Новиков Евгений Алексеевич : другие произведения.

A Conversation With The Vacuum

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    The creation of the universe is described in a form of conversation.

   Evgeny A. Novikov
   University of California - San Diego, BioCircuits Institute, La Jolla, CA 92093 -0328; E-mail: enovikov@ucsd.edu
   The creation of the universe is described in a form of conversation.
   - The Great Vacuum, please, tell me how did you created the universe?
   - You have described it in your papers [1 - 3].
   - Yes, but I wont to know Your version.
   - Well, first I got a feeling that I need to create something.
   - So, you have feelings!
   - Sort of. Like instability, you know, what I mean.
   - OK, what happened next?
   - Then, I invented the gravity in the (3+1) dimensional space-time, so the universe will not disperse..
   - Why (3+1) dimensional?
   - I tried (1+1) and (2+1), it did not work - universes collapsed.
   - I understand. Observations show that the universe still has difficulties in local low-dimensional situations.
   - Yes. I produced gravitons in (3+1) dimensional space-time. For a while, it worked well. But, still, it was not very stable.
   - So, what was next?
   - I have invented the quantum entanglement for stability.
   - OK. But, gravitational instability still created the hot spots in galaxies.
   - Correct. So, I invented your ordinary matter (photons, neutrinos and more heavy particles) to relief energy from the hot spots.
   - So, the creation of people is a side effect of Your efforts to make the universe more stable?
   - In a sense, yes. But, I have made a special effort to create your subjective experiences - qualia.
   - Why You did that?
   - To make possible such conversation.
   - Thank You very much!
   - You welcome!
   References with free access
   [1] Evgeny A. Novikov, "Ultralight gravitons with tiny electric dipole moment are seeping from the vacuum", Modern Physics Letters A, v. 31, No. 15 (2016) 1650092 (5 pages).
   [2] Evgeny A. Novikov, "Quantum modification of general relativity", Electron. J. Theoretical Physics, v. 13, No. 13 (2016) 79-90.
   [3] Evgeny A. Novikov, "Emergence of the laws of nature in the developing entangled universe", Amer. Res. J. Physics, v.4, No. 1 (2018), 1-9.
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