The sole survivor. Nuclear strike wiped out your unit-mates and your courage. [Combat Paralysis, Disability (2), Madness/Any (2), may not take any further military paths]
Soldier of misfortune, a walking catastrophe [Stigma/Hoodoo, Unlucky (2)]
"It was necessary". The "friendly nuke" obliterated enemy lines... but you was too close [choose Poor Hearing (3) and Unhealthy or Poor Vision (3) i.e. complete blindness]
Captured but escaped from Blakist re-educational camp [STR -1, BOD -1, EDG -1, SOC -1, Escape Artist +3, Interest/Jerome Blake Writings +4, Survival/Any +3, Enemy/Word of Blake. ComStar characters receive additional WIL -2. Word of Blake characters receive Demotion (2) and Stigma/Disloyal. All characters add 1d6 years to the time spends on this path]
"I'm awfully sorry, you people, but orders are orders..." On this war is no Ares Conventions. [+2 to any two military field skills, choose Bad Reputation (2) or Dark Secret (2) and one of listed: Bloodmark, Enemy, Madness/Any, Quirk/Hatred, Quirk/Guilt, Stigma]
If a war is hell, the Manei Domini is devils. [+3 to any two combat skills, Madness/Flashbacks and choose Combat Paralysis or Special Enemy/Manei Domini (2)]
Even as time of total war, there are times for personal happiness. [Seduction +3, Dependent, Quirk/Attachment to Family]
You still bear the scars from all that heavy fighting. [+2 to four combat skills, Poorly Equipped, choose one: BOD -2, Addiction (2), Disability (2), Madness/Any (2), Quirk (2) or Unattractive]
Blood, sweat and tears. You didn't think you would survive that battle. [+3 to any three combat skills and choose Combat Paralysis or two of listed: Addiction (2), Disability (2), Enemy (2), Madness/Any (2), Quirk (2)]
"It is time to decide on the order of priorities". A local bigwig makes an offer you can't refuse. [If you choose accept this offer, take In For Life, Patron (2) and Protocol/Appropriate +4. Otherwise, you receive a Enemy (3), Bloodmark, WIL +1 and +3 to any two Negotiation subskills]
No plan survives contact with the enemy, but survive soldiers may become a heroes. [+2 to any three military field skills, Quirk/Distrust to Staff Officers, choose Good Reputation or Promotion]
"One thing - whose side are we on this week?" You are involved in a military campaign... but for what? [+3 to one military field skill and +3 to any other, Quirk/Hate Politicians]
Garrison duty leaves you with plenty of chances to cruise the local scene. [Fast Talk +3, Seduction +3, Streetwise +3, Contact, Enemy]
"We were soldiers... on wrong side" [+2 to all skills in one Military Field, +3 to one other skill, Enemy, Stigma]
You mourn the loss of your associates, but you know the best way to honor their sacrifice is to succeed. [+3 to any three combat skills, +1 to any other skill, Good Reputation, Quirk/Honor the Fallen, choose one: Custom Vehicle (2), Natural Aptitude/Any Combat Skill, Patron, Promotion (2), Vehicle (2), Wealth (2), Well Equipped]
You were simply right man at the right place, but they glorify you as a hero. [+3 to any four combat or +4 to any three non-combat skills; Good Reputation (2), Commission (if the character is already an officer, or if you want to decline the commission, take Promotion (3) instead), Quirk/Any]
The anxious time make prospects. [+6 to any skill, Quirk/Any and choose three: SOC +2, Owns Vehicle, Patron (3), Promotion (4, Officers only), Property (5), Title (as SOC Attribute), Land Grant (as Title), Wealth (7), Well-Connected (3), Well-Equipped (4). Of course, all that power attract an Enemy (3)]
Choose one event or roll twice and apply both results
Choose two events or roll three times and apply each results