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What is the mechanism of imagination not revealed by science so far?

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    Science to this day is powerless in determining the mechanism of imagination, which makes a decisive contribution to the implementation of the process of human creativity. At the same time, science, denying the imagination in animals, removes the basis for explaining the process of imagination in humans. Therefore, the task arises - to reveal, to a certain approximation to the truth, the course of the process of imagination in animals and humans, and accordingly the difference, as well as the mechanism of imagination.

  1. The similarity and difference in the processes of imagination in animals and humans.
  2. A brief description of the information-holographic model of Creation.
  3. Beingness as a product of the interaction of consciousness and passive matter.
  4. Imagination as a three-contour informational derivative of beingness.
  1. The similarity and difference in the processes of imagination in animals and humans.
  The term "imagination" itself clearly indicates that in this process the result is the emergence one or the other images in the consciousness of a living creature.
  Since the changing world every moment produces certain images in the surrounding of any living creature in accordance with the sensory organs it has, so far as these images, willy-nilly, must find a response from each creature, facilitating its reaction to what is happening around.
  One can only guess what these images are in a bacterium or ferret, but without them, that is, processed information from the sensory organs, life, as such, is simply absent.
  Another thing is that the form of presentation of this information becomes more complex with the degree of development of organisms, reaching its maximum level in the highest mammals, which already are able to hold for relatively long time in their minds, that is, in a virtual form, images of specific things in isolation from the things themselves.
  Naturally, this ability also exists in a person, although it is supplemented by the reaction of his self-awareness to the environment, but the basis for creating images of reality in a person"s consciousness is exactly the same as, for example, in chimpanzees.
  So, the researchers of the imagination process, which is mainly engaged in psychologists, are mistaken in their denial of imagination, in particular in animals, appealing to the creative abilities of the person, which is absent in animals, forgetting, however, that the vast majority of people practically do not use these abilities, but they perfectly build in his mind the images of the life most attractive to them, almost as primitive as that of monkeys, and follows by them in fact.
  Obviousness of this fact does not require proof, if you look around.
  Nevertheless, it is rather foolish to deny imagination in animals if to pay attention just on the behavior of domestic cats or dogs, which clearly capture even the mood of the owners, which is impossible without creating images in their consciousness of future delicious pieces of food or tools of punishment for disobedience.
  Moreover, in animals, for example, in a dream, various images may pop up in the brain, which, confirming the presence of consciousness as a factor that provides the minimum necessary degree of functioning of the body without turning it into a lifeless object, indicate also upon the necessity for these images when the body is inactive. This can be explained by the fact that it is in the process of a living being"s sleep that his consciousness, without being distracted by extraneous influences, may easiest to "scroll" the supposed actions mentally for their optimization and assimilation, which finds the source in memory.
  However, even the highest-developed representatives of the animal world - primates, - creating certain images in their information processing centers on the basis of data, received from the senses, are being limited only to adapting to the environment, focusing their attention on food, reproduction and improving their position in the occupied niche.
  Nonetheless, without creating a changing picture of the presumed changes in own imagination to select the most optimal actions, the creature simply could not survive in the competition with opponents.
  Such is their adaptive, in fact, program of growth, development and interaction with the environment, embedded in the genome of every cell in the organism.
  Proof of the presence in all living beings of a program designed only to adapt to the environment is, for example, the absence for tens of millions of years of significant changes in the behavior of the highest mammals, which have survived to this time (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans).
  Be that as it may, the imagination, appearing not only spontaneously exclusively in sufficiently developed living beings, increases the likelihood of their holding in existence, performing the role of extrapolating in consciousness (brain) messages from the organs of senses, as well as data from memory into images of the alleged future, which means the forecasting the situation, at least for survival, limiting, however, by planning of actions only for keeping familiar sensations.
  That is, each relatively developed being, thanks to information perceived and processed by him, which means one or another level of acumen (intelligence), receives not only the current knowledge necessary for life, which always accompanies it, changing and replenishing, but also forms a forecast for the future, which can significantly affect the effectiveness of its actions.
  True, this consciousness in all living beings, except humans, manifests itself at the instinctive-reflex level, since surviving in the environment within the framework of the trial and error procedure, that are characteristic of all adaptive creatures, using mainly genetic memory, is possible only in similar semi-automatic the mode, on which the program on a protein carrier (genome)is configured.
  And only at the appropriate level of development, when a living creature, as a result of evolution, appears organs capable of conveniently capturing implements of labor to effectively change the environment in order to improve their own position in it; organs to facilitate communication during collective actions in the form of a certain form of the larynx, which makes it possible for coherent speech, which in turn provides an opportunity for the formation of memory in oral retelling of the most effective techniques for survival, transmitted from generation to generation; the genome program, providing only instinctive-reflex actions, is supplemented by a program that allows the creature to leave the instinctive-reflex mode of action in the mode of aware behavior.
  Only in this mode of awareness of oneself, or self-consciousness, does a creature get the opportunity to go beyond actions at the level of trial and error, using, on the one hand, purposefully found, worked out and fixed in the long-lasting memory of generations the most effective ways of interacting with the environment for the beneficial adaptation to it, and on the other hand, using the opposite way of interacting with the environment - no adapting oneself to the environment, but changing it for his own purposes, for example, building comfortable dwellings instead of caves and other natural shelters, breeding new strains of plants and varieties of animals, instead of gather and hunt, inventing new tools to facilitate the process of labor, as well as expanding communication beyond the limits the small community for the exchange of prey or products of labor.
  Accordingly, the essence of a person"s imagination is changing, helping it to most effectively and consciously plan for the achievement of often by no means the compel goals, the range of which goes far beyond purely utilitarian needs, and a person can present the result of own activity in such figurative form that is able to significantly contribute to his volitional effort in the pursuit of the goal.
  This output of consciousness in the form of a person"s imagination far beyond the limits of the current reality (the present) represents an opportunity for him to partake to creative thinking and the actions corresponding to it.
  In itself, this creativity is distinguished by a departure from the usual and long-established actions that have shown their effectiveness, but in a changing world you can always find even more effective solutions, especially if they compared to the former become less labor intensive or more attractive to the consciousness of the masses, especially in the cultural sphere.
  Imagination in the search for new solutions may turn out to be an indispensable consequence of presenting the future in the form of a multitude of changing frames, from which you can choose the most attractive and at the same time effective.
  The question is simply to create these frames in your head, and then make an adequate choice.
  In order to create an appropriate base for the appearance of original images, rather than fruitless fantasies, you must first have the appropriate professional training, experience, knowledge, excellent memory, adequate goal-setting, broad horizons, persistence in achieving the goal, as well as fairly high level of intelligence and those features of the brain structure, that are consistent with intentions of the particular person.
  For example, a musician should have the areas of the brain, particularly sensitive to combinations of sounds at different frequencies in the maximum possible range, an artist - to the smallest shades of light and color schemes on canvas.
  Then the number of the image frames in front of the mind's eye can be, on the one hand, quite large and at the same time understood, providing various choices, including unusual ones, and on the other hand, this choice will be the most objective and not limited or chaotic.
  In fact, creativity consists in selection of unusual images, which at some reworking can solve the task, which due to incompleteness of data cannot solve by the analytical research methods.
  Unusual images reflect at first something unstable, unexpected, unfamiliar, which creates a position of helplessness.
  However, they can be tried to inscribe into a stable and effective combination in line with the new rules linking what was previously thought to be incompatible, which open up a new scale and focus not on images, but on specific decisions, where already the process of thinking should play its role. Here the images themselves can suggest a way to a completely adequate, new solution, which is often associated with intuition, which is discussed in more detail below.
  So complex and ambiguous process for the vast majority of people, if they are trying to be engaged by some creative activity, is fraught with errors or ineffective solutions, precisely because many extremely rare qualities must be collected in one person. In addition, such people are violators of tranquillity and traditions, and them try to remove or not notice.
  Nevertheless, when a sufficient population of a diverse population, a good level of education, the emergence of new needs and relationships, such individuals certainly appear, setting the accelerated pace of the development of the whole society, saturating it with new information, despite all the resistance of the ordinary, conservative and lazy majority.
  2. A brief description of the information-holographic model of Creation.
  As for the so-called the mechanism of imagination, it can be presented in general form only on the basis of the information-holographic model of Creation that I have proposed.
  Therefore, first makes sense to depict this model with a few strokes.
  More detailed description can be found, for example, in work "Everything and Nothingness. Ch. 1.2 and 1.3. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  If all objects of Creation will be reduced to only two categories - active and passive, then they can interact with each other only in a strictly defined way in their essence.
  To the active we can refer all material objects that have subjectivity, that is, consciousness, that allows these objects, by converting the received information in own time within the frameworks of common time, to shape themselves in the type of alive in association of the active (consciousness0 and the passive structured by it, fitting oneself into own surrounding, which the rest living beings constitute, together with the corresponding infrastructure.
  The manifestation of the active as functioning subject is possible only in the form of a living being, provided with the appropriate infrastructure in which it, together with similar creatures, can be stationed and manifest itself in actions.
  In some simplification and coarsened type, the active is similar to a computer program, but the program, capable of self-correction for all types of the active and even of creativity for the highest degree of the active, in contrast to the known artificial intelligence.
  So, the active, being as if software, cannot do without "iron" - the passive, which, being formless and representing matter, devoid of consciousness, will only accept the forms that need to the active for its own existence and development, i.e. the passive as the internal and external surrounding of the active should constitute a kind of the material background, more precisely, the infrastructure, or the environment, ordered in one way or another, for the development and actions of the active, and the elements of this environment should be structurally connected and interact with each other in accordance with the laws determined by the active, which, if it capable to comprehend the situation around by processing information, is necessary to admit by consciousness.
  Thus, Creation potentially contains Everything outside of time as an infinity out of time, but this Everything is the hidden active and passive, merged together, and therefore incapable of action.
  In such "state" Everything represents by oneself Nothingness, or nonexistence, and in any way cannot express oneself, unless it possesses a projection in which Everything is able to be separated in the forms of the copies of the active and the passive in some duration, at this the copies of the active in this projection "are engaged" in, that they update themselves and, along with that, update the copies of the passive, because they have an appropriate association with an infinity out of time on the one hand, and association with own derivative containing alive, on the other hand.
  That is, the process of updating the copies of the active and the passive in the projection of an infinity out of time is only intermediate, since it does not make sense in itself. In fact, it is an information bridge that, on the one hand, provides converting both the active and the passive from the successive informational packets-copies into the current reality, updated every moment with high frequency, with the translation of frequency information in time, in which objects move in space (beingness), giving a place for events, created by alive. On the other hand, a projection of an infinity out of time serves as a conductor of signal-queries from alive to an infinity out of time to obtain information from it for own update and thereby for update of beingness.
  One part of these packets-copies intends for update the various forms of uniting the active and the passive in the form of alive, that is, a conscious creature capable of development, the other part is an infrastructure without the presence of life, which is being formed to ensure the existence of alive. Both of these parts constitute together beingness (the current reality).
  In turn, the function of alive is the selection and perception by its sensors (receptors) of the recognized information from the environment according to the available programs in the genome, deciphering the received data in the corresponding information processing centers and converting the decrypted information into time (the current reality) similar to converting signals from the transmitter (analog to an infinity out of time) through ether (analogous to a projection of an infinity out of time) to TV receiver (analog of a living organism) in a moving image on the monitor screen (analog of a surrounding). The difference between any organism and a TV receiver, in particular, is the ability of an organism also to serve as a transmitter of signals from itself to infinity out of time.
  Therefore, it is impossible to put the projection of an infinity out of time at the leading place in Creation, since this projection is a kind of informational bridge between an infinity out of time and the current reality, created by the active (an infinite consciousness) for its own realization in the form of the finite living beings. It is consciousness inside alive that "requests" through the projection the forms for own update and update of the infrastructure from an infinity out of time.
  This system functions indefinitely, that is, it does not need to start and end.
  Similar system of Creation "contains" an infinity out of time with projection. Nothingness of this infinite projection, unlike Nothingness of an infinity out of time, has the integral character, that is, the projection is able to manifest itself in own separate parts, but in the totality of parts, or in general, this projection is zero, having opposite signs of its parts.
  That is, Creation has a "supply base" (an infinity out of time) of alive with information. Alive is the united active and passive in a current reality. Information at the requests of alive in the current reality, which is a derivative of the projection of an infinity out of time, comes towards alive through a projection of an infinity out of time. A projection provides the "penetration" of the signals from alive into an infinity out of time, the control of the functioning of alive in a current reality, uninterrupted delivery of information to alive upon its requests for the formation of beingness and the concentration in own databases of the information, which are produced by alive.
  The projection of an infinity out of time and the current reality cannot function without each other, being sides of the same coin, more precisely, the chicken and egg phenomenon, and their "duties" are distributed as follows: the projection of an infinity out of time carries the function of an informational "bridge" (its role in a projection is played by a single consciousness) between an infinity out of time (source of all possible information) and beingness (the customer of information in the form of alive). Along with that, the processing of information coming from an infinity out of time into beingness through the projection of an infinity out of time and converting information into time, that is, into a current reality with all its attributes, in which alive is able to generate the information, is included the duty of the living beings, but the concentration of the information generated by alive, is ensured a single consciousness of a projection in the respective databases.
  This ability of alive to produce information appears due to the merger of copies of the active and the passive of a projection into a single whole in the form of an organism that can act more or less consciously in a suitable setting. Updating of alive is carried out in all its forms thanks to the sensors (receptors) available to it, centers for processing information received through the receptors and form-building abilities embedded in the corresponding program on a protein carrier in each cell.
  Such merge of the active and the passive provides through the genome the programmed growth, metabolism, reproduction and development of organisms in a suitable infrastructure (environment).
  The key to the presented model of Creation is a projection of an infinity out of time, providing a connection between an infinity out of time and beingness, as well as the storage of information, generated by alive; "energy" of this system is presented by the active (consciousness), and the material of this system is presented by the shapeless passive.
  Only a hologram (see, e.g., David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, 1980. ISBN 0-7100-0971-2) can be by the projection of an infinity out of time can: in a hologram, any part of it repeats the whole. The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
  In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose its unity with the entire single-multiple infinite set of particles of the active , and therefore can, in particular, with the help of this unity, to recognize, read and copy from an infinity out of time by means and methods, which it has, those the things in their connection, which necessary for own existence , recognizing them in accordance with own mind (intellect), coupled with form-building abilities so, as it wants and can, updating every "moment", that is, discrete, but infinitely, both a holographic projection as a quasi-temporary basis for one's own existence in the current reality and itself as a living thing in this information process.
  The particles-copies of the active (consciousness), in the union with copies of the passive in a current reality, are able thereby to receive from an infinity out of time the "necessary" copies of things (the passive) in order to replace by these copies the existing copies of things in beingness, including replacing own material base, as well as updating also themselves.
  This information process of the interaction of an infinity out of time, where everything is inseparably, and the holographic projection, where the active and the passive are separated, requires for interaction of the active and the passive the artificial union of the active and passive (see below) in one form or another (alive), the main difference of which from everything else is the ability to convert individual consecutive packets of data, carrying encoded information, into objects of a current reality for their updating, including consciousness in alive.
  These packets are similar to the pulsed signals from the transmitter via the ether to the television receiver, in which they are converted into a changing decorated picture on the screen.
  That is, alive is also able to convert individual impulse signals containing information into a incessantly changing picture of the world due to a certain inertia of signal processing, which in consciousness of any living creature nullifies pauses between incoming packets of information (positions of the update), creating a continuous change in the whole picture, in which arise already real - more or less "dense" - objects, rather than frequency information copies of the active and the passive.
  However, unlike a television set that only decrypts and converts into an image a scene, that has already been prepared in advance from an appropriate source, a living creature has the ability to change this picture in accordance with own needs, desires, at this, the person can change this picture also in accordance with own goals, communicating automatically through own sense organs through a hologram with an unmanifest infinity, although, in the whole, the process of updating beingness is regulated by a single consciousness of the holographic projection of an infinity outside of time.
  As a result, for the consciousness of a living creature arises in motion (energy) world of events - the current reality, or beingness, in which it is already possible to live in one's own present, but in the frameworks of general time.
  Thus, the active is an ultra-high frequency wave-like formation in a -hologram - a projection of an infinity out of time, the harmonics of this formation are a series of programs, allowing to arise, grow, develop and act correspondingly to the structured matter in the form of combining the particles of the active of a hologram and the particles of the passive, caused by the active from the unmanifest infinity. The hologram also collects information from all living beings. Each section of the hologram contains information about the entire hologram, that is, everything is contained in each part, which means that each particle of the active is connected to the entire hologram out of time, having thereby the possibility to use any information from the databases of the hologram.
  The active, presenting in all living beings, is consciousness of alive, which is in it, because only it is able to extract by means of the organs of senses and the information processing center of the body in accordance with the existing form-building abilities own information copies and copies of things from an infinity out of time through a hologram, sequentially converting them into all objects of beingness - from universes up to the micro-world, from living beings to the favorable environment, around them.
  The active in beingness, becoming in it the consciousness of living beings, transforms, collects, accumulates and transmits information, acting through the living, but only in order to live and develop in the form of alive in the information flow, which is manifested for all living beings as the current reality (beingness) with things moving in it, the set of which is being compiled as a derivative of their sense organs, both individually and as a whole. Along with that the accumulated information from each individual consciousness in alive is transmitted by it to the database of the hologram, that is, to a single active (consciousness) for further joint use.
  Beingness, consequently, means the only possibility of developing the active (consciousness) in alive. To a large extent, the imagination of living beings contributes to the development of an infinite consciousness through the finite living beings in the current reality, that is, discretely and along with that, in time.
  Therefore, it makes sense first to dwell in more detail on the characterization of being from the standpoint of its functioning as a result of the interaction of consciousness and passive matter in accordance with the information-holographic model of Creation described above.
  3. Beingness as a product of the interaction of consciousness and passive matter.
  The objects of beingness are by no means produced by consciousness (the active), as it seems to subjective idealists who deny the objective existence of matter. In fact, the objects of beingness are being formed by living beings, including people, or rather, their consciousness through the organs of senses, from entirely material high-frequency copies in the form of discrete sequential packets of information by converting (combining) these impulse signals containing the corresponding data, and, as a result, obtaining the "dense" objects, in comparison with their previous information copies.
  In other words, these objects, which are being updated with high frequency, including living beings themselves, are being presented to consciousness, which is as if inside living beings, in a certain shape, in motion among space as well as in altering in time.
  Similar current reality is created by eliminating the pause between the impulses-packets of information, coming to the organs of senses, with the hidden help of a single consciousness, which is an endless collection of individual forms of consciousness that manifest themselves in various living beings, and are present as a single whole in a holographic projection of an unmanifest infinity.
  The analogue of this process of formation of objects of beingness is a conventional TV with the difference that if on its screen move, like sleep, only images of things, converted from the pulse radio signals from some transmitter and these images are not "dense" matter, whereas in the consciousness of any living being, including in human consciousness, in the process of sequential linkage of packets-pulses of information, take places converting a wavy hologram mainly into corpuscles, that is, into a changing world of things and phenomena.
  In addition, a holographic projection of an infinity out of time serves as a conductor of signals-requests from alive to an unmanifest infinity to receive information from it, which serves to update this alive.
  Thus, consciousness, as and its property - imagination, is "that side of a single essence", as Hegel wrote, but in fact - an infinity out of time or an unmanifest infinity, that activates (enlivens) passive matter, providing an opportunity for a constituted formation (living being) to receive data (select it) that can be sensed by its sensors (sense organs), and further - to process (decipher) received data (copies of data about objects )n the corresponding centers of the organism (brain and human nervous system), forming own surrounding as a set of objects produced each moment by every living being from received and processed information, as well as performing data exchange with similar living beings.
  In other words, only the processing of these data-signals, derived originally from an unmanifest infinity, in the corresponding information centers, in which the pause between incoming pulsed signals is being eliminated due to a certain processing duration of each portion of data and occurring thereby a certain delay - for a person such center is his brain - gives each living being own life time, space, shape, movement (energy) and other attributes of the external and internal environment of the creature. The living being more or less consciously uses some portions of the incoming data, others - only take note, and rest - are not perceived by him in the form of information, that is, decrypted signals, and this is caused by or the absence of some sense organs and form-building abilities, corresponding to the available sense organs, or from due to the limited capabilities of the information processing centers.
  That is, the process of forming by a living being of certain objects from successive information packets coming to it through the appropriate sensors (sense organs) is similar to the formation of a moving image on the screen of a TV receiver from successive information packets-impulses coming into its antenna, the pause between which during signal processing in the television receiver is eliminated, as a result of which a moving image appears on the screen for the duration of the session, that is, a local session time arises.
  For a person, information every "instant" passes to the neurons of the brain from different organs of the human senses in the form of sequences of nerve impulses; and each pulse contains the corresponding information. The speed of propagation of nerve impulses ranges from 1 m/s to 120 m/s. The frequency and nature of the sequence of pulses carrying, in particular, visual information depend on the intensity and spectral composition of the light, and the magnitude and duration of an individual pulse does not depend on the nature and strength of irritation.
  Immediately after the generation of the pulse, the nerve fiber is in the so-called refractory state, and cannot be excited again within 1-2 milliseconds, that is, the nerve fiber is able to conduct nerve impulses with a frequency of not more than 500 hertz. The duration of the pulse itself, passing through the nerve fiber, is a fraction of a millisecond in each "instant".
  A pause between nerve impulses containing information means that they do not go continuously. However, this pause is below the threshold of perception by its consciousness and therefore does not fall into it.
  In particular, a moving picture for human consciousness is provided by an interval between driven sequential frames of about 0.04 seconds, which is the specified threshold. Its duration, as can be seen, is more than an order of magnitude greater than the duration of the pause. Therefore, the resulting discrete consecutive moments (in each of them the "reality" is updated) of a person"s own time, enclosing in its sequence all the pictures and all life events for a person, merge into a continuous, inseparable stream in his consciousness.
  Here, in this process, the person"s own time arises. This time is a condition for making changes in surrounding, in which every person (any living being), starting from the moment of birth, automatically, and in fact thanks to the hidden help of a single consciousness in its multitude, "selects" through sensations from a diverse environment only that data, which he can be deciphered, or information, in accordance with the achieved level of development of consciousness.
  This condition can be called a person"s own time because in it successively arise, formed by himself through his senses and operational centers, but with the participation of a single consciousness, that is, the totality of all individual forms of consciousness in a single integrity (a characteristic sign of a hologram) in a series of moments, the changed pictures of the environment in which events take place and which he not only contemplates, but also takes a direct part in, which is his life.
  The peculiarity of the impact of consciousness on the structured material of the body is the distribution of this impact on at least two levels.
  One level refers to the functioning of each cell and the entire set of cells in the body in a mode that ensures as staying in the environment - nutrition, metabolism, so and the retention of this form of life in the current reality (time) by means of its reproduction and changes in accordance with the program laid down in the genome. Similar effect of consciousness on an organism is automatic and is provided by a single consciousness of a hologram throughout the life of any organism.
  Failures in this automation can be internal and external.
  Internal failures are associated with random errors in the form of mutations in the genome and impaired cell metabolism.
  External failures in the automatic functioning of the internal structure of the body arise due to deviations from the usual regime, as well as due to a sudden change in the environment, which manifests itself in diseases and difficulties in reproduction and development.
  At this level, consciousness simply provides an opportunity to the organism to exist and reproduce as far as possible in the existing surrounding, that is, to be able to exist and extend the genus in a suitable environment.
  It is possible to notice this type of influence of consciousness on the body, which makes it alive, during the hibernation of some animals and amphibians, during fainting, as well as sleep, that is, at time when the active life of the creature fades for various reasons (illness, shock, fatigue, overvoltage, stress, unfavourable conditions for activity, break for rest, etc.).
  Thereby, for example, the expression: "a person is in an unconscious state" does not make sense, since consciousness does not leave the body for the indicated reasons. Consciousness in this case is temporarily at the first level, at which the body"s functioning in the "sleeping" mode is controlled automatically only by a single consciousness, which coincides with each individual consciousness, since in its essence both are nothing but the same hologram.
  At another level of the impact of consciousness on the structured material of the body, consciousness organizes the interaction of the body with the external surrounding, at least to survive in it against competing individuals, as well as, in the case of a favorable set of circumstances, imparts to the organism the aspiration to occupy a place in the community of similar organisms, the most beneficial in terms of getting sensations, preferably, the most pleasant, due to the constant dissatisfaction of the creature with the present, forcing the search for better conditions in the future.
  At this level, mainly, the individual consciousness of each organism manifests itself, solving the current problems of existence with the help of sensations reflecting own surrounding on an instinctive level, allowing to form images of complex things and phenomena in a simplified form, which contributes to their use for their own benefit, not without the participation of intelligence of one or another level, which offers ways to solve not easy problems of communication and survival in the environment.
  In other words, such, not the highest level of consciousness provides the organism"s adaptation to the environment at its open interaction with it.
  An additional level of the impact of consciousness on the organism is characteristic only for the persons. It consists in inherent to him self-consciousness, which ensures the use of the environment by a person for own purposes on the basis of understanding their own interaction with it, not only for adaptation to this environment, but also for its artificial transformation, providing thereby to each person more and more free time and therefore more opportunities for general development, which was previously hindered by the problem of survival.
  You can learn more about this state of consciousness of a person, for example, from article "What has self-consciousness led, and what will it lead to?" in Collection: "It is the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things". Part 3, ј5. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev).
  Only at the level of self-consciousness can appear in a being (human) creativity as a result of its departure from the only adaptive existence to a conscious transformation of the environment for its own purposes, the most effective ways of which can only be creative, allowing to solve a lot of current and upcoming problems on the new, as well as with less effort and more benefit.
  The greatest contribution to the creative process of changing reality and the person himself, and hence his consciousness introduce exactly imagination, so how it allows to approach to the new and the unknown in its simplest and most understandable figurative form without complex formulas and confusing analytics.
  4. Imagination as a three-contour informational derivative of beingness.
  So, we can say that living beings, surrounded by the appropriate infrastructure constitute a materialized "dense" and successively changing reality (beingness).
  This current reality is artificially shaped by living beings themselves with the assistance of a single consciousness of a holographic projection of infinity out of time thanks to eliminating the pause between packets-impulses of information incoming into the sense organs. As a result, a space with moving objects in time is established, and here can live.
  This current reality, naturally, is being reflected, when it comes to man, in his immediate feelings, images and thoughts in every moment of the present, making up a contour in which he can act more or less consciously: sensing that, what he is able to recognize by means of the existing sensory organs; representing that, what he can reflect in the shape and some components of surrounding objects in accordance with signals from the organs of senses, as well as the available memory; cerebrating already independently, what and how to do (be) in the current situation.
  Similarly, but in accordance with the level of their consciousness, which corresponds to the senses, information processing centers and form-building abilities, any living creature acts.
  However, if the process of the formation of reality by living creatures proceeds automatically and a single consciousness manages by it on the basis of the sensory organs, information processing centers and form-building abilities of the creature, then the existence of an organism in own surrounding, where it is forced to act independently is provided by it directly with using the same organs of senses, information processing centers, form-building abilities and accumulated data (memory).
  Independence of the actions for any form of alive means in many cases the need to create a preliminary pause, which can allow to make the most balanced decision for a particular action.
  And if for lower organisms with an appropriate level of consciousness, that is, with a minimum of receptors and insufficient power of data processing centers, filling this pause is reduced only to a rough assessment of the signals coming from the receptors and, as a result, the response to threats is often insufficient, which is compensated by the high rate of production of offspring, then for more highly organized organisms, such pause provides the opportunity to produce (materialize mentally) images of objects in isolation from the objects themselves.
  This virtual (mental) display of objects allows to "play" the interaction with things before it actually will take place, which is quite possible, since things themselves are the materialized information in a more or less "dense" state in time.
  Of course, the imagination does not render the objects in all their details and versatility, but in general, the imagery about things at a given level of consciousness without the presence of things themselves is preserved, and these images can be manipulated for some time and evaluate thanks to them own reaction to the consequences of the possible impact of the environment at the next moment.
  In other words, in this contour of materialization of objects that reflects the present, feelings, images and thoughts can be separated from what produces them and to exist in the mind of a creature independently virtually, that is, mentally-figuratively, and about what every person knows, creating mentally some pause for making this or that decision, which allows this being to consider in his mind one or another version of the upcoming action at the next moment, on what the very existence of a subject of the action often depends, which loses its ability to reproduce oneself in billions of copies in process of own develop, and is forced to compensate for this loss with a higher intelligence to preserve existence as oneself, and the kind.
  Moreover, any creature always tries to create the most suitable situation for survival and improvement of its status in the corresponding niche by searching for the best perspective for itself in a more or less distant future. This search, in particular, for the most developed animals is expressed in the formation of mental images of certain objects and their consideration on the basis of past events that have been deposited in the memory, due to what these animals, for example, are able to anticipate the danger and evade it.
  For example, wild cattle gather in a herd, minimizing the threat of predator attacks, female birds begin to build nests at certain times, people prepare for the onset of cold weather, figuring out their own possibilities for maintaining heat in dwellings, etc.
  In this contour of the display of a more or less distant future, every sufficiently developed creature is able to materialize information mentally in its consciousness for an imaginary way out of the present into the future, using the reserves of its own memory, owing to what its chances of avoiding stagnation or death are rising significantly.
  Thus, the main role in the information contour of the representation of the future for sufficiently developed beings can be played by imagination, which manifests itself both in the contour of the present and in the contour of the assumed future already not as a "dense" reality (beingness), but as "thin" matter - mental reality - in a number of images that are based on knowledge of past events.
  The information contour of the representation of future, therefore, provides motion of living creatures that already is not close to chaotic on the basis of randomness (mutations in the genome), which is typical for the simplest creatures, but makes it possible to order and accelerate this movement towards development for sufficiently advanced (complex) organisms, whereby, in particular, are animals, allowing to anticipate with the help of imagination what is likely to happen, and prepare in advance for future changes, whether it's cold winter or rainy autumn.
  However, the artificial transformation of the environment, which further accelerates the development of living beings, and consequently the development of their consciousness, ca not be carried out by any living being other than a person, since the consciousness of all these creatures, including primates in relation to creating images of the future, is configured in the program of own genome only to adapt to this environment.
  An additional program of self-consciousness, representing the upper information circuit - the circuit of creative imagination, which appeared in time immemorial among several species of primates, having shifting, them into the category of hominids, that is, enough self-active (initiative) creatures, capable thanks to this program, which is configured to artificially transform the environment, to use own imagination without adaptive restrictions, giving scope to emerge the productive considerations of the future in the form of planning and modeling of their own actions, presenting them mentally, as well as in the type of fantasies, which for the most part are fruitless in relation to their implementation, but nevertheless occasionally turning into new inventions, scientific discoveries, unusual, but impressive forms of art.
  Such fantasies, built not on sand, but on a solid foundation of accumulated knowledge under certain properties and actions of an individual fall into the category of insights (intuition), being the most productive road to the finds in the form of non-obvious knowledge, that is, knowledge, that does not follow from known rules and interrelation directly.
  It is the intuition that leads to new images, first vague and then acquiring more distinct forms, that provides the most significant shifts both in the process of cognition and in art, producing the initially sought object (phenomenon, regularity, art object) in its figurative integrity, although and without details. But these details can be cleared up analytically and experimentally later, while non-obvious knowledge has already appeared in a mental form, which over time can be translated into drawings, paintings or sculptures.
  If we turn to the model of the holographic Creation described above, it can be noted that intuition basically represents an additional target request of consciousness of the specific person on the basis of certain data through a hologram to infinity out of time, in which everything "is", and to get a mental answer, which, however, does not always manage to understand, but it happens, although and infrequently.
  Similar response a very small number of persons succeeds to transform into the most scale accomplishments, called therefore geniuses, and the less significant achievements of the unusual, but impressive and applicable for the benefit of society, are realized by more numerous people, who are called by talents for this reason.
  The process of intuition is described in more detail, for example, in the work "What is the mystery of genius, still unsolved?" (Collection "Open eyes yours-own". Part 2. 2020. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. љ Yury Nizovtsev).
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