Риваль Айми : другие произведения.


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All that's left is a memory
A bittersweet souvenir
I keep at heart; but every night
The tears are suffocating me

Is there a cure for this illness?
Oh, but that's not what I would want
My only wish is to rewind
The time and have you by my side

I wish I could see your eyes again
I wish I could hold your hand and sleep
I wish I could dream as if the past
And present didn't exist

I wish I could try and just pretend
I wish I could say I'm yours again
And if I can"t have that I'd rather
We had never met

In the depth of this sadness
Oh, I don't think that I can find
A ray of hope, a guiding light
That'd keep me going

I must admit that I can't trust
My own feelings, and at last
I've reached the end; I've cut the thread
I've lost; I've fallen

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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