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A person as the being, understanding oneself in Creation

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    The consciousness of a person is characterized, first of all, not by the mind, which is inherent in all living things in one form or another as centers that process information coming from the senses, but by the awareness of oneself, which implies not just the acceptance of information from sensations with a more or less adequate response to it, but the subsequent conscious and systematic change of what is presented to him.

  Both material objects - things and consciousness - can coexist only so - in their mutual influence, being updated in copies of a projection of Uniform, inasmuch not the consciousness in itself only influences on itself and surrounding it, but and each thing always influences on consciousness. This mutual influence means that without each other they are lost.
  Infinite, eternal Uniform, comprising potentially Everything, has to include also consciousness. This position is proved by the fact, that a person contains certain "dead" matter, and certain "live" consciousness.
  A person unites thereby the passive (things) and the active (consciousness) in time and motion, creating in collisions of live process the possibility of infinite development of consciousness in the finite.
  In this situation motionless and timeless Uniform, remaining by such, along with that finds its existence through the live, or in time, so how without the living, active there is no time, i.e. disappears also Uniform, becoming by non-existence.
  However, the fact of our existence confirms lack of non-existence.
  Thus, to all appearances, Creation has two forms: a infinite Uniform, containing all things as if in preparation (potentially) together with consciousness bearing in itself understanding of itself in correlation with the passive; and a holographic projection of Uniform - the infinite in their finite frequency formations in antiphase.
  Time we are in Creation, means there is Everything, inasmuch a person comprises in self as a microcosm everything - both things and consciousness of both levels, but Everything can be appearing only from Nothingness. In other words, Everything has to be always, as and Nothingness, but jointly. Means, Everything and Nothingness coincide. However, Nothingness is nonexistence, and Everything is beingness. So, nonexistence, remaining as nothingness, is manifested as beingness which has to have the basis, being nothingness integrally. It means that pure Nothingness is presented also as an integral Nothingness, being in the divided state eventually as Everything of one sign and as Everything of opposite sign. In this case, the divided Everything in joining will give zero in total. So, really Everything is Nothingness and vice versa.
  If Nothingness is manifested as Everything, then must be that what manifests Everything, and it cannot be passive. So, it is what can be called active. The rest is passive. The passive in itself isn't capable to be manifested, it has no independent existence. But it constitutes a basis of beingness (things in this or that quality). So, in existence the passive enters only by means of the active.
  The pure Nothingness is aught timeless and infinite, in which Everything (the active and the passive) is merged together. Therefore, it can be called Uniform. Separately Uniform can't but be nonexistence, but this is disproved by our own existence. Means, separate Uniform isn't present, and in addition to it there is a formation in which the active manifests the passive, i.e. Uniform has some kind of projection, which is the integral Nothingness, by means of this projection is formed beingness, known to us. So, Creation is dual system - timeless Uniform and its projection, which is the same infinite, constituting integrally nil, and not having motion as and Uniform, but this projection can't but have durations, inasmuch through it is formed eventually Everything by the active out of the passive, and this procedure demands consecutive ruptures of infinity.
  The infinite and conjoint Uniform is expressed through the finite which is manifested as a projection, or a copy of the active from Uniform. The active through this projection identifies and copies the passive from Uniform. I.e., in a projection the active and the passive, unlike Uniform, are divided. But they, being a projection of Uniform, have to constitute along with that the integral whole. Only the hologram, in which any part and whole coincide, meets this condition [1]. Thereby they have contact outside of time and space, which in a projection of Uniform don't exist.
  The consequence of this factor is that all the scattered people at all times in beingness in their holographic basis, where there is no current time, is a single unit - as if one person, and in fact - a single consciousness.
  If we admit existence of a holographic projection of an infinite and motionless Uniform, the product of which is beingness, then from where undertakes and where there is this projection? There is not space where it could settle down?
  A holographic projection itself cannot but be material. By the definition, it is a frequency formation [1; 2, chapter 2.1].
  As we already specified, an eternal and motionless Uniform by itself there is nothingness. But nevertheless, it is somehow manifested without any outside force, but a place for manifestation there really is not present. At this, the manifested, if it is "taken" from Uniform, i.e. is its projection, also should be as nothingness.
  Moreover, as and Uniform, its projection should be motionless, since it has not the propulsor.
  The mystery of the existence of Creation seems to be unsolvable.
  But it is not.
  Look at yourself. You are and a thing and a conscious, active being (the living).
  It means that each living being unites in itself the active and the passive.
  Means, non-existence for Creation isn't present, because the active manifests itself as a spaceless projection separately and attracts to itself the passive, without being thereby in uniform integrity with the passive, characteristic for Uniform. How does the active make this?
  Uniform by itself is nothingness, or it is zero, but the active is exactly initiative in order to not forgetting the passive, to project itself informatively into the hologram in the form of wave formations which are in an antiphase, i.e. remaining thereby equal to zero. Nothing prevents the active to manifest itself also sequentially, updating the previous hologram by its full replacement through some pause with high frequency, i.e. discretely.
  Each updated hologram is motionless and represents by itself the "expanded" zero which through the pause, representing "pure" zero, is replaced by zero with another "extension".
  This discrete manifestation of infinity in the finite forms with ultrahigh frequency doesn't demand neither space, nor the motion, inasmuch arises nothing, except "gaps" in infinity which can be considered as the prototype of time.
  An infinite, motionless and eternal Uniform, thus, is manifested as the dual system - Creation - thanks to the active in Uniform and in its projection, which also remains same infinite, motionless and eternal, but already "split" by the finite, sequentially updated formations, which as separate are already temporary, and on condition of linking them in itself the active receives beingness and life where it can realize itself in real actions converting thereby, Uniform through its projection out of nothingness into everything.
  I.e., Uniform, remaining eternal, exits along with that through a projection in real existence.
  Beingness, which is being presented to us as such reliable, real, vast, corresponding certain laws, containing macro- and microcosm, elementary particles and radiations, galaxies and the living beings, in the basis has no more than information, more precisely, - the high-frequency holographic formations, bearing information. They are equal to zero integrally each position of updating owing to manifestation of each wave-like formation jointly with the same formation in antiphase. Such balance of a holographic projection of Uniform corresponds to timeless Uniform which is nothingness, becoming by everything only through own projection in time.
  This process cannot have the beginning and the end, because the dual system of Creation is steady in the functioning and manifestation, which excludes non-existence due to interaction between the infinite and the finite.
  This system not only has no propulsor, but it formally is nothingness, making zero in total in any position. Therefore, it is not being fallen apart, and it does not need both in the beginning, and in the end.
  On the other hand, the system of Creation isn't capable to be divided on Uniform and a separate holographic projection - system is a single whole, in which the form-building active is fueled by the passive, which is losing its shape in finite formations.
  The passive, losing a shape in finite (beingness), restores thereby a form of the active at their interaction. The active, thus, does not lose its basic shape (the core) and form-building abilities at the expense of the decaying passive in beingness, but the active also, "extracting" the passive from Uniform in the form of information copies for the period of existence of this finite, restores a form of the passive and change it. So, by means of the address to the finite in the form of losing a shape of the passive the active becomes eternal on a form, properties and can keep all system of Creation in actual existence.
  In spite of the fact that Creation on balance is zero, Creation also is everything, and therefore it can't but be manifested, demonstrating to itself in the face of the active this everything consistently and infinitely.
  Since the duality of Creation manifests itself like the effect of egg and chicken, insofar there can be no universal beginning from nothing, but the deep, infinite Uniform and multiple finite formations, which are manifested discretely, but infinitely in the form of a projection Uniform, "always" are together and "always" support each other.
  Creation, being everything and nothingness, comprises opposites and denies itself, inasmuch in the person of the active constantly strives for novelty, destroying previous in itself and manifesting liberty of consciousness (the active) in these aspirations. But everything, that passed, doesn't disappear completely, and it is kept in memory of consciousness (the active).
  Therefore, the dual system of Creation is active and passive; finite and infinite; changeable and constant; whole and part; uniform and scattered; motionless and in motion; reasonable and dark; live and dead; it wishes and refuses; it arises and dies away; it is one and another; it comes into life and perishes; it is equal to itself and - alternative; it holds a form and - blurry; it can't be, but it is there; it wants to learn about itself everything, but can't because of own infinity; the infinite in it denies the finite, but isn't capable to exist without it.
  The active, by definition, can't but develop, but in Uniform it is merged with the passive, whereas in a projection of Uniform the active infinitely, but discretely is manifested in finite. In finite the active can be separated and united with the passive. In its association with the passive, it finds the opportunity for the formation of a resisting environment of development - that is, space, the moving and changing things in it, and the active in this material beingness is represented by beings, which are self-replicate and self-active in a varying degree, i.e. alive into sets of things-objects of beingness.
  In beingness each individual active (consciousness), on the one hand, finds in the living being a possibility of development, an opportunity to express itself in communication with similar to self, receiving vital ups and downs; on the other hand, individual active among the things restores on reaction surrounding own kernel, keeping activity, and therefore, its own eternity; forms own time (own beingness) and participates in formation of external time (general beingness), updating a projection of Uniform through information contact with it, and converting wave-like holographic projection in the corporeal beingness, i.e. - in motion and life, "forcing" Nothingness to form Everything, more precisely, - coexisting with it eternally in the form of the dual Creation.
  The very same individual consciousness in a person, for example, via reflection at the mirror surface can always determine itself as the only living being from all known, conscious of itself as the personality, which thanks to self-consciousness or separation from surroundings by determination of oneself, is capable to development on own conscious plans for achievement of the set goals.
  Consciousness, but not a person, more precisely, - consciousness through the subject of actions - of a person, through his sensations "extracts" firstly out of boundless Uniform the true world, i.e. the world which is adequate to the existence and development of both a person and his individual consciousness, and then through the same person consciousness is undergoing a series of misconceptions and discoveries not only in order to gain multi-knowledge, but, first of all, to determine itself in living collisions where it can not only adapt to the environment, but also, thanks to a certain detachment from beingness due to the presence of self-consciousness, it is able to act freely, striving to beingness, pulling away from it and connecting with beingness again.
  One of the few fundamental truths, at least, in our world consists in ability of acceptance of decisions by a being, having self-consciousness, even if these decisions are erroneous, but which are formulated by him, and implementing appropriate actions by relying on beingness, manifested by him in the course of binding consciousness and Uniform of the information process of identification by the first of the second and the subsequent recognition by consciousness of itself.
  Any person is faced with contradictions in determining the true and false. But it must be so, because the path to truth, or rather, from the phenomenon to the essence is difficult and comprehension of truth at any level happens during many lives, through a number of mistakes, delusions.
  The animal nature of the person inclined to conformism, egoism, falsity, flashes of rage and mistrust, to various vicious bents, etc., is a natural and main subject for continuous struggle of consciousness against it. In fact, all human life consists of this fight.
  The human consciousness is unilaterally separated from a single consciousness that is obligatory for its individual development, without the aid of something and someone. Nevertheless, in beingness, by analogy with a holographic projection, all living beings are anyway grouped, and the self-conscious part of living beings aspires through communications not only to awaken self-consciousness in own heirs, but also in own association tries to overcome own animal nature wishing only the property (thingness) and seeking to survive in any ways.
  What does represent oneself a person in beingness?
  Actually it is gradual detection by him of self.
  In him firstly begin to operate the programs of the lowest consciousness, coordinating automatically his organism with surroundings in their interaction, as at any being, which is born.
  The very birth of any being in beingness means emergence in it of consciousness in the form of sensation of own presence without opening of its channels in the form of sense organs.
  There is only a sense of presence - as at an amoeba, i.e. sense of hit in the current time in which programs can get to working. These programs according to a code of a genome, is related to the nature only as the ordered set of molecules.
  Gradually and sequentially also other programs begin to work, as a result, the being gets more life, being developed in own current time towards action of the programs coded in its genome, which there corresponds the set and quality of sense organs.
  Stabilization of their work is the border, with which the being can attempt if it has appropriate programs, to comprehend itself, i.e. in these attempts to overcome a threshold the only sensations for the sake of receiving idea of itself in time.
  Programs of the lowest consciousness which are generally supporting activity of an organism (the programs of sensations) are included from the very beginning of existence of a separate being as necessary automatically, more precisely, under monitoring of single consciousness connected with its side with all living beings, being a part of its hologram in basis.
  Programs of the highest consciousness (self-consciousness) if they are available, are included in action gradually only at interaction of this being with other beings with already operating self-consciousness, i.e. do not work automatically, inasmuch are not "rigid".
  Such beings have ability to set to themselves the purposes and to reach them, planning and correcting (understanding) the actions for achievement of goals.
  In other words, they represent themselves in the nearest "deployment" in own time, i.e. they are capable to form not only own time in sensations, but also to change own time into the direction of gap with the habitat for the sake of familiarizing to "space over surroundings" - to spheres of conceptual, often abstract communication, in which at first to a developing being pay attention on an object and show how to handle it. The same is done also by parents the highest animals (tutoring), but no more than that.
  If to be limited by this, then being, even with programs of self-consciousness, will not be able to involve them.
  Therefore a trigger of inclusion of these programs is correlation of actions of the child with actions of adults who by signs, examples, sounds, explain to the new being that starts life with "blank sheet", how "to fill in this sheet" - not thoughtlessly - on the samples, but according to own reasons, let often erroneous, regarding all manifesting with position of adaptation of this manifesting for self not only in the known forms, but also to try to change constantly both a form of things, and a communication form for change of oneself so, as he wants as far as possible.
  Thereby, there is a coordination of own behavior and goals to own opportunities and opportunities of other people in this habitat.
  Full inclusion of programs of self-consciousness means emergence at a person of ability to put oneself in the situations, determined by him, and the ability to get out from them one way or another, expressing self before others and before self, i.e., receiving impressions of the activity not only from position of benefit. Similar expansion means awareness by the living being of self in time, or a comprehension of self as a subject, which is capable to conscious independent actions.
  Emergence of such ability is achievement by single consciousness in living beings of the highest point, in which the sign of single consciousness is manifested in the complete manner - the aspiration to create new, expressing oneself during this process.
  From history of development of the human community (civilization) we know that all attempts to realize theories of harmonization of the human community on these or those principles - from Plato's state up to communistic society of Marx or fair anarchical self-government of Kropotkin - ended by collapse invariably.
  Like roly-poly toy, the society steadily has always returned after all uprisings, coups and revolutions to the known forms of public administration, whose main function is retention of the existing system by means of bodies of violence and different forms of deception of the population - from religious dogmas up to direct falsifications.
  Anyway, but the community in the form of the state does not fall into chaos, does not collapse, despite its unfair system, when, as a rule, not the best persons rule by the state, but the worst- the hypocritical, unscrupulous, impudent, cunning, and at the same time - the vigorous, communicative ones with cold, predatory mind, caring first of all about themselves and own "clan".
  To explain this constant return of state or semi-public formations after any disasters, in fact, in the previous state fail any one theory of social development.
  It is stated only the fact of keeping with subsequent development of any community only in the conditions of an unfair (contradictory) social order - with rich and poor, despicable and noble, disasters and prosperous, languid and energetic, clever and stupid, and other people, totally different in their properties in the "eternal" struggle of some for the preservation of captured earthly goods, the other - for the weaning of these goods in own favor.
  The ruling elite of any state in the conditions of the competition of the various states under the threat of conquest or absorption is forced to strengthen the foundations of the state, to improve of its structure, to put forward these or those ideas for cohesion of the population, that can be attributed to factors of the development.
  At this the theories of social development believe need of the more or less gradual improvement of state institutions, and some of them believe that this process will culminate by cancellation of the state, others - by the ideal state.
  However, on an invariable antagonism between people in society in due time drew attention Kant, having pointed out that the idyllic existence without struggle means the complete stagnation and a stop in development of society: "The means employed by nature to bring about the development of all the capacities of men is their antagonism in society, so far as this is, in the end, the cause of a lawful order among men... Without those in themselves unamiable characteristics of unsociability from whence opposition springs- characteristics each man must find in his own selfish pretensions-all talents would remain hidden, unborn in an Arcadian shepherd's life, with its concord, contentment, and mutual affection. Men good-natured as the sheep they herd, would hardly reach a higher worth than their beasts..." [3; thesis 4].
  Along with that Kant has drawn attention that time is objective only for human consciousness, and in itself does not exist, i.e. Kant considered that time is absent outside the personality, but recognized it as a condition of presentation about objects: "Time is therefore merely a subjective condition of our (human) intuition (which is always sensuous, that is, so far as we are affected by objects), and in respect of all phenomena, consequently of all things which come within the sphere of our experience, it is necessarily objective. We cannot say, "All things are in time", because in this conception of things in general, we abstract and make no mention of any sort of intuition of things. But this is the proper condition under which time belongs to our representation of objects. If we add the condition to the conception, and say, "All things, as phenomena, that is, objects of sensuous intuition, are in time," then the proposition has its sound objective validity and universality a priori" [4; 1.1, ј7].
  However, Kant did not manage to explain both of these phenomena, more precisely, - to determine their basis.
  As for the modern science, it or "bypasses" these factors, incomprehensible and inexplicable for it, or speculates on the common concepts, convenient for it, which is interpreted unilaterally, or artificially limits itself by natural sciences and technologies, showing the complete helplessness in fundamental questions of outlook and social development.
  Thus, injustice in all spheres of life, preservation and fixing of the actual inequality in society, constant use of violence, misinformation, distribution of various religious and public sectarianism, oppression of the weak and defenseless at all times, paradoxically, in its negative totality turns out invariable base of social and technological development (progress) though, at the same time, it should be noted the enduring role of counteraction of "humiliated and insulted", as well as many sincere fighters for justice and universal harmony, what prevents to the stratified society to be mothballed and to stop in development, "shaking" it all the time.
  Exactly this perpetual antagonism, as can be seen, is the true soil for the development of society. As a result, wildness, cannibalism and barbarism gradually and substantially changed for more than 1/8 of the population by relatively comfortable existence in direct contact with cultural values, technological innovations. And it is provided and maintained by satisfactory educational level of this part of the population.
  Nevertheless, the vast majority of the world's population remains in state of miserable vegetating, without actually having access to culture, education, i.e. it does not get the opportunity to develop.
  It is clear in any case, that the progressive aspiration to "Golden Age", or to harmonious coexistence of all people without fight and sufferings - in continuous goodness, - in fact, turned out similar to pursuit for horizon.
  All this confirms the fact of invariable existence of religion which, as a rule, positions on one side any life - with all its horrors, diseases, disorder, unreliability, troubles, cares, sorrows, unpredictability, etc. - and on the other hand - allegedly postmortem existence of a person, at which, at last, fairness has to triumph and to everyone will be given due, somehow, for all lifetime acts.
  Any person both in life and at work uses these or those tools of labor, more or less taking care for them. Nevertheless, these tools become unusable sooner or later.
  This analogy is given to illustrate the fact that a person and his civilization are capable to be as tools, used to achieve goals unknown to any person and mankind as whole. And these tools as the finite, in the same way become unusable, requiring a replacement.
  The only difference between a person and stone, bacteria, ram or computer consists in what he comprehends self as the being, which is separate and independent in own activity.
  The consequence of this factor is liberty of will, inherent a person (uncontrollability in self-consciousness), which manifests itself in especially individual targeted actions as on achievement of the useful to itself of results, and absolutely senseless and even harmful actions, that is not characteristic of any other living being, without speaking about lifeless matter.
  Thus, many actions of a person are unpredictable for him, producing a huge number of various situations anywhere - from production of the material benefits up to science and culture, from policy up to morals, from the sphere of feelings up to the high ideas.
  The basis for contradictory actions of a person, as it was shown above, is the presence in him of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness, which, as a rule, are multidirectional and, therefore, they stay in conflict and not give each other of the apparent superiority.
  As a result, any harmony for the individual and any human communities in development are unattainable: here the person always is in the passive.
  However, in these collisions of different people eternal consciousness can learn and express itself through the person, though falteringly (in separate lives, that is without continuous smooth motion), but - never stopping.
  It is possible to tell, in beingness, formed by the active on the basis of the passive, is reached the infinite, but discrete development of consciousness, i.e. is manifested the true kernel of a person - his consciousness, without which he represents only a clot of quickly decaying organic matter.
  A certain damage to a person turns into acquisitions for his consciousness.
  In other words, consciousness creates for own representatives in beingness (living beings) acceptable for their existence the environment, reaching through these beings and development, and expressions of self in actual thoughts, feelings, acts and actions.
  But this existence is disputable and unstable for all living beings, inasmuch it is based on contradictions in consciousness, the forms which can deny each other, as well as on contradictions between consciousness and things due to activity of the first and passivity of the second.
  The passive counteracts to the active, it renders resistance to the active, but at the same time makes the necessary habitat for symbiosis of the active and the passive, the highest point which is a person.
  Thus, roots of antagonism of the human beingness are laid in the contradiction between the active and passive from a projection of Uniform.
  The active and the passive, being divided and united in their interaction in a projection of Uniform, make thereby a contradictory basis of beingness.
   Consciousness, always the free owing to own activity finds for itself in a view of own development and expression the restriction in the quality of the resisting habitat, which should and be supported, and along with that should be overcome, representing things, various living beings and their own tribesmen, that is, finds freedom within the framework of necessity and causality. It is within these frameworks that liberty can find its manifestation - without them, that is, outside the environment, liberty as an eternal dissatisfaction of consciousness with itself has nowhere to be realized.
  Therefore, consciousness is forced to experience in the image of a person for own development and expression all collisions, including the sickness and death, and at the same time to find in this existence of the known charms and values, from which seldom who refuses, despite everything.
  Thus, the true sense of existence of a person and mankind consists in consciousness development, but not in acquisition of goods, not in development of technologies, sciences, not in strengthening of this or that social order, not in creation of the "fair" order, determined by someone.
  All it - chimeras, but at the same time and means, inasmuch development consists in that to determine itself among chimeras adequately, not to give in on promises and enticements.
  Everything - such important, indispensable, unconditional - will pass, will disappear, will be scattered in ashes. There will remain only an ever-evolving consciousness in a multitude of living beings in an environment formed by itself as a single, and individually - in own separation.
  And level, and therefore, the status of any individual consciousness depends on the degree of convergence of it with single consciousness. Any individual consciousness aspires to a single consciousness in each "live" existence, without knowing throughout own stay in beingness about own coincidence with single consciousness.
  All emerging originally, is for a person at all not accordance of knowledge of the reality, so as knowledge, as such, still isn't present, but it is compliance to sensations after their processing by consciousness
  The observation of the primary source, or what is manifested out of sensations, is the true source of knowing.
  In contrast to the lowest consciousness of the living beings (without self-consciousness), the highest consciousness of a person is characterized primarily not by mind, which is inherent in all living things in one form or another as centers, processing information, incoming from sense organs, but by awareness of yourself itself, which implies not just the adoption of the information from sensations and more or less adequate reaction to it, but the subsequent conscious and planned change of everything that manifests before him and in him.
  A person is separated from other living beings at all not by that he has some essential differences in a set or quality of sense organs from primates, but that he is capable, representing himself and own opportunities, to expand range any more not of sensations, but - of representations about the environment, abstracting from it, and on this basis inventing the things which are absent in its environment, and procedures, for example, ware, tools of hunting and work, methods of cultivation of plants and animals, methods of exchange and trade, new production technologies of metal, ritual procedures, etc. A person also tries to reflect surroundings and oneself in drawings, various hand-made articles, stories about the past, finding in this approach a cultural basis and accumulating cultural traditions.
  Nevertheless, intellect of a person, i.e., his ability with a high speed to process considerable volumes received information, only quantitatively differs from intellect of the highest mammals and even birds (crows) who owing to high development of the centers processing information are capable to understand properties of a number of separate subjects which can complement their muscular force or force of a beak, using after some reflection respectively sticks for knocking down from branches of bananas or stones to break the sinks of mollusks.
  However, unlike a person, they do not have the requirement of long-term targeted modification of the environment, because completely disengage from the environment, in particular, inventing items, which are absent in it, for own needs, they can't. And it means that even all most highly developed intellectually beings remain merged with the environment, whereas property of cognition oneself, recognition of itself in time (self-consciousness) is possible to obtained, only having separated of itself from surroundings. An opportunity to explore the environment and self emerges only in this case.
  So, it isn't enough to have intellect to separate itself from the environment. It is required also self-consciousness, which has no direct relationship to the intellect, and respectively, can't appear owing to development of intellect. In other words, the possession by the person of self-consciousness means the possession by him by the new programs, or emergence in the person along with the lowest consciousness (sensations and the centers processing information) of the highest consciousness, which possesses the additional form-building abilities (ability to recognize itself in time). These abilities promote not only to the use by a person of existing things, but also help inventing him things, which are absent in the environment, and promote the development of him on that basis of the abilities for knowing of laws, according to which this environment is functioning, in order to more successfully modify the environment, and, means, oneself.
  More opportunities for development among all living beings have beings with self-consciousness, who understand themselves, and, try consciously to retain own essence (individuality and personality), do not miss the arising opportunities for own changes - consciousness has enough time (an eternity) to do it.
  Therefore, a self-conscious being (a person) is the support for consciousness in life on its infinite way on finite islands of reality, and along with that - a base for change of itself in each of realities.
  As a result, individuality and personality is not lost, but each time is put into other clothes, which are innumerable. So each being, which is conscious of itself, can be confident that the core of his individuality and personality is not undergoing fatal changes in any circumstances, which is just something external, and which it itself has created to certain extent for some tests of itself in them.
  Awareness by a person of oneself gives him opportunity in the course of the practical actions and the subsequent reflection (and vice versa) to find essence, stability of things in their changes, but it happens only on the basis of what exactly the person feels, without the opportunity to penetrate into the world, which is felt by other living beings, as well as without opportunity to penetrate beyond their own sensations, even expanded by devices, in particular, to get into own hidden consciousness (the subconscious mind), distant worlds, other measurements. In other words, for a person is attainable only what is being to him in three-dimensional measurement through his sense organs and that he is capable "to split" by means of the intelligence during existence of each human civilization. Such is reality in which a person exists.
  For the human consciousness the changing world picture in the form of the phenomena, but not essences of deep levels, is formed not by sensations and not by thinking, though they are means, but this picture in general is a product of processing of arriving information into a person, similar to what occurs in the computer or in any living being without self-consciousness; the difference consists only in what the human consciousness is capable to separate itself from reality and to interact with it already on this new basis - a basis of own self-consciousness, purposefully using memory, form-building abilities, speech, various kinds of communication, imagination, experimental data, and all this - against the background of emotion, but not by means of only the software or instinctive and reflex actions respectively.
  It is possible therefore to note that each person possesses the highest form of matter from all available its forms just because he is a self-conscious being with the greatest possible level of liberty. Eventually he isn't subordinated to anybody and disposes self by himself, so how he initially in own consciousness "throws" himself only into such world in which it can purposefully be implemented so, as he can so far in the conditions of the resisting environment, including and direct competitors, the same, as he oneself. A person differs exactly by this from all other living beings, also having consciousness, but the lower level which only are being adapted to the environment, formed by them with the participation of uniform consciousness, - from bacteria to the highest mammals.
  However, any living being without self-consciousness is the foundation of life, without which the highest consciousness cannot exist. The living beings without self-consciousness not only create the basis for the existence of a highest consciousness, but and - an intermediate shell between it and inanimate matter, supplying to a human body practically all energy resources, being for him by food, as well as creates the live and vibrant background of his life without which human communities would been in the ice desert of silence.
  Thus, it is possible to tell that a person comprises all Creation not only because he is a converted particle of a holographic projection of Uniform but also because he is both a thing, and consciousness of simply live organism, and the highest consciousness of the being, which understands self.
  The being with self-consciousness differs from other living beings only by understanding self. This understanding produces all the aspirations, which are based on dissatisfaction of consciousness by itself. The dissatisfaction of a person means its initial activity which is expressed in impossibility to live, simply adapting itself to the environment. This being acquires the requirement to change the environment and it thereby changes itself together with these processes, and thus to develop, not following the only need to adapt to the existing order.
  This conscious aspiration to change all existing, to liberation from former up to its replacement by other, is the finding by any being with self-consciousness liberty. Liberty of any individual consciousness is anyway manifested in these conscious decisions. During this process the consciousness enriches itself. At the same time liberty gives to a person the chance to live as he wants within surrounding reality, if the person, the consciousness carrier, is capable to dispose by this gift adequately.
  Liberty does not require "the attribution" of it to ae person as "transcendental object" ("thing-in-itself"), i.e. to believe that the person is free only in the otherworldly world of consciousness. Any self-conscious being is freely always and everywhere owing to understanding of itself in the environment, created by it, understanding of own existence in the world of own time: it always comes to decisions self, it self and is responsible for them in any sphere - practical or intellectual. And it is unimportant, are available on it the reasons or these decisions are spontaneous; the important thing is that in the consciousness of a person as the exponent of activity of consciousness "sits" perpetual dissatisfaction, without which he would turn into the stupid cattle, chewing the same cud, that can be very pleasant. Exactly it is the expression of his liberty, and for this reason he has an opportunity not simply to live, and consciously to develop himself and don't stand still.
  Thingness in a person is material base of all, making a human body out of the elements and components corresponding to this measurement of beingness. In this lifeless matter, the passive is manifested the sign of Uniform, without which Creation wouldn't take place.
  The lowest consciousness, animating the body in accordance with existing codes and programs that allow the being to be reproduced, there is a metabolism in body, the organism is animated due to action of the sense organs, which "deliver" information outside and from within to centers processing information and controlling an organism.
  The most significant in any live organism are the sensations which are carrying out communication of consciousness in it with the surroundings.
  The highest consciousness, which comes in merger with corporeal components of the body and the lowest consciousness, creates the being having self-consciousness, which is a symbol of all Creation "constructed" for it.
  It is clear from this comparison of all three components of the reality of our world, that a sign of a person is not his material essence, not his sensations or even not its rationality inherent in any living beings, owing to presence of managing directors of the centers at them, but only self-consciousness can be as this sign.
  Self-consciousness is inherent only to a person, whereas these or those sensations (sense organs), this or that degree of rationality (the centers processing the arriving information) have all living beings, even plants and viruses. Therefore, the main difference of the person from other beings consists exactly in awareness of self, i.e. in separating yourself from the environment and determining yourself in it, and not in intellect (Descartes) and not in sensations (Hobbes), which respectively on their opinion, are the basis of human existence.
  Thanks to self-consciousness only a person is capable of conscious, target selectivity in perception, that allows him by the means, which are available for him, to reach deeper levels of things and the phenomena, gaining adequate knowledge of them at each level, i.e., finding a basis for conscious change of surroundings and, as a result, - changing himself during this process.
  Self-consciousness gives a scope for any creativity, providing the general development of consciousness in the conditions suitable for life and at the same time in the conditions resisting environment. Thanks to self-consciousness this creativity results to infinite, meaningful functioning of all beingness which exactly for this purpose and is formed by consciousness on the basis of Uniform.
  It follows that a person designates and expresses the highest consciousness, being its tool, on the one hand as the information link, which ties Uniform through a holographic projection to beingness and on the other hand as the rightful representative of a single consciousness which consciously acts in finite real (with motion) formations on the basis of a projection of Uniform in the form of communities. Without the similar personalities, counteracting each other and along with cooperating among themselves, a single consciousness would be powerless.
  The principle of existence of a person in the world consists in aspiration to delimitation of the true and the false. Otherwise, reasonable development does not happen, there comes stagnation or chaos.
  The same principle of separating the true and the false leads to the possibility of free development of the human consciousness, which is able, if it will want, to separate truth from falsehood, even though the latter are often favorable from a mercantile position.
  Everything, that exists, i.e. that is manifested in human consciousness originally, is the true, inasmuch consciousness is capable "to allocate" and decipher exactly it from boundless Uniform, i.e. to convert into information, forming thereby own time and creating thanks to it conditions and space for events, that is own life.
  The timeless, infinite Uniform, which is imagined by us as "thing in itself", is being "unpacked" by sense organs of the person every instant - just look around.
  Thereby, Uniform gives the opportunity to the human consciousness to recognize his existence without belief in something fantastic, all-powerful and external.
  A person as the image of Uniform, creates own "now", naturally, with assistance of Uniform which can't but respond on him.
  A person often can't estimate adequately information, received by him every moment, especially since it adds up with earlier information, taken by the person from memory, which could undergo to the distortion. And this addition not always is suitable for the current life. There are mistakes as well as the same facts are interpreted differently.
  The choice for various reasons isn't always carried out with advantage for affair. But the current practice allows understanding and correcting errors, if not to persist in this. In this struggle, in fact, with oneself a person is determined in life, then moving away from understanding of essence of the copies of fragments coming to him from Uniform, then coming nearer to essence, but, in the sum, moving ahead everything is farther in understanding of reality and, the main thing, in understanding of himself, more precisely, in understanding of itself by each individual consciousness.
  1. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  2. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Everything and nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon, www.litres.ru.
  3. Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View (1784). Translation by Lewis White Beck. From Immanuel Kant, "On History", The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1963.
  4. Kant I. The Critique of Pure Reason. University of Adelaide. 1781/1998. The web edition published by ebooks Adelaide. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: ebooks.adelaide.edu.au > Library. ebooks
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