Неделько Григорий Андреевич : другие произведения.

Wonder Tree

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    [Т. п.]

As I had walked
To a wonder tree
I just thought
Of things that got to be
Of this wonder tree
I heard in tales
When I was young
When life didn"t fail
I came to miracle
And took its fruit
I had a wish
About you
I ate that fruit
As you can see
No one refuses
The wonder tree

What happened next
Can you imagine?
It fit my thoughts
It broke my ages
I got just what
I really searched for
But no one told me
A little more...
That one and only
Wonder tree
Turned to a dream
And disappeared
And I was there
I was alone
On windy road
That wasn"t home

But that is not
The end of story
I found my way
Because I hurried
I found boat
And coast and river
And swam to you
My beloved dear
The road was scary
And it was hard
But I saw light
In fog and dark
What I should say
Is simple, see
We are each other"s
Wonder tree

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