Пряхин Андрей Александрович : другие произведения.

Huss In Boots

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  tomcathussar (497x640, 268Kb)
  A compendium of funny stories describing the life and love affairs of a Russian tomcatish folkloric character Lieutenant
  Rzewski numbers about 400 episodes. Lieutenant Rzewski, Dmitry Rzewski was a hussar of the Mariupol Hussar Regiment
  (judging by his uniform), though some experts consider him to have been a hussar of the Pavlogradsky Hussar Regiment
  (a small city near Dnepropetrovsk).
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  The matter is that in the play `Long, long time ago` by Alexandre Gladkov and then in the Eldar Ryazanov`s movie `The
  Hussar Ballad` from that play the authors put into his mouth the words of his having allegedly been a hussar in Pavlograd.
  Due to this a monument to the lieutenant was erected in Pavlograd rather than in Mariupol.
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  A frame from the Russian feature film The Hussar Ballad (1962). We see lieutenant Rzewski (actor Yuri Yakovlev)
  wearing a uniform of the Mariupol Hussar Regiment while cornet Alexandra Azarova (actress Larissa Golubkina),
  the Russian Lady Hussar (there was such a cavalry lady in the history of the Russian army) wears a uniform of the
  Sumsky Hussar Regiment.
  Despite his manners lieutenant belonged to the High Society, and as a result his social environment included Alexandre
  Pushkin (as his relative), ensign Obolensky, lieutenant Golitsin, and characters of The War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.
  The noblemen Rzewskis (common Polish and Russian family name) lived in Voronezh, Kursk, Tula, Moscow, Orel,
  Ryazan and St. Petersburg, but all of them originated from ancient Rzew City. The Rzewskis were first registered in
  a chronicle dated back to 1315. In 19 c. landlord Rzewski sold his lands to the Russian Navy for a firing ground
  existing up to now, near St. Petersburg. In the 17 c. lieutenant Yuri Rzewski was sent to Italy by Peter the Great to learn
  navigation. He was a grandgrandfather of Alexandre Pushkin. Two Rzewskis partook the 1st Great Patriotic War of
  hussar statue (651x368, 169Kb)
  Good hussar at rest. Porcelain by Lyudmila Arkhipova.
  By the way, many Rzewskis were really replicas of their folkloric generalized character (judging by memoirs of the Russian
  High Society ladies from the very best regulated families like the Volkonskis). Many were hussars too. It`s interesting that
  there`s even a serious, rather elevated Russian classical ballet dedicated to lieutenant Rzewski! It was staged by the
  Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre (Krasnoyarsk City in Eastern Siberia, Russia) as `The Hussar Ballad`
  ballet-vaudeville https://youtu.be/uocYOSeATIw (record of 26 November, 2011) (music by Tikhon Khrennikov (edited by Tikhon
  Khrennikov Jr.)).
  Some of you (I was like you too) would unavoidably conclude: `Ugh, how vulgar`n`foul!` But do not be haste with your
  conclusions. The Rzewski funny stories are the real mines with a delayed explosion. Having read this staff you put it
  down, but next day going to work or attending an important conference you`ll remember my lieutenant`s adventures and you`ll
  have to laugh until you cry.
  putin-merkellaughter (700x345, 276Kb)
  As to me, I even fainted for a moment when I experienced this feeling for the very first time. I call this a phenomenon
  of `the skin hat made of an ape`s bum`. When there appeared ladies` hats made of leather and furry fringe in Russia (the leather
  fur hats) the Russian called them the `the skin hats made of an ape`s bum`. When I heard it I found it quite vulgar. But next day
  I entered an elevator and I saw a little lady wearing that very hat, I looked at the `bum skin` (leather) on top of her fur hat, and I
  burst out laughing in hysterics. This is the Renaissance humour, Boccaccio, Rablais, Ulrich von Guten, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.
  In a word, you can never know when, where you are to laugh and whether to laugh or cry. So laugh with me, laugh for me
  and do it better than me. Mach mit, mach's nach, mach's besser! And never cry!
  DIVyDlyW0AASlff (395x640, 180Kb)
  Keiser of Germany Wilhelm II in the Russian Hussar Uniform
  The close relative of a literary character of Rzewski is Der treue Husar (the Faithful Hussar) from Cologne (Koeln) in
  Germany http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=FLqiaXBmJFI
  You may say that Rzewski was an unfaithful hussar. Yes, he was. But he was fond of ladies as the fair sex, he was a ladies`
  man. And women appreciated it.
  DIPfUgvXUAARWBk (512x700, 188Kb)
  DIPeAExXkAA3L04 (576x496, 323Kb)
  Hussar: I wish I could sting you just one time and died! (or: I would just sting you once and die!)
  Lady: Skip it! You are not a bee! You are a hussar!
  Lieutenant Rzewski met Natasha Rostova at the High Society Ball.
  Rzewski: I see you"re without your knickers!
  Natasha: How have you guessed, lieutenant?!
  Rzewski: There"s some dandruff on your shoes!
  He must have forgotten to wear his panties too! https://youtu.be/LZVcJ5OXrhg
  DIPhCAfXUAAYGm7 (500x321, 141Kb)
  Lieutenant, money! What money, ma`am? I"ve blabbed you a military secret!
  Once lieutenant Rzewski woke up in a brothel. At dawn while putting on
  his boots he`s heard a woman`s voice:
  - Lieutenant, your money!
  Rzewski: Leave it! Hussars never take money from ladies!
  Lady at the Grand Ball: `Lieutenant, we spent night together yesterday. But now you haven"t
  even noticed me as if we were strangers.`
  Rzewski: `Sorry, ma`am, but bed is not a pretext for an acquaintance!`
  Lieutenant Rzewski in officers` gathering:
  -Yesterday I visited Countess N. Suddenly her husband was back.
  -And what was further?
  -I did my best not to abuse the cloth!
  -I killed all the clothes moths in the wardrobe.
  Night. Doorknock. An alarmed female voice: `Who`s there?`
  -Lieutenant Rzewski, ma`am!
  -Gonna talk bawdy and woo me again?
  -And how!
  -Wait a minute, gotta find a key.
  Natasha Rostova: Ah! Ah! More, more, lieutenant... farther more ... deeper ... now freeze!
  Lieutenant Rzewski: Ma`am, I`m sorry, but I can`t understand who`s screwing whom?
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  What`s the matter, lieutenant? Ma`am, a grain of sand in the condom
  is much worse than a small stone in the boot!
  Natalie Rostova (to her mom): Maman! Just fancy! Lieutenant Rzewski
  knows a lot of obscene ditties!
  Mother: Did he sing them for you?
  Natalie: Of course, not! He only whistled them.
  División Azul
  Before the High Society Ball Party lieutenant Rzewski asked poet Pushkin who was his distant relative to write a pun in a French
  style for him so that he could share it with other officers. Pushkin responsed immediately: `You`re un
  con & he`s un con, but I`m Le Vicomte de Bragelonne`. In full swing of the Grand Ball Rzewski announced: `Gentleman,
  I`ve been told a remarkable pun by Monsieur Pouchkine. I can`t recall it, but the meaning is that you are all gays,
  but I am d'Artagnan!`
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  Rzewski revisited: `Ah, lieutenant! Cover me
  one more time! Madam, I haven"t recovered myself yet!`
  Natasha Rostova came back home with the swollen cheek.
  Mother: Natalie, my God, what has happened?
  Natasha: We were boating with lieutenant Rzewski when a bee all of a sudden landed right on my cheek!
  Mother: It stung you, my dear?
  Natasha: It was about to do it when my courageous lieutenant killed it with his oar!
  DIVlrDLXkAExQ0h (425x311, 155Kb)
  Wow! Colonel, look what pretty girls in view!!!
  They are pretty for you, lieutenant. For me they`re a just a view!
  (A very old general in bed with his pretty young wife) After waking up in the middle of the
  night the general saw lieutenant Rzewski petting his wife.
  General (rather fiercely): `What`s going on?`
  Lieutenant Rzewski: `Do not believe your eyes, Sir! This is but your dream!`
  General: `My dream?! Just think, lieutenant, it has been the same dream for three weeks!`
  Ensign Obolensky asked lieutenant Rzewski:
  -Sir, be so kind to explain me the main symptoms of the venereal diseases!
  Rzewski: Judging by Venus of Milo, it`s arms` fragility.
  Lieutenant Rzewski at the High Society Ball in loud:
  -Gonna go and take a leak!
  People around: Hush! You should`ve said: `Gonna go and look at stars!`
  Rzewski went out and when was back grasped a wineglass.
  People around: Lieutenant, you should`ve washed your hands!
  Lieutenant: Don`t worry, messieursdames! I was holding my telescope
  with one hand!
  123722676_gusary (490x430, 259Kb)
  Colonel`s wife: Just look, lieutenant. My colonel drills
  privates on the parade ground!
  Lieutenant Rzewski: Ma`am! If a commander can"t
  screw his own wife, he `screws` his subordinates!
  Dancing with Pierre Bezukhoff Natasha Rostova noted:
  -I can`t marry you, monsieur. You`re not as clever as Mr. Shelock Holmes is and not so kind as Dr. Watson
  is. Pierre retreated hastily and ... shot himself.
  Then she was engaged by Count Bolkonsky. During the dance Natasha made up her mind and confessed:
  -Andrei, I can`t marry you. I`m sorry. You`re not as clever as Mr. Shelock Holmes is and not so kind as Dr.
  Watson is. Bolkonsky clicked his heels together, went out and shot himself.
  There was a turn of lieutenant Rzewski. After another turn of the waltz Natasha
  addressed the lieutenant:
  `Look here, Rzewski! You`re not as clever as Mr. Shelock Holmes is and not so kind as Dr. Watson is`.
  The lieutenant, however, said:
  -That`s right, Natasha! But on the other hand, I can fuck better that Baskerville dog can!
  ljkjhgherw (160x190, 65Kb)imagesCA4TZ5H6 (256x192, 33Kb)imagesCAMFNU0J (158x200, 22Kb)
  Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova
  Lieutenant Rzewski and Natasha Rostova are walking around the pond with swans.
  -Would you like to become a swan, lieutenant?
  -Save me from that, Natasha. Just fancy, bare ass in cold water!
  Lieutenant Rzewski has got a plastered hand. His brother-officers ask him:
  -Lieutenant, what`s happened? Your hand`s in a plaster.
  -I didn`t understand it myself, gentlemen. Yesterday I danced with Natasha
  Rostova at the Grand Ball when her husband Pierre Bezukhoff ran up to us and kicked her between her thighs.
  Lieutenant Rzewski and Natasha Rostova are having sex.
  Almost driven into ecstasies Natasha is screaming:
  -Lieutenant, you must be wearing a prickly condom!!!
  -No, Natalie. It"s just my hard corn!
  Three ladies in a compartment of the sleeping carriage are discussing what the most painful is, to giving a birth,
  abortion or defloration. As the they couldn`t come to the common opinion they asked an opinion of lieutenant
  Rzewski who was their travel companion. Lieutenant said:
  -The most painful thing, ladies, is when your balls are hit with a cast-iron frying pan.
  Natasha Rostova: `Lieutenant, gonna ask the riddles! What is it, small, grey, and - swish! -
  it slips into a hole?
  Lieutenant Rzewski: Shame on you, Natasha! It`s inappropriate!
  -Come on, lieutenant. It`s just a little mouse!
  -Mouse? In the pussy? It`s so sudden! I would have never guessed!
  Lieutenant Rzewski wants to go the Grand Ball. He asks his valet to tell him something interesting so that he could
  later amuse the ladies.
  Valet: Do you know how the native Australians catch the ostriches? Now then! They go to desert, dig the holes,
  shave their heads and bury themselves in the sands but not all the way. Their heads bald as billiard balls remain on the
  surface. The ostriches think that they`re eggs, sit down and are caught for dinner.
  The High Society Ball`s under way and going with a swing. The lieutenant has gathered the ladies around him and begun his story.
  -Dear ladies, wanna get to know the way the native Australians catch the ostriches? They go to desert, shave their heads,
  bury themselves in the sands leaving their balls above the surface. The ostriches think that it`s their eggs, sit down and
  are caught for dinner.
  The ladies have exchanged glances:
  -Lieutenant, why do they shave their heads then?
  -I don`t know. It must be a ritual or like that. In a word, Australia!
  Entrance of Emperor Alexander I and Empress Elizaveta Alexeyevna (born Louise Marie Auguste von Baden).
  They open the Grand Ball with Polonaise No one can move like they do today! So mildly and gracefully!
  While dancing with Natalie Rostova at the High Society Ball lieutenant Rzewski felt like taking a leak. He excused
  politelly and while tinkling got his boots and trousers wet. When going on with his dance he was asked by
  Natalie: `Is it raining outdoors?` His answer, however, was:
  -But it`s not! Rather windy!
  Dancing with Pierre Besukhoff Natasha Rostova noted:
  -I no longer will dance with you, monsieur. There`s a stain on your suit!
  Pierre retreated hastily and hanged himself.
  Then she was engaged by Count Bolkonsky. During the dance she said:
  -Andrei, I no longer will dance with you. You`ve tied your tie in a wrong way!
  Bolkonsky clicked his heels together, went out and hanged himself.
  There was a turn of lieutenant Rzewski. After another turn of the waltz Natasha
  addressed the lieutenant: `Look here,Rzewski! Your boots are dirty! I no longer
  will dance with you!
  -That`s wrong, Natasha! It`s not dirt, it`s shit! Gonna fall off after getting dry!
  No problem!
  images (256x192, 8Kb)untitled (229x220, 87Kb)
  1812, the 1st Patriotic War in Russia. Alexandre I is observing a battlefield through the terrestrial telescope.
  Suddenly a cannon ball has plopped down ready to blast him off! Lieutenant Rzewski is immediately throwing it
  out of the trench and defending the king with his body. Boom! Everyone is feeling deaf, yet alive and kicking.
  The King: Lieutenant, you`ve saved my life! Ask whatever you want!
  Rzewski: Your Majesty, General Ivanov doesn`t permit his daughter to marry me.
  The King: Call that general! General, I think it would be right if this hero could marry your daughter.
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  Alexandre I
  General: I wouldn`t object, Sire, but Rzewski is a lieutenant while I am a general.
  The King: If so I think that your daughter not gonna refuse to marry field marshal Rzewski.
  General: But I am a Count while Rzewski is a poor, ordinary nobleman.
  The King: No longer, general. He is the Grand Duke Rzewski.
  General: But he`s not accepted at Court!
  The King: He`s been my titled brother since now!
  Rzewski: I say, Shoora! (Sasha, Shoora, Sanya are the informal forms of a name
  `Alexandre` in Russian) Fuck him off! We can find dames without him!
  Rzewski is being discussed by the board of officers. The matter is a very noble lady fell out of her carriage
  when driving by his house.
  Rzewski: I have no idea how it could happen at all! I was just standing on the threshold of my house in my
  usual way. Necktie, pince-nez and house slippers!
  -Gentlemen, let"s bathe our horses in champagne!
  -We can"t, lieutenant, it"s too expensive; we have not been paid for three months!
  -That"s pity! Then let"s throw some beer on a cat at least!
  -Gentlemen, enough! Basta! Para! Cards and cards and cards! What if to go to the theatre for a change!
  I"ve heard there gonna be `The Three Sisters` there tonight!
  Lieutenant Rzewski: Great! There are three of us right!
  Once a lady from the High Society made up her mind to yield to lieutenant Rzewski, but warned him beforehand
  to take off his shoed riding boots when climbing the ladder lest their spurs could jingle and awaken her old
  Night! Rzewski has entered the mansion. The lady hears a strange sound similar to the scraping off! When
  Rzewski has been on the threshold of the bedroom lady exclaimed,
  -Didn`t I ask you to climb without your boots?
  -But I have no boots on! They are standing downstairs!
  -Then what was that?
  -I don`t know. But I guess it must be my toenails!
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  A duel - Rzewski and Natasha vs. a slanderer!
  -Lieutenant, you are a coward and rascal. I demand satisfaction! Sabre or pistol?
  -Your choice!
  -Good! As to me I gonna have my pistol.
  Lieutenant Rzewski to Pierre Bezukhoff:
  - You know, Pierre, I am kinda your father now.
  - What's the cause?
  -I`ve banged your mother-in-law!
  Ensign Obolensky: Lieutenant, you become close with the ladies very fast.
  What`s your secret?
  Lieutenant Rzewski: I just fuck `em, it can`t help making people closer.
  Lieutenant Rzewski met Natasha Rostova in her home.
  -Natasha, I`ve learned a new position! It`s called `in a beaver way`!
  Let`s go to the front staircase!
  Rzewski makes naked Natasha kneel ...
  -Wait, lieutenant. It`s a well-known doggy way!
  -Not quite! When screwed you oughta nibble handrails!
  Natasha Rostova to Rzewski.
  - Lieutenant! Just keep you hands off!
  -I can simply make love without them!
  Would you like me to perform this kind of magic?
  -(Natasha intrigued) How? ...
  -Hush! Keep silence. Just turn your back!
  -What d`you feel now?
  -It`s unfair. I feel your finger in my arse!
  -You have another guess coming! My hands, just see!
  There they are!
  While dancing with lieutenant Rzewski Natasha Rostova asked,
  -My lieutenant, why are your shoulder straps so filthy?
  Rzewski (shaking dirt off his collar with disgust): I`m sorry, but
  the girls by some reason never wash their legs.
  Once lieutenant Rzewski guessed to dry his socks. He put them
  on his bed-rail in the barrack and was awaken in the night by
  ensign Obolensky who was shaking his shoulder.
  -Lieutenant, do you change your socks?
  -Yes, I do. Exclusively for vodka.
  Barbara-Palvin (500x280, 996Kb)
  Natasha Rostova - Barbara Palvin, a Hungarian top model. She`s natural born
  Natasha Rostova! Hollywood, wake up! Action!
  Notes in Pierre Bezukhoff`s Diary:
  15 August Saw Natasha Rostova for the first time ...
  18 August Danced with Natasha for the first time ...
  20 August Kissed on Natasha`s lips for the first time ...
  it put her to the blush, she clenched her knees and broke
  my spectacles.
  -Lieutenant, did you love anybody?
  -Yep, I make love quite often.
  -I mean in an elevating meaning ...
  -Once I made love on a roof of the bell tower.
  Once an ensign asked lieutenant Rzewski:
  -Explain me why the ladies` gloves sometimes have got a slit?
  -To kiss ladies` hands without a need in having them taken off!
  -Oh! Now I seem to understand what the vent in the back of the
  colonel`s uniform is for.
  The old lieutenant Rzewski was asked what he had loved best of all in his youth,
  horses or women. He answered:
  `The matter is that I wouldn`t have been in time going out on my dates if I hadn`t
  horses. On the other hand, if there hadn`t been women, I would have hardly needed
  any horse`.
  Lieutenant Rzewski ran out to the porch, flung himself into the saddle
  and set off at a gallop. Two miles away he looked dowdwards to discover
  that there was no horse between his legs.
  `What for fucking lift force?`, murmured lieutenant and galloped back.
  Lieutenant Rzewski is wandering in the field after the battle. Horses with
  broken legs are everywhere. He's shooting them to save from sufferings. All of
  a sudden a legless soldier has noticed him. The soldier who has been witnessing
  Rzewski`s mercy shots has exclaimed from afar: `Sir! I am all right. Don't
  worry! No more legs is fine with me! I do not feel like dancing!`
  Natasha Rostova: Lieutenant, do you remember your first school mistress?
  Lieutenant Rzewski: Yes, I do, although she was a medical orderly!
  Natasha Rostova: Lieutenant, your passionate look is so burning!
  Lieutenant Rzewski: Natalie, better take your tit out of your cup of hot tea!
  Lieutenant Rzewski (panting): Natalie, have you already come ...?
  -Not yet. I need just five minutes!
  Lieutenant Rzewski (quite finished): Come ... alread ...
  Yep! - Natalie is triumphantly screaming while turning the last page of the
  second volume of the War and Piece. - Now I see that Prince Bolkonsky really
  loved me!
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