Мороз Анна Константиновна : другие произведения.

Murder in Cathedral

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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He wanted to reach his death 
He dreamed to die 
And stop to play this gaff- 
Enough to cry! 

He was a foolish suicide 
With stupid dreams, unsound mind 
You understand that all we should 
Destroy him by the way we could! 

Enough to cry 
And stop to scream 
We`ve helped him to die 
It was his dream. 

Cathedral, bells 
And Thomas tells 
Forbiding kill 
Those on the hill. 

In holy ancient temple 
In bloody colour chasuble 
He tried to arrogate sir Henry`s throne 
And now he`s gone- he lays in blood alone 

Neither murders nor the slaves 
For England and for Northern Gaels 
We disinterestely paid 
And it is dofficult to overastimate 

O Canterbrery people! He was your guest 
Thomas Becket. He will be blessed 
The false has truly it`s own scent! 
But we, as murders, will be damned. 

Enough to cry 
And stop to scream 
We`ve helped him to die 
It was his dream 


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