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Chałupy welcome to Добро пожаловать в Халупы

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    NAKED AIN`T ALWAYS SEXY, SEXY AIN`T ALWAYS NAKED. Chałupy welcome to sung by Zbigniew Wodecki, Poland https://youtu.be/wqXWVPP0Pmc Chałupy (Khaloop-ee) is a popular Polish sea side resort located between Władysławowo and Kuźnica on the Hel Peninsula on the southern Baltic Sea. This is a jocular song describing a situation when nakedness becomes a common rule for the sea resorts. Just one more step, and the not naked enough gonna be persecuted by the vice squad and public mind. Of course, it`s a grotesque, a nice `joke of humour`(as the Russian would say) in the form of the no less nice topsy-turvy song. When I learned in the Russian University they taught Polish and Czech along with Russian and even Old Slavonic. Besides, I learned Chinese. Strange it is that some of those things have left intact in my `golova` so far! Watch and listen to `Chałupy` covered by Michal Grobelny in the Polish replica of the Spanish show `Tu cara me suena` (`Your Face Sounds Familiar`) https://youtu.be/WqwOkOMxP0E The original performance of the Chałupy Welcome To by Zbigniew Wodecki (1950-2017) Wodecki Zbigniew Chałupy Welcome To (1985) https://youtu.be/2HYETWMC5jU Zbigniew Wodecki - Chałupy Welcome To (Official Audio 2017) https://youtu.be/QGUQLj9TZCA Koncert Jubileuszowy Zbigniewa Wodeckiego - Chałupy Welcome To https://youtu.be/0KdiH7WgVtI Zbigniew Wodecki - "Chałupy welcome to" (live) https://youtu.be/2ObVpsM5HQY Tribute to Zbigniew Wodecki - Ania Rusowicz "Chałupy Welcome To" https://youtu.be/pTKSKz7j52c BONUS! "Świat według Kiepskich": Chałupy w wykonaniu Kiepskich! https://youtu.be/ne2i_Oo86Lw "Świat według Kiepskich" i występ Zbigniewa Wodeckiego! https://youtu.be/7YlHWDuAU2Q

2019-03-22_120904 (573x372, 133Kb)

Music by Ryszard Poznakowski
Lyrics by Grażyna Orlińska
Chałupy welcome to ♪
Every year in Chałupy,
Where the bronzed ones are looked up,
You can hear a great noise,
You may meet a real nudist,
As on beach of the Maldives,
Tread the shingle on shore.
First the bodies are bared,
Then Miss Nature`s prepared
To the dread of the folks.
All who wear the textile,
In the bushes they spend time,
And call down: `Rain, fall!`.

Chałupy all includes,
Bahama Mama loose,
Africa crude makes folks go nude,
Chałupy welcome to.
Chałupy welcome to,
Sun of Jamaica blues.
Polish Barbados and Easter Island
Chałupy welcome to.

Taking place, in beach wear,
In the sun everywhere
Folks make fabric lose paint.
There`s no place for neckties,
Unless they seat the cacti,
Or else swimsuits again.
Not like in the Bermudas,
The Antigua `n Barbuda,
One has dread to leave home.
If they made all wear Bambus,
I would patch on my bare ass
A fig leaf, of course.

Refrain (twice)

Music Ryszard Poznakowski
Lyrics Grażyna Orlińska
Chałupy welcome to ♪
Jak co roku w Chałupach,
gdy zaczyna się upał
słychać wielki szum,
Można spotkać golasa
jak na plaży w Mombasa
golców cały tłum.
Znów się będą rozbierać,
Miss-Natura wybierać,
przez wieś przebiegł dreszcz,
W krzakach siedzą tekstylni,
gryzą palce bezsilni,
zaklinają deszcz.

Chałupy welcome to,
Bahama Mama luz**
Afryka dzika dawno odkryta*,
Chałupy welcome to
Chałupy welcome to,
sun of Jamaica blues
Polish Barbados i Galapagos
Chałupy welcome to

Biorą namiar na plaże
ci tekstylni nudziarze
chcą opalać sztruks
Jak rozpędzić dzikusy
może sadzić kaktusy,
przejdzie im ten luz
Niepotrzebny nam ubaw
jak na jakiś Bermudach
strach już z domu wyjść
Robią wszystkich w bambusa
przydałby się z lamusa
choć figowy liść.

Refrain (dwa razy)

*Afryka dzika dawno odkryta - досл. "Девственная (дикая) Африка давно открыта"
(lit. Virgin (i.e, Savage) Africa was discovered long ago). Интересно, что по-русски эта
польская фраза на слух воспринимается как "А приходи-ка, окно открыто!"
** Previously, there was `Luz` (`light` in Spanish-Portuguese), the word often met in the titles
of the oversears resorts, hotels and restaurants` quasi-folk bands (like Luz del Valle "La Altenita"
Variedad Artistica Bahama Mama Restaurant https://youtu.be/gL0KS04isa4). But then I guessed
that `Bahama Mama` was a song by the German band Boney M and its title character rather than
a place name. Of course, I could have invented a name of a hotel or resort `Bahama Mama Luz`
(The Light of Bahama Mama) to keep that `luz` in my translation intact, but not long ago I grasped
that Polish word of `luz` and one of its meanings sounded almost the same way in English, i.e.,
`loose`. This very `loose` is much more nearer to the original lyrics by its meaning than a `Bahama
Mama Luz`. As a consolation prize for that long rant accept the recipe of 'Багама Мама' коктейль

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