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How to grasp the volatile temper?

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    How to grasp the volatile temper? Mikhaïl Lermontov - To a portrait. Recited by a Russian movie and theatre star Alyona Babenko https://youtu.be/TnuC-0HJn4U

  Михаил Лермонтов
  Как мальчик кудрявый, резва,
  Нарядна, как бабочка летом.
  Значенья пустого слова
  В устах ее полны приветом.
  Ей нравиться долго нельзя:
  Как цепь ей несносна привычка,
  Она ускользнет, как змея,
  Порхнет и умчится, как птичка.
  Таит молодое чело
  По воле - и радость и горе.
  В глазах - как на небе светло,
  В душе ее темно, как в море!
  То истиной дышит в ней всё,
  То всё в ней притворно и ложно!
  Понять невозможно ее,
  Зато не любить невозможно.
  By Mikhaïl Lermontov
  A tomboy, she`s curly and brisk,
  A bright butterfly as in summer.
  The meaningless words from her lips
  Are full of a genuine glamour.
  You can be her king for a day,
  She can"t bear the shackles of habits.
  She"ll slip out at once as a snake,
  Take wing and be off as a parrot.
  The innocent brow of hers
  Conceals now joy now sorrow.
  Her eyes are the bright sky `bove earth,
  Her soul"s dark like the sea water!
  Now all in her breathes the truth,
  Now she"s a deceitful pretender!
  You can"t understand her in sooth,
  She can"t help being high in your favour.
  Judging by a note made on a manuscript by Count P.A. Vyazemsky, this poem was dedicated to a portrait of Duchess
  Alexandra Kirillovna Vorontsova-Dashkova (born Naryshkina) (1818-1856) lithographed by Henri Grévedon from the
  picture by Deutz in Paris.
  Duchess was one of the high society lionesses with whom Lermontov really made friends. On the one hand, he created
  her poetic portrait, but, on the other hand, it was a generalized portrait of the high society lionesses who behaved like a
  really free women and undermined the well-established social stereotypes (like Anna Karenina, by the way). As to
  Lermontov who described this social and psychological phenomenon, he, in his turn, destroyed the well-established
  stereotypes of the romantic poetry describing the slipping off, changeable reality of a human personality in its dynamics.
  The rough copy of the poem was entitled by Lermontov as the `Portrait. A high-society woman`. But the poem exceeded
  the limits, frames of a private portrait and of its previous title.
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  Alexandra Kirillovna Vorontsova-Dashkova, lithograph by Henri Grévedon
  In 1841 Lermontov who waltzed in the ball party in the mansion of the Vorontsov-Dashkovs` displeasured the Emperor
  and Grand Dukes because that time he was in disgrace for his daring poems abusing the Dynasty. His friends offered him
  to leave the ball party as he could be arrested. But having heard this Duke Vorontsov-Dashkov explained that none could
   ever be arrested in his home.
  Besides the Emperor was said that it had been an initiative of his wife to invite Lermontov to the party. They sought every
  opportunity for a conciliation between the poet and the Royal family. Duchess Vorontsova-Dashkova who had been
  rolling in money since childhood accepted the Royal family members in her mansion on equal footing. Unfortunately,
  Lermontov behaved like a child and lost a favourable chance to explain himself tête-a-tête with the Emperor.
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  After death of her husband the Duchess went to Paris and in 1854 married a rank-and-file French nobleman de Poilly who was
  an ordinary doctor. From the view-point of the St. Petersburg`s high society she fell into an unthinkable want. This established
  a durable legend of her ill fate, and it was reflected in Ivan Turgenev`s novel `The Fathers and Children` (a character of
  Countess R.) and in the poem `The Grand Duchess` by Nikolai Nekrasov.
  Having read the poem her Paris husband arrived at Russia to challenge Nekrasov but it was not time of Pushkin and Lermontov,
  and duels were out of date. The evil tongues used to say the doctor had come to get the Russian part of assets of his wife, but had
  had to come back to Paris with bare hands.
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  All these gossips were disproved by Alexandre Dumas who wrote that `Vorontsova-Dashkova had died in the lap of luxury, in one of
  the best mansions of Paris`. But in Russia they all wanted to have the plot of Pierre-Jean de Béranger`s La Pauvre Femme describing
  a progress from a princess to a beggar come true. Why? Because it was more interesting to think like that! After all, there"s no sense
  of the full happiness without a rumour about unhappiness of some of your neughbours or mutual friends. It`s that sweet to get to know
  that! (These lines have been written by me under the strong influence of Lermontov`s `A Hero of Our Time`. - ААП).
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