Маркова Наталья Самуиловна : другие произведения.

Русско-английский словарь общей лексики, В _Вра

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  ва-банк - (идти в. / пойти в. образно, в такой критической ситуации городу ничего другого не остаётся, кроме как п.в.): The city is staking its future on projects like the R. casino, a glass shell that stands empty and unfinished, waylaid by a $1 billion shortfall. In July, a development authority allotted $18 million to revamp streets leading to the casino. Facing long odds, the city may have little choice but to double down.
  важнее - (жизнь матери должна быть в. жизни плода): the mother's life should have precedence over the life of the fetus;
  - (тщательность в. скорости): "Thoroughness comes before speed," he said suggesting that the timetable for introducing the reform may not be met;
  what you do is more important than what you say
  важно - (было в., чтобы он стоял на своём): many people had suffered enormous anxiety and hardship but for the long-term sake of the country, it was essential for Bill to stand his ground;
  - (в. быть в курсе дела): "Don't you trust her?" "Trust isn't the issue. Staying informed is what matters.";
  - (в. иметь писаное правило, что...): it is essential to have a written policy that employee theft will result in immediate dismissal;
  - (исправление исторической ошибки в. не только для потомков несправедливо осуждённого): such actions by a President may seem unimportant compared with the powers of current events, but correcting historical mistakes matters, not only to the descendants of those who were wronged but to all of us;
  - ("Как в. быть серьёзным", т.е. пьеса): The Importance of Being Earnest;
  - (как в. полагаться на себя, а не надеяться на авось): the story shows the importance of relying on yourself rather than trusting to luck;
  - (в., чтобы заявление было получено во-время): it is vital that the registration form be received in time;
  - (в., чтобы): it is important that the public health system be geared up;
  - (т.е. с важным видом): смотри файл EMOCII;
  важность - (вопрос всемирной в-ти): an issue of global concern;
  - (задачи величайшей в-ти): problems of utmost gravity;
  - (недооценивать в. национальной баезопасности): to underestimate the importance of homeland security;
  - (понимать в. автодорог, школ, парков и другого общественного имущества): he understood the importance in highways, schools, parks and other important public goods;
  - (промышленности): in an era of increasing emphasis on industry
  важный - (Америка важна для остального мира): I always knew that America matters to the rest of the world; my travels taught me how the rest of the world matters to America;
  - (быть в-ым для кого-л): the problem of balancing work and family was weighing heavily on me because of the toll it was taking on the White House;
  - (вопрос / дело): no matter of importance fml could be settled without the consent of the 13 states;
  - (дела): S., who on matters of gravity, or of little consequence, has always known that he could accept my word, - S. has never asked me if I did it;
  - (дела): the President discussed weighty matters with me;
  - (дело): I will allow you to perform an essential task for me;
  - (дело, т.е. расследование): It is as well that we have no affairs of moment on hand. Then we can devote ourselves wholly to the present investigation;
  - (жизненно в., этот человек жизненно важен для нас): he is a man of vital importance to us;
  - (жизненно важно для страны): it was of vital importance to his country;
  - (жизненно в-ые сообщения): if the papers had been vital he would have been called during the night;
  - (заказчики): high-end infml customers;
  - (занять в-ое место): how did this far-out stuff get so mainstream?;
  - (затевалось нечто важное): they sensed with the perceptive collective nose for danger that had brought them all to this pinnacle that something of importance was afoot;
  - (заявление): the President was making an important announcement on television;
  - (играть в-ую роль): Russia is very keen to play an influential role;
  - (играть в-ую роль, предоставление непрофессионалам доступа к данным играет в-ую р. в установлении доверия): Rather than shun the amateurs, climate scientists might find that giving them access to their data goes a long way to building trust. It might even lead to better science. Another way to build trust might be to toughen up standards on the science itself.;
  - (иметь в. вид): he was looking immensely proud and important;
  - (качество): courage in the face of unknown is an important quality;
  - (лицо): very important person;
  - (менее важные тождества): numerous identities of lesser importance can be derived from the above basic identities;
  - (навыки важны для поднятия командного духа / чувства коллектива): learn the skills crucial to boosting team spirit, from twirling a baton and leading a crowd in a cheer to singing a fight song and joining a marching band;
  - (открытие): economics never produces the momentous discoveries, such as cures for dread diseases, that characterize Nobel awards in the hard physical sciences;
  - (перемены): years of momentous change;
  - (персона): смотри ниже;
  - (поддержка страны вaжна для ведения войны): Syria's support was essential for the conduct of the war;
  - (покупатели): high-end infml customers;
  - (понимать, как важны автодороги, школы, парки и другое общественное имущество): he understood the importance in highways, schools, parks and other important public goods;
  - (принять в. вид): "Well! I can't tarry here all day," the doctor said, adopting his former brisk and self-important manner;
  - (проблема): a massive problem;
  - (раздел книги важен для дальнейшего изложения): this section is central to much of the later development;
  - (расхаживающий с важным видом): swaggering cop;
  - (решение): in authorizing the bombing of Hiroshima, Truman knew that he had made a momentous decision;
  - (решения): on his own, a senior editor may be able to OK a book requiring a $50000 advance, but an assistant editor might have a $10000 ceiling and need major decisions approved by a senior editor or an editorial committee;
  - (с в-ым видом, он с в-ым видом следовал за ним повсюду, как сторожевой пёс): P. was tailing him everywhere like an extremely pompous guard dog;
  - (самые важные шаги): the warning symbol emphasizes the most critical steps;
  - (свидетель): the United States government maintained it could not legally have held non-US nationals or non-US material witnesses within the territory of West Berlin, even though the airliner had come to rest on a US AF air base;
  - (свидетель): Ms F., it is within my power to hold you as a material witness;
  - (сейчас важнее всего): of more immediate concern was finding the thing that P. had thrown;
  - (событие): they were expecting something momentous to happen;
  - (считать выборы самыми важными в жизни): the election that most of them regard as most important in their life-time;
  - (теория): the theory expounded in this survey is very important;
  - (титул): his title, Special Consultant to the President, was grand enough, but without a specific area of responsibility;
  - (цель): hot target infml;
  - (часть): the children are the highlight of my day;
  - (человек): he thinks to be too important to dine or socialize with me
  важный (персона) - person of consequence;
  - South Africa's bid to host the World Cup that year is coming up for scrutiny soon - FIFA is sending some of football's grand panjandrums infml to look at the place;
  - he had had his eye on a small but exquisite Fragonard, but a shifty grandee infmlin Treasury had got there first;
  - (важные персоны): along the route where important public buildings and other palaces and dwellings of the great and good;
  - (важные персоны): While in New York I took part in a variety show to raise funds for Irish cultural purposes. All the great and good were there, including Katharine Hepburn and Mia Farrow.
  вакансия - a vacancy is an employment position within a company, government organization or nonprofit that has no current occupant;
  - a job opening is a position within a company that becomes available for various reasons;
  - Job Openings (10 jobs found). This list includes all jobs currently available within our organization to internal candidates.;
  - (если во время каникул в законодательном органе появляются в-и): if vacancies happen during the recess of the legislature...;
  - there's an opening for a new teller at the bank;
  - employers receive hundreds, even thousands, of applications for every open position;
  - (у вас есть в. оттого, что кто-то получил повышение, ушёл в отставку или его перевели? / заполнить в-ю): Do you have an opening on your staff due to a promotion, resignation, or transfer? You can fill a vacant position in your department by following these simple steps.
  вакуумный - (машины): powerful suction machines for sucking wheat out of the hold of the ship into a grain silo;
  - (пылесос): a typical vacuum cleaner produces enough suction to reduce air pressure by around 20%
  валандаться разг - I can't tarry here all day;
  - we can't be late for the dentist, so quit dragging your feet and get in the car!
  вализа - (дипкурьера): the very secret material is carried in a hard-frame despatch box / dispatch box chained to the man's left wrist
  валить - (в. в одну кучу образно): Likening the Bolotnikov rebellion to those smaller and less successful uprisings (Razin and Pugachev), Russian and Soviet scholars lumped them all together as social revolutions or "peasant wars.";
  - (в. в одну кучу образно): stereotypes are bad because they tend to lump a whole group of people together and make them all look bad;
  - (в. в одну кучу образно, не хочу, чтобы меня валили в одну кучу с ними): I don't want to be tarred with the same brush;
  - (в. вину на других): he is very quick to lay the blame at the door of infml the others
  вам слово - (т.е. например, в парламенте): the floor is yours;
  - (т.е. на ток-шоу): over to you
  варварский - (завоеватель): a barbaric conqueror of unmatched vigor
  вариант - (автомобиль в в-те "люкс"): a deluxe version of the car;
  - (брейдинговый в. правила Лейбница мат): our differentials obey a braided version of the usual Leibnitz rule
  - (т.е. выбора): смотри ниже;
  - (искать новые в-ы, новые формы взаимодействия): we have to look for new ways and new forms of interaction;
  - (картины): the first version of the painting;
  - (кинематографический в. романа): the novel was adapted three times for the screen, and all versions enjoyed fair popular success;
  - (найти тот в. обеспечения безопасности, который будет приемлем для всех): we shall eventually be able to find a way of ensuring security that would be acceptable to all;
  - (немецкий в. страницы Интернета): a German version of a Web page;
  - (в. осуществления настоящего изобретения, т.е. в патентной заявке): stating that "an embodiment of the present invention" includes a particular structure or feature, is much broader than stating that "the present invention" includes that structure or feature;
  - (в. осуществления настоящего изобретения / возможнaя часть одного в-а изобретения, т.е. в патентной заявке): Stating that "an embodiment of the present invention" includes a particular structure or feature is much broader than stating that "the present invention" includes that structure or feature. The connotation of the latter is that the so-described feature or structure is essential to the present invention, rather than being only an optional part of a single version of the invention.;
  - (первоначальный / первоначальный): the original version / the original;
  - (перевода, т.е. книги ): Garnett's version of Tolstoy's War and Piece;
  - (перевода, т.е. слова): experienced translators usually choose one or another way of translation, basing on the content of the context in which a field term is used;
  - (перевода, т.е. слова): The word for oil in Sanskrit is sneha. Another translation of the same word is love or affection ;
  - (в. подачи налоговой декларации): if you're legally married, you generally have only two options for that year's tax returns - either "married filing jointly" or "married filing separately";
  - (политики): if the Arabs won with Soviet support, the the radical course - the military option - would appear vindicated;
  - (русский в. ракеты НАТО): the AT-6 antitank missile, the one NATO called "Spiral", actually a Russian version of the NATO Milan;
  - (самолёт в в-те истребителя): a fighter version of the plane;
  - (сокращённый): a shortened version;
  - (в. фронтовой обороны): that was just one more version of theater defense, and of little strategic use;
  - (человеческий в. болезни): a human variant of the mad-cow disease;
  - (т.е. шахматной игры): Kasparov anticipated this variation
  вариант (т.е. выбора): (взвесить в-ы): I pondered Nixon's options;
  - (иметь несколько в-ов в запасе): the Soviet leadership tried to keep several options;
  - (какой бы в. вы ни выбрали): no matter which option is chosen, advance registration works best;
  - (любимый в. при выборе вина): for blowout champagnes my favourite choice is S.;
  - (в-ы на выбор): the government has two options: to reduce spending or to increase taxes;
  - (не заметить возможный в.): he had overlooked a possible fifth option;
  - (определить имеющиеся в-ы расчистки, т.е. свалки): the city and county have agreed to study the nature and extent of the contamination and determine the available cleanup options;
  - (оценить в-ы): to evaluate the options;
  - (предложенный): for anyone giving a sophisticated dinner party with excellent wine, the best suggestion is to start with a champagne;
  - (т.е. при выборе вина): Spanish wines, with the native grape varietals, offer good budget choices;
  - (у вас есть разные в-ы): there are various options open to you;
  - (у нас сегодня несколько в-ов, т.е. как провести время): we have several options today
  варьировать - (в. насыщенность цвета краски): the ability to blend and vary the intensity of the new oil paints was exploited by the van Eycks to achieve a heightened sense of depth and distance
  вахта - (нести в-у): the officers would maintain constant anchor watch;
  - (нести в-у / стоять в-у/ стоять на в-е, т.е. на корабле в котельном oтделении): Fireman: cares for and operates ship's engineering equipment (such as boilers, turbines, pumps, motors). Records readings of gauges and cleans engineering machinery and compartments. Stands watches.;
  - (офицер на ночной в-е): he would cause the night duty officer to absent himself on an errand and take over the watch from him while he was away
  вахтенный журнал - (т.е. лётчика): this trip would go into his logbook as time in command, but it really wasn't
  вахтовый - (обучать в-ым методом, т.е. детей оленеводов в кочевых школах): to teach on rotational basis
  ваш (ваши) - (т.е. единомышленники / сородичи / соплеменники): You know well how much the information you both carry is of value to your kind. You cannot be allowed to cross over to the other side.;
  - (и нашим и вашим): the army establishment has adopted a policy of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds;
   - (и нашим, и вашим, он пытался угодить и н. и вашим, в результате его пинали с обеих сторон): Before the Judiciary Committee, he performed poorly. On sensitive issues he straddled the fence infml fig, and got kicked from both sides.;
  - We've spent our lives looking for weaknesses in one another's systems. But now your own side is going to shoot you.
  ваша очередь - (т.е. говорить): over to you
  вбивать / вбить - (в. себе в голову): somehow he'd got it into his head that his wife was trying to poison him;
  - (в. клин между армией и народом образно): to drive the wedge between the army and the people
  вбирать / вобрать - (В традициях ислам властно вобрал [в себя] всё, что счёл совместимым с местными обычаями): through and in tradition, Islam aligned itself authoritatively with all it found compatible in local usages;
  - (скупой жест вобрал весь город): her brief gesture took in the whole town beyond the room
  вблизи - (в. город грязный и облупленный): close up, the city is grubby and chipped;
  - (как кирпич выглядит в.): how the brickwork looked close up and at a distance;
  - (в. листва была выцветшей): the nearby foliage was faded and dirty;
  - (в. птица представляет собой внушительное зрелище): the bird presents an imposing picture at close range;
  - (я видел систему здравоохранения в.): I (former Senator) had cancer, I saw the health care system up close, and I had to get back to fix it
  вбок - (глаз косил в.): I had a weak left eye, which had often tilted outward;
  - (отступить в.): she stepped sideways / took a sideways step;
  - (упасть в.): the girl slumped sideways off her chair;
  - (шагнуть в.): he took a sideways step / he stepped sideways
  вброс - (дезинформации): feeding widespread disinformation into the system or else concealing true information makes the objective assessment of events and contributory factors impossible;
  - (в. ложной информации): fake / false information;
  - (произвести в. информации): the undercover operation in the field of cybercrime was intended to inject data into a criminal network to understand how the underground cyber-economy is operating;
  - (т.е. фальшивых избирательных бюллетеней в урну): ballot-stuffing;
  - (в. эндорфинов в систему): massive flood of endorphins into the system
  введение - (т.е. действие): смотри ниже;
  = (т.е. вступительная часть): смотри ниже
  введение (т.е. действие) - (в. в заблуждение): Misrepresentation is a contract law concept. It means a false statement of fact made by one party to another party, which has the effect of inducing that party into the contract. For example, under certain circumstances, false statements or promises made by a seller of goods regarding the quality or nature of the product that the seller has may constitute misrepresentation.;
  - (т.е. в медицине): смотри ниже;
  - (в. в транс, методы в-я в т.): the Dionysian Mysteries were a ritual of ancient Greece and Rome which used intoxicants and other trance-inducing techniques, such as dance and music, to remove inhibitions and artificial societal constraints, liberating the individual to return to a more natural and primal state;
  - (в. во что-л, т.е. вступление): смотри ниже;
  - (в. мяча в игру): after the kickoff, he strutted onto the field;
  - (официальное в. в должность): he honors our friendship mightily by asking me to speak at her induction;
  - (т.е. установление): смотри ниже
  введение (т.е. в медицине) - (буккальное / ректальное / вагинальное / местное, т.е. лекарственного препарата): Nanoparticles may be co-mixed with gums and viscous fluids for purposes of buccal, rectal or vaginal administration. Microspheres may also be co-mixed with gels and ointments for purposes of topical administration to epidermis for transdermal delivery.;
  - (в. вакцины в мышцу): The Importance Of Injecting Vaccines Into Muscle;
  - (в. лекарственного препарата через желудок): two hours after intra-stomach administration of the drug or a placebo;
  - (в. лекарственного препарата через желудок): effects of intra-stomach administration of the drug;
  - (при внутрибрюшном в-и, т.е. препарата в организм, ): in mice, per intraperitoneal route, the LD-O (maximum non-lethal dose) in mice is higher than 64 mg/kg, the LD-30 (lethal dose for 30% of the treated animals) is of about 128 mg/kg, and the LD-100 (minimum lethal dose for all the treated animals) is lower than or equal to 256 mg/kg.;
  - (при в-и через желудок дозами по 50 и 150 мг/кг действующее начало не оказывает значительного воздействия на ритм сердечных сокращений): upon the intra-stomach administration in doses of 50 and 150 mg/kg the active principle provides no substantial effect on the rhythm of cardiac contractions;
  - (в. простагландинa в шейку матки, т.е. роженицам): the study was designed to investigated outcome in women who required vaginal prostaglandin E2 for cervical priming prior to labor induction;
  - (путь в-я / введение в мышцу и под кожу): Selecting the best route of administration is crucial to effective vaccination. The two most common routes of administration are intramuscular, which means injecting into the muscle, and subcutaneous, which means injecting under the skin
  введение (т.е. вступительная часть) - (в Microsoft Word / Microsoft Excel): Introduction to Microsoft Word / Microsoft Excel;
  - (в. в основные теоремы): a concise introduction to the main theorems;
  - (в. в основы теории): the introduction to the foundations of quantum group theory;
  - (в. в статистику, т.е. учебник): an Introductory Statistics Textbook;
  - (в. в химию, т.е. учебник): Introductory Chemistry
  введение (т.е. установление) - (в. дворянства в стране): clause 8 prohibits the establishment of nobility in the country;
  - (евро): following the introduction of the euro, taxation is expected to become a particularly hot issue as pressure builds on EU governments to harmonise their tax systems;
  - (налога): the introduction of a general sales tax;
  - (в. новой линейки продукции): introduction of a new product line;
  - (в. новой схемы финансовой системы): introducing a new scheme of Japan's financial system;
  - (в. системы защиты банковских вкладов): to push back for one year the introduction of a system of deposit protection;
  - (в. требований к работодателям): the Republican majority in Congress were opposed to imposing any new requirements on employers
  введённый в заблуждение - are suicide bombers "martyrs" or misguided fools?
  ввезти / ввозить (т.е. контрабандой) - (наркотики): to use waterways to bring in drugs;
  - duty-free molasses smuggled in from the islands in the Caribbean;
  - (ковры ввозят бродячие торговцы): the rugs were smuggled into Afghanistan by itinerant traders;
  - in the last two years the government has dismantled 10 migrant-smuggling organizations
  ввергать / ввергнуть - (в. людей в нищету и страдания): "So you want to start a war to get peace. Are you prepared to commit innocent men and women to all that pain and misery without even giving them a choice in the matter?";
  - (милитаристы ввергли мир в войну): the German Nazis and Japanese warlords plunged the world into the war;
  - (в. страну в голод): it would be a recipe for a disaster, plunging the country into famine
  вверенный - (в-ые его заботам верующие): within the exercise of their pastoral office, the diocesan Bishops must remain solicitous to the needs of all the faithful entrusted into their care;
  - (в-ые ей дети): she always worried a lot about the young children in her charge
  вверить / вверять - (в. кобыл и жеребят попечению богини): while we beseech the goddess's blessing on our fields of wheat, so the people of the plains commit their mares and foals to her care
  ввериться / вверяться - (он вверился не тому, кому нужно было): he put his faith in the wrong person
  вверх - (в. брюхом, дохлая рыба плавает в. брюхом): why do fishes, when dead, float on the surface of the water, with the belly uppermost?;
  - (бывает ли вам трудно двигать головой в. или вниз?): do you have difficulty fully moving your head up or down;
  - (выбросить струю в.): the spout was blasted into the air to a great height;
  - (газета лежала кроссвордом в.): on the table lay a copy of the day's Times, crossword uppermost;
  - (в. дном): смотри ниже;
  - (дорога шла в.): the road led upward;
  - (дорога шла в.): the cloverleaf where the road climbed to join the motorway;
  - (капот подскочил на дюйм в.): the hood jumped up upward an inch when the catch was released;
  - (лифт поднялся в. на 7 этажей): the lift hummed its way 7 floors up to the director's suit;
  - (мяч полетел в.): the ball carried high into the air and landed the other side of the fence;
  - (надстройки тянулись в. над палубой на 5 этажей): the vessel was 90 metres broad, from scupper to scupper and her superstructure reared 5 stories into the air above her deck;
  - (направленное в. давление / толкать в.): the shoe was scientifically constructed with a hidden 1/8 inch shock absorber under the heel that releases its reciprocating resistance power each time you step. As your weight changes to the balls of your feet, the hidden shock absorber generates an upward pressure pushing your body upward;
  - (в. ногами): смотри ниже;
  - (в. по лестнице): he sprinted upstairs;
  - (в. по лестнице): she was bringing her party of sightseers up the back stairs;
  - (в. по реке / в. по течению): смотри ниже;
  - (положить лист левой половиной в.): he laid the sheet in front of M. so that only the left side of it was facing upward;
  - (ракета взмыла в. по баллистической траектории на высоту более 100 000 футов): the missile streaked upward in a ballistic path to a height of over a 100 000 feet;
  - (с высоко поднятой в. кормой): if the forward tanks are filled, but not balanced at the stern, she will dive by the nose, her stern high in the air;
  - (сила, направленная в.): lift, an upward acting force;
  - (смотреть в.): he was staring upward;
  - (смотреть в.): "...", he explained, manifestly looking at overheads of the place as he spoke;
  - (снизу в., каньон темнел снизу в. ): the rocks changed colors as the canyon darkened from the bottom up;
  - (снизу в., подход снизу в.): a bottom-up approach;
  - (в. тормашками, мир перевёрнутый в. тормашками): The World Turned Topsy-Turvy or Women in Command. Burlesque drama in music by Polisseno Fegeio Pastor Arcade (Carlo Goldoni);
  - (в. тормашками, перевернуть в. тормашками кого-л): girls can upend boys;
  - (тормашками, перевернуться в. тормашками): Winnie-the-Pooh turned head over heels, and crashed on to another branch
  вверх дном - (жизнь перевернулась в.д.): my life was turned upside down
  - (мир перевёрнутый в.д.): it's a world turned upside down;
  - (мир перевёрнутый в.д.): The World Turned Topsy-Turvy or Women in Command. Burlesque drama in music by Polisseno Fegeio Pastor Arcade (Carlo Goldoni);
  - (насколько в обществе всё перевёрнуто в.д.): how upside down our society is;
  - (перевернуть чашку в.д.): turn the cup upside down< on its saucer;
  - (переврнуться в.д.): the plane banked so steeply that I wondered whether we were upside down;
  - (яхта перевернулась в.д.): The boat was taking on water. In less than a minute, the boat had flipped to an upside-down position.
  вверх ногами - (насколько в обществе всё перевёрнуто в.н.): how upside down our society is;
  - (мир перевёрнутый в.н.): it's a world turned upside down;
  - (мир перевернулся в.н.): for a little while it seemed that the whole world was turned topsy-turvy;
  - (перевернуть кого-л в.н. кого-л): girls can upend boys;
  - (перевернуться в.н.): Winnie-the-Pooh turned head over heels, and crashed on to another branch;
  - (призрак парил в воздухе в.н.): the ghost was floating upside down in midair;
  - (читать журнал в.н.): he was reading a magazine upside down
  вверх по течению / вверх по реке - at high tide the ocean pushes salt water some distance upstream;
  - the bridge is almost half a mile upriver;
  - the actual 1630s settlement by that name was located a short distance upriver;
  - at high tide the ocean pushes salt water some distance upstream;
  - (в.п.т. от плотин и водосборов): do not furrow up stream of important dams or catches as the furrows will restrict the flow of water to a dam
  вверх-вниз - (бегать по лестнице в.-в.): it's rather difficult to concentrate when people keep thundering up and down the stairs;
  - (кадык ходит в.-в.): his Adam's apple is bobbing up and down beneath his skin as if trying to break out
  вверху - (кучи): on the top of a heap;
  - (в. справа, т.е. на рисунке): charcoal, black and red chalks; traces of framing line in pen and brown ink at upper right;
  - (страницы): in the top of a page;
  - (в. слева нa экране, т.е. компьютера): your shopping Cart will stay with you while browsing our store, displaying a running total at the top left of your screen while you continue to shop
  ввести / вводить - (в. в бой войска): General C. Powell is reluctant to commit American forces;
  - (в. в бой, командир вводит в бой все наличные силы): the commander commits his total resources;
  - (в. в бой, переходить в наступление последовательно, вводя в бой части по мере их подхода): to attack piecemeal, committing units as they become available;
  - (в. в заблуждение): смотри ниже;
  - (в. в курс дела): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. в компьютер, в. данные и сличать подробности всех преступлений): there are detectives and civilian support staff, inputting data and cross-referencing the details of each crime;
  - (т.е. в компьютер, в. различные данные в автоматизированные системы бухгалтерского учёта и обработки данных): ability to input a variety of data to computerized record keeping / data processing systems;
  - (в. в практику / в. в применение тангенс и котангенс): he brought into use the tangent and cotangent functions;
  - (в. в расход кого-л): I don't want to put you to the expense of buying me dinner;
  - (в. в расход налогоплательщиков, т.е. чтобы спасти от банкротства банки): critics of the Congressional housing package complain that we are now committing taxpayers to huge new outlays to rescue Fanny May and Freddy Mac;
  - (в. в транс, методы введения в т.): the Dionysian Mysteries were a ritual of ancient Greece and Rome which used intoxicants and other trance-inducing techniques, such as dance and music, to remove inhibitions and artificial societal constraints, liberating the individual to return to a more natural and primal state;
  - (в. в эксплуатацию нефтяное месторождение): it will take 8 years to bring this oil field fully on line;
  - (в. в эксплуатацию оборудование): to commission the equipment;
  - (в. в эксплуатацию электростанции): the power plant is required to provide power to the Nigerian national power grid, commencing in April 2007 with all individual gas turbine units commissioned for open cycle operation in advance of the full CCGT commercial operation date in Q4 2007;
  - (войск, т.е. в Ирак): General C. Powell is reluctant to commit American forces;
  - (т.е. лекарство мед, в. парентерально внутривенным, подкожным... путём): nanoparticles may also be delivered parenterally by either intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intrathecal, intravitreal or intradermal routes as sterile suspensions in isotonic fluids;
  - (т.е. на клавиатуре): смотри ниже;
  - (надзор, введенный согласно закону С.-О.): egged on by the business and Wall Street lobbies, American politicians worried that New York was losing out, partly because of the oversight imposed by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act;
  - (в. обозначения и терминологию в главе): this section is included to fix our notation and terminology;
  - (т.е. придумать и применять): смотри ниже;
  - (в. твёрдую пищу, т.е. новый вид питания для младенца): when you introduce solid food?;
  - (т.е. учреждать): смотри ниже;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  ввести в заблуждение/ вводить в заблуждение - (введённый в з.): are suicide bombers "martyrs" or misguided fools?;
  - (зрение ввело его в з.): her eyes deluded him;
  - (извиняться перед всеми, кого ввело в з. решение задачи): the editors apologize to anyone who was misled by the original solution to this problem;
  - (иногда эти ошибки могут полностью в. в з.): sometimes these errors are downright confusing;
  - (карта вводила в з.): the map was misleading;
  - (кого-л): I'm afraid I've really no idea at all. If I venture a guess, I should simply mislead you.;
  - (комиссию): the speaker had violated the tax laws and there was evidence he had intentionally misled the committee about it;
  - (комиссия была введена в з. группой учёных): the Commission was mislead by the panel of academics that advised it;
  - (легко быть введенным в з. в тёмном поезде): it is easy to be deluded on a dark train;
  - (намеренно в. в з.): statements that are technically accurate but intentionally misleading;
  - (в. з. непрошеного любопытствующего неправильной вывеской): in much the same way a front is maintained at L. House in Curzon street, still supposed to be the home of the counter-intelligence arm, M15, to decoy the unneeded enquirer;
  - (нечаянно в. кого-л в з.): he may at times unintentionally mislead us with incorrect interpretations;
  - (о доводах Республиканской партии, т.е. США): the GOP talking points are red herrings infml fig;
  - (в. в з. самых близких людей): the idea that he had cheated and misled those closest to him was upsetting beyond words;
  - (сходство могло в. его в з.): he could have been misled by a resemblance
  ввести в курс дела / вводить в курс дела - you ought to fill him in, bring him up to date;
  - (в. в к.д. о чём-л): the sheriff brought me to date on the murder;
  - (в. в к.д. того, что произошло за прошедшие сутки): Detective Inspector brings everyone up to speed on the previous 24 hours;
  - (в. в курс последних новостей): bring me up-to-date on all the latest news
  ввести / вводить (т.е. на клавиатуре / кнопках) - to enter the code;
  - type the password and press ENTER;
  - he keyed in the seven digits on the keypad;
  - (в. данные н клавиатуре пользовательской панели банкомата): in operation of an ATM a user inserts a customer identifying card into the machine and then enters certain data (such as codes, quantity of currency required, type of transaction, etc.) upon one or more keyboards included in a user console of the machine.
  ввести / вводить (т.е. придумать и применять) - (в. новую концепцию): the company introduced a new retail concept;
  - (в. функции секанса и косеканса): he introduced the secant and cosecant functions;
  - (в. новое понятие): we will introduce this concept more formally in Chapter 3;
  - (в. новый антибиотик): every time we introduced a new antibiotic the bacteria take a new step to evolve;
  - (понятие, т.е. в математике): he introduced the notion of "ring group", closely related to Hopf algebras
  ввести / вводить (т.е. учреждать) - (в. адресные санкции против Дамаска): Washington may impose targeted sanctions against Damascus;
  - (в стране введена повышенная готовность к терактам): the nation is put on high alert for attacks;
  - (в. военное положение): to impose martial law;
  - (в. воинскую повинность): to establish a 14-month compulsory national service for people aged 18 to 24;
  - (в. дисциплину у кого-л): a means of imposing war discipline on the Soviet peoples;
  - (должность / пост): the presidential directive established the position of National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Infrastructure Protection;
  - (закон): unless some sort of international law is imposed, we might well find the market flooded with flimsy products;
  - (закон): to institute a law;
  - (законодательно в. общественную мораль): we cannot legislate public morality;
  - (в. карантин в местности): the area was swiftly quarantined;
  - (в. карательные тарифы на импорт): to establish punitive tariffs on US biofuel imports;
  - (в. карательные тарифы на импорт): U.S. imposes punitive tariffs on on Chinese imports;
  - (в. комендантский час): a three-day curfew was imposed;
  - (меры введены): extensive measures are now in place;
  - (налог): the 50% tax on banker bonuses the UK put in place in December;
  - (в. нормативное регулирование защиты культуры): Ukraine's regulatory system for the protection of its culture is not enforced;
  - (нормы / стандарты): nowadays, rigorous standards are enforced in the area of...;
  - (в. обязательную воинскую повинность): to establish a 14-month compulsory national service for people aged 18 to 24;
  - (в. переход на зимнее / летнее время): The Daylight Saving Time was first put into practice by Germany during the First World War in order to preserve energy for war production by taking advantage of the more daylight in the afternoons and evenings.;
  - (т.е. постепенно, в. новую модель, т.е. распределения субсидий): it would probably take until 2025 to fully phase in a new model;
  - (в. почтовый код): to introduce a new area code;
  - (пошлину): to introduce 5 per cent tariffs on...;
  - (поэтапно в. налог): the country started phasing in the environmental tax in 1995;
  - (правила, согласно введенных Советом правил): under the policies set by Board;
  - (проверки, т.е. пассажиров в аэропортах): in the United States, lengthier security checks have been put in place;
  - (в. проверку беженцев): the United States is not alone in imposing additional scrutiny on refugees;
  - (в. программу оздоровления экономики): to restore the economy, the administration put into effect a recovery program;
  - (процедуры, введенные бюрократами): he was tired of the idiotic little procedures put in place by pencil pushers who read manuals on how to keep jails safe;
  - (реформы): the President had instituted the reforms he promised;
  - (светомаскировку): from the first day of the war, blackout regulations were enforced;
  - (систему): the new system was scheduled to be introduced on Apr 1, 2001;
  - (в. систему заказа товаров по почте): she started a mail-order system;
  - (в. систему налогообложения): the new system of taxation will be brought into effect / put into effect next May;
  - (в. систему проездных билетов): to introduce a "smart card" fare system administered through a central licensing body;
  - (снова в. смертную казнь): as part of his efforts to put down the 15-months-old insurgency, the government announced Sunday that it was reinstating the death penalty, which had been suspended during the U.S. occupation;
  - (стандартизацию): Until the 1980s, each state school in Britain decided its own curriculum - which subjects it should teach, how it should teach them, and what they should be called. Then in the 1980s, the UK government brought in standardisation so that all UK state schools taught more-or-less the same subjects.;
  - (стандарты): nowadays, rigorous standards are enforced in the area of...;
  - (тендер): competitive bidding was put in place to lower the costs to Medicare for home medical equipment;
  - (в. форму для учащихся): should Norfolk mandate uniforms for elementary and middle school students?;
  - (в. форму для учащихся): last week the P. county School Board became one of the first in the nation to implement mandatory uniforms for elementary and middle school students;
  - (христианство): they conquered the land and imposed Christianity on them;
  - (в. чрезвычайное положение): to impose state of emergency;
  - (в. экономический план): to put into place an economic plan;
  - (в. эмбарго на торговлю с Кубой): on October 19, 1960, U.S. imposes a partial economic embargo on Cuba that excludes food and medicine
  ввиду - (в. малой величины): on account of the small magnitude... the observation of these effects presents many difficulties;
  - (в. нехватки места): it is impossible to give a complete account of these processes for reasons of space;
  - (в. отсутствия других объяснений): in default of / for lack of any other adequate explanation, the nontidal tendency towards a shorter day length may be attributable to...;
  - (в. отсутствия понимания): for lack of understanding of the biological processes involved in mutation, the first efforts of inducing mutations to improve plants were not successful;
  - (в. присутствия водорода): in view of / because of the presence of hydrogen...
  ввиду того, что - since / because / considering that / in view of the fact that the heat of a reaction depends on..., ...;
  - because / since normal stars could not be detected as sources of radio emission with the equipment then available...;
  - whereas the Society recognizes the great value of international contacts...;
  - inasmuch as the said Aegidius has proved himself a trusty man and well able to deal with giants, dragons, and other enemies of the King's peace, now therefore we command him to ride forth at once, and to join the company of our knights with all speed.
  ввод - (в. в систему обработки данных): the entry of data processing;
  - (в. в эксплуатацию электростанции): commissioning and testing of the power plant and ancillary systems / equipment;
  - (войск): moving the Saudi brigade stationed in Jordan to Syria;
  - (в. информации в компьютер): input;
  - (данных, клавиатура для в-а данных, т.е. в банкомате): a key pad for inputting data
  вводиться - (результаты наблюдений вводятся в компьютер): the all-weather satellites were also monitored and resultant findings fed into the computer;
  - (по закону о сверхдоходах налоговая ставка 68% вводится, когда...): the Windfall Profits law imposes a tax rate of 68% when copper prices reach US$2,600 a tonne ($1.18 per pound), and when gold reaches US$500 an ounce
  вводный - (замечания): he began the slide show with some introductory remarks;
  - (в. курс в психологию): I'll be taking you through this introduction course in behavioural psychology;
  - (слова): Parenthesis: a qualifying or amplifying word, phrase, or sentence inserted within written matter in such a way as to be independent of the surrounding grammatical structure. "I asked John (my friend John Smith) to come with me".
  вводящий в заблуждение - (выражение лица): he looked out with his misleading angelic expression;
  - (карта): the map was misleading;
  - (предположение): the defence suggestion that pointed to alternate suspects who were not properly investigated by the RCMP, was dismissed as a "red herring" fig;
  - (рассуждение): specious, deceptive reasoning
  ввоз - (в. запрещённых предметов в США): Customs and Border Protection is responsible for protecting the United States against the illegal importation of prohibited items;
  - (в. несовершеннолетних нелегальных иммигрантов): her real business was bringing underage illegal immigrants into the UK for use in the sex trade;
  - (в. опасных сельскохозяйственных вредителей в США): to prevent entry of dangerous agricultural pests;
  - (оружия): he told the agent that importing such weapons was illegal;
  - (в. рабов в США): the importation of slaves into the United States was stopped in 1808;
  - (в. спиртных напитков в США): the manufacture of intoxicating liquors within the US, the importation thereof into the US;
  вволю - (давненько мы не ели в.): it seems a long while since we could eat to heart's content;
  - (в. наесться козлятины и напиться вина): Odysseus and his men have eaten their fill of goats and wine;
  - (напиться в.): reaching a well he descended into it and drank his fill;
  - (в. переключать каналы телевизора): he put on the television and flicked through the channels to his heart's content;
  - (потешиться): The squirrel was too quick and nimble for the clumsy pup to catch. When the squirrel had its fill of fun and grew tired, it scurried up a tree without second thoughts.;
  - (потешиться в. над кем-л): Fate seems to be having its fill of fun with us, I see. First, it puts us within arm's reach of a place of safety and then sees to it that we have no way of getting there.;
  - (ресторан, где за фиксированную цену можно есть в.): a restaurant where you pay a fixed price and can eat ad-lib;
  - (у кобылы и жеребёнка есть в. сена): make sure your mare and foal have ad-lib (ad libitum Latin) hay;
  - toddlers and small children are generally sticker crazy. You can buy a huge book of stickers, and then give a page to each child. Plan on purchasing a paper mache mailbox or other small item, and let the children decorate their own mailbox to their heart's content.
  ввысь - (мяч полетел в.): the ball carried high into the air and landed the other side of the fence
  - (памятник устремлён в.): the monument points skyward
  ввязаться / ввязываться - (в. в военные действия): was it wrong or right that we engaged in the military action?;
  - (в. в драку): the pugnacious artist had become engaged in a brawl with seven other knights;
  - (в. в дурацкую махинацию): what possessed you to get involved with such a ridiculous scheme?;
  - (в. в споры, о болельщиках): Some fans have a natural tendency to be confrontational. They get into arguments with other fans.;
  - (ввязавшись в спор): embroiled in a dispute with R., he provoked a fight
  вглубь - (территории, продвижение войск в. территории): to arrest further Israeli advances deep into the Arab territory;
  - (в. территории, продвигаться в. территории, о десантниках): While the troops were still fighting in Normandy, what had happened to each unit in the landing had become known through the eyewitness testimony of all survivors. It was this research by the field historians which first determined where each company had hit the beach and by what route it had moved inland.;
  - (уйти в. дома): he waddled off into the back of the house
  вглядываться - (в. в будущее): to peer into the future;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вдаваться (в. в детали / в подробности) - I can't go into specifics;
  - he would not go into detail about his employer;
  - (не вдаваясь в подробности): without getting into lengthy specifics the communication between our two sides has stalled;
  - A Wizz Air jet caught fire Wednesday at a Bucharest airport, and the 76 passengers on board were evacuated. Wizz Air said in a statement there had been a problem with an engine but did not elaborate.
  вдалбливать - (учитель вдалбливал ученикам грамматику): my sixth-grade teacher drilled us in grammar
  вдалбливать / вдолбить - (в нас вдалбливали мысль, что в трети дорожных аварий виновато превышение скорости): the message dinned into us was that "speed" is responsible for a third of all traffic accidents;
  - (идея, которую нам вдалбливают с самого начала): We grow up in this country very often with the idea which is inculcated from the beginning. You pledge allegiance to the flag and sing the Star-spangled banner.;
  - (в. что-л кому-л, т.е. объяснить): was there any chance that she had got his message across into his thick skull?
  вдалеке - you can see the ancient ruins in the distance;
  - (слабый рокот грома в.): the absolute stillness of the land was broken only now and again by the faint rumbling of thunder far away;
  - (в. слышался крик совы): I could hear the far-off hoot of an owl;
  - (слышать в. топот копыт): he could hear the distant beat of galloping hoofs;
  - (увидеть в.): he saw something out there on the blue-green rolling swell between the ship and the cost, 20 miles to the south;
  - смотри вдали
  вдали - (виднеться в.): the photo featured a massive waterspout looming in the distance;
  - (виднеться в.): you can see the ancient ruins in the distance;
  - (затихнуть в.): the hoofbeats of their horses faded into the distance;
  - (в. от дома): he committed suicide far from home;
  - (в. от любопытных глаз): hopefully you will be able to read this away from prying eyes;
  - (в. от скуки тюремной жизни): to spend time away from the drudgery of prison life;
  - (в. от чего-л): it was harder to feel scared of a lump of tea leaves away from the dim red light and befuddling perfume of Professor Trelawney's classroom;
  - (в. от шумной городской толпы): the beaches interspaced with coves and cliffs can prove to be an ideal retreat far from the boisterous crowd of the city;
  - (увидеть в.): he saw something out there on the blue-green rolling swell between the ship and the cost, 20 miles to the south;
  - (удерживать пролитую нефть в. от берега): inflatable booms to try to hold the vented oil away from the cost until the chemicals could do their work;
  - (хранить в. от тепла, прямого солнечного света и влаги): keep this bottle away from direct heat, sunlight and moisture;
  - смотри вдалеке
  вдвое - (больше): смотри ниже;
  - (в. большее количество): therefore double the quantity of air is required for cooling;
  - (в. быстрее, он мог вырезать лодочку в. быстрее): he could carve a better boat blindfolded and in half the time;
  - (в. быстрее, число рабочих мест в технике растёт в. быстрее всего числа рабочих мест): technology is one of the few bright spots in the economy, with jobs growing at double the rate of job growth over all;
  - (длиннее): the "inner ocean" of the Salt Water Great Bay has a shoreline twice the length of the entire New Hampshire Atlantic coast;
  - (дороже, я заплатил за это пальто в. дороже, чем за него прошу): I purchased this coat last year for twice what I'm asking;
  - (зарабатывать в. меньше): U.K. women earn half as much as men;
  - (в. меньше себя ростом): she married a man half her height;
  - (выглядеть в. младше / в. моложе своих лет): she looked half her age;
  - (в. моложе её): on alpine excursions she outstripped men half her age;
  - (складывание в., т.е. заготовки меча): the smith begins the laborious process of hammering out and folding the block back on itself;
  - (согнуться в. от старости): he was almost bent double with age;
  - (сложенный в.): a piece of cloth folded double;
  - (сложить в. круговые спицы, т.е. для набора петель): bend the circular needle double and cast on 195 stitches;
  - (смертность уменьшилась в.): with a campaign against AIDS, the death rate had been cut in half through a focus on abstinence, education, marriage, and condoms;
  - (уменьшить в.): the President has doubled down on cuts to federal healthcare spending
  вдвое больше - (время на пересадку на другой самолёт здесь в.б.): the time required to transfer to a domestic connection, which in some European airports can be less than an hour, is twice as long there;
  - (он был в.б. обычного человека): he was at least twice the size of a normal man;
  - (страна, у которой население в.б.): Japan's mobile phone market now boasts 50 million subscribers versus about 75 million in the United States, a country with double the population;
  - (у какого острова площадь в.б., чем...?): what is the island twice as big in area as...;
  - (...что в.б. явки на первичные выборы в штате 4 года назад): elections officials projected turnout among Pennsylvania's 8.3 million registered voters at 40 percent to 50 percent, double that of the state's primary four years ago
  вдвойне - (быть в. осторожным): you've got to be doubly careful when you're driving in fog;
  - (ему в. неловко): he is feeling double uneasy;
  - (настороже): The enemies will be doubly on their guard since then, and the prisoners even wearier. There will be no escape again, if we do not contrive it.;
  - (ошибаться): you are doubly mistaken
  вделанный - (полушарие, в-ое в стену): above the door is a matte black hemisphere about a meter in diameter, set into the front wall of the building
  вдобавок - He paid $12 000 in cash. In addition, he laid out a 150 000 for his cattle;
  - (в. ко всему остальному): this stunning news on top of all else caused him to burst into tears;
  - (Группа Освобождения женщин протестовала против шествия в честь Мисс Америки. В. некоторые из них жгли свои лифчики): A women's liberation group protested the Miss America pageant itself as degrading to women. For good measure, some of them burned their bras, proof positive to many old-fashioned Americans that something had gone terribly wrong;
  - (десантник выбрасывает торпеды и в. срезает всю экипировку): He jumps out when the ramp goes down, drops in drowning water, and his load of two torpedoes takes him straight to the bottom. So he jettisons the torpedoes and then, surfacing, cuts away all equipment for good measure.;
  - (...и в. проныра): that the man we entered into agreement with was quite a wheeler dealer and a weasel to boot infml;
  - the thief took his money and, for good measure, slit his throat;
  - he was seated in a row of chairs, and for good measure one of the armed bailiffs leaned down and said: "That boy you killed. That's his mother back there in the blue dress.";
  - no one could have predicted last year's bust-and-boom cycle, which began with Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome and ended with a retail investor bubble, nor, for that matter, did the majority of the forecasters see the 1977/98 financial crisis coming
  вдова - A dowager is a widow who holds a title or property, or dower, derived from her deceased husband. As an adjective, "dowager" usually appears in association with monarchical and aristocratic titles.;
  - On an English or Welsh estate, a dower house is usually a moderately large house available for use by the widow of the estate-owner. The widow, often known as the "dowager", usually moves into the dower house from the larger family house on the death of her husband if the heir is married, and upon his marriage if he was single at his succession. The new heir occupies the now vacated principal house.;
  - (соломенная образно): grass widow
  вдовец / вдовый - widower
  вдовий - (дом): on an English or Welsh estate, a dower house is usually a moderately large house available for use by the widow of the estate-owner
  вдоволь - (две вещи, которых у тебя в., когда ты шагаешь по двору для прогулок в тюрьме): there are two things you have in abundance when you're pacing an exercise yard: time and prison gossip;
  - (есть и пить в.): they let him eat and drink to his heart's content;
  - (в. наесться козлятины и напиться вина): Odysseus and his men have eaten their fill of goats and wine;
  - (напиться в.): reaching a well he descended into it and drank his fill
  вдовствующий - (герцогиня): Dowager Duchess of Medina Sidonia;
  - (графиня С.): Following the death of Edward John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer in 1992, his widow, Raine McCorquodale, ceased to use the style Countess Spencer, becoming Raine, Dowager Countess Spencer. Her stepdaughter-in-law, Victoria, became Countess Spencer.
  - (императрица): in reference to the fallen Russian imperial family and the Monarchy of China, the term "Dowager Empress" was used in English to describe the wife of a deceased emperor;
  - (королева): Dowager Queen is used in the United Kingdom and several other countries;
  - (королева): queen dowager;
  - (в-ая принцесса Уэльская): following the annulment of her marriage to King Henry VIII of England, Katherine of Aragon was styled either "Princess Dowager of Wales" or "Dowager Princess of Wales" in consequence of her previous marriage (1501) to Henry's older brother, Arthur, Prince of Wales
  вдогонку - (броситься за кем-л в.): he made after her hastily
  вдоль - (разрезать в., в случае уже установленных труб, трубная изоляция разрезается в. и надевается на нужное место): when applied to existing lines, tubing is slit lengthwise and fitted into place;
  - (разрезать пополам в.): a mould is prepared and cut in half lengthwise;
  - смотри файл PREDLOG
  вдохновение - the University hockey team lends inspiration to young skaters
  вдохновенно - (говорить): he spoke with inspiration; we felt that something great was opening before us
  вдохновитель - (ограбления): the mastermind behind the robbery
  вдохновить / вдохновлять - (воможности выбора не вдохновляют): all in all, it's not a very inspiring range of investment choices;
  - (он был вдохновлён результатами выборов): he seemed to be invigorated by the election results;
  - (профессор был наставником, вдохновлявшим многочисленных аспирантов): he was an inspiring mentor of numerous graduate students;
  - (студентов не вдохновляет учебный план): a lot of students get very bored by their subject because the curriculum just doesn't turn them on;
  - (университетская хоккейная команда вдохновляет юных конькобежцев): the University hockey team lends inspiration to young skaters;
  - ("Что вас вдохновляет?" "Любовь"): "What turns you on?" "Love." "What turns you off?" "Lies.";
  - it is operation that inspires the thriller-writers;
  - inspired by Hamlet's line, "One may smile, and smile, and be a villain", C. displays a kind of manic wit and good-humoured attractiveness
  вдохновлённый - (он был вдохновлён афоризмом): he'd been somehow imbued with the dictum that a gentleman didn't kiss and tell;
  - (резные камни, вдохновлённые мифами): carved stones inspired by the pagan myths
  вдохновляемый - (своим учителем): with the inspiration and encouragement of her teacher
  вдохнуть / вдыхать - (несколько ящиков пива вдохнули новую жизнь в вечеринку образно): the arrival of J. and N. with several crates of beer injected fig a new life into the flagging party;
  - (в. новую жизнь в отношения): to breathe a new life into the U.S. - Japan relationships;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вдруг - we were talking on the phone when, suddenly, the line was dead;
  - "..." croaked S. suddenly;
  - the sky was suddenly pitch-black and lightless;
  - (в. вспомнить): he suddenly remembered an urgent appointment;
  - (в. выдать своё мнение): sometimes she would mull over something for days, formulating a theory or an opinion and then deliver it out of the blue fig, long after everyone else as stopped thinking about it;
  - (и в. / как в.): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. маловероятно, но всё же): смотри ниже
  вдруг (и вдруг / как в.) - all of a sudden, after yearning to see her for a solid month - he felt he would rather she left him alone;
  - the local popskull is pretty potent. You take a slug and you think it's going down pretty mellow, no problem, and then all at once it's like someone lit a blowtorch in your mouth;
  - (как в. наручник доспеха еле видно затуманился): He held the bright burnished vambrace that was upon his arm before her cold lips, and behold lit old use ! A little mist was laid on it hardly to be seen.
  вдруг (т.е. маловероятно, но всё же) - (а в. книга когда-нибудь станет ценной): I bought a first edition of the book on the off chance that it might be valuable someday;
  - (если в. их поймают...): on the off chance they're caught, they're let of with a slap on the wrist - few, if any, are even prosecuted;
  - (если в. окажется, что рудное месторождения не такое богатое, как думали): if, on the off chance the ore body is not as plentiful as once thought, the company is confident it can at least recoup their investment from the minerals and transfer the hoists and heavy equipment to areas where minerals are abundant;
  - (если в. он узнает что-нибудь ценное): he had called on the agents on the off chance that he might learn something of value;
  - (если в. пойдёт дождь): the sun was shining, but I brought an umbrella on the off chance that it might rain;
  - (на тот случай, если в., я зашёл на тот случай если в. ты сможешь со мной пообедать): I came by on the off chance you could do lunch
  вегетативно - (картофель размножается в.): potatoes are propagated almost exclusively by vegetative means, from "seed tubers" or seed tuber-pieces held over from the previous year's crop
  ведать - (т.е. знать уст): ...not at all witting old use that he was loved by her;
  - (т.е. управлять, правая сторона мозга ведает эмоциями): the right side of her brain deals with emotions
  ведение (вЕдение) - (в в-и ЦРУ и ФБР): the new cabinet largely receive distillations of intelligence rather than the raw reports that will remain under the jurisdiction of the CIA, the FBI, and the National Security Agency;
  - (...в чьём в-и было дело): he had approached one of the Parole Commission's regional offices requesting a meeting with officials who had jurisdiction in the R.'s case;
  - (грузовики, задействованные в торговле между штатами, были переданы в в. комиссии): trucks engaged in interstate commerce were placed under the regulation of the Commission
  ведение (ведЕние) - (войны): Syria's support was essential for the conduct of the war;
  - (войны): they acquired experience in warfare;
  - (гарантировать справедливое в. судебного разбирательства): the suspect asks the judge to allow his trial to be televised to ensure the proceedings are fairly conducted;
  - (в. дела обвинителем): the presiding judge criticized the prosecutors' handling of the case;
  - (в. домашнего хозяйства, экономный способ в-я домашнего хозяйства): an economical way of running your household;
  - (в. лесного хозяйства): High conservation value forests (HCVF) are defined as forests of outstanding and critical importance due to their environmental, socio-economic, biodiversity or landscape values. WWF promotes this practical approach towards responsible forestry across all land tenures;
  - (организованное в. дел Математического Общества): the president insures the orderly transaction of Society business;
  - (переговоров): the 2 governing parties are close to establishing a unified government after conducting intense talks;
  - (в. переговоров о приобретении лицензии на право пользования недрами): negotiating for the acquisition of mineral rights;
  - (правильное в. сельского хозяйства): promotion of good agricultural practices;
  - (протокола, т.е. собрания / совещания): the average administrative assistant finds minute-taking almost as appealing as a root canal;
  - (протокола, т.е. собрания / совещания): taking meeting notes is not as easy as it sounds;
  - (протокола, т.е. собрания / совещания): the first step of the note-taking process involves organizing the meeting agenda, minutes from the last meeting, and any other material that may arise in the course of the meeting;
  - (т.е. судебных дел / судебных процессов): conduct of trials;
  - (в. учёта кандидатов, т.е. на должность / учёбу): keeping record of applicants;
  - (в. учёта приходов и расходов): duplicate receipts of most of your Gold Card charges for easier record keeping;
  - (в. налоговых дел): the trustees exercise sound judgment in management of fiscal affairs;
  - (в. финансовых записей): the maintenance and review of financial records
  ведомость - (в. запасных частей / специнструмента): list of spare parts / special instruments;
  - (итоговая в. аттестации): the Performance Review Summary Form is designed to record the results of the employees annual evaluation;
  - (в. на получение зарплаты): with this software you can automate and streamline the time tracking process for payroll;
  - (в. на получение зарплаты): he's no longer on their pay-roll;
  - (в. на получение пособий): the country was in good shape, with the fewest people on the welfare rolls in 27 years;
  - (т.е. с отметками учащихся): statement;
  - (составить в.): the list is compiled / drawn up;
  - (в. учёта отработанного времени): in the project management world, timesheets can also be used to build a body of knowledge about how much effort tasks take to develop
  ведущий - (в. архитектор страны): the store designed by a top Indonesian architect;
  - (бизнесмены): business leaders;
  - (в-ие военные деятели): through his membership on the Senate Armed Services Committee he had developed close ties with senior military figures;
  - (деятели): leading figures of the Kennedy Administration;
  - (дизайнер): at the high end of the market are true works of art created by leading designers;
  - (в. журнал Национального географического общества): National Geographic, the flagship magazine of the National Geographic Society;
  - (занимать в-ее положение в опросах общественного мнения): he is on top in the polls;
  - (занимать в-ее положение в опросах общественного мнения): he was polling well throughout his state;
  - (занять в-ее положение): to take the lead in coordinating with other organizations;
  - (занимать в-ее положение в миротворческих операциях): the Unites States is the country that takes the lead in peace-keeping operations;
  - (кинорежиссёры): the Pioneer Theater, an intimate 99-seat theater that showcased indie films and often hosted top filmmakers, ceased business;
  - (культура, т.е. сельскохозяйственная): growers of these staple crops were farming at a loss;
  - (пандус, в. на первый подвальный уровень): there is a ramp, protected by a portcullis, running down the floor to the first basement level;
  - (политики): political leaders;
  - (положение): Apple's lead in easy-to-use computers;
  - (предприниматели): today, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's new Education First Initiative will be launched, uniting the agencies and programmes of the UN system, governments, business leaders and civil society in a concerted effort to put education on the top of the global agenda;
  - (предприятия отрасли): industry leaders;
  - (представитель): key representative;
  - (руководитель): the loss of a key manager at a critical moment can be devastating;
  - (СМИ): mainstream media;
  - (специалист): key expert;
  - (в. специалист в своей области): he was the premier specialist in his field;
  - (учёный): the workshop was attended by leading theorists and practitioners;
  - (в-ая форма организации бизнеса): cooperation gradually became a leading form of business organization
  ведь - (а в.): but he told you;
  - (а в. он не так уж молод): four bullets, and he's not exactly young;
  - (администрация президента доказывает, что нельзя выходить из договора о нераспространении, а в. они сами вышли из договора о ПРО): while arguing that other nations cannot withdraw from the Nonproliferation Treaty, the Bush administration itself withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty;
  - (да в. это он!): why, it's he;
  - (её не отталкивала его некрасивость, в. она сама была некрасивой, пока не похорошела под ножом хирурга): she was not put off by his homeliness, after all she herself had been homely until she blossomed into handsomeness under the surgeon's knife;
  - (и неудивительно, в. он виноват): "He feels miserable." "As well he may, the fault lies with him.";
  - (но вы в. не хотите, чтобы...): you have to treat these men (Secret Service agents) as if they were expendable, but presumably you don't want them to crack at the wrong moment;
  - (он в. заболел): he is in bed, he fell ill last week, you know;
  - (он в. специалист): he is an expert, you see / you know;
  - (ты в. это так не оставишь?): you're not going to let it go, are you?;
  - (т.е. уговаривая выпить спиртного, так в. зима): George, a bracer: come. It's winter, after all. A nip of something?;
  - (в. я же вас кормлю): my brothers and I were required to do household chores without any expectation of an allowance, "I feed you, don't I?";
  - (я не буду переводить, вы в. знаете английский): I will not translate as you know English
  вежливо, вежливость, вежливый - смотри файл EMOCII
  везде - the converter makes it possible to use your portable appliances almost anywhere in the world;
  - (искать в. и всюду): Maybe he's in Moscow, maybe in the mountains. They looked high and low for him.
  вездесущий - (Бог всемогущ, вездесущ и всеведущ): God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient;
  - (дух старой Вены был вездесущ во Львове): the spirit of old Vienna was omnipresent in Lwow;
  - (комары): we were plagued throughout our travel by the ubiquitous mosquitoes;
  - (коррупция): pervasive corruption;
  - (машины): thus it is unlikely that these most pervasive and powerful machines can ever run out of control;
  - (нормальная кривая вездесуща в математике): known as the normal law, it is probably the most ubiquitous of curves;
  - (прессинг): that bullying (the anti-indecency campaign) has become omnipresent, leading high school teachers to avoid mentioning evolution in their classrooms;
  - (растения-паразиты): parasitic plants are one of the most ubiquitous groups of generalist parasites in both natural and managed ecosystems
  везение / везенье - a timely application of fiscal and monetary stimulus and the good fortune to have a weak currency at a useful moment;
  - Russia is becoming rich with oil and gold, and the capitalist states wish to partake in the Russia's good fortune;
  - he wondered at the lucky stroke that had enabled him to buy the car;
  - For investors to escape one of these potential calamities will require a modest slice of luck. To escape all four will require a great deal of good fortune.;
  - really a great piece of luck getting this job;
  - it was a stroke of good fortune for the United States;
  - (было чистым в-ем то, что...): by pure luck he had avoided the patrol boats;
  - (вы слышали о нашем в-и?): have you heard of our piece of luck?;
  - (в. кончится): some day your luck will run out;
  - (полоса в-я): he lost the bet on the sixth race, and his lucky streak ended;
  - (полоса в-я, у игрока началась полоса в-я): The gambler hit a hot streak and was winning every hand. It was like he couldn't lose.;
  - (полоса в-я): we don't want to break our winning streak
  везти - (в следующий раз больше повезёт): better luck next time;
  - (везёт же тебе!): lucky you;
  - (ему повезло, что ему это сошло с рук): lucky he got away with it;
  - (мне перестало в.): I should have walked away from the casino when my luck went south;
  - (мне повезло, что мои родители не пытались...): I was lucky to have parents who never tried to mold me into any category or career;
  - (можно только надеяться, что нам так же повезёт в 2004 году): In the past 2 years, there have been many terrorist attacks round the world but nothing on the scale of that dreadful day. We can only hope to be as fortunate in 2004;
  - (новичкам везёт): "What do you figure?" L. shrugged. "Beginner's luck.";
  - (нам очень повезло, т.е. со служанкой): Тhe maid asks less wages that G. I really feel we have been most fortunate;
  - (нам повезло в поисках, т.е. квартиры): We were fortunate in our quest. The flat was to be let furnished at 10 guineas a week;
  - (он был потрясён, что ему повезло быть её партнёром): he looked so stunned by his good fortune in having her for a partner that he could hardly take his eyes off her;
  - (тебе перестанет в.): some day your luck will run out
  везучий - we have a history of showing compassion to those less fortunate
  век - (в начале прошлого в-а): a building dating back to the turn of the previous century;
  - (веками): after being sidelined for centuries by Sunni Muslims and foreign rulers;
  - (веками): for centuries iambic pentameter had been preferred poetic metre of outspoken literati across the globe;
  - (веками, искусство, которое вырабатывалось в.): the forging of a Japanese sword is a subtle and careful process, an art that has developed over the centuries;
  - (каменный): stone age;
  - (в. кружков кройки и шитья и конкурсов правописания): this was the age of sewing circles and spelling bees;
  - (в. растущего значения промышленности): in an era of increasing emphasis on industry;
  - (в. цифровой техники): those companies who wish to remain at the forefront of their sector need to develop strategies that will allow them to compete effectively in the digital age;
  - (юридические тома с кожаными корешками играют в основном декоративную роль в компьютерный в.): the rows of leather-spined legal volumes are basically ornamental in the computer era
  вековой - (в-ые изменения орбит астрономия): secular changes in the orbits, specifically of the semimajor axis, are well-known;
  - (одиночество): they disturbed the age-old solitude of the forest;
  - (проблемы): the age-old problems of hard manual toil;
  - (равновесие): in nuclear physics, secular equilibrium is a situation in which the quantity of a radioactive isotope remains constant because its production rate (due, e.g., to decay of a parent isotope) is equal to its decay rate;
  - (традиции): the fencing duel is fought in a centuries-old tradition
  велеть - (агенту было велено присутствовать на праздновании): the agent was told to attend the festivities and gauge the mood of the crowd toward reunification;
  - (ведьма велит спилить мне рога и отрезать хвост): the witch will have my horns sawn off and my tail cut off;
  - (волк велел царевичу вскочить ему на спину): the Wolf bade the Prince jump on his back, and away they went, over hill and dale, over hedge and field, till the wind whistled after them;
  - (врач велел пациенту отдохнуть): the doctor ordered her patient a month's rest;
  - (в. вывести из комнаты): I shall order you out of the room;
  - (да будет так, как ты велел, господин): it shall be, lord, as you command;
  - (делай то, что тебе велит инстинкт): you should do what your instinct tells you;
  - (делать то, что велит система): the administrators of prisoners are no more than mere figureheads who do the system's bidding;
  - (в. запереть в камере): he was interviewed by Major H. of the Field Security Service who promptly had him locked up in a cell;
  - (инструктор велел классу повторять его движения): the instructor admonished his class to duplicate his moves;
  - (инструктор велел участникам соревнований по стрельбе отойти назад): when it was at last down to just two boys the instructor decreed that they should draw back another 40 koner;
  - (нам велели, чтобы передаваемые сообщения были как можно короче): while in the Navy, we were told to keep communications brief as possible;
  - (он велел никому не говорить с журналистами о работе Большого Жюри): he has admonished anyone from speaking to reporters about grand jury proceedings;
  - (он делал то, что ему велели): He did as he was told. It saved him from having to think.;
  - (он сделал, как ему было велено): he did as he was bid;
  - (откровение Магомета велит мусульманам становиться лицом к Мекке при молитве): hitherto the Muslims had faced Jerusalem in prayer, but a revelation now bade them face Mecca;
  - (сделать, как велел хозяин дома): I would do as the master of the house bade poet me, were this only a woodman's cot, if I bore now any sword but Andoril;
  - (сигнал, который велит боеголовке взорваться): the reflected beam is received by a receptor in the laser assembly, and that generates the signal telling the warhead to explode;
  - (сложить оружие): I must bid poet you lay aside your weapons before you enter;
  - (в. слуге подбросить дров): we felt chilly, and H. directed his Afghan houseboy to throw on more logs;
  - (судья велит судебному приставу вывести её из зала, если она не успокоится): She was found guilty and he ordered her to pay a $114 fine. She then became irate, standing and holding out her arms. "What?! That's it? He wins?" The judge then warned her that if she didn't compose herself, he would have the bailiff remove her.;
  - (судья велит присяжным начать всё сначала): judge tells jury to start all over again;
  - (в. трубить в рог): when dawn comes, I will bid poet men sound Helm's horn and will ride forth;
  - (учитель велел ученикам построиться): the teacher told them to get in line in pairs;
   - (я не собираюсь уступать только потому что так велел какой-то поц в хаки): The Ministry of Defence wants to take over the investigation. I told them to fuck off. This is my investigation. I'm not going to back off on the say-so infml of some pencil dick in khakis who gets a hard-on every time a tank rolls by.
  велик - (его способность сеять раздор в-а): his gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great;
  - (как ни в-а была сила закона): but strong as the force of law was, it was also brittle;
  - (материал, приведенный в словаре, довольно в.): the material cited in the dictionary is voluminous enough;
  - (одежда на меня велика): my clothes are a bit roomy;
  - (риск был в.): the risk was very high;
  - (уровень риска в.): the hazard levels of that operation are very high
  великий - (в. государственный деятель): H. Kohl is a great European statesman;
  - (гроссмейстер): as only grand grandmaster can do it;
  - (держава): risking a great-power confrontation;
  - (держава): research of this nature can only be undertaken by a major power;
  - (к своему в-ому огорчению): it was always a serious mistake to underrate an adversary, as the Japanese had learned to their considerable sorrow;
  - (княжество): the movie covers a tumultuous part of Russia's history, when Moscow was transforming itself from being a Grand Duchy to the capital of an expanding empire independent of the Mongols;
  - (В-ое княжество Московское / Литовское): the Grand Duchy of Muscovy / of Lithuania;
  - (люди): great men had great aberrations;
  - (мастера): he enjoyed imitating master craftsmen- Fabergé and assorted cloisonné artists;
  - (религия): the lands bordering the Mediterranean gave rise to the three great religions
  великолепие - (вернуть отелю былое в.): to return the hotel to its former glory;
  - (города): the city had lost much of its elegance and luster during 40 years of Communist rule;
  - (т.е. замка): he squinted at Heorot's splendor against the declining sun;
  - (церемонии): in a ceremony of pomp and splendor unusual for this egalitarian Nordic kingdom, the prince and his bride were at their most majestic
  великолепно - (в. вышитая мантия): magnificently embroidered robes;
  - (в. разбираться в международных реалиях): his grasp of international realities was masterly;
  - (вертолёт летел в.): the Blackhawk flew superbly, not at all like the earthquake-while-sitting-on-a-chandelier sensation usually associated with such contrivances;
  великолепный - (ветчина имеет в-ую окраску): he ham is gorgeously coloured;
  - (вино): the wine is superb;
  - (в-ым днём): on a gorgeous afternoon;
  - (животное, т.е. о коне): splendid beast;
  - (в-ое искусство верховой езды): I could well observe the fine horsemanship that M. exhibited;
  - (каньон): gorgeous canyon;
  - (конь): he was a superb horse;
  - (лёгкость): they rode horses with superb ease;
  - (литература): the splendid literature which survives from the Middle Ages;
  - (ожерелье): a superb three-string pearl collar with a cameo clasp;
  - (певица): the singer was magnificent with her booming voice;
  - (работа): he did a superb job of research on the energy crisis;
  - (роман): the novel struck me as brilliant;
  - (семёрка): the Magnificent Seven;
  - (в-ая сутана папы): the massive oak doors opened, revealing the pontiff in his resplendent white cassock and cape;
  - (угощение): he began to eat a delicious feast;
  - (униформы): the Czarists Guards were elite units with resplendent uniforms, rigid training, and great traditions;
  - (фигура): she had a nice face and great figure;
  - (в-ые чугунные кованые ворота): a pair of magnificent wrought iron gates;
  - (в. шедевр шахматиста): a superb masterpiece by Kasparov
  величайший - (в обстановке в-ей секретности): we saw each other only very infrequently and always in the most secret of settings;
  - (внимание): he listened to the statement with the utmost care and attention;
  - (задачи в-ей важности): problems of utmost gravity;
  - (мастер): he found time to commission the greatest craftsman in the land, to build his wife a new doll's house;
  - (осторожность): he treated her with utmost care;
  - (презрение): he wore an expression of utmost contempt;
  - (удовольствие): to his intense delight
  величество - (Её величества Налоговое и таможенное управление / Таможенное и акцизное управление Е.в.): HM (Her Majesty) Revenue & Customs (HMRC) was formed on the 18 April 2005, following the merger of Inland Revenue and HM Customs and Excise Departments;
  - (корабль её в-а): from the Scottish port of L. where she had been on a courtesy visit the HMS (Her Majesty's Ship) Argyll put to sea
  величие - (вернуть отелю былое в.): to return the hotel to its former glory;
  - (в. внушает зависть): greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies;
  - (жизни Христа): Constantine's underhanded political manoeuvres don't diminish the majesty of Christ's life;
  - (за 40 лет коммунистического правления город потерял своё изящество и в.): the city had lost much of its elegance and luster during 40 years of Communist rule;
  - (зданию оперы возвращается былое в.): the opera house is restored to its earlier grandeur;
  - (лицо исполнено лукавства и в-я): the judge's large face is full of wiliness and majesty;
  - (сокрушить в. Германии): they want to crush the greatness of Germany;
  - (т.е. у ведущего телепередачи о менеджменте): unlike some management "gurus", he lacks any hint of pretension or grandness;
  - great men had their flaws, and you overlook them because of the greatness that made them who they were;
  - China had made its mark through cultural preeminence and majesty of conduct
  величина - (в. банковского вклада): a system that will reduce the value of deposits the government will protect in the event of a bank failure;
  - (т.е. в математике / физике): смотри ниже;
  - (в натуральную в-у): a full-size mock-up of a shark;
  - (в натуральную в-у): a golden statue, larger that life-size;
  - (величиной): смотри ниже;
  - (займа): the amount of interest you pay depends on the size of the loan;
  - (компании): the size of the company;
  - (натуральная, из-за стёкол её глаза казались в несколько раз больше натуральной в-ы): her large glasses magnified her eyes to several times their natural size;
  - (ничтожная): the gold production has diminished to a negligible quantity;
  - (оценить в-у причинно-следственного воздействия): the regressions can test whether there is a causal effect and estimate the size of the causal impact;
  - (переменная): this was Moscow, where precision was a variable quantity;
  - (постоянная): constant quantity;
  - (в. процентов зависит от в-ы займа): the amount of interest you pay depends on the size of the loan;
  - (разумная, доход, превышающий разумную в-у, инвестируется): income in excess of a reasonable amount is reinvested;
  - (чисел): the very size of the figures involved baffled him
  величина (т.е. в математике / физике) - (абсолютная): absolute value;
  - (бесконечно большая в.): infinitely large magnitude;
  - (бесконечно малая в.): infinitesimal magnitude;
  - (векторная): vector quantity;
  - (вязкости): value / magnitude of viscosity;
  - (градиента): magnitude of the gradient;
  - (заданная): given quantity;
  - (звезды): magnitude of a star;
  - (известная): known quantity;
  - (интенсивности): intensity magnitude;
  - (независимая): a method to calculate probabilities related to sums of independent quantities;
  - (неизвестная): unknown quantity;
  - (в., обратная этому числу): the inverse value to this number, according to the Feller theorem gives the mean expectation time of an event with dispersion ≥δp;
  - (в. острого угла): the value of an acute angle is between 0 and 90 degrees;
  - (подъема): upward gradient;
  - (постоянная): constant quantity;
  - (силы): magnitude of the force;
  - (в. солнечной радиации): a solar radiation sensor thus detects the quantity of solar radiation or intensity of solar light;
  - (в. теплового импульса): the intensity of heat impulse;
  - (в. теплового потока): heat flux magnitude;
  - (трения): friction magnitude;
  - (уклона): downward gradient
  величиной - (градины в. с мяч): hailstones the size of golf-balls;
  - (ламантин в. с кита): manatee, a ponderous creature almost as big as a small whale;
  - (пёс в. с медведя): a black dog large as a bear;
  - (помидоры в. с горошину): tomatoes the size of peas
  венец - (вести к в-у / вести под венец образно): no woman has yet lead him up the aisle;
  - (достижений): Dick Cheney's crowning achievement as CEO of Halliburton was engineering the acquisition of Dresser Industries. Dresser Industries happened to be the defense contractor George H.W. Bush worked for after Harvard Business School.
  венчать - (к ним домой позвали священника, чтобы он их венчал): а priest was called to the house to officiate at their marriage;
  - a priest was asked to perform a wedding;
  - (квартал, венчающий успешный год, т.е. в финансовом отношении): The company had another strong quarter, capping off a solid year for our Company. We saw continued growth within our Security segment, with revenues increasing 4.7% on a constant dollar basis.
  венчаться - (в. в церкви / белая девушка обвенчалась с япошкой): They wed in a private ceremony at Trinity Episcopal Church. The Seattle Star scored an ambush photo outside the church and blazoned it under a banner headline: "White Girl Is Wed to Jap in Seattle."
  вера - (т.е. борца за свободу): his courage and conviction sustained like-minded dissidents around the world for decades;
  - (в. в непобедимость КГБ): the maintenance of public order was closely linked to a belief in the invincibility of the KGB;
  - (в. в своё дело): faith in one's cause;
  - (в. в себя): lack of self-belief;
  - (в. в себя): the victory over the champion gives him added self-belief;
  - (в. в себя): Developing self-confidence. Take inventory of your strengths. You already excel in some areas, and it's helpful to remind yourself of the things you do well.;
  - (истинная в. в марксизм): Ministry of Finance was surely and not so slowly drifting from the true faith of Marxism into the shadowy in-between world of socialist capitalism;
  - (потерять в-у в институт брака): "Dad, I was wondering why you never got remarried after Mom." "Guess I never met the right girl. Why?" "Maybe it was because you gave up on the whole institution of marriage.";
  - (т.е. религия): the leader of the far-right National Party called Islam a wicked, vicious faith;
  - (т.е. религия, принять мусульманскую в-у): he had adopted the Moslem faith;
  - (т.е. религия, провозгласить христианскую в-у): she was martyred in 303 for proclaiming her faith;
  - (служить верой и правдой): to serve hand and foot;
  - (терять в-у в себя): his greatest weakness was a tendency to lose confidence when he made a blunder;
  - (хранить в-у в Конституцию): I, [name], do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same
  вербовать - (агента): Mallard was the code-name for the low-level agent recruited and run by L.;
  - (наёмник вербовал людей): the mercenary recruited personnel for an attempted coup bid in Equatorial Guinea;
  - (партия вербовала владельцев оружия): the party was recruiting gun owners;
  - (пытаться в. агента): he was a junior agent in the firm (SIS) suborning Soviet personnel in the Russian-occupied areas of Austria;
  - (руководитель, вербующий в организацию): the organization appointed as chief recruiting officer in Germany a former major of the SS
  верен - (быть верным своему с-у): "But you'll keep your word true?" says the saint. "As true as the sun," says the king.;
  - (король был в. своему слову): the king was as good as his word;
  - (перевод в.): this translation is true;
  - (результат в. и при к=0 мат): the result holds also when k=0;
  - (результат в. и для m мат>): the result also holds for m;
  - (теория верна для иррациональных чисел): this theory holds for all irrational numbers
  верительная грамота / верительные грамоты - (вручать в-ые г-ы): the new Ambassador presented his credentials;
  - (вручение в-ых грамот / вручить в.г.): United States Permanent Mission to the Organization of American States. Statement by Ambassador Hector E. Morales, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States. Presentation of Credentials. "Today I am honored to present my letters of credence to you as the representative of President George W. Bush."
  верить - (в Бога): in God we trust;
  - (в. в себя, главное - в. в себя): it's all about being self-confident;
  - (в. в фей): do you believe in fairies?;
  - (газета продолжала в. бездоказательным обвинениям): the newspaper continued to give credence to her unsubstantiated accusations;
  - (глазам своим не верю): "I don't believe it!" he said in a stunned voice;
  - (и вы, и мы верим в права человека): we share a commitment to human rights;
  - (многие верили, что...): it was widely believed that he amassed his fortune by seizing companies and extorting businesspeople;
  - (в. на слово): Maybe this administration is as lily-white and heroic as it makes itself out to be. But the point is, we shouldn't take their word for it.;
  - (не в. своим глазам): I couldn't believe my eyes;
  - (не в. своим глазам): they don't believe the evidence of their own eyes;
  - (не верю): I don't buy that infml;
  - (объяснению): he was perfectly willing to credit the possibility of her explanation;
  - (она верила, что он не подведёт): secure in that loyalty, she trusted him not to let her down;
  - (полиции / в полицию): we have confidence in our police;
  - (свято в. во что-л): she believed passionately in her country and in her work as an artist;
  - (сильно в. в строгое выполнение правил): he was a great believer in rigidly following rules;
  - (уж поверьте моему слову): she's lost, you take my word for it;
  - (хотите верьте, хотите - нет): believe it or not, I'm running against S.H.;
  - (чему-л образно): I don't buy the analysis that...;
  - (я очень верю в неё): I've got great faith in her
  вериться - (мало, в его рассказ мало верилось): his story took some believing
  вернее - to be sure, Thailand's geographic location at the junction of the French and British colonial spheres made it a natural buffer between European empires;
  - (большой успех, а в. сказать], триумф): the building is a great success, or rather a triumph for the designer
  верно - (медленно, но в.): Ministry of Finance was surely and not so slowly (allusion to slowly but surely) drifting from he true faith of Marxism into the shadowy in-between world of socialist capitalism;
  - (не всегда в.): it takes only one countercase to demonstrate that something is not always true;
  - (в. одно): only one thing is for certain, once the level goes up, it never comes down;
  - (т.е. переспрашивание): room 5 is at the end of the corridor, isn't it?;
  - (т.е. подтверждение / согласие): "Needless is Thjoden's demand, but it is useless to refuse. A king will have his way in his own hall, be it folly or wisdom." "Truly," said Aragorn. "And I would do as the master of the house bade me, were this only a woodman's cot, if I bore now any sword but Andoril.";
  - (т.е. подтверждение): "He's no milksop. He couldn't handle that stallion if he was." "True enough.";
  - (в. служить стране): he served his country with great dedication and honor;
  - (совершенно в.): perfectly true;
  - (совершенно в., т.е. подтверждение сказанного собеседником): fair point;
  - (совершенно в., т.е. подтверждение сказанного собеседником): Mr. Speaker, that is a fair point;
  - (в., что): it is true that in the years past I had expressed my personal view to Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin, that...;
  - (то же самое в. и для НАТО): the same will be true of NATO;
  - some trite-but-true thing was tritely-but-truthfully expressed
  верность - (т.е. вассала феодалу): groups of Teuton warriors have sworn fealty historical to their leader;
  - (вождю): Baas party members could pay a high price for their allegiance to Saddam Hussein;
  - (дать доказательство в-ти): you have just given me a great proof of your devotion and courage;
  - (в. делу партии): he was rewarded for his loyalty to Party cause with a limousine, chauffeur, and city apartment;
  - (для в-ти): to be on the safe side, he kept going until he cut into the lateral road;
  - (т.е. друзьям): it is good to know that such solid virtues as loyalty and hands-on ingenuity still have a place in modern cinema;
  - (завоевать в. работников, т.е. компании): Gaining commitment from employees should be the primary goal of every company. Once a spirit of allegiance is achieved, employees become motivated to fulfilling the organization's mission while working towards achieving its vision.;
  - (в. интересам простых людей): he demonstrated his commitment to the "common man" by a gubernatorial campaign that focused on public sector union-bashing;
  - (завоевать в. кого-л): Mohammed, who had left Mecca as a persecuted prophet, not merely entered it again in triumph but also gained the allegiance of most of the Meccans;
  - (клятва в-ти американскому флагу): the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an oath of loyalty to the national flag and the republic of the United States of America;
  - (клянусь в в-ти флагу Соединённых штатов Америки): I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all;
  - (т.е. королю): it was a high time to teach the clans a lesson in loyalty;
  - (клятва в в-ти): loyalty oath;
  - (клятва в-ти кому-л): the oath of loyalty to somebody;
  - (нерушимая в.): unswerving allegiance;
  - (он решил, что больше не обязан хранить в. герцогу): he decided he owed the duke no more loyalty;
  - (принести присягу на в. Соединённым Штатам): you become a citizen as soon as you take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States in a formal naturalization ceremony;
  - (принципу): a nation's capacity to act is based on an intangible amalgam of strength, reputation and commitment to principle;
  - (принципам): fidelity to one's principles;
  - (присягнуть в в-ти главе террористов): he swore allegiance to Osama bin Laden, but he says he was coerced into doing it;
  - (присягнуть на в. ): We're pirates. If you want a share, all you have to do is swear fealty to me and do as I say.;
  - (в. руководителей разведки премьер-министру): secure in that loyalty, he trusted them not to let him down;
  - (свидетельство о в-ти): loyalty certificate;
  - (в. служению королеве): one's commitment to service of Queen and country in this building needs no further advertisement
  - (союзнику): the Soviet leadership may have sought a cease-fire, but it did it so tentatively and so duplicitously that it magnified Egypt's doubts about its ally's good faith;
  - (т.е. сторонника): I need somebody whose loyalty has never wavered;
  - (стране): his loyalty to Russia availed him nothing;
  - (хранить в. королю): the clans remained loyal to their previous king;
  - since losing that primary, R. has made all the appropriate gestures of fealty
  вернуть / возвратить / возвращать - (в. в нормальное положение, если лодка перевернулась, и её нельзя вернуть в нормальное положение): if the boat has capsized and cannot be made right, climb on top of it;
  - (в. в нормальное состояние кого-л): he was desperate for the first of a large number of cigarettes to get him back to par;
  - (в. в первоначальное состояние землю): once the mineral has been removed, it is necessary to restore the land back to its initial state;
  - (в. дело из апелляционного суда в окружной суд): the Court remanded the case to the district court to determine whether...;
  - (в. дело из апелляционного суда в окружной суд): Тhe petition for writ of certiorari is granted. The judgment of the Court of Appeals is vacated and the case is remanded to the District Court with directions to dismiss the complaint.;
  - (деньги, было предложено в. деньги студентам, т.е. за курсы английского языка после закрытия Британского совета): more than 1,500 students have been offered refunds after the British Council was forced to close a language centre this week;
  - (в. деньги, полученные по необеспеченному чеку): bank customers are responsible for the checks they deposit, and victims must repay the bank for bad checks;
  - (долг): he is an honorable man, and he will wish to repay his debt;
  - (долги): the dull-but-worthy task of paying off your debts;
  - (заложников): the hostages were returned unharmed;
  - (в. к жизни высыхающее море): the dying sea (the Aral Sea) that has been brought to life against all odds;
  - (в. к жизни, т.е. мёртвое чудовище): scientists resuscitate the amphibious monster;
  - (в. к жизни, т.е. умирающего): staff did not try to resuscitate him as he had asked not to receive CPR should he have a heart attack brought on by his illness;
  - (в. книги в библиотеку): I'm going to the library to return my books;
  - (в. купленный товар, т.е. в магазин): We want you to be fully satisfied with every item that you purchase from RadioShack.com. If you are not satisfied with an item that you have purchased, you may return the item within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the purchase price, minus the shipping, handling or other additional charges;
  - (купленный в розничном магазине товар нельзя в. по почте в интернет-магазин): please note that items purchased at a RadioShack retail store may NOT be returned by mail to our online store;
  - (в. на землю кого-л образно): he chattered on happily enough but I was going to find a way of letting him down gently;
  - (в. на новое рассмотрение): endless delays, adjournments and referring back to Moscow;
  - (в. на путь истинный): this would bring them back into the fold;
  - (в. на путь истинный): he was skipping school to spend as much time with his fiancée as possible, and his grades were slipping. His parents tried to get him back on track.;
  - (в. на рассмотрение в парламент): the President bounced the budget;
  - (в. на родину, решение Бундесбанка Германии в. на родину часть золотого запаса, хранящегося в Банке Федерального Резерва в Нью-Йорке вызвало ажиотаж на рынке золота): the decision of Germany's Bundesbank to repatriate part of its Gold Reserves held at the New York Federal Reserve bank has triggered a frenzy in the gold market;
  - (т.е. не впустить в страну на границе, его вернули): when he reached the border, he was turned back because he had no passports;
  - (в. обратно брошенные кости): once you had thrown dice into the air you can't call them back;
  - (т.е. отвоёванную крепость): he will pay you well to help him recapture this fort;
  - (в. былую славу отелю): to return the hotel to its former glory;
  - (отнятое): you have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from you;
  - (в. прежние навыки): it took a few days of struggling to get my lip back infml;
  - (в. расположение кого-л): he was trying to get back in my good books infml;
  - (в. [себе] преимущество, командиры и солдаты борются за то, чтобы в. [себе] преимущество, которое они имели в восьмилетней партизанской войне): U.S. commanders and their soldiers are scrambling to regain the upper hand in an eight-year-old guerrilla war;
  - (в. себе уважение в мире спорта): England regained sporting respect by winning the rugby World Cup;
  - (силы): he needs time to regain his strength;
  - (в. страну на путь реформ): the international community needs to find the right mix of narrowly focused sanctions and inducements that can put the country back on a reformist path;
  - (территории): Sadat accepted no cease-fire until Egyptian forces had recovered all territory captured by Israel in 1967
  - (в. трон королеве): to restore the queen to the throne;
  - (в. уверенность в себе): the program helped her to rebuild her confidence;
  - (в. утраченное влияние): the Soviet leaders were at a loss as to how to recapture their waning influence;
  - (чек был возвращён банком ремитенту): the check bounced;
  - (в. человеческий облик, это возвращает лИсу человеческий облик): the fox in The Golden Bird tells the hero of this story to cut off his head; this restores him to human shape
  вернуться / возвратиться / возвращаться - (авиакомпания возвращается в государственную собственность): New Zealand Air returns to state ownership;
  - (в. в замок): he returned to the castle;
  - (в. в Лондон): when are you returning to London?;
  - (в. в нормальное русло / в нормальную колею): life in the town settled back to normality;
  - (в. в нормальное состояние): the country is getting back to normal;
  - (в. в норму): to reverse to the norm;
  - (в. в прежнее состояние): the international community must take concerted action to ensure that Kenya does not revert to a pariah state;
  - (вернувшись в бар, он садится): back in the bar he takes a seat;
  - (возвращаясь к вопросу): to get back to the point I should say that...;
  - (возвращаясь к тому, что я говорил,...): But I digress. To get back to what I was saying,...;
  - (...выкрикнула Н., к которой вернулось её природное безрассудство): "I'd scorn to weep for the like of you!" cried Nance, disdainfully, having now completely recovered her natural audacity.;
  - (Гонконг возвращается под власть Китая): Hong Kong reverts to Chinese rule;
  - (докладные записки вернулись к автору): memoranda came back without the plethora of marginal comments that indicated they had been carefully read;
  - (домой): when are you returning home?;
  - (жизнь вернулась в нормальное русло): Life Is Back To Normal. Now that he is back at home, life had returned to normal.;
  - (жизнь возвращается в нормальное русло): Life Returns to Normal as Flood Water Recedes;
  - (в. за неделю до начала семестра): I'll be back a week before term starts;
  - (т.е. из опасного похода): if I get back even the miller's company will be welcome;
  - (к мальчику вернулось стопроцентное зрение): the doctors repaired the boy's cornea and the boy regained his 20/20 uncorrected vision;
  - (к нему вернулось самообладание): his eyebrows flickered before he regained the composure;
  - (в. к пирующим): having relieved himself he rejoined the feast;
  - (в. к сказанному ранее): I want to get back to my earlier point;
  - (в. к тому, что говорил профессор): we'll pick up with what the professor was saying;
  - (в. к старым временам Дикого запада): one of the anti-gunners favorite arguments against open carrying of handguns is that society will revert back to the old ways of the Wild West, with daily gunfights in the streets;
  - (в. к старым порядкам / традициям): Mab raises Mordred to become Arthur's downfall and bring back the Old Ways;
  - (в. к фактам): We're leaping to some rather broad conclusions. Let's all get back to facts.;
  - (король вернулся в замок): when the king was back to his castle he was in for shock;
  - (т.е. на пост президента компании): he was ousted as Apple chairman in 1985 but rejoined in December when Apple bought his Next Software Inc.;
  - (в. на путь истинный): He was on the verge of switching sides despite the villa I have offered to him. Now he is back in the fold.;
  - (в. на своё место, т.е. на стул): he had barely resumed his seat, when...;
  - (на свои места, т.е. стулья): kindly resume your seats, ladies and gentlemen;
  - (в. назад по пройденному пути): the tanker will spend 30 hours offloading the cargo, then retrace her journey back to the Gulf for yet another load in an endless procession;
  - (не собираться в. в деревню): the folk of the village began to suspect that he did not mean to come back at all;
  - (о чеках, т.е. необеспеченных): I deposited my paychecks on Friday, yet the bank did not credit them to my account until Tuesday causing any checks I wrote over the weekend to bounce;
  - (произведения искусства вернутся на родину): we expect a majority of these works of art will find their way back to their homeland;
  - (проклятие вернулось, т.е. к тому, кто его произнёс): the curse had rebounded on Voldemort
  - (рыцари желали в. к увеселениям двора): the knights wished to go back to the merriments of court;
  - (с работы): when are you returning from work?;
  - (я сейчас вернусь): we'll be right back;
  - (я хочу, чтобы жена ко мне вернулась): I want my wife back;
  - смотри возвратиться / возвращаться
  верный - (т.е. правильный): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. преданный): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. приводящий к предполагаемому результату): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. признак / симптом): смотри ниже
  верный (т.е. правильный) - (банальное, но в-ое): some trite-but-true thing was tritely-but-truthfully expressed;
  - (верен): смотри выше;
  - (высказать в-ую мысль): my colleague made a very fair point, one I have made several times;
  - (догадка оказалась в-ой): her hunch that the patient would cancel, proved correct;
  - (первое впечатление бывает самым в-ым): first impressions are often the truest;
  - (перевод): adequate translation;
  - (предположение): the original surmise was correct;
  - (в. рассказ о событиях): to write an accurate account of events;
  - (результат верен и для m мат): the result also holds for m;
  - (в. совет по инвестициям): he offers a solid investment advice;
  - (структура): this structure is only partially correct;
  - (формально в-ые заявления): statements that are technically accurate but intentionally misleading;
  - (цифра): valid figure / digit
  верный (т.е. преданный) - (быть верным своему слову): "But you'll keep your word true?" says the saint. "As true as the sun," says the king.;
  - (быть верным своему слову, король был верен своему слову): the king was as good as his word;
  - (делу / желанию): we were dedicated to making a major effort for a peaceful solution;
  - (друг): our staunch friend, Great Britain;
  - (друг): faithful / loyal friend;
  - (друг): The Devoted Friend by Oscar Wilde;
  - (жена): loyal wife;
  - (идее): we are committed to the systematic provision of training and development opportunities to enable and encourage staff to acquire the knowledge and skill to fulfill the potential of their current work;
  - (в-ая компания дружков): the figure in front was his cousin, accompanied by his faithful gang;
  - (кому-л): he's very loyal to D. who helped him out of a tight spot once;
  - (ленинец): a devout Leninist;
  - (метла, т.е. орудие волшебника): a dozen bits of splintered wood and twig, the only remains of Harry's faithful broomstick;
  - (муж): devoted / loyal / faithful husband;
  - (обещанию / обязательству): the government is committed to continue to cooperate;
  - (они остаются в-ыми духу товарищества): they are clinging to an all-male sense of camaraderie and tradition in German history that pre-dates Nazism by hundreds of years;
  - (принципу): we were dedicated to making a major effort for a peaceful solution;
  - (революционер): a dour, dedicated revolutionary;
  - (сверхдержава, верная принципам демократии): after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US emerged as the sole remaining superpower, equally committed to the principles of democracy and free markets;
  - (семья в-ых республиканцев): a staunch conservative Republican family;
  - (слуга): a faithful servant;
  - (служащий): I have turned down lucrative offers for years because I wanted to be a dedicated employee;
  - (служба): he left us a legacy in recognition of our faithful service;
  - (собака): Devoted Dog Training;
  - (собака): amazing stories of devoted dogs;
  - (собака): a legend of a woman who had a faithful dog;
  - ( собака ): dogs are great pets because they are loyal;
  - ( собака ): he fell into a ditch filled with quicksand - and only his trusty dog saved him from drowning in the muck;
  - (союзник): America's staunchest ally;
  - (страна верна демократии): the country seemed firmly committed to democracy under the leadership of the President;
  - (страна верна традициям): the Soviet Union, ever true to its traditions as a country devoted to the unswerving search for world peace;
  - (в. сын страны): the marchers were calling themselves the loyal sons of Iraq;
  - (человек): the said Aegidius has proved himself a trusty old use man and well able to deal with giants, dragons, and other enemies of the King's peace
  верный (т.е. приводящий к предполагаемому результату) - (дело): the business is assured;
  - (гибель / смерть): he fell heavily toward sure death on the rocks below;
  - (в. путь к поражению): when there is no understanding, respect, or trust, an admission of error is seen as weakness and disloyalty, a sure recipe for defeat;
  - (самый в. способ): the surest way of making him use up his last remaining reserve of nervous energy, was to draw the conversation to the question of Russians;
  - (самый в. способ обольщения): The arbitrary rule of a just and enlightened prince is always bad. His virtues are the most dangerous and the surest form of seduction: they lull a people imperceptibly into the habit of loving, respecting, and serving his successor, whoever that successor may be, no matter how wicked or stupid.;
  - (в. совет по инвестициям): he offers a solid investment advice;
  - (в. способ привести к беде): it would be a recipe for a disaster, plunging the country into famine
  - (в-ое средство от запора): a sure cure for constipation;
  - (средство, пытки как в-ое средство, т.е. получить признание): Torture as a surefire issue looked irresistible to congressional Democrats only the day before yesterday. Who but Republicans would fancy driving burning splinters under the fingernails of the innocent? Torture bad, Democrats good.
  верный признак / верный симптом - (т.е. болезни): it the unmistakable symptom of an incurable malady;
  - (т.е. в.п. болезни дерева): The yellows is a distinct disease. The one unmistakable symptom of yellows is the red-spotted character of the fruit.;
  - (в.п. восстановления экономики): The unfailing sign of business and industrial recovery is men returning to work. It is more to the point than stock prices and business charts.;
  - (дождя): those black clouds are sure sign it's going to rain;
  - (в.п. того, что конец администрации президента близок): scandals in what are meant to be high places are the unfailing sign of an administration nearing its end;
  - (в.п. того, что Никсон в затруднительном положении): his emergence into prominence was usually a good signal that Nixon was in some distress and required a steadying head;
  - (в.п. того, что человек колдун): widow's peaks were considered a reliable sign that a man was a sorcerer
  верование - (основные в-я религии): the fundamental beliefs and practices of the religion;
  - (языческие в-я): pagan beliefs of Eastern Slavs
  вероятно - some persons in Medina who had satirized Mohammad in verse were assassinated, perhaps with his connivance;
  - he probably told her all about it;
  - if we tolerate the famine, we would probably be set back by 10 years;
  - "Will you come tomorrow?" "Probably not";
  - the missiles are kept defueled most of the time, and they probably need two hours to bring them up to launch readiness;
  - prolonging the government guarantee on deposits probably won't affect the credit ratings of banks over the short term;
  - they upgraded the protection on the silos over the last decade, probably as a result of what we did in the Iraq bombing campaign;
  - the archives probably contain extensive material on Mr Schiely;
  - H. and R. were at the same place, presumably at his parents' house;
  - lead exposure is arguably the oldest known occupational health hazard;
  - in the last 14 months alone the mayor has turned San Francisco into arguably the greenest major city in the United States;
  - (весьма в., что): there is a strong likelihood that...;
  - (вполне в.): there had been reporters outside the building when they had come out, and chances were that he had been caught on camera getting into the police car with her;
  - (вполне в.): "Do you think there'll be an election next year?" "I think it's on the cards infml fig";
  - (вполне в.): there are some big changes in the cards infml fig for next year;
  - (мало в., что...): it is unlikely the truth will emerge;
  - (менее в., что Украина будет настаивать на немедленном членстве): in this case Ukraine may be less likely to press for immediate membership;
  - (насколько это в.?): how likely was that?;
  - (результаты, в., изменятся, как только...): the results are likely to be modified once more questionnaires are available
  вероятность - (более высокая в. заражения, т.е. птиц после предубойной выдержки): birds that remained in the barn with access to water had reduced shrink but a higher likelihood of contamination;
  - (была в., что он больше их не увидит): if he left wife and children behind him, it was odds he should never see them again;
  - (в. быть убитым астероидом): the likelihood of being killed by an asteroid is remote;
  - (в. возникновения обид): thus the likelihood of secret resentment would have been minimized;
  - (есть большая в., что мы их поймали): there's a good chance we got them;
  - (какова в., что...?): what is the probability that a single measurement x will lie between a and b;
  - (можно ли родиться со СПИДом? Если да, то какова в. этого?): Can you be born with AIDS? If so what is the chance?;
  - (нет никакой в-ти, что...): there's not much likelihood he'll succeed;
  - (происходить с в-тью 1): the event occurs with probability 1;
  - (пятидесятипятипроцентная в. того, что...): a score of four on the RRASOR (Rapid Risk Assessment for Sexual Offender Recidivism) translates into a prediction that the inmate, if released, would in the next 10 years have a 55 per cent chance of committing another sex offence;
  - (рассмотреть в. штурма, если требования террористов нельзя удовлетворить): if the demands cannot be met, the contingency may have to be considered of storming the vessel to liberate the crew;
  - (с высокой степенью в-ти свидетельствующие о злокачественности): the study considered women with calcifications highly suggestive of malignancy;
  - (в. того, что бомба взорвётся так близко от первого взрыва бесконечно мала): chances of a bomb going off so close to the first explosion are remote, infinitesimal;
  - (в. того, что им удастся выделить стволовые клетки из эмбрионов, невелика): even if scientists did not want to use frozen embryos at fertility centers, there would be hurdles to overcome - then scientists must buck the odds in getting the embryos to grow and isolating stem cells from them, those odds can be long
  вероятный - (более в. исход): the latter was the more likely outcome;
  - (лемма): such a lemma is plausible;
  - (в-ое место вспышки новой войны): the likely flashpoint for a new war is Lebanon;
  - (в-ое место нападения): these places are the most likely points of attack;
  - (покупатель): a prospective buyer;
  - (в-ое потребление в стране): even with probable requirements for domestic consumption taken care of, and even with existing aid levels to the poor countries of the world maintained, the surplus would have nudged 60,000 tons for the combined harvest of the US and Canada;
  - (предположение): under plausible assumptions he showed that...;
  - (применение): a likely future application of stem-cell therapy is the replacement of damaged brain cells;
  - (сценарий, т.е. войны): a robust strategy is one that will work reasonably well across a wide range of plausible scenarios;
  - (убийство): what seems to be a tragic accident is in fact a potential homicide;
  - (хозяин): the applicant left his resume with the prospective employer
  версия - (кинематографическая в. романа): the novel was adapted three times for the screen, and all versions enjoyed fair popular success;
  - (немецкая в. страницы Интернета): a German version of a Web page;
  - (обвинения): the collapse of the prosecution case follows a similar incident in Vladivostok earlier this year;
  - (рассматривать все версии): the police said it had not been declared as a counter-terrorism incident, but they were keeping an "open mind";
  - (рассматривать все версии): This has not been declared as a counter-terrorism incident and we would urge people not to speculate. However, I must emphasise that we retain an open mind and we will continue to review this position.;
  - (русская в. натовской ракеты): the AT-6 antitank missile, the one NATO called "Spiral", actually a Russian version of the NATO Milan;
  - (т.е. следователя): police took digital photographs of the defaced property for evidence but have no leads;
  - (событий): his version of events is more convincing than yours;
  - (событий, придерживаться своей в-и событий ): he could have easily stuck to his story and avoided prison and the possibility of death
  вертеть - (мужчиной, как ей вздумается): the actress played a woman who used her feminine wiles to manipulate a man;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вертеться - (на языке образно): Now what's her name? It's on the tip of my tongue.;
  вертикально - (взлётать и садиться в., т.е. о самолёте): V/STOL means that the aircraft has the ability to takeoff and land either vertically (by hovering) or in a much shorter distance than is possible with a more traditional aircraft;
  - (держите дезодорант в.): hold upright and spray underarms lightly;
  - (в. набирать высоту, о самолёте): the plane climbed almost vertically, powering its way to the sky like a rocket;
  - (поднять): then, with computer precision, the claw grasped the heavy handle and hoisted the crate vertically;
  - (погрузить трубку в. в ванну с жидкостью): a tube of a small radius immersed vertically in a large liquid bath;
   - (ходить): our ancestors began to walk upright
  вертикальный - (в в-ом положении): place the restraint against the vehicle seat back in an upright position;
  - (в-ые взлёт и посадка): vertical / short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) aircraft;
  - (в. габарит моста): a bridge with overhead clearance of 4 meters
  - (положение, приведите кресла в в. положение): The flight attendant was making her announcement: "Place your seats in the upright position.";
  - (разрез, т.е. на чертеже): FIG. 3 shows an elevational section;
  - (в-ое расстояние, измеренное над уровнем моря): vertical distance measured above sea level;
  - (самолёт с в-ым взлётом / в-ые взлёты и посадки): jump jet is jet aircraft capable of vertical takeoffs and landings
  верующий - the believer accepts "surrender to the will of Allah";
  - (он был очень в. и хороший семьянин): he was a strong believer and a strong family man;
  - (истинно в.): when a true believer loses the faith, the reversed fanatism goes to strange extremes;
  - (среди жрецов ему встречались и искренне в-ие, и бездумные святоши): among priests, he had encountered both truly devout and mindlessly sanctimonious
  верх - (бесчестья, считать в-ом б.): he regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust friends;
  - (брать в. / взять в. / одержать в.): смотри ниже;
  - (встреча в верхах): next year's economic summit will be held in Cairo, and the following one in Qatar;
  - (глупости): to look for the gas leak with a lighted match was the ultimate infml stupidity;
  - (т.е. маркировка на упаковке): this side up!;
  - (в., не кантовать, т.е. маркировка на упаковке): top, do not turn over;
  - (кроссовок): the soles of his trainers were peeling away from the uppers;
  - (разгильдяйства): My insurance got cancelled. I sent a check to straighten it out. I sent it by registered nail and got a receipt that they received it. They say they never received it. A mistake is one thing. But this smells like ineptitude at its pinnacle!
  верх (брать в. / взять в. / одержать в.) - (командиры и солдаты борются за то, чтобы снова одерживать в. в восьмилетней партизанской войне): U.S. commanders and their soldiers are scrambling to regain the upper hand in an eight-year-old guerrilla war;
  - (компьютеры возьмут в. над людьми): the idea that computers might become smarter than us and end up taking over;
  - (любопытство взяло в.): For a moment, I look at it suspiciously. Then curiosity gets the better of me.;
  - (насколько была велика его власть, чтобы взять в. над министерством?): how much power did he have to override the Ministry?;
  - (неопытный юноша берёт в. над наёмником): a ballad where an untried youth bests a true mercenary;
  - (моя доверчивость взяла в.): it appears my trusting nature got the better of me;
  - (о страхе): at a certain point fear takes over, allowing a mob to bully the majority over the short term;
  - (разговорчивость одержала в. над старанием сдерживаться): his talkative nature won out over any impulse to discretion;
  - (соблазн вести холостяцкую жизнь большого начальника одержал в.): The marriage was falling apart. The allure of life as a single executive eventually won out. The couple split in 2000 and ultimately divorced.
  верхний - (веки): he could only see the lower rims of his irises below her upper lids;
  - (губа): hair along her upper lip;
  - (губа): he has the making of the moustache on his top lip;
  - (в. край спинки спиденья): do not use this child restraint if the midpoint of your child's head is above the top of the vehicle seat back or headrest;
  - (в. люк танка): he was standing in the open top hatch of the BRM;
  - (на в-ем уровне вознaграждение руководителeй компаний достигает десятков миллионов долларов): at the top end, US packages run into the tens of millions of dollars;
  - (одежда): outdoor garments were lying flung over the backs of chairs;
  - (одежда): polyester water-resistant outerwear fabric;
  - (одежда): The dry cleaning equivalent of waterproofing is called "sizing". It's an added treatment for outerwear AmE, cotton overcoats / raincoats that helps them shed water.;
  - (окно): a muffled pounding of a stereo was coming from an upper window in the nearest house;
  - (в-яя палата парламента): the upper house of the Canadian Parliament is called Senate;
  - (передача, т.е. в автомобиле): high / top gear;
  - (в-яя поверхность крыла самолёта): early airfoils typically had little more than a slightly curved upper surface and a flat undersurface;
  - (полка): the upper shelf;
  - (полка, т.е. самая в-яя): on the top shelf in the closet;
  - (полка, т.е. для ручной клади в самолёте): when the jet skidded off the runway some luggage had fallen out of the overhead bins;
  - (в-яя половина туловища / в-яя часть туловища): to do a standing back-bend, a person stands with his or her hands on the hips and bends the upper body backward for several seconds;
  - (пуговица): the top button of his vest;
  - (регистр, т.е. клавиатуры): upper case;
  - (т.е. река, в-яя Миссиссиппи): the upper Mississippi is divided into three sections: the headwaters, from the source to St. Anthony Falls, a series of man-made lakes between Minneapolis and St. Louis, Missouri, and the middle Mississippi, a relatively free-flowing river downstream of the confluence with the Missouri River at St. Louis;
  - (РЛС в-его и нижнего обзора): the ship with all-round, over-and-under radar and sonar cover;
  - (самый в. ряд трибун на стадионе): in the topmost row of seats;
  - (в-ие слои атмосферы): during a flight the temperature of the fuel in the tanks will decrease due to the low temperatures in the upper atmosphere;
  - (в. слой атмосферы): the Cassini spacecraft has flown through the upper atmosphere of Saturn's giant moon, Titan;
  - (слой почвы): A building site. Turf has been peeled back and the topsoil scraped away by heavy machinery, bulldozers and earthmovers.;
  - (угол): quote the reference number in the top left-hand corner of the envelope;
  - (уровень, какой в. уровень зарплаты на этой должности?): what is the high level of the salary range for this position?;
  - (частоты, т.е. звуковые): Standard telephones filter out low, bassy tones below 400 hertz. Likewise filtered are the high treble tones above 3,400 hertz, a narrower bandwidth than even a cheap microphone and recorder would capture.;
  - (частоты, т.е. звуковые): Standard telephones filter out low, bassy tones below 400 hertz. Likewise filtered are the high treble tones above 3,400 hertz, a narrower bandwidth than even a cheap microphone and recorder woud capture.;
  - (этаж): "..." called back H. from a higher floor;
  - (этаж, т.е. двухэтажного дома): his apartment on the upstairs floor of a two-family house;
  - (этажи): the staircase zigzagged through the house to the upper stories;
  - (этажи): the upper two floors housed the guest rooms;
  - (в-ие эшелоны власти): the transcripts paint a vivid image of the damage wrought in the top levels of the Justice Department by the prosecutor firings and subsequent questions they raised
  верховенство - (закона, при в-е закона): Rule by law is prudential: one rules by law (properly speaking) not because the law is higher than oneself but because it is convenient to do so and inconvenient not to do so. In rule of law, the law is something the government serves; in rule by law, the government uses law as the most convenient way to govern.;
  - (права): rule of law: the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws;
  - (права): when military dictators fall, the democrats who follow them must try to restore the rule of law";
  - (признать в. Римско-католической церкви): Westminster Abbey was founded in the 10th century. Then most Christians in Europe accepted the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.;
  - several warring personalities struggled for preeminence in the same individual
  верховный - (вождь): the supreme leader pledges death or victory;
  - (жрец): high priest;
  - (комиссар): High Commissioner;
  - (председатель в-ого суда AmE): the oath was administered by chief justice A.H.D., who was propelled into the job when Musharraf sacked the nation's previous top judge for refusing to recognize the state of emergency;
  - (суд): the Supreme Court
  верховодить - (т.е. о заключённом в тюрьме): he mistakenly believes that he has the upper hand
  верхушка - (в-и деревьев): the tops of the trees were gilded with gold;
  - (в-и деревьев): no breath of wind disturbed the treetops in the forest;
  - (пирамида со срезанной в-ой): the building is a squat pyramid with the top cut off;
  - (ЦК КПСС): the Politburo was an exclusive group who constituted the pinnacle of the Central Committee
  вершина - (власти): on his way to the pinnacles of political power;
  - (граф состоит из вершин и рёбер мат): graph consists of vertices (vertex singular) and edges;
  - (достичь в-ы в своей профессии): to make it to the top of one's profession;
  - (замыкающаяся в пределах карты горизонталь показывает в-у): a contour which closes within the limits of a map indicates a summit;
  - (карьеры): the singer is still approaching the pinnacle of her career;
  - (т.е. остроконечной крыши): The Queen's Chamber has a pointed roof with an apex 6.23 metres above the floor;
  - (пирамида со срезанной в-ой): the building is a squat pyramid with the top cut off;
  - In geometry, an apex (apices plural) is the vertex which is in some sense the "highest" of the figure to which it belongs. The term is typically used to refer to the vertex opposite from some "base".;
  - (пирамиды / конуса): In a pyramid or cone, the apex is the vertex at the "top" (opposite the base). In a pyramid, the vertex is the point that is part of all the lateral faces, or where all the lateral edges meet.;
  - (равносторонний треугольник в-ой вниз): an equilateral triangle with an apex pointing downward;
  - (славы): at the height of his fame;
  - (спорта, сам по себе талант не приводит на в-у спорта): Talent alone will not take you to the top of this sport. It requires so much dedication. I work on discipline and accountability on a daily basis with my guys.;
  - (в. творческой реализации): is this new album the pinnacle of creative self-actualization for you?;
  - (в. технического совершенства по размеру, мощности, вместимости, роскоши и технической изощрённости): the ship was the ultimate in size, power, capacity, luxury and technical refinement that the technology of man could ever have set to float on water;
  - (т.е. траектории подброшенного тела): he watched it rise to the apex of its climb hovering for the moment in the void and then tumbling down;
  - (треугольника): the apex of the triangle;
  - (угла): an angle A with vertex at V;
  - (цепь крутых горных вершин зубцами тянулись в небо): a range of steep summits rose jaggedly into the sky;
  - (чем ближе к в-е руководства компанией, тем...): the closer one gets to the top of the company, the more critical the problem becomes;
  - смотри файлы FORMA_VID, PEIZAJ_POGODA
  вершить правосудие - a teenage thief who snatched an ill-tempered parrot from a pet shop was warned yesterday that the bird would dispense its own justice;
  - (о мировых судьях): the Justices of the Peace administered the laws and levied taxes;
  - (в.п. своими руками): to take the law into one's own hands;
  - (в.п. своими руками): this paramilitary mechanism is a source of violence that tends to allow citizens to meter justice with their own hands - self-appointed security enforcement does not rely on the law
  вес - (т.е. в фунтах): she wailed that his poundage was really puppy's fat;
  - (т.е. влияние, его в. как руководителя КГБ могло компенсировать влияние М. в армии) his KGB clout could help offset M.'s influence throughout the Red Army;
  - (выдерживать в., интересно, подумал он, каким образом пол выдерживает его вес?): Beside the door, a six-foot wardrobe safe. He wondered how on earth the floor took the strain.;
  - (груза): the weight of the pack he carried;
  - (дети весом ...фунтов): this car seat is designed for use with children who weigh 25 to 40 lbs;
  - (калибровочный эталонный в.): the scale comes complete with measuring pan and precision 100 gram calibration standard weight;
  - (перенести похожие по в-у препятствия на двери аварийных выходов самолёта): a passenger seated in an exit row must be capable to remove obstructions similar in size and weight to over-wing window exit doors;
  - (предметы того же в-а, что и двери аварийных выходов самолёта): a passenger seated in an exit row must be capable to lift out, hold, deposit on nearby seats, or maneuver over the seatbacks to the next row objects the size and weight of over-wing window exit doors;
  - (придать вес образно своему стремлению стать президентом): through her membership on the Senate Armed Services Committee - sought early in her congressional career to add gravitas to her presidential aspirations - she had developed close ties with senior military figures;
  - (размер, тщательность и авторитетность источников придают отчёту ни с чем не сравнимый в. образно): Mr F. runs the British Chamber of Commerce. When he raised the prospect of "serious risk" of recession on the BBC Today programme yesterday he was discussing the BBC's quarterly survey based on detailed replies from nearly 5,000 of its member companies. Its sheer size, thoroughness and pedigree give it clout that none of the others can match.;
  - (т.е. самолёта): weight, the downward effect that gravity has on the aircraft;
  - (упасть под весом кого-л): he was about to collapse under her weight
  весенний - (гроза / цветы): spring thunderstorm / flowers;
  - (равноденствие, стояло в. равноденствие): we were in the vernal fml equinox
  весить - (дети, которые весят от 25 до 40 фунтов): this car seat is designed for use with children who weigh 25 to 40 lbs;
  - (в. на 30 фунтов больше нормы): he was short and a good 30 pounds overweight
  веский - (аргумент / довод, т.е. обоснованный): well-grounded / solid argument;
  - (аргумент / довод, этот фактор является в-им а-ом в пользу отклонения иска на основании неудобного места рассмотрения дела): Foreign plaintiff Plaintiff El Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad is not only a foreign plaintiff, but an arm of the Costa Rican government. This factor weighs heavily in favor of dismissal on forum non conveniens grounds.;
  - (доказательства / улики): there was not enough solid evidence to indict anyone for framing him;
  - (доказательства / улики, насколько в-ие у вас доказателььства против него): "Captain, how strong is your case against him?" "We would not have authorized this arrest unless we were certain that we have all the facts for the district attorney to successfully prosecute this case.";
  - (доказательство): possession of a large sum of currency is "strong evidence" of a connection to trafficking in illegal drugs;
  - (основания): смотри ниже;
  - (причина): смотри ниже
  веский (основания) - (в-ие основания думать, что...): we have good grounds for thinking that he stole the money;
  - (в-ие основания для возбуждения дела против ответчиков): the court should determine whether the plaintiff has advanced a prima facie case Latin legal against those defendants;
  - (наличие в-их оснований для возбуждения иска): the judges that dissented as to the need for the balancing test were of the view that the prima facie Latin legal requirement provided sufficient protection of First Amendment rights;
  - to have solid grounds for supposing something
  веский (причина) - he had good reason to be content;
  - some had genuinely lost their identification papers, others had thrown them away for good reason;
  - you don't do that unless you have a solid reason for doing so;
  - there might be an excellent reason why he is not confiding every tiny detail of his plans to you;
  - if you have a valid reason for believing that the judge cannot be impartial, a motion to recuse is reasonable;
  - I could find no principled reason for refusing
  весна - (весной 1942 года): the war came, and in the spring of 1942 he turned 18, the draft age;
  - (весной): the winds in the Black Sea during spring and summer are predominantly from the north
  весовой - (дозатор): weigh batcher;
  - (дозатор): in the batching of the materials for concrete, the cementitious materials such as Portland cement and fly ash are normally proportioned by weight accumulatively in a suspension hopper scale
  весомый - смотри веский
  вести - (бизнес): to conduct business;
  - (битву / бой / борьбу): смотри ниже;
  - (в. борьбу за выдачу преступника): the U.S. and Russia battle over B.' anticipated extradition to New York to stand trial;
  - (т.е. в танце): she was steering;
  - (т.е. в партнёра в танце): she was steering him so forcefully that he felt as though he were a show dog she was putting through its paces
  - (вендетту / кровную месть): after these rebels launched lightning strikes in February 2003 against military and civilian targets across North Darfur, a surprised Khartoum unleashed Arab tribal militias as a line of defense. Viewing this as a carte blanche for vigilantism, these militias now pursue age-old vendettas;
  - (войну): смотри ниже;
  - (в. вооружённую борьбу с кем-л / против кого-л): the conflict in Darfur has been going on since 2003 when black African rebels began to take arms against the Sudan government;
  - (в. подпольную бухгалтерию): an audit by P.M. had discovered that the Director of the Travel Office kept an off-book ledger;
  - (дела / дело): смотри ниже;
  - (дискуссию): at the luncheon she hosted for me, the President led a discussion about the role of women in her country;
  - (жизнь / образ жизни): смотри ниже;
  - (в. журнал регистрации преступлений): Southeast Technical College maintains a daily crime log for incidents taking place on campus;
  - (в. заметки для дневника): the Secretary duly took her notes for the minister's official diary;
  - (в. занятия по государственной службе): the professor taught a class on public service, open to juniors and seniors;
  - (записи): will you take notes on the meeting, please?;
  - (в. запись собрания): having someone else scribe the meeting can be a great help, but oftentimes they miss some of the nuances or decision points;
  - (исследования): смотри ниже;
  - (в. к чему-л): смотри ниже;
  - (кампанию): смотри ниже;
  - (в. кого-л куда-л): смотри ниже;
  - (корреспонденцию): to carry on correspondence;
  - (в. корреспонденцию, бухгалтерский учёт и другую документацию в виде компьютерных файлов или вручную): to maintain computerized and / or manual files of correspondence, records, and other documents as assigned;
  - (куда-л): смотри ниже;
  - (курсом, в. страну твёрдым курсом): you can keep this country on a steady course, if you stick together;
  - (курсом / путём, в. партию совершенно другим курсом / путём): he will steer the party down a radically different course;
  - (в. летопись / хронику буксиров): a local author has written an entire book chronicling every tug;
  - (т.е. лидировать в соревновании): смотри ниже;
  - (в. огонь большой плотности): to deliver a heavy volume of fire;
  - (в. операцию против наркотиков): to wage a drug operation;
  - (в. опрос общественного мнения): the talk-show host runs a daily poll on his web site;
  - (охоту): the rocket's infra-red scanners did the hunting, then it interrogated with millimetre-band radar;
  - (переговоры): смотри ниже;
  - (передачу, т.е. на радио / телевидении): смотри ниже;
  - (политику): the Democrats practice identity politics and strive to please a variety of races, ethnic groups and special interests;
  - (в. прибыльную деятельность): non-residents who effectuate fml profit-generating activities;
  - (программу, т.е. работы с заключёнными): the strict regime in the factory is enforced by the prison officials who conduct the programme;
  - (протокол): to draw / keep / take the minutes;
  - (в. протокол заседаний палаты парламента): each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings;
  - (в. протокол собрания): will you take notes on the meeting, please?;
  - (разговор): to carry on a conversation;
  - (расследование): смотри ниже;
  - (в. расчёты через расчётный счёт): the company operated its business out of the general operating account;
  - (репортаж): we'll be taking live coverage from Moscow;
  - (в. репортаж о съезде): when an anchor covers a convention there is a whole retinue of people going along with him;
  - (себя): смотри ниже;
  - (в. следствие объективно): to conduct an impartial inquiry;
  - (собрание): a quorum is the minimum numbers of persons required to be present to transact a business;
  - (спор): they were having a heated argument;
  - (в. стенограмму разговоров): while it is usually not necessary to maintain a verbatim transcript of the conversation, keep track of the order in which items were actually discussed;
  - (в. судебное разбирательство): the suspect asks the judge to allow his trial to be televised to ensure the proceedings are fairly conducted;
  - (в. топографическую съёмку местности): the engineer was conducting surveys of the area that was to be irrigated by water taken from the H. River;
  - (в. торговлю с фарцовщиками чем-л): every Western ship brings seamen who do a vigorous trade with the local spivs in Turkish leather jackets;
  - (в. трансляцию без разрешения): we don't condone anyone making unauthorized broadcasts (of the World Cup) - but though there are no licensed rights for North Korea, this is as unique as it gets;
  - (учёт): смотри ниже;
  - (хозяйство, т.е. домашнее): she seems a willing captive within the walls of her own home, flawlessly keeping our house;
  - (юристы ведут торговые дела компании в другой стране): lawyers whom we employ to manage our business dealings for us
  - смотри вести / водить;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вести (битву / бой / борьбу) - (политические битвы, которые велись за роль Америки в мире): I took part in the political battles fought over the meaning of America and its role in the world;
  - (в. боевые действия): the Army has not engaged in large-scale combat operations for over 50 years;
  - (бой): to fight a rear-guard action;
  - (бой): then he'd be able to wait for reinforcements to give him a chance to fight a set-piece battle on his own terms at a place and time of his choosing;
  - (бой): we will fight a holding action and await reinforcements from the west;
  - (газеты ведут борьбу за лучших журналистов): the best journalists are contended for by larger newspapers;
  - (в. неравную борьбу): he fought an uphill battle
  вести войну - (более эффективно в.в. с терроризмом): this presidential candidate can run a more effective, smarter, more productive war on terror;
  - they were applying to the implementation of the Agreement the methods by which they had conducted the war;
  - (о компаниях): Google and Microsoft are engaged in a full-on war;
  - (в.в. с бедностью / наркотиками / терроризмом): to wage a war on poverty / drugs / terror;
  - (в.в. с врагом / против врага): the US military is woefully unprepared to fight a war against such an enemy;
  - (в.в. с кем-л): a teacher who waged a constant war against the students;
  - (в.в. с помощью обычного вооружения): it may be concluded that if and when war with Egypt comes, that war will be fought and won by conventional weapons;
  - (в.в. т.е. со страной / против страны): US Army Chief of Staff General G.C. insisted that the army was "prepared" to fight a war against North Korea;
  - (в.в. т.е.со страной / против страны): there's a joke in the military community that says the best way to have your third-world nation become viable is to fight a war with the US
  вести дела - (в. важные д., о послах): modern communications had transformed ambassadors into glorified mailmen, but they still, occasionally, had to handle important matters with discretion;
  - (компания не ведёт дел с Китаем): the company doesn't do business with China;
  - (в.д. по правилу 'плати сразу'): he did not believe in credit and he ran his business on a strict pay-as-you-go policy;
  - (в.д. с японцами): the Chinese did business with the Japanese because it was convenient;
  - (в. много дел с компанией): we do a lot of business with the company
  вести дело (т.е. в суде) - lawyers on both sides faced a heavy burden in trying a case so old;
  - (70% всех дел вёл назначенный адвокат): seventy percent of the docket was handled by court-appointed counsel;
  - (дело ведёт исполняющий обязанности прокурора): the acting prosecuting attorney is handling this case because the prosecutors clearly read the bail ruling as an indication his murder conviction might be reversed;
  - (о Федеральной службе безопасности, т.е. России): the FSB pursued his case after arresting him on charges of spying;
  - (судья критиковал то, как прокуроры ведут дело): the presiding judge criticized the prosecutors' handling of the case;
  - (судья вёл дела, связанные с дорожным движением и мелкими правонарушениями): the judge heard traffic cases and rumdum misdemeanors
  вести (жизнь / образ жизни / существование) - (в. беспутный образ жизни): the prince lived a raffish existence;
  - (в. деревенский образ жизни): through most of history, the human population has lived a rural lifestyle, dependent on agriculture and hunting for survival;
  - (жизнь, которую он вёл): the pettiness of the life he was leading;
  - (в. жизнь незаметного сельского дворянина): he led the life of an obscure country gentleman;
  - (в. нездоровый образ жизни): people leading unhealthy life-style;
  - (в. одинокое существование): how sad that he abides such a lonely existence;
  - (в. очаровательную жизнь): he lived a charming life;
  - (в. распущенную жизнь): the children of ministers are frequently on the wild side;
  - (в. светский образ жизни): He was re-running old cases in his head. Lawyers living the high life on their client's escrow money, unable to make good, ducking out ahead of shame and scandal and disbarment.;
  - (в. светскую жизнь): we have a very active social life;
  - (в. суровое существование): pioneer farmers lived a harsh existence
  вести (исследования) - to carry out a study / to conduct research;
  - (в. исследования чего-л): I was carrying out some research on a piece of modern art;
  - (в. исследования чего-л): the company did not want to impede others from doing research on stem cells;
  - (в. исследования в области чего-л): the Paris Treaty forbids Germany to do research into rockets;
  вести (т.е. к чему-л - (в. к достижению общественных ценностей): he provides no consistent guidelines to identify specific policies that are conductive to the achievement of community values;
  - (в. к потере должности): this can lead to the loss of position;
  - (к чему ты ведёшь?, т.е. разговор): what are you driving at? ;
  - (в. к чему-л шахматную игру): pawn sacrifice is not something you can steer the game toward;
  - (одновременный приём лекарств привёл к повышению концентрации плазмы): concomitant administration of this medicine with... has resulted in markedly elevated plasma concentrations;
  - (реформы не вели к большим переменам): the reforms weren't producing much change because the Bush Administration didn't fund the new programs or aggressively implemented them in the states;
  - (следы имеющихся в нашем распоряжении материалов вели к иракской разведке): the materials in our possession were conclusively traced to Iraqi intelligence
  вести кампанию - it becomes evident that mosques in the U.S. are already waging a campaign of intimidation against us in our own country;
  - (в поддержку партии): to campaign for a party by soliciting financial contributions;
  - (в.к. за независимость): the group is running a violent campaign for independence;
  - (в.к. за политическое представительство): Tatars campaigning for political representation
  вести (т.е. кого-л куда-л) - (в. в гардероб): he takes me into the cloakroom;
  - (в. в гостиную): she led him into the living room;
  - (в. в сокровищницу): F. took him to the Treasure room and showed him the mounds of gold coins;
  - (веди / ведите, т.е. в незнакомое место): lead the way;
  - (в. группу экскурсантов вверх по лестнице): she was bringing her party of sightseers up the back stairs;
  - (в. к алтарю / к венцу образно): no woman has yet led him up the aisle;
  - (в. к алтарю): he took his daughter down the aisle;
  - (мулов): they were leading mules;
  - (нам нужен лоцман, чтобы в. через мели): we need a pilot to steer us through the shoals;
  - (он почти не замечал, куда его ведут ноги): he had barely noticed where his feet were carrying him;
  - (в. отряд по тропинке): he his band down the footpath;
  - (в. пленных на север): the SS group was ordered to march the prisoners northward;
  - (правительство поведёт страну вперёд через препятствия): the government will guide the country through the difficulties ahead;
  вести (куда-л) - (корридор вёл в западное крыло замка): at the entrance of a corridor that led toward the West Wing of the castle;
  - (корридор, ведущий из вестибюля в зал): the corridor leading off the entrance hall on the opposite side to the Great Hall;
  - (мост ведёт в город): the bridge leads to New Castle;
  - (о дороге): смотри ниже;
  - (пандус, ведущий на первый подвальный уровень): there is a short ramp, protected by a steel portcullis, running down the floor to the first basement level;
  - (пилот вёл самолёт на посадочную полосу): the pilot guided the plane onto the runway
  вести (куда-л, о дороге) - (все дороги ведут на Рыночную площадь): all roads lead to Market Square;
  - (дорога вела вверх): the road led upward;
  - (дорога ведёт вверх): the road rises steeply from the village;
  - (дорога вела наверх): the cloverleaf where the road climbed to join the motorway;
  - (дорога ведёт по берегу реки): the scenic serpentine route A1 that hugs fig the shoreline of Rye;
  - (дорожка ведёт ко входу): from the road a gravel path leads up to the entrance;
  - (куда ведёт эта дорога?): where's this road headed to AmE?;
  - (дорога, ведущая на запад): the road headed west;
  - (дорога, ведущая к Атланте): on the road headed to Atlanta, Georgia
  вести (т.е. лидировать в соревновании) - (т.е. в матче): we were ahead for most of the match;
  - (т.е. в матче, со счётом 28:13): the team was in the lead by 28 points to 13;
  - (т.е. в матче по теннису, со счётом 40-15): if you're ahead at 40-15, you cannot afford to be careless, since a lost point will make it 40-30, and one more point won by your opponent evens the game at deuce;
  - ( в. в счёте с преимуществом в два гола): Ireland had pulled ahead by two more goals;
  - (в. в счёте с преимуществом 30:10): they were now leading by thirty points to ten
  вести переговоры - when you negotiate with people like this, you dangle what's good for their country in front of their eyes and hope they reach for it;
  - he conducts international affairs and negotiations, administers Department of State;
  - (в.п. с этим банком о возможности открытия счёта в этом банке): he was authorized by a certain ex-Soviet state agency, name not supplied, to conduct a dialogue with this house, concerning the possibility of opening an account with this house;
  - (в.п. о займе): he was negotiating for a loan;
  - (в.п. о покупке участков): he was negotiating by mail for three beachfront lots in Malibu;
  - (в.п. о продаже яхты): he was negotiating for the sale of his yacht
  вести (т.е. передачу на радио / телевидении - (в течение 40 лет он вёл шоу 'Сегодня' и вечерний выпуск новостей): he spent 40 years hosting the "Today" show and the evening news;
  - (вечернюю программу интервью): he currently hosts a nightly interview program on CNN;
  - (я больше не буду в. передачи на этой радиостанции): I will no more be broadcasting on this station;
  - (в. передачу): the president of CBC News went to the set where D.R. was anchoring
  вести расследование - (он вёл внутреннее р.): he was doing in-house investigations for some corporation;
  - I place on record my appreciation of the work of the officers of the Metropolitan Police Service who carried out an exemplary investigation into the death of Mr Litvinenko;
  - (в.р. катастрофы): investigators probing AmE the Concord crash;
  - (по закону от 2005 года нужно было провести р. смерти): an Inquiry under the Inquiries Act 2005 was to be held into the death of A. Litvinenko
  вести себя - (в.с. безупречно, т.е. как хорошо воспитанный человек): he dressed well and had impeccable manners;
  - (бесстыдно в.с. на людях): he has always been shameless in public conduct;
  - (благородно / достойно, я счёл, что он ведёт с. благородно / достойно): I found him dignified in bearing;
  - (благородно, пусть они ведут себя низко, а ты веди себя благородно): when they go low, you go high;
  - (веди себя прилично): mind your manners;
  - (веди себя со мной правильно / хорошо, а за мной не заржавеет): You do right by me and I'll owe you one;
  - (веди с. хорошо): behave yourself and go to sleep;
  - (дети с муковисцидозом ведут с. так же, т.е. как и здоровые): in many cases, it is impossible to tell a child has cystic fibrosis just by looking at them. They look the same and act the same and develop in the same way;
  - (в.с. друг с другом этично): we must deal ethically with each other;
  - (изысканно): he could adopt a refined demeanor and then move with the next utterance into the round oratory of a pork-chop preacher, or squealing ghettoese;
  - (как ведут с. акции?): how the secondary stocks are faring;
  - (как в.с. с детьми): the magazine teaches parents how to behave towards their children;
  - (как с.в. со знаменитостями): the restaurant owner learned how to deal with celebrities, how to flatter them without surrendering his own dignity, how to glad-hand them, but make them glad to get his nod of recognition and approval;
  - (в.с. как говнюк): If you treat a bouncer with respect, most will act in kind. If you act like an asshole, chances are you will wake up in an alley in a pool of your own blood.;
  - (в.с. как мальчишка, т.е. о девушке): to play the tomboy;
  - (в.с. как обычно): he'd managed to carry on as usual to show nothing;
  - (в.с. напористо / решительно): Blonde, muscular and unmarried, Fiona has the sort of aggressive posture that leads some men to think she's gay;
  - (наставлять, как с.в.): the mother coached him carefully on how he should behave;
  - (научить кого-л, как с.в.): you should teach him manners like knocking on doors first;
  - (неуверенно): he was plump and pale, with fuzzy blond hair and a diffident manner;
  - (низко / подло, пусть они ведут себя низко, а ты веди себя благородно): when they go low, you go high;
  - (он вёл с. весело, как всегда): his manner was as blithe as ever, but G. noticed that he wasted no words;
  - (он вёл с. вежливо / спокойно / учтиво): of medium height and slender build, and soft-spoken in his demeanor, he nevertheless could annihilate a witness during cross-examination and accomplish it without ever raising his voice.;
  - (он стал в.с. так же серьёзно): The man sensed that her attention was elsewhere and assumed it was out of grief for the dead President. He dropped his talk of world war and adopted the same grave demeanor;
  - (в.с. плохо, о ребёнке): is it wrong to spank your children when they misbehave?;
  - (в.плохо, трикотажные ткани плохо себя ведут при прострачивании поперёк вязки): knit fabrics don't behave when sewing across the knit;
  - (плохо, студент, который плохо себя вёл): he told the misbehaving student off;
  - (по-взрослому): she acts so grown-up; smart-mouthed and sassy, but beneath the bravado is a hurt child.;
  - (в.с. по-свински с кем-л): he's always liked being beastly to anyone smaller that himself;
  - (постыдно): he filed a patently frivolous lawsuit against Mr. C. He comported himself in a shameful manner.;
  - (программное обеспечение вело себя сверх ожиданий хорошо): the solution fared beyond our expectations;
  - (в.с. прямо и любезно): he is apparently frank and affable in manner, especially when he hopes to gain some object, but capable of grossest brutality when that hope ceases;
  - (в.с. с гордостью): no king carried himself with such pride;
  - (в.с. с кем-л сурово с кем-л): she always took a stern line with her mother;
  - (в.с. с людьми, он не умел в.с. с людьми): He had no social gifts; indeed, he inspired antagonism. His articles in magazines addressed sensitive national issues and were always politically incorrect, but ironically this angered both sides.;
  - (самодовольно): his manner was priggish;
  - (сдержанно): if they had been temperate, those things would never happen;
  - (в.с. согласно соглашениям): the North Vietnamese did not even pretend to live up to the Geneva Accords;
  - (в.с. спокойно, по-деловому): she maintains a calm, businesslike demeanor, keeping her answers short and to the point;
  - (стюардесс научат лучше с.в.): flight attendants will be trained to behave better;
  - (судьи ведут с. более благоразумно в присутствии судебного репортёра): judges miraculously act more judiciously when they know they're being put on the record by a court reporter;
  - (в.с. так, словно не слышал): he acted as though he couldn't hear her;
  - (умение в.с. на деловой встрече, за обедом, на вечеринке): Etiquette. Knowing how to handle yourself at a business meeting, over dinner, or at the company party is crucial to your success.;
  - (умеющий с.в. за столом): in 1945 our State Department also became eager to pick up a few Jewish career men with table manners;
  - (хорошо): смотри ниже
  вести себя хорошо - (веди с.х., а то нашлёпаю): behave or I'll spank you!;
  - (генерал х.с. вёл на войне): the general had fought in 2 wars and comported himself lit well in both cases;
  - (некоторые дети ведут с. поразительно х., т.е. в ресторане): People of all ages like to eat out. While some kids are impressively well mannered, those who act up can ruin the experience of others.;
  - (т.е. о детях в церкви): first the boys were well behaved, but then they started to fidget;
  - (он продолжал в.с.х.): he remained quiet, well-behaved and aloof
  вести учёт - (в.у. дорожных происшествий): to keep a record of road accidents;
  - (заказов): to keep an account of orders;
  - (кандидатов, т.е. на должность / учёбу): keeping record of applicants;
  - (в.у. кредитной истории клиента банка): a credit bureau keeps a record of your credit history for any creditor to review when considering your application for credit;
  - (он вёл строгий у. всех выплат): he kept precise record of all payments;
  - (в.у. участников совещания / собрания): plan to keep a record of the meeting's attendees
  вести / водить - (автомобиль): normally a young free-lance reporter does not drive an expensive sports car;
  - (вертолёт): he flies his own helicopter to work most days;
  - (в. группу экскурсантов по дому): you're to keep out of the way whenever I'm taking a party of sightseers over the house;
  - (в. кого-л в склеп): he took her down into the old crypt and showed her how it had been lighted up in the time of the monks;
  - (самолёт): it was too much to expect a pilot both to fly the aircraft and guide the infrared laser;
  - (самолёт): the pilots flying U-2 say it is hard;
  - (самолёт): the first woman who flied this bomber;
  - (в. судно мимо коварных берегов): tales of mariners who could navigate the treacherous rocky shores merely by the sound of waves against familiar ledges
  вестись - (о борьбе): the fight for undocumented immigrants to become UK citizens is being championed by the Strangers into Citizens campaign, seeking a one-off, conditional regularization for undocumented migrants living in the UK for many years who have put down roots;
  - (в учреждениях ведутся исследования): nowadays research is pursued at a diverse set of American institutions;
  - (вёлся протокол): face to face the presidents used Christian names, but even though the super-security-vetted call across the Atlantic could not be eavesdropped, there was an official record made, so they stayed with the formalities;
  - (ведутся анализы на бактериальное заражение): there are no signs that the bacteria have contaminated the building itself, but tests are under way;
  - (ведётся следствие): Ambulance crews and sheriff's deputies took four inmates to N. Regional Hospital after the inmates cut themselves with floor tiles. An investigation into the incident is underway.;
  - (полицией ведётся следствие по факту): police investigation is now being conducted into the incident;
  - (рассказ ведётся от первого лица): the story is presented as a first-person narrative;
  - (спор о границах владений, который ведётся в зале суда без присяжных): a hot property line dispute being waged in the courtroom with no jurors
  весть - (благая / добрая): The word gospel derives from the Old English gōd-spell (rarely godspel), meaning "good tidings" or "glad tidings". It is a calque of the Greek word εὐαγγέλιον, euangelion (eu- "good", -angelion "message"). Originally, the gospel was the glad tidings of redemption through the expiatory offering of Jesus Christ for one's sins,;
  - (не иметь вестей от кого-л): he had had no word from his friends for five weeks;
  - (от не было никаких вестей): apart from this there was absolutely no word whatsoever;
  - (принести в. о ком-л): the Lord of Minas Tirith will be eager to see any that bear the latest tidings of his son;
  - (приносить вести): the god was said to possess two ravens whom he sent far and wide to bring him tidings;
  - (хорошая): this is good tidings beyond hope
  весь - (в. в грязи): he fell repeatedly and was all covered in mud;
  - ( в. в заботах): careworn as ever, he gives me a handshake;
  - (в. в кого-л, малыш в. в меня!): the baby has got my looks!;
  - (он был в. в крови): he had blood all over him / there was blood all over him;
  - (в течение всей операции): throughout the entire operation the Soviet Union would be stridently demanding an immediate ceasefire;
  - (в этом был он в.): His rule was "Make definite assertions." That was Will all over.;
  - (внимание всей страны): national attention continued throughout the trial;
  - (во весь рост): he drew himself up to his full height;
  - (всё воскресенье): there will be additional police at the front and rear gates throughout Sunday;
  - (всей душой любить): he loved her wholeheartedly;
  - (всей душой / всем сердцем любить): I love you with my whole heart!;
  - (всей душой надеяться): He took two long gulps of vodka. Was vodka truly odorless? He devoutly hoped so.;
  - (всё время по пути / всю дорогу из К. ): the tanker was still in ballast, as she had been all the way from C.;
  - (вся горечь и обида, накопившаяся за месяц): every bitter and resentful thought that he had had in the past month was pouring out of him;
  - смотри всю жизнь;
  - смотри всю ночь;
  - (вылить всю рюмку): he tipped his entire glass into the ice bucket when B. was looking the other way;
  - (выписать в. еврейский алфавит по памяти): he had just finished writing out the entire twenty-two-letter Hebrew alphabet from memory;
  - (заболевание поражает в. организм): a hereditary disease that affects the entire body;
  - (завоевание всей страны): to deter Hanoi from completing the conquest of all of Laos;
  - (в. запас человеческих знаний): the entire store of human knowledge;
  - (всё лето): I've been saving my pocket money all summer for this;
  - (мир): the entire world finds itself at a crossroads;
  - (он в. в холодном поту): he collapsed; he's all clammy;
  - (он в. дрожал): the cold was so intense that he was shivering all over;
  - (он в. дрожал): he was positively quivering with indignation;
  - (народ): the whole nation was united behind one man;
  - (паршивая овца всё стадо портит): one scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock;
  - (перед всем классом выболтать тайны): a Truth Potion so powerful that three drops would have you spilling your innermost secrets for this entire class to hear;
  - (перед всем классом сказать): She had gone up to the teacher and said she needed extra help, and the teacher attacked her in front of the class. The teacher told her that if she needed extra help, she was obviously too stupid to be in college. And she said this loud enough for the entire class to hear her.;
  - (перепечатай в. очерк): retype the entire sketch;
  - (всё Политбюро у тебя в руках): you have the whole Politburo in the palm of your hand;
  - (посвятить всё своё время чему-л): he resigned his job to devote full time to organizing the party;
  - (правда, рассказать о себе всю п-у): he told her the whole truth about his life;
  - (программа): this entire program has made enormous inroads into our secret funds;
  - (прошлый год): we worked hard all last year;
  - (проект): if he went, the entire project would collapse;
  - (в. район порта): the whole port area is cordoned off from the city by a chain fence;
  - (вся Северная Америка): all of North America east of the Mississippi River;
  - (вся северная граница): the entire northern frontier was exposed to attack from Indians;
  - (семья): the whole family followed the diet;
  - (со всего мира): the economy on Taiwan had exploded with an influx of massive new capital investments from all over the world;
  - (стадион): when his name was announced, the whole stadium gave him a resounding, earsplitting roar;
  - (съесть всю еду): he ate all his food;
  - (в. Третий мир): the domination without a shot fired of the entire Arab and Third World;
  - (всё утро): the dog had kept well out of sight all the morning;
  - (всё утро): he worked all morning;
  - (в. юго-запад, благодаря войне с Мексикой страна присоединила в. юго-запад): war with Mexico adds the entire Southwest to the nation;
  - (вся проблема в том, что...): Price ceilings can produce negative results when the correct solution would have been to increase supply. Misuse occurs when a government misdiagnoses a price as too high when the real problem is that the supply is too low.
  весьма - (аналогично): the atmosphere behaves very much like a true fluid;
  - (в. вероятно, что): there is a strong likelihood that...;
  - (в, возможно, что): it is highly plausible / probable that...;
  - (компетентный): he was a fully-qualified wizard;
  - (маловероятнo): it is extremely / highly unlikely that a single molecule will retain any given velocity very long;
  - (маловероятный): such an occurrence is highly unlikely / improbable;
  - (в. напоминать Землю по размерам): Venus is a close match to Earth / closely resembles Earth in size and density;
  - (в. необычный мальчик): he was a highly unusual boy in many ways;
  - (в. неподходящее имя): the name is singularly inappropriate;
  - (в. неприятный оборот): his life had taken a most unpleasant turn since he had come home;
  - (неприятный): this whole affair has been highly embarrassing;
  - (в. неуклюже танцевать): he was doing an extremely ungainly two-step with her;
  - (огорчён): had been most upset when the cat appeared to have eaten his pet;
  - (ограниченный): severely / very limited;
  - (очарован): very fascinated;
  - (полезнo): daily performance of these exercises has proved most beneficial to patients with this illness;
  - (приятно): it was highly enjoyable to swim in hot and foamy water;
  - (разочарован): very disappointed;
  - (в. симпатичный рассказчик): an intensely likable narrator;
  - (в. тяжёлое заболевание): a most grievous affliction of the skin;
  - (в. успешно применялся): the approach has been notably successful in chronic diseases like coronary heart disease and cancer;
  - (успешный): the theatre has been notably successful in fundraising, often using imaginative techniques;
  - (успешный): Finland has been very successful in encouraging technological R&D;
  - (успешный): this approach has been highly successful in attracting significant funding from industrial interests;
  - (успешный): the project has been highly successful in terms of the company's financial position, profitability, quality of management and risk control systems;
  - (в. эффективно использовать): I originally came to Amazon looking for a pedal exerciser primarily for my arms, since I used to use my recumbent bicycle for that purpose, and to great effect;
  - (в. эффективно использовать): the method can be used to great advantage upon ill people;
  - (в. эффективно использовать): while many people use Quickbooks to great advantage, I find it a bit cumbersome and slow
  весы - (т.е. для точных измерений): he tried to measure the difference, but the balance was too crude;
  - to remove the weight on the scale AmE;
  - bathroom scales BrE;
  - (т.е. знак Зодиака и созвездие): the Scales;
  - (платформенные, партия окалины уже взвешена на платформенных в-ах): the stock of sculls, which are sold to X. has been over the weight bridge and are placed within our premises;
  - (склонить чашу в-ов в пользу кого-л): even a featherweight can tip the balance against the enemy and we will certainly have the edge in battle-hardiness, but I want cavalry to weight the scales in our favour as well
  ветвь - (ветви на генеалогическом древе): he helped fill in the missing twigs on his family tree;
  - (закон не относится к законодательной ветви власти): the Act does not cover the legislative branch - Congress;
  - (в. политической системы): the Soviet judiciary acted as a branch of the authoritarian political system;
  - (полномочия исполнительной ветви власти возложены на президента): the power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces
  веткa - (Интернет-форума): A thread / topic is a collection of posts, usually displayed from oldest to latest. A thread is defined by a title, an additional description that may summarise the intended discussion, and an opening or original post. A thread can contain any number of posts, including multiple posts from the same members, even if they are one after the other.;
  - (интернет-форума): he sued three pseudonymous members of the site for defamation, after the three participated in a forum thread in which the cleanliness of his store was critiqued;
  - (т.е. обрезанные с деревьев): yard waste (grass, limbs, leaves, etc.)
  - смотри файл FORMA_VID
  вето - (наложить в. на законопроект): he promises to veto a second bill;
  - (отклонить в.): Congress is said to have overridden the Presidential veto
  ветеран - (Бюро по делам в-ов / в.-инвалид): The Veteran Agency has a backlog of at least six months on disability cases. That means that, unless he or she has some alternative means of support, the disabled vet infml has to go without even the bare necessities of life for half a year before the claim is even adjudicated;
  - World War II veterans;
  - (т.е. о спортсменах, новички и в-ы): The coach's selections show a well-considered balance of new recruits and old hands infml. His addition of a Saxons squad, aimed at the A matches against Italy and Ireland, comprises another rank of vets infml and rookies who are next in the pecking order.
  ветхий - (доки): dilapidated docks;
  - (здание): a bedraggled / dilapidated building;
  - (лачуга): a shabby little barracks;
  - (в-ое сельское хозайство): dilapidated agricultural sector;
  - (состояние): orphanages are in shocking despair
  ветхость - (очарование в-ти): when he had come to live here, these Georgian cottages had a modest, down-at-heel charm
  ветшать - (на мельнице всё ветшало): everything about the mill got shabbier and shabbier;
  - (о доме): the place which, in the absence of inhabitants, started to fall into disrepair
  веха - (в. в отношениях между странами): a milestone in German-American relations;
  - (в. в истории образования): this law was a landmark in the history of education;
  - (в. в истории человечества): the invention of the wheel was a milestone in human history;
  - (в. в науке): the product has never been used elsewhere, but the test itself was the milestone
  вече - The Thain was the master of the Shire-moot, and captain of the Shire-muster and the Hobbitry-in-arms, but as muster and moot were only held in times of emergency, which no longer occurred, the Thainship had ceased to be more than a nominal dignity
  вечер - (в тот в.): he didn't seem to make much headway with his homework that night;
  - (вечерами, летними в-ами): in these gardens the Princes of Württemberg had once disported themselves on summer nights;
  - (вечерами после занятий): all the chuckles over the beer during the nights after training sessions seemed a distant thing now;
  - (вчера в-ом): he was stabbed to death last night;
  - (к в-у небо затянулось тучами): by nightfall the skies had overcast with grey cloud;
  - (каждый в.): the gang spent every evening smoking on the street corners;
  - (каждый в.): she had swallowed all his lies about having tea with a different member of his gang every night of the summer holidays;
  - (накануне вечером): the wine he had drunk the evening before gave his mouth a taste like parrot droppings;
  - (накануне вечером): the ordnance survey mag he had bought the previous evening just before the closing time;
  - (наступил в.): it was now eventideold use, poetical;
  - (почти каждый в. ): at that time of the day, on most evenings of the year, you would find the same four motor cars standing in the road outside the club;
  - (праздничный, т.е. в гостях или в ресторане): she looked in the closet for something that would be appropriate for a festive evening out;
  - (провести дружеский в.): he had a convivial evening with his colleagues in the club;
  - (сегодня вечером): she wanted to come to his place tonight;
  - (сегодня в-ом): this evening there will be a live broadcast of the debate
  - (сегодня в-ом): this evening we should just go over the things we've done so far
  вечеринка - there was no fun making ready for a pretend party at which the Queen would be in attendance when she was the Queen;
  - (в-и, которые устраивает женская школа для мальчиков): my date was C.J., a striking girl I had met at one of the numerous mixers the area girl's school held for Georgetown boys;
  - mixer: an informal dance or party arranged to give members of a group an opportunity to get acquainted;
  - а mixer hosted by a large firm, a professional association or a business district is an opportunity to gain social capital;
  - (знакомиться на в-ах): we dated boys of our age whom we met through friends or at mixers;
  - (устроить прощальную в.): I gave a farewell party at University for my friends;
  - (ходить на в-и): he doesn't do the parties any more. Many evenings are spent away from his diggings;
  - (я не люблю вечеринки): Partying is not what I enjoy. I feel very uncomfortable doing it.
  вечерний - (в-яя аспирантура, он закончил в-юю аспирантуру юридического факультета Центрального университета Северной Каролины): he graduated with a J.D. degree Cum Laude, from the night law school class at North Carolina Central University;
  - (в-яя доза барбитурата, т.е. снотворного): she took her nighttime dosage of barbiturate;
  - (в-ие новости по радио / ТВ): nightly news;
  - (передача в-их новостей): a nightly news broadcast;
  - (пиджак): they are wealthy people, the men in dinner jackets, the women in furs and jewels;
  - (программа, т.е. на телевидении): he currently hosts a nightly interview program on CNN;
  - (прогулка): he had seen them at it during his evening walks around L.;
  - (туфли): his rented formal shoes;
  - (школа): For a lot of reasons, students find night school to be the answer to their academic woes. It's getting late, but inside H hall, students are just taking their seats for math and economics tests. Night school is in session at E.
  вечно - (в. мрачное выражение лица): he has picked up weight and a perpetual grimness of expression;
  - (в. надутые губы): the shadowlike, ever so faint hair along her upper lip gave the impression of a perpetual pout;
  - (никакой руководитель не остаётся на одной работе в.): no manager stays in the job forever;
  - (со мной в. что-то случается): I never go hiking in the mountains because I'm so accident prone;
  - (в. трудиться над формулами и алгоритмами): she seems largely a willing captive within the walls of her own home, flawlessly keeping our house, tending our child, and toiling endlessly with her formulae and computer algorithms;
  - (тянуться в.): the action can drag on for ages
  вечный - (болтовня): their eternal chatter;
  - (враг): lifelong enemy;
  - (двигатель): the laws of thermodynamics preclude perpetual motion machines;
  - (движение): a woman in perpetual motion, making the beds, washing the dishes and putting dinner on the table precisely at 6 o'clock;
  - (жалобы): I'm fed up with your everlasting complaints;
  - (жертвы): the perennial victims of the Empire;
  - (жизнь): life eternal lit;
  - (жизнь): God has promised us everlasting life;
  - (материя вечна): matter is eternal;
  - (мерзлота): the car was tested on the permafrost terrain;
  - (напоминание): a leather belt studded with sharp metal barbs that cut into the flesh as a perpetual reminder of Christ's suffering;
  - (невозможность распоряжаться своей судьбой): perpetual lack of control over destiny creates a special mind-set;
  - (в-ая недовольная гримаса): the shadowlike, ever so faint hair along her upper lip gave the impression of a perpetual pout;
  - (память): everlasting memory;
  - (полезные ископаемые не вечны): thoughtful people understood that their resources could not last forever;
  - (в-ая проблема в школе, т.е. у ученика): it was a constant problem in grade school;
  - (ритуал): ABC kicked off Holy Week with its perennial ritual: a rebroadcast of the 1956 Hollywood blockbuster "The Ten Commandments";
  - (спор): interminable controversy;
  - (в-ое существование камня): the rock's aeons-old existence
  вешать лапшу на уши разг - they've been giving me the runaround for six months now; they just won't give me a straight answer to a straight question;
  - (не вешай мне л.н.у.): I want to know what you're really up to - and don't give me any more of this tosh;
  - (избирателям): the voters had been led up the garden path too often to take a candidate's promises seriously;
  - (в.л.н.у. насчёт стоимости строительных работ): we were led up the garden path about the cost of the building work - it turned out really expensive;
  - don't give me that bullshit about people not knowing the hurricane was going to be that bad;
  - (они пытались ещё ей в.л.н.у., что...): they tried to feed her more of the same bullshit story about it taking 5 days to get it into the computer system and transfer it into another computer system and blah, blah, blah ad infinitum;
  - (в.л.н.у., что он пришел снимать показания счётчика газа): She peers through a security peephole. He gives her a spiel about reading the gas meter.;
  - (в.л.н.у. о каком-то парне...): you gave me a cock-and-bull story about some guy whose racket is getting into expensive apartments as a potential buyer and then coming back to burglarize them;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вещание - (распределённое): аn efficient distributed broadcasting algorithm for Ad hoc networks
  вещать - (в. на радиостанции): I will no more be broadcasting on this station;
  - (сердце моё беду): Birds of ill omen are abroad in the sky. I do not know how it will all end, and my heart misgives me.
  вещественный - (доказательства): the jurors were forced to weigh the prosecutor's load of circumstantial evidence against the constant reminders by the defense that there was no physical evidence against him;
  - (доказательства): the lawyer tells him to motion for production of physical evidence;
  - (в-ые доказательства непоправимо загрязнены): the evidence are contaminated beyond rescue;
  - (ось мат): X is the coordinate function on the real line;
  - (ось мат): real axis;
  - (существительное): In linguistics, a mass / uncountable / non-count noun is a noun with the syntactic property that any quantity of it is treated as an undifferentiated unit, rather than as something with discrete subsets. Non-count nouns are distinguished from count nouns.;
  - (в-ая форма записи информации): a tangible form such as a writing or a magnetic disc;
  - (функция / число мат): real function / number
  вещество - (анализ в-а из шейки матки женщины): smear test is a medical test made by examining a smear, especially of material from a woman's cervix for discovering cancer;
  - (безвредное): cannabis is a relatively benign substance;
  - (вредные вещества): contamination with harmful substances;
  - (выброс радиоактивных веществ): one of the primary objectives of nuclear reactor safety systems is to prevent the release of radioactive material during events and accidents;
  - (жидкое или пластичное в.): mold / mould is a cavity of matrix in which a fluid or plastic substance is shaped into a desired finished product;
  - (в. из волдыря больного): inoculations consisted of taking matter from the blisters of a sufferer and...;
  - (в. из которого делают героев): he was of the stuff of which revolutionary heroes are made;
  - (в., которое выделяется печенью и выводится из крови почками): urea is a substance secreted by the liver, and removed from the blood by the kidneys;
  - (красящее): he rubbed a darkening agent into his hair;
  - (неорганическое): salt is an inorganic chemical;
  - (неорганические): the meteorites contained only inorganic materials;
  - (о листьях чайной заварки): soggy brown stuff;
  - (органические в-а): accidental spill of organic substances;
  - (расплавленное): a molten substance, such as metal is poured into a mold and allowed to harden;
  - (растительные в-а): the formula is based on a rich blend of nourishing botanicals;
  - (посторонние в-а в зерне): foreign matter like dust and earth;
  - (химическое): the cargo ship with toxic chemicals sinks off the coast of France;
  - (химические в-а): were you exposed to biological or chemical agents?;
  - (химические в-а): chemical agents have penetrated deep into the building walls;
  - (т.е. химическое): liquid nitrogen causes more laboratory fatalities that any other chemical;
  - (химические в-а / антипригарное в. ): the plant where workers mix the chemicals for Teflon, the non-stick substance used on pots and pans
  вещи - (личные): the driving license was placed into the drawer along with the other personal possessions when the man had been brought in after collapsing in the street;
  - (личные): personal effects;
  - (личные): Princess's personal belongings;
  - (личные, они отобрали у меня все личные в.): they stripped me of my personal possessions;
  - (обращаться с женщинами, как с вещами): the Afghans imprisoned their women, hiding them in sacks and treating them like chattels;
  - (одна из моих любимых в-ей): one of my favourite possessions;
  - (они, т.е. полицейские, отобрали у меня все в.): they stripped me of my belongings;
  - (показания экспертов раскрывают глаза присяжным на общеизвестные вещи): in some cases, expert testimony disabuses jurors of commonly familiar subjects;
  - (птицы любят блестящие в.): these birds like sparkling stuff;
  - (старые вещи): Take that big pile of old clothes and kitchen tchotchkes you don't want down to G. High School parking lot and convert it into a good cause. The G. Kiwanis Club is holding its annual spring clothing and household goods drive today. Contributions go to a church in O., which sells the stuff in its thrift shop. Rummage accepted until 12:30.;
  - (такие вещи по своей природе субъективны): these matters are by their nature subjective - and, unfortunately, one artist's masterpiece may be another supervisor's dreck;
  - (чемодан набит самыми ценными в-ами): his trunk is packed with his most prized possessions;
  - (т.е. чемоданы / сумки, взятые в дорогу): let's unload your gear
  вещица (т.е. вместо названия предмета) - (для чего эта в.?): what is this gismo / gizmo supposed to do?;
  - (т.е. картофелечистка): this gismo (a potato peeler) works perfectly;
  - Yesterday we discovered a black circular unit hanging and gimbaled under the bow about where an anchor locker is often located. This gismo was about 3-4 inches around by about 5 inches long. When we took it out it had no writing of any kind on it but did has N/S on one edge and E/W on the other, leading us to think it had something to do with a compass.;
  - a small contraption, which looks like a stapler, designed to punch a small slot in laminated products;
  - in 1860, a small contraption that could radically increase the ratio of energy input to output was invented: the bicycle;
  - hey, pass me that doodad to your left;
  - can you pass me the thingamajig infml on the doodad infml please?
  вещь - (вещи): смотри выше;
  - (смотреть на кого-л, как на в.): wife is not regarded as a chattel
  веяние - (времени, она не воспринимает в-й времени): The candidate's campaign appears to be non-existent. She doesn't seem to be on message when out of her element. She has no electronic presence, which is crucial in 2010.;
  - (нет ничего постыдного в том, чтобы не поддаваться каждому модному в-ю): there is nothing dishonourable in not being blown about by every little modern wind
  веять - (от девушки веяло девственной чистотой): the girl exuded a kind of virginal purity;
  - (от него веяло богатством и властью): he glowed with wealth, and power, and energy, and charisma;
  - (от этого веет рабством): to use these kids as unpaid labor for a for-profit corporation smacks of slavery
  взад и вперёд - (качаться в. и в.): everyone rocked back and forth as if in trance;
  - (расхаживать в. и в.): he paces back and forth, trying to stop himself from exploding in anger;
  - (ходить в. и в.): he walked backward and forward
  взаимно - (в. исключать друг друга): these two beliefs are mutually exclusive;
  - (в. исключать друг друга): other drivers had heard the same broadcast and were pulling in to the side of the road as if driving and listening to the radio had suddenly become mutually exclusive;
  - (в. однозначное отображение / соответствие): A bijection / bijective function / one-to-one correspondence is a function giving an exact pairing of the elements of two sets. Every element of one set is paired with exactly one element of the other set, and every element of the other set is paired with exactly one element of the first set. There are no unpaired elements.;
  - (в. уравновешивающие центры сил): the contemporary world cannot be reduced to a combination of mutually counter-balancing centers of force;
  - (в. уничтожаться): let's consider the consequence of adding two waves that are out of phase by pi, 180 degrees, but have the same amplitude. They'll end up canceling each other at every point.;
  - (уничтожаться): if the two waves are pi radians, or 1800 out of phase, then one wave's crests will coincide with another wave's troughs and so will tend to cancel out;
  - (уничтожаться): Should an engine fail during the takeoff run, there is usually a yawing moment since the engines on one side of the plane produce more thrust than those on the other side. A yawing moment, which causes the nose to turn side-to-side, is countered by a deflection of the rudder, which produces a yaw moment in the opposite direction. The two moments will then cancel each other out and keep the plane headed straight down the runway.
  взаимный - (блокировка, т.е. компьютерных программ): In computer science, deadlock refers to a specific condition when two or more processes are each waiting for each other to release a resource, or more than two processes are waiting for resources in a circular chain. Deadlock is a common problem in multiprocessing.;
  - (заинтересованность): the new relationship developed a solid basis of mutual interests;
  - (интерес): other subjects of mutual interest;
  - (обогащение образно): influence or inspiration between or among diverse elements: Jazz is fundamentally the cross-pollination of individual musicians playing together and against each other in small groups;
  - (претензии): both contracting parties are waiving their mutual claims for compensation;
  - (согласие, по в-ому согласию): this discussion was, by mutual consent, tabooed;
  - (согласие, по в-ому согласию): notwithstanding the forgoing, employment with Company is at the mutual consent of Company and the employee;
  - (уважение): mutual respect;
  - (уступки): Talks (between General Motors' Vice President L.S. and United Auto Workers President W.R.) broke down in a bitter mood. "The U.A.V. has made no real effort to reach a fair and sound settlement," said S. "Nothing can be accomplished on the give-and-take basis suggested by Mr.R, which he apparently defines as "all give" for us and "all take" for them;
  - (чувство): I like her and I hope that the feeling is mutual
  взаимовыгодный - for a while, the U.S. presence in Kazakhstan was a win-win infml for both countries;
  - (дело): Washington Territory had a superabundance of lonely bachelors, new schools clamoring for teachers, and precious few young women to fill both needs. The mill towns of New England had the opposite problem: their men had been decimated by the Civil War, and their mills were idle for lack of Southern cotton. A.M. proposed a win-win: to recruit maidens from the latter to populate the former.;
  - (отношения): it's a win-win relationship for both countries;
  - (отношения): you can turn a difficult relationship into a win-win relationship;
  - (отношения, как установить в-ые отношения с неуправляемым подростком): How to Create a "Win-Win" Relationship with a Troublesome Teenager;
  - (соглашение): an agreement that will be for our mutual benefit;
  - (сотрудничество): mutually beneficial cooperation
  взаимодействие - (возможность в-я устройств от разных производителей): a recently upgraded specification was helping overcome problems such as cost, security, interoperability between devices from different manufacturers and interference with appliances operating on the same radio wavelength;
  - (в. греха и прощения): the sermon's premise is how sin and grace exist through life in constant interplay;
  - (лекарств): drug interaction;
  - (межведомственное): His law enforcement career has spanned more than twenty-seven years. His duties have included the enforcement, investigation and prosecution of all violations of the law, the creation of contingency plans and integration of multi-agency interoperability plans.;
  - (в. с подрядчиками и надзор за их работой): Job Description: Premises officer. Areas of Responsibility. The job holder is responsible for ensuring that the whole school environment is maintained to a satisfactory standard. This will include liaison with and supervision of all contractors and the supervision of a team of cleaning staff.;
  - (система обеспечивает в. полиции штата и местной, а также пожарников и спасателей): the system provides interoperability and database access to state and local police, fire and rescue users;
  - (в. между алгебраическими и комбинаторными методами): the interplay between algebraic and combinatorial methods;
  - (в. между социальными службами и врачами): interaction between social services and local doctors;
  - (в. науки с промышленностью): the Institute is well known for its strong interactions with industry;
  - (характеров): what intrigues is the psychology of the matter, the interplay of characters
  взаимодействовать - (представители компании, назначенные, чтобы в. с организаторами тендера): Power of Attorney for representatives assigned to interact with the company on the bid proposal as notice persons;
  - (растворённый органический загрязнитель взаимодействует с популяциями микробов): the dissolved organic contaminant interacts with microbial populations
  взаимодополняемость - (т.е. между видами транспорта): the notion of competition between modes should be replaced by complementarity because co-operation between modes is vital in door-to-door chains involving more than one mode;
  - (систем): system complementarity
  взаимозависимость - (в. между полом бройлеров и влиянием предубойной обработки): the interaction between broiler sex and preslaughter handling (i.e., feed withdrawal and livehaul) has not been extensively investigated;
  - (сильная экономическая и торговая в.): there is a heavy economic and trade interdependance
  взаимозависимый - (в-ые исследования и преподавание): research within mathematics and teaching are interdependent;
  - (растения и животные взаимозависимы): plants and animals are interdependent by the way they help each other;
  - (экономики разных стран взаимозависимы): the world economies are interconnected and interdependent
  взаимозаменяемость - (вакцин): interchangeability of vaccine products;
  - (деталей): chain, chainring and cassette sprocket interchangeability
  взаимозаменяемый - (детали): interchangeable parts
  взаимозачёт - (в. встречных требований): it was not until the credit balance was paid out that it was subjected to a set-off of counterclaims
  взаимоисключающий - (понятия): the two beliefs are mutually exclusive;
  - (события): two disjoint events are also called mutually exclusive events
  взаимоотношения - that dour, dedicated revolutionary and I had developed a curious relationship over one year of secret meetings in Paris
  взаимопомощь - mutual aid
  взаимопонимание - (глубокое): there is a deep understanding between them;
  - (меморандум о в-и): the signing of Memorandum of Understanding;
  - (они не испытывали особых трудностей во в-и): Britain and America have never had much trouble understanding each other;
  - (прийти к в-ю): to come to an understanding;
  - (у вас с вашим партнёром полное в.): is it better to believe you and your partner are on page infml about everything - two peas in a pod - or have a more realistic evaluation of your differences?
  взаимосвязанность - (мира): for Yale to remain at the vanguard of the world's pre-eminent cultural and educational institutions, it must capitalize on the world's interconnectedness
  взаимосвязанные / взаимосвязанный - (всё в жизни взаимосвязано): All life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.;
  - (данные): interrelated data;
  - (душевное благополучие и физическая сила взаимосвязаны): researchers believe that mental well-being and physical strength go hand in glove fig;
  - (в-ые острова и заливы): a network of interconnected islands and inlets;
  - (в-ые политические процессы): Democracy as a System of Interrelated Political Processes;
  - (растения и животные взаимосвязаны): plants and animals are interdependent by the way they help each other;
  - (события): a series of connected events;
  - (экономики разных стран взаимосвязаны): the world economies are interconnected and interdependent
  взаимосвязь - (в. греха и прощения): the sermon's premise is how sin and grace exist through life in constant interplay;
  - (в. между разнородными эмблемами): he spent his life exploring the hidden interconnectivity of disparate emblems;
  - (в. между симптомами доброкачественой гиперплазии простаты и раком простаты): there is remarkably little correlation between benign prostate hyperplasia symptoms and the presence of prostate cancer;
  - (т.е. между экономическими показателями): there is a strong correlation between the growth of...;
  - (в. тригонометрических линий): he studied interrelations of the 6 trigonometric lines associated with an arc
  взаимоуважение - (у них сложились отношения в-я): General Patton spent more time with his African-American aide, Sergeant Meeks, than with nearly anyone else while in Europe, developing a relationship of mutual respect that transcended that of a general with his valet
  взаимоуничтожаться / взаимоуничтожиться - (о волнах): waves can combine and cancel out
  взамен - (а в. за это): the Nonproliferation Treaty strikes a grand bargain among the five declared nuclear powers and the rest of the world that the non-nuclear states will not develop nuclear weapons, in return for which the nuclear powers will reduce and eventually eliminate their own nuclear weapons;
  - (в. за усилия): in return to these efforts, the farmers received a certain sum of money;
  - (выходные / отгулы в. дополнительной платы): the company offered us time off in lieu [of] fml extra payment];
  - (он не смог предложить ничего путного в.): he mounted some powerful skeptical arguments against this principle, but in the end he couldn't come up with a solid alternative;
  - a felon has told prosecutors that he paid R. $225,000 to lobby for a pardon and complained that Mr C. did little or nothing in return;
  - a payment not to be subject to Goods and Services Tax would require: a payment that is made voluntarily, and not as a result of a prior contractual obligation (written or implied); a payment where the payer does not receive an advantage of a material character by way of return fml for making the payment; and a payment that essentially arises from benefaction
  взаперти - (держать в. кого-л): смотри ниже;
  - (сидеть в. , нет смысла сидеть в., когда можно прогуляться): How about a stroll? No point in being cooped up when we can walk around.;
  - (сидя в. у себя дома): he was becoming reckless, cooped up in his house
  взаперти (держать в.) - when she caught the girl trick-or-treating with school friends, E. decided to confine her to her room for an entire year, except for the hours she was in school;
  - Paul Robeson was invited to sing at the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers convention in Vancouver. The State Department refused to allow Robeson to leave the United States and its officials stopped him at the border in Washington state. Robeson told the convention that his government was keeping him confined under a sort of domestic house arrest.;
  - (держать в. в кухне): I was keeping the puppy confined to the kitchen as any accidents were easier to clean;
  - (таких людей надо держать в. до конца жизни): people like that should be kept under lock and key for the rest of their lives
  взбучка - (ему предстоит в., дисциплинарное взыскание и отстранение от работы): the policeman faces being hauled over coals fig, disciplined and maybe even suspended;
  - (задать / устроить в-у кому-л): Ehrlichmann tended to give Kissinger a short shrift whenever he ventured within the three-mile limit of domestic jurisdiction;
  - (задать / устроить в-у кому-л): his parents gave him a hard time;
  - (мы задали хорошую в-у их команде): we gave their team a real hammering;
  - (наша футбольная команда получила хорошую в-у от Бразилии): our football team took a real pounding from Brazil;
  - (получить в-у от главы администрации Белого дома / главa администрации устроил ему в-у): When Nixon's special counsel Charles Colson arranged a night out at the Kennedy Center for Richard Nixon to conform to a sudden presidential whim, he was dressed down by chief of staff H.R. Haldeman in these terms: "You could have put the President's life in jeopardy, the Secret Service wasn't prepared.";
  - (СМИ устроили нам в-у за то, что мы тратим государственные деньги на проведение заседаний в гостиницах): we have been getting the flak from media that we are wasting people's money by holding committee meetings in function rooms of hotels;
  - (т.е. физическое наказание): a good thrashing is what's needed in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred;
  - (т.е. физическое наказание ребёнка, получить в-у): if you don't stop that noise, you'll get a spanking
  взваливать / взвалить - (т.е. адвокат проклинал себя за то, что позволил взвалить на себя дело об убийстве): he cursed himself for getting nailed with a murder;
  - (на адвоката взвалили ещё одно дело об убийстве): he was now saddled with another senseless murder case that was growing heavier by the minute;
  - (в. на кого-л нудную работу): whenever C. and I flew, I saddled him with the dreary, non-flying chores - filing flight plans, climbing onto the wing to dipstick the fuel, filling up logbooks, securing the airplane;
  - (на меня взвалили дело об убийстве): I happened to be in the Criminal Subdivision this morning at the wrong time, got nailed with a murder case;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  взвесить / взвешивать - (варианты): I pondered Nixon's options;
  - (всё тщательно в. в уме): he weighs things carefully;
  - (в. достоинства и недостатки): we're just weighing up the advantages and disadvantages;
  - (в. последствия для вашей карьеры в случае, если вы...): No one should feel they must attend a company social event at any time. But before you snub the party you should weigh the potential career consequences of not going and the benefits you can gain by attending.;
  - (в. предложения): evaluate all offers carefully before you apply and then select a card with the terms that will benefit you over time;
  - (суды пытались в. иски противников): some courts have attempted to balance competing claims and have concluded that the claims of society to research trump the claims of the individual to ownership
  взвешенный - (в-ые в воде частицы): the glacier grinds up rock into the fine particles and the light reflected off the so-called rock flour suspended in the water produces the brilliant blue-green;
  - (в-ые критерии мат): weighted criteria;
  - (лекарство находится в физиологическом растворе во в-ом состоянии): the drug is suspended in a saline solution;
  - (проза): he wrote in controlled, ironic prose far ahead of the most of his European contemporaries;
  - (статья): it's good to see a balanced article on the Pope, free from the hysteria that appears to have infested some publications;
  - (фраза): he speaks with the orotund, balanced phrases of peer in the House of Lords;
  - (частицы твёрдого вещества находятся во в-ом состоянии в газе или жидкости): if small pieces of solid material are suspended in a gas or a liquid, they hang or float in the gas or liquid
  взвинтить / взвинчивать - (цену акций): When a new company is formed, and the company is quoted on the market for public investment, the promoters will receive the first issue of shares. It would be all too easy for promoters to drive the value of those shares up with exaggerated claims as to the significance of this new corporate endeavour, and, having so driven the price of shares high, to sell at that high price leaving the remaining shareholders with little or nothing. To prevent this occurring, the promoters will put their shares into trust on escrow basis. That is, the promoters will only receive those shares if certain objectives set out in the advertisements for investment are in fact obtained, or a significant period of time has passed after the launching of the promotion.
  взгляд - (т.е. внимание, под пристальным в-ом средств массовой информации): the actress lives under the scrutiny of the media;
  - (т.е. мнение): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. отношение, чувствительный в. на национальный суверенитет): we took account of North Vietnam's touchy view of national sovereignty;
  - (т.е. подход, сентиментальный в. на литературу): the book offers a rather sentimental view of literature;
  - (т.е. подход, феминистский в. на проблему): the feminist view of the question;?
  - (т.е. подход, неожиданный в. на отношение к работе): it was such an unexpected way of looking at work;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  взгляд (т.е. мнение) - (в книге отражены её в-ы на актуальные проблемы современной политики): she provides a clear reflection of her views and opinions on the most current political topics;
  - (демонстрировать свои политические в-ы): he flaunts his political views with a FTT (Fuck the Tories) T-shirt;
  - (единство в-ов): we have unity of views;
  - (изменить свои в-ы ): I hadn't altered my beliefs, but I respectfully disagreed with the convictions and passions of those who objected to the legislation;
  - (каков ваш в. на недавние события в Р.?): what's your perspective on recent developments in Russia?;
  - (в. из России и США на ограничение и урегулирование конфликтов в бывшем СССР): Managing Conflicts in the Former Soviet Union: Russian and American Perspectives;
  - (политические в-ы): to what extent did Ovid's implied political attitudes penetrate his poetry?
  вздор - It's all nonsense. Absolute nonsense.;
  - (сболтнуть в.): he spurted out some nonsense that frankly we all knew was nonsense;
  - it's all rubbish, though of course, he knows it all;
  - he called the assertion that Germans knew of the Holocaust "American prattle";
  - I have no reason to believe that your views are anything other than bilge infml;
  - (благочестивый): his words are pious humbug;
  - all this ex-policeman story may be bunkum infml;
  - (нести в.): they chattered their usual scatter-brained gibberish to one another;
  - Little J., said the email, is dying of terminal brain cancer and has but six months to live. To honor her "dying wish," the American Cancer Society and corporate sponsors have supposedly agreed to donate three cents to cancer research for each time the message is forwarded. So please, please forward it to everyone you know. Bunk. The American Cancer Society said it had never heard of Jessica Mydek.;
  - An assistant deputy minister said that the program was a success story. Codswallop.;
  - I want to know what you're really up to - and don't give me any more of this tosh vulgar
  вздумать - (надсмотрщик хотел показать новым рабам, какая судьба ожидает тех, кто вздумает ослушаться): the whip master wanted the new slaves to see what fate awaited anyone contemplating disobedience
  вздуматься - (ешь сырое мясо, как тебе вздумается, но наедине и так, чтобы я не видел): eat raw meat as you fancy - somewhere private and out of my sight;
  - (как ему вздумается): Brer Rabbit is a trickster character who succeeds through his wits rather than through strength, tweaking authority figures and bending social mores as he sees fit;
  - (когда вздумается): he could take a day off on a whim, because he was a writer who could set his own hours;
  - (летать в П., когда вздумается): it was time to buy that aircraft so that he could fly off to Paris on a whim;
  - (писать, как ему вздумается): At the beginning of a national and cultural renaissance there is chaos. The folk language is divided into countless dialects. People of different localities speak differently and everybody writes as he pleases.
  взимание - (налога): tax collection;
  - (в. платы по счетам за коммунальные услуги): to perform responsible clerical accounting work involved with billing and collection of utility bills
  взимать - (в. годовую плату за пользование банковской карточкой): card issuers may charge you a yearly fee in addition to the interest that accumulates when you make purchases;
  - (комиссионные): the bank does not charge commission for these on-line services;
  - (в. налог с расходов): the federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a consumption tax levied on most of the non-salary and benefit expenditures of the organization;
  - (в. налоги и пошлины): the power to levy and collect taxes and duties;
  - (в. плату за таможенный надзор при разгрузке контейнеров): All unstuffing operations at the scanning station or F5 warehouse premises will be supervised by Customs. No customs supervision fees will be levied for the unstuffing operations at these sites.;
  - (в. просроченные пособия на ребёнка, т.е. от разведённого родителя): to collect delinquent child support payments;
  - (проценты, ставка взимаемых процентов): the terms that apply to your card, including the interest rate charged, method of calculating interests and any transaction fees
  взиматься - (плата за банковскую операцию взимается каждый раз при выполнении определённых операций): transaction fee is a fee that is charged each time certain transactions take place, for example, cash advances;
  - (штрафы за нарушение правил вождения взимаются на месте): on-the-spot fines are enforced for driving offences;
  - (штрафы за нарушение правил дорожного движения взимаются на месте): speeding and other traffic offenses are subject to on-the-spot fines
  взлетать / взлететь - (акции взлетели с 25 до 200 пунктов): its shares soared 25 to 200p;
  - (доход взлетел благодаря оздоровлению отрасли): their profit rockets / skyrockets on recovery in steel sector;
  - (о популярности): his popularity rocketed;
  - (о ценах): the prices continue to soar;
  - (о ценах): environmental restrictions, booming demand for water, and persistent drought along the Colorado River have combined to create one of the worst water shortages in California in the past decade, and prices are shooting up in response;
  - (цены взлетели до небес): all prices were hiked infml sky-high;
  - смотри файл DVUJENIE
  взлёт - (в-ы и падения карьеры): through all the ups and downs of his political career, he had turned adversity to advantage;
  - (в. славе): the meteoric rise to fame of the Beatles;
  - In time she realized that their relationship probably wouldn't have survived her career. Her meteoric rise to success in the twenty-three years since then had pretty much precluded all else.;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  взнос - (благотворительный): charitable contribution;
  - (в. в международные организации): he favored more generous American contributions to international institutions charged with alleviating poverty in poor countries;
  - (в. в ООН / в Международный валютный фонд): the refusal to pay our UN dues or our contribution to the International Monetary Fund;
  - (т.е. в счёт погашения кредита): appellant undertook to repay respondent a loan of $28,300 with interest at 7 per cent, by monthly instalments CaE of $247 beginning November 1, 1963 and continuing until October 1, 1983, at which date any balance still outstanding will be payable;
  - (т.е. в. в фонд избирательной кампании как часть отката): federal investigators charged his fundraiser with soliciting a $1.5 million contribution as part of a kickback scheme at a state pension board;
  - (внести плату за обучение полностью или за 2 в-а): after the first trimester, students may make payment in full or in 2 equal installments;
  - (в. на подарок, т.е. при сборе денег среди сотрудников): Our policy is to send an envelope around with the list of everyone's name on the front. A card is included in the envelope for everyone to sign and all contributions towards a gift are anonymous and voluntary.;
  - (пенсионный): to limit increases in retirement contributions;
  - (первый, т.е. по ипотеке): all my life growing up I lived in a rented house, Even back then, those intellectual wizards, my mother and father couldn't scrape together enough money for a down payment on a real home;
  - (первый, вносить меньший первый в., т.е. по ипотеке): he pushed for legislation that would make it easier for federally backed lenders to make mortgage loans to risky borrowers who put less money down;
  - (последний в. проката / первый в. рассрочки): Commercial Hire Purchase is a car loan where the customer can obtain goods by hiring them over the repayment term with a transfer of title to the customer on payment of the last rental. In most states a CHP can be 100% finance or with an optional deposit.;
  - (регистрационный в.): registration fee has been set provisionally at $20;
  - (членский): смотри ниже;
  - смотри файл COM_ECO_FIN
  взнос (членский) - (в. в ООН): this was important on the merits and vital to my ability to persuade the congressional Republicans to pay our UN dues AmE;
  - an annual membership fee BrE CanE is based on income;
  - (клуба): in order to be considered an active member with our club, you must pay the mandatory $40 annual membership fee BrE CanE ;
  - (в. Американского Математического общества): for ordinary members of the Mathematical Society the dues are $99;
  - (профсоюзные): trade-union dues;
  - the fee for membership is £25 per year;
  - "Do my dues support any political candidate or party?" "No. Your dues support the work and mission of American Nurses Association only.";
  - an annual membership fee BrE CanE is based on income;
  - a membership organization may receive dues from a corporation either because the corporation is paying the membership dues AmE of individual officers and employees of the corporation, or because the corporation is paying for its own dues as a corporated member of the organization;
  - 2010 IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) membership dues
  взойти - (в. на престол): Cenwealh came to the throne in about 642;
  - (в. на трон): Victoria ascended the throne in 1837;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  взор - (робко потупив в.): she blushed, and smiled at this compliment, but still clung to her father, with shy downcast eyes;
  - (предстать в-у): a very strange sight met his eyes
  взорваться / взрываться - (т.е. вспылить): sometimes I do blow up and take it out on the children;
  - (ненависть взорвалась в груди): a boiling hate erupted in his chest;
  - (рёв болельщиков взорвался криками восторга): the rumbling from the Ireland supporters erupted into screams of delight;
  - (трибуны стадиона взорвались приветствиями): the stands erupted with cheers and applause;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  взрастить - (сын мой, кто взрастит тебя?): oh my little son, who will guide you to manhood?
  взросление - (она описывает своё в. во время бурных общественных перемен): in Living History Hillary Rodham Clinton writes with candor, humor and passion about coming-of age during a time of tumultuous social and political change in America
  взрослеть - (тебе не мешало бы повзрослеть): I wish you'd grow up;
  - (образно): at the time steamships were just beginning to come of age fig and compete with sailing ships
  взрослый - (выглядеть в-ой): she looked all grown up and self-possessed;
  - (дети с низким интеллектом с большей вероятностью будут иметь предрассудки во в-ом возрасте / став в-ыми): the research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults;
  - (достаточно в., чтобы не подстрелить себя случайно): Dad considered me old enough now not to shoot myself by accident;
  - (достаточно в-ая, чтобы решать самой): she is old enough to make up her mind;
  - (жизнь): we carry these traits into adulthood;
  - (жизнь): all her adult life she...;
  - (каждый в. американец): every adult American must be able to keep on learning for a lifetime;
  - (литературное произведение для в-ых): this is an original work of adult literature;
  - (мозг): in classical neuroscience, the adult brain was considered an immutable machine, as wonderfully precise as a clock in a locked case;
  - (навыки): for chimpanzees, acquiring adult's skills is a gradual process;
  - (ничего не делай, пока в-е всё не уладят): stay put while the grown-ups sort it out;
  - (он никогда не думал, что в. может так разговаривать): he had never dreamed that a grown-up would talk like this;
  - (причёска): I got a more "grown-up" hairdo to begin my high school years;
  - (в. самец крысы): bone and hormonal changes induced by skeletal unloading in the mature male rat;
  - (сопровождающий, т.е. ребёнка в самолёте): the person is less than 15 years of age or lacks the capacity to perform one or more of the applicable functions without the assistance of an adult companion;
  - (стать в-ым): I came of age on the crest of tumultuous social change;
  - (судить как в-ого): he was initially charged as a juvenile, but the case was transferred to Superior Court where he was tried as an adult;
  - (человек): he had never dreamed that a grown-up would talk like this
  взрыв - (аплодисментов): there was an outbreak of ardent clapping;
  - (демографический): population explosion;
  - (негодования): the angry outburst with which the colonists greeted the Stamp Act;
  - (протеста): uproars of protest were heard in the gallery;
  - (хохота): gales of laughter;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  взрывной - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  взрывозащищённый - (в-ые военные объекты): our experience at military facilities includes design and construction of fully blast resistant operations areas, maintenance areas, repair shops, and barracks
  взывать - (в. к слушателям, чтобы они последовали примеру): I'd like to appeal to all our listeners to emulate their example
  взыскание - (в. денежных средств, т.е. с афериста): There have been attempts for the recovery of funds from the Madoff investment scandal. The investigator identified more than $830 million in liquid assets that may be subject to recovery.;
  - (т.е. долгов): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. наказание): смотри ниже
  взыскание (т.е. долгов) - (агентство по в-ю): your account is turned over to a collection agency for non-payment;
  - (в. алиментов на ребёнка): There are rules that guarantee that service members will comply with child support orders, unless they are willing to face adverse administrative or criminal actions. This unique combination of the authority that permits the employer (the military services) to take adverse administrative and criminal sanctions against its employees (military members), makes the enforcement of child support orders far less problematic within the military community as compared to the civilian community.;
  - (долг передаётся на в.): If you missed some payments on a credit card or other debt and it went into collections, your debt may have been charged off. Typically, a debt is charged off when payments are past due and there is no reasonable hope of getting the debt paid. In some instances, you may be presented with an offer to settle a charge-off for less than you actually owe.;
  - (передать в агентство по в-ю счета, просроченные более 90 дней): accounts more than ninety (90) days past due may be turned over for collection;
  - (передать на в., долги компании переданы на в.): the company has been placed for collection;
  - (передать на в. , когда счёт передаётся на в. поверенному или коллекторскому агентству): when an account is placed for collection with an attorney or a collection agency, it must be accompanied by an explanatory letter;
  - (подать иск на в. из имущества покойного получателя пособия по медицинскому страхованию): state law typically allows the state Medicaid agency to file a claim in a deceased Medicaid recipient's estate to recoup Medicaid benefits paid during the recipient's lifetime, and also authorizes a statutory lien to the extent of Medicaid benefits paid
  взыскание (т.е. наказание) - (дисциплинарное, т.е. у заключённых): смотри ниже;
  - (ему предстоит нагоняй, в. и возможно отстранение от работы): the policeman faces being hauled over coals, disciplined and maybe even suspended;
  - (накладывать в., на учащегося наложили в. за употребление наркотиков): the student was disciplined for drug use;
  - (наложить в., на него наложили в. за неподобающие комментарии сексуального характера в адрес женского персонала): he was disciplined for making inappropriate sexual comments to female staffers;
  - (наложить в., т.е. за заражение лаборатории спорами сибирской язвы): no one was disciplined for the contamination of the anthrax laboratory with anthrax spores;
  - (наложить на кого-л в. за невыполнение долга): the military court ordered him to be reprimanded for failing to do his duty;
  - (подлежать дисциплинарному в-ю): he may be subject to dismissal or other disciplinary action;
  - (т.е. ученицы): The teacher expressed her concern over the number of demerits both students were accumulating because of their dirty room. They also had a lot of demerits for drinking.
  взыскание (дисциплинарное, т.е. у заключённых - (дисциплинарные в-я): The County Corrections facility requires that all inmates in its custody conduct themselves in a lawful and orderly manner. Inmates who violate the rules of the Department will be subject to disciplinary procedures. ... Disciplinary action will be of such a nature as to regulate the inmate's behavior within acceptable limits and will be taken at such times and in such degrees as is necessary to accomplish this objective. Disciplinary action shall not be capricious, retaliatory, or revengeful.;
  - (Дисциплинарные в-я исполняются немедленно. Подача апелляции не служит причиной отсрочки наложения в-я): Disciplinary sanctions will take effect immediately. The filing of an appeal will not postpone the imposition of a sanction.;
  - (дисциплинарные в-я налагаются немедленно): Disciplinary sanctions will take effect immediately. The filing of an appeal will not postpone the imposition of a sanction.;
  - (у них не было дисциплинарных в-ий за последний год): all prisoners but the most dangerous can apply, provided they have had no disciplinary marks against them in the last yearв.
  взыскать / взыскивать - (долг): your credit report shows any legal actions taken against you to collect a debt;
  - (в. задолженность по налогам): Russian government has been selling the assets of Yukos to recover tax debts since 2004;
  - (в. задолженность по налогам): the government sought to collect outstanding tax liabilities;
  - (в. налоги из средств на клиентских счетах): the Internal Revenue Service wants to intervene in a lawsuit so that it can enforce $30 million in tax liens on money held in customer bank accounts for Las Vegas-based Asset Protection Group, which was shut down by a federal judge;
  - (плату образно, т.е. отомстить): she was reveling in the payment she would exact this night;
  - (в. плату образно с кого-л, т.е. отомстить): I was going to exact a double reckoning in blood from the bastard responsible for his death;
  - (разработчик может в. возмещение за злоупотребление его программой): the developer can seek damages for any misuse;
  - (с меня взыскали пеню за перерасход средств на счету на сумму $175.00): I was charged overdraft fees totaling to $175.00 due to the transactions that I made over the weekend;
  - (в. с ответчика стоимость медицинского обслуживания): a plaintiff injured because of defendant's negligence is entitled to recover from the defendant the full cost of medical services;
  - (в. убытки, предусмотренные законом): you can recover statutory damages;
  - (человек, с которого взыскивается неустойка): the person against whom the liquidated damages are enforced must be in default
  взятка - (брать в-и): he was accused of accepting bribes while in office;
  - (брать в-и, полицейский брал в.): the policeman was on the take infml;
  - (брать в-и, т.е. в картах): the object of the game is to avoid taking tricks containing hearts;
  - (в ожидании в-и): the Russian traffic police will always be on the lookout for a backhander;
  - (взять в-у): he accepted a 1000 dollar bribe;
  - (взять определённое число взяток на черве, т.е. в картах): the player bids to make some number of heart tricks;
  - (дать в-у): he agreed to pay a bribe to a federal judge for his supposed release from custody;
  - (давать в-и иностранным чиновникам для способствования заключения деловых сделок и в нарушение долга иностранным чиновником): Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is a United States law passed in 1977 which prohibits U.S. firms and individuals from paying bribes to foreign officials in furtherance of a business deal and against the foreign official's duties;
  - (дача в-и государственному служащему): he was sentenced on charges of being a covert agent of the People's Republic of China and bribery of a public official;
  - (т.е. деньги, которыми хозяйка публичного дома откупалась от властей): she openly deposited her payoffs in the local authorities' bank accounts;
  - (в. за присуждение контракта, т.е. откат): the Prime Minister allegedly received kickbacks slang from the Airbus Company;
  - (постоянные в-и посредникам / раздавать в-и высокопоставленным чиновникам / заносить в-и в бухгалтерию в графу 'стирка'): Madams and pimps told us how the system worked. The proprietors told of regular payoffs to intermediaries who then distributed the graft to the privileged officialdom, which sanctioned that which they were sworn to police and prosecute. Some madams kept precise record of all payments, labeling the payoff "Laundry" on their business spreadsheets.;
  - his influence has diminished since one of his aides was incriminated in a graft AmE slang scandal this year;
  - it was a small graft, impossible to avoid
  взяточник - (полицейский был в.): the policeman was on the take infml;
  взять - (автомобиль был взят напрокат на чужое имя): the car was rented in a false name;
  - (т.е. арестовать разг): смотри ниже;
  - (бери западнее, корабль отклоняется слишком далеко на юг): bring the ship up west, she's falling off too far south;
  - (бинокль на использование в армии): the spotting glasses were Chinese copies of a German Zeiss model adopted for use by the Soviet Army of old;
  - (т.е. в. в автомобиль тех, кто просит подвезти): When a few miles later we approached two girls who were hitchhiking, I said, "Hey, let's pick them up."
  - (в. в кавычки): if you quote an author word for word then place the text in quotes;
  - (в. в осаду): a powerful fleet besieged the fort;
  - (в. в осаду): he laid siege to the fort;
  - (в. в плен): he was taken prisoner by the Russians;
  - (в. в подмастерья кого-л): fathers would beg us to take their sons as apprentices;
  - (в. в свои руки образно, он взял ситуацию в свои руки): from there on he took command of the situation;
  - (верх): смотри ниже;
  - (взятку): he accepted a 1000 dollar bribe;
  - (т.е. взять и сделать что-л, ...он взял и передумал): just when you thought he really loved you, he went and changed his mind;
  - (возьми стул, т.е. придвинь): pull up a chair, Francis;
  - (где ты взял эту книгу?): where did you pick up that book;
  - ("Где ты взял пистолет?" "Где надо."): "Where'd you get the pistol?" "At the gettin' place.";
  - (в. годовую плату за пользование банковской карточкой): card issuers may charge you a yearly fee in addition to the interest that accumulates when you make purchases;
  - (в. детей в поход): when you take children out on a hike, the goal is for everyone to have an enjoyable experience;
  - (ему оставалось только в. трон): once Edward was gone, the throne was Harald's for the taking;
  - (живым, т.е. поймать, но не убить): to capture somebody alive;
  - (в. за основу что-л): starting from / using the calculated data as a base;
  - (в. за основу что-л): using 1997 as the base year and adjusting other years for inflation;
  - (в. за правило, губернатор взял себе за правило как минимум раз в неделю выступать по телевидению и восхвалять полицейских за храбрость): the governor makes it a point to be seen on TV at least weekly "extolling" cops for their courage;
  - (в. за правило гулять по вечерам): I made it a point to have a walk every evening;
  - (заявление, возьмите у неё заявление, т.е. в полиции): take a statement from her;
  - (в. интервью у кого-л): he has a track record of doing interviews with bin Laden;
  - (в. к себе, его сына взял к себе дядя): his son was taken in by an uncle;
  - (в. к себе сироту): the orphan was taken in by an uncle;
  - (в. клятву с кого-л): Frigg had rendered her son impervious to wounds by taking pledges from all plants, trees and metals, so that weapons made from them would cause him no harm;
  - (в, книги в библиотеке): to check out books in a library;
  - (кредит): not many financial institutions will allow someone under age 18 to take out a loan;
  - (кредит): he was chased for a loan he had not taken out;
  - (кредит, в. ипотечный кредит на пределе своих возможностей): I am unsympathetic to homebuyers who mortgage themselves to the hilt and have no room to move when interest rates rise or their circumstances change;
  - (кровь, т.е. на анализ): I got my blood drawn as usual, then went to see the doc;
  - (в. курс на что-л): set a course to Monitor!;
  - (в. на борт штурмана): we picked up the obligatory Chinese navigators in Shanghai;
  - (в. на борт штурмана): they suggested we take on navigators in Canton
  - (т.е. в. на работу): смотри ниже;
  - (в. на себя): смотри ниже;
  - (в. назад / обратно признание поражения): Al Gore retracts his concession of defeat as his camp doubt Florida verdict;
  - (в. назад / обратно своё предложение): "You want to call the embassy to check?" "I withdraw," V. surrendered;
  - (в. назад свои слова): He had taken a vow. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. He had said the words before his father's gods. He could not unsay them.;
  - (в. назад свои слова): unsay those words without even saying you are sorry for them, and my arms are open to you still, and so is my heart;
  - (в. напрокат вечерние туфли): his rented formal shoes;
  - (ноту, т.е. о певце): Justin revealed he's struggling to sing some of his songs because his voice is now cracking: 'It cracks, like every teenage boy. Even some of the notes I hit on Baby I can't hit anymore. We have to lower the key when I sing it live.;
  - (обязательство, покупатель берёт обязательство купить): the Buyer undertakes to purchase...;
  - (обязательство, правительство взяло обязательство улучшить медобслуживание): the government has committed itself to improving health education;
  - (обязательство): смотри взять на себя;
  - (в. опёку над детьми / в. под опёку детей): to get custody of the children;
  - (в. ответственность за теракт): the group claimed responsibility for the attack;
  - (в. отпуск в фирме): he ignored the New York Times' admonition to "take a leave from his firm until his Whitewater duties are over";
  that I made over the weekend;
  - (в. отпуск по семейным обстоятельствам): I called for an expansion of the family leave to allow people to take up to 24 hours a year or 3 more workdays, to attend parental conferences at their children's school;
  - (в. отчёт и прочитать его): if anybody would pick up our annual report and read what's in there, you wouldn't see technology, you'd see products;
  - (пеню, с меня взяли п. за перерасход средств на счету на сумму $175.00): I was charged overdraft fees totaling to $175.00 due to the transactions that I made over the weekend;
  - (писатель взял историю из архивов): the story of the former SS Captain is drawn from SS records;
  - (в. под контроль): смотри ниже;
  - (в. под стражу): the criminal was taken into custody;
  - (поезд остановился, чтобы в. пассажиров): the train stopped to take on passengers;
  - (препятствие): it was a pretty spectacular fall at the final hurdle for someone who would have had to clear several earlier ones to get a couple of 20-minute interviews at Oxford;
  - (пробы): we are taking samples from dead animals;
  - (пробы): in the foreground, the Russian cosmonaut is taking some air samples;
  - (пробы, каждая проба кала должна быть взята и помечена о.): each fecal sample must be collected and identified individually;
  - (в. с собой, возьмите с собой одежду): bring warm night-attire - most buildings are not heated;
  - (в. самоотвод от расследования): he should have recused himself from the investigation;
  - (своё, природа возьмёт своё): Can the leopard change his spots? The nature will take its course;
  - (себе, т.е. положить в тарелку угощение): he helped himself to salad;
  - (в. себя в руки): смотри ниже;
  - (сколько он возьмёт за это?, т.е. плату): how much would he charge for it?;
  - (след, собака должна в. след): he knelt by the dog and told her that she must take up the scent again;
  - (след образно, т.е. о сыщике): he picked up the scent and began the chase;
  - (слово): when the minister took the floor, he picked up on the thought;
  - (страховку): I take out insurance;
  - (в. террасу под наблюдение, т.е. разведки): I want the observation terrace put under clandestine scrutiny;
  - (флягу): he picked up the flask of juice and drained it;
  - (что с него возьмёшь!): You're going to have to write off the debt P. owes you, I think. He's flat broke, and you can't get blood out of a rock no matter how hard you try.;
  - (в. шахматную фигуру или пешку): смотри ниже;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  взять (т.е. арестовать разг) - when police picked him up infml he confessed right away to killing her;
  - (в. в облаве): the suspects police have rounded up in a crackdown on Hamas;
  - (в. его!): get him!;
  - when the killer is collared AmE slang, we (Attorney General Office) will cooperate in a plea bargain if you (police) can cut a deal with him. But we'll cooperate only if you don't try to upstage us.;
  - police were confident Thursday they collared the killers of a former University volleyball star;
  - he would be able to pardon non-violent offenders that got nabbed up BrE slang in the drug war;
  - (его взяли за хранение краденых драгоценностей / с пятью килограммами кокаина): he got picked up BrE infml for possession of stolen jewellery / with five kilos of charlie;
  - (в. за кражу драгоценностей): he was sitting in a van playing air guitar when he was nicked BrE slang for the biggest jewellery robbery of the decade
  взять верх - (в.в. в переговорах): to gain the upper hand in negotiations;
  - (компьютеры могут в.в. над людьми): the idea that computers might become smarter than us and end up taking over;
  - (в.в. над министерством): how much power did he have to override the Ministry?;
  - (неопытный юноша берёт в. над наёмником): a ballad where an untried youth bests a true mercenary;
  - (о тренированности): training took over; he just stood up as they reached 50 feet from him and loosed off a short, lethal burst
  взять (т.е. на работу) - (в. на работу): they recruited me for my financial skills;
  - in 1945 our State Department also became eager to pick up a few Jewish career men with table manners;
  - (в. в агентство): he was taken on by Reuters, the international news agency;
  - (в 1939 г. его взяли в разведслужбу): in 1939 the Intelligent Service snapped him up infml; they had had their eyes on him for years;`
  - (кого-л): we've decided to take on a new clerk in the account department;
  - (в. палубным матросом): he took D. on as a temporary deckhand for the duration of the voyage;
  - (спортклуб взял футболиста): many big clubs in Europe set their sights on the footballer, but it was AC Milan who snapped him up;
  - (секретаря / кого-л секретарём): I've engaged a new assistant / I've engaged him as my assistant
  взять на себя - (вину): смотри ниже;
  - (командование / руководство отделом / работу): to take over the command / the department / the work;
  - (обязанности): the Canadian Embassy has taken over the duties of NATO Contact Point Mission;
  - (в.н.с. обязательства перед кем-л): holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties;
  - (в.н.с. обязательства по договору): Iran committed itself to the additional protocol last year in talks with the EU-3, thereby agreeing to inspections by the IAEA nuclear watchdog of any facility at any time;
  - (ответственность): смотри ниже;
  - (расследование): the MOD (Ministry of Defence) wants to take over the investigation.;
  - (в.н.с. смелость позвонить): so happening to be in the area on an unrelated matter, I decided to take a liberty and ring the bell;
  - (в.н.с. смелость пригласить на обед старого друга): I took the liberty of asking an old friend to join us for dinner;
  - (в.н.с. смелость пригласить кого-л экспромтом): a business dinner was canceled, and I worked up the nerve to try you on short notice again;
  - (сутенёр возьмёт на себя функции адвоката): usually streetwalkers are represented in groups by two or three lawyers, but every now and then a pimp, to economize, will take on the assignment himself;
  - (в.н.с. уход за матерью): she was anxious to take upon herself the task of nursing her mother;
  - (в.н.с. уход за матерью и мужем-инвалидом): she takes on the task of nursing her mother and later her disabled husband
  взять на себя вину - (в.н.с.в. вместо кого-л): he is the reason why she is in prison, as she took the rap for infml him;
  - (в.н.с.в. вместо кого-к): she talks him into taking the rap infml for her;
  - (в.н.с.в. за убийство отца, который плохо с ними обращался, чтобы выгородить сестру, которая была настоящим виновником): she is taking the rap for killing her abusive father in order to spare her younger sister, the real culprit;
  - (в.н.с.в. за что-л): she will never take the blame for anything she does;
  - when the P. Committee investigated them, in January and February, 1879, he took all the blame on himself, and exonerated his uncle from all complicity in the conspiracy
  взять на себя ответственность - his failure to take responsibility for his creation;
  - he has decided to shoulder some real responsibility;
  - (в.н.с.о. за теракт): a previously unknown militant group claimed responsibility for the bombing;
  - because of 9/11 there has been terrific expense in trying to "secure" our nation and the federal government is expected to step up to the plate fig and foot the bill, while creating and / or revising programs to meet these new needs;
  - if the senator is serious about his campaign to double the amount foundations give to rural causes, it's time for him to step up to plate and develop a real plan for this effort
  взять себя в руки - pull yourself together, calm yourself;
  - when it was time to go, she had pulled herself together and was ready;
  - you pull yourself up and go on;
  - either I will go nuts or I will brace / I will pick myself up;
  - get a grip on yourself;
  - you must get a grip on yourself;
  - he took a grip on himself and returned to his seat;
  - to regain one's temper;
  - putting the ball into his own net could not have done much for his confidence, though to his credit he recovered his poise;
  - his eyebrows flickered before he regained the composure;
  - (если она не возьмёт себя в руки, то он прикажет судебному приставу вывести её): She was found guilty and he ordered her to pay a $114 fine. She then became irate, standing and holding out her arms. "What?! That's it? He wins?" The judge then warned her that if she didn't compose herself, he would have the bailiff remove her.
  взять под контроль - the event seemed to have only intensified her furious desire to bring every aspect of life at the school under her personal control;
  - (пожар): the firefighters brought the forest fire under control;
  - (в.п.к. зарплаты и потребительские расходы): to put wages and consumer spending under control;
  - (туберкулёз): tuberculosis has only recently been brought under control
  взять (в. шахматную фигуру или пешку - pawn takes f5, rook takes e7;
  - since the black Knight on c6 is pinned, it can't take the white Pawn on e5, which threatens to capture black Knight on f6 without any further compensation for sacrificed material;
  - this Pawn on b2 can't be captured due to...;
  - a Rook on the 7th will "eat " infml pawn after pawn;
  - these rooks are sometimes colloquially referred to as "pigs on the seventh", because they often threaten to "eat" infml the opponent's pieces or pawns;
  - (шашку): to jump a man
  взяться - (администрация Нового Курса взялась помочь арендаторам): the New Deal administration undertook to help tenant farmers;
  - (в. за борьбу с коррупцией): the new president has taken to fighting corruption with vigour;
  - (в. за дело): смотри ниже;
  - (в. за заполнение налоговой декларации): I must get down to filing in my tax form;
  - (в. за оружие): to take up arms / weapon;
  - (в. за перо образно, т.е. писать): he returned to his table and took up his pen;
  - (в. за перо образно, т.е. писать): the writer hunkered down in a hand-built, 18-by-16-foot cabin and took pen to paper;
  - (в. за работу): смотри ниже;
  - (в. за проблемы, вызывающие международную обеспокоенность): Iran will continue to explore all ways to address international concerns;
  - (в. за проблему своего пьянства): he finally came to grips with his drinking problem and started attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings;
  - (в. за старое): he did a course in a domestic-violence prevention program, he'll never go back to his old ways;
  - (в. за трудноразрешимые вопросы): women who take on tough issues and stake out new territory are often on the receiving end of ignorance;
  - (в. за ум): You need to step up to the plate and find a decent job. You have to provide for your son because who else will.;
  - (в. за ум): it's time for Tom to step up to the plate and take on his share of work;
  - (кто возьмётся осуществить проект?): who's willing to step up to the plate infml and make this project happen?;
  - (народ взялся решать стоявшие перед ним проблемы): American people undertook to solve the numerous problems that faced them;
  - (никто не знал, откуда он взялся): this great king Scyld had come to Denmark in a mysterious manner, since no man knew whence he sprang;
  - (откуда ты взялся?): where do you hail from?;
  - (откуда ты взялся?): Where did you spring from? I thought you were in America.;
  - (откуда у него взялось драконье яйцо?): how could he come by a dragon's egg?;
  - (фермеры взялись за восстановление плодородия): the farmers undertook to restore the fertility of the leased land;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  взяться за дело - the governments set down to business;
  - (т.е. за судебное д.): it is not clear when Roger Clinton took up the case;
  - (член Конгресса взялся за его дело, т.е. американца, находящегося под судом в Казахстане): Help came from Nevada, of all places. For three months in 2004, S. had lived in Las Vegas. This was enough to make him a constituent of congresswoman Shelley Berkley, who took up his cause and began pressuring Kazakh secretary of state K.S.;
  - (т.е. сменив кого-л): he identified Adolf Eichman as Ricardo Clement, living in Buenos Aires. The Israelis took over from there.;
  - (т.е. чтобы помочь отцу): There are three of us (daughters). Why doesn't each of us pitch in a little?;
  - it is time companies stepped up to the plate infml and made sure the meat they sell is safe to eat;
  - You need to step up to the plate and find a decent job. You have to provide for your son because who else will.;
  - it's time for Tom to step up to the plate and take on his share of work
  взяться за работу - to go to work ;
  - they fell to work with a will;
  - it's hard to get down to work after a nice holiday;
  - (снова): he is wasting no time getting back to work;
  - the scholar set to work to collect and record some of the old stories still current about the gods and goddesses;
  - because D. had been negligent in paying a previous bill from the law firm for legal services, the firm insisted that he pay a $2000 monthly retainer before M. undertook the work
  взятый - (напрокат, автомобиль был взят напрокат на чужое имя): the car was rented in a false name;
  - (вместе в-ые): смотри ниже;;
  - (данные взяты из надёжного источника): all data are quoted from a reliable source;
  - (история взята из архивов СС): the story of the former SS Captain E.R. is completely factual and drawn from SS records;
  - (обязательства, в-ые от имени Университета по договору): made on behalf of the University contractual commitments;
  - (подробности истории Иосифа в Коране были взяты из древнееврейских источников): the details of the story of Joseph seem to outside historians to have been drawn from Jewish sources
  взятый (вместе взятые) - the two elements taken together contain...;
  - a series of laws that taken together were known as...;
  - all of them put together cannot match the beauty and strength of a single wooden rowboat;
  - 50 million tons over domestic requirements for both us and Canada considered together;
  - this region was larger that England and Scotland combined;
  - the combined harvest of the US and Canada;
  - epinephrine and norepinephrin are referred to collectively as catecholamines;
  - the model predicted 75 per cent of the court's affirm / reverse results correctly, while the legal experts collectively got only 59.1 per cent right;
  - the model predicted 75 per cent of the court's affirm / reverse results correctly, while the legal experts collectively got only 59.1 per cent right
  вид - (быть на виду, т.е. о политике): I'm a politician now, I'm the public eye;
  - (в окончательном виде): we can restate the theorem in its definitive way;
  - (т.е. вариант / тип): смотри ниже;
  - (видавшие виды ворота): a feeble light was seen glimmering through the chinks in the weather-beaten gate;
  - (т.е. внешний): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. выражение лица): смотри ниже;
  - (делать в.): смотри ниже;
  - (дом скрыт из вида за деревьями): the house is hidden from sight behind trees;
  - (и виду не подал): the KGB chief betrayed no emotion;
  - (и вида не подала, что удивлена): she gave no hint of surprise at the question;
  - (и вида не подать, что): he had given no indication he spoke Russian fluently;
  - (иметь в виду): with the bomb I have in mind, the car, M., and the case will go up in flames and be completely gutted;
  - (исчезнуть из в-а): he had rounded the corner and vanished from view;
  - (т.е. на чертеже): смотри ниже;
  - (на что-л): смотри ниже;
  - (не выносить в-а кого-л): I can't bear the sight of her;
  - (от одного их вида у неё внутри всё похолодело): the sight of them was enough to tie her insides in knots;
  - (т.е. пейзаж): смотри ниже;
  - (повидать виды, т.е. пережить много трудностей): Her eyes moved from the rat's tattered ear to his front paw, which had a toe missing. "He's been through the mill," she said.;
  - (потерять из в-а кого-л): I saw her for a moment but then lost sight of her;
  - (при виде кого-л): she flinched at the sight of him;
  - (при в-е крови): I always faint at the sight of blood;
  - (в. с высоты птичьего полёта, в. Парижа с высоты птичьего полёта): a bird's eye view of Paris;
  - (сбоку): смотри вид (т.е. на чертеже);
  - (сверху): смотри вид (т.е. на чертеже);
  - (спереди): смотри вид (т.е. на чертеже);
  - (туман закрывал корабль из в-а): the fog blotted the shop from vision;
  - смотри файл TEHNIKA
  вид (т.е. вариант / тип) - (бактерий): strain of bacteria;
  - (животных / растений): смотри ниже;
  - (виды деятельности): climate patterns are going to shift, established economic and other activities are going to be forced to change;
  - (вина): the store sells most types of wine;
  - (т.е. гимнастических соревнований): contemporary men's artistic gymnastics is composed of 6 events: floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bar, horizontal bar;
  - (деятельности, т.е. в промышленности / торговле): line of business;
  - (в. деятельности компании): a company whose activities encompass printing, publishing and computers;
  - (в. ископаемого топлива): the obvious alternatives are other fossil fuels;
  - (в. колебаний в волноводе): several modes co-exist in the waveguide;
  - (в. мучных изделий): macaroni is a type of pasta;
  - (обычные виды оружия): criteria are specified to protect against the most powerful known conventional weapons;
  - (особый в. журналистики): his special brand of journalism;
  - (особый в. юмора): he has his own brand of humour;
  - (повреждения любого в-а): liability for damage of any nature including typographical errors;
  - (работы): "What was the main kind of work done?" "Stone-breaking in the quarry";
  - (работы): writing was an underfunded, arduous sometimes backbreaking form of secretarial work;
  - (развлечения): watching Harry being bullied by Uncle Vernon was Dudley's favorite form of entertainment;
  - (спорта): смотри ниже;
  - (в. страхового полиса): type of a policy;
  - (транспорта, перевозка другими в-ами транспорта помимо морского): the contract shall provide for carriage by sea and may provide for carriage by other modes of transport in addition to the sea carriage;
  - (транспорта): the notion of competition between modes should be replaced by complementarity because co-operation between modes is vital in door-to-door chains involving more than one mode;
  - (в. ценных бумаг): type of securities
  вид (т.е. внешний) - (в виде орла): the god flew off in the form of an eagle;
  - (внешний в. прибора): the instruments differ in [external] appearance;
  - (внешний в. человека): he hid a calculating intelligence behind a bland and seemingly ponderous exterior;
  - (внешний в. человека): your clothing and appearance is one of the first things noticed about you;
  - (иметь жалкий в.): the department store had a shabby miserable air;
  - (иметь в., о математическом выражении): ...the latter is necessarily of the form given by the action of an element of H х H;
  - (иметь в. папки): the diary was in the form of a looseleaf folder;
  - (привести материал в удобный в.): he was skillful, thoughtful, and indefatigable in organizing the voluminous material into manageable form;
  - (придать городу альпийский в.): artificial snow gives the town an alpine look;
  - (принять в.): the ghost can take the shape of whatever it thinks will frighten us most;
  - (прямая осанка придавала ей более молодой в.): her erect carriage gave her the air of someone younger;
  - (сохранить в. исторического района): firm guidelines from the Historic District Commission preserve the look and feel of the area once populated by settlers;
  - (у глаз был странный в.): his eyes had a queer, secretive look about them;
  - (у него был в. осунувшегося человека, который резко вырос): he had the pinched, slightly unhealthy look of someone who has grown a lot in a short space of time;
  - (у него противный в.): this one's got a mean look about him;
  - (у него скверный в.): he had a nasty look about him;
  - (у неё был такой в., словно...): she would have been nice-looking if she hadn't been wearing a look that suggested there was a nasty smell under her nose;
  - (у толпы причудливо-сюрреалистический в.): It's party time. Because of the preponderance of Americans, the crowd has a garish and surreal look about it.
  вид (т.е. выражение лица) - (важный, принять важный в.): "Well! I can't tarry here all day," the doctor said, adopting his former brisk and self-important manner;
  - (виноватый, у тебя виноватый в.): you have rather a guilty look about you;
  - (высокопарный, ...которая напускает на себя высокопарный в.): the arrival of Stella's sister, Blanche, with her highfaluting put-on airs, precipitates a crisis in the Kowalskis' marriage;
  - (деловой, напустить на себя д.в.): he put on his businesslike manner;
  - (властный в.): I observed his air of command;
  - (оскорблённого достоинства, напускать на себя в. оскорблённого достоинства): do not put on that air of injured dignity;
  - (обеспокоенный, с обеспокоенным в-ом): "You used to teach us." "Me?" repeated L., looking faintly unsettled. "Me? Did I?";
  - (отеческий): his warmly paternal air vanished in an instant;
  - (в. полного неодобрения, с в-ом полного неодобрение): he was smoking a pipe with an air of general dislike of his fellow members;
  - (снисходительный): he spoke with the indulgent air of a great teacher correcting a country bumpkin's fatuous ideas;
  - (сомневающийся, с сомневающимся в-ом): they were striking matches with dubious looks on their faces, as though sure this couldn't work
  вид (делать в.) - (он из вежливости делал в., что ему интересно с нами): he courteously feigned interest in meeting us;
  - (делать в., что не замечает кого-л): he began to read, pretending to take no notice of the man;
  - (делать в., что нам всё нипочём): it's time to smile and make believe we haven't a care in the world;
  - (делать в., что не слышит): he was turning a deaf ear to these reports;
  - (делать в., что она не существует): In our days handicapped children were often hushed up. Though to take it to the extreme of actually imprisoning a little girl in the house and pretending she didn't exist...;
  - (делать в., что пьёт): he pretended to drink
  вид (животных / растений) - (т.е. в классификации растений): plane-tree: any of the 10 species of the genus Platanus, the only genus of the family Platanaceae.;
  - (т.е. в классификации растений): Kingdom: Plantae, Division: Magnoliophyta, Class: Liliopsida, Order: Poales, Family: Cyperaceae, Genus: Eriophorum, Species: E. angustifolium;
  - (вымирающий в. животных): poachers hunt endangered species;
  - (птиц): over 250 local bird species that may be spotted in this area
  вид (т.е. на чертеже) - An elevation is an orthographic projection of a 3-dimensional object from the position of a horizontal plane beside an object. In other words, an elevation is a side-view as viewed from the front, back, left or right.;
  - (в. в перспективе, на рис.1 представлен в. банкомата в перспективе): FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an ATM having a cash dispenser unit in accordance with the present invention;
  - (в. в разрезе, на рис.2 представлен в. сбоку в р. блока выдачи купюр банкомата): FIG. 2 is a side elevational view of the cash dispenser unit of the ATM of FIG. 1;
  - (в. сбоку): end elevation;
  - (в. сбоку): end view of a box;
  - (в. сбоку): side elevation of a building;
  - (в. сверху): Plan and Elevation of Oblique Pentagonal Pyramid;
  - (в. сверху / в. сбоку / в. спереди): Figure 2 is a plan view of an aeroplane embodying my invention. Figure 3 is a side elevation. Figure 4 is a front elevation of the same.;
  - (в спереди): front view of the house;
  - (в. спереди, Геркулес с дубиной, в. спереди): Hercules holding a club seen in frontal view;
  - (в. спереди здания): front facade of a building;
  - (в. сверху и в. спереди пятигранной пирамиды): Plan and Elevation of Oblique Pentagonal Pyramid
  вид (на что-л) - (в. на город из окон): the top-floor windows afforded a magnificent view of the whole city;
  - (в. на море, комната с в-ом на море): the hotel has 15 suites, all with sea-view;
  - (в. на озеро из окна): from the window, there was a beautiful view of the lake;
  - (в. на реку, участки с в-ом на Гудзон): I have a few listings on some fabulous parcels (to buy) all with views of the Hudson, and some of them waterfront;
  - (в. на Тихий океан): the sweeping view of the Pacific Ocean from the lofty peninsula can serve as a sight for sore eyes
  вид (т.е. пейзаж) - the photographer searches for images that he calls pleasing;
  - the fog rolled in and he captured a haunting image of the lighthouse nearby;
  - the picturesque view;
  - (какой прекрасный в.!): what beautiful scenery!;
  - (любоваться в-ом): the driver stopped so that we could enjoy the scenery;
  - (широкие просторы, открывающие в-ы, что простираются до горизонта): he was used to broad sweeps of land with long vistas reaching to the horizon
  вид спорта - (виды спорта на открытом воздухе): outdoor sports like hiking, backpacking and kayaking;
  - hockey is the sports event that most awakens the passions;
  - (зимние в-ы с.): winter sports;
  - (любимый): football is my favourite sport;
  - (опасный): parachuting is a dangerous sport
  видавший виды - (ворота): a feeble light was seen glimmering through the chinks in the weather-beaten gate
  виден - (была видна мочка её уха): so that her earlobe showed;
  - (была видна небольшая часть поверхности): between the tapes he pressed the sucker, well licked, so that a small area of glass was visible on either side of it;
  - (в построении мифов у Овидия виден социально-политический подтекст): Ovid's mythical constructs reveal sociopolitical undertones;
  - (дефекты лица не видны в кинокамере): he has the sort of face whose imperfections are not detected by a camera;
  - (еле виден): he was barely visible behind a tottering pile of books;
  - (если смотреть на свет, на нити видны буквы): A dark security thread runs from top to bottom to the right of the Franklin watermarks. When held to the light, the thread reveals the microprinted letters "USPS" alternating right-side up and upside down throughout the thread. The letters are not visible if not held to the light.;
  - (земля не была видна): there was no land to be seen;
  - (...и впервые стал виден его возраст): he heaved a sigh and the animation left his face, his years plain to see for the first time;
  - (на краях кобуры были видны следы зацепок): the lips of the holster showed traces of snagging;
  - (на руках видны признаки старения): now his hands are showing signs of age;
  - (на скамейке были видны силуэты теней): the shadowy outlines of two people were visible on a stone bench;
  - (на срезе окислы видны как окружности вокруг отдельных частиц): a cross section reveals the oxides as dark circumferential lines that surround the individual particles;
  - (по глазам видна его порода): His eyes betray his breeding. He's got his father's don't-fuck-with-me glare.;
  - (видны признаки перелома в экономике): the economy shows signs of turnaround;
  - (рука была видна лишь долю секунды): the hand was visible only for a split second;
  - (с башни [хорошо] видна вся дорога на холм): that's a hard strong keep, and it commands the hill road;
  - (с холма [хорошо] видна вся окружающая сельская местность): the hill provides a commanding view of the surrounding countryside;
  - (у неё были видны трусики): her undies were showing when she was getting out of the car;
  - (у неё видны трусики, т.е. в танце): she is being spun across the dance floor and sending her dress twirling and knickers flashing;
  - (фортификации были видны противнику): their (fortifications) positioning was a little too predictable, and they were visible, if barely so, to the other side, and something barely visible would be the first target hit;
  - (холмы, с которых видны пласты глины): the gentle hills that have a view of mudflats;
  - (чуть виден, из квартиры чуть виден океан): her apartment has a peekaboo view of the ocean;
  - (швы видны сквозь ткань): since the seams are visible through the fabric, make then as inconspicuous as possible;
  - the shadowy outlines of two people were visible on a stone bench;
  - смотри видно, видный
  видение (вИдение) - (очки ночного в-я): night vision goggles showed only rough terrain features, mainly the tops of hills and ridges;
  - (проблемы): the feminist view of the question;
  - (реформы): Bush Outlines his Vision for Government Reform
  видение (видЕние) -he asked her to recount her vision;
  - he had a vision that white settlers would populate the land;
  - the rebellious painter mixed visions from his own world with the most sacred themes;
  - (т.е. призрак): the apparition clutched it as it ran;
  - (в. рассеялось): the grotesque illusion dissolved;
  - (явиться кому-л в в-и): scene of St Agatha appearing to Lucy in a vision and foretelling the healing of her mother
  видео экран - Behind the control console a visual display board 9 feet wide and 4 feet tall occupied the wall. It showed in map form the crude-tank layout of the ship's cargo capacity;
  видеозапись - ( т.е. отснятый материал, в отрывке в-си видно, как...): another taped excerpt showed Mr I. and his team raiding a compound alongside Afghan police;
  - ( т.е. отснятый материал): the footage appears to have been doctored in order to provide the incendiary footage of a flag burning;
  - ( т.е. отснятый материал): even when the productions are produced on film, they are routinely converted to a recording before broadcast;
  - (т.е. процесс, в мобильных телефонах часто есть возможность в-и): mobile phones often have some video recording capability
  видеть - (видите ли): He was constantly late - to the classes he actually did show up to. He would turn in blank quizzes, if he turned them in at all. I gave him the "F" he earned. I received a letter from one D.F., PsyD, explaining that I needed to reconsider my grading process because receiving an "F" was "emotionally damaging" to his client. His client, you see, would be forever scarred by the trauma of realizing that I did not recognize his "creative self-actualization.";
  - (вижу цель): " Objective in sight," B. said over the intercom;
  - (в. во сне что-л): he tried to recall what he had been dreaming about before he had awoken;
  - (в. во сне кого-л): he fell asleep at quarter to two to dream of the old man;
  - (каждый, кто увидит Б., должен об этом сообщить): He is armed and extremely dangerous. A special hot line has been set up, and any sight of B. should be reported immediately;
  - (в. кого-л в последний раз): that's the last I have seen of him;
  - (в. насквозь кого-л образно): I bet he is seeing right through her;
  - (...на том месте, где видели убитых лосей): In August, R.S., an Alaska state trooper, received a call about a possible moose shooting. The trooper went to the area, and found a large gut pile where the moose bodies had been sighted.;
  - (в. не дальше своего носа): he can't see beyond his own nose;
  - (она никогда его не видела): by chance she knew the name of J. but had never met the man;
  - (преступников недавно видели): three of most wanted criminals have recently been sighted around the world;
  - (сны): he had unsettling dreams about long corridors;
  - (сон): he dreamed an awful dream;
  - (в. соринку в чужом глазу): and why beholdest old use thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
  - (соседи в. его не могли, т.е. не любили): none of his neighbours could abide the sight of him;
  - (так и не увидеть, мы так и не увидели своих денег): he promised to pay, but we could whistle for our money;
  - (только и в., если она завещала дом с участком родственникам, только государство его и видело.): She wanted to deed the property to the state. If she left that land to her cousins, the state can whistle for that property. They'll sell it in a heartbeat.;
  - (умение в. подробности): her eye for detail
  видеться - (в. с кем-л нечасто): we saw each other only very infrequently and always in the most secret of settings;
  - (все стало видеться чётче): he put on the glasses and his bedroom came into a clearer focus
  видимость - (т.е. внешнее подобие): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. возможность видеть): смотри ниже;
  видимость (т.е. внешнее подобие) - (необъективности): they removed the judge because critical newspaper and magazine articles about him might cause the " appearance of prejudice";
  - (поддерживать в.): in much the same way a front is maintained at L. House in Curzon street, still supposed to be the home of the counter-intelligence arm, M15, to decoy the unneeded enquirer;
  - (сердечности): he thought it expedient to maintain the façade of cordiality;
  - (соблюдать в.): I don't want to play the hypocrite, but one must observe appearances;
  - (соблюдать в.): keeping up appearances;
  - (соблюдать в. добродушия): he maintained the façade of amiability and bonhomie
  видимость (т.е. возможность видеть) - (в условиях нулевой в-ти): it would be lunacy to use such speed in conditions of zero visibility;
  - (закрыть в.): make sure the door is closed to block off vision;
  - (на дороге): patches of fog are giving poor visibility and tricky driving conditions;
  - (плохая в. в море): a poor visibility hampered the rescue operation;
  - (туман закрыл в.): all of a sudden, the view was obliterated by the fog;
  - (увеличить в. транспортного средства, т.е. сделать его более заметным): The lighting system of a motor vehicle consists of lighting and signalling devices mounted or integrated to the front, sides, rear, and in some cases the top of the motor vehicle. The purpose of this system is to provide illumination for the driver to operate the vehicle safely after dark, to increase the conspicuity of the vehicle, and to display information about the vehicle's presence, position, size, direction of travel, and driver's intentions regarding direction and speed of travel.
  видимый - (без в-ой причины): for no apparent reason;
  - (в-ая грибница и плодоносящие структуры грибов): mold is a conspicuous mass of mycelium (masses of vegetative filament of hyphae) and fruiting structures produced by various fungi;
  - (свет): the clouds blanked out all visual light;
  - (в. снаружи деревянный каркас дома): half-timbered houses: having exposed wood framing with spaces filled with masonry;
  - (в-ые снаружи половые органы): the Latin term genitalia is used to describe the externally visible sex organs
  виднее - (...мы думаем, что нам в.): we don't limit our overrides to the clear cases where the formula is wrong; we override where we think we know better.
  виднеться - (водяной смерч, виднеющийся вдали): the photo featured a massive waterspout looming in the distance;
  - (луна на мгновения виднелась в разрывах туч): the moon was fleetingly visible through gaps in the cloud;
  - (мускулы виднелись под одеждой): her muscles were showing through her tunic;
  - (одежда, из-под которой виднеется нижнее бельё): a style of dress which permits exposure of undergarments is not acceptable;
  - (силуэт виднелся на фоне неба): the silhouette of an enormous shaggy dog clearly imprinted against the sky;
  - (ушная раковина виднелась в волосах): I see a pink shell of her ear poking through her hair;
  - (шрам виднелся сквозь волосы на лбу): on his forehead, clearly visible through the hair, was a thin scar, shaped like a bolt of lightning
  видно - (т.е. безличная форма в значении сказуемого): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. вводное слово, в., здесь все девушки недостаточно красивы для него ): He does not date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him.
  видно (т.е. безличная форма в значении сказуемого) - (а победы не было в.): the death toll mounted with no victory in sight;
  - (было в. мочку её уха): so that her earlobe showed;
  - (было в. по тому, как он поднимал голову...): you could tell by the way he cocked his head that he didn't see anything at first;
  - (в. было, что он нервничает): he adjusted his tie, looking nervous now;
  - (восстание, которому не в. конца): America is facing a violent insurgency with no end in sight;
  - (давненько тебя не было в.): " You've been ages." "Met a few people.";
  - (его было еле в.): he was barely visible behind a tottering pile of books;
  - (его не было в. за кустом): he was very pleased that he was concealed behind the bush;
  - (единственная лодка, которую было в.): the only boat in view was an upside-down rowboat abandoned on the rocks;
  - (если он не годится для работы, это скоро станет в.): it'll soon show if he's not up to the work;
  - (за милю, автомобиль было в. за милю): his car must be one of the most distinctive in Germany, visible half a mile off;
  - (земли не выло в.): there was no land to be seen;
  - (из официального обвинительного акта в., что): the official indictment reveals that Mr H. told the agent that importing such weapons was illegal;
  - (из разговоров, записанных на магнитную плёнку, в.): conversations taped by the informant working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation show that...;
  - (из рисунка в., что): it is apparent from Figure 9 that the transformation equations are trigonometric in form;
  - (из справки о кредитах было в., что она ответственно относилась к их погашению): her credit report indicated a responsible borrowing history;
  - (как в. на фотографии): as you can tell from the photo;
  - (консерваторы использовали красный цвет в плакатах, потому что так их было лучше в. / плакаты не в. с поля и с обочины дороги): Before the 1930's the conservatives used red on our posters because it showed up better. And one of the problems with blue-green posters in rural areas is, like canvassers complain, that they cannot be seen in the fields and by the roadsides;
  - (не в., катер не было в.): Тhe launch had passed round the rear of the tanker, under the very overhang of her stern. For seconds it was out of sight.;
  - (никого не было в.): there was no one in sight;
  - (одежда, из-под которой в. нижнее бельё): a style of dress which permits exposure of undergarments is not acceptable;
  - (он хотел, чтобы было в., где отрицательный, а где положительный полюс батарейки): he was a neat man and liked to keep positive and negative terminals distinct;
  - (по глазам ничего не было в.): his gray-blue eyes revealed nothing at all;
  - (по его покрытому морщинами лицу было в., что он много бывает на воздухе): his lined face suggested long exposure to the elements;
  - (по ней было в., что она вырастила много детей): she was showing the effects of raising so many children;
  - (по уверенному тону прокурора было ясно в., что...): the prosecutor's confident tone and concise remarks conveyed the clear message that he had the facts, the case, and he would get the verdict;
  - (по обложке сразу в., какая книга новая, какой 10 лет и какая вышла из печати давно): you can tell just by the covers what's new, what's 10 years old, and what's long out of print;
  - (позиция, с которой хорошо всё в.): taking up a position with a good vantage point, he gave the signal for his team to disperse;
  - (руку было в. лишь долю секунды): the hand was visible only for a split second;
  - (с башни хорошо видно всю дорогу на холм): that's a hard strong keep, and it commands the hill road;
  - (там в. будет, т.е. это выяснится позже): Will he remember it? That remains to be seen.;
  - (там в. будет): whether I came in time or not is yet to be seen;
  - (хижину было в.): the cabin was in sight;
  - (холмы, с которых в. пласты глины): the gentle hills that have a view of mudflats;
  - (чтобы было лучше в.): she held her leg out, twisting her ankle to get a better view of the shoe.;
  - (швы в. сквозь ткань): since the seams are visible through the fabric, make then as inconspicuous as possible;
  - (это ещё в. будет): whether I came in time or not is yet to be seen
  видный - (врач): this eminent prostate cancer physician assembled a collection of tissue samples from his patients so he could work on the disease;
  - (гражданин): a prominent citizen;
  - (деятели): a select party of notables and press;
  - (деятели шоу-бизнеса): in mid 20th century, the area was discovered by wealthy Italian industrialists, high-profile politicians and flashy show-business names;
  - (занять в-ое положение): he gained prominence as a congressman who stood firm against the Southern slave power;
  - (на самом в-ом месте): he had placed the photograph on the fore of all the others;
  - (положение, занимающий в-ое п. / занимающий в-ое п. в обществе и политике): How V., a citizen of apparent standing, could possibly be motivated to assist K. in the murder of prosecutor B.? V. had served in various capacities in Kentucky government, including as deputy sheriff, legislative aide, and assistant to the Governor. At the time of B.'s murder, V. was an aide to the Majority Leader of the Kentucky House of Representatives. What was the motive of the defendant, a man of social and political prominence, to supposedly supply a weapon to a confederate to murder a state prosecutor?;
  - (в. снаружи деревянный каркас дома): half-timbered houses: having exposed wood framing with spaces filled with masonry
  видоизменение - (в. у фруктов и семян для распространения с помощью ветра): some fruits and seed have modifications that aid in wind dispersal
  видоизменённый - (плавник рыбы видоизменён для ползания): a marine bony fish typically having the bottom three rays of the pectoral fin on each side free of membrane and modified for use in crawling
  - (семена могут быть видоизменены, чтобы способствовать своему распространению): seeds may be modified in various ways to promote dispersal;
  видоизмениться / видоизменяться - (семена могут в., чтобы способствовать своему распространению): seeds may be modified in various ways to promote dispersal;
  видывать - (виды): Her eyes moved from the rat's tattered ear to his front paw, which had a toe missing. "He 's been through the mill," she said.
  виза - (в Турцию): a British passport holder needs no visa for Turkey;
  - (дать визу): the President granted a visa to G.A.
  визировать - (министр визировал приказ на увольнение): the Minister countersigned the order for your dismissal
  визит (нанести в. вежливости кому-л) - she made a courtesy call to her father's palatial home, where he and his second wife were throwing a cocktail party;
  - I made a courtesy call on the wife of President F.
  визуализация - (т.е. архитектурного проекта): a computer rendering of the proposal by N.F. (the architect) to erect a 30-story glass tower atop the existing building
  визуальный - (наблюдение): the visual surveillance of the globe by cameras mounted in airplanes and in space satellites;
  - (характеристика танка М1): the tank decoys almost exactly replicated the visual signature of an M1 tank;
  - (явление): temporal aliasing is the term applied to a visual phenomenon also known as the stroboscopic effect
  викторина - 18 schools competed in the All Ireland Schools' Quiz last week.
  вина - (взять в-у на себя): when the P. Committee investigated them, in January and February, 1879, he took all the blame on himself, and exonerated his uncle from all complicity in the conspiracy;
  - (взять на себя в-у за что-л): she will never take the blame for anything she does;
  - (взять на себя в-у за убийство отца, который плохо с ними обращался, чтобы выгородить сестру, которая была настоящим виновником): she is taking the rap infml for killing her abusive father in order to spare her younger sister, the real culprit;
  - (взять на себя его в-у): he is the reason why she is in prison, as she took the rap for him;
  - (возлагать / возложить в-у на кого-л)): смотри ниже;
  - (загладить в-у): My son and my wife had a terrible misunderstanding. My son moved to M. My wife is very sick, and desperate to make amends before she dies.;
  - (загладить в-у перед кем-л): he was obsessed with making amends to me;
  - (кого-л): I don't think it was the driver's fault; it's my fault;
  - (комплекс в-ы): the consciousness of guilt has followed him whenever he went;
  - (в. лежит на ком-л): most of guilt rests on this department;
  - (не моя в., что...): it's not my fault that you don't have access to drinking water;
  - (ответчик не признавал своей вины): the defense would not argue mitigation because to do so would imply guilt and the defendant admitted none;
  - (переложить в-у на кого-л, если вы подрезали этот автомобиль, то это перекладывает в-у на вас): "Another car came from behind me in my lane at speed after I started to execute my turn and smashed into my driver's door at such force he sent my vehicle into the edge of a building." "If you did cut across him I believe that puts the onus on you.";
  - (подсудимый хочет признать свою в-у): he wants to go for an admission of guilt;
  - (свалить в-у на на других): he is very quick to lay the blame at the door of infml the others;
  - (свалить вину на приятеля): the suspect confessed to knowledge of the crime, protesting that he was innocent, and fastened the guilt upon a companion;
  - (свалить вину на кого-нибудь другого): he is keeping from you information which may fasten the guilt on some other person;
  - (снять с себя вину): he tried everything he could to shift the blame from himself;
  - (сделка о признании в-ы): when the killer is collared, we'll (Attorney General Office) cooperate in a plea bargain;
  - (чувство в-ы): смотри ниже
  вина (возлагать / возложить в-у на кого-л) - (в-ить в-у за инцидент на китайских охранников): In Xian, Chinese security officials blocked two White House valets from loading the First Family's garment bags onto Air Force one for the flight to Beijing. Press secretary M. blamed the incident on an "overeager" Chinese official who had "some concern about their ethnicity." Both staffers were Asian-American;
  - (возлагать вину на других): I am unsympathetic to homebuyers who mortgage themselves to the hilt and have no room to move when interest rates rise or their circumstances change. Adding to my irritation of their failure to exercise financial responsibility, is the tendency of too many to look for someone else to blame - be it government, the lending institutions, developers, builders and the real estate agents.;
  - (возлагать вину на других): he is very quick to lay the blame at the door of infml the others;
  - (подозреваемый возложил в-у на своего приятеля): the suspect confessed to knowledge of the crime, protesting that he was innocent, and fastened the guilt upon a companion;
  - (рассказанные им факты позволили возложить в-у на него): he gave facts which fastened the guilt on him, such as telling where he had hidden victim's hat and shoes and where they could find another bullet hole in the body, one which, up to then, had not been noticed
  вина (чувство вины) - Your feelings of guilt lead you to overcompensate for your wrongdoing. You become obsequious and unassertive as you try to prove to everyone - including yourself - that you are not a "bad person" but are, in fact, a "good person.";
  - our national sense of guilt;
  - without guilt we'd have moral chaos with everyone doing as they please, without consideration for the consequences;
  - Angela and Kenny intend to get married next year. At an office party, Angela flirted with Tom, the company salesman. Tom invited her back to his apartment where they made love. The next day, realizing her mistake, Angela became consumed by guilt.
  винить - (арабские страны винят США за упрямство Израиля): the Arab nations blame US for Israel's dogged persistence;
  - (в. бухгалтеров в неподаче налоговой декларации): he blamed the failure to file tax returns on the group's accountants;
  - "She's left her husband." "I don't blame her.";
  - (в. кого-л в провале переговоров): they blamed the Russians for the failure of the talks;
  - (в. кого-л за всё, что было не так в доме): they were apt to blame him for anything that went wrong about the house;
  - (в. правительство в создавшемся положении): the manufacturers blamed this situation on the government;
  - (в. [самого] себя): смотри ниже
  винить [самого] себя - I had been down on myself before, but never like this, for this long;
  - (в. с. за что-л): I blame myself for letting that woman get me;
  - (в. с. за что-л): you mustn't blame yourself for the way the boy's turned out;
  - (он винил с. в её смерти): he took her death on himself;
  - (прошло много времени, прежде чем я понял, что должен в. самого себя): it took me a long time to pin the fault on myself
  виноват - (во всём был в. негр): everything was the nigger's fault;
  - (водитель был в.): I don't think the driver was to blame / it was the driver's fault;
  - (кто в.?): who is to blame?;
  - (конструкторы виноваты в аварии): the investigation showed that a fault lay with the constructors;
  - (Не во всём в-ы Уолл-Стрит или законодатели. Во многом в-а склонность людей ошибаться): The blame does not all belong with Wall Street or with regulators. Rather, much of it belongs to old-fashioned human fallibility. Otherwise highly intelligent and rational people lose their grasp of reality when the subject is home prices;
  - (он был сам в. в своих нынешних бедах): the reasons for his present misery were of his own making;
  - (он сам в.): that was his fault;
  - (старые маяки могут быть в-ы в аварии): old navigational beacons may be at fault in the crash;
  - (экономика всё больше сползала в стагнацию, и в-ы в этом были непомерные налоги): the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, told Congress that the economy was drifting increasingly into stagnation, and that oppressive taxes were to blame;
  - (я виноват): it 's my fault
  виновато - (ёрзать на стуле): he shifted guiltily in his seat
  виноватый - (поиски в-ых): There is also a global search for culprits. Alas, it turns out that almost nobody is blameless.;
  - (с в-ым видом, т.е. потому что не сказала о звонке раньше): a contrite Janet told her about his call;
  - (считаться в-ым): for purposes of insurance and policing, the driver of the car that rear-ends the other car is almost always considered to be at fault due to not being within stopping distance or lack of attention;
  - (улыбка): there would be an apologetic smile;
  - (чувствовать себя в-ым в болезни ребёнка): Feelings of guilt over a child's condition can be a particularly difficult aspect of cystic fibrosis for parents to deal with. The inherited disease can only be passed on to a baby if both parents have the gene responsible for it.;
  - (чувствовать себя в-ым за то, что не перезвонил): he felt somewhat penitent about not returning her calls;
  - (я чувствовал себя в-ым в том, что будучи молодым прокурором, отправил его в тюрьму за преступление, которое, как я сейчас вижу, не заслуживало такого наказания): I felt guilty about the fact that when I was a young prosecutor, I had sent him to the penitentiary for a crime that I now see didn't merit that punishmment
  виновен - (показать, что ответчик в.): the plaintiff has the burden of proof and must meet that burden by showing through evidence that the defendant is at fault
  виновник - (т.е. дорожно-транспортного происшествия): the culprits will be found, as the abandoned car has been found;
  - (загрязнения, т.е. окружающей среды): it is scant comfort to know that the polluter will pay in the end;
  - (в, оранжерейного эффекта): we assume that cars and industry are the main greenhouse gas culprits;
  - (в. политического скандала): whoever was the culprit of the Watergate, only the fullest admission of error could avert catastrophe;
  - (убийства): 9 days after the murder, the perpetrator was found;
  - (в. утечки информации): the mystery of who had leaked onto the Internet the first episode of the newly remade British cult television series "Doctor Who" has been solved and the culprit fired
  виновный - (в, в дорожно-транспортном происшествии): the culprits will be found, as the abandoned car has been found;
  - (в. в измене Британской Короне): he could be judged guilty of treason against the British Crown;
  - (в. в убийстве был найден): 10 days after the murder, the perpetrator was found;
  - (в-ые будут найдены): the culprits will be found and brought to justice;
  - (в-ые во взрыве скрылись): the perpetrators (of the terrorist attack) escaped;
  - (показать, что ответчик виновен): the plaintiff has the burden of proof and must meet that burden by showing through evidence that the defendant is at fault;
  - (заявить о том, что ответчик не признаёт себя виновным по обвинению): in behalf of Mr S., your Honor, we would ask the court to enter a plea of not guilty to the charge;
  - (заявить, что не признаёт себя в-ым): He took the file from the Judge, quickly skimmed its rather thin contents while ignoring the pleading look of the criminal, then said: "We enter the plea of not guilty, Your Honor.";
  - (найти в-ых): police enquiries continued for several weeks into this most unaccustomed mugging, but no culprits were discovered;
  - (признан в-ым в грубом нарушении прав человека): he was found guilty of gross human rights abuses;
  - (признан в-ым во взрыве): the Libyan found guilty of blowing up an aircraft over Lockerby has begun an appeal to have his conviction overturned;
  - (признание себя в-ым в судебно наказуемом преступлении): the independent counsel offered C. a deal: a guilty plea to one misdemeanor, and 10000 fine and no jail time. C. took it to avoid the crushing legal expense of a long trial;
  - (признать себя в-ым в чём-л): the company pleaded guilty to selling illegal, undersized crabs;
  - (признать себя в-ым по трём пунктам незаконного присвоения при отягчающих обстоятельствах): he pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated misappropriation;
  - (сторона, т.е. в дорожно-транспортном происшествии): Your own auto or health insurance company as well as the faulty party's insurance company may attempt to obtain information from you that could be harmful and may be used against you;
  - (сторона, в-ая в нарушении, т.е. контракта): Where the parties agree that in the event of a breach of contract, for example, the immovable property not being delivered to the purchaser on the stated date, the party who is in breach will pay a specified sum of money, the Court must consider whether the fixed sum should be classified as a penalty clause which is irrecoverable or as liquidated damages which are recoverable, which is a question of law.;
  - (считаться виновным): for purposes of insurance and policing, the driver of the car that rear-ends the other car is almost always considered to be at fault due to not being within stopping distance or lack of attention
  винтик образно - (в фашистской машине образно): editorial cartoonists had portrayed him as a small bolt in the swastika, a cog in the Nazi wheel;
  - (знать винтики образно политики): he knows more about the nuts and bolts of the politics than anyone else;
  - смотри файл TEXNIKA
  вира историческое - (т.е. выкуп за убитого): Isildur cut the Ring from his hand with the hilt-shard of his father's sword, and took it for his own. "This I will have as wergild for my father, and my brother," he said.
  виртуоз - this solution remains the virtuoso
  виртуозный - (машинистка): to the virtuoso typist, some of these features might seem unnecessary;
  - (операция): the surgeon is performing a delicate operation
  висеть - (на компании висело разг 200,000 неразрешённых исков): the company was saddled with 200,000 outstanding asbestos lawsuits which, had they come to fruition, would have effectively bankrupt the company, thus eradicating a substantial portion of the Bush family's wealth;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вкалывать - (т.е. на работе): you work your butt off, complete every assignment by overly exceeding your boss's expectations, and always arrive 10 minutes early before your shift begins;
  - (т.е. на тренировке): As the warm-up dragged on, he caught glances from his teammates, just checking to see if a real pro quarterback could grind it out with them. Was he a member of a team, or a prima donna just passing through?;
  - (т.е. на тренировке, о футболистах): in a cold, light rain the players slogged infml through 30 minutes of uninspired callisthenic sand sprints
  вклад - (т.е. банковский): certain former SS men were established in business of their own in the early fifties, bankrolled by funds from the Zurich deposits;
  - (т.е. банковский срочный): time deposit ( T/D, TD);
  - (т.е. банковский, в-ы, сделанные после 14 часов, поступят на счёт на следующий рабочий день): The signs on the counter said, "All deposits made after 2 p.m. will be deposited the following business day.";
  - (в. в денежной или товарной форме, т.е. в сотрудничество): contribution in money / cash or in kind;
  - (в. в цивилизацию): contribution to western civilization;
  - (в. в историю): the virtues of a people who have made their contribution to history through the grace of their life-style rather than martial qualities;
  - (в. в международные организации): he favored more generous American contributions to international institutions charged with alleviating poverty in poor countries;
  - (внести большой в. в переговоры): he was instrumental in negotiating the deal;
  - (делать в. в промышленность): the company makes a huge contribution in the computer industry;
  - (доказательство в-а шаха в безопасность): the nightmare that has befallen the Persian Gulf since the Shah's overthrow is the most eloquent demonstration of what he contributed to the free world security
  вкладывать / вложить - (деньги): смотри ниже;
  - (в. душу в избирательную кампанию Берни Сандерса): to everyone who poured your heart and soul into Bernie's campaign, thank you;
  - (в. душу в то, что делает): once he is engaged in something, he 's a pretty passionate guy;
  - (душу, она вкладывала всю душу, работая для меня по всей стране): she had worked her heart out for me all over the country in 1992;
  - (в. средства в технологию): we have to invest further massive resources in extraction and technology;
  - (в. средства в другие отрасли металлургии): diversifying into other metals as part of a wave of consolidation in the Russian metals and mining industry, Mr B. wants to make the group more than self-sufficient in energy terms;
  - (страна вложила в Олимпиаду, т.е. средства / усилия): her exuberance is a sign of how much Greece has invested, if belatedly, in the Olympics;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вкладывать / вложить (т.е. деньги) - (в. в проект 5 млн долларов): the agency will contribute $5 million to this project;
  - (в. в акции): Microsoft Corp. agreed to invest 150 million dollars in Apple stock;
  - (в. в акции): to put cash into cheaper equities;
  - (в. в исследования): a private donor had paid for most of the study, and the National Cancer Institute had chipped in infml relatively little;
  - (в. в кого-л): they were obviously investing in her and expected to get their money's worth;
  - (в. в облигации): lower rates would encourage investment in productive assets whose return сwas likely to be higher than what you would get parking money in Treasury bonds;
  - (в. в необеспеченные облигации): he invested in junk bonds and blew the lot;
  - (в. 1.7 миллиардов долларов в экономику): the United States agreed to put up $1.7 billion to provide financial support to the faltering South Korean economy;
  - (в. деньги на открытие счёта в банке): The mob opens a new business. They use a front man with no criminal record and an assumed name. The mob puts up money to open an account and establish credit. The racketeer's "nut" is used to make purchases that are quickly paid for. The company's credit goes up; so does the size of his orders. Soon, huge orders are pouring in the front door and sliding out the back, to be stored, peddled or bootlegged. By the time the creditors realize something is amiss, the "bust-out" has occurred. The company bank account is emptied out, so is the store, and the "entrepreneurs" are gone.
  включать / включить - (т.е. внести в состав): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. прибор): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. содержать в себе): смотри ниже
  включать / включить (т.е. внести в состав) - (в. в контракт, положение о взыскании / выплате неустойки не было включено в к.): while the city authorities wanted the bridge quickly and for that reason accepted the higher bid with speedy delivery, no provision for liquidated damages for delay was incorporated in the contract;
  - (в. в программу): teacher-training programmes should incorporate human rights education;
  - (в. в программу): the Transport Division should therefore incorporate this activity into its work programme;
  - (в. в сочинение): I've rewritten my essay to include some of the things I've found out;
  - (в. в список): notwithstanding the submittal of pre-qualification data, COMPANY is neither committed nor obligated to include your company on any bid list;
  - (в. в список городов, составляющих часть мирового наследия): to have Lviv designated as a World Heritage City;
  - (в. в список объектов всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО): sites inscribed into UNESCO's World Heritage List;
  - (в. добавления в текст): additions are included only when appropriate to the style;
  - (в. оговорку в коносамент): to include a clause in a bill of lading;
  - (органично в. возможности в предлагаемые пакеты): Cloud providers are doing a good job of seamlessly integrating such services into their offerings;
  - (в. особенности вида в новую генетическую среду): plants are crossed to introduce traits / genes from one species into a new genetic background;
  - (принудительно в. переменные в модель мат): to force variables into a model;
  - (в. работу в ежедневное расписание): it was easy to fit the job into my daily schedule;
  - (в. раздел в книгу): this section is included for historical completeness;
  - (в. результаты голосования в окончательный подсчёт): the vote in this county will be put into the final tally;
  - (в. Эстонию в Советский Союз): in 1940 Estonia was incorporated into the Soviet Union
  включать / включить (т.е. прибор) - (в. и выключать кран): he turned the taps on and off;
  - (лампу): he turned on the lamp beside him;
  - (лампу): to switch on a lamp;
  - (локатор): The missiles streaked upward in a ballistic path to a height of over a 100 000 feet before tipping over at Mach-5 speed and switching on their millimeter-band Doppler homing radars;
  - (в. на полную мощность реактор): bring the reactor to full power;
  - (в. настольную лампу): he switched on the green-shaded desklight;
  - (в. первую передачу, т.е. в автомобиле): to get into first gear;
  - (в. переходник в розетку / в. прибор в переходник / в. прибор, т.е. кнопкой): you simply plug the converter into the wall outlet, plug your appliance into the converter and turn on your appliance;
  - (в. на максимальную мощность постановщик помех): the American pilots affected by this saw them coming, and the feeling wasn't particularly pleasant. Each went to afterburner and dove for the deck, losing every bit of chaff and flares he had in his protection pods, plus turning the jamming pods up to max power one got clear away;
  - (в. звук, т.е радио, на большую громкость): volume was switched high;
  - (свет): he turned on his bedroom light;
  - (свет): he drew the curtains against the descending desk before he put on the light;
  - (секундомер): to start the stopwatch;
  - (т.е. в сеть электропитания): before connecting the kettle, check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds with the main voltage in your home;
  - (т.е. в сеть электропитания): a kettle should not be left connected to a wall socket when the room temperature is likely to fall to outdoor winter temperature;
  - (сигнализацию): to activate the alarm;
  - (сцепление, т.е. в автомобиле): смотри ниже;
  - (телевизор): he put on the television and flicked through the channels;
  - (термостат включает нагревательный элемент): at subzero temperatures the automatic control thermostat may reset to boil and energize the heating element of the kettle;
  включать сцепление / включить сцепление - (т.е. в автомобиле): to throw in the clutch;
  - he let in the clutch, and the car surged after the ambulance;
  - she engaged the clutch and the car moved forward;
  - the driver had to engage or change gears;
  - back behind the wheel, he slipped into gear and drove out onto the main road;
  - to put the transmission in gear / to put the car in gear;
  - to put the car in drive
  включать (т.е. содержать в себе) - (деятельность компании включает печать, издательства и компьютеры): a company whose activities encompass printing, publishing and computers;
  - (его знакомство с искусством не включало резьбу по дереву): his familiarity with art did not include woodcarving;
  - (обязанности включают исследования и преподавание студентам): duties include research and graduate teaching;
  - (расширенный ЕС будет в. несколько стран Центральной Европы): by then the EU will have expanded to encompass several Central European states;
  - (регион включает 5 областей): the Eastern region encompasses five oblasts;
  - (семейство утиных включает уток, гусей и лебедей): the members of the family Anatidae, which contains the swans, geese and ducks
  - (семейство утиных включает уток, гусей и лебедей): Anatidae is the biological family that includes ducks, geese and swans;
  - (файл включает необходимую информацию): the file contains all necessary information
  включаться / включиться - the lights went on after the final curtain;
  - (в контур управления, до того, как были включены в контур управления системы ночного видения): armed with TOW missiles, helicopter gunship had proven to the tanks of the North Vietnamese just how fearsome a foe a missile-armed chopper could be, and that had been before night-vision systems had come fully on-line;
  - (т.е. поучаствовать): the President said that he wants other countries to be pitching in more to help Ukraine
  включая - the jurors were forced to weigh the prosecutor's load of circumstantial evidence, including numerous reported confessions by S.;
  - (лобовое сопротивление и вес присущи всем предметам, в. самолёт): drag and weight are elements inherent in any object, including an aircraft;
  - supply and site installation of a combined cycle power plant comprising four identical gas turbine generating sets, their related steam turbine generating equipment and condensing systems, having an aggregate capacity in the range 600-700 MW at site conditions, complete with all necessary auxiliaries, controls and electrical equipment including HV switchyard;
  - (я не собираюсь делать то, что часто делают журналисты, включая меня): I'm not going to do what journalists, myself included, often do
  включение - (в-я в металл): the minute and soft inclusions scattered throughout the unprocessed metal make it easy to polish;
  - (в. женщин в различные сферы деятельности общества / организаций / корпораций): gender mainstreaming;
  - (в. нормального закона распределения в теорию чисел): the theorem marked the entry of the normal law, hitherto the property of gamblers and statisticians into number theory;
  - (перед в-ем генератора следует принять много мер предосторожности / генератор должен быть надёжно заземлён перед в-ем): There are a lot of safety precautions that need to be taken prior to turning on a portable generator. It is important that every portable generator be properly grounded before turning it on.;
  - (в. страны в мировую экономику): China's integration into the global economy
  включённый - (т.е. в сеть электропитания, не лезьте внутрь в-ого компьютера): never ever work on the PC with the power on;
  - (камера не включена): the camera is not on now;
  - (о зубчатой передаче): in gear;
  - (оставить в-ыми краны ванной): if you leave the bath taps running and the waste-pipe closed, the stairs of your house will resemble Niagara;
  - (оставить чайник в-ым в розетку): a kettle should not be left connected to a wall socket;
  - (отопление): when the wind whips around the house, even with the heat turned up I get chilled to the bone;
  - (свет): all the lights were on;
  - (телевизор): the TV was on;
  - (у него было включено радио): he had the radio on, and was listening to a music show;
  - (я оставил плиту в-ой): My stove. I think I left it on.
  вконец - (в. испортить настроение): the cheers seemed to sap the last of his morale
  вкрадываться / вкрасться - (я не позволяю личным переживаниям вкрасться в мои рассказы): I never let my personal background creep into my stories
  вкратце - in short, he asked for an Open Door policy;
  - Finally, have a moral of the story to make the point stick in people's minds. That's the five story telling points in a nutshell.;
  - (в. ознакомить журналистов с только что заключённым соглашением): I briefed journalists on the newly concluded agreement;
  - (описать): describe briefly the equipment to be purchased;
  - (рассказать в. что-л): I want to give you the headlines infml fig now in case I go under a bus
  вкривь и вскось - (перья расположены / растут в. и в.): the stormcrow presents an imposing picture at close range - or would if the bird were better groomed. Somehow the glossy feathers of his body and wings always seem unkempt, as if the crow never preens. The tail feathers are set slightly askew one from another.;
  - (пойти в. и в.): It was an attempt to identify just when, in this island nation's proud history, it all went pear-shaped. When did the rot set in? Where did it all go wrong?
  вкус - (в. в одежде и еде): he had always stressed his ordinary personal tastes in clothing and food;
  - the room reflects the personal taste of its tenant;
  - (быть не по в-у кому-л): military life was not to his taste;
  - (быть по в-у кому-л): sometimes the fun was a bit mean, but that suited Tom's disposition;
  - (дело в-а): "You bought this monster?" "He's gorgeous, isn't he?" That was a matter of opinion;
  - (в. к жизни): he was a charming man because of his zest for life;
  - (в. к элегантности): he had a taste for Western elegance in his private life;
  - (ликёра): add creme de cassis when the syrup is cold; the flavor of the liqueur remains unaltered;
  - (на все вкусы): night clubs to suit every taste;
  - (нарядиться со в-ом): the fairies had disguised equally pretty and tasteful;
  - (плохой в. во рту): the wine he had drunk the evening before gave his mouth a taste like parrot droppings;
  - (в. к работе, почувствовать в. к работе): the Young Apprenticeship programme offers pupils the chance to gain the taste of "real work";
  - (не в его в-е): the island wasn't at all to his taste;
  - (по своему в-у): I'll give him an heir, but one more to my liking;
  - (прийтись по в-у кому-л): смотри ниже;
  - (разнообразие придаёт в. жизни): variety is the spice of life;
  - (танцевать с изысканным в-ом): she dances A. with dazzling assurance and exquisite sensibilities;
  - (у вина пряный в. / вино пряное на в.): Did you spice the wine? It tasted mulled.;
  - (у каждого свой в.): every man to his taste, as the man said when he kissed his cow / everyone to their own taste;
  - (у тебя есть в. к такому / на такое): you've really got an eye for that sort of things;
  - (чувство в-а / чувство в-а): the sense of taste is also called gustation;
  - (чувствовать в., есть, не чувствуя в-а еды): I ate without tasting the food
  вкус (прийтись по в-у кому-л) - a top chef from Paris finds Boston to his taste;
  - (ему не встретилась женщина, которая пришлась бы ему по в-у): he met no woman who pleased his fancy;
  - (жуки, которым человеческая кровь пришлась по в-у): biting bugs with a taste for human blood;
  - (Лондон не пришёлся ему по в-у): he found London not to his taste;
  - (товар пришёлся по ву покупателям): the product had a good sell; the customers seemed to have a taste for it
  владелец - (автомобиля): he is now a proud owner of a new car;
  - (в. банковского счёта): account holder;
  - (в. банковской карточки): the card holder agreement describes the terms that apply to your card;
  - (в. банковской карточки): purchases paid for by credit card will only be refunded by a credit to the card holder's account;
  - (газеты): newspaper proprietors;
  - (гостиницы): I've written a complaint to the proprietor of the hotel;
  - (в. долговых обязательств компании): holders of any debentures;
  - (дОма): the owner of the house;
  - (домовладелец): if you are a householder doing some or all of the work yourself, try to avoid causing any noise or dust in the evenings or on Sundays or Bank Holidays;
  - (в. лицензии на пончики Данкин): a franchisee for Dunkin' Donuts;
  - (магазина): the tradition of lone shopkeepers has hampered the growth of franchising;
  - (паба): publican BrE;
  - (паспорта): a British passport holder needs no visa for Turkey
  - (в. похоронного бюро): undertaker;
  - (предприятия): using blackmail and extortions to force business owners to turn down their business;
  - (ресторана): a prominent restaurateur;
  - (судна): shipowner;
  - (судна): Ship Operator. Buying a ship is just the first step in becoming involved in the maritime industry. Post-purchase, the actual day-to-day operations take an immense amount of organisation and coordination, with activities that range from finding the cargo to be carried and financial demands, to organising a repair and maintenance schedule and completing contracts.;
  - (в. торговых судов): International Chamber of Shipping, the international trade association for merchant ship operators;
  - (у него был вид владельца): I just assumed he owned the place - he had a proprietary air about him;
  - (в. ценных бумаг): securities holder
  владение - (т.е. знание / умение): смотри ниже;
  - (недостаточное в. своими эмоциями / речью): one in four children is starting school with inadequate basic social, emotional or language skills;
  - (т.е. обладание): смотри ниже;
  - (собой): self-composure
  владение (т.е. знание / умение) - (в. английским языком, справка о в-и английским языком): report on proficiency in English;
  - (в. английским языком, доказать в. английским языком): each candidate who is not a native English speaker needs to prove her proficiency in English before being admitted into the program;
  - (т.е. в. всадника конём): he admired the Tatar soldier's mastery of horses and brilliant riding;
  - (в. иностранным языком): a student's mastery of a language is measured by how well he can use it;
  - (в. иностранным языком): the student's command of a language is judged by how well he can perform in public;
  - (в. музыкальным инструментом): a young trumpeter approached Miles Davis, eager to learn how he got such an intimacy with his instrument;
  - (оружием): applying the Brady law's prohibition on gun ownership to violent juveniles;
  - (в. художника стилем сфумато): the picture's ethereal mist-filled atmosphere was attributed to Da Vinci's mastery of sfumato style
  владение (т.е. обладание) - (владения): смотри ниже;
  - (вступить во в. трастовым фондом, который оставила ему в наследство бабушка): when he turned twenty-one, he came into the trust his grandmother left him;
  - (вступить во в. чем-л): take possession of the property on the agreed-upon date;
  - (домовладение): rates of home ownership have remained relatively constant;
  - (зарегистрированный владелец имеет право в-я): A simpler example is when someone purchases an automobile and finances it. The party "buying" the automobile has possession and is the "registered owner." The bank or finance company has legal ownership and is listed as the "lienholder." In the event the registered owner fails to make payments to the lienholder, the lienholder has the right to repossess the automobile, presumably to sell it. The registered owner has possession and right of possession, while the lienholder retains right of property.;
  - (в. на основе аренды): "Is your flat leasehold?" "Yes, we bought it leasehold.";
  - (налог на в. транспортным средством): vehicle personal property tax;
  - (находиться во в-и и пользовании юридич): when the whole of the capital stock referred to in section 4967.14 of the Revised Code is surrendered or transferred, and a certificate thereof filed in the office of the secretary of state, under the common seal of the consolidated railroad company to which such surrender or transfer was made, the estate, property, rights, privileges, and franchises of the company whose stock was so surrendered or transferred vests in and is held and enjoyed by such consolidated company as fully and entirely, without change or diminution, as they before were held and enjoyed and shall be managed and controlled by the board of directors of such consolidated company;
  - (находящийся во временном в-и и пользовании кого-л): effective immediately after Separation, Roxio hereby grants, reconveys and assigns to Adaptec, by execution hereof (or, where appropriate or required, by execution of separate instruments of assignment), all its right, title and interest in and to the Assigned Technology that is or directly relates to the ReZoom product including, without limitation, documentation and object code for the ReZoom product and the source code files set forth on EXHIBIT A, to the extent such Assigned Technology was conveyed to Roxio under the Master Technology Ownership and License Agreement (the "Reconveyed Technology"), and its Intellectual property Rights therein, to be held and enjoyed by Adaptec, its successors and assigns;
  - (низкая стоимость в-я): low cost of ownership;
  - (передать во в. и пользование): B. confirms that he has exclusively licensed, and does hereby continue to exclusively license, in accordance with the terms set forth below, unto Licensee, B.'s entire undivided right, title, ownership and interest in and to the Patent and the Patent Rights, throughout the Territory, to be held and enjoyed by Licensee the same as it would have been held and enjoyed by Brunner if this Patent License and Royalty Agreement had not been made and entered into;
  - (совместное, т.е. у супругов): joint ownership is automatically presumed by law in absence of specific evidence that would point to a contrary conclusion for a particular piece of property;
  - (частное в., не входить): a notice board saying "Private property, keep out";
  - (частное): a gateway off the road onto a private estate
  владения - (земельные в.): the farmers combined their land holdings and resources;
  - (колониальные в. США в Карибском море): by purchase of that land the United States completed its colonial holdings in the Caribbean;
  - (колонии считались личными в-ями короля): the Spanish king regarded colonies as his personal possessions;
  - (т.е. феодальные, добро пожаловать в мои в. / приветствую тебя в моих в-ях): you are welcome to my domain
  владеть - (аудиторией): he has a good grip on the audience;
  - (вниманием учащихся): he had his class's attention;
  - (ею владело честолюбие): she was mastered by an overweening ambition;
  - (т.е. обладать знанием / умением): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. обладать чем-л материальным): смотри ниже;
  - ( ситуацией, т.е. разбираться, она слабо владеет ситуацией на Ближнем Востоке): she has an apparently weak grasp of the Middle East situation;
  - (ситуацией, т.е. управлять ею): amid turmoil over Indochina, the (Nixon's) Administration was able to dominate events;
  - (ситуацией, т.е. управлять ею): if a situation is dominated by others with power to...;
  - (собой): смотри ниже
  владеть (т.е. обладать знанием / умением) - (искусством быть незаметным): he has mastered the art of being dim;
  - (лучше в. мечом и ножами, чем я): he is a lot handier than me with his sword and his knives;
  - (одинаково хорошо в. обеими руками): he was so ambidextrous that he could write two different letters to two different people at the same time;
  - (предметом): he makes a good impression, he is in good command of the subject;
  - (умением мостить дороги): road-paving was a skill that his country had not yet mastered;
  - (хорошо в. компьютером): she is proficient at / in operating the computer;
  - (хорошо в. оружием): they were young professional soldiers, proficient in their weapons;
  - (хорошо владеющий мечом): he is portrayed as a typical knight hero, not too bright, but with good swordsmanship;
  - (художник в совершенстве владел композицией, цветом, светом и пространством): Velázquez handled composition, color, light and space to perfection
  - (языком): смотри ниже
  владеть собой - he kept his temper more than most of us would;
  - (стиснув зубы, он пытался в.с.): with jaws set in an effort to control himself
  - he was calm and composed, nothing to be done in haste
  - he was as self-possessed as I'd ever seen him;
  - Do you really think this is about truth or lies? It's about keeping your head down and your temper under control;
  - (он перестал в.с. от злости): he lost track of himself in anger;
  - (впервые было видно, что он не вполне владел с.): this is the first time he has seemed in less than complete control
  владеть (языком) - (бегло в. иностранным я.): he was fluent in Russian;
  - (бегло в. иностранным языком): the traveler's grasp of language was fluent and familiar;
  - (лексикой, переводчик не владел психиатрической л.): the interpreter was very gullible, apart from having no psychiatric vocabulary;
  - (недостаточно в. иностранным яязыком): neither Ukrainians nor Jews stood much chance of being admitted to the Licée, all this under the pretext that they had insufficient command of the Polish language;
  - (недостаточно в. разговорным английским): many of our doctors and nurses are themselves non-British, and do not have an adequate grasp of colloquial English;
  - (свободно в. двумя языками): if you are bilingual that puts you at a huge advantage getting jobs here in Honolulu since we get such a huge influx of visitors from Japan;
  - (свободно / хорошо в. иностранным я.): to have full / good command of English;
  - (в. языками меньшинств): employment of those proficient in minority languages;
  - (языком): also B. was getting drunk, he was still in command of his tongue
  владеть (т.е. обладать чем-л материальным) - (автомобилем): A simple example is when someone purchases an automobile and finances it. The party "buying" the automobile has possession and is the "registered owner." The bank or finance company has legal ownership and is listed as the "lienholder." In the event the registered owner fails to make payments to the lienholder, the lienholder has the right to repossess the automobile, presumably to sell it. The registered owner has possession and right of possession, while the lienholder retains right of property.;
  - (акциями): Prosperity Capital management holds Russian stocks;
  - (землями, британцы фактически владели западными землями): the British were in actual possession of the western lands;
  - (имуществом): the company which last year owned and managed 55 billion dollars in assets;
  - (компанией): the people who actually own the company;
  - (мячом, о команде): Paris had possession of the ball and it was a chance well-taken by the player;
  - (мячом, об игроке): G. in possession;
  - (наследством): She invented a new identity in order to falsely inherit a $35million fortune. However, she only enjoyed the inheritance for a short while.;
  - (совместно с кем-л в. чем-л): she co-owned the car with her husband
  владеющий - (хорошо в-ая собой девушка): an elegant, self-possessed girl
  вламываться / вломиться - (в рынок): he was sallying forth into a job-market glutted with young accountants;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  властвовать - (над кем-л): the room where the Politburo meets every Tuesday morning to hold sway over 250 million Soviet citizens;
  - (разделяй и властвуй): divide and rule
  властен - (президент в. над ценами на бензин немногим больше, чем над погодой): the average American constituent is too unsophisticated to realize that the president has only slightly more control over gasoline prices than he does over the weather
  - (рок, над которым человек не властен): the pagan Arabs believed in a blind and inexorable fate over which man had no control;
  власти - (бессердечие в-ей): the picture is as much about the callousness of the establishment as about holy history;
  - (в. прекратили поиски пропавших, т.е. после оползней): fearing fresh avalanches of mud, Guatemalan officials called off the search for those still missing after the heaviest rainfall in 60 years flooded the country;
  - (в. страны): the authorities in Spain have refused to allow him to enter the country
  властно - (вести партнёра в танце): she was steering him so forcefully that he felt as though he were a show dog she was putting through its paces;
  - (в. присвоить местные традиции): through and in tradition, Islam aligned itself authoritatively with all it found compatible in local usages and brought hospitably and masterfully within its purview the continuity of many cultures
  властный - смотри файл EMOCII
  власть - (высшая): the praetorians round the seat of ultimate power;
  - (борьба за в.): China is in the throes of a leadership struggle;
  - (ветвь в-ти): the other branch of government tried to exceed the power;
  - (власти): смотри выше;
  - (возыметь в. над кем-л): the Ring has got far too much hold on you;
  - (диктатор добивался в-ти над всей страной): the dictator sought to gain dominion over the entire country;
  - (жажда в-и): you murdered millions in the name of your maniac power-lust;
  - (жаждущие в-ти): coalition partners hungry for more clout after relatively strong showing in June's local elections were also fed up with years of undelivered promises;
  - (закон даёт в. мужчинам и не даёт в. женщинам): the law empowers men and disempowers women;
  - (захватить в.): to seize power;
  - (захватить в., компьютеры могут захватить в. над людьми): the idea that computers might become smarter than us and end up taking over;
  - (иметь в.): the delegates had no real authority, they had no power to create an army;
  - (иметь в. над каждым гражданином страны): they had immense power over every citizen in their country;
  - (иметь большую в.): teachers' unions wield lots of power;
  - (как режим удерживал в.): Mr Kohl's demand to seal files would essentially close a trove of material about how the old regime maintained its grip;
  - (в. канцлера была велика): the Chancellor had silenced them with a few terse sentences, and such was his power that they stayed silenced;
  - (мечты о в-ти): our dreams of power;
  - (в. над вкусовыми сосочками юмор): despite not being a big fish fan, the cod roll has a mysterious hold over my taste buds even to this day;
  - (в. над кем-л): she was worried that one of them would threaten his dominion over the others;
  - (в. над Политбюро): the Soviet President can keep his hold on the Politburo;
  - (не в моей в-ти остановить кого-л): I apologise, sir, but a man like this,... I cannot presume the authority to stop him;
  - (не иметь в-ти над чем-л): the pagan Arabs believed in a blind and inexorable fate over which man had no control;
  - (ни один лидер не обладает такой в-тью, как А.): there is no one leader that has command as Yassir Arafat;
  - (обладающий в-тью): incorruptible men of substance and power;
  - (оказаться во в-ти / под в-тью кого-л): Nine he gave to Mortal Men, proud and great, and so ensnared them. Long ago they fell under the dominion of the One, and they became Ringwraiths, shadows under his great Shadow, his most terrible servants;
  - (оккупационные власти): the reintroduction of the death penalty, which was suspended by the US occupation authority;
  - (партия в-ти): the party of power / in power;
  - (передача в-ти от многонациональных сил ООН): the handover of authority from our multinational force to the United Nations;
  - (т.е. правительство): the government AmE;
  - (в. предержащие): how the powers that be BrE control film and TV content;
  - (президент имеет не больше в-ти над ценами на бензин, чем над погодой): the average American constituent is too unsophisticated to realize that the president has only slightly more control over gasoline prices than he does the weather;
  - (президента): to weaken the presidency and to strengthen the parliament;
  - (прийти к в-ти): how Hitler rose to power;
  - (рвущийся к в-ти): a power-crazy politician;
  - (родительская): in those days parental rule was absolute and there was no brooking the argument;
  - (сильная): effective government / governance / authority;
  - (символы в-ти): coat of arms and other symbols of royal authority;
  - (в. сталинской доктрины стала ослабевать): as the hard-line Stalinist doctrine began to lose its grip in Czechoslovakia, a new generation of writers emerged;
  - (угрожать в-ти кого-л): the elections in Serbia threaten to Milosevic's continuous grip of power;
  - (центральная в. не была такой сильной): in their republics the grip of the centre was always likely to be less total than inside Russia itself;
  - (т.е. в. человека над рыбами в море, и над птицами в воздухе, и над скотом, и над всей землёй, и над всякой тварью, что ползает по земле): and God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth;
  властный - (полномочия): the powers of government;
  - (структуры): bodies of government / government agencies;
  - смотри файл EMOCII
  влачить - (в. жалкое существование): to drag on wretched existence;
  - (в. жалкое существование): to lead squalid existence;
  - (в. нищенское существование): he was a knockabout neighborhood lawyer, scuffling for a living AmE
  влево - (т.е. команда для судоводителей): port!;
  - (накрениться в., о самолёте): when the aircraft was overhead the tanker, she banked to port;
  - (повернуть в., вы едете по дороге с разделительной полосой и подъезжаете к разрыву разделительной полосы, где водители, едущие в разных направлениях могут повернуть в.): if you're driving down a divided highway and come to a gap in the median where drivers in either direction can turn left, do you know the proper way to turn?;
  - (повернуть голову в.): he turned his head to the left to the source of the groans;
  - (чтобы разделить на 10, сдвиньте десятичную точку на одну позицию в.): to divide by ten, move the decimal point one place to the left
  влезать / влезть - (в. в долги, вы не заметите, как влезете в долги): if you spend more with your credit cards than you can reasonably pay off, you'll run into debt before you know it.;
  - (в. в долги): Rosneft, the Russian oil company, on Wednesday, announced plans to sell bonds, assets and shares to pay down $34 billion of debt incurred to buy assets from Yukos;
  - (в. в отрасли промышленности образно): the Chinese have made huge inroads into that industry, and they pissed off a lot of people in the process;
  - (в. в разработку программ образно): he doesn't want to get into the software development game;
  - (т.е. поместиться, в полку не влезет больше книг): I don't think the shelf can take any more books;
  - ( т.е. поместиться, достаточно большой конверт, чтобы в него влезла работа): an envelope large enough to hold your work;
  - ( т.е. поместиться, полки имеют такой размер, чтобы влезали книги и компакт-диски): the bookshelves are sized to accommodate books and CD-ROMs;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  влететь - (комитету за это здорово влетело): the committee got considerable flack about it;
  - (в. в копеечку): to cost a pretty penny
  влечение - (вызывать в. к загадочным женским фигурам): I was aching with the mystery of sex, with the terrible allure that such undulating figures could evoke;
  - (инстинктивное в. у животных к выполнению определённых действий): an instinctive inclination or propensity in animals to perform certain actions, as in the young to suck, in aquatic fowls to enter into water and to swim; the tendency of an organized body to seek what satisfies the wants of its organism;
  - (испытывать в. к девчачьей одежде): I'm a straight 14 year old but I always have had a strong attraction to girly things;
  - (испытывать в. к противоположному полу): a gay person has no sexual attraction to the opposite sex;
  - (в. к алкоголю у крыс): participation of adrenergic regulations in variations of appetency for alcohol in rats;
  - (в. к чтению): he had a strong appetency for reading;
  - (половое): without testicles, there are no male sex hormones. No sex hormones = no sex drive, no erections
  влечь [за собой] - (запись с телефона влечёт потерю качества, т.е. звучания): in terms of pure sonics, recording from the phone always involves some loss of quality;
  - (написание книги повлекло много работы): writing a history book entailed a lot of work;
  - (операция влечёт потери тока): this operation entails / involves / results in / leads to a waste of current;
  - (мы знаем, какие последствия влекут эти перспективы): I can no longer pursue this policy of rejection, because we now know what these perspectives entail;
  - (рентгеновские лучи могут повлечь изменения в хромосомах): the X-rays can cause changes in chromosomes;
  - (уменьшение Eg влечёт увеличение...): a decrease in Eg implies an increase in...
  вливание - (капитала): the company received a huge injection of capital from an unnamed investor;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вливаться / влиться - (в. в коллектив): to find workers who will not only perform their normal job duties to their fullest but also fit into the team that is already in place;
  - (в. в Европейскую комиссию): The High Authority was the executive branch of the former European Coal and Steel Community. It was created in 1951 and disbanded in 1967 when it was merged into the European Commission.;
  - (в. в мировую систему торговли): to integrate into the world's trading system;
  - (дорога вливается в автомагистраль): the cloverleaf where the road climbed to join the motorway;
  - (компьютерная система вливается в структуру министерства финансов): his job with IBM had involved creating foolproof systems that could also be integrated with the Saudi treasury set-up;
  - (легко в. в круг шпионов, спецназовцев и наёмников образно): with his convincing patter and combat garb, J. blended easily into the circle of spooks, bearded US special forces and burly private security contractors, who form part of the cast of America's war on terror
  влипать / влипнуть - (в грязную историю / в скандал): he got mixed up in a scandal and escaped the pen only by the skin of his teeth;
  - (т.е. в неприятности): We've got into a fix infml. We've come unarmed, we've got no food.;
  - (ты влип): you 're in trouble;
  влияние - (без отцовского в-я этого сопляка не взяли бы туалеты чистить): without his father's clout that jerk couldn't get a job cleaning toilets;
  - (вернуть утраченное в.): the Soviet leaders were at a loss as to how to recapture their waning influence;
  - (группа в-я): the Senator called Barack Obama an untested candidate beholden to Democratic interest groups;
  - (злоупотребление в-ем / торговля в-ем): congressional and federal investigation of influence peddling and other possible illegalities in last-minute pardons granted by Bill Clinton;
  - (в. новости будет травмирующим для общественного мнения ): if the news ever get out, the effect on popular opinion would be traumatic;
  - (иметь в. на кого-л): do you have any influence over her?;
  - (в. Интернета на культуру): the impact of the Internet on popular culture is harder to discern;
  - (в. информации на общественное мнение): if the news ever get out, the effect on popular opinion would be traumatic;
  - (какое в. матч будет иметь на британский теннис?): what impact this match could have on British tennis?;
  - (в. кого-л на решения президента зависит скорее от основного мандата, чем от теоретического доступа в Овальный кабинет): influence on the Presidential decisions depends more on the substantive mandate than on theoretical access to the Oval Office;
  - (в. компании на правительство): its massive export earnings give the company a lot of clout with the government;
  - (в. курения на здоровье): harmful effects of smoking on maternal and fetal health;
  - (в. на культуру): its impact on popular culture is hard to discern;
  - (в. на планету): colossal effect on the planet;
  - (в. на экономику): that could raise defaults still higher while pushing house prices down, tightening the credit crunch and deepening the impact on the economy;
  - (в. налоговых льгот на экономику): the tax-rebate checks are only now reaching taxpayers and their impact on the economy has yet to be seen;
  - (в. налоговых льгот на профицит бюджета): the effect of the fiscal stimulus on the future budget surplus;
  - (новость может оказать мощное в. на выборы): the news can give a powerful boost at the re-run of the election;
  - ( в. образования на кого-л): he had a classical education, but it was less strict that hers and its effects were less pronounced;
  - (оказать / оказывать в.): смотри ниже;
  - (в. отмены инвестиций): the cancellation of the investment will have a limited impact;
  - (политическое): the Chinese People's Liberation Army has a lot of political clout over there;
  - (политическое): the queen may have privilege but she has no real political clout;
  - (пользоваться в-ем): my father retired from politics years ago, but he still holds sway in the town to this day;
  - (пользующаяся политическом в-ем семья): a well-heeled and politically influential family;
  - (пользоваться в-ем в городах): the Sunni Council of Islamic Scholars wields considerable influence in cities such as Fallujah and Ramadi;
  - (в. пребывания в космосе на старение): our space agency wanted to study the effects of space on aging;
  - (в. пребывания в космосе на организм человека): experiments on the impact of space on the human body;
  - (в. разных сочетаний выдержки без корма и времени перевозки на очистку кишечника, выход мяса и качество тушки бройлеров): an experiment was conducted to determine the effect of feed withdrawal time on carcass quality of broilers;
  - (рычаги в-я): the main utility of the bill would be in the leverage it gave future presidents to keep wasteful items out of budgets in the first place;
  - (в. сменной работы на здоровье и самочувствие персонала): the impact of shift work on personal health and wellness;
  - (в. СССР на арабов): the Soviets did not have as much influence with their Arab friends as we had thought;
  - (стиля, т.е. на художника): Giotto broke away from the influence of the Byzantine style;
  - (т.е. страны на рынок сырья): China's influence on the commodities market is more acute that on any other investment market;
  - (т.е. страны на союзника): Hanoi had less influence over its Cambodian Communist ally, the Khmer Rouge;
  - (сфера в-я страны): to draw the country into its sphere of influence;
  - (в. уменьшения процентных ставок на строительство): the effects of interest rate cuts are easy to see in the construction industry;
  - (усилить в. на экономику): that could raise defaults still higher while pushing house prices down, tightening the credit crunch and deepening the impact on the economy;
  - (в. электроники на жизнь): this concept in semiconductor electronics will have an impact on our lives as...
  влияние (оказать / оказывать в.) - (оказывать большое / глубокое / сильное в. на экономику и политику в мире): China has a profound economic and political impact on the world;
  - (друзья оказывают на него плохое в.): his friends had an unhealthy hold over him;
  - (жена президента оказывает огромное в. на политику администрации): the president's wife holds a lot of sway over the administration's policy;
  - (лекарство оказывает на матку такое же в., что и эстроген): An increased risk of womb cancer is a known side effect of taking tamoxifen, which is a hormonal therapy for breast cancer. Scientists think this is because the drug has a similar effect on the womb to oestrogen.;
  - (т.е. на политика): Bill's staff trooped in to lobby me (Hillary Clinton), one after another, each delivering the same message;
  - (оказывать в. на рассмотрение рукописи): Don't send anything (to a literary agency) that might be construed as a bribe. None of this has any impact on our consideration of your work. The work has to sink or swim on its own merits.;
  - (оказать глубокое в. на художников): he had a profound influence on other painters;
  - (независимые кинокомпании... не оказывали в-я на прокат, т.е. кинофильмов): historically, independent production companies have been poorly capitalized, raising money for one film at a time, and wielding no influence over distribution in a highly competitive industry;
  - (пол бройлера оказывает значительное в. на рост и выход мяса): broiler sex as a substantial effect on most production parameters, such as growth and yield
  влиятельный - (актриса): only actresses- with great clout such as Julia Roberts can insist on a no-nudity close;
  - (должность): elections elevate Republicans to positions of power in Congress;
  - (комитет): influential committee;
  - (в-ые круги противятся усилению закона о равноправии инвалидов): Powerful Interests Oppose Strengthening of Disabilities Law;
  - (круги, для политических коммивояжёров стало неприемлемым ходить с протянутой рукой к богатым людям и представителям влиятельных кругов за взносами на политические кампании): it is no longer acceptable for political bagmen to go cap in hand to wealthy individuals and powerful interests seeking contributions for a political campaign;
  - (лица): however the great and good fig represent it, America has now taken the Shia side in the Middle East's sectarian war;
  - (лица / люди): movers and shakers fig in the business world;
  - (лица / люди, как важно тусоваться с в-ыми людьми мира искусства): the importance of hanging out with the movers and shakers of the art world;
  - (лицо, хоть сколько-нибудь в-ое лицо): he was the last male Wilbanks of any consequence;
  - (пост): elections elevate Republicans to positions of power in Congress;
  - (президент): one of the most forceful and influential presidents in American history;
  - (самые в-ые люди Парижа): clearly he was hosting a party, and from the looks of the automobiles, some of Paris's most influential people were in attendance
  влиять - (продление государственных гарантий на вклады не будет в. на кредитоспособность): prolonging the government guarantee on deposits probably won't affect the credit ratings of banks over the short term;
  - (время погашения ипотечного кредита повлияет на размер месячного платежа): the length of your mortgage payment period will directly affect your monthly mortgage payment;
  - (закон о безопасности пенсионных доходов отрицательно повлиял на страхование нетрудоспособности): the way in which ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) has negatively impacted disability insurance is by taking away significant legal rights;
  - (запахи влияют на то, что вы думаете): how scents influence what you think;
  - (засухи плохо влияют на урожай): droughts are badly affecting the coffee crops;
  - (изменения в одной части системы влияют на остальные): an intricate system in which changes in one part affect all the others;
  - (лобби пытались в. на голосование): powerful lobbies tried by every means in their power to influence the votes;
  - (миноритарные акционеры не могут реально в. на управление компанией): minority shareholders are often effectively deprived of any real say in the running of the company;
  - (в. на многочисленные последствия, о раздельном обучении мальчиков и девочек): a study of over 17,000 individuals examined whether single-sex schooling made a difference for a wide range of outcomes, including academic attainment, earnings, marriage, childbearing and divorce;
  - (т.е. на политика): the President's staff trooped in to lobby the First Lady, one after another, each delivering the same message;
  - (в. на примирение партий): we've tried to effect the reconciliation between the two parties;
  - (в. на свидетелей, т.е. по уголовному делу): it is necessary to prevent the arrestee absconding, committing further crimes, or hindering the course of justice by, for example, interfering with witnesses or disposing of stolen property or of evidence.;
  - (в. на формирование, демографические изменения влияли на политику): major demographic changes have shaped and reshaped American politics throughout the nation's history;
  - (непрочность марок влияет на поступление редких экземпляров на аукцион): supply of rare pieces is influenced by the fragility of stamps;
  - (обязательства перед сторонними лицами или организациями, которые могут в. на выполнение служебных обязанностей): holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties;
  - (плохо в. на кого-л): he 's such a bad influence on her;
  - (погодные условия влияют на растительность): winter in the temperate latitudes can present extremely stressful conditions that greatly affect the vegetation;
  - (правительство / руководство не повлияло на исход войны): the Soviet leadership did enough to ensue the continuation of the war but failed to affect the outcome;
  - (размер частиц окислителя влияет на скорость сгорания топлива): the particle size of the oxidizer affects / influences the burning rate of the propellant;
  - (рекламная кампания не сильно повлияла на объём продаж): the advertising campaign didn't have much effect on sales;
  - (родители повлияли на меня положительно): my parents have only influenced me positively;
  - (тяготение влияет на движение тел): gravity affects the motion of bodies in the solar system;
  - (фоновый шум не влияет на точность): background noise has no influence / effect on the accuracy of...
  вложенный - (т.е. в математике): two independent random variables embedded in A X A;
  - (окупить в-ые средства): in 5 years the tanker will amortise the investment
  вляпаться разг - (ну почему я вечно вляпаюсь в какое-нибудь дерьмо?): why do I always get landed infml with this shit?
  вменить / вменять - (в вину, не сделать ничего такого, что можно было бы в. ему в вину): he hasn't done anything incriminating yet
  вменяемость - (он находится под судом на предмет установления в-ти): an opportunity was yesterday afforded the jurors in the Court of O., where E.F. is on trial as to his sanity, of judging whether he is shamming
  вменяемый (т.е. психически здоровый) - (власть дала понять, что будет слушать ту общественность, которую сочтёт в-ой образно, а не ту, которую соберёт для неё политтехнолог): the authorities have made it clear that they will listen to those members of the public who, in their view, make sense rather than to those brought together by a political consultant;
  - (достаточно в., чтобы предстать перед судом): psychiatrists decided that he is sane enough to stand trial;
  - (достаточно в., чтобы предстать перед судом): a psychiatric evaluation indicates that T.H., accused of killing a police officer, is competent to stand trial;
  - (он был признан в-ым): A judge ordered him to undergo psychiatric evaluation at several mental health facilities to find if he were mentally competent to stand trial. Upon evaluation, he was found to be mentally competent.;
  - (он был признан достаточно в-ым, чтобы предстать перед судом): he was judged mentally fit to stand trial;
  - an expert witness testified that he was, in his opinion, sane;
  - Of the Dutch Muslim it can be assumed that he is reasonable. He lives in a free country, where he can choose whether or not to read, listen or view texts, sounds and images that are displeasing or distressing to him.
  вместе - (армия действует в. с полицией): the army is acting in conjunction with the police in the hunt for the terrorists;
  - (в. взятые): смотри ниже;
  - (в. вы будете сильнее ваших врагов): United you will be more than a match for your enemies. But if you quarrel and separate, your weakness will put you at the mercy of those who attack you.;
  - (держаться в.): you can keep this country on a steady course, if you stick together;
  - (жить в., т.е. постоянно жить у любовницы): He was not in the market for a full-time live-in. He had never lived with a woman, and he was not contemplating a full-time companionship.;
  - (... которые в. составляют ткань демократии): building and sustaining a civil society - the civic associations, religious institutions, voluntary efforts, NGOs and individual acts of citizenship that together weave a fabric of democratic life;
  - (любовь и брак всегда в.): love and marriage go together like horse and carriage;
  - (настроение улучшалось в. с погодой): in March, with spring coming, my spirits lifted along with the weather;
  - (они в. питались): They shared most of their meals. That certainly gave him plenty of opportunities to commit the crime the jury convicted him of.;
  - (петь в хоре): one of a group of people who sing together in a choir;
  - (в. с полицией проводить рейд по территории): another taped excerpt showed Mr I. and his team raiding a compound alongside Afghan police;
  - (в. писать биографию): the two writers have decided to collaborate on the biography;
  - (положить записку в. с папкой в конверт): he placed the note along with the file inside the envelope;
  - (поодиночке или в.): Brer Rabbit is constantly at odds with Brer Bear, Brer Wolf, and Sly Brer Fox. This trio, singularly or collectively, attempts to humiliate, outsmart, and sometimes even kill Brer Rabbit.;
  - (они в. попили кофейку): they shared a companionable coffee;
  - (в. преследовать цели): strategic goals which both of our countries are pursuing jointly;
  - (прийти в.): they arrived together but left separately;
  - (пятки в.): Heels together. I want to hear the leather smack.;
  - (т.е. районы в. составляют город): Hampton is now divided into Hampton Falls, South Hampton, North Hampton and Hampton Beach. Collectively they form a New Hampshire version of the Hamptons;
  - (река в. с озёрами): combined with the Great Lakes, the river provided a water route into...;
  - (рисунки в. с другими произведениями): the book puts together his drawings along with other creations;
  - (роскошь приходит в. с комфортом): luxury comes hand in hand with comfort;
  - (в. с водой выплеснуть и ребёнка): to throw the baby out with the bath water;
  - (в. с другими правительствами оказывать давление на ОПЕК): the government will continue in conjunction with other governments to put pressure on OPEC;
  - (в. с другими туристами): along with the other tourists from London, he queued nearly an hour for passport control;
  - (в. с другой компанией): Semicon, in concert with our company is at the forefront of...;
  - (Сатана в. с другими ангелами): the being who became Shaytan had previously occupied a high station but fell from divine grace by his act of disobedience in refusing to honour Adam when he, along with other angels, was ordered to do so;
  - (свинтить в. половинки капсулы): the 2 halves are screwed together;
  - (в. убежать): they want to run away together and get married;
  - (удалить лимфатические узлы в. с опухолью): the surgery provides your doctor with accurate information about how advanced your cancer is, since the nearby lymph nodes are taken out along with the tumor;
  - (участвовать порознь и в.): over the past four decades, J. and I have (individually and collectively) participated in many political actions where what we witnessed first-hand differed remarkably from that which the media reported;
  - (яремные вены в. с подключичными венами образуют плечеголовные вены): the jugular veins drain the head and unite with the subclavian veins to form the brachiocephalic veins
  вместе взятые - the two elements taken together contain...;
  - a series of laws that taken together were known as...;
  - 50 million tons over domestic requirements for both us and Canada considered together;
  - this region was larger that England and Scotland combined;
  - the combined harvest of the US and Canada;
  - epinephrine and norepinephrin are referred to collectively as catecholamines;
  - the model predicted 75 per cent of the court's affirm / reverse results correctly, while the legal experts collectively got only 59.1 per cent right;
  - but even added together, those four marches of protest were smaller than last weekend's protest;
  - all of them put together cannot match the beauty and strength of a single wooden rowboat
  вместилище - (души): when Descartes dissected the brain looking for the receptacle of the soul, he noticed that almost every brain structure came in pairs, one on each side
  вместимость - (бак с номинальной в-ю 1000 л): a tank of a nominal capacity of 1000 L;
  - (контейнерная в. самолёта измеряется в позициях): container capacity of an aircraft is measured in positions;
  - (самолёт имеет в. 96 мест): the plane has a capacity of 96 seats;
  - (стадиона): the Stadium's capacity was about 72,000 seated fans and 80,000 seated and standing
  вместительный - (автомобиль / багажник): a capacious / roomy car / trunk;
  - (дамские кошельки должны быть в-ми): woman's wallets need to be roomy;
  - (комната / кабинет / павильон): a spacious room / office / pavilion;
  - (неф церкви): the cavernous nave of the church;
  - (сумка): a capacious handbag;
  - (театр): a cavernous 4000-seat theatre
  вместить / вмещать - (бак вмещает 12 галлонов): the tank will take 12 gallons;
  - (здание вместит всех служащих): he designed an extension so that the building would accommodate all employees;
  - (достаточно большой конверт, чтобы в. работу): an envelope large enough to hold your work;
  - (конференц-зал вмещает 280 человек): our conference room seats 280 people;
  - (полка не сможет в. больше книг): I don't think the shelf can take any more books;
  - (полки имеют такой размер, чтобы в. книги и компакт-диски): the bookshelves are sized to accommodate books and CD-ROMs;
  - (стадион вмещает 100 000человек): the stadium has a seating capacity of 100 000;
  - (тротуары были расширены, чтобы вмещать пешеходов): the renovated sidewalks are widened to accommodate pedestrians
  вместо - (в Коране в. Рока Бог): for this powerful but insensible fate the Qur'an substituted a powerful but provident and merciful God;
  - (взять выходной в. праздника): in Canada, some employers may require employees to work on a public holiday, but the employee must either receive a day off in lieu of fml the holiday or must be paid at a premium rate;
  - (в. заблаговременного предупреждения увольняемый может получить деньги): under common or contractual law an employer can dismiss an employee at any time, although a period of notice must normally be given (save in cases of gross misconduct) or a payment in lieu of fml notice is made;
  - (кого-л): the lord was so pleased with him that he made him his servant in the stead of old use the thief;
  - (кого-л, овдовевшая мать могла выдать дочь замуж в. отца): any widowed mother could give her child in marriage in her father's stead;
  - (компания предложила отгулы в. зарплаты): the company offered us time off in lieu [of] fml extra payment;
  - (пить оранжад в. алкоголя): orangeade, a foul sweet drink which abstemious Afghans took in place of alcohol;
  - (пойти в бассейн в. прогулки): it's too wet to go for a walk, let's go swimming instead;
  - (пойти в. кого-л на собрание): will you go to the meeting instead of me?;
  - (пойти в. кого-л): if you don't go, I'll go instead;
  - (положить замену в. записи): the original tape recording had to be stolen and a blank substituted it its place;
  - (положить замену в. страницы досье): the new intern eased the last sheet out of the file and inserted in its place one of his own;
  - (появиться / присутствовать в. кого-л): the Governor's wife subbed for him at the annual dinner of Empire state Pride Agenda;
  - (работать в. того, чтобы лежать в постели): you should be working instead of lying there in bed;
  - ('...', сказал он в. приветствия): "Men are such faithless creatures," he said by way of greeting.;
  - (служить в. чего-л, аэрофотоснимки служат в. карт): aerial photos serve very well as map substitutes;
  - (стальные клети в. сидений): the belly of the plane was bare except for steel crates for seats lashed to the side bars;
  - (в. того, чтобы): смотри ниже;
  - (умереть в. кого-л): it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved;
  - (учредить публичное расследование в. коронерского): I asked the Home Secretary to establish a Public Inquiry to replace the inquest;
  - (в. фиксированной оплаты): a contingent compensation deal is one in which a participant in the film receives a percentage of the revenues made by that film in addition to, or in lieu of fml, their fixed payment;
  - (в. этого): he could not have had March gales, instead an unseasoned area of high pressure almost stationary over the North Sea had brought a mild early spring to the coasts
  вместо того, чтобы - (в.т.ч. избегать любителей, климатологам надо понимать, что предоставление им доступа к данным имеет огромное значение для установления доверия): Rather than shun the amateurs, climate scientists might find that giving them access to their data goes a long way to building trust. It might even lead to better science.;
  - (в.т.ч. махнуть рукой на Кению / поставить крест на Кении, международному сообществу следует найти нужное соотношение целенаправленных санкций и стимулов, которыми можно вернуть страну на путь реформ): rather than giving up entirely on Kenya now, the international community needs to find the right mix of narrowly focused sanctions and inducements that can put the country back on a reformist path;
  - she panted instead of breathing deeply;
  - (в.т.ч. приравнять единице, присоединить обратный элемент мат): it may be better to look for a quantum determinant, but rather than setting it equal to unity, to adjoin its inverse;
  - (в.т.ч...., было бы разумнее): rather than turning away from international agreements to curb proliferation, the Bush administration would be well advised to concentrate its efforts on controlling the militarization of space;
  - (в.т.ч. принять одну сторону в споре, я высказывался за обе): When I was in tenth grade, I was required to write a short essay of sorts that dealt with socioeconomic status in "To Kill a Mocking Bird". Rather than taking any one side of the argument, I chose to address both.
  вмешательство - (без в-а человека птицы, пострадавшие от разлития нефти, погибают): most birds affected by an oil spill die unless there is human intervention;
  - (т.е. в дела компании): Z. grew increasingly annoyed with S.'s meddling, not to mention his growing savvy in the venal ways of Kazakh business;
  - (в. в личную / частную жизнь): invasion of privacy: the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person whose privacy has been invaded a right to bring a lawsuit for damages against the person or entity that intruded. However, public personages are not protected in most situations, since they have placed themselves already within the public eye, and their activities (even personal and sometimes intimate) are considered newsworthy, i.e. of legitimate public interest.;
  - (в. в частную жизнь общественных деятелей): the invasion and abuse of the private lives of public figures is very far advanced in the UK;
  - (в. губернатора в судебное дело): the Governor's intervention may have failed in a legal sense, but...;
  - (для азиатов сама мысль о в-е государства в семейную жизнь несовместима с их культурной традицией): for Asians, the very idea of a central government being involved in family life is culturally unthinkable;
  - (в. правительства в частную промышленность): an unwarranted intervention by the federal government in private industry;
  - (коммунистическое в. в Западном полушарии): the resolution condemned Communist interference in the Western Hemisphere;
  - (в. России в выборы США): Comey testified on Capitol Hill about the FBI's investigation into Russia's meddling in the US election;
  - (в. России в выборы США): Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Sunday that Trump's downplaying of the threat posed by Russia's meddling in last year's election was dangerous to US national security;
  - (терпеть в. сопливого юнца): he was not apt to brook the interference of a snot-nosed brat easily;
  - (в. Тори в Американскую политику): overt meddling in American politics by the Tories was disconcerting;
  - (хирургическое): surgical intervention is necessary in approximately 25% of patients with a partial obstruction, and 50%-65% of patients with a complete obstruction
  вмешаться / вмешиваться - (в. в вооружённый конфликт): the international community intervened in Kosovo;
  - (в. в вооружённый конфликт): the inhabitants of South Ossetia appealed to Kremlin to intervene;
  - (в. в дела): little people should not meddle in affairs that are too big for them;
  - (в. в дела Объединённого королевства): the Irish Protestants had their supporters (in the U.S.) who believed that we had no business meddling in the affairs of the United Kingdom, our strongest ally.;
  - (в. в дела России): meddling in Russian affairs;
  - there was no meddling Queen to stand in his way;
  - (в. в личную жизнь): if she does not agree, I can't allow you to infringe on her privacy;
  - (в. в личную жизнь): he didn't want to infringe on my privacy, and he offered his advice gently;
  - (в. в личную жизнь кого-л): liberal activists are questioning the right of Islamic vice squads to pry into the lives of Malaysian Muslims;
  - (в. в политический процесс): Is it fair to say that Russia is still involved in American politics?
  - (в. в природу): the novel takes you on a journey where all sorts of scientific advances start to make people question just how far we should tamper with nature;
  - (в. в проведение конкурса): finally the BBC stepped in and allowed the creation of a special category for fictional characters for the Czech Republic;
  - (в. в разговор): смотри ниже;
  - (в. в самоопределение Индокитая): we will not interfere with the political self-determination of Indochina, no matter what its manifestations
  - (в. в события внешнего мира): they were ruled by their own chieftains and meddled not at all with events in the world outside;
  - (в. в то, как Н. руководит своим ведомством): the Prime Minister never interfered with the way Sir N. ran his service;
  - (в. в чужие дела): she was a determined woman, whose energies and intelligence had little outlet, which led her to meddling in everyone else's business;
  - (т.е. вводит прямую речь): "I don't agree at all!" he interjected;
  - (вмешивайтесь только в крайнем случае): ...only get involved as a last resort;
  - (голос, вмешавшийся в его мысли): the voice intruding on his thoughts;
  - (директор вмешался, чтобы учитель не провалил ученика на экзамене): the headmaster had stepped in to stop the teacher failing him on purpose;
  - (в. и прекратить, т.е. наказание): he expected his father to step in and put a stop to it;
  - (Конгресс может в. в политику президента): Congress can interfere with any Presidential policy that requires expenditures of money;
  - (не вмешивайся): "Let's see what happens," she said, her tone noncommittal meaning "don't butt in.";
  - (не хочу, чтобы ты вмешивался): I'm not trying to conceal anything from you, I just don't want you butting in infml;
  - (умолять правительство в. чтобы восстановить свободу предпринимательства): articles pleading the government to step in and restore freedom of enterprise
  вмешаться / вмешиваться (в разговор) - he breaks into the conversation;
  - I'm sorry to cut in on your conversation;
  - "..." said L., chipping into the conversation unexpectedly;
  - he broke in with some suggestions of his own;
  - Bob broke in, he said, "...";
  - this time Ron cut in;
  - "The casino will knock everyone dead," chimed in her escort, a prominent businessman.;
  - I'm not used to having someone chime in when I'm speaking to a patient
  вмиг - (возникнуть): greed, never in short supply, has been out of hand;
  - she can rewire electricals, set up booby traps, and strip down an engine in no time;
  - (Она хотела передать дом с участком государству. Если она завещала его родственникам, только государство его и видело. Родственники его в. продадут.): She wanted to deed the property to the state. If she left that land to her cousins, the state can whistle for that property. They'll sell it in a heartbeat.;
  - (понять): he had seen the thinness of the rope - and in a trice he understood everything
  вмонтировать - (в. напольную розетку в пол): mount the ground socket to the unfinished floor and adjust to the height of the finished floor;
  - (плазменные экраны, вмонтированные в стеклянные панели): plasma screens mounted in large glass panels;
  - (токоведущие шины вмонтированы в трансформаторный модуль): conductor rails are installed in the transformer module;
  - (следящее устройство, вмонтированное в раму ценной картины): the thieves threw bits of the wooden frames (of the stolen painting) out of the window as they drove through the city, possibly fearing a satellite tracking device was implanted in the wood;
  - (телевизионные приёмники, вмонтированные в другие устройства): television broadcast receivers integrated into other devices (such as a computer, Smartphone or mobile phone)
  вначале - the publishing house wasn't initially floored be the contender;
  - he was initially charged as a juvenile, but the case was transferred to Superior Court where he was tried as an adult;
  - (больше, чем думали в.): the oil field is 50 percent bigger than they initially thought;
  - (в. войска были посланы с гуманитарной миссией, но она постепенно приняла более решительный миротворческий характер): troops had originally been sent to the famine-ravaged country by President Bush on a humanitarian mission, but it had evolved into a more aggressive peacekeeping effort;
  - in the beginning, the machine operated trouble free
  внебрачный - (дети): the following are illegitimate children: children born to couples who are not legally married or of common-law marriages;
  - (ребёнок): I am the biological father of an illegitimate child born to a married woman;
  - (ребёнок, иметь в-ого ребёнка): 50 years ago it wasn't easy for a girl to have a baby out of wedlock;
  - (ребёнок, менестрель наградил её в-ым ребёнком): she had lamented once too often about the ruin of her life, saddled with the by-blow infml of a minstrel;
  - (ребёнок / статус законнорожденного и в-ого ребёнка): modern law has given the nonmarital child more rights but still differentiates between the marital and nonmarital status;
  - (связь, он поддерживал в-ую с. / у него была в-ая связь): while former Rep. C.P. of Mississippi carried on an extramarital affair with E.B. he recorded details of his exploits in a diary;
  - (связь): their adulterous relationship ruined his marriage and his career;
  - (сексуальные отношения): he admits extra-marital sexual liaisons
  вневременный - (принципы): his writings are exceptional in that they carefully relate discussions of current events to enduring philosophical principles
  внедрение - (в. в производство): more countries consider starting production of steroidal contraceptives;
  - (в. [в производство] новой продукции): throughout the new product introduction process we provide a vigilant attention to detail;
  - (для более широкого в-я им не хватает...): both approaches have been proven to work and only lack political will to become more widely used;
  - (для широкого в-я изобретения): the Company was organized to put the new invention into widespread use;
  - (в. метода в преподавание права): he was instrumental in introducing the case method in the teaching of law;
  - (в. научных результатов): putting scientific results into practice takes a long time;
  - (в. передового опыта ведения лесного хозяйства): the introduction of best available practices in forestry;
  - (при в-и новой технологии / в. передовых клинических систем): In implementing any new technology we are constantly reminded of Sir Isaac Newton's timeless declaration that for every action there is a reaction. The implementation of Advanced Clinical Systems is no exception.;
  - (в. принципиально новой технологии): the introduction of this essentially new technology not only promotes the development of production processes but also helps improve the design;
  - (проблемы в-я / трудности в-я, т.е. самолёта): the company is pleased with the airplane's performance, and have encountered relatively few teething troubles;
  - (процесса / технологии): implementation of a process / technology;
  - (в. системы платежей): to manage the implementation of the system of payments;
  - (в. технологии в промышленность): enforcement of best available technology in industry
  внедрившийся - (в-аяся в сознание теория): the Democrats had replaced a wrongheaded but deeply embedded economic theory with a sensible one
  внедрить / внедрять - (активно в. реформы): the reforms weren't producing much change because the Bush Administration didn't fund the new programs or aggressively implemented them in the states;
  - (в. в практику научные достижения): How Can Clinicians incorporate Research Advances into Practice?;
  - (в. в практику функции): he brought into use the tangent and cotangent functions;
  - (в. в производство): bionic artificial arms are put into production;
  - (в. в массовое производство): the technology itself isn't new, but this is the first time such an aircraft has been put into mass production;
  - (в. в производство): Honda is starting production of its new hydrogen fuel cell car;
  - (в. западную модель демократии в российское общество): in their attempt to impose a Western model on Russian society, radical liberals disregarded the fact that it had evolved over centuries in a different socio-cultural environment;
  - (в. новое оборудование): to start using new equipment / machines;
  - (в. передовой опыт): Microsoft works closely with other software vendors, the research community and security companies to find better ways to build more secure software, locate vulnerabilities, collaboratively address issues as they arise, and establish best practices across the industry;
  - (в. программу восстановления экономики): to restore the economy, the administration put in effect a recovery program;
  - (в. программы по образованию и борьбе с преступностью): at the time, we were implementing the large education and crime programs;
  - (рекомендации): The Union is preparing a second meeting on the place of Latin languages in professional and technical communication to put into practice the recommendations that were proposed in the first meeting;
  - (в. спальные вагоны): Pullman invented and placed in operation sleeping cars;
  - (в. товар на рынок): to introduce goods to the market;
  - (широко в. изобретение): the Company was organized to put the new invention into widespread use;
  - (т.е. шпиона, его снова внедрили в контрабанду оружия): He was played back into gunrunning. Almost the first people he bumped into were his former friends. They were shorthanded. He ran a few shipments for them in order to blow their contacts.;
  - (т.е. шпионов): we have several people planted within the Department
  внедриться / внедряться - (метод позволяет компаниям быстрее в. в экономику): this method of debt repayment enables companies more rapidly to get a foothold in / to penetrate our economy;
  - (переодетый полицейский внедрился в мафию под видом торговца предметами искусства): the undercover police officer infiltrated mafia in the guise of an art dealer;
  - (т.е. шпионы внедрились в министерство): the Ministry has been infiltrated
  внезапно - (до того, как она в. впала в немилость): before her dramatic fall from grace, Al hero-worshipped M.;
  - (остановиться): the footsteps came to a sudden halt;
  - (подавить в. нахлынувшие воспоминания): he attempted to stem the sudden upsurge of bitter memories;
  - (прерваться): we were talking on the phone when, suddenly, the line was dead;
  - (проснуться): he awoke with a start;
  - (сказать): he said abruptly: "For how long?";
  - (холмы в. вырастают из песков Сахары): featureless hills that rise abruptly from the Saharan sands
  внезапный - (в приливе в-ого желания чего-то утраченного): with a pang of sweet longing for some lost thing;
  - (в приливе в-ого сочувствия): with a pang of empathy;
  - (звук): a sudden sound made them whip around;
  - (побуждение): People take their guns out of their drawers for a variety of reasons. But never just in case they feel a spur of the moment impulse to off themselves far from home.;
  - (в, порыв ветра): the wind rattled the windows with a sudden gale;
  - (в. порыв ветра): a sudden blast of wind;
  - (пробуждение): a rude awakening
  внеземной - (жизнь): does extraterrestrial life exist?
  внеочередной - (в-ое заседание продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организации ООН): The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization called a special meeting of policy makers to discuss the global cereal markets as Russia extended a grain-export ban, stoking concern there may be wheat shortages.;
  - (в-ое заседание экспертов): one principal recommendation was the proposal for Pan American Health Organization to convene an ad-hoc meeting of experts to define good public health practices for establishing congenital rubella syndrome surveillance;
  - (обслуживание): priority service;
  - (собрание): Extraordinary General Meeting is a meeting other than the annual general meeting between a company's shareholders, executives and any other members. An EGM is usually called on short notice and deals with an urgent matter.
  внеплановый - (в-ые военные учения): Black Sea Fleet responded with unscheduled military exercises
  внесение - (в. в списки памятников природы): the land was priceless, and I thought the monument designation would bring in tourist income that over time would more than offset the loss of the mine;
  - (в. готовой продукции в книги дохода / на доходные счета производится в день отгрузки): the booking of the revenue (invoice) of finished goods has to be done on the day of shipment of respective finished goods;
  - (в. задатка, квитанция о в-и задатка): by virtue of this reassignment the State of Washington, Contractor Registration Section has full power and authority to demand, collect and receive said deposit and to give receipt of acquittance thereof for the uses and purposes prescribed by RCW 18.27.040.;
  - (в. заказчиком стопроцентной предоплаты): the transfer of the advance payment in full by the customer;
  - (изменений, подделка или в. изменений в свидетельство о рождении относятся к преступлениям): Certified copy of an entry of birth. ... Caution: there are offences relating to falsifying or altering a certificate;
  - (удобрений): phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application;
  - (удобрений): the basic method of application is to mix the compost, organic matter, manure or chemical fertilizer into the soil just prior to planting;
  - (в. удобрений вглубь почвы): putting the fertilizer down into the soil is more difficult but gets phosphorus and potassium down into the root zone and provides the benefit of aeration
  внести / вносить - (т.е. в бухгалтерские книги, выставленный счёт нужно в. в книги в день отгрузки, т.е. готовой продукции): the invoice has to be booked on the day of dispatch;
  - (в. в книгу глубину образно): he brings to his book the same depth that is the hallmark of his work;
  - (в. в протокол): to record in the minutes;
  - (в. в список): смотри ниже;
  - (в. в таблицу): because the values are in general irrational numbers, they are entered in the table as decimals, rounded off at some convenient place;
  - (в. в трудовую книжку унизительные замечания): if an employer puts a derogatory comment in your (permanent) work record without informing you, giving you the opportunity for rebuttal, you could sue for defamation of character and / or character assassination;
  - (вклад): смотри ниже;
  - (в. гарантию исполнения контракта): companies post a performance bond to cover the costs...;
  - (в. гниль образно в политическую империю): Jimmy Carter's "human right" proclamation had injected the virus of rot into their political empire;
  - (т.е. деньги в банк, я внёс $708.00 в банкомате): I made a deposit at the ATM for around $708.00;
  - (законопроект): Congressman P.D. introduced legislation today to prohibit the use of two deadly poisons;
  - (залог): смотри ниже;
  - (запись, т.е. в книгу): to enter a record;
  - (изменения): смотри ниже;
  - (информацию): to use credit cards, fill in information requested and...;
  - (исправления / корректировки): we made a few minor adjustments to the plan;
  - (исправления / корректировки): a list of all corrections made to the original data;
  - (исправления / корректировки): they made the usual adjustments in the technical arrangements, as senior officers always tended to do;
  - (в. корректировки в военные приготовления): senior officers made the usual adjustments in the technical arrangements;
  - (в. меньший задаток): he pushed for legislation that would make it easier for federally backed lenders to make mortgage loans to risky borrowers who put less money down;
  - (в. на рассмотрение уточнённый текст закона): we will be submitting an amended text tomorrow;
  - (в. немалую лепту в общий багаж политических идей): the great thinkers of Ancient Greece, Plato and Aristotle, made a considerable contribution to the universal repository of political ideas;
  - (в. новые неисправности, т.е. при устранении старых в микросхеме): often, engineers repair one problem only to discover in the next round of prototypes that their solutions have inadvertently added other flaws;
  - (в. особенности вида в новую генетическую среду): plants are crossed to introduce traits / genes from one species into a new genetic background;
  - (в. очарование в роль): she brings such charm of manner to the role that we understand exactly why it was so revered by the old ballerinas;
  - (в. пикантность в любовь): at first the clandestine nature of their affair added spice, piquancy to the loving;
  - (поправку): смотри ниже;
  - (предложение): смотри ниже;
  - (в. пункт в текст): to introduce an item into a text;
  - (резолюцию): we call for the meeting and put in our resolution;
  - (селекционеры вносят свойства в культурные растения): traits that breeders have tried to incorporate into crop plants in the last 100 years include: 1) increased quality and yield of the crop; 2) increased tolerance of environmental pressures (salinity, extreme temperature, drought);
  - (в. сложность в рассмотрение): this unfortunately introduced into the discussions supporting the solution the added complexity of proportionality between similar figures;
  - (в. требования в соглашение): I had secured Chile's agreement to put such requirements into the bilateral agreement;
  - (тысячи новых товаров, ежегодно вносимых в ассортимент оредприятия): many thousands of new products introduced into our range each year are checked to national standards;
  - (в. удобрения в соотношении, установленном в результате анализа почвы): apply phosphate fertilizers at rates based on soil test results;
  - (удобрение, внесенное в почву): fertilizer added to the soil before the bulbs are planted increases growth;
  - (в. управленческие и технические аспекты в обсуждения): Information Technology Resources Board members are practitioners drawn from civilian and defense departments and agencies who bring management, technical, and acquisition perspectives to the table;
  - (усовершенствования, внесённые в машину): the new car has many added refinements such as air-conditioning;
  - (в. усовершенствования в имение): he made certain improvements to the property;
  - (в. фосфорное удобрение на поверхность почвы): mixing phosphorus into the soil rather than applying it to the surface
  внести в список / вносить в список - " Put him on the list," he ordered.;
  - (в. в с. команды корабля): the captain entered his name in the ship's crew list;
  - (в. в с. объектов всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО): sites inscribed into UNESCO's World Heritage List;
  - (в. в с. объектов всемирного наследия): the whole site is within the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site, inscribed in 1995;
  - (в. в с. объектов всемирного наследия): to have Lviv designated as a World Heritage City
  внести вклад / вносить вклад - (большой в., он внёс большой в. в переговоры): he was instrumental in negotiating the deal;
  - (в.в. в культурную жизнь): these groups contribute to the multicultural life of the area;
  - (в.в. в решение задачи): they contribute significantly to the resolution of the problem;
  - (т.е. в финансирование исследований): a private donor had paid for most of the study, and the National Cancer Institute had chipped in infml relatively little
  внести залог / вносить залог - (в.з. в страховой фонд): an insurance fond whereby companies post a performance bond;
  - (в.з. за иммигранта): he is required to lodge a bond for each person assured;
  - (в.з. за кого-л, т.е. в полиции): he posted my bond;
  - (т.е. чтобы освободиться от предварительного заключения): a person accused of a crime may leave jail if he posts bail
  внести изменения / вносить изменения - (в биографический очерк): we cannot make changes to your biographical profile;
  - (в.и. в деталь одежды, т.е. при пошиве): When a piece of clothing is made, it can be put on the dress form so one can see how the piece of clothing turned out. Then one can make alterations upon the clothing after seeing what it looks like on a body.;
  - (в.и. в задания космических спутников): the Agency is altering the tasking of its satellites;
  - (в.и. в оружие): although we had banned the manufacture of 19 different assault weapons, ingenious foreign gun makers were trying to evade the law by making modifications on guns;
  - (в.и. в паспорт): The name on your passport should always match your legal name. If your name changes either by deed poll, through marriage or a civil partnership, dissolution or divorce you will need to get a new passport in your new name. We cannot amend your current passport.;
  - (изменения, внесенные после отправки списка): modifications made after the listing is posted
  внести поправку / вносить поправку - (в.п. в договор): to insert an amendment into a contract;
  - (в.п. в закон): the Parliament amends fml Election Law;
  - (в. п. в закон): so many amendments were made to the law;
  - (в.п. в Конституцию): to amend fml the Constitution
  внести предложение / вносить предложение - to put in a recommendation;
  - (т.е. в парламенте): he moved that the Committee be elected by the members of the House;
  - (в.п. в Совете): I need approval of committees in order to bring motions before the Council;
  - (в.п. на заключение контракта): to put in a bid for a contract;
  - (т.е. на собрании): to propose a motion / to bring forward a motion;
  - (т.е. на собрании): he made a motion to approve the restructuring of the loan;
  - (в.п. о переносе заседания): he moved an adjournment while the US government considered its position;
  - (в. п. создать комитет): to make a motion to set up a committee
  внестись / вноситься - (т.е. деньги вносятся в банк): when an employee's salary is directly deposited into his bank account, you obtain the bank account number and bank routing number form the employee
  внешне - (в. благопристойная объективность): they were determined to see their side's victory, though they attempted to disguise it under a decent pretense of sportsmanship;
  - (быть в. спокойным): the people were calmly and quickly doing their jobs - outwardly so, anyway;
  - (в. выглядеть хорошо): everyone can look good on the outside;
  - (в. он был сама любезность, спокойствие и обаяние): outside, he was all courtesy, serenity, and charm; but inside, he was worry and strain;
  - (в. она жизнерадостная женщина, любящая общество сотрудников и искренне сочувствующая заключённым): on the surface, Di is a jolly person who enjoys the camaraderie of her colleagues and genuinely feels for the inmates;
  - (в. они ведут себя искренне и любезно): the Afghans are apparently frank and affable in manner, especially when they hope to gain some object, but capable of grossest brutality when that hope ceases;
  - (в. похож на мать): he was her son almost entirely in his looks and ways;
  - (спокойный): the player trotted out with this offense outwardly cool but with a hard knot deep in his stomach
  внешнеэкономический - (деятельность): International Trade [Relations] ;
  - (участник в-ой деятельности): Organisation and development of a partnership programme (European Union Programme). The actors are the Foreign Trade Operators of a group of Chambers of Commerce in the region and the European Commission who has to approve the programme and to allocate the grants for the development of the project.
  внешний - (вид): he hid a calculating intelligence behind a bland and seemingly ponderous exterior;
  - (вид): your clothing and appearance is one of the first things noticed about you;
  - (вид): Common interview mistakes. Unsuitable appearance: It is always best to err on the side of caution and wear a conservative suit and tie.;
  - (враг): Thatcher refused to meet the union's demands and compared the miners' dispute to the Falklands conflict two years earlier, declaring in a speech in 1984: "We had to fight the enemy without in the Falklands. We always have to be aware of the enemy within, which is much more difficult to fight and more dangerous to liberty.";
  - (враги): I, [name], do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
  - (диаметр): a left-hand threaded 4 mm OD ( outside diameter) screw/bolt;
  - (дизайн): the airline is still displaying its Soviet-era hammer-and-sickle logo despite a new exterior design;
  - (контакты присяжных с в-им миром): In court proceedings, the judge may order the jury to be sequestered. This involves isolation of jurors outside of court proceedings, thus disallowing any external contact.;
  - (красота): he saw the other image swirl beneath the surface beauty;
  - (лоск): his outward veneer of respectability was enhanced by the government awards he had received for his research;
  - (мир): it is important to signal to the outside world that the company is being run as it should;
  - (облик / сторона / проявление): all that the tourists see are the externals of our faith;
  - (объективность): they were determined to see their side's victory, though they attempted to disguise it under a decent pretense of sportsmanship;
  - (оппонент, т.е. по защите диссертации): the examining committee (the jury) normally consists of professors from the university, including the candidate's primary supervisor and members of his or her advisory committee, as well as professors from other departments or faculties and, sometimes, an external examiner (someone not otherwise connected to the university).;
  - (поверхность котлов): sprayed mastic to the externals of boilers, may be allowed to air dry;
  - (политика): he pledged to carry on Roosevelt's policies, both foreign and domestic;
  - (политика): the President's Foreign Policy Report;
  - (признак великолепия его правления): So great was Hrothgar's power that he longed for some outward sign of the magnificence of his sway;
  - (признаки демократии): the trappings of democracy remained;
  - (резьба): male thread;
  - (спокойствие): for all his seeming calmness, he was really very nervous;
  - (спокойствие): behind the facade of calm, his mind was racing;
  - (сходство): systems with large external resemblance and small internal difference;
  - (сходство): animals, belonging to two most distinct lines of descent, may have become adapted to similar conditions, and thus have assumed a close external resemblance;
  - (таить обиду под внешним одобрением): her outward approval masks her inner resentment;
  - (торговля): overseas trade;
  - (упаковка): external packing
  внешность - (аристократическая): his aristocratic mien and expensive clothes singled him out;
  - ( в. бывает обманчива): appearances can be deceptive / looks can be deceiving;;
  - (в. не располагала к нему соседей): his appearance did not endear him to the neighbors;
  - (выработать необычную в.): if you want to be a leader of the men you must cultivate an unusual appearance;
  - (загадочная в. пророка): his mystical outlook, and his moral seriousness were important adjuncts to the preachings of the Qur'anic message;
  - (изменять свою в.): he had become a master at altering his appearance, a talent he had discovered during his college drama club fling at acting;
  - (иметь простую в.): he was strangely unsophisticated in his outlook;
  - (красивая): Good looks are not a prerequisite to a faithful relationship. In fact, black vulture society makes sure of that.;
  - (молодая располагающая в.): he had a youthful, easy appearance;
  - (обладать ухоженной в-ю): We are looking for a Busser to help support our Servers. Qualifications: Must present a well-groomed appearance.;
  - (он был всегда очарован стройной, мальчишеской в-ю актрисы): he had always been enthralled by Hepburn's slim, boyish mien;
  - (он не обладал внушительной в-тью): the cardinal was not an imposing man in physical terms;
  - (в-тью похож на мать): he was her son almost entirely in his looks and ways;
  - (ребёнок унаследовал в. отца): the poor child inherited his mother's brains and his father's looks;
  - (служанки): it had to be admitted that her appearance was good;
  - (тяжеловесная): he hid a calculating intelligence behind a bland and seemingly ponderous exterior;
  - (у него была непритязательная в.): he was strangely unsophisticated in his outlook;
  - (человек с неряшливой в-тью): a man of scruffy appearance
  внештатный - (журналисты, существует разрыв в оплате труда штатных и в-ых журналистов): there is a wage gap between staff and freelance journalists;
  - (писатель): barely into his teens, he became a freelancer, writing boy's adventure tales;
  - (в. работник / сотрудник): a freelancer / freelance worker / freelance is somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long term;
  - (в-ая работа): fields in which freelancing is common include: music, journalism, publishing, screenwriting, filmmaking, acting, photojournalism, cosmetics, fragrances, editing, photography, event planning, event management, copy editing, proofreading, indexing, copywriting, computer programming, web design, graphic design, website development, consulting, tour guiding, video editing, video production, translating, and illustrating
  вниз - (бывает ли вам трудно двигать головой вверх или в.): do you have difficulty fully moving your head up or down;
  - (головой, призрак парил в воздухе в.г.): the ghost was floating upside down in midair;
  - (держите вилку в левой руке зубьями в.): hold the fork in your left hand, tines facing down;
  - (лицом в.): he cast himself face downward on the heather;
  - (лицом в.): the man pitched face downward
  - (направленная в. сила тяготения): weight, the downward effect that gravity has on the aircraft;
  - (по реке / по течению): a giant dry-cargo ship was easing downriver on the tide;
  - (в. по реке / по течению): the fishing trawler had cruised some 40 kilometers downriver through the gathering dusk;
  - (в. по реке / по течению от С.): downstream from S.;
  - (подход сверху в.): he applies the top-down approach;
  - (положите руки на стол ладонью в.): place your hands on the table, and keep them there, palms downwards;
  - (поползти в. образно, по всей стране акции поползли в.): countrywide's stock has drifted down since the deal was announced;
  - (потянуть рубильник в.): he pulled the contact breaker downwards;
  - (равносторонний треугольник вершиной в.): an equilateral triangle with an apex pointing downward;
  - (смотреть в.): alive with wonder, he stared downward;
  - (удар сверху в.): he threw his weight into a downward stroke;
  - (упасть лицом в.): he slammed a fist into the nape of the highjacker's neck, the man pitched face downward
  внизу - below the sea heaved in a gigantic swell;
  - he stuck his head out of the living room and looked straight into the flower bed below;
  - (глубоко в. в трюме): the grating was an outlet for the smoke from the galley deep down in the hold;
  - (двойной блок с маленьким блоком наверху и большим в.): I used a double-pulley system with a little pulley at the bottom and a big pulley at the top;
  - (документа): at the bottom of the report there were a few comments from the school nurse;
  - (документа, поставить подпись в. документа): the analyst signed the foot of the document;
  - (лестницы): the people below were crowded at the foot of the stairs gazing intently up at him;
  - (лестницы): at the foot of the stairs;
  - (в. общественной лестницы): at the bottom of the social ladder;
  - (в. под ней, т.е. под летящей ракетой): like a hunting bird the rocket scanned the terrain beneath;
  - (в. под рисунком узора): English translations for the wording in the diagrams are given at the bottom of this pattern;
  - (т.е. под судном): the echo-sounders relayed a three-dimensional map of the sea-bed far below;
  - (т.е. под трапом самолёта): at the bottom, the 2 USAF sergeants snapped off their salutes;
  - (посередине папки было написано '...', а в. - ...): across the center of the folder was written in block capitals: CARIBBEAN STATIONS, and underneath, in italics, S. and T.;
  - (почтовый адрес указан в. бланка): the mailing address is indicated at the bottom of the form;
  - (распишитесь в. бланка): sign your name in the blank space at the bottom of the form;
  - (в. справа): below right, a picture showing the nearly-completed building;
  - (в. у трапа): they stood at the bottom of the steps and applauded as my colleagues and disembarked from the aircraft
  вникать / вникнуть - (в. в задачу / проблему): the first stage in creativity consists of working hard to get an insight into the problem at hand;
  - (в. в потребности клиента): the Product Manager will develop a deep understanding of client needs;
  - (в.в организационную структуру компании и её задачи): we learn about client's specific needs and develop a deep understanding of the company's organizational structure and its corporate mission
  внимание - (большое в. уделяется приданию самолёту обтекаемой формы): it is desirable to have all drag reduced to a minimum, and for that reason considerable attention is given to streamlining the form of the aircraft;
  - (быть объектом в-я / быть в центре в-я, сейчас, когда ООН является объектом пристального внимания общественности,...): at a time when the UN is under great public scrutiny, the extravagant costs of the Rome conference required validation;
  - (довести до в-я кого-л): if the minutes from the last meeting indicate that an issue has been tabled and that issue doesn't appear on the agenda, consider bringing the oversight to the attention of the person leading the meeting;
  - (достойный в-я): nothing of note happened;
  - (его в. слабело): he found his attentiveness ebbing;
  - (заслуживающий в-я): These collected papers are drawn from police records, interviews, letters, and remembrances collected in N. in 1991. I have made no effort to recast the material into a narrative of my own making, with several noteworthy exceptions.;
  - (к нему было приковано в. всей страны): national attention continued throughout the trial;
  - (в. и забота): our soldiers deserve our care and solicitude;
  - (на старт, в., марш!): on your mark / on your marks, set / get set, go!;
  - (на старт, в., марш!): ready, steady, go!;
  - (нарушение в-я мед может быть симптомом тяжёлой болезни): confusion or decreased alertness may be the first symptom of a serious illness;
  - (недостойное в-я буржуазное понятие): this was a communist country, where due process of law was a bourgeois concept unworthy of serious consideration;
  - (обратить в. / обращать в.): смотри ниже;
  - (общественности): смотри ниже;
  - (основное в. уделяется душевному и физическому здоровью спортсменов): Coaches" Code of Honor. I promise upon my word of honor to help to create an environment in which primary emphasis is placed upon the emotional and physical well-being of all athletes, rather than winning.;
  - (особое в. уделялось простоте жизни и литургии): the order followed strict rules on diet, silence, and manual labor, and an emphasis was placed on simplicity of life and liturgy;
  - (отвлечь в. от чего-л на что-л): President Bush's campaign plans to use the normally quiet month of August for a vigorous drive to undercut John Kerry by turning attention away from his record in Vietnam to what the campaign described as an undistinguished and left-leaning record in the Senate;
  - (отвлечь в. от кого-л на себя): she has a small part, but she steals the show from infml the lead actors;
  - (пользоваться большим в-ем): the girl seemed to be a lot keener on him now that he was getting so much attention;
  - (потеря в-я мед): loss of alertness;
  - (привлечь в.): смотри ниже;
  - (принять во в. заявление, т.е. свидетеля): while her report varies from the observations of all others at the scene, the police will take her statement in consideration;
  - (пристальное в. средств массовой информации): the actress lives under the scrutiny of the media;
  - (проявить в. к чувствам кого-л): he showed no consideration for her feelings;
  - (в. рассеялось): At one early meeting, my attention strayed and I looked down the table at one of the members. His concentration had also lapsed, and I watched him holding a clear plastic cup half-full of water, tipping and rotating it slowly before his eyes and watching the surface remain level as the water assumed the changing shape of its container.;
  - (т.е. сигнал на пульте): caution;
  - (в. слушателей обострилось): at the mention of this word, the attentiveness of the listening students seemed to sharpen;
  - (спасибо за в.): thank you [very much] for your attention;
  - (требовать немедленного в-я): bulging eyes should receive immediate attention;
  - (требующий в-я процесс, о ковке меча): the forging of a Japanese sword is a subtle and careful process;
  - (уделять много в-я протоколу): the government here has ample manners and good attention to protocol, but little in the way of sincerity;
  - (уделять особое / пристальное в. деталям в ходе внедрения в производство новой продукции): throughout the new product introduction process we provide a vigilant attention to detail;
  - (уделять особое / пристальное в. деталям): I have a calm and methodical approach and provide a meticulous attention to detail that has allowed me to deliver many successful projects to date;
  - (уделять особое / пристальное в. деталям): we provide a strict attention to detail and provide the highest quality in support services;
  - (удерживать в.): he often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities
  внимание (обратить / обращать в. на кого-л / что-л) - (главный признак, на который следует обратить в.): An increased risk of womb cancer is a known side effect of taking tamoxifen, which is a hormonal therapy for breast cancer. Scientists think this is because the drug has a similar effect on the womb to oestrogen. If you have been taking tamoxifen for more than two years or so, you may be monitored for possible signs and symptoms of womb cancer. The major sign to look out for is unexpected bleeding.;
  - (мальчик не умеет обращать в. на подробности): the boy often fails to give close attention to details;
  - (на него никто не обратил в-я): none of them paid him any heed;
  - (обратить в. на 32 такта рукописных нот): the 32 bars of handwritten musical notation caught his eye when he was studying Beethoven's last sketchbook;
  - (на что нужно обращать в. при работе с опасными веществами): What do I need to look out for with hazardous substances? Before you work with hazardous substances, make sure you know the risks involved so that you can prevent accidents.;
  - (не обращать внимания на любовниц своего мужа, т.е. намеренно): she had long since learned to turn a blind eye to her husband's mistresses;
  - (не обращая в-я на порезанную руку): he smashed the window, heedless of a cut on his hand;
  - (никто не обратил ни малейшего в-я на вето): nobody paid the slightest attention to this "veto";
  - (обратите особое в. на дружелюбие персонала, чистоту магазина и в каком районе расположен магазин): take special note of the friendliness of the staff, the cleanliness of the store and the type of the neighborhood in which the store is located
  - (он из кожи вон лезет, чтобы она обратила на него в.): he falls all over himself to get her to give him a tumble infml ;
  - (она обратила в. на его уверенность): the thing that really gets her attention is his confidence;
  - (обратить особое в. на то, как дома расположены оотносительно друг друга): we pay close attention to how the homes relate with one another, so that neighbors are not peering at each other;
  - (симптомы, на которые следует обратить в.): Sometimes a more serious secondary bacterial infection develops from an initial viral infection. For example, an ear infection, pneumonia, etc. Symptoms to look out for that may mean more than just a cold include breathing problems, being unable to swallow, drowsiness, a rash, chest pains, persistent high temperatures, severe or persistent headache, sore throat, earache or swollen glands.;
  внимание (общественности) - (жить под постоянным в-ем общественности): her life with Bill Clinton, during which she survived constant public scrutiny;
  - (избегать в-я общественности): I came to the conclusion that instead of running into a hole hiding and getting out of the public eye, maybe I had some way to make some recompense for what I was by telling what is going on in Washington - from the point of view of somebody who rose very high in that industry - and what goes on behind those doors, and how horrible it really is.;
  - (избегать в-я общественности, франкмасоны стараются избегать в-я общественности): freemasons would like to stay out of the public eye as much as possible;
  - (пользоваться в-ем общественности, из-за своей работы он пользуется в-ем общественности): his job keeps him in the public eye
  внимание (привлечь в.) - (в. техника привлёкло мигание лампочки на пульте): the technician was alerted by a pulsing light on the console he was monitoring;
  - (кого-л): he seemed oblivious to her attempt to catch his eye;
  - (привлечь в. кого-л): the 32 bars of handwritten musical notation caught his eye when he was studying Beethoven's last sketchbook;
  - (п. большое в. к кому-л): her disappearance got her a lot of publicity at the time;
  - (п. всеобщее в. к кому-л): if the police don't act, he gives a press conference and puts them in the spot;
  - (привлечь всеобщее в. к чему-л): the biggest scandal has thrust the spotlight onto fig the obscure sport of skeleton;
  - (привлечь всеобщее в. к себе): if you go to the party in that dress, I guarantee you'll steal the show infml fig;
  - (привлечь в. к чему-л): the case brought into focus the hitherto unknown London Patriot white-supremacist group;
  - (казалось, он не замечал её попыток привлечь его в.): he seemed oblivious to her attempts to catch his eye;
  - (мальчик, который любит привлекать к себе в.): an attention-seeking boy;
  - (привлекающий в. голос): an arrestingly deep voice;
  - (привлечь в. общественности к нарушениям, происходящим в Европе): she's worked so hard to shine a spotlight on the abuses happening right inside Europe one more time - another regime that believes silencing voices, locking up dissidents, rigging elections, is the only way to stay in power;
  - (привлечь в. общественности своим откровенно скептическим отношением к теории антропогенного всемирного потепления): in recent years he has come to public attention in the UK for his outspoken scepticism about anthropogenic global warming
  внимательно - (в. взвесив и рассмотрев доказательства): having weighed and considered the evidence in its entirety, most painstakingly, cautiously, and with the utmost care, we determine unequivocally and without the slightest doubt that the accused, J.D., standing trial before us is I.T.;
  - (вслушиваться): he listened closely to the silence around him;
  - (вслушиваться /слушать): he was listening intently;
  - (всматриваться): he jerked forward in his chair, staring intently at the screen;
  - (всматриваться / смотреть): the people below were crowded at the foot of the stairs gazing intently up at him;
  - (изучать / рассматривать кого-л): his keen blue eyes were studying her intently;
  - (в. наблюдать за кем-л): the Patriots were watching the British closely;
  - (относиться в. к нуждам вверенных его заботам верующих): within the exercise of their pastoral office, the diocesan Bishop must remain solicitous to the needs of all the faithful entrusted into their care;
  - (он вынужден относиться ко мне в.): with me he must remain solicitous;
  - (подходить к чему-л очень в.): We must not fail to notice the negative effects of globalization. We must take a very prudent / careful approach, foreseeing the risks and responding to them in a concerted way.;
  - (в. посмотреть на кого-л): he shot her a sharp look;
  - (прислушиваться к совету): his advice is something a wise man attends carefully;
  - (проверить): to check carefully;
  - (в. просматривать / в. читать газеты): after breakfast he perused the newspapers;
  - (рассматривать): she considered him intently;
  - (в. расспрашивать кого-л): he questioned her closely;
  - (в. следить за выполнением банковской операции): when you use your card, watch the transaction carefully and make sure the clerk returns your card, receipts and carbons;
  - (в. следить за противником): Israelis are keeping a close eye on those who live in the village;
  - (в. следить за рассказом / в. слушать): he was following closely;
  - (слушать): the lawyer listened intently;
  - (слушать): he inclined his good ear still closer to the door, listening very hard;
  - (смотреть на кого-л): he was watching her very intently;
  - (стоит отнестись в., эстрадный юморист, к творчеству которого стоит отнестись в.): a standup comedian whose work is worth a second look;
  - (читать): the memoranda had been carefully read;
  - (читать послание): he read the message carefully, word for word
  внимательность - (нарушение в-ти мед может быть симптомом тяжёлой болезни): confusion or decreased alertness may be the first symptom of a serious illness;
  - (потеря в-ти мед): loss of alertness
  внимательный - (глаза): his eyes were bright and watchful;
  - (глаза): his keen blue eyes were studying her intently;
  - (т.е. заботливый, любовник): he was a skilled and considerate lover;
  - (т.е. заботливый, в. по отношению к старикам): my children are always very considerate towards old people;
  - (наблюдатель): keen observer;
  - (т.е. настороженный): he was alert, absorptive;
  - (т.е. настороженный): the Politburo members were subdued and watchful, sensing that the report could trigger a faction fight
  внимать - (т.е. предупреждению): he prophesied doom unless humankind heard and heeded
  вничью - (закончиться в.): the game ended in a draw
  вновь - (в. запустить мирный процесс): Madeleine Albright had been laboring for months to get the peace process back on track;
  - (в. набрать / в. обрести силу): the opposition regains its strength;
  - (в. присоединиться к пирующим): having relieved himself he rejoined the feast;
  - (созданный): newly created and already functional organizations
  вноситься - (выставленный счёт вносится в бухгалтерские книги в день отгрузки готовой продукции): the invoice has to be booked on the day of dispatch;
  - (законопроекты должны в. в Палату Представителей): bills pertaining to raising of money must originate in the House of Representatives
  внучатый - (племянник): grand-nephew
  внутренне противоречивый - a self-contradictory statement / proposition
  внутренний - (в-яя буря в душе): one had to know him well to recognize his inner turmoil in the faraway look and the frozen melancholy of his features;
  - (т.е. в помещении, трубная изоляция предназначена для в-его использования): this pipe insulation is intended for indoor use;
  - (т.е. внутри страны): смотри ниже;
  - (диаметр, т.е. трубы): inside diameter;
  - (карман): he tucked his passport away in an inside pocket;
  - (карман): the overjacket had an inside breast pocket;
  - (в. корридор между зданиями): the West Wing and the White house proper are not connected by an indoor corridor, due to some architectural oversight;
  - (в-яя культура в математике): mathematics has developed a rich and sophisticated intrinsic culture;
  - (в. мир души): this training does not focus on a woman's inner psyche;
  - (мир, т.е. человека): the difficulty I've had in letting anyone into the deepest recesses of my internal life;
  - (в-ее напряжение, т.е. душевное): masking her inner resentment she pays a price of internal tensions;
  - (в. нефтяной терминал): inland terminal;
  - (обида): her outward approval masks her inner resentment;
  - (океан образно, об озере Мичиган): stroll the lakefront and ogle our inland ocean (lake Michigan);
  - (в-ее описание объектов мат): the system of matrix algebras generated by these representations as the dual of the compact group G, and, without invoking the group G, gave an intrinsic description of these objects;
  - (органы, т.е. тела): inward parts of the body;
  - (отдел, т.е. не иностранный): a curt relegation to one of the home sections for a spell of desk work;
  - (в-яя поверхность артерии): small patches of fatty material form on the inside lining of the arteries;
  - (в-яя поверхность литейной формы): rotation of the mold while heat converts the liquid or fuses the powder into a continuous film on the interior surface of the mold;
  - (в-яя поверхность рта): the bird's beak revealed the pink inner lining of its mouth;
  - (проверка, т.е. силами самой организации): in-house audit;
  - (в-ее пространство корабля): the grating: the wooden gridwork along the deck provided air and light to the interior of the ship;
  - (противоречие): self-contradiction;
  - (в. район страны): inland area;
  - (расследование, отдел в-их расследований, т.е. полиции): Internal Affairs is a 1990 American crime-thriller film set in Los Angeles about the police department's Internal Affairs Division.;
  - (расследование, т.е. в корпорации): he was doing in-house investigations for some corporation;
  - (резьба): thread types that has been adopted internationally for interconnecting and sealing pipe ends by mating an external (male) with an internal / female thread;
  - (слой): The outer skin, called kawagane, is then wrapped around a softer iron core, or shingane. This combination gives the blade both the flexibility and the strength to resist breakage under stress.;
  - (снедаемый в-им огнём): he was consumed by his own inner fire;
  - (в-ие стандарты, т.е. компании, указание размера, т.е. одежды, должно соответствовать австралийским и в-им стандартам): We check the fit and styling of our Womenswear, Menswear and Childrenswear apparel. Size specifications must be accurate and are set according to Australian and in-house standards.;
  - (структура / в-ие мотивировки теории): this theory has indeed its own intrinsic structure and motivations;
  - (в-яя сторона двери): he opened the wardrobe and peered into the mirror on the inside of the door;
  - (сторона, на в-ей стороне окон): ice had formed on the inside of the windows;
  - (в-яя телефонная линия): the call came on one of the internal lines;
  - (температура, т.е. в самолёте): the aircraft's on-board computer was feeding him external and internal temperatures;
  - (упаковка): internal packing;
  - (устройство): his eyes darkened, as if he looked inward, consulting some interior device which ticked and whirred correctly but which he understood no more than the average man understands the workings of the watch on his wrist
  - (ухо): inner ear;
  - (часть континента): a water route into the interior of the continent
  внутренний (т.е. внутри страны) - (авиалиния): a small jet of the Norwegian internal airline B.;
  - (авиарейс, т.е. внутри страны): on domestic flight each ticketed passenger is allowed a total of three pieces of luggage free of charge (two checked and one carry-on);
  - (авиарейс): the time required to transfer to a domestic connection, which in some European airports can be less than an hour, is twice as long there;
  - (авиарейс ): international and internal long-distance flights;
  - (авиарейс): a twin-jet Tupolev-134 took off from Lvov Airport bound for Minsk on an internal flight;
  - (безопасность): the domestic-security branch of the KGB;
  - (безопасность): the commission's suggestions for strengthening domestic security;
  - (безопасность): public health is part and parcel of homeland security;
  - (войска): Belarus on Sunday began military maneuvers involving about 9000 army, border and interior troops and emergency workers;
  - (враг): Thatcher refused to meet the union's demands and compared the miners' dispute to the Falklands conflict two years earlier, declaring in a speech in 1984: "We had to fight the enemy without in the Falklands. We always have to be aware of the enemy within, which is much more difficult to fight and more dangerous to liberty.";
  - (враги): I, [name], do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
  - (дела): domestic affairs;
  - (дела, министерство в-ых дел / министр в-ых дел): interior ministry is often headed by a minister of the interior or minister of home affairs;
  - (дела, министерство в-ых дел, т.е. Великобритании): the representatives of the Home Office;
  - (дело): this is an internal affair of Yugoslavia;
  - (изменения в-ей политики): if the foreigners insist upon internal political changes, it could bring us all down;
  - (в. конфликт с политическим партнёром): Mr Barak's domestic row with one of his political partners, over state handouts to religious schools run by the party;
  - (в-ее отделение, т.е. не иностранное отделение учреждения): a curt relegation to one of the home sections for a spell of desk work;
  - (политика): he wanted to have Laos disappear as a point of contention of internal politics;
  - (политика): in those areas (foreign policy) he felt the most competent. It was on domestic stuff (policy) that he felt disconnected and dumb;
  - (политика): with respect to the American military presence in Southeast Asia, the fact was that I was not certain because so much depended on our domestic politics;
  - ( в-ее потребление зерна): even with probable requirements for domestic consumption taken care of, and even with existing aid levels to the poor countries of the world maintained, the surplus would have nudged 60,000 tons for the combined harvest of the US and Canada;
  - (в-ее потребление зерна): the price of US wheat surplus to domestic requirements had shot up;
  - (в-ие причины спада экономики): the causes were mainly domestic and fleeting, notably a broad revamping of the country's tax system
  - (проблема): domestic problem;
  - (пространство): the ambit of the discussion need not exclude thermo-nuclear weapons, strategic weapons, inner space, international inspection, tactical nuclear weapons, conventional weapons and manning levels;
  - (разведка): officials at MI5, the British domestic intelligence agency;
  - (в-й район): inland area;
  - (спор): a bitter domestic controversy over US-Soviet relations;
  - (спрос, т.е. в стране): domestic demand
  внутренность - (пещеры): the interior of a cavern;
  - (внутренности): смотри файл FORMA_VID
  внутри - (в. автомобиля много места): the interior of the car provides plenty of space;
  - (в. домики сделаны из...): both exterior and interior of timber cottages are of split pine tree trunks, nailed to timber uprights;
  - (информация о том, что делалось в. страны): the Stasi files are a mine of information about the inside workings of one of the world's mostly tightly run dictatorships;
  - (в. на пистолете была фабричная смазка): the gun still had the maker's grease on the interior;
  - (он наклонил бутылочку, и жидкость в. булькнула): he tipped the bottle and the liquid inside gurgled;
  - (подготовить руководителя в. компании): to ensure either that the future manager is prepared from within or that skilled managers can be recruited from outside the company when the time is right;
  - (ресторан уютный в.): the restaurant is snug and warm inside;
  - (в. самолёта шум моторов слышался как тихий свист): from inside, the engines once started made only a low whistle;
  - (сахарница, снаружи со сплошной позолотой, в. нарисованы 2 яблока и ягоды ежевики): a Royal Worcester Porcelain Sugar Bowl, externally solid gilded, internally with two apples and brambles against a mossy bank;
  - (страны): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. страны): to prohibit the manufacture of intoxicating liquors within the US;
  - (т.е. страны): to allow travelers to transfer to the airline's routes inside and outside Russia;
  - (трактир оказался более привлекательным в., чем снаружи): the inn proved more prepossessing inside than out;
  - (уравнение состояния идеального газа довольно неплохо описывает то, что происходит в. Солнца): the equation of state of a perfect gas describes relatively well what happens in the interior of the Sun;
  - (у меня в. всё холодеет, т.е. от испуга): My guts prickle. I recognize the dog of the criminal.;
  - (у него в. всё горело образно): his insides were burning;
  - (у него в. всё кипело от гнева образно): his insides writhed with anger;
  - (у него в. всё переворачивается образно, т.е. от волнения): his guts are churning;
  - (у него в. всё похолодело образно): in the second it took for him to take in what she said, his insides had become glacial;
  - (уравнение состояния идеального газа довольно неплохо описывает то, что происходит в. Солнца): the equation of state of a perfect gas describes relatively well what happens in the interior of the Sun;
  - (храм казался гораздо больше в., чем снаружи): the temple seemed much larger within that it had without;
  - (чувствовать пустоту в. себя): there was a terrible hollow inside him;
  - if there's something rotten on the inside, there's nothing anyone can do about it
  внутри страны - (в Америке было мало поддержки в.с.): there was little domestic support in America for viewing key allies in terms of the world balance of power;
  - (обеспечить спокойствие в.с.): to insure domestic tranquility
  внутривидовой - (гибридизация растений): intraspecific hybridization within a plant species
  внутриполитический - (сценарии в-ого развития): scenarios of domestic political developments are affected by the country's foreign policy
  внутрь - (дверь распахнулась в.): the door swung inwards at their approach;
  - (залезть в., т.е. в вертолёт): he climbed inside (the helicopter) and buckled into the comfortable seat;
  - (обращённый в. себя взгляд): this inward look was still on his face
  - (поместить в. стены): Brynhild was placed by Odin within a wall of fire, where she lay in an enchanted sleep;
  - (распахнуть окно в.): he jerked the windows inward and open;
  - (распахнуться, о дверях): the doors burst inward; ;
  - (решётка, через которую в. корабля поступали свет и воздух): the grating: the wooden gridwork along the deck provided air and light to the interior of the ship;
  - (смотреть в. себя): his eyes darkened, as if he looked inward;
  - (увезти больного на каталке в. больницы): she was loaded on a gurney and wheeled inside
  внушаемость - hypnosis is a trancelike state resembling somnambulism, usually induced by another person, in which the subject may experience forgotten or suppressed memories, hallucinations, and heightened suggestibility
  внушаемый - (насколько мы внушаемы): The main driver for successful hypnosis is one's level of "hypnotic suggestibility." This is a term which describes how responsive we are to suggestions.;
  - several studies have shown that the brain is highly responsive to suggestion;
  - Othello is unwise to Iago's deceit, and is thus susceptible to suggestion and insinuation;
  - the effects of the drug cause users to be euphoric, aggressive, and susceptible to suggestion
  внушать / внушить - (внушающий благоговение): the awe-inspiring megalithic burial chambers of the graves;
  - (благоговение): a people who have specialized in awing visitors for three thousand years;
  - (величие внушает зависть): greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies;
  - (доверие): смотри ниже;
  - (его внешность не внушала соседям любовь к нему): his appearance did not endear him to the neighbors;
  - (в. любителям Macintosh любовь к получателям помощи от Microsoft): getting help from Microsoft will not endear die-hard Macintosh fans;
  - (Магомет внушил чувство братства своим последователям): from the very beginning of Islam, Mohammed had inculcated a sense of brotherhood among his followers;
  - (мать внушила дочери, что она ни лучше, ни хуже других): my mother impressed on me that I was no better or worse than anyone else;
  - (обзоры внушают оптимизм): surveys of business confidence are upbeat;
  - (в. отвращение кому-л): I revolt you. I see you flinch when you look at me.;
  - (отвращение, Что внушает вам отвращение? - Ложь.): "What turns you on?" "Love." "What turns you off?" "Lie.";
  - (в. предрассудки детям): you are instilling your prejudice to children;
  - (в. себе уверенность): I was trying to gain the confidence that I was the character I was going to play;
  - (страх / ужас): the old house was creepy;
  - (ужас): he inspires such terror that people are afraid to talk about him in public;
  - some perverse atom in him would curl his lip and inspire a yawn
  внушать (доверие) - (о предприятии): we are an independent professional services business that inspires confidence and delivers value to all customers through certification based solutions;
  - (о человеке): Roosevelt became President in March of 1933 at one of the worst points of the Great Depression. On the eve of his inauguration he inspired confidence with the people when he told them "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.";
  - (об автомобиле): the car instills trust;
  - ( не внушать доверия, его рассказ не внушал д.): his story took some believing;
  - ( не внушать доверия, его рассказ не внушал д.): His story was suspect. He had lied about his whereabouts. One of his police colleagues told the FBI that he asked him to say he arrived in town later than he did.;
  - ( не внушать доверия, его необычный стиль руководства не внушает д.): his unusual management style does not inspire confidence;
  внушающий - (благоговейный ужас): the awe-inspiring megalithic burial chambers of the graves
  внушение - (т.е. гипнотическое): a classic study demonstrated that a color hallucination suggestions given to hypnotized subjects activated color-processing regions of the occipital cortex;
  - (гипнотическое): hypnosis is a trancelike state or set of attidutes usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction, which is commonly composed of a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions
  внушительно - (выглядеть, об именах писателей, художников и историков в избирательной кампании): his finance committee included an extraordinary array of writers, artists and historians. Their names looked pretty impressive on the campaign stationery, but they weren't likely to impress many voters among blue-collar ethnics
  внушительный - (женщина): he was a gentle, soft-spoken man, quite the opposite of his formidable wife;
  - (зрелище): the bird presents an imposing picture at close range;
  - (имена писателей, художников и историков): his finance committee included an extraordinary array of writers, artists and historians. Their names looked pretty impressive on the campaign stationery, but they weren't likely to impress many voters among blue-collar ethnics;
  - (личность): the judge was an imposing figure of robust stature;
  - (он не обладал в-ой внешностью): the cardinal was not an imposing man in physical terms;
  - (отряд): the Geats followed him, resplendent in shining armour, shields and spears in their hands, and mighty swords hanging in their belts: a goodly band were they;
  - (телосложение / фигура): the actor relied on his imposing build, eruptive nature and strong, forceful looks to obtain acting jobs;
  - (фасад Лувра): the imposing façade of the Louvre;
  - (церковь): an imposing church with scrollwork and stained glass;
  - (человек в-ой внешности): a big impressive man who still looked every inch the rugby star he once had been
  внятность - (речи): Standard telephones filter out low, bassy tones below 400 hertz. Likewise filtered are the high treble tones above 3,400 hertz, a narrower bandwidth than even a cheap microphone and recorder would capture. That filtering was very carefully designed to increase the efficiency of phone lines, while maintaining intelligibility.
  внятный - (хотя по телефону голос становится тонким и металлическим, речь остаётся чёткой и в-ой): even though a voice on the phone sounds thin and tinny, it's usually pretty clear and comprehensible
  вовремя - (как раз в., чтобы поспать): now the streetwalkers are being arraigned, tried and fined, and sent back out in the street in time for sleep and another night's work;
  - (как раз в. , т.е. ещё немного, и было бы поздно): she seized the back of his robes not a moment too soon;
  - (не уметь остановиться в., т.е. в разговоре): he had the habit of not being able to stop talking at the right time;
  - (обойти вражеский лагерь): on other occasion he smelled the woodsmoke from an Iraqi fire and was able to skirt the encampment in time;
  - (...пока не окажется, что космический корабль не пришёл в. по расписанию): no one's going to find out about the crash until the spaceship fails to turn up on schedule;
  - (прийти домой): will you be home in time to see the children before they go to bed?;
  - (приступить к занятиям, т.е. в медицинское училище): the inscription fee will not be refunded if are accepted but do not start classes on time;
  - (ровно в.): the phone shrilled at the exact hour;
  - (сообщить о перемене адреса): failure of members to give timely notice of changes of address to the office;
  - (эвакуировать людей): to evacuate people safely and in good time
  во-вторых - First, I prefer the train because I can see the landscape. Second, I have control over my luggage, and third, it is better for the environment.
  - There are two very good reasons why we can't do it. Firstly, we don't have enough money, and secondly, we don't have enough time.;
  - I'm not going to tell you because, in the first place, it's none of your business, and in the second place, you would tell everyone else.
  во-первых - (т.е. если дальше во-вторых): first / firstly, let me deal with the most important difficulty;
  - (т.е. если дальше во-вторых): for one thing, new scandals drove an increasing number of people into the movement;
  - (т.е. если дальше во-вторых): I don't want to go yet - in the first place I'm not ready, and in the second place it's raining;
  - (т.е. сначала): first of all
  вoвлекать / вовлечь - (агент ФБР обманным путём вовлёк его в получение денег): conversations taped by the informant working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation show that Mr H. was lured into receiving $5000 for helping the informant to launder $45000;
  - (в приключение): I was hurled into an adventure;
  - (в свои сети образно): it is unlikely the truth will emerge as to whether he is a deluded mercenary who drew Afghan officials into his web, or a misled crusader hung out to dry;
  - (обманом в. в невыгодную сделку): he tried to inveigle me into a disadvantageous deal
  вовлекаться / вовлечься - (в конфликт): the crusaders became embroiled in a conflict between rivals for Byzantine imperial throne
  вовлечение - (учение с в-ем): to promote participative learning, the teacher could interview at least a representative cross-section of students before the start of the learning programme
  вовлечённый - (в конфликт): the crusaders became embroiled in a conflict between rivals for Byzantine imperial throne
  вовсе (а то и в.) - (некоторые охотники отказываются снимать шкуру с белок, а то и в. избегают охотиться на белок): squirrel is a difficult animal to skin and because of this some hunters refuse to deal with the skinning process or just avoid squirrel hunting altogether;
  - (ушёл, а то и в.исчез): quite often we would arrive at a house with an expensive interpreter only to find the patient had gone out, or disappeared altogether
  вовсе не - (в.н. жадный спекулянт): the company, far from being a rapacious profiteer, may never even earn a profit;
  - (он настаивал на том, чтобы сделать меня партнёром, к чему я в. не стремился): he insisted on making me partner, which I wasn't all that keen on;
  - (порядок выборочной проверки, т.е. заключённых на употребление наркотиков, в.н. случаен): She is determined to tackle the high level of drug abuse on G-Wing. She has learned that the prison's random testing policy is anything but, and she is shocked to learn that her POs test women they know are clean to avoid unnecessary paperwork.;
  - (в.н. случайный выбор): the choice was anything but random;
  - (в.н. смешно): but it's not the least funny to me;
  - (в.н. собираюсь / хочу его обидеть): I'm the last man to offend him;
  - (в.н. собираюсь / хочу назвать его лжецом): far be it from me to call him a liar;
  - (это в.н. так): her friend tells her the flat is let, and when she goes up, behold, it is not so at all
  вовсе нет - not at all;
  - it most certainly isn't
  вовсю - (разыграться в., буря разыгралась в.): by 9 p.m. the storm had broken with full force;
  - (скандал разразился в.): the scandal broke wide open in January with the release of a trove of lusty text messages between the Mayor and his assistant
  вода - (питьевая): drinking water;
  - (много в-ы утекло с тех пор, когда я получил диплом): a lot of water has passed under the bridge since the day I was presented my graduation diploma;
  - (много в-ы утекло с тех пор, когда я пережил первое разочарование в любви): a lot of water has passed under the bridge since I experienced my fist disappointment in love;
  - (морская / солёная, в пещере воняло затхлой морской в-ой): the cave stank of stale brine;
  - (пройти через огонь, в-у и медные трубы образно): doing two jobs at once tested both the White House staff, who had stuck with Hillary Clinton through thick and thin for eight years and the dedicated team of campaign aides working on the Senate race in New York;
  - смотри воды
  водить (за нос, т.е. обманывать) - the annoying sensation of being led up the garden;
  - he feels like he's being led by the dick infml vulgar;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  водиться - (т.е. бывать): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. общаться): смотри ниже
  водиться (т.е. бывать) - (в изобилии, ...где в и. водились водоплавающие птицы): a swamp where waterfoul was plentiful;
  - (всякая живность, которая водится в постелях дешёвых гостиниц): I was forced to renew my acquaintance with the various wildlife that thrive in cheap hostel beds;
  - (здесь водятся привидения): the place is haunted;
  - (коршун-слизнеед водится в тропиках Южной Америки, Карибском бассейне, центральной и южной Флориде): the snail kite breeds in tropical South America, the Caribbean, and central and southern Florida in the United States
  - (места, где водятся медведи): this so whetted my appetite (of a hunter) that I spurred the horses and we came to that part of Kashmir where the brown bears are to be found;
  - (на дороге водилось много разбойников): the road was beset by bandits;
  - (хоббиты чаще всего водились в ухоженной сельской местности): hobbits love peace and quiet and good tilled earth: a well-ordered and well-farmed countryside was their favourite haunt
  водиться (т.е. общаться) - (с друзьями): my girlfriend always wanted to be with me and made me feel bad about hanging about BrE with my friends;
  - (с дурной компанией): he needs to get away from the bad crowd he hangs out with;
  - (с плохими людьми): his mother hated the job, accusing him of mixing with "nasty people";
  - (с подонками): to the kind of scum who hung around with Sharkey, 19 thousand bucks was big money;
  - who was that lad you used to knock around withinfml?;
  - (с кем-л): I used to knock around with him at school;
  - (я не вожусь с трУсами / хулиганами): I do not keep company with cowards / hoodlums
  водный - (дичь): a swamp where waterfoul was plentiful;
  - (курорт): the spa resort emerged as a specific form in Britain over the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries;
  - (преграда / рубеж): riverline;
  - (путь): the waterways of seacoast of New Hampshire are a complex array of tidal pools, marshes, bays, coves, inlets;
  - (путь, использовать в-ые пути для доставки наркотиков): to use waterways to bring in drugs;
  - (путь, поиски в-ого пути в Азию): European search for an all-water route to Asia;
  - (растительность): a swamp covered by aquatic vegetation;
  - (среда): tree octopuses are amphibious, spending only their early life and the period of their mating season in their ancestral aquatic environment;
  - (среда обитания): that's the day that he female snapping turtles in my part of New England make their annual trek from their watery habitat to find an open sandy spot to dig a nest for their eggs;
  - (суспензия): aqueous suspension;
  - (торговый путь, посёлок лежал далеко в стороне от крупных в-ых т-ых путей): the settlement lay well off the major shipping routes;
  - (центр в-ого спорта): aquatic centre;
  - (эмульсия): aqueous emulsion
  водопровод - a sewer trap is a U-shaped bend in a water conduit, as found on toilets, and wash basin outlets;
  - (засорившийся): busted plumbing;
  - (магистральный): смотри ниже;
  - (отключить в.): to turn off the waterworks;
  - (переделать в.): I got to redo all the plumbing in that place;
  - (провести в. в здании): to install the plumbing in a building;
  - (там нет ни электричества, ни в-а, ни телефона): there is no electricity, no running water, and no telephone;
  - residents of the outer islands do not have electricity or running water;
  - (холодной воды): to retard heat gain and prevent condensation on cold water plumbing and chilled water systems
  водопровод (магистральный) - if discolored water occurs, it is caused by iron (red water) and manganese (black water) becoming stirred up within the water main;
  - approximately 10,000 feet of 24-inch ductile water transmission main is being installed in Ann Arbor
  водопроводный - (трубы): the lagged water pipes which ran along the ceiling
  водоснабжение - basic services such as electricity, telecommunications, transportation, waterworks, schools and hospitals;
  - (не допустить перебоев с в-ем): to avoid shortages in water supply;
  - in many infrastructure projects, a monopoly is unavoidable - for example, water distribution
  воды - (термальные): in the World Heritage city of Bath you can enjoy Britain's only natural thermal waters;
  - (территориальные воды): territorial waters: the coastal waters together with the sea bed beneath them and the air space above them, over which a state claims sovereignty;
  - (территориальные воды): According to international law, any illegal acts of violence and detentions which are committed within State's territorial waters are not defined as piracy. However, nearby all illegal acts in southeast Asia occur within territorial waters and thus would not fall under the definition of piracy.;
  - (т.е. у роженицы, в. отошли): my water broke three weeks early
  водяной - (знак на деньгах): the watermark for the British fivers
  воевать - (генерал воевал на двух войнах): the general had fought in 2 wars;
  - (с оружием в руках): youth is not an excuse for taking up arms against your own country;
  - (семья воевала со страховыми компаниями): his family constantly battled with their insurance company to pay for multiple surgeries and treatments he needed;
  - (страна воевала с Испанией): within a year the nation was at war with Spain;
  - (удобный способ в.): it was, he reflected, really a rather comfortable way to go to war
  военно-морской - (право): to master the arcane rules of Admiralty Law;
  - (силы): naval forces;
  - (устав): naval law;
  - (флот): Navy
  военный - (военные, т.е. существительное): смотри ниже;
  - (время): she met a young naval officer, R.B. and, with a speediness typical of wartime, they were married three months later;
  - (действия): смотри ниже;
  - (делать карьеру на в-ой службе): to make a career in the armed services;
  - (дело / искусство, шотландцы сделали нечто неслыханное до сих пор в в-ом д-е, атаковали кавалерию): suddenly the Scots did something before unheard of in medieval warfare, they charged the cavalry;
  - (диктаторские режимы): the growth of warlike dictatorships in Asia;
  - (журналист, т.е. специализирующийся на военной тематике): defence journalist;
  - (закон): criminal and civil offences falling within the ambit of the purely military laws of the Western Allies;
  - (исследования): INTAS abstains from financing military research;
  - (корабль): a new generation of speedy warships;
  - (корабль): no woman and no booze on a ship of war;
  - (корабль США): USS (United States ship) Gettysburg gets a Presidential Unit Citation;
  - (в-ого назначения / в в-ом исполнении, компьютер в-ого назначения / в в-ом исполнении): Dell has a family of ruggedized laptop solutions - from the toughest military-grade option to flexible, business-ready solutions - designed to resist spills and drops and to handle almost any situation;
  - (в-ого назначения, прибор ночного видения в-ого назначения): military-grade night vision goggles;
  - (т.е. не мирные жители): in the war as many noncombatants as combatants were killed;
  - (поддержка): the Cambodian Communists would not be able to prevail without North Vietnamese combat support;
  - (полномочия президента): the Congress gave the President sweeping war-time powers;
  - (положение, в условиях в-ого п-я): it is permitted only under conditions of martial law;
  - (преступник): Milosevic has been indicted as a war criminal;
  - (приготовления): warlike preparations;
  - (самолёт): warplane;
  - (склад): ammunition depot;
  - (служба): she volunteered for war service at the outbreak of hostilities in September 1939;
  - (структура): this article covers the military establishment of the Roman Republic;
  - (суд): court martial;
  - (тайны): the adversaries jockeyed to steal one anothers military secrets;
  - (учения): attendance at WEU military exercises;
  - (шлюп): sloop of war
  военные действия - this thing is tantamount to an act of war;
  - I convinced him of the futility of resuming military operations;
  - a unilateral cessation of offensive military operations;
  - if, pending a settlement in Cambodia, offensive military activities are undertaken there...;
  - he dropped an ominous hint of renewed warfare;
  - the hostilities were local to West Germany;
  - the hostilities were caused entirely by a pre-emptive strike;
  - (с началом в-ых д-й она пошла добровольцем на военную службу): she volunteered for war service at the outbreak of hostilities in September 1939;
  - (зона в-ых д-ий): it would deploy special FBI units to combat zones to investigate contractor crimes regularly;
  - (театр в-ых действий): specific locations that have been designated as theaters of combat or areas subject to hostilities qualifying for combat veteran status are provided in Attachment A;
  военный (военные, т.е. существительное) - the military was ultimately responsible for the atrocities in the East Timor;
  - since independence (of Zimbabwe) the military establishment has long been accused of committing most of the country brutal human rights abuses;
  - (добиться уступки от в-ых): a leader among the Guantanamo detainees, A. elicited concession from the military that it would treat the detainees in a manner consistent with the Geneva conventions;
  - (в. и мирное население): all men of the enclave, combatants and noncombatants alike;
  - (высокопоставленные военные): J.K. Closely Tied to Top Brass infml . The Florida socialite forged close ties with top military and intelligence officials in Tampa, hosting lavish parties at her waterfront mansion.
  вождение - (т.е. автомобиля, за нарушение правил в-я штраф взимается на месте): on-the-spot fines are enforced for driving offences;
  - (в. в состоянии алгогольного опьянения): according to the Virginia State Police, almost 25 thousand drivers were arrested for driving while intoxicated in 2005;
  - (повреждения от камешков, вылетающих из-под колёс, мешают в-ю, т.е. автомобиля): stone chipping affects driving;
  - (экзамен по в-ю): driving test
  возбудить / возбуждать - (апелляционное производство): notice of appeal: the document a person must file with the trial court in order to pursue an appeal;
  - (интерес): Do literary agents really read query letters? But the fact of the matter is that most agents do read queries. Even more importantly, agents actually respond to ones that spark their interest.;
  - (интерес к товару): the advertiser must find some way to arouse curiosity in the product without leaving the reader a way to answer;
  - (иск): смотри ниже;
  - (любопытство): смотри ниже;
  - (подозрения): his behaviour aroused the suspicions of the police;
  - (процедуру банкротства): bankruptcy proceedings are brought by or against either party in any relevant jurisdiction;
  - (уголовное дело): he issued instructions for the criminal case to be launched;
  - (т.е. эмоции): смотри ниже
  возбудить / возбуждать (иск) - I am still astonished that these authors chose to file their suit at all;
  - they will begin a court action to have the decision reversed;
  - (за копирование работы без разрешения): in order to file suit for the illegal copying of a work...;
  - (на производителя лекарства): if you are taking the prescription drug D., you may have a claim against the manufacturer of the drug;
  - (на раздел и продажу недвижимого имущества): The son executed an agreement with his father in early 2000 as well as a quitclaim deed conveying the land to himself and his father as tenants in common. Two years later the father recorded the deed. A month after that, the father filed a partition and sale action.;
  - (о возмещении убытков): to claim compensation for the loss;
  - (по иску, возбуждённому кредиторами): a failing company may be placed in receivership in an action brought by its creditors;
  - (против банка): P.M., under the provisions of Rev. Stat. ? 5198, U. S. Comp. Stat. 1901, p. 3493, brought suit against the First National Bank of Rapid City, South Dakota, for twice the amount of interest paid the bank;
  - (судебное разбирательство против кого-л): the police have instituted legal proceedings against her;
  - (в.и. против компании): he directed his Attorney General to bring suit against the company;
  - For the academic year 1965-1966, the school administration (of Arkansas) adopted a textbook which contained a chapter setting forth "the theory about the origin of man from a lower form of animal." The teacher was supposed to use the new textbook for classroom instruction and presumably to teach the statutorily condemned chapter; but to do so would be a criminal offense and subject her to dismissal. She instituted the present action in the Chancery Court of the State, seeking a declaration that the Arkansas statute is void and enjoining the State and the defendant officials of the Little Rock school system from dismissing her for violation of the statute's provisions.
  возбудить / возбуждать (любопытство) - if this lecture arouses your curiosity, there is plenty of material in the mentioned book;
  - watch the first episode and tell me if it piques your curiosity;
  - you have tweaked my curiosity and I am dying to know what you are up to;
  - hearing scratches against the wooden porch, and footsteps across the small stones, intrigued my curiosity to see what was wondering in my backyard;
  - Angkor Wat has always intrigued my curiosity about the history of Southeast Asia
  возбудить / возбуждать (т.е. эмоции) - (величие возбуждает зависть): greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies;
  - (желание в мужчине): her every feature would stir desire in any man;
  - (желание, которое женщина возбуждает в мужчине): the desire women arouse in men;
  - ( любопытство): these words aroused my curiosity;
  - (любопытство и надежду): the legend of Bilbo's gold excited both curiosity and hope;
  - (морской воздух возбуждает): this sea air is most exhilarating;
  - (одна из тех женщин, которых возбуждают отщепенцы и бунтари, т.е. сексуально): He senses she might be coming on to him. Maybe she is one of those women who get turned on by outlaws and rebels.;
  - (поездка в автомобиле возбудила меня): I was exhilarated by the ride in the sports car;
  - (чтобы не в. злобу фундаменталистов, о преподавании теории эволюции): That bullying has become omnipresent, leading high school teachers to avoid mentioning evolution, in their classrooms. Lest they arouse fundamentalist rancor.
  возбудиться / возбуждаться, возбуждающе, возбуждающее - смотри файл EMOCII
  возбуждение - (коронного разряда): corona discharge initiation;
  - (нервное, его нервное в. перешло на коня): his horse seemed to pick up his nervousness;
  - (обмотка в-я / при в-и, т.е. электромотора): The rotor is the rotating portion of the motor. It carries field winding, which may be supplied by a DC source. On excitation, this field winding behaves as a permanent magnet.;
  - (половое): sexual perversions are conditions in which sexual excitement or orgasm is associated with acts or imagery that are considered unusual within the culture;
  - (т.е. половое): An erection is caused by the pressure of blood trapped in those cylinders. During arousal, the nervous system rushes extra blood into the spongy tissue and the engorged cylinders expand compressing the walls of the veins that normally carry blood away.;
  - (процессы в-я и торможения, т.е. в биологии) process of excitement and inhibition;
  - (электрона в более высокое энергетическое состояние): electron excitation is the movement of an electron to a higher energy state;
  - смотри файл EMOCII
  возбуждённо, возбуждённый - смотри файл EMOCII
  возведение - (в дробную степень): taking a root, such as a square root or a cube root, is actually the raising of a number to a fractional power;
  - (в квадрат / в куб / в четвёртую степень мат): the operations of square root, cube root, fourth root, etc. are actually inverse operations for the operations of squaring, cubing, raising to the fourth power, etc.;
  - (в отрицательную степень): raising to a negative power;
  - (в отрицательную степень): exponentiation to a negative integer power can alternatively be seen as repeated division of 1 by the base;
  - Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, written as an, involving two numbers, the base a and the exponent n. When n is a positive integer, exponentiation corresponds to repeated multiplication.;
  - (во дворянство): he had known N. for years as a colleague and the elevation of his friend to a knighthood had changed nothing between them;
  - (королевы на престол): they were planning the assassination of Elisabeth and enthronement of Mary
  возвеличивать / возвеличить - (он не нуждался в том, чтобы его идеализировали и возвеличивали после смерти по сравнению с тем, каким он был при жизни): he need not be idealized, or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life
  возвести / возводить - (в квадрат / в куб): to square / to cube;
  - (в сан, Томас Беккет был возведён в с. архиепископа в 1162 году): Thomas Becket was consecrated as archbishop in 1162;
  - (в n-ю степень): raise to the n-th power;
  - (в рыцарство кого-л): the Queen bestowed honorary knighthood on him;
  - (выставка, которая возводит художника на высочайший уровень): one of those rare art shows that change our perception of an artist's oeuvre and hoist him to the highest level;
  - (закон возвёл обычай в систему): the law codified custom and crystallized it; it put its enforcement power behind the "peculiar institution";
  - (национальные границы): while we're pulling down the economic borders between countries, these ethnic crazies are putting up national borders
  возвестить / возвещать - (визит возвестил новую эру в отношениях): this visit will herald a new era in our relations;
  - (колокольчик на двери возвестил приход клиента в агентство): as he opened the door to the agency, chimes signaled his arrival;
  - (миссия возвестила начало участия НАТО): the advance guard of a small NATO training mission has left for Iraq, signalling the beginning of the alliance's role in the country;
  - (музыкальная заставка возвестила новости): the openings notes of the music that heralded the 7 o'clock news;
  - (в. о помазании на царство звуком трубы): they were to anoint Solomon with the sacred oil, and to proclaim his consecration by the solemn blast of the trumpet
  возврат - (в. в судебном порядке незаконно полученных доходов): the public interest has already been fully served by the $137 million in fines and disgorgement imposed in the criminal case;
  - (в. денег за покупки, оплаченные кредитной карточкой, производится только путём перечисления на счёт владельца карточки): purchases paid for by credit card will only be refunded by a credit to the cardholder's account;
  - (в. денег за покупки, оплаченные наличными, производится наличными): refunds on purchases paid by cash will be paid in cash;
  - (допустимое опоздание в-а взятого напрокат автомобиля): Rent a Car. Minimal rental period is 24 hours; acceptable late return is 60 minutes.;
  - (в. купленного товара / в. денег, т.е. за возвращённый в магазин товар): "What's you return policy?" "Full refund within 14 days, after that store credit" / "No refund, exchange only";
  - (купленные электротовары не подлежат в-у): any electrical items purchased will not be returnable;
  - (назад в-а не будет): once you are in, there will be no pulling back;
  - (назад в-а нет): there is no way back;
  - (переплаченных налогов): tax rebate / tax refund / taxback;
  - (платы за обучение на курсах): students who were enrolled on courses at the Moscow language centre were told about the closure this week and offered refunds on their fees;
  - (товары в-у не подлежат, т.е. в магазине): opened software or media products may be exchanged for the same item if defective and are not eligible for a refund;
  - (требовать в-а подоходного налога): the Gift Aid System allows charities to claim back the basic income-tax rate of 22% on all donations
  возврат / возвращение - (к прежним порядкам, т.е. в стране, в. к прежним порядкам ничего не даст): Going back to the old ways is not going to work. Suppression's not going to work. Engaging in violence is not going to work.;
  - (к старым временам, для остальных это в. к старым временам): After almost 20 years as Europe's strongest economy, during which hundreds of thousands of Polish, British and North American immigrants flocked to Dublin for work, the Irish are once again a nation of emigrants. Moving abroad has once again become the way out of an impossible situation at home, and is creating a new Irish diaspora. ... Her generation were probably the first one ever who could think of spending their whole life making a living in Ireland, but for the rest of us it's back to the old ways;
  - смотри возвращение
  возвратить / возвращать - (в нормальное положение, если лодка перевернулась, и её нельзя в. в нормальное положение): if the boat has capsized and cannot be made right, climb on top of it;
  - (в нормальное состояние кого-л): he was desperate for the first of a large number of cigarettes to get him back to par;
  - (в первоначальное состояние): once the mineral has been removed, it is necessary to restore the land back to its initial state;
  - (вложенные инвестиции): to recapture;
  - (дело из апелляционного суда в окружной суд): the Court remanded the case to the district court to determine whether...;
  - (дело из апелляционного суда в окружной суд): Тhe petition for writ of certiorari is granted. The judgment of the Court of Appeals is vacated and the case is remanded to the District Court with directions to dismiss the complaint.;
  - (деньги, было предложено в.деньги студентам, т.е. за курсы английского языка после закрытия Британского совета): more than 1,500 students have been offered refunds after the British Council was forced to close a language centre this week;
  - (деньги, полученные по необеспеченному чеку): bank customers are responsible for the checks they deposit, and victims must repay the bank for bad checks;
  - (долг): he is an honorable man, and he will wish to repay his debt;
  - (долги): the dull-but-worthy task of paying off your debts;
  - (заложников): the hostages were returned unharmed;
  - (к жизни высыхающее море): the dying sea (the Aral Sea) that has been brought to life against all odds;
  - (к жизни, т.е. мёртвое чудовище): scientists resuscitate the amphibious monster;
  - (к жизни т.е. умирающего): staff did not try to resuscitate him as he had asked not to receive CPR should he have a heart attack brought on by his illness;
  - (книги в библиотеку): I'm going to the library to return my books;
  - (купленный товар, т.е. в магазин): We want you to be fully satisfied with every item that you purchase from RadioShack.com. If you are not satisfied with an item that you have purchased, you may return the item within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of the purchase price, minus the shipping, handling or other additional charges;
  - (купленный в розничном магазине товар нельзя в. по почте в интернет-магазин): please note that items purchased at a RadioShack retail store may NOT be returned by mail to our online store;
  - (на землю кого-л образно): he chattered on happily enough but I was going to find a way of letting him down gently;
  - (на новое рассмотрение): endless delays, adjournments and referring back to Moscow;
  - (на путь истинный): this would bring them back into the fold;
  - (на путь истинный): he was skipping school to spend as much time with his fiancée as possible, and his grades were slipping. His parents tried to get him back on track.;
  - (на рассмотрение в парламент): the President bounced the budget;
  - (на родину, решение Бундесбанка Германии в. на родину часть золотого запаса, хранящегося в Банке Федерального Резерва в Нью-Йорке вызвало ажиотаж на рынке золота): the decision of Germany's Bundesbank to repatriate part of its Gold Reserves held at the New York Federal Reserve bank has triggered a frenzy in the gold market;
  - (пособие следует в. полностью): should you terminate your employment within 12 months of receipt of relocation assistance, all such assistance shall be repaid in full;
  - (т.е. ранее заплаченное): we are refunding their money;
  - (решение Бундесбанка Германии в. на родину часть золотого запасам хранящегося в Банке Федерального Резерва в Нью-Йорке вызвало ажиотаж на рынке золота): the decision of Germany's Bundesbank to repatriate part of its Gold Reserves held at the New York Federal Reserve bank has triggered a frenzy in the gold market;
  - (территории): Sadat accepted no cease-fire until Egyptian forces had recovered all territory captured by Israel in 1967;
  - (в. тo, что задолжал): you can repay me what you owe me;
  - (чек был возвращён банком ремитенту): the check bounced;
  - (человеческий облик, это возвращает лИсу человеческий облик): the fox in The Golden Bird tells the hero of this story to cut off his head; this restores him to human shape
  возвратиться / возвращаться - (адвокат старался не в. к изобличающим уликам): The attorney poked and probed a bit, but he was careful not to revisit the damning evidence. The jury had heard enough of the cuts and gushes; it would be foolish to cover this ground again.;
  - (возвращайся туда, откуда пришёл): get back where you once belonged;
  - (возвращаясь в прошлое): in retrospect, the patient described feeling never satisfied, experiencing life and sex as if he were "marking time";
  - (возвращаясь из рейса): various crew members were on the beach to visit the chandlers to get books magazines to read, videocassette movies, and drink to go with the food, plus whatever consumable supplies had been used up on the inbound trip;
  - (залог возвращается): An application deposit is money that you may be asked to pay in advance at the time you complete an apartment rental application. If your application is not approved, the deposit is refundable in most cases.
  - (в. к давно прошедшим временам): this is neither the place nor the time to hark back to a bygone era;
  - (в. ко всему, что они выслушали за последние 2 часа, т.е. повторить ранее сказанное): he harks back to everything they heard over the last two days from Judge L.;
  - (мысленно возвращаясь к судебному процессу двадцатилетней давности, он снова переживал отголосок бурных эмоций): whenever he thought back to that trial 20 years ago, what echoed through time was the teeming emotions;
  - (плата за запись на поступление, т.е. в медицинское училище, возвращается только если у вас не приняли документы): the inscription fee is refunded only if you are not accepted for admission (in a medical school)
  - смотри вернуться
  возвратно-поступательный - (двигатель): a reciprocating engine;
  - (движение): alternating motion
  возвратный - (рейс, т.е. домой): various crew members were on the beach to visit the chandlers to get books magazines to read, videocassette movies, and drink to go with the food, plus whatever consumable supplies had been used up on the inbound trip
  возвращение - (в город): his return to London;
  - (в клуб футболиста): will the player's return to the club solve the team's problems?;
  - (в плотные слои атмосферы, т.е. космического корабля): garbage burns up during re-entry of the spaceship;
  - (в плотные слои атмосферы, т.е. космического шаттла): the shuttle begins re-entry in one minute;
  - (громкое в. на сцену, т.е. артиста после перерыва): in the months running up to his death, Michael Jackson had been preparing his big comeback;
  - (дни, оставшиеся до в-я школу): the chart counting down the days to September the first, on which he liked to cross off the days remaining until his return to the school;
  - (домой): this wasn't how he'd imagined his homecoming;
  - (т.е. на родину после длительного проживания заграницей): for some, repatriation may be infeasible
  возвращённый - (пособие должно быть полностью возвращено): should you terminate your employment within 12 months of receipt of relocation assistance, all such assistance shall be repaid in full
  возвысить / возвышать - what is the blend of qualities that lifts a people to dominion over neighbours of roughly comparable endowments?;
  - (история возвышает отважных): history admires the wise but elevates the brave
  возвышение - (над кроватью): the lofty drape of the dais over the bed;
  - (т.е. помост): dais;
  - there was a podium dominated by a raised lectern in its centre
  возвышенность - (вид на Тихий океан с в-ти полуострова): the view of the Pacific Ocean from the lofty peninsula can serve as a sight for sore eyes;
  - (горные в-ти Азии): a tribe of nomads who traveled the upland plateaus of Asia;
  - (ума): loftiness of mind
  возвышенный - (болтовня / разглагольствование ирония): the highfaluting rhetoric of stability, security, reconciliation and reconstruction of Iraq will not be enough;
  - (идеализм презрительно): highfaluting idealism;
  - (идеалы / чувства): lofty fml ideals / sentiments;
  - (идеи): noble goals and lofty ideas can be utilized for particular purposes;
  - (кампания): he wanted to run a high-minded campaign on the need of...;
  - (в-ые наклонности): He read John Ruskin's Modern Painters and was hugely impressed by his argument that artists should return to the style of late medieval and early Renaissance painters in their style of art. This appealed to young Holman Hunt, who had spiritual leanings.;
  - (настроение музыки): its (the overture to Lohengrin) ethereal mood of religious awe proved not unsuited to the occasion;
  - (нечто столь в-ое, т.е. о сознании): the hint of consciousness in someone who doesn't meet the usual criteria for awareness underlines how squishy science's understanding of consciousness is, starting with how something so sublime can arise in the three pounds of tofu-like glop within our skull;
  - (от в-ого до смешного): from the sublime to the ridiculous;
  - (ум): suffering imparts true confidence, a clear conscience and loftiness of mind;
  - (причины): there were less elevated reasons that reinforced the argument;
  - (причины ирония): highfalutin reasons for denying direct federal assistance to the unemployed;
  - (риторика): I'd prefer more reasoned arguments and rather less high-flown rhetoric;
  - (устремления): lofty ambitions;
  - (цели): at most colleges, more than 90 percent of private donations come from a small segment of wealthy alumni, in large gifts that are almost always earmarked for a lofty purpose, like a new academic building or endowed chair;
  - (цели): research is important, but education and teaching of students are undoubtedly another of the lofty objectives of universities
  возглавить / возглавлять - (бюро): He's heading the office. He's got 10 people reporting to him now.;
  - (возглавлявший направление по Северной Корее в Белом доме): the North Korea pointman in President G.W. Bush's White House;
  - (дело, т.е. после кого-л): to take over a business;
  - (комитет, т.е. быть председателем): when I chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee...;
  - (миссию НАТО): the mission, formally known as the NATO Training and Implementation Mission, will be led by Major-General C.H. of the Netherlands and staffed by soldiers from several countries;
  - (операцию): to take over an operation;
  - (оргкомитет, т.е. быть председателем): our Association is very indebted to him for chairing the Organizing Committee;
  - (правительство): the creation of a coalition government headed by the neutralist Prince Souvanna Phouma;
  - (расследование): I was appointed to chair the Inquiry;
  - (рекламные акции и работу в средствах массовой информации): he will head up the advertising and media business operations;
  - (службу безопасности на ОРТ, т.е. на канале российского телевидения): he headed up security at ORT;
  - (список): governmental regulations top the list of these obstacles;
  - (список посеянных теннисистов): the player tops the seedings;
  - (управление колонией): the king took over the management of the colony;
  - (в/ учреждение): at a regional development agency he once chaired
  возглавляемый - (...которые вместе со своими коллегами из Государственной службы здравоохранения, в-ыми со старшей медсестрой, осуществляют круглосуточный уход за пострадавшими на войне): the ward has 39 military nurses who, with matron-led NHS counterparts, deliver round-the-clock care to military casualties;
  - (Управление Общественных Работ): the Public Works Administration, headed by H.L., began to...;
  - the mission was placed under the command of G.C., commander of the US-led coalition in the country
  воздавать / воздать - (должное кому-л): смотри ниже;
  - (злом за зло, никому не воздавай злом за зло): render to no one evil for evil;
  - (злом за зло): he returned ill for ill;
  - (по заслугам): for Mr F., whose 10-year-old son was kidnapped last week, it is about time the government starting giving the criminals their just deserts;
  - (почести /похвалы чему-л): at the EU summit meeting, the Prime Minister paid homage to market rules
  воздавать / воздать (должное кому-л) - unfortunately the scope of this work does not allow full credit to be given to each and every person that participated in the project;
  - When we admire a peacock, we should give credit to the generations of lackluster females for being selective about their mates.;
  - we render what is due to governing authorities not only to remain unentangled from them, but also to keep from opposing what God has ordained;
  - "Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor." Paul uttered these statements as a practical extension of his teachings in Romans;
  - I'd like to pay tribute to the office staff for all hard work they've put in the project;
  - I paid tribute to the most ardent supporter of the reforms in the House, T.D.
  воздание - (воинских почестей при погребении): the rendering of Military Funeral Honors is a way to show the Nation's gratitude to those who, in times of war and peace, have faithfully defended our country
  воздаяние - (т.е. верующему): because not all requital lit is meted out in this life, a final judgment is necessary to bring it to completion;
  воздвигать / воздвинуть - (национальные границы): while we're pulling down the economic borders between countries, these ethnic crazies are putting up national borders;
  - (статую): the city erected a statue in his honor
  воздействие - (вредное в. вибрации, трения и влаги): by binding the many wires and cables into cable harness, the wires and cables can be better secured against the adverse effects of vibrations, abrasions, and moisture;
  - (вредное в. промышленной застройки): Industrial development may detract from the appearance of the district. However, if its provision would on balance provide significant economical benefits to the local economy to outweigh any detrimental effects then sympathetic consideration may be given;
  - (действующее начало не оказывает значительного в-я на ритм сердечных сокращений): the active principle provides no substantial effect on the rhythm of cardiac contractions;
  - (в. добычи полезных ископаемых на окружающую среду): modern mine rehabilitation aims to minimize and mitigate the environmental effects of modern mining;
  - (защитить людей от в-я химических веществ): the city and county will move ahead right away with interim cleanup activities to protect people from exposure to the chemicals;
  - (исследований): some parts of research do not produce an immediate visible impact;
  - (минимизировать в. высоких радиочастот на кабельную систему): Most voltage-measuring instruments can generate false readings in the presence of large, high-frequency signal sources such as nearby radio and television transmitters, computer monitors, and cellular telephones. High-frequency energy can also be coupled to the multimeter on the system cabling. To reduce interference, try to minimize the exposure of the system cabling to high-frequency RF sources.;
  - (на планету): colossal effect on the planet;
  - (неблагоприятное в. на здоровье): The continued occurrence of occupational lead overexposure and lead poisoning in the United States remains a serious problem despite awareness of its adverse health effects;
  - (в. невесомости на людей): the effects of weightlessness on people;
  - (т.е. нежелательных примесей, метод чувствителен к в-ю растворимых в ацетоне веществ): this method is very sensitive to interferences from acetone soluble material found in or on glassware, aluminum foil, filters and other laboratory equipment;
  - (оказать вредное в. на структуру почвы): increasing the number of cows per hectare (overstocking) to maximise production may have detrimental effects on soil structure;
  - (оказать в., детская травма оказывает продолжительное в. на психо-социальное, познавательное и речевое развитие ребёнка): childhood trauma leaves a lasting effect on child's psycho-social, cognitive and language development;
  - (оказать в., новость может оказать сильное в. на выборы): the news can give a powerful boost at the re-run of the election;
  - (пребывание под в-ем искусственных химикатов): exposure to man-made chemicals;
  - (в. пребывания в космосе на старение): our space agency wanted to study the effects of space on aging;
  - (раковые заболевания, связанные с в-ем Эйджент Орандж): cancers that were associated with the exposure to Agent Orange;
  - (в. свинца разрушает клетки головного мозга у маленьких детей): exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young children;
  - (укреплённые объекты, защищённые от в-я различных взрывных устройств): the company is a leader in the design and construction of hardened facilities that are resistive to the effects of a variety of explosive devices;
  - (устойчивый к в-ю кислоты): ceramic substance, immune to the effects of the acid inside it;
  - (в. утечки нефти на окружающую среду): we are doing absolutely everything in our power to contain the environmental impact of the oil spill;
  - (это делалось без в-я на инфраструктуру гражданских инженерных соружений и без отрицательного в-я на рыбу, её ареал и рыболовство): Similar gate management was conducted in November 1999 to optimize adult salmon upstream migration. This was done without impacting the infrastructure or civil works and without further negative impact to fish, fish habitat or the fisheries.
  воздействовать - (на примирение партий): we've tried to effect the reconciliation between the two parties;
  - (на комиссию): he acknowledged that he had lobbied the U.S. Parole Commission for early release of R.G.;
  - (разные лекарства воздействуют на разные органы): different drugs operate on different bodily organs
  воздержавшийся (т.е. при голосовании) - (при одном воздержавшемся): R. made a motion to approve the restructuring of the loan. On the motion: 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Abstention. Motion passed.;
  - (при одном воздержавшемся): the Federation Council, which usually rubber-stamps legislation for the Kremlin, approved the government-backed legislation by a vote of 156 to 5 with one abstention
  воздержание / воздержанность - (в еде / спиртном): temperance in eating / alcohol;
  - (от наркотиков): random drug-testing shall be utilized to monitor offender abstinence;
  - (полное в. от спиртных напитков): teetotalism;
  - (т.е. половое в-е): with a campaign against AIDS, the death rate had been cut in half through a focus on abstinence, education, marriage, and condoms
  воздержаться / воздерживаться - (в деле об убийстве следует в. от личной неприязни): in a case of murder one must put one's private repugnances behind one;
  - (его подмывало дать игривый ответ, но он воздержался ради сына): he was tempted to a ribald reply but forbore for his son's sake;
  - (компании воздерживаются от использования устройства): mobile phones companies are balking at paying to put the device in their phones, during the economic downturn, and an overlapping technology;
  - (от высказывания своего мнения): to refrain from expressing one's own opinion;
  - (от высказывания своего мнения): I will withhold judgment until we know what the facts are;
  - (от дачи показаний): by agreeing to forgo testimony, he lost the drama of live presentation;
  - (от замечания): he refrained from pointing out that as West Berlin was not a part of West Germany, they ought to be addressing themselves the Senate in West Berlin;
  - (от коктейля): he wanted a cocktail but he forbore;
  - (от комментариев): to refrain from comment;
  - (от комментариев): to withhold comment;
  - (от предупреждения): nor would he forgo another subtle warning of Hanoi's implacable determination;
  - (от провокационных заявлений): Taiwan will refrain from provocative statements towards China;
  - (от проявления личных склонностей в репортажах): we were trained to keep any personal biases out of our reporting;
  - (от публичных нападок): they restrained themselves from scabrous public attack;
  - (от резолюции): the Soviet Union would abstain from a resolution favoring a simple cease-fire in place;
  - (от суждений о чём-л): we will withhold judgment on the incident until the investigation is completed;
  - (от слова): the word that AIDS experts have long eschewed, the word is cure;
  - (от того, чтобы договаривать за неё предложения): The nurse explained the procedure a few more times. This wasn't my first time on this ride, so I had to hold myself back from finishing her sentences most of the time.;
  - (от финансирования военных исследований): INTAS abstains from financing military research;
  - (учитель воздерживался от домашних заданий): the teacher abstained from giving them homework in the week leading up to the match;
  - The magazine then ran both stories together, and I was sure someone would send me a letter saying that my writing was better in the first story, but no one did. (Perhaps a reader of this book will decide it would be humorous to do so, but if so, please restrain yourself.);
  - he forbore to say that the sensitive areas were those that might impede a future Soviet strike into Western Europe
  воздух - (глоток свежего в-а образно): when Tony Blair, was elected Prime Minister he brought a breath of fresh air into an otherwise conservative and boring British political world
  воздушный - (атмосфера картины): the picture's ethereal mist-filled atmosphere was attributed to Da Vinci's mastery of sfumato style;
  - (блокада): aerial blockade;
  - (бой): aerial combat;
  - (бой): in military aviation, a melee has been described as an air battle in which several aircraft, both friend and foe, are confusingly intermingled;
  - (бомба): aerial bomb;
  - (бомбардировка): aerial bombing / bombardment;
  - (винт, т.е. самолёта): airscrew / propeller;
  - (мост): During the multinational occupation of post-World War II Germany, the Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under Western control. The Western Allies organised the Berlin airlift to carry supplies to the people of West Berlin.;
  - (мощь, демонстрация в-ой огневой мощи): aerial firepower demonstration;
  - (нападение): aerial attack;
  - (охотники, т.е. на борту самолёта): their night-vision gear didn't compensate for the huge advantage held by the airborne hunters;
  - (передача инфекции в-ым путём): to prevent airborne transmission of an infection, sick people should always cover their mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing;
  - (подушка, аппарат на в-ой п-е): hovercraft;
  - (поток): experimental measurements of airflow distribution in a mock-up of an aircraft;
  - (поток): the fan is producing an air flow of 1.5 m3/s;
  - (поток): the air stream produced by the fan;
  - (в. поцелуй, посылать в-ые поцелуи): he was blowing me kisses, winking;
  - (пространство): high-power radars are scanning the airspace;
  - (разведка): the plane was engaged in aerial reconnaissance;
  - (стрелок): aerial gunner;
  - (транспорт): strong winds have already disrupted the air traffic in the area;
  - (тревога): A civil defense siren / an air raid siren infml / tornado siren infml is a siren used to provide emergency population warning of approaching danger and sometimes to indicate when the danger has passed. Initially designed to warn of air raids in World War II, they were adapted to warn of nuclear attack and of natural phenomena such as tornadoes.;
  - (яма, попасть в в-ую яму): to hit an air pocket;
  - смотри файл FORMA_VID
  возжелать - (страстно): now that his father aged, he set his heart upon succeeding to the throne in all earnestness
  воззвать - (к слушателям, чтобы они последовали примеру): I'd like to appeal to all our listeners to emulate their example
  воззрения - (общепринятые медицинские в.): their views lie outside the mainstream of current medical opinion;
  - (на литературу): the book offers a rather sentimental view of literature in the 19th century
  возиться - (т.е. писателю не пришлось в. с этим рассказом): Why is this story my favorite? I got the idea all at once and didn't have to fiddle with it.;
  - (т.е. чрезмерно опекать образно, с новичками): You mustn't spoon-feed the new recruits by telling them what to do all the time. They must use their initiative.;
  - (т.е. чрезмерно опекать, с учениками): the teacher spoon-feeds the students by dictating notes on the novel instead of getting the children to read the books;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  возлагать / возложить - (бремя): to impose a burden;
  - (вину): смотри ниже;
  - (контроль за строительной и противопожарной безопасностью возложен на местные власти): in other countries, where the power of regulating construction and fire safety is vested in local authorities, a system of model building codes if used;
  - (надежды): смотри ниже;
  - (обязанности, на неё были возложены о. бухгалтера): she was shifted to a new position that put her in charge of accounting;
  - (т.е. обязанности на кого-л): Bolden said President Barack Obama had charged him with three things upon becoming NASA administrator;
  - (т.е. обязанности на кого-л): C. enthusiastically serves several university committees. Among them is the steering committee of the Baccalaureate Review Task Force, which last spring charged him with leading focus groups to gather ideas from faculty, staff and administrators.;
  - (ответственность за особые функции на государственные учреждения): the presidential directive created a 10-point counterterrorism initiative, assigning responsibility to various government agencies for specific functions, including the apprehension, return and prosecution of terrorists;
  - (ответственность за что-л на кого-л): managing agents cannot be held responsible for the peccadilloes of their principals;
  - (ответственность, при поставке EXW минимальная ответственность возлагается на продавца и максимальная - на покупателя): an EX works shipment places the minimum responsibility on the seller and the greatest responsibility on the buyer;
  - (ответственность, суд возложил ответственность на подрядчиков): the court held several of the contractors liable;
  - (полномочия, возложенные Конституцией на правительство): all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government;
  - (полномочия исполнительной власти возложены на президента): the power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces;
  - (роль): this role, imposed by necessity and by a seeming national instinct for survival, was buttressed in many fields by a bipartisan consensus;
  - (роль, возложенная на него судьбой): he was born to play a Falstaffian role, ill-suited and ill-trained for the role destiny thrust upon him.
  возлагать вину / возложить вину - (в. вину за инцидент на китайских охранников): In Xian, Chinese security officials blocked two White House valets from loading the First Family's garment bags onto Air Force one for the flight to Beijing. Press secretary M. blamed the incident on an "overeager" Chinese official who had "some concern about their ethnicity." Both staffers were Asian-American;
  - (на других): I am unsympathetic to homebuyers who mortgage themselves to the hilt and have no room to move when interest rates rise or their circumstances change. Adding to my irritation of their failure to exercise financial responsibility, is the tendency of too many to look for someone else to blame - be it government, the lending institutions, developers, builders and the real estate agents.;
  - (на других): he is very quick to lay the blame at the door infml of the others;
  - (он возложил вину за неподачу налоговой декларации на бухгалтера): he blamed the failure to file tax returns on the group's accountant;
  - (на кого-л): the court held the contractor liable for breach of contract;
  - (подозреваемый возложил вину на своего приятеля): the suspect confessed to knowledge of the crime, protesting that he was innocent, and fastened the guilt upon a companion;
  - (рассказанные им факты позволили в-ить вину на него): he gave facts which fastened the guilt on him, such as telling where he had hidden victim's hat and shoes and where they could find another bullet hole in the body, one which, up to then, had not been noticed
  возлагать / возложить (надежды на кого-л / что-л) - (в-ать большие н-ы на кого-л): I had high hopes for you;
  - (в-ать большие н. на кого-л): I had great expectations for that player but he has gone from hero to zero;
  - we pinned our hopes on him / on this pause;
  - (на которого возлагают н.): our country's ability to play its indispensable role as the repository of the hopes of free people;
  - the democrats pinned their hopes for the Presidency on a General H.;
  - With the loss of Joe Junior, Old Joe sunk all his hopes on Jack. He pushed him to run for Congress, then the Senate, and finally the Presidency.;
  - (на что-л): so many hopes were invested in this election;
  - (на что-л): the plant set its hopes on two prototypes of aircrafts;
  - (не стоит в.н.): I mustn't get my hopes up;
  - (не возлагай особых надежд): don't get your hopes up;
  - (он возлагал н. не на того, кого нужно): he put his faith in the wrong person
  возлагаться - (столько надежд возлагалось на выборы!): so many hopes were invested in this election;
  возле - (кролик грелся на солнышке в. своей норки): a succulent coney was sunning itself beside its burrow;
  - (броситься на землю в. кого-л): she hurled herself onto the ground beside her son;
  - (в. звонка была табличка с цифрами): beside the bell was a brushed-steel plate with numbers on it;
  - (в. здания): the massive law complex next to police headquarters;
  - (лечь в. кого-л): he slid into bed beside her;
  - (в. кого-л): the businessman next to him;
  - (в. себя): he turned on the lamp beside him;
  - (сесть в. кого-л): there came a big spider and sat down beside her;
  - (сесть в. кого-л): come and sit by me;
  - (сесть в. кого-л): he took his place beside her;
  - (сесть в. кого-л): a man sat down beside him;
  - (сесть в. кого-л): he was sitting next to me;
  - (стоять в. автомобиля): a car would run better if he just stood next to it;
  - (стоять на коленях в. кого-л): he was kneeling next to her;
  - (в. судна покачивалась лодка): a small rowing boat was bobbing beside his vessel;
  - ( в. ящиков с боеприпасами): a stack of Kalashnikov's stood against the wall beside boxes of ammunition and grenades;
  - he took me by the hand to a shabby little barracks beside the tarmac
  возложенный - (выполнить в-ую на него задачу): he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with;
  - (выполнять в-ую на него задачу, об Агентстве защиты окружающей среды): the US Environmental Protection Agency is clearly a dysfunctional agency no longer able to live up to its mandate;
  - (организация, на которую возложены полномочия выполнять предназначенную функцию): competent authority could be any person or organization that has the legally delegated or invested authority, capacity, or power to perform a designated function;
  возмездие - (т.е. Америке от Европы и Азии за пошлины): the decision to end the tariffs averts the threat of retaliation from Europe and Asia;
  - (т.е. верующему в будущей жизни): because not all requital lit is meted out in this life, a final judgment is necessary to bring it to completion;
  - (за грехи): to many Russians who lived through the Troubles, it was nothing more of less than divine retribution for the sins of Russia's rulers or its people;
  - (Израиль больше не занимается в-м, т.е. нацистским преступникам): Israel is no longer in the retribution business;
  - (т.е. нацистским преступникам): in all these tasks, backed by its considerable funds, the organisation has been measurably successful, and in none more so than in reducing official retribution through the West Germany courts to a mockery;
  - (дисциплинарные взыскания не должны накладываться по произволу, ради в-я или из мести): Disciplinary action will be of such a nature as to regulate the inmate's behavior within acceptable limits and will be taken at such times and in such degrees as is necessary to accomplish this objective. Disciplinary action shall not be capricious, retaliatory, or revengeful.;
  - (стать в-ем, их кровь станет в-ем за снегопад, в котором его отец лишился пальцев и ступней ног): their blood would requite that snowfall that robbed his father of fingers and feet;
  - Lieberman risks payback from Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats hinted on payback for Senator Joe Lieberman, who called Barack Obama an untested candidate beholden to Democratic interest groups in a prime-time Republican National Convention address.;
  - some of Israeli retaliation has been disproportional;
  - the vengeance blackened and rose in her
  возмездный - (на в-ой или безвозмездной основе): to acquire shares of Russian and foreign corporate issuers either at charge or free of charge, sign sale, donation and barter contracts;
  - (на в-ой основе): conference services for all of these meetings were provided, on a reimbursable basis, by UNON;
  - (на в-ой основе): this common service is run on a cost-recovery basis
  возместить / возмещать - (деньги, обманом полученные от клиентов): the defendants must make restitution of at least $25 million USD that was defrauded from clients;
  - (добыча возместит жалостливые взгляды девушек, высчитывавших его достояние со последней копейки): these spoils would make amends for the pitying glances from girls guessing his miserable patrimony down to the last pennyweight;
  - (доход от туризма возместит потерю шахты): the land was priceless, and I thought the monument designation would bring in tourist income that over time would more than offset the loss of the mine;
  - (невыплаченные кредиты компании, находящейся в конкурсном управлении): the responsibility of the receiver to recoup as much of unpaid loans as possible;
  - (неприметное лицо возмещалось гладкой кожей, горящими светлокарими глазами и шелковистыми каштановыми волосами): smooth-skinned, with large and luminous hazel eyes and silken auburn hair to offset an otherwise nonremarkable face, she turned a smile of surpassing sweetness on the sailor;
  - (нехватку зерна): theoretically they could ride this out with minimal difficulties, but this depends on how they make up the shortfall;
  - (ограждать от любой ответственности, удовлетворять любые требования о компенсации нами ущерба по решению суда соответствующей юрисдикции, в. любой ущерб, любые расходы и издержки, понесённые нами, а также любые суммы, выплаченные нами в порядке исполнения мировых сделок, вытекающих из или возникших в связи с любыми претензиями третьей стороны...): You will indemnify us against all losses, liabilities, costs and expenses reasonably suffered or incurred by us, all damages awarded against us under any judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction and all settlements sums paid by us as a result of any settlement agreed by us arising out or in connection with any claim by any third party that the use of the Site by you is defamatory, offensive or abusive, or of an obscene or pornographic nature, or is illegal or constitutes a breach of any applicable law, regulation or code of practice;
  - (потери кому-л): our offer was an application of traditional American principles: it was a voluntary act, not an "obligation" to indemnify Hanoi;
  - (правительство возместило потери, которые понесли бы вкладчики, если бы правительство позволило страховому фонду разориться): it was the government who, in order to maintain credibility in the banking system, made good on the losses that depositors would have absorbed if the government would have let the insurance fund fail;
  - (ракеты возмещают отсутствие артиллерии): every BMP had 10 of these (missiles), which more than made up for the missing battalion of towed guns;
  - (расходы, как мне возместят р. на питание): how do I get reimbursed for meals?
  - (расходы на поездку): I will reimburse your travel expenses;
  - (расходы, т.е. по командировке): UALR reimburses only for actual expenses. UALR does not automatically reimburse the traveler at the federal per diem rate.;
  - (рост, т.е. сбыта, в Западной Европе возмещал спад на развивающихся рынках): growth in Western Europe was particularly strong behind new product initiatives, more than offsetting the slowdown in developing markets;
  - (свои убытки): they made up these losses by charging higher rates for short haul shipments;
  - (свои расходы и убытки): you can recover damages and attorney fees;
  - (убытки): the reductions in defense expenditure will compensate for the commercial losses on the grains;
  - (т.е. украденное, в. городу $2200): the former manager of the R. regional airport was ordered to make restitution of about $2, 200 to the city;
  - (ум возмещает отсутствие опыта): her intelligence more than compensates for her lack of experience;
  - (утрату мужа): nothing can compensate for losing my husband;
  - (ущерб): смотри ниже
  возместить / возмещать (ущерб) - reparation refers to the obligation of the wrongdoing party to redress the damage caused to the injured party;
  - it will take years to undo the damage caused by the reform;
  - (кому-л): business concerns should redress the resultant damage;
  - (в. ущерб на сумму более 20 млн долларов): he was ordered to make restitution for more than $20 million
  возместиться / возмещаться - (как возмещаются расходы на питание): how do I get reimbursed for meals?;
  - (неприметное лицо возмещалось гладкой кожей, горящими светлокарими глазами и шелковистыми каштановыми волосами): smooth-skinned, with large and luminous hazel eyes and silken auburn hair to offset an otherwise nonremarkable face, she turned a smile of surpassing sweetness on the sailor
  возмещение - An international criminal court has the power to order a criminal perpetrator to pay reparation to a victim who has suffered as a result of the perpetrator's criminal actions. Pursuant to article 75, the Court may lay down the principles for reparation for victims, which may include restitution, indemnification and rehabilitation.;
  - (выплатить $1 млн в качестве в-я, т.е. по решению суда): he will spend four months in jail, pay up to $1 million in restitution and serve 5 years of probation;
  - (выплатить $6 млн в качестве в-я): he was ordered to pay $6,000 in restitution on his guilty plea to receive thousands of dollars from the State Community College for little or no work under a bogus contract that his father arranged;
  - (затрат на лечение): when compensation is claimed for medical treatment received;
  - (материального ущерба): compensation for material damage;
  - (страховое): смотри ниже;
  - (судебных издержек): the Court convicted the counterpart for the reimbursement of the legal charges;
  - (требовать от компании в-я за расходы по участию в тендере): this advertisement shall not entitle potential companies to seek any indemnity from COMPANY by virtue of such companies having responded to this advertisement;
  - (убытков / ущерба): смотри ниже
  возмещение (страховое) - deductible is the amount which the auto insurance policy holder is required to pay in case of an accident, before the payment of Insurance coverage benefits by the auto insurance company.;
  - (за утрату жизни): indemnity for loss of life will be payable in accordance...;
  - (медицинских расходов): insurance coverage for medical expenses incurred...;
  - (страховое в. , причитающееся клиентам адвоката): The lawyer settled personal injury cases, and instead of paying out the share of the insurance proceeds due his clients, he kept it until he stilled one client's repeated complaints by repaying him with the settlement money due somebody else.;
  - (требовать в.): if a vehicle owner claims compensation for physical injuries, certain criteria need to be met before the complaint is registered
  возмещение (убытков / ущерба) - liquidated damages as used in the construction industry are damages (monetary) to the owner of the building charged to the builder for delay in completion of the structure in the allotted time;
  - (взыскать предусмотренное законом в.у.): you can recover statutory damages;
  - (добиваться в-я убытков): the company is seeking damages in excess of $1.4 million;
  - (наложить ограничения на величину в-я фактических убытков и штрафных санкций): they wanted to put heinous caps on both actual and punitive damages in lawsuits;
  - (потребовать в-я ущерба): A misrepresentation is a false statement of fact made by one party to another, which, whilst not being a term of the contract, induces the other party to enter the contract. The effect of an actionable misrepresentation is to make the contract voidable, giving the innocent party the right to rescind the contract and/or claim damages.;
  - (присуждать в. ущерба): to award damages;
  - (суд пришёл к выводу, что при отсутствии судебного запрета в. ущерба не обеспечивает надлежащей судебной защиты): The Court found that M. had a seriously arguable case that the Council had relied on undisclosed award criteria in its assessment of the bids. The Court also concluded that, in the absence of an injunction, damages were an inadequate remedy for M. Thus the injunction was awarded.;
  - (требовать в-я ущерба от полиции): you can claim damages against the police in the UK for a variety of reasons including compensation for assault and battery by a police officer, wrongful arrest, unlawful detention and malicious prosecution;
  - suppose it were your ancestors who had undergone chattel slavery: would you still say it was too long ago so just get over it - or would you feel it still deserved redress?;
  - (фактического ущерба, истцы, требующие в. фактического ущерба на сумму 25000 долларов): the lawsuit purported to include a class of at least 2000 potential claimants, each seeking $25,000 in actual damages
  возможно - ...where such interest might be conceivably construed as...;
  - (в., в будущем обстоятельства могут отличаться от тех, на которых основаны такие заявления): it is possible that future circumstances might differ from the assumptions on which such statements are based;
  - (вполне в.): it is quite possible that those differences are not consistent across the diverse types of colleges and universities;
  - (вполне в. ): "Do you think there'll be an election next year?" "I think it's on the cards infml fig";
  - (вполне в.): there are some big changes in the cards for next year;
  - (в., он лучший вратарь в лиге): he is arguably the best goalkeeper in the league;
  - (в. ли осуществить перемирие?): is it feasible that he can enforce the cease-fire?;
  - (переход на ацетаминофен / парацетамол в. способствовал учащению случаев астмы): Doctors stopped giving aspirin to children with fevers, opting instead for acetaminophen. In his paper published in 1998, Dr. Arthur Varner argued that the switch to acetaminophen might have fueled the increase in asthma;
  - (в., результаты опроса изменяться, когда поступит больше анкет): the results are likely to be modified once more questionnaires are available;
  - (стало в. определить местонахождение источника сигналов): "Can you trace the signals?" "I was struggling when there as only one, but now it might be feasible.";
  - (эта стратегия, в., привела к тому, что): this new strategy (of the U.S.) may well have led North Korea and Iran to accelerate their own nuclear programs;
  - (это в.): "It's possible," he said shortly.;
  - police brutality is the wanton use of excessive force, usually physical, but potentially in the form of verbal attacks and psychological intimidation, by a police officer
  возможное (делать всё в.) - he did his utmost to persuade her of the danger;
  - eager for stability after the recent turmoil at the public market, he signed a 15-year-lease. To pay for the new kitchen equipment and renovation, he has borrowed more than $150,000. "If you are going to do it, you might as well go all out," M. said.;
  - (преподаватели делают всё в., чтобы помочь учащимся): Many teachers really go out of their way to help their students;
  - (ради господства в...): Murdoch goes all out for cyberspace domination. He bought MySpace.com and has plenty more in his sights.;
  - (чтобы завоевать зрителей / слушателей): BBC goes all out to reach Middle East audiences
  возможное (сделать всё в.) - When I really want something, anything, I will go all out. I will fight for it.;
  - (сделать всё в. в финале): the athlete is ready to go all out in final;
  - (сделать всё в., чтобы убедить её в опасности): he did his utmost to persuade her of the danger;
  - (сделать всё в., чтобы выиграть): we"ll go all out to win
  возможности - (альтернативные в-ти инвестирования): collector interest in rare stamps is on the rise as consumers seek investment alternatives;
  - (в. министерств разработать систему): the capacities of the two ministries to develop a system...;
  - (открытия счёта): he was authorized by a certain ex-Soviet state agency, name not supplied, to conduct a dialogue with this house, concerning the possibility of opening an account with this house;
  - (полагаться на свой ум и свои в-ти, т.е. при поступлении в Оксфорд): Is the system (admission to Oxford) really so byzantine that bright young school-leavers cannot rely on their intelligence and potential alone? Do they also require a hefty dollop of expensive preparation?;
  - (правительства обеспечить поступления в экономику от...): the capacity of the Government to ensure economic returns for...;
  - (равные в.): an open market in which all states have equal trading opportunities;
  - (реализовать свои в.): to realize fully one's potential;
  - (роста, т.е. карьерного): ADVANCEMENT POTENTIAL. For many construction firms, expeditor is an entry level position open to graduates of academic engineering or construction programs. Competence and efficiency as an expeditor can lead to a superintendent's position; management of a particular project; or even a job as project manager for all of a construction firm's work.;
  - (роста у отраслей): these sectors show immense capacity for growth;
  - (упущенные / использованные): your life is shaped by the opportunities you turn down as well as by those you seize;
  - (финансовые): company's financial capabilities;
  - (финансовые): doctor's statement with proof of medical insurance or financial capacity
  возможность - (т.е. благоприятная): an open market in which all states have equal trading opportunities;
  - (т.е. благоприятная): opportunity never translates itself into reality automatically;
  - (благоприятная): if they don't take advantage of the opportunity to get what the country deserves, there is not much point in getting such favorable treatment;
  - (благоприятная): we seated ourselves in a semicircle for introducing informal conversation. That was an occasion for subtle hints to establish the mood;
  - (будь у меня такая в.): given half a chance I'd leave this job;
  - (в. взаимодействия устройств от разных производителей): a recently upgraded specification was helping overcome problems such as cost, security, interoperability between devices from different manufacturers and interference with appliances operating on the same radio wavelength;
  - (воспользоваться в-тью): I jumped at the chance and headed for Florida;
  - (в. восстановления водных ресурсов): water resources have to be used within the limits of recoverability;
  - (выбора): I pondered Nixon's options;
  - (выжидать в.): Mike backed off, watching for a chance to get away;
  - (дай им только такую в.): most cats I have known love cheese and will eat huge quantities of it given half a chance;
  - (дай им только такую в.): kids gobble down sweets, given half a chance;
  - (давать в.): While in the Navy, we were told to keep communications brief as possible. This allowed others an opportunity to use the same communication system without tying it up.;
  - (дать в.): to give him a chance to fight a set-piece battle on his own terms at a place and time of his choosing
  - (в. для манёвра): he has left her some room for manoeuvre;
  - (в. для манёвра): we're below budget on this project so there's plenty of room for manoeuvre BrE / maneuvre AmE ;
  - (в. для манёвра): Under the Uniform Commercial Code, banks in the United States are not legally obligated to pay checks older than six months. Of course, this leaves some wiggle room AmE infml. Your bank may not be required to honor an old check, but they might choose to do so.;
  - (дополнительная): an additional option was added for employers: the use of a table in the lobby;
  - (допускать в. чего-л): For the past 11 days, Snowden has been trapped in the transit zone of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, allowed neither to enter Russia nor proceed on to any other country. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Bolivia's Evo Morales were in Moscow this week for a meeting of gas-producing nations. While they have held out the possibility of granting Snowden asylum, either of them could have flown Snowden out on their presidential jets, but declined to do so.;
  - (в. заказа, обсуждение в-ти заказа): the discussion of a possible order;
  - (закон давал будущим президентам в. вообще не допускать неэкономные статьи в бюджет): the main utility of the bill would be in the leverage it gave future presidents to keep wasteful items out of budgets in the first place;
  - (в. использования книги): this omission severely limits the usability of the book;
  - (использовать любую в., белым ржанкам приходится использовать любую в. в поисках пищи): Because they are not seabirds, sheathbills have to be extremely opportunistic in finding food. Basically, they will eat almost anything that is organic and will often try out the inorganic (ropes, gumboots).;
  - (исследовать все в-ти): we will explore every avenue until we find an answer;
  - (мало в-тей, в Индиане мало в-тей для получения скидок за выработку солнечной энергии): Indiana has very little on offer for solar power rebates, and what there is is limited to heating and cooling;
  - (не давать в-ти): to play a mobile war with his enemy, denying them a chance at decisive engagement;
  - (не иметь в-ти поговорить): she waved at him, but had no chance to speak to him;
  - (не упускать в.): he never missed an opportunity to speak to her;
  - (ошибки): The symbols for ounce (℥) and dram (ℨ) can easily be confused with the numeral '3', and the symbol for pint (O) can be easily read as a '0'. Given the potential for errors, metric equivalents should always be used.;
  - (перед нами / у нас несколько в-тей): several avenues are open to us;
  - (в. пережить эмоции): horror offers us a chance to exercise emotions which society demands we keep closely in hand;
  - (в. перерасхода средств на счету в банке): an overdraft facility at the bank;
  - (при ближайшей в-ти): the telephone message asked me to be so good as to call the following number at my earliest convenience;
  - (в-ти программы компьютерного набора): to the virtuoso typist, some of these features might seem unnecessary, or even downright perverse;
  - (путаницы, использование аптечных / тройских мер веса не рекомендуется, учитывая в. путаницы): The use of apothecary / avoirdupois units and symbols of measure - pints, ounces, drams, scruples, grains, and minims - is discouraged given the potential for confusion. For example, the abbreviation for a grain ("gr") can be confused with the gram, abbreviated g.;
  - (рассмотреть в. штурма, если требования террористов нельзя удовлетворить): if the demands cannot be met, the contingency may have to be considered of storming the vessel to liberate the crew;
  - (реализовать возможности): to fulfill one's own God-given potential;
  - (свести к минимуму в. аферы): to minimize the risk of fraud;
  - (в. свести к минимуму в. травмы): to keep to a minimum the risk of injury;
  - (в. сделать что-л): there was still no possibility of obtaining Israeli agreement to these terms short of total military defeat;
  - (в. смешивать краски): the ability to blend and vary the intensity of the new oil paints was exploited by the van Eycks to achieve a heightened sense of depth and distance;
  - (в. телефона перезванивать): the computerized phone has a call-back facility;
  - (у него не было в-ти поговорить): he had no chance to speak to her in the chaos of leaving;
  - (это ваша первая и единственная в. привлечь внимание): Come up with a snappy headline. This is your first and only shot infml at capturing the reader's attention
  - (я рад в-ти ответить на поток обвинений): I welcomed the chance to respond to the latest volley of allegations
  возможный - (альтернатива): a viable alternative is to begin with Chapter 3 and use the present chapter and its sequel as reference or for clarification;
  - (единственно в-ая реакция): many of the CNN commentators opined that the only likely action for America was to reply in kind to the attack;
  - (жильцы, сделать сдаваемое в аренду жильё более привлекательным для в-ых жильцоов): Got a few vacant Seattle rental properties? Perhaps you need to do a few of these things to make them more desirable to potential tenants.;
  - (в-ое крушение планов): in her cool gaze he saw the very possible derailment of his plans;
  - (лёгкая цель для в-ого теракта): police feared the pop star was a soft target for a potential terrorist attack;
  - (любые в-ые способы / средства судебного преследования): we will pursue any and all legal avenues for prosecution;
  - (никакое реально в-ое уменьшение выделения газов не предотвратит всемирное потепление): far more fundamental, but seldom mentioned, is that no feasible rate of reduction of emissions can do much to prevent the warming projected over the next century;
  - (план кажется в-ым): your plan sounds quite feasible;
  - (в. план наступления): is that time-scale feasible?;
  - (покупатель): It was part of the real estate code of New Jersey that a prospective buyer had to be notified if a house was a stigmatized property. Since some people would not want to live in a house in which a crime had been committed, or in which there had been a suicide, the real estate agent was obliged to make a prospective client aware of any such history.;
  - (поставщик): business meals with a prospective vendor are allowed if the University gains from such attendance;
  - (...последнее утверждение подразумевает, что описанные таким образом структура или свойство являются существенными для настоящего изобретения, а не всего лишь в-ой частью одного варианта изобретения): Stating that "an embodiment of the present invention" includes a particular structure or feature is much broader than stating that "the present invention" includes that structure or feature. The connotation of the latter is that the so-described feature or structure is essential to the present invention, rather than being only an optional part of a single version of the invention.;
  - (последствия): could you ask a couple of your best minds to put together a memo on the prospective consequences if the tanker does blow up?;
  - (поставщик): business meals with a prospective vendor are allowed if the University gains from such attendance;
  - (при в-ых скидках на заправку горючим в большом объёме): conversion to a dedicated propane or bi-fuel propane vehicle can be attractive when fueling infrastructure is in place and volume fuel discounts are available;
  - (применение): a likely future application of stem-cell therapy is the replacement of damaged brain cells;
  - (сделать всё в-ое, чтобы быть достойными союзниками): we will do our best to be worthy allies to your country;
  - (сделать всё в-ое, чтобы скрыть сговор): Anthony Eden did his best to cover up his collusion with Israel and tried to avoid any documentation thereof;
  - (случайность): they were testing every single system against every known or possible contingency;
  - (в. сценарий войны): a robust strategy is one that will work reasonably well across a wide range of plausible scenarios;
  - (такая лемма возможна): such a lemma is plausible;
  - (такой график военных операций возможен?): is that time-scale feasible?;
  - (убийство): what seems to be a tragic accident is in fact a potential homicide;
  - (фактический и в. вылов рыбы): there is an immense variation in actual and potential fish yields, both within and between different kinds of aquatic tropical ecosystems;
  - (хозяин): the applicant left his resume with the prospective employer
  возмутить / возмущать - (движение спутников физика): the mass of the planet around which the satellite rotates is much smaller than that of the Sun, whose attraction substantially perturbs the motion of the satellites;
  - смотри файл EMOCII
  вознаградить / вознаграждать - (добыча вознаградила бы за жалостливые взгляды девушек, высчитывавших его жалкое достояние со последней копейки): these spoils would make amends for the pitying glances from girls guessing his miserable patrimony down to the last pennyweight;
  - (ожидание было вознаграждено): a week of waiting was paid off;
  - (он был вознаграждён их преданностью): he had chosen hard-core professionals for the posts (of SIS and MI5 directors) and had been rewarded by their unswerving loyalty
  вознаграждение - (в биологии в. - это выживание и размножение): evolutionary biologists, much like businessmen or economists, look at the world in terms of costs versus benefits. Instead of profits, however, the biological payoff is survival and reproduction.;
  - (за небольшое в. оказать услугу): for a small consideration he will help you move your belongings to the new house;
  - (в. за долгие годы на вторых ролях): "Who do we have in Beijing?" "C. This is his sunset assignment." "Payoff for all these years of holding coat.";
  - (в. за информацию, которая поможет схватить беглецов): rewards are offered for information leading to capture of fugitives on the list;
  - (т.е. в. за поимку или убийство преступника): should he return, his life is forfeit and any who takes it may apply to us for the appropriate bounty;
  - (в. за службу): this pension is not much of a reward for a lifetime service;
  - (в. за службу): he shall not receive within that period any other emolument fml from the US;
  - (в. за труд): ideas and institutions are antiquated, industry is in a primitive state, and the rewards of toil are very small;
  - (в. за труд): we should be content with a fair share, whether it be the returns from invested capital or the rewards of toil;
  - (в. за усилия): the individual is supported in his right to follow his own choice, live his own life, and reap the rewards of his own effort;
  - (т.е. заработная плата, в. директора компании): to discharge the Directors from their responsibilities for all actions taken within their mandate during the year ended 31st August 1999 and to approve their remuneration;
  - (т.е. заработная плата директоров компаний): "Companies pay their executives stratospheric sums for mediocre performance," says L. in his report on remuneration;
  - (в. избирателям за голоса): the government cannot announce new plans that might be seen as a payoff to voters;
  - (предложи ему достойное в.): I know a man who could do it. Make it worth his while and he"ll cross the ocean.
  вознаграждённый - (журналисты были вознаграждены за бдение): the journalists were rewarded for their vigil;
  - (ожидание было вознаграждено): a week of waiting was paid off;
  - (он был вознаграждён их преданностью): he had chosen hard-core professionals for the posts (of SIS and MI5 directors) and had been rewarded by their unswerving loyalty
  возникать / возникнуть - (барокко никогда бы не возникло без Ренессанса): baroque would never come into being without Renaissance;
  - (болезни возникают при контакте с красками и химическими веществами): these illnesses derive from contact with dyes and chemicals;
  - (в свете луны он увидел внезапно возникшую фигуру): he saw, silhouetted massively in the moonlight, the looming figure;
  - (в связи с судебным делом возникли острые морально-этические вопросы): the case has raised acute moral and ethical questions;
  - (возможность прихода к власти старой гвардии возникла внезапно): the possibility suddenly loomed of the old guard back in control;
  - (возможности, возникшие с окончанием войны): opportunities that have been brought about with the end of the cold war;
  - (возникли опасения): concerns were raised about the financial impact on public libraries in light of reduced funding, however the Standards were written to raise the level of library service in the state without outstretching library budgets;
  - (землетрясение возникло у берегов Мартиники): just a few hours ago, the Caribbean experienced strong tremors from an earthquake that originated off the coast of Martinique;
  - (в. из мрака): a cluster of crude stone dwellings loomed suddenly out of the gloom on all sides;
  - (искусство переплёта возникло в Индии): the craft of bookbinding originated in India;
  - (как будто они возникли взрослыми): it seems as if their adult images sprung full grown out of...;
  - (как чудо): it emerged as a prodigy;
  - (когда возникло магнитное поле Земли и почему возникла жизнь): researchers do not know when the Earth's magnetic field originated and why life originated;
  - (когда эти проблемы возникли): he had to do it four years ago, when these issues came up;
  - (т.е. математические понятия возникают в теории): this section gives some insight into how bialgebras arise naturally in the theory of exactly solvable lattice models in statistical mechanics;
  - (между суровым убеждённым революционером и мной возникли отношения): that dour, dedicated revolutionary and I had developed a curious relationship over one year of secret meetings in Paris;
  - (ниоткуда): they seemed to materialize from nowhere;
  - (о вопросе): "Will health be an issue?" "I think it will come up.";
  - (о деревнях): villages that sprang up on the unused land at the edge of the cities;
  - (о затруднении / проблеме / трудностях, в ходе сделки неожиданно возникла проблема / возникли трудности / возникло затруднение): The deal has hit a snag. One of the institutional shareholders is holding out. Unless we get 90 per cent approval the deal falls over.;
  - (о ключевом моменте в переговорах): a key issue has emerged in the talks between the parties;
  - (о конфликте): holders of public office have a duty to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest;
  - (о лиге государств): the new league of states came into existence;
  - (о необходимости): whenever the necessity arose;
  - (о необходимости): a need arose;
  - (о непредвиденных случайностях): he avoided emergencies by anticipating them and acting before they had a chance to arise;
  - (о новой психологии): new psychologies sprung up;
  - (о новых корпорациях): new corporations sprang up overnight;
  - (о новых странах): new countries that had come into being in the previous decade;
  - (о проблеме): смотри ниже;
  - (о разногласииях): differences that may occur between House and Senate;
  - (о ситуации): a situation arises which warrants reference to the statement by his superior;
  - (о ситуации): this was just the situation he had hoped would not come about;
  - (о спорах): with Congress set to act this fall on 13 appropriation bills, bitter debate is emerging over how spending priorities can be funded;
  - (о споре): this dispute arose in June 1980 when, after the company's financial condition had deteriorated, the bank applied the balances in all Zeco's accounts, including the collateral account, to the company's debt;
  - (о среднем классе): a large middle class was beginning to emerge;
  - (об угрозах): to pinpoint threats before they arise;
  - (об учреждении): Environmental Protection Agency had come into being;
  - (он так надеялся, что эта ситуация не возникнет): this was just the situation he had hoped would not come about;
  - (пар возникает при быстром нагревании): if heating is rapid steam will develop in the material and crack it open;
  - (понятие возникает в математике): why pi, so intimately connected with circles, keeps cropping up in probability theory and statistics;
  - (различие в кривизне соединённых деталей возникало, когда...): the problem was to make the bonds withstand the stresses, associated with differences in curvature between the bonded parts, that arose when the booms were deflated and the springs were compressed;
  - (слово "pantyhose" возникло в США): the term "pantyhose" originated in the United States, referring to the combination of "panties" with sheer nylon hosiery;
  - (слух - это нечто общеизвестное, возникшее в результате коллективной интерпретации сплетни): a rumour is public knowledge which comes into being as a result of a process of collective interpretation performed upon gossip;
  - (случайные повреждения, возникающие из-за небрежности): incidental damage arising from negligence;
  - (сознание возникает, т.е. в мозгу): the hint of consciousness in someone who doesn't meet the usual criteria for awareness underlines how squishy science's understanding of consciousness is, starting with how something so sublime can arise in the three pounds of tofu-like glop within our skull;
  - (тема не возникала): My daughter never mentions boys. The subject hasn't come up.;
  - (теория возникла из задач): the theory originated in lowly problems posed by gamblers who were concerned with estimating odds;
  - (тригонометрия возникла из необходимости вычислять углы): trigonometry developed from a need to compute angles and distances in such fields as astronomy and map making;
  - (у меня возникло ощущение, что...): I received the distinct sensation that some additional person had entered the room;
  - (у него с ней возникли тёплые отношения): over two months, working until fatigue overcame both of them, he had developed a fairly warm relationship with her;
  - (утеря, возникшая из-за небрежности): loss arising from negligence;
  - (формулы возникли в теории): much progress has been made recently in asymptotic formulas that arose in the theory of Dirac and Laplace type operators;
  - (хромосомы возникли 250 тысяч лет назад): the X and Y chromosomes emerged more than 250 m years ago;
  - (экономическое зло, возникающее из-за монопольного контроля над бизнесом): economic evils stemming from monopoly control of business;
  - (юридические вопросы возникающие при сбыте): legal issues that arise in marketing
  возникать / возникнуть (о проблеме) - the controversial issue of Europe cropped up again;
  - (всякий раз, как у них возникали проблемы): for two decades successive US administrations have bailed the Soviets out every time they have gotten into problems with their economy;
  - (проблема возникает вновь): the problem rears its head with less sophisticated programs;
  - (проблемы семейного права, возникшие в этом деле): the issues of family law which arise in this case;
  - a problem arose;
  - unexpectedly, other problems arose;
  - (в ходе сделки неожиданно возникла проблема): The deal has hit a snag. One of the institutional shareholders is holding out. Unless we get 90 per cent approval the deal falls over.
  возникновение - (в. антииммигрантских настроений): some European countries, concerned about security and a resurgence of anti-immigrant sentiment, have also tightened rules for admitting refugees;
  - (в. вооружённых отрядов охраны порядка): this animus led to the rise of armed militia groups that rejected the legitimacy of federal authority and asserted the right to be a law unto themselves;
  - (в. готического стиля / в. больших поверхностей окон): the techniques of painting stained glass were well developed before the arrival of the Gothic style of architecture and sculpture but the advent of the vast expanses of windows created an opportunity to expand those techniques;
  - (в. магнитного поля Земли): the formation of magnetic field of the Earth;
  - (науки): before the emergence of quantum mechanics;
  - (в. новых областей приложения): the emergence of exciting new application areas;
  - (в. оружия массового уничтожения на поле боя): the introduction of weapons of mass destruction to the battle field;
  - (предотвратить в. нового космического мусора): in order to mitigate the generation of additional space debris, a number of measures have been proposed;
  - (привести к в-ю, взрывы на орбите могут привести к в-ю тысяч объектов космического мусора): the passivation of spent upper stages by the release of residual fuels is aimed at decreasing the risk of on-orbit explosions that could generate thousands of additional debris objects.;
  - (в. цифрового ТВ): the arrival of digital TV
  возникший - (землетрясение, в-ее у берегов Мартиники): just a few hours ago, the Caribbean experienced strong tremors from an earthquake that originated off the coast of Martinique;
  - (потеря, в-ая из-за небрежности): loss arising from negligence;
  - (проблемы семейного права, в-ие в этом деле): the issues of family law which arise in this case
  - (случайные повреждения, в-ие из-за небрежности): incidental damage arising from negligence;
  - (формулы, в-ие в теории): much progress has been made recently in asymptotic formulas that arose in the theory of Dirac and Laplace type operators;
  - (экономическое зло, в-ее из-за монопольного контроля над бизнесом): economic evils stemming from monopoly control of business;
  - (юридические вопросы, в-ие при сбыте): legal issues that arise in marketing
  возобладать- (болтливость возобладала над старанием сдерживаться): his talkative nature won out over any impulse to discretion;
  - (их изначальная противоположность возобладала): Bill was the painter, polemicist, and socialite. Jim was the athlete, hanging on his words. In their heyday together that distinction had all but evened out: Jim grew nimble at the brainwork and Bill in the field was no man's fool. Only at the end, the old polarity asserted itself: the workhorse went back to his stable, the thinker to his desk.;
  - (логика возобладала над чувствами): logic overtook emotion;
  - (о тренировке): training took over; he just stood up as they reached 50 feet from him and loosed off a short, lethal bursts
  - (об идее): some older hardware used to group wires in 10s, but in the 70s the idea of working in groups of 8 really took over, especially in the design of integrated circuits;
  - (одна политическая партия не должна в. и в исполнитеьной, и в законодательной ветви власти): one political party should not hold sway over both the executive and the legislative branches
  - (эмоции и религиозный пыл возобладали над здравым смыслом): In 1965, emotion and religious fervour overtook common sense and the most appropriate punishment for murder and non-accidental killing was outlawed. The total cost of prison provision for those given life sentences is an unnecessary burden, a taxation life sentence imposed on the rest of us.;
  возобновившийся - (в-аяся борьба с диссидентами): in an apparent renewed crackdown on dissent, 2 prominent writers were taken by the police
  возобновить / возобновлять - (в. занятия физкультурой): we all have to get back on track with exercise from time to time and getting back into shape after a long break can seem impossible;
  - (в. контакт по радио): we tried to regain contact but there was obviously something fishy and we broke off;
  - (в. коронерское расследование): tЪhe inquest proceedings into Mr Litvinenko's death had been resumed by Dr A.R.;
  - (в. мирный процесс на Ближнем Востоке): to restart the Middle East peace process;
  - (в. мирный процесс): Madeleine Albright had been laboring for months to get the peace process back on track;
  - (обсуждение): to resume our discussions;
  - (подписку, т.е. на газету): retention is the term used to describe the number of newspaper subscribers that renew their subscriptions;
  - (в. поиск реализма в скульптуре): the successful three-dimensional rendering of the painters inspired sculptors to revive a search for realism in carving;
  - (путешествие): to resume a journey;
  - (работу): we'll stop now and resume working at two o'clock;
  - (в. расследование относительно офиса компании): the FSB, the Russian security service, announced in January that it had reopened an inquiry into the St Petersburg office of the company;
  - (в. страховой полис): to renew a policy
  возобновиться / возобновляться - (о движении транспорта): the traffic resumed;
  - (о переговорах): he is anxious for the negotiations to resume;
  - (о переговорах): the talks resumed yesterday / the talks will resume next week;
  - (о раке): The FDA has approved the PSA test to monitor patients with a history of prostate cancer to see if the cancer has recurred;
  - (о соперничестве): old rivalries surfaced again;
  - (о подписке): subscriptions are automatically renewed each quarter
  возобновление - (в. борьбы с диссидентами): in an apparent renewed crackdown on dissent, 2 prominent writers were taken by the police;
  - (в. военных действий): we convinced them of the futility of resuming military operations;
  - (в. военных действий): two weeks after the signature of the Paris Agreement, he dropped an ominous hint of renewed warfare;
  - (в. действия страхового полиса): the date of commencement or renewal of the policy;
  - (контракта): each December his contract came up for renewal;
  - (в. кредитов МВФ): the agreement will lead to the resumption of IMF loans;
  - (в. смертной казни): the reintroduction of the death penalty, which was suspended by the US occupation authority;
  - (ходатайство о в-и дела): Basis for the motion. The motion to reopen must state new facts and must be supported by affidavits and/or documentary evidence.
  возобновлённый - (назначение на должность может быть возобновлено): his appointment is currently valid through May 31, 2004 and is renewable at that time
  возобновляемый - (в. источник энергии): clean, renewable energy sources together with improved energy efficiency;
  - (лицензия может быть периодически в-ой): licensure may be perpetual or may need to be renewed periodically
  возражать / возразить - (ангелы возражали Богу против создания человека): angels protested to God against the creation of man who would sow mischief on earth;
  - (вежливо): he urged J. to stay with him, but J. politely demurred;
  - (если вы не возражаете): if you don't mind;
  - (если вы не возражаете): Shall we try again? If you wouldn't mind waiting?;
  - (категорически в. против замужества дочери): she firmly opposes her daughter's marriage;
  - (королю): Thomas More stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarriage;
  - (Можно закурить? - Не возражаю / категорически возражаю.): "Do you mind if I smoke?" "I don't mind / I mind it very much.";
  - (в. на обвинение): he countered this charge with the claim that he had wide public support;
  - (нельзя в-ать руководителю на собрании): you don't disagree with the CEO in meetings;
  - (никто не возражает этим двум господам / вы бы видели как эта пигалица им возражала, когда ей казалось, что они пытаются её третировать): You should have heard the blowups she had with the director. Nobody talks back to him - he's been around a long time and is too successful and too respected to get anything but a 'Yessir.' But you should have seen this little snip of a girl talk back to him when she thought he were trying to push her around.;
  - (никто не осмеливался ему в.): He sent those words over to the Southern isles, that he meant to claim all that realm that earl Thorfinn had owned. No man gainsaid old use him in this.;
  - (он затруднился возразить на это): he didn't buy that but had trouble countering the argument;
  - (он не успел возразить, как...): before he could protest, S. ran at the window, holding the can before her like a battering ram;
  - (она не возражала): this time she made no demur;
  - (премьер-министру): the author suggests that Winston Churchill harbored a grudge against Dowding for standing up to him when the Prime Minister was seeking to send additional squadrons during the Battle of France;
  - (т.е. при передаче прямой или непрямой речи): смотри ниже;
  - (в. против законов о непрошеной электронной почте): only four of the fifteen EU members oppose opt-in rules, which would initially eliminate spam;
  - (в. против законодательства): I respectfully disagreed with the convictions and passions of those who objected to the legislation;
  - (в. против инспекций): the decision by the Bush administration last month to oppose inspections and verification as part of the Fissile Materials Cutoff Treaty is not surprising;
  - (в. против облав на бродячих собак): animal welfare groups objected to the roundups of stray dogs;
  - (в. против освобождения под залог, т.е. обвиняемого): the prosecutor opposes bail, claiming that R. is a flight risk;
  - (в. против отдельных элементов реформы): doctors objected to specific elements of the (health care reform) plan;
  - (против плана по существу): he wasn't objecting to the plan on its merits; he was applying partisan political logic;
  - (в. против рабства): few people objected to slavery as such;
  - (в. против решения США): France and Germany have bitterly opposed the US decision;
  - (в. против сверхурочной работы без доплаты): he demurred at working overtime without extra pay;
  - (в. против снижения налога): I kidded Newt Gingrich that I had finally found a tax cut that he was against;
  - (в. против такого учения): Woman is here taught that she is irresponsible. The father or the husband is all. They are wisdom, power, responsibility. But woman is a nonentity, if still in her father's house, or if she has a husband. I object to this teaching.;
  - (в. против чего-л): when my partners suggested that I develop a class on Commercial Paper and Real Estate, I initially balked at the idea;
  - (работа продолжается пока ни один конгрессмен не возражает из-за отсутствия кворума): business may go on as long as no Congressman objects to the lack of a quorum;
  - "That is a foolish idea," retorted G.;
  - (сенаторы возражали против закона): a majority of senators opposed the legislation;
  - (справедливо в-ать против чего-л): he was arguing with a teacher who categorized human emotions into basics of "fear" and "love", an idea that he reasonably disagrees with;
  - (я бы не возражал, если бы...): I would not have a strong objection if your overall portfolio included such a fund, balanced against a portfolio of small-cap stocks and a portfolio that reflected the broader market;
  - C. posed as an MTV producer and enticed a 17-year-old boy to read a script for a possible movie role. The script had a sex scene. The boy balked at first but later agreed to engage in sex with C. while being videotaped.
  возражать / возразить (т.е. при передаче прямой или непрямой речи) - he rejoined that he could not accept the American explanation;
  - I retorted her that it was my fault;
  - one might argue that..., but he would counter that...;
  - "..." he retorted / demurred;
  - "..." the army's intelligence chief countered;
  - "You'd better take a look at my identity card." "Oh, come, why should I do that?" he protested.;
  - "I'll give you a toast." "Our glasses are empty," protested C.
  возражение - (высказать в. против операций со счётом): please raise any objections to individual bookings without delay;
  - (вызывающий в-я, в-ие в. законы): they fought to repeal objectionable legislation;
  - (избирателей): E. Barak is facing a very strong opposition from his constituency;
  - (в-я из-за / по поводу каждой запятой): usual Soviet objections to every dot and comma;
  - (представитель Госдепартамента выдвинул в.): the State Department Spokesman issued a none-too-diplomatic rejoinder;
  - (в. принимается / отклоняется, т.е. в суде): objection sustained / overruled;
  - (в. против теории, выстраивать в-я против теории): he was marshalling counterargument against her theory;
  - (резкое в. на разоблачение в Вашингтон Пост, последовавшее за предшествовавшим ему докладом о предполагаемом российском вмешательстве в ход выборов...): the sharp pushback to revelations in The Washington Post, which followed an earlier CNN report on alleged Russian interference in the election, represented a startling rebuke from an incoming White House to the CIA;
  - (проглотить без в-ий): he swallowed it without demur;
  - (слушаться без в-ий): to obey their Kremlin overlords without demur;
  - (снять в-я): he withdrew his objections;
  - with this out, he settled back uneasily to wait for her rebuttal
  возраст - (в в-е 40 лет она родила ребёнка): at the age of 40 she had a baby;
  - (вступить в подростковый в.): he entered his teenage years;
  - (выглядеть моложе / старше своего в-а): he looked younger / older than his years;
  - (достичь среднего в-а): a man of 40 has reached middle age;
  - (...и впервые стал заметен его в.): he heaved a sigh and the animation left his face, his years plain to see for the first time;
  - (какого в-а ваши дети?): what ages are your children?
  - (люди моего в-а): I didn't relate well to people my age;
  - (в., начиная с которого разрешается употребление спиртных напитков, вышибала следит за тем, чтобы не пускать в заведение посетителей, не достигших в-а, начиная с которого разрешается употрбление спиртных напитков): A bouncer is the first face you see when entering a bar, pub, or night club. They make sure everyone who enters the establishment is of legal drinking age, not overly intoxicated, dressed according the bars dress code, not carrying any weapons or drugs.;
  - (пенсионный): retirement age;
  - (призывной): the war came, and in the spring of 1942 he turned 18, the draft age;
  - (примерно того же в-а, что и): a line of mountains that are much of an age with the peaks of New Jersey;
  - (примерно того же в-а, что и): he was much of an age with the other lieutenants;
  - (с в-ом его слух ухудшился): age has impeded his hearing;
  - (средний детский / подростковый): many children with perinatally acquired human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are surviving to middle childhood and some to adolescence;
  - (требование к сенатору: в. не менее 30 лет): qualifications for a Senator: at least 30 years of age,...
  возрастной - (категория, к какой возрастной категории вы относитесь?): What is your age range?;
  - (макулодистрофия): age-related macular degeneration is a medical condition which usually affects older adults and results in a loss of vision in the center of the visual field;
  - (в-ая потеря памяти): age-related memory loss
  возрастать / возрасти - all right, profits are down, but look at all the things that are up infml!
  - (в объёме): to increase in volume;
  - (о знании): while our knowledge of Scandinavian mythology is continually increasing;
  - (о количестве людей): each year the numbers of the North Vietnamese on Laotian soil increased;
  - (о населении, в. на 2 млрд человек): the world's population is expected to increase by 2 billion persons in the next 30 years;
  - (о расходах): his costs have gone up;
  - (о расходах на средства массовой информации): media costs have escalated;
  - (о числе купцов и их влиянии): as the merchants grew in numbers and influence, they began...;
  - (о числе погибших): the death toll can rise since there are 6000 people unaccounted for;
  - (об издержках связи): the connection charges accrue with a Web browser;
  - (об объёме поступающего сырья): from western mines came a steadily swelling volume of iron;
  - (резко, о рынке акций): European stock market surged;
  - (резко в. до 12 млн, о числе пользователей): the company expects the number of subscribers to such services to swell to 12 million by 2005;
  - (резко): the number of engineers gaining permanent visas climbed dramatically starting in...;
  - (резко в. до 3 млн, о числе пользователей): the number of users of highspeed Internet services in Japan will soar to 3 million by the end of this year from 635.000 at the end of 2000;
  - (стремительно, о популярности): his popularity rocketed
  возродить / возрождать - (город): the mayor hopes to revitalize the city;
  - (в. консенсус по вопросам разоружения и нераспространения): to revive the consensus on disarmament and non-proliferation;
  - (в. поиски реализма в скульптуре): the successful three-dimensional rendering of the painters inspired sculptors to revive a search for realism in carving;
  - (в. студенческое отделение Национального общества телевидения и радио): W.S., a senior at St. Thomas Aquinas College, is working hard to resurrect the college's chapter of the National Broadcasting Society.;
  - (экономику): in order to kick-start infml the economy, the country needs stability and transparency
  возродиться / возрождаться - (в. из пепла): the Soviet past is always ready to be reborn from its ashes;
  - (в нём возродилась кровь предков): the Don knew he was a throwback to the Sicilian blood;
  - (производство молока возрождается): according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, milk production is recovering and will exceed 2001's level by 2.4 percent this year
  возрождение - (в. антииммигрантских настроений): European countries concerned about a resurgence of anti-immigrant sentiment;
  - (в. антиреформистстких сил): ill health has increasingly sidelined the president, allowing for the resurgence of anti-reformist forces;
  - (город пережил в.): I saw that the city had undergone a remarkable revival;
  - (национальное): national rebirth;
  - (процветания): how do you coax a revival of prosperity at a time of declining business confidence and investment?;
  - (экономики): the government's policy lead to an economic recovery;
  - (эпоха В-я): Renaissance
  возросший - (безопасность): added security and peace of mind;
  - (в-ая добыча нефти): the existing pipeline to the Black Sea cannot handle the increased production from the new field;
  - (резко в-ее потребление электроэнергии): power blackout due to soaring electricity demand as people cranked up their air conditioners
  возыметь - (в. власть над кем-л): the Ring has got far too much hold on you;
  - (действие, тирада не возымела никакого действия): this rant of mine had little effect
  воинский - (доказать свою в-ую доблесть): he proved his prowess as a warrior;
  - (в-ие качества людей): the people who have made their contribution to history through the grace of their life-style rather than martial qualities;
  - (в-ие качества людей): The Roman empire's extension and supremacy were taken for granted. Gradually opinion became more concerned with the decline of martial qualities among its citizens.;
  - (обязанность, т.е. название страницы в паспорте): military service status;
  - (повинность): to establish a 14-month compulsory national service for people aged 18 to 24;
  - (повинность): national service was obligatory;
  - (часть): troop unit
  воинственный, воинствующий - смотри файл EMOCII
  воистину - What mean these words, "Glorified Him not as God?" They did not give Him thanks. Is this then to glorify God; to give God thanks? Yes, verily old use.;
  - (привитый в. от всех болезней): if by chance you are one of the babies who does not die, you are inoculated against positively everything;
  - ("Христос воскрес!" "В. воскрес!"): Paschal greeting. Instead of "hello" or its equivalent, one is to greet another person with "Christ is Risen!", and the response is "Truly, He is Risen."
  война - (биологическая): biological warfare programme;
  - (вести в-у с учениками образно): a teacher who waged a constant war against the students;
  - (дать толчок тотальной в-е): a single nuclear bomb dropped upon a Soviet city could trigger an all-out war;
  - (в. с кем-л): during the war against the Taliban;
  - (в. с преступностью): The city was losing its war on crime. The supply of indigent criminals was endless;
  - (в. с терроризмом): the international war on terror / terrorism
  войска - a brief respite for the withdrawal of our forces;
  - Sadat told that he would accept no cease-fire until Egyptian forces had recovered all territory captured by Israel in 1967;
  - tens of thousands of troops are on the move;
  - a comprehensive limitation of arms levels and troop deployments along the iron curtain;
  - (внутренние / пограничные): Belarus began military maneuvers involving about 9000 army, border and interior troops and emergency workers;
  - (воздушно-десантные): airborne troops;
  - (вытеснить вражеские в.): to dislodge enemy troops;
  - (в. оцепили деревню): the troops sealed off the village and declared a curfew;
  - (послать в.): he sent the army to take over the mines;
  - (сосредоточение войск): there is a massive build-up of military forces in...;
  - (сосредоточение войск): warplanes with computer-aimed rapid-fire machine-guns are designed to target convoy and troop concentrations
  войско историческое - (Запорожское): Zaporozhian Host;
  - (Ксеркса): it is the story of Thermopylae, where King Leonidas and the Spartan 300 stood against Xerxes' mighty host at a narrow pass;
  - a strong citadel it was indeed, and not to be taken by a host old use of enemies if there were any within that could hold cold weapons
  войсковой - (соединение): our reconnaissance has seen no sizable enemy formation in our area;
  - (транспорт): troop transport;
  - (часть, т.е. база в-ой части): military post / post: military installation at which a body of troops is stationed;
  - (часть, т.е. подразделение): troop unit
  войти / входить - (в. без разрешения куда-л): he would harm no man who did not trespass in the hall;
  - (т.е. быть частью /стать частью): смотри ниже;
  - (в. в доверие к кому-л): to insinuate oneself in somebody's good graces;
  - (в. в доверие к кому-л): he attempts to get into her good graces;
  - (в. в долю): смотри ниже;
  - (в. в зацепление, о колёсах): when the two wheels engage the smaller one will start to turn;
  - (в. в легенду, о грубости и промахах кого-л): his harshness and verbal gaffes were becoming legendary;
  - (в. в легенду, об амурных похождениях Кеннеди): Kennedy's womanizing ways are a Washington legend;
  - (в. в моду): they are definitely coming back into fashion;
  - (в. в моду): this service was slow to catch on infml in the USA;
  - (в. в моду): it was a popular style in England, but it never really caught on infml in America;
  - (в. в обязанности): смотри ниже;
  - (в. в пике образно, об экономике): the country's economy took a nose dive last week;
  - (в. в подробности): I don't want to go into details / get into details;
  - (в. в подробности): they don't want to elaborate on the issue;
  - (в. в подробности): owing to the nature of the terrain in Indochina it would take a long time to come up with additional information, though he did not amplify what the terrain had to do with the disappearing prisoners;
  - (в. в привычку на всю оставшуюся жизнь): my mother was afraid that if I gave in to my fears, it would set a pattern for the rest of my life;
  - (в. в ритм): after a couple of days he settled into the rhythm of the place;
  - (в. в ритм студенческой жизни): I didn't hit my stride as a college student right away;
  - (в. в роль): I had fallen rather deeply into the part I was reading, that of the intellectual reporter;
  - (в. в роль): The actress has revealed that her co-actor in the movie was so engrossed in his character while filming that he actually proposed to her. The actor was so much into his character that he made himself believe that he actually loved her.;
  - (в. в силу): смотри ниже;
  - (когда враг был дезорганизован, вошла пехота): when the enemy was completely disorganized, the infantry moved in;
  - (т.е. поместиться): смотри ниже;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  войти / входить (т.е. быть частью / стать частью) - (в группу террористов входят арабские боевики со всего региона): the group has proclaimed an ideological affinity with the Al Quaeda and reportedly includes Arab fighters from across the region;
  - (в его знания об искусстве не входила резьба по дереву): his familiarity with art did not include woodcarving;
  - (в. в компетенцию, большинство видов рекламы входят в компетенцию Управления рекламными стандартами): most forms of advertising previously fell within the ASA's remit, including advertisements placed on the Internet in paid-for advertising space on third party websites;
  - (в. компетенцию ЦРУ): things like this were not within CIA's purview;
  - (в нашу задачу не входит это доказывать): it is beyond our scope to prove this in details here;
  - (в. в общество, о больных церебральным параличом): those who suffer cerebral palsy are unfit to join in the society;
  - (в объём работ входит...): the scope of work shall include the provision of training personnel, training equipment and support for on-the-job training in Nigeria;
  - (в. в первую тройку крупнейших производителей автоматических кофеварок): the company ranks among the top three largest producers of fully automatic coffee machines;
  - (в полномочия, в полномочия Управления рекламными стандартами входит применение ряда дополнительных санкций): the ASA's new remit provides a number of additional sanctions to apply in the event of a non-compliant on-line advertisement, including the right to remove any paid-for search advertisements that link directly to an advertiser's website page hosting non-compliant marketing materials;
  - (в программу рекультивации не входит демонтаж шахт и инфраструктуры): the removal of plant and infrastructure is not always part of a rehabilitation programme, as many old mine plants have cultural heritage and cultural value;
  - (в работу входило создание персонажей и концепций видеоигр): his job involved creating characters and video game concepts;
  - (в работу входят поездки заграницу): the job involves travelling abroad for 3 months each year;
  - (в. в рынок): everyone can enter the currency market and earn money there;
  - (в семейство утиных входят утки, гуси и лебеди): the members of the family Anatidae, which contains the swans, geese and ducks;
  - (в семейство утиных входят утки, гуси и лебеди): Anatidae is the biological family that includes ducks, geese and swans;
  - (в соглашение входят типовые условия и доверенность): the agreement includes general conditions and power of attorney;
  - (в союз, ЕС будет расширен и в него войдут несколько европейских государств): by then the EU will have expanded to encompass several Central European states;
  - (в. в среднее, зачёты не входят в среднюю оценку студента): Pass grades are not averaged into the student's GPA. However, an unsatisfactory grade will be averaged into the student's GPA.;
  - (в тренировку входят 20 забегов): one workout entails 21 separate sprints;
  - (в число посетителей борделя входят политики и самые богатые и знаменитые люди): wealthy brothel madam with a clientele that includes politicians and the very rich and famous;
  - (город не входил в маршрут): Phnom Penh was not on my itinerary;
  - (датчики топлива входят в систему аварийной отсечки двигателя): two attempts to launch Atlantis were stymied by erratic fuel sensors, which are part of an emergency engine cutoff system;
  - (Европейский союз расширится и в него войдут центральноевропейские государства): by then the EU will have expanded to encompass several Central European states;
  - (заменитель сахара с высоким содержанием фруктозы входит почти во все готовые блюда): High Fructose Corn Sweetener has been incorporated into nearly every processed food;
  - (мышьяк не входит в обычное токсикологическое обследование, выполняемое в связи со вскрытием): despite the familiarity of arsenic as a classic poison, such deaths are a rarity these days, and thus arsenic is not covered in routine toxicological screenings performed in connection with autopsies, which is why the coroner initially missed the cause of death;
  - (мышьяк не входит в обычное токсикологическое обследование): Arsenic is a drug that is not included in a routine tox screen. And because of that, he had nearly gotten away with murder.;
  - (шнуры не в. в гарантию): cords are excluded from the warranty;
  - (он легко входил в круг шпионов, спецназовцев и наёмников): with his convincing patter and combat garb, J. blended easily into the circle of spooks, bearded US special forces and burly private security contractors, who form part of the cast of America's war on terror;
  - (похититель входил в шайку): the kidnapper was part of a ring;
  - (расширить полномочия, так, чтобы в них вошло расследование...): Starr asked the Justice Department for permission to expand his authority to encompass the investigation of Lewinsky;
  - (результаты голосования в округе войдут в окончательный подсчёт): the vote in this county will be put into the final tally;
  - (синтетические полимеры вошли в повседневную жизнь): synthetic polymers are so much a part of our everyday lives that...;
  - (соблюдение тайны не входило в лексикон вахтёра): discretion was apparently not part of the vocabulary of a 15-euro-per-hour watchman;
  - (сюда входили водохранилища, возникшие при постройке плотин на некогда судоходных реках): The jurisdiction of Admiralty Law extended to any waterway in the United States that had been navigable in its original condition. That included lakes built from damming once-navigable rivers.;
  - (сюда не входит комната и питание, т.е. в плату за обучение): I have a problem with a university charging over $31,000 per year in tuition, per student (and that doesn't include room and board);
  - (Эстония вошла в Советский Союз): in 1940 Estonia was incorporated into the Soviet Union
  войти в обязанности / входить в обязанности - my duties involved answering phones and scheduling customer appointments;
  - sitting and chatting were not part of the daily routine at OPD;
  - my duties include taking letters to the post and making coffee;
  - duties include research and graduate teaching;
  - (в. в должностные о.): collection of evidence is part of job description of city police detectives;
  - (в. в должностные о.): he carries out assignments in a positive manner even when it is not part of his job description;
  - (командировка входит в служебные о.): when someone is sent to work at a particular site for, say, 18 months, it is always necessary to consider whether the secondment is part of the duties of a continuing employment or whether it involves taking up a different employment;
  - (это входит в его о.): the industry norms are: 15% of the proceeds from the sale of a book to a U.S. publisher;... if the literary agent merely suggests improvements to your proposal, reads your book, makes suggestions and provides similar sales-enhancing help, that's part of the job;
  - (это не входит в мои должностные о.): that's not in my job description
  войти в долю - (т.е. в руководстве компанией): we're currently looking for investors for our exciting new project, so if you'd like to get in on the ground floor, be sure to let us know
  - (их родственники вошли в долю в этом бизнесе): it was found that Public Loaders were none other than International Longshoremen's Association officials, and that their relatives are "cut in" for a share of the boss-loading business;
  - (любой может войти в долю?): can any Joe buy in?;
  - Florida Governor L. had met with industrial leaders and asked if they would buy into the privatization of NASA with the government managing all launches and facilities, the companies assuming most costs for personnel and R&D;
  - (он обмолвился, что хочет войти в долю на дальних рейсах): he let slip that he wants a cut in Air Passenger Duty on long haul flights;
  - (я должен войти в долю в этом деле): I have got to get in on this
  войти в силу / входить в силу - (как только налог полностью войдёт в с.): once this tax is in full effect, the prices will go up;
  - (о законе): last month new traffic laws came into effect;
  - (о законе): the Act went into effect in June 1933;
  - (о запрете): the ban went into effect;
  - (о прекращении огня): the cease-fire established by the Paris Agreement had gone into effect on Jan 27;
  - (о постановлениях): the new regulations will come into effect next May;
  - (о системе налогообложения): the new system of taxation will come into effect next May;
  - (о страховом полисе): the policy has come in effect;
  - (входит в с. с 1 мая): with effect from May 1 (w.e.f. );
  - (страхование войдёт в с. после того, как...): the insurance is effective only after the applicant has been accepted by the Insurer;
  - (увольнение войдёт в с. с 5 июня 2007 года / немедленно): further to our meeting of May 9, 2007 I regretfully confirm that your employment with us is terminated with effect from fml June 5, 2007 / with immediate effect fml
  войти / входить (т.е. поместиться в чём-л) - (в сосуд войдёт 6 литров): this container will take six liters;
  - (книги войдут в полку): I don't think the shelf can take any more books;
  - (штырьки штепселя не входят в розетку, т.е. подходить по размеру): the continental pins on the back of this converter do not fit the outlet
  волевой - (реакции мозга такого типа требуют в-ого, преднамеренного действия): we know from extensive research that brain responses of this type do not occur automatically, but, rather, require the willed, intentional action of the participant;
  - (решение): the internal State procedures necessary for the entry into force of international agreements are conducted not by arbitrary decisions but in accordance with the internal legislation of each State;
  - (решения, стороны имеют полномочия принимать в-ые решения): the Contracting Parties have discretionary decision-making power;
  - (решение): we refuse to go to war on the basis of one general's high-handed decision
  волен - (вы вольны отказаться): if is illegal you are at perfect liberty to withdraw;
  - (частные компании были вольны использовать Общепринятые принципы бухгалтеской отчётности): in the past, financial reporting in the U.S. has been "vertically integrated," meaning that standard setters did not promulgate a markedly different set of GAAP for small or non-public businesses, although private companies had leeway to use modifications of GAAP that were acceptable to their users.
  волна - (т.е. буквально): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. образно): смотри ниже
  волна (т.е. буквально) - (бегущие волны в пропитанных пористых средах): traveling waves in saturated porous media;
  - (длина в-ы, т.е. радио): four other airliners on the same wavelength;
  - (т.е. из открытого шлюза): the vessel came free of her underwater supports and rode the tide;
  - (волны, качаться на волнах): the ship was wallowing in the swell;
  - (ленгмюровские в-ы): plasma oscillations, also known as "Langmuir waves", are rapid oscillations of the electron density in conducting media such as plasmas or metals;
  - (на вздымающейся в-е): he saw something out there on the blue-green rolling swell between the ship and the cost;
  - (в-ы радиопомех): rings of invisible jamming waves radiated out from the speeding black jet
  волна (т.е. образно) - (беззакония): unprecedented storm of lawlessness;
  - (выехать на в-е настроений в обществе): transparent attempt to ride the crest of the growing sentiment;
  - (изнеможение в-ами накатывалось на него): the waves of exhaustion swept over him until he was dizzy;
  - (миграции): a surge of migration;
  - (по телу прошла в. беспокойства): she had felt a ripple fig of unease go up her back;
  - (пройти в-ой, холодок прошёл в-ой по коже): ripples of cold undulated over his skin;
  - (растущая в. насилия): there had been a number of news reports about the rising tide of violence in African-American neighborhoods
  волнение - he tried to sound casual, but his excitement was obvious;
  - (без всякого в-я): "..." said R. without a flicker of emotion;
  - (в замешательстве от пережитого в-я): a trifle bewildered by the emotions she had gone through, B. sat down;
  - (заверения по телефону успокоили его в.): the assurances on the phone only partly assuaged his anxiety;
  - (захлёбываться от в-я): his voice choked with emotion;
  - (испытывать в.): Lucy felt a little frightened, but she felt very inquisitive and excited as well;
  - (в. на море и отдельные высокие в-ы): right now a choppy sea and some very high waves have made it relatively difficult to fight the oil slick;
  - (в. нарастает с приближением выхода фильма на экран): excitement is building up as the release of the movie is approaching;
  - (в. нарастало): her excitement seemed to be mounting;
  - (он любит в. политики, где ставки высоки): he loves the thrill of high-stakes politics;
  - (подпрыгивать на сиденьи от в-я): he was nearly bouncing off his seat in agitation;
  - (холодок в-я прошёл по спине): she had felt a ripple of unease go up her back;
  - (это небольшое сообщение обязательно повергнет французские СМИ в волнение): this little piece of information is sure to throw the French media into a tizzy;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  волнения - (гражданские): participation in war, riot, civil commotion;
  - (негритянскую общину Америки охватили в.): the whole black community in America was in an uproar (after church burning);
  - (общественные): social unrest in big cities;
  - (признаки надвигающихся в-й): there existed a ground-swell of restiveness among the broad masses of the people;
  - (трудящихся): labor unrest
  волновать - (т.е. громкий голос волнует птицу в клетке): Try to keep your voice down. You're upsetting the bird.;
  - (единственное, что его волнует, это деньги): the only thing he cares about is money;
  - (зря в. людей передавая информацию всем подряд): there is a difference between alerting the public to a specific threat and alarming people unnecessarily by passing on information indiscriminately;
  - (меня не особо волнует, что им нравится или не нравится): I am not overly concerned with their likes and dislikes;
  - (телефонный звонок взволновал его): the call disturbed him;
  - (казалось, его не волновали беспорядки): he seemed quite unperturbed by the trouble at the campsite;
  - (кого-л): I don't see any point in troubling them further;
  - (в. людей предупреждением о теракте): there is a difference between alerting the public to a specific threat and alarming people unnecessarily by passing on information indiscriminately;
  - (меня волнует, выиграем мы или проиграем): I really care whether we win or lose;
  - (меня волнует их счастье): I am concerned for their happiness;
  - (меня волнует то, как развивается ситуация): I'm deeply perturbed by the way the situation is developing;
  - (можно подумать, нормального мальчика волнует, что в новостях): as if a normal boy cares what's on the news;
  - (почему вас волнует эта история?): why are you bothered with that story?;
  - (ситуация, которая нас волнует): sometimes we are faced with a situation that makes us anxious;
  - (слова сильно взволновали его): these words flustered him badly;
  - (тема волновала художника): the subject of betrayal must have deeply resonated with the painter;
  - (ужас волнует, т.е. читателя): horror appeals to us because it offers us a chance to exercise emotions which society demands we keep closely in hand;
  - (хорошие манеры ребёнка волновали нянек): most nannies wouldn't have been very concerned about the little boy's table manners
  волноваться - (т.е. беспокоиться / переживать): смотри файл EMOCII;
  - (о море): смотри файл DVIJENIE
  волнующий - (история): an exciting tale;
  - (в-ие линии рисунка): this painter is noted for the agitated lines of his often erotic work;
  - (перспективы): exciting prospects
  - (в. приключенческий роман): rousing adventure saga;
  - (в. рассказ об аварии): titillating report on the crash;
  - (в-ие слова патриотов): the stirring words of Patriots helped to kindle the spirit of Independence
  волокита (т.е. в бюрократической системе) - he considered the program bureaucratic and full of red tape;
  - (душить связи с Британией в-ой, т.е. о закрытии Британского совета в Москве): English Lessons Scrapped As Moscow Strangles British Links In Red Tape;
  - (пробиться через бюрократическую в-у): it took a long time to cut through the red tape;
  - (проходить через в-у): associate and assistant editors generally do everything the senior editors do, but have to go through more internal red tape to get it done;
  - (т.е. любитель женщин): смотри файл EMOCII
  волокитчик - from my bad experience with the Human Rights Commission, they're worthless foot-draggers
  волонтёрская деятельность / волонтёрское движение - The United Nations Volunteers programme is inspired by the conviction that volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development challenges worldwide
  волос / волосок - (они поклялись, что ни один в. не упадёт с его головы): they swore never to harm a hair on his head
  волосы - (рвать на себе в.): she is literally pulling her hair out as she reflects on the fact that he has taken her for a complete mug
  волшебный - Brynhild was placed by Odin within a wall of fire, where she lay in an enchanted sleep;
  - (в воде Босфора есть нечто в-ое): the shimmering water of the Bosporus has a magical quality about it;
  - (еда): this was enchanted Turkish delight;
  - (игрушки): we made marvellous and magical toys, the like of which is not to be found in the world nowadays;
  - (кора): he touched her with a piece of magic bark, and she fell into frenzy
  - (напиток): Circe prepared a magic potion for Odysseus;
  - (палочка): wand;
  - (потолок): the enchanted ceiling was scattered with stars;
  - (сказка): fairy tale;
  - (сон): he put her into a bewitched sleep;
  - (существа): the care of magical creatures;
  - (чары): the witch put a magic spell on the prince and turned him into a frog
  волшебство - He saw the frog lean forward, and then the butterfly vanished. It seemed like a piece of magic. The child knew that the frog had caught the butterfly, but how?;
  - another voice spoke, low and melodious, its very sound an enchantment;
  - her human shape was only a glamor
  вольно - (в. обращаться с деньгами компании): he got fired for playing fast and loose with infml the company's money;
  - (в. обращаться с фактами): climate scientists are playing fast and loose with the facts
  вольность - (позволять себе в-ти с историей ради красивого сюжета): Shakespeare was never above taking liberties with history in the service of a good story;
  - (позволить некоторую в. в расходовании денег): I should rather hope that you are inclined to allow some license as to the expenditure of sums in that particular field for the study of diseases;
  - (позволять себе в-ти, т.е. учитель позволял себе в-ти с программой): your previous teacher in this subject allowed license
  вольничать - (с историей ради красивого сюжета): Shakespeare was never above taking liberties with history in the service of a good story
  волюнтаристский - (решение): the decision of the defendants to award the contract to T. Inc. without competitive bidding is arbitrary and capricious
  воля - (Аллаха): the willl of Allah is made known through the sacred scriptures;
  - (будь на то его в.): he told her that, given his way, he would not be here at all;
  - (будь [на то] моя в.): if I had my way all high level Federal officials, elected and appointed, would have to have all their money in US banks.;
  - (дать волю): смотри ниже;
  - (его неумолимая в.): his implacable will;
  - (железная): she looks as though she can't open a door by herself, but she's got a will of iron;
  - (в. к жизни): they lose the will to live;
  - (коли на то твоя в.): sit down now to the banquet and tell thy plans, if such be thy will;
  - (на воле): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (по своей воле / по собственной воле): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (политическая, подходам не хватает политической воли): both approaches have been proven to work and only lack political will to become more widely used;
  - (против воли): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (сила воли, испытывать свою силу воли): The actress is following a strict eating programme in a desperate attempt to lose weight. She is really testing her willpower with this diet.;
  - (сила воли): his willpower was weakening;
  - (сила воли): he succeeded by strength of will alone;
  - (снова действовать по своей воле): he needed to return to his own volition;
  - (стальная): she had a "steely will"
  воля (дать волю) - (дай им только в.): kids gobble down sweets, given half a chance;
  - (дай им только в.): most cats I have known love cheese and will eat huge quantities of it given half a chance;
  - (дaть волю своему гневу): such a man would never give way to any kind of anger;
  - (дaть волюсвоему раздражению): I find it all too easy to imagine some bumptious lordling clashing with a barely trained mage who lets his temper get the better of him;
  - (дaть волю своим личным пристрастиям): Successful reform is often achieved when a leader is trying to consolidate his power. Then he is obliged to appeal to broad constituencies and pursue attractive policies. After he has consolidated power, he can indulge in his idiosyncrasies.;
  - (дaть себе волю): When my daughter was two, she was helping me "fold" the laundry when she suddenly stripped off her nightgown, put on a pair of her daddy's clean undies, and started dancing. She was so carefree. It made me realize that I need to cut loose and enjoy myself more - not wearing my hubby's underpants, but in other ways.;
  - (фантазии): The theme of the jamboree is "My future, my fantasy". You decide what the future will look like, so just let your fantasy go wild.
  вон - (там): it's over there;
  - (пошёл в. грубо, придурок, а не то позову полицию): get lost infml, creep, or I'll call the police;
  - (в. та реклама / в. там): that advertisement over there is for Coca-Cola
  вонь - (если поднимется в. образно, я тебе ничего не говорил, т.е. аллюзия на "if the shit hits the fan"): But the hotel, the privacy of our guests. Super-duper big deal. Like it's some Suisse bank. So, anything hits the fan, I didn't tell you.
  воображаемый - (в-ые жильцы кукольного дома): tales in which the doll's house and all its fascinating contents and its make-believe family figured;
  - (в. приём, на котором присутствует королева): there was no fun making ready for a pretend party at which the Queen would be in attendance;
  - (в-ая пылинка на шляпе): brushing off an imagined speck of dust from his hat;
  - (страна): he wanted to go on teasing her about her imaginary country;
  - (теория): a theory of everything or final theory is a putative theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena, and predicts the outcome of any experiment that could be carried out in principle;
  - (угрозы): his thoughts turned from imagined threats to real ones
  воображать / вообразить - (её попросили в., что она играет в теннис): they asked her to imagine playing tennis;
  - (какой только можно вообразить): he was scrawny, unshaved, dirty and clothed in the grimiest rags imaginable;
  - (можно вообразить, что...): one imagines that Tintoretto, with all his painterly skill, would have found Plaice Cove the fitting backdrop for some vast Italian chapel ceiling;
  - (т.е. невозможное, попытаться вообразить дымовые шашки на американском стадионе): he tried to imagine smoke bombs at an American stadium;
  - (он начинает воображать, как он арестует Г. и положит конец его деятельности): he starts fantasizing about arresting G. and bringing down his operations;
  - (они воображают, что офранцузились): they fancy themselves Frenchified;
  - (в. себя в кабинете директора): she fancied herself sitting up there in the Head's office, lording it over all the other teachers;
  - (в. себя кем-л): he fancied himself something of a blue-eyed soul brother;
  - (в. себя кем-л): liberals, who fancy themselves the sole arbiters of compassion, have no compunction about cutting corners on superfluous amenities like an anesthetic during surgery;
  - (в. себя швейцаром гостиницы): I had fantasized from time to time about being a doorman at Plaza Hotel;
  - (трудно в., чего они хотели достичь): what the Soviets hoped to achieve is hard to fathom;
  - in moments of weird buoyancy, I fantasized that the indictment might be for obstruction alone. Instead, the indictment charged only murder.
  - he used the doll's house to tell himself stories, to make believe
  воображение - (в больном / воспалённом в-ии некоторых): K. Rove, the "evil mastermind" behind George W. Bush's electoral success, has been advising the Swedish government these past two years. Suddenly, in some fevered imaginations, the Swedish investigation into Julian Assange's sex life makes sense. So keen is the US to put the pesky WikiLeaks founder behind bars, goes the theory, that Mr Rove has been recruited to entrap Mr Assange.;
  - (в воображении): a good many people in the room were wondering what was going to happen to M. and it gave our play an adventitious prurience to have me, one of the unmarried men attracted to her, even in make-believe;
  - (вызывать в в-и, слово "собрание" вызывает в в-и часы, потраченные зря на выслушивание не имеющих значения фактов): when someone says "meeting" it conjures images of wasted hours listening to semi-relevant facts;
  - (его воспалённому в-ию представилась сцена, в которой она рыдала над его трупом): his imagination zoomed into overdrive, rapidly constructing a scene in which she was weeping over his lifeless form
  - (живое): he had a vivid imagination;
  - (в. Леонардо Да Винчи): Leonardo's visionary mind;
  - (наделенный в-ем руководитель): а visionary manager;
  - (не нужно большого в-я, чтобы увидеть...): with no stretch of the imagination, mathematics will be directly and adversely affected, as the fields of computer security and data encryption already are;
  - (плод воспалённого в-я): I don't buy that premise - the overly militaristic, corrupt, fascist LAPD. I think it's a figment of the overheated liberal imagination. As the racial, ethnic and language complexion of Los Angeles has changed, so has the complexion of the LAPD.;
  - (плоды в-я): figments of his imagination;
  - (у него разыгралось в.): His imagination went wild. He quickly shook his head to clear the mental image of Carly naked.;
  - (у него разыгралось в.): смотри ниже
  воображение (у него разыгралось в.) - his imagination goes into overdrive;
  - his imagination zoomed into overdrive, rapidly constructing a scene in which she was weeping over his lifeless form;
  - His imagination went wild. He quickly shook his head to clear the mental image of Carly naked.;
  - I have always been an anxious person - my imagination runs wild, and I find myself truly believing harm is going to come to me, even when it is not;
  - his imagination zoomed into overdrive, rapidly constructing a scene in which she was weeping over his lifeless form
  вообще - growing skepticism about foreign aid in general;
  - (дело, в. не имеющее никаких оснований): now he was pursuing me on the theory that I obstructed justice in a case that had no merit in the first place;
  - (если журналу не нравилась статья, её в. не нужно было печатать): if the journal didn't like the paper, they shouldn't have published it in the first place;
  - (жалеть. что в. вернулся): you are regretting that you ever returned to me;
  - (женщины в. любят покупать одежду): women in general like to shop new clothes;
  - (жизнь - в. загадка): life as a whole is a great puzzle;
  - (закон давал будущим президентам возможность в. не допускать неэкономные статьи в бюджет): the main utility of the bill would be in the leverage it gave future presidents to keep wasteful items out of budgets in the first place;
  - (и в. тут всё рушится): I don't like this house. The roof leaks. For that matter, the whole place is falling apart.;
  - (в. и в частности): what the president lacked in the understanding of the tortuous psychologies of Europeans in general and Slavs in particular could be made up by his adviser;
  - (как будто я в. не говорил): as soon as I'd had my say, the men continued to talk as if I had never spoken;
  - (мне в. не нужно было подавать заявление): looking back, I see I probably shouldn't have run in the first place;
  - (не знаю зачем ей понадобилось лететь в С. в такую погоду, и в. лететь куда-нибудь): I don't know why she wanted to fly to Salt Lake City in this weather, or why she wanted to fly at all for that matter;
  - (некоторым было в. не место на немецкой земле): few illegal immigrants had work, and a sprinkling had no business standing on German soil at all;
  - (обвинения в нарушении служебной этики, которые в. должны были препятствовать его назначению): he was removed on a conflict-of-interest charge far more tenuous that the many political and financial conflicts that should have prevented Starr's appointment in the first place and should have required Starr's resignation at several points along the way;
  - (по его мнению, индейцы - дровосеки и водоносы, и в. жлобы): to him Indians are hewers of the wood and drawers of water and, on the whole, bumpkins;
  - (удивительно, как я в. выжил): when I look back to my childhood, I wonder how I survived at all;
  - (я в. удивляюсь, как...): I am still astonished that these authors chose to file their suit at all
  вообще говоря / вообще-то - admittedly, the concept of sex as a pathway to God was mind-boggling at first;
  - (в.г., жизнь - загадка): life as a whole is a great puzzle;
  - (в.-то, если бы на ней не было передника, я бы не знал, как к ней обращаться): in fact, had she not worn an apron, I would not have known how to address her;
  - (в.-то нет): "Are you French?" "Actually, not.";
  - (в.-то я бы хотел обсудить один вопрос): in fact, there is one point I wanted to discuss;
  - (я в.-то не позволяю разговаривать, когда говорю я): you see, I do not generally permit people to talk when I am talking;
  - the boy was really pleasant and generous hearted, and had no mind, in the long runfor disagreeable haughtiness
  вооружаться / вооружиться - (т.е. заранее, кто предостережён, тот вооружён): forewarned may be forearmed, but nowadays armament programs and training programmes take too long
  вооружение - (гонка в-й): the continuing arms race;
  - (крупнокалиберное в.): high-caliber weaponry;
  - (ограничение в-й): arms limitations;
  - (ограничение в-й): limitations on strategic arms;
  - (ограничение уровня в-й): a comprehensive limitation of arms levels and troop deployments along the iron curtain;
  - (поставки в-я): weapons supplies;
  - (программа в-я): obsolete and expensive weapons programs;
  - (программа в-я): nowadays armament programs and training programmes take too long;
  - (программа в-я): to kill off obsolete and expensive weapons programs;
  - (система в-й): a new weapons system;
  - (система в-й): expert in defense,weapons systems, nuclear technology, inner space and armored warfare;
  - (сокращение в-й): sweeping arms reductions
  вооружённые силы - (Комиссиия Сената по в-ым с-ам): through his membership on the Senate Armed Services Committee he had developed close ties with senior military figures;
  - the financial services specialist serving the armed forces;
  - (силы): the financial services specialist serving the armed forces;
  - (полностью добровольные в.с.): it's hard to explain to young Americans today, especially with an all-volunteer military, how obsessed many in my generation were with the Vietnam War
  вооружённый - (вертолёт): U.S. Defense Department acknowledges the use of special operation gunships on Kandahar;
  - (вертолёт / вертолёт, в. ракетами): armed with TOW missiles, helicopter gunship had proven to the tanks of the North Vietnamese just how fearsome a foe a missile-armed chopper could be;
  - (вести в-ую борьбу с кем-л / против кого-л): the conflict in Darfur has been going on since 2003 when black African rebels began to take arms against the Sudan government;
  - (группировка): rebellious militant group;
  - (хорошо в. ): at C. High School, two heavily armed students opened fire on their classmates;
  - (в. до зубов): a lorryload of special troops armed to the eyebrows infml fig ;
  - (в. дробовиком мотоциклист): shotgun-toting motorcyclist;
  - (ограбление): armed robbery;
  - (полицейские): two firearms officers BrE put 7 bullets into the head of a Brazilian electrician they mistook for a suicide bomber;
  - (в-ые мерзавцы, т.е. морские пираты): Navy SEAL snipers on the fantail of a destroyer cut down three Somali pirates in a lifeboat and rescued an American sea captain on Easter Sunday. Тhe surprise nighttime assault in choppy seas ended a five-day standoff between a team of rogue gunmen and the world's most powerful military;
  - (в-ые охранники в тёмных костюмах): two security agents - wearing dark suits and carrying weapons - walked several steps ahead;
  - (в. пистолетом человек): gun-toting man;
  - (в. человек в кольчуге): I was playing one of the castle's guards, a man-at-arms in chainmail with a shield and a sword;
  - (человек): the gunman raised his weapon and squinted down the sight at me
  вопиюще - (в. очевидные ошибки): when I started this book project twelve years ago, my intention was merely to correct many glaringly obvious errors in Soviet scholarship concerning popular uprisings that occurred during Russia's nightmarish "Time of Troubles"
  вопиющий - (глас в-его в пустыне образно): why does any suggestion of a third way in politics have to be the voice of one crying in the wilderness?;
  - (в-ие действия над заключёнными): they conducted egregious acts on detainees;
  - (дискриминация): she had watched the Japanese Americans in her school endure blatant discrimination and daily taunts from the Anglo students;
  - (наглость / нахальство): an act of gross insolence;
  - (лживость): I've never seen the profound combination of blatant mendacity and obvious cynicism that is his presidential campaign;
  - (ложь): egregious lie;
  - (нарушение): the Great Britain's actions were a flagrant violation of the rights of neutrals;
  - (нарушение): a flagrant violation of the 1954 Geneva Accords;
  - (в-ее нарушение отношений): the refusal of the Federal German government to hand the two criminals over to the Soviet authorities was a flagrant breach of their hitherto friendly relations;
  - (невнимание): HUD (Housing and Urban Development) Chief Inattentive to Crisis. Critics say a significant legacy of his four years as the nation's top housing officer was gross inattention to the looming housing crisis.;
  - (некомпетентность): egregious incompetence;
  - (неподчинение): any employee can be fired immediately and without advance written notice due to dishonesty, alcohol or drug use, fighting, gross insubordination, recklessness resulting in serious accident while on duty, gambling, or other offenses of a similar nature;
  - (в-ее неуважение прав человека): there was such a flagrant disregard for human rights;
  - (в-им образом): animals are being hurt in much more egregious way;
  - (ошибка): egregious blunder / error;
  - (ошибка): gross error / mistake / blunder;
  - (пренебрежение): the American preference for iron-fist illicit crop eradication tactics is based on a blatant neglect of the poverty factor;
  - (противоречия): The fact that the jewel pawned by S. bore no resemblance to the one stolen from the G." apartment was deliberately overlooked. In fact, S. hocked his diamond even before the murder tool place. Despite the blatant inconsistencies, S. was convicted and sentenced to death.;
  - (проявить в-ее пренебрежение к нормам закона): the FBI has flagrantly put aside the rule of law and its internal guidelines time and again;
  - (в-ая слабость закона): in spite of its glaring weakness, the Act was highly significant
  воплотить / воплощать - (в. американские ценности в экономическое и социальное развитие): how American values can be translated into economic and social progress;
  - (в. в действительность / в. в жизнь свою мечту): one more starry-eyed visionary unable to turn his dream into reality;
  - (в. в жизнь / в реальность мысли): from the White House, somebody had implemented Presidential musings that could only be regarded as juvenile;
  - (в. в жизнь / в реальность проекты): getting your brilliant designs out into the real world;
  - (в. в себе достоинства своего народа): he exemplified in his bearings the virtues of his people;
  - (в. в себе то, чем отличается школа): he exemplified the qualities that distinguish the school;
  - (в. всех американцев): he embodies all of the Americans;
  - (в. желание народа): he embodies the desire of a small nation to become greater;
  - (здание воплощает архитектуру коммунистической эпохи): the squat, boxy design of Slovak University epitomizes Communist-era architecture;
  - (в. идею в дело): getting a business idea translated into action;
  - (мечту): смотри ниже;
  - (собой, т.е. инженер воплощает собой этап развития автомобильной промышленности): the young Slovak embodies the next phase of the auto industry in his country;
  - (собой, Лесси воплощает собой идеализированный образ домашнего животного): Lassie, the supercollie who has been epitomizing the idealized image of the domestic animal ready to go to any and all lengths to serve its master;
  - (в. упования Таиланда на США): he embodied Thai reliance on the United States
  воплотить / воплощать (мечту) - that speech steeled my determination to do whatever I could for the rest of my life to make Martin Luther King's dream come true;
  - he has worked as garbage man to survive while he looked around for opportunities to make his dreams come true;
  - one more starry-eyed visionary unable to turn his dream into reality;
  - when you realize AmE / realise BrE the dream, it's so overwhelming;
  - we allow people to pursue their dreams;
  - A lot of guys I knew in the army were obsessed with cars. They went for sports cars. Some of them were in hock up their eyeballs, but they didn't care. It was all about living the dream.;
  - (в. в дела): I worked hard to translate his vision into actions that improved people's lives and furthered our democratic values at home and around the world;
  - (в. мечту своей жизни): at age of thirty he had already fulfilled his life's ambition, to command his own tank;
  - (честолюбивую м.): he realized his ambition of becoming an actor
  воплотиться / воплощаться - (в Лесси воплотился идеализированный образ домашнего животного): Lassie, the supercollie who has been epitomizing the idealized image of the domestic animal ready to go to any and all lengths to serve its master;
  - (идеал воплощался в жизнь): the ideal slowly but steadily was being transformed into a reality;
  - (идеи воплотились в действие): his ideas took shape in action
  воплощение - (безобидности): he is the embodiment of inoffensive: he's spent a lifetime avoiding politics, and even a mention of his wife "the unbeautiful, slightly faded, slightly slovenly woman" hints at his ability to absorb domestic unpleasantness for the sake of peace and quiet;
  - (в рассказах Магомет предстаёт как в. исламского идеала): stories presented Mohammed as realizing the Islamic ideal of human life;
  - (вы - в. благоразумия): in you sanity is personified;
  - (дьявола): thirty-six days into the office, the mayor authorizes marriage of same-sex couples, making himself a darling of liberals everywhere - and the devil incarnate to conservatives;
  - (желания / зла): aspiration personified - she is sensational looking, but her immaculate behaviour belies the fact that she is the epitome of "evil";
  - (зла): evil incarnate;
  - (зла): for him, the personification of all evil in the world was called KGB;
  - (изречения): he was the embodiment of the maxim...;
  - (ладьи были в-ем скандинавской военной мощи, т.е. у викингов): longships were the epitome of Scandinavian military power;
  - (лодка - в. замыслов янки): this hand-made wherry is the epitome of Yankee design and construction;
  - (в. потворствования своим слабостям): some contemporary writers have tried to dismiss the anguish of those years as an embodiment of 1960's self-indulgence;
  - (свободы): his life stands as a messy tangle of contradictions: he was an aristocrat who was suspicious of elites, an avatar of freedom who owned slaves, a spendthrift who believes in government austerity;
  - (в. сексуальных желаний): the girls became the personification of sexual desire - attractive, dangerous, evanescent;
  - (в. в жизнь идеи, этой идее ещё далеко до в-я в жизнь): the implementation of this idea is still a long way off
  воплощённый - (в-ые аккуратность и благоразумие): she was neatness and precision personified;
  - (безобидность): he is the embodiment of inoffensive: he's spent a lifetime avoiding politics, and even a mention of his wife "the unbeautiful, slightly faded, slightly slovenly woman" hints at his ability to absorb domestic unpleasantness for the sake of peace and quiet;
  - (благоразумие): in you sanity is personified;
  - (идея, в-ая в программу): a nice idea translated into a federal program that spends and spends without the taxpayer ever having any idea whether it succeeds or not;
  - (он - в-ая честь): he is the very soul of honour;
  - (скорбь): a picture of a woe
  вопреки - (в. вашей уверенности в моём провале): in contrast to your belief that I will fail, I will succeed;
  - (вашим заявлениям об обратном): notwithstanding your statements to the contrary, we find it unreasonable to believe that your hand-picked nominees, all but one of whom are business associates of you or your affiliates, will exercise any real independent oversight over an acquisition proposal submitted by you;
  - (в. возражениям властного отца): she became his wife over the objections of her overbearing father;
  - (возражениям, приём на работу в. возражениям более строптивых прокуроров): he recalls her hiring over the objections of more hard-bitten prosecutors who regarded probation officers as social workers;
  - (всему): a year full of personal humiliation and disgrace, policy struggles at home and triumph abroad, and, against all odds, a stunning demonstration of the common sense and fundamental decency of the American people;
  - (всему, воин, выживший в. всему в самой страшной битве ): a warrior who defied the odds by surviving the most gruesome battle of them all;
  - (всему, учёные должны в. всему вырастить эмбрионы и выделить из них стволовые клетки): even if scientists did not want to use frozen embryos at fertility centers, there would be hurdles to overcome - then scientists must buck the odds in getting the embryos to grow and isolating stem cells from them, those odds can be long;
  - (в. всеобщему убеждению / в. общепринятому мнению): contrary to popular belief, the Mafia wasn't all that adept at using technology;
  - (всеобщему убеждению / общепринятому мнению): contrary to common belief, Britain is still by and large a civil society;
  - (действовать в. местному мнению): Government flies in the face fig of local opinion. The Government has confirmed its intention to expand Heathrow on all fronts following the publication of the Aviation White Paper progress report.;
  - (в. крайне неблагоприятным обстоятельствам): Yeltsyn had made his share of mistakes, but against enormous odds he had also kept Russia going in the right direction;
  - (в. общепринятому мнению): contrary to popular belief, milk is not a recommended antidote to heartburn;
  - (правилам): when he in defiance of regulation lit up a cigarette, she would fling open the windows;
  - (в. противоводействию церкви): the Irish had narrowly passed a referendum legalizing divorce over vigorous opposition from the Roman Catholic Church;
  - (в. распространённому заблуждению): contrary to a popular misconception among young American males, the penis is not a muscle that flexes into erection;
  - (совету): against the advice, he...;
  - (совету): the American President had taken his action entirely on his own, contrary to political and diplomatic advice in Washington;
  - (условностям): this firebrand (Caravaggio) in breach of all accepted conventions painted the characters of his religious scenes as if they had just stepped out of his surroundings;
  - (в. этому заявлению): "Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations." Contrary to this statement, there is so far no definitive evidence that most of the present warming is due to the greenhouse effect.
  вопрос - (в книге охвачены такие в-ы): after giving formal definitions and basic theory, the book goes on to cover such topics as...;
  - (в повестке дня 3 в-а): our agenda consisted of 3 items;
  - (в. в том,...): the point is, will you help me?;
  - (в-ов больше нет): no further questions;
  - (в этих документах не без оснований поднимался вопрос об ответственности российского государства за смерть Л.): the documents raised an arguable case that the Russian State bore responsibility for Mr Litvinenko's death;
  - (времени): the community banking lobby thinks it is only a matter of time before the retailer intrudes on the banks' turf;
  - (в. всемирной важности): an issue of global concern;
  - (в-ы посредничества между государствами): Canada plays a strategic role in mediating issues between...;
  - (в-ы современных исследований): the most important topics of current research;
  - (выяснить парочку в-ов): I'd like to clear up one or two little matters with you;
  - (книги по разным в-ам): the library has books on a wide variety of subjects;
  - (в. на засыпку): You've all heard of the famous trick question: "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?";
  - (в. о том, должен ли Никсон отдать магнитофонные записи, вставал очень остро, т.е. в деле Уотергейта): in Sept 1973 the issue of whether Nixon should surrender tape recordings from his office was reaching a climax;
  - (в. о том, принадлежит ли собственность или права на неё налогоплательщику и могут ли они быть удержаны в оббоеспечение уплаты налогов, регулируется законодательством штата): the question as to whether property or rights therein are owned by a taxpayer, so as to be subject to a federal tax lien, is a question governed by state law;
  - (обсуждаемые в парламенте): Parliament will debate the nationalization issues next week;
  - (обсуждаемый на собрании): the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at... for the purpose of considering and voting the following matters;
  - (один из ключевых в-ов на выборах): one of the key issues in the election;
  - (перейдём к более содержательным в-ам): let's stop talking about aberrant sexual practices and move on to more edifying topics;
  - (по этому в-у): he exercised uncharacteristic restraint on these topics;
  - (поднять в.): one of my staff later raised the matter with a North Vietnamese protocol official;
  - (показания эксперта по широкому ряду в-ов, от сугубо специальных до обыденных): The requirement of assistance to the jury envisions expert testimony on a broad spectrum of subjects, from the arcane to the mundane. The important factor is not whether the subject is beyond common understanding, but whether the expert can assist the jury "to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue.";
  - (практические и административные в-ы): practical and administrative issues;
  - (решать административные в-ы): Mohammed spent 15 to 20 days in Mecca settling various matters of administration;
  - (советник по в-ам безопасности): the president's own adviser on security matters;
  - (совещаться по в-у о договоре и другом интересующим их в-ам): the presidents confer on the subject of the new arms limitation treaty, and any other matters of interest;
  - (специалисты по отдельным в-ам): ask topic experts to record decisions that relate to their area of expertise;
  - (судебный, советник по судебным в-ам): a senior adviser to the ruling Social Democratic Party on judicial issues;
  - (технический): usual German cowardice when faced with a moral problem, in stark contrast to German courage with a military task or a technical issue;
  - we began an intimate dialogue on major world issues
  вопросительно - (в. взглянуть на кого-л): he looked a question at me and I shrugged;
  - (в. взглянуть на кого-л): he looked a question at me. I nodded in agreement;
  - (смотреть): she looked questioningly at him
  вопросительный - (знак): question mark;
  - (интонация): her hesitant voice, averted eyes, questioning inflection
  воровать - (бензин из бензозаправки): Gas Thieves Use Key to Purloin from Pumps. The thieves are using a factory-issued key to open gas pumps and reprogramming a keypad inside the pump so the sales do not register on the station's computer system. That allows people to pump gas for free.;
  - (велосипеды): I taught you to steal bikes;
  - (в. вишни в саду): we had a fenced-in backyard where the neighborhood kids would come to sneak cherries from our tree;
  - (в. секреты рецептов): they began sending in spies to steal his secret recipes;
  - (служанка ворует её драгоценности): her maidservant has been filching infml her jewels;
  - (в. фрукты у фермера): he pilfered fruit from the farmer
  воровской - (талант): He was working on the lock securing the iron lattice. His larcenous skills triumphed.
  воровство - ( в школе не потерпят в-a): be warned: thieving is not tolerated at the school;
  - (заняться в-ом): he became involved in drug dealing, which was what his first prison term was for, as well as more thieving;
  - (обвиняться в соучастии в в-е и подстрекательстве к в-у): he is charged with aiding and abetting larceny fml ;
  - (я предупредил его, чтобы он больше не занимался в-ом): I warned him against continued thievery when he arrived at school
  ворожба - (на чайных листьях): Divination and Fortune Telling using Tea Leaves
  ворона (белая образно, выглядеть белой в-ой) - (любой сотрудник Британского посольства, не говорящий по-русски, выглядел бы белой в-ой): it would have made any staffer at the British Embassy in Moscow stand out like a sore thumb to speak no Russian;
  - (в своём костюме, сшитом в Лондоне на заказ, он выглядел белой в-ой, словно афишируя свою утончённость перед людьми, ненавидящим Запад во всех его проявлениях): he was standing out like a sore thumb in his elegant London-tailored suit as if flaunting his sophistication to a group of men who hated all forms of Western-ness;
  - смотри файл JIVOTN
  ворота - (в. континента образно): the gateway into the heart of the continent;
  - (в. для эмигрантов образно): the gateways to emigrants
  ворочать - (в. мысли, не поддающиеся выражению): he appeared to grapple with thoughts too unwieldy for expression before mumbling, "you saved my life."
  ворошить - (прошлое): Diana's sons don't want the things to be raked up
  восвояси - (отправить в., т.е. пациента после сеанса химиотерапии): the nurse unplugged all the stuff from me, pulled the IV, bandaged me up, and sent me on my way;
  - (отправить в., преподаватель отправил в. абитуриента, т.е. за неправильный ответ): the historian interviewing him for a place at an Oxford college talked to him politely and then sent him on his way;
  - (убраться в. / уйти в.): she lived with the two stepchildren her ex-husband had left behind when he hit the road
  воскресать / воскреснуть - the girl was meant to die and be reborn;
  - (мёртвые не воскресают): dead people don't come back to life;
  - (мёртвые не могут в.): the dead cannot rise again;
  - (Иисус Христос воскрес): Christians believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead;
  - ( "Христос воскрес!" "Воистину воскрес!"): Paschal greeting. Instead of "hello" or its equivalent, one is to greet another person with "Christ is Risen!", and the response is "Truly, He is Risen."
  воскресить / воскрешать - (воспоминания): to bring back memories;
  - (инопланетяне воскресили команду): then the aliens had come and resurrected the crew;
  - (в. мёртвое чудовище): scientists resuscitate the amphibious monster;
  - (мёртвых): they were making enough noise to raise the dead;
  - (мёртвых): points in the message of the Qur'an were questioned, such as the assertion that men would be resurrected before the judgment;
  - (в. свою карьеру): he is trying to resurrect his acting career
  воспевать / воспеть- (в. красоту возлюбленной): he addressed many poems to his mistress, praising her beauty;
  - the poet acclaimed her beauty and talent in his "Lettres à Emilie";
  - (т.е. скальд счёл подобающим в. викинга): Wiglaf would deem it meet to loud him formally
  воспеваться - (нарциссы воспеваются в поэзии): daffodils are acclaimed in poetry
  воспитание - (т.е. воспитанность, отсутствие в-я): impertinent person shows a want of breeding;
  - (городское): I love being out in the country at night. It must be my father's blood coming through, despite my city upbringing.;
  - (в. гражданственности заключается в том, чтобы...): citizenship education is about enabling citizens to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their own lives and their communities;
  - (детей): upbringing of children;
  - (детей): he didn't see much of his mother, an upbringing very much like Diana's;
  - (меня сформировало в. в семье, образование и вера): I had been shaped by my family upbringing, education and religious faith;
  - (методистское, т.е. полученное кем-л): the college's Latin motto is "Not to be ministered but to minister" - a phrase in line with my own Methodist upbringing;
  - (получить типичное для среднего класса в.): he had a standard middle-class upbringing;
  - (специалист по в-ю детей): Walking is a common concern for young parents because they feel walking is related to intelligence," says B.N., parenting expert.;
  - (способствовать в-ю гражданских добродетелей): we need a new conservatism that fosters and cultivates citizen virtues;
  - (у мышей отсутствие заботы о детях возникает и как врождённая черта, и в результате в-я): in mice, child neglect is a product of both nature and nurture, according to a new study;
  - (физическое в., получить диплом по ф-ому в-ю): Dad was a solid athlete, so he went to the State College. He graduated in 1935 and at the height of the Depression returned to S. with a degree in physical education;
  - (физическое в., т.е. учебный предмет): physical training;
  - (ума / характера): combining the tough character-training of the boarding school and then the broad training of the mind provided by the older universities;
  - (хорошее): she had about her an air of reserve that suggested breeding
  воспитанник - foster child
  воспитанность - she had about her an air of reserve that suggested breeding;
  - you just wonder where is their sense of manners?
  воспитанный - (большинство из нас воспитано в убеждении, что действовать в своих интересах - это эгоистично): most of us are brought up to think of acting in our own best interests as selfish;
  - (в. на традиционных ценностях семьи): the century nurtured by the traditional values of family;
  - (он был воспитан на сказках о братце Кролике): his aunt knew all the "Br"er Rabbit" stories and he was brought up on them;
  - (она была воспитана в еврейской традиции): She was raised Jewish. She loathed Christmas dinners to which we were regularly invited by her husband's cousins because they always served pork roast.;
  - (т.е. хорошо): смотри ниже
  воспитанный (т.е. хорошо) - he remained quiet, well-behaved and aloof;
  - (дети): People of all ages like to eat out. While some kids are impressively well-mannered, those who act up can ruin the experience of others.;
  - (поведение в-ого человека): a courteous (well-mannered or polite) person's behavior would be marked by the absence of impropriety;
  - (подростки): Americans are well-behaved adolescents with a lot of youthful idealism;
  - (руководители страны хорошо воспитаны, соблюдают протокол, но не отличаются искренностью): the government here has ample manners and good attention to protocol, but little in the way of sincerity;
  - (ребёнок): the Queen wanted her son to show up well and to be mannerly;
  воспитать / воспитывать - (в нём воспитали веру в марксизм): he had been educated to be a believer in Marxism-Leninism;
  - (в. высокие моральные и лидерские качества): to develop moral character and leadership qualities;
  - (детей, женщины сидят дома и воспитывают детей): a place where women stayed home to raise children while men commuted to work in L., 18 miles away;
  - (в. детей в детских домах): a system of orphanages to house and raise children born out of wedlock to teen mothers;
  - (в. идеалы в ком-л): these ideals were nurtured in me as far back as I can remember;
  - (лидеров, т.е. в своём коллективе): The most successful companies over the past century have focused their efforts on cultivating leaders rather than buying them;
  - (навыки / умение): to nurture skills;
  - (ненависть): to nurture hatred;
  - (он прилежно копил деньги, как были воспитаны взрослые его поколения): he saved money diligently, as the adults of his generation were conditioned to do;
  - (в. у новобранцев чувство патриотизма / сплочённости): the captain did his best to foster a sense of patriotism / unity among the new recruits;
  - (т.е. чужого ребёнка): we fostered the little girl for several months
  воспитываться - (в. в условиях постоянных переездов с места на место и в обстановке жёсткой конкуренции): the daughter of a U.S. ambassador, she experienced a peripatetic upbringing in a fiercely competitive environment;
  - (в. в христианской вере): he was brought up as a Christian at the court of King Athelstan of England;
  - (властность и достоинство воспитывались поколениями): he had the authority and poise that were the product of generations of breeding;
  - (эти идеалы воспитывались у меня сколько себя помню): these ideals were nurtured in me as far back as I can remember;
  - (я воспитывался в неблагополучной семье у робкой матери и отца, который не стыдился быть сукиным сыном): I was raised in a troubled home by a timid mother and a father who felt no shame about being a son of a bitch
  восполнить / восполнять - (в. естественную убыль песка): The Dutch carry sand to the land, some 11 million cubic meters per year. This is necessary to compensate for the natural loss of sand along the coastline, to keep the coastline as it is today. The sand is obtained from the deeper parts of the North Sea.;
  - (в. малый размер долголетием): the smallest town in New Hampshire, New Castle makes up in longevity what it lacks in geography;
  - (в. недостатки качества стали, чтобы в. недостатки качества стали, был разработан метод...): in order to correct and compensate for the quality of the steel, the folding technique of kitae was developed;
  - (в. недостаточный экономический рост): to make up for the lack of economic growth;
  - (в. недостающее количество): an order was sent to the manufacturing plant for this dressing to go into production to make up the required 280 tons;
  - (в. недостающие ветви на генеалогическом древе): he helped fill in the missing twigs on his family tree;
  - (в. неинтересное содержание желанием шокировать): stories which try to make up for uninteresting content by "going for the gross-out";
  - (в. нехватку зерна): theoretically they could ride this out with minimal difficulties, but this depends on how they make up the shortfall;
  - (в. нехватку рабочей силы): a temporary foreign worker can be recruited by employers from all types of businesses to meet temporary labour shortages;
  - (в. низкое рождение): my mother encouraged me to think for myself, to acquire skills to offset the disadvantage of my birth;
  - (он восполнял свою неприметность порядочностью): he made up in integrity for the lack of the flambuoyance;
  - (ракеты восполняли недостающую артиллерию): every BMP had 10 of these (missiles), which more than made up for the missing battalion of towed guns;
  - (т.е. советник восполнял непонимание президента): what the president lacked in the understanding of the tortuous psychologies of Europeans could be made up by his adviser;
  - (в. потери самолётов и танков): all your aircraft and tank losses will be replaced;
  - (в. пробелы в понимании): the stochastically independent functions filled in the gaps in my understanding of Markov's book
  восполниться / восполняться - (уменьшение содержания жира восполняется увеличением содержания сахара): if you're tempted to buy reduced fat weight loss products, remember that sometimes the reduction in fat is made up for by introducing more sugar
  воспользоваться - (в. автомобильной страховкой): if you choose to register your vehicle and avail of Trenton auto insurance, it is important that you are aware of the state laws the whole insurance process and consequences;
  - (в. беспорядком в документах): his mind goes into overdrive and he works out a way to exploit the circus the documentary crew have caused;
  - (во время перекрёстного допроса защита сумела в. расхождениями, т.е. в показаниях свидетелей): in its cross-examination, the defense obviously made much of the discrepancies;
  - (возможностью): смотри ниже;
  - (в. даром мудро): do you use the gift wisely?;
  - (в. добротой и доверчивостью кого-л): people take advantage of her kind heart and gullibility;
  - (европейские облигации не преминули в. лучшими показателями биржи): Eurozone bonds haven't in the past failed to fully capitalize on the market's better fundamentals - slower economic growth and steady issuance - compared with the US;
  - (в. ещё двенадцатью неделями неоплачиваемого дополнительного отпуска): The Adoptive Leave Act entitles an adopting mother or a sole male adopter to 20 weeks adoptive leave. There is also the option to avail of fml a further 12 weeks unpaid additional leave. An employee wishing to avail of the leave must give 4 weeks written notice to their employer prior to starting the leave.;
  - (жулики выбирают людей, ищущих любви или дружбым чтобы в. их беззащитностью): con artists target people looking for love or companionship, in order to exploit their vulnerability;
  - (в. запасами глубинной и сланцевой нефти): If Trump knew what he was talking about, he would advocate for the U.S. to become energy independent and tap into its deep oil and shale reserves to overtake Saudi Arabia in oil exports;
  - (информацией): to benefit from the use of information acquired during the course of...;
  - (каталогом): it's my pleasure to extend an invitation to enjoy this catalog;
  - (кредитами): few individuals can take advantage of these loans;
  - (в. лучшей освещённостью во второй половине дня и вечером): The Daylight Saving Time was first put into practice by Germany during the First World War in order to preserve energy for war production by taking advantage of the more daylight in the afternoons and evenings.;
  - (наилучшим образом в. оплошностью): he made the most of this oversight;
  - (наилучшим образом в. последней ночью свободы): it's the last night of freedom in your life. So make the most of it.;
  - (опытом): the settlers benefited from the earlier experience of the colonists of Virginia;
  - (в. опытом израильской разведки): tapping into the unique experience of Mossad;
  - (в. опытом предыдущих аварий): to draw on the experience of earlier crashes;
  - (в. ошибкой кого-л): he took advantage of the defender's mistake to score a goal;
  - (политик надеялся в. симпатией к предшественнику): Peres had hoped to capitalize on sympathy for Rabin and chose to hold early election in 1996;
  - (полномочиями): The Arbitrator shall exercise all powers granted to commercial Arbitrators under the laws of the State of California, USA or the laws of the jurisdiction where the arbitration shall take place, if other than in the State of California;
  - (полномочиями): the Secretary of State has properly exercised her discretion;
  - (полномочиями): because of the Senate's rules, a lone member like Kentucky Republican R.P. holds outsized power, and he exercised it over the weekend to prevent the Senate from renewing the Patriot Act;
  - (полностью в. тем, что его хотят, т.е. взять на работу / полностью в. ситуацией, о футбольном менеджере): He has taken full advantage of being coveted. He played the situation to the hilt, vying one team against the other, and increasing his value in the process. He said he was close to taking the Falcons" job to make the Dolphins panic and come back with a better offer.;
  - (правом): hijackers could be tried under the law of the land in which they arrived, if that country wishes to exercise the right;
  - (в. прекращением бомбардировок): the Chechens took advantage of the suspension of Russian bombardment;
  - (в. принципами механики): to draw on the principles of mechanics;
  - (пятой поправкой): to take the fifthinfml;
  - (разрешением): I gave the Ambassador permission to use the Hot Line. He did not avail himself of fml it.;
  - (в. рекламным трюком): as Cecil B. DeMille readied his costly production for release a half-century ago, he seized on an ingenious publicity scheme;
  - (в. своим обаянием): the President turned on his fabled charm;
  - (в. своим [служебным] положением): taking advantage of his position;
  - (скидкой): to enjoy this discount, you must order now;
  - (в. слабостью правительства, чтобы добиться привилегий): the European powers were able to take advantage of the weakness of the Chinese government in the late 1850s to extract far-reaching privileges for themselves;
  - (случаем): in 1997 he took up his most recent opportunity;
  - (в. случаем, чтобы нанести визит вежливости президенту): ostensibly Britain's first woman premier was to address a major meeting of the English-speaking Union and take the opportunity of paying a courtesy call on the United States President;
  - (советом): I took her advice;
  - (случаем): a genius at seizing business opportunities;
  - (в. спокойствием, чтобы обдумать то, что он мне сказал): I took advantage of the calm to think of all the things he had told me;
  - (в. тем, что остался наедине с С.): he decided to take advantage of the moment alone with S. to tell her something that had been on his mind;
  - (в. фондом соцобеспечения для стимулирования экономики): he would recommend drawing on the Social Security trust fund to stimulate the economy;
  - (чем-л): it was a need of which she'd availed herself more than once;
  - (чем-л): the ninth century translators availed themselves of these advances to meet the needs of patrons;
  - (в. экономическим чудом): any well-administered concern founded with plenty of liquidity in the early fifties could take full advantage of the staggering economic miracle of the fifties;
  - (в. экономическим чудом): they established themselves in commerce and industry in time to take advantage of the economic miracle that has rebuilt the country since 1945;
  - The administration will have no choice but to draw on the surplus in the retirement program to fund education programs, military renewal and other priorities
  воспользоваться (возможностью) - in 1997 he took up his most recent opportunity;
  - if they don't take advantage of the opportunity to get what the country deserves, there is not much point in getting such favorable treatment;
  - I took the opportunity of visiting her while I was in London;
  - availing myself of this opportunity I would like to say...;
  - I jumped at the chance and headed for Florida;
  - (возможности, которыми воспользовались): your life is shaped by the opportunities you turn down as well as by those you seize;
  - (в. возможностями инвестирования): Canada's industry should take advantage of such investment opportunities;
  - (в. подвернувшимися возможностями): he took advantage of the opportunities that came his way
  воспоминание - (в. всплыло из подсознания): another memory came shooting up from his subconcious;
  - (далёкое): now it was a distant memory;
  - (предаваться в-ям, некогда было п.в.): street life was a struggle to survive today, with no time to reminisce and nothing in the past to get nostalgic over;
  - (пробудить в. о чём-л): it stirred in him a memory from an old science-fiction movie;
  - (пробудить в.): the word triggered a memory flashback of my dad;
  - (счастливое): you must concentrate, with all your might, on a single, very happy Ъmemory;
  ?- (воспоминания): смотри ниже;
  - (у меня смутное в., что я припарковал её на мосту): I've a vague recollection of parking it on a bridge
  воспоминания - (в. были ещё болезненны): the memory still smarted;
  - (воскресить в.): to bring back memories;
  - (вызвать в.): this place conjures up vivid memories;
  - (выпустить книгу воспоминаний): J.A., the former lobbyist who went to prison for three years for fraud and tax evasion, has a new memoir out. It's called "Capitol Punishment," and he names names and dates, and describes the environment that he was operating in.;
  - (его обступили в. / на него нахлынули в.): a rush of recollection assailed him;
  - (в. ещё живы): the memories of the War and the horrors of the Occupation are still vivid in the minds of the survivors;
  - (ещё свежи в.): the memories are still raw;
  - (т.е. книга в-й): a smart, well-crafted memoir;
  - (т.е. мемуары): his memoirs are a delightful read to historians;
  - (мои в. в точности совпадают с твоими): my recollection is exactly the same as yours;
  - these collected papers are drawn from police records, interviews, letters, and remembrances collected in N. in 1991.;
  - (в. о прошлом): a lot of memories of the past;
  - (в. о семье): in the first part of his memoirs he presents his memories about his family;
  - (прекрасные в.): his splendid memories and reminiscences;
  - (пробуждать в. в ком-л): the camp, the houses - all this jogged a memory in me;
  - (у людей ещё живы в.): people still have vivid memories of that earthquake
  - (упиваться в-ями): people who wallow in sad memories;
  - (яркие в. о чём-л): I have such a vivid recollection of one night, when I...
  воспрепятствовать - (в. военному удару): he forbore to say that the sensitive areas were those that might impede a future Soviet strike into Western Europe;
  - (в. злым намерениям): to thwart somebody's evil intentions;
  - (в. махинациям вокруг государственной тайны)): Senators Seek to Stymie State Secret Shenanigans;
  - (намерениям): we will take steps to head off that intent, to make it unworkable;
  - (в. попыткам захвата компании): to thwart take-over attempts
  воспрешаться - (посторонним парковаться воспрещается): Private parking. No unauthorized access.;
  - (проезд на велосипеде под аркой воспрещается): the riding of cycles through this archway is forbidden;
  - (строго, о флирте между служанками замка и солдатами гарнизона): dalliance between the castle's maids and the garrison was strongly discouraged
  воспрещённый - (вход воспрещён): a barred gate with a notice board to one side saying "Private property, keep out";
  - (вход на городскую стену с собаками воспрещён): dogs are banned from the city wall;
  - (въезд воспрещён, т.е. дорожный знак): you mustn't drive up a street with a NO ENTRY sign
  восприимчивость - (в. к заражению, т.е. птицы перед убоем): to study the effect of feed withdrawal and livehaul on the susceptibility of male and female broilers to contamination
  восприимчивый - (в. к заболеванию): a mildew resistant pea may be crossed with a high-yielding but susceptible pea;
  - (в. к опасности нюх): they sensed with the perceptive collective nose for danger that had brought them all to this pinnacle that something of importance was afoot;
  - (в. к рекламе): extensive exploitation of children by using them, as more susceptible subjects of advertising, to pressurise their parents into going to McDonald's;
  - (культурный картофель более восприимчив к грибковым, вирусным и бактериальным возбудителям болезней, чем...): cultivated potatoes are more susceptible to fungal, viral and bacterial pathogens than any other major crop;
  - (люди): Listeria monocytogenes can cause serious problems in vulnerable people, especially pregnant women, newborns, people with weakened immune systems, and the elderly;
  - (человек): an open-minded person
  воспринимать / воспринять - (идею): I couldn't embrace the idea immediately;
  - (идеи): to absorb new ideas;
  - (из этого он не воспринял ни слова): he had not taken in a word of it;
  - (изображения, т.е. о мозге): the mental processing required to perceive images is so great that it represents about 40% of the body's at-rest caloric consumption;
  - (информацию, как легче в. информацию, в письменном или устном виде?): is it easier to pick up infml information from a written passage or a spoken version?;
  - (информацию, т.е. о мозге): the brain is known to perceive information before it reaches a person's awareness;
  - (информацию, т.е. об учащихся): when a teacher teaches a subject, sometimes the student doesn't grasp the information, but when they hear another student phrase it in a different way it causes them to gain a better understanding of the subject;
  - (в. как должное): the elderly lady took the changes in her stride;
  - (в. кого-л каким-л): Putin perceives Trump as plain, weak and controllable;
  - (в. мнение кого-л с большим недоверием): I learned to take his opinion with a pound of salt;
  - (в. море в любую погоду): those who truly love the sea embrace it in every mood;
  - (намёки): the girls had picked up the subtle and not-so-subtle cultural signals urging them to conform to sexist stereotypes, to diminish their own accomplishments in order not to outperform the boys around them;
  - (настоящая несправедливость или то, что я воспринимала как несправедливость): she would look at me calmly while I carried on about some real or perceived injustice in the world;
  - (т.е. в. новость неодобрительно): her parents took her wish to marry an Afghan rather dimly;
  - (он хотел, чтобы его воспринимали таким): the Senator seemed a remote, almost forbidding figure, which is how he wanted to be perceived by most people;
  - (в. отказ как личное неприятие): the refusal is less likely to be taken as a personal rejection;
  - (в. политику через фильтр средств массовой информации): how people perceive politics and policy through the filter of the media;
  - (предметы, т.е. о мозге): We don't see images; our eyes see line and motion, our brains interpret that to attempt to recognize to what sort of thing those lines and motion might represent, and then our brains seamlessly cause us to perceive whatever that object might be.;
  - (прочитанное): he was reading and rereading the passage without taking in a word of it;
  - (услышанное): I had the impression he was too busy staring at her to take in a word she was saying;
  - (холостяки воспринимают детей женщины, с которой они встречаются, как обузу): single men tend to take their date's progeny as a dead weight;
  - (этот аспект кинофильма будет хорошо воспринят кинокритиками): All children want to grow up faster than they do, so when these children are given great responsibility and the power to fight, they make the most of it. This is the component child movie patrons will really embrace.
  восприниматься - (один за другим докладчики на съезде республиканцев защищали малые города от того, что воспринимается как пренебрежение со стороны городской элиты): speaker after speaker, at the Republican convention defended small towns from the perceived slights of urban elites;
  - (свойство света воспринимается как яркость / цвет): specifically, photometry deals with the attribute of light that is perceived as intensity, while the related attribute of light that is perceived as color is treated in colorimetry;
  - (фильм воспринимается не столько как историческая драма, сколько как язвительный религиозный трактат): the film feels less like historical drama than a venomous religious tract printed on celluloid
  восприятие - (зрительное): visual perception;
  - (в. зрительных стимулов): a drug which alters one's perception of visual stimuli;
  - (моё в. политики): by the fall of 1960, my world was expanding and so were my political sensibilities;
  - (в. новых идей): reception of new ideas;
  - (повседневное в. притупляется стереотипами): our everyday perceptions are dulled by habitual stereotypes;
  - (рассказ о моём в-и и моих убеждениях): it is an account of my perceptions and convictions;
  - (в. творчества художника): one of those rare art shows that change our perception of an artist's oeuvre
  воспроизведение - (звукозапись и в. / запись и в. звуковых волн): sound recording and reproduction is an electrical or mechanical inscription and re-creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice, singing, instrumental music, or sound effects;
  - (т.е. кадров, отснятых фотоаппаратом, кнопка "в."): to see the last photograph you took, make sure your camera is turned on and simply press the Playback button;
  - (т.е. кадров, отснятых фотоаппаратом, установить режим "в."): After you've taken some pictures, you can review what you shot and delete unwanted photos. To do this, go into Playback mode on the camera, which will display your photos on the LCD screen.;
  - (т.е. магнитофонной записи, кнопка "в."): rewind and hit the playback button to listen to what you recorded
  воспроизвести / воспроизводить - (т.е. аудиозапись): Edison himself in fact, might not have been the very first person to have recorded and played back the human voice;
  - (т.е. аудиозапись на повышенной скорости): the voices of the group were all performed by B., who sped up the playback to create higher pitched voices;
  - (в. здание по чертежам): almost every brick and stone had been meticulously reconstructed from the actual architect's plans of the original town;
  - (т.е. золотую монету во всех подробностях): It's not hard to fake a gold coin. With modern 3-D laser imaging, a die can be created that mimics the real thing in perfect detail.;
  - (невозможность в. результаты исследований): the sheer number of papers co-authored by the young scientist - 80 between 1998 and 2001 - should have raised skepticism, but it was the lack of reproducibility that ultimately blew the whistle on the sham;
  - (в. объявление на 40 языках): in my doctor's surgery, a notice along the lines of "The police will be called if any patient is abusive or violent to staff" is reproduced in a huge list of around 40 languages
  воспроизводимость - (в. результатов исследований): the sheer number of papers co-authored by the young scientist - 80 between 1998 and 2001 - should have raised skepticism, but it was the lack of reproducibility that ultimately blew the whistle on the sham
  воспроизводиться - (полезные ископаемые сами не воспроизводятся): the mineral wealth does not reproduce itself;
  - (сложные детали поверхности точно воспроизводятся методом гальванопластики): intricate surface details are exactly reproduced by this process, which is used to make masters for pressing phonograph records
  воспротивиться - (категорически / решительно): The results of the GM (genetically modified) Farm Scale trials show that the Welsh Assembly has been correct to take a restrictive stance on GM crop planting in Wales. It is time for the Assembly to accept that there is not sufficient evidence that any GM crop is safe for cultivation in Wales. Until that evidence is produced, Carwyn Jones should put his foot down fig and make it clear that he will prevent any GM planting in Wales.;
  - (категорически / решительно): the boss put her foot down and refused to accept any more changes to the plan;
  - (кому-л): the author suggests that Winston Churchill harbored a grudge against Dowding for standing up to him when the Prime Minister was seeking to send additional squadrons during the Battle of France;
  - (самой мысли о компромиссе): she baulked BrE / balked AmE at the very idea of compromise
  воспрянуть / воспрять - (духом, они воспряли духом): as the party came out on a terrace, their spirits revived;
  - (об акциях): its stock has rebounded from a 5-week low of $68 to $93;
  - (об экономике): South Korea economy seems to be rebounding
  воссоединение - (Германии): I reminded him also of the French attitude to the question of German reunification;
  - (в. разлучённых семей): Refugees must be able to reunite with their family members. A restrictive refugee policy in European countries has affected the possibilities of reunifying separated families.
  воссоединить / воссоединять - (семью): fate, which had been so cruel in 1918 in disconnecting this family, reconnected us again
  воссоединиться / воссоединяться - (беженцы должны быть в состоянии в. с членами семьи): Refugees must be able to reunite with their family members. A restrictive refugee policy in European countries has affected the possibilities of reunifying separated families.;
  - (о Германии): What date was Germany reunited? October 3, 1990.;
  - (о семье): the family reconnected when he took a position in Belgium
  воссоздавать / воссоздать - (в. далёкие дни, т.е. мысленно): those long-distant days are not easy to re-create;
  - (в. здание по чертежам): almost every brick and stone had been meticulously reconstructed from the actual architect's plans of the original town;
  - (в. лабораторию в своей стране): he's spent time with the Americans at their battle laboratory in California, something he lusted to copy and re-create in Russia;
  - (мастера спецэффектов Голливуда идут на большие затраты, чтобы в. атмосферу): Hollywood "effects" wizards go to great expense to re-create the evocative atmosphere of...;
  - (репортёр искусно воссоздаёт отношения между ними): the reporter artfully re-creates the relationship between them
  восставать / восстать - (т.е. бунтовать): if they revolted and failed to win, they could be executed;
  - (в. из мёртвых): Christians believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead;
  - (в. против государства): a politician was charged Friday with inciting hatred and threatening public safety after suggesting that fellow Kurds would rise against the state and fight if Turkey ever attacked their Kurdish brethren in neighboring Iraq
  восстанавливаемость - (в. водных ресурсов): water resources and their renewal ability;
  - (использовать водные ресурсы в пределах их в-и): water resources have to be used within the limits of recoverability
  восстанавливать / восстановить - (в. былую элегантность здания): they restored the building to its former elegance;
  - (в. в звании, постановлением Конгресса его восстановили в звании бригадного генерала): under an act of Congress he was on the 2nd of March 1889 restored to the rank of brigadier-general;
  - (врач восстановил роговицу): the doctor repaired the boy's cornea;
  - (в. группу по множеству её неприводимых представлений мат ): to recover the compact group G from the set of its irreducible representations;
  - (в. группу по структуре мат): to recover the group G from this Hopf structure;
  - (в. движение транспорта после аварии): to determine how quickly the rail traffic might be reestablished;
  - (в. дефекты артерий): polymer gels could be used to seal and repair arterial defects;
  - (в. естественное состояние флоры и фауны): to restore the flora and fauna to its natural state;
  - (забастовка восстановила людей против себя): the strike antagonized the public because of violence accompanying it;
  - (в. здание по чертежам): almost every brick and stone had been meticulously reconstructed from the actual architect's plans of the original town;
  - (здоровье): a few days alone would be enough to rob me of the little health I have regained under your clumsy care;
  - (информацию, т.е. в компьютере): a tip of the hat to computer expert N.K. who reclaimed crucial chapters I thought I have lost;
  - (в. исключённого конгрессмена): to reinstate the congressman when the Congress reconvenes this Monday;
  - (в. против себя кого-л): don't antagonize him at the beginning;
  - (в. королеву на троне): to restore the queen to the throne;
  - (в. линию обороны): several attempts to re-establish a defensive line failed when German units outflanked them;
  - (в. на работе, т.е. уволенного, тебя никогда не восстановят н.р.): you're never gonna get reinstated, you're never gonna get hired again, and we are both gonna be unemployed;
  - (в. [на работе] в отделе, т.е. уволенного): she could help to get you reinstated to the department;
  - (т.е. на работе, в. отстранённого полицейского): reinstate a suspended officer;
  - (в. на работе): the aim of the organization was to rehabilitate former SS men into their profession in the new Federal Republic;
  - (в. старые балеты на сцене, где они были впервые поставлены): it has been the devotion of P. to restore certain of these old ballets to the stage that has brought the present example to life;
  - (нейроны можно в.): neurons can be regenerated;
  - (в. нить рассуждений): he lost the thread of thought for a moment and she did nothing to help him retrieve it;
  - (в. нормальный сердечный ритм): An external defibrillator is a device that delivers an electric shock to the heart through the chest wall. This shock helps restore the heart to a regular, healthy rhythm.;
  - (в. нормальный сердечный ритм): defibrillation involves delivering a shock to the chest wall through adhesive pads or paddles to reestablish a normal cardiac rhythm.;
  - (в. первоначальное состояние земли, т.е. после добычи полезных ископаемых): it is rarely possible to restore the land to its original condition;
  - (плодородие): to restore the fertility;
  - (в. по кусочкам): to piece back together from fragments;
  - (в. по кусочкам воспоминания): he tried to piece out clear memory from terror;
  - (в. по кусочкам подробности происшествия): the authorities began to piece together details of the incident;
  - (в. поверхностный слой почвы): he would like to organize a donation of grass seed to reclaim the damaged turf;
  - (в. поголовье скота): it would take a generation to recover the livestock herd;
  - (в. подачу энергии в кабине космического корабля): to get power back to the main cabin;
  - (подвижность, т.е. после травмы): to regain her mobility, she has been taking daily half-hour walks in Central Park;
  - (в. покрышки колёс): how to retread tyres;
  - (в. половую функцию): If you're under 50 years old when you have this surgery, you're likely to regain sexual function;
  - (положение / ситуацию): to restore the military situation;
  - (порядок, т.е. во время уличных беспорядков): President Johnson called out the National Guard to restore order;
  - (в. правителя у власти): to restore the ruler / president to power;
  - (разрушения): to load the campaign to repair damage in Afghanistan;
  - (в. рентабельность компании): they're looking to the new manager to bring the company back to profitability;
  - (в. симметрию в системе): supplementing an algebra by a comultiplication (forming a coalgebra) restores a kind of input-output symmetry to the system;
  - (спокойствие): he will consult his ministers and see what could be done to restore calm;
  - (справедливость): I wanted to rectify this inequity;
  - (СССР): Russia must avoid any attempt to reconstitute the USSR;
  - (в. стабильность в стране): the new administration can restore a large measure of stability to the American scene;
  - (страну): the economic miracle has rebuilt the country since 1945;
  - (в. уважение к правительству): much prudence is necessary to reproduce reverence for the government;
  - (форму, т.е. спортивную / физическую): we all have to get back on track with exercise from time to time and getting back into shape after a long break can seem impossible;
  - (экономику): to restore the economy
  - (экономику): he is focused on getting the economy back on track infml;
  - смотри файл TEHNIKA
  восстанавливаться / восстановиться - (Европа начала в. после войны): Europe began to recover from the war;
  - (инфраструктурa восстанавливаются после стихийного бедствия): only the most vital infrastructures are being repaired;
  - (о больном ногте): treatment should be continued until the nail is regenerated;
  - (о движении транспорта): the traffic resumed;
  - (о нормальном сердечном ритме): the riot in his breast failed to accelerate into full-blown anarchy, and in fact gradually normal beat was reestablished;
  - (о поголовье каланов): California's beloved sea otters, the furry creatures that frolic off the state's Central Coast, are not recovering as fast as hoped;
  - (у большинства людей контроль над мочевым пузырём после операции восстанавливается в течение срока от пары недель до нескольких месяцев): most men regain bladder control a few weeks to several months after the surgery;
  - (у вас скорее всего восстановится половая функция): If you're under 50 years old when you have this surgery, you're likely to regain sexual function;
  - (у мальчика восстановилось стопроцентное зрение без очков): the doctor repaired the boy's cornea and the boy regained his 20/20 uncorrected vision;
  - (у неё восстановилось некое подобие нормального цикла сна и бодрствования): the patient eventually opened her eyes and regained some semblance of a normal sleep-wake cycle;
  - (т.е. экономика страны восстанавливается после кризиса): Signs the US Is Getting Back on Track. The most destructive recession since the Great Depression appears to be loosening its grip, setting up the possibility of recovery in the latter part of the year.
  восстание - (вооружённое): the rebel leaders seized power in an armed uprising;
  - (гражданское): British forces are firing on Basra in support of the civilian uprising;
  - (индейцев): Indian uprisings;
  - (массовое): the fighting will increase in the next few days to become a mass uprising;
  - (народное): popular uprising;
  - (подавить в.): смотри ниже;
  - (поражение в правах за участие в в-и): disability for engaging in insurrection;
  - (широкое): Iraq's interim government toughened its uncompromising stance towards a wide-spread insurgency yesterday
  восстание (подавить в.) - the rebellion was brutally crushed;
  - the Congress shall have the power to suppress insurrections;
  - Soviet tanks moved into Budapest to put down the revolt;
  - the president ordered the armed forces to put down the revolt;
  - the Taliban prisoner uprising was crushed;
  - Turkey has been trying to quell a domestic Kurdish insurgency for more than two decades;
  - slave rebellions were put down with ferocity
  - (подавить в. в зародыше): the rebellion was to be nipped in the bud
  восстановление - (в. дипломатических отношений): we should achieve the Israeli withdrawal, in return for which Nasser would confer on us the boon of restored diplomatic relations;
  - (в. биржевого рынка): the UK market showed its resilience during the worst of the bear market, but such appeal wears thin during periods of recovery;
  - (в. деталей бывших в употреблении печатных плат): recovering the soldered components from the board safely, and in a condition for reuse is a challenging task, however component salvage and reclamation is becoming more commonplace and the value of many of these components provides easy justification for the effort associated with reclaiming them;
  - (в. естественного состояния земли): Land reclamation is either of two distinct practices. One involves creating new land from sea - or riverbeds, the other refers to restoring an area to a more natural state (such as after pollution or salination have made it unusable);
  - (в. загрязнённых грунтовых вод): in-situ remediation of contaminated groundwater;
  - (зрения): this surgery is characterized by fast recovery of the sight;
  - (в. контактов со страной): the Sino-Soviet border clashes of 1969 had first alerted us to the desirability of restoring contact with Peking;
  - (в. лесных массивов, проекты в-я лесных массивов): the city is a showcase of mid-century modern architecture and reforestation projects;
  - (на полное в. промышленности уйдёт несколько месяцев): the industry will take several months to fully recover (after the hurricane);
  - (в. на работе): the board suspended the coach pending an investigation (of sexual harassment); the New York State Supreme Court this week is set to hear his petition for reinstatement;
  - (в. на работе): a person whose absence from a position of employment is necessitated by reason of service in the uniformed services or in the Ohio organized militia has the same reinstatement and reemployment right in this state that a person has under the "Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994";
  - (в. окружающей среды, т.е. после загрязнения): environmental remediation deals with the removal of pollution or contaminants from environmental media such as soil, groundwater, sediment, or surface water for the general protection of human health and the environment or from a brownfield site intended for redevelopment;
  - (в. популяции каланов): the federal government will continue to unleash scientists to focus on a recovery plan for the Southern sea otter that was nearly hunted to extinction nearly a century ago;
  - (т.е. присоединение электронов и уменьшение степени окисления): reduction is the gain of electrons or a decrease in oxidation number by a molecule, atom, or ion;
  - (в. программ в компьютере): application Recovery CD enables you to reinstall individual applications if they become corrupted or are erased;
  - (в. ранее существовавшего положения): we will favor a restoration of the status quo ante;
  - (т.е. химическое, в. окиси меди окисью углерода): the reduction of copper oxide by carbon monoxide;
  - (экономики): will the government's policy lead to an economic recovery?;
  - (экономики): to restore the economy, the administration put in effect a recovery program;
  - смотри файл TECHNIKA
  восток - (расширение НАТО на в.): the eastward expansion of NATO;
  - (на в-е): daylight was breaking in the east;
  - (небо на в-е светлело): the eastern sky was lightening;
  - (обращённые к в-у склоны хребтов): the western side of each ridge was steep and difficult, but the eastward slopes were gentler, furrowed with many gullies and narrow ravines;
  - (с запада на в.): the coastal fringe of islands trailing west to east
  восторжествовать - (его воровское искусство восторжествовало): He was working on the lock securing the iron lattice. Once again, his larcenous skills triumphed.;
  - (правда всегда восторжествует): whatever the circumstances truth always prevails;
  - (разум восторжествует): I hope that reason will prevail;
  - (со временем месса на латыни восторжествует): the older Mass, many agree, has such beauty and elicits such a sense of awe that, over time, it will triumph
  восточнее - (Северная Америка в. Миссиссиппи): all of North America east of the Mississippi River;
  - (гостиницы находятся на небольшом расстоянии в. съезда с шоссе): the hotels are a short distance east of this exit;
  - (в. Тайваньского пролива): Task force 77 had been holding station east of the Formosa Strait
  восточный - (Азия): East Asia;
  - (единоборства): Putin was compact and extremely fit from years of martial arts practice;
  - (жасмин): the sensuality of oriental jasmine and patchouli;
  - (ждать с в-ым спокойствием): for an hour she waited with oriental stillness;
  - (ковёр): luxurious oriental carpet;
  - (в-ое побережье Австралии): East coast of Australia;
  - (Сибирь): this part of Eastern Siberia;
  - (славяне): pagan beliefs of Eastern Slavs;
  - (Украина): Eastern Ukraine;
  - (холмы): the sun rose over the eastern hills
  востребованность - (главный критерий вашего сохранения в составе труппы - в. репертуаром): to stay in our company you have, above all, to be essential to the theater's repertory;
  - (в. идей в обществе): the relevance / importance of these ideas to / in modern society;
  - (телесериала): the company's advertising campaign, featuring Sex and the City star S.J.P., will affirm its cultural relevance
  востребованный - (быть в-ым): service-based jobs, including auto repair, catering, medical assisting and construction will likely always stay in demand;
  - (врач очень востребован): He is in high demand. With over 30 years of experience providing medical support for Canadian national sports teams, his commitment to high performance sport in BC is unparalleled.;
  - (дирижёр): one of the most world's in-demand conductors;
  - (т.е. жильё для сдачи в аренду): When homeowners suddenly have to relocate, they face the dilemma of whether to sell their home or keep it as an investment property. The recent nationwide drop in housing values complicates the decision. Homeowners with significant equity should sell, unless their home is a desirable rental and they want to take on the challenges of being a landlord.;
  - (журналист): he is one of the most sought-after reporter-investigators in the country;
  - (мои знания востребованы): M., engineering consultant for the steel industry said, "My skills are in demand.";
  - (певица): she is in great demand as a singer;
  - (слово не было востребовано): it's not that the word tolerance was really suppressed but it was rarely used, it wasn't in great demand;
  - (услуги востребованы потребителями): the following services are most demanded by customers
  востребовать - (багаж, сданный непосредственно в самолёте, должен быть востребован пассажиром до входа в терминал, т.е. аэропорта): plane side claim bags must be claimed by the passenger prior to entering the terminal;
  - (время востребовало его позже): he experienced a revival [of his fortunes] much later;
  - (плату образно): she was reveling in the payment she would exact lit this night
  востро - (держать ухо вострО): He always kept an ear to the ground when he went to that restaurant. Once or twice he'd been able to bring back the odd snippet (of information) for his master or put him onto the track of someone.
  восхвалять - смотри файл EMOCII
  восход - (т.е. солнца, оказаться где-л до в-а): probably, a fishing boat making sure of being ready on the fishing grounds by sunrise
  восходящий - (аорта): ascending aorta;
  - (звезда): he's a rising star the British firmament;
  - (последовательность поочередно в-х и нисходящих полутонов): Bach minimizes his accompanimental dilemma by retaining as a counter-theme a sequence of alternately ascending and descending semi-tones;
  - (в. поток воздуха): the wings sought and found the updraft that lifted the body;
  - (в. поток воздуха): two hawks circle lazily on the thermals;
  - (порядок): to sort data in ascending order;
  - (родственники по в-ей линии): priority (of the system of inheritance) is determined by class, descendants excluding ascendants;
  - (в. рыночный тренд ): The terms "bull market" and "bear market" describe upward and downward market trends, respectively, and can be used to describe either the market as a whole or specific sectors and securities. The names perhaps correspond to the fact that a bull attacks by lifting its horns upward, while a bear strikes with its claws in a downward motion.;
  - (солнце): rising sun
  восхождение - (т.е. альпиниста): this climbing has brought him international acclaim;
  - (в. к славе): the meteoric rise to fame of the Beatles;
  - (т.е. на гору): the children endured the climb
  восшествие - (в. на английский престол): at the time of Georg Ludwig's accession to throne of England, Leibniz was Librarian and Privy Counselor of Justice to the court at Hanover;
  - (в. на престол): Louis XVI neoclassical style of decoration was already popular by the time of Louis XVI's accession to throne in 1774
  вот - (а в. и наш гость): here comes our guest;
  - (в. весело будет!): what fun it will be!;
  - (Где спальня? - В.): "Which way is the bedroom?" "This way, baby.";
  - (Колобок шёл-шёл, и в. он пришёл к волку): on went Johnny-cake, and by-and-by he came to a wolf;
  - (в. некоторые из них, т.е. изречения): Some of his wisdom comes in simple, effective reflection. Other insights rely on his well-known colorful, and most often humorous, turn of phrase. Some time back, members of his family and staff began jotting them down. The following are but a few of them.;
  - (в. такой он): Just like the old boy. He'd always see the men right first. They didn't come like that any more.;
  - (в. типичный фильм): the typical screamer goes like this: the hero's wife and her boyfriend determine to do away with the hero so they can run away together and get married;
  - (Ты меня звал? В. я.): Were you calling me? Here I am!
  вот вам - (и в.в. результат): she ran off with a wastrel and here's the result in front of us
  вот вам и / вот тебе и (т.е. разочарование) - All in all, our Burger King experience took nearly an hour. So much for "fast food.";
  - (в.т. и аэрозоль, т.е. о лекарстве, которое не помогло): "She is getting worse." "So much for that spray."
  - (в.т. и новый режим, т.е. в тюрьме): So much for the new regime. Things have changed alright; we've got dead bodies on the wing.
  - So much for those pledges of "open government." So much for those promises of "change."
  вот видишь - well, there you have it
  вот ещё! - (т.е. возражение): "Where do we get bed and breakfast?" "Now then!" said the Ork. "None of that!";
  - ("Ты совсем спятил." "Спятил? В.е.! Просто немного возбуждённый.", т.е. возражение): "You're going daffy." "Daffy, nothing! Just a little overexcited, that's all.";
  - (т.е. упрёк / неодобрение / презрение): tut-tut
  вот и - (в. и старайся, чтобы ты отдохнул, т.е. он не отдыхает): "So much for me trying to make sure you got some rest," I chided him
  вот и весь - (в. и в. разговор): we exchanged a few more comments on the weather, and that was pretty much it for conversation
  вот и всё - (не буду это делать, в. и в.): I'm not going to do that and that's that;
  - ("Ничего я не спятил. Просто немного возбуждённый, в. и в.): "You're going daffy." "Daffy, nothing! Just a little overexcited, that's all.";
  - (они умирают, в. и. в.): From drinking such water most of our children die, and that's neither a curse nor a blessing. They die and that's it.;
  - (это безумие, в. и в.): Damned business, the whole thing! Crazy, nothing less.;
  - When asked why he did it, he said, "'Cause I want to. That's the blood, guts, and feathers of it infml.";
  - He ended the report with, "That's the long and the short of it."
  вот и не надо - "I'm not following you." "You'd better not then"
  вот и хорошо - good thing too
  вот именно - that's my point / that was my point;
  - this is the case;
  - people convey their assent to a statement that had just been made to them in talk by the words "quite so";
  - ("Вы считаете, что...?" "В.и."): "So you believe that we must spend more money on education?" "Exactly.";
  - (т.е. подтверждение сказанного кем-л): "How are we supposed to teach with those horrors floating around?" "Hear, hear!" squeaked F.;
  - (т.е. подтверждение с небольшой долей иронии, чтобы прекратить спор): "..." "Just so."
  вот как - (вот как!): "Well, really," said Miss Marple, to whom these details were imparted by the L. in the fishmonger shop, "It does seem too good to be true.";
  - (в.к. мне это видится / я это понимаю): the way I see it is this;
  - (в.к. это получилось): that was how it came about
  вот почему - (мы ищем закономерности, в.п. аномалии так вредны): Errors and anomalies are the bane of behavioral scientists and cognitive psychologists. We look for patterns in data to support our theories which is why anomalies are so damaging.
  вот так - there it is;
  - (в.т. и ничего страшного): so that's that, and no harm done;
  - (в.т. новости!, т.е. удивление): that is a bundle of news and no mistake;
  - (тАк что, в.т.?): "So that's it, is it?" said P. beadily;
  - (шарик был надут в.т.): the balloon was blown up as big
  - (в.т. я здесь оказался): that's how I happened to be there
  вот так просто? - Somebody told her to jump (from the bridge) and she did - just like that?
  вот такие пироги / вот такие пирожки - how the cookie crumbles / that's how the cookie crumbles / that's the way the cookie crumbles AmE infml jocous;
  - As long as Syria can trade with Iraq, it can trade with Iran and, of course, it can trade with Lebanon. The Shia of Iran and the Shia majority in Iraq and the Shia leadership in Syria and the in Lebanon will be on Assad's side, however reluctantly. That, I'm afraid, is the way the cookie crumbles.
  вот такой - (в.т. он человек): That's the kind of guy he is. Once he is engaged in something, he's a pretty passionate guy;
  - (в. такими мы должны быть / в.т. я и есть): this is the way we ignorant coppers should be, he was telling me, so this is the way I am
  вот уж нет - it most certainly isn't
  вот что - (в.ч. я бы хотел подчеркнуть): here's a point I'd like to emphasize
  вот это...! - (в.э. новости!, т.е. удивление): that is a bundle of news and no mistake
  вот это да! - (т.е. возглас удивления): my, oh, my;
  - blimey infml
  вот-вот - (т.е. очень скоро): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. подтверждение): смотри ниже
  вот-вот (т.е. очень скоро) - (движение Солидарность в. должно было появиться): the Solidarity movement was about to thunder onto the scene;
  - (казалось, его карьере в. придёт конец): his career seemed all but finished;
  - (казалось, он в. расплачется): he looked as though he was on the verge of tears;
  - (компания должна была в. пережить кризис): the company was about to experience a mid-life crisis;
  - (в.в. начнётся): the task is about to start;
  - (несколько раз казалось, что он в. продаст квартиру): a few times he seemed to be on the verge of a sale, but each time the potential buyer pulled back from making an offer;
  - (озеро должно было в. раскрыть свои тайны): the lake was about to reveal its secrets;
  - (он чувствовал, что его лёгкие в. разорвутся): his lungs felt nigh to bursting;
  - (она в. отречётся от благ мирских): she has recently undergone a religious conversion at the hand of a Lutheran pastor, and is on the brink ofrenouncing her worldly goods in favour of a mysterious not-for profit foundation under his pastoral control;
  - (памятники могли в. рухнуть / обвалиться): He inherited an estate in a run-down condition. The lakes were silted up, Ray Wood had been clear-felled, and some of the monuments in the grounds were in danger of collapse;
  - (скандал должен был в. разразиться): now that Watergate was about to explode;
  вот-вот (т.е. подтверждение) - (т.е. подтверждение своего высказывания): "You see, but you do not observe. For example, you have frequently seen the steps which lead up from the hall to this room. Then how many are there?" " I don't know." "Quite so! You have not observed. And yet you have seen. That is just my point. Now, I know that there are seventeen steps, because I have both seen and observed.";
  - (т.е. подтверждение сказанного кем-л): "Shit," he said. F. said, "Ditto.";
  - (т.е. подтверждение сказанного кем-л): "How are we supposed to teach with those horrors floating around?" "Hear, hear!" squeaked F.;
  - (т.е. с небольшой долей иронии, чтобы прекратить спор): "..." "Just so.";
  - people convey their assent to a statement that had just been made to them in talk by "quite so"
  вотум недоверия - (премьер-министру грозит в.н.): the prime minister is facing a non-confident vote today;
  - (вынести в.н.): to vote non-confidence;
  - (вынести в.н. генеральному прокурору): Democrats propose no-confidence vote on attorney general;
  - (предложение о в-е н. будет принято): the censure motion will pass
  вотчина образно - (медицина больше не является в-ой мужчин образно): medicine is no longer a male preserve;
  - many of these parties are little more than personal fiefdoms;
  - the intelligence fiefs are fewer but potentially more intractable
  воцариться / воцаряться - (о реакции и упадке): reaction and decline set in;
  - (тишина воцарилась в Белом Доме): a peculiar quiet settled over the White House;
  - (уныние воцарилось в стране): in Great Britain discouragement set in
  воюющий - (группировки): after defeating the Soviets the mujahidin's collapsed into fighting factions;
  - (в-ие личности в одном человеке): several warring personalities struggled for preeminence in the same individual;
  - (сторона): Jordan was not a declared belligerent in 1973 when Egypt and Syria simultaneously attacked Israel;
  - (сторона): the neutrality legislation prohibited the shipment of arms to belligerents
  впадать / впасть - (в. в безумие и зло): They fell into evil and follies, many became enamoured of the darkness and the Black arts, some are given wholly to idleness and ease;
  - (в. в бессознательное состояние / в беспамятство): he lapsed into unconsciousness and died;
  - (в. в бессознательное состояние / в беспамятство): he passed into unconsciousness;
  - (в. в бешенство/ в неистовство): the god touched her with a piece of magic bark, and she fell into frenzy;
  - (в. в депрессию): in early 1948 he fell into debilitating depression;
  - (в. в заблуждение): it is easy to be deluded on a dark train;
  - (в. в забытье): he closed his eyes and passed into unconsciousness;
  - (в. в зимнюю спячку, о ежах): domesticated species (of hedgehogs) prefer a warm climate and so not naturally hibernate;
  - (в. в кому): he sustained a severe brain injury in a car accident and fell into a coma;
  - (в. в кому): the survivor of the crash lapsed into a coma;
  - (впадая в крайности): establishments sometimes went too far and lost control of their own servants through sheer excess;
  - (в. в маразм, он ещё не впал в маразм): if he had left his youth behind, he wasn't yet in his dotage;
  - (в. в немилость): his fall from grace at the Ministry;
  - (в. в немилость): Malenkov had fallen in disgrace;
  - (в. в немилость у Бога): the being who became Shaytan had previously occupied a high station but fell from divine grace;
  - (в. в нищету): his family sank into penury;
  - (в. в обморок): P. lapsed into a faint that became a deep, sound sleep;
  - (в. в оцепенение от вибрации самолёта): the troops were lulled into stuporous lassitude by the unchanging vibration of the aircraft;
  - (в. в панику): when evil befalls him, he panics;
  - (в. в раздумье): he lapsed into a brooding silence;
  - (в. в порочный круг): we seem to be arguing in a circle;
  - (в. в продолжительное молчание): the little boy appeared to be almost normal, though he sometimes drifted off into prolonged periods of silence;
  - (в. в сон): he falls into a solid slumber, sleeping numbly for days;
  - (в. в транс): the séance, or sitting, is led by a person known as a medium who will usually go into a trance that theoretically allows the spirits to communicate through him or he;
  - (в. в состояние, т.е. о насекомом, которое притворяется мёртвым): Frequently the sand-flee will make a few hops in the sand and then curl up and lie perfectly quiet. In assuming this condition the body is not only strongly flexed but the legs are drawn up and the antennae are bent under the thorax, the whole animal assuming as compact a form as possible.;
  - (вены, отводящие кровь от головы и верхней части торса, впадают в полую верхнюю вену): veins from the head and upper torso drain into the superior vena cava;
  - (дорога впадает в скоростную автомагистраль): the cloverleaf where the road climbed to join the motorway;
  - (лимфатические капилляры впадают в лимфатические сосуды): lymph is drained from the tissues by lymph capillaries, which empty into larger lymph vessels (lymhatics);
  - (Дунай впадает в Чёрное море, а Рейн - в Северное море): the Danube flows into the Black Sea while the Rhine pours into the North Sea
  впервые - (в. в жизни, я в. в жизни сделала заказ на обслуживание в номере, т.е. в гостинице): it was there that I placed my first-ever room-service order;
  - (в этих комплексах в. сочетались e-mail и телеконференции): these solutions were the first to combine e-mail, conferencing;
  - (в этом законе в. указано...): this statute is the first law ever to specify, in black letter, the use of a named actuarial prediction instrument and an exact cut-off score on this instrument;
  - ("Когда это ты был без сил?" "Значит это в."): "You were asleep." "Too much big surf. I"m quashed." "You? When have you ever been quashed?" "Had to be a first time.";
  - (в. когда-л подписанное Западноевропейским союзом совместное коммюнике ): the first-ever joint communique signed by the WEU;
  - (мы в. поняли, что...): the first time we became aware that he was heading for stardom was when...;
  - (она в. жила в семье, где...): for the first time, she lived in a household where the father and mother gave their children the love, attention and guidance she had never received;
  - (они в. на боевых учениях): it's their first time in a live-fire exercise;
  - (опера в. исполнялась на фестивале): that was the first time that any of Purcell's full-length stage works has been performed at the Salzburg Festival;
  - (в. появиться в. в 1718 г., о законе статистики): the normal law made its first apparition in 1718;
  - (в. появиться перед судом): mister Milosevic has made his first appearance before the tribunal;
  - (тот, кто в. покупает дом): the process and details of buying real estate can be intimidating and overwhelming to the first-time buyer;
  - (в. увидеть что-л): I first saw government at a high level over a decade ago;
  - (я люблю рассказывать это так, как я в. услышал): I'd like to tell it as I originally heard it, gape-mouthed with terror;
  - (я в. наткнулась на препятствие): it was the first time I had hit an obstacle I couldn't overcome
  впереди - (т.е. в опросах общественного мнения): during the run-up to the election the polls showed the Democrats in the lead;
  - (т.е. в. группы людей): He saw a group of people making their way across the park. The figure in front was unmistakably his cousin.;
  - (идти в.): The three blind beggars walked in file. The first man, who could presumably see better than the others, walked in front.;
  - (идти в.): he lead the way close under the cliff;
  - (идти за несколько шагов в.): two Hungarian security agents walked several steps ahead;
  - (кортеж автомобилей, в. и позади которого ехали полицейские автомобили): the speeding motorcade, preceded and followed by police cars, could not stop;
  - (в. на дороге было полно овец): the road ahead was full of sheep;
  - (настоящая работа ещё в.): the real work is yet to come;
  - (Он в. Я не поспеваю за ним.): He is now ahead. I can't match his stride and have to run every few yards to catch up.;
  - (оставаться на шаг в.): "Did you find him?" "I searched high and low, and met many who had spoke to him, but he always stayed one step ahead.";
  - (с волынщиком в.): the soldiers were emerging to the mist, led by a piper;
  - (с кем-л в.): he saw a gaggle of the team supporters sprinting onto the field, R. in the lead;
  - (самое трудное в.): the hard part is still to come / the biggest challenge is yet to come;
  - (в. своих соперников): he was racing on ahead of his rivals;
  - (у нас в. целый день): there's no hurry, we have all the day before us;
  - (худшее было ещё в.): the worst was yet to come;
  - (худшее в.): be of stout heart, the worst is yet to come;
  - he emerged from behind the tree ahead of them;
  - He used to lust after her from afar, or at least from the front of the stage. She was always upfront, in the mosh - eyes closed, swaying to the music.;
  - the door ahead of them said CHANCERY GUARD PRIVATE
  вперемешку - (вещи были навалены в.): the things were piled pell-mell in the room;
  - (сидеть в.): so we're all sitting hugger-mugger BrE infml at the big table in the corner-students, pretty girls, all sorts;
  - (...чьи склады составляли большую часть центрального района в. с другими мастеровыми): Furriers and tanners worked together, their workshops well downwind of the clothiers and tailors whose warehouses formed most of the central district, interwoven with all the other trades of a major town
  вперёд - (внести половину платежа в. и половину по выполнении): the contract called for half the payment up front and half when done;
  - (вывести в. т.е. команду в футболе): R.S. put us into the lead after a personal action but when everyone thought the match would end with another win for us, we suffered the equalizer deep into stoppage time;
  - (выехать в., т.е. король в на коне на битву): when dawn comes, I will bid men sound Helm's horn and will ride forth;
  - (выйти в., т.е. из группы людей): an imposing blond creature came forward;
  - (выйти в., т.е. о спортивной команде): phenomenal play from the Kiwis quickly saw them take the lead with the first half ending 8;
  - (выйти в., т.е. о спортивной команде): early in the second half of play the visitors were awarded a penalty and took the lead;
  - (женщины в.): ladies first;
  - (за много недель в.): for weeks in advance boys were saving every penny in anticipation of the event;
  - (забегAть в. образно): I was getting ahead of myself when I started asking questions about the job that I did not have;
  - (заплатить в.): I wonder if I might just speak to someone about renting a space. I've bought a flat up the road. I'll pay in advance. I can give references, pay a deposit, anything within reason. As long as it's above-board.;
  - (запросить оплату в.): Legitimate literary agents do not charge writers for the opportunity to represent them. If an agent asks for a reading fee up front or a fee to edit your work, you should seek representation elsewhere.
  - (качаться взад и в.): everyone rocked back and forth as if in trance;
  - (мчаться в. и в.): the lion rushes on and on, threading his way with perfect skill between tree trunks;
  - (на год в.): NGOs are compelled to submit work plans for the year ahead;
  - (на 5 шагов в.): he gigged his horse forward five steps;
  - (наклонённые в. буквы): Some elements of handwriting analysis seem fairly obvious. Large, forward leaning letters indicate a confident, sociable writer.;
  - (наклониться в.): he leaned forward;
  - (наклониться в.): a girl canted forward, her legs apart;
  - (пойти в.): he went ahead [of the others] to see if the road was clear;
  - (планировать в. / на месяцы в.): to plan ahead / for the months ahead;
  - (платить за квартиру за две недели в.): we had to pay the rent 2 weeks in advance;
  - (получить деньги в.): he wants all the money up front or he won't do the job;
  - (послать письмо в., т.е. предупредить о приезде): the letter he had sent on ahead by carrier pigeon;
  - (поставить часы на 5 минут в.): I set my watch 5 minutes ahead;
  - (смотреть в.): he was staring unblinkingly ahead of him, trying to discern shapes through the gloom;
  - (снова выйти в. в гонке): he retakes the lead in the race;
  - (стоимость перевозки должна быть оплачена в. за все грузы, предназначенные для торговых и передвижных выставок, ярмарок и показов): freight charges must be prepaid on all shipments consigned to trade or traveling shows, fairs or exhibits;
  - (толкнуть в.): he was shoven roughly forward;
  - (упасть лицом в.): he fell face forward;
  - (ходить взад и в.): he walked backward and forward;
  - (шаг в.): the visit to Peking had marked a great step forward
  впечататься - (в. в мозг): the Agreement risks were etched painfully in the minds of all negotiators on our side
  впечатление - (ненормальности): the girl gave off an aura of distinct dottiness;
  - (т.е. о гостинице, в. странное, но не без приятности): "A strange experience, but not unpleasant.";
  - (произвести в. на кого-л): смотри ниже;
  - (создавать в. нереальности сцены): the marked contrast between the lofty drape of the dais over the bed and a humble caned chair gives the scene an appearance of unreality that is intentional - the "Annunciation" is treated as a vision;
  - (создать в.): stereo sound could help create the impression of a live meeting when interaction is over the Web or on video;
  - (создать ложное в.): the term "pool" can create the erroneous impression that oil fields are immense caverns filled with oil, instead of rock filled with small oil-filled pores;
  - (создать в. нереальности сцены): the marked contrast between the lofty drape of the dais over the bed and a humble caned chair gives the scene an appearance of unreality that is intentional - the "Annunciation" is treated as a vision;
  - (создавать отрицательное в.): at least to some people, the phrase "thank you in advance" in English gives a negative impression;
  - (создать в. у слушателей, что вы были сражены блеском его аргументов): I was particularly offended by the way he cut you off just before his tirade - as if to give the listening audience the impression you had been struck silent by the brilliance of his argument and the morality of his tone.;
  - (такое в., что мы толчём воду в ступе и ни к чему не приходим): it feels rather as if we are treading water and not getting anywhere;
  - (у меня такое в., что...): I was under the impression that I am teaching this lesson, not you
  впечатление (произвести в. / производить в.) - (производить в. белой и пушистой): character-wise, Enron whistle-blower Sherron Watkins did not come across in her testimony as being as lily-white as the news media are trying to make her;
  - (доводы произвели большое в.): my arguments left a deep impression;
  - (платье произвело в. на кого-л): her new dress produced quite an effect on everyone;
  - (производить в. на кого-л): I was trying to impress a guy I fancied;
  - (на неё произвело огромное в.): she is hugely impressed by his tongue piercing;
  - (остров производит в. зелёного ковра): the island gives the impression of a green carpet;
  - (переговоры произвели в.): the talks were impressive;
  - (произвести в. порядочного человека): all in all he came across as a decent guy;
  Review of Hotel P.;
  - (тирада произвела мало впечатления): this rant of mine had little effect;
  - (произвести хорошее в.): he wanted to make a good impression;
  - (т.е. шампанское всегда производит в.): Dom Perignon always impresses
  впечатлительный - (романтик): susceptible romantic
  впечатлить / впечатлять - (ничто так не впечатляет, как турбины): there is nothing quite as impressive as a turbine: the incredible power-weight ratio they have, the awesome high pitched whine as turbines spool up to hundreds of thousands of RPM and the supersonic exhaust and the implications it had in revolutionizing the way we fly today
  впечатляющий - (зрелище): the bird presents an imposing picture at close range;
  - (личность): an impressive man of quiet dignity and clear intelligence;
  - (человек): a big impressive man who still looked every inch the rugby star he once had been;
  - (эффект): From a purely sonic standpoint, phone audio is almost always a compromise. It's often a necessity, and can even be used to dramatic effect, adding a sense of distance and mystery, but in terms of pure sonics, recording from the phone always involves some loss of quality.
  вписать / вписывать - (имя в паспорт): he issued several thousand Argentinean passports "in blank" so that the refugee merely had to fill in a false name and his own photograph and get it stamped by the Argentina consul;
  - (личные данные в паспорт): he will take a blank passport and fill in the personal details;
  - (свою работу в работу остального коллектива): the candidate will have the ability to integrate his or her work with the rest of the team
  вписаться / вписываться - (в общество агентов ЦРУ, спецназовцев и наёмных охранников): with his convincing patter and combat garb, J. blended easily into the circle of spooks, bearded US special forces and burly private security contractors, who form part of the cast of America's war on terror;
  - (компьютерная система вписывается в структуру министерства финансов): his job with IBM had involved creating foolproof systems that could also be integrated with the Saudi treasury set-up;
  - (т.е. сотрудник впишется в коллектив): the embassy doubted that I would fit in;
  - (теории не вписываются в действительность): the theories don't fit in with reality;
  - (террористы двадцать первого века не вписываются в традиционную систему юстиции): the captured terrorists of the 21st century do not fit easily into traditional systems of criminal or military justice;
  - (философия обозревателя вписывается в мышление американских консерваторов): his philosophy fits within the tradition of American conservative thought;
  - Does this young fellow look familiar? He ought to. The sad truth is there are boys like him all across our nation. They are just those who can't seem to fit in.
  впитать / впитывать - (влагу / тепло): to imbibe moisture / heat;
  - (в. знания с пелёнок): he imbibed knowledge at his mother's knee;
  - (он впитал подвиги с молоком матери): he has drunk in such deeds with mother's milk;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  впитаться / впитываться - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вплести / вплетать - (в. современное видение в историческую ткань, т.е. о надстройках в исторических зданиях): the idea - held by most serious architects today - was that the best way to respect the past is not to mimic it, but to weave a contemporary vision into the historic fabric with sensitivity;
  - (стремление к повышению социального статуса вплетено в ткань американской жизни): this ambition to upward social mobility is woven into the fabric of US life;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вплотную - (подойти в. к лечению болезни): the company is looking closely at treating Parkinson's disease;
  - (следовать за кем-л): the motorcyclists came first, with the President's car following close behind
  вплоть до - (грузинские гаишники больше похожи на американских, чем на московских, в.д. нашивки "полиция" на английском языке): The remake (of the traffic police) is complete. The new officers appear more Mayberry then Moscow, down to embroidery in English that reads "Police".;
  - (в.д. мельчайших деталей): you can plan your trip down to the smallest details;
  - (кабинет судьи выглядит, как столовая в мужском клубе, в.д. хрустальной люстры): this is an elegant chambers that looks like the dining room in a man's club, right down to crystal chandelier
  вполне - (в. вероятно / в. возможно): смотри ниже;
  - (в. доволен собой): he was perfectly happy with himself;
  - (в. достоин порицания): a judge who presides at a criminal trial may, upon conclusion of the evidence, be exceedingly ill-disposed toward a defendant who has been shown to be a thoroughly reprehensible human being;
  - (компетентный): he was a fully-qualified wizard;
  - a deadly struggle for my soul would have broken the monotony nicely;
  - (местные медики в. справляются с этим лечением): the local medical men are quite up to that sort of treatment;
  - (в. может быть): "I've been to the North Wind's house, and a good fellow he is, for he gave me this cloth and when I only say to it, "Cloth, spread yourself, and serve up all kinds of good dishes," I get every sort of food I please." "All very true, I dare say," said the mother, "but seeing is believing.";
  - (в. ограниченный оператор мат ): completely bound operator;
  - (в. по Дарвину): tough luck for the weak, it's downright Darwinian;
  - (по квалификации и математической зрелости Л. в. удовлетворяет требованиям к докторской степени): his ability and mathematical maturity amply meet the standards for a Habilitation degree;
  - (в. сойдёт): if you already own a house, a modest face-lift may do nicely;
  - (в. справляться с работой министра): he'd actually handled his ministerial job quite well, the international community judged;
  - (в. удовлетворять требованиям к докторской степени): there is no question in my mind that L.'s ability and mathematical maturity, as documented by the papers which he had submitted amply meet the standards for a Habilitation degree;
  - (в. устраивать кого-л): She wanted to come to his place tonight. That suited him just fine
  вполне вероятно / вполне возможно - (в.в.[, что] их могли заснять): there had been reporters outside the building when they had come out, and chances were that he had been caught on camera getting into the police car with her;
  - (в.в., что он лучший вратарь лиги): he is arguably the best goalkeeper in the league;
  - (в.в., что он является...): he is arguably the other most prominent Republican seeking to inherit President Bush's mantle as leader of the conservative wing of the party;
  - "Do you think there'll be an election next year?" "I think it's on the cards infml fig";
  - there are some big changes in the cards for next year
  вполовину меньше - the Democrats' health care plan costs half as much as the two major tax-cut pushed by the G.W. Bush administration;
  - (число случаев неисполнения алиментных обязательств в армии в.м., чем по стране): the military default rate in cases involving support orders is one-half that of the nationwide default rate in similar case
  впопыхах - (записать / писать): he scribbled some notes on the back of an envelope;
  - (написанная в с. записка): a hastily scribbled note;
  - (не делай ничего в.): be careful and don't do anything rush;
  - (снимать фильм в.): the film was shot in a hurry
  впору - (если я успешно проведу эту встречу, т.е. солгу, то мне будет впору дебютировать на Бродвее): if I get this scene successfully, I'll be ready to make my Broadway debut soon
  впоследствии - (вы пожалеете об этом в.): if you got a tattoo of a big portrait of a celebrity, you will be regretting that down the road AmE infml;
  - you are under no obligation to continue thereafter fml ;
  - Beijing was subsequently fml infuriated when Clinton's admimistration allowed...;
  - the measurment repeated after 5 minutes and thereafter fml at intervals until...;
  - Moshe Dayan wrote afterwards that...
  вправду - (издатели хвалят произведение только тогда, когда в. так считают): if, in the course of rejection, the publisher should be complimentary about your work, you can take the remarks at face value - publishers do not encourage rejected authors unless they mean it;
  - ( "Прекрасная мысль." Она и в. прекрасная.): "A splendid idea." And in truth it was.;
  - (некоторые и в. потеряли свои документы, другие имели веские причины их выбросить): some had genuinely lost their identification papers, others had thrown them away for good reason;
  - (он и в. бегал и прыгал): and, in very truth, run and leap he did;
  - (я и в. не имею представления): I'm afraid I've really no idea at all;
  - "I think it isn't worth it." "You are right. It jolly well infml isn't."
  вправе - (истцы в. были ожидать признания соавторства и получения доли прибыли, которая могла бы быть получена при осуществлении идей их концепции): The Plaintiffs presented their ideas for the show concept to the Defendants in confidence, pursuant to the custom and practice of the entertainment industry, for the express purpose of offering to partner with the Defendants in the production, broadcast and distribution of the Concept. Accordingly, the Plaintiffs justifiably expected to receive a share of any profits and credit that might be derived from the exploitation of the ideas for the concept.;
  - (правительство теперь в. заставить неправительственные организации представить план работы на год вперёд): the Government has also introduced new powers that compel NGOs to submit work plans for the year ahead;
  - (чувствовать себя в. так поступать): I felt at liberty to do so
  вправить / вправлять - (мозги разг образно кому-л): There are times when (divorced) parents really need to be straightened out. The rabbi reminds parents that their child has ties to each of them.
  вправо - (лицо, обращённое в.): head of the Virgin in three-quarter view facing right;
  - (ответвление дороги в.): he followed the branch-off to the right from autobahn E4 to E8;
  - (сдвинуться в.): the back of the bookcase slid to the right a bit;
  - (съехать в. с проспекта на дорогу): the driver pulled to the right off the main boulevard on the Rublevo Road
  впредь - Le Dyk Tho suggested that henceforth Cambodia and Laos be discussed by him and me alone since his Prime Minister was not familiar with all the nuances;
  - (нам следует и в. наращивать усилия по оказанию помощи): we need to further step up our relief efforts
  впритык - (планировать всё в. / планировать дела в.): The only suggestion I would have is to not cut things too close timewise in Los Angeles. If you haven't experienced LA traffic, you cannot imagine what it is like. Nothing can be more unnerving than being stuck in traffic, and knowing your plane is leaving in a few hours, with or without you. My recommendation is to enjoy your extra day in Los Angeles, and then plan to spend your last night in a hotel near the airport.;
  - (стоять в.): there were more backyards, some butted up close to their neighbours, some separated by a narrow run giving access to the high road
  впроголодь - (жить в.): I am tired of living from hand to mouth;
  - (жизнь в.): low wages mean a hand-to-mouth existence for many people
  впросак - (попасть в.): to get oneself into a mess;
  - (попасть в.): recognizing that he lacks the requisite experience to make a meaningful contribution, he says little for fear of being off the mark
  впрочем - (в. и сейчас): hospital officials conceded at the time of the SARS outbreak - and still do - that their housekeeping staffs have been stretched thin because of cutbacks in federal and provincial funds in recent years;
  - (...в., она к этому привыкла): Her head hurt. She was used to that, though.
  впускать / впустить - (автобус остановился, чтобы его в-ить): as the bus stopped to admit him, he felt something slam against the back of his legs;
  - (в здание впускали с камерой): the camera was allowed into the building;
  - (в. воду через шлюз): the tankers were built in enormous dry docks, so that when ready for launching the sea was let in through dock sluices and the ship simply floated off her blocks and rode water inside the dock;
  - (диспетчер, впускающий суда в устье реки): at another console, one of the day-shift men was taking care of the rest of the estuary traffic, bringing ships in and out;
  - (в. змею в свою жизнь): I admitted a viper to my life;
  - (в. кого-л в свой внутренний мир): the difficulty I've had in letting anyone into the deepest recesses of my internal life; шлюз
  - (меня отказались в.): I was refused admittance;
  - (ничего не в.снаружи): the area is enclosed by a sound barrier that keeps everything outside out and everything inside in;
  - (окна, сделанные, чтобы в. свет): a row of windows in the upper part of a wall built to admit light
  впускной - (труба): a septic tank generally consists of a tank of between connected to an inlet wastewater pipe at one end and a septic drain field at the other
  впустую - (волновать людей в.): there is a difference between alerting the public to a specific threat and alarming people unnecessarily by passing on information indiscriminately;
  - (пропасть в., об усилиях): if the information is inept all the efforts of the information gatherers are wasted;
  - (пропасть в., хорошая работа полисменов - в суде): she had many friends on the force - the sort of loyal lieges a good PA develops by appreciating skilled police work and making sure it is not squandered in court;
  - (пропасть в., о подготовке): all my preparation was / went for nothing because the exam was cancelled;
  - (пытаться в.): I tried but to no avail;
  - (пытаться в. ): he has tried it to no purpose;
  - (пытаться в.): he had tried everything, and to no effect;
  впутать / впутывать - (в. в интриги): don't involve other people in your mad schemes
  впутаться / впутываться - (в. в войну с бурами): the British Empire was getting embroiled in a tiresome rebellion in South Africa: the Boer War;
  - (в. в судебный процесс): the company is now embroiled in a federal lawsuit with its own partner over whether the company has the right to other uses of the technology
  впятеро - (загони в угол самую паршивую крысу, и она сразится с собакой в. больше её самой): corner the mangiest rat and it'll take on a dog five times its size;
  - (увеличить зарплату в.): the president has quintupled his own salary
  враг - (т.е. в драке): he provoked a fight in the course of which he fatally wounded his foe;
  - (грозный, т.е. о вооружённом вертолёте): armed with TOW missiles, helicopter gunship had proven to the tanks of the North Vietnamese just how fearsome a foe a missile-armed chopper could be;
  - (заклятый в. техники): The writer is a strong partisan of Human Intelligence and he also disparages the other more technical means of collection and analysis. He is to intelligence as the 19th-century Luddites were to the industrial revolution - a rabid foe of technology;
  - (заклятый, НАТО, заклятый в. России): NATO, Russia's sworn foe;
  - (корпорация, заклятый в. профсоюзов, приняла союз): the corporation, long a foe of unions, finally accepted the union;
  - (народа): public enemy;
  - (о стране): how should we treat China, as a friend or a foe?;
  - (о стране): he views China as an inevitable military foe of the United States
  вражда - there are three ethnical communities (in Bosnia) that are locked up in enmity;
  - (подчинить личную в-у интересам государства): they had not been prepared to subordinate their personal feud to the necessities of their nation;
  - (оставить в-у): the people are ready to leave the animosity behind them;
  - (партийная): I wanted to balance the budget, but without partisan rancor;
  - (сеять в-у): his gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great;
  - (у него была в. с братом): One feud was that with his brother Roddy, with whom he fell out in the 1970s after he spilt the beans in the press about Roddy's relationship with Princess Margaret.;
  - (т.е. феодальная): the king settled the feud with gold
  враждебно - (город Ноттингем всегда в. относился к Робин Гуду): Nottingham was ever a town inimical to Robin Hood; probably because it was nearest to his haunts in Sherwood Forest
  враждебность - (забыть в.): the people are ready to leave the animosity behind them;
  - (в. к стране): North Vietnam with its historic enmity of China;
  - (в. между лидерами): there is open hostility between the two leaders;
  - (в. судьи к адвокату): while a party's concern about a judge's apparent hostility toward her attorney is not to be lightly dismissed, it has generally been held that a judge's ill will toward an attorney is not necessarily indicative of any extrajudicial bias for or against a party, that would result in an unfair trial;
  - rarely can there have been a more striking animosity fatally overriding rational calculation;
  - this animus led to the rise of armed militia groups that rejected the legitimacy of federal authority and asserted the right to be a law unto themselves
  враждебный - (акт / действие): the refusal of the Federal German government to hand the two criminals and murderers over to the Soviet authorities could only be construed as a hostile act;
  - (горы были враждебны к людям): mountains were inimical to men;
  - (действия): any hostilities directed at Russia will compel America to honor her treaty commitment;
  - (замыслы, в-ые для благополучия страны): to thwart designs inimical to the well-being of our country;
  - (население): to raise the economic and educational levels of the largely illiterate, sullen and hostile indigenous population;
  - (в-ая обстановка в бизнесе): punitive tax rate make for a hostile business environment;
  - (приветствие было не просто холодным, оно было откровенно в-ым): his greeting was not merely frosty, it was downright hostile;
  - (стать враждебным к человеку): our client does not like the inferences that could be drawn from the incident - namely, that powerful, free-ranging creatures of that order of intelligence could become hostile to man;
  - (человек): used to getting what he wanted, N. became deeply vengeful and antagonistic over his defeat
  враждовать - (в. с кем-л): he was not speaking with his sister, a person he had feuded with since kindergarten;
  - (спортсмен враждовал с руководящим органом, т.е. в своём виде спорта): he is one of the sport's most controversial figures, feuding openly with its governing body;
  вразнос - (пойти в. разг): we would not be having global financial crises if central banks had not allowed money supply and credit to go bonkers while they abandoned their duty to oversee financial institutions;
  - (пойти в., т.е. потерять самообладание и буйствовать): a worker went berserk and killed his boss;
  - (торговать в. домашним вареньем и полевыми цветами): I trade door to door, home-made jams and wild flowers;
  - (торговать в. печатными материалами): he peddled printing materials around the country;
  - (торговать в. закусками, т.е. на стадионе / лучше торговать в. мороженым или арахисом, чем бутылками воды): Hawkers move throughout the stadium peddling snacks. It's better to hawk ice cream or peanuts than or bottled water;
  - (торговля в.): Selling door to door can be a difficult and intimidating way to conduct business. Still, in many instances it is the best way to bring certain products and services to people's attention.
  вразрез (идти в. с чем-л) - to run counter to something / to be against something / to go against something / to be contrary to something / to be in conflict with something / to conflict with something;
  - (взгляды, которые шли в. с обычными источниками информации): I read articles expressing views that sharply contrasted with my usual sources of information;
  - (госсекретарь сказал, что план идёт в. с американской политикой): the secretary of state called the plan "at odds with American policy";
  - (его рассказ шёл в. с данными судебной экспертизы): his story was at odds with the forensic evidence;
  - (решение идёт в. с запланированным процессом): the decision flies in the face of a long planning process;
  - (в. с законами арифметики): the Republicans called for both a huge tax cut and a balanced budget in 7 years, a combination that defied the laws of arithmetic and could be achieved only with deep reductions in education, environmental protection and health care programs;
  - (в. с условностями): this firebrand (Caravaggio) in breach of all accepted conventions painted the characters of his religious scenes and mythological subjects as if they had just stepped out of his surroundings;
  - (тенденция идёт в. с общепринятым мнением): Тhe amount of currency in circulation has been rising for the past several years. The upward trend is at odds with the generally accepted view that cash is on the way out.
  враждующий - (группировки): the break-up of OPEC as the Arab world split into feuding factions;
  - several warring personalities struggled for preeminence in the same individual
  вражеский - (позиции): the reconnaissance troopers were now within 20 miles of the expected enemy positions;
  - (пуля): the first American soldier felled by hostile fire
  врасплох (застать кого-л в.) - (атака будет самой удачной, если застать их в.): our final attack will be all the more effective, if they're wrong-footed;
  - (буря застала их в.): the storm caught him unawares;
  - (в суматохе кто-то застал беднягу в.): in the confusion someone caught the old boy off his guards;
  - (его нечасто можно было застать в.): it wasn't often that you could catch this guy unawares;
  - (её напористость застала комиссию в.): the men on the committee were taken aback by her assertiveness;
  - (застигнутые в. американцы): taken unaware, the Americans were shocked as the radio announced what happened;
  - (их застало в. изменение его намерений): they appeared taken aback at his abrupt change of mind;
  - (мэр был застигнут в., когда...): even the mayor, who had grown accustomed to the constant carping of her constituents, was taken aback when "feminists" attacked her for saying that Athens badly needed a facelift;
  - (не застать в., паводки не застали нас в.): Tamworth floods came as no surprise and we were prepared, says borough council;
  - (новость застала их в.): they were taken aback by this day's news;
  - (падение потребительских расходов застало в. экономистов): the drop in consumer spending is taking economists by surprise;
  - (полиция была застигнута в.): the police were taken by surprise;
  - (попытаться застать в. кого-л ): he tried to put her off guard;
  - (правительства были застигнуты в. тем, как...): European governments were taken aback by the way...;
  - (технократ застал министра в. вопросом): the technocrat caught the Defense Minister off guard with that question;
  - (признание застало её в.): Jacob tells Bella that he is in love with her and that he wants her to choose him over Edward. Bella is caught off guard by his confession;
  - Infamous Day: Marines at Pearl Harbor. They caught us flat-footed infml.
  врата - (небесные): yet he gave a command to the skies above and opened the doors of the heavens
  врать - to lie / to tell a lie / to tell lies;
  - (кандидаты самозабвенно врут, мошенничают, меняют свои позиции, чтобы победить на выборах): all candidates lie, or fudge, or flip-flop with abandon in order to win an election;
  - (напропалую): he used to exaggerate half the time and tell outright lies for the rest;
  - (напропалую): he was lying through his teeth;
  - (нет, вру, т.е. оговориться / ошибиться): "Where does he live?" "In Boston. No, that's wrong / Sorry / I mean Washington."
  - (в. о сумме денег, заработанных за год, т.е. для налогового управления): I got a letter from the IRS saying I had failed to report investment income from stocks I inherited when my mom died. I was pretty sure that wasn't the case, though. One of the sage pieces of advice my dad gave me was never to fudge on the amount of money you make in a year.;
  - (он врёт и глазом не моргнёт / врёт на голубом глазу): he lies like he breathes;
  - (в., что он пришел снимать показания счётчика газа): She peers through a security peephole. He gives her a spiel about infml reading the gas meter.
  врачевание уст - a woman skilled in leechcraft came to the afflicted girl
  вращаться - (жизнь матери семейства вращалась вокруг детей): my mother was a homemaker whose days revolved around me and my brothers;
  - (общение в семье вращается вокруг трапез, разговоров и рассказывания историй): social life in my extended family revolved around meals, conversation, and storytelling;
  - (в. в обществе): He rarely mingled in society. Women had him at a disadvantage.;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вращениe - (поверхность в-я): surface of revolution
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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