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Brain Stimulation With Neutrinos

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    A possibility of brain stimulation with neutrinos is discussed.

   Evgeny A. Novikov
   University of California - San Diego, BioCircuits Institute, La Jolla, CA 92093 -0328; E-mail: enovikov@ucsd.edu
   A possibility of brain stimulation with neutrinos is discussed.
   Recently, based on the quantum modification of general relativity (Qmoger) [1, 2], it was discovered [3-5] that phenomena of subjectivity (qualia) have something in common with oscillations of neutrinos - mutual transformations of the three flavors of neutrinos [6]. Both phenomena are examples of interface between the dark and the ordinary matter (Idom), introduced in Ref. 3.
   The Compton wavelength of neutrino was estimated [4, 5]:
   l_{∗}=(ħ/(cm_{∗}))≈10⁻²cm. #1
  Here ħ is the Planck constant, c is the speed of light and m_{∗} is the mass of neutrino [4, 5]:
   m_{∗}=ρ₀^{1/4}(ħ/c)^{3/4}≈ 3. 13⋅10⁻³⁶gram≈1.76⋅10⁻³eV/c². #2
  We use the averaged mass density of the universe ρ₀≈2.6⋅10⁻³⁰gcm⁻³, which includes ordinary and dark matter. We do not include the controversial dark energy, which does not exist in Qmoger [1, 2]. The mass of neutrino satisfies the experimental bound [6].
   The wavelength l_{∗} is comparable with the size of neuron cluster, which is expected to be capable of producing sufficiently rich qualia. Humans are continuously subjected to the neutrino showers from the sun and other cosmic sources [6]. Seemingly random jumps of our memory could be related to interaction with neutrinos. In any case, it will be interesting to study these interactions in a controlled laboratory setting by using artificial sources of neutrinos [6]. The possible gain, apart of the scientific inquire, is a new tool for healing and stimulation of the brain.
   [1] E. A. Novikov, Ultralight gravitons with tiny electric dipole moment are seeping from the vacuum, Modern Physics Letters A, 31, No. 15, 1650092 (5 pages) (2016).
   [2] E. A. Novikov, Quantum modification of general relativity, Electr. J. Theoretical Physics, 13, No. 35, 79-90, (2016)
  [3] E. A. Novikov, Gravicommunication, subjectivity and quantum entanglement, NeuroQuantology, v. 14, issue 4, 677-682 (2016).
   [4] E. A. Novikov, Feeding the universe, qualia and neutrino, submitted for publication, posted at viXra: 1708.0116.
   [5] E. A. Novikov, Feeding the universe, quantum scaling and stable neutrino, submitted for publication, posted at viXra: 1708.0213.
   [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrino
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