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The result of the obedience of the peoples and the degradation of the elites

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    If the peoples are submissive and inert, and the power elites of the leading countries and their supranational offshoot do not understand the course of time, then what is the result of this stalemate?

  To date, the situation in developed and developing countries has changed significantly.
  The popular masses are mostly disoriented and submissive to the authorities, who do not even allow the thought of their own replacement or change.
  It became noticeable that the masses, which had become the lethargic and fragmented, lost their fighting spirit and enthusiasm in resisting their oppressors in the face of the ruling clans. If there are indignations, then they occur on national or racial grounds, and "color" revolutions are inspired by the same oppressors in their own interests.
  The technological upsurge coexists with poverty, oppression and illiteracy of the population of even developed countries. For example, in the United States, the number of illiterates is about 50 million.
  At the same time, the power elites and elites from culture are quite clearly decomposing, feeling the imminent demolition of their usual life, but not understanding the reasons for the advent of an era of the widespread chaos.
  Fine arts have been reduced to meaningless handicrafts, literature has ceased to set high moral goals, having become a prisoner of profitability, it has begun to sell waste paper for the dull-witted, and even those now prefer to have fun with spectacles that are energetically less costly.
  The power elites completely degraded, descending to satanic rituals, and their attitude towards the population became similar to the behavior of a lazy shepherd leading a herd of pigs to slaughter. The only thing they are really interested in is the preservation of their power for the sake of the further pleasant decay.
  These elites, from the elites of various states to supranational elites, continue to cling to their leading position, despite all the changes in the world, with which they propose to cope with the same means - force and deceit, despite their incapacity, since all their projects for resolving the urgent situation are absurd. and fatal for them too. For example, if they follow the beaten path of unleashing wars, then it will inevitably end in a nuclear collapse.
  Such picture surprises with the obedience of the masses in the face of such deadly and hopeless circumstances for them, and the lack of resistance among the elites to their own decay, adjacent to the use of unsuitable means to keep in power, which indicates their stupidity.
  That is, there is a feeling of indifference of everybody to everything except the most primitive sensations and the desire for survival and reproduction of the population in third world countries, which indicates a fall in the consciousness of human communities almost to the animal level, and moreover since even animals don't lead themselves so dully towards dying.
  Such curious phenomenon of the apparent collapse of culture and civilization in its foundations requires the explanation, since a person is after all not an animal, and is able to realize his position in time, resisting the world of things and people in his dissatisfaction with them.
  In our opinion, it is possible to find out what has happened to a person in his communities by now by comparing his consciousness with the consciousness of his ancestors - the primates.
  The animal consciousness, which reached its highest level in primates, has gave these beings a more pronounced individuality in comparison with other highly developed beings.
  By itself individuality of any animal consists in the features and properties that distinguish it from other individuals of this kind, being unique compared to the rest.
  The individuality of a being is reflected in the behavior, temperament, character of the animal, its physiological characteristics, appearance, ability to feel, the ability to pry.
  Similar features and properties characterize any person, but some other features and properties are added to them.
  Individuality is formed on the basis of the genotype, to which is added the impact of the appropriate environment, which is determined by the dissatisfaction of the consciousness of the individual with the existing conditions in relation to nutrition, reproduction and status in the flock or herd.
  The very term "individuality" clearly indicates the main property of any individual - its egocentrism, that is, the paramount concern for oneself alone as a being who wants to preserve own sensations, mitigated, however, by the fact that the forced stay of an individual in a group cannot but reflect its attitude to the members of this group, expressed in behavior that is dictated by the group, that is, the collective consciousness.
  A semi-primate-human could not but preserve the individuality of an animal in himself, more precisely, a person has retained an animal consciousness in himself, outwardly expressed in his individuality.
  The individuality, determined by the animal component of the human consciousness in its unsocial basis practically does not change, remaining the same as a derivative of the animal consciousness, which also does not disappear anywhere, remaining the same, since it strives only for nutrition, its own reproduction, possible improvement of its position in the environment and comfort, using such basic properties of their individuality as quick-wittedness, sensitivity, impressionability, decisiveness, a certain degree of sociability, the ability to pry, as well as dominance, perseverance, cooperation in actions, which in their totality, level and relationships constitute the individuality of the animal consciousness together with its acquired or genetic traits - such as appearance, temperament, adding only to them the life experience, skills, and behavior acquired in society.
  Individuality is based on the egocentrism of an animal consciousness, that is, on the primary care of a person about oneself as the individual who wants to preserve his own sensations.
  However, any living being can survive in the course of evolution only in the community. And the more harmonious this community, herd, pride, etc., the higher the likelihood of its preservation in general and the survival of an individual in particular.
  That is, the forced stay of an individual in a group cannot but reflect its attitude towards members of this group, expressed in behavior that is dictated by group, or collectivist consciousness.
  If an individual, due to genetic characteristics or characteristics of its development under the influence of parents and other environment, has a high level of consciousness, which outwardly differs in its individuality by good quick-wittedness, the ability to quickly make profitable decisions, to be persistent in implementing these decisions, to be sociable, to have the ability to pry and striving for superiority , then the chances of this individual to receive pleasant sensations in all their possible diversity increase dramatically within their own community.
  True, all these good properties of a particular individuality, on the one hand, rest on the purely adaptive nature of the behavior of animals in any area of the environment, and on the other hand, they are limited by the collectivist consciousness of their community, which is interested in its own preservation as a whole, and not in the preservation of the separate individual.
  Therefore, certain outstanding abilities of a particular individual only allow her to stand out in her own community, but she never manages to overcome the collectivist consciousness of a community aimed primarily at its own survival, and not at the development of its members, especially since extraordinary individuals can easily bring discord into a well-functioning community.
  Thus, in the community of the most developed beings, the collectivist consciousness is in constant conflict with the egocentrism of each individual consciousness, with one or another predominance of the collectivist consciousness.
  It is this predominance of the collectivist consciousness over the individual that has made the process of evolution so slow, which took billions of years before the appearance of a person.
  About two million years ago, a new form of highly developed creatures, hominids, branched off from primates in a way that is not entirely clear to science, having received a slightly different impetus to development compared to the purely adaptive existence of primates.
  All primates do not seek to become aware of themselves in the world, but are limited to sensing themselves in it with an assessment of their own actions, characteristic only of animals with a sufficiently developed brain. Nevertheless, even they correct their behavior, with rare exceptions, by trial and error and only in the current circumstances, locking themselves, apart from survival, to the aspiration to consume sensations, preferably the most pleasant, instinctively feeling the need to transfer this remarkable peculiarity to posterity.
  That is, they use the environment exclusively in order to consume sensations, and they do not seek to go further, remaining only the active components of this environment, completely merged into it.
  Thus, the main property of animals, as well as other living beings, unlike a person, consists solely in their adaptability to the environment, as a result of which they are nothing more than its most active components, using it without any attempts to change it purposefully for themselves.
  In other words, the program of action of any living beings, up to primates, which is in the genome of every cell of any organism, is tuned for survival and the best arrangement in its own surrounding, and not for the conscious change of this surroundings on an ongoing basis.
  Unlike primates, the program of the human actions has expanded dramatically in the direction of acquiring the ability to set goals and achieve them, using the creative abilities that have appeared in him, penetrating into the future thanks to his ideas, and thereby owning time, that is, being aware himself in it, whereas the animals are always limited only to the present in the form of the sensations.
  As a result of the emerging understanding of himself in the world of time, the hominid gradually began to become humanized, and this complex process associated with the growth and development of the information processing center - the brain, and which took about two million years, was externally reflected in the fact that, in addition to individuality, he acquired those properties that made him a personality, that is, a creature dual in his consciousness - a human.
  This process was quite natural, since this creature sought to consciously change its environment in a way that was beneficial to itself, setting goals for itself, which meant its mental penetration into the future from the present, in which all other beings still reside.
  This self-consciousness was externally reflected in the fact that new properties have appeared in a person and combined with the properties of individuality: curiosity, the ability to think, abstracting from the specifics of things, to show will in one"s conscious striving for the goal, constantly to look for unusual and most effective methods of the most beneficial for oneself changes in one"s own environment, often showing creative abilities, and, finally, fixing one"s achievements in writing, thereby supplementing personal memory with the memory of past generations, which was one of the main reasons for the transformation of the primitive communal system into a civilization that largely contributed to the consolidation of such positive human properties, as kindness, friendliness, empathy, sympathy, mercy, sacrifice, which can be described as altruism.
  At the same time, the property relations, which became the basis for the development of civilization, also expanded the negative personality traits supported by the egocentrism of its animal component of consciousness, such as: selfishness, unscrupulousness, self-confidence, irresponsibility.
  Thus, human consciousness acquired two components. One of them manifested itself before as the only consciousness of the animal, most of all concerned with preserving itself in the environment, adapting to it in every possible way, and therefore bearing an egocentric character. The other has being added to the consciousness of the animal during the transformation of the hominid into a man, manifesting itself in the form of awareness of oneself in the world as a subject capable of reverse actions - adapting the environment for oneself.
  A person, previously, like primates, who focused on instincts and reflexes in interaction with the environment and fellow tribesmen, as a rule, by trial and error, has gotten the opportunity to become a subject of actions to change the environment depending on his desires and considerations.
  He already understands the meaning of his actions by setting goals and solving not only urgent tasks. A person draws up projects, adjusting them on the move, that is, remaining part of the environment, at the same time he rises above it, becoming partly its owner and even creator both in various man-made structures, mechanisms, processes, and creations of the spirit, which is reflected in various directions of art and culture.
  The animal component of the human consciousness always takes care of its preservation with the acquisition, preferably, of pleasant sensations, that is, it is characterized by egocentrism, whereas awareness of oneself in the world of time, which a person understands, unlike an animal, requires its own development, which gives a more diverse, more a pleasant and interesting life in which you can find application for your abilities, previously not needed in a herd existence.
  A person tries to set goals for himself, solve all kinds of problems and thereby change the environment with the help of developed ideas-projects.
  New projects and ideas develop the mind of a person, his insight, contribute to the most effective manifestation of various abilities during life, lead to the thought of decorating life, that is, the culture of one's own existence and social existence.
  In a human, both of these hypostases of consciousness, opposite in relation to each other and to the environment, are merged into one. Therefore, they do not appear separately, but act latently, and the degree of their dominance depends on the degree of development of self-consciousness in a person. And the person himself often cannot predict what will suddenly become predominant in him at the next moment - love or hatred, anger or sympathy, sincerity or hypocrisy, timidity or courage, prudence or recklessness.
  The animal or the lowest consciousness "feeds" only on sensations that give it everything, including the harmony of existence, that is, something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination of sensations, if, of course, we ignore the struggle of each creature for survival. Therefore, in no case does it want to be deprived of sensations.
  This type of consciousness has a natural egocentrism, automatically striving to survive, no matter what.
  In the process of development of living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, since it is not able to withdraw its main property - an unconscious desire for survival, based on the initial activity of any living being.
  Self-consciousness, inherent in a person at any level of his development, is the radical opposite to the animal component consciousness.
  Thanks to him, this being, as it were, begins to see clearly, becoming not so much "merged" into the environment as separated from it, and, therefore, it gains the opportunity to look at it and at itself from the side, evaluate this ratio in an attempt to consciously set goals for itself in mind certain shortcomings in their own existence, which, in the opinion of this being, could be overcome, and achieve the goals set in actions.
  All this clearly falls out of the instinctive-reflex sphere of action of the animal component consciousness, and even begins to contradict by it, since self-consciousness often neglects utilitarian considerations, chasing after something unattainable, but dear to the heart and mind.
  Such duality of the human consciousness provokes the most intensive development of communities of living beings, which was barely noticeable before, and the main contribution to which was making earlier by mutations (random changes in the genome) mainly for the least developed beings, but for animals, development significantly accelerated as a result of the confrontation of such multidirectional features of their consciousness as egocentrism, reflected in the individuality of animals, and gregariousness, reflecting the group needs of animals.
  However, the most intensive development of living beings was manifested in hominids, noticeable by the growth of their brain mass, which has increased several times in two million years, whereas the mass of the primate brain has not changed in the same period, and it began only as a result of the emergence of self-consciousness in them, and, accordingly, its interaction with the lower (animal) consciousness, which did not disappear anywhere. This interaction is expressed in the almost unceasing struggle of these hypostases of consciousness merged together, since they mostly have opposite aspirations: the animal component of consciousness seeks to preserve its carrier and improve his position in relation to receiving pleasant sensations, whereas awareness of oneself in frameworks of current time requires a change in the environment in order to solve those or other life problems, which, in turn, forces this creature to find the rules of interaction with this environment, the laws of its functioning, involving oneself in the process of cognition.
  The difference in most of the tasks to be solved makes these components of a single consciousness largely hostile, which contributes to the accelerated development of both the person himself and his communities in this incessant struggle with himself, in which the most effective means are being sought and are being found for the victory of one component of consciousness, then another.
  In addition, such dual being, having acquired one or another level of altruism, which reflected the process of the human socialization mainly in the process of civilization development, and this is no more than ten thousand years, retained in its mind the spirit of the herd, and it has a significant advantage, since it was being formed and consolidated in his ancestors, tens of millions of years. The herd spirit itself differs from the collectivism of the human community in that it is aimed only at preserving the community in any form, while collectivism is focused on the positive result of the group's actions in view of the goal.
  However, such collectivism has manifested only in hominids with awareness of their own personality in a rudimentary form, whereas the herding is being existed in all communities of living beings for orders of magnitude longer - hundreds of millions of years.
  This herd instinct, inherent in animal consciousness, is always tuned to the survival of the community as a whole. Therefore, it could not but be present in human communities, despite any development of the personality of their members, expressed, in particular, in their reproduction even in the event of the loss of all goals of the common development.
  Along with that, the powerful egocentrism of the animal component of the human consciousness, which greatly contributed to the development of the individual in his striving for achievements of one kind or another in order to distinguish himself from a numerous community, also contributed to the stratification of the human community, alienating some of its members from others.
  What happened as a result by the present time, despite the development of technology and culture?
  Let us say, at first, arose in relation to the level of development a rather heterogeneous group of communities in the form of states, which, as before, were led by leaders, priests, and warriors, but along with that have arisen institutions of the bureaucratic management of various kinds, as well as a trading elite.
  To date, there have been no fundamental changes in the structure of the power elite. Each state is headed by power elites, which are based on a small ruling stratum, moneybags, high-ranking bureaucrats, and they are supported by various law enforcement agencies.
  All of them are a pack of cunning and unprincipled individuals, primarily interested in their own prosperity, and only in the background contributing to the development of the state, and even only for the sake of eliminating absorption it by neighbors.
  The guarantee of this prosperity, which only power gives, can be an attempt to keep the rest of the population at the level of animals grazing in the herd in the meadow, that is, in permanent poverty, forcing people, first of all, collectively and individually to fight for survival, but not for development, which can provide only a high level of education that requires sufficient family income, which the poor do not have. Of course, this attempt was not successful everywhere, but even now the vast majority of the world's population cannot be classified as prosperous, educated and cultured.
  The power elites always, in essence, are the totality of the egocentrics who have defeated all rivals with a high level of the animal component of consciousness, oriented mainly in their dissatisfaction with the situation to seize power and then retain it. And in their totality, they are trying to retain power by maintaining the herd instinct of the population, which is focused mainly on survival, and not on development, due to the maximum possible withdrawal of income from the population, which is always promoted by the credit policy of the authorities. Thus, by plunging the population into poverty, they guarantee themselves peace and constant prosperity.
  However, the herd instinct also has a positive meaning, never disappearing anywhere, no matter what happens to the population, serving as a guarantee of the preservation of the community in the desire of its members to reproduce.
  It has always been like this, only the composition of the power elites and technologies have changed with relatively slow rise in self-consciousness, and to date, similar procedure for retaining the population in poverty by deceit, loans and force has remained practically the same, despite the achieved material well-being of a fairly significant part of the population of developed countries, which actually arose as a result of their tacit consent and participation for the robbery of peoples of the rest of the world.
  As for other features of representatives the power elites, they are made up of the most rascally creatures, capable of not only breaking into it, but also staying in it until they destroy the country's economy or lose the war.
  The main property of members of the power elite is ingenuity, expressed predominately in cunning, as well as determination, corporate solidarity, unscrupulousness and ruthlessness.
  As a rule, all their actions are built on a devious and cunning deception of the population using all available means of propaganda.
  The power elites always, in essence, are the totality of the egocentrics who have defeated all rivals with a high level of the animal component of consciousness, oriented mainly in their dissatisfaction with the situation to seize power and then retain it. And in their totality, they are trying to retain power by maintaining the herd instinct of the population, which is focused mainly on survival, and not on development, due to the maximum possible withdrawal of income from the population, which is always promoted by the credit policy of the authorities. Thus, by plunging the population into poverty, they guarantee themselves peace and constant prosperity.
  However, the herd instinct also has a positive meaning, never disappearing anywhere, no matter what happens to the population, serving as a guarantee of the preservation of the community in the desire of its members to reproduce.
  It has always been like this, only the composition of the power elites and technologies have changed with relatively slow rise in self-consciousness, and to date, similar procedure for retaining the population in poverty by deceit, loans and force has remained practically the same, despite the achieved material well-being of a fairly significant part of the population of developed countries, which actually arose as a result of their tacit consent and participation for the robbery of peoples of the rest of the world.
  As for other features of representatives the power elites, they are made up of the most rascally creatures, capable of not only breaking into it, but also staying in it until they destroy the country's economy or lose the war.
  The main property of members of the power elite is ingenuity, expressed mostly in cunning, as well as determination, corporate solidarity, unscrupulousness and ruthlessness.
  As a rule, all their actions are built on a devious and cunning deception of the population using all available means of propaganda, although in reality their interest is focused only on maintaining their power for the sake of the advantages that it gives.
  This deceit now consists in presenting themselves as democrats who care only about the welfare of the peoples. This image of democrats is formed by all kinds of powerful informational influence, whereas in fact the power elite is a pack of semi- primates, whose positive personality traits are practically erased, but who are well educated and know how to pretend to be gentlemen.
  They gather around themselves numerous advisers, representatives of religious denominations, law enforcement agencies, bribe intellectuals who zealously serve them, use all possible levers of pressure on the public to create the image of benefactors of society, at the same time choking in luxury and pleasures like alpha males of monkey flocks.
  The role of the opposition to these scoundrels, who do not shy away from any means, just to stay in power, until recently quite significant, is now reduced to a minimum for the reason that all information sources are controlled by the authorities. And these sources, cleverly mixing lies with the truth, continuously mislead almost the entire population of the planet, even managing to justify wars and the robbing weak peoples, whereas in reality the policy of the power elites of developed countries in relation to other states consists mainly in bribing the elites of these peoples and using usury techniques.
  In addition to the realization and maintaining their power over the population through force and deceit, power elites also use the full power of science.
  In itself, the value of science lies in the fact that it allows all countries and any person with sufficient training to use the accumulated knowledge and methods to deepen and expand them, and even more so - to use its fruits.
  However, science has a number of limitations.
  In particular, science requires appropriate funding for its development, thus depending on the authorities and being mostly obedient to them, despite the frequent immorality of the decisions of power structures in the application of new technologies.
  The most recent example of the dependence of science on the authorities manifests in the attitude of medicine to the treatment of coronavirus influenza (covid). Unlike microorganisms that cause diseases such as smallpox or measles, influenza viruses, which are quite simple in their genome, constantly mutate in the struggle among themselves for penetration into clients' cells. Therefore, who if not doctors, who are well aware of this, should give priority in the treatment of influenza not to vaccines that are tuned to one type of virus strain, but to drugs, which in general was happening before the appearance of covid in 2019, which is a type of viral flu. However, doctors of all countries amicably, with rare exceptions, rushed to treat the covid with vaccines completely unprepared for this version of influenza, that is, practically useless, and in the future harmful in consequences, but beneficial for the authorities on a number of the political reasons, as if forgetting about the available drugs, as well as the development of more effective drugs, except vaccines
  In this way, it can be stated that science, represented by its most important branch - medicine, has disdained the humane considerations for the sake of the political considerations, clearly demonstrating its true face.
  However, earlier, about the same thing happened with the study of the fission of the atomic nucleus, the fruits of which turned into a deadly nuclear weapon, and the Internet turned computer networks into the basis for artificial intelligence, which instantly crossed out the creativity of the population and stole working time from it, throwing it to the sidelines of idleness.
  However, the main feature of science is that it contributes to building a technological civilization, that is, a civilization dependent on the emergence and development of technologies.
  It is technology in its progress that accelerates the own time of any technological civilization.
  This clearly indicates a reduction in development cycles, in particular, of the human community as a whole with the growth of information flows, which occurs with an increase in the level of the human self-consciousness, due to which changes are taking place in all spheres of the human existence in the direction of increasing life comfort, technological equipment, etc., which is largely provided by science.
  However, technological progress cannot go on forever. The shrinking cycles of civilizational development quite clearly reflect this fact.
  So, the era of slavery, where the main tool of labor was a living tool, took a time period of 6-7 millennia; the period of feudalism, characterized by the transformation of slave labor into the labor of freer producers of heterogeneous products with the help of ever more improved tools of labor up to the creation of manufactories, took several more than a thousand years in Europe; and capitalism itself, under which technological progress has been widely unfolded, has existed for only a few hundred years.
  Therefore, the same science put forward an assumption about so-called technological singularity point: the technological singularity is the hypothetical moment after which technical progress becomes such fast and complex that it will be inaccessible to comprehension.
  The approaching informational collapse is confirmation of that the era of fundamental changes in civilization development approaches with an approximation of the point of the singularity.
  Informational collapse is defined as the condition of network information space menacing to its stability and normal functioning. Informational collapse is characterized by fall off of capacity of communication channels and arises at a situation when existing technologies are not able to transfer growing volumes of traffic.
  The beginning of the informational collapse manifests in constant increase in speed of emergence of new information and accumulation of this information in the Internet. Acquaintance with the avalanche flow of information becomes more and more difficult and even more difficult becomes thereof its adequate use because filtration of information, as a rule, for doubtful criteria becomes actually by single method of ordering of information. This process conducts to fast loss by society of perspective reference points of development, to replacement of the true purposes by corporate purposes, to bamboozle of an overwhelming majority of Internet users.
  In addition to the oncoming information collapse in recent years, the method of the capitalist production and consumption based on private property and loans has actually ended, since the territory of the planet has the limit and the consumption of manufactured goods by its population is not unlimited. Therefore, the capitalist mode of production, automatically adjusted to the growth of sales of products, fails when this limit is reached, because it loses the incentive for development.
  The resulting stagnation leads the ruling elite to the idea of transforming society into a form convenient for maintaining the power of this elite and all the advantages associated with it.
  Therefore, the ruling elite, in essence, having borrowed Campanella's ideas about an ideal state, decided to arrange some kind of the formation, reminiscent of Campanella's "the ideal" state, where private property has been abolished.
  This state - "City of the Sun", where everyone works and there are no scoundrels and parasites, is based on an attempt to balance the various qualities and abilities of people by forced equality. The power in this ideal state belongs to the spiritual aristocracy, or intellectual and religious elite.
  Campanella offers the state to eradicate vices and the resulting wrong behavior. He also considers it necessary to destroy the institution of the family, since it leads to private property - a source of inequality. To improve people, Campanella proposes to carry out selection, which should be determined by the bosses.
  However, with the termination of proprietary relations, a powerful driving force disappears in the form of the struggle of the animal component of consciousness and self-consciousness for the priority solution of their own tasks within the framework of these relations, that is, a kind of competition, and it is no longer possible to function at an accelerated pace of civilization, and after a period of stagnation it disintegrates, but on the other hand, within the framework of a civilization characterized by a clearly unfair distribution of property, happens the development of self-consciousness in its individual and collective forms, manifesting itself as technological, scientific and cultural progress, driven by creativity - the product of abstract thinking with the addition of experiment and intuitive approaches to solving the most difficult problems.
  The current supranational power elite, imagining itself to be intellectual, also wants to forcibly put the population under its control by digitizing the population. This elite tries to discredit the family, having liquidated it gradually, and to deprive the population of property. It assumes to give him certain benefits depending on the behavior of specific individuals, which this elite considers correct, up to the selection of this population.
  It is surprising that this elite has become so degraded by the present time that, even understanding what the abolition of property will lead to, but, apparently, hoping for a long delay or for a miracle, it still clings to power, causing irreparable damage to civilization.
  Science also makes a significant contribution to this process of "drowning" of civilization.
  With the help of scientists, this insignificant elite, it is quite natural for itself, is going to reduce the population several times to reduce the consumption of the remaining resources of the planet by the population, and the main way of this reduction may be the partial sterilization population with medical drugs under the pretext of saving it from supposedly fatal diseases, and to digitize the rest of the population with the help of modern computer technologies, putting each of its members under control to dictate to him the appropriate behavior, especially since the main job will be performed not by the population, but by the artificial intellect.
  That is, every possible assistance in this project of the actual genocide of the population with its transformation into voiceless and thoughtless slaves for the absolutely unworthy needs of the ghouls in power, who believe that they will retain their power by implementation such stupidity, reducing all achievements of humanity and its culture up to zero, is provided by science, which provides specialists and equipment to destroy the bulk of the population and bring the remaining part into obedient blockheads, divided into a kind of castes depending on the degree of obedience.
  In addition, the digital concentration camp provided by science to the power elite and virtual computer worlds, moving people away from reality, deprive society of development, and civilization collapses into savagery, as technologies are quickly lost and the time comes for wild tribes that can live without electricity and hot water.
  Indeed, in recent times, the population of almost all developed and even developing countries has become surprisingly submissive and mindless compared to more recent times of violent upheavals and revolutions.
  This can be explained by the fact that every person who has a smartphone becomes an application to it, and with this, in essence, a slave of information networks, belonging to those in power, you can do anything and inspire him with anything, for example, by completely senseless Russophobia.
  Thus, the project of the power elite mentioned above, aimed at preserving power for these worthless individuals, is a typical utopia, since it, like capitalism, which has lost its incentive for development, lacks this very development, which is always built on contradictions, but they are not here.
  In this case, which is beneficial, how it seems at first glance, for the ruling elite, people turn into a herd, which this elite is grazing for the sake of obtaining certain products for themselves from this herd, not giving it the will in order to avoid its own elimination.
  Naturally, such artificial formation will degrade extremely quickly in all its parts, since it loses the ability to receive updates in the form of certain innovations in both technological and cultural spheres, especially since this post-capitalist society will parasitize on artificial intellect, which, as it is supposed, will replace the human intellect, that in fact will eliminate human creativity, thereby depriving society of progress.
  Whatever was, the actions of science according to a method of processing and transforming information that is specific only to it leads, to the acceleration of the development of a technological civilization, condensing its own time within the calendar time, which is an inevitable consequence of an increase in information flows consumed by science that contributes to the coverage of larger and larger spaces by human activity.
  In this case, the technological progress is combined with the compaction of civilization's own time, which cannot but end with its disappearance, or rather, the arrival at the point of singularity, at which the existing technologies cease to operate.
  It is for this reason that the hopes of the ruling elites for some new post-capitalist form of the existence of civilization in the form of the state of Campanella, where they will prosper like the Roman patricians among the host of slaves, are in vain.
  There is no left own time for any forms of the current civilization, since the contradictions that moved it earlier, disappeared, and artificial inventing of contradictions is impossible for any mind.
  Therefore, the development of self-consciousness within the framework of the current civilization has become impossible. And this means that this civilization has become unnecessary, no matter how unpleasant it may be for the same science, which turned out to be unable to predict such a turn of events, because it relied on humanitarian foundations that put a person at the forefront of existence and assuming, as a result, the existence of his civilization to be eternal, while in the world of events everything finds its end, but along with that it can resume through a corresponding pause on a new basis.
  It turns out that all the efforts of the power elite and science subordinate to it to bring the population to complete obedience, despite apparent success, cannot stop the natural course of events in the form of compaction of civilization's own time, which, in fact, reflects the fact that development cannot go on. endlessly, interspersed with periods of decline and beginning again, like everything finite in infinity.
  All this, regarding human communities, leads to the conclusion that such contradictory beings as people are not able to exist within the framework of harmony, but they are able to ensure the development of consciousness in the course of the gradual renewal of civilizations.
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