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Subject: The rights to work in Israel. Violation of fundamental human rights, human dignity to earn one's living Английский вариант письма!

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    We are Israeli human rights and opposition organizations appeal to the committee of Human Rights and the UN headquarters office of the ILO's. We request to found special commission for investigation of human rights violations and genocide against its own citizens at State of Israel. The decision to appeal to your organization, we got that decision after of 20-years ineffectual appeals to the executive, legislative and judicial authority in Israel. That all, despite the fact that Israel is a member of the organization "ILO (International Labor Organization, UN), where Israel ratified the treaty, many of which is the fundamental human rights-(the right to earn a decent living).

  Petitions Team
  Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
  United Nations Office at Geneva
  The International Labour Organization (ILO) Geneva, Switzerland
  Subject: The rights to work in Israel. Violation of fundamental human rights, human dignity to earn one's living
  We are Israeli human rights and opposition organizations appeal to the committee of Human Rights and the UN headquarters office of the ILO's. We request to found special commission for investigation of human rights violations and genocide against its own citizens at State of Israel. The decision to appeal to your organization, we got that decision after of 20-years ineffectual appeals to the executive, legislative and judicial authority in Israel. That all, despite the fact that Israel is a member of the organization "ILO (International Labor Organization, UN), where Israel ratified the treaty, many of which is the fundamental human rights-(the right to earn a decent living).
  Motivation: At the meeting of the committee on labor, the Knesset decided to expand the program "Wisconsin." The essence of the program-privatization of state employment service designed in fact to legalize slavery in Israel.
  1. The slave-owning Employment Program "Wisconsin" This is not a fight against unemployment - this is a crime against the people.
   More than third of participants in the program - elderly Russian-speaking Israelis, many of them who don"t speak Hebrew, were sent to professional courses, or were forced to attend lectures about the dangers of being overweight or a family relationship. More than a dozen immigrants have died, being sent to work, not suitable for their age and health. In Or Akiva town died participant of that program new repatriate Alla Petrushnik. 50-year-old woman in poor health, a mother of two children (one of which - invalid), also she takes care of a terminally ill mother. She was "intended to" program on the excavation, a Roman theater, "as she repeatedly complained of high blood pressure and fainting in time of work". However Alla Petrushnik haven"t been released and died soon, (responsible for her death goes free). Officials of this program received bonuses from the state, for each of whom denied the allowances. The same officials are sending people to do hard physical work "on a voluntary basis and did not paid for it, even the minimum wage", only keeping the right to social allowances reception on a living wage. Besides, it is absolutely clear that the true purpose of the program - not employment of unemployed immigrants, but "economy of budgetary funds", created at the expense of deprivation of people of allowances on a living wage. It is necessary to notice that, the employment of one participant of this program costs 23 times more expensive, than an employment through employment Service. The program "Wisconsin" not only violates the basic rights of the parties, but also cannot cope with the increased demand t for workplaces. Journalist investigation has shown: that "Wisconsin" has been extended all over the country
  ,main Israeli trade unions have been quite agree with the Council working group of state labor exchange which, in exchange for their consent required substantial payment around 11millionos shekels for salaries of their employees. In exchange for a "bribe", employees of civil service of employment guarantee full calmness within five years: any strikes! Become saucy, officials and organizers of the program "Wisconsin". Who have received a bribe, involve in to the program people whom it is obviously impossible to employ. People close to retirement age, single mothers, chronically sick people - mostly Russian-speaking repatriates. Officials are trying to deprive of their allowances, by creation of intolerable conditions for its reception.
  2. Slaveholders and slaves. Slavish work for a minimum salary is in Israel security agency.
  People are employed by Israeli security agency turned into slaves! A man worked as a guard, seven days a week can not earn enough money, to rent an apartment. Security agencies employees even don"t get the copy of employment contract. Working as a guard at night time gets the same salary per hour, with no extra as at regular working day. For additional working hours, "Slaveholders" do not pay extra. Recently it came to, the fact that already people are must to work 16 hours a day to feed their families. More than half the amounts are taken by slaveholders. Similar employers (guards) in Israel have no idea about what the laws governing their work. For example, the guard has the right to use weapons when there is a danger to his life or the lives of others. By law, for example at the time when terrorist ran and threw a grenade, a security guard has the right to shoot him only while the grenade is at the air, and when it had dropped, exploded, the risks again seems away - just to notice that similar situation with a law, all around ! Again, the court: assert that still was the danger? Prove it. And to prove how high the risk to life was in a particular case, it is very difficult. Often, the question remains at the discretion of the judge. In addition, the guard does not receive compensation for the day off when he at the court and process sometimes takes years... There is no control of the bodies entrusted to it. For example, many security firms have signed a collective agreement with trade unions to protect the rights of their employees. But when the company infringes on the rights of workers, trade union, in which there are professional associations, sluggishly reacting to violations: and its members, with their wages deducted to fund! Wronged by themselves should come to trade union, just then they are dealt with, turn to the employer, submit documents to the court ... Many security agencies to buy or rent "Mears" (under the name of the cell phones provider) - this sets the functions of general and personal communication between the guards. Companies billing employers for personal calls, even if they speak with managers - this is from 50 to 200 shekels a month (about 10 to $ 50) depending on the time of the call. And get the guards to 18-22 shekels per hour (about 5 $). As a result the healthy, able-bodied man on hands after all deductions still has salary less, than at the woman who cleans apartments. Due to the fact that the State purposely evades capture the size of the subsistence level and calculate it according to the minimum Wages, as a result working person remains to beggars.
  The main areas where employers turned into slaves: cleaning, security, construction, industry, agriculture. For all these crimes is the Ministry of Labor in Israel is a criminal and you may redistribute the program "Wisconsin" across the country, and refuses to raise a minimum of people employed in heavy work, and this is despite the fact that over the past 6-7 years in the country prices rise in 2 -3 times.
  Criminal policy against its citizens at Ministry of Labor in 2005 was started by Minister of Labor Mr. Ehud Olmert, Minister Eli Yishai has continued, and today Minister Ben-Eliezer is trying to turn into slaves, all working class of the country!
  Epilogue: We, are a group of human rights organizations appealed to you with a purpose - to draw your attention to the violation of basic human rights in Israel by the State in the field of labor law.
   State through the Ministry of Labor and Social services has forced employment, as well as uses in the work almost for free the most vulnerable segments of the population.
   Essentially privatizing the field of employment (de facto), giving that field at the mercy of private firms. At the same time civil service employees, stay at their places, in collusion with the unions and politicians.
  There is transfer of money from the state budget to private companies. There is a corruption in its pure form.
  At same time all the opinions and calculations of specialists proving that program unprofitable, lay out without discussion, and people forced to work entirely inappropriate for their age and health. All our treatment to the appropriate authorities and mass-media, have no results. Because we are talking about clans and mafias, which is not even hiding, but at the same time, calls itself the only one democracy in the region.
  We request to found an international commission on slavery issue in Israel, which legalized by state of Israel, absolutely wild labor market, totally corruption and discrimination.
  We write on behalf of hundreds of thousands deprived of their basic human rights and freedoms of citizens of Israel, and turned into slaves! Because desperate to negotiate with the Israeli authorities, which provoke a huge social explosion. We appeal to you, as a last resort, as in an ultimate authority which has recommended itself properly, in the permission of socially-public conflicts!
  Socio-Democratic Movement "Israeli People's Opposition"
  www. Israelopossition2009.jimdo.com, Е-mail: comdiyon@netvision.net.il
  Address: Jerusalem, str. Volta illit 1 , apr. 4 Tel. +972 547226556
   Founder and board member of the movement
   Vladimir Meriin
  Social and human rights movement "Fire justice"
  E-mail: guard15@mail.ru
  Israel, Ganey-Aviv-Lod, str. Miha Rayser 10 , apr. 5 Tel. +972 544401954
  Chairman of the Movement
   Haim Kravets
  Russophone Center of Information and Culture in Israel (RCIC).
  Public association of ex-Soviet law enforcement officials in Israel "Shield and Sword".
  E-mail: public-diplomacy@rambler.ru Skype: pravo007 Tel. + 972 544908510
  Chairman of the Board of Public Associations
   George Berenzon
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