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Place Like Home

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Скоро на music.lib.ru

It's been a week or so
Since I left my home
To make my way away
The rubber hit the road
But still 'twas pretty cold
When I saw what took my breath away

I could hardly believe my eyes
In the middle of the dark black night
A pillar of light stood in front of me
"Aliens!" - the first thought came...
"Oh, really?" - a doubt sprang up in my heart
"If it's supernatural it can be demons" - reasoned I,
"But it better be God!"

Then I heard the voice 
I'd known for many years
He said: "Turn around and shift to the highest gear
(Or whatever you got there, babe)
Step on it hard 
And get back where you used to belong
They are waiting for you!
There is no place like home!"

Is a road
Leads ahead
You will never know what is on the other end
Until you get
Is a road
Leads ahead
You will never know what is on the other end
Until you get

So I stood there amazed
All around me I gazed --
I was stuck in the middle of nowhere
And there was nobody there.
The lightning doesn't stike twice
It hits you right between the eyes.
So I turned around
To find out 
What did I leave behind???

There was nothing to see
But something was drawing me
To where I used to belong.
Suddenly I realized
That the voice from heaven was right
I was longing for home, sweet home.

Is a road
Leads ahead
You will never know what is on the other end
Until you get
Is a road
Leads ahead
You will never know what is on the other end
Until you get
Is always a road
Leads ahead
You will never know what is on the other end
Yet on the other hand
There is no place like home!

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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