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On the reasons for the accelerated development of human communities

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    If you look at the course of life of humanity in its development, it turns out that it goes with acceleration, which is increasingly condensing the main phases of this development - from slaveholding up to capitalism. Moreover, even before the emergence of civilization, the living world also developed with acceleration, but at a slower pace. The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been established. Below we will try to do this.

  Key words: information, humanity, development, acceleration, time, self-consciousness, civilization.
  If we turn to the development of human communities, then, first of all, it should be noted that a person in his communities, as a being capable of targeted as well as arbitrary actions, can not only obtain the means of life simply by hunting or collecting something edible how do animals do it, but also with the help of various devices and artificial techniques to grow plants, breed animals or catch prey using nets and traps.
  Moreover, a person is already able to purposefully improve his life by building houses and decorating his home.
  Of course, all this does not happen immediately, but it occurs with a certain acceleration if you pay attention to the reduction of periods in which qualitative changes occur in the structure of society.
  It is curious that a similar process occurs with almost all living beings during their evolution, but for human communities this acceleration, or compaction of the proper time of the sequential development of human communities, acquires the greatest magnitude.
  To determine the reason for the accelerated development of human communities, starting with hominids, and to this day, we first shall note the calendar periods of the emergence and existence of different types of living beings in a known sequence during evolution.
  The single-celled organisms appeared on Earth 3.5 billion years ago.
  The time interval from the emergence of the single-celled primitive organisms to the formation of more structured organisms in the form of algae had compiled 2.3 billion calendar years.
  Animals have appeared about 550 million years ago. Accordingly, the time interval from the appearance of algae to the appearance of the first animals turned out to be shorter - about 650 million calendar years.
  The first mammals appeared 220 million calendar years ago. That is, the time interval from the appearance of the first primitive animals to the appearance of complexly organized mammals turned out to be even shorter - about 330 million calendar years.
  Thus, it is noticeable that the development of organisms on Earth went with acceleration, that is, the own time of these groups of organisms was being got denser.
  If we follow the course of development of the animal world, then we can note the incessant densification of the own time of development from simpler creatures to more complex ones.
  In particular, the first mammals appeared 220 million calendar years ago, the first monkeys appeared about 30 million calendar years ago, the first hominids appeared 6 million years ago, first homo sapiens appeared about 200 thousand years ago.
  For the first time among all living beings, the hominids in their communities have acquired the ability to be aware of their own actions, that is, to use not only instincts and reflexes, adapting to the environment, being only its active elements, but also the ability quite consciously collectively to coordinate and plan their actions both for the current time and for the future. Thus, they went beyond the limits of the adaptability to the environment, transforming into homo sapiens after a few million years.
  That is, the own time of the development of the hominid communities before their transformation into homo sapiens has become even more condensed compared to the previous period of the development of monkeys.
  In turn, homo sapiens acquired, as a result of this development of hominids, a larger brain in mass and additional departments, providing themselves with the most effective opportunity to change the environment purposefully for their own benefit, which allowed them to form a civilization just in a few hundred thousand calendar years.
  But only civilization has given real scope for the accelerated flow of human communities' own time in the course of their change, having existed to this day, according to various estimates, from eight to six thousand calendar years.
  In other words, a person in his communities, unlike the seemingly just as flock monkey, has acquired, in addition to its adaptability to the natural environment, completely new features regarding interaction with the environment - goal-setting and variability in seeing the problem in the right perspective, allowing you to achieve your goal in a variety of ways, depending on own cleverness, the most effective of which are creative.
  These features provided him with the opportunity to understand his existence in the world not only due to the high degree of efficiency of the thinking process, which is characteristic of both rats and primates, that is, animals with a fairly developed brain, but, unlike them, due to the use of goal setting and creativity, which allowed a person effectively to interact with the environment in accordance not only with his immediate needs, but also with interests and demands, which may not coincide with the needs and are constantly changing, and their range is expanding.
  In other words, a person"s program of actions has radically expanded towards his acquiring the ability to set goals and achieve them, using his emerging abilities for creativity, penetrating his ideas into the future, and thereby mastering time, that is, realizing himself in it, while animals are always limited only to the present in the form of sensations.
  Therefore, only this kind of awareness of oneself in the world of current time in the dimension of one"s short life means the true humanization of a living being, since it leads to the recognition of one"s own existence not only in the world of sensations, but also in the world of ideas, quite harmoniously combining in one face the ability to feel and the ability to know both the world around him and oneself.
  The volume of information flows in this case increases sharply, the environment begins to purposefully change under the influence of these new creatures, at the same time changing them themselves at a much faster pace than what happened before.
  That is, a person in his communities falls into the field of increasingly increasing information flows that are perceived by his senses, developing both them and the body's control organs, as a result of which, for example, the mass of the human brain has increased several times compared to the mass of the primate brain.
  Let us now note how the acceleration of human communities has changed with the emergence of civilization within the framework of the main phases of their development in units of calendar time.
  The slave system, which replaced the primitive communal organization of human communities, which took many tens of thousands of years, lasted only several thousand years until the transition to the feudal type of economy.
  During the era of feudalism, the development of civilization accelerated even more than during the period of the slave system, taking a little more than a thousand years in Europe.
  Capitalism occupied a historical period of several centuries - from the 17th century to the 21st century, accelerating the development of civilization several times compared to feudalism.
  However, such obvious compression of the own time of existence and development of various groups of living beings until the emergence of civilization has not found a satisfactory explanation within the framework of well-known scientific theories.
  Our considerations on this issue have no relation to known theories. Nevertheless, in our opinion, they quite satisfactorily explain the phenomenon of acceleration of the own time of living beings and their communities as a result of their activity.
  The compression of one's own time described above, which occurs with the complication of living beings in the course of their development, is explained by nothing more than a consequence of the activity of living beings. Therefore, it has no direct relation to calendar - as if external - time, which clearly flows around us.
  However, this own time flows implicitly, within the framework of external - open - time, without being recorded by people, and its individual manifestations are considered either a miracle or cause bewilderment. Naturally, this type of time, dependent on the activities of people and, accordingly, the expansion of information flows in which they are located, but not explained by official science, which objectifies calendar time, is still officially ignored, despite the above-mentioned facts of acceleration of this type of time, different from the calendar.
  To further illustrate that living beings located in the current calendar time also form their own time within the framework of this calendar time, let us compare the flow of time for a person in a sleep and in waking.
  The results of studies of the duration of visions in sleep have shown that their duration rarely exceeds 3 minutes, and often takes only tens of seconds, while events that are reflected in visions in sleep, as a rule, do not fit into these time intervals, sometimes taking an order of magnitude longer than calendar time.
  Scientists still cannot explain this fact, uttering only meaningless words about the subjective perception of images that arise in a person"s mind in sleep.
  Indeed, this phenomenon of time acceleration in dreams does not fit into the scientific conception of time as an objective, constant and consistent flow of ongoing phenomena.
  In particular, physics considers this progressive course of events to be a form of the flow of all various processes, or a condition for the possibility of changes.
  In other words, science in its present state objectifies time, believing that all the processes taking place in the world have no effect on the monotonous, uninterrupted and constant "course" of time.
  In itself, the process of the flow of visions in sleep is undoubtedly objective, reminding of a demonstration of some event on a television screen.
  But the question immediately arises: why is the interval of this supposedly objective and constant "pass" of time in the process of a particular vision in sleep so significantly different in duration for the identical event that happened in reality? It turns out that the change in conditions that occurred in a sleep for the same event, which previously happened in reality, influenced the "course" of time, undermining the interpretation of the concept of time by science?
  Then the passage of time is actually subject to change depending on the conditions in which a person is located: differing little for most processes occurring in the human body during sleep from the same processes during the day, but differing significantly for processes occurring in the brain of a person during the day, which, as you know, processes information during sleep. That is, time in sleep, as it were, is divided into two streams for a person.
  Consequently, the fact of the acceleration of time in sleep, judging by the duration of visions in sleep and the events corresponding to them in waking, is quite adequately explained from the position of representing time as a product of the processing of information coming to the processing centers from the sensory organs of a living being or already received in the same centers.
  Any information processing center, and in particular the brain, works according to certain programs that provide for breaks to eliminate unnecessary information, systematize and archive the information received in order to solve certain tasks with great success.
  Therefore, the brain, just like any computer, having got rid of the flow of external information at night, turns out to be capable, having processed the information received over the previous day and comparing the results of this processing with the information available in memory, to develop options, or models of further behavior according to the appropriate programs a person in reality in accordance with the changes that have occurred over the past time, together with the organization of the functioning of each cell, individual parts and the whole organism as a whole.
  During sleep, packets of information received during the previous day in one or another combination with the information contained in memory, just as similar packets of information in a computer, which display on the monitor screen through the appropriate blocks that convert them into a visible image, are displayed exactly the same in the corresponding centers of the brain responsible for the formation of visual images, sometimes forming an identical reflection of one or another event that happened in reality.
  If we proceed from this system of information transformation, then the speed of the flow of time for each individual human consciousness depends on the volume of information (the number and content of information packages) entering the processing centers of information a person, and on the speed of processing incoming information in these centers.
  Along with that, in the process of sleep, the processing of external information is no longer required, which practically does not enter the body, since the main human receptors in the form of visual and auditory no longer interact with the environment as before, thereby excluding the flow of information that previously entered through them.
  That is, in this case, the brain focuses on processing only the information that has been accumulated over the past day with possible inclusions of information from earlier receipts, without being distracted by the processing of external information, which practically does not come in the state of sleep, while in the daytime, the brain was forced to work, as it were, on two fronts - to process incoming information, as well as to systematize and place it in memory, and in addition, use the already available information from memory in combination with incoming information to respond to incoming calls from the environment..
  Therefore, the power of this living computer - the brain, which is an instrument of the intellect of the human consciousness, is spent in sleep already on processing smaller volume of information, due to the exclusion of the receipt of external information. As a result, the processing of these volumes is faster. For this reason, an event that happened in reality, and identically reflected in visions in sleep, flows within a shorter period of calendar time.
  In other words, the passage of time in sleep, reflecting for a person's consciousness a specific event that occurred earlier in reality, accelerates compared to the passage of calendar time.
  This notable fact means that the calendar, or external time for a person, in which each person is awake, if you try it on an event that is identically reflected in visions in sleep, does not coincide with his own time in sleep, the passage which may differ significantly from the calendar time.
  Thus, the phenomenon of sleep in itself indicates a completely objective picture of the existence both for a person and for all living beings of two types of time - the external, or calendar, and the own time of each living being. In them they are all, but the calendar time is marked by them clearly, for example, by the change of day and night, seasons, etc., as if obscuring the change of their own time for them.
  Therefore, we have shown above, using the example of visions in sleep, the fact of the direct and distinct manifestation of one's own time for each living being. The course of this own time may differ significantly from the flow of external time for each living being, depending on the degree of development of its consciousness and on the conditions in which this being is located.
  The particular case of acceleration of one"s own time in sleep described above is explained, like all other cases of compaction of one"s own time in the course of a qualitative change in the activity of living beings [see, for example, 1], by the fact that, unlike inanimate objects, every living being is in information flow, consuming, shaping and disseminating this flow in order to persist in it, and therefore in life. The information flow itself, naturally, changes in one way or another both from these actions and from external conditions.
  Therefore, if time within the framework of the activities of living beings is an information product, then with changes in information flows covering a living being or beings, the time of their own life and the periods of life of their genera or species, as well as the periods of existence of human communities, changes in accordance with changes in information flows, in which they are located, despite the fact that the calendar time is flowing as before [2, 3].
  The above leads to the idea that information is information about the state of material objects that the consciousness of a living being is able to recognize when scanning its surroundings with the means at its disposal. The initiative in this process belongs to the consciousness of any living being, including a person, and not to the objects surrounding it.
  Information, or the deciphered data, designations, clarification and etc. are transmitted from the material objects through the material objects, for example, light, to the material objects, for example, to the instruments for the finite perception by consciousness of information. That is, without the material objects, including consciousness itself, information doesn't exist. It arises only in case of the selection by consciousness of a living being from the general "noise" of those data which the consciousness this being is capable to recognize partly instinctively, partly consciously for the highest consciousness (self-consciousness).
  In other words, information arises only in consciousness by means of available for it, more precisely, at the carrier of consciousness of organs of senses, but not differently, being the quite material copy of an object or objects, which are available through feelings for consciousness and. which human consciousness can understand. Information can't be qualified as something non-material and independent, as far it is copies of data about objects selected and decrypted by consciousness from the boundless environment surrounding consciousness - some kind of "noise". The consciousness processes these deciphered copies of the fragments of the material objects in particular into images, meanings, emotions which are also the quite material components of consciousness entailing the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness. On their basis together with memory he interacts with environmental objects every moment of own "now".
  Thus, all interactions of the being having consciousness are carried out in this end-to-end, irreversible process only on condition of arrival in his consciousness of the appropriate portions of information, each of which is processed, falling in a certain duration and consisting a row of sequential moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
  This information process automatically places a particular living being or community of living beings in the field of own time, which this being does not notice, since this time is located, as it were, inside it, noting only the course of a external calendar time, independent of any living being, based on the periodic movement of planets and luminaries.
  It is this obvious current time that is rather trivially recognized by modern scientists as the only one, although more than two centuries ago the quite sensible Kant, which is difficult to compare with modern philosophers, questioned this consideration: "Time is not something objective and real..., but it is an objective condition, which according to the nature of the human mind is necessary for the coordination between each other of the sensually perceived according to a certain law, and it is pure contemplation" [4].
  1. Nizovtsev Yu. M. It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things (Collection). Part 2. Section 2. The explanation of the facts of acceleration and deceleration of time. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  2. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Contradictory but real (collection). Section 2. Why life time such is, what it is? 29.05.21. Amazon.
  3. Nizovtsev Yu. M. The vicissitudes of beingness (collection of articles and essays). Section 10. Time, as a manifestation of the process of obtaining information. 22.03.22. Amazon.
  4. Kant. Inaugural. Dissertation of 1770 (1894) by Immanuel Kant, translated by William J. Eckoff. Dissertation on the form and principles of the sensible and the intelligible world.
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