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Whether there is the presence of the invisible God in us?

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    The invisible presence of God is revealed in the invisibility of consciousness in alive, but the narrowness of a person is manifested by the contradictoriness of the image of God, created by him. Whether it is possible to eliminate these contradictions?

  Whether there is the presence of the invisible God in us?
  Atheists are similar to those who believe that the medal has only one side.
  If a person discovers the true meaning of life, he will not believe in it.
  The principal difficulty of mankind consists in absence of understanding of that, for what it is necessary generally.
  Theologians attribute to Supreme being. or God those properties, which aren't inherent in people: absolute singleness, infinity, invariance, omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience.
  At the same time, they claim that God is the reasonable, living being for the reason that he created everything, including own image in the form of a reasonable and living person.
  Thus, people, limited in their existence, but understanding own finiteness, could not fail to create in their imagination a being that combines in themselves what they possess, and at the same time that they would like to have, thus acquiring a support, hope and patron.
  The obvious contradictoriness of this "being" had receded under the onslaught of its necessity for this terrible and unpredictable world of fast-flowing time in which the danger traps the person continually, and his death is inevitability.
  Therefore, each hoped to find beyond a limit of this disastrous threshold at least rest.
  Not much were being managed to hold himself on the godless position, but and they tended mostly to pantheism or agnosticism, at this, towards the end of their life they were invariably worried because of doubts about the loss of their own accumulated personality, which one would like to preserve.
  For the same reason, but not relying on God, the richest or sovereign persons from atheistic simpletons, who see only that which is on the surface, with the support of some cunning pseudoscientific persons, seriously hope for personal immortality, allocating to this unpromising business the considerable sums.
  Be that as it may, the main theoretical mistake of theologians, parasitizing on the misfortunes of the fast-flowing life was to place this highest "being" into the otherworldly nothingness.
  Ordinary logic indicates that in nothingness one can "be" only nothing, and all the more so from this nonentity is impossible to directly and arbitrarily create beingness suddenly.
  If God is a reasonable and living "being", then according to this definition, he must live a conscious life like the way people live, that is to participate in various acts, to develop, to change consciously surrounding in the course of certain events, to change oneself, that is, forming one"s "present".
  Let's wonder whether all this is possible before God created the world?
  Outside of time and space, the living and reasonable, moreover in singular, is not able to manifest.
  Nevertheless, even if to admit existence into "Nothingness", by definition, of the lonely reasonable Supreme being, then, as we know, any mind can be manifested only in communication with similar reasonable beings - without communication any mind, consciousness is not able neither to be manifested, nor to be in state of development. Besides, there is no the opportunity for God to live, who, by definition, is alive, outside time and space, because there are no subjects, no events in "Nothingness", so there can't be not only life, but also usual motion, and there is nothing to do there.
  However, it is impossible to recognize God, who created everything, as the unreasonable.
  Apparently, God, who was thought up by theologians, was placed in Nothingness due to the fact that they faced the need to completely separate this "being" from the vain world, having made him unusual, and they weren't up to taking into account all the contradictions that arose during this.
  Anyway, to avoid the specified contradiction, God, if he is, must be infinite and along with that manifest himself in the finite, that is, to be both out of time and in time.
  Alive and reasonable, by definition, God can't be invariable, inasmuch life is the continuous change, and the mind is the conscious participant of this change of life that proceeds within spatio-temporal measurements, or in beingness.
  Hence or God is changeable and he is situated in these measurements, or he has neither life, nor mind, i.e. he isn't present.
  God can't be all-powerful owing to Russell's paradox. Its essence is as follows: "Let K - a set of all sets which don't contain themselves as the element. Whether contains K itself as an element? If to assume that contains, we receive a contradiction with "Doesn't contain itself as the element". If to assume that K doesn't contain itself as an element, again there is a contradiction, after all K - a set of all sets which don't contain themselves as the element, so, it should contain all possible elements, including itself" [1, Chapter II. јј 4, 5].
  The paradox of omnipotence is a consequence of this mathematical paradox for sets. It lies in the fact that if a being will execute an action which will restrict its ability to execute actions, then it will restrict its own ability to execute actions, therefore, a being be not the all-powerful any more. If the being can't restrict the ability to execute actions, then it can't execute self-limiting actions and therefore it isn't all-powerful [2.
  God can't be omnipresent, inasmuch he, by definition, is considered as invariable, so he can't be divided. Therefore, he can't present components, or any particles which would penetrate everywhere, into all measurements of beingness.
  If God is considered as the reasonable being, he can't be omniscient as far the essence of any live mind consists in aspiration to the infinite knowing, development, but in any way - not to knowledge in advance of everything. The lack of need for knowing for God is the consequence of this thesis. But after all he is a living being?
  God in similar theological interpretation is some essence contrived by incomplete, limited, mortal people who wish to realize themselves in such contradictory being in the form of an immortal, all-powerful, omniscient being who, nevertheless, would be same alive and understanding as they, without taking into consideration that all alive and, especially, realizing oneself, exists only because jointly, but not in alone, acts, anyway, in time and space in conditions, suitable for life.
  Thus, recognition of such contradictory and thereby absolutely fantastic being by God looks inadequate.
  At the same time, the denial of the existence of a creator, or God, as proclaimed by atheists, is also untenable because they, by their denial of a highest or infinite being, automatically recognize by the highest being of a reasonable but finite person, humanity, that in itself is nonsense, inasmuch the finite, in this case, both a person and mankind, by definition. cannot be eternal and omnipresent.
  Let us return, nevertheless, to certain transcendent, or otherworldly, into which the theologians "placed" God.
  Indeed, God cannot be finite and limited in time of life.
  Therefore, it must "be located" in an infinity beyond time and / or be infinite in time.
  If there is no time in this divine infinity, then God represents everything in it, and it must be uniform, merged, and along with that hidden, or unmanifested, that is, this divine Everything coincides with Nothingness.
  If God is only like this, then he is equivalent to non-existence, since beingness is impossible without the current time.
  Nevertheless, being, as we know and sense, exists quite to itself, which means the presence of God, if he exists, also in time, and time does not limit him in any way, that hints at the fact that he produces time.
  Suppose that all objects of Creation can be reduced only to two categories - the active and the passive.
  Indeed, it is possible to carry to active all material objects having subjectivity, that is - this or that degree of consciousness allowing them to organize both themselves, and own surroundings, eat, breed and act in this environment, adapting to it for more or less comfortable existence.
  To do this, the active should have a program of its own development and action (genome), certain receptors, centers that process incoming information, as well as form-building abilities, that represent the surroundings in the form, suitable for the existence of this active.
  But all this is impossible without a base, in which the active must be placed and act.
  In a certain simplification and coarsening, the active is similar to the computer program, but a program, which is free in actions and creative, unlike, for example, the artificial intelligence known to us.
  Therefore, the active, being kind of software, cannot do without "iron" - the passive, which, being shapeless and representing matter deprived of consciousness, takes only those forms, which are necessary to the active for own existence and development, that is, the passive makes a background - an environment, ordered in this or that relation for the active, and elements of this environment are structurally connected and interact with each other not on their own, and according to the regularities, determined by the active one, who, time it somehow thinks (processes an information), should be recognized as consciousness.
  Thus, in an infinity beyond time "is situated" Everything, but this Everything is the active and passive, only merged together and hidden, i.e. not capable of action.
  In such "state", Everything represents Nothing, or non-existence, and cannot express itself in any way, unless it has a projection in which Everything is capable to be divided in the form of copies of the active and passive in this or that duration, at this copies of the active "are engaged" in this projection only in that they derive the passive from infinity beyond time in the form of information copies, that is possible initially only thanks to combining the active with the passive already in the form of alive as certain support of itself.
  Similar projection of an infinity beyond time can only be a hologram [3]: in a holographic picture each particle of the active doesn't lose unity with all infinite set of the active particles and therefore can, in particular, by means of this unity to distinguish, read out and copy using own means things, necessary for own existence, in their relationship, identifying them, from an infinity beyond time according to the understanding, which this active has how it wants and can, updating every "moment", i.e. discretely, but infinitely, of a holographic projection as the basis for own existence in this information process.
  The particles-copies of the active, i.e. the particles-copies of consciousness, thus, "receive" out of an infinity beyond time the copies of things (the passive), which are required for "replacement" (update) by them of previous copies of things in a holographic projection.
  This informational process of the interaction of an infinity beyond time, where everything is merged, and a holographic projection, where the active and passive are separated, requires the association of the active and passive in certain artificial form (alive) for the interaction among themselves and with an infinity beyond time. The main difference of alive from everything else is the ability to transform the individual consecutive information copies (the discrete packets of information), similar to pulse signals from a transmitter to a receiver, into a changing decorated picture (current time) like an image on the screen of a television receiver, produced from decoded transmitter pulses, that is, alive is also able to transform the individual pulse signals containing information into a continuously changing image due to a certain inertia of the signal processing, which in the minds of any living being eliminates the pauses between the arriving information packets (positions of the update).
  As a result, for the consciousness of a living being, a changing event world arises in motion - beingness, in which it is already possible to live in own present, but within the framework of a common (external) time.
  In other words, the informational process of interaction between an infinity beyond time and its holographic projection cannot do without local, temporary, artificial and programmed formations of the active and passive, for which, in turn, requires an appropriate environment (beingness), i.e. the macroscopic and microscopic (dark matter and energy, stars, planets, space, galaxies, radiations, elementary particles, molecules, etc.), that we know.
  The things themselves remain in an infinity beyond time in the merged state, as and the active, or consciousness (an unmanifested God of eternity), and along with that through the copies of the active particles (consciousness) manifest as a result in the form of the environment (beingness), which surrounds the particles of consciousness from the outside and from the inside. These copies of the active particles in their unity in a holographic projection represent already a manifested God of time, since in an infinite holographic projection - a frequency formation - emerges the duration.
  That is, in the reality (beingness), manifested through a holographic projection, objects from an infinity beyond time do not appear as such, but they are nevertheless present in this reality in the form of copies, which are constantly updated by means of the active of a holographic projection, since through it into alive the packages of information corresponding to its properties (features of the sense organs, information processing centers, form-building abilities-programs) consistently arrive.
  A holographic projection itself cannot but be material. By definition, it is a frequency formation.
  The multiple copies of a single consciousness (a manifested God of time), which possess self-consciousness, have one frequency structure, other frequency range has usual living beings (only reflex- instinctive on actions and behavior), at this, the things (non-living) from an infinity beyond time, recognized by particles of consciousness of the living beings in the form of the information copies, are the simplest frequency structures, making up the real (object) surroundings of alive in beingness.
  A holographic projection of an infinity beyond time, like this infinity itself, cannot but represent by itself Nothingness, since ultrahigh frequency oscillations that make up this projection of an infinity beyond time are in antiphase, i.e. integrally equal to zero.
  An infinity beyond time in combination with its own infinite projection in the form of the finite renewing formations constitute the equilibrium unity of the temporary, finite in infinity, and the infinite beyond time, hidden that holds the whole system in existence, despite the fact that it does not exist according to material balance.
  A holographic projection, being formed by a single-multiple consciousness, (a manifested God of time) has no motion, but, paradoxically, it is being changed, more precisely, it is the consistently updated ultrahigh-frequency picture-hologram owing to the inseparable connection of the active (consciousness) in its multiple-single expression in a hologram-projection with an infinity beyond time (an unmanifested God of eternity), in which everything is merged together, but can be "extracted" every "moment" of updating through a holographic projection in the form of the fixed information copies thanks to the actions of the active in the form of alive out of beingness.
  The active (consciousness) through a holographic projection receives a life and the ability to change in the sequence of updates of all objects of beingness, being formed by the active in the form of alive, thereby a latent infinity beyond time (an unmanifested God of eternity) "comes out" into real existence, as if coming to life in time and keeping of itself from falling into nothingness, in which nothing can happen.
  Thus, God in the dual system of Creation has two hypostases: an unmanifested God of eternity and a manifested God of time.
  At this, there is no motion either in an infinity beyond time or in its holographic updated projection, since consciousness does not need to move the frequency copies of objects from an infinity beyond time, it is enough only to update them within the information process of the recognition in an irreversible sequence on the basis of an infinity beyond time, to which a single consciousness of a holographic projection (a manifested God of time) has access and it kind of scans an infinity beyond time in accordance with own intentions and programs.
  Similar ratio of an infinity beyond time and its holographic projection can be realized only on the basis of the interaction of the active and passive from an infinity beyond time through their divided copies in a projection-hologram, which are being united artificially in frame of own derivative (beingness), making in it alive.
  It is this artificial initially and finite alive in its combination of the active (consciousness) and the passive (inorganic) in beingness, being derived from a holographic projection, keeps the dual system of Creation (which has neither the end nor the beginning), consisting of an infinity beyond time and its temporal holographic projection, in balance, and creates the condition for the eternal but discrete development of consciousness (the active) in beingness.
  So, what attributes should the Supreme Being possess, which, as we have shown, is a single-multiple-consciousness of a holographic projection, manifested in beingness as usual living beings in instinctively-reflex form on type of their actions, as well as the living beings, conscious of themselves, and along with that this Supreme Being is an unmanifested essence of everything?
  Presumably, such Supreme being should have an eternal consciousness, and in this respect be infinite and timeless, composing potentially All that was, is and will be in beingness, - both the active and passive. Therefore, Supreme being in this hypostasis can be called an unmanifested God of eternity.
  Along with that this Supreme being must also be in another form connected with time.
  It must have the ability to extend its own consciousness both on the hologram and on beingness, derived from it, that is, to be all-pervading in order to manifest it in space and time, and thus, to take this beingness on itself, use it for development of own consciousness.
  Therefore, Supreme Being cannot but be in time in time and should be constantly changing, but not invariable, that is, in this form it manifests itself as the God of time of a hologram, in which each particle of the active coincides with the whole active, and which due to both its single and the coverage of all its particles thereby can be designated as God of time.
  Along with that a hologram comprises also the passive. Therefore, a manifested God of time covers every "moment" in a hologram Everything - and the past, which is contained in the database, and the present, i.e. that was and what is, since any part of a hologram coincides all hologram.
  Since this Supreme Being is changing all the time, it cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, but it can strive for this in eternity, comprehending all the innumerable and diverse nuances of beingness, making mistakes and correcting them in its active particles in alive, finding within this process the charm and meaning of own existence or more precisely, life in this eternally and ever-changing beingness.
  At this, for one's own implementation this Supreme being must be divided in order to act through own particles in the finite (mortal) beings, temporarily animating them and making them intelligent to one degree or another, but beings, who are not knowing that they operate, albeit of their own free will, but with the representation (presence) of the same God in each such intelligent being.
  Everything else (the passive) in beingness is a base and a condition for the development of particles of Supreme being, or God, and God should be both devided and omnipresent, and single and integral, which is quite possible at different levels, since we know corresponding by this the holographic principle [3].
  Thus, this Supreme being does not require some unclear transcendence place and mysterious incorporeality, and it is the highest, that is, conscious and, to some extent, the leading connecting link of eternal and diverse changing beingness, being created by him through alive the total current time, and the own time of each of uncountable living beings, i.e. co-beingness for this Supreme being.
  This Higher being can be designated as Single consciousness, or God in two forms - an unmanifested (timeless) and a manifested (temporary).
  Single consciousness itself, and without any pressure, forms copies of things from an infinity beyond time in the form of the representing so, how it can recognize them according to own understanding, available for it at the moment and at this level of development: this Single consciousness already oneself as each individual consciousness can go deep into this representing-manifested hereinafter.
  Thereby Single in own multitude consciousness oneself establishes an order of things.
  However, consciousness immediately falls under this established order. What saves the situation from bad infinity is that Single consciousness "works" with the finite and can begin its work anew, just as any individual consciousness can try to correct what has been done him earlier in the course subsequent stages of development.
  Thus, consciousness as a single and as each individual consciousness falls out of an order, and along with that follows to this order.
  Consciousness for its own development oneself "encloses" itself in the framework of an order, necessity, but, only to overcome this order, to exempt oneself from it, in what in its highest expression manifests liberty of the consciousness, always striving somewhere and always "dissatisfied" and by surrounding, and by oneself.
  Be that as it may, the essence of consciousness in each of its highest individual expressions (a person), unlike things, does not allow him to be in the "channel" of this order, but on the contrary, it requires breaking it in the course of the search of a new self in other essences, and this search emanates from the permanent dissatisfaction of consciousness by oneself, or liberty.
  Consciousness in a holographic projection of an infinity beyond time is capable to forming copies of things on the basis of the passive from an infinity beyond time, not only because of its activity, but precisely because of its material essence of a higher level than the material essence of a thing.
  The material consciousness has in self, along with understanding oneself and the active aspirations, also the form-building abilities. All this is realized in alive through a holographic projection, which is the frequency structures of different orders that are discretely updated by consciousness. That is, consciousness, as a material structure, in its particles can interact with other particles of a lower order, which it forms, "turning" to an infinity beyond time in search of what needs and afforded by an infinity beyond time, because an infinity beyond time contains everything potentially.
  Consciousness replaces every conditional instant with copies of newly found (recognized) objects from an infinity beyond time, slightly modifying each impulse, available information copies of things. Single consciousness produces nothing and does not destroy. Single consciousness just every moment updates the frequency structure of the holographic projection on the basis of an infinity beyond time, manifesting it in itself as the source of all real, and along with that keeping this infinity beyond time from falling into non-existence.
  In other words, at its core, Creation remains unchanged and along with that it is updated.
  The explanation of the presence of beingnesss - the derivative of a holographic projection, - can be only that beingness is being formed by consciousness artificially by means of alive through a holographic projection, and exists only for consciousness, but not in general for some reason.
  The problem of manifestation of an infinity beyond time by the active (consciousness) consists that to consciousness for the purpose of development, and the passive - for participation in life of consciousness requires in a way out from the motionless, hidden state, if as such can be recognized an infinite beyond time, into the finite changing worlds, but along with that an infinite beyond time is the opposite to the finite, multiple and changeable, and it has to remain as eternal and unchanging.
  Consciousness solves this problem with help of the attraction of the mechanism of own information influence on the passive from an infinity beyond time, inasmuch consciousness as the active from an infinity beyond time is capable to be both the single, and multiple in the form of the own particles-copies in the twin of an infinity beyond time - a holographic projection.
  Each particle-copy of the active of a hologram contains information on all sequentially updated holographic picture. Therefore, Single consciousness can discretely carry out the "exit" into own holographic projection of the copies of objects from an infinity beyond time by means of own copies for replacement, more precisely, updating of the previous copies of things.
  As a result, as the derivative of a holographic projection in time, exist the changing worlds, or beingness, but along with that the basis, being manifested thus, i.e. an infinity beyond time, containing and consciousness, remains the same the eternal and motionless.
  If to define information as data on the state of material objects, which consciousness is capable to identify (recognize) when scanning of the surrounding by the means which are available at its order, then information is the key unit, linking consciousness, which acts in a holographic projection (the manifested God of time), with an infinity beyond time (the unmanifested God of eternity).
  Thanks to information as the response reaction to the inquiry of consciousness in alive to an infinity beyond time, take place the update of a holographic projection and along with that also, being updated, is formed the surrounding of each individual consciousness.
  Each such "transformation" is made by scanning by consciousness by the means, which are available for it (the person has sense organs for this purpose), of own surrounding with obtaining copies only of those objects from an infinity beyond time, which this consciousness is capable to identify (recognize) through sensations and "to convert" of them into images, understandable for each individual consciousness in alive, through the control centers.
  By means of this information process occurs the consecutive and discrete manifestation from an infinity beyond time, corresponding to the state of consciousness and the sense organs which are available for its carrier, the things in the form of copies, more precisely, this manifestation means updating of the available picture for a multiple-single consciousness, and the update of its surrounding, and along with that the manifestation of "now" for each individual consciousness. Thereby is formed time. As a result, and also thanks to subsequent loss of the pause between positions of the update, for each individual consciousness emerges the current time, i.e. appears in motion the changeable world of the events - beingness, in which consciousness in each subject can experience, meditate, feel, perceive, think, act, i.e. to live in own "now".
  The ability of consciousness to the certain separation from the passive, consisting in its highest expression in understanding oneself and its capabilities, implies connecting with an infinity beyond time already on the basis of own considerations and actions.
  Ultimately, consciousness decides, what represents the accessible for him in an infinity beyond time, "allocating" and linking the corresponding fragments from an infinity beyond time by available means in the corresponding information process of their identification (recognition), already having in a holographic projection of the copies which are replaced, more precisely, are updated sequentially. In other words, consciousness manifests, i.e. opens an infinity beyond time only so as it can in own current state.
  Consciousness (the active) doesn't exist independently and can't be manifested outside the world, out of time, since there are no points of application without the things for consciousness - the free, dynamic, thinking, solving, communicating, creating, developing formation, i.e. there is no place to realize oneself. At this, consciousness isn't incorporeal so how in this case it cannot have the interaction with things. Therefore, consciousness is nothing more than the active, material, lively, thinking and, in some respects, producing echelon of the dual system of Creation (a manifested God of time).
  However, to contemplate consciousness, that is, the presence of God of time in any living being is not possible, just as the butterfly does not have the opportunity to see itself in its own pupa.
  The matter is that the ultra-high frequency of updating of a holographic projection with an exponent in several orders, making the essence of the active, but ultimately reflected in the living being, cannot be fixed by any devices, and the projection itself is not available for beingness, because the last appears every instant only through the functioning of a holographic projection.
  Outside of consciousness the things and phenomenon as separate, multiple and harmonious aren't capable to exist either as material forms, nor as ideal objects, inasmuch they as if dissolved in an infinity beyond time from which only consciousness is capable "to extract" them in the form of copies.
  It means, in essence, that except consciousness, more precisely, together and inseparably with it there is something passive in an infinity beyond time, which only the active (consciousness) can manifest in forms determined by it and can put in order according to own opportunities through a holographic projection, providing to oneself as a result the development and life in the changing world of the events (beingness).
  At this, the active in each particle-copy, unlike the passive (things-copies), keeps all saved up from the finite lives in the memory and thereby spiritualizes Creation in general satisfying oneself and it.
  The passive, losing form in the finite (beingness), restores thereby a form of the active at their interaction. The active, thus, does not lose its basic form and form-building abilities at the expense of decay of the passive in beingness, but it (the active) also, by "evoking" the passive from an infinity beyond time in the form of information copies during the period of existence of the finite, restores the form of the passive and changes it. So, by means of the address to the finite in the form of the passive, losing own shape, the active becomes eternal in form, properties, and can keep the whole system of Creation in actual existence.
  Thus, the finite and alive are necessary for the infinite not only for the functioning of the dual Creation as a timeless and along with that a temporary system, which is kept by this in balance, but also for the stabilization of the active (consciousness) in Creation, what does the active unchanged and eternal in its essence, but along with that infinitely changing: in beingness the form-building active is fueled by the passive, which loses its form in finite formations.
  Let's note in conclusion: an unmanifest God of eternity (an unmanifested single consciousness), represents what was, is, and everything that is not yet, but not separately, and in indissoluble connection with the manifested, temporary, infinite God of a holographic projection (a manifested single consciousness, or God of time), who is forming the "present" of each individual consciousness in the form of own time of the individual consciousness through the organism of this consciousness, as well as - the general present time by the entire local totality of living beings of each universe. The projection of the manifested God of time contains everything that is (the present), and everything that was in own memory.
  The manifested material-frequency God (the manifested single consciousness) transfers time into motion, and determines everything in the forming beingness (the set of universes at different stages of development) through the general time in changes, i.e. manifests the infinite through the finite infinitely, but discretely in the form of beingness for own development, life and expression, by holding along with that own one-multiple holographic formation, updated with high frequency, in balance with an infinity beyond time in the form of the dual Creation by means of the formation of the total time through oneself as alive, creating thereby the space and things moving in it.
  The eternal, but discrete updating and keeping of beingness is produced through the finite living beings, who are not only holders of the sense organs, but also owners of consciousness. This process results from interaction of a temporal holographic projection in the face of the active (consciousness) and an infinity beyond time, containing the passive. At this, information is that bridge, which connects them, and ultimately forms the world around the living beings, as well as living beings themselves. The infinite in this case is expressed in the finite infinitely, but discretely.
  Not to be manifested in the form of such holographic projection, making thereby dual - timeless and along with that temporary - system, God can't, so how outside this formation an infinity beyond time - no other than non-existence.
  Thus, active (consciousness) and passive (things) in an infinity beyond time are inseparable, and along with that in a certain relation they are divided in a holographic projection.
  So far as the total time is formed by God of a holographic projection (the manifested God of time) through own particles in the living beings not at all for something, but for own development, life and expression which is possible only in communities, in so far as within frame of the general time each particle of God of time (Single consciousness) is forming in own carrier (the living being) its present (own time).
  Therefore. God of time unites in the course of formation by each living being of its own time the material components and consciousness into a single whole for limited time of life of a being, giving it an opportunity to act according to the level of consciousness, which is available for it - the highest level in this regard corresponds to the beings with self-consciousness having liberty of will.
  At this, each living being from their infinite set is such, as a result of possession of the genetic code (program) providing type, functioning and reproduction of organisms as beings of the lowest consciousness (one program), and beings, conscious themselves, i.e. the beings, in which are contained the program of self-consciousness additionally.
  Along with that, God of time during life of each being retains the communication with it with own side, but disconnects the communication of the living being with oneself, providing thereby autonomy of actions of each individual consciousness in own carrier: the connection of single consciousness (God of time) with each individual consciousness is preserved during life of the living being as the main property of the hologram, becoming unidirectional at the time of the birth, with removal of this restriction at the moment of the death of the living being, associating thereby this individual consciousness with self (God of time), in the form of a hologram particle, but only in order to unite again this particle of the active (consciousness) with the embryo of alive for further development, the formation of time, the stabilization of its own nucleus and holding dual Creation in balance. And this process is unchanged and endless at all levels of alive.
  Forming own time by each living being from their infinite set is converted automatically into formation of the total time, i.e. the creation by each being of an own environment forms automatically all Creation by all this set, more precisely, recreates it infinitely, but discretely each impulse of high-frequency updating of a holographic projection of an infinity beyond time.
  In more detail this theme is opened in the monograph "New - by the opposite - proof of the presence of God" [4].
  1. R. Courant and Robbins G. What is mathematics? Ch. II. ј 4, 5.
  2. Suber P. Paradox of Self-Amendment. A study of Law, Logic, Omnipotence, and Change/ Peter Lang Publishing. 1990).
  3. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  4. Nizovtsev Y. M. New - by the opposite - proof of the presence of God. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
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