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About the crisis, epidemics, or what will really happen to us?

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    Our lives began to change very quickly and not for the better. All sorts of wiseacres can't really say anything about the near future, except for obvious nonsense, based on nothing, although our civilization on Earth is not the first, and these past civilizations, alas, have gone into oblivion. What happened, is happening now and will happen in the near future is briefly outlined below, and in more detail in the works listed in the bibliography.

  The civilization that currently exists on Earth is everywhere technological in nature, as all new technologies are quickly picked up by the population of regions even remote from the centers of civilization.
  Similar civilization, of course, is developing with acceleration. This is easily seen in practice by the speed of introducing into the economy first steam engines, then railways, ships. telegraph, electricity, automobiles, airplanes, nuclear power, computers, the Internet, mobile communications. The time intervals between the widespread use of these novelties became shorter and shorter.
  At present, universal digitalization and the widespread use of artificial intelligence and robotics are on the threshold.
  Another sign of modern civilization is the use of the natural system of management of economic, based on the right of the strong, who owns property and is able to use the available resources to extract profits from this property, for example, through the use of hired labor, while at the same time arranging for the protection of his property and profits by a convenient system of power with an appropriate judicial and repressive apparatus, which, moreover, with rare exceptions, proprietor can bribe if necessary.
  Until the twentieth century, all states on the planet used this particular economic system, based on the division of the population into an elite, often owning not only the main property, but the lives of the populations, although the forms of states at different times could be various, but their essence did not change from that - they were the exploitative and kept the bulk of the population in poverty and illiteracy.
  Such dispensation of society was natural because it is similar to the organization of an ordinary flock of primates, in which an alpha male owns everything with the help of his assistants, by the right of a strong and smart enough, keeping everyone else in fear.
  As a result, the individuals who have taken over the power, like the main monkeys, enjoy the best food, the cutest females, and the most "refined" entertainment.
  So, the power elites of modern society practically do not differ in respect to the use of power obtained in mostly unrighteous ways to satisfy their basic needs - not too exalted - from a flock of primates, except that they mask in every possible this the circumstance, regrettable for the bright minds of mankind.
  True, this way of managing and organizing society is compelled, since the resources most pleasant and rare by sources have never been enough for everyone, which caused a similar social structure, unfair to the majority.
  Nevertheless, the power elite can be characterized as follows.
  In principle, the imperious structures cannot involve the individuals with the highest possible level of self-awareness (the highest consciousness), i.e. the high-moral, conscientious, with high culture, humane and altruistic, inasmuch the pragmatism, promoting the successful actions of the imperious structures for own preservation and the concomitant deception of the people masses, as a rule, consisting in a promise of the onset of the near prosperity, rejects the high level of self-consciousness of all representatives of the imperious structures, promoting to the negative selection of representatives of power or to the rapid decrease in this level to hypocritical and unscrupulous mediocrity, without denying maintaining sharpness of mind and other intellectual abilities, , which already go not for the benefit of the people, and, as a rule, for preservation of power, privileges, got property, and only forcedly - for development of the country, in order to avoid its disintegration and accession to stronger neighbors, that for the most part leads to loss of power.
  Similar defectiveness of the rulers was also noted by the famous ancient thinker Plato in his work "The State", and he characterized the main ruler as follows: "But when he has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader... What a blessed alternative, I said: - to be compelled to dwell only with the many bad, and to be by them hated, or not to live at all!... And the more detestable his actions are to the citizens the more satellites and the greater devotion in them will he require?" [Plato. Complete works. Republic. Book VIII. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997].
  Plato also noted the ineradicable contradiction between the power elite and the people, demonstrated the difference between the tasks they solve: "First of all, I said, consider the nature of the qualification just think what would happen if pilots were to be chosen according to their property, and a poor man were refused permission to steer, even though he were a better pilot?... The inevitable division: such a State is not one, but two States< the one of poor, the other of rich men; and the are living on the same spot and always conspiring against one another... Well, I said, and how does the change from oligarchy into democracy arise? Is it not on this wise? - The good at which such State alms is to become as rich as possible, a desire which is insatiable?..." [Plato. Complete works. Republic. Book VIII. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997].
  If to put it briefly about the power elite, then can agree with Plato that it is a rabble of scoundrels according to its essence.
  At thus, it should be noted that their consciousness is close to the nature consciousness of primates, and they fell into the power elite only because of own mean, though they always pretend worthy citizens, Democrats, liberals and protectors of the people.
  A person in power falls into the quasi-natural situation, where one being inevitably "devours" another, being in turn @devoured" by a stronger or quirky. At once it cannot be, but always happens.
  For this reason, truly wise people invariably have evaded power at all times, considering this activities not only contemptible and unpromising both for itself and for the oppressed, deceived people by deed, but also an occupation, which hinders their individual development and interests, since power essentially is mill, grinding each individuality into a corporate dust.
  At this, a person in order to held in power, and even more so thrive in it, must possess the following properties or necessarily acquire them.
  Primitiveness, combined with dynamism, sociability, meanness and cunning, don't shy away from stealing, as well as he must be dishonesty, greed, hypocrisy and insidious.
  A person in power cannot trust anyone and he has to worship the superior for the sake of promotion or in the hierarchy of rulers.
  As a result, if he is not entirely primitive, this member of the corporation of rulers receives loneliness and degradation.
  Over time, the accelerated development of various technologies, in particular, in the field of agriculture, significantly increased the yield of different crops, which significantly affected the population of the planet towards its significant increase.
  At the same time, numerous inventions have appeared that automate the production process of goods, significantly reducing the duration of mandatory labor in production, which allowed to shift the center of gravity of labor to the service sector, making life easier for a lot of layers of society.
  There was a lot of additional entertainment in the form of cinema, television programs, and then computer games, and other pleasures for all tastes.
  With the development of self-consciousness of a significant part of the population by the twentieth century and the significant degradation of the ruling classes, expressed in the outbreak of fighter world wars, which were not at all necessary for the bulk of the population, an attempt was made to restore justice for everybody, which could allow the entire population to enjoy the benefits previously enjoyed only by the chosen ones, on the basis of the transition from private to collective ownership in the form of a system of socialist States.
  But quite quickly by the standards of history, this attempt failed.
  Practices of functioning of the distribution system of economic under the name socialism, appeared in a number of countries in the 20th century, showed that black caviar, sturgeon, yachts, palaces, beautiful girls, smart, truthful and pleasant interlocutors and other delights cannot be enough for everyone, but nevertheless, everybody wants this.
  Therefore, those in power in the countries of socialism, willy-nilly, came to a completely logical conclusion: to use primarily own power to satisfy their needs, they secretly first, and then they simply curtailed their socialism and found themselves in the same bosom of the private property system of economic, where can openly profit and enjoy a rare and delicious, but expensive food, exquisite drinks and other not cheap trinkets, such as diamond rings and personal airplanes for a lot of money, which were squeezed out of the working people in one way or another, but mostly simply stolen from them.
  So the system of socialism ordered to live for a long time, which is not surprising if you remember about human nature, which always strives for certain personal benefits, but often does not deserve it at all.
  However, quite unexpected and significant changes in the lifestyle of for the most part relatively young part of the population have recently taken place.
  But first we note that, so unsinkable for several centuries, capitalism has come to a natural end.
  Reasonable egoism and pragmatism, on the one hand, liberate the productive forces of each individual, making him competitively free within the framework of the state that supports the striving of each person to improve the living conditions. Thus, the pace of development of the respective communities becomes the maximum possible.
  On the other hand, the inequality of abilities and conditions under the domination of unlimited competition of individuals seeking to obtain benefits for themselves, cannot but lead to the separation of society with respect to the possession of property or its equivalents, at this, the difference in the size of this property can reach astronomical values.
  The natural occurrence of permanent tension between the "offended poor" and the "rich people who are snickering" the power elite is trying to smooth over with a robbery of less developed communities, the funds from which are largely transferred to the additional pro-feeding of both the ordinary people and the middle class to avoid social cataclysms.
  As a result, the world community was automatically divided into parasitic states, which make currently so-called "the golden billion", and other states, the development of which the parasitic states impede by "sucking out" in various ways, the main one of which is to bribe the power elites of developing countries, the wealth of these countries, including the most educated and capable citizens.
  The basis of the capitalist mode of production and community development is an emphasis on the growth of the mass consumption, stimulating the development of all systems of economy, and financially enriching the power elite, as well as the business elite.
  However, the growth of the mass consumption cannot be infinite.
  The limitation of a capitalist way of production consists, on the one hand, in a finiteness of resources and also in irretrievability of a number of materials at rough increase in number of the population of the planet now. On the other hand, now at an overwhelming part of the population decline in income is observed, at this, a considerable part of the rest population of Earth lives many decades on credit.
  In addition, the capitalist method of producing goods is ultimately harmful because of the constant imbalance of the integrity of the environment, surrounding the human communities, for profit, which leads to the destruction of nature in its individual parts, and in general. At this, the mass culture and advertising, debasing people to facilitate their manageability in order to engage in meaningless consumption, it rapidly lowers the level of self-awareness of the masses almost to the animal state, which means a progressive degradation of population.
  The ever-expanding spread of information technology and robotics under capitalism lead to the fact that instead of using people free time for creative leisure, they fall into despair, addiction and depression of people who have lost the status of experts in their work, aware of own unclaimedness for an indifferent society.
  The automatism, the soullessness of capitalism, its orientation mainly on profit actually lead to the transformation of a person from a subject of action into a puppet of incomprehensible goals of capitalism for him, which actually do not exist, just like there are no goals for a non-stop mechanism.
  Before this overwhelming senseless monster, he becomes powerless and indifferent, which means the indispensable collapse of this mechanism due to the reduction to a state of the disrepair of the main elements of the mechanism - the living beings.
  Naturally, the power elites, which are parasitizing on the dung heap of decaying capitalism, began to look for a way out of this critical situation.
  It turned out that natural pleasures and waste products can be replaced by almost the same things in virtual reality.
  In other words, an opportunity to achieve justice for all without exemption through online arose.
  Of course, these pleasures are ersatz, but they are often quite difficult to distinguish from real ones.
  Those in power have also seized on new electronic-information opportunities, but in a slightly different way.
  They realized that the people masses who were perpetually resisting and envious of them could be put down with the help of the latest electronic information technologies, and then theses masses could be reduced up to an acceptable limit, which they themselves would set.
  As the development of the current coronovirus epidemic (trial ball) shows, under the pretext of fighting for the health of the population, each inhabitant of the planet can be easily digitized for subsequent control and the introduction into his head of the postulates, that are favorable for the power elite and which could help them to maintain power.
  This state of torpor and dullness of the population is supported and deepened to a large extent by relatively recently introduced system of education that is defective for most, which is built on tests and online training/ This system does not provide full-scale knowledge and it calls only to obey the instructions of the authorities setting the appropriate training programs.
  To date, the power elites so degraded and divorced from the masses that even if they wanted to, they could not organize a full-fledged education and effective health care. However, they are unlikely to have such a desire, since they are limited by their own wretched interests and utilitarian goals, that in itself cannot help not only the prosperity of the working masses, but and themselves representatives of power elites are submerging into senseless luxury and various vices, which further contributes to their degradation.
  To reduce the number of the population, if desired, is also not difficult at present. It is only necessary to choose one of the known methods of a painless and inconspicuous approach to solving this problem.
  For example, it is possible to deprive the population of most regions of the Earth of the ability to produce offspring by distributing among them drugs or vaccinations with special additives that are able to emasculate this population.
  It is also possible to irradiate it by known methods constantly or sporadically during treatment or by means of stationary installations ostensibly for communication systems as well as mobile phones.
  Those in power can also, as the coronovirus epidemic has shown, throw some strains of deadly viruses or bacteria into the thick of the population, but with more precise localization of the spread of these deadly strains, to avoid of own infection.
  Some of these techniques have already been tested on people in Africa.
  These seemingly extremely profitable ideas for the rulers were facilitated not only by their aspiration to preserve their power and privileges at all costs, despite their extremely modest intelligence, corruption and nepotism; not only by the relatively rapid degradation of a large part of the population, already accustomed to just pressing buttons, or even frankly idling; but also the fruits of technological development, which make it possible to free the population from work in factories, which for the most part have already been rebuilt or are being rebuilt to operate fully automated complexes, and on plantations where mostly the automatic equipment can also to be used. Employees in management, trade, and most of the service sector are also gradually being replaced by robots or artificial intelligence systems.
  Therefore, those in power is no longer required in most of the population as a labor resource, that, naturally, leads them to think about restructuring entire life on the planet into a kind of automatic mode - a master-servant by using artificial intelligence and a relatively small number of servants out of the population, reduced to the extreme limit.
  However, all these considerations of the world power elite are sheer stupidity, which can be briefly expressed by the phrase: they chop, fools, the branch, on which sit.
  The fact is that the power elites of any country in the world are by no persons means the most outstanding with their abilities, intelligence and high moral qualities, but they are just scoundrels and mostly typical parasites,
  who, thanks to their nimbleness, lack of principles, family ties, cunning, fawning and other, mostly negative properties, penetrated into power, but - exactly they make decisions that affect the lives of other people: get involved the people into wars, rob the population, poison the environment for the sake of getting additional profits, keep the vast majority of the planet"s population in fact in poverty and slavery.
  They, as a rule, recruit entire cohorts of knowledgeable and qualified advisers, but, after listening to them, do what only them seems right to, but the most suitable for them is first of all the desire to maintain power by any means, if they were able to receive it, rather than the benefit of the peoples under their control, from which they very quickly come off in their palaces to the hymns of numerous lackeys.
  And if very smart people everywhere make not only mistakes, but also various stupidities, then what can be expected from the cunning, insidious and unprincipled, but near-minded scoundrels who always seize power and everything connected with it, so how the decent persons, as a rule, don"t aspire to power, but if and so, they are not able to win this race without rules.
  Naturally, all decisions of the ruling scoundrels are dictated by selfish interests and the monkey "logic." In addition, they hate each other, and at suitable case, are necessarily try to frame a leg for a competitor, although outwardly they all look very decent and are always engaged in ostentatious charity.
  What can be expected from such public?
  These individuals do not understand and will not understand due to own mental limitation, that they themselves are nothing, even if to take into account their service staff.
  Civilization does not exist and not develops for power elites that are just a necessary irritant for the rest of the population, which gives from itself inventors, scientists, artists, educators, doctors and other people who are capable of creativity, that is, which give the true life and development to the whole community.
  Without a diverse, large, educated and self-made population, civilization is doomed to decay and speedy death, along with all its narrow-minded power elites.
  Thus, if the power elites really begin to act as it was shown above, which is completely consistent with their logic and level of intelligence, civilization will disintegrate due to its inability to further development.
  The only question is the transience or not of this disintegration and its form, as well as the result, all the more so, judging by the existing artifacts that have survived on Earth, other civilizations existed before the current civilization, but they completely disappeared, and the reason for their elimination was not necessarily only natural disasters.
  An additional confirmation of the natural decomposition of civilization is the fact of compaction (acceleration) of civilization's own time, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. This compaction of time was clearly manifested after the turn of civilization towards the industrial production, starting from the XVI century.
  Such acceleration of time, expressed in an increase in the number of emerging technical and organizational innovations, as well as significant events, mainly in the sphere of the population's use of these innovations per unit of calendar time, is associated with an increase in rates of the growth of information flows, which has a limit on the adequacy of their perception by both the sensory organs and information processing centers (brain person).
  This implies the inevitability of the information collapse destroying the infrastructure, which is based on the use of the results of information processing by computer networks (communications, energy, transport, trade, automated production).
  As a rule, the collapse of civilization provides society with a choice:
  falling into the savagery or transforming a social structure into a simplified self-governing domain structure connected by horizontal and vertical communications, which eliminates the need for a state apparatus.
  True, after some time a new civilization arises out of the savagery or with the decomposition of an equilibrium civilization, going through the same cycle as the previous ones.
  And this fact in itself testifies to the fact that over mankind and all its civilizations that arise over and over again, there is a different force - consciousness, which is eternally developing with the help of the transient civilizations.
  If desired, in more detail with the features of civilizational development and related topics can be found in the works indicated in the bibliography below.
  1. Nizovtsev Yu. Communes as a result of crash of all civilization. [Electronic resource]. 1914. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
  2. Nizovtsev Yu. The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities. 1917. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
  3. Nizovtsev Yu. Whether will triumph of justice and how will it be done? Collection "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things". Part 1, chapter 2. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
  4. Nizovtsev Yu. The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
  5. Nizovtsev Yu. How did the rulers act formerly, and doing now? and how -- people under them? Collection "Open eyes yours-own". Part 7. 2020. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
  6. Nizovtsev Yu. The roots and consequences of the negative selection into the power elites. 2020. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
  7. Nizovtsev Yu. The dethronement of the myth about good and evil. "The collection of special and outlandish - for the check with respect to creativity". Part 5. 2020. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
  8. Nizovtsev Yu. What way the artificial intelligence will corrupt and crush us?
   Collection "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things". Part 3, chapter 1. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
  9. Nizovtsev Yu. The casus of free time. Collection "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things". Part 2, chapter 1. Collection. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
  10. Nizovtsev Yu. Back - to the primates ?! or forward - to the superman?! Collection "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things". Part 3, chapter 3. Collection. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
  11. Nizovtsev Yu. Whether it is worth being "treated" for stupidity!? Collection "Open eyes yours-own". Part 1. 2020. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. ? Yury Nizovtsev.
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