Драк Маркус : другие произведения.

Свет Добра - Велик! - английская версия - (Песня-пародия)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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  • Аннотация:
    Английская версия песни Котей: Свет Добра - Велик!

  Light Good - Great! - english version - (Song parody).
  Light Good - Great! - Song Broniza Dzhayza.
  To the music: Sirenia - Lethargica. https://yadi.sk/d/wI29SPjRgh9K2
  (*Chorus - Black Ramoth Murka (girl), dance singing group dark Malcaies (crows-humanoid) "Nyakos" (three ladies, two men), other Cats, Fuzzy-Zoanoits (Gregollyes, Vamorges, Enziame Y (200), etc.).
  Style of dance: fast techno-Valse-ballet. In a wide, bright concert hall, with white smoke floor + multi-colored lights. Rock guitar music.*)
  Analogs Kotey (Zoanoits):
  Zagontech - similar Broniz: http://s018.radikal.ru/i518/1502/b1/3f4dfe9a2d10.png
  Antayk - similar Ramotih: http://s017.radikal.ru/i402/1501/77/570237ce3be3.png
  Pai-mal - similar Malcai: http://s018.radikal.ru/i521/1503/82/c4fd54a90a85.png
  Izenmaz - similar Vamorg: http://s019.radikal.ru/i606/1503/13/c2c4a95f473a.png
  Chiarg - similar Gregolly: http://s008.radikal.ru/i306/1502/bc/cfe91d895347.png
  Shufenal - similar Enziame 200: http://s013.radikal.ru/i323/1501/00/15d6c6d917a0.png
  (* Dzhayz*) Era of Good Over-Kitty - goes.
  Peace, order, happiness will - bring You.
  We dispersal trouble, evil.
  Will be only Super-Good!
  We rescue from collapse - this world.
  (* Dzhayz bass*)
  Guardians peace - All Koti! ("Nyakos": * Moore-Moore-Moore:3*)
  We Save You people! (*Moore-Moore-FYR!*)
  We will Improve the life, Kawai! (* Moore-Moore-Moore!*)
  And Love-Fuzzy will be all! (*Moore-Miaf!*) Yeah!
  (* Murka*) We will Win guyfers - (* Moore-Moore-Miaf!*)
  Will only Light! (Nya-a-a! ^_^)
  And it's Time will come - (* Moore-Miaf!*)
  Kind Of Super-Mans!
  (0 Dzhayz bass: 0 Is Forever so it will be Cool! Ye-e-es! 0)
  Zoanoits - Nyashki! (Nya-a-a-a-a! ^_^)
  All - of my Friends!
  Zoanoits - Super Miaf!
  Light Of Good - They Are!
  (0 We will save the whole world from Darkness! 0)
  (* Dzhayz*) World is mired in lies, vices, evil!
  But the science of over - change people!
  We will Improve You forever!
  And do not terrible troubles!
  Only Love and Happiness
  Will be here!
  (* Dzhayz bass*)
  Guardians peace - All Cats! (* Moore-Moore-Miaf:3*)
  Zoanoits - Super Cute! (* Moore-Moore-Moore!*)
  The Beast-Mens - Yes, Good! (* Miaf-Miaf-Miaf!*)
  We are Purrings and Singers! (* Moore-Miaf!*) Yeah!
  (* Murka*) New era Mile - (* Moore-Moore-Miaf!*)
  Will only Light! (Nya, Nya! ^_^)
  And it's Time will come - (* Moore-Miaf!*)
  Kind Of Super-Mans!
  (0 Is Forever so it will be Cool! Ye-e-es! 0)
  Zoanoits - Nyashki! (Nya-a-a-a-a! ^_^)
  Angels from Heaven!
  All people will be saved from Evil!
  Myavochki Cateiky!
  (0 We will save the whole world from Darkness! 0)
  (* "Nyakos", Murka, Dzhayz (JIS): solemnly*)
  We - Are Huge Cats! We Myavochki, Moore-Moore!
  We sing: Moore-Miaf! For You!
  Light Of Good - Great!
  (* Murka*) We are all Guardians Peace!
  Protected in people Light!
  We want only Good:
  Happiness To Brighten Forever!
  Will be Friends always
  People, Cati!
  (* "Nyakos", Murka, Dzhayz: solemnly*)
  Mightly, Beautiful Kitty!
  Kind, Humane Moore!
  Zoanoits - will live forever!
  We'll - Save The Good!
  (* All: solemnly*)
  Myavochki Fluffy All -
  They are all Siiing!
  Angels, Moore! Zoanoits Us!
  World save from Evil!
  (* "Nyakos": Pur-Moore-Moore!*)
  (* Pur-Moore-Moore!*) (* Purrrrr!.. :3*)

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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