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Whether time travels are possible?

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    To answer about the possibility of travels through time, one can ask a question: is there a way out of the present, in which there is always a person in the course of his life? And yet, if we go further, then this opportunity opens - here only for whom?!

  Not to mention the science fiction writers, some pundits are trying to prove the reversibility of time.
  This fact looks quite strange, since they still find it difficult to define that is such time.
  Indeed, on the one hand, time, as well as space and matter rely as quite completely objective reality. On the other hand, as Einstein showed, time can slow down.
  In addition, there are facts of deceleration and acceleration of time in relation to living beings, including humans [1].
  On this basis, we have assumed that there are two types of time: one, as if external, locally "covers" the inhabited planet (Earth), including all its planetary and star neighborhoods; the other is the own time of every living being, the pace of which varies significantly for individual species of beings, and may vary, in particular, for each person in the side of both deceleration and acceleration. The explanation of these unusual phenomena both for ordinary people and scientists is presented in our work "The explanation of the facts of acceleration and deceleration of time" [1].
  Time, as it was shown, in particular, in our work "Everything and Nothingness" [2. Chapter 1.3] is a product of the information process in which material objects are recognized by consciousness by scanning the surrounding objects by means at its disposal (sense organs in combination with processing centers).
  The impulses (information packages) coming to consciousness, more precisely, into the relevant centers of its carrier from sense organs consistently, contain the coded data on material objects which to consciousness in the concrete carrier through his sense organs and a brain give in to identification.
  These signals-impulses merge into a picture of a constantly changing surrounding, since the pause between incoming impulses is leveled off in the consciousness of a living being due to a certain processing time of each piece of information and the resulting delay transforming for each individual consciousness the discrete process of receipt of information by continuous (a perception threshold).
  During this process, every living creature resembles a television receiver, which, receiving successive impulse signals coming into its antenna, decodes and amplifies them, projecting images of objects as moving without pauses or breaks, for example, in the form of a movie that goes for two hours of thee calendar time. So, here artificially the continuous time emerges - two hours during which the movie is scrolled, - for the corresponding action on the screen, though between the packages of information coming to the antenna there is some pause, at that the image on the screen of the television receiver can be accelerated or slowed down technical means, that is, the noted screen time may be accelerated or slowed down or even stopped.
  Besides, the television receiver is not capable to reverse the course of consecutive impulses, since it is the passive device, unlike a radio-transmitting system, but, nevertheless, TV programs which it accepts, can be replaced by the viewer.
  This analogy allows to assume that the speed of a current of time for each individual human consciousness - its own time - depends on the volume of data (quantity and the maintenance of information packages), coming to the processing centers of a human body, and from the processing speed in these centers of the arriving information [2, Chapter 1.3].
  The person, like the television receiver, which accepts signals via the antenna, accepts signals into the brain from sense organs, and as a result reproduces the changing picture surrounding, but - already the three-dimensional, (volumetric), in which center he also is situated.
  And here from where the signals come into sense organs is still not clear, since to prove existence of things around us in that form in what they are presented by our sensations it is impossible. This fact was noted still by the bishop Berkeley several centuries ago: "IV. It is indeed an Opinion strangely prevailing amongst Men, hat Houses, Mountains, Rivers, and in a word all sensible Objects have an Existence Natural or Real, distinct from their being perceived by the Understanding. But with how great an Assurance and Acquiescence soever this principle may be entertained in the World; yet whoever shall find in his Heart to call it in Question, may, if I mistake not, perceive it to involve a manifest Contradiction. For what are the forementioned Objects but the things we perceive by Sense, and what do we perceive besides our own Ideas or Sensations; and is it not plainly repugnant that any one of these or any Combination of them should exist unperceived?" [3, p. 60-64].
  Below we will show in more detail what represents, as it seems to us, this "from where" (otherworldly). This is also described in more detail in Chapters 1.2 and 2.1 of our work "Everything and Nothingness" [2].
  Like what happens in a working television receiver, separate sequential information packets are eventually are converted not only in a person, but in every living being, since it has both sense organs in some set, and information processing centers in one form or another, in its own time, which the rate can significantly (up to a million times) differ, but which automatically turns on in an external periodic time, which is a regularly changing intervals (days, years) [1].
  In this regard, each creature, living its own life, that is, being in its own time, also manifests its activity in the community of other living creatures that surround it within the inhabited world, forming together, like hologram particles, the external time already in its single totality, which unites them and in which they only can exist, that is, beingness: in it the unidirectional information flow is being divided, passing through living beings, upon current time, space and things [2, Chapter 1.3].
  Along with that, each individual consciousness in the person is unilaterally cut from a single consciousness, remaining nevertheless a part of all hologram - a ultrahigh-frequency projection infinite and uniform Nothingness.
  However, this one-sided cut-off of the individual consciousness from a single consciousness means the ability of an autonomous existence for each individual consciousness, and for a single consciousness - the ability to provide automatic formation by the individual consciousness of own time through a living being , and not only the participation of the individual consciousness in the formation of the external time.
  The basis of such relations and coexistence in being a single consciousness and countless individual forms of consciousness in living beings (with different degrees of freedom and, therefore, developing) is a holographic projection of the infinite Nothing, in which the individual (part) and the single (whole) coincide.
  Thus, a single consciousness in its set forms an external (total) time, with which the own time of each individual consciousness is combined in every living being, including in a person in the period his life. The derivative of this total time is global beingness, that is, space with moving things in the form of universes, stars, planets, atoms, molecules, radiation, etc.
  If we observe external time, recognize its existence, and assume that we are in it, then this is to a certain extent true, but this time is common to all living beings, while each being also forms its own time, "residing" in it.
  Despite the obviousness of the foregoing, as evidenced by numerous facts, each person, including the leading representatives of the human race - pundits, considers the calendar time to be the only type of time.
  Be that as it may, the concept of time does not fully correspond to the well-known definition: time is a form of the passing of the physical and mental processes, since in this definition only the outer shell of time is noted, but its essence is not affected.
  The conditions for life, or beingness, that is, the current (calendar or external) time, space and things among which living beings are located, are formed in the process of receiving and processing information just by set of living beings, since only they are able to recognize from the signals coming to them, in the form of sensations, the information that is necessary for their existence, that is, to find the information against the general background, thereby forming both own and external time.
  Non-living objects, that do not have the sense organs and information processing centers, any relation to receiving and information processing and, therefore, to time, have no, since these objects have nothing organs to form time.
  Information arises only in consciousness due to the means, available to the carrier of consciousness - sensations for a person, - being a material copy of the recognized and read by consciousness through own carrier of fragments of objects from the infinite Nothingness ("things in itself" according to Kant), accessible to sense organs of the corresponding living being.o sensations.
  This primary material comes on channels of sense organs to the processing centers of each carrier of consciousness.
  Information cannot be qualified as something non-material and independent, since information is the data on objects from the vast environment surrounding the carrier of consciousness, more precisely, from infinite Nothingness, selected and deciphered as a result by consciousness.
  Moreover, in the ultrahigh-frequency a holographic projection of the infinite Nothingness the totality of information copies, updated by consciousness, constitutes its content, that is, for each individual consciousness in its final form - a living being - this set of copies is transformed into beingness, that is, things in time and space.
  The multiple-single consciousness of a holographic projection, represented in beingness by the whole set of living beings, is able to recognize objects from its base - the timeless and infinite Nothingness, in accordance with its form-building capabilities. To extract these objects from the eternal and inseparable Nothingness is impossible, but they can be reflected in consciousness by the information copies of the recognized things from Nothingness.
  These frequency hologram-copies exist for each individual consciousness in the form of copies of objects from Nothingness, surrounding, in particular, each person,, perceived by him in the form of specific things due to his physiological constitution.
  The multiple-single consciousness of a holographic projection is a kind of the double of consciousness, which is "dissolved" in the infinite Nothingness along with things. It is this duality that gives him the access to Nothingness, thereby allowing to update the holograms of things in a holographic projection, as a result of which a changing frequency aggregate of copies of things, surrounding the copies-particles of consciousness is formed.
  In this process, the recognition itself is performed automatically, due to the inseparable connection of each individual consciousness as part of a hologram with a single consciousness in a plurality, in which there are relevant programs, containing known and necessary patterns for groups of particles of consciousness, close on the level of development, and each individual consciousness from these groups.
  The data on the corresponding recognized objects from Nothingness in the form of separate portions-impulses successively come through the sense organs of the living being to the centers of their processing. Each impulse thus contains an information copy of the corresponding fragments of objects from Nothingness, in which as infinity are everything potentially.
  Each copy completely updates the previous copy in the course of its processing in the centers of the living being. At this, the existing gap or pause between the impulses, arriving one after another, falls out the consciousness of the living being due to certain duration of processing every portion of information, and of the delay arising thereby, doing for consciousness the discrete process of the receipt of information as continuous.
  This delay (the inertia of perception) is reflected in consciousness of the living being by perception by it, processed by its centers consistently of the separate portions of information, in the form of ever-changing picture of things among which it is, and with which it can interact.
  As a result, the ultrahigh-frequency hologram converts thanks to living beings the updated fragments of the objects, ciphered in information packages-impulses, from the discrete into permanent duration, that is, it becomes possible to orderly movement, which is the basis for the change and development of living beings.
  Thus, a person's own time is an information process of recognition of material objects, representing their change through an irreversible sequence of discrete "moments", merging in the consciousness of a living being into a continuous and inseparable flow.
  It means that both own and calendar (external) time is produced by living beings in the process of recognizing material objects, and it is presented to living beings during life as a result of this information process by the continuous duration, or a stream, into which it is possible to come here or there, whereas, analogously a TV receiver, behind time is hidden no a permanent duration, but consistently - after a pause - updated portions-packets of information, making up one changeable point. At this "current" point, each being dwells all its life, and this point is called - the present.
  Asymmetry of the "selection" by consciousness of information from "environment", or receiving by consciousness of information without loss of substance and/or energy by a source of information is explained by unilateral scanning surrounding by consciousness via own carrier, in the course of which consciousness as if looks through the objects of scanning without their change thanks to only to read operation and copying of those data about them which consciousness is capable to decipher.
  Otherwise, if when receiving by consciousness of information has been energetical and/or material exchange as it occurs at usual interactions of material objects, then the both parties of interaction anyway would be changed (destructed), losing initial properties, and life wouldn't be possible in such unstable world .
  In other words, we ourselves form time in such a way that, as a result, for us it turns out to be one-sided (irreversible) and continuous duration.
  This continuous duration, which is automatically made by each living being and also all their set in the form of the changing things is secondary and in this regard - artificial, but nevertheless it creates the illusion of the possibility of time travel in people's minds.
  As for the facts and cases of displacement in time given in the press, all of them are false, that is, they have no real evidence.
  However, such fakes entertain the public and bring revenue to the publishers of magazines and newspapers.
  Nevertheless, not all so simple.
  The person is the carrier of own consciousness without which he turns into a thing.
  Therefore, it is consciousness that determines the "location" of a person in external time, formed by the whole set of living beings, from which he is not able to get out - this is not in his power, because a person"s own time is formed through his sense organs not by him, but by a single consciousness of a holographic projection for his own activities, but as a particle of a hologram, he also participates in the formation of external time for the "public" activity.
  Nevertheless, finding himself in the frame of this current time, a person gets liberty of actions in it [4. Chapter 7].
  In the course of these processes, the main goal of consciousness is achieved, which, unlike things, is always active: in the environment of living beings and changing things, both individually and as a whole, it can always change and enrich itself.
  Therefore, exactly consciousness can be a "time machine", in contrast other objects of our spatial (three-dimensional) dimension, including a person, whose sense organs function only within the framework of the environment that he forms through these organs.
  A false idea of the possibility of travels of a person in time arises due to a general misunderstanding of the essence of time, which is likened to a road on which you can lag behind or run ahead, while a person"s own time can be compared only with the point, which is the present of each consciousness in a living being through which information irreversibly passes.
  Time is objectified only in the consciousness of a person when he perceives the surrounding, and outside consciousness it is simply absent - there is no one to form time outside the presence of consciousness; it becomes relevant and irreversible only thanks to the consciousness (active), i.e. time is not the road, along which you can move back and forth: space, things, current time and movement are the secondary formation (derivative) of the high-frequency holographic projection of the eternal and timeless Nothingness.
  In reality, for the human consciousness, only the present exists within the framework of external time; at this, if all past moments of an actual life somehow in the form of information are stored in memory and can be manifested in the present, as they, filling up the database, do not disappear from it anywhere, being present at every moment, then the future remains unknown to consciousness.
  As for the "visionaries" of the future, then, unless, of course, they are ordinary crooks, there really is an opportunity to look, of course, not into the future, since everything around us is always concentrated only in the present, but there is an opportunity to look through the existing hologram databases, what very few people are capable of, into those or other epochs of past civilizations that have been preserved in memory, which went about the same way, that and our civilization, and designate them as future events for us.
  In addition, past civilizations could have achieved great success in inventing and applying some more advanced technologies compared to those known to us, which may seem to us brought from the future.
  In fact, all this was in the past, but, nevertheless, quite a lot of artifacts remain from these departed civilizations, including more advanced technologies for their manufacture and processing compared to those known to us, and science is not able to explain their appearance on our planet for many millennia and millions and even hundreds of millions of calendar years ago, whereas within the framework of the above hypothesis about Creation, based on a hologram, the explanation of these paradoxical the facts is found [5],
  The development of consciousness requires a transition from the infinite to the finite with its irreversibility of time, or the changes that have occurred. Otherwise, instead of developing, consciousness would simply receive changes, that is, it could remain in place or even roll back.
  Each individual consciousness in its self-conscious form, unlike a person, is immortal, but it can develop only through a finite person, and there is nothing left for consciousness but to move over and over into a different body-carrier [2. Chapter 2.2], that can be found on one or another habitable a planet in some area of universes, and there are no number to universes.
  Life on these planets is at different stages of development, as well as civilization, if we apply this development to the same external time, and consciousness can "get" at the same "point" of the external time as a result as into a shell of a hairy bellowing hominid with the wretched primordia of self-consciousness on one planet, and into the shell of a refined professor on another, depending on the desired changes, but still the unfamiliar to this individual consciousness, in both the intellectual and the emotional sphere.
  Actually, only this is the "journey" in time, which the individual consciousness of each person in its highest - self-conscious form - makes discretely, namely, through an endless series of the human lives.
  As for the conditional interval between lives in a hologram (outside the current time), the "transition" into a hologram can occur only for consciousness, i.e. that "part" of the living body, which "frees up" from the fetters of the current time after the death of the living being.
  Therefore, the memory of the past life (the past lives) for comparison with the latter returns in a transitional pause, more precisely, at the moment of the transition of consciousness from life to death.
  This borderline state is a process of gradual separation of consciousness from the body, which does not immediately lose the ability to function in the normal mode of forming one's own time. In this state, the consciousness of a person has not yet completely left the body, but has already received a two-way connection with the hologram instead of the previous one-way connection with the hologram from its side.
  Having thereby established a direct connection with the hologram for its part, the consciousness of a dying person receives appropriate access to the hologram databases, and within this borderline state, can get acquainted with the information from them that it is able to recognize in order to draw up a program for the next life cycle in order to continue its own development in alive.
  1. Nizovtsev Y. M. The explanation of the facts of acceleration and deceleration of time. Collection "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things" 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  2. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  3. Berkeley G. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Edited by D.R. Wilkins. Dublin. Reissue 1734. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.math.tcd.ie/.../Berkeley/HumanKnowled
  4. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person as the hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  5. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! 20176. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
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