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Why life time such is, what it is?

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    Whether it is possible to live forever? It turns out how it is not paradoxical, it is not only possible, but also it is necessary, however, this process is discrete. Nevertheless, each organism has calendar duration of life cycle and along with that - its own time of life, and they do not coincide in their source and in their current. What does originally determine the life limit of any living creature, and why the calendar term of life organisms is so different - up to a million times? About it you could only speculate, but now you have the opportunity to get the credible information.

  There is an enormous amount of speculations about eternal life. Moreover, the attitude to this problem has divided the population into atheists and believers.
  However, at its core, this approach to the problem of life puts it on its head due to the view of Creation from the inside - from the side of a person who is in some kind of construction.
  Actually, not the construction contains the person dictating to him, how to live, but all alive, including the person, "designs" Creation, but not for the sake of this structure, and for the sake of own consciousness.
  The essence consists that any alive organism has one ability which is absent at all inanimate objects.
  The living organisms, the only ones that are in beingness, possess subjectivity, that is, knowingly, but at different levels control, handle and manage by information, if, of course, to understand under information of data on a condition of the objects, surrounding an organism, which this organism distinguishes by the tools, which are available for it.
  Information, as such, is absent for all inanimate objects (things), since they do not have the means to recognize, or rather, to form the environment, namely, there are no sense organs or centers processing the data coming through the receptors so that around was being formed the changing environment in which is possible to live, reproduce, maintain existence own sort, to develop and compete with other living beings for the right to occupy various niches of life, at first without realizing it, and then and absolutely consciously as the person.
  In other words, without ability to perceive and produce information it is impossible to manifest anything even if this something and exists there in the latent state.
  Therefore, in order to manifest the "structure", in which one can live, it requires organisms that can extract and produce information, the material that makes up the internal and external spheres for the existence of these organisms, and the duration, within which is possible to act by passing the baton to subsequent living organisms, which as a result of random changes in the genome (programs recorded on protein molecules) will be able to adapt to the changing environment better.
  As except alive (the active) and lifeless (the passive) there is nothing, duration in which it is possible to exists, developing, to alive, is necessary oneself to form thanks to own opportunities, to perceive and process information, selecting from infinity out of time those data which it is capable to recognize according to the form-building abilities in the form of copies of fragments of objects which potentially, but inseparably, are contained in infinity out of time, in which is hidden everything, what was, exists now, as well as everything, what will be.
  These copies coming to the living being as impulses (information packages) contain the coded data on the material objects which the living being thanks to presence of a conscious part in the form of set of the sense organs processing information of the centers and form-building abilities, was capable to identify. These serial signals impulses, like the television picture, merge in the living being in a show incessantly changing surrounding, since the pause between the impulses entering one after another is neglected in consciousness of the living being at the expense of a particular duration of processing every portion of information, and the delay, which arises thereby, doing for consciousness by the continuous (a perception threshold) a discrete process of receiving of information.
  This is how each living creature forms its own surrounding in the form of objects of its own beingness, moving in the current time and space, and in their totality living beings form a common environment for their discrete but stable existence throughout life in the form of universes with all attributes.
  Since the selection from infinity out of time, in which consciousness and things fused together and not able to manifest without their separation with subsequent connection is being provided a temporary superhigh-frequency holographic projection of a infinity out of time, in so far appears the current time (beingness), in which a uniform infinity out of time gains the ability to "split" on an infinite number of finite ordered formations - information copies of own hidden composition.
  Thus, all objects of present beingness - from universes to a person - are, in contrast to Creation, finite in their existence. All of them are being formed through a temporary ultra-high frequency holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
  Beingness, which is being presented to us as such reliable, real, vast, corresponding certain laws, containing macro- and microcosm, elementary particles and radiations, galaxies and the living beings, in the basis has no more than information, more precisely, - the high-frequency holographic formations, bearing information. They are equal to zero integrally each position of updating owing to manifestation of each wave-like formation jointly with the same formation in antiphase. Such balance of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time corresponds to timeless an infinity out of time which is nothingness, becoming by everything only through own projection in time.
  This process cannot have the beginning and the end because the dual system of Creation is steady in the functioning and manifestation, which excludes non-existence due to interaction between the infinite and the finite.
  This system not only has no propulsor, but it formally is nothingness, reducing oneself in any position to zero integrally. Therefore, it is not being fallen apart, and it does not need both in the beginning, and in the end.
  On the other hand, the system of Creation isn't capable to be divided on an independent infinity out of time and a separate holographic projection - system is a single whole, in which the form-building active is being fueled by the passive, which is losing its shape in the finite formations.
  Thereby, this dual Creation, consisting of a infinity out of time and its temporal projection in the form of an ultra-high frequency hologram, is able to express oneself through an infinite set of finite objects of beingness thanks to the interaction of the active (consciousness) and passive (things) as in the current calendar (general) time, and in the own time of each of the active (alive) beings, that is, the beings possessing consciousness, which in this temporal existence of finite objects cannot become infinite without disappearing from time, but this disappearance occurs with them, more precisely, with their consciousness after its separation from the body, that is, at the moment of death of the living being.
  Consciousness, manifested discretely in each current life, in particular, and in the person as the finite living being, who is aware of oneself, remains a unique individuality and does not lose it, and along with that in each life is renewed, which guarantees the absence of stagnation and the non-decreasing interest in everything coming due to his novelty, and thus the update takes place forever, but discretely.
  In this intermittent process of updating the finite in own existence (the diverse organisms) only manifests the eternal life of consciousness in the interaction with matter (things).
  However, how does each individual consciousness retain in infinite passage through finite formations its individual quality, i.e. is eternal? Indeed, each individual consciousness (the active), like things (the passive), is also a frequency-wavy structure at its core, and just as it seems, it should be subject to deformation, loss of stability and, therefore, the loss of its feature, or quality.
  Certainly, the frequency failures, which change structure of individual consciousness, can't but happen in the updated holographic projection and, as a consequence of all that, - in each its coexistence with a body-carrier.
  But, if the thing isn't capable to correct consciously the changes happening to it - at it as the passive there is no aspiration anyway to retain its peculiarity, which it is not aware, a thing has only elementary feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration, while any living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible means, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby, consciousness keeps its main feature - the activeness, or the persistent aspiration to changes in itself and around itself.
  Actually, "the immersion" of consciousness into the finite, live existence over and over again is also a solution of the problem of preservation itself as the active.
  Existence in things and among things, as well as near with other consciousnesses in the form of the live, on the one hand, allows consciousness to correct the structure of own kernel on the basis of reactions of the surrounding on own actions not to lose ability to the aspirations on preservation of the radical peculiarity - own activeness, and on the other hand, allows to try to use changes which it is capable to feel and/or to be aware anyway with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.
  The variety of situations in each finite existence for any individual consciousness means finding of sole individuality in an infinite number of particles of consciousness.
  So goes development of the living beings and consciousness in them, i.e. the initial frequency disruptions in the structure of the active does not lead him to disaster (the collapse, or loss of the form), since the kernel of the active is being restored within the finite, what, besides, make a ultra-high-frequency projection of an infinity out of time by stable as a whole, and each particle of consciousness by capable to participate in the formation of time and, as a consequence, - in the formation of the real worlds in time.
  Thus, the finite is necessary to the infinite not only for functioning of the dual system of Creation as the timeless and along with that as the temporary system, which thereby is retained in equilibrium, but also for stabilization of the active in Creation, making the active by unchanging and eternal in its essence, yet infinitely changeable.
  More details about all this are said, for example, in the work "Miracles in a sieve" [1, Chapter. 7, 13, 14, 15].
  But what exactly underlies the finite existence of any object or phenomenon of beingness, including the limited life cycle of a living organism?
  Originally, the period of existence of each object of beingness in a certain form with specific composition, including the active (alive) one, is limited by the presence of unavoidable failures in its ultra-high-frequency holographic basis associated with the molecular composition of the main compounds of a body and their multilayer communications, which are much more complicated than for any inanimate object (thing), and therefore the number of failures in a living organism exceeds the number of those for any inanimate object.
  As a result, in particular, the life frame of a person can be more than an order of magnitude shorter than the time existence of an ordinary brick which can be thousands of years in the foundation of a house, and millions of times less than the time existence of a basalt block in a mountain range.
  That is, despite the rather effective action of various compensation mechanisms, the most complex biological systems, especially the human organism, are kept in a working state for an average relatively short period compared with non-living objects, and cannot be expected the endless life and even a significant extension of its span due to the inability to at least somehow affect the frequency failures in the holographic basis of beingness (otherworldly), inaccessible to us.
  The inevitable limitation of the term of human life are further evidence of the gradual accumulation of failures in the frequency basis of the organism, which are represented in the lower layer by simple material components in the form of molecular structures, which happens even at the very favorable conditions and at the relatively normal functioning of the organs of the body, reflected in the inevitable change in the adequate operation of certain cells of the body towards uncontrolled growth (cancer), resulting in the destruction of the body, as well as towards the death of brain neurons (Alzheimer's disease and Peak's).
  Consciousness in such a situation is forced to leave an organism, unfit for acts, which, retaining the shape or appearance of a specific personality for some time, loses its life, that is, the ability to renew cellular structures, the ability for its own reproduction, interaction with surrounding, etc. In this way, the human body changes to the category of ordinary organic molecular compounds and is decomposed by living beings in the form of microorganisms into constituent parts, mixing with the environment (see, for example, the work "Miracles in a sieve" [1, Chapter 15].
  Mutations - as a manifestation of random genome changes, which are a key element of natural selection (evolution of organisms), again initially there is a product of failures in the holographic frequency basis of beingness.
  Without mutations, on the one hand, evolutionary development would not be possible, and on the other hand, mutations destroy the body over time, in particular, being the cause of aging, because they create errors in DNA copying, which can not always be corrected, and they accumulate over time.
  The only way to postpone aging is more or less successful compensation for mutations, which is sometimes, but extremely rare in nature.
  And this rarity of "immortal" creatures is understandable: the "evasion" of the vast majority of living beings from seemingly so beneficial keeping yourself out of aging, leads to the disappearance of the whole genus due to the exclusion of the adaptation of individuals to a changing environment, although with prolonged conservation of favorable conditions, this genus or even species of organisms can persist for quite some time (turtles, sharks, sea urchins, holothurians).
  However, close to ideal, mechanisms that compensate for cell malfunctions syet do not provide by the separate "immortal ones" the eternal life, since they cannot avoid the influence of objective external factors, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the mechanisms, that compensate for cell errors, yet cannot be ideal.
  Here are some of the most characteristic examples of centenarians from a number of not too primitive organisms and the causes of their death.
  The giant grouper, or stone perch (Epinephelus lanceolatus) lives 100-120 years. The reasons for his death, despite the almost perfect functioning of mechanisms that compensate for negative cellular changes, in particular, are indicated by the biologist V. Zyuganov: "Observations in the Indian Ocean of the eating behavior of these giants 2.5 meters long and weighing up to 400 kg showed that the giant is losing competition with young perch in the protection of individual sites. If the perch is younger and more agile, it shows a quick attack on the old perch. The old perch turns own tail and swims away. As a result, - the defeat due to competition. That is, the elderly species either do not have enough food, or the negative effects of stress accumulate. The old perch lacks agility to grab a young competitor. He is too large to crawl into the cave and rest. That is, he physically grows out of its ecological niche. But he does not age. He has excellent vision, sees the slightest stirring of the shrimp's antennae from beneath a distant stone. No senile lens cataract. He is not sick. Just clumsy and too big. Ageless animals die from the fact that there are not enough resources and territories for everyone" [2].
  The clam giant tridacne (Tridacna gigas), who lives until the age of 300, dies due to a change in his own size: when he needs to shut down quickly, he no longer has time to do so. The mantle cavity contains more than 100 litres of water, which cannot be released in a short time, and predators have time to damage the mantle.
  Giant land turtles (Testudinidae) weigh several hundred kilograms and live up to 150 years. Over time, their carapace becomes excessively heavy, and they begin to lose to the younger and more agile counterparts in the competition.
  The bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) weighs up to 150 tons. Under favorable conditions, whales live up to 200 years. With age, the whale showed no pathological changes other than clouding of the lens. The causes of his death are mainly difficulties with orientation, injuries, environmental pollution, killer whales.
  Thus, natural selection, and fora person and, artificial selection that occurs in the interaction of each organism with the environment, contributes to a very definite restriction of the life cycle of any individual in favor of the continuation of the genus of this individual, thereby removing from the circulation those organisms that are no longer combined with a changing environment, or the least adaptable. These organisms either die (eaten, forced out) in the competition for food and the most favorable living conditions, or they experience a decline in life processes, and, for example, salmon, after producing offspring, immediately die.
  In other words, a changing environment dictates the need for a successive change of organisms, thereby selecting the most "tenacious" ones, which in itself requires a limitation of the life span of any organism for the benefit of the survival of both its offspring and the entire genus.
  The same applies to the human race, only artificial selection in accordance with changing social needs is of greater importance to it.
  In this regard, even as close as possible to ideal compensation for certain violations in the functioning of the body does not exclude the effects of the environment on a few ageless organisms,
  who die both by chance and because of the inability to compete with younger and, therefore, more adapted to the environment the organisms of own genus, or they die from the disruption of the functioning of certain organs, in particular, an unfavorable change in their sizes, not allowing to normally eat or breathe, as well as with a significant change in environmental parameters, or from incurable injuries and enemies.
  However, for higher mammals with a developed brain, the compensatory mechanisms that somehow restore the normal functioning of the cells of organisms with primitive control centers (almost brainless) do not prove effective due to the complexity of both brain neurons and the connections between them.
  The slightest malfunctions in the functioning of neurons, or their gradual death, lead to a disorder in the manage by the individual organs and the whole organism. At this, the accumulation of errors in the operation of neurons inevitably happens over time, if only as a result of imperfections in the removal of decay products from them.
  For a person, this inability to compete with younger individuals means losing the opportunity to follow established habits in a changed environment, difficulty adapting to new forms of work, communicating with younger people who have very other views and interests, in non-understanding changed relationships and communications between people using other technical means, including for communication, etc.
  That is, participation in public life and productive activities, where, in fact, all the most important interests of any person are concentrated, becomes practically impossible for him. It remains only to "smoke heaven", which is completely uninteresting, and death here becomes a blessing. And in this regard, it is especially stupid to put a person in a cryostat, assuming to unfreeze him in the "high-tech future" or implement a person into a virtual environment,
  In other words, the information that accumulates with age in a person"s memory cells gradually forms a fairly conservative circle of concepts and relationships - it is also called experience and habits.
  This circle is mainly associated with the human self-awareness and it is not related to compensation mechanisms that actually manifest themselves most effectively in the "immortal" organisms mentioned above, and which, according to some scientists, in particular, Di Gray [3], can be developed by eliminating most "extracellular debris", "intracellular debris", cell death and atrophy, mutations in the nucleus and mitochondria, cell aging, cross-links between biopolymer molecules.
  In addition, such "treatment" of the aging of the body, that is, interference in the fine work of the genome and intracellular mechanisms, and they have been debugged for tens and hundreds of millions of years by natural selection in a particular environment and for a specific type of organism, which has been gained so far only about one and a half a dozen of the entire plenty earth organisms, in particular, some species of sharks, whales, turtles, mollusks, jellyfish, as well as lobsters, sea urchins, hydras, holothurians, the vegetative form of planaria (worms), for humans turns out ineffective due to a significant lead in the development of their brain in comparison with the control centers of all other living beings, which in non-aging organisms, as it can be seen from their list, are rather primitive, because they are intended for the simplest instinctive-reflex functioning under unchanged conditions.
  The human control center contains 11-19 billion neurons of the cortex of the human brain and 150 billion of all neurons of the human body, which operate on the principle of distribution and transformation of information through the entire life of a person through emerging and disappearing connections- a kind of update impulses - between neurons that are not programmed and cannot be modeled, and the number of which over a given time interval can be many times greater than the neurons themselves.
  The accumulation with age of inevitable disturbances in the functioning of brain cells (Alzheimer's disease and Pick's disease), which usually occurs after 65 years and increases toward 80 years, leads to the death of some neurons and the corresponding loss of individual synaptic connections (atrophy of the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations), and this means memory loss or the development of dementia in one form or another.
  Compensating for such disturbances in the cells of the cerebral cortex, in contrast to disturbances in the functioning of the cells of the simplest organisms, is almost impossible due to the too complex mechanisms of the combined functioning of neurons that appeared during the more than two-million-year period of hominid brain development.
  Therefore, more or less full life of a person, with rare exceptions, is possible only up to the ninetieth decade.
  Be that as it may, but experience and human habits cannot be eliminated or compensated by any means.
  Therefore, with a significant change in the situation or circumstances, requiring a radical change in behavior, an older person, especially a "long-liver," begins to make erroneous decisions under the pressure of "accumulated" dogmas. At first, he loses creativity, and then loses the ability to form an adequate logic of his actions, which ultimately leads to the disruption of his contacts with society and actual falling out of it.
  Therefore, attempts to repeatedly extend the life of a person in themselves are meaningless and they can only be attributed to speculation on the basis of fear of death by a person in order to produce these useless actions for the removal from the budget or rich sponsors of considerable funds in own benefit.
  With regard to the certainty in the limitation of the calendar life cycle of the person, it must be stated that the human body is evolutionally almost completely inherited from primates whose life expectancy under favourable conditions could reach 60 years, as it can be seen from the life expectancy of chimpanzees (50-60 years).
  Naturally, the same calendar life of the body has inherited to hominids, but within several million years with the growth and complication of their brain the life expectancy of Neanderthals and Cromanionians has decreased 1.5-2 times compared to primates, having made according to known statistics about 30 years, but to date it has increased to 67 years on average [4, 5].
  More or less plausible explanation of these facts, modern science has not found, but this explanation is quite adequately follows from our information-holographic hypothesis, briefly described above, and in more detail - in the work "Miracles in sieve" [1].
  The explanation of such striking facts is given in the penultimate section of this work.
  So, the life boundary of each organism, as shown above, is determined by the accumulation of a critical mass (number) of uncompensated disturbances in the functioning of cellular mechanisms, leading to the death of cells or to their uncontrolled reproduction, and ultimately - toward the death of the whole organism.
  But why do some organisms live only a few hours or days and others for thousands of years?
  This fact, in our opinion, can be explained quite conclusively by differences in the speed of processing of information, entering into the body through the sense organs into its processing center. The speed of processing of information are being formed during evolution, depending on the environmental conditions in which the organism was located and, therefore, - larger or smaller volume of information coming to these centers from the sensory organs during the life cycle, as well as the amplitude of the information flow fluctuations.
  If one presents the own time of each living being as a process of obtaining and processing data as if from the outside, that is, as an information process that essentially represents the formation of material objects through an irreversible sequence of discrete moments merging within the consciousness of the living being into a continuous stream (the own time of the living being) in the form of set of the connected moving objects, similar to the changing television picture, then in this case the significantly unequal life expectancy of different types of living beings in units of calendar time can be explained with initially various speed of information processing in these centers, and the derivative of this speed of information processing is the metabolic rate.
  In turn, the formation of differences in speed of information processing in the course of evolution had a significant influence admission to information processing centers of different species of organisms differing volumes of information for their lives and the amplitude of the flow of information, since many millions of years the organisms fell into substantially unequal conditions of existence - both stable and extremely volatile.
  If the centers of information processing in living organisms, as and the sense organs - from plants to mammals - are evolutionarily diverse and have many differences both in complexity and in the capabilities of working in various environmental conditions, then the speed of information processing and the volume information entering the centers of its processing during the life cycle cannot be the same for them, fluctuating over a wide range, which is reflected respectively in the calendar timeframes of their life cycle - from several hours to several millennia.
  For example, a horse has a lifespan 50-62 years, in humans it is currently an average 67 years, in ordinary chimpanzees it ranges from 50 to 60 years, in squirrels - 15-16 years, in hummingbirds it is on average 8 years, the life of the field mouse is 0.5-1.5 years, ant life lasts up to a year, bees - up to six months, flies - up to 20 days, small crustaceans (daphnia) live for several weeks, some mollusks live more than 200 years, the lifetime of sequoia, cypress and yew reaches 3 thousand years.
  It would also be nice to explain why the number of events during the life of a person who is close to the life cycle of a horse or chimpanzee by years is incomparably greater.
  But first note that the difference in the calendar timeframe life is determined primarily not by the sizes of living beings, not by their inheritance, not by the internal features of their organisms, etc., but this difference is determined initially by the speed of processing information by corresponding centers of the living beings, and these centers could change significantly during the evolutionary development of organisms under the influence of changes in the external environment. During this process, the own time of each organism is formed.
  Any living creature differs from non-living objects in that it is able to perceive and process information directly in own time during life. And this life time in the form of a life cycle can, judging by the above examples, fall into various calendar intervals of the external (astronomical, or calendar) time calculated by a person based on the regular movement of Earth and Sun.
  In other words, a person who believes that the calendar time he has chosen is the true time, or the only kind of time, makes, as it seems to him, a reasonable conclusion, that for daphnia the time of life flows faster, and for yews it slows down.
  It is possible to find a more adequate explanation of the shift in the boundary of life of various organisms by millions of times in units of calendar time, based on our hypothesis of the informational nature of time for living beings.
  In this respect, we shall compare a field mouse (average life expectancy is 1 year), a squirrel, living 15-16 years, and a chimpanzee dying in the range from 50 to 60 years.
  During evolution, these creatures were being distributed among different natural niches.
  The mouse has adapted to live in earthen minks, hiding in them, but not always successfully in the conditions of the open area, which it is forced to go out to organize its own nutrition, as well as for the upbringing and nutrition of offspring, and numerous enemies await it in this area.
  A variety of threats to life required an appropriate response to them. Therefore, during evolution, the speed of information processing by the mouse brain has acquired the speed corresponding to these living conditions, and the metabolism has changed towards acceleration. According to this acceleration, the accumulation of a critical mass of cell disorders of the body began to occur A variety of threats to life required an appropriate response to them. Therefore, during evolution, the speed of information processing by the mouse brain has acquired the speed corresponding to these living conditions, and the metabolism has changed towards acceleration. According to this acceleration, the accumulation of a critical mass of cell disorders of the body began to occur faster, which leads to the death of the body, having established by now the boundary of the normal functioning of the body of the field mouse from 0.5 years to 1.5 years.
  Compared with the mouse, the squirrel fell into more favorable conditions for existence, since it lives in forests and moves mainly on the branches of trees. The threats to life for a squirrel compared to the mouse are much smaller, which made her life somewhat calmer and accordingly did not require the same reaction to threats as for the mouse, and therefore, - the speed of information processing. As a result, for the squirrel, the boundary of accumulation of the critical mass of cell malfunctions has shifted up to 15-16 years.
  This border shifted even further for flocks of chimpanzees living in dense tropical forests with a variety of food in front of the nose and the practical absence of opponents, except for diseases, as well as the relatively rare attack of large predators.
  Nevertheless, due to the same type of organization of life of these mammals, based on reflex-instinctive activity, the events occurring with them during the life cycle are associated almost exclusively with nutrition, reproduction, raising offspring and the search for the most favorable conditions in the environment. That is, the number of these events cannot be significantly different during their life cycle, since they are not busy with anything else.
  However, the calendar timeframe of life for them differs several times. It follows that the number of events during their lifetime cannot be determined by the calendar period of their life, while the different speed of information processing by their brain is clearly related to own time of their life. Exactly for this reason, it fits into different intervals of the calendar time.
  Thus, if you look at the own time of a number of organisms not from the outside, or from the side of an outside observer, which usually happens, but from the inside, or from the position of the creature directly in its time, then the own life time of any organisms does not flow faster or slower for themselves, but approximately equally - as for a cockroach and for a mouse, despite the fact that the centers of a number of species of organisms can process information at much different rate.
  In other words, the "internal" existence of any natural organism, more precisely, its own time, has approximately the same content, consisting in the uniformity of actions of all creatures based on reflexes and instincts - from plankton to primates - and this existence is mainly concentrated on nutrition, reproduction and adaptation to the existing environment
  Nevertheless, some difference in the functioning of organisms in own time does exist due to differences in their sense organs and information processing centers.
  From long-lived trees to primates, the sense organs change in number and become more complicated, as do information processing centers.
  Therefore, the ability to perceive large volumes of information throughout life, as well as to cope with large-amplitude fluctuations in information flows, grows from the simplest organisms up to the most complex on organizing the body structure. At such complication, the number of events in the own time of the organism can increase somewhat: for example, mammals, unlike trees, mollusks and turtles, have to raise offspring, thereby changing the content of own time.
  However, the number of events during the life of all earth organisms (the compaction of timeframe of life by events) varies insignificantly, since all organisms - from mollusks to primates - exist within the framework of instinctive-reflex activity. without realizing it, that is, they are not able to expand the scope of their own consciousness to self-awareness, while the difference in the speed of information processing reaches many orders of magnitude.
  Consequently, the difference in the calendar terms of life of organisms, the difference in metabolic rate does not mean acceleration or deceleration of the very internal flowing of life, or own time of one or another organism for it. The own life time of each organism can differ only in the number of events in it, and not in years or days.
  The centers, processing the information flows, arriving into this or that volume and with this or that vibration amplitude of information flows from a set of receptors of different sense organs function with a speed, the most favorable to existence in the competitive environment of the corresponding organisms. These centers together with receptors have been formed many millions of years, thereby providing the necessary adaptive capabilities to each main species of organisms for the struggle for survival, and along with that, delimiting the period of their individual existence in the earth's environment according to calendar time while maintaining a life cycle that is not very different for all kinds of organisms in content, in the basis of functioning of which lie instincts and reflexes, i.e. for them act in as a basic - programs of nutrition, reproduction, adaptation and domination. Therefore, the own time life all species of organisms differs only number events, not calendar timing.
  Some deviations from the general tendency for a decrease in calendar expectancy of life from long-lived trees such as yews and cypresses up to mammals, in particular, for small trees, shrubs, various grasses and algae that live for relatively short periods are explained by the high competition in their sphere of existence, as a result of which they have to change all the time in order to gain more or less success in gaining a foothold in a particular niche for existence. This situation requires a quick change of generations and their information processing centers are forced to work at an increased speed. This explains the difference in the calendar lifespan of raspberry bushes and cypress.
  Thereby, a change in the calendar lifespan is related inversely to a change in the speed of information processing, which evolutionarily developed as the most beneficial for organisms that are in dissimilar conditions of existence, but with all the differences in speeds, the volume of information coming during the life cycle of each creature, which eventually transforms into the number of events, not too different due to the uniformity of these instinctively-reflex acting creatures.
  For example, this volume for a domestic mouse living on average 2 years does not differ too much from the volume of information for a cat living 15-20 years, along with that, the volume of information for a bowhead whale, that lives up to 200 years, almost coincides with the volume of information entering the centers of the Arctic seal, living 25-30 years.
  However, the volume of information received over the life cycle, corresponding to the number of events per cycle, can vary significantly, for example, for organisms located in a practically unchanged environment (ocean algae, mollusks), where little happens, and for herbivorous mammals that are constantly threatened by attack predators.
  Besides, amplitude of information flows can strongly fluctuate that is characteristic, for example, of a stormy life of insects, but not of large trees or mollusks.
  Therefore, as it is paradoxical, long-livers on calendar time - a yew, a sequoia, a cypress, - with which during their life cycle are occurring a minimum of events from their possible number, have the very impoverished existence on number and intensity of interactions with the environment.
  From the above examples, one more conclusion can be made: the most important factor for the adequate functioning of organisms is the ability of their information processing centers, designed for a certain processing speed, to cope with the volume of information received per unit time, since the output of this volume beyond the boundaries of the processing center capabilities makes this organism or even the whole species of living beings incapable in terms of the adequacy of decisions made or responses to the impact of the external environment, which means the disappearance of this species from the face of the earth.
  Be that as it may, but the different speed of information processing can change the calendar life span of organisms to such an extent that the number of days of life of a one-day butterfly and a domestic mouse differs by 700 times.
  As a result, in the general terrestrial environment, organisms of various species occupy separate niches, without interfering with each other, but nevertheless creating food chains that keep the entire fauna and flora in a state of relative equilibrium.
  It is also seen that the accumulation of a critical mass of errors in the functioning of the body's cells depends on the speed of information processing by the corresponding centers of each organism, postponing the termination of the functioning (death) of the body in the frameworks of the calendar time, the farther the lower this speed.
  In addition, the accumulation of a critical mass of errors can be slowed down and even almost completely compensated (the African rodent - the naked digger", living seven times longer than similar small rodents) at the cellular level. However, in the nature of these centenarians there are few among living organisms - no more than 15 are known, and almost all of them belong to the lower ones - since they do not fit into the process of adaptation of living beings in a rapidly changing environment, and are preserved only in conditions of the stability of their environment.
  That is, at the same speed of information processing by the centers of the body and the corresponding rate of accumulation of a critical mass of errors at the cellular level, the calendar lifespan of any creature is determined by a specific interaction with the environment: the number of enemies, susceptibility to disease, food quality, individual intelligence, etc.
  In relation to the speed of information processing, its volume and the amplitude of information flows, three main groups of living things can be distinguished.
  Distributed throughout the organism and simple in structure, the data processing centers of large trees and slow-moving ocean mollusks function relatively slow-moving with warm-blooded creatures, which is reflected in the calendar time by the longest lifespan, although the basic content (nutrition, reproduction, adaptation to the environment, competition) of their life cycle does not differ from other organisms, the difference is only in the minimum of mandatory events occurring during their life cycle compared to mammals, which is due to the smaller amount of incoming information and slight fluctuations information flows for centenarians.
  Mammals live 3-10 times less on calendar time than mollusks, since the processing speed of information entering their brain is greater, as indicated by the increased metabolic rate in comparison with mollusks, at this, the higher information processing speed achieved by mammals during evolution, is required to them because the volume of information entering their processing centers has increased somewhat during their life cycle, as did the amplitude of fluctuations in information flows due to a more diverse lifestyle, in which the number of events as a consequence of the interaction of mammals with the environment is greater than for mollusks or cypress trees.
  Thus, in the course of evolution, the specialization and complication of the sense organs and information processing centers of mammals compared with long-lived trees or mollusks made it possible for them to master large flows of information, despite significant changes in their amplitude.
  As a result, on the one hand, the framework of the life cycle of mammals, compared with the framework of the life cycle of mollusks, has narrowed several times in units of calendar time in accordance with an increase in the speed of information processing, and on the other hand, own lifetime of mammals in accordance with the increased volume received during it information compared with more ancient mollusks have been condensed by events.
  The life cycle of insects in units of calendar time compared to warm-blooded animals is on average even shorter, because, as a rule, the climatic and temperature conditions of the environment, which are intensively influencing them, are far from stability, relatively small sizes of insects, much larger numbers compared to animals and, accordingly, competition, as well as a significant number of enemies force insects to aim to react as soon as possible for the sake of own survival and extension of a sort to a changeable situation, that is, with the greatest possible speed to process information flows which fluctuations of amplitude can be considerable (the result is increased energy consumption and increased metabolic rate), and this speed can be on average significantly higher (the stag beetle lives for several weeks) than for mammals (the field mouse lives for one year), although the total volume of information entering the processing centers of insects during life can be less, than for the mammals, in connection with which, despite the calendar brevity of life of insects in the average compared with mammals, the number of their interactions with the environment, expressed in the number of events for their own lifetime, can also be slightly less than for mammals: compare the number of events for a fluttering one-day butterfly with the number of events for a squirrel with its more diverse life, but not less than the required minimum, associated with nutrition, reproduction, adaptation to the environment.
  Thus, the course of calendar time does not coincide with the course of the proper time of any organism and does not determine it. Nevertheless, each organism"s own life time fits into the calendar time, within which cypress, mouse and fly, quite completely manage to carry out all their life programs in a uniform manner, including growth, nutrition, adaptation to the environment and reproduction, that is, they all equivalently and valuably live their lives, regardless of their calendar term.
  The above examples show that the temp of one"s own life time, or the number of events for each organism over its life cycle for the organism itself, is determined by the volume of information entering its processing centers, but not by the number of days or years of the calendar time, and not by the speed of information processing by the centers of the body. Therefore, one year of life of the field mouse is quite consistent on the event density and the number of tasks, it solves, with 20 years of life of a cat.
  From the standpoint of presenting the own time of living beings as a process of obtaining and processing a particular volume of information, the difference in the calendar lifespan of various species of organisms is explained by the different speed of information processing in the corresponding centers of organisms. The derivative of this speed is the metabolic rate, and the basis for the evolutionary formation of both of these speeds is the receipt of a certain volume of information into the relevant centers during the entire life cycle, as well as certain fluctuations in the information flows in amplitude. The very course of the calendar (astronomical, or external) time, for all creatures on the planet with different calendar life spans, remains almost unchanged.
  A person, who is the heir of primates, and, therefore, forced to obey the biological laws of existence, thereby is not able to completely separate from natural life.
  Therefore, the primary factor in the current life of a person, affecting the difference in the calendar term of his life, in particular, from the period of life of primates, is also the speed of processing the incoming information by his brain.
  If the brain of a primate, which is the progenitor of a person, weighed 300-400 grams, then the mass of the human brain by now is on average 1350 grams, and it has become much more complicated. This means that the ability to process information at an increased speed in comparison with primates appeared, and this ability also had to somehow manifest itself.
  The efficiency of working the human brain, that is, the ability to process a larger volume of information on average over the life cycle compared to primates, should also be manifested evidently.
  Proposed here the information concept of the formation of organisms' own time, implies in the case of an increase in the speed of information processing, a decrease in the average calendar life span of a person compared to primates (chimpanzees) for the period from the Late Paleolithic to the present.
  That is, the calendar life expectancy of a person should be much shorter than the one closest to him the primate - chimpanzees in terms of genome, body structure and processes occurring in him, (the average life expectancy of chimpanzees is 55 years).
  The average known calendar life expectancy of people for some countries in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries is as follows.
  The average life expectancy in Germany for 1741 was 25.5 years, the Netherlands - 30.9 years. In Sweden, between 1757-1763, the average life expectancy was 33.2 years. In the middle of the XIX century, it amounted for England 33 years, Belgium - 32 years, Holland - 34 years, France - 39.2 years, and in Russia it amounted to 32 years at the end of the XIX century [4].
  The average life span of Homo sapiens by epoch is as follows: Paleolithic - 33.3 years, Neolithic - 20 years, Bronze and Iron Ages - 35 years, classical Greece - 28, ancient Rome - 28, pre-Columbian America - 25-30 years, early XX century - 30-45 years [5].
  And only to date, the average life expectancy of people on the planet is 67 years [5].
  The above data show that the average life span of Homo sapiens over several tens of thousands of years, beginning from the Late Paleolithic and up to the beginning the 20th century AD, was about 30 years, that is, it is almost 2 times less than the average life span of chimpanzees.
  Similar difference in the calendar life expectancy of humans and chimpanzees can be explained by an increase of several times - since the appearance of hominids - the information processing speed of the changed brains of new creatures by about 2 times.
  Along with change in the speed of information processing by the human brain, its increased capabilities made it possible to process a larger amount of information over the life cycle with a significantly increased amplitude of fluctuations in information flows. This was reflected in the number and quality of human life events, that is, on average, the number of events increased, the circle of contacts, the scope of activities expanded, the number and quality of requests compared to the same factors in the life of a chimpanzee in natural conditions rised due to the increase and complication of his brain, but all these events, that grew in number, fit into about one and the same interval (calendar life) - about 30 years - until the middle of the 20th century.
  It turns out that the increased number of events during the life cycle (the amount of information) practically did not affect the calendar life span of a person until the middle of the 20th century, but, nevertheless, made his own life time as more rich in content in contrast all earth organisms.
  In other words, a nearly 2 times smaller interval of the calendar time of human life compared to the calendar term of life of primates has become to "encompass" the more diverse information flows, that is, the human life cycle, having shrunk calendarly, became much more saturated compared to the life of primates, changing quantitatively and qualitatively.
  There can be only one explanation for this fact: the appearance of a person"s self-awareness, which provoked his cultural and technological development.
  The increase in the interval of the calendar life expectancy of a person by an average of the middle of the 20th century to 45 years, and by now - up to 67 years is explained only by the success of healthcare in the prevention and treatment of the majority's known diseases, including at the cellular level, that significantly has postponed the boundary of accumulation of a critical mass of cell dysfunctions. In addition, improved nutrition has reduced mortality rates in childhood and productive years.
  The struggle for an even greater increase in life expectancy has already pushed science and medicine with an insurmountable barrier of brain diseases (Alzheimer and Peak), which appear about after 65 years, which is a consequence of the accumulation of a critical mass of errors in the functioning of brain cells. The opportunity to compensate for these violations is absent due to the inaccessibility for any interference in the work of too subtle and largely random connections and interactions of billions of brain neurons. In particular, it is hardly possible to "clear" each neuron of metabolic products accumulated in it over the entire past human life.
  Summarizing, we note the main thing.
  1. The finite lifespan of any organism is initially determined by the accumulation of a critical number of failures in the ultra-high frequency holographic basis of the body, reflected in the disorganization of the functioning of the cellular structures of a living creature and its subsequent death, which is only a threshold for its eternal renewal.
  2. The differences in the calendar lifespan of the main species of organisms - plants, insects, mammals - are not based on the metabolic rate, nor on their size or shape, but on the speed of processing of the data coming from sense organs to the centers of an organism processing information. In accordance with this speed, the calendar lifespan of various species of organisms varies in the widest range.
  3. The life expectancy of each individual organism within the life cycle of a particular species achieved during evolutionary development depends on the effectiveness of the interaction of that organism with a competitive external environment.
  4. The temp of life of any organism, that is, the number of events in its own time, is determined not by the calendar life expectancy, not by the speed of information processing by the relevant centers, but by the volume of information coming from its sense organs to the centers of the body that process it.
  It is this information process that forms, in particular, the person"s own life time with all the events occurring in it, that is, this time is being saturated with events, that the person understand, depending on the amount of incoming information. In other words, a long life for years, in which little is happening, is meaningfully shorter than a life that fits into a smaller number of years, but is more densified by conscious decisions and deeds.
  1. Nizovtsev Y. M. Miracles in a sieve. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  2. Зюганов В.В. Нестареющие животные. Почему они живут долго, но не вечно? Использование и охрана природных ресурсов в России (информационно-аналитический бюллетень). 2008. Љ 2 (98). С. 30-36.
  3. Aubree di Gray. To cancel aging. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https: //studfiles.net/preview/1779703/
  4. Шевченко З.В. Продолжительность жизни: история и прогнозы [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https: //shpargalka.ua/blog/prodolzhitelnost-zhizni-i-prognozy.html
  5. Станислав Иванчук. Продолжительность жизни людей [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https: //pokolenie-x.com/?p=2070
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