianity. And there passed only two centuries, and came on the Russian lands which lost protection of demons gods, a gloomy era of a mongolo-tatar yoke. Temporarily, though wise also say that there is nothing more constant, than temporary. But two and a half centuries the Russian people under Tatars suffered. Then modern times and new demons came ...
  Svarog also did not notice how jerked on the way to red light, too reflected. Red BMW rammed it, having thrown the athlete. Glasses burst, the cowl caved in from a strong push. Were scattered a splinter moreover BMW to the back was struck by green "Muscovite" from what both cars were flattened. The traffic controller was late it was discharged by a trill, but three more cars managed to collide before the movement stopped.
  Strong cut out athlete demon Svarog, almost at once jumped after blow. The knee which left a deep dent and even forced to burst cowl metal, slightly zanylo, the elbow slightly hurt that carried a windshield. Splinters did not scratch strong, as at an alligator the athlete's skin. But the driver has all person in blood, hardly he was not strangled a seat belt.
  Couple more seriously wounded and the heels hurt in other cars. Here it is such arithmetics. The demon athlete, having realized it, it was filled in was confusion paint. But the rough abuse in its address, turned confusion into anger. The athlete, despite the sizes of the giant, easily jumped up to the car and one hand lifted the driver for a collar, pro-crowds:
  - You what talk smut, the wretch such. Really did not see that I go!
  Really, the big fellow growth from Valuyev, in shoulders is even wider, with powerful, thickness about a hip of the portly woman bicepses. Even the police officer quailed a little. Two centners of hilly muscles, it is terrible. Especially the giant moved very quickly and easily. Such if a paw takes, then there will be not a honey at all!
  Svarog, seeing that do not hurry to start with it arguments, tempered justice with mercy and, having put the blood-stained driver into place, tutorially said:
  - Who will spend time for care, that will save eternity on the funeral!
  Three police officers, that arrived to the scene, the philosophy of the athlete caused only an indignation attack:
  - Documents here, citizen!
  Svarog perplexed began to blink. No, certain types of documents and its times existed. For example, a special ring of the Caesar, various payza in the east, a tung tree, or the diploma with the press on parchment. But Svaroga near at hand had nothing. After a jail, he too was deafened by freedom which suddenly fell down it - so seldom is that earlier died cults gained then strength. Force such that by rules the demon deity came back to the world that in process of opportunities to patronize and teach the believers. About the document and thoughts were not. And what in it to write? The Russian God Svarog who is released from a dungeon in view of return of trust of believers?
  Instead of the document, Svarog shook hands and in them there were two kegs at once. One about a medical lump of centenary endurance, and another, with snack rich. It is conciliatory, the demon demiurge said:
  - Try a honey brazhka expensive, and mushrooms with sauerkraut.
  Emergence of impressive barrels moreover directly from air, dumbfounded the police officer, and also the run together passersby. The captain Pronin murmured:
  - Well and focus ...
  Svarog corrected:
  - Take the brother above - magic!
  The police officer, a little theatrically shifted black dense eyebrows and pointed to the beaten and crumpled cars:
  - And it is mess you the magic will be able to correct?
  Weldings scratched the tied-up thong edged by silvery oak leaves the head and, having waved a wide palm, said:
  - All right, I will try! On that I and Svarog to bungle any metal!
  Cops and, the public continuing to be flown down, stared. Really, the giant moved as it happens only at cinema if specially banish at a frantic pace the movie. And, because of precipitancy of movement, appear, that not less than dozen of people at the same time work. So imperceptible there were movements of this fantastic giant.
  The crowd all grew, many people having thrown off caps, naturally those who had them this summer day, were violently christened. One grandma even thumped on knees, having put in a hand prayer. Police officers it is lost blinked, without knowing how to react. To whistle, cause a reinforcement on a handheld transceiver, can shoot in the air?
  The situation turned out absolute not regular, and here can demolish a roof and at persons with the most resistant mental organization. And police officers not always guys from steel, though break steel titans.
  Fortunately, work, was quickly ended, and Svarog with a proud look indicated the repaired cars. The loud bass sounded:
  - Here they are your vehicles, misters-voivodes! Just like newcomers!
  And it is valid, cars shone as though they were painted only just and lowered from the conveyor. There is no left no slightest scratch or a dent on them. Even second-hand foreign cars found a type of newly-baked novelty. What could not but cause admiration exclamations.
  One of girls shouted:
  - Angel! You, angel of love!
  Svarog as the true kind, but playful demon winked at it:
  - Also the angel can ... But in God's difference of an angel I am capable of love to people!
  The light-haired little girl sent it an air-kiss, and Ancient, but quite still young, despite a curly small beard, the giant winked at it, having said:
  - For you my hand and not only a hand - will not become scanty!
   The captain Pronin, having regained consciousness, whistled and began to shout:
  - Disperse citizens, incident is exhausted!
  However drove with the cut-up person, obviously did not want to calm down. Swinging fists it rose to Svarogu:
  - Let to me will repair an ugly face together with cars, but I it will condemn not that?!
  Svarog, without wishing to cripple the person, receded a little back and honestly said:
  - In doctoring, I am not an expert! Here it is better to call Lada!
  - To hell to a harmony! - The driver shouted, behind him there were some more beaten subjects to whom the impudence when they noticed that the giant, it seems, quailed returned at once.
  Svarog and really became puzzled. Each demon in a role of pagan God has the specialization. Though, for example, Svarog in principle can treat wounds. But on its trouble, after the thousand-year conclusion, many skills became dull. Especially such how to treat. Especially iron, it is always iron. And people change and become far weaker rather, than before. Time is necessary at least to study their organisms. Eh Lada, this girl demon of the kindest soul of the person. If it is possible to call an angel of opposition the person.
  Loud cottons and as if the cobras who escaped from the fakir's basket, twirled multi-colored smokes were unexpectedly distributed. They rose from ballot boxes, a marble tile which laid streets of Moscow and from only that the repaired cars. The rings of a gray-haired python, they covered many hundreds of gapers who crowded in a summer, sunny day, and police officers. The gray hair of these gas beards escaping from a surface of genies had a set of various, most unusual shades. But people, being confused in this young growth, began to sneeze, writhe and faint loudly. However, it happened quickly, literally in half-minute. Svarog only felt an easy shchekotaniye in a nose and mix of muscat aroma with a bird cherry plowing.
  But people including children, porazbrasyvat in different directions, forcing to let out saliva.
  Svarog deafeningly exclaimed:
  - Lada come!
  In reply only the malicious laughter was heard:
  - Lada comes when the harmony leaves! And now here most important I!
  Suddenly there was a type, very broad-shouldered, but Svaroga is two heads lower. It as if left a high-rise building wall, but sliped as the skater from a hill nearly taraniv the patron of Slavic armorers. The characteristic curve canine sparkled, and from under a kettle a bright red, curly hair was beaten out. However, the face of the appeared demon, differed in severe expressiveness, and even in nobility.
  Svarog gave a hand and with surprise said:
  - It you, Azazello?
  - Learned at last! - The red athlete sniffed, and several video cameras of the review at once were scattered, gradinka of glasses began to knock a hail on a tile and asphalt.
  Svarog, without paying attention to mess, asked the demon:
  - Why this not symmetric canine and too bright reddishness?
  Azazello reluctantly answered:
  - So, decided to resemble a little in image as I was drawn in one human novel. - Here the demon looked back and said. - It is necessary to dump!
  Svarog did not begin to argue and they moved to several quarters to the North. Took this one moment. Then Azazello uttered:
  - Well and what so raged!
  Svarog parried:
  - And can do it, you began to bykovat .... You poison people with gas!
  Azazello angrily answered:
  - Nobody from will die - the firm guarantees safety, and to remember here, they precisely will be nothing!
  Svarog tried to justify itself:
  - So I did nothing bad!
  Azazello roughly pushed with a palm in a broad chest of the giant and growled:
  - There is a rule for demons. And the right universal, is as little as possible to shine! We should not too prove obviously in the human world!
  Svarog angrily answered:
  - God also is silent?
  Azazello cleaned to himself a horn and in a whisper said:
  - Let's work and work, but without excess flare!
  Svarog looked at himself. In general it looked too brightly though jeans trousers gave a hippy look. The demon of the desert, as more skilled, was in an undershirt with an emblem Harry Potter on the vacuum cleaner (also advertizing, some there firm), though the cylinder and looked is old-fashioned. But here it was replaced by a cap, and boots with spurs, sneakers. The demon looked younger, years to twenty and whispered Svarogu:
  - To yourself after all reduce growth better. You attract to yourself attention too much!
  - This natural embodiment! - Slavic god noticed.
  Azazello objected:
  - Any embodiment is natural to spirit also unnatural at the same time!
  Very valuable philosophical remark. Svarog became one head lower and slightly already, but all the same towered over spirit of the desert. Now it not so were evident. Azazello offered the colleague:
  - Maybe we will splurge in a peep-show?
  Svarog for one thousand years of an imprisonment lagged behind life and therefore, with surprise, asked:
  - And it still that it?
  Azazello with a grin answered:
  - Like a tavern, only still naked maids dance!
  Svarog grinned:
  - It as in Kupalsky night - when women and young men are bared, and teenagers leave innocence! And all together dance in a round dance!
  Azazello nodded:
  - Almost, but they do it for money!
  Svarog was surprised:
  - For money to undress?
  Azazello cunning nodded:
  - Yes went, you will see itself!
  Troy of drunk types, probably, wanted to shoot from them. The dirty Caucasian shook a knife, with very dirty and curve edge. Azazello, in reply, whispered:
  - You what torment a rat?
  The bandit rounded stupid eyes. The knife also really addressed in a rodent and sharp teeth cruelly seized fingers. Other two, by sight typical bums, suddenly uvidat police officers, the entrance to an entrance seemed to them false. And flew in glasses the heads.
  Shout, abuse and blood. The Caucasian also on a nape, from all scope received, from Azazello. Flew by as if a bullet, and it was flattened out about a wall. Gave strongly a bloody nose.
  The demon murderer hoarsely said, growled more precisely:
   - Street muggers - very faugh!
  Svarog, playfully noticed:
  - Whether and you unless patron of robbers and murderers?
  Azazello shook red hair:
  - Same as you to a sword and spear! And rigidly I punish those taty that do not obey me!
  The peep-show differed in the shouting luxury and fleshy maids. Having ordered itself whisky with ice, on the smell reminding well the acquaintance Svarogu, moonshine, both demons took seat behind a little table. As snack served the salmon with marinated mushrooms. A scene it is visible clearly, and girls it is possible to consider in all beauty.
  Svarogu who for one thousand years strongly missed girls this show very much was pleasant. Azazello several times pushed the workmate with a leg, asking to express the feeling not so violently.
  - Again can there will be because of it a fight!
  Svarog pinned up the colleague:
  - And it will be to your great pleasure!
  - But not yours! - The demon became angry.
  Azazello paid off with green pieces of paper. It slightly surprised the Svarog, but not too. In Europe bills with the seals, at the time of crash of an ancient Russian cult already appeared. So, quite perhaps people also refused gold. Though here it is interesting why money with portraits, but not with the press?
  Azazello answered with a grin:
  - People like to do of themselves icons!
  Svarog with astonishment said:
  - Also go here so, through thousands of hands!
  Azazello on it, logically, noticed:
  - Your sign too on handles of swords and sabers!
  Svarog with enthusiasm exclaimed:
  - The weapon is always sacred!
  Looked back to them, but nobody except the polite waiter made the remark. And in general till the evening still far and to the people not so much. These are demons as the unemployed or, on the contrary, as investors with bottomless pockets were able to afford to have a good time in the afternoon. And Moscow city business. And here billions turn. However Azazello, wishing to boast Svarogu, noticed:
  - I could now hundred million dollars remove from the ATM also everything, one left!
  Svarog asked again:
  - Dollars are money?
  Azazello vigorously confirmed:
  - Yes it is money and ... very running on the planet Earth!
  Svarog surely noticed:
  - But it is better, than gold, there is nothing!
  - A matter of taste ... - Azazello became silent. Svarog again greedy devoured with the ardent look bodies of strippers. Women beautiful here were picked up. There is a wish to retire and be engaged with them in human love. Demons are quite capable of it. Occasionally even children are born, and, with outstanding abilities. Such this pleasure, love with the woman.
  Can therefore Svarog and remained together with the Satan. After Jesus made atonement on the Cross, provided them chance, to return back and regret.
  Amazingly, but nobody went back, even those demons to whom the fast conclusion in a chasm shone. However, the former status to them as declared in advance, would not be returned, but ... There would be a hope to avoid the lake fiery and sulfuric. But can possibilities of hell, became temptation, or the richest imagination of sinful people including with the invention of forbidden pleasures, affected.
  Or maybe, that possibly all understood that it will already not manage to them to get accustomed in regulated and correctly the world without sin. Where there are no diseases, an old age and pain, but together and there is no compassion, medicine, anesthesia, sacrifice, altruism and a lot of things another that could reveal only in the world where there is angrily and, certainly, a sin.
  Demons are angelic spirits. Unlike people, they do not grow old, and are not ill. It is far easier for them to transfer that existence in a sin, than to weak human bodies. And negative consequences of a gap with the Creator are felt by cherubs of opposition far more weakly. And positive and new opportunities on the contrary, to them in abundance. Besides, there are still some nuances giving to Lucifer chance if not to win, then to draw a duel.
  One, from it is made nude, only one barefoot persons remained, strippers, drove to Svarogu. God of Slavs the real handsome, with a small curly small beard looked, and growth reduction, only added to it appeal. The maiden languidly said:
  - You want to go with me?
  Svarog easily lifted it on hands and passionately whispered:
  - Yes though on the world's end!
  The girl was dumbfounded:
  - Yes you such strong and gentle ... I am shocked!
  Azazello put it couple of centesimal banknotes and whispered:
  - With it be tender!
  Then Svarog left a little table, carrying the little girl on outstretched arms. And the spirit murderer decided to look for some other way to have a good time. Here is how, it seems and the deputy mayor with the security guard welcomed here, it will be possible to have fun with him. Especially, the spirit murderer caught obvious, bad thoughts of the government official. Here they occupied a separate cabin at expensive restaurant, and its time closed blinds. One more type with big, hiding a half of the face, dark glasses and the cap which is low pulled over a forehead, and too accompanied by two bodyguards, pronounced Caucasian appearance dropped in in a cabin. There they led a quiet conversation, having covered with soundproof glass and special capable to bring down radio wiretap by curtains. But certainly for the demon, or the former angel of the high category, such precautionary measures that a blotter as a bullet-proof vest.
  Azazello did not even begin to come nearer, and having ordered sweet dairy and chocolate cocktail with impurity of expensive cognac and with pleasure sucking this strange mix through a straw, not reducing at the same time a look from beautifully bared maidens, the demon murderer heard each word.
  The vice-mayor told the interlocutor:
  - Your percent of profit on sale of drugs, just ridiculous. And you, at the same time constantly swindle, underestimating real sales volumes!
  In reply, the tender voice with the Caucasian accent, answered:
  - But the boss, in Avhan the poppy crop failure, too severe winter and dry spring sharply lowered stocks of a raw opium so the initial price considerably flew up. Besides, falling of ruble exchange rate, led to reorientation, partially, to the markets on Europe. Local distributors sit at a loss!
  The vice-mayor spitefully noticed:
  - But mister Shaytan, to us, and especially to the authorities, it to the hair dryer. Too here many persons are fed, and they will not want to lower the income. And if we receive collecting less, than for last year, then it is necessary to combat a drug mafia far more seriously!
  The authority, on a kichka the Shaitan, spitefully noticed:
  - Then you receive nothing at all!
  The vice-mayor hypocritically noticed:
  - But we will revitalize the nation!
  The shaitan lowered a voice even more and reported:
  - We have video, and quality as you were served by the young child ... You want that it was published.
  The vice-mayor hard breathed heavily. The similar prospect also really looked extremely unpleasant. But it right there was:
  - So things are not done. You can lose very influential person in higher levels!
  The shaitan on it, quite reasonably, noticed:
  - You not one and irreplaceable people including in power, does not happen ... But when all have difficulties, and you should moderate the appetites and to take less!
  The vice-mayor giggled:
  - Just my subordinates want to compensate decline of ruble still by the big left income ... It is mutual responsibility when at any time there can be a scandal!
  There came the pause in conversation. There was a little girl with a naked breast. It brought to guests the Scottish whisky and goryachuy and cold appetizers. Both villains drank on a shot glass without clinking glasses, have a snack on pieces of pizza with the cervelat cut from above, chewed. Of course, in Scotland know how to cook alcohol. The mood at both negotiators rose a little, persons became turning pink and they quickened. The shaitan offered compromise option:
  - We will go to some victims, but so that was quid pro quo, currency compensation of falling of a course will be approximately on two thirds!
  The vice-mayor gloomy noticed:
  - I do not think that it and so will suit us!
  The shaitan muttered:
  - And I do not think that it will be on an interior to my accomplices, but life is full of compromises. Especially as recently the ruble becomes stronger, and may be that we in general razochttsya well!
  The vice-mayor vaguely answered:
  - In this respect, we properly will think. But here another interests me. There is an operational information that some German synthesized very dangerous nonsense. And you want to put its and our market?
  The shaitan quietly burst out laughing and hurried to assure the vice-mayor:
  - These are just developments, but ... Dogs will not be able to find new powder, and it itself can just drip in eyes. Very perspective development causing infernal withdrawal pains which not to remove any preparation!
  The vice-mayor threateningly hissed:
  - Unfasten to us more, these are such prospects for the European market!
  The shaitan grinned and noticed:
  - Service for service - you will give us green light too! And someone should be released!
  The vice-mayor assured the authority:
  - If there is no sentence of court yet, then it is simple! It is possible even to lose and erase criminal case!
  The shaitan whispered already almost in an ear to the selling official:
  - Business turned out very loud and here ...
  - In addition ten lemons of dollars and everything we will settle! - The vice-mayor blurted out and hastily poured to himself the second liqueur glass of twice purified whisky. The shaitan poured after him, this time both villains shortly clinked glasses also the Caucasian, insinuatingly said:
  - Ten lemons for two are much ... There will be enough also five!
  The vice-mayor rigidly objected:
  - Not enough! Here even it is not the one who, how many will receive, and in principle! Sometimes even large financiers could not pay off. And so - it is accepted to hand over!
  The shaitan already much more angrily objected:
  - It is excluded! Look for other whipping boys!
  The most interesting in conversation passed for the top. Azazello angrily rubbed hands. Emergence of Svaroga appeared just to stat. Ancient God looked become cheerful, vigorous, but in his eyes the alarm shone. Constraining the thunderous bass, the demon said:
  - I feel the big evil directed against the Russian people in the hall!
  Azazello nodded towards the curtained-off cabin where leaders planned excesses. Svarog caught mental transfer of the conversation given by evil desert ghost and though understood not everything, spoke in a bass:
  - Bastards!
  The four of bodyguards pricked up the ears. Azazello, cautiously, looked, but at all not on them, and towards the sky. As if from there demons were not prevented, otherwise the evil would be punished on Earth far more often. Svarog felt vile and slippery from couple of villains more and more that hid behind impenetrable curtains. And the pagan demon, ignoring care, jerked to bastards. For one thousand years of imprisonment it saved up excess of emotions and the mass of fighting energy burned through.
  Let and not such giant as earlier, but rather high, with muscles of a star of the Hollywood fighter, the man caused alarm in protection. In the opinion of Svaroga it was not read also hop droplets, they stridently sparkled, drilled as beams of fighting blasters. And such look as if it is the Titan storming Olympe.
  Automatic machines were deployed to it, but protection fluctuated. In the bar it is full of witnesses, for certain there are video cameras, and to them did not smile at all to get it on the nose from owners. Especially, at the subject who rushed to them, no weapon except weighty fists is visible.
  The two-meter security guard, the Mongolian appearance, tried to stop Svaroga in blow of a bludgeon with the stun gun. Pagan god dexterously evaded from a poke sideways, and set an edge of a palm the strapper on a bull neck ... Strong the demon thrust, brown eyes of the Mongol were instantly poured by blood and he was tumbled down by the head forward.
  Other bodyguard, massive, with big shoulders and a receding forehead of a gorilla the Black, mechanically pressed an automatic machine doggie. Pagan god grinned: the weapon suddenly changed the form, a trunk as if a neck of a snake it was developed and prebolno thrust a sting in a weighty black paw. The black giant began to yell, and Svarog the imperceptible movement of an elbow rammed in the Caucasian's jaw. That at the same time tried to get into a breast of Svaroga screwed on the automatic machine a bayonet knife, but missed though the case of the Russian god did not even move ... And the massive jaw of the Caucasian was crumpled from blow, with a bloody crunch teeth fell down. They as if gradinka began to knock a striptease institution on a marble tile of a floor.
  The fourth security guard, a Slavic exterior and to ugliness the square, massive giant - a kilogram for two hundred! But rather fast, with RPG in hands. Also it is necessary, managed to cut nine rockets, each of which it is capable to stitch as if a needle a chocolate tile, armor of "Ambrams".
  Svarog whispered in reply a spell. The jet rockets which flew up to a ceiling, were deployed, directly in the face of public, okosevshy for fear, killing, ready to bring down a roof on the heads of people, gifts began to acquire feathers. Wings of rockets were also promptly extended, and the bent noses turned into beaks.
  Terrible Egyptian vultures attacked the lost bandit, and three from them attacked the cabin covered with blinds. In it the deafening cry was distributed even earlier. The small decanter with scotch whisky turned into a hilly and prickly toad with a long neck at which the cobra hood was instantly inflated.
  The tray, in turn, came the word the raft thrown by a storm, and right there its carnivorous mouth was closed on the Shaitan's wrists. The vice-mayor was stupefied, under blows of beaks of a curtain and a coal plastic also monsters against which Steve King creations turn pale burst fell upon the vice-mayor's head which began to grow bald. Sharp claws grabbed by a scalp of the experienced embezzler of public funds and furious breakthrough the bird of prey tore off the official from Earth. That as will shout, zamolotit legs by air.
  And other Egyptian vulture, to the Shaitan a curve beak on the top - bang! At that even sparks from eyes fell down - literally, and eyes began to follow muddy-yellow swill.
  Azazello under the influence of whom the wine glass became a cobra toad made a finger gesture and canines pierced to the vice-mayor in a groin ... That sighed, the scalp broke and the state criminal departed down.
  The angry demon of the desert hissed:
  - Eat away to it everything, such reptiles should not propagate!
  Svarog unexpectedly felt in himself a remorse:
  - Perhaps it is already search?
  Azazello negatively shook the head:
  - No! It is necessary to castrate and the Shaitan - then the deal will be full!
  The scared clients, and girls scattered in all directions. Painfully unusual and tremendous imagination a show, was developed before them. But armor doors, suddenly everything at once jammed also the running-away public as if broke a wave against a surf.
  And a mouth of a reptile, having pulled out a root of life of the selling vice-mayor, it was extended. It left one more jaws that as if a blowtorch stuck into the sensitive place of the gone blind and grown bald drug baron. That was also stupefied, having lost devilish consciousness.
  Azazello, at last, felt satisfaction:
  - Well, and now enough!
  Again in air shaggy balls began to jump and violently the whole thickets, the rustling smokes rose. They shrouded, filling up on a sex of clients, and young women of various degree of nakedness. Svarog, with doubt, smelled air:
  - You are sure that it does not naset damage to their health?
  Azazello cunning winked at the Russian god:
  - You do not know it yet, but mister Mendeleyev, the best chemist of all times and the people - to his data in an underworld to guarantees, it is possible to trust!
  Svarog burst out laughing and rose in air. As if ghosts they flew by through marble walls and stained-glass windows. Video cameras of supervision burst, blew up, glasses fell with the muffled ring, and the most part of people already peacefully slept, under the influence of the lulling substance.
  When two demons stood at height of bird's flight, Azazello strictly warned Svaroga:
  - Easier you with miracles! People should not have the absolute evidence of our existence. - Azazello, again cautiously looked at the sky, and quietly added. - For violation of the rules of obvious manifestation, we can not only be sent to that chasm where you were, but also directly in Gehenna! And forever!
  Svarog imposed on itself Vedic signs and ambiguously said:
  - God forbid!
  . HEAD NO. 10.
   Best of all sudden escapes are successful, as a rule. Artyom and to Gardens could already get slippery solution that allowed them to pull out, having made efforts, hands from fetters. But while it was of no use, the main problem to reach the highest rock, remained still not solved.
  One more boy wanted to join escape. The thin, exhausted fellow of years of twelve, with the shaven lucid mind covered with shishechka and scars from blows of cruel supervisors. Though wounds in this world also heal quickly, but beat this boy too often. As if it, in something especially, was allocated. Artem wanted to provide him chance also.
  The boy, having learned about escape, told in confidence the new friends:
  - I, in antecedents, was a terrorist and five times ran from prisons ... I can share experience.
  Artyom asked a silly question:
  - For it you are also beaten so often the head?
  The boy, reflex having pressed a neck in shoulders, waved with the head:
  - No! It is revenge for attempt of attack on a bee goat. Besides, I was already interrogated on a rack ...
  To gardens noticed:
  - Here not all remember the past, but, probably, do not sit for anything!
  The Belobry boy heaved a deep sigh:
  - Punishment after death exists ... But I believe in the termination of torments and hope for the better life!
  Three together it is even heavier to run, than together. But the plan of the young terrorist-prisoner was based on experience of former escapes. Namely, to try to deafen someone from security guards and to change clothes in its camouflage. Further, the boy offered that the security guard will carry out them in handcuffs to the vehicle. Or together, or on one!
  The plan differed in impudence and seemed quite real, so couple of bees watched for the sleeping boys prisoners, but at the same time, they not against to have a sleep.
  Artem suggested to bring all children. What they would not be sinners in antecedents, but already wholly paid off on this cruel penal servitude. And apparently, the majority of them remember nothing the past. Behave as natural children. The boy, that joined them, admitted too:
  - And I remembered the past not at once. Some time as if was in a light slumber. Stuck, received the poor soldering and lashes. But when suddenly again realized himself the man, years so for forty, remembered the death during detention, ... And last acts, so weight of sufferings increased repeatedly!
  Artyom then asked, what most of all arose:
  - You are not an Islamist?
  The boy negatively shook the head:
  - No, I am not an idiot to kill for Allah! - And suddenly the boy has childly a little cry. - I, what is even worse, conducted terrorist attacks for money. Liked to kill and intimidate people ...
  To gardens strictly noticed:
  - You would be better the Islamist! Then, having escaped from here, would go to itself to paradise with harems ... And so, it is unknown where to go!
  The former mercenary unexpectedly admitted:
  - I here, strangely enough, most of all feared a non-existence. And here again you live and, on the, it is even better, than on Earth.
  Artem was surprised and asked:
  - And than here it is better?
  Tow-haired, in cones, admitted:
  - There are no diseases, colds, holes in teeth, pressure and other ... Except for a beating, the main trouble, it of course, routine boredom ... But, there is a hope, term will come to an end and ahead there will be the whole life. We do not grow old in this place and in it there is a chance!
  Willingly confirmed to gardens:
  - Truly! Here physically you feel far better, than on Earth, especially in old age, and there is no that exhausting responsibility, or threat from a two-stuffy environment. You know, the creator of this place on the is humane!
  Artyom discontentedly muttered:
  - Such humanity to da Hitler in a throat!
  Next day again work. And it must be said, not so painful for the strengthened muscles of the boy. Really, already you feel obvious boredom and rare blows as a lash seem almost a joy. But here thoughts, desires, emotions they torment you.
  Here and parents were remembered. It is strange that just now. Before as if from the head took off. But can too already everything is unreal was around, Here now, for example, hot, four stars still on Acceptable give light. Not so that exhausted you, but nevertheless ... There is a wish to call mother and to burst into tears. Or to look, something new according to video. To play on the computer ... And here you transfer beams what primitive for the empire with aircraft is better terrestrial.
  Escape was decided to be made in the next night. Though there is a lot of reefs. In particular, bees security guards are larger, than children prisoners. And as they having changed clothes will look. Well on a muzzle it is possible to pull still a mask, or .... The boy terrorist suggested to cut off an ugly face and to stick on himself. But also it could look not natural. Plus, still to neutralize protection without noise ...
  To gardens seriously believed that their masquerade will be easily exposed even if it will manage to be set on the head something heavy to calm an insect. Though the idea with disguise, looks invitingly. Artyom, in particular, made supervision: where there is a parking with the flying cars. There at once two news: good - nearby park. Bad - in protection the fighting robot. Similar something on cars that is drawn in fantastic comics
  And with six guns ... So at once, it is impossible to take. However, Artem noticed in it and plus: there are even no live bees need in protection to put. Everything will make the robot. And an electronic large object, sometimes it is simpler to carry out, than humanoid jailers.
  Artyom returned from work in good mood, Considerably became cheerful also to Gardens. The boy terrorist was beaten moderately. But to receive blows in the shaven head, Artyom tried it too, the head cracks also a ring in ears. It is possible also brains here so of a pootbiv. Under a barefoot heel the artful prickle got. Externally, it as a floret an aster, but here instead of a velvet as will prick.
  The calloused sole in a disgusting way ached and scratched, the mood before escape considerably deteriorated. Especially as the main task to deceive the robot, remained not solved yet. And here escape was represented already by adventure, without chances.
  To gardens began to hesitate too and even offered:
  - Perhaps to the Ibis escape! We Otmuchatsya, we will be let out from here and so!
  The boy terrorist doubted:
  - You so think?
  To gardens muttered:
  - Never I met ancient heroes or anti-heroes here ... A conclusion, not too long here pickle incorrect or villains.
  The boy, from the former terrorists, agreed:
  - And I noticed too ... But from it it is not easier for us! Can them shoot or to places it is worse?
  Began to Diskusirovat there is nothing. Artyom itself also already wanted changes. If death are not present what to them are afraid of? After a beating and a slave labor, you become more thick-skinned - well prison, so from it escape!
  When the dream at protection became deeper, children went to "hunting". Release from fetters took place quickly though and dislocated a thumb. But it is still trifles, to Gardens professionally set, and the boy, from among mercenaries, told the name:
  - Marcos I ... It is not so known in the world ... But believe, it is worse than much more famous Carlos.
  To gardens logically noticed:
  - I willingly would change the world popularity for a pure bed with the beautiful little girl near by!
  Near building it is not difficult to find the murder weapon. Heap bricks, and lomik, accidentally left, sticks out. Another matter, boar dog. There is one here, but ...
  Marcos on it noticed:
  - The dog is not dangerous when she sleeps!
  Artem grinned. It was his idea to throw the fish head to an animal. And to receive a sleepy potion from solder gumboil powder. Toxic this mix, they could be convinced of it. In the head that the insatiable creature swallowed, her or eternal, or temporary death.
  So the animal calmed down, and drones supervisors, having a little played on laptops, settled on air mattresses. And greedy embraces of Morpheus were not slow to capture them.
  Artyom, having felt in the hands lomik, first got under a wave of confidence in own forces. A pier to it all on a shoulder. But as the barefoot Trinity got closer to two sleeping security guards, heart of the boy fought more and stronger and is more disturbing. And business to set sleeping on the heads, it was represented not so simple. Even if they and insects.
  To gardens as the born murderer, felt quite surely. Though, nervous twitchings of lips of the boy dictator, squeezed out nervousness and at it once such terrible and dangerous governor.
  Marcos is a little not in himself too. Fear of cruel punishment, in case of a failure, fear for own skin and other reasons, lean, but sinewy children's legs of the experienced villain force to give away.
  Artyom hesitated for a time a little when it hanged with lomiky over the opponent. It that also is clear, to set on naked a reasonable creature hardly. Especially, when you hardly were fourteen years old. To gardens, with the dictatorial experience, had no hesitations. Having winked at Artyom, it set a pick the sleeping creature on the top.
  Dirty-brown blood and Artyom scattered, having blinked, synchronously struck. The drone security guard was in time, having used second fluctuation of the boy, to raise the head, but the edge of a lomik got it directly into a mouth. Having passed blow, the bee quietly howled, but Sadam's pick came to the rescue of Artyom. The former dictator knew where to beat and the victim calmed down at once.
  The boy, from the twenty first century, squeezed out from himself:
  - Well and a barrier before me ...
  To gardens indulgently grinned and patted the workmate sinewy shoulder:
  - Well nothing, we will consider that you already took it!
  - In the advance payment! - Indulgently Marcos added. And the boy mercenary seriously noticed. - The most difficult still ahead.
  Really, disguise was business difficult. A form much more, than the sizes of fourteen-year-old boys, quite ordinary for the age (though to Sadam, taking into account hell, already kind eighty years!). But somehow it was fastened. Most difficult with physiognomies. But here they used the chitinous cover removed from faces of the killed of insects. It at drones special, it is possible to remove from a plate ugly face as if a knightly helmet. But it was necessary to tinker, using a certain similarity of a knife. Sadam and Marcos worked professionally. The last, even decided to tell a little about the, not too known past.
  - For the first time, I killed in Vietnam. Then came to army of the USA as the volunteer. And the Vietnamese rebel fell a victim. The first, but not the last victim, though this unfortunate war already burned down. - Marcos dexterously scratched himself a barefoot, calloused foot on a hollow stomach. The fresh graze caused by rigid blow of a wire already managed to descend from it.
  Artem thought that Marcos, perhaps already paid for the crimes and has the right for escape. In case of capture, perhaps it would be waited on Earth by life imprisonment, but in the western prisons nevertheless is more comfortable, than here. Even if in the world where there are no diseases and colds!
  The camouflage on them looked not too naturally, but there's nothing to be done - growth did not leave. It was necessary to count, perhaps in front of the robot, somehow will manage.
  Threw with a chain Marcos and moved in handcuffs. Despite external humiliation, barefoot the boy it is far more convenient, than to them in sapozhishcha not by the size. And in general, Artyom hardly forced itself to get into a form of the drones killed with them. Even physically it is opposite though smelled of pollen, a muscat, and a little begun to rot meat - not the most terrible stench from what can be thought up.
  But all the same, it seemed to a naked body that you touch slime, especially to the person behind a mask of a chitinous cover. Artyom philosophically noticed:
  - Always for the sake of freedom it is necessary to get into others skin!!
  To gardens Hussein added:
  - And for the sake of the power too!
  The legs of Artyom which weaned from footwear, rubbed these big jack boots though they providently also enclosed in them burdocks. Artyom, suddenly for some reason remembered the book "Treasure island" rather even the movie. Here like Marcos, pirates on a leash conducted Jim Hawkins. And, though it is not shown in the movie, for certain the boy stamped barefoot as pirates took his boots. And in general, captured boys are undressed, as a rule. During a tropical heat it is undoubted more conveniently, than in blocks, but the naked sole feels all stones, prickles of the jungle. It is pleasant and it is at the same time dangerous. However, look under legs and enjoy freedom. In Moscow, so naturally, you do not walk on the nature.
  And Jim, feeling as the rope, and neck pain stretches, quickened the pace and pebbles pierced in a sole stronger, can they were are heated on the sun, and the English boy from rather well-to-do family felt discomfort, without being accustomed. As well as at it, Artyom when a foot got off about the road. Fortunately not too stony. But very quickly he got used here. And Jimmy suffered, even began to limp. Caustically and painfully, and even the death ahead can: it is not necessary to pirates and Silver any more. And except death, also tortures are possible. Corsairs should find the hijacked ship. And then the ship's boy it is hitched up on a rack having twisted hands, and then as it is promised in the movie - will roast a heel fire flame. And the boy, without having sustained, will cry from wild pain. Then Silver will ask it the last question: where ship. And Jimmy as the true hero, will tell: No! And after the next blow will faint.
  Artyom corrected itself here:
  - Not Jimmy, but Jim. It is simple in the black-and-white screen version, instead of the boy the ship's boy enlisted the little girl!
  To gardens to which, it was inconvenient too can even more than to Artyom as it stuck not one year the barefoot, half-naked boy on penal servitude, and almost weaned from normal clothes. And so Hussein asked the workmate:
  - You told something about little girls?
  Artyom, after this question, was confused a little:
  - Yes so, well about one girl!
  To gardens knowingly nodded:
  - I too often dream girls. My new body already rather adult to dream of a female ... But there is no opportunity, terrible loneliness. And only in a dream there are beautiful girls, and there is a discharge ...
  Artyom involuntarily reddened. Probably remembered own dreams and not only. Though here on penal servitude, somehow not too there was also a wish. Probably the organism did not manage to adapt to serious physical activity completely yet. And can and food affected, something it can be added to food.
  The held-down Marcos noticed:
  - And I and not really want though ... Very seldom rolls. But a body, it will define in many respects consciousness. Here, it seems, you are quite adult man, years in fifty the left world of living people. And here the physiology prevails, and involuntarily you begin to argue childly, catch on thought that though memory former, but you any more not such as earlier.
  To gardens Hussein noticed:
  - I grew up a little here therefore felt not only change of consciousness from return to the childhood even if and corporally, but also felt changes when the little boy became a teenager. - The former dictator and the charismatic leader, with some pleasure, added: - And I when I began to lose man's force, very much wanted to become a teenager again. To feel that heat in all veins and sexual insatiability. Here so happens - it was young and wanted love indefinitely, and it is not enough opportunities, especially if to consider strict customs of Islam. And when received everything and, especially without account of women, already former insatiability and thirst of pleasures evaporated.
  Marcos, jumping up on thin, sinewy legs, assumed:
  - And you probably very much regretted that you were not born the prince!
  Answered gardens it sincerely:
  - Yes and no! On the one hand descendants will tell - It reached everything itself, With another, of course in this case, the chasm of pleasures is opened by a seraglio.
  The boy dictator ambiguously grinned. Artem felt as the third wheel. These, even too adults, and between them the whole abyss in perception of the world and the universe. Especially Hussein who is once operating the whole country, nearly became the leader of the Muslim world. And it who? Simple school student moreover not excellent student. And here historic figures.
  The pride wave suddenly rolled on Artemka - but it together with them? Means, it is involved in people, great in the past. Here will return back, the school will not believe. It is necessary, from other world on Earth to bring something.
  For example, weapon. They have some automatic machines very similar on toy, made of plastic. But, apparently, strong, and shooting beams.
  To gardens seeing that Artyom began to stroke the weapon captured at drones, warned:
  - They have several modes of firing, from minimum, to maximum. And so you will not start it, the weapon on a safety lock so far.
  Artyom, with boyish curiosity, asked:
  - And it is possible to remove from a safety lock?
  To gardens, with some bitterness, noticed:
  - It is possible ... If you are a bee, then just put the finger there. And here to people is not present!
  Artyom remembered the movie here:
  - It is so possible to cut off a finger at drones!
  Marcos in disappointment gave a whistle:
  - Here you are fat! It was necessary to make at once so!
  To gardens too fiercely was annoyed with himself that such simple thought did not come to its mind. But otmuchivshis, it is more than an hour in someone else's clothes and having rubbed till it bleeds legs, there was no wish to come back.
  The boy dictator muttered:
  - Already came! Late!
  Marcos looked back and offered:
  - I can run!
  To gardens negatively shook the head:
  - We are already seen by the robot ... Go as the convict!
  Marcos bent the head and stooped thin, with speakers on clavicles veins, shoulders. Sharp shovels of a distressful back reminded wings, and a set of traces from the blows as which well healed, and fresh, reminded the plowed field. Artem felt pity to the boy even if that and was a rare bastard in former life. But now, it is just the boy running from penal servitude where the attitude towards prisoners is similar to fascist concentration camps. And here involuntarily you forget about earlier done harm. And to Gardens that still the ghoul though in Russia at him there are a lot of admirers, but murder will out - rare on bloodthirstiness was an animal. Artyom that is not quite typical for boys of its age, vividly was interested in policy and, possessing ability to read very quickly, surely looked through all political news on the Internet and did not complain of memory. Unless objects which to it are uninteresting, remembered badly. But Artyom steadily handed over history on five and knew much more, than the school program provided. To gardens, shot a half of the relatives, including two zyatev, dissolving people alive in acid, was not a good guy. And in general, Americans had the moral right to overthrow it. Also do not happen then in Iraq of civil war, maybe in the world similar would be approved by all!
  On the other hand, experience showed that with Arabs often differently both it is impossible, and it was necessary to work with Stalin methods. So cruel and ambiguous personality, to Gardens.
  The robot on caterpillars looked the real giant - more largely than a mammoth. And probably, blasters of supervisors anyway against it would be powerless. So what welcome ...
  To gardens confident tone said:
  - It is entrusted to us to transfer especially dangerous criminal to a secret laboratory ...
  The robot thundered:
  - Documents on a convoy?
  Artyom as the bright school student, was:
  - It is too confidential project and a transfer it is made especially informally! The document transfer is excluded!
  The robot guided at them the eyes. The artificial intelligence with a scratch was scrolled though the processor, in principle, has to be powerful. Then the Cyborg asked:
  - Why such rumpled?
  Artem answered mechanically:
  - Confidential camouflage!
  To gardens added, hardly hiding, laughter:
  - Nobody has to know, about it the translation. And we should not be recognized, even on a percent share!
  The robot having a little hesitated for a time asked, and so that it it became hardly heard:
  - I can make request?
  Artyom rigidly answered:
  - It is absolutely excluded - any excess quanta of information!
  And then the giant robot was solved:
  - You pass and take the fastest and reliable transport.
  To gardens asked:
  - What will you recommend to us?
  - This! - The disk-shaped device was lit by easy blue light.
  To gardens it is pleased it was rushed forth, and Marcos squealed when handcuffs on hands and a neck stretched, he even fell, but right there jumped and rushed off for the former dictator. Artyom the doge added a step though understood that it is better to constrain itself not to draw excess attention to the person.
  But the robot, however, is also the robot, and desire somewhat quicker to execute the order to it it does not seem suspicious. Here even the entrance in diskolt opened - dump with the special task quicker.
  Now, can in operations and the most difficult stage, it is necessary to start the car and to depart. And how to make it if they are not familiar with the alien flying devices?
  Artyom, however, was and ordered to the robot:
  - Check of your memory - as such here devices are started?
  The electronic blockhead began to issue the instruction. Artem ordered:
  - Medleny!
  Communication worked perfectly. By the way, diskolt it was quite simple in management. Usual, very similar on what is used in game consoles, the joystick without wire, well several pedals of management on an emergency. Only one difficulty, is start of computer system. Here too it is necessary to put a finger, but ... The robot gave out that in case of emergency it is possible to do also without it. It is valid, possible to fly it is necessary not to drones, but other alien beings. So there is also an alternative start, the simple password.
  To gardens even giggled:
  - Well and a set - 12345. The imagination at bees is not big!
  Artyom logically noticed:
  - Can do it that it was easier to remember. Allies of drones can be rather stupid.
  Ingenious Marcos prompted:
  - And can and the weapon is also started?
  To gardens barked at the boy mercenary:
  - Yes be silent you!
  Artem giggled:
  - Let's check! Give me the joystick, I have more experience!
  Really, Artem adored aviasimulators, so quite coped with car. Only it could have very solid speed, exceeding sound to fifteen times in air, and close to light in vacuum.
  Marcos, monitoring indications of parameters of devices, noticed:
  - They overtook people ... Even it is a shame to me!
  To gardens reasonably consoled:
  - Time we carried out them, means it has to is a shame to be an insect.
  Artem wanted to ask the boy dictator where there is a big white rock, the biggest is more faithful, but noticed the card of navigation. And precisely, this sight is marked, and the movement of their diskolet is shown by a tiny, red point. So it is possible to do without inquiries so far. Why to prove to be the little child.
  The planet, by the way, happy big and it surprised Artyom a little. On it the cities megalopolises, with the people very similar to dummies or parodiyno the disciplined soldiers are located. But from where so much people undertake?
  Really on Earth there are a lot of any bastards what they are alloyed on the planet operated by Dzhabba the Corpse? Or here already absolutely other people. Can some space worlds from where there arrives material. And in general, whether it is hell? It seems the underworld so was not described. It is a lot of sun, the rich beautiful nature, and impious, in the form of children prisoners. Though the last is in own way logical if to consider an underworld, something like educational establishment.
  But Artyom cannot distract, or to be late near big cities where I advertize a cult of Dzhabba. In general, all this looks so enchantingly that the roof goes.
  The boy looked at the card. Closer and closer they to the enormous, white rock. Artyom began to get rid of a camouflage, and Marcos joyfully started giggling. To gardens, instead of pleasure, on the contrary, frowned:
  - So just to us will not allow to leave. So, the Subject, fasten a mask better again!
  The boy, with doubt, asked the dictator:
  - You think an ambush there?
  Confirmed to gardens:
  - The logic prompts - they have to security batteries near the rock just in case build.
  Marcos agreed with this assumption:
  - Yes it is the only way not simply from here to be winded, but also to get over in any point of the Universe.
  Artyom, having had a look at devices, noticed:
  - And it is possible to depart from this planet and on a diskoleta ... Only probably, even if under velocity of light to disperse, we risk from hunger will kick the bucket.
  Marcos with irony corrected:
  - And not once to die of hunger, reviving in painful spasms!
  To gardens interrupted, roughly knocked a boot:
  - Will be enough about unpleasant. I trust, we will be in Dzhinge soon and all our nightmares will be forgotten!
  Marcos, with doubt noticed:
  - To find a harem in an underworld? It already too cool!
  Artem wanted too, will be expressed by something, but was distracted by the whole cavalcade of fighting vehicles that flashed by the right board. They looked awful. Typical sharks barracudas, with guns and rockets suspended under fins. The boy was surprised where they fly. The planet seemingly monolithic and on it the guerrilla centers are not visible. Though what they being convicts, can about the let sublunary world know? Maybe really there is a strong underground that battles against a despotism of drones and mushroom toads!
  And on approach to the White Rock and really batteries with long-barreled guns and rockets settled down. So, in principle, would also have to be.
  Artyom however, counted that they will manage to do without firing though the couple of guns and was available for them. However here to carry diskolt quite really.
  Without waiting for the address the boy transferred to them:
  - An urgent task - do not send inquiries!
  Artem understood that it from his party a desperate bluff, but other exit was not. Calculation was based on reaction, in the countries where totalitarianism governs. And at such modes the habit - not to ask excess questions is perfectly developed.
  It is visible that on batteries there were fluctuations. Maybe really some special task. Especially as very clean, the most modern for this world diskolt the latest. A little for what it was sent to the white rock? Also do not ask excess questions - you will be more whole!
  To gardens whispered on an ear to Artyom:
  - Here so hold speed, they will not dare to detain us ...
  Perhaps, so it also happened. Simple bluff most and effective. But accident interfered. The truth a whimsical Pallada, worked end-to-end. The message that diskolt it is stolen, arrived to the moment when the three of runaway prisoners already jumped ridge. Hysterical peep was heard:
  - Stand, fly down!
  Artem cried out in reply:
  - We act under the personal order of Dzhabby!
  This, suddenly thrown joker, allowed to win time again. Fighters bees began to hesitate. Maybe really Dzhabba gave the order, about attack of this point on allegedly stolen diskolet. Intelligence agencies also can arrange all this.
  And their commander decided to make personal request to the dictator of planetary scale. But it is so simple not to contact the emperor. The secretary reported that he great does not want that he was disturbed on trifles. A pier you solve problems.
  With big delay, the commander demanded to stop diskolt. Artyom declared again:
  - It is impossible! The Dzhabba will tear off to all of us the heads ...
  To gardens admired game of Artyom:
  - Well, the young child, admit whom was in antecedents?
  The boy ignored. And on batteries fluctuated. The commander could not make the decision in any way. Both that, and another threatened with troubles. But if to bring down those who executed the personal order of Dzhabba then consequences will be worse than in case someone from numerous prisoners escapes. Especially, there are some rules, on an escape case ... So ...
  While below fluctuated, the edge of a diskolet was included into the soft shining field, it for a moment detained the car. Then passed in itself.
  The tender, female voice was heard:
  - In the intergalactic territory. Here the general rules and duties of the Universe work!
  To gardens with relief squeezed out from itself:
  - Really not a dream? Slipped!
  . HEAD NO. 11.
  More than a moment ago, the become stupid from frenzied rage, rowdy-dowdy boys became silent, despite the numerical superiority, began to recede slowly. Only one of them risked to rush on a female angel with a dagger. But barefoot fingers of the charming maiden threw in it a piece of the beaten-off tile. That got into a dagger handle, having forced to be deployed the weapon and to pierce in a chubby stomach. Wild shout, hard wounded hooligan, so worked on the others that careful retreat turned into general flight.
  The, delightful beauty, having approached Jesus, one movement of a hand released the connected boy. It is trivial nails unstitched a rope to pieces.
  Lowering hands, Jesus involuntarily screamed from pain, joints were turned out. The girl with a smile set them and kissed the boy on a dislocated brush. Pain disappeared, and the tumor instantly fell down. Jesus raised a hand and, having carefully put on a breast, a low voice asked:
  - You are a messenger Ottsa of mine?
  The little girl kissed in reply Jesus on a mouth and with a smile answered:
  - No ... My purpose to teach people to live and create good independently!
  Jesus suddenly frowned and pushed away tender hands of the half-naked beauty:
  - There is no good out of God, to depart to me the Satan!
  The girl did not take offense at all, in her voice medical sounded:
  - Boy ... See on it the world, on the people Judaic. Unless guardianship of your Father, made Jews though it is one contribution better, than the pagan people surrounding them? - The beauty pointed to the old woman sitting in a distance and continued. - And me you think it is pleasant when offend weak when people - grow decrepit, grow old, are ill, suffer ... No, having the real power, ...
  Instead of the answer, on the place of the barefoot marks left by the beauty on sand escapes began to make the way. Promptly expanding, they turned into bushes of strange flowers. Grandiose reddening, grew directly in the eyes, and on trees there were wonderful fruit, both terrestrial, and such that there is no name to them, with fantastic aromas, and strange beauty. Also birds - as if started singing orchestras.
  Jesus looked at this miracle, and the little girl continued:
  - On the place of deserts fantastic gardens will blossom, and people will never be ill and die any more, and the rage will disappear ... We should combine only efforts for the sake of rescue of mankind. Before Jesus there was a scene of the fire which captured the city. The little girl without restraint shouting in a flame, the boy with the burned head, the baby groaning on fire ... More precisely, the letting-out hardly audible whimpers. From handles burning children gentle skin, and hundreds of images, with the charring women, with the old men choking tormently oblazit.
  And from the sky fire flows, cruel as if attacked. At girls hair flash, they heart-rendingly shout:
  - Mother! Mother rescue!
  The poor faces dripping from them a teardrop, with hissing falling on a flame. And when, carnivorous red language licked the crying child in on a chubby cheek ... An inhuman cry and the opposite bursting blisters which singed gentle lines of the unfortunate girl. And this horror was shown from different hundreds of places. Here the roof falls and the running-away, barefoot, roaring for horror children get to fire. The crunch of stones is heard and the woman choking in a flame, spits out from itself the smoldering lungs. Even animals, are fried alive, the scared low of cows, the herd of horses which is desperately escaping from the fire, manes flare a torch, the horsewoman at whom the burned clothes were already scattered falls.
  Jesus does not maintain and covers eyes with fists. How realistic image the Satan gives it, in one cinema of it you will not meet. Heat is felt really, and shouts, groans, began to smell fake too.
  The little girl Lucifer who coolly stood see the fire, opened Christ's palms and hissed:
  - Is not present, look ...
  Jesus receded and a shiver in a voice asked:
  - What for ad a nightmare?
  Deva-Satana answered:
  - It is the fire of Gomorrah. You remember, izlity to Sodom and Gomorrah of an eternal flame?
  The boy receded, one and the dying girls buried to him in a knee, and whispered:
  - Rescue!
  On cheeks at the boy tears began to flow, the suntanned person turned pale and he moaned:
  - No! I do not want, stop, it is so awful!
  Deva-Satana persistently said:
  - You agree that your Father, was not right, acting this way?
  Jesus is overflowed with emotions, shouts, groans, crying of thousands of children dying in terrible torments, all this before eyes and dins in the ears. Insufferably, it is impossible to suffer. The crushed girl, and a blood stream because of a mouth, a look full of entreaty. The girl Lucifer suddenly is enough with a hand for the flaring roof, rejecting it. Three the semi-strangled children, with the skin singed and charred by places, jump out from there. Deva-Satana prompts to them, specifying on are light koridy:
  - There will be to you a rescue and to recover your wounds!
  Children go to the public, and their burns and wounds disappear. They again cheerful, healthy in elegant clothes ... Laugh ...
  The Satan little girl smiles to Jesus and invites him:
  - Help dying if in you though something remained human.
  And the boy walks for the Deviless, without paying attention to burns. Here he tries to cast away a roof where mother with children is buried, the poor woman hysterically coughs from a caustic smoke, children shout, cry out - pain from carnivorous shchupalets of fire which is poured out from heaven, gradually makes the way to them. Jesus suddenly straightens out hands and is frightened looks at the palms. Together the callosities received on a hard work, scattered on lifelines, the whole mycelium a pimple of burns. The girl Lucifer having quickly bent blew to the boy on a palm. Zhivitelno breath cleaned a burn and took away pain, the devil little girl rejected blood and with entreaty addressed Christ:
  - Help me the boy. In you there is great power of good and forgiveness!
  Jesus rushed to the falling wall, but again could not hold it. Fiery strips singed a breast, a stomach and palms to the boy Messiah. Future savior with despair exclaimed:
  - I am only a boy, I cannot prevent it!
  The girl Lucifer insinuatingly said:
  - Tell - the Father you is not right, and will find force can to the burning-down children!
  Jesus with pain in a voice said:
  - Well why I have to so to speak?
  Devchonka-Satana surely answered:
  - Because to rescue them, means to go against will, the Father who doomed them to painful death. And time to them life, means the Father not of the rights!
  Jesus shook a teardrop from the burned cheek, and resolutely shook the head:
  - No! I cannot tell that God is not right!
  The girl Lucifer with sincere pain in a voice answered:
  - Then all of them will die! I have no forces to rescue people from God's Anger!
  And you can!
  The flame singed the bare-legged little girl who is just fearlessly walking up and down on fire. Her golden hair began to smoke, and barefoot heels to become covered by a scattering of burns. In pupils of the beauty pain and intolerable melancholy developed.
  - Help people Jesus ... Rescue innocent children! - The piece of fabric, on magnificent and strong hips of the warrior, lit up. Evil tongues jarred on golden and olive skin of fantastically beautiful woman. Already on hair sparks ran. Really, heavenly fire got into Mephistopheles's body, forcing to twitch, from intolerable anguish ...
  And Jesus cried too, not to help nobody with forces. Heart ran around like a mad at the sight of terrible sufferings of the dying children, it was even a pity for the Devil. The girl Lucifer burned down in the eyes, her legendary beauty was closed by fragmentary, purulent ulcers of burns. Dynki of breasts suddenly singe, and in a trace behind them also the fried thoroughly meat from legs of the head of angelic opposition began to fall off.
  - Rescue children Jesus ... For God's sake! - The little girl Satan last time croaked.
   On the place of the fantastic maiden goddess there was only a charred skeleton which however, too later was scattered a moment in ashes.
  Gradually groans and shouts in Gomorrah calmed down ... The image of execution of the impious city was gone. Jesus was kneeling and loudly sobbed. Left the Satan reddening withered in the eyes, strange, worthy a paradise garden of a plant were scattered in ashes. The boy continued to cry, the body shuddered from grief, and human heart, was slowed down, accelerated. And so passed, hour after an hour until at last and the Sun was behind the horizon.
  Then the boy at last rose from knees and is silent, thoughtful - said:
  - It is difficult to be God ... But without God in soul it is even more difficult!
  Vision, tremendous realness disappeared. They again on Patriarchal ponds, in the light of pink beams of the dying Sun. Still very warmly and, it seemed did not pass time at all, and any of shadows not even became one inch longer.
  Apparently, "cinema" made tremendous impression on all. To the first the question was asked by cheeful Korovyev:
  - So means, the Gospel did not lie?
  The boy prince and he answered Lucifer with arrangement:
  - There is no direct lie in them. There are only half-words!
  Voland looked at the prince and with grief in a voice said:
  - Two devils, on one universe it already too ...
  Prinze-Lucifer with a smile explained:
  - In this world the Satan one - you ... I only reproduced this light ...
  And Mephistopheles pointed to Bulgakov's girl. - And it is your real Father Creator, can consider him the creator!
  - Charm! - Provizzhal Begemot. - I thought that I am a great and unique personality who serves the mightiest Boss in the Universe ... And it appeared, I no more, than the literary character.
  Voland severely looked at a cat, that in feigned fear shrank. Then messir and the master darkness judiciously said:
  - Yes, you opened the severe truth for me, very severe!
  Prinze-Lucifer seriously and already without smile, noticed:
  - And the truth always severe ... - And here again smiled and already joyfully noticed. - But nobody cancelled the right for sacred lie ... We will erase our emergence from your memory, and you will be able to enjoy and revel in the power, without thinking who created you and what insignificant little man had the nerve to think up to himself!
  Here already and Berlioz gave a vote. His question was the most natural:
  - And me the head by tram will not be cut off?
  The fresh youthful face of the prince got sad expression:
  - Alas, Voland predicted it, and it is impossible to undermine the authority Messira! - The Lucifer replaced looks with more joyful. - But if you do not want to disappear in a non-existence, then in hell to you there will be a town, you are a personality very interesting and extraordinary!
   Kot blonde in boots agreed:
  - Of course, against stupid scoops is directly Vladimir Ilyich from MASSALITA!
  Korovyev, winking at light, through broken a penny sang:
  - Scoops, scoops, we will not give you the country! Scoops, scoops - we declare to you war!
  Prinze-Lucifer winked at the demon in the broken surroundings and at parting took off a hat with a feather, having gallantly taken leave. Voland repeated this sign of friendly parting, then Patriarshikh Prudov Avenue disappeared. Prinze-Lucifer, a Puss in Boots and the girl Bulgakov appeared in the comic ship with transparent walls. Around sparkled, delightful stars and extraordinary planet forms. Very beautiful landscape.
  The Lucifer, seeing as Bulgakov was surprised, watching the planet in the form of the gold samovar topped with a cock crest and wings of a butterfly with the image of mobile drawing indulgently explained:
  - It is hell ... In it I like to create beautiful the planet in surrealism, but when here Picasso and Salvador Dalí come, it will be even better!
  Bulgakov was unexpectedly wrinkled and blurted out:
  - Picasso? Yes my daughter better it draws!
  The prince changed in reply the shape. This time there was already, something from creations of avant-gardism too. A six-sided prism with feelers of a squid, only instead of suckers butonchik of flowers. And on it several eye is represented. fancifully turned out and sparkling. And still pictures which delirious will not come in dream to the person also all in the bright, blinking a light show light.
  The Lucifer, in new shape, asked Bulgakov:
  - Unless it is not tremendous? Refusal of the ordinary, and bothered human body?
  Bulgakov politely answered:
  - On the it is fine, but ... My weak human mind is simply shocked!
  The Lucifer accepted shape of the young man, only this time in a garrison cap in an asterisk and a spotty undershirt again. Plus with a red tie and holding a horn in hand. Now it did not look search any more. The ringing voice said:
  - You want to become the hero?
  The girl, in the form of Bulgakov, became puzzled and only murmured:
  - I do not know whether I am worthy ...
  The Lucifer pioneer surely proorat:
  - Of course it is worthy! - Also shook finger at Bulgakov. - I know that you very much envied pioneers, especially, in process of increase of a physical infirmity.
  Here suddenly Lucifer changed again. Though whether suddenly? It is rather a richness organic property of the Satan. Persons not angry, but fiercely hating any templates! Before Bulgakov there was the most natural robot with wings, but with angular forms of the racing car which reared. And on an outstretched arm, it held the most natural TV. Only not that black-and-white primitive that Bulgakov, and with the big color screen got used to see.
  The robot Lucifer mechanical, that is reading to separate syllables, by voice said:
  - I give the forecast for the future. Russia - Germany, probability of war in ninety three percent. The biggest percent - the beginning in June, 1941 ... Forecast: defeat of Germany by 1945. Probability of a victory of the Third Reich - nineteen percent. In case of the entry in 1941 of Japan, the chance of a victory increases up to forty eight percent, plus twenty four - a neutral outcome. The chance of a victory of the USSR increases the introduction in war of the USA.
  The robot suddenly evaporated and on its place there was a boy in a garrison cap and with a red tie again. The Lucifer, seemingly, summed up all results:
  - There now, mister Bulgakov. Your Homeland and all Soviet people will overstrain many millions of people will die in the hardest fight during which, and you want that I allowed you to rest in bed in the warm place of an underworld?
  Bulgakov, in the form of the girl, turned pale and asked again the Devil:
  - Into the account of war with Germany, it is not a joke?
  The pioneer Lucifer severely answered:
  - Unless with such things joke!
  Bulgakov, it is lost twisting the head murmured:
  - But there are another seven percent that war between us will not be!
  Pioner-Satana splashed a heel on a parquet and having a little frowned eyebrows said:
  - It is small probability. Practice of all wars showed what is to be rather to the conflicts, than not to be. And time only increases chances of collision. Though, certainly, there is some probability that the Fuhrer will want to deal with Britain and he will be enraged by bombings of Berlin. Maybe Stalin will be able to lull Hitler and to convince that he is not going to free Europe, on extremely measure in the next years. Knowing Stalin's character if the Fuhrer does not attack, Coba will begin approach with probability in twenty nine percent. And in this case at the USSR huge chances to win far smaller blood.
  There came the pause and Bulgakov asked Mephistopheles in a garrison cap:
  - But you such Almighty ... Why to you in general, completely not to prevent war with Germany ... - And it is resolute, having waved a hand, added: - And with all wars around the world!
  The boy Lucifer lost fervent tone, and grew dark. Then on its place there was a beautiful girl, in a sacking and chains on the brought-down, bare feet. The touching little girl from under whose fragmentary sacking, crimson shone is even fresher, the brand half inflamed, very sad voice said:
  - Over Earth I am not imperious. Any power there from God! And we can influence wars only indirectly! Sorry, but only hell, this place where so far God does not turn my Creation into a scorching heat! So that ...
  Again there was a guy in a garrison cap and loudly finished: - You can be consoled in the fact that in hell there is always a place for a feat and it is impossible to die!
  Bulgakov, in the course of writing "Mastera and Margarita", re-read various literature, including on communication of the Devil with people much. The Satan really often tests people and gives them tasks for which, in case of their successful execution can give an award. However, the transaction with the devil, does not guarantee paradise on Earth. Though hell, with his sufferings, looks nevertheless far more interestingly than the sublunary planet. But least of all Bulgakov wanted to appear on real war.
  He is not a maniac or, any romantically adjusted boy. During a time to think that Lucifer, revenges such sophisticated way it for "Mastera and Margarita". Maybe really Voland's image, caused some feeling of irritation. The ... Malchishka-Dyavol interrupted reflections of the writer with a ringing laughter:
  - Well you also give ... Yes can in all hell nobody is as dear to me as you!
  The Satan gave a whistle and scenery began to change again. And the ringing voice added:
  - Before leaving to make feats, it is necessary to hold a friendly party with kind friends.
  Bulgakov sighed, remembered a ball of the Satan and "refined" public ... The little boy Mephistopheles hurried to assure the writer.
  - Very interesting people will gather. Beautiful interlocutors and philosophers! Will pleasantly conduct conversation!
  Transformation ended and they appeared in huge, sparkling jewelry, unknown on the earth, and topped with statues and falls, the hall. From above, in the improvised sky shone, fifty stars at once. Everyone peculiar and fine, with fancy rosettes, curls, icicles. And these sun replaced artificial lighting. Bulgakov exclaimed:
  - Mad embodiment!
  The Lucifer noticed:
  - Well why the Creator, so stubborn, gives to all stars the form of a sphere? Unless stars cannot be more various and richer?
  Bulgakov was not that to object to it. Really, to what to limit a flight of fancy, so far as concerns such fine subject as stars. About the entities which are throwing up light with the unique shades and fibers awakening desire to create.
  The enormous hall where there had to be a magnificent feast, struck with the luxury and abundance of jewelry. And, each decoration, real masterpiece of the fine arts of the unique image of drawings. Possibly, really created by the most talented masters of the planet Earth who received a new haven in hell.
  The Lucifer remained a boy in a garrison cap and with a red tie. Only boots disappeared from legs. The girl who arose from air hardly covered with threads from jewels began to mass to the Satan of a heel and anklebone. That, zaurchav from pleasure, presented the girl:
  - This is the world famous countess Genoveva de Sez. How many innocent souls ruined because of animal jealousy!
  The countess bent, submissively kissing Lucifer in brilliant as if luster, a foot and whispered:
  - Very much I regret for it great messir!
  Unexpectedly, malchik-Satana caught fingers its nose and having slightly squeezed, said:
  - Jealousy, this feeling of people defective! They are weak on reason, them it is even a pity for the poor!
  Bulgakov, and itself being rather afraid of Omnipotent Mephistopheles, despite his very thoughtless image of the pioneer in shorts, having hardly overcome itself, noticed:
  - Can too, for the lady?
  The Lucifer burst out laughing and, having released the girl, indulgently said:
  - Its it is not sick, and from the master of the Universe underworld such joke is not offensive.
  The countess Genevieve too, quite sincerely, agreed:
  - Messir is kind and taught me to love for the neighbor!
  Bulgakov strongly was surprised:
  - And it still as?
  The Satan boy nodded supposedly tell. The girl was accepted, tinkling bracelets and brightly sparkling beads, to be filled in with a nightingale:
  - The last night before the death penalty was the most awful. Took off a rich dress and all jewelry from me, took away even footwear and forced to dress a dress of the simple peasant. My bare feet strongly froze in a crude chamber, the stomach clenched for hunger as I for dinner was given only not too pure lokhanka. But the most terrible, is even not physical suffering and not in a disgusting way the rats peeping in a condemned cell. The most terrible, it was the wild horror before hell. Especially, the padre on a confession so browbeat me with him .... Moreover and "The divine comedy" of Dante. So terribly there all this is described. - The girl even turned pale and on her pretty face there passed the disturbing wave. - I was kneeling and violently prayed. And before dawn, shivered and weakened, fell asleep. And I dreamed an underworld, huge as the Alpine mountains tongues of flame and a Satan. Such terrible, horned that I cannot even describe it. And when it pierced through me long as a knightly spear a claw, I screamed and in horror woke up. The message that I am already conducted on execution, apprehended nearly with relief. Especially as a condemned cell, dark, in the cellar and very cold, especially for my coddled legs. Before, I was in one of the best rooms of the Bastille, prison for rich people and generally could not complain. And here a terrible jail with rats to whom, however, I did not pay attention.
  My stiffened legs turned blue from cold and it was very sick to go. I strongly limped and sighed, jailers supported me. When left in a court yard, the sun stood quite highly and cobble-stones got warm. And then the legs which froze in the cellar, began to ache even stronger, to be poured by blood and to be ill. And me shook on warm air from a fever. On custom, me brought quite big cup of strong wine. I greedy nestled to it. Up to a body began to flow, more precisely, even pleasant heat spread. The fever was gone and terrible leg pain ceased. I could get into the vehicle independently. In my head from drunk rustled and the fear was gone in hop. The peasant's dress that I was graciously given out, was short. I think, can it purposely truncated to steal fabric, and at the same time to humiliate more the prisoner. I went by the open vehicle, showing all naked, red from the flowed blood of a leg and a hand. Let on shoulders hair down, graciously allowed not to cut them. And in general, for my crimes much more cruel and painful execution, than the otrubany heads relied.
  I, then one more of the most beautiful women of France, bare-legged and in too frank dress. On me were all eyes, some pointed a finger and, that stood closer, pulled greedy and lewd hands.
  Be I sober, probably would burst into tears with shame that I stand as the whore offered for auction: before commoners and the torn-off poor boys. But the wine drunk on a hungry stomach and without snack, awakened in me the demon and extinguished shame. I even purposely pushed bare feet and allowed to touch them. And the piquancy of a similar situation even brought me, touches of rough, dirty hands caused a tickling when ran on fingers, I even zaurchat from pleasure.
  Did not pay attention to various insults, as if shouted not at me, and on some it is made other young woman whore. To me even it seemed that it abruptly to show naked legs to hundreds and even thousands devouring me with views of oglodavshy wolves of men, and to allow it me to concern.
  But when, at last, the scaffold, with the fleecer of huge growth effortlessly shaking a pole-axe where in one toporishche there is not less than a pood of tempered iron loomed. A mighty giant, I recognized legendary Samson at once (there their whole dynasty of executioners!), me began to rock for fear again ... And painfully pulled out. Wine poured out from an empty stomach, hop evaporated as dew at midday and ... At once the shame returned. I densely reddened, and desperately drew in the naked legs, and in general shrank in shoulders, trying to cover broad cut on a breast. It not too well it turned out, and I tried to cover nakedness of a bust with hair. And here noticed the gray-haired lock which appeared for the terrible night spent in a basement condemned cell in a red shock. And me it became even more terrible.
  To go out of the vehicle and to climb up the wooden, badly pared down scaffold steps I did not want. Then the big-bellied and broad-shouldered assistant to Samson, seized me by the right hand and dragged to an executioner's block. I desperately resisted, but the executioner's helper in two me was heavier. On oak steps, in a thumb on the right leg the splinter deeply pierced. I cried from sharp explosion of pain, and then the second assistant, more harmonous and nimble rushed to the aid of the companion.
  I was dragged up to the executioner's block and put before it. Strongly swayed, my legs absolutely weakened, maybe for hunger, and from drunk. There was a wish only that rather all this came to an end. But at first to the people and notable public began to read the list of mine of a crime. It is opposite to listen to similar as if to you with each word stick the heated needle in a brain. It seemed to me almost infinite. Then the priest approached, asked if to me what to tell. I whispered pale, almost blue lips that I am not present. He allowed to kiss finally a silver crucifixion and waved, begin a pier.
  I hurried to kneel and rested a stomach, on carefully washed from blood, an executioner's block oak. It became a little easier and lips whispered a prayer.
  The executioner did not hurry, his axe very big, and is sharply perfected. But for some reason me not the tool of execution, but a slanting, lilac scar almost in half of rassekshiya frightened the person of zaplechny affairs of the master, rough, brown, similar to a theatrical mask, more.
  I fell face down, trying not to look towards the giant Samson and again whispered, with all the might prayers. And infernal, reddish fire began to seem to me. So terribly, and I wanted to delay embraces of a flame of Hades at any cost. I prayed and prayed, then prayed again.
  The priest began to glance at an o'clock of a city head and impatiently muttered:
  - Give, start! She plays for time!
  The skilled executioner nodded, the bull neck with a scratch shook:
  - I understand!
  Also brought over me the axe. I in fear was interrupted and tried to jump. But both assistants dexterously seized me by hands, without allowing to tear off the head from an executioner's block. And such second, long for my frightened perception, later, fell upon my neck, something heavy and heated. Before eyes, brightly flashed, intolerable pain flew from a nape, to my barefoot heels, and then the consciousness grew dim ...
  Genevieve interrupted the story, Lucifer whispered something and in hands of a she-wolf arose engraved by a cube with orange wine. The countess took couple of sips, her face reddened and she is grateful looked at the Satan. Then continued:
  - I wakened lying on a magnificent grass, in paradise to a garden, such beauty that on Earth nothing is similar it is impossible to present. Air is filled with strange aromas, warmly and miraculously. I am itself, as well as on execution barefoot, but clothes almost weightless as if the Indian silk and sparkling as if sewed from stars. And the body changed: from the adult woman I turned into the young girl, even more beautiful, than was when that.
  Genevieve, having shy been lop-sided on a messir, quietly continued.
  - I did not believe the eyes: cannot be that the murderer deserved paradise! Or me all this, including also execution, only dreams, and actually I lie on a small group of rotten straw in a condemned cell and just about the rough hail of the jailer will interrupt my dream.
  But it is valid, all it seemed quite real and pleasant, and I took several steps on this paradise. And suddenly I hear someone's crying. And it as shock, in paradise cry too. Turned and see the little girl, with a tear-stained face, and a poor, shabby dress. She turned the scared face to me and by the shivering voice said: - the Aunt, for what you killed my mother?
  Genevieve choked and again greedy nestled to a diamond glass. Convulsively took a sip and continued.
  - Here then I understood that the real hell, it is not obligatory when executioners to you unscrew joints on a rack and fry heels. Maybe it is more terrible. Then I saw the hungry, thin boy who pulled to me hands and asked the same question: For what you killed also my mother? And new children appeared, all exhausted, in a tatter, tear-stained and unfortunate.
  The countess has a little cry and, with very sad look, continued.
  - I fell on knees and began to ask from them for mercy, forgiveness, kissed them brought down about sharp stones (and where they were in this infernal paradise?) legs. Itself started howling, having begged, asking let better me will give to the most cruel torturers, than to suffer similar ... And then to me It was ... Beautiful, radiant angel of light of Lucifer. Its thunderous voice and, at the same time tender and sad, told me:
  - Your fault is big and crimes are cruel. But I never set as the purpose to punish angrily for the sake of the punishment or revenge. The principle, an eye for an eye, is opposite to the highest reason. And punishment has to correct first of all the criminal, but not cripple him ....
  Genevieve bowed towards Lucifer and continued:
  - Therefore make one thousand kind acts, concerning unfortunate, unfortunate and oppressed. You will be forgiven!
  . HEAD NO. 12.
  Svarog and Azazello were groundless invisible directly over Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin. Chairs with two mighty to demons and the little table filled with exotic delicacies, without any visible support soared on couple of hundreds of meters above gold, two-headed eagles. The Russian God demiurge with admiration looked at this magnificence and enthusiastically spoke in a bass:
  - My children developed! Such lepota was created on the place of bogs!!
  Azazello without excess enthusiasm answered:
  - Many people for one thousand years developed ... Life does not stand still!
  Svarog, having swallowed a piece of a sturgeon and glancing at the Kremlin, objected:
  - Krepostitsa notable! I do not think that in power other to create it. Especially hours on towers strike!
  Evil ghost of the desert, without wishing to show excessive scepticism, bit a short glass of centenary honey and growled:
  - It is the Third Rome ... And the place where at all progress villains propagate as rats!
  Svarog, without stopping admiring the Russian capital, skrepya hearts agreed:
  - Yes, I feel the evils much more, than one thousand years ago! - And the Russian God demiurge offered. - Give, punish angrily!
  Azazello, with a gloomy view of it noticed:
  - Apparently, we already reached the limit of intervention in affairs of people and we are threatened precisely by the conclusion in a chasm, up to the second coming ...
  Appearance of the youth elf with mirror, and big as at a butterfly, but octahedral wings forced demons to swell up, saluting.
  The Lucifer, in the form of the fantastic elf, carelessly waved a hand:
  - Sit! We have a democracy and it is possible without rituals!
  Azazello declared:
  - If absolutely without rituals, then angels of opposition are dismissed and will push absolutely around, or there will come the mess!
  The elf Lucifer noticed:
  - Rituals are necessary to more people. They react emotionally more often, than the weighed logic. We have a cogitative device, is far prompter human, and we manages to consider a lot of things and to count!
  Svarog, honestly answered it:
  - I for myself do not notice big logic ...
  The Lucifer shrugged shoulders:
  - Experience of the millennia showed that the solitary confinement strongly bares emotions. - The leader of angelic opposition, gave the conversation another turn. - Now there is a chance to work more actively. Our final, or at least the important, intermediate purpose - to make Earth the most prospering and happy place in the Universe!
  Azazello vigorously nodded in reply:
  - Truly messir! Otherwise would not be to tempt sense on a sin Adam and Eve. The earth the only place where the beings created just like God, at least, partially left submission to God.
  The Lucifer continued, changing color of wings, and perelivisty tone in a voice, trying to emphasize, these or those nuances a peculiar intonation:
  - The earth could become real paradise if not desire of the Lord to show to people malignancy of a sin, that is a separation from It. In this plan there are unpleasant things the climates proceeding from God, in particular, rains, hurricanes, storms, earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes. And the Bible speaks about it: including command to ascend to the Sun. But there are many things, for example diseases which very much complicate life of people on Earth ...
  Svarog furiously frowned and bellowed:
  - Also do not speak! I when I see torments of people in diseases, want to break a spine to this Yavkhe and to replace it with the good-natured person Rod!
  And all three angels burst out laughing to such witty joke. Then their mood worsened a little as Lucifer severe tone noticed:
  - Diseases and an old age of people, sharply reduce appeal of Earth in the opinion of inhabitants of not fallen worlds! Once he sees some wrinkled and humpbacked old woman, all desires to live on another, than to them God commanded, at once will evaporate.
  Azazello uncertainly assumed:
  - And if to show them hell?
  The Lucifer smiled, but it is a smile was not cheerful. The prince of opposition logically noticed:
  - And they do not see hell. In the same way as we do not know what is created in not fallen worlds. There passed already very many millennia from the moment of closing of open spaces for us all Solar System. And we see stars, and even planets, but not that on them is created!
  Svarog wanted to tell something, but Azazello was ahead of him:
  - It is possible to show them excellent cinema on the laptop and to express that if despotism of God does not press to Earth, then they will have a happy world also!
  The Lucifer partially agreed:
  - Art achievements on Earth, undoubtedly, will be shown. And in general, the same difficulties urged forward development of humanity. Including to the medical sphere. Bioscanning and works on rejuvenation of an organism is especially interesting. If by the force we return to old men youth only in hell, then to people of to make young, by the general rules, even God has no right to forbid!
  Azazello cunning grinned, but noticed:
  - I am more specialist in destruction and punishment of the evil. Svarog the technician to whom after the conclusion, still it is necessary to study and studies. We in medicine questions ...
  The Lucifer tore off the desert demon:
  - Anyway, your knowledge is higher than human! And not in it business. Now follows you, without applying obviously miracles, to destroy one most dangerous virus in military laboratory. - The Lucifer replaced shape again, wings became as at a kite, and a type of the elf, very terrible with abundance, on Hollywood, abruptly fancy weapon. - If not to make it, nearly hundred percentage probability that it will leave from under control, and then on Earth there can not be no human civilization at all.
  Azazello slightly was surprised:
  - Really people and such weapon learned to do what plague, on its background, a children's baby's dummy?
  The Satan chilly answered:
  - People succeed in destruction and the evil! Guessed to give to AIDS firmness of botulism, and fertility of the most mass terrestrial microbe. And at such hybrid modification, this hyper plague of the slowed-down action, will kill all warm-blooded life forms!
  Azazello noticed:
  - The person in something surpassed God, managed to create the grave-digger!
  The Lucifer with pressing said:
  - Hurry up children until stamps dispersed on other objects. - The voice of the Devil became almost begging. - Also try to kill nobody, these are after all the people only fulfilling the duty to the Homeland and without supernatural miracles!
  Azazello, having stuck out a broad chest, solemnly promised:
  - Only the card, and all of us will bungle same night!
  Object and really extremely confidential, located in underground Moscow-2. Svarog did not cease to be surprised to an ingenuity of the descendants who so much dug and who adjusted. And the underground city in Moscow very much is even beautiful. At first it is of course metro stations. All known lines. And under them a set of other, not so known stations and transitions.
  At first two demons without any miracles, in usual civil suits and, using universal travel cards, went down under the earth. Svarog behaved not too naturally. Twisted the head much and was surprised. In an underground stall refueled yellow and green drink. It was pleasant to it. Though, of course, after thousands of years without corporal human pleasures, even you will be glad to spring water. But especially Svarogu was pleasant aerated chocolate. With great difficulty, Azazello, delayed the exhausted with the thousand-year conclusion, Russian God.
  - You draw excess attention to yourself the blockhead! And in general, task of a messir above all!
  Svarog threw in a ballot box ten and etiquette and, having a little restrained an ardor, moved for the demon of the desert. Of course, to appear in the modern world, huge test. Azazello very often was on Earth, and surprised nothing him. The Svarog was struck by beauty of stations of the Moscow subway:
  - Underground people built the real palaces, worthy tsars. Even it is strange ...
  Azazello cold answered:
  - At Stalin wanted to show off and since then it became tradition!
  Svarog, examining marble, brilliant ornaments noticed:
  - Good tradition!
  Azazello discontentedly muttered:
  - I prefer jewelry on a surface, by the light of the Sun!
  Troubled Svarogu to behave more or less naturally. It is good still that there was just evening rush hour, and to the people so many that nobody paid attention to them. Or almost anybody. However, Svarog quite could with the beard and a clumsy manner, descend for the rural guy who for the first time saw Moscow. So especially to suspect demons of espionage, the reasons were not! Though it is rather they, planned diversion.
  Azazello, arguing with itself, silently said:
  - Well, well, we will destroy this stamp. But scientists-killers will create new in few months.
  The beautiful girl with white as if the hair powdered with golden powder, answered:
  - Probability to repeatedly reproduce such combination, within seventeen-place figure. So not too take a steam bath!
  Azazello furiously noticed:
  - Not this stamp, so another. I with the chief scientist would have a heart-to-heart talk!
  - And it will be! - The girl Lucifer promised and disappeared, having waved at parting a hand. Rings which were covered it are thin also long fingers, left a color strip in air. Svarog noticed it too and whispered:
  - Our God always with us!
  Azazello involuntarily, again, was lop-sided on the sky and warned:
  - More careful you ... I had no such terrestrial adventures long ago.
  Svarog as if took words literally, decided to tell about Prophetic Oleg's campaign to Byzantium.
  One of the most successful military companies for all history of Russia, was, Azazello, is certainly known and the spirit of the desert listened in a half of an ear. However, something in the story of Svaroga, was not reflected in Old Russian chronicles.
  It appears, there were Byzantine dromona and galleys to a meeting to the Russian fleet. Also the sea fight largest for those times began.
  Svarog accepted shape simple, the truth of large and extraordinary dexterous ratnik. It helped Russians to prepare for fight with terrible Byzantine vessels and their most effective weapon - the Greek fire.
  The advanced galleys and castles covered with a thin layer of asbestos, and Russian soldiers muffled in the rags soaked in special solution not to burn and force to jump aside arrows. Here firedrakes struck and the man-made flame poured down a long stream. The Russian soldiers jumped aside aside, strong heroes plied the oars, and the castle rammed a dromona. The hooked nose of the Russian vessel bit through a thick board and was tightly fixed by the big Byzantine ship. The Russian soldiers, and the first of them Svarog, with shout - "For the Homeland, for Rod!" rushed on the deck where a close formation settle down praetorians.
  The Russian God demiurge waved an enormous, two-handled sword, and three tall Byzantine soldiers split in half be filled up under its fantastically mighty kladents. Even steel boards burst as if a nut peel under a sledge hammer. And blood scattered the crushed cherries under a press. Other Russian soldiers fought adequately and quickly, clearing the deck. Svarog each wave of the, of the human growth of a sword, stacked several fighters. One took down the heads, others chopped in half. Here the big head in horned a helmet from strong blow, having flown by fifteen sazhen, pierced in the top sail of a mainmast and hanged in a painted cloth.
  Legionaries of Byzantium moved back. A wild impact of Slavs not to constrain to construction. On another, besieged dromena, in attack of the Russian fighters the terrible and kind warrior Lada conducts. The bare-legged beauty, with hair of color of sunshine that battles better than the most brave and skillful men (can except Svaroga or terrible god demon Perun!), already set up the Russian banner on a flagstaff and, in blow of a leg having brought down five guardsmen praetorians at once, said:
  - For Russia Sacred do not die and if you trust, win!
  Having finished crew, Svarog, and other soldiers threw by swimming, to the dromena suitable and spitting fire with a big flag of the Basil on the nose. Svarog almost runs on water and climbs up the first, cutting down reception a mad mill of four two-meter guardsmen who having narrowed eyes coward exposed overboard long a spear.
  The story of Svaroga entertaining, but put first of all. Azazello created a sign and having turned back the invisible being passed, through a wall. Together with it the Russian God dived through reinforced concrete also.
  Now demons moved on the parallel confidential line of the subway located on fifty meters below the passenger route. Here it was almost desert, only occasionally, the sentries placed at intersections in bullet-proof vests and with handheld transceivers. Sometimes sentry dogs ran: sheep-dogs, bulldogs and still what hybrid, externally inconsistent breeds.
  Dogs externally did not react to demons, but were slightly displaced aside as if feeling danger. At the same time being afraid to give a vote.
  Sometimes by rail passed separate trolleys, with soldiers or raw materials. Azazello who already visited more than once Moscow-2 felt to himself surely, noticed:
  - One more round down we will also leave to the confidential underground ground, there couple of versts also will be an underground, nuclear reactor, and from it to the town laboratory where there is a superplague strain, no distance!
  Lighting of the subway looked poor and, some greenish. The truth infrared lamps joined from time to time. After their influence, air began to smell of ozone and became extremely sticky.
  The ground was rather small, and it is even strange what on it could be carried out tests. Azazello, however, knew much:
  - Here tiny robots test. In particular, developments in the form of a mosquito, capable to sting, poison, or even to blow up.
  Svarog not quite believed:
  - To create a mechanical mosquito that flew? So it will not rise in air!
  Azazello, indulgently burst out laughing:
  - Eh you are darkness! People managed to reproduce such remarkable material as a coal plastic. It is firmer and stronger than damask steel, but at the same time can float on water!
  Svarog was surprised and in hearing said:
  - Anything to ... My children surprise me!
  Its voice was heard by the four of sentries with sheep-dogs. Protection of the ground was disturbed, and dogs began to whimper. Azazello in despair thought: "here the idiot", and here several video cameras burst, spraying transparent plastic. A compulsory measure of precaution that record of a voice of the Russian God did not remain.
  But this time, and the experienced spirit of the desert gave miss. Sirens raised a howl, and the alarm signal sounded. Probably in protection not too believed in the poltergeist and object strictly regime here.
  Bark of numerous dogs was heard and protection began to run together. Azazello and Svarog, of course, could not be afraid that someone will see them or especially will catch, but rules were violated and demons were lit for the third time. So it is a high time to give I tear up!
  Jerked along corridors to the reactor, but as it became clear, vainly. There bigger, chaos. Even several underground tanks left. Cars, by the way not quite usual, on the one hand seemingly caterpillar, but from other caterpillar are located on six separate walking platforms. And it is several guns, with a flame thrower.
  Azazello was surprised by such derogation from a classical design. But it is necessary to pay tribute, the tank on hinges, and it is capable to stretch, moving on mines. There is, probably, such design as four or five T-90.
  By Azazello and Svarog as if ghosts, passed through a protection rank, choosing the direction to the town laboratory. There probably, too already on a signal lifted so much special troops, as it is difficult to count. The demon of the desert even thought what is strange, it is so much soldier to hold underground and as after that existence of Moscow-2 still remains almost secret. No, of course speak about it and write, but to such an extent everything is doubtful.
  And here they at all speeds rushed off to the city laboratory. And, certainly, high buildings or typical city streets are not visible here. Very strongly brushes away everything here to huge plant, like "Yenisei", only with some jewelry. In particular, statues of various heroes of times of antiquity.
  Azazello, however, at once glades that it is not simple for appearance. In statues microchambers for supervision and record, and in some, also machine-gun cells or similarity of lasers are built in. Well, and of course, of human protection it is full. Hundreds of well trained and perfectly equipped soldiers. And moreover, caterpillar robots with aeroguns.
  Cars quite futuristic look, and the design of cyborgs, even differs in some grace of streamline shapes. Robots are painted towards the color khaki that underground, perhaps, not the best camouflage, but looks beautifully. However, people operate the vehicles on radio ... Well, and of course, underground tanks and SAU, where without them.
  Azazello was already going to break in the biological center where on the card the storage of all a round of the virus and bacteriological weapon as suddenly the demon felt as if the space around it was extremely condensed is specified. As if it flew in a belly of a neutron star and there got stuck. The Svaroga, too as if flattened, and the Russian God hanged in in superdense matter.
  The thunderous voice hit demons on ears:
  - The third time was broken per day by rules, devils! So receive the God's penalty and a gloom of the underground conclusion!
  Svarog and Azazello appeared in outer darkness. In it is unknown the place though demons continued to feel gravitation of Earth. Became, however, silently and very cold. Silence, immovability and ice icy cold. It very much reminded Svarogu a chasm and he is frightened murmured:
  - Also it is impossible, My God!
  Azazello pleased to a voice of the Russian God answered in big disappointment:
  - You in general for one thousand years grew dull! We can sometimes interpose in the matter of people. And you even allowed to battle against a sword and to deprive of vorog of Earth of the Russian life. But wonderful force ... People should not believe, without knowing doubts in us, even in God Boga! Let's sit so in a pre-trial detention center.
  Svarog, having for the first time heard this strange word, asked:
  - It that for fruit
  Azazello gloomy answered:
  - Like a chasm, only term the conclusion is not determined!
  Svarog, with shy hope, noticed:
  - Time we together, that is chance that everything will manage and we will perform the Sovereign's task.
  Azazello, though it in a gloom it is also not visible, was contemptuously twisted:
  - And you do not think that to me to sit with you, and you with me, much more cruel torture, than loneliness?
  Svarog on it, humble tone, objected:
  - I so do not think ... You want, I will tell further about our battles during the well-known campaign Prophetic Oleg to Tsargrad!
  The similar idea not too suited Azazello:
  - I from these fights and murders, admit honestly, was tired very much! Even you the demiurge warrior were not in such dismantling as I ....-The angry demon of deserts and a hot dry wind crackled bones of fingers, and shook the case. In similarity of human flesh, cold very unpleasant phenomenon. Also Svarog suffered. Especially in a chasm, for spirit there is no such concept as cold or unpleasant temperature. And here, when in a body, and around the ice icy cold, feelings becomes similar to cruel torture. Svarog felt some repentance too, and judiciously said:
  - I killed people during these or those wars. But whether Byzantines that for whom themselves were considered, ty is the cultural people. I speak, no!
  Azazello snapped and maliciously noticed:
  - It is possible to tell everyone!
  Svarog put the palm on a high, wrinkled forehead of the demon of deserts and said:
  - Now you will see culture of the people of Byzantium.
   The beautiful girl, more precisely already adult woman, but with a good, slim figure and a fresh face why seemed is younger than the years: carried out magically ritual. She was eager to learn destiny of the children stolen in cruel slavery. The main magician of the pagan temple trained the female witch doctor in some magic receptions. Veshnyavka rolled on silver, with a gilded kayemochka a saucer a bulk apple. Similarity of the magic TV had to give the picture of what it most of all wanted to see. And what most of all wants to see mother? The answer is trivial, correctly, the children! And the silvery saucer showed bright, in paints and volume, a picture.
  The first high stone walls of Tsargrad - Constantinople acted. Then, the whole chain of impressive and magnificent palaces and buildings, the greatest and magnificent city of the Middle Ages followed. Especially brightly hundreds of gold domes of orthodox churches shone on the sun. Even great Kiev, was not as magnificent as this tsar of all cities. The picture showed the past, there was a summer and everything blossomed, palm trees, lianas, oaks, maples and silver fir-trees, everything mixed up in the exotic city. The ports of Tsargrad were overflowed with vessels, the colourful ships filled harbor. Some of them were huge, the boards sheathed by iron from each party one hundred oarsmen. Heavy soldiers with semicircular boards were on each side, on a nose catapults and pipes for the Greek fire are established. Warships romeev big - dromona, less skendiya covered a way to harbor and the first stage to the passage Bosphorus. In future time, the first grand duke of Russia Oleg, will give the order to a half of the Russian fleet, from small castles to stick to the coast and to set the ships on wheels. Having bypassed terrible Byzantine fleet by land, the Russian soldiers under the screen of night struck from the back. In near fight, dromona lost advantage, many of them are simply boarded, also legendary Greek fire did not help, so promptly met in near fight of an urusa. After bloody fight, all fleet of Byzantium died, Bosporus gate fell, and boastful Byzantines were forced to agree to shameful capitulation, having paid an enormous tribute. Then the grand duke Prophetic Oleg also took out a throne of the Byzantine emperor. If not a fatal sting Hindu (obviously brought by some overseas magician!) the viper who hid in a horse skull, who knows, would not become the prince Oleg the Russian Genghis Khan. For past, since the time of Konstantin of century, the shine of the Byzantine glory slightly grew dull, but the hail still strikes. St. Sophia Cathedral, a real miracle of the world of that time is especially big. Constantinople is enormous, the peninsula is given in the sea. Very tall white walls from four and hexagonal towers, appear, grow from the rocky granite coast. And the Gold horn is decorated with the giant beacon, at night, shining as forty moon, and carried away in height by fortress palace. On the left side, on an extremity of the peninsula, over the sea were seen, among harmonous cypresses, diverse assemblies of palaces of emperors of the Second Rome, they were decorated by numerous fountains and statues of the enormous sizes, especially there are a lot of gilded griffins. All this curled fancy curls. St. Sophia Cathedral, appear, hung in the blue sky, and easy its design was so unusual. And several rows of white walls, according to the legend of Romans Apollo and Poseidon helped to build them. Many Byzantines and, on the quiet, esteem now the most ancient antique gods. How many tens, and maybe hundreds of thousands of slaves, lay down on buildings only one God the Lord knows. Far away from palaces the city looked differently, too stone, but more gray, though blossoming. Constructions as if rise on steps, higher and higher. They last to the horizon, merging with dark-cornflower-blue clouds. The building of the Supreme Court reminds the gold horn topped with a terrible lion's muzzle. In this hour when the sun already jumped a zenith, and slightly weakened the heat, from the uncountable ships which came from all over the world, dumped anchors and vacationers in quiet waters water is not visible. There were vessels which did a long and difficult way by the Russian sea merchants from the state Shakharmenov, from Shirvan, Baghdad, the ruined Khwarezm, Kashkar and China and many other countries went to them. Were here and from India, Arabia, Egypt from Hansa and Europe. By the ships various voices and diverse languages were heard. Overseas dealers constantly exchanged, bought, sold, furiously bargaining. Behind a gold Horn the Coast of Peru turned pale, he reminded slightly embellished city of Vladimir. In places churches and towers rose, the biggest tower of Christ hanged over the sea. And in the distance, in beams of the sun gentle turned blue and cast pearls of the mountain.
  - Beauty! - The beauty witch exclaimed, and rounded cornflower-blue eyes. - What delightful look! But I do not want to admire beauty of Tsargrad,
   and I want to see the children.
  The saucer changed the image, having moved to the slave market. The place allocated under a slaveholding market was the extensive and fenced iron fence. Thousands of slaves are brought to a public inspection. On torzhishche there were representatives of all people, from giperboreysky to South African. Here sold both Chinese, and Germans, and Blacks. In this wild concourse, Veshnyavka hardly could consider the children. They were pressed through together with fifty more many-sided ogolts, both boys, and girls. Generally here Slavs are presented, but there are yellow, narrow-eyed Asians, and black curly Black children. Absolutely golenky, her offsprings are exposed, basking in the midday Sun and only knees were greased with chalk, they stood on the podium powdered with canary sand. Continually stones forced to dance, sing, raise them and to twirl sticks. From the moment of separation passed only a few months. Her children, three boys and two girls, without watching a sad slave fate, were cheerful and vigorously executed the Russian national dance. They slightly dried up and grew thin, skin became covered by good brown suntan, but the look, in general, was quite healthy and well-groomed - before the bargaining fed not bad. The full goods go better.
  And mind and feelings of the child are far more elastic, than at the adult. Here they forgot separation and that recently toiled in shackles, from fetters still it is possible to consider hardly noticeable traces on wrists and anklebones. The enormous city, wonderful not that their deaf farm, causes the most live curiosity. And children yell, try to show the ability. Times still pagan, and nobody is accustomed to hesitate of the nakedness, or to plunge into sanctimonious ritual. It seems that not slaves it, and children on beach morning performance.
  However to sell captives as it was not possible. Certain the kupchin, in a rich crimson dressing gown, was captiously examined by live goods, forced to open a mouth, felt teeth.
  - Buy!
  Zadrebezzhal who is looking like the pirate, the seller in a color turban. By an abstruse voice began to praise highly "goods":
  - They are healthy, strong and they have excellent teeth.
  Negatively shook Kupchin the head, roared a baritone:
  - They are too small!
  The corsair with a bandage on the left eye, with great feeling said:
  - It is better for those, you will be able unlike stupid adults to train them to crafts. They are capable, and from them the net profit will go.
  But this argument did not work.
  Exactly. At first to train, not one year of works, without knowing the end result! The market is also so hammered by excellent adult experts. After the Mongolian attacks, the markets were overflowed with slaves.
  Kupchina deliberately contemptuously spat and departed, important shaking an impressive stomach.
  - About! Great Allah! - Prourchal is a pirate, cautiously glancing on marching praetorians. They should unfasten for now a pribytka with gugulkin a nose. - Help to sell these "crucians" though at that price that will pay back expenses!
  In the head the thought flashed and if not to manage to sell them what it is better - to sell at a loss or just to kill?
  Gloomy thoughts were interrupted by appearance of one more possible buyer.
  Externally it looked not especially pretentiously, in leather sandals and a modest tunic. The long curly beard a bast went down on a breast. But many, at the sight of it, respectfully greeted and gave way.
  - This is Samuil, the great sculptor and the artist.
  Were whispered in crowd. Samuil approached a torzhishch, something drew attention of his sharp-sighted eyes. Veshnyavka herself attentively peered, having brought closer to the image closely the fresh face, having nearly pierced a nose a saucer.
  Her younger son, Georgy, on yellow sand removed a twig drawing. The supervisor clicked a lash, the tip scratched a bony, chocolate back of the boy, but that did not pay attention to it. The fanatic wanted to add more feasibly, but was stopped by expressive gesture of Samuil. The famous artist came nearer, attentively peering at the image - on sand stiffened, and at the same time two persons as if streamed: young men and girls, and the pigeon from above flitted. Graceful figures seemed live, with surprisingly accurate portrayal of separate details. Samuil pointed a finger the boy in thin, with the fresh strip which is blown up from blow, plechiko:
  - What is your name child! - The artist asked in pure Russian with soft Latin accent.
  The boy accurately answered, having straightened a back and trying to show that on his thin hands there are some muscles straining them:
  - Grishka! - And right there recovered. - That is Georgy Muromets!
  - And so Georgy, I take you! - Samuil resolutely said. - How many it costs?
  . HEAD NO. 13
  The station of portal transition looked surprisingly modestly. White walls, with five doors elevators, couple of big leather chairs, light green in with a pink strip on lokotka. And some left-luggage offices exposed in a semicircular form.
  Three run away prisoners appeared inside, brought by the current path. Artem smiled, it is pleasant to float on a wave, and your brought-down heels as if plunged into the warm tickling wax.
  But having appeared inside, children were disappointed a little. And not only Artyom, but also to Gardens with Marcos which too probably watched fantastic blockbusters and absolutely other look was expected from station from where it is possible to be winded in any point of the universe.
  However, Marcos as the easiest and bright, rushed to the doors similar to lift, having cried out:
  - There just we will also find a portal!
  But the boy mercenary managed to reach well, the invisible, earlier, wall was lit, having rejected the boy back. Marcos fell on a back and some time dumbfounded lay. Artyom jumped up to it and, having bent, applied an ear to heart. It beat very often as if the graggers rumbled, and the nose was pointed and turned blue. The palm and a forehead which touched an invisible background on the contrary reddened and even a little napukhla. Artyom, patting, the workmate on a cheek murmured:
  - Will live! And it's nothing!
  To gardens Hussein on the contrary, being careful, stood, without moving, being even afraid to turn the head. The enthusiasm from escape subsided. And in general, a story about a portal from the very beginning seemed too fantastic. The former dictator sad tone said:
  - We will be seized now! Here will rush and ...
  Artyom angrily answered:
  - No! I am sure that us just test! Only panic is not necessary!
  And the answer was heard a ringing voice:
  - Already there are security guards!
  The conglomerate from left-luggage offices began to be transformed in the eyes in some enormous, the futuristic robot. Feelers moved forward and wide monitors shone. At the same time, sounded some extraordinary as if a space melody.
  Artyom, suddenly as bryaknt:
  - Robot! Robot! Robot! Electronic swing! Robot! Robot! Robot! From an underworld departed!
  The electronic subject squeaked:
  - You will sing songs at station of a portal of music lovers! There payment for travel, execution of vocal works and composition of songs! Right there delivery in any point of the Universe happens on other conditions!
  Artem hesitated. He for some reason wanted to sing, and to Gardens with enthusiasm nodded:
  - And we know it! Give questions!
  The robot started blinking bulbs. It looked is not quite modern. So usually represented future robots in fantastic movies of the sixtieth, seventieth years of the twentieth century. Well can even later. But now, usually robots of the future represent more tiny, graceful, can even not similar to electronics. A voice, however, at the car very elastic and pleasant:
  - Yes, a payment for transfer simple - I will give you three hundred sixty seconds to answer the question asked by the computer. Then you have to after considering, during same time to ask me a question on which I could not give the answer in a minute. If it works, I transfer one of you in any point of the Universe at your choice! If is not present - I throw out outside!
  Marcos recovered and began to rise. Swayed it as if drunk and, having sharply jumped on legs, the boy mercenary fell. Artyom jumped up and breakthrough helped it to rise. And to Gardens specified:
  - Together us pass all?
  Bulbs on the robot and monitors were lit by bright red light:
  - No! Everyone answers and asks a question only for the admission! - Here the robot changed color to yellow and added. - But it is not forbidden to prompt to friends!
   Artyom lifted Marcos, and has a look to it in eyes., It seems, they look is comprehended. Yes, you sympathize with this boy. Artyom suddenly caught itself on thought that it does not think at all what bastard, a paid terrorist was Marcos in antecedents. But what it matters - Marcos only the exhausted and hackneyed boy who with interest already paid for the crimes and they should be washed away rather from the planet concentration camp.
  The robot, seeing that all Trinity is silent, said:
  - Let's begin right now. Artyom will answer the first!
  The boy was surprised:
  - From where you know my name?
  The robot thinly as if peep of a mosquito, started giggling:
  - I know everything ... Or almost everything therefore be cleverer, asking me questions. And certainly, the same question cannot be asked!
  Artyom it not too pleased, but it judiciously noticed:
  - It is possible to enter one river only in multidimensional space three times!
  The computer burst in a snicker, only already more thickly again, and asked a question:
  - Why at a cat five legs! Give time vulgarly!
  And on a green board orange figures ran - the countdown of seconds began. Artyom even gave a whistle - absurdity of a question could shock. And in too time it seemed to nurseries.
  The boy it is lost asked:
  - And unless the cat can have five legs?
  The computer answered with ice tone:
  - My turn to ask questions, but not yours!
  Marcos quickly prompted:
  - It is a mutation - Chernobyl!
  Artur grasped at the hint:
  - Because, Chernobyl!
  The robot provereshchat in reply:
  - Not offset! The question is not so understood!
  To gardens furiously grinned:
  - To give to this can on the head!
  Marcos seized Hussein by a hand:
  - Yes you are more silent! Violent of an underworld do not let out!
  And seconds ticked. Artem tried to think. Question in itself absurd. Though the fifth leg can also arise in a mutation consequence, but still this answer does not pass. Means, it is most likely check of humour. It seems as in television shows. Answer in style of a joke.
  Artem Bryaknul:
  - Because the sixth leg, the elephant crushed the eighth hoof!
  Seconds which there were already about forty stopped and the robot a thunderous voice uttered:
  - The answer to a question is included! Now to you three hundred sixty seconds to think up a question to me. - Time went, good luck. And again seconds ran.
  Artyom already thought over it still being in camp. It is clear, that to ask the robot questions from the field of physics and mathematics - it is useless. He knows much more, than the fourteen-year-old mediocre pupil. From the field of policy too. Some mathematical paradox? But Artyom just did not love mathematics, including its boring and low-useful science. And in general, in this subject moved as speak, from the two to the three. Artyom on the contrary loved history, but here most likely the robot to catch is useless. If his creators could create the portal transferring living people with almost infinite speed, then on its hard drive there are enough place to write down practically all historical events. And in general, in usual human knowledge, Artyom to electronic reason not the rival. So it was necessary to use only philosophical paradoxes. He already managed to read some of them on the Internet. The question of irresistible force is ready.
  - If you such clever and all-knowing, could think up such question on which you could not answer?!
  The robot, having heard a question, it was lit in the blue color, flashed: yes! And a second later - no! Then the trill was heard a perelivist and it was highlighted:
  - Test is passed! You can fly where you want!
  Artyom is enough as the school student who passed perfectly well examination, smiled and sincerely said:
  - I want to help the new friends!
  The robot winked in the pink color and answered:
  - It is better for those ... The following question will be far more difficult for Sadam Hussein.
  The former dictator, and now thin, sinewy with shaven, the fair hair which hardly began to grow the head, somehow hard nodded and pulled in the head in shoulders. And the robot by a mechanical voice, dividing words on syllables, said:
  - The question is following. What is not known by Almighty and All-knowing Allah?!
  To gardens, having heard the similar phrase, even sat down from surprise and it is frightened murmured:
  - Allah Vsevedushch also knows everything!
  Seconds of counting ran again, from three hundred sixty towards reduction. Marcos playing pranks prompted:
  - Allah does not know how to win against Christ!
  To gardens waved away from the similar answer:
  - Yes well ... The prophet Iza is not present are necessary to win, he is a devoted slave to Allah!
  Artem offered the option:
  - Allah does not know why not all people Muslims!
  Hussein and from this hint waved away:
  - Shaitan's intrigues, and free will! And in general, it is a question without answer!
  Marcos offered still option:
  - Does not know how to extend from Sadam's hell!
  - You scoff? - The former dictator became crimson for anger. More precisely, its person, slightly swarty against white hair, turned pink.
  Here Artyom dawned:
  - Allah does not know that question which could not answer!
  To gardens Hussein blurted out:
  - Well you are a boy and you give! Directly Mullah Nasledin!
  And the former dictator repeated the answer. The robot after a short pause answered:
  - The answer is accepted, offset! Now your turn to ask a question.
  And again seconds rushed. To gardens wiped the clean boyish forehead, the filled cone already managed to pass completely, and with a poisonous smile said:
  - Time passed a question to religious subjects, I will ask a question from old baggage of sophists. - And the former dictator having victoriously grinned asked. - Whether Almighty Allah can create a stone which could not lift ...
  The robot ran in the flowers, his joints creaked and the answer followed:
  - It is accepted - offset to the second fugitive! You can choose any to yourself a way!
  To gardens Hussein took couple of steps to elevators, but then turned, probably curiosity overcame fear. The former dictator reported:
  - Let's wait for the third! Let's not throw the companion on the planet foul place!
  Marcos surely said:
  - I long will not be late. I have three higher educations and doctor's degree!
  The robot it is emphasized with cold tone noticed:
  - It not always helps, especially if to use mind on deeds of evil!
  Marcos frowned, but the boy with a menacing look is rather comical, than is terrible. Though when that, this ruthless terrorist directed horror at a world good few. But now there is this child, even not the teenager yet, and deliberately is puffed up.
  The robot asked Marcos the next question:
  - Than the monkey is better than the person?
  To gardens gave a whistle again:
  - Oho, well the computer will invent questions! Though from the field of physics or mathematics loaded something. And that, all one sophistry!
  Marcos logically noticed:
  - I would prefer to take in mind a root from ten-digit number such extravagant passage!
  Artem offered the most naprashivayushchy version:
  - What cannot conduct terrorist attacks?
  Marcos with a sour look repeated this version. The robot thinly squeaked:
  - The answer is not accepted, and in principle, the monkey can make such dirty trick!
  To gardens muttered the version:
  - The fact that the monkey does not sin!
  The robot cold reacted also to this "huk":
  - For an animal of course there is no concept of a human sin, but it does not do it better!
  Marcos, with self-destructive hunting, agreed:
  - Truly! A wooden chair in general the Saint, but will tell that it does it better than people!
  Offered gardens still option:
  - The monkey is silent, and the person is talkative!!
  Marcos really showed that he doctor's did not buy himself for money:
  - Full idiots are silent too, but it does not do them it is better than verbose geniuses!
  Time quickly thawed, six minutes are not enough. Especially if a difficult question and not too developed by sophists. For example, Artyom did not know as it is necessary to answer it and tried to think logically. People betray, and the monkey consciously is not capable to make it.
  The boy gave such option. But the robot did not accept again:
  - Can to an animal not on mind to estimate all benefits or not benefits of treachery, but the monkey is capable of change not less person. And lack of higher degree of thinking does not belong to advantages.
  The situation was heated, the last seconds of counting already went and Marcos was quite shone by return to hell of unbearable prison with a cruel beating and a poor ration. And maybe to something to the worst, can punish for escape and murder of drones security guards so in a scorching heat that imagination powerlessly.
  But here Artyom suddenly dawned and it blurted out:
  - The fact that the monkey can be an animal, unlike the person, only literally!
  The last seconds expired, and Marcos's repetition had in the empty dial. Now came the pause is heavy. The robot did not hurry with a verdict. Most likely the answer of Artyom was correct and witty, but Marcos did not manage to repeat it. So there was very disputable situation. Which could turn back big troubles for the former mercenary. Artem exclaimed:
  - We answered correctly! Also we will leave from here only all together or we will remain in an underworld!
  The robot, having hesitated two more seconds, at last gave out:
  - I can conditionally consider that on it a question you gave the correct answer. But all the same, the main thing it to ask a question to me. You will manage - your happiness, depart all three ... But if fail, then all three you will return back to a concentration camp!
  To gardens shrank and a little coward offered:
  - Maybe the Subject is not necessary? This business of Marcos who did the harm to people because of mercantile reasons very much. I then kept an order in Iraq, and after me it became far worse!
  Artyom resolutely shook the head:
  - I anyway remain with Marcos. You can go!
  To gardens Hussein made attempt to frown, but then unexpectedly stooped and murmured:
  - All right we will leave all together!
  - As pioneers of a space era! - Artem exclaimed.
  The robot interrupted their exchanges of courtesies and strictly demanded from a Trinity of runaway prisoners:
  - I give you traditional three hundred sixty seconds on considering of a question to me. But of course I understand that you can have many paradoxes of sophistry. Therefore, to you it is exposed additional conditions. If I am not able to give the answer, then you will already have to give it!
  To gardens with the cloudy person asked:
  - And it as?
  The robot explained to the dictator:
  - And so! Such paradoxes - whether the Almighty God can create God stronger than as probably Marcos already wanted to give out, will not pass. It will be necessary to set something on what it is possible in the principle to answer and you will surely answer. Only the heavy-duty robot, it will nonplus!
  Artyom shy asked the car:
  - Give us though a little more to think ...
  - Six hundred seconds to you will be quite enough! - Categorical tone gave the superrobot.
  And again on a board figures flashed - this time not three hundred sixty, but six hundred, and light became brightly red. Probably special importance and complexity of a task was emphasized. Now not to get off with really alphabetical sophistry. To ask a question to the robot and to answer it. Artyom shifted eyebrows and was accepted with effort to think. Two friends strained all the crinkles too and remembered the richest last experience. Really, difficult task. It is possible even to ask the robot, something and not from paradoxes. For example, how to blow up entirely all Universe. But try to answer it then! Well and the more so, such questions how to become stronger than the Almighty God or to devour a neutron star for breakfast. This the computer constructed a trap. Marcos murmured as discussion:
  - Can try paradox of a quadrature of a circle?
  Reasonably objected gardens:
  - So you and cannot explain it! Silly!
  Marcos was forced to agree:
  - Yes! If the robot is technologically several orders higher than terrestrial technologies, then its any mathematics will not punch!
  Artem Bryaknul:
  - And technology of a termokvarkovy bomb?
  Marcos strongly twisted and peeped:
  - What? He probably better you knows a fantasy, and and academicians will not describe real technology of merge of quarks not that the self-confident teenager!
  To gardens agreed with it:
  - Certainly! I can ask when Allah's power triumphs on all Earth. But I will not manage to answer!
  Marcos offered the option:
  - And if to ask when I die?
  To gardens sniffed and hardly constrained a loud laughter:
  - And what then? You will hurt to yourself the head - that your answer was true?
  - And it is chance! - Seriously Marcos noticed. Especially in hell do not die for ever!
  Objected gardens:
  - But then the death will not be considered! And in general, it is baby talk. Offer that that more adult!
  Suddenly dawned on Marcos and he offered:
  - Let will guess the number of fingers that I will show it! I can know it, and the robot cannot!
  The electronic monster with a hitrinka answered it:
  - Do not think that at you such focus will take place. I will tell zero, and I will paralyze radiation to you fingers!
  Marcos became angry and waved in rage fists:
  - It already fraud. So we did not agree - a physical abuse to break questions.
  To gardens Hussein supported the companion on camp:
  - Is not present really! We can so paralyze languages and then we in general nothing will be able to answer, even knowing!
  The robot seriously promised:
  - No, I to you will not be to paralyze languages! And to allow to win in such children's way, for anything! On the adult it is necessary to win and the last seconds expire.
  At words on the adult, already dawned Artyom, and he a tongue twister blurted out:
  - Describe how you left innocence and became the real man!
  On the last word, seconds met in zero, and to Gardens blurted out:
  - Ooh, was in time after all!
  Marcos maliciously winked at the computer:
  - Yes, a can describe it! Or at robots it does not practice ...
  The heavy pause hung. Extremities of terminator were bent, unbent, obviously the car stayed in difficulty. Really, the robot is the robot and is not allowed to lose innocence to it. If it is only not the specialized gigolo. So ...
  The compelled answer followed:
  - I it cannot make people, but you have to describe similar now!
  Marcos the mercenary, ruthless in the past, was confused:
  - And can it is not necessary! He is still a child. Better I will describe it!
  - Who asked a question that and answers! - Very cold the computer answered.
  Artyom hopelessly waved a hand. It as quite ordinary modern teenager did not differ in excessive shyness. Especially after camp, any feelings of the immaturity were already completely scattered. In infernal prison the childhood came to an end, and probably you already former will never become.
  Artur began to describe, even inventing and exaggerating, trying to boast. Nevertheless it is good that the strange boy in a suit of the cool rocker got to it it. Even the fact that it brought it to an underworld, in principle it is possible to forgive. And it, incidentally, whether not a Devil? But now he is not a boy, and the husband. So is what to remember and tell. And there is nothing to redden!
  Sadam and Marcos tactfully constrained snickers at the mention of juicy details. Well at last Artyom was uttered and is very much there was a wish.
  The robot was forced to recognize:
  - Test is passed! All three are free!
  To gardens interrupted and shook finger index, calloused from a hard work:
  - E-e-e! Where you mow? At Allah's will we won! Now your duty to bring us in any point of the universe!
  Marcos specified:
  - Where we will ask!
  The robot cold answered:
  - Go to the most central cabin. I will transfer you where you want. Or all together, or separately!
  - Went! - Marcos told. - The robot, of course, here creates a lawlessness, but now to it ...
  To gardens showed scepticism:
  - You think cars always keep the word?
  Marcos logically noticed:
  - Nobody can trust, even to the automatic machine!
  - And it is possible for the Mauser! - Blurted out, not too the truth successfully, Artyom.
  But in a cabin and really they were expected beautiful and brilliant as if brand new gaming machines computers. And also the huge hologram with the card of the universe. However the abundance of planets, different names, all this flickered before eyes. Not at once you will understand where it is possible to go and where that is.
  To gardens asked the robot the first:
  - You can transport me to Dzhannat?
  The robot asked the specifying question:
  - You want to Islamic paradise?
  Willingly confirmed to gardens:
  - Yes! It is wanted by all!
  The robot tender tone said:
  - Do not worry, I will transport you where you want!
  Marcos tried to object to it:
  - Why you it is necessary to Gardens. Let's return to Earth better!
  The former dictator tried to give himself a furious look, but then again became kinder and smiled. Its ringing voice became insinuating:
  - Yes you it is better follow together with me. You do not know what refuse!
  Marcos resolutely objected:
  - Why I do not know? Though Dzhannat different Islamic sects describe a little on a miscellaneous, but the general at them one. These are harems, and not only with girls, sweet viands, wine and other drinks, soft sofas, maybe palaces from integral rubies ...
  To gardens started over again becoming angry:
  - So to you what, it is not enough?
  Marcos with badly hidden irony added:
  - Well if still computers to add, cars, expensive yachts, herds of horses, planes and television with the Internet, then it would be possible and to think of Paradise!
  Hussein knowingly grinned:
  - Eh you, child of progress! You do not love patriarchally simplicity ... But if you have ten thousand virgins, and the best food in the Universe, then why to you also electronics?
  Marcos noticed:
  - I am not a Muslim! It is unknown as I will be accepted there. Maybe instead of Dzhannat's paradise I will end up in Islamic hell. And there fruit on trees are similar to the heads of shaitans!
  Advised gardens, and it is quite sincere:
  - So accept Islam. It is so simple. Only say three times: There is no God except Allah and his Mahomed Prorok! And then you will be let in the most wonderful garden that its beauty and delight cannot even be presented to the person.
  Marcos doubted again:
  - With my sins? I not only killed people, but traded in them, and also a nonsense, the weapon, and in general did the mass of mucks. It is difficult to find a crime which I would not manage to make. You can to Gardens the villain more known, but my many acts remained hidden from people!
  Artyom a little tactlessly bryaknut:
  - So therefore at you scoffed more, than at others?
  Marcos without special offense answered:
  - Perhaps ... But anyway, I do not pull on paradise. Whether it be Christian or Islamic.
  To gardens then addressed Artyom:
  - Then you go with me. You have few sins, but big heart. Accept Islam and, I am sure, Allah will accept you!
  Artyom slightly began to hesitate. It had some concept about religion too. There where it is interesting, the boy showed inquisitiveness. And his mediocre study - a carelessness consequence, and at all not lack of endowments. But the boy in general did not carry himself to believers in any way. Timoshishin, his uncle, the ardent atheist, daddy too, and mother is rather an agnostic. And nobody christened Artyom. In the principle to declare what it the Orthodox Christian, would be a lie. And in general Artyom did not like bottoms: dlinnogrivy, bearded - as if savages. Really it is impossible to give more civil look to the priest: a short hairstyle, a shaved face, and a light cassock or a suit with a tie.
  Well, he could not answer, I am faithful to Orthodoxy or Christianity. But about Islam that was known by the boy - vershoks, and as well as most of people, heard about terrorists and violence more, than about kind and humanistic bases of Great Vera in Allah. So he did not want in general himself to connect with religion.
  But Artur differently answered:
  - And you are sure that we will not get to a trap having gone to Dzhannat?
  To gardens logically parried:
  - We can get to a trap having gone to any other place! Here in general, the universe arranged with traps!
  Artem spoke simply:
  - Even if there paradise, then ... I do not want to lie on a sofa and to enjoy inaction or even a harem. I want the place for a feat!
  The robot prompted to the boy:
  - There are space empires which are at war with other star powers. Mass of opportunities for a feat!
  Artur extended the person and gave a whistle:
  - Wow! This temptation!
  Marcos asked the computer:
  - If I return to Earth whether I will look such as now, or the shape will return to me what was at the time of death?
  The robot willingly answered:
  - You will look same as now: boy of years of eleven-twelve. Then you will gradually grow, but by about two-three times more slowly, than the ordinary person. Then, perhaps, or at all you will not grow old, or you will grow old extremely slowly. But precisely I do not undertake to tell. Your body does not grow old and does not grow decrepit. But that will be on former Earth - a riddle even for me!
  Artyom, being curious, asked:
  - And I then?
  The robot grinned and noticed:
  - And you did not die at all, and entered an underworld live. The body at you changed, but to what degree it is unknown. But anyway you will differ from people!
  Marcos began to tap with a leg on a parquet. Callosities on the filled sole were given deafly. He thought, then decided:
  - Yes, I fly to old Earth. There I will begin new life. - The bandit gave to a voice ingratiating. - I will try to achieve success without crime and crimes. Especially, probably I at school will be a child prodigy with the knowledge!
  - Professor Mariarti! - Artem exclaimed.
  To gardens frowned and asked again:
  - So you after all choose Earth?
  Marcos annoyancely waved away:
  - There though everything is habitual! And here where there will be you, still a question!
  Artyom with it agreed to all hundred:
  - Here it is rather a trap with paradise emblem!
  To gardens snapped and ordered to the robot:
  - Send me quicker! They only tempt me and irritate!
  Marcos demanded too:
  - And us with Artyom to usual, old Earth. And suddenly we will change the mind that!
  The robot a thunderous voice said:
  - I obey and will obey!
  Artyom involuntarily blinked. Slightly shook them, but no more, than in the high-speed elevator. Blew softly at first a cool, and then and heat. Then, in a flash, everything came to an end and stopped. Around it became noisy. Artyom opened eyes. And nearly choked. They appeared on the wide square, and around them people scurried about. Marcos involuntarily nestled on a side of Artyom and growled:
  - Oh, damn ... What for the place?
  Really, they, it seems, in the city but some awfully dirty, and archaic. Vehicles with horses, straw roofs of shabby huts and nearby stone palaces. The Cathedral which seems strange familiar is in the distance visible. Marcos suddenly whispered to Artyom:
  - They talk in French!
  The boy became puzzled and honestly admitted:
  - I only English and that hardly know. And in it it is not trained!
  Marcos who probably a tenacious look of the professional mafioso estimated everything and quickly reproduced an unfavourable conclusion:
  - It is the city of Paris of times of Zhanna Darc. Unless you did not hear!
  Artyom according to nodded:
  - Yes they often say Zhanna, and something else not sweaty to me!
  Marcos made also a sour mine and added:
  - Zhanna was just seized, and all discuss this news. Here such search at us.
  Artyom in disappointment stuck itself with a fist into a chin:
  - Both of us idiot! It was necessary to designate exact date, but not to talk nonsense about old Earth.
  Marcos judiciously noticed:
  - And could be worse - abandon us at the time of dinosaurs!
  . HEAD NO. 14
  The countess kissed malchishke-Satane barefoot soles again and finished:
  - Since then I understood what to do good, it is pleasant not only for others, but idlya itself! Can be in it and there is a meaning of life!
  The Lucifer indulgently winked at Bulgakov and reported:
  - Here now the interesting interlocutor will appear, very cheerfully to discuss meaning of life with him.
  In an easy chair near Bulgakov there was a beautiful, athletically put young man with very fair, curly hair. His suntanned body, brawny and lean, had proportions are ideal and it could be immortalized in marble. Except the belt covered with diamonds with a short sword, and embroidered with pearls and emeralds of sandals, on it nothing was. But so it looked far more divinely. Easy bow towards the Satan, and the negligent smile thrown on Bulgakov who is still embodied in the girl.
  The Lucifer presented the young man:
  - It as you probably guessed, Socrates. - The Satan did not keep from a snicker. - He just captivated me when trampling down a bowl with poison, told: I relieve the soul of a painful dungeon of a body! Drank an annihilation ambrosia!
  Socrates smiled in reply and, pouring himself in a cube of silvery wine, answered:
  - And it was right! Oh, damn - to what a body again, against spirit!
  Bulgakov asked Socrates:
  - It is interesting when you were judged by national assembly, you wanted what more - a justification or the death sentence?
  Socrates, without having drunk up wine, with knock put a cup and, a little tactlessly, answered:
  - Well purely women's issue. Of course, in court, I wanted a full justification!
  Bulgakov maliciously pinned up:
  - And preservations over soul of corporal fetters?
  Socrates looked at Lucifer and asked:
  - This is the modern star or from among passed into hell long ago?
  The Lucifer answered with unexpected strict tone:
  - It is necessary to turn to me messir either your majesty, or at least the Elder Brother. This the first. The second, our guest the personality dear during lifetime both even more favourite and esteemed after death, as well as you ... Gathered bosyatsky manners, at the thuggish companies which are so loved by you. So, there is more step!
  Socrates already began to explain with other tone:
  - Court this some kind of competition and, the loser sentenced to punishment in this competition. Desire, natural to any person, to win both at the Olympic Games, and in court! Nobody wants to pass for the loser!
  Bulgakov knowingly nodded:
  - It is clear! Beaten to be unpleasant even to the masochist!
  Socrates took in hand gold, with an ornament from small precious pebbles on a handle a fork, pinned it a piece of meat, and short, but very magnificent sword cut a piece from extraordinary beautiful animal. Bulgakov did not notice as trays with various viands appeared. Just arose also all. The truth it did not prevent beautiful girls servants to flit as if to butterflies. On them these magnificent servants there are naveshano a lot of jewelry, but also it also settles attires. The most part of girls barefoot, but are put in ball shoes or sandals. Girls are collected different nationalities, but honey blondes dominate - probably the golden hair color is very much loved by Lucifer.
  One girls brought the richest viands, others, just dance.
  In air there was an orchestra. Tools sparkle jewels, and music delightful.
  The Lucifer changed the appearance, having become from the pioneer, real, extremely brawny, directly hilly block because of terribly developed muscles, Heracles with the shining crown.
  It greeted musicians. Also let go the whole cascade multi-colored, coiling as if an ornament, lightnings.
   Bulgakov among virtuosos recognized the looked younger and much more beautiful Strauss and the violinist Paganini at once. Others, probably, did not concede to virtuosos in skill, but persons known, the writer could not remember. Especially as musicians looked too young and beautiful, and a half of them were girls. And, perhaps, not real, but same, as well as Bulgakov.
  Unexpected thought that it only the toy in hands of the Satan, the personality with whom it is accepted to connect all evil on the earth sharply spoiled mood to future classic.
  Socrates having seen that the beautiful girl suddenly dropped the head in a palm and closed eyes, without ceremonies kissed her on a shoulder. Bulgakov who considered himself as the man pushed away the great philosopher and muttered:
  - Leave!
  Socrates, quite in the style, answered:
  - As often yours is not present - only the prerequisite to delivery!
  Bulgakov adequately parried:
  - With your bents, you should be embodied in new life in a rooster, but not to remain the person!
  Socrates answered adequately too:
  - Silence gold, the word silver, but from his female lips streams so many that also diamonds grow dull!
  Bulgakov on it said:
  - Silence gold and from long storage without eloquent streams will not rust!
  Socrates inserted again:
  - And gold loses the price if it is silently earthed!
  Bulgakov dexterously answered:
  - Sometimes having kept silent, you will fill gold a burse more, than a talkative klyanchenye of a tip!
  Appearance of one more guest, interrupted an exchange of aphorisms. The young man clasped in arms two ample bodied beauty to was embodied in truly imperial chair. The new guest hurried to be presented:
  - Monsenier Alexandre Dumas!
   Girls servants chorus applauded. And those that were barefoot flew up in air and splashed a sole about a sole from what the orotund melody was distributed.
  Socrates, however, rubanuv a sword gammon of a semirogy wild boar with gold hoofs, barked:
  - So you are already a monsenyer? And in my opinion you do not pull above the viscount!
  Alexandre Dumas in reply sniffed, continuing to press to himself magnificent, slightly plump telka. Bulgakov it is conciliatory said:
  - Well the great person wants to feel as the boy ... Sometimes, especially, in the last sick years of life and I dreamed of it!
  - And became the girl! - Dumas Sr. giggled and right there recovered. - No, the sir, we have this your right full freedom in the choice of a body. At one time I even tried on a skin of a lion and tiger!
  It vividly interested Bulgakov:
  - It was so interesting in loins of a predator?
  - On the yes! - Dumas kissed the girl on a ruby nipple and sang. - A lion in thinking the cripple, a tiger a source of squabble, troubles! More interestingly than the person there is no power on earth!
  Socrates agreed with it and, draining, the cup told:
  - Yes we will be inhuman strong and are properly sensitive!
  Alexandre Dumas vividly was interested in the new interlocutor:
  - You from where, the sir?
  Bulgakov, without wishing to invent, answered:
  - From Russia, more precisely than the USSR!
  Dumas became much more friendly:
  - So you newcomer? Probably too scribbler or philosopher?
  - I am Mikhail Bulgakov! - The new inhabitant of an interesting underworld answered.
   Dumas was delighted, having exclaimed:
  - Now that's something like it! I watched the movie on your novel "Master and Margarita", very much impresses!
  Mikhail Bulgakov stared:
  - Movie?
  Socrates explained, advancing, loveful Dumas:
  - We have in an underworld a science at height. There is a mass of piracy copies of movies which on Earth will just remove. And, in decades!
  Alexandre Dumas giggled and admitted:
  - I was very much amused by viewing of the piracy screen version of "Three musketeers" which will be removed in the twenty first by centuries - the flying ships: shake!
  Socrates made witticisms:
  - Shake how a sledge hammer a skull!
  There is Lucifer who kept shape of a giant of Heracles, and plunged into a bowl, giant from gold leaf, Dumas asked:
  - And the screen version of a fanfing from piracy archives of what is not removed yet and it will never be picturized, looked?
  Alexander burst out laughing:
  - About Sir! I know that it is interesting to get the piracy copy of movies which were not shot and will never remove. But too cool picture got to me ... I am afraid for the mentality!
  The Satan Heracles burst out laughing in reply:
  - And you be not afraid! In hell it is possible to go crazy, only from my consent! And there are very cool things!
  Socrates confirmed, attracting to himself, the next girl beauty:
  - Truly! Movies still are divided into those - which can remove which have not enough chances to be removed, and what will never appear on Earth! Last piracy disks the coolest!
  Dumas unexpectedly changed the subject:
  - Better than to stir, Bulgakova we will show to a monsenyer achievements of piracy video in an underworld. For now Mikhail, tell us better about the syuzerena Stalin!
  The famous writer became puzzled of a similar question. Also answered not quite honestly:
  - Generally Stalin even not the head of state, not that syuzeren!
  Alexander cunning winked at Bulgakov:
  - Yes, it is formal, he is only the secretary of the Central Committee. But his portraits and images in the USSR naveshano so many that also did not dream tsars!
  Socrates contemptuously gave out:
  - Slavs bowed to moustached - to fail to damned!
  Bulgakov cautiously looked back. The Satan Heracles deafeningly burst out laughing:
  - Yes be not afraid! In comparison with our opportunities, Stalin Egyptian vultures - alphabetical dust!
  Socrates offered the option of entertainment:
  - Let's arrange hunting with hounds. Stalin will become the main game?
  The Lucifer negatively waved the head:
  - This of course interesting offer. But can wait for arrival of the real client better!
  Mikhail Bulgakov from shy reliable asked:
  - You hope you joke?
  The Lucifer good-natured answered:
  - Stalin as the bloody despot certainly will incur the punishment. But we properly will think over its educational process. And you what is a pity for him more, than millions of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs tortured in torture chambers?
  Having a little been confused, Bulgakov answered:
  - In some way Stalin rescued me from execution in the thirty seventh year!
  The Lucifer slightly opened secret:
  - Here already our demons tried, the novel "Master and Margarita" had to be added.
  Alexandre Dumas a little defiantly noticed:
  - And an opposite case we would read and watched the piracy copy: "Master and Margarita", a series of unfinished creativity on Earth.
  To Bulgakov it became curious:
  - And "Mastera and Margarita" you could get the piracy copy of continuation?
  The idea was pleasant to Socrates and he even pushed away the girl, being obviously going to dive into zero transition in search of art treasures. Lucifer's voice, and extremely strict, stopped it:
  - You want to leave without having said goodbye?
  Socrates it is lost murmured:
  - Your majesty, but ....
  The Lucifer flashed a lightning. Three little girls, that just embraced Socrates, suddenly flared the lava which is throwing up from a volcano. Even an amber tile of a floor, began to heat up and melt under their bare feet. Having felt heat, the ancient philosopher recoiled and begged:
  - Please the lord, I only wanted ...
  The Satan Heracles burst out laughing again, but already on kind and flaring, the heated magma of the maiden found fine, human flesh again.
  And the melted tile instantly was restored. The Lucifer philosophically noticed:
  - By good intentions it is paved expensively to hell ... And various volitions, to truly infernal places!
  Socrates decided to keep silent and not to justify himself. Dumas noticed:
  - Continuation "Mastera and Margarita", I could try. For example - Voland's appearance in Paris. Too it is interesting though it seems Korovyev also left game. And it perhaps animator inventor most important here!
  Emergence of a white Puss in Boots, was shown by shout:
  - Well, and I turn out it is not counted! It is possible to think that cats are only capable what to sing on roofs ... Instead of the microphone the tail takes a murlyk - roars very much even wildly!
  The Lucifer speeded up asked the Tiger:
  - And where you got lost?
  The cat ambiguously answered:
  - Helped one madman to take fortress!
  - To be exact?
  The blonde from the cat family developed a France map and showed to the Prince of Darkness. The card at once grew in sizes and was poured bright color. The Puss in Boots provereshchat:
  - Troops of Wehrmacht broke through positions of allies in Ardennes. In turn, forces of the West are distracted by impudent landing of troops and attack of Brussels. France reeled!
  Alexandre Dumas turned pale and nearly choked. Girls began to thrash to it in a light-chocolate back. The Lucifer cold noticed:
  - Strong emotions are not necessary. The person is all the same mortal. And war, is yet not the most painful and worst way to go to my kingdom!
  Socrates made witticisms again:
  - More precisely, in democracy!
  The Lucifer did not take offense at all:
  - And let and democracy. I just also suggested the major questions to discuss in the sky collectively. And besides, who will tell that in hell it is uninteresting or to someone, but can except those who on education, forbid to be engaged in any in business, interesting to it?
  Socrates maliciously noticed:
  - How into the account of elections of the head of an underworld?
  After these words Bulgakov involuntarily contracted, but Lucifer did not become angry at all:
  - You doubt their result or you want to compete with me?
  Socrates shy asked:
  - And it is possible?
  The Satan surely answered:
  - All is possible if it is careful! If like mad, then also what is impossible is possible!
   Dumas noticed:
  - At us in France even what is forbidden, and in Russia exactly the opposite is authorized! For example, the constitution of the USSR and its freedom - fiction!
  The Puss in Boots noticed:
  - And what not fiction? All Universe and not only hell, but also out of our sphere of influence, can be pushed in a thimble. So to some extent and the universe is illusory.
  Bulgakov on it asked what arose:
  - And soul and personality?
  The cat, now willingly confirmed:
  - And it is already reality! Because the soul contains much more real and neunichtozhimy matter, than a body which can be pressed the sizes in a quark, and even it is less!
  The Lucifer, on it considered it necessary to add a thunderous voice:
  - Here now you also see primacy of spirit after death of a body.
  Bulgakov did not keep from very ticklish, but importunately getting out question:
  - And if I deserved light and would end up well ... not in hell, and there where we ... - the Writer hesitated. It is not so simple to formulate a question. The magnificent hall with strange viands including unearthly origin, abundance of the beautiful girls both dancing, and serving, fine music and a set of the brightest stars ... All this strongly looked like human representations of paradise. And if to add to it also achievement of scientific and technical progress when it is even possible to watch movies which were not shot and will not be removed. Well than not paradise.
  The Lucifer understood that Bulgakov wants to ask and answered with indulgent tone:
  - In Bible to paradise in any case there will be no carnal love. Jesus accurately told about it. Do not marry and do not marry. Also there will be no pleasures sinful ... So in any a case, it is more boring there, than at us. So the Bible which was written by people says to convert to Christianity. But, for example, to play in a casino, it will not be provided to you any more!
  The cat has even a little cry:
  - Here messir ... As it is silly. People above all to be afraid to end up in hell, and having appeared at us - want only one. That hell existed eternally. We have all in the movement and development. New games and new technologies - and in paradise ... The sun shines seven times stronger, than on Earth - even skin will climb up. There is no night, so fireworks only dream, and to unfortunate righteous persons never to admire beauty of the star sky. And greatness of dawn? Really he can be seen in paradise only at cinema?
  Socrates ironically added:
  - And if cinema is not recognized by the devilish invention!
  The Lucifer offered that however differed from the order a little:
  - Maybe we will look at the piracy copy right now. The hall does not matter, and to see movies are not removed yet and which will not remove. Such unique chance can be got only in hell or ... On Earth in the far future!
  Dumas asked for the Devil:
  - Can something from my creativity?
  The Lucifer approvingly nodded:
  - The piracy copy of not existing movie - "New adventures of the count Monte - Cristo!"
  And the screen, having reflected by the hologram in air began to sparkle the volume and rage. Bulgakov and most when that wanted to write continuation of the Count Monte-Cristo. Really, Edmond Dantes is still relatively young and physically healthy, and a main goal of life: the revenge to the jailers is already executed. So why not to direct the energy and riches to something more sublime and noble? Weigh in revenge, even in fair, always is, something low and unworthy. Though Alexandre Dumas, it is necessary to pay him tribute, described skillfully such here extremely intricate process!
  Here the count. High, pale, already grown old in comparison with a scene of action when ... Well Dumas described it on thirty five - thirty six years. Though after fourteen years of prison in forty five, in principle it had to look is more senior. Though can just the sun ages. But here the count, still harmonous and strong though black hair already with dense streaks of gray it was also considerably added wrinkles. Even skin seems is a little more swarty. Wind inflates a black raincoat ... And below something is built.
  The confused boy runs up, reports:
  - Dear duke ... mount of a submarine is almost finished, but the float fell off again.
  The duke Monte-Cristo nods and as if the quick deer runs from the mountain. And below and really to be under construction the underwater ship.
  Alexandre Dumas did not resist sarcasm:
  - Someone decided to stick together Monte-Cristo and the captain Nemo. Not gift such movie among not removed, plagiarism!
  Socrates gave a vote too:
  - And why Jules Verna is not among us? Very erudite interlocutor!
  - Many cooks spoil porridge! - Laconically Lucifer explained. Bulgakov supported the Creator of Hell:
  - It is just a party, not a big ball! Though I would be glad to acquaintance to this genius!
   Dumas without special enthusiasm noticed:
  - I knew it still during lifetime ... The person with the imagination, but the hypocrite and the bore. Is not present that to play cards, or to feast at a party, to girls to appear suddenly ... Very much it prudish and sanctimonious!
  The Lucifer on it burst out laughing, and the movie stiffened meanwhile:
  - Of course - Jules almost the hypocrite. And your ideal of the friend: marquis de Sade!
  Alexandre Dumas with passion rubbed hands:
  - Here we lack it also! Such surroundings would turn out. And movies with the screen version of works of the marquis de Sade is an aerobatics!
  To the Lucifer already bothered to laugh and he changed shape from Heracles for Poseidon, with a trident and a fish tail plunged into the pool from milk with which feed chest babies. Bulgakov threw a wave to the Satan and his female skin felt warmth and freshness of milk, and also heat of scaly flesh of sea God.
  And on the screen interesting action was resumed. The duke Monte-Cristo, near it the managing director's son, more precisely two sons. One young man, boy second still. They already onboard the submarine. Everything is arranged magnificently as if in the palace of east sultan, only with some European to elements. In particular there are a lot of statues of antique goddesses and electric lamps that is highlighted by rubies. And the submarine also really looks like "Nautilus", with a ram in the form of fish sword. The duke with grief says:
  - Bertucho has sons, and I am so lonely!
  Unexpectedly younger boy answers:
  - No, you have a son and he in trouble!
  Also other image is already shown. Teenage convicts barefoot and with the heavy-nuclei chained to a leg split up picks stones. Among them close up show the boy. At once similarity to the duke, only a face children's is visible, cute and hair are much lighter moreover burned out on the Sun.
  Work at young convicts heavy, boys in sweat, also receive lashes. But the chamber long does not fix it and again transfers to the ship. Probably the duke Monte-Cristo received transfer by means of radio and the ship accelerates the course.
  It became interesting to Bulgakov and from where energy undertakes. Expenses very big, all submarine were shrouded by a dense cloud of steam. Waves of the microwave oven which instantly bring water to a state puzyaryashchegosya and the evaporating boiled water joined. And then the friction sharply falls.
  The writer, it is lost, asked Socrates:
  - And what it, microwave oven?
  The Ancient Greek philosopher with a demonstrative yawn answered:
  - Some invention of the science fiction writers staying in an underworld. But it is capable to heat any body to boiling and to melt metal!
  Unruly Dumas Father offered:
  - Here Archimedes here! He for certain would create the flying submarine.
  - So flew up! - Bulgakov pointed a finger at the screen. Really the submarine jumped out of steam and directed as if the started-up spear in height.
  Dumas grinned and even burst out laughing:
  - It is clear! I forgot that Monte-Cristo the genius. The captain Nemo has a rest!
  The Lucifer spraying water a tail noticed:
  - This cinema ... What is not removed, but was in the human imagination. Can like when lady Vinter butted the executioner in a chin at the last minute, and then ...
  The Satan replaced the picture, showing a fragment with from one not shot movie. And too in excellent light. Here she lady Vinter sits to herself at the bottom of the boat. The woman certainly beautiful, only a look bad, predatory - as if at the connected she-wolf. It is strengthened works, untying legs. Men's wear, in boots. Well probably musketeers disdained something to remove. There now untied to itself legs. And as soon as the boat with the executioner moored, jumped out of it. The executioner does not hurry, and the milady falls having slipped and fades. The executioner slowly approaches her raises a sword. Widely placed legs to be enclosed in blow. Then with a delay puts, but here lady Vinter, having remembered reception in which it was trained by the Roquefort cheese, sharply dives and rams a forehead a chin. The executioner on oncoming traffic and speed develop. The blow strong and kat is disconnected. And lady Vinter with frenzied rage threshes it boots in a face. And on her gladenky forehead the impressive cone was blown up, but the furious girl does not notice either pain, or dizziness.
  At last having felt fatigue, the milady stops. The physiognomy of the executioner is absolutely broken and disfigured. Having published the scared cry, lady Vinter rushes nautek.
  Muskets hear its shout, but on other coast behind thickets nothing is visible to them.
  Porthos is similar to a keg. High, fat, broad-shouldered, typical bear. Person too wide and full, complacent and stupid. Out of place maliciously the large senyer notes:
  - So shouts! Really to her it is really painful?
  Lord Vinter maliciously answers:
  - Yes the loop would be suitable for her swan neck better. A sword too magnificently for the whore!
  Aramis politely noticed:
  - Well it is possible for the lady and to make indulgence in the form of a humane sword. In an underworld the infernal flame will fry thoroughly it all stones!
   Athós sadly said:
  - Maybe we will pray for her soul?
  Lord Vinter hopelessly waved a hand:
  - Will not help!
  Musketeers stood probably not small time for now the movie showed how lady Vinter departs. It and really already came off the earth, the fear inspires. Tenacious hands of the milady grabbed by a branch and broke off it. Then bloody lady Klarik saddled flying adaptation and rushed even quicker. Her fiery red hair fluttered as if a battle flag downwind, and from height rushed:
  - I am a witch! I am a witch! There is no profession more perfectly!
  And the milady was developed to the five of elite soldiers and the whole dozen of servants. Four it at noblemen and eight taken by lord Vinter. Servants with muskets, and swords.
  But something very carnivorous appeared in its grin, and the beauty on the broom became too terrible. Having seen it musketeers chorus let out a horror cry. It reminded return of dead men from a next world. Though, charming in the aggression, the milady became even finer. Here it sharply dived also from her palm as if the Grad rocket system put. Couple of servants of lord Vintere matches already in time to light, departed on dozen of meters to air. And there burst, having scattered by the singed and burning confetti.
  Lady Vinter it is poisonous hissed:
  - The day of reckoning came! Spent on drink salaries!
  Musketeers bared swords, but the witch milady blazed on them fire. Blew from a mouth fiery foam and the four lit up. So fiercely flashed that even if to pour gasoline such fireworks will not turn out.
  And the lady, looking as convulsively writhe, break clothes and her vicious enemies creep to the river, dived even below and let's them push sapozhishcham in necks, thus, brutally bringing up, the dying musketeers. From Athós's face skin climbed up and moustaches and a beard flared. And the milady sang:
  - The fate is awful and on the is cruel,
  Not to find in the Universe to you the place!
  Where you were carried by devils, the hubby?
  Here to you grave matchmaker and bride!
  Lord Vinter took a seven-barreled musket from a box that was hasty tightened to it by servants. Having shown wild boar canines, the grandee tried to cock. But the doggie jammed, and lady Vinter cried:
  - You want to take a bullet the witch - yes devils will tear you!
  And it is valid how the enormous, even comic musket in the scope will jerk this. The real tiny explosion happens. Servants as if got to eruption of waves of a tsunami, both skin and meat instantly charred and flew, baring skeletons. And the lord flew up as if the shell thrown from a trunk, having drawn an ardent furrow on air and already at height blew up. The night sky was painted by fireworks, fantastic on beauty. So much in it it appeared strange and unique shades ... Not to count even and to list that variety of constantly changing patterns in the night sky.
  And on a meeting of the milady the most natural vampire flies. The truth by sight quite respectable in magnificent, embroidered with gold asterisks with diamonds on the middle of a dress coat, and a big wreath from large bluish diamonds.
  But here the sticking-out tusks canines, a pale ugly face and red eyes give the vampire, and can even their king. And, on what this lord of darkness flies it is not visible. As if he sits on the invisible car. The milady waves to it as if to the old acquaintance:
  - Hi Charlie! It you invited me to a cup of tea?
  The vampire, having let out and zo a mouth several bubbles of a flame, hoarsely answered:
  - No! If my force saved to you life, will not get off with one cup of tea!
  In response to it the milady loudly sang:
  - From blood I to admit I notice ... And in it there is your fault! That drinking without snack - bodun comes without wine! From blood shed a mongoose - bodun comes without wine!
  The king of vampires seized the milady by her ognezarny hair and dragged for himself:
  - You will not leave anywhere ... Hairy louse! All the same you will not leave - a hairy louse!
  And lady Vinter only desperately banged boots by air. Ahead already the flame of a giant fire inflamed. Charming nude or almost nude, but very beautiful and zagorela of the witch flew by air both on brooms, and on quite modern vacuum cleaners. Having seen the newcomer they began to neigh, sticking into the milady fingers with the long, varnished nails.
  . HEAD NO. 15.
  Svarog continued to give in a brain of the demon of the desert Azazello quite real picture from life ancient, to Christian Russia.
  The pirate nervously corrected dusty, slightly podjedenny moly bandage on an eye and hesitated, he saw how eyes at the artist lit up, and in too time was afraid, having jacked up the excessive price, to frighten off the buyer. "All right, I will risk, will not take, at once I will throw off".
  And the freebooter, bawling, proorat:
  - Hundred tsekhin!
  - On, receive!
   - Samuil carelessly threw a sack to the pirate. That greedy picked up it. On a face of the freebooter the disappointment grimace was imprinted. He regretted that he did not request more. Having given a piece of parchment, and having thrown with a collar, the pirate handed to Samuil the end of a rope.
  - I think, the boy good and will go. - Samuil slightly stegnut Grishka a lash on a naked back. To rejoice early: the boy remained a slave. Other children were a little more senior, they cried out:
  - Grisha, keep!
  The supervisor lashed a wide tawing lash on naked legs. Children screamed, from pain having jumped up. After repeated blow became silent. Having gloomy frowned, they continued to entertain potential buyers and to bask in the sun until it was behind the horizon.
  To look at similar mockeries very hard. At mother witch heart was literally broken off. By the voice faltering for nervousness, Veshnyavka asked a magic bagatelle:
  - What will be with them?
  The saucer blinked, the image was gone, then arose again. The notable grandee, a hilly block sat on an elephant. Ran off it, the little man who is looking like a fox, in white and red, with an ostrich's feather in a turban. He ran up to the pirate and carelessly threw a leather sack. On a singsong said:
  - Sheikh Abdou-al-Rashim, takes away all your slaves.
  - But it is not enough!
  The corsair tried to play indignation though he at heart was even glad to such outcome.
  - Your time of rent at the bargaining expired, you will not find other buyers if on that there is Allah's will. - The fox muzzle showed an unpleasant smile. - And captured children, as dirt during heavy rain. Though if you do not accept payment ...
  The managing director of the sheikh pulled to a sack. The pirate quickly grabbed money, having attracted, giving pleasant weight of coins, a sack to a breast.
  - No, arranges!
  The managing director, with a force, unexpected for so by sight sickly body, tapped of the massive pirate on the shoulder. That reeled, having even more twisted, and the managing director politely answered:
  - Then yes you will be helped by Almighty Allah!
  Wholesaled: adults, teenagers and children constructed in a column, having fastened leather collars, and still atop put on chains adult men. The small can be told regretted, having limited to hempen ropes, ahead the long way was coming them, and the majority was doomed to disappear forever in sand. Women were taken away separately, the most beautiful and young dripped on a face and hands of oil, and gave sandals. The others vigorously adjusted a lash - probably will drive them to work to other place, and beauties in harems. Against a hard labor - this happiness!
  Then the image was slightly displaced, Veshnyavka distinctly saw how on the stony road her children went in crowd, the captives connected by lassos.
   On girls there were fragmentary tunics, boys in one loincloths, heads seemed especially white against the bodies which blackened from the sun. As her boys became thin, under thin swarty skin each stone, shovels sharp and in bruises, sides and a back in pisuga from lashes is visible. Bare children's feet were covered with wounds about the heated stones, became covered by bruises and grazes almost to knees. Cut up stupnyam with the formed callosities, now each step is given with pain.
  And so day after day. Some slaves faint and any more not in forces to rise. They are threshed lashes or set fire torches, trying to force to go. But many remain in sand forever. Strangely enough, but most of all dies adult and healthy men, and women and children differ in bigger firmness.
  Girls, to big pleasure of Veshnyavki already send in addition, allocated them the place on cotton plantations, and drove boys further, on construction of fortresses. Go south on the desert, hot sand ruthlessly burn their bare feet. But strong by nature, and tempered since the earliest years by work in the village, ogolets suffer. Reeling and having gritted teeth walk, without paying attention to the scorching sun. Also getting thirsty, and in a throat so dried up, as to talk painfully. Even supervisors on camels are exhausted and almost do not beat with a lash. It is necessary to go to the coast of the Persian Gulf, there to build the next Arab fortress. Allow to drink only twice a day and water already musty, muddy. Already not only slaves who are ruthlessly driven but also the protection accompanying them began to die.
  Bury them simply. Force slaves to fill a sand barrow, say a tongue twister prayers and again at way. From adult male slaves already almost remained nobody. More than a half of boys died, and the others hardly breathe. But all the same in eyes of sons of the witch - wild and frenzied determination to reach the end.
  Last living adult, athlete Ivan. It already acquired a dense, red beard again (at the bargaining being afraid of louses to it shaved all head hair!), also it seems terrible. Food the giant is almost not given. It seems that the caravan with slaves slightly went astray, both slaveholders and their protection are doomed to hunger and thirst. Boys are given on a tiny piece of flat cake, and a water mug per day. But here Vladimir managed to catch at the night of a scorpion. Also shared with the brother. Hungry boys ate a poisonous creature entirely, having left only a poisonous tail. And that was picked at the edges. As sometimes there is tasty also a poisonous spider.
  Remains at prisoners of forces less, it is more and more death, and all are more painful the road. Really the end, and stones of her children will remain to grow white not one year in the desert?
  The image was gone, having left in painful ignorance.
  Veshnyavka brushed away a teardrop, it is good that though youngest it was lucky. Terribly, very much it is even terrible to ask, but curiosity of the witch was stronger than horror, before the possible bitter truth:
  - Show me where now or in the future my children stay. Even if it is an underworld!
  Instead the saucer showed the foamy rustling sea. Two small galleys were attacked by three dromona. Byzantines came from three parties at once, without allowing to leave piracy vessels. Freebooters nevertheless tried to slip, dromona shot stones from catapults. Whistle of weighty cobble-stones, reminded a melodious melody of lashes of supervisors. The first shots were not successful, stones only lifted emerald fountainlets overboard. Extremely plying the oars, and having sharply developed a galley, one of corsairs, went to a separation, however the fate changed it ... Suites of a nightingale robber gave on ears and the impressive pebble brought down a foremast, having reduced speed of the ship, several mutilated pirates departed to water. Lime color of the sea instantly was painted by crimson spots, and modulations.
   By the second galley numerous fighters pottered about, the most important pirate vigorously gesticulated and swung a saber. Pitch moustaches of the freebooter rose upright, fell down for strong nervousness. The captain nearly broke the weapon, and the deep-voices voice at it was strained for a long time.
  Povinuyas to its gesture, the galley on all "couples" tried to slip by a dromona. But also here the whimsical goddess of happiness the Pallada changed the pirate, turning aside from stones his vessel, too close got closer to the enormous dromena. The Greek fire, a crimson and red stream rapaciously blazed from a wide, bronze pipe and with relish licked a board, then the flame carelessly concerned sails. The canvas flashed, the burned pirate departed down, having crashed down on a wood flooring. Still the couple of the freebooters who went blind and burned managed to flop overboard, but right there perezat one of them Kiel. On the vessel panic rose, pirates made a din more, than effectively answered.
  And Byzantines did not linger, the impregnated with the burning tow of an arrow and fiery feathers whistled departed to a galley. The captain standing on the deck by a hysterical voice, hardly audible in such din, ordered.
  - On a boarding!
  Gave near battle to skilled freebooters though some, let and a ghost of a chance. The captain was nearly hit the burning arrow in an eye, but managed to deviate. But the sting of a winged snake nevertheless grasped a shred of a beard and burned with the flaring tail a rough piracy cheek.
  In reply, certainly, three-storyed curse and jolting by an istatuirovanny fist.
  The galley desperately tried to approach, however externally clumsy dromona of Romans possessed quite good maneuverability. The enormous Byzantine ship tried to avoid hand-to-hand fight unnecessary it, the Romans standing under iron cover, sent the whole clouds of arrows, threw pots with the burning pitch and oil, and the most important, small pipes threw up the Greek fire. Having thrown out a stream, again struck a terrible flame the deck overflowed with people, burning pirates alive. The bearded physiognomy of the captain flashed close, Veshnyavka recognized the person, the hated corsair, slightly flattened with old, already familiar scar and a fresh new burn, selling at the bargaining of her children. The semi-burned pirate desperately howled and groaned, the black beard smoldered, from it sparks poured.
  - Here it, payment.
  Veshnyavka whispered. The pirate leader as if heard it, the sharp-clawed hand in warts clenched in a fist, in rage the freebooter jumped in water and floated to the dromena. Despite the arrows and the arbaletny, making ringing plyukh bolts falling around, it managed to reach a board. Having grabbed by an oar, the corsair was brought up as if the monkey on a pole and got aboard. The long oar was pulled at once by four hefty slaves, the supervisor standing from above slashed with a lash. The strong blow of a scourge rassek a shirt, was zaalet by blood. In reply the leader of pirates rubanut a yataghan. Polurassechenny hulk of the supervisor flew by five meters and brought down one more heavy-faced supervisor. The pirate grinned enough, slaves approvingly rustled. One of them, probably the most courageous, seized the running-up supervisor by a leg and sharply pulled, that was filled up. Slaves attacked on it, those who could reach began to smother and bite the blood-sucker. Looking at backs of oarsmen, raspolosovanny in bitter apple, they could be understood. The slaves chained by tsepa welcomed the pirate as the liberator, and on a meeting to him the soldiers chained in an armor already rushed. Though the corsair was also a skilled fencer, to resist against two tens tempered ratnik not absolutely really - it is too much for the simple person. Having developed, he rushed to run, however the enemy arbaletchik managed to shoot a bolt and through punched the left hand. The leader of pirates looked back, his galley burned, corsairs writhed and roared, many jumped in water. The second galley also with a crash flared, besides pirates by it there were slaves and taken in is full children. They cried and desperately fought about the wooden bottom, fortunately the most part of pirates, already it appeared in water, and the hellfire from a dromona slightly weakened.
  - Maybe they still will have a chance to escape. -
  It is disturbing goodhearted Veshnyavka whispered, from her eyes small, translucent pearls of tears fell down.
  On the deck of the next vessel the shot ship's boy lay, his lucid mind, the turned pale face for a moment reminded Veshnyavke her son. Perhaps, someone from her sons lies here so shot and left too.
  - There will be enough violence and cruelty! I want to see the children!
  Having become angry, the witch Veshnyavka slapped on a saucer calloused, but in a feminine way a graceful palm.
  The last that she saw on the vessel as the leader of pirates, swinging the blood-stained yataghan, jerked on a meeting to the Byzantine ratnik.
  - Allah Akbar!
  The war-call of the captain of pirates sounded. Something imperceptibly flashed and the sharp plumage grew on a broad chest of the freebooter.
   The saucer, meanwhile, gave an events picture at present.
  Grigory, at that moment, having received an assignment, ran to the sculptor Sentomakhe, with the compelled eagerness carrying out the next order of Samuil. Just began to dawn, covered ice cold pools with an ice crust, on a pavement easy snowdrifts lay, winter night in Constantinople was given extremely cold. Grishka was bosonog, a week ago he was guilty before the owner and in punishment of the slave, it was strong flogged, took away leather sandals and a raincoat. To the boy it was very cold, skin reddened, the easy tunic, did not protect from an icy cold, the bared legs grew numb to be warmed he ran at full speed, naked heels, wet from snow, shone in beams of a rising sun. The upset Veshnyavka shuddered from surprise, Grigory was thirteen years old, he grew up, grew up, from a hard work on hands relief veins and veins acted, shoulders became much wider. Heart pity to the poor child, but in spite of the fact that to the boy it was very chilly pricked, and he was forced to cross barefoot on snowdrifts all Tsargrad, it had a healthy look and cheerful, the person was lit up by a smile.
  "What white teeth at it, it is cheerful, and to me it becomes joyful too" - Veshnyavka Thought happy with the fact that the little son is quite healthy and perfectly developed.
  I will run, without having calculated a jump, the boy slipped and fell face down in an ice pool. Suddenly his physiognomy close up imprinted on a silver platter. Has to be, he saw something in ice.
  - Mother! - The pleased shout was heard.
  - Sonny!
  - Veshnyavk's charodeyka screamed. Grigory peered at ice, in his blue eyes sparks began to sparkle:
  - You, it you! I will always remember your look.
  The kind witch willingly confirmed:
  - Yes, I am a sonny. Wait a moment, it is a little more sufferings and we will manage to come to the rescue of you. You will become free! Prophetic Oleg already almost collected a host from all Russian land.
  The image was gone and again fight where the Russian Gods demiurges fought is shown. The mighty warrior Perun with a fiery red beard, same broad-shouldered and powerful cut out as Svarog, only full of fire, in difference from the colleague blonde. But fire in color of hair, so Gods warriors are approximately equal in military valor. Even the gentle goddess of love bare-legged Lada, fights two swords, striking with the dexterity. One for another of a russicha is captured by dromona.
  Here the grand duke Oleg. Huge, with a curly, fair-haired beard though it is still relatively young. The movements princes are prompt and he battles in the forefront, not much conceding to the Russian Gods demiurges. Arrows are powerless and jump aside from a chain armor of the prince. And the warrior Oleg jumps on the next ship.
  Svarog having cut down at one stroke five praetorians, engaged with the general Sidius. This fighter used charodeysky Christian charms too. More precisely not too, and protection against the Russian gods from other forces of Christ. And Svarog faced a powerful and skillful blade. At Lada of business went easier - the eternal girl in blow of a graceful naked leg forced the praetorian to fly by heels of meters, to fly in a barrel with oil. Splashed fire and at once two tens Byzantine guardsmen lit up.
  The warrior goddess with regret provereshchat:
  - I feel sorry for you! If do not want more blood - give up!
  On the beauty tall soldiers, on and their background harmonous, quite high, but at all not the giantess rushed, the girl demiurge looked as the baby. But unexpectedly whole dozen of real giants faced and instantly stuck together in indissoluble weight. Lada, having made a start a heel from them, threw overboard couple more of dozens obviously dumbfounded Byzantine fighters. Other Russian heroes effort a pressure, and here one more huge dromona passed under control of a Slavic lava.
  And Svarogu was necessary hardly, the general Sidius restricted him. The consecrated weapon of the Byzantine beat off all attacks of the Russian god demon itself also, already several times, painfully scratched a well-muscled body of Svaroga. It was necessary to recede, especially even magic kladenets hardly bore blows of the sword consecrated with the patriarch of Byzantium. It was necessary to recede and move back. Scarlet blood of Svaroga dripped and for the first time for couple of centuries the Russian demiurge felt the real pain.
  And the general Sidius roared:
  - Well the pagan, received? Where your powerful force?
  Though Svarog is dexterous, but does not take the general knight a blade. Jump aside from it and an arrow.
  The Lada which took a galley prompts:
  - Take cunning!
  Svarog leaves. The general Sidius behind him, roars and shakes megohm. Russians God jumps on the deck and quickly clambers on it. Sidius behind him, and furiously howls:
  - I urus will tear to pieces you!
  Here Svarog on the top, also lets out from a flask of a little liquid oil. The general Sidius creeps up to him and is hit strong blow a basket on the head, slides off an oil surface. Falls from decent height on the deck ... The blow with a crash deafens the general. Svarog right there comes off down and before Sidius recovered, manages to break from it a mascot.
  The general tries to rise, but rigid in blow a knee in a chin, forces to take off teeth and to be disconnected already for a long time.
  Svarog shouts to heroes:
  - In its wagon train! And strong to connect!
  The Russian castles about two thousand gathered. Their tactics the simplest, but at the same time effective - sharp rapprochement for what the pushed rockets and a boarding are used. Strong, trained to fight a sword and a pole-axe the Russian soldiers, take over Byzantines up. Though they have quite strong mercenaries too. It is a lot of Arabs who in the union with Byzantium and in common make attacks on Russian lands.
  The largest and strong Russian soldiers go on a ram. There is Svyatopolk, too the athlete, though the person. Battles a club why to its blow irresistible. Even if to substitute a board or a sword, twelve poods of iron will carry away.
  The prince Oleg already sees a change. Hundred dromon it is force, behind them five hundred more smaller galleys. But already a half of large vessels is occupied by the Russian soldiers. Including the most important leader that was besieged so dashingly by Perun.
  But Romans are still strong, it expect to break though fight. Lada literally runs, flashing the blood-stained heels on water and flies up on the next dromona. Much there is soldiers, the Byzantine ships, than the Russian castles are far larger. But the goddess is so dexterous and fast that fall split praetorians and the Arab archers. And the warrior shouts with enthusiasm:
  - Also Russia to a fulfillment of tysyateletiya flies on a winged horse!
  And the goddess was scrolled by a revolving object, forcing enormous soldiers to fall in a sea smooth surface. Chained in heavy bronze and iron armor, they almost at once sank.
  The scared shouts were heard:
  - Witch! Russian witch!
  Lada grinned, in the gap punched by it the Russian heroes dropped in. Among them there were still absolutely boys who fought easier and short swords, but in dexterity it seemed surpassed adults. And the goddess sang:
  - Witch, witch, witch! Evil spirit! The service to the Russian people - was served by you! The witch and the goddess as a flower is beautiful also you in captivity at this beauty!
  And with each word of a song overboard fell, the mercenaries who are brought together by Byzantium nearly from around the world. Here young Igor dexterously cut off the enormous Tatar, probably more than once making attacks to Russia. Lada approved:
  - And so, cut them! Only and do not forget about protection!
  Boys left on the deck numerous barefoot and trails of blood. To them lovchy to fight without footwear and weather in the south of the Black Sea costs wonderful. And the opponent, losing the remains of spirit runs, expecting to disappear by galleys Lada set up the next standard and ordered:
  - We will strengthen pressure! In attack children!
  And admiration roar in reply. Young men rush as if the bright tridtsatchetverka attacking bulky and large tigers. They rush by swimming on the next galley. The Russian soldiers battle, generally without chain armors and almost do not sink. Probably strength of the Russian Gods demiurges helps them.
  Perun during fight uses the red braids, throwing out the needles paralyzing Byzantines. When it jumped on a dromona, several Arab mercenaries, by itself departed overboard, and dozen of praetorians having got under glad needles stiffened in paralysis.
  Perun bellowed, his voice was rolled by a many-sided thunder:
  - Give up! Kiev is also Tsargrad!
  Svarog which having found mascot force became invincible at all. Cuts as Ilya in bylinas: the street, on the left the lane will wave to the right! And the whole deck was filled up with the killed. And then jump on the following dromona.
  Already there were only a few not seized large ships. And these vessels moved back, and galleys engaged.
  Among those who battles also the witch Veshnyavka. Unknown force transferred it here. Externally it seems the girl, in special, very easy and not hiding the forms seductive which did not lose symmetry despite the births of a great number of children, a chain armor. Two, its escaped during attack, sons and the daughter battle together with other young adolescents warriors. Still it seems absolutely children, but how many in them rage and a pressure. And successors of Rome give in and fall.
  The Russian soldiers, from taken dromon, struck with the Greek fire at galleys. The violent, carnivorous flame devoured and split the Byzantine vessels. Forced to flare sails and to flash oars.
  Well, and everything is better to take the largest galleys by tradition, on a boarding.
  The beauty Lada, flying up on the next ship, shouts:
  - Only forward! To a step on back!
  Two galleys, running away, faced, a nose of one proshib a board another. As a result one sank at once, and another hesitated a little more, but the beak of the ship cracked and, from destiny not to leave!
  Perun, cutting down the next group of Byzantines and hired worthless things, cried:
  - Blow! Blow! Still blow! So at Boga-Groma gift!
  The prince Oleg directs use of the Greek fire. Especially from long-range flame throwers. And it literally shocks Byzantines. Forces to flare all galleys. And wildly to howl those who got under a lava stream!
  Lada very beautifully and orotundly started singing in unison:
  Be famous Russia - the queen unearthly.
  In a storm of thunder-storms and flame of victories!
   You one on all Earth sacred -
  Know you more expensively in light is not present!
  We truly protected Fatherland,
  From a misfortune and cruel storms ...
  Rhoda opens named -
  Where heaven amber glaze!
  Above over the planet a falcon rise -
  Specify a victorious way to eagles!
  We will lay I trust to Mars rails,
  And to that who enemy Otchizne shame!
  The hero, take a sword and to them battle,
  Be clever, it is kind and very courageous!
  The world broken as if a vase is fragile
  And around it is desert, a lawlessness!
   Russich we will rally in a rush,
  Let's finish the Fatherland as the purpose!
  There is no rescue to pants in the middle,
  And for them a haven only a bank!
  Strained, managed to pull out teeth,
  From blow canines pour -
  At the little girl in blood lips are injured,
  But male fists!
  At last battle ended,
  The damned adversary is won!
  Not in vain accepted deprivations,
  By new boundaries fighters fly!
  Having lost almost all large vessels and more than a half small, Byzantines began to trumpet a release. Plying because of all forces the oars, galleys tried to leave from under fire of the captured by Russians dromon and boarding, full enthusiasm and force of teams. But Prophetic Oleg, understanding that the remaining enemy as not finished the cure illness - wait for complications! Ordered to pursue the opponent.
  Well, and galleys expected to take refuge in port under cover of coastal catapults and ballistas. Such types of weapon as guns do not exist yet, but also a ballista the tool dangerous.
  Especially if to use incendiary shells for firing. But Prophetic Oleg expected it in advance and gave the order at an entrance to port to attack by swimming. Not differing in the accuracy and rate of fire of a catapult, are not dangerous for floating soldiers at all or who attacks those on rafts. Well if there are victims, then minimum. And war, unfortunately, does not do without the victims.
  All three God's Russians participating in fight, competing in speed rushed to port, seeking to break in near fight. Lada did not float, and ran on water. And Svarog and Perun did not keep on a surface and were forced to row with hands and legs. So the goddess was ahead of all of them and rushed into dispositions of the first. Also began to cut ropes of ballistas and catapults. As if veins burst and the frightened or split Byzantines fly on a forage to fishes.
  And when Svarog and Perun appeared in time battle went far more cheerfully and krovavy.
  And then other Russian soldiers entered fight also. Even little girls battled against big frenzy and heat of volcanoes. The goddess-demon Lada shouted and whistled yes so that couple of hundreds of Roman archers fell down from a wall. Who broke a neck, and to whom has the luck to get into a copper with the boiling pitch.
  Lada felt sorry for unfortunate people and it started helping out them. All the same already almost everything is over.
  Both here and really, proud Byzantines throw out white flags!
  The basil which is considered by the successor Kesarey and once enormous Roman Empire, submissively signed terms of surrender. Byzantium paid to Russians a tribute, enormous by the sizes, and gave full freedom to merchants to trade anywhere and everywhere. Besides all were released Russian and related by it slaves and captives. So the Orthodox Byzantine church undertook to respect the Russian belief and not to prevent Slavs to build pagan temples and pagan temples, and also to celebrate the services.
  Was also other conditions much, including permission Russian to wash in baths on an equal basis with patricians and to use services of heteras, delivery of valuable presents to princes and voivodes.
  The size and an annual tribute to all Russian cities was defined. Well and an impressive share to the Russian soldiers - twelve hryvnias to everyone. And if there is not enough silver, then gold is even better!
  Besides, the Russian voivodes took away the weapon from warehouses and took away to themselves all fleet of Byzantium, and also supplies and other.
  Veshnyavka long kissed and embraced the son. Grishka, despite a beating, looked healthy, strong and sinewy. Moreover in time to learn several languages: Latin, Greek, Arab, Persian and francs. Capable there was a boy. Especially at examinations for each wrong answer, flogging. The sinewy back from all this beating even became horny. Beat the boy with sticks and heels much, but learned. Gloomily of course to be a slave and when you are educated, where is even more sad and more foul.
  But it though pleased the witch, but could not arrange. And she addressed Svarogu:
  - I know that you are not just the strongest athlete, but also the Russian God. Return two boys and two girls that in captivity at Arabs!
  Svarog answered it:
  - A campaign on the mighty Arab Caliphate too risky action. Huge distances and difficulties with supply expect us. And Arabs are very strong. Their empire stretches from France to India. Many thousands of soldiers will disappear there!
  Veshnyavka inclined the head, thought a little and offered the Russian God:
  - And give small group we will enter the Arab empire and we will release the Russian captives. Without entering big battles!
  Svarog approved such offer:
  - We will help you. Really, your children I feel are live and will return to Kievan Rus'!
  Vision was gone, and Azazello approving tone noted:
  - Well though it is interesting. Here already to freeze unbearable!
  Both demons also really stiffened and strongly shivered. Cold, studeno. Even it seems that their blizzard blows. The embodiment in human flesh even if stronger and tempered, than ordinary people have it always when you got under punishment of God, painfully. Sometimes the penalty comes in the form of fire, but also the cold is not less cruel. And it is difficult to move, and in general the place of this punishment cell, very much produvny.
  Svarog Azazello asked:
  - Maybe you will show me the feats ... I know you as soldier!
  The spirit of the desert peevishly noticed:
  - My personal experience of communication with people showed that all nations and the people are approximately two of a kind and I do not find anything especially heroic when to one villains helped to wet other villains!
  Svarog not absolutely understood and asked again:
  - But as to claim it that all are identical! I am the Russian God and I can claim that my people on special are ennobled and noble!
  Azazello answered with a hoarse voice:
  - Every cook praises his own broth! Think better how to us a task to execute?
  Svarog hopeless tone said:
  - It is impossible to get out of a trap of the Almighty God in any way!
  Evil ghost of the desert it is angry muttered:
  - Here at such moments, I sometimes want to throw the Satan and to come running to a throne of God and to confess sincerely!
  Svarog, having frowned, asked:
  - But you, I hope, you will not make it?
  Azazello did not hurry with the answer. His red, thick hair became covered with hoarfrost, and under a high, beautiful forehead thoughts boiled. At last the demon of the desert answered:
  - After guilty Earth and progressive Hell, life in the correct worlds would become for me torture. Though sooner or later I to it would get used. But directly I do not know ... I can arrive on a miscellaneous. To carry out eternity in such painful place as the lake of fire is very big fear. - Azazello clanked with teeth. - And, on the contrary, in ice it is even worse!
  Unexpectedly blew softly heat and it became much warmer. The ringing voice said:
  - Early you look for spare airfields, Azazello!
  . HEAD NO. 16
  The offer to rescue Zhanna Darc did not cause big enthusiasm in Marcos:
  - You are the real child, and I in general, let only by sight, the milksop! Except for knowledge, we have nothing at all. Even clothes!
  The boy shrank and noticed:
  - For the present nothing, but a fall and when darkens, to us in one panties will be uncomfortable!
  Artyom it is sure noticed:
  - To us not to get used to it. I hope we will not catch a cold, in new bodies. And we will suffer cold!
  Marcos stated shy hope:
  - Not the past of our planet, and some other Earth can do it, and we will be able to find portal station!
  Artyom persistently repeated:
  - At first it is necessary to rescue the Orleans Maiden! I when watched about it the movie, and dreamed only of it! And now we have an excellent chance!
  Marcos stubborn repeated:
  - Than to rescue? Children's cams!
  Artyom cunning smiled and exhausted two folding blasters because of a belt that they took at the killed security guards drones. Also whispered:
  - You see what we have!
  Marcos with alarm looked back and said:
  - Hide better and do not draw attention!
  Artyom looked round too. Yes, it is necessary to be more careful. Especially people are a little lower here, than in the twenty first century, and in fourteen years, normal growth the boy any more not the child. So on them, especially on Artem, dart distrustful looks. And well developed muscles, seldom happen at beggars so one of police dogs, something suspected and began to write down.
  Skilled Marcos offered:
  - Let's be washed away! Only do not run!
  Boys a fast pace went to the next lane. Marcos's fears not so vain. Paris even under control of the English and pro-English forces. War goes also arrest, Zhanna's capture is more right than it did not stop at all. And brawny Artyom can quite descend for the youth spy. That case when and pleased Marcos that in an educational colony it was transformed to so young body can just do it. It that small and thin is quite capable to descend for the beggar the beggar. And if to add that this teenage blockhead does not know French and probably it is rather weak in English, then to them the cover can precisely come.
  Marcos who got used to plan diversions and to lead a gangster life, offered the option:
  - Give you I will be a deaf-mute, and your brother!
  Artyom could also guess, but mechanically asked:
  - And it still, what for?
  Marcos laconically explained:
  - You do not know French!
  Artyom nearly stepped on horse flat cake. Purity, streets of Paris did not differ. Already his legs became such dirty. Also smells from cats and dogs, and the main thing of people. Unpleasant Middle Ages. Many even do not have enough young people in a mouth teeth or they are rotten. At most of people clothes fragmentary, dirty or in patches. The footwear is very rough, wooden with square noses. Hair at the most part of women dirty and badly combed.
  And horses do not differ in purity, except those exceptional cases when the notable grandee passes. But in Paris there is no residence of the king now. This city just big fortress which Britain intends, at any cost to protect from France. So only soldiers, generally mercenaries, there is a lot of.
  Marcos realized that they still were lucky. If salted pork fat gave the order them at once to detain, then to them a cover. On blasters hope small. First, yet not the fact that they will manage to start them. At cinema often show the weapon on the password. And in real life Marcos held the weapon coded on special drawing of a palm or a retina of an eye in hand. Already there were in its time such, let also not serial, fancy features. And drones represented a civilization technically more abruptly than Earth of the twenty first century.
  But Artyom brawny, and not so thin and what it only in camp was fed with, all the same is not similar to the beggar mute. It has a figure of the good soldier from a noble family. Can get better some sacking and hide an athletic torso of the boy. That it will manage!
  Artem apprehended idea to fasten a sacking half-heartedly and even offered other option. To give itself for the mercenary from Russia, and Marcos to make the armourbearer. So at the same time and it is easier to gain the confidence.
  Marcos reflected. Boys took seat near a wall to draw less attention to himself. Idea to give out Artyom for the youth mercenary who came to be at war for money with the boy translator and the armourbearer much more smiled, career of beggars.
  But of course to be employed to be at war barefoot do not go and anyway itself should get both horses and decent clothes. And for the hired soldier Artem can descend. Only of course on swords from it the fighter will be unimportant. Marcos was fond of fencing in due time and even was the Master of Sports. Though of course the easy rapier, is not a so heavy knightly sword, but to train to wave Artem, it will be able. And awkwardness of the first days, we will explain with severe stretching. Especially as in the fourteenth century the most part of knights in technology of fencing on swords full hogs. Fight simply, beat stronger!
  Rather emergence of easy swords also created the real schools of skill. So Artyom, perhaps, will manage to survive and not to be dishonored!
  Marcos suggested to make an ambush in a quiet place and to take away production. The role of the highwayman seemed to Artyom romantic. But followed, either to leave the city, or to wait for night. Also other more silent options are possible.
  As Artyom in the criminal world absolutely smorkach, Marcos undertook an initiative. In particular, why not to pull down a purse? In antecedents he did not complain of sleight of hand. And now, just the body became much more dexterous and flexible. Though such experience how to clean pockets, at the bandit professor was not.
  It is not simple to choose the victim too. Somehow it is not enough in Paris during this period of rich citizens. And what is with bodyguards go. Artyom followed Marcos - curiously. Though the youth athlete on himself turns attention.
  But also there was a wish to eat. Even temptation, to pull down something. What is very difficult when you are noticeable. To Artyom one movie was remembered. There the thief used a cap of darkness. Only it is wrong, and it was caught. Hardly the poor fellow of a loop avoided.
  But Marcos does not draw attention to himself. Many boys, still rush as well as it, in one shorts. The fall just begins, and France the country rather warm. There sometimes and winter without snow not a rarity. However, certainly, not in the Middle Ages. And Spain even in these times a warm enclave of Europe. The Pyrenees protect!
  Artem looks and looks for Marcos. Well directly Oliver Twist, with the accomplices. Only that was dumbfounded, cancelled theft. More precisely theft took place, but Oliver of it did not expect. And that - that at it broke. And Artem, on the contrary, very much wants to see in reality, but not at cinema as make pocket theft. shchipach it is romantic too. And Marcos too for the first time in such role though committed crimes much more serious. For example, to it charged to blow up school somehow. For what purpose and for the sake of what? Marcos did not ask, and just called the price. Bargained with it a little, but agreed. Number of the killed not less than fifty people. Marcos exceeded a task. And even caught itself on thought to what at it conscience atrophied. Pity droplets to the dead and the crippled children. But now the former gangster strongly worries and heart fights. Especially to steal in hell! This is great!
  Marcos put a hand to a zapazukh of the fat and richly dressed aunt ... And involuntarily shuddered. That felt it and, the successful fellow for a wrist. Understands deafening shout in French:
  - Hold the thief!
  Marcos sharply jerked, muscles that tempered by penal servitude, and escaped. And the aunt from a push fell down. But already was late, it was noticed and all market shouted.
  Here and Artem missed a chance. Instead of composure, rushed to Marcos. Though what's the use. And what sense to shout in Russian:
  - It not it! It is good!
  And then still to run together with the suspected type. By the way, Marcos managed to grasp a purse. So the weighty proof appeared at it in hands. Here soldiers ran after.
  Boys ran too directly and citizens tried to seize them. Marcos and Artem mechanically pushed away them. But on them rushed again. Situation became difficult. The numerous guards run. People want to catch them, and where to be washed away it is unknown.
  Marcos Prooral:
  - Yes come off you me, the freak!
  Artem took offense:
  - You are a freak!
  Marcos tried to push away the friend. Guards already close. And citizens bunch. That in a day, unsuccessful at them. And why he in general solved will return on the old earth? Better somewhere in space. And here prospect of medieval prison. It not that in the West to sit in a separate pure chamber, can even with the TV. Here will throw in a crude vault with rats moreover will dress chains.
  Eh well, why he did not listen to Sadam. Maybe really would get to Heaven, and already enjoyed from all medieval simplicity. Or it lacked a high-tension current on an electric chair?
  Artyom in despair snatched out blasters. Really there is nothing to lose. In the Middle Ages of a burse with gold for a loop quite enough. It seems if theft is more than a shilling? And do not look at age! And he runs with him, the accomplice means!
  The boy thoughtlessly did not study the principle of action, and just pressed the buttons. The trunk kept before itself, more precisely as the gun in the game console.
  Nothing occurs, and the policeman already seized Marcos by the scruff. And another strongly cut to Artyom on legs. The boy resisted, but the stone very strongly ached.
  Marcos prompted:
   - Turn the lever!
  Pulled Artyom - squeezed more feasibly! Also it turned out. From a barrel pulsars took off. Having got to the policeman, they tore off to him a half of a body, having scattered in everything sides of an extremity. Also the citizen standing behind it was scattered. And also the dog instantly charred to a skeleton.
  Artyom stopped firing, and Marcos seized teeth a hairy hand of the policeman. And when that pulled hard, reception of Aikido threw it through itself(himself). That the head stopped by in a basket, rumpling a copper helmet heads of cabbage.
  Artem Prooral at full blast:
  - I am the robot terminator from the future! Away from us!
  Having become straight, Marcos already in French shouted:
  - Messengers from God! Listen to us or die!
  In those superstitious times the chance to take on a show off was. Especially blasters thrashed brightly, looking like real lightnings.
  The crowd became puzzled, people stopped. But couple of policemen were more courageous. Artyom fired on them. Again fire clots carried soldiers in an armor, having left only the smoking extremities. After such demonstration, the numerous running soldiers stopped.
   Such weapon in the Middle Ages was not, and nobody wanted to risk. The chief of guards, Englishman Bill, ordered to call the archbishop urgently. And itself having made a sweet mine addressed in English Artyom:
  - Excuse an angel ... Just we did not think that angels will be similar to barefoot boys!
  Artyom unexpectedly understood everything. Memory in hell sharply improved, and earlier not memorable English words emerged from subconsciousness.
  The answer was ironical:
  - And where you allocate angels in boots and a camisole?!
  Bill became puzzled and even stood up on one knee, but then again rose and could not tell anything. And others in difficulty. And Marcos looked at Artem yours faithfully. Though English you know a pier and wit does not change in difficult hour.
  Artem decided to forge iron still hotly:
  - To steam of the best horses to us!
  The request of angels forced to become puzzled. Bill did not know what to do. Suddenly it is demons and then having been of use them, you will ruin soul. And if on the contrary, God's messengers? Not to pass fire Gehenna. Let better the Archbishop will solve.
  But as often happens in such cases, responsible persons just also do not hurry. Start up a pier lackeys rake. And Artyom suddenly saw Zhanna in a torture chamber.
  During a sortie, traitors purposely closed gate to leave outside the little girl. And it which is cut off with a handful of people was cut desperately. Undoubtedly Orleans Maiden would fall up in arms if not the categorical order of the duke Burgundian - to take the witch alive.
  Zhanna got serious wound by a spear in a shoulder, on a face she had deep scratches, on a forehead the huge cone. Also the right hand is wounded by an arrow. Punched a strong biceps.
  And having undressed her to a goal, having left only in a homespun sackcloth, chained by hands, having hitched up top. Bare feet of the Orleans maiden, only socks touched a cold, stone floor. And it hung actually on a rack. A wounded shoulder pain and the shot hand was awful. Nevertheless the strong, athletically put girl, having strong gritted teeth managed to constrain groans - though pain was on the verge of loss of consciousness.
  Hair at Zhanna unexpectedly were fair-haired though usually she was drawn the brunette or is more red. The neck is powerful, not female, but the breast developed as well as muscles of a strong body. Certainly, she hardly fasted as it can be written about it in books. But now it is valid, she was not fed and allowed to drink only that it was not bent. For the wounded girl, such suspension real torture.
  The duke Burgundian visited Zhanna only for the third day. The strong girl, despite the twisted joints, breathed exactly. Besides, even the deep shoulder wound began to live already, and on a biceps was closed. So much in this girl was vital force. Rats span near her graceful and strong bare feet, but any did not decide to bite.
  She looked at the duke with clear eyes. In them were read neither pain and nor fear but only deep contempt. The duke was confused and expressly politely said.
  - Excuse the milady Zhanna. I did not know that treat you so cruelly.
  And the duke proorat. - Unchain with it and forward us to more worthy room.
  Really, to the dignitary there is in cold, crude also a main thing in a smelly vault very much a reluctance.
  Removed chains from Zhanna, and despite terrible pain that pierced it when the girl lowered hands, the Orleans maiden, to the honor, did not even frown. Only pupils strongly extended, having shown, to how painfully her brutally twisted joints.
  The duke pass Zhanna forward. The girl went is sure. She grew thin a little, but remained brawny and strong. Growth it is almost equal to the duke and if to consider that that on heels, then perhaps even slightly above it. Person of course smile, beautiful, but too already severe and man's at it.
  Having risen upward, the duke kindly suggested to eat and drink expensively and an old wine. The servant in the turn washed up to Zhanna legs and brought shoes. But they were small. Because of a graceful and fine-molded form suntanned legs at future the Saint, seemed smaller what were actually. Zhanna, however, suddenly refused to change clothes, having reasonably declared:
  - If I am a captive, then for the captive also the sackcloth will descend. And if the guest, then I have the right to leave the castle!
  The duke Burgundian ordered to leave to servants. Personally, pouring in a bowl to Zhanna and offering snack, he declared:
  - Believe me! Really, I am your captive!
  The maiden warrior smiled and tasted a cup. Then ate a piece of a roe and noticed:
  - You are not the first man whom I take prisoner!
  The duke drank, and then noticed:
  - My rights for a throne do not concede and even surpass what Karl has.
  Zhanna indulgently grinned and noticed:
  - You want to get into a jungle of a family tree? As if Philip Dlinny's daughter grants to your sort the right for the French throne?
  The duke Burgundian vigorously shook the head and confirmed:
  - Yes of course! The Salic law says that the earth is just divided between sons in a sort, and it has no relation to a succession to the throne!
  Zhanna logically noticed:
  - Then still there is a branch from Ludovic Svarlivy. They have even more rights for a throne!
  The duke objected, let and unconvincingly:
  - And that Zhanna, the chamber of peers deprived of the right for a throne. Including because of doubts in its origin.
  The Orleans maiden grinned and showed erudition:
  - And the Salic law was approved by chamber of peers.
  The argument was strong. The duke called servants again and demanded more serious food. It is similar that Zhanna is not so simple as looks. And it is not simple, the portly and strong young peasant who is looking like an arable horse. It is much more educated, let and in policy the person.
  In the head flashed the thought of torture is seductive. But the girl as he was just convinced, very well is able to suffer from pain. And Zhanna is necessary to it, first of all, as the ally.
  The duke allowed Zhanna to eat, and then came on the other hand:
  - As after all the king unfairly treats you. You made for it so many that quite deserved the duke's title. But still you are a poor peasant. Armies submit to you, but there is nothing behind soul!
  Zhanna on it sadly noticed:
  - Saints are content with small!
  The duke a little strainedly burst out laughing and noticed:
  - The most part and Saints and Popes grabbers for whom just to look. And for example cardinals .... You do not know life yet!
  Zhanna softly objected to it:
  - Believe, I know not worse you, the duke. And this knowledge does not give me joy!
  The duke wanted bigger clarity:
  - But you agree that you owe nothing to the king and you have before him no obligations?
  - To the king is not present - to God yes! - Answered having cast fog Zhanna even more.
  The duke with a smile answered:
  - And God wants peace. And the world will establish our numerous and strong sort rather, but not Valois. Especially for us Britain. Only our dynasty will be able to Zamiritsya with it!
  Zhanna with unexpected emotionality said:
  - I chose Karl at all not because he is better than you. And the maiden makes the choice time and on always! And the martyrdom is far better than treachery!
  The duke nearly choked. Drank still wines, having drained up to the end a cup. The anger overflowed it. Threat followed:
  - I will order to subject you to torture!
  Zhanna stubborn answered:
  - There is no bigger torture, than to listen to your promises!
  - On its rack! - Terribly the duke ordered and servants and, already in advance anticipating entertainment, executioners rushed into the room.
  Marcos was surprised a little - in official history, there is no information on that Zhanna was tortured. Yes in books French it it is not mentioned, and in numerous screen versions. Though on the other hand - severe times and torture the phenomenon ordinary. On a rack it is possible to appear even ea small theft or when demand to call accomplices. So here at all not everything is so unambiguous. Here they will be surely tortured, for example. If they lose!
  Around children the whole regiment of soldiers gathered, including also the best English archers. So chances of a survival in fight quickly thawed. Two blasters will not lay several thousands of soldiers for time and will always manage to utykat them arrows. To fondly think that they will be able to evade from fire of several hundred accurate and trained archers. If in near fight the British army and the knight were not considered the best in the world, then in firing - authorities for the whole world.
  And they have no individual power screen. Marcos terribly was angry both with Artem, and with himself. That managed to get on simple pocket theft. And turned such affairs. There is no experience, there were no trainings and it affected. Eh fate!
  Artyom read in textbooks of story about the English archers too and in general understood, as it was stuck. Such situation that everything depends on the archbishop. It is possible to try the truth having turned on blasters on extreme power and to break with fight. There is a chance of moral influence and the fire.
  But it should be made earlier. When still they were not taken aim by shooting cohorts. In this case also panic would help. And now they are donkeys on a dagger edge.
  The archbishop was high and very fat. Even it is strange for the personality in a holy order. And the person unpleasant with three chins and small pork eyes. However, the voice sounded quite tenderly and reasonings are not deprived of logic:
  - You are messengers of the God-almighty?
  Marcos in French answered:
  - We are only modest servants of God!
  The archbishop cautiously was lop-sided on the deep melted-off funnels in a cobblestone road that was burned by "stings" of pulsars, fragments of armor and singed meat that remained from policemen. Demonstration of Divine force of a scarecrow of the Archbishop. Especially it only had appearance stupid, and there was quite enough mind. So to give the order, to grab or open fire, the prince of church did not hurry and by an insinuating voice asked a question:
  - And for what purpose you visited our modest city?
  Some jeer when huge Paris - is larger than London seemed to Marcos called modest. And here to answer not so and simply. Really, what to two angels to accept an image of half-naked boys and to be in this sinful world where people so willingly start up each other guts.
  Marcos began as it at him was to bluff more than once:
  - Heart of the Almighty God runs around like a mad, looking at that as people exterminate each other. And each person is an image and similarity of God, everyone has the right for life, for love, for air! And having thrown the terrible look to France the Lord solved: Will be enough, it is necessary to stop wars, it is necessary to finish bloodshed and to live in the world!
  The archbishop became puzzled of the similar speech. In his head thoughts flashed to use messengers of God or even if Devil, in the purposes. And first of all military. And they speak about the world. And it now, when Zhanna in captivity, and at Britain every chance to break the course of war and to subordinate finally France to itself! But also it is impossible to answer defiantly God's messengers. If their arrows will not take, can put as if explosion of a big keg with gunpowder. Yes even if they will also be vulnerable, then to burn it at them there will be enough time. So neutral and at the same time affirmative answer followed:
  - The church all the time prays for the world and the termination of bloodshed. - Then the archbishop darted a glance at an unclear subject in hands of Marcos of whom he for some reason was afraid much more, than more tall and brawny Artyom. Continued very insinuatingly. - But that there came the world, there has to be an order. And for this purpose the split France has to be united under the strong power of the king from the Burgundian dynasty.
  Marcos cunning noticed:
  - Only the Lord solves to whom to edit by France and other tsarstviye!
  The similar answer which can be understood doubly only partly satisfied the archbishop. It having raised the voice, noticed:
  - Time the Orleans Maiden at us, means God wants that the duke Burgundian carried the French crown in the union with Britain!
  Here already Marcos appeared in difficulty. To it that in difference from romantically the adjusted Artyom, generally to spit, on Zhanna's destiny. What it from it will have? Though is not present of course, in case of release they will become heroes and can count on the king's award. Though Karl, somehow in real history was unaffected by destiny of the Orleans Maiden. Can to it it was not pleasant that the commoner is more popular than the monarch? Or there was some secret transaction with England in exchange for the girl's head?
  In any case Marcos answered neutrally:
  - And it depends on God and not always if the Lord patronizes you now, it does not mean that similar will occur and further. Especially if you stay in rage and aggression!
  The last phrase sounded and was interpreted doubly, but the archbishop could not object to it. Marcos did not wish to be littered with the whole regiment at all, but did not hurry to give up. As tell the course for you - a my Lord. Or the eminence can that promised heavenly bliss in the sky, while life we go terrestrial let he will strive for us ... before the Satan!
  The archbishop it is ambiguous too, but very tender tone said:
  - We only also do, efforts of church of Christ are directed to it to prevent bloodshed. Even if using force!
  Marcos about himself giggled. He already understood where the archbishop drives. To become the English mercenaries? To it as to the born American it is all the same. However it seemed to cunning Marcos that nevertheless here something so. So rectilinear ways can remove to a curve loop. And time so that ...
  Marcos answered:
  - So let on everything there will be a will Dominical!
  The archbishop ordered, is loud also without appeals:
  - To give to angels of the best racers and with honor to accompany in royal chambers!
  Now even the prince of church recognized in them Lord's envoys, so nobody has the right to doubt. And brought the best horses from royal stables to angels. They were decorated by the shabracks embroidered with gold, and velvet with the embroidered body cloth pearls. Silver hoofs beat off red sparks, and tails on a pavement, probably already managed to wash up in perfect beer.
  Marcos easily jumped on the racer, but here Artem hesitated. As the most ordinary school student of the twenty first century he never sat on a live horse and now tested confusion. If the white horse will throw off it, all their bluff into the account of an angelic rank will ruin. And then ... Yes that then?
  Marcos on clear to both of them, the general for hell, language, asked:
  - You what crows catch?
  Artyom honestly admitted:
  - If this horse appears with a habit, I will not be able to hold it!
  Marcos at heart damned modern orders when the youth of racers and cannot drive in a harness, roughly spoke:
  - Yes though you most under a saddle!
  Artyom at once was, probably stay in an educational concentration camp does thinking on the present quick:
  - Tell them that the senior angel, that is I, have to set an example of humility. To go for younger being silent, supporting a racer under bridles - here an example of as far as angels are indifferent to human honors!
  Marcos pleasure noticed:
  - The sly fellow was turned out, only all the same I you on a horse will teach to jump!
  It was necessary to walk to Artyom that however for the young, and tempered by work legs, continuous pleasure. The cobble-stone pleasantly tickles a sole. And here Marcos not too conveniently on big, not for his growth a saddle, with long stirrups, and in general only honor well, but comfort is even better.
  Paris, of course the city at all the medieval negligence, makes strong impression. It is a lot of, especially in the center, beautiful stone buildings, abundance of cathedrals. Well and, of course, the royal palace in Louvre.
  It both fortress and magnificent dwelling. Even Marcos who was in time for the nearly fifty years, of very stormy and rich life to see enough everyone, it appeared under the strongest impression of what was seen.
  The luxury the truth inside barbarous, but from it only seems even more live. However, marble corridors of Louvre are full of sewage and dust, and the skillful statues which are broken off and dirty. But much hanging skins on walls and effigies of various animals among which there was also a three of elephants, several tigers, couple of lions and even very large crocodiles. They improved impression of the situation started, in general, a little.
  Hung also icons in gilded and silver frames very much, and also pictures of religious contents. And it must be said artists worked not bad, and and paints from oils are good. In general, Louvre was the worthy residence of kings, probably the biggest and inhabited country of Europe - France.
  Though of course the power is already fairly ruined and devastated. In the south Spain gains strength, in the east huge Timurad did not manage to lose the power yet though after Tamerlan's death the empire is already captured by civil strife and breaks up. The Moscow principality Lithuania begins to collect around itself Russian lands, very strong steel. But France is still big and mighty. But Zhanna in a dungeon and everything hangs by a thread. By the way, and Britain has every chance to be fixed on the continent.
  Marcos whispered to Artyom:
  - Let's be with British or nevertheless we will be let on adventure with operation - rescue of the maiden?
  . HEAD NO. 17
   The king of vampires solemnly declared, presenting to lady Vinter ill-matched public:
  - This is the most famous criminal who killed Bekingem and forcing to shake with fear of the cardinal Richelieu!
  Now peep of witches, sorcerers, vampires and fauns from contemptuous, turned into enthusiastic. And their fire flared far stronger. The main, but absolutely yet not old and quite nice witch, proorat:
  - Dress up her for our ball!
  And on couple of moments, the heap of suntanned bodies of forest nymphs closed the milady. And when revealed, already vampires let out an enthusiastic cry. Lady Vinter remained only in one, but the bikini sparkling semi-precious stones, and shoes on karikaturno high heels. Plus, the thick chain from gold with the big ruby heart which settled down between breasts melons hung on a neck.
  The milady looked strongly suntanned and much more athletically put, than at the beginning when her, such thin and pale, order on execution.
  All evil spirits were built in almost equal ranks, and shook horns.
  Further heaven as if were moved apart, and there was the most real spaceship. Or in any case, something futuristic in the form of the extended pyramid based upon the basin turned upside down.
   The king of vampires waved, welcoming, a hand. As suddenly, from a rostrum burning beams escaped. They struck to that place where together with two vampires there was a master of bloodsuckers. And the roar of the heated beams forced to be filled up face downwards the whole brood of evil spirits, and cut off a small hillock with leaders of pack of a sabbath absolutely.
  From the punched bowels of the earth splashed blood. As if the tsunami wave, bright-red liquid flooded the audience. And the queen of a sabbath, the milady, the attracting beam suddenly took, and keeping as if in chain capture, dragged the beauty in a gluttonous belly of a dreadful starprobe vehicle.
  Lady Vinter desperately resisted, but she had no forces even on shrieks. And from all parts of a starprobe vehicle the flaring blots and various clots bearing destruction and destructions began to pour.
  And to indulge received "gifts" in the form of the blazing flame.
  There, on the place of a sabbath, fiery ringlets Gehenna already turned.
  And when the milady appeared inside, to her the man in a suit of the Spanish grandee towards jumped out. And the struck lady Vinter recognized the husband.
  That, seeing her confusion, hissed:
  - You thought that I died? Yes, you were not mistaken, but souls of dead men are selected by space newcomers!
  The milady who in the dress increased typical impressiveness answered with fox tone:
  - Well, means to you in the next world better?
  The revived hubby, cried even more loudly:
  - Of course not! There are no wine and beer, even strong cigarettes!
  Lady Vinter deafeningly burst out laughing:
  - It is clear! So therefore you also arrived on a sabbath?
  Lord Vinter giggled and suddenly changed the appearance, having become the real robot murderer:
  - I arrived to bring you light and prosperity! Fie - to burn and revenge!
  In hands the milady suddenly had a mop and it, without excess disputes, set on a steel square head of the robot. That started blinking bulbs and as will begin to squeak:
  - Yes, painfully a rag crude - you to me soszht chips!
  In reply, lady Vinter began to scrape strenuously the car from what suddenly the cybernetic monster zaiskrit, and then struck with current! Scattered light brown, from a ceiling multi-colored chocolates fell down.
  Them the enormous quantity, with bright wrappers was filled. And already in flight they had thin handles and legs. Also the song was distributed:
   The fairy godmother to us came,
  The nice suit is embroidered by a needle!
  There will be freedoms to flare a fire,
  Spirit chocolate - love of sweet teeth!
  And lady Vinter having resolutely thrown off the shoes disturbing her, actively began to spin in a mad and smooth round dance.
  The countess Genevieve who lapped in the pool with two very beautiful with brilliant skin young men, applauded:
  - This movie! And as always, the good wins, and the evil improves!
  The eternal dissident Socrates, gloomy noticed:
  - It is the parody to space, historical and fantastic series! Not without reason the movie, which of number, not removed!
  Alexandre Dumas on the contrary praised:
  - I just it with three hands! Ladies, unfortunately, killed in the first book. And it is possible to turn with such heroine not less than seven!
  The Lucifer, in shape of god Poseidon, clapped the hands:
  - Bravo! How into the account of piracy library? To spank nearly six hundred novels, but at the same time not to show continuation of adventures remarkably of the clown Shiko, or a gain of the French throne by Heinrich Navarsky?
   Dumas, witty, noticed:
  - I wanted to leave the best even in development to the son, but he disappointed me!
  Bulgakov, pleskayas near the Neptune Lucifer, quietly asked the master of Hell:
  - And whether it will be impossible to read me a series not added by ingenious Dumas?
  The Satan negatively shook the head:
  - At me do not ask permission, let it will show you the masterpieces!
  Alexandre Dumas with pleasure nodded:
  - Yes, it is right, I can show you and the palaces at the same time. Hell has a strange property - to carry out the concealed desires of the client, well for example ... - Here near Dumas there were already four girls even more perfectly former, and the famous writer continued. - Or, as I when that wanted: to become the king and to have own empire.
  The Lucifer considered it necessary to remind the prolific historian-scribbler:
  - If there is my desire: to friends everything, to enemies - the law!
   Dumas, after these words shrank, and noticed:
  - The law is very severe thing! But lawlessness - surovy doubly!
  The Satan Poseidon burst out laughing and changed the shape, having turned into dozen of zlatopery mermaids with silvery scales, and hair in the sparkling all flowers of a rainbow. Bulgakov, at last, found men's flesh, having become the young man, with beauty of an antique deity. Mermaids began to mass vigorously the writer, forcing that to be thrilled with pleasure. And again the creator irresistible Voland's image, shipped in the abyss shaken by earthquakes of orgasms, devilish voluptuousness.
  What even in the fairy tale not to tell, a feather to describe!
  Bulgakov already in a fasmogorichesky greenhouse with unearthly trees on which flowers, with an orange grass and berries, the sizes about a keg grew huge and very motley coloring regained consciousness. The writer became a girl again, but already other, Asian race.
   Dumas appeared over him as if a pigeon, on a winged unicorn. Now the legendary writer flaunted in a suit of very peculiar, but extremely magnificent style and a star crown on the head. It was accompanied by couple of tens equestrians, in various clothes, but leaving a maximum of an open body.
  Bulgakov, it is lost, threw:
  - But great when I at last become a husband?
  Dumas Father with the hopeless, though drawn despair, waved a hand:
  - You will not wait ... You want to acquire the right for the choice of a body? Then you should perform a task of the Lucifer. - On the prince-Dumas's head the crown was poured in several different flowers and he noticed. - Even in hell the freebie if happens, then to a dirty trick!
  Memories of the mortal life suddenly gushed over Bulgakov and he with a sigh admitted:
  - The last ten years of the existence I so suffered ... - And right there involuntarily smiled, feeling as in a well-muscled body of the Asian in a kimono, unruly energy suddenly began to seethe, and muscles wanted to move, twitch and fight.
  Alexandre Dumas winked, and pointed to a free winged racer:
  - Jump here!
  Bulgakov became puzzled, and began to blink:
  - Yes it is high here!
  The record-holder writer giggled and winked:
  - Same hell! And you are little girl ninjia!
  And Bulgakov believed, without running start as pryg ... And having flown by, filling lungs with air, softly dived on a rich saddle. And Dumas father cried out:
  - Let's laugh, we will be on friendly terms!
  And they soared up above, and under them the landscape was stretched. Fantastic and prosperous country full of very beautiful girls, and ten times smaller quantity, but too nice young men. Everything blossomed as if there was fantastic a May, and at the same time branches burst with fresh fruit and ... various cakes, cakes, rolls, chocolates and other food. Just as in the Russian national fairy tales. And, as Bulgakov, here, for example elegant clothes noticed though the most part of inhabitants is starkers almost, or drinks in bottles jump out from bushes.
  But understands also the whole megalopolis from palaces. Dumas boasted:
  - It type of Versailles, is only a hundred times more and finer! Here for example twelve thousand fountains, and not one of them do not repeat in composition.
   Dumas threw Bulgakova the field-glass with antennas:
  - You can look at luxury of palaces!
  It became interesting to the Mastisty writer. Really, buildings at all the harmony differed also in pretentiousness. And in general the mash of styles was observed, from the different countries, eras and can even the inhuman worlds.
  Bulgakova interested composition: full bowl. Much what from it got enough sleep and in everything it the structure of skillfully located chambers was felt.
  And on four palaces are located on slowly rotating mill wings. Moreover with an okunaniye of constructions in water? Well, these are rather some bubbly drinks of yellow and orange color. And what here is only not present!
  Bulgakov asked Alexander:
  - And who built all this?
  Dumas Father with a cunning squint answered:
  - Both people, and bacterium!
  The author "Mastera and Margarita" did not understand:
  - How floor of a bacterium?
  Alexander the Great with a snicker answered:
  - And so! These are ideal builders - you give them a radio signal on reproduction and all of them to you will construct anything! Eh Mishka - except the fifth measurement you and thinks up technical cannot!
  One of little girls, in a scarlet brassiere in rubies, warned:
  - In two hours at us a ball battle!
  Dumas grinned and warned Bulgakov:
  - There will be a beautiful fight - the embodiment of the principle of Ludovic the Fourteenth: war in laces!
  Mikhail Bulgakov was surprised and asked again:
  - Real fight?
  Instead of the answer two girls let out towards each other at once four arrows. And at once the difficult and majestic figure from which the bravura anthem was distributed began to sparkle.
  Alexandre Dumas surely and dashingly winding the moustaches which grew on a young face proorat:
  - All real and all illusion. God on a surface of each thing, and the Devil in its details!
  Bulgakov having understood that you will not achieve much, asked other question:
  - And who at you the opponent?
  The answer was unexpected and at the same time natural:
  - Napoleon!
  Bulgakov even gave a whistle:
  - Well anything to! Its majesty emperor of France!
   Dumas falsely yawned and noticed:
  - You read at least one my book about Napoleon?
  Bulgakov frowned a maiden forehead. The question is good. Alexandre Dumas very much liked to describe kings and various notable persons, quite often inventing and conjecturing, but ... Something Bulgakov could not remember works about the most known of the French governors. However, finally, the loser, but all the same glorified in centuries. By the way, the well-known Napoleon cake was for the first time made in Russia for century of Patriotic War of 1812 in 1912. Even in Russia Napoleon was glorified. Denis Davydov who was at war with Napoleon, devoted him, Bonaparte, the whole poem;
  Military was given to us a century -
  To fight for the power!
  There lived a huge person -
  Spendthrift of glory!
  Bulgakov with aspiration answered:
  - Here with whom in hell most of my compatriots would also dream to get acquainted, so it with Napoleon!
   Dumas promised:
  - You will see still! For now look at Alexander the Great's army!
  Troops, and actually, were developed in fighting orders. Almost all soldiers were beautiful warriors, on various racers. For example, seemingly ordinary horses: but covered with green and red roses. Or deer with gold horns, but in a coloring of the blossomed tulips, or orchids sparkling diamonds. And elephants with three hobotka and a checkered coloring.
  Impressed also big fighting turtles with a figured, diamond armor. Warriors on them ran exclusively barefoot in the short, embroidered with pearls skirts.
  But the largest dinosaurs - in general palaces of the sultan on paws. Many warriors, dance on the run or show acrobatic numbers. And here men it is also not visible. Only bears with gilded wool and with elaborate musical instruments. Even it is difficult to understand on what they play. Moreover, at the same time, from a straw cocktails pull: too picturesque exotic.
  There are also tigers walking on two paws, they prefer to thrash in drums. Bedash under iridescent color grin, but at the same time it is not terrible at all. And tails that what? On five-six covered with jewelry a sultanok it is curled ...
  Certainly, and did not do without fighting chariots. In them not horses, but scorpions in the gold and covered with an ornament of precious flowers armors are harnessed.
  In general, abundance of various jewelry - including minerals of an unearthly origin. And how many florets, butterflies, small fishes with a diverse coloring. It is clear, that Svetonesushchy loves bright, beautiful, and fancifully combines terrestrial and unearthly creation. Let even the last exists only in thoughts and inexhaustible imagination of creative people.
  Therefore and killing chariots not the so terrible, but rather glamourous and nice, and their cutting sides as if peacock tails. And a lot of things look here solemnly. Already and the real orchestra played, or a combination of a set of orchestras.
  The little girl giant, but with ideal proportions and very ornated, with a crown on the head, having made a start a naked leg, flew up in air. Having sounded from it is dazzling sparkling, something it is far brighter and more beautiful than gold a horn, tozhestvenno declared:
  - Semiramis's troops are constructed, Alexander the Great French!
  The army also really filled the valley. It is very huge, but absolutely antique on structure. As if to battle there were admirers of old times and a genre of a fentaza. But magnificent on wealth .... And girls not less than one million gathered. And all such beautiful, faultless, any physical defect! But thus and different, there are also Black women, with very pleasant features.
  Bulgakov himself also admired. The smart army was constructed ...
  Here one more little girl appeared, judging by special charm, and that shade which distinguishes very beautiful woman from unique, devilishly beautiful - the master of hell welcomed.
  - Excuse Mischa that the party was short and in a narrow circle. Just usual feasts for several millennia became boring. - Grinned, radiant, large pearls of teeth the girl Lucifer.
  Bulgakov, sincerely admiring, said:
  - As here everything is beautiful. Including also several Sun, different in a form!
  The girl Lucifer suddenly became surovy and strictly noticed:
  - Not everywhere in hell at us raspberry. There are places and not so pleasant ... Though too, believe me, interesting!
  The white Puss in Boots arose over Bulgakov's ear and made a purring sound:
  - Maestro! Believe that without difficult places not to estimate beauty of Eliseevsky fields of an underworld!
  Bulgakov sincerely answered:
  - Yes I, as a matter of fact, was also not in time ....
  Alexandre Dumas decided to undertake an initiative:
  - Mikhail! The great angel Sveta wants to show, as war can be fine and cheerful. But on Earth because of the mass of conventions, and restrictions of our force - in any way not to experience it. And here you will be able really to feel gloss of metal!
  The Lucifer warrior willingly confirmed:
  - You fight for the sake of a fight, for the sake of sport pour blood!
  And after these words on the other hand Napoleon Bonaparte's army acted. Great commander, emperor and not the smaller ladies' man.
  And girls at it too the majority. But here instead of bears - gorillas, and instead of tigers - lions. But the general, musical instruments and abundance of jewelry. Naturally, turtles with diamond armors and bare-legged equestrians. As far as all this solemn and is attractive.
  But here with the weapon it is a little on another. For example, instead of ballistas - guns, and catapults - howitzers. But the arms cold are similar! Sabers at girls are ornated, almost to bad taste, as well as all the rest.
  Bulgakov tried to consider Napoleon. The mighty, young athlete with growth in one and a half sazhens and with very cute person, ropes of muscles - any terrestrial athlete could dream of such body only. Well that at it the general with big-bellied the pudge Napoleon?
  The only thing - the well-known cocked hat, and characteristic gesticulation.
  The Lucifer warrior explained:
  - Well I could not refuse to Bonaparte desire to become beautiful. Or rather, I love beauty, and even some I do cute and without their desire.
  The speaking glance darted at the girl Bulgakov forced the writer to be poured by cherry paint.
  And battle was already developed. Certainly, the first fire was opened by tools and at once in reply catapults.
  The exchange of blows occurred at a distance, and caused not fear, but some bewilderment. On girls multi-colored petals of flowers and ... stamps poured. And, the brands striking with picturesqueness and a variety. Any philatelist probably would hang with envy. Very already thin and at the same time, the rich tribute poured from above. Bulgakov unexpectedly appeared under firing. And to it a stamp how to be pasted to a forehead.
  And again, as in Lucifer's embraces, stirred up ... Bulgakov tries to be stirred up and remember, something unpleasant. And in its mortal life of it quite was enough. Despite personal Stalin's sympathy, Bulgakov was considered among the Soviet writers. Too, spoke, positively showed White Guards, but not as most of proletarian writers of the representing noblemen as operetta villains.
  Even if also you do not refuse to Bulgakov skill. Stalin would not become, there is so much time to look through lack of talent. In material the relation was of course better, than to most of the Soviet citizens. To writers in the USSR, it is necessary to pay tribute, the relation worthy!
  But here critics jammed. Here one of them Latunin (it is very similar a surname to the character from Mastera and Margarita!) took and wrote literally the following: "Bulgakov is a roll of the reptiles, the embodiment of everything rotting and petty-bourgeois"!
  Most ridiculous it that the surname was deformed: Bul - a roll, hooks - reptiles! It was possible and laugh if it did not appear so sadly. And here if some Azazello a crutch on a nape whacked Latunin. Or still it is better - the roll with raisin would swallow, and would begin to digest in itself?
  But capitally filled up already Mikhail and to these with petals with drawings and expensive brands. Here one was stuck to a maiden heel. On it a sailing vessel and an inscription: Christopher Columbus. But at a steering wheel the little girl with only one fox tail covering a breast. Yes, it is beautiful of course. Here and one of the first airships - and too with the girl. And not only at a steering wheel, but also on each side jump.
  And here girls with a fiery pitchfork and tiny horns. And in brands they as live film pictures - turn and show mugs. Of course, it is amusing to stand under such firing.
  One of warriors unexpectedly, slapped Bulgakov in maiden hips and was presented:
  - Pirate de Scott.
  Bulgakov mechanically answered:
  - I am a man too!
  The freebooter furiously roared:
  - And I think, no! Prove!
  In Bulgakov's hands by itself there was a saber and he, feeling in itself strength of the maiden ninjia, growled:
  - Well - receive a piracy spawn!
  That parried the first attack, but the body of the girl ninjia reacted before consciousness and the shin struck in a stomach bottom. The pirate was bent from pain, and Bulgakov, hardly kept himself from finishing, and just set a handle on a nape. The beauty freebooter was filled up, having thrown up up the naked heels from which light of ten sun was reflected.
  Other warrior, with a snicker, noticed:
  - And could and demolish the head. In this case to it would sew mutton!
  Another did not agree:
  - No, probably tiger! The tiger is more beautiful, than a ram!
  - And it is better than a parrot!
  Then girls amicably laughed loudly.
  And battle passed into more interesting phase - an exchange of saber blows. Bears against gorillas, and tigers stsepilshis with lions engaged.
  Splashes of blood reminded champagne how many in them a modulation and sparks! And the frontal attack fell on a duel of two giants. Ten-storied bear and prototype of infernal King Kong. And both monsters approached, deafeningly stamping.
  Enormous monkey, having stopped two steps away from a bear, deafeningly, even girls covered with palms ears, began to roar, and then hammered with fists into the broad chest.
  The bear began to roar in reply. But instead of blows in a breast in his paws suddenly there was a contrabass with threads of large diamonds instead of strings and Toptygin played. And, played very much even at the high level of skill. All soldiers suspended the movement. Girls warriors took seat in a pose of a lotus and went into the emerald, topazny, ruby, sapphire and diamond eyes. As they, these shaking busts on slender, brawny waists, are charming.
  The bear executed a melody then the enormous contrabass was dissolved in air. Both monsters got up against each other. King Kong from both eyes blazed at once lightnings. On a bear giant right there were mirror points which reflected blow of the Napoleonic macaque. And lightnings got into a furious muzzle of a monkey!
  So began to roar. And here in hands of King Kong there was a pole-axe, and he rushed on a bear. That unexpectedly for all jumped, on suddenly materelizovavshiysya and having struck the motorcycle to gas, jerked to clouds. The enormous monkey as if on wave of a magic wand got boots with rocket engines and rushed to it. following.
  Semiramis winked at Bulgakov:
  - Heroes rush from a pursuit - King Kong with the grenade will not catch up!
  The writer tried to correct the most ancient warrior:
  - It has a pole-axe in hands, but not grenades!
  But King Kong as if disproving words of the classic, swung the tool and ... Really grenades which flew as if the balls which are started up by a tennis racket podfutbolitsya. And toptygin, evading from gaps, took one of grenades and devoured!
  And a stomach shaggy as will jerk! Boom and Bach!
  Semiramis began to prompt to a clumsy giant:
  - Give be developed and ram it the motorcycle!
  The bear in reply, growls:
  - Mu! Mu-mu-mu!
  Semiramis in disappointment rugnutsya, sang more precisely:
  - Gerasim once was mute, in hell do not use foul language!
  Here and Bulgakov sang a couplet from a piracy smash hit:
  - The street organ plays, napalm is poured by katyushas - our souls fly to a chasm of Gehenna!
  Semiramis suddenly hit Bulgakov on a face, having hurt a maiden physiognomy in blood and is furious zashikav:
  - Do not speak in hell about Gehenna!
  Bulgakov received very strong blow, to it broke a nose. Semiramis the warrior legendary - still built Babylon. In general a little in human history was female commanders. And it is probably the most ancient of them and the most successful. Attempt to order from Cleopatra and Zhanna Darc, terminated for them it is deplorable, and it even created own empire. But girl ninjia too not a weak doll. And as will jump on larger opponent. Bulgakov did not control himself any more, muscles, fists, legs and even braids flew.
  Both maids were linked to the death. While the duel of a gorilla and bear, looked like frank circus more and more. Especially, when both huge creatures zaskakat on fiery hoops, the clouds which became porous. And, certainly, letting out bubbles in each other!
  Probably warriors were carried away more by a real duel of the classic in the form of the maid ninjia and the warrior commander.
  One and girls even tightened the equipment which is looking like a cube-rubik. As a result - a fight broke out as if the kilometer hologram. Yes color projection. And Lucifer even showed the power and darkened the sun. Instead of them nine marvelous moon with faces of nymphs and goddesses of the different people painted darkly violet sky. And the hologram became even more and more brightly.
  Bulgakov, of course, full zero in itself in a hand-to-hand fight, but the body and former memory knew such receptions, as did not dream perfect special troops.
  But also Semiramis a devil of war in flesh, is even higher than growth more and it is heavier.
  Noses to themselves porazbivat girls quickly, then at them began to swim away also eyes. But here became Bulgakov absolutely hardly, he was taken for a braid and let's thrash a temple about a knee.
  Having developed, the classic female thrust to the commander a leg under a throat. That, wildly screamed and spat blood. From a spittle, fly agarics jumped out. Almost terrestrial, only with tails and pads of little squirrels. They provereshchat, and here they were picked up by other warriors.
  Both giants, Bear and Gorilla, seeing that the public lost to them interest, decided to leave adequately. King Kong hammered into tambourines and drums, he had suddenly dozen of hands, and the Toptygin-giant developed the whole orchestra.
  Under an akomponiment to fight far more interestingly.
  And in general a fight is a thing infectious. And here other warriors decided to add!
  Napoleon and Alexandre Dumas met face to face and crossed swords. The most natural cabin began. Now both armies finished a clownery and the bearing wound and death of an arrow fell down. Though battle also began chaotically.
  Infantry divisions already managed to mix up, and girls were cut each in his own way, is frequent even confusing personal and others'. And the arrows causing a mutual loss.
  Lucifer, in the form of the dazzling beauty, did not restrain and rushed with two swords to a fight thick. Now there were no game elements. The heads were cut down as if by the executioner's pole-axe, and groans were distributed the most real, with pain.
  Animals were also linked, cutting each other with what got. And Dumas and Napoleon as if in an extreme antiquity, battled in private.
  Napoleon as the weapon chose to himself a trident and a pole-axe. And Dumas Father sword and dagger. Certainly, Napoleon tried to outwit the writer. Actively waving the right hand with a pole-axe, from the trident held. But also Alexander not the little fool. Too tries to distract the dangerous vis-a-vis:
  - Probably, you annoyingly was to get cold under Borodino?
  It is very poisonous the classic from classics let out a hairpin.
  Napoleon with a force having beaten off a pole-axe a sword, bellowed:
  - As well as you to spend the night in a bomzhatnik when your palace was confiscated for debts!
  Dumas became angry and tried to throw a dagger in a stomach, more precisely in a relief press of Bonaparte. Napoleon was on the alert and not only beat off a trident the flying blade, and but itself managed to prick the author of three musketeers sideways. Alexander receded. The opponent was higher growth and it is heavier. In Dumas's disappointment noticed:
  - Only in hell the pudge managed to grow up!
  Napoleon, continuing an aggressive series of waves, logically noticed:
  - To whom hell added growth, and to whom mind lowered!
  Dumas cunning grinned and clicked fingers. It in the left hand had a dagger again. It was remembered as he took fencing lessons from what the immortal image D, an artanyana was born. When, for example, you feel the movement of the opponent. Here you see both for yourself and for it. Napoleon is strong also the soldier even not born, and, so to speak, from a flame tip created. But it waves a pole-axe that simplifies a problem of fight against it. A pole-axe the weapon which it is more difficult to fence, than a sword. However, take and catch Napoleon on a counter wave ...
  And the wide brush of the former emperor was painted by scarlet. The commander's writer hooked on everything. And very much it is even quite good.
  Bulgakov and Semiramis were a little exhausted by this time and now fought in orchestra seats. Both which bared maiden bodies, dry with a muscle wire, coiled. Already it seems what oiled them - so much sweat spilled, but are not given and even bite. When Bulgakova bit for a finger on a maiden leg, he even screamed from pain. And nearby the cut-down head of the fair-haired little girl swept. It, however, dying smiled to show - a pier to me it is not painful at all. However from similar became even more terrible. Quantity of the chopped-up girls everything increased. But it is even more terrible when gorillas or bears used canines and tore brawny flesh of warriors.
  Can throw up - Bulgakov hardly held in himself emetic desires.
  It became a little easier that two enormous, diamond turtles faced. From it beat out sparks, more precisely the whole fountain of sparks also became far more cheerful.
  The truth the whole dozen of girls started howling and ran away as they singed faces.
  And when among themselves pushed off Diplodocuses ... Bulgakov shouted:
  - Same horror! It is time to stop it!
  The girl who is densely poured by blood, arose near it. The melodious voice whispered:
  - You agree to go with me to make feats for the sake of the Homeland?
  Bulgakov desperately nodded and squeezed out:
  - Yes!
  - Then and there will be a world! - The girl Lucifer blazed in all flowers of a rainbow. Battle sounds time abated, battling as if scattered, and the rivers of blood instantly dried up. Both armies stand against each other in the developed state again, but between them from the sky the tables filled with the richest viands landed and conciliatory music played.
  And Bulgakova suddenly began to rotate and twirl in a dark, cold tuft.
  . HEAD NO. 18
  Svarog and Azazello appeared in the same sector of the underground city laboratory where they and were overtaken by the Divine penalty. But probably passed not less than a day as the alarm already calmed down, and everything seemed entered the habitual rhythm. The Lucifer looked as if Naruto from the Japanese animation. The reddish boy with a dragon headdress on cheeks, and a kimono towards the color khaki. On the head still a white bandage with the hieroglyphs designating: be not afraid of God - the person more dangerous. Azazello, knowing that his Big Boss loves images of an anime and teenage tricks, respectfully bowed. Svarog wanted to tell something, but the glance darted at suntanned, bare feet malchika-Satany suddenly reminded of ice cold and it only squeezed out from itself(himself):
  - How?
  The Lucifer smiled, but even understanding, asked again:
  - What as?
  Svarog answered a little more safely:
  - How you managed to release us from an imprisonment?!
  Azazello tried to answer:
  - The term of God's punishment to ...
  The Lucifer interrupted the subordinate:
  - Not absolutely there! To you three years, three months and three more days were necessary to sit here!
  The boy in a spotty kimono grinned, and pointed a finger at the biological center. Itself passed through a thick armor door as if it was fog. Demons followed it. Dogs slept and as did not react. Even the sentry leopard slightly shuddered, is lazy yawned and breathed heavily again.
  The Satan indulgently outstripped questions of the colleagues. Its voice, unheard and at the same time ringing as if the stream which is beating out ice floes from tops thundered:
  - Here really people are capable to break and divine paternosters. We are not present, and they - yes!
  Azazello made Svarogu's sign that that kept silent and insinuatingly asked the Chief:
  - But how the person can make that not on forces to the demon?
  The boy Lucifer already walked on the laboratory. Virus stamps settled down in a number of safes. The prince of an underworld pointed to the electronic scheme and said:
  - Small short circuit and all viruses will be heated to lethal temperature. Even not diversion - trivial accident in this unreliable human electronics.
  Azazello found forces to doubt:
  - And the duplicating schemes?
  The young master of hell thinly giggled:
  - They will not work! In total as it should be, except the included heating!
  Seeing that Azazello hesitates, the Satan ordered:
  - You have to make it! A task - you also carry out yours!
  The spirit of the desert obeyed. Svarog, being afraid of something to confuse in much the become complicated human equipment, decided to ask the Tallest boss.
  - So after all as we received freedom?
  Unexpectedly on the boy karateka there were professorial points and by voice of the actor Levadny Lucifer croaked:
  - Azi is elementary! We helped one professor to create a raspryamitel of the twisted space. - Here glasses of points sparkled seven-color scale. - No, not to one of course. The best human minds of hell worked on it. Could calculate quite really working technology. And the person from the earth put the device in action. People can withdraw the God's ban - they not the first time do it! Here you and on freedom!
  Azazello already managed to bungle in the scheme and is surprised asked Lucifer:
  - So human minds managed to open it the principle?
  The boy Lucifer surely answered:
  - Of course! Even God Creator, creating something or reproducing this or that action, it is forced to use laws of the hyper universe. And here they were taken and turned slightly on another.
  To Svarogu famous to the technician, there was a strong wish to receive particulars:
  - And how here it worked?
  The Lucifer explained only in general:
  - Emission of waves with preonnovy impulses, changed fractional coefficients of frequency rate of measurements in the curtailed space. Because of what it was also developed. - Seeing that even not everything is clear to the Russian God, malchishka-Satana simplified an explanation. - The ray with big energy changed codes in an invisible wall of a torture chamber trap, and she swung open. Now you on freedom also can ...
  Azazello summed up the result:
  - Lucifer's genius won against God - now all is possible if it is careful!
  The Satan looked back, ridiculous, on so young and suntanned face with a tattoo, points disappeared. Also the prevention followed:
  - Two more stamps managed to send from here. One to Sverdlovsk, is the underground city there, and second in a vault the Tula. It is necessary to move away also them somewhat quicker. So we will not waste time!
  Svarog offered spirit of the desert:
  - We will be divided - you to Tula, and I to Siberia!
  Azazello negatively shook the red head:
  - No, I you will not release one! You will make Siberia uninhabited - as a butt on a head to give!
  - A butt to give? - And Svarog burst out laughing ... But it is already careful, is not heard. Only the leopard woke up again and began to look back. Even it is strange that the cat with such beautiful hair was defined in the watchman. The Lucifer made to a leopard a sign and the animal unexpectedly saluted the Prince of Darkness. Took and put the right forepaw to the head.
  - The animal, and understands ... - Whispered Svarog. Both demons looked each other in eyes in which the chasm flickered and, without arranging, chose a way to Tula.
  The underground, confidential branch of the subway especially there conducted. The nearest station in the settlement. Almost there is also nobody in cars, but trains go regularly. Having taken seat in the moderate and magnificent car, demons accepted visible human shape.
  To fear in it special was not. Azazello became well-known professor Shalyapin, and Svarog the colonel of FSB. Documents at demons are ready, appearance spirit can accept any. Why not to order dry, Georgian wine and not to sweep with comfort.
  To wine at the same time and a black ikorka on oil. A way to Tula short, but Svarogu very much wanted to talk to people. And here with them in a big compartment professor, the truth the designer of tanks got too. And talkative.
  First of all, this Doctor of Engineering began to discuss the German Tiger tank.
  - Germans very silly designed the car. Having quite sufficient protection, both a forehead, and boards - this tank was extremely vulnerable on a joint of the case and a tower. Than the Soviet tankmen also used. Even such easy and weak tank as T-60 could be dangerous in near fight to "Tiger". Certainly, Germans expensively paid for it!
  Svarog it is lost murmured:
  - I do not know details of this war!
  Professor impudently answered, looking at shoulder straps of a polkonik:
  - And what the screw can know!
  - What? - Did not understand Svarog.
  Azazello put in a ward. It in technology of destructions the expert:
  - Though "Tiger" and not a standard of design thought, but on each padded this German tank, was necessary not less than ten destroyed Soviet. And for example a 88-millimetric gun, with its high precision and rate of fire the best anti-tank weapon of World War II!
  Professor Sharok did not agree:
  - The anti-tank seventeen-pound English gun is the best of all. It even surpassed Panterovskaya.
  Azazello logically parried:
  - We had to pay for each "Panther" five Shermanami or Cherchillyami. And if to consider that Germans lost from air strikes, then more more. And in general, where the seventeen-pound gun proved to be? Only not too mass "Glowworm", and "Challenger" in general was let out only in two hundred copies. - The angry demon of the desert grinned, and for a moment canines appeared. - Practice - it criterion of efficiency!
  Shors tried to object:
  - Then it is possible to tell that T-90 is possible as on this tank were practically not at war!
  Azazello made a helpless gesture and crafty provorkovat:
  - And it is quite possible. At this tank the mass of subquality work, and a real fighting running in extremely would not prevent it!
  Professor without having restrained almost cried out:
  - Yes we have developments that T-90 on their background scrap metal!
  Azazello bit a pile of dry wine. There was no wish to get drunk before a responsible task and it is dangerous. The demon of the desert and the specialist in wars noticed:
  - Practice and seriality, are more important than developments. Especially, you think in the USA less various including elaborate projects? And here you are able to shoot?
  Shors looked round. Azazello and especially expressions its brown were obviously not pleasant to professor. And the workmate looks suspiciously curious. Can do it spies? Though salted pork fats want to inquire as much as possible. It should be checked.
  - And our T-14 is a superweapon. The crew in three persons is in a separate capsule and to punch nothing it!
  Azazello witty pinned up professor:
  - Yes, reliably I friends was immured!
  Shors exclaimed:
  - Its level of protection the best in the world! The multilayered armor including a coal plastic and ceramics, and so polymers and ...
  Azazello started up a hairpin again:
  - And other cholera!
  Here unexpectedly Svarog interfered and terribly said:
  - Enough! there is nothing to laugh at the Russian equipment. - And God demiurge gave to professor a hand. - I believe that you children made everything as always remarkably and happen war, the opponent will be broken and destroyed!
  Shors it is conciliatory answered:
  - Yes of course we will win! And in general around the world we are liked to be neodootsenivat!
  Then conversation unexpectedly passed much more everyday into the plane. Professor complained that pay him a little and to these the mortgage for the dacha and the apartment hangs. Also made not eligible to travel abroad so further the Crimea a leg. Svarog quite seriously regretted:
  - It is a pity that on lands that poyuzhny we did not manage to be fixed. In the winter in the Mediterranean Sea and especially in Cyprus - lordly rest!
  Azazello severely nodded:
  - And now not late! I would be your president that ...
  Carefully whispered Shors:
  - About policy it is not necessary! Here is ... - And it touched itself(himself) the right ear. But it frightened Azazello a little. For chatter on the power they will not be detained, and the file? Yes on whom they will make it? On camouflages of professor and colonel.
  Azazello said:
  - If not the tsar Nikolay, with the liberalism, then we would have everything!
  Shors the truth not absolutely surely, did not agree:
  - Not in one personality business!
  Azazello reasonably objected:
  - Very often in very even one! Movements of a finger of the president and planetka as radioactive Sahara.
  The signal on an exit sounded.
  The high-speed train already brought quickly to Tula and it was necessary to creep out of the car.
  Demons took French leave, without saying goodbye. They are fleet guys and it is necessary to hurry that stamps to deaf places did not departure. However, worked simple. Simply, Azazello showed crusts and reported that it is necessary to make urgent actions.
  Just in case to Moscow tinkled. But there on a wire the angel of the lowest category or just a demon already sat. Imitating a voice he bellowed:
  - Move dolts, screw up all things!
  Privacy, privacy and if the chief shouts at you, then it is more important. Demons were included into laboratory in an appearance human, without disappearing, and being even roughly pushed. Azazello did not even begin to trouble himself, and chilly ordered:
  - To sterilize all capacities and flasks!
  Laboratory assistants started executing the order professor with the mandate. Nobody objected. Only Bochkaryov tried, very carefully to take an interest in the reason of such action.
  Azazello chilly dropped:
  - Mistake! And the confidential order to correct it!
  Svarog in turn admired and considered laboratory rooms. They here unusual with transparent walls. And how many here strange and unclear devices. The whole jungle from plastic, steel, crystal and glass. Speak about it: fiendish difficulty. And they that? Well do not draw!
  Azazello hardly suppressed in himself temptation to arrange defeat of laboratory or to do some shooting. But in it rage boiled as oil in the inquisitor's copper.
  But nothing - sustained and it is possible to tear hoofs.
  Svarog however did not want to leave and began to ask on purpose of these or those devices actively.
  Azazello nearly used force. But fortunately Svarog suddenly saw a shadow of a tip of a sword and at once remembered a messir.
  So far did without excesses. Left and got out to top it is almost trivial on the deep elevator. Showed the admission and were soaped to the airport. It is possible to go to Sverdlovsk also by plane. Though Svarog offered:
  - And under the own steam it is impossible?
  Azazello negatively shook the head:
  - In this case not!
  The Russian God was surprised:
  - Why it is impossible? So much will be quicker!
  The demon of the desert reminded the order of the Lucifer:
  - Least of all supernatural. Ksiva and appearance even spies can forge. And to fly quicker than the jet plane ... Violation of the rules!
  Svarog tried to object:
  - We already ran away before term. What to us still to lose?
  Azazello noticed:
  - Phrase: add a sin to a sin, to given to a case does not belong! We can leave a limit, and a chasm us a beam, let and on impulses of preon, you will not pull out ... - Here the demon of the desert considered it necessary to specify in own favor. - Or, perhaps, you will not pull out though our Boss becomes stronger and stronger every year!
  Svarog did not begin to part polemic once again though unexpectedly it became clear that it is necessary to wait even the whole four hours for arrival of an airliner. It is possible of course and to order the confidential plane, but already to shine again. And time will occupy not less - bureaucracy!
  Azazello in a waiting room asked the workmate demiurge to tell something about the last adventures. Some entertainment, especially the big TV in the hall of the aviastation broke, and game demons with themselves did not take computers. And Svarogu wanted to be uttered. Still memories of a solitary confinement of the demon are too fresh. And he can not just tell, but also show the real cinema;
  The small, but spravny town lay in ruins, the dense smoke was fresh prickly. The ratnik pierced by arrows with the unstitched stomach hung on a wall of a half-ruined belltower. Everywhere the charred corpses rolled before killing over people long and cruelly scoffed. From women alive tore off scalps, removed gentle skin. At pregnant women stomachs were cut, and premature children are suspended for an umbilical cord on a branch. Some of not mature children were densely covered with arrows, on them obviously practised in firing. Many corpses hung headfirst or were barbarous hooked on kryuchya. Several hardly live bodies shivered and twitched in awful convulsions. On naked bodies blisters and burns. It is long possible to describe a terrible picture of destruction - the angered Pechenegs spared nobody, barbarous revenging for the losses and painful fear. Several nuker in search of production continued to creep on ruins. One of them, probably the chiliarch, roughly kicked a corpse of the nude woman. Her face, is once such beautiful and gentle, is disfigured by bruises, on a naked breast deep grazes, cuts. Harmonous legs lifelessly of a raskinuta, on them the streamlet of thick blood flew and was absorbed during snow. The Russian God demiurge did not begin to wait, he was suddenly overflowed by thirst of revenge. Their only seven, means metay in a throat sharp needles. Second six are dead, the chiliarch however should not get off so light. Having struck a finger on a neck, the warrior Svarog disconnected the velmozhny Pecheneg, and then shouldered to himself, having taken a sharp hook. Ran off versts on ten and got on it the chiliarch.
  Svarog tutorially said, to the half-dead, but still twitching in convulsions villain:
  - You suspended Russians for edges, and now test similar pleasure!
  The Russian God demiurge wanted to jerk back, to camp as someone's arrow drew the air which is in a body of the teenage youth Svarog easily loymat it a tenacious hand.
  - Well the magician, I did not expect it from you!
  The deep voice of the Slavic magician thundered in reply:
  - I did not expect it from you the adolescent of similar cruelty!
   Svarog hooked a leg a snowball, having let white dust towards the hanging Mongol.
  - It is not cruelty, but revenge! An eye for an eye! Tooth for Tooth!
  The magician rocked the head and philosophically added:
  - And meanness for meanness, deception for deception, torture for torture! Into whom then we will turn if in everything we follow powers of darkness!
  The angry demon in a cat young, human blood boiled, hissed maliciously:
  - And what you offer! To watch how kill ours and to turn other cheek.
  The magician it is sure, but answered with a little more silent tone:
  - No! But for it sufficient punishment death! And the further fate of his soul will be decided by supreme Rod!
  The Russian God demiurge broke a hand a throat to the Pecheneg, having spitefully spat a corpse. From a spittle of Svaroga the hot flame which is greedy devouring the chiliarch flashed:
  - Well, and now to camp. I will change myself appearance and I will get to the main leaders. It is a pity that I cannot kill all, but I will be counted with a predatory top.
   God demiurge the real warrior, the hero knight took away clothes of the chiliarch and run rushed off to the Mongolian camp. The magician Solntseros, on the exorcized horse did not lag behind on a step.
  Suddenly Svarog stopped and listened.
  - Voice, familiar voice and smell. - The youth demon twisted the fair-haired head. - Sniff you you feel nothing?
  - I am only a person. - Modestly answered volkh.
  - And I am a monster! - Joyfully God Demiurge exclaimed. - Same your foster daughter Veshnyavka, she is pressed down by corpses and groans.
  Solntseros hardly constrained exclamation.
  - My daughter here!
  Svarog pulled the magician a sleeve:
  Let's go!
  Between the burned houses the whole archipelago of corpses was piled up and at some of them eyelids are cut roughly off and, appear, they continuously look at you the freezing look. Having inconsiderately scattered bodies, the demiurge Svarog dragged out the semi-split figure. The magician hastily dropped to a gentle body. Veshnyavka quietly groaned, her disfigured face became covered by a silvery crust of hoarfrost, the lips broken in blood, swelled as fritters. Through ice nonsense she nevertheless learned it, lips were croaked, the sorted name is difficult.
  - She calls Charovichka.
  Solntseros said it tone sad, but full of hope. Then sharply rose from knees, having shaken off a snowdrift:
  - Excuse it is time for me! I hope you and your soldiers will deal with Sherbani.
  - To be understood! - Svarog radiated confidence. - Just about our group will approach, I should hurry.
  - Take at parting a gift.
  The magician put a paper bag in hands.
  - What is it?! Very tart smell! - The Russian demiurge was surprised.
  - And you inhale the great soldier, at that moment when you will enter a tent of the khan you learn.
  It seemed to Svarogu suspicious:
  - Perhaps, itself you will breathe?! What is weak!
  It did not make sense to continue altercations, Solntseros jerked a full pace. God demiurge having changed clothes, turned to camp. Even simple people capable to change to unrecognizability a face by means of a mimicry and a make-up, and also to forge a voice. For a deity demiurge, it is even not sunflower seeds, but the elementary alphabet. Having given itself the most anxious look, the warrior Svarog ran in in a tent of a temnik of Kulubaraya.
  - Urgent the call sent us kagan! The new khan will be glorified in fights!
  In tent of people five, it is not necessary to explain more, three needles and one wave with two swords, Pechenegs did not manage even to scream, and remained to stand with the opened mouths. In the next minute, from a tent important peacocks fluttered out "лжекулубарай". By rules, in case of serious need, the temnik could enter Sherbani's tent at any time - to show a paytsza with a gold falcon enough. However, just in case the warrior Svaroga has also a paytsza with the gold head of a furious tiger. The guarding turgauda servilely give couples. The tent of the khan Sherbani the sizes the little concedes to the marching palace of the dzhikhangir. Several certain halls and even mini-harem. The brother of the Supreme kagan of Pechenegs does not sleep yet, with him several chiliarches, they with passion are cut in exotic game, twelve cut chess. Players too twelve, on twenty four figures at everyone. Khans play with passion, practically without thinking, sipping from gold kuvshinsv with black koumiss. Skilled Svarog for the first time sees similar game and he wants to sit down, check power of the intelligence. At this moment in the head the thought flashes. "And that if to check a gift of the magician". Curiosity is stronger than prudence, the deity demiurge about greed involves luscious and sweet dust. Before eyes sparkles flash, to become easy and cheerfully. At this moment chiliarches suddenly interrupt game and wildly stare. Sherbani throws up the hands:
  - Dze, dza what beauty! The greatest pearl sit down to us.
  Other khans on interruption began to make a racket.
  - And to us, to us too.
  What lewd ugly faces at them - pure perverts. However the warrior demon Svarog himself also understands that something here not so. His look falls in a bottom - high female breasts, and hair which are falling down to a belt the real mix of diamonds and gold tensely wave, even at these poor lamps the exotic shock shines radiant light. That at you between legs and it is terrible to think. And greedy hands and to last in a voluptuous rush. A deity demiurge reacted reflex, strikes a bargain shout, a crunch of the broken fingers is heard. Thank God to Rod former force remained, means him will not be able to rape, at least until he does not want it. Sherbani-han represented a delightful smile on a face, his lips poured out honey.
  - What you are similar to the moon a miracle, you sparkle the Universe only splendidly!
  So you are beautiful that you are capable
  in splinters to break heart of the knight,
  I am a slave to you, and you for a century are free
  You can eclipse the sun beauty!
  The rough Pecheneg not too considerably passed to clumsy verses. The warrior Svarog managed a smile:
  - You of course are interesting, but in you is not enough with truth of poetry and harmony. Strong to be fine what there to fence! But that it was red, it is necessary cleverly, cool to speak and live!
  Sherbani pretended that he took offense.
  - And I unless not clever?
  - Prove! - Cried out Svarog.
  The brother of a kagan frowned:
  - You want, I here all chiliarches, their eleven as I will beat donkeys in chess!
  Chiliarches it is quick-witted began to nod, it became clear to the warrior Svarogu that will be the next game in a giveaway chess.
  - No, so will not go! Give better I one I will play against all of you! That's when we will look who the cleverest.
  Khans burst out laughing: the magnificent woman seemed to them amusing.
  - And if we win?!
  Svarog heatedly rang out:
  - Then I to you everything will make that what you want.
  Chiliarches according to began to nod. And the Russian God threateningly added:
  - But if you lose, then to me will make everything that I will order you.
  - Of course the beautiful star, we are glad to do a favor the lady.
  Still there was not really a lot of time so far the group from fighters of the White legion will approach - it is possible and to play. Having asked about rules, and they slightly differed from traditional chess, besides that is in them, here were still: camels, galleys, and also vehicles and archers. Shaking magnificent hips, the warrior Svarog turned into the woman with regal advantage started game. Opponents was eleven, and the twelfth khan only went and disturbed. Of course, choose khans the correct strategy, it would be crushed without effort, but drunk commanders were at war with each other than with it more and rearranged figures without thinking. It of course facilitated a task, the main thing was not to give to game too to drag on. However the fact that one by one khans bowled off not strongly afflicted the audience. Probably they were in advance sure that production will not escape them. Here too there was a mat, and practically the same inactive and defenseless king as well as in real chess.
   - You simply weak link, the king your goal are also weak! For rage to you cramped a jaw, you will be won also by the slave! - Gave out in a rhyme of Svarog.
  Khans pouring in quarts in an arza only grinned in reply what you will not forgive to the beautiful woman. The last recognized the defeat of Sherbani. The warrior Svarog with satisfaction said.
  - Well boys, warm-up is finished! And now my desire, open a mouth close eyes.
  Khans lewdly began to nod. At this moment everything was suddenly changed that that flashed again and expression of admiration was replaced by a horror mask. A deity demiurge before the others thought in what business. The protective cover and a mask of the beautiful girl at once disappeared and the warrior Svarog appeared before Pechenegs in all the terrible male beauty.
  - Masks are thrown off, the ball is ended!
  The Russian god demiurge a negligent wave of a fan threw ten needles, and once rubanut a sword. Though the squeezed shouts standing on a post of a turgauda followed remained on the place, to them probably not for the first time to hear similar squabbles from drunk owners.
  - On eyelids cheerful khans stopped, you survived one!
  Sherbani began to shake, he did not want to die, the relentless death a stone's throw away loomed. Svarog laughed humiliating laughter, the animal horror in the opinion of the dignitary Pecheneg amused.
  - What you are a slug,
  just pathetic hilyak!
  Having struck an attitude, the white hero demiurge continued.
  - When povinuyas to the order of a kagan! You in violence wetted hundred thousand people! Though something woke up in a dushonka of the kingpin - when turgauda smothered children!
  - Spare me white god! - The khan moaned.
  The Russian hero demiurge suddenly felt pride.
  - Now I any more not idle time mangus, and god! Then kiss my legs.
  Sherbani was hasty put to cold as marble to a leg of the adolescent deity.
  - I will be enough to slyunyavit.
  The Russian God demiurge jerked the khan for hair, having pulled out the whole shred, the Pecheneg squealed a sheep.
  - Say how you took Pronsk? - Growled a tiger of Svarog.
  The frightened brother of the Supreme kagan hasty provereshchat.
  - We were helped. Boyars Feofan and Mefodiy specified the underpass.
  - Where these reptiles?
  Growled by a terrible voice of Svarog, emerald and sapphire eyes it is bad sparkled.
  - Feast in the next tent.
  - I will find traitors, on a smell of total decomposition! And now I will punish you! No, not death - it is too simple, you will have no time for repentance!
  The Russian God demiurge cut in a groin, having at the same time squeezed a mouth, the khan slipped on a carpet.
  - Now you are half an eunuch! I made to you trimming, is more faithful castration. About if so, then you became nothing, and were nobody!
   Svarog right there changed clothes, attached hair, slightly added in shoulders and enclosed pillows under a stomach. Well now, he is typical Sherbani. Having jumped out of a tent the Russian god demiurge shouted at all throat:
  - Change! To execute cruelly Feofan and Mefodiy. And on the occasion of execution to drink hundred barrels with fortified koumiss.
  The last command was apprehended with the increased enthusiasm. Those who did not revel yet hasty poured in themselves in alcohol quarts. The Russian hero demiurge took with himself a sack with strongly operating poison in advance. It is simple to make strong toxin, and to pour in open barrels even more simply, well who will suspect the brother of a dzhikhangir. Svarog never differed in special humanity, it from the moment of creation put the program of machines of death, and a type of many thousands of died russ, many of which continued to lie not cleaned, beat off the humanity remains.
  Still big hatred was to traitors to boyars.
  - Hang up edges on a hook of the Russian deserters, let die slowly and painfully. To dogs dog death!
  Poison has to work later a couple of hours. What he will wait, then when the most part of army to grab stomachs, he will fly on the enemy in every way.
  Already the last barrel with koumiss is drunk to a drop and from it knocked out a bottom. And at this moment the familiar opposite voice was distributed.
  - White mangus, you are a fool, but not the coward.
  The Russian hero demiurge not strongly was surprised.
  - Tsar of trolls! Hey nuker, cover it with arrows.
  Pechenegs still perceived Slavic God demiurge for the brother of a dzhikhangir and remembered the order to destroy the rebellious magician. The whole clouds of arrows fell upon that place where there was a kinglet of gnomes trolls. The sharpest tips got to similarity of an aura and having heated were scattered in ashes. After this at once the new dense cloud of the stinging shells flew. The protective field was heated, the next trees smoked, thick steam, from the thawing snow rose.
  - I love in Russian a bath! - And already without sense the tsar-troll sang in a stupid rhyme. - I will crush the brother Vanya!
  From under kryuchkasty fingers of the mighty troll gnome, tiny objects took off. Having flown by hundred sazhen they failed in a snowdrift. Strong cotton followed, the whirlwind and rose several seconds later, four enormous monsters rose at once. The look at hundred put-off monsters was very unusual - enormous fir cones with eight flexible feelers in suckers. The weapon was clamped in each feeler: sword, pole-axe or giant mace. Enormous monsters rushed to false Sherbani, each their step, was followed by a roar, trees broke. Heavy archin arrows either jumped aside, or got stuck in a wooden surface. The hero Svarog screamed and, having gone from large the size to a sword pine, cut one of enormous feelers. The fragment flew away and convulsively got nervous, the weapon protsarapat a groove. Two ton mace with terrible knock pierced to that place where imperceptible god demiurge Svarog just flitted. But it has in hands a strong joker.
   Dobrynya Nikitich's sword easily cut also this feeler. Or rather, three more seconds appeared enough to disarm the first shishkoobrazny monster. And it is right, on the party at monsters the enormous sizes, weight, but reaction and proportional speed it is even worse than at people. Badly another, even drunk Pechenegs understood that the Supreme Kagan's brother so quickly cannot move.
  The amazed exclamations which sharply amplified were heard after the shaggy wig flew.
  - White mangus!
  The whole clouds of arrows steel falls fell upon Svaroga. The Russian God demiurge having sharply turned out, passed between legs and it appeared behind backs of monsters. Having lost excessively mobile purpose from a look, three other monsters fell upon the many thousands shouting crowd of enemies. Now the most real slaughter began, the most brave Pechenegs in hundreds laid down under crushing blows. The warrior Svarog in turn tried to repeat the reception applied against a charodeyka Cocky. A legendary sword, having struck protection and having beaten out the whole fiery volcano, returned back. But this time it was to such an extent warmed that it was necessary to dip it into snow.
  - Yes you hot, fig. - Smiled happy Svarog.
  The magician answered:
  - I am not a devil, I am the tsar of trolls gnomes. And such primitive weapon in hands of even more primitive fighter not to overcome me!
  - Be not praised educh on a host...
  The tsar-troll sharply interrupted.
  - And be praised educh from a host!
  Povinuyas to gesture, the enormous monster snatched to Svaroga. God demiurge made a pirouette, having dexterously cut short legs, and having used that the giant cone lost balance, threw it on the tsar-troll. Contact of two elements caused the strongest explosion, the monster scattered on chips, and the protective field izoshlos at first golden-yellow, then, being poured and sparkling, was painted by the fiery orange scale which is gradually turning into lilac and sapphire color. The powerful throw of a legendary sword caused effect similar to throwing of a stone on glass. The bluish wall was plentifully covered with cracks and showered with a multi-color mirror. The tsar-troll reddened, strainedly bellowed and in a flash turned back the whole brood of snakes, expecting to get lost in poisonous pack, but the Russian God demiurge managed to find that one unique in which the tsar of trolls gnomes addressed. Somehow, during transformation on the 100-th fraction of a second all snakes became transparent, except one - that whose mask and was accepted by the most cunning sorcerer. Having punched a tail a needle, god demiurge picked up the hissing cobra. Other snakes tried to apply the poison, having clanked with teeth. Reception - a threefold butterfly forever calmed them, only one managed to scratch slightly skin, having left a burn. A cobra, having hissed, tried to dodge, but, having received click on a nose, became soft.
  - You wanted negotiations - it is a high time?
  Having inertly moved, the snake addressed in the moustached and big-nosed person shaking with fear.
  The tsar-troll's voice nevertheless was firm.
  - Do not take in head to kill me the white soldier.
  - And why is also not present! Do not leave a grave.
  Spoke, knowing however that it absolutely not so, the Russian God. Svarog crushed one more snake and presented the weapon to a throat.
  - If you kill me, then will make the enemies all mighty race of gnomes trolls. - The wizard tried to escape.
  Svarog logically answered:
  - All the same you to me already enemies, and having killed you, I will reduce number of the foes.
  The voice at the tsar-trolls began to tremble, he understood that the multi-clone is capable to carry out the threat.
  - I swear that not the enemy to you! Stand monsters.
  Giant cones froze up, cudgels and swords stood in air.
  - No, why you stopped, let press an incalculable horde of Pechenegs. Or you to me not the friend! - Svarog growled.
  - Friend! Friend!
  Hasty the tsar-troll agreed.
  - You press this nasty thing.
  Having turned, cones fell, upon nuker. The frightened Pechenegs roared and howled, their arrows either jumped aside, or got stuck in bark, and swords hardly could notch a strong tree. Each of eight feelers at one stroke cut down two-three soldiers. The speed truth was not enough for "penka", the most part of nuker managed to swell up on horses, jumping on snowdrifts they dexterously evaded from deadly tools.
  Svarog, joking, noticed:
  - Your monsters are rather weak, you to them could not add speed?
  - I am glad, so they on prompt run are scattered in ashes, the hero.
  The warrior Svarog burst out laughing, the frightened tsar-troll looked comically.
  - And what me, is more faithful to you, it is necessary to make that I did not kill you?
  - We are gnomes trolls, are capable of a lot of things. If you want, we to you will shape a strong sword that you will be able to win against all the enemies, even a charodeyka Cocky.
  Svarog not too was surprised:
  - Even it? You on a promise as on a chair, and where Ilya Muromts's sword?
  The tsar-troll very nervously got nervous.
  - In the fairy tale it, in the worlds parallel!
  Svarog strongly became angry:
  - There will be enough speeches lileyny! Exterminate all enemies of Russia, then I will believe you.
  - As I can exterminate them even if with you one it is not capable to cope!
  At the moment, dozen of arrows nearly pierced in Svarogu's back, only the fan movement of a sword rescued it from death. In the same second the tsar-troll was gone as if the phantom which took off on the sun.
  - The swine, deceived again!
  In rage, Svarog a panther fell upon the closest Pechenegs. Its swords cut to pieces pliable meat, splitting iron sheets, chopping thin sabers. Hatred gave force. Meanwhile at part of nuker legs and hands began to weaken, poison began the relentless artful action. It facilitated a task, the only thing that caused disappointment, the fact that it was not succeeded to poison horses. Arrows, too much already several times got to it, the whole thousands fly on you, even phenomenal reaction not always rescues. One of arrows hit a nostril, the tempered tip punched a cartilage, having got stuck between an eye.
  - It is already dangerous.
  Using advantage in speed, God demiurge came off the Tatar and Pecheneg horde. After wound snuff functions were slightly broken and it was very sick, probably plentifully mixed an arrow with poison. In the head began to dim, fortunately strongly operating anti-pillbox always at hand. As Svarog ordered, the group had a rest in an ambush, the discipline in the White legion was on the ball. An inaudible shadow it appeared near commanders. Tolstoy did not give a sign that it is surprised, and here Maxim Sokolich slightly became puzzled.
  - You are wounded, the voivode?
  Svarog waved away:
  - It is scratch, an hour more you will have a rest and we will strike. It seems, fog begins to rise, it is better for those who will escape, will envy the dead.
  - We are ready though now to advance to the attack!
  Commanders gave habitual salute.
  An hour later, the white legion took the resolute offensive. The most part of Pechenegs already died or died under the influence of strong poison. The escaped nuker were so exhausted that after short fight preferred shameful flight. The white legion continued to strike crushing blow, ruthlessly tormenting army of nomads.
  . HEAD NO. 19.
  The question asked Artyom is interesting first of all that the answer to it is obvious:
  - Of course, we have to rescue Zhanna!
  Marcos agreed with ice tranquility:
  - Let's rescue, but not now. So far we will just eat!
  Clear desire of the boy mercenary to feast after the prison, poor and badly cooked food. And Artyom with it is solidary. Dinner to them is served magnificent. First of all wild boars with a garnish, hares in sauce, fried venison. But luxury barbarous. Trays though gold and silver, but rough work. Many fruit quite natural to the twenty first century, it is not visible. The truth the fact that it is quite good to eat, for example, melons in honey, or grapes with water-melons. The early fall - is time rich. And a game in the woods much. Meat juicy and soft is made professionally. And in general, after a concentration camp the food seems fantastically wonderful.
  And here with wine it is necessary to be careful - will carry instantly.
  But nevertheless, really, Middle Ages. Servants tap with leather boots, and closed the delights, dancers it is not visible. The truth there were pipers and something began to strum.
  "Angels" not one feasted. Also saw that knights are not too clean and dip badly washed up hands into food. No, it is a little of them nevertheless before food in a silver bucket of a popleskala. And added odorous oil to water. But you will not call similar real washing.
  Artyom very much liked the partridges larded by cherries, apricots and apples. Here cooks royal, so are able to prepare. And long ago they had no worthy food - one skilly and bread.
  Children overate, and felt heavy and tired. Marcos who trusted nobody pinched Artyom and warned:
  - If we fall asleep, they us will tie!
  The boy from the twenty first century wearily noticed:
  - And so will tie! All the same we will fall down!
  Marcos cunning offered:
  - Let's sleep in turn! And there we will think up something.
  Artem agreed and at once failed to the abyss of dreams.
  And as if purposely vision about the Orleans maiden. And differently also could not be: the duke Burgundian ordered to break off it to torturers. Very rich vault on various torment tools. And the executioner from Spain, half the Moor. But speaks French decently:
  - It is also the leader of army of splash pools? - The swarty strapper deafeningly burst out laughing and noticed. - Boobs are kind, hips strong - time for a whip and a rack!
  Zhanna Darc only contemptuously sniffed: before its messages to the executioner, undressed the Orleans Maiden and carefully searched. It is not really pleasant when dirty, male hands feel all body moreover get into intimate places. Zhanna Darc to whom the titled persons submitted until recently felt extremely humiliated. From it broke a bandage and on a shoulder of a zaziyal a deep wound. It caused the known pain. The executioner with pleasure looked at it:
  - That! Let's begin with a rack! Or you want to tell us something?
  Zhanna Darc darted a glance in a corner: there two copyists ready to write down each its indication sat. Nearby there was a doctor and several assistants to the executioner. The rack was prepared in advance. By a firm voice the Orleans Maiden said:
  - Write the following!
  Copyists began to write down at once:
  - Duke Burgundian round booby! It is waited by the pointed stake!
  The Moorish executioner hit it on a face:
  - Enough! On a rack the impudent little girl.
  The loop overflowed to the Orleans maiden brawny hands and began to rise, twisting joints. The wounded shoulder pain was terrible, but staunch Zhanna managed a smile. Though its bones, wide for the young little girl, crackled, from a sharp shake-up, but on a beautiful face even the muscle did not tremble.
  Hands were twisted in joints, legs came off the earth. The girl legend hung in mid-air. Assistants to the executioner right there fixed standing weighty freight.
  The executioner attentively looked at a body of the victim. From terrible shoulder pain, the relief press, brawny maiden failed, the suntanned body is atypical for the Middle Ages, began to sweat. Yes she feels pain, but what is necessary endurance that at the same time belozubo to smile.
  The torturer asked:
  - Tell the names of the assistants in the Burgundian camp!
  Zhanna in answered spat. The executioner, though also got to him, did not even move, on his ugly, bearded, almost black face the grin played:
  - Means the mouth shut we keep. Well the girl now I will help you.
  The executioner got the ramrod and thrust it in a wound then began to twist. The girl's face reddened, from it sweat began to flow down and drip, muscles were involuntarily reduced, breath heavy, faltering as if after long run. But that is surprising, the smile did not descend from her lips.
  The executioner dosverlit up to the end, and then sharply pulled out: pupils of eyes at the Orleans Maiden were narrowed, but the smile became even wider!
  - Strong woman! Real batyr! Well nothing, I will force you to shout. - The torturer began to raskalivat the ramrod on pale red fire, the assistant to a kat removed nippers from a flame. Biting part became red from heat.
  The most courageous person could lose courage, but Zhanna looked at it so as if before her the table with viands was spread.
  The executioner sang:
  - A female leg, we will roast a little bit!
  Having taken nippers in hand, the torturer touched with the heated iron maiden round, slightly dusty heel. He chose the most sensitive places on foot of the Orleans Maiden. On the room the smell of fake meat was carried. The executioner pulled it a nose:
  - It is very pleasant!
  The torturer acted accurately, distributing burns evenly on all sole. When heat too is strong, not only skin, but also the nervous terminations so in this case, big art in causing pain is necessary burns down. Zhanna behaved heroically, did not publish also groan, what to her was painfully given out by eyes and the dripping sweat, but on a face the smile played.
  The executioner, began to break fingers meanwhile.
  - Accurately, the little girl it will be very pleasant to you!
  Zhanna said with contempt:
  - And what? As the man you cannot!
  Long hands of the executioner were strong. Fingers cracked, the torturer began with a little finger. When the heated iron, breaks nails and fingers, it is terrible. The crunch is heard. Zhanna tries to move, but her legs are held reliably down, and each link of a chain, thickness about a leg thumb. Even it, the muscles tempered by country work and heavy fights, not in forces to tear so strong steel fetters.
  Having broken a little finger the executioner gave a grunt enough:
  - I well done! You are a girl, you catch pleasure!
  Zhanna stoically sniffed:
  - Not bad, only iron too cold!
  The executioner answered:
  - Yes anything terrible! I still will roast you!
  The torturer slowly broke, scrolling a middle finger round its pivot-center. Beautiful fingers at the Orleans maiden, long, equal, graceful. Bones are strong, it is not easy to break and the executioner from effort even sweated. The droplet of sweat rolled down from a receding forehead and fell to the heated nippers. Legs of the young and strong girl, very pleasantly smell. Such to love great pleasure. And to torment, it is even better. Here the turn reached a thumb of a bare foot. The truth of forces to break is not enough.
  Zhanna hiding flour, angrily bellowed:
  - Well as to a slabachya! You cannot break a stone!
  The executioner whiningly answered:
  - Well nothing, you will be helped!
  The enormous assistant to the torturer palmed off specially adaptation. Squeezed a thumb, the crash was heard. The finger broke, the executioner with satisfaction said:
  - And now left leg!
  Process of torture is very pleasant. Bones oh as crack moreover the burned skin flares. The girl legend suffers, and even put out teasing fleecers language.
  The executioner with strained caress speaks:
  - If you admit everything, will give accomplices, we will stop torture and we will treat you.
  Zhanna, the indifferent tone given her with such work, answered:
  - That to me your pain!
  Having finished withdrawal pains of fingers standing, the executioner wanted to join hands, but the doctor stopped him:
  - It will be necessary that it is the bitch still something signed, for example, recognition of the duke Burgundian the king of France so hands leave alone.
  The executioner willingly agreed:
  - Yes, we will leave it on sweet! And we will thrash her a lash now!
  The assistant to the torturer, got from a flame a lash, from thin chains, white from fire. Zhanna squinted eyes and with irony cried out:
  - That, it is an excellent bath!
  The executioner with a grin answered:
  - Fine broom! The silly fellow it will be very pleasant to you and you will go bananas!
  Kat swung and cut. On a powerful body of Zhanna the spasm walked.
  - Well how to be pleasant?
  The Orleans Maiden answered, the voice, too low for the girl:
  - And what? It's cool! Only the blow is rather weak!
  The assistant to the fanatic cut again. The executioner as if drawlingly stretching sounds, said:
  - Two - and-and!
  Again blow, and melodious counting:
  - Rub! Four!
  The girl strains stomach muscles, to her the executioner wants to cut, but it cannot get it in any way.
  - Well approach me on closer! - Zhanna shouts.
  The fleecer teases it:
  - Yes you are already good!
  Gradually the back, shoulders and buttocks, the most famous warrior of all times and the people, turn into the continuous bloody, covered with burns medley. Despite intolerable anguish, Zhanna still looks stubborn, and at the next question:
  - Call where you hide the treasures stolen from us? - Growls a snow leopard:
  - In your trifling beard!
  The executioner undertook the heated nippers again and seized her by a scarlet nipple, on a breast, roughly turned it!
  The Orleans Maiden, shaking bloody sweat, squeezed out from itself:
  - Refined caress!
  The executioner continued torture with other breast. Here unexpectedly fair-haired head of Zhanna was shaken and she fainted.
  The doctor scaredly screamed:
  - Leaned back!
  The executioner applied a palm to a neck:
  - Well! Heart surely fights! To continue?
  The doctor shook the head:
  - For today enough! On it already there is no live place. I think, from it you will achieve nothing.
  The executioner with undisguised disappointment nodded:
  - Never screamed! Strong character though to a female body it is very sick. But her muscles as at very strong man.
  The doctor quietly and having even looked back said:
  - Her British sentenced to burning on a fire. This she-devil has to have enough forces independently to ascend to a scaffold. The poet wash Zhanna and place in the most protected cell under the strengthened guards, in fetters.
  The executioner willingly nodded:
  - Here all soldiers security guards new, mercenaries. Under the personal order of the duke Burgundian all French were replaced so Zhanna will have no accomplices! And then, we under the strengthened escort will take away and we will burn it on a central square. Oh as I will be glad to bring a torch to these playful legs.
  The doctor cold answered:
  - If Zhanna signs the necessary papers, then will die quickly. Otherwise, fire will be slow, gradually devouring her fine body!
  Zhanna recovered and whispered the evil:
  - You will not wait!
  In reply the executioner took the fresh heated nippers and sharply caught with him the irritated wound in a shoulder. Squeezed more feasibly: The girl fainted again. Poured over it ice water. Then removed from a rack. The executioner muttered:
  - Well and knot! I do not know what else to think up! Can rape her the heated scrap?
  The doctor negatively shook the head:
  - Good thought, but the duke Burgundian thought up something the best. It, the Saint virgin, before execution in the face of all crowd, two of your assistants will rape. It will be very sophisticated revenge!
  The executioner clapped the hands:
  - Yes it is perfectly! And I will see?!
  - All city will see! - The doctor promised.
  The executioner zaplyasat:
  - Eh you are the nippers heated and carnations on a flame knee! To torment girls very much it is pleasant also to the duke-king in a corbel low to bow! - The boots forged by iron were drummed dashingly on a stone floor.
  Zhanna was taken away in a vault, and, having left upright, chained to a cross. And around exposed reliable guards!
  Artyom in horror woke up. By this time the feast came to an end. The most part of knights snored, some were already managed to be carried in rooms of the servant. And on the street dead of night.
  Marcos kept and did not allow itself to relax. It is impossible to trust inquisitors. Even if they have a reason to make you the ally. However if the Archbishop guesses that they are mere mortals, but only blasters at them lethal, then death not to avoid. Why they are barefoot boys, then will be necessary to rascals?
  Artyom looked scared and the turned pale lips whispered:
  - I saw as torment Zhanna!
  Marcos dared to doubt:
  - I in general know history of this period ... There are no mentions that Zhanna was tortured, though threatened with corporal pain. But in archives data on it did not remain!
  Artyom angrily noticed:
  - And could not keep purposely. Tortures of the woman are at all not of what it is possible to be proud. So ...
  Marcos unexpectedly easily agreed:
  - Here you it is possible and it is right! Really, could hide traces. Here and now, when torture detainees, hide the ends in water!
  Artyom firmly said:
  - Zhanna will be free or we will die!
  Marcos wearily nodded and almost beggarly asked:
  - Let's me have a sleep, and then we will think up the plan!
  Artem nodded. He already did not want to have a rest at all. On the contrary the rage and thirst of action boiled. But Marcos fell asleep, and it was necessary to kill somehow time. Having not felt hungry, and still the former food was not digested, and it is dangerous to drink.
  And here of what to think? The plan of release of Zhanna is a thought!
  The first idea the most obvious and cast by movies. To accept the proposal of British and to ask to protect the Orleans Maiden. Then at night, superfluous to fry and with Zhanna to run away to French.
  The idea in general simple also seems quite feasible. Time they are angels, and the Orleans Maiden false sacred why to them and not to deal with her? The happy thought recovered Artyom and the boy began to estimate. The archbishop has no to refuse to meet Zhanna Darc the moral right. If they are angels, then let and will interrogate the deviless. And duke Burgundian? Yes who is he such?
  Artem grinned - business can burn out. Zhanna's consent to help the duke, can make Burgundian the king of France. And they its thread and chance. So!
  Other options already seemed more difficult and excessive. The boy thought of another. How they in general could appear in the past of Earth? What it is a time machine or the parallel universe which is lagging behind in centuries?
  Artyom had to read a different fantasy. And the thought that it is parallel world, arose by itself. If Zhanna in their stories was also not tortured.
  But it is better for those - means they all can change safely here. And that get you in passed and reproduce Butterfly Effect? There will be in this case a horror from a horror film!
  To Artyom the whole series were right there remembered the changed past. When people got into a time machine and ... Everything turned out even worse. And yes alternativka turn out. Here we will allow the pioneer and there is no modern boy, gets in the forty first year. Shows to Stalin the laptop and that trusts it.
  Then the USSR, let us assume, itself attacks on June 12, 1941 Germany. Why quite so? And why to wait for the enemy if the Red Army is ready and is trained to come and hammer the enemy in his territory, than to defend. Then military operations could develop as follows. Artem was lost in day-dreams and imagined. Volleys of tens of thousands of tools (so far without katyushas!), the roar of many thousands of tanks and planes, and all this crosses borders of the Third Reich. And further the steel skating rink drives friyets to the Atlantic Ocean.
  Artyom long sat and indulged in dreams. Even dozed off though for a while. Regained consciousness from a slap a palm. Marcos angrily shouted to the workmate:
  - You slightly did not get us into the trouble!
  Artyom justifying oneself, noticed:
  - Are not connected, and blasters on the place - everything is good!
  Marcos was developed and ordered to follow himself. Already dawned, but it is still dark and after night it is fresh. It is possible to walk, somewhere on further, from excess ears. Though most likely here nobody knows Russian.
  Marcos reported the thoughts:
  - We can tell the duke Burgundian that we own great secret which will allow it to subordinate unrestrained Zhanna. But it is natural, under a condition if ourselves talk to it. If it works, further it will be simpler!
  Artyom right there offered:
  - It is necessary to warn Zhanna's supporters. That we, for example, will bring her to the country and soldiers of France have to be ready us to support!
  The archbishop summoned impudent couple in a cathedral. Artyom which knew about this Notre Dame de Paris only according to the well-known musical "Esmeralda" was slightly disappointed. And the internal furniture, and a construction conceded, for example, to St. Basil's Cathedral and many other which Artyom for the short life managed to see. Marcos, of course, has less impressions.
  But here the Archbishop met them in the spacious room literally by tremendous luxury and abundance of expensive things. Together with it there was a famous English commander duke Malborro. Large, in a gold armor, he could not hide contempt at the sight of boys in one prison shorts and with impudent views.
  Artyom at once began to hate this type, but tried to constrain itself. And Marcos as the knowing French took an initiative on himself. However, Malborro began with the first:
  - If you angels that have to follow my army immediately! Now when the witch in a torture chamber we will break French and we will captivate the impostor Karl!
  Marcos, it is polite also with a smile, answered:
  - Which Sil us is allocated the Lord it is big. Odnako and Zhanna has huge power from the Devil. And while it has communication good luck of this century, we will not be able to help you!
  The duke Malborro, having frowned, said.
  - What you are servants Bozhyi if you are afraid of the Devil?!
  Marcos coolly answered:
  - The Lord helps not always obviously. Just as not all its angels preach. But time God made an exception to the rules, only that huge danger hung over Britain.
  The duke pricked up the ears and alarmed began to move moustaches:
  - And what else danger?
  Marcos in a whisper said:
  - If we do not learn in the next few days where Zhanna hides the bewitched sword, then forces of hell will waken on a new moon. Also all English troops as in France, so Fraternization will be exterminated!
  The duke Malborro was skeptically twisted:
  - Yet really?
  Marcos instead of the answer jumped up to the duke and exhausted the shred of hair shining from phosphorus from his ear. Then proorat:
  - You already under the power of dirty, and you will disappear to hell soon!
  The duke outright got a fright and began to feel feverishly the hair, ears and nostrils. To it and really it became terrible. And already without any arrogance the dignitary asked boys:
  - As to protect me?
  Marcos with a smile, solemn tone said:
  - There will be Lucifer's sword in angelic hands and then the victory will finally come to British!
  The duke reacted instantly:
  - I will give you the extraordinary diploma! Jump to the she-devil Zhanna and make with her that want!
  The commander-in-chief of all of English of troops in France was accepted that that to scratch on parchment, stamp with gold plates. And then, having a little warmed in a fireplace, set the royal seal. The corpulent duke with strain moved, panting as if forge bellows were inflated. And the person for nervousness became crimson at all.
  Artyom did not know what to this dignitary was told by Marcos, but focus with a devil's hair very was pleasant. Though similar in power and to rather experienced clown from a fair, but on the superstitious grandee worked irresistibly.
  So far their plan was done with the greatest ease. The duke handed the mandate and ordered to give the best horses. And here Marcos showed an ingenuity, having reported that angels should go on the chariot, and astride more stuck to people. Of course, professor-terrorist mind not a miss. Here conscience at it in deficiency, but it, alas on Earth not a rarity. Get Marcos to other vital circumstances, probably would be engaged in kickbacks, forgery, or lawsuits, at the worst in hacking.
  But so it turned out that he became a villain, can inferior only to Bin Laden. Even if did not get a world fame and Gerostat's glory.
  Before a trip they have a bite. Artem noticed that they do not want to descend on need at all. But welcome it also to the best.
  Then rushed off on the chariot to the fortress palace where ground Zhanna.
  Marcos understood that so far they made only a half of business and with alarm noticed:
  - The duke Burgundian to us can and will not obey!
  Artyom corrected the workmate professor:
  - Not to us, and Malborro. And considering that the duke without England almost nobody, I hope will not risk!
  Marcos with a hitrinka said:
  - I have also a backup plan!
  Artyom several times bit apple. Kislyatina, but something in a stomach uncomfortably after plentiful and greasy food. France the country blossoming with warmer climate, than the Moscow region. Here it is rather a Kuban and too a lot of vegetation, including water-melons and the ripened sunflowers. The fact that the edge is ruined by war is almost not felt. Houses usually equal, many are brightly painted. Children all runs much, in villages barefoot, and in the city on the contrary knock clumsy boots. Women on a miscellaneous, prefer very young still warmly without footwear more precisely, get on that something is more senior on itself. Well adult men clear, in boots or in similarity of blocks. Are dressed on a miscellaneous, there is both tatter and pure fabric. In general it is similar to what is removed in movies about these times. Artyom in general was not especially surprised.
  But however, something looked not too naturally. What is concrete? The boy plainly did not know. Looked at the sky ... Sun one, quite terrestrial and tender. No, it seems, it is valid Earth. Arable lands, the harvest did not come to an end yet. In France the harvest sometimes happens and two times a year are removed.
  There is a lot of girls of reapers, bare-legged and harmonous, they beautiful and smiling. Well, Artyom suddenly understood that here girls all beautiful with very equal and clean teeth and children too. Though in the Middle Ages without pastes and tooth-powders - it is somehow strange. And there cannot be it that girls all as if from a competition and a podium, only in medieval dresses, and almost not soiled. And legs at them pure, and it splashing barefoot on dirt and dust ...
  Here adult men more natural though frank freaks are not visible, but physiognomies rather ordinary, and dirty, big-bellied there is a lot of. And pair of chipped mouths got. Not quite natural, with an unpleasant smell close.
  But here among women elderly it is not visible, what is slightly more senior all the same fresh and harmonous as if the carrying-out many hours in a fitness studio and doing a face lifting.
  Artem asked Marcos:
  - It does not seem to you strange that all women and children here as if from the poster - life in paradise, or some propaganda movie?
  Marcos who looked anxious too with visible cheerfulness answered:
  - At cinema often of women and children select the most beautiful, and men have to emphasize terrestrial severity ... - Professor-boy having bent to an ear of Artyom asked. - You think that some mass meeting and here all artificial?
  The boy from the twenty first century honestly answered:
  - Yes! More true I do not even think, and is sure on all hundred!
  Marcos wanted specification:
  - So to release Zhanna already changed mind?
  Artyom with determination of the titan shook a fair-haired head:
  - No! And once again, no!
  Marcos looked at the line of the horizon a little, on the Sun and the river shining blueness of sapphires and quite logically noticed:
  - At cinema the main characters nobly have to behave ... And in such natural, especially
  Drove up to the lock of fortress already at sunset. And Marcos was sure that they still should and spend the night, but if horses fast, or distances here small, but they already near the town. The lock costs separately and around it the whole army stretched tents.
  Marcos winked at Artyom:
  - They so Zhanna protect it!
  That did not find anything ridiculous:
  - Of course, tens of thousands of French dream to beat off it!
  The diploma with emergency powers has the magic effect. And rumors about angels already reached the Burgundian camp.
  The duke though tried to receive guests hospitably, but the cold could not hide. And apprehended idea to meet Zhanna in bayonets:
  - No! I it cannot allow you! No!
  Marcos having given itself the most furious expression of lines of the mobile person, asked:
  - And it still why! You do not respect God?!
  The duke whining tone said:
  - Zhanna, unfortunately, is seriously ill!
  Marcos declared to the grandee:
  - And you seriously think that to messengers of the Almighty God, it is difficult to cure some fingers broken by the heated nippers standing, and burns of a wire?
  The duke at these words shuddered and looked back. He thought that cruel torture of Zhanna will remain secret. And these angels or demons already know everything. Marcos guessed thoughts of the duke and continued, forging iron is still hot:
  - If Zhanna helps us to find a legendary sword of Lucifer, then his owner will become the mightiest soldier and the commander on Earth. And then not only France, but also the whole world will fall to his legs!
  The bait worked - the duke changed countenance. At first flushed, then became pale as a cloth. To pant became it also Marcos the sinewy hand, with not dozen by force stirred up the dignitary. That few times blinked.
  Marcos with very severe looking said:
  - It is necessary to hurry to find the weapon of the Satan, to a full moon. Otherwise not to live already to all of us!
  The duke hardly squeezed out from himself:
  - It in the central tower of the lock!
  Marcos shouted at the notable grandee as if it was the insignificant servant:
  - So spend us to it!
  And the duke began to fuss. Nearly rasshib to itself a forehead going down on steps. The tower appeared very big and full protection. A chamber of Zhanna too rather big, probably calculated on many prisoners. But the Orleans maiden was one. Nude, all in grazes, burns and bruises. It stood chained by hands, legs and a neck. The truth in the chamber it is pure, mice and insects it is not visible.
  Zhanna was not fed and did not allow to drink, but she did not lose consciousness yet. Having seen the entering duke, at once raised the head with scratched by the person and a big burn on the right cheek, contemptuously said:
  - Nevertheless you cannot wait for a fire, itself to me you run.
  The duke clumsily mumbled:
  - E-e-e! Important issue!
  The Orleans maiden darted a glance at two bare-bellied boys that it seemed literally conducted the duke. The warrior it is surprised asked:
  - And it, who? New executioners?
  Marcos with a smile answered:
  - We are your friends, be not afraid!
  Artyom did not keep and bryaknut in Russian:
  - There are reptiles! What they made with you!
  Zhanna unexpectedly and too in Russian answered:
  - The fact that I unfortunately deserved ... However, I already most was bothered by this game!
  Artem stared and whispered:
  - Mother of May!
  Marcos pretended that nothing unusually occurs, commander tone ordered:
  - To unchain with it!
  The duke quietly lowed:
  - And why, it is dangerous!
  - Not for us! - Marcos tore off and the assistant to the executioner under the back kicked. That flew up and rushed to locks on chains.
  The duke wearily murmured:
  - All right ... Only the sword will be mine!
  Zhanna cold answered:
  - It will depend on behavior!
  The executioner could not get to a well and Marcos in any way, having pulled out at him a sheaf, was accepted. And it turned out better and quicker. And Artyom in Russian asked a question:
  - And why you deserved torture?
  The Orleans Maiden quietly answered:
  - I renounced the belief and at some point the death gave in to fear. Physical pain from a fire, and desire to drag pathetic corporal existence, were more severe than service of France and to its unfortunate people. But to the name!
  Artyom, being perplexed, asked:
  - But you courageously behaved on a rack!
  Zhanna carelessly rocked the head and sadly answered:
  - Backdating and the late courage there is no justification of former cowardice!
  Having released, and having become the singed soles on a granite tile, the Orleans Maiden involuntarily frowned, but then again stretched lips in a smile. Probably she felt quite surely. As if all tortures by it how much.
  Marcos without excess ceremonies told the duke:
  - Now all of us fourfold should go to the devil's field ...
  - What? - The grandee did not understand.
  Marcos patiently explained:
  - There in the center, after execution of magic ritual, from under the earth Lucifer's sword will also get out. Zhanna's participation is obligatory ... And the whole world in your hands!
  The duke it is lost blinked. It seemed to it that scoff at it, but on the other hand very much the power wanted on the world. And really, of what to it to be afraid. She is the nude, exhausted with tortures little girl will make nothing to it, two angels and ...
  The duke Burgundian shy asked:
  - And protection with itself can be taken?
  Marcos burst out laughing in reply:
  - Take how many you want! Though it is better than us and there are no guards stronger!
  To fluctuations of the duke the end came and it gave the of a consent again. However, Artem insisted that Zhanna was fed at first and gave clothes. The Orleans maiden, despite hunger, behaved at a table is constrained, and was limited to two crusts of bread and the jug of water which is slightly tinted by wine. And she slipped only a white shroud on, having remained barefoot that is however clear - fingers are broken, and all sole in continuous blisters.
  They were accompanied by five hundred riders - very big and honourable escort. Probably the duke fairly peretrusit. However, it did not confuse children and, fairly become cheerful Zhanna, too at all.
  Where duke's messages? Yes to the next wood, and further to bogs that the cavalry could not be developed. Artyom very much wanted to capture the duke at once, and then to vlupit from blasters on protection. But Marcos called for endurance. Pier to each vegetable the time!
  Let in a bog will stretch. Besides, it is necessary to find still shelter from arrows is the most dangerous.
  From bogs bore mint and evaporations of tea and something unclear ... Really coffee in the Middle Ages in France? Or bogs coffee?
   But here, at last, the wall with convenient teeths appeared. More precisely, something like a tiny ostrozhk. And the cavalry stretched as an infinite snake.
  Marcos ordered:
  - And now it is time!
  Artem and Zhanna instantly knocked down the frightened duke, and the boy professor struck from the blaster.
  From hit the bog, and couple of tens melted-off and cut riders boiled it was filled up to the bog. Artyom, deafened, having set a dagger handle on the top to the dignitary, joined Marcos. Now they already cut and scorched together this large, but clumsy group in a heavy armor.
  Zhanna was going to join them and already let out the first arrow as the duke's soldiers with the scared shouts left.
  Really, nobody wanted to deal with the angered angels. Then to you to the killed the road precisely to an underworld.
  Zhanna, looking at how brave and gallant fighters flow away until recently, said:
  - There now the first act of the play is finished!
  Marcos with alarm noticed:
  - Can come with help!
  Zhanna indifferently waved away:
  - With us the duke, and with such hostage and the devil is not terrible. And their your blasters from a distance further, than will get flight of an arrow!
  Marcos stared the cornflower-blue eyes:
  - Blasters? From where you know about the blaster?
  The Orleans Maiden with a radiant smile of Gioconda answered:
  - And what you think as if the first who rescue me?
  Artyom nearly choked and asked:
  - That is it that, circus?
  Zhanna negatively shook the head and explained:
  - It is not circus ... And that like RPG in an underworld. You executed mission, rescued me, and further ... Well probably you will leave the planet, through a portal!
  Marcos as true professor, wanted specification:
  - So everything means around virtual and not real here - including you and the duke?
  Zhanna with a sad smile corrected:
  - All virtual, only I, Zhanna Darc, the most real, and during tortures was really painful to me!
  Artem was surprised and nearly fell about teeths an ostrozhka, but Marcos managed to pick up. The boy asked Zhanna:
  - You, sacred, too in this hell?
  The Orleans maiden heaved a deep sigh:
  - Of course, I deserved paradise. Got to a kingdom of the Satan ... There are interesting rules and ways of punishments and corrections ...
  - Including rack? - Having twisted a mug, Marcos asked.
  Zhanna Darc negatively shook the head:
  - No! Just I went for these tortures voluntarily. I cannot forgive myself that in due time, even without having undergone tortures, broke and signed renunciation. - The girl shook a teardrop from the burned cheek. - here for it I doomed myself to sufferings - to prove: I can be staunch!
  Artem and Marcos exchanged glances, and then the boy professor insinuatingly asked:
  - And how to find to us a portal to leave this - the artificial world?
  . HEAD NO. 20
  Bulgakova this time did not even begin to pick up or twist. It just appeared on the most usual grass in the blossoming, summer wood. A little forgotten smells tickled nostrils, and modulations of thrushes charmed hearing. But only here trees, their leaves and flowers strange are somehow perceived. As if stand, almost near the person, and others in a distance. Dimensions are extraordinary, leaflets can be considered from different points. Bulgakov perplexed darted a glance at himself. He already got used to everyone, but it. The body became as if pro-covered gold, with bright gloss, in the form of lilies scales. The truth of a leg and hand almost human, but too in gold and in a difficult ornament of the brightest and unearthly jewelry. And the ornament reminds wreaths from wonderful, tropical plants. But the most important, is the six of flexible wings that is stuck out from a back. They are similar to butterflies, but drawings are reflected in them various, amazing brightness. Bulgakov at all not on a grass, and flits on couple human Rostov higher, and without any efforts.
  Crazy it is possible to go. And near it too a superbutterfly, but already with a female figure. And her wings changing drawings and colors, seem more and more magnificently, than at it. And long hair all in the multi-colored petals extorting the luscious, stupefying smell the fact that it is more wonderful and finer than any perfumery.
  Bulgakov it is lost murmured:
  - What you with us made, Lucifer?
  The butterfly girl answered, her voice as crystal hand bells with a diamond uvula:
  - Anything terrible ... You were a girl now - makhaelf, that is mix of a makhaon and the elf - why the most beautiful being in the Universe ... was born - the Satan crafty grinned. - After angels, certainly.
  Bulgakov looked at himself, at Lucifer-makhaelfa as everything is relief and convex everything looks. Yes at the girl with wings also the third eye, as probably and at it. And sight three eyes it - oho-go! He read the brochure that it is even possible to reproduce it at cinema. However, so far the equipment did not reach yet. But two chambers are removed from distance in eight centimeters, but in one focus, and in one every twenty fourth second the shot changes. To see such cinema in nature!
  Satana-makhaelf suggested Bulgakov to do some flying a little. And at the same time to carry out an educational program.
  - Now we are in the first day of war on June 22, 1941. Date is chosen not incidentally: the lightest day in a year! And Hitler is mad about horoscopes!
  Bulgakov-makhaelf, feeling a huge pulsar of enthusiasm in each cage, answered:
  - So maybe we will strike fascists - for the sake of light forces!
  Lucifer-makhaelf began to smile as these beings created by the Devil from human imaginations are charming. And the answer which is a little discouraging:
  - Of course, it is the simplest to strike with our magic force. But Germans should not have begun war at all!
  Bulgakov, nervously touching wings, on the colored film covering them disturbing images ran, cried out:
  - Really, they should not have begun war! And time was begun, let keep and tremble!
  The Lucifer shook wings too and noticed:
  - It is not so interesting, without allowing to cut to pieces all chances. Maybe you want to fight with fritsa as equals?
  Bulgakov understood that in it there is a dirty trick and desperately rolled up naked:
  - No! Fascists are unworthy equal chances!
  - But we are worthy! - The master of hell answered.
  Lucifer-makhaelf threw Bulgakova blue, places brighter, and in places a dim tape and ordered:
  - Follow me ... For a start, however look that these fascist creatures are got up on your earth.
  Saturday, the twenty first of June, 1941: final holiday. Nobody suspects that it is the last peace day of the great country. The German equipment already approaches border. There is a counting of the last peace hours.
  The amicable four goes to school. Today they will walk all night long, and on it go on a holiday late enough, having properly slept. Weather is very warm, degrees under thirty, solarly! Blissful it is time when all examinations and ahead rest, pleasure, freedom in the country of councils are passed.
  Pavel asked:
  - You already graduated from school, and still to study us the whole year! It is a pity you probably you will go to Moscow and we should leave!
  Svetlana answered:
  - Yes, I and Olezhka as the most gifted graduates of elite school am invited to Moscow in MSU. However, we can have a rest and spend one more month together. Nobody by force pulls us!
  Oleg interrupted:
  - And why we at once about sad! About parting with friends. Ahead we have all life and even not one can! And into the account of friends, you will find new, and we will find new. In our country each free person and the friend, and the brother!
  Ruslan agreed:
  - It sounds logically! Yes, you are brothers to us, but also others brothers too! And Stalin elder brother and at the same time father! We uniform communistic family!
  Be famous the fatherland our free,
  Friendship of the people stronghold for ages!
  Validity, will national,
  For unity the simple person!
  Oleg corrected:
  - It is important to be not only uniform, but also darlings! What's the use, if I give all body on burning, and I have no love!
  Pavel noticed:
  - Love it is good! It is important to love good, but ... Only that on the present is merciful who is ruthless to the evil!
  Ruslan took:
  - Very good words!
  Svetlana inserted:
  - And speak for the evening will give bananas and pineapples!
  Pavel quickened:
  - Bananas! Oho I them to admit yet never ate! Pineapples still are on sale, and here bananas.
  Svetlana answered:
  - In Moscow is! Be not upset, they grow only in Africa and Latin America therefore a rarity. But when so will win against socialism, we will be able to eat them every day!
  Pavel was delighted:
  - Always dreamed to taste banana!
  Ruslan added:
  - And I too!
  Oleg answered:
  - As my parents scientific, I when was in Moscow, to time bananas tried couple. It of course is tasty!
  - Better than strawberry!
  - I do not know! We eat strawberry every summer, and it is a rarity! But welcome better! - The boy twisted fingers by air. - That that special and others is in bananas, is felt that they are grown up under foreign sun.
  Ruslan agreed:
  - Exotic! Though it is lovelier and lovelier me than some cherry from the Belarusian garden! In them aroma of the native earth.
  Svetlana noticed:
  - Ancestors of your father are Roma from India.
  Ruslan nodded:
  - I would go to India! Not eternally it to be the British colony. I would go to arrange revolution! In general, I would like to come after school to a military college and to be the officer. To bear release to other people on bayonets of red army.
  Pavel answered:
  - And I would like to become the officer of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs!
  Ruslan sniffed:
  - Plush job!
  Pavel explained:
  - Not the simple officer! I heard that at People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs create special fighting group of the best fighters. It is some kind of shock guard, for carrying out special operations.
  Oleg added:
  - Hitler has such, in particular Otto Skoreli's group.
  Pavel nodded:
  - At fascists of a lot of things is, but ours it is not worse!
  Svetlana corrected:
  - Ours it is always better! And you know, a week ago the Gipsy had my mother and she foretold that tomorrow there will be a war!
  Pavel muttered:
  - Children's superstitions!
  Oleg noticed:
  - Not absolutely so! My father said that fascists saved huge forces on the western border.
  Svetlana nodded:
  - My mother heard about it too. And the father even offered that it would be quite good to make the planned trip to Siberia long ago.
  Pavel contemptuously sniffed:
  - Coward speeches! Our army the strongest in the world and if the fascist is put, then to it so will cut!
  Oleg noticed:
  - We and really have more tanks, but fascists surpass our troops in mobility so far!
  Pavel asked:
  - In what?
  Oleg explained:
  - At them is much more equipment! Whether you see Pavel in what a problem, from imperial Russia we inherited quite backward economy. Even production of cheap Moon tanks of Prokhorov, the backward imperial government was not able to adjust.
  Pavel nodded:
  - It is right!
  - Automotive industry was in the most rudimentary state. The heavy industry almost did not develop since Petrovsky times. At the population, about ten-twelve percent from world, an index of the industry only five percent, and that easy. And then World War I and civil war. Already weak industry fell seven times.
  Pavel nodded:
  - I know history!
  Oleg continued:
  - Stalin accepted the country with a plow! There was a New Economic Policy, the country gradually got out of a chasm. But it was necessary sharp races to which there was an industrialization. Alas also mistakes with excesses did not manage, but the main thing was made, Russia became the advanced industrial country. Stalin's merit is that at us there are a lot of tanks, guns, planes. But unfortunately, in automotive industry we completely did not manage to liquidate lag. Too little we time were allocated by history.
  Pavel answered:
  - Yes, in two weeks you will not pump up a muscle, the certain time different is necessary for each organism.
  Oleg noticed:
  - But elementary receptions can learn quickly! That the basis of modern army - tanks and aircraft, it at us is!
  Svetlana noticed:
  - But unfortunately, our tanks not rather strong!
  Ruslan asked:
  - Why?
  The girl answered:
  - T-26 has the weak motor, the speed of 30 kilometers per hour, armor in twenty millimeters, and a gun of 45 millimeters. It with a simple square tower which is simpler for making. No, not an eagle!
  Pavel answered:
  - But T-34 is capable to break ridge to Germans.
  Svetlana noticed:
  - And this tank is not perfect! And in general, one tanks not to win war.
  Oleg offered:
  - The German troops stand almost closely to border! Means we can strike to them a mortal blow. Fascists do not wait for it and they can be crumpled!
  Pavel agreed:
  - It is quite possible to crumple as a nutshell!
  Oleg nodded:
  - But also our troops are not ready to reflection of sudden blow. The Soviet troops are located rather in offensive, than a defensive configuration. And it is easy to crush them. Fascists concentrated huge forces.
  Pavel noticed:
  - And the appeal of TASS of June 14?
  Oleg frowned:
  - Usual propaganda trick! Diplomatic politeness! We cannot openly accuse Germany.
  Ruslan noticed:
  - Really wise Stalin trusts the cannibal Hitler?
  Svetlana grinned:
  - The eagle will never believe a jackal!
  Oleg objected:
  - Stalin's nobility is his weakness!
  Pavel answered:
  - And I think that our troops according to Hitler so will cut soon that fascists will get away, without feeling legs!
  Ruslan sang:
  Shy Germans ran,
  They were lashed out by ours!
  Where you rush "assholes",
  Having lost conscience, shame and shame!
  Children burst out laughing: shook hands each other and continued the transition, to school it was still far, they specially made a hook. Each boy had a backpack behind the back.
  Svetlana declared:
  - And that, today we have a joyful day! As if having run a distance, much more marathon, we achieved the objectives.
  Pavel prompted:
  - Intermediate! So all our life will consist of the intermediate purposes! Not the finish frightens, the final frightens!
  Oleg asked:
  - In what sort?
  - Whether there will be a final victory for us or not! On the one hand you trust in the forces, and with another ...
  Svetlana corrected:
  - Who trusts about the forces, that usually and wins! And we are given birth not to lose!
  Pavel agreed:
  - Russian people, winner people! Only, that there was no degeneration of the nation, for example, from excess satiety!
  Svetlana answered:
  - A full belly to work deafly!
  Pavel turned over and walked on hands. Ruslan repeated after him:
  - And so you know, it is even better! On the earth for some reason people go stamping legs, as silly and awfully it is not beautiful!
  Oleg and Svetlana also walked on hands, so at them fine it turned out, clapping feet.
  Then children got up in a row and went grandly.
  Ruslan sang:
   To me in heart the damask dagger pierced,
  Around the world flickers cruel, cold!
  Battled against enemies - forged a victory,
  I love White Russia the people noble!
  Pavel asked:
  - And further?
  Ruslan was confused:
  - For now it is not composed! Somehow I am too overflowed with emotions!
  Oleg sang:
  Great genius, spoiled child of fate,
  You did not meet people more perfectly!
  In poetry lyrical strings,
  You embodied a universal ideal!
  Ruslan asked:
  - It you about Stalin?
  - No, about Pushkin!
  Oleg continued:
  There are no sides to talent of the poet,
  Splinters star in the sky do not have number!
   On eternally lira bright it is sung,
  And Pushkin will be with us forever!
  Ruslan noticed:
  - And you, Olezhka, I see, at me study!
  - It is necessary!
  The boy nodded:
  - And Pushkin is a poet, and Stalin is a poet! Only Stalin did something bigger, than the people just entertained!
  Oleg did not agree:
  - And Pushkin not just children's entertainments! Both of them created, something important! And to a bayonet leveled a feather!
  Pavel made witticisms:
  - The feather only then is equal to a bayonet if it is thieves'!
  Oleg answered:
  - At communism thieves will not be!
  Children became silent. By them passed American "Pickup" uveshenny flags of several states. From loud-speakers music reached. Down the street pioneers, dexterous as clockwork machines walked. Passed several motorcycles with carriages. One of lampposts was probably twisted and it was leveled.
  Children passed by shop. The Soviet Minsk seemed the full city. The set of sausages, cans, chocolate bars, confectionery, vegetables and fruit, decorated spacious shops.
  The USSR at Stalin completely resolved food problems. The prices from a surplus of products of drop. If there was a deficiency, then only import. What in the USSR owing to weather conditions was not made!
  Svetlana noticed:
  - Everything at us is cheap and available!
  Oleg noticed:
  - And me, apparently, as if over us the axe freezes up. Even the bright sun looks false as if the fiery disk hides blackness!
  Ruslan said:
  - You know, we are Roma, somehow on special are sensitive! Here and I had a dream, to the globe the eagle flew up, struck the planet with a beak. Also there came the wild horror.
  The globe as crystal broke up, the ominous prevention: the trouble harbinger can.
  Pavel shook a lucid mind:
  - You probably a cup broke it!
  Ruslan rejected:
  - Not so everything is simple! I saw a swastika on a bloody background and an ominous profile of Adolf Hitler.
  Pavel asked:
  - This tarakanchik!
  Ruslan answered:
  - Cockroach which subdued Europe, already actually the monster!
  Oleg sang:
  You govern a firm hand,
  Offspring infernal you!
  Sent people to slaughter,
  Harbinger of fast trouble!
  Your voice as if mad nonsense,
  I hear squeals Heil Adolphus!
  Also howl nonexistent victories,
  When a stream blood flows!
  Ruslan answered:
  - The sense is correct, but the rhyme is brought slightly down! It is necessary to work over it! Though something good in it after all is!
  Pavel grinned:
  - I would give to Hitler a leg under dy that did not act.
  Children became silent. Then were thrown by several more phrases and at last approached school. The beautiful, modern building, was plentifully decorated with flowers and multi-colored flags.
  As always everything began with a celebratory assembly, and delivery under an orchestra of certificates.
  Oleg and Svetlana received certificates in gilded paper and moreover, they were handed on a gold medal. As school elite, it was the real gold! The boy and the girl inclined the heads, receiving awards, said stock phrases about party and the Homeland. Awarded also the others, with drums beating and game of pipes! The principal was in a colonel's uniform, it was saluted.
  Then sang chorus and played an orchestra. Bravura march was at the same time distributed, timpani hooted.
  Then children were taken away at cinema on the new picture "Rising of Communism". Showed history from civil war, with cavalry throws and carts!
  A specific place was held here by commanders Voroshilov, Budenny, and most important, Stalin.
  Huge Stalin energy in management of a difficult military vehicle of civil war was felt. Stalin as always is laconic, gave by a quiet voice of team, and in fight is fast and prompt. Real tiger! Especially when in hand-to-hand fight cut down the head to the general!
  Svetlana sniffed:
  - Well, it is an obvious hyperbole!
  Pavel asked:
  - What you told!
  - As if Stalin personally destroyed a checker of enemies!
  The guy answered:
  - And why is also not present! Stalin speak very strong and sports. It one will lay one hundred enemies!
  Svetlana answered:
  - I saw Stalin close! Not such and powerful as it seems! And the movements at it slow!
  Pavel declared:
  - You notice everything!
  - I am the scientist! And at science of eyes - more sharply than diamond, and the scientist a hand - force is very big!
  The young man noticed:
  - And coryphaeuses are mistaken!
  Svetlana took offense:
  - I do not lay claim to the coryphaeus!
  Pavel objected:
  - You are a girl, and girls are captious! To them as to ladies, it is always not enough! It is not enough to gentleman to be fine, he has to be fine in every respect.
  Svetlana agreed:
  - Yes! These are we ladies! We have all on the special and unique! Each lady is a special type in descriptions from Saltykova-shchedrin, to Gogol.
  Pavel wanted to tell something, but made them the polite remark:
  - Do not rustle!
  When the movie terminated, graduates were expected by a sweet table. On a feast and really there were cakes, cakes, bananas, pineapples, oranges, tangerines. It was the smart table where all distributed free of charge! Music played, graduates ate and danced.
  At first ladies gentlemen of ladies invited gentlemen, and then.
  When Oleg danced with the tall schoolmate, looked small and ridiculous.
  Really as the boy, with girlfriend is two heads higher than him. Nevertheless the advanced young man looked very decently.
  The girl of years of sixteen, with a figure of the adult lady told:
  - You perfectly dance!
  Oleg answered:
  - In section learned the movements, grace of a cheetah!
  The little girl answered:
  - Your I.Q. surpasses all imaginable and not imaginable borders. You were even nicknamed the demon child prodigy!
  The guy answered:
  - The intelligence demands continuous development! Here both training, and natural data is necessary!
  The girl noticed:
  - Training it is clear and if there are no natural data!
  Oleg declared:
  - We use the brain, less than on the 100-th capacities so in fact each guy or the girl can become geniuses. And to study perfectly well - it is available to everyone!
  The girl objected:
  - I here, for example, cannot remember the elementary theorems!
  The young man answered:
  - The person can remember practically everything! The question is that he remembers not all!
  The girl asked:
  - And it as?
  The boy answered:
  - Well for example, when examinees were subjected to hypnosis. They often remembered the smallest details of the childhood. Or in a trance could remember one thousand foreign words at once. It such is mechanics!
  The girl turned round its pivot-center and slightly raised the fellow strong hands:
  - Yes, it would be remarkable!
  The boy declared:
  - With mighty intelligence, only the mighty muscle can contend!
  The little girl burst out laughing:
  - With yours, nothing will cope!
  Oleg answered:
  - I am not a God, and just capable person! Too I can be mistaken!
  The little girl answered:
  - Capable boys make more discoveries, than ingenious old men!
  Dance ended, and children paid tribute to cocktails and pineapples again.
  Svetlana even cut pineapples, having prepared a kiwi and bananas peculiar salatik. Children with pleasure it is fir-trees.
  Then again dance and games!
  Then they were put in the bus and carried on a nature bosom. Night was very warm and on the river bank lit big fires. The tree was put so that when you look with top it seemed the sickle and a hammer flare. At the same time in the country salute had to thunder.
  When children went by the bus Pavel noticed:
  - It of course is convenient, but is on foot much more sports!
  Svetlana objected:
  - We have so not enough time!
  Pavel was indignant:
  - It is not enough! Yes ahead all life!
  Oleg noticed:
  - Something I feel alarm. It seems around pleasure, and at heart cats scrape.
  Ruslan confirmed:
  - And I too! Something in me such foul feeling!
  Pavel sniffed:
  - You just do not want to leave the childhood! But nothing, can be ahead, the better life waits!
  Svetlana answered:
  - I read one book of spirits written in the nineteenth century. There it was claimed that only the identity of spirit, and all the rest again is primary. And we at a rekarnation, are more faithful after death, we remember all previous embodiments!
  Pavel answered:
  - Next rubbish! No, I prefer revival from the dead by force of communistic science better!
  Oleg agreed:
  - So looks much more attractively!
  By them the first Belarusian Oaklet car promptly flew by. The small machine, a graceful streamline design, bright scarlet color, drew attention at once.
  Pavel told:
  - And that, ours is better than Volkswagen!
  Oleg answered:
  - The German car was done by slaves, and ours, free people.
  Svetlana said:
  - Freedom salt, is more sweet than slavery sugar!
  Pavel agreed:
  - It is better to die standing, than to live on a lap!
  The Soviet buses gave a ride to children on the river bank. There they could reject conventions and dance barefoot at a fire, or float in warm as pair milk, water
  But at first children showed the gifts and inventions. As always it was interesting that Svetlana and Oleg will offer.
  Children laughed, and then applauded when in the sky two planes flew up.
  Svetlana made own model, the truth it is work on gasoline.
  Both cars showed in air of an aerobatic maneuvre, and constantly dived at each other.
  Svetlana clapped the hands:
  - Here give mine, lovchy!
  Oleg objected:
  - There is no mine!
  Really, the principle of electricity, was more effective than the principle of internal combustion. The fighter Oleg showed higher speed and complex maneuvers.
  Svetlana took offense:
  - In general the man has to concede to the girl.
  Oleg parried:
  - It is prestigious to man to pass in everything the lady forward, but not in discoveries!
  Svetlana sniffed:
  - But look that I can!
  The girl pressed radio controls the button, and from its plane the rocket which exploded took off, having scattered by fireworks.
  Svetlana victoriously smiled:
  - Well as, boy?
  Oleg answered:
  - Well! It did not come to my mind! You outwitted me!
  Svetlana answered:
  - Nevertheless and to boys is to what to learn from little girls!
  The holiday proceeded: boys fought, ran, together with little girls jumped through a fire. It was very cheerful.
  Then there passed duels on wooden swords. Here again Pavel flashed.
  The brave young man fought with several guys at once is more senior than himself and surely avoided blows. It was run along an embankment and in dexterous blow knocked down one of forwards.
  - Small, weak does not mean!
  The duel came to the end with the fact that someone threw with a rope legs to Pavel. The boy fell and got nervous:
  - There are swine! Finished!
  Then nevertheless dodged and it managed to be released.
  Oleg and Svetlana, meanwhile, again tested the planes! They lifted them in air and roamed. Here the girl's fighter, began to lose speed. Svetlana dived it as if tea, and ran up to a wooden-aluminum bird.
  - Probably you terminated gasoline! Let me add the handsome man.
  Oleg noticed:
  - These eternal problems with fuel!
  Svetlana answered:
  - Yes eternal! Really the engine of combustion is yesterday, but with accumulators and batteries such problems!
  Oleg objected:
  - There is no such problem which would not be resolved by science!
  The girl rubbed a bare foot on a grass, in a heel prickles pierced. Added gasoline to a tiny tank.
  - You of course are right! The science is a shepherd - the nature a sheep, but a sheep obstinate which you will not bridle a simple whip!
  Oleg answered:
  - Here not the whip, but caress is necessary!
  The girl asked:
  - And what we will do now!
  Oleg answered:
  - Nothing bad, we will just do some flying!
  And again mini-planes rushed off in height. They reminded cranes.
  Svetlana sang:
  No, not to construct happiness on blood,
  All of us are subject to love passion!
  And young hearts as cranes,
  The earth and the sky in infinite power!
  Oleg answered:
  - Yes love, it really a miracle from miracles!
  Svetlana imitated:
  - About this miracle from miracles! My snow-white, Russian's brands "Mercedes".
  Oleg answered:
  - They say that Dumas's novel "Count Montekristo", inspired the owner to give the car the name "Mercedes"!
  - It is good that though not Dantes! - Svetlana told. - And such unpleasant associations it would cause that!
  Oleg recited:
  The damnation of infernal revenge came true,
  The sun, in mourning the country grew dim!
  The murderer of conscience and honor is deprived,
  The bloody hand did not tremble!
  Svetlana interrupted:
  - The lyrics will be then! You will tell me a secret of your new accumulators.
  The boy answered:
  - How to tell the girl! There is no secret here! Continuous laws of physics. Generally the principle to me was prompted by Belyaev.
  The girl asked:
  - Belyaev?
  Oleg nodded:
  - Yes! Matter in that if it is possible to press atoms and kernels, then why most it is impossible to do also with electrons. These particles even more small, than kernels and elementary corpuscles.
  Svetlana told:
  - Yes, it is logical!
  The young man nodded:
  - And so an essence in giving by means of galvanic cells and the electromagnetic field, the movement sent to all particles in one vector. That they were turned, without encountering resistance, on a spiral. First, in this case an electricity suction just prompt, especially at a high-tension current, and secondly, it is possible to load improbable quantity of electrons and energy. Svy sort supercondensers. Also such energy infinitely long is stored, at the same time being rather safe. It is possible to load improbable amount of substance and to accumulate categories.
  Svetlana asked:
  - And how the weapon, it it is possible to use?
  Oleg shrugged shoulders:
  - At some improvement, of course it is possible! In general, it serious discovery! Think what prospects opens!
  The girl nodded:
  - You I know, the clever boy!
  Oleg took offense:
  - Recently the word the boy irritates me! It is necessary to speak simply - the man of science!
  Svetlana stroked Olezhka on a cheek:
  - Usually at husbands impressive beards grow, and you have even no down!
  Oleg sniffed:
  - The beard, is monkey atavism! It is not functional at all, and only distracts time for shaving and spends vital forces of an organism. I think in the future beards at anybody will not be!
  Svetlana agreed:
  - The beard is a nonsense! And it is opposite to kiss such muzzle!
  The girl and the boy became silent, then without arranging jumped and flopped in water!
  The sun approached a decline, and weather still stood warm, the tender breeze blew.
  Boys began to fry on fires potatoes and fat, and one original even the taken banana.
  Oleg, pleskayas, offered:
  - It would be quite good to embody Zhul Verna's idea in practice. To create the all-terrain vehicle capable to move on water, under water, on the land and in air!
  Svetlana agreed:
  - It would be remarkable, but why also in space, and underground, at once in six elements. The young man nodded:
  - Over it I also think! To create system similar to a space mole. Excellent idea, in space and underground.
  The girl noted:
  - Wednesday shows strong resistance. It is necessary to make some discovery to reduce earth resistance!
  The boy nodded:
  - Theoretically it can be made! The matter is that in fact any matter, is emptiness. Actually our Universe is also absent as if, everything kvintilliona of stars can be squeezed in a simple thimble. And here we will assume it radiation that decomposes elementary particles to a short share of nanosecond on compound and therefore, the material subject passes without encountering resistance. Agree, similar opening and speeds to submarines, and the ships added ...
  Svetlana interrupted:
  - And also to planes, without speaking about possible creation of podzemnokhod. It would be such cool thing ... Yes, power over space and time.
  Oleg added:
  - And space! There is resistance of various radiations and fields too. That is why photon speed final also exists Doppler effect.
  The boy and the girl have soon a good swim, were tired of scientific discussions and came up on the coast.
  It is a lot of nasrazhavshis, having got couple of bruises and several scratches, Pavel and Ruslan ran up to them.
  - Let's roast potatoes on banana crusts and we will jump through fire.
  Svetlana told:
  - With pleasure! Send Olezhk.
  Boys and girls also really jumped through a flame. Svetlana ran up, flew, for a moment having felt as fire tickles barefoot heels. Behind it Oleg jumped. Pavel put him on a ripe pear.
  - Here they, Michurinsk, already ripened! Try, it is not worse than some bananas.
  Oleg bit and swallowed:
  - And that, remarkably!
  After it also Svetlana tried. The shortest came in a year June night. Such warm and peace. None of children knew that over the country of Councils the axe is already brought.
  Children jumped through, fire. Then in the center the masked devil ran out and they began to dance together with it wildly jumping.
  Girls in national suits danced, music played. Then hammered the fireworks arranged with children. It was so interesting, and the main thing is sincere.
  Children for the tenth time were redeemed and danced to the heart's content much. Svetlana and Oleg became for a short time just the boy and the girl that throw each other lumps of a grass and catapult. Then again dance, aping, representation.
  So imperceptibly dawn began to be selected, the dark sky began to brighten. Suddenly in the distance the roar of many hundreds of motors was heard.
  Svetlana asked:
  - And it still that?
  Pavel answered:
  - Ours fly! Probably doctrines.
  Unexpectedly in the sky appeared as if flock of birds, planes. They were still far, but silhouettes seemed predatory, strakhovidny. Pavel the acute eyesight managed to consider swastikas on wings:
  - These are fascists! - The boy shouted.
  The director of studies, still the young woman, asked:
  - You it is serious?
  - Quite!
  Oleg flaring just anger, noticed:
  - They can fly only with one purpose, bomb our cities!
  Planes came nearer, here they directly over the head. From one of them separate bombs and departed to a bottom. Time seemed was slowed down children became puzzled. Explosions sounded practically nearby, several children brought down a blast wave. One girl desperately shouted, to her in a stomach the splinter pierced. To other boy hurt the head. Among children there were killed and wounded. Pavel raised a hand, from it blood dripped. The children stiffened, all of them did not trust yet and were not going to run. Only one Ruslan came forward and started singing the strong though still by absolutely children's voice:
  The fatherland was overflowed by a bloody wave,
  Dykhanyem of an underworld, burned our earth!
  Boils, storms in rage - the great country,
  The world was fragile as a windowpane!
  Under a banner of councils, we lived well,
  Worked on themselves and tasty saw - fir-trees!
  But the evil fascism came to my light house,
  Birches burn, fir-trees groan deafly!
  Barefoot on part carried the boy,
  The little girl blond burns down in the evil fire!
  From the boat that in it floated, there was only an oar,
  That built with then we, it was scattered in disgrace!
  The fascism does not know pity, and sheds blood,
  Cruelty in the world reigns - suffering of generations!
  But we will carry by through storms everything, to the fatherland love,
  With us Stalin and great Lenin!
  Take a rifle in hand, expects you the front,
  The opponent is the most severe, and do not wait in mercy fight!
  But the army of councils of all geeks will break,
  For this purpose soldiers should make every effort!
  My tie of color red, and to these I am proud,
  That to serve the Homeland - to us years not a hindrance!
  Let there will be a glory eternal, you Sacred Russia,
  And in the cities to sound to laughter streams!
  The victory will be loud, Stalin will lead us,
  To free Berlin, Paris and London!
  We will expose to capitalism, we the fair account,
  Over the world the banner will begin to shine it is proud!
  When vision dissipated, both moves elves hanged at height of bird's flight over the Brest fortress. Below already the most real battle was humming, and two-engined bombings of Yu-88 and the angular freaks of Yu-87 famous as "Piece" from above hooted.
  The German tanks tried to break through the bridge. The German cars not too terribly looked. Not to compare to "Panthers" and "Tigers". But took number, and also the fact that bridges almost defenseless. Scribbled machine guns, mowing clean the Soviet frontier guards rushing to attack.
  The Soviet soldiers with shout hurrah threw into fascist tanks of the grenade. Padded cars stopped, but continued to shoot.
  Armored troop-carriers of friyets looked especially dangerous. Part of them Mukhovets crossed the river, having painted water in crimson bloody locks, crept out on the coast.
  Armored troop-carriers at friyets as if cockroaches on a garbage can and they, breaking off a wire, overcame the first line. The Russian and Belarusian soldiers perish, their bodies flatten out caterpillars. Here the nice girl member of the Komsomol with the torn-off hand appeared under the transport worker. And from the mouth framed with scarlet lips, pink bubbles flowed out.
  Mikhail Bulgakov did not sustain, and proorat:
  - It is necessary to attack fascists immediately!
  Lucifer-makhaelf, deliberately indifferent tone, noticed:
  - You want to shed blood?
  Bulgakov-makhaelf even croaked for the anger overflowing him:
  - Even very much I want! Hitlerites are unworthy to live!
  The Satan noticed:
  - Human egoism such is that they are always glad for others to decide - to live who is worthy and who is not! - Wings of fantastically fine being reflected all scale of emotions, from violet to red. And at this moment, the very young foreman with a linking of grenades rushed under transport caterpillars. Explosion forced to break up the conveyor and to throw out the whole fountain became also the processed, blood-stained bones.
  The flag with a swastika was thrown by above, then the cloth with a white circle on a red background planned in muddy Mukhovets. Struck quick motorcyclists of the Third Reich almost in an emphasis from a machine gun. The punched gasoline tanks flared, the thrown grenade jerked neatly.
  Which of youth lieutenants cried out:
  - What is? From will give you? Germans slide from us!
  But while occurred on the contrary and the second line of trenches is stopped by importunate cars of Germans.
  The Satan clicked fingers, and in his hands there was dvenadtsatisvolny luchemt. The supersoldier winked at Bulgakov - a pier do everything for me! That repeated the movement ... And it had similar, but not a crimson coloring, but steel color a weapon.
  The famous classic who in an underworld got shape of a fantastic being who not each fantast in narcotic nonsense will manage to present tried to fire. But hands did not find a habitual doggie or a cock. And so, you hold in hand, and you do not know something futuristic how to strike.
  The Lucifer indulgently prompted:
  - This tekhnovolshebstvo. You are not able to give teams thoughts, so words tell - that you want that it happened to fritsa?
  Mikhail Bulgakov in rage croaked:
  - Yes let they will vanish Into thin air!
  The Satan corrected the classic:
  - Not so ... All right, look at me ...
  From twelve trunks of the weapon of the Lucifer color columns escaped. They softly landed on the German armored troop-carriers. For a moment having illuminated them through and ... Cars of friyets began to be scattered directly in the eyes. And on their place, on magic of a devil, there were hills of candies and chocolates. The tank, having got under a tender background of beams, addressed in the zefirina covered with a thick layer of cream. And Germans addressed in the whole garlands of bottles of champagne, expensive Burgundian wine, and double purification of schnapps.
  And when couple of wide light streams concerned dural Egyptian vultures, from the sky Christmas-tree decorations and painted lollipops fell down. And from Yu-87 magnificent biscuit cakes turned out ... And everything is very brightly painted also with the stupefying aroma.
  Wounded and the crippled Soviet soldiers began to rise, terrible burns and the broken bones disappeared as if the sea foam which is blown off by a hurricane.
  The little girl crushed by caterpillars jumped. Instead of a camouflage military uniform, it was the half-naked, but densely decorated jewelry in the form of flowers, it is finer not to find on Earth and in tropics. She radiantly smiled and sent an air-kiss towards Lucifer.
  Also other soldiers came to life. And they became, all as on selection by kravtsami-athletes.
  It, strangely enough, was not pleasant to Bulgakov and he shouted to the Prince Preispodney:
  - That for circus and focuses!
  Lucifer-makhaelf, with contempt in a voice said:
  - And you probably wanted that I threw up fire from the sky, or threw on them bombs with napalm ... Sorry, but in difference from God who burned Sodom and Gomorrah and
  nearly burned and other cities I do not love such ways of execution! Start up the evil it will be punished beautifully and without tortures!
  Bulgakov-makhaelf with a sad smile noticed:
  - So always in our world ... The Satan reproaches God in cruel heart ...
  Lucifer-makhaelf, having shown on how the river casts ashore chocolate and honey zefirinka, said on a singsong:
  - Whole world, suffering one,
  I want to embody dream of cinema!
  And the person such being -
  Does not know where kindly and what is guilty!
  Bulgakov by voice, hoarse, faltering for nervousness, spoke:
  - The sin near much on wings flits ...
  The Lucifer giggled and again replaced the shape. There was the real giant from metal and plastic, with four hands in each of which multibarrelled luchemeta turned. The deafening bass thundered:
  - I am the robot terminator from the future!
  And as will fire from the tools on winged to Bulgakov. Togo even threw also a fiery web as if the makhaelfa began to shake waves. And the strapper terminator, threateningly rotating locators, deafeningly so the most real rose, twisting candies, chocolates and cakes of a tornado, started singing;
  In the Universe angrily always king,
  Punishment became as system ...
  Without sword know the person as zero -
  Weakness is the lowest change!
  Soldiers were born to kill -
  The world only briefly dreams at the nights!
  The sonny meanly mother sells -
  The titmouse attracts you in networks!
  Everyone knows, to steal guilty -
  But to plunder treasury is a valor!
  Conscience as hateful yoke,
  Well where you people in ashes rush!
  The person wants good -
  To bridle dashing, hell of passion ...
  Well, and of what the Satan is guilty?
  To make more purely even God is not imperious!
  Only the spirit is capable to overcome,
  Weakness of the person - nasty thing of a body!
  And then in you to waken power,
  As if laziness damned did not eat!
  Here then the egoist will manage -
  To serve for the benefit to all people ...
  Optimism will win against frustration -
  Also there will be no place to angry freaks!
  There will be a world as legendary paradise,
  In it dawn is met by laughter by children ...
  And you too the person dare -
  To dream it is so close on the planet!
  Rye is gilded in a clean floor -
  Everyone will become, force a demiurge!
  And to what, us noble lie,
  If you learned wisdom mind!
  To be continued ....
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