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Dark matter and Chi [тёмная материя и Ци]

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   Dark matter and Chi [Тёмная материя и Ци]
   Evgeny A. Novikov
   University of California - San Diego,
   BioCircuits Institute
   August 8, 2013
   In contemporary physics we got a big mystery - the dark matter (DM), which, according to cosmological observations, interacts with ordinary matter (OM) only gravitationally. The total mass of DM in our universe is much bigger than for OM, so the gravitational effect of DM is huge. But we can not see DM directly, because it is indifferent, particularly, to electromagnetic (EM) interaction.
   This leads us to another (much more old) big mystery in science - the physical nature of our subjective experiences. The qualia (subjectivity) was historically considered as otherworldly. DM is otherworldly in the indicated above sense. Maybe, there is a connection? It is generally accepted, that qualia is not matter, but a sort of information. At the same time, qualia is imbedded in our body, which is made from OM. And here is a catch. Are we sure, that our body does not have a little bit of DM? A modification of the general relativity (MGR), which is supported by cosmological data, shows that DM is omnipresent and continuously produced everywhere [The Journal of Cosmology, v.16, 6884-6891 (2011)]. If we accept that, than qualia can be connected with DM. How? By been something in between two different types of matter, say, an interface. Indeed, if we, the people, have some DM in our body, than Mother Nature had plenty of time to make use of it by creating special conditions in our neural system in favor of some form of interaction with DM. This special form of interaction may not be easily detectable in cosmic data or in the supercollider. So, our neural system could be the natural detector for a new form of interaction between two different types of matter. Qualia is a manifestation of this interaction. Some details have been presented in this website. Of course, this is only an outline of future theory, particularly, MEDOM (mediators between dark and ordinary matter) should be worked out in detail. But the major conclusion, that qualia is an interface between ordinary and dark matter, seems to be insensitive to many details of the theory.
   Do dark matter, which we now observe only by the gravitational effect, has some sort of qualia? If so, are they similar to the SER-qualia [Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, v.25, 1 (2005)], which we possess? And, finally, can we (perhaps, with a proper equipment) consciously communicate with dark matter? The positive answer to this question can lead to revolution in the history of humankind. Particularly, humans can get access to enormous energy resources and computational power.
   The idea of omnipresent substance is, actually, very old (Chi) and some useful medical recommendations are based on it. Now we understand that it is a special kind of matter, invisible for us directly, but gravitating. According to our theory, enormous number of ultralight DM particles always present and continuously produced in human neural system. Interface between dark and ordinary matter, with presence of qualia, can be described by simple scheme: DM - MEDOM - OM - Qualia - , which can have loops for potential communication of human with DM. In order to survive and prosper, we need to find these loops!
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