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On the ratio of consciousness and a person

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    Each person understands that his consciousness is inseparable from himself, but he cannot imagine how and why something invisible and intangible makes him suddenly temporarily alive, and then suddenly disappears, leaving him dead? Both science and well-known thinkers individually could only raise some questions about consciousness and a person, but did not give more or less evidential answers to them.

  Quite adequate statements of these thinkers for several thousand years for the person can't be transferred on consciousness as the active among the passive. Therefore, the considerations presented below, as it seems to us, solve some problems that still remain unresolved, which was noted at the time by the famous American philosopher Pierce.
  Some problems in the form of the questions, formulated by Peirce, are given below.
  Is there any especially individual existence?
  What is exterior reality, in the general and whole, which is represented by sensual qualities?
  Is there time in reality, and if not, then what is the nature of reality which it represents?
  What can be said about space in the same relation?
  As far as and in what relations time is aught external or time has a direct external content? Whether time and space are continuous?
  Whether have time and space any limit or center?
  Whether hylozoism (the animation of matter) is doctrine, which is worth serious consideration or it should be deemed as complete nonsense, and if so, what is its true meaning?
  What is consciousness or mind, i.e. whether is consciousness, like time and space, a uniform continuum, in which for various reasons can be formed the discontinuities under the influence of what is contained in it; whether is consciousness composed of some invariable parts, or its nature is absolutely changeable?
  Whether truth has generally, speaking language of Kant, any "material" characteristics in accordance with which it could be identified with some degree of probability?
  Whether there is, for example, in the course of events some regularity of general character or development flowing in one direction? [1, p. 310-315].
  Character of these questions specifies that the present work has answers at least for some of them.
  But first, let us note the circumstance that, until now, consciousness, which, as it was clear still to Plato several thousand years ago, has nothing to do with the objects of the world known to us, and is not able to act in it independently outside the living beings.
  Nevertheless, some scientists are trying to determine consciousness even now how some permanent part of our world in the form of non-destructive information outside the body.
  In particular, the explanation of the fact that consciousness can exist independently, Stewart Hameroff from university of Arizona in the USA and the British physicist Roger Penrose tried to give.
  They have explained the postmortem experience from the point of view of the quantum theory of consciousness by the fact that the human soul is contained in the microtubules or the micro canaliculus being in neurons [2].
  Nowadays scientists prove: microtubules on the structure approach best of all to be carriers of the quantum properties in a brain, so as they can keep the long time quantum states, i. e., to work as the quantum computers. "When heart ceases to supply with blood a brain, microtubules would be discharged. - Hameroff explains. - However, the information, saved up in them, does not collapse, does not vanish, and goes to space" [ibid.].
   Carriers of quantum information and, therefore, souls, according to professor, are weaved from a certain material. They are located in cells of a brain and when the dying person starts seeing the characteristic pictures, it is explained by effect of quantum gravitation in microtubules, or by loss of a quantum state of microtubules when the soul gradually leaves a body. Thereby, information which was concluded earlier in microtubules, is not destroyed, and only slowly leaves a body [ibid.].
  "When a person dies, quantum information indefinite time exists outside a body. It is soul", - Hameroff considers. According to him, the human souls are created from a certain material, "much more fundamental, than neurons, - from the fabric of the Universe"[ibid.].
  "I think that consciousness always existed in the Universe. Probably, it existed since the Big Bang", - professor speaks. According to him, when the person dies and the body decays, quantum information (soul of the person), being contained in microtubules (the proteinaceous intracellular structures), is not being destroyed, and extends in space. The scientist explained: "When a heart stopped, and the blood ceases to flow on the vessels, the microtubules lose the quantum state. But the quantum information, which contains in them does not collapse. It cannot disappear, therefore, it is being dissipated on the Universe. When the patient, caught in the intensive care unit, survives, he tells about "the white light", the patient can even see, how it "leaves" the body". S. Hameroff considers, what exactly therefore people in a state of the clinical death feel near death experiences: for example, they see the bright light or feel that they fly into any tunnel. When the doctors restore them to life, this quantum information or the soul, which has been in space, comes back again to a body, therefore the person and remembers this unusual experience. Hameroff's some colleagues criticize his theory, but the scientist notes that they still could not disprove it. (See, for example, www.evangelie.ru "..." Christianity and science »science News) [ibid.].
  Let's return nevertheless to the consideration of a problem of the ratio of consciousness and a person.
  Imagine something out of time.
  This unmanifest something, since there is no time there, does not exist in itself, and, therefore, we can say about it that it is nothingness more than nothing, having neither beginning nor end, that is, something infinite.
  On the other hand, everything around us, including ourselves, being in time, has a beginning and an end, and we can imagine the infinity in this world of time only as a condition of finiteness in infinity.
  An infinity more or less strictly is defined only mathematically. The ordinary person not in forces to imagine a sense of an infinity, especially the infinity of beingness.
  Nevertheless, it makes sense to address to concept of an infinity which is often associated with eternally current time, at least because it is opposed to concept of a finite, but is realized in it, not existing by itself. Really, in the world known to us it isn't watched anything infinite - even our Universe is finite. However, it is possible to assume that universes can be infinitely many and that each of them doesn't appear from nowhere and doesn't disappear completely, and as if hesitates in time infinitely.
  Such approach is quite laid down in concept, so-called, the potential infinity known since antiquity. The potential infinity is understood as the infinite sets of objects, as well as processes, which can go unceasingly, i.e. without restrictions. However, integrity of the infinite subjects and processes isn't considered.
  As for the actual infinity, the infinite objects and processes which can be uniform and integral, but non measurable are implied by it. In mathematician to the actually infinite objects belong the actually infinite sets and the actually infinite-dimensional spaces.
  It turns out that the infinity in time always "rests" on the finiteness of the processes and phenomena, which, as it seems to scientists, can last, interrupted, by an endless series.
  However, by themselves they always have the same beginning and the same end, thereby not receiving development, that is, in this position they are meaningless.
  In other words, such world in some objective time of finite things and phenomena, as the passive one, lacks both a developing component, that is, the active one, and the unifying component, that is, the information.
  On the other hand, an infinite something out of time, potentially has everything in itself - both the active and the passive, uniting them, and in this respect it is Uniform, although it does not manifest by itself in anything, but has the possibility to endlessly "transmit" its content in the finite form.
  As paradoxical as it may seem, this is what we observe around. That is, without us - without the living beings - the world of things and phenomena cannot exist precisely because we represent that active one that is capable of producing, perceiving and transmitting data that makes sense for it, that is, the information, thereby manifesting Uniform under a certain condition, which is represented by a holographic projection of Uniform.
  Thus, Uniform in its timelessness, if it is one, is deprived of everything because of the impossibility of manifesting, that is, it turns out to be nothing, but if there is such a possibility, Uniform as the infinite can present everything.
  Such opportunity can be provided by a projection of Uniform, that coincides with it, since it is zero on balance, thereby being nothing, but both of its components with the opposite sign can carry content.
  Therefore, it is able to "conduct" through itself, for example, in the form of ultra-high-frequency updating copies, fragments of those objects of beingness, that consciousness is able to identify in Uniform. These discrete ultra-high-frequency wave-like renewing fragments, manifesting themselves in the form of things, phenomena and living beings, and thereby composing beingness, represent the prototype of known to us time in an intermittent ultra-high-frequency form. In this temporal manifestation, the opposite of the projection of Uniform in relation to untimely Uniform One is expressed, which allows you to have infinitely operating system of the dual Creation from Uniform and its projection.
  In other words, the things themselves are hidden in the untimely Uniform and consciousness updates only what is at his disposal in a holographic projection through copies of the things (the passive) from Uniform, which it recognizes.
  Therefore, things in this process of updating the holographic projection are connected with consciousness, since it, on their basis, more precisely, on the basis of the passive from Uniform, forms copies of things in a frequency form and updates by them the previous copies in a holographic projection, but not inextricably, since each "moment" update is a certain duration, for which after a pause the next update occurs.
  These "gaps" constitute the prototype of the current time in beingness, in which the infinite manifests itself in the finite infinitely. Otherwise, information about things for consciousness would remain hidden in Uniform, since Uniform without its projection would not manifest itself, which means non-existence for it, but we do not observe this, since the changing world is open to us.
  In a holographic projection all things - material, frequency formations - are formed by consciousness in the form of copies from Uniform and therefore depend on it and on consciousness, i.e. they are formed by consciousness on a basis of the infinite and timeless Uniform, which can't directly be present in the finite formations of an infinite holographic projection, which thereby are in this projection in time, and in this regard, things, as the passive and merged in Uniform, don't depend on consciousness and remain in timeless Uniform in the same "dissolved state". This is the only way they can be there out of time - "in dissolved state", including consciousness oneself.
  Thus, the information copies of things from Uniform for continuous updating of a holographic projection are formed by consciousness, but don't arise in itself so how to identify in Uniform things can only consciousness on the basis of the previous copies and own form-building abilities, thanks to what consciousness "chooses" from Uniform some other form of a thing and copies it, updating thereby the previous copy, having access through sense organs of the carriers into Uniform in one form or another. Therefore, in this relation, things, more precisely, their copies in the projection of Uniform, depend on consciousness which forms them, but nevertheless without the passive from Uniform consciousness is incapable to form the corresponding copies.
  In this model isn't present not only any self-development of matter, but it also isn't required, inasmuch consciousness and things in copies don't arise in a holographic projection, but exist as polytypic material formations discretely in infinity of updating which is "produced" by a single consciousness.
  Time for each individual consciousness in beingness is being represented as current smoothly whereas in its basis - a holographic projection - time is irreversible sequence of durations, separated by pause.
  These durations (the "moments", more precisely, the updating positions) exist not in itself, but are formed during information discontinuous process of the identification (the recognition) of things from Uniform for consecutive updating of previous copies of things in a holographic projection.
  Each individual consciousness in the development and life in any of measurements of beingness is merged with the body-thing without which it can't act in the corresponding measurement of beingness due to their different characteristics (individual consciousness has no sense organs, appropriate to the particular form of matter of these or those measurements of beingness). This connection of the eternal consciousness (the living) with lifeless (the thing) as the finite lasts temporarily - during the possible existence of this association, the term of which is determined by the accumulation of the inescapable failures in its ultra-high-frequency holographic basis, by the environment itself, as well as the program of actions of consciousness oneself during the information process connecting the living beings with the things.
  Merged in Uniform, things and consciousness along with that in the copies exist in a holographic projection of Uniform not without "intervention" of consciousness in separateness of each copy, without losing thus unity in a holographic projection owing to its main property, as holograms, as well as getting the unity in time of coexistence of the individual consciousness and a body.
  Consciousness is not the incorporeal, ideal, unique, capable self-developing in own loneliness, as, for example, thought Hegel. On the contrary, in a holographic projection consciousness exists among copies of things, which are being updated by it in the form of a set of copies of the individual consciousnesses representing quite material frequency structures, same frequency formations as things, but higher order, and possessing in the living beings without self-consciousness only ability to self-development, but having self-consciousness in the highest expression.
  Except the frequency structures in a holographic projection there is nothing, and they didn't arise and didn't disappear, but existed, in our understanding, always, changing only the range and harmonics during updating. At this all of them are equal to zero integrally, being in antiphase each other, that is reflected on beingness, which is a derivative of a holographic projection of Uniform, since beingness contains both matter and antimatter.
  The difference between these formations consists in what the simplest structures (the passive) are not able to change themselves on own understanding which they don't have - they are changed (updated) logically in succession only with "challenge" of them from Uniform, more precisely, by their consistent identification by the most complex frequency structures (the active), having the understanding, which "search" themselves in changes by them of the passive.
  Thereby, indirectly, through the passive, are possible changes of the most active. But for "work" of the active with the passive on change of itself it is required steady formations, which are absent in a holographic projection of Uniform.
  This requirement is fulfilled due to consecutive "clutch" of updated frequency structures of the passive that is quite possible for information copies (information packages) owing to loss of pauses between positions of updating of the passive, or pauses between information packages.
  Pauses drop out in each individual consciousness in own carrier (the living being) generally because of a certain duration of processing of each package of information (the threshold of perception). This delay allows as if to catch up by the new package the previous package to every time and replace it, creating in individual consciousness illusion of smoothly current information of the certain forms.
  Thus "the clutch" can be carried out only through frequency structures of the active (consciousness) in the living, connecting in it all incoming frequency structures in the form of pulse information packets in the irreversible sequence of the identification. It means transformation of the arriving information out of the motionless, but consistently replaced formations, into the moving world - as analog up to some extent can serve demonstration of the movie for the audience with that difference that the movie "is scrolled" inside of the active and it makes the active oneself.
  Fluctuations of one sign in the form of the separate packages of information (impulses), which are arriving consistently in the processing centers of the living being, are being merged in them in the holistic material, being transformed to the picture not the frequency type, but, for example, into the picture known to us the world of the things and the phenomena. On the one hand, this picture has an information-frequency material basis, on the other hand, the picture of the world represents, like a computer game, an artificial steady formation with own regularities, rules and establishments which can differ for the various measurements, but for which always are typical the current time, motion of the specific objects in a certain space.
  Any living being, that is in the current life "inside" of this world, naturally, perceives it objectively, i.e. it isn't capable anything to change in the world, it cannot manage by this world, similar a soldier in the computer game, but, unlike the soldier, no one has control over any living being in this world - it does everything itself, however obeying to a certain extent the fixed rules. It cannot, for example, cancel the law of conservation of energy, chemical bonds of elements, own metabolism, limitation of life of a body in the conditions of environment or condensation of time with development of all living.
  For clarification, we note that there is nothing surprising in the transformation by the sense organs and the processing centers of incoming data by the living being of the own high-frequency base and the frequency base of things into the macrocosm, known to us, in which the living beings can exist, breed and develop, inasmuch depending on the conditions the wave material formations may manifest along with that the properties of corpuscles. This occurs in the surrounding of the living beings which form the environment, suitable for life.
  For a person is that appears in front of him and in him in three-dimensional measurement, incoming through his sense organs and that he is able to "split" with the help of his intellect during existence of each human civilization. Such is reality in which a person exists.
  All the rest is inaccessible to a person, however thus it isn't necessary to forget that to the single consciousness, which forms all measurements of beingness, naturally, are available everything, but in the form of the manifesting (beingness), into which each individual consciousness tries to penetrate for comprehending of essence of each thing according to own level of development
  This process lasts infinitely, inasmuch Uniform, as "supplier" of things, has no borders, and form-building abilities of the single consciousness are incessantly improved in beingness. Therefore, the question of cognition should be put differently: whether is possible the limit to cognition of things by consciousness?
  And the answer to it consists in lack of opportunity of something inaccessible for a single consciousness. inasmuch consciousness oneself forms, as a result, beingness according to own understanding; but consciousness along with that uses the infinite "depth" of Uniform and variety of things from Uniform, thanks to what consciousness into own uncountable particles can infinitely develop changing oneself with change of each of them.
  In this respect, the reality of the world can be considered as proved if not to rely only on the person who is just one of numerous representatives of consciousness in measurements of beingness, but to keep in mind consciousness, forming to oneself beingness for life and development on the basis of Uniform in the finite infinitely, in what actually makes the meaning of this beingness.
  Beingness in the form of the copies of things from Uniform, merging in each individual consciousness into flow, motion, is formed by a single consciousness through the sense organs and the processing information centers of each carrier of consciousness. Thus, in consciousness of a person, owing to loss a pause between positions of copying, emerges the current time, space and copies of things, whereas themselves things are inseparable, or rather, they are merged 'inside" an infinite Uniform with consciousness (the active).
  Things in an information-frequency form, i.e. in the form of copies, are "allocated" consistently from Uniform, forming not a number of the forms existing together, not travelling wave, but only one form which is completely replaced with another close to previous, i.e. is being updated with the interval, which is required on updating, and so on.
  This consistently updated frequency structure, of course, is not a thing in the true sense of the word - it is its prototype, inasmuch the passive, merged in Uniform, turns out to "allocate" in consistently changing form that means the temporal character of the projection and opportunity the further transformation of these discrete high-frequency wave changes into the corpuscular separate things.
  In particular, these changing frequency formations become separate and rather steady only in consciousness of the living being, for example, a person, thanks to the connection in him consecutive positions (moments) of update of a holographic projection - this is the cause that things acquire motion and change in arising thereby space. If time (consciousness) disappears - there will be neither things, nor space.
  A holographic projection of Uniform is the superhigh-frequency updated structure which is formed, being updated, by a single consciousness in own set through the sense organs of the living beings on the basis of Uniform and it is presented to each individual consciousness in own carrier in accordance with his sense organs, creating his "now".
  We, as people, know only yourself and your sense organs, which present us beingness as the temporal-spatial-corporeal world in motion in the three spatial dimensions. However, space doesn't exist "under" this reality, presented to us, separately from time, things and the living beings, inasmuch the living beings "produce" it on the basis of Uniform through own sense organs with the hidden help of a single consciousness.
  At this, the "velocity of flow" of time depends on the volume of information coming to the individual consciousness through sense organs, inasmuch own time of a person is the information process, representing itself the copying of the material objects, surrounding of a person, by means of his sense organs in the form of the irreversible sequence of the discrete, information-bearing durations, being merged in the human consciousness and in the consciousness of any living being into a picture of incessantly changing surrounding. And all these changes depend not on some arbitrary stream of things, what is impossible for the passive, inasmuch information copies of things from Uniform are initially motionless and invariable, but these changes depend on consciousness: all things are identified and copied thanks to the presence of consciousness in the living beings in the sequence of their address to Uniform in accordance with their own form-building abilities.
  With development of the living in more sophisticated and diverse beings the flow of time is accelerated, reaching the maximum values with the advent of civilization of reasonable beings, as a consequence their conscious actions. Growth of speed of the emergence of new information and, accordingly, its volume leads, finally, a civilization to information collapse and disintegration. [3, chapter 3].
  There are no the living beings - the carriers of consciousness, - there is no the information process of copying also, i.e. the exception of the living beings, or - consciousness from beingness signifies impossibility of existence of beingness in any form.
  Berkeley and Gusserl refused to link the activity of the active "substance" or in our interpretation - the material multiple-united holographic copies of consciousness, with the manifestation of "matter", or in our interpretation - copies of the passive from Uniform which exist, being updated consistently discretely by multiple-united consciousness in the form of material holographic formations as copies of objects from Uniform, identified by consciousness, as the sole tool of retaining of Uniform from "falling" into oblivion, which does timeless Uniform as perceived in the form of updated copies of things from Uniform, identified by consciousness in accordance with to form-building abilities of consciousness.
  The result - ensuring manifestation of eternal Uniform, potentially containing everything, including consciousness, through a holographic projection to the finite, real worlds with consciousness in live, temporary beings. Duality of this timeless formation and along with that the formation, which is situated in time, is permission of an internal contradiction of Uniform, containing potentially the passive and the active.
  As for the material, it in some way is opposite to the ideal inasmuch unites in itself all types and forms, what has density, taking a place; has the energy, connecting all things; as well as is subordinated to these or those regularities. As it seems, it is possible to live and develop in it, inasmuch it is situated in time, which is a condition for spatial distribution of things in their change. However, from where undertakes time and consciousness, if to imply under it a certain active beginning, unlike another passive matter.
  Each thing in these material worlds and measurements, as and these worlds, is the finite in own existence, except the "thing" which belongs to the active, but not to the passive matter. The active is the finite (temporarily) only in "the combination" with the passive, but it is infinite in own existence through discrete updating so how itself forms the real worlds.
  Each individual consciousness in our world is content with the existing manifested, but, unlike consciousness of the living beings without self-consciousness- from bacteria to primates - the consciousness of a person is capable to go deep into essence of the manifested, though it has not the opportunity to get to other measurements with other manifestations and other regularities.
  However potentially, each individual consciousness of a person as the part of the hologram has an access to any another region of the hologram and to full coverage of all hologram. The possibility of the realization of similar access means the overcoming of a barrier of sensations of carriers of consciousness, on insuperability which pointed Berkeley.
  And if we discuss these problems here, this type of barrier isn't completely insuperable that in itself indicates the holographic basis of our world.
  The incorporeal is something without signs of at least some basis, i.e. nothingness, or non-existences. "Nothingness" can "avoid" non-existence only if it is everything as the eternal and infinite Uniform and along with that is detected in time as the finite in infinity.
  Each person understands, what he any moment of the life willy-nilly is address outward (something external), which hardly is empty, but, what is this external and from where appears everything what our sense organs are "touched"?
  Apparently, sensations meet with some basis and not just "Nothingness" though it is impossible to prove by the means which are available for us; but nevertheless this basis is manifested in boundary situations for the person, for example, at the moment of his death at casual circumstances in a car accident, the falling of bricks on his head, and so on.
  Therefore, the foundation is there and the sensations of a person are addressed to it and perceive this aught, and it does not necessarily have to be the same as the person himself, as his consciousness, and along with that the subject existing irrespective of consciousness. Could it be quite strange situation, when things and is, and along with that things don't exist?
  Such opportunity appears only if everything is merged together in infinity in which there is no time. In principle, the subject world can be "derived" into the existence from the infinite which represents by itself both everything, and nothing, however things, which are merged together in the eternal, in the original can't "pull out" from there if even there is a possibility to identify them.
  Nevertheless, a problem of the emergence of the objective changing world is being solved, if an infinite timeless Uniform, remaining the motionless and eternal, may exist along with that as the finite, the temporary, but the real, inasmuch without the temporary the eternal is non-existence.
  However, two prerequisites are necessary for such "co-existence" of the infinite and the finite.
  One of them can be seen immediately: there is everything in infinite Uniform, except time. Hence, there is potentially aught active, thinking in Uniform, as well as there is the passive in it, upon which and in which, in principle, it is possible "to work" to this active and deprive the passive of timeless immobility in some way.
  The second prerequisite consists in providing the formation of the changeable, finite that we determine as existing which express duration and sequence of events, i.e. time. At this, an eternal Uniform remains as the same.
  This finite and changeable can be formed from the passive only by the active - there is nobody more - so, as it can, if it has an understanding of oneself, and, therefore, the essence of the active is the aspiration to changes. However, to realize this aspiration, the active has to "get out" somehow out of an infinity and along with that to remain there.
  From this situation for the active there is only one exit: to have own copies in the multiplicity of individual particles, which, nevertheless, remain united, and this unity coincides with the unity of the active in infinity.
  A holographic formation is suitable for the achievement of this purpose: in a holographic picture each particle of the active doesn't lose unity with all infinite set of active particles and therefore can, in particular, by means of this unity to distinguish, read out and copy using own means things, necessary for own existence, in their connection, identifying theirs from Uniform according to the understanding, which this active has, so, how it wants and can, updating every "moment", i.e. discretely, but infinitely of a holographic projection as the basis for its own existence.
  Frequency particles-copies of the active, or particles-copies of consciousness, thus, "receive" out of an infinite Uniform the frequency copies of things (the passive), which are required for "replacement" (update) by them of previous frequency copies of things in a holographic projection. The things themselves remain in an infinite Uniform in a state of fusion with consciousness, and along with that by means of copies of particles of consciousness are manifested as a result in the form of the environment surrounding particles of consciousness as if outside and from within. That is, in the manifested reality the "objects" from Uniform don't appear as such, but they are present nevertheless, at this reality in the form of copies which are being updated. A holographic picture by itself of all that are being manifested in time, can't but be the material. By definition, this picture contains the frequency formations. Multiple copies themselves of a single consciousness, which possess self-consciousness, have one frequency structure, the living beings without self-consciousness have other frequency spectrum, and things from Uniform, identified by particles of consciousness, are formed by consciousness in the form of the information copies of things as the simplest frequency structures which are qualified as lifeless matter, and which make the real worlds. At this, in the sum this undulating holographic structure is in antiphase, i.e. it is equal to zero according to its balance.
  Interestingly, this process falls under the Hegelian triad, inasmuch the thesis in the form of eternal and infinite Uniform passes into the antithesis in the form of the finite in the infinite update (a projection of Uniform), i.e. into time, coming to the end as the synthesis in the formation of the equilibrium unity of the temporary, the finite in infinity and the infinite, the eternal, the motionless, that holds all system in existence in spite of the fact that this system according the material balance seems to be absent.
  A holographic projection, formed by consciousness, has no motion, but, as it is paradoxical, it is changing, more precisely, it is the updating sequentially picture, owing to the indissoluble communication of consciousness in the projection in own multiple-single expression with timeless Uniform, in which everything is merged together, but it can be "allocated" in the form of motionless copies every "moment" (the position) of updating.
  Consciousness gets opportunity of life in sequences of these updates of the projection, the opportunity to change, but at this, an eternal infinite Uniform "comes out" thereby into the real beingness, as if coming to life in time and along with that, retaining itself from falling in non-existence in which can occur nothing.
  Thus, there is no motion in an eternal and infinite Uniform - and that is understandable for the timeless, there is no motion and in a holographic projection of Uniform, - and that too is understandable: consciousness no need to move copies of things from Uniform - it is enough only to update them in the information process of identification in irreversible sequence on the basis of Uniform, in which a single consciousness has an access, as if browsing it, on what has paid his attention to Fichte in due time: "I am contemplating some not-I, and it thus isn't inherent anything more, except contemplation. It believes itself in contemplation, as such, quite apart from not-I; it contemplates on one's own initiative without the self-slightest enforcement from outside... it believes them as a display of something outside of its being. - In this outside available aught displayed characteristics must be indeed, not by virtue of their disposition in the minds, and utterly regardless from I. according to their own, in the most thing reasonable laws. No-I does not generate the contemplation in I, I does not beget the nature not-I, but both must be completely independent of each other; and yet between them there must be a profound harmony" [4, p. 301].
  The ratio of consciousness and of the passive from Uniform, which is similar to presented Fichte, can only be realized in the holographic picture that is formed by the single consciousness on the basis of the passive from timeless Uniform.
  Only in this case the form-building abilities of consciousness can find to themselves application what in a certain degree there corresponds also Fichte's thesis: ""... I oneself is for myself the object whose properties under known conditions only depend on thought, but whose being must always be assumed" [4, p. 380].
  Therefore, the disembodied spirit don't need as the producing cause of motion, but without not disembodied at all consciousness (the active), as it turns out, can't go, inasmuch without it there is nobody to carry out the update procedure, forming time, and hence, motion, and ultimately, events.
  The compatibility of Uniform and a holographic projection, in which a single consciousness also acts among countless holographic copies that transform into objects of beingness, presupposes the initial formation of these objects in the form of sequential discrete information packets-pulses, which are copies of the selected fragments of things from Uniform, coming to the sense organs of living beings on the basis of updated in its projection of the ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures with harmonics containing relevant information.
  Consciousness only needs to update these copies, using the potentially inexhaustible reserve of the One, to which consciousness from the projection has access coinciding with consciousness in Uniform.
  The hologram itself in the form of a holographic projection
  So, the dual Creation containing the timeless Uniform and its frequency temporal projection turns out to be able to form beingness in its totality only if the projection of Uniform is a hologram. It is thanks to this that the projection can create an information bridge between Uniform and beingness, which ensure the unity of actions of the entire projection and each of its parts, since in a hologram any part of it repeats the whole.
  The hologram itself is in the form of a holographic projection of Uniform is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
  In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose its unity with the entire single-multiple infinite set of the active particles, and therefore can, in particular, with the help of this unity, to recognize, read and copy from Uniform (an infinity out of time) in frequency form by means and methods, which it is available, necessary for own existence the things in their connection, recognizing them in accordance with own mind (intellect), coupled with form-building abilities so, as it wants and can, updating every "moment", that is, discrete, but infinitely, a holographic projection as a quasi-temporary basis for one's own existence in the current reality in the form of the living beings in this information process.
  Particles-copies of the active (consciousness), in the association with copies of the passive in a current reality, are able thereby to receive from Uniform the "necessary" copies of things (the passive) for them to replace as a result existing copies of things in beingness, including replacing own material base, as well as updating also themselves.
  Respectively, consciousness potentially possesses by everything in infinite Uniform, projecting this everything through the discrete updating into time stream at own discretion, and the irreversible sequence of updating as a result gives the moving and changing world for consciousness.
  Consciousness can't but "see" in Uniform the reflection of things known to consciousness and therefore it is capable "to correct" them, using an extension, that provides Uniform, not forming the things anew. At each updating all previous in a projection is replaced by other, but on the same basis; in other words, all content of a projection changes for position of update slightly. So, discretely, a projection of Uniform and respectively beingness, derivative of a projection, or the existing real reflects in own change the completeness and nothingness of Uniform [see e.g. 3, chapters 2.1, 2.2, 2.3].
  It is curious that science connects motion, which is absent in a holographic projection and which is manifested just before our eyes, with time which too doesn't exist without consciousness. Science thereby objectifies motion absolutely, inasmuch existing scientific theories believe reality not as result of action of consciousness on the basis of Uniform, but - as the spontaneous natural phenomenon, which is impossible due to its meaninglessness in relation to development, which is provided by the influx of information, and only the living beings are able to perceive it, but not inanimate objects of any type, which was shown above.
  Whatever it was, but the one who "twists the movie" is the founder of illusion of the motion, and actually - is the founder of time, i.e., eventually, events. Time in itself doesn't arise just like it doesn 't occur the moving subjects on the film, if you don't start scrolling it.
  This fact was noticed long ago by the religious consciousness, but this consciousness didn't find other explanation as soon as to offer as the founder and the propulsor of all real - some external, reasonable, lively, ideal and omnipotent being. This omnipotent, omniscient, perfect being has been called God.
  The contradictory nature of this creature is undeniable and is caused primarily by the fact, that human limitations required the patronage and protection by some highest creature with the supernatural properties, and along with that humanizing him, that is, doing this highest creature in own fantasies by the same limited being as they themselves.
  This issue is considered in more detail, for example, in my work "Creation - a hologram at the base or a matrix (critical review)?" [5].
  Nevertheless, the denial of an infinite creature, for example, by atheists, too leads to the mistake consisting in that instead of it on this place a person and mankind is put, i.e. - the finite, which, by the definition, can't be an eternal (infinite) and omnipresent.
  It means, that if there is some highest, it has to be live, reasonable, material, all-pervasive (multiple), it has to change oneself for own development, and along with that it has to be the eternal (the infinite). With all of this the highest creature doesn't need to be omniscient and all-powerful owing to the absurdity of these properties.
  However, this highest creature, due to the eternity (the infinity), has to be motionless and unified, i.e. be out of time, but, in the opposite to these characteristics, this highest creature has to possess by liveliness, rationality, materiality, plurality, which are found only in time.
  How in the highest creature all these properties can be combined?
  Paradoxically, but if to accept for truth existence of an infinite Uniform, which includes in itself potentially everything: the passive (things) and the active (consciousness), as well as the consciousness, understanding itself, then all contradictions are removed; but they are removed only under one condition - under an exit the active and the passive into time; however an eternal Uniform isn't capable to exit into existence, inasmuch it is out of time - means, about Uniform nobody can know and such Uniform would remain as non-existence if it didn't contain some active, which owing to own activity, naturally, can't "be dissolved" in inaction only in Uniform . If this active is in Uniform - and it has to be there, so how in Uniform there is everything, - then this active has to have for itself also some kind of projection, where it is already capable to manifest its activity.
  The active, understanding that it wants, as well as having a projection in which it can act, as if is separated from Uniform, remaining also in it, having thereby the opportunity to use all infinite content (potentially) of Uniform in "own" projection. In this way an infinite Uniform, remaining in eternity, is manifested in time, i.e., it avoids non-existence. Though, of course, in this process of the manifestation there was no beginning, there will be no end also.
  If there were no the active (consciousness) in Uniform, then the infinite passive from the One could not manifest itself by definition, and there would be no one to manifest it and use it. So, in this case, whether there is such Uniform or not does not matter.
  That is, without the active in Uniform there couldn't also be a projection of Uniform in which consciousness "acts" infinitely, but discretely as the actual, reasonable, active infinity, united in a set, what is essence of a holographic projection of Uniform. It, partly, doesn't contradict the definition of actual infinity, given by Cantor: "It is necessary to understand under actual infinity such quantity which, on the one hand, is unchangeable, but is more likely fixed and defined in all the parts, is an authentic constant, with another - at the same time exceeds on value any finite value of the same kind" [6, p. 249].
  But, nevertheless, how the infinity can have liveliness and mind, - not in mathematics, and in the eternal?
  The answer lies in the fact that the active (consciousness) is not mathematical, not abstract infinity, it also - not passive infinity.
  Unlike the passive, consciousness, remaining merged with Uniform in its deep, motionless, timeless infinity, is manifested, as the active, multiple in the form of own particles which in their unity form by the discrete infinite series the finite formations, which every "moment" is updating, by copying them on the basis of Uniform.
  During this process without the beginning and without the end the deep everything and nothingness, remaining as Uniform, is capable thanks to infinitely updated holographic projection to exist via consciousness in time which derivative for each individual consciousness is the moving and changing beingness: Uniform in it loses nothingness and becomes by everything.
  In beingness, which is formed by consciousness in own set, all conscious beings receive the real world, on which they can lean just because it provides them the opposition (resistance). In the same way - without friction, or soil resistance - usual walking is impossible.
  Besides, each individual consciousness, within frames already available and evolving the finite external in the form of these or those measurements, forms by means of a single consciousness its present time ("now") by available means, in particular, by means of the sense organs.
  Thereby each living being receives the sensations and images, and the person - and meanings which are combined with feelings. As a result of cooperation of people in corresponding natural frames, arise civilizations in which reasonable beings, and, means - consciousness, can develop. An example of it is our finite world and our civilization in it.
  Thus, consciousness - this eternal, immeasurable and holistic, or the actual infinity, as we see, is manifested in each of us as the individual consciousness, which, in turn, finding itself in the outside general world, or the external time, forms the own world, its "now".
  It is clear hence that, remaining motionless and single, a infinite consciousness, as the hologram, is manifested in beingness formed by it in various changing forms; at least, we know some of them: it is the living beings who sense and coordinate own actions in compliance with environment (live), as well as the self-conscious living beings who sense, live and think, consciously projecting their actions in the changing real worlds with motion.
  Therefore, duality of Creation in the form of timeless Uniform and its holographic projection, through which consciousness in the form of the living beings "produces" the moving and changing beingness, does not lead to the contradiction (which is not resolved until now: materialism and idealism), if to lean on known holographic model [7; 3, chapters 1, 2.1].
  Motionless, eternal Uniform along with that is in own projection in multiple existence or Uniform "peeks" into the world thanks to consciousness - its reasonable, active nature is manifested by means of a holographic projection through which consciousness "delivers" into the formed beingness everything what can according to own form-building abilities in the form of copies from potentially infinite various Uniform.
  The active (consciousness), remaining inseparable with Uniform, at the level of own multiple particles- copies in a holographic projection of Uniform has opportunity already as if from outside to throw "look" on the passive from Uniform and on itself consecutively from various foreshortenings: Uniform here as if comes to life thanks to the fact that consciousness by combined efforts of its particles-copies forms from the passive discretely everything that wants and can, but only on the basis of the previous copies of things in a projection, in the form of the information copies of objects from Uniform on which the consciousness as if looks from different foreshortenings, "allocating" things and oneself from the "dissolved" state,
  "Things" thereby acquire respectively from position to position the various places and states, in sequence which each holographic copy of a thing in each position is updated with ultrahigh frequency.
  It means the formation of time by consciousness at the absence of the motion of copies of things in a holographic picture.
  However, in particular, in human consciousness, inasmuch the pause between moments of identification, reading out and copying purely physiologically isn't fixed by human consciousness, this process is reflected by motion of things in time.
  Thereby, quite material worlds are formed in this or that change, in the basis which are the holograms, replacing by others. These worlds for any consciousness move, change, but, in fact. every "moment" are updated by the information copying; in these worlds consciousness can act already in the form of own countless particles-copies in the living, which in their infinite plurality along with that are a single unit.
  So far as the duality of Creation is manifested like effect of egg and chicken, in so far as there can be no the universal beginning out of nothingness, but a deep infinite Uniform and the multiple finite formations, manifesting discretely, but infinitely in the form of a projection of Uniform, "always" - joint and "always" support each other.
  Of course, any person, as the finite being, is not able to give, apparently, as truth its own judgments about an infinite. Hobbes, in particular, had no doubt in it: "Whatsoever we imagine is finite. Therefore, there is no idea, or conception of any things we call infinite... When we say, any thing is infinite, we signify, that we are not able to conceive the ends, and bounds of the things named; having conception of the thing, but of our own inability" [8, p. 1].
  Berkeley as we stated above, believed, that things exist only in the case of their perception by own mind of the person, inasmuch there are no proofs of separate existence of things outside the human sensations. [9, p. 76-79]
  Hume too considered that existence of the objects outside their perceptions is unprovable: "We perceive only properties of those forces which are available to senses" [10, p. 22]; "They are the successive perceptions only, that constitute the mind; nor have we the most distant notion of in place, where these scenes are represented, or of the materials, of which it is composed" [10, p. 253].
  Kant echoes with Hume: "...It is necessary to recognize as scandal for philosophy of universal reason need to take only on faith existence of things out of us (from which we after all get all material of knowledge, even for our inner sense) and impossibility to oppose any satisfactory proof of this existence, if someone would even think to subject it to doubt"[11, p. 103].
  It is possible to argue with presented opinions of the previous thinkers, time a person himself with all his content yet correlated to the infinite.
  If to recognize that a person is the hologram in his base, he, as well as any other part of the hologram, comprises everything, what is in this multiple infinite updating picture which consists from the finite changing formations.
  It means that, at desire and a certain mood, he can try to punch a barrier between single consciousness and own individual consciousness, that sometimes happens to the creative personalities who live for moments a certain fusion with a single consciousness in the form of an insight of one kind or another.
  A material holographic projection in its infinite variety and update comes from two sources - from consciousness, forming it, and from the passive in Uniform, without which this diversity couldn't be manifested by consciousness.
  In other words, outside duration there can't be a projection of Uniform. Therefore, a condition of coexistence of consciousness and things is time - in its finite intervals (durations) a projection of Uniform is updated infinitely, and, as a result, the thingness worlds appear and disappear. Consciousness interacts with passive, unveiling it so, how it can so far, and uncovering itself in it eventually in own updates and changes.
  Thus, both material objects - things and consciousness - can coexist only so - in their mutual influence, being updated in copies of a projection of Uniform, inasmuch not the consciousness in itself only influences on itself and surrounding it, but and each thing always influences on consciousness.
  This mutual influence means that without each other they are lost. Therefore, Fichte, who told that "... we cognize and consider always only ourselves ... Thinking - the source of any Being and any reality" [12, pp. 59, 63], is right only partially. Consciousness can form nothing, including itself, without the support on the passive. Though in this case, it is difficult to deny the leading role of consciousness in this process of interaction, its form-building abilities and activity. However, things in beingness, among which and in which consciousness is found in the set of the living beings, influences on consciousness, limiting consciousness in action, in liberty of choice, as well as changing it when the consciousness comprehends the essence of things in moving worlds, derivative of a holographic projection.
  Again, if to address to mathematics, zero can be presented as infinity, containing all numbers, i.e. it can be deployed in series of numbers with opposite sign and nothing specifies, that it can't potentially be presented in it as the infinity with one sign and along with that as the infinity with opposite sign. Therefore, an infinity can be presented and as set of the material structures with the opposite characteristics.
  On the other hand, an infinite, eternal Uniform, comprising potentially everything, has to include also consciousness. This position is proved by the fact, that a person contains certain "dead" matter, and certain "live" consciousness.
  A person unites thereby the passive (things) and the active (consciousness) in time and motion, creating in collisions of live process the possibility of infinite development of consciousness in the finite.
  In this situation an motionless and timeless Uniform, remaining as such, along with that finds its existence in the live, or in time, so how without the live, active there is no time, i.e. disappears also Uniform, becoming by non-existence.
  However, the fact of our existence confirms lack of non-existence.
  Thus, to all appearances, Creation has two hypostasises: an infinite Uniform, containing all things as if in the preparation (potentially) together with consciousness bearing in itself understanding of itself in correlation with the passive; and a holographic projection of Uniform - the infinite in their finite frequency formations in the antiphase.
  In a projection the preparation of Uniform has opportunity to be expand and be swerved, or to be updated each position (moment) in the form of the infinite discrete process by the multiple-single consciousness, which forms thereby time, inasmuch each update can't but have the duration, and the subsequent update occurs through a pause.
  Uniform only in the presence of a similar projection can "go out" in actual existence, or into time, remaining along with that as the infinite and motionless. Advantage in this case lack at one or another hypostasis of Creation, inasmuch this infinite process has not the beginning.
  Therefore, Uniform contains the passive which gives "a construction material" in the end for beingness as well as the active - consciousness, or "a conceiving material", who is able, through projection, to "create" the reality, known to us, from the "material" of Uniform in accordance with own understanding.
  Kant's "thing in itself" (transcendental object) which implicitly presents everywhere, in sense of it inexhaustibility, but not isolation from consciousness, can be attributed not to the thing, as such, but to an infinite Uniform. Consciousness can eternally scoop from it for own holographic projection the things in copies, discretely updating them, and to create thereby a basis for own development in these infinite discrete changes.
  Kant tried to explain in due time the "duality" of the world, or its ideal and along with that material character by the reference to antinomy of mind: "... phenomenon has always two aspects, the one, the object considered as a thing in itself, without regard to the mode of intuiting it, and the nature of which remains for this very reason problematical, the other, the form of our intuition of the object, which must be sought not in the object as a thing in itself, but in the object to which it appears - which form of intuition nevertheless belong really and necessarily to the phenomenal object... ... those who maintain the absolute reality of time and space, whether as essentially subsisting, or only inhering, as modifications, in things, must find themselves at utter variance with the principles of experience itself. For, if they decide for the first view, and make space and time into substances, this being the side taken by mathematical natural philosophers, they must admit two self-subsisting nonentities, infinite and eternal, which exist (yet without there being anything real) for the purpose of containing in themselves everything that is real. If they adopt the second view of inherence, which is preferred by some metaphysical natural philosophers, and regard space and time as relations (contiguity in space or succession in time), abstracted from experience, though represented confusedly in this state of separation, they find themselves in that case necessitated to deny the validity of mathematical doctrines a priori in reference to real things (for example, in space) - at all events their apodeictic certainly. For such certainty cannot be found in a posteriori proposition; and the conceptions a priori of space and time are, according to this opinion, mere creations of the imagination, having their source really in experience, inasmuch as, out of relations abstracted from experience, imagination has made up something which contains, indeed, general statements of these relations, yet of which no application can be made without the restrictions attached thereto by natural" [11, 1.1., ј8].
  Kant is attempted to remove the contradiction, as a matter of fact, between materialism and idealism by means of own model. But it was unsuccessful owing to lack of the basis for explain of a natural duality of Creation. This attempt led only to the conclusion about antinomy of mind which is resolved in discernment of "transcendental objects" (thing in itself) and "phenomena", with subsequent restriction of knowledge in favor of belief.
  The dual model of Creation, presented by us, in a certain degree removes the problem dividing materialists and idealists.
  The real - material and moving - world as derivative a holographic projection of Uniform, isn't denied, the development of this world together with consciousness isn't denied also; along with that the impossibility of existence only the infinite, the eternal, the timeless, which in this singleness can't be by anything other as a non-existence, is shown.
  On the other hand, "the output" of the infinite into the finite formations, more precisely, their link means emergence of time, and this process is impossible without participation of consciousness which understands, how to do it.
  So, Creation cannot to do without two interdependent "beginnings", but it isn't necessary to exaggerate value of each of them, for example, putting the active in the position of the incorporeal and only force, which produces everything suddenly, or "forcing" the passive (matter) to produce consciousness.
  A holographic projection of Uniform as temporary formation, derivative of which is the moving worlds, "is being constructed" by multiple consciousness, do not existing without it, but this projection "is being constructed" only on the basis of the passive from Uniform, and matter itself in the form of copies, but other quality (frequency range) makes particles of consciousness also. Uniform without similar holographic projection - already non-existence.
  The mechanism of formation of time is dual: "external" time of these or those universes, measurements is formed by a single in its plurality consciousness with all its might whereas time of each individual consciousness, or its "now" is formed by individual consciousness for itself within the framework of "external" time according to own opportunities and opportunities of own carrier, but with the participation of a single consciousness.
  At this, Uniform, containing potentially the passive and the active, remains infinite, eternal and motionless, i.e. - out of time; but it (Uniform) is discretely manifested along with that in the form of copies of things by copies of multiple particles of consciousness, inasmuch they copy the objects from Uniform identified by them, forming a holographic updated picture, which isn't becoming isolated on itself, but being transformed by single consciousness into the subject worlds, in which particles-copies of consciousness act in the living beings.
  These manifested finite holographic formations, infinitely emerging and replacing each other, are represented a person as the thingness worlds due to coupling of the positions of the updates in his inertial consciousness. Such loss of a pause between the updates of copies for each individual consciousness in a person means emergence of the moving things for him: consciousness in plurality of own particles on carriers can really sense and act, and at the highest level of self-conscious beings - not only to live, feeling, but consciously to change oneself in time formed by them. The very structure and ways of functioning of the living being "make" for it the world in which it can live.
  That is, the powerful energy of the ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time (Uniform), which carry the corresponding encoded information in their harmonics, is converted into the mass and energy of the objects of the current reality, which are related to each other in accordance with the well-known formula E = mc².
  As a result, for the consciousness of each living creature is formed the current time with space, in which objects can move and interact, acquiring mass due to the energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
  It is also necessary to note that the highest consciousness, or consciousness understanding itself in the living, seeks to usual living beings which do not bear in itself meaning creative programs, in order to merge with them, because the highest consciousness through the lowest consciousness in usual living beings, as a result, receives something that they cannot have separately - not only a computer-reflecting component in the process of acquiring knowledge, not only direct sensations respectively, but a whole unpredictable and polichromatic life in a conscious state - and repeatedly - with all its pleasures and sufferings, which come and leave, but which appear only at coexistence of a living body and a thinking creative consciousness; both of them both support each other, and fight with each other; the highest consciousness also gets possibility of cognition through sense organs of the living being of essence of things and own essence by means of experience and not without the participation of the thought processes of different kind.
  They jointly - on the basis of the subject matter make life in its different manifestations except which in Creation there is nothing more interesting. Such life, full of contradictions, struggle, the gaining of finds and the incurring of irreparable losses, is possible only at the joint actions of the self-conscious beings and other living beings: the living beings without self-consciousness fight by all means for the better life, and the self-conscious beings seeks for the development, new, harmony and the general benefit. This insuperable collision gradually brings in each individual consciousness the increasing understanding oneself, without achievement of a certain level of which, transition to new ways of development is impossible. However, neither the blissful life, nor the perfection and the harmony in such coexistence are never achieved.
  Any living being potentially is a basis for his "transformation" already into the carrier of the highest individual consciousness which understands itself and consciously arranges own life, how it wants and can, however, forming own time in stream with single consciousness, inasmuch each part of a hologram contains information about all hologram in a holographic projection.
  Thus, each particle, in this case, from the multitude of particles of consciousness, is able to communicate instantly with any other particle irrespective of distance, which is absent in a hologram for them, making thereby a single consciousness. All particles along with that have own life, dissimilar from lives of someone; limits of these lives are confined to finite existence of their carriers, in particular, by the life of a person, but the number of which is infinite.
  These individual particles of consciousness, as the parts of a hologram, - too the copies, having a single infinite consciousness in the quality of the original, more precisely, any of these particles comprises all single consciousness and vice versa.
  A person seems insignificant, surrounded by oceans, mountains, star scatterings. But it is not so.
  A person - the most perfect, unique and completed representative of Creation as a whole, because he in own holographic basis combines the simplest frequency spectrum of things, the complex frequency spectrum of the living beings without self-consciousness (only sensing beings) and the most complex spectrum of the self-conscious beings.
  At this combination (merge) each person is an image of Uniform, inasmuch he is equipped with everything that is only possible in Creation, - there is no only of eternity of Uniform. Anyway, a person is the interaction of the lifeless, thingness components, the consciousness of the lowest level (the level of sensations) and the thinking, projecting, understanding itself consciousness which in its single expression "holds" all beingness in a state of change, updating a projection of Uniform, and consciousness is a key link in dual system of Creation, doing it stable by means of the removal from nothingness, into which without consciousness would turn everything.
  The active (consciousness) in a person provides for oneself the actual, though every time temporary life, which brings into consciousness the changes.
  Consciousness in its individual expression, appearing in finite beings over and over again, keeps its active character, its main frequency basis due to actions in the resisting world, which consciousness seeks to change as soon as can, despite all obstacles arising before it.
  Consciousness, which is the frequency structure in own particles, is subjected to failures in the process of update in a holographic projection. These purely statistical mistakes, happening in super-high-frequency formations, can change the quality of the formation and even to destroy it at their accumulation, what happens to the passive (things), as a result of what things are finite under form; this, how it seems, has also to dislocate the frequency structure of each individual consciousness, up to his destruction.
  However, it doesn't happen for the following reason.
  If the passive (things) isn't capable (things have not consciousness) to correct happening changes in own basis (the frequency spectrum) and sooner or later it is degraded - any thing, as the passive, has not the aspiration to keep anyway its feature, which thing is not aware, having only standard feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration - then every living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible ways, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby, consciousness in any living being keeps its main feature - the activity, or th inescapable aspiration to the changes in itself and round itself. However, consciousness in any living being can't influence destruction of thingness components of the body, disintegration of which stops the functioning and existence of this symbiotic formation (concrete living being).
  Existence of consciousness into things and among things, as well as near other particles of consciousness in the form of the living beings, on the one hand, allows each individual consciousness on reactions to its actions to correct the structure of own frequency kernel at means of a single consciousness, restoring this kernel, and thereby not to lose own feature - the aspiration to the changes, i.e. liberty in a varying degree of the expression.
  In other words, the actions of a person, promoting the restoration of the frequency structure of individual consciousness, allow to be by eternal to each individual consciousness. Therefore, consciousness cannot be separated completely from the living beings and it is compelled for preservation of itself again and again "to plunge" itself into the living beings. This way, i.e. discretely, consciousness preserves itself as the active in the finite temporal world infinitely.
  On the other hand, similar temporary existence of consciousness in the finite being provides the ability to use changes in itself and round itself, which it is capable to sense and/or understand, anyway, with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.
  As a result, the stay of the active beginning in a person not only gives to a person as to a separate being, conscious life, higher which anything isn't present, but also each individual consciousness has an opportunity in actions of a person to be changed and along with that to keep own kernel from destruction, remaining, unlike the things, as the eternal and along with that, possessing individuality inherent only to it.
  The consciousness of any living being, and not only person, creates own world, its "now", scanning through sense organs the surrounding, penetrating thereby locally into boundless Uniform.
  Naturally, any individual consciousness having a certain level of development, cannot cover by sensations of own body-carrier and by its understanding all infinite Uniform; but it is capable by those means which it has (a person has five main sense organs), and by those forms which single consciousness provides to it according to its level of development and type of its carrier, to identify in Uniform the things corresponding to its life cycle, and by consecutive irreversible copying through a pause to form own time, which is "transformed" in each individual consciousness due to loss of a pause in it in colourful, moving and changing "now", in which this individual consciousness can exist in the company with other particles of consciousness among recognizable and copied things, remaining inseparably with own carrier for a certain time in this existence and sensing this existence.
  Thus, it is possible to note that according to the offered model of the dual Creation quite possible is the existence of the actual active infinity (consciousness) and th boundless, potentially full by all things, but the passive infinity, which are merged in timeless and motionless Uniform, as well as the existence them in infinite change discretely in a holographic projection of Uniform, which is "converted" in each individual consciousness into beingness with the moving and changing things.
  In this model Uniform and its projection sustain each other in the form of the equilibrium dual system, and they aren't capable to existence in separateness. Their division would mean disappearance of Uniform, so how separately it is net zero, or it is nothingness.
  A single consciousness finds itself in plurality of particles-copies in the world into time, and thereby the motionless uniform consciousness in Uniform through its projection becomes capable in the form of copies to alter itself through the change of own particles-copies providing it by information about own finite lives in the living beings infinitely at a support on things in the form of copies manifested by them from Uniform, which there is everything and nothingness in own infinity, as if enlivening in this process Uniform, full by everything.
  An infinite and timeless Uniform, thus, is the merged together the active and the passive; but in own projection it is presented by a multiple steady active, seeking to development, and - the passive, receiving different forms. The passive makes base for this development in infinitely updated by the active a holographic projection.
  This duality is the only condition of manifestation Uniform, or - as a result - such duality is the only condition for life and development of consciousness.
  It is curious that, represented as "thing in itself" the timeless, infinite Uniform, is being "unpacked" by sense organs of the person every instant - just look around, - thereby Uniform gives the opportunity to human consciousness to recognize his existence without belief in something fantastic, all-powerful and external.
  Each person understands own spiritual essence, i.e. - understands that he is not a thing, that he can do a lot of things on own understanding, but when everything goes well in his life, the person, as a rule, doesn't think about virtual subjects.
  However, at these or those failures, as well as at the end of life, he willy-nilly looks for support, understanding own powerlessness, and often - and a vanity of hopes, one prays, another person meditates - and he can be addressed to God, an idol, etc.; but any person is addressed in fact, without noticing that, to own essence - to own consciousness: and this address is equivalent to the appeal to single consciousness.
  In reply he receives that looks for: either hope, or confidence, or if everything is very bad, - consolation.
  A person as image of Uniform, creates own "now", naturally, with assistance of Uniform which can't but respond on him.
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  4. Fichte J.G. Foundations of the Entire Science of Knowledge. Cambridge. Cambridge University press. 1982.
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