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Whether it is possible to eliminate near-surface inflammations without treatment?

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    Elimination of near-surface inflammations by continuous removal by frame conductors of heat from zone by contact method.

  Now the medicine and some scientific directions, working at a joint with it, achieved certain successes in treatment of a number of the serious diseases connected with inflammations and tumors near a surface of a body, such as radiculitis, gout, arthritises, arthroses, consequences of traumas, blood circulation violations, etc.
  Treatment of any inflammatory processes is carried out, as a rule, by means of methods of conservative therapy: medicines, physical impact, special exercises, physiotherapeutic methods. If the traditional therapy doesn't make the positive impact, the surgical intervention applies.
  However, the uniform method of the impact on joints, which at the same time remove an inflammation, reduces painful feelings and interferes with destruction of tissues of a joint, isn't offered yet.
  Besides, there are problems in which the medical science and practice meet difficulties. Such problem, for example, is the organism aging, clearly beginning to be shown on a number of signs at the majority of people at the age of over 50 years: immunity decreases, functioning of a number of organs and systems is reorganized, negative hereditary factors start being shown more and more as well as consequences of adverse ecological, specific, labor and other living conditions. If at the age near 40 years of a problem with joints mankind only a half feels, by fifty years of victims 75%, and to seventy-year age - 90% are already.
  As a result, in last half of life in much bigger degree the slow chronic inflammations start being shown. They can arise anywhere - in a throat at the singer or the lecturer, in cervical or lumbar area (radiculitis, lumbago) at the driver, in joints of the seaman, a prostate gland at almost all men, vessels of legs at sellers and waiters, at chest of women, with frequent headaches at many, etc. The constant discomfort is created, there are painful feelings, and eventually constant chronic diseases can lead to failures in work of organs.
  Certainly, there is a set of medicines, vitamins, physiotherapeutic influences, improving techniques. However, as a rule, at this age they give only temporary effect. In particular, chronic inflammations, having a little calmed down during this or that influence, again come back, and gradually the condition of all organism and separate organs worsens.
  This problem is known. Indeed, it is difficult at this age to eliminate or somehow substantially compensate for age and other changes in the structure and functioning of the whole organism and its individual organs, especially in a mass order. Although individually work is intensive: extremely expensive drugs, dietary supplements, various techniques are offered. But for the most part, they do not provide the significant assistance. A number of new methods, in particular, and such exotic as the use of stem cells, cloning, etc. in most countries are prohibited, but in fact - meaningless.
  Moreover, in some countries, for example, the Netherlands, Great Britain, probably, from a certain hopelessness, with some reservations, euthanasia is permitted, and not necessarily decrepit old men.
  In addition to this problem, there is another, no less important - the prevention of negative structural changes in individual organs, areas of the body, to which is possible to rank also emergence of new growths (cancer).
  When aging an organism first of all its weakest links suffer. To the specified age most of people anyway notice the weak points. But the few conduct real scheduled maintenance. And it is clear.
  Such work is associated with the cost of time, effort, often associated with significant expenses, etc., which for the overwhelming majority, especially in countries with poor people, is simply unrealistic. This implies one of the factors of high mortality in such countries.
  In connection with the foregoing, the task set by us can be formulated as follows: whether it is possible to reduce of inflammatory processes, characteristic for the majority of chronic diseases if not to zero then to acceptable indicators, at which the organs or body zones, affected by an inflammation practically don't collapse, and can function to extreme old age in a normal mode and not create for the person of painful senses and discomfort as well as not to transfer into, for example, into a stage of the emergence and development of new growths (cancer).
  At the solution of this task, we paid attention to the following factor: at a local slow inflammation in any organ for any of several reasons which doesn't give in to elimination, energy, generally warmly is made constantly superfluous in comparison with healthy organs.
  There is a change of a mode of functioning of organ for a long time. Depending on age, a condition of organ or a site of a body, a way of life this factor sooner or later, but inevitably leads to gradual collapse of cells, change of structure of organ, disorganization of its functions.
  At this should be noted that it is a question on the chronic inflammation, since in many cases the inflammatory process is adequate reaction of an organism to these or those negative impacts, and often an organism independently or with this or that help can overcome these influences, whether it be usual cold, an infection, scratch, etc.
  However, at chronic, that is, an incessant inflammation the restoration of normal functioning of a near-surface organ or a zone of the body doesn't occur owing to slackening of protective forces of an organism - and the consequences are clear. Such is the often elusive border between various kinds of inflammatory processes. Our approach from the standpoint of thermodynamics and thermophysics, namely: a change in the enthalpy (heat content) of a body region with an anomalous temperature regime in many cases can also be used for non-chronic inflammations, edema, etc., but here are and so enough effective means, but to fight with chronic inflammations by known means is difficult, and often useless.
  Without touching the drugs, we note methods, closer to our approach of influence on the inflamed organs or body parts.
  There are two methods, opposite in relation to energetic impact on the inflamed organ or the allocated zone of a body.
  One includes impact on the inflammation center in the form of the input there of portions of additional energy, for example, energy of laser radiation, microwave radiation, ultra-violet and infrared radiations. At the same time it is known, that at inflammatory process in a zone of an inflammation proceed exothermic reactions, that is there as though there is the additional source of heat making excess heat in comparison with normally functioning organ and the release of energy in this case can be considerable.
  Therefore, introduction in a zone of an inflammation of additional portions of energy increases total quantity of energy in the center of an inflammation and from the thermodynamic point of view leads it to conditions with even bigger enthalpy (heat content). It means still bigger removal of this zone or organ from a condition of a homeostasis, that is a normal state, and increase, in particular, at chronic inflammations of probability of degeneration of appropriate organ.
  Another method includes energy removal from the inflammation center. It can be a girudotherapy (leech therapy), various cryogenic influences. However, these rather intensive and nondurable influences by the most part give so short-term effect. That is, through any time the chronic process of an inflammation is resumed.
  Our approach to the solution of the specified problem consists in the following.
  In the presence of the raised level of release of heat in a local near-surface zone of an organism or at its increase continuous removal and dumping of arriving excess energy is made though the allocated channel. It is possible to call conditionally this channel the thermodynamic shunt.
  Any inflamed organ or zone of a body can be considered as the thermodynamic system removed out of an equilibrium condition (homeostasis, which is equivalent to a condition with the minimum enthalpy, or heat content). The inflamed systems, as we know, are characterized by the raised enthalpy, or higher thermodynamic potential H. Enthalpy H is connected with internal energy of system U by a ratio:
   H = U + pV,
  where р - system pressure;
   V - system volume.
  The equilibrium (normal) state of system at constant entropy and constant pressure corresponds to minimum value of an enthalpy, and the change of an enthalpy is equal to quantity of warmth which transfer to system or take away from it at constancy of pressure. Therefore, values of change of an enthalpy characterize thermal effects of phase transitions, chemical reactions and other processes proceeding at a constant pressure.
  At inflammatory processes or the structural change of a organ, for example, as a result of multiple bind processes, additional heat is precipitated out this organ, the intensity of electric potentials grows. At a delay of this process owing to the various reasons about which we already spoke, the discomposed system starts changing gradually: excess heat, in particular, can promote good-quality or malignant change of organ or the corresponding zone of a body.
  Thus, the return of the system to an equilibrium condition, that is, to a condition with the minimum enthalpy and the retaining of this condition in many cases returns this system (the organ or a body zone) to normal functioning, stops process of its compelled quantitative and quality change, or at the very beginning of the inflammatory process, initiated by these or those reasons, doesn't allow this process to develop to a destructive stage or to pass to a chronic phase, that is, actually blocks it.
  From this position the solution can be the following: the organization of rather weak on intensity, but constant thermal streams for removal of heat which, as a rule, are being formed at an inflammatory process. It would be possible to call this heat at chronic inflammation as the superfluous, as the current inflammatory process any more doesn't carry out protective functions, and this process is destructive for an organ or a body zone. The organized weak heat removal gradually returns system to normal condition or close to it which is characterized by the minimum value of an enthalpy (the local homeostasis). The essential addition to this solution is the following: at slow chronic inflammations or at prevention of inflammations of "problem" zones (organ) this canal of the removal of the excess energy has to exist constantly and work automatically.
  It is quite possible that the objective can be solved by various means. We offer, in our opinion, optimum mean which is not only simple, cheap, reliable, harmless, effective, but also and psychologically justified for each user. The last means that often purely psychologically the majority of people neglect by danger or are lazy to take against it measures or they have no money, time, etc. Therefore, in consciousness it is easier to overcome an obstacle to use of useful means if this mean passes to the category of the routine.
  The lightweight design from a material with high heat conductivity and not interacting with skin, can belong to such means, fixed or simply placed on a body with the coverage of the allocated problem zones at the dense contact of the corresponding part of a design in these zones with the body surface.
  This design by these or those ways, depending on its arrangement on a body, takes places for continuous carrying, providing continuously operating canal of the removal of the excess heat if this heat already is available or can appear. Practically, this lightweight design (from several grams to some tens grams) through short time the user ceases to feel, periodically removing it for a while, for example, for carrying out these or those physiological procedures.
  However, it should be noted that, despite harmlessness, low cost and efficiency of offered means of the removal of the excess heat, the device, as it follows not only from calculations, but also long tests, has certain restrictions, namely:
  - the efficiency of a heat transfer is provided at rather small distance from the inflammation center, that is, the shunt is system of near-surface action - no more than 5 cm in the depth from a body surface;
  - streams of heat in the shunt are rather weak as shunt section, the temperature differentials arising at an inflammation between it and a zone of shunting, are insignificant.
  Nevertheless, the set of zones and body organs, at least partially, except internal area of a trunk, the central part of a brain, get to coverage of the shunt and the magnitude of taken-away heat can be considerable, as it is shown in the model calculation.
  As for the weak currents in it, on the one hand, this factor ensures complete safety of the carrier of the shunt, and on the other hand, this factor is compensated for by the constant carrying of the shunt, especially since in the chronic inflammation an additional internal heat source acts constantly, but the shunt also removes this excess heat all the time.
  To confirm the effectiveness of the heat removal through the shunt in the Academy. A.F. Mozhaysky was made the calculation in the form of a mathematical model, which showed, that, depending on the material and size of the shunt the thermal power dissipating to the environment from it is at the small sizes of the inflamed site (about 3 cm) and small temperature differences (about 1 №C) is 0.9 - 1.5 W.
  In brief, the main positions and results of calculations are as follows.
  At a certain contact of the surface of the shunt with the surface of the body, the process of the heat propagation in the shunt can be described using the unsteady heat conduction equation [1, p. 38 - 41] at the following assumptions:
  - the process of one-dimensional heat propagation in the shunt is considered, that is, the temperature changes only along the length of the circular shunt and does not vary along the radius, as the diameter of the shunt is 1 to 2 mm;
  - thermos-physical properties of the shunt material (heat capacity, thermal conductivity coefficient, density does not depend on temperature);
  - the end surfaces of the shunt are thermally insulated;
  - thermal effects on the shunt are modeled using a concentrated volumetric internal heat source in the shunt material.
  If an internal heat source acts in the inflamed organ, then to heat the organ, for example, 3 cm in diameter with thermal properties appropriate to water, from a temperature 36№ C to 37№ C, it is necessary to deliver to the organ the amount of heat equal to 58.979J.
  This heat due to thermal conductivity will be transferred to the area of the shunt, adjacent to the boundary of the body surface with an area of inflammation or an inflamed organ, and heat it to a temperature exceeding the initial temperature of the shunt. From a concentrated internal volumetric source, the heat will spread throughout the length of the shunt and reheat it to the temperature of the inflamed organ - 37№ C.
  At an ambient temperature 20№ C and a shunt temperature 37№ C in a quasi-stationary mode, the amount of heat, removed from the shunt with a diameter of 2 mm per unit of time due to free convection will be equal to 1.335 W.
  The amount of heat removed from the surface of the shunt due to radiation at the degree of blackness for oxidized copper ~ 0.7 equals 0.2324 watts. The total amount of heat, taken away from the surface of the shunt per unit of time, thus, in total will be 1.5674 watts.
  With a shunt diameter of 1 mm, the total amount of heat removed from the surface of the shunt per unit of time will be 0.9100 watts.
  The characteristic time during which the additional heat supplied to the diseased organ (in this case, 58.98J) will be removed from this organ will be 37.642 seconds. However, the heat source in the diseased organ acts continuously (for a long time). Therefore, constant heat removal is necessary. With such heat removal from the diseased organ, its irreversible degeneration will not occur, and it can gradually restore its original functions, and its temperature will decrease to its former (normal) level of 36№ C, regardless of whether or not the internal source of excess heat will cease to exist (functioning).
  This example is given for the surface of the shuntu, unopened outside. In the event that it is partially closed, for example, with clothes, you can enter the appropriate amendments. However, even with a significant decrease in the external surface of the shunt and a corresponding increase in the characteristic time, the constant presence of the shunt on the human body will ensure the removal of the excess heat.
  Nevertheless, an optimum operating mode of the shunt at a temperature of a surface of a body about 36№C are an interval of temperatures in an air interface (at the surface of the shunt) 17 - 32№C, i.e. this is that temperature which provides optimum conditions of its functioning and creation of the optimum heat removal mode for restoration of the previous level of an enthalpy of body, which is characteristic for the equilibrium state, avoiding at the same time of the hypothermia of the areas of the body covered by the shunt . From the technical point of view, it is proposed to cover the external part of the shunt in a special way with a material with a structure that provides at any time of the year both a normal heat sink and an overlap of low-temperature air flows.
  The shunt is a design from the carrying-out sections weighing 5-40 grams which are specially processed metal at the minimum cross-section depending on number of the used parts.
  The given calculated data are confirmed by results of experiences. In particular, according to the received value of the characteristic time for which the received excess heat is taken away from the respective site or organ, even the large hematomas, as well as the edemas resolve when using the considered technique within a few hours, the headache stops in 15 -20 minutes for the most part; the perennial chronic inflammations, for example, radiculitis, inflammation of the larynx pass within 5 to 10 days and no longer resume, of course, on condition of a non-extreme lifestyle.
  Summarizing, we note that in the outlined circle of diseases, in many cases, one can do without known medical procedures and medicines, although in infectious inflammatory processes, a combination of the action of the shunt and the corresponding medical preparations is required to suppress this or that kind of infection.
  Nevertheless, the shunt is capable in many cases, even without completely eliminating the source of inflammation (which is often, especially in old age, difficult or impossible to eliminate), which we called an additional source of heat, to interfere the latter from affecting on the structure and functions of the corresponding organs for a long time. As a result, they can function normally still for many years.
  Lightweight frame high-conductivity shunts, for example, from the annealed copper wire with a diameter of 1 - 2 mm and about a meter long it is possible without great efforts to make independently and to carry them constantly or removing for the night. It can be wire knee pads, a ring on the lower back with additional coverage of the zone of the prostate gland, bracelets on the wrists, hoops on the neck or head, etc. it is possible that soon the sale will be underwear, reinforced with thin high-conductive wire, etc.
  These simplest designs, by organizing a constant outflow of excess energy from the zones of inflammation, will allow local areas to function in normal mode, relieve pain, as well as the vain costs of a hopeless treatment process of what cannot be cured.
  List of references
  1. Mikheyev M. A., Mikheyev I.M. Heat transfer bases. M. Energy. 1977, pages 38 - 41; 58; 95 - 96; 166 - 182; 330).
  2. Patent 2304987 RU, A61N 1/14. The device for change of an enthalpy of the allocated zone of bioobject (options). Y. M. Nizovtsev.
  3. Patent 2304945 RU, A61F 7/00. The device for change of a heat content of local zones of a body of the person (options). Y.M. Nizovtsev, V. M. Nizovtsev.
  4. Patent 2350302 RU, A61F 7/00. The device for change of an enthalpy of the allocated zone of biological object (options). Y.M. Nizovtsev, A.Y.Nizovtsev.
  5. Silver, gold or copper ductile bracelet with effect of removal of pain and restoration of joints. Y.M. Nizovtsev, A.Y. Nizovtsev, V. M. Nizovtsev. 2017. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru.
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