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Whether it is worth being "treated" for stupidity!?

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    Whether there is a purpose in existence of blockheads? Probably, they represent the transitional stage to more developed mammals, but, nevertheless, in further blockheads don't leave them.

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  Stupidity remarkably distinguishes the person from a monkey.
  The fool ignores knowledge, the sly fellow sells it, the clever person doesn't represent what with it to do, the wise - represents, but doesn't wish to worry.
  Prudence feeds hope for the favorable outcome even then when it can't happen.
  In the army, it"s not fools who teach wisdom, but ensigns.
  If the person is busy with work- the thought leaves, as a result of this employment.
  The dolphin who is cleverer than the person just prefers to swim.
  Originality in everything - an average stage of idiocy.
  The person is capable to turn into a pig, and the pig - doesn't even try.
  Many prominent people were being surprised at the enduring human stupidity, and even left interesting notes, though not about themselves, but about their friends, and even wrote whole treatises about this known phenomenon, which, nevertheless, unclear for them from where undertook - because at animals and plant stupidity is missing.
  It follows that stupidity is a purely human feature, and its source is not the animal or plant worlds (fauna and flora).
  Paradoxically, all the persons recognized as great were at the same time decent fools.
  Alexander of Macedon, despite the obvious stupidity of this enterprise, tried to conquer the whole world, but, having received a misfire in India, was upset and died very young.
  Napoleon, mindful of the fate of the aforementioned Alexander, confined himself to Europe, although slightly affecting Africa and the Middle East. But a change in quantity does not mean a decrease in stupidity, and its end was also untimely and sad.
  About omissions of Karl Marx, which involuntarily were confirmed by Lenin and Stalin, only the lazy or illiterate do not know. Their obvious stupidity, however, gave hope for many, which also does not indicate the mind of these many. However, hope quickly gave way to disappointment, but the invariable stupidity of the crowd will still never change the belief in a better future, which in fact will always remain beyond the horizon.
  Philosophers-orthodoxes, as a rule, beat the air, inventing any nonsenses which are difficult for checking, summoning, nevertheless, respect from educated, reasonable, and thereof limited, that is silly public which, naturally, with awe perceives their ideas, which are coming down, in fact, to fight for all good against all bad.
  The masses do not heed the prudent advice of the orthodoxes or simply do not notice them, instinctively feeling their stupidity, but, nevertheless, by virtue of their own stupidity, they nevertheless fall into the trap of already cunning politicians-deceivers who promise a land of milk and honey in the near future, if a little to tolerate as well as smite the enemies who can always be found.
  True, it was precisely the deceivers-politicians drink the pleasant jelly, rejoicing at their own difference from the broad and stupid masses of the working people. However, these not less silly liars do not understand that similar feeding up to the glut is one of the main properties of monkeys. Therefore, both politicians and all those in power do not differ much from primates, which, of course, is a shame for them, but a fact.
  However, there are also people noble.
  Here is Socrates - and behaved correctly, and spoke often truly, trying to move fellow citizens in the direction of truth and justice. Stupid, but cunning fellow citizens did not like it, and they forced him to poison, so as not he did not get in everyone's way. Alas, Socrates's stupidity was that he has confused himself with a society that had not yet matured up to him.
  History convincingly showed that not only Socrates, but also others - clearly noble people, apparently out of stupidity, were greatly mistaken in the effective implementation of their own nobility into the masses, who, however, responded to their ideas differently, but even in the best case, understanding of these ideas was distorted, and at a convenient situation they would have begun stealing again.
  All persons of science also did not possess and now do not have a great mind. Otherwise, they would not try to uncover the secrets of beingness by considering, analyzing and classifying facts, which can be done endlessly without much sense, since they all the same won't manage to go beyond limits of own sensations and own brains. But they are faithful in their tenacity to reveal the secret of beingness precisely because of stupidity, because, firstly, the faith has no relation to science, and secondly, they won"t be able to look into the beyond, just like they cannot, looking at themselves in a mirror, to glance on the reverse side of this mirror.
  In contrast to science, priests proudly exclaim that thanks to faith, they and their flocks every day in prayers manage to look into the otherworldly, calling it God. Actually the priests and for themselves, and all rest, owing to own nonsense and ignorance of crowd, just fooling the heads, since, by their own words, it is impossible - neither to see, nor comprehend God, who is the inexpressible. However, the similar stupidity gives a lot of useful to the priests - the power over crowd and pleasant wordly life on the levies from the faithful, and to crowd of believers significantly facilitates life, allowing to move away temporarily from all struggles of life into the virtual world of angels and archangels.
  People of art have always been considered by the rest of the population as fools precisely because of this unworthy in the opinion of any sane person occupation, which, as a rule, did not give a good income and all time forced artists, sculptors, poets and other people of art to humiliate themselves before the powers that be, but, nevertheless, interrupting from bread to kvass with rare exceptions. Examples of this can serve Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, who the entire life humiliated themselves before tyrants, Mikhail Lomonosov and Alexander Pushkin, who composed the laudatory odes to tsars, the magnificent ballerinas and actresses, compelled, in addition to their main occupation, to be concubines of aristocrats or wealthy merchants. This list goes on and on. Therefore, the stupidity of actors and artists who go to such costs of their own dignity is obvious, since they could not come up with anything else for themselves.
  There is nothing to talk about the crowd of philistines. It is not for nothing that they are compared with rams because of a lack of independence and, so, those who are easily amenable to the exhortations of any sweet-talking goat.
  However, stupidity is multifaceted, and it, as seen from the above, although to varying degrees, but, nevertheless, covers the entire population.
  In particular, there are very positive fools who all adult life directs themselves on the invention of "bicycle". Most of these persons has no deep mind and broad knowledge, but their stupidity such is, that all of them are equally directed on inventing something new and unusual, suffering in this case the permanent failures, but not losing optimism to death. Nevertheless, some of these rather broad creative masses are "get out into the people", coming up with really something useful. It was this relatively small cohort of foolish inventors that ultimately created and continues to move our technological civilization forward, having come up with everything from a wheel to rockets and the Internet, from paintings on a wall to a television screen, from writing texts on papyrus up to e-books, etc.
  That is, there are suckers in society, always overwhelmed by a deep feeling of dissatisfaction in relation to their environment, which comes to them from the lowest (natural)consciousness in its aspiration to creation of the biggest conveniences to existence. However, this individualist feeling is combined with their quite high level of self-consciousness, the dissatisfaction of which by insufficient public comfort, development of science and art, reaching high degree, altruistically demands to extend achievements of a civilization and culture to all.
  But, at this, the lowest consciousness dominates, because the activity of these individuals are manifested mostly instinctively, without much reflections, with a minimum of reasonableness, while giving, nevertheless, the most creative persons from all living.
  This category of any community prefers non-standard life situations owing to rejection of only formal-logical approaches to life - such a life for them is boring and meaningless, like working on a conveyor for tightening nuts.
  True, there are not so many talents among them, but this does not depend on education and upbringing, but on the size of individual fields and subfields of the brain, as well as their combination - not too common - favorable for certain types of the creative activity.
  However, the specified combination of both types of consciousness at them, irrespective of existence of talents and abilities, steadily attracts them to creative activity.
  They always try to create, often forgetting about rest.
  Grafomanians write, artists draw, sculptors sculpt with varying degrees of success, composers mix sounds to achieve a somewhat interesting combination, inventors and innovators of all kinds create new devices, programs, receiving, however, often the same bike, but all they and other creators of the new or unusual, despite the mostly depressing results of their creative efforts, don"t want to join the ordinary civil "swamp", being intoxicated by the apparent for them the transformation of the world and society, especially that the civilization level, indeed, is growing both culturally and technologically thanks to the efforts of representatives of their company, and not someone else.
  Naturally, they are proud of this, and if suddenly, for reasons beyond their control, these creative ardor is withdrawn, then life loses all meaning.
  There is also one more category of the most culturally advanced simpletons- humanitarians, as a rule, well-educated, quick-witted, rather energetic, and therefore perfectly aware of the injustice of social relations, when which for the most part sheer dullards or bloodthirsty bandits rule the rest.
  These informal intellectuals, pursuing basically the goals opposite to the goals of the representatives of the power elite, are forced to appeal to the people, proving their rightness and anti-people of the elite-oppressor, which, in turn, must justify itself and stigmatize by shame of the rotten informal-dreamers who can only speak, not rule and predominate.
  I.e., under informal intellectuals should be understood as not indifferent people of intellectual labor, intellectuals of various kinds, as well as relatively few representatives of the rest of the population who managed to somehow rise in their self-consciousness to the level that dictates them an aversion to the immoral and self-serving behavior of the power elite.
  Informal intellectuals have the hope of reorganizing society in the direction of harmony, which means, for their reasons, achievement one fine day equality, fraternity and at the same time liberty, without understanding that liberty always resists to equality, justice, destroying any stability. But this hope for harmonious world order can never disappear in their blissful consciousness: they as true humanists, are not capable to believe that horrors of our world cannot turn into prosperity of each person and all mankind eventually.
  In other words, the monkey essence manifests itself in them in this kind of mentality, when they cannot resist the aspiration, built, as it seems to them, on iron logic, based on direct vision, which presents for them beingness with a clear disproportion, and they are sure, that the correction of this "incorrectness" is a law of social development, without understanding that immediate vision, even if framed in a law-based form, does not coincide with the true state of affairs: in particular, the benevolent idea to eliminate the flagrant contradiction in society, making it so that there are no rich and poor, seeming absolutely true, leads to complete absurdity and cataclysms of various kinds when it is realized, that is, all their efforts turn to dust, since such reforming never succeeds - society automatically returns to its previous - antagonistic order.
  Nevertheless, the informal intellectuals do not calm down, but their obvious stupidity, on the other hand, turns out to be positive, maintaining constant tension in society, and thereby expressing in open form one of the driving forces of social development.
  The informally-oppositional part of intellectuals, to which various educated people from this or that generation can be attributed, are active, honest, sincerely wishing good to the people, that is, with the dominant higher consciousness, - have never joined and will not join to the hypocritical and self-interested governing elite of the state. Already reached level of the highest consciousness, putting material benefits on the last place among life values, will not allow them to commit similar. Therefore, they will always expose the unscrupulous, hypocritical and thievish individuals in power of this world, to fight for the rights and civil liberties of workers, involving them in this fight as much as possible widely.
  Thereby, their opposition to imperious elite does not allow society to freeze in place, being reflection of antagonism of the lowest and highest types of consciousness in each person.
  The struggle between them. when the passive behavior the most part of the rest of the population, occurs continuously with the dominance of a more energetic governing elite, which is provoking self-hatred from everyone else, and thus forming that antagonism that does not allow society to stop in developing.
  Thereby, the people, willy-nilly, are involved by energy of this struggle into a forward motion, which can also be evolutionary at the consent of the power elite with the opposition from the nonconformists-intellectuals to certain compromises in the interests of the working masses, but it can jump into a different course if there is no such agreement, which is reflected in the public consciousness as a clear injustice, transforming into a more or less successful attempt to remove the ruling elite from power upon the occurrence of suitable conditions.
  At first glance it seems that these informal intellectuals are definitely the most intelligent. And this is true, but, alas, at the same time they are fantastically stupid, since the main thing in their hearts and minds is actually by nothing really backed up the belief in creation thanks to all-people efforts, supposedly in accordance with open by them - also by stupidity and thoughtlessness - the "laws" of social development, that is, by the purest linden, absolute harmony on the planet - a kind of earthly paradise, where everyone will be rewarded according to his needs. How only to know the boundary of these needs-appetite?
  But paradise does not arrive in any way, bringing grief to their hearts, but the stupidity of informal intellectuals has no boundaries, and they continue their noble activity, although the most energetic of them, like Lenin and Mao Zedong, did a lot of work without getting what they were looking, having exterminated along the way tens of millions of people who have treated very skeptical about the ideas they were tried to bring to life.
  And still, it is necessary to decide somehow on a happy condition of stupidity, which at the same time can bring many troubles as it is visible from the above, to anyone, despite of powerful intelligence or its absence.
  In essence, stupidity can be defined as an inadequate reaction to what is happening, as a result of a person"s falsely understood or underestimated situation, which, of course, can happen to everyone, and which can lead both to fatal results for a given person and his environment, and simply to mockeries over the blockhead, who is creating God knows what.
  In our opinion, stupidity is manifested in the borderline state of consciousness, that is, in a relatively narrow field - between the instinctive-reflex (animal) consciousness and self-consciousness.
  Self-awareness is a property that is available only to a person. It distinguishes any person - regardless of his intellect - from animals with projective thinking thanks which the person can break out of the environment, consciously changing it and oneself - and not only for utilitarian purposes, while the animal consciousness requires pleasant food and strives only for dominance to acquire the best conditions for life and reproduction, but only according to standard tracing papers in the form of instincts and reflexes, and awareness themselves as self-valuable subjects of activity does not appear in animals even when the reaction to what happened leads them to injuries and other negative consequences, but is taken into account subconsciously, passing into the generations with the formation of additional instincts and reflexes.
  A person, since he has two states of consciousness, thereby receives a conditional field bordering between them, unlike animals, although consciousness is indivisible, but, nevertheless, each of both of these noted states of consciousness can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent - to varying degrees of influence on each other. In this rather "narrow" field, a person is also capable of acquiring ideas and drawing up projects as products of self-consciousness, but, being under the strongest pressure of the animal consciousness, he, like animals, is subconsciously sure of the correctness of own actions and direct vision, not understanding that he has already gone from the natural environment to another, where, in addition to tactics, a strategy with appropriate assessments and, at least, analytical and synthetic thinking is required, and where instincts and reflexes (animal intelligence) cease to work adequately in accordance with incoming requests within the framework of the artificial sphere of self-consciousness, reflecting the moral and cultural rules of the human hostels, not just the natural environment.
  Therefore, the reaction of a person who is in such a borderline state of consciousness, which can be both short-term and very long, as a rule, does not assumes the verified actions within the cultural environment, in particular, the analytical and synthetic brain work or due to a lack of time for reflection, either poor intelligence, or ignorance, or adherence to traditions that are currently unfit, or under influence of extraneous hindrances, etc.
  The impossibility of exercise of the verified acts within the frameworks of the cultural environment leads to their replacement with acts according to reasons of animal intelligence in this occasion, leading the person to actions, disproportionate to the cultural environment, but quite efficient with position of the animal consciousness, however - inadequate, that is, stupid from the position of an outside observer of the same cultural environment. Although sometimes the subject of action understands his stupidity and tries to disguise it with a different degree of success.
  Someone can quite often get out of this semi-animal state, containing a lot of tactical tricks and cunning twists, but there are not too many of them. Most are being limited to the framework of habits and faith, living in a half-sleep life in the manner of a sleepwalkers, "preserving" themselves in endless dullness and mental laziness, doing about the same thing every day.
  Although, in principle, the developed self-awareness makes it possible quite often to distance oneself from a dull, semi-animal existence; however, the animal essence of man is not asleep, throwing even the most intelligent and discriminating, for example, into the arms of passion and unpredictable acts, stupider than that cannot be.
  Thousands of novels have been written about this. Partly very interesting.
  So, if someone thinks that progress is purely a matter of the clever persons, then he is deeply mistaken, since they are often more stupid than everyone else. It's not so simple, because stupidity captures all sectors of society and all individuals - the question is only in the degree and place of the individual.
  The most sophisticated clever people - mostly men of science, how is believed, for the most part, - are only cunning and well-educated deceivers who, by their stupidity, are not capable of coming up with anything original. Therefore, they only classify and frame what was invented and discovered by others - relatively by the small-minded creative people who, without going into deep analysis, for the thousandth time, after fruitless vigils and many mistakes, finally reach something new and valuable, which is immediately picked up by academic wiseacres, often attributed to them, and replicated for mass consumption in one volume or another.
  Truly, it seems that mass diverse stupidity moves the world.
  Otherwise there would be no depriving of property leading to wars, contentions, quarrels and to the similar nonsenses demanding more perfect weapon, solid economy, a great number of obedient soldiers, etc., i.e., after all, gives the start to the development of technologies that, as a result, attracts also the general growth of economy. In a word - everything for victory for a fun and comfortable life. The world simply cannot stand still under the onslaught of the permanent stupidity of the entire aggregate of individuals, which, as can be seen from history, leads to a rather intensive civilizational and cultural development.
  Philosophers and sociologists are trying rather clumsy to justify the need for all these troubles - from wars to poverty, which do not directly bring anything good, but are repeated over and over again. They invent all kinds of cycles, socio-economic formations, hostel laws, moral principles, etc., presuming among them a significant role for the personality in history.
  But what role can there be here? With such personalities and such crowd, there can only be a story by dunces, which is progressing and, perhaps, itself is surprised at what is happening on a similar idiotic background.
  But it is necessary to be fair.
  Progress even among community of lazy and spiteful fools, whom only circumstances force to earn on livelihood, - otherwise they would continue to tear bananas and figs from the branches - is impossible to deny.
  And it means that to progress nonsense not the hindrance, and here excessive mind (and respectively the excessive nonsense permanently inherent in this mind) can do much more troubles, up to elimination of almost all population for the sake of an interesting scientific experiment.
  Therefore, "nature" does not produce know-all scientists-experimentalists in large numbers, and, moreover, their actions carefully are controlled by the ordinary fools in power- there are no others in this place who do not want to lose their acquired prosperity and power for the sake of some experiments.
  As a result, the world still somehow exists, but on the brink: the last effort of stupidity in the person of know-all scientists-experimentalists, aimed at transferring almost all management and various types of organization in production and other economic activities to artificial intelligence, can deprive of work almost all population and what this population will do then with all his stupidity in total free time? In all likelihood, it can lose its last mind from idleness, if the next zigzag of stupidity does not help to get out of this peak position.
  But while the world is holding on, and, quite possibly, because there are enough conservatives-blockheads in it.
  It also makes sense for the order in the distribution of mutts to allocate several their main groups.
  Feeble mind (obtuseness), as a result of the underdevelopment of certain parts of the brain, complicating an adequate reaction to what is happening, and thereby leading to actions that are disproportionate to the environment, that is, stupid.
  Feeble mind (ignorance), caused mainly by difficult living conditions and hopelessness, for example, chronic poverty, monotonous work for survival, etc., which aren't allowing to the person to reveal.
  Philistine stupidity.
  It captures many comparatively well-off and quick-witted people who consider prosperous existence to be the most important thing in life, which is banal, as simple as possible, and does not require serious analytical and synthetic brain work, making a person stupid by actual inaction of brain.
  This kind of stupidity actually deprives the philistines of independence, making them susceptible to outside influences, in particular, various religious denominations and sects, as well as politicians and other fine talkers, and thereby deprives the possibility of a full, that is, creative life, which is impossible without risk, and requires maximum emancipation of consciousness, that is, liberty.
  Stupidity as sister of obstinacy.
  This kind of stupidity rests on tradition and conservatism, effectively blocking development. However, it also prevents excessive civilizational variability, preventing the progressives from tearing themselves too far away from the masses. This kind of stupidity is inherent in almost all people, especially philistines, with the exception of creative individuals whose stubbornness, in spite of everything, is oriented in the opposite direction - to the permanent search for a new for the purpose of the fastest replacement by it former that too is silly. But one stupidity counterbalances another.
  Stupidity of creative personalities as originals.
  This stupidity is also expressed in the fact that they only and do, that all time are wrong, because in a hurry to catch the unknown, and knowledge and experience is not enough. And yet sometimes they are lucky (then they call it intuition, or insight). And they continue to make mistakes and work on mistakes, achieving, but massively very rarely, results, that nevertheless spur civilization to the culturally and technologically progress one way or another.
  With all this action, with rare exceptions, a mutt does not notice his own stupidity. And this is quite natural, since he is a fool.
  But - not all - the fools in pure form! Some parasites notice their own stupidity, and try to consciously disguise it.
  With all this action, with rare exceptions, a mutt does not notice his own stupidity. And this is quite natural, since he is a fool.
  Stupidity parasitic.
  Such here persons represent pretty extensive group of the most cunning fools - deceivers-parasites, making ranks of swindlers, the powers that be, politicians, businessmen, bankers and other crooks. They perfectly realize their intellectual limitation, that is dullness, and extreme immorality - inheritance of lazy, but cunning and resourceful monkeys. They, like all parasites, but. with varying degrees of success substitute their own stupidity with highly intelligent advisers and assistants, as well as by their own energy, attentiveness and cunning, that is, creating a false opinion about themselves, but actually trying to deceive everyone. As a result, they provide a very comfortable life for themselves and their offspring, despite own mental and cultural squalor.
  So stupidity in the form of a low intellectual level, as well as deficiency of self-awareness, expressed in the absence of self-respect, with a high level of dominance, which allows them to look back at themselves and control your own shortcomings, well known to these parasites, combined with a good pragmatic (animal) mind - cunning, gives them the opportunity to successfully parasitize the rest of the population.
  Actually, cunning - their second nature. Using it, they is quite successful on the general background of the rest, generally passive population, can ensure the best food, the greatest possible comfort and the best conditions for reproductions. All else interests them a little - typical semi-animals with a human appearance: cunning, insidious, but silly as aspire not to heights of culture and human spirit, and to the most primitive - in effect, monkey life that doesn't provide development of society and by that - themselves. Though, perhaps, they like to be semi-primacies.
  For "rulers" and those in power, good is only that which is pleasant and useful for themselves. They despise others, but consider them necessary creatures, which it is desirable to use to maintain own wonderful existence.
  However, the awareness of their own original stupidity and animal nature always worries them, especially since competitors do not yawn and they need to constantly uphold, as is the case in the animal world, a busy niche of power and privileges.
  But cunning and stupidity are not able to adequately rule the world, just like an outstanding mind, due to their own limitations both in the perception of signals coming through sensations and in the processing of information entering into the brain.
  Therefore, civilization develops according to objective laws, the main of which is the struggle of natural (animal) consciousness with all its egocentrism, and self-consciousness, the most reference the altruism is basic of which.
  It is these two hypostases of human consciousness in their permanent struggle that ensure the development of human communities, not allowing them to freeze in complete dullness, satiety, indifference and laziness, against which animal consciousness does not mind, but only for oneself - beloved - to the detriment of everyone else, that does not tolerate altruistic highest consciousness (self-consciousness), desiring justice for all without exception.
  This desire for universal justice is pleasing to almost everyone, but, being ordinary stupidity, often leads to sad consequences for the population, but at the same time it contributes to social turbulence, preventing the human race from stopping in its development.
  Stupidity as the utopianism of the humanists-intellectuals.
  The dream of self-awareness with its altruism in a basis, in its most prominent representatives - from Plato and Campanella up to Lenin and Mao Zedong, is aimed, in fact, to equalize all this totality of individuals, heterogeneous in its abilities, intellect, interests, character, the level of development and education.
  It is clear, that it is even theoretically impossible, but want to. And the stupidity of these outstanding fighters for universal happiness is manifested in the form of a desire, as a rule, to forcefully plunge this motley crowd instead of the contentions, habitual for it, into some blissful harmony for everyone to achieve permanent homogeneous happiness, which in reality will never come because a person is not a frog, suitable for life in a stagnant swamp, even from pleasant jelly.
  These opposite aspirations of both forms of consciousness cannot but give rise to accelerated forward movement of human communities within the framework of civilization, but - to a certain limit, beyond which the limitations of the human psyche on the adequate perception of information lead to an information collapse, after which a new round of similar civilization develops on the wreckage of previous achievements, firmly forgotten.
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