абразивный - (диск для болгарок): abrasive disc for angle grinders;
- (порошок а. на ощупь): this powder has an abrasive feel, similar to pumice powder;
- (частицы): the polishing material is a fluid containing grinding particles
аверс - (монеты, т.е. лицевая сторона): obverse
авоська, авторучка - смотри файл OBJECTS
ажурный - (блузка): sleeveless shirt, white eyelet lace;
- (каменная резьба): to the east the sacristy and chancel erupt in a forest of 14th century buttresses, pinnacles and flowing tracery, culminating in the famous Decorated east window
аляповато - (выглядеть, о картинке): the picture looked terminally tacky infml
аляповатый - (картины): the small parlor was plainly furnished, but it had a home-like look; there were no cheap, gaudy pictures
амбразура - (для лучников в средневековом замке): the archers' slits in a medieval castle
американские горки, ампула - смотри файл OBJECTS
анфас - (фотография а.): A mug shot is a photographic portrait taken after one is arrested. Most mug shots are two-part, with on side-view photo, and one front-view.;
- (фотографии а.): full-face photographs of him taken in the court;
- top-quality fabric and uncompromising details like embroidery, applique and beading
арена - (выйти на а-у, т.е. для боя быков): In a traditional bullfight, men on horses wound the bull. Then others come into the ring to tire the bull. Finally, when the famous hero steps into the ring, to tease it a bit and kill it, the bull is bleeding and damaged.;
- (т.е. цирковая): dangling in midair sixty feet above the saw-dust ring, the acrobat swung in space dizzy-headed, his first appearance before the circus public
арка - (каменная): each stone archway
requires a central, wedge-shaped stone at the top, which locks the pieces together and carries all the weight, the keystone;
- (под железнодорожным путепроводом): an archway beneath the railway viaduct;
- (полукруглая): the typical Roman arch is semicircular;
- (проезд на велосипеде под а-ой воспрещается): the riding of cycles through this archway is forbidden;
- (т.е. проход под аркой): a giant stone archway, Arc du Carrousel;
- (стрельчатая): pointed arch
аркан - смотри файл OBJECTS
арматура - (т.е. трубы): pipe-fitting;
- (т.е. для железобетона): the crew delivered the cement and rebar to create a commercial quality airport;
- (здания из бетона со стальной а-ой): the block of office buildings was built of concrete on a steel framework;
- (предварительно напряженная / стальная): prestressing tendons (generally of high tensile steel cable or rods) are used to provide a clamping load which produces a compressive stress that offsets the tensile stress that the concrete compression member would otherwise experience due to a bending load.;
- (предохранительная): pressure-relief valves
арматура / арматурный пруток / арматурная сталь - (для железобетона): the crew delivered the cement and rebar to create a commercial quality airport
арматурный - (а-е стержни закрепляют в бетоне): reinforcing beams are anchored to concrete;
- (профиль / пруток / сталь для железобетона): rebar
арочный - (вход в колледж): the arched entrance to the college;
- (ниша): the painting was set into an arched recess above the tomb
аэрозоль - (для освежения дыхания): breath spray;
- (от тлей): aphid spray;
- the aerosol spray worked with the same instantaneous effect
аэрозольный - (баллончики / инсектицидные а-ые баллончики / а-ые пропелленты): total release foggers, also known as "bug bombs", are pesticide products containing aerosol propellants that release their contents at once to fumigate an area
аэрофотоснимок - aerial photographs of cities and towns across Canada;
- an aerial photo of Auschwitz
баба - смотри файл OBJECTS
бабий узел - to tie a granny-knot
багор, бак - смотри файл OBJECTS
бакенбарды / баки / бачки - he scraped whiskers from his face;
- a fat man with muttonchop whiskers;
- (рыжие): a man with red sidewhiskers;
- sideburns
балка, баллон, баллончик - смотри файл OBJECTS
балясина - it is important to have tight balusters; you don't want the railing to break
бандаж - (грыжевой): truss: a bandage or apparatus used in cases of hernia, to keep up the reduced parts and hinder further protrusion;
- (турбины): turbine shroud
банка / баночка - смотри файлы POSUDA, PEJZAJ, TRANSPORT (water)
барабан - (т.е. бетономешалки): the desired consistency (of concrete) is one that rains or sheets off of the barrel as it turns over;
- (коксовый): coke drum;
- (ротора компрессора): compressor drum;
- (тормозного колеса самолёта): wheel hub
бархатистый / бархатный - (кожа): the Bioactive Line restores to the face a velvety skin without defects;
- (пиджак): a mossy velvet jacket;
- (тёмно-синее небо): the sky was changing rapidly from deep, velvety blue to cold, steely gray
барьер - (б. безопасности / разделительный б., т.е. автодороги): he spied the police car and legged it past the pumps and sliding down the embankments. He sprinted across three lanes of westbound motorway and barely broke stride as he hurtled the crash barrier
бассейн - (т.е. здание в котором находится б.): pool house;
- (плавательный ): he vigilantly maintained his toned physique with 50 laps a day in the university pool;
- (плавательный): the chlorine that is used to purify water in swimming pools;
- (т.е. фонтана): a group of statues stood in the middle of a circular pool
башка - his glossy bald pate infml, barrel chest and belly made him the equal of his two companions put together
бегунок - (регулировочный б. на ремне безопасности): you must thread the end back through the adjustment slide exactly as shown in FIG 3
безбородый - (мальчишка / юнец): unbearded youth
безводный - (кислота): glacial acetic acid is a trivial name for water-free / anhydrous fml acetic acid;
- (пустыня): unwatered wilderness
безволосый - (грызуны): As vulnerable as naked mole rats seem, researchers now find the hairless, bucktoothed rodents are invulnerable to the pain of acid and the sting of chili peppers
безгубый - (щель б-ого рта): a lipless slit of a mouth
безделушка - смотри файл OBJECTS
бездна - (Люди б-ы): The People of the Abyss by Jack London.;
- (огненная): The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor, and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.;
- (океанская): krill discovered living in the Atlantic abyss
бездонный - (глаза образно): her fathomless black eyes were boring into his;
- (желудокобразно): that boy eats so much that he must have a hollow leg infml;
- (ледниковое озеро): a bottomless glacier lake;
- (пространство вселенной): the fathomless space of the universe
беззубый - (человек): the wizened, toothless landlord
безлюдный - (комнаты): the rooms were utterly deserted;
- (корридор): he was walking down a deserted corridor;
- (местность): the landscape around the airport was flat and desolate
безногий - (люди): legless men on electric carts;
- (ящерицы): snakes arose from lizardsd and are thus considered to be a highly specialized group of limbless lizards
безоблачный - (небо): the sky had been a near cloudless blue all day;
- (небо): cloudless sky;
- (небо): unclouded skies;
- (небo): swallows wheel and scream in the seamless bright sky
белёный - (стена): lime-washed walls
белокурый - (головка): her fluffy blond head was protruding onto the pillow;
- (женщина): she was blonde
берлога - (зверя): I'm like a big, strong predatory animal in his den;
- (т.е. место проживания образно): she is employed by a Swiss who descends from his lair in Bern twice a year to check the accounts and pocket the takings.
беруши - смотри файл OBJECTS
бескрайний - (леса): interminable forests
бескровный - (лицо): his face was bloodless
беспроводный - (телефон ): cordless phone;
- (телефонная трубка для стационарной линии): a cordless handset for a conventional landline
бесформенный - (брезент, т.е. сложенной палатки): misshapen canvas;
- (в наступающей ночи земля расплывалась б-ым серым пятном): the land faded into a formless grey under coming night;
- (масса, т.е. папирус, растворённый в уксусе): the vinegar would quickly dissolve the papyrus and by the time anyone extracted the secret message it would be a glob of meaningless pulp;
- (масса / месиво , превратившаяся в б-ую массу / б-ое месиво мякоть ладони): he plucked from the pulped meat of his palm such pieces of glass as he could;
- (пятнышко): the TV camera with a ten-power lens slaved into the fire-control radar showed the inbound warhead just as a featureless white blob;
- (сургучная печать): a fat-bellied bottle studded with a blobby wax seal;
- (туман): the smoke serpents grew faint, became a formless haze and vanished;
- (холмы): featureless hills;
- (холст): Like lightning, he set upon the hapless punching bag. He gave it blows, punches and kicks that roared like thunder upon smashing into the bag. For a moment, small pieces of the ceiling fell, then, as cracking was heard, the entire punching bag fell, collapsing into a heap of misshapen canvas, scattered chains and pieces of cement and plaster.;
- (холщовая сумка): he took a large, misshapen canvas bag out of the trunk
бечёвка - (воздушного змея): the wrapping off, the string held taut, the kite rose to heaven
бигуди - смотри файл OBJECTS
бижутерия - fake jewellery
бинокль - смотри файл OBJECTS
бирка - (на багаже, проверенном службой безопасности, т.е. аэропорта): that tag will be applied to security screened baggage only;
- (предохраняющая товар от кражи в магазине): the security officer saw her cut off anti-theft tags from two purses and stuff them into her shopping bag;
- (производителя, т.е. с указанием ухода за тканью): whether you hand wash or machine wash all nylon prty dresses will depend on the manufacturer's tag.;
- (с именем, т.е. на официантке): The waitress is Chinese. Her nametag says Lucy.;
- (б-и с указанием ухода за тканью): We test fabrics for shrinkage, colourfastness and other textile performance requirements appropriate to the fibre content and to the type of garment. Workmanship and care labelling BrE are also examined, our preference being given to machine washable fabrics.
бисер - (вышивка б-ом): top-quality fabric and uncompromising details like embroidery, applique and beading;
- (метать б. перед свиньями): I'm afraid you're casting pearls before swine with your good advice - he won't listen;
- (т.е. ручная вышивка б-ом; лиф, обильно украшенный бисером и вышивкой по талии): this strapless sweetheart ball gown is crafted from luxurious satin with a gathered bodice lavished with a hand-beaded and embroidered midriff
бита - (т.е. бейсбольная): смотри файл OBJECTS
битком забитый / битком набитый - (зал Палаты представителей): I walked into the packed House chamber;
- (зал суда был б. набит зрителями, свидетелями и родственниками ответчиков): another case was in progress, and the back of the courtroom was packed solid with spectators, witnesses and relatives of defendants;
- (кафе): the coffee-shops are always crammed;
- (расписание): my schedule was jam-packed;
- (трибуны были набиты б.): the stands were packed to the bursting point;
- (у меня б. набито, т.е. в гостинице): If you're looking for a bed, I've none to offer. I'm full to bursting.
битый - (посуда): smashed crockery;
- (стекло): they sprinkled broken glass and nails on the roads;
- (стекло): to use a piece of broken glass to cut wrist-bonds;
- (яйца): The eggshells of the emu are too strong for the bird to crack with its bill alone. Instead the black-breasted buzzard flies up into the air with a stone in its claws which it drops on the emu's nest. The bird then descends to eat the smashed eggs.
бледность - (весеннему солнцу ещё только предстояло позолотить его зимнюю б.): he was fair-skinned by nature and the spring sun had yet to tint his winter pallor
бледный - (блондинка): she was a wan, pretty blond;
- (выступление теннисиста образно): Britain's number-one tennis player gave a disappointingly lacklustre BrE / lackluster AmE performance;
- (девушка): I saw the girl at the palace that day. She looked most beautiful. Perhaps a bit wan. Drawn, as it were.;
- (б-ая, как воск, кожа): waxy white skin;
- (лицо): a pale / white face;
- (лицо): beads of sweat were breaking out over his pasty face;
- (лицо становится б-ым от страха): when somebody is afraid, his face gets sallow;
- (мальчик): a pale boy;
- (мертвенно-б. от пьянства): often he was pallid and shaky-handed from too much wine;
- (мертвенно-б. ): he was pallid and shy;
- (мертвенно-б-ое лицо): the ugly flush suffused his pallid face;
- (она была бледна, как повязка, которой была забинтована её голова): she was as wan as the bandages swathing her head;
- (от страха): he looked pale and frightened;
- (свет фонарей): the tallow lamplight;
- (человек): he looked pale and peaky;
- (человек): he was plump and pale;
- (человек): he looked very white and strained;
- (экономические показатели): if we continue to see a lackluster AmE / lacklustre BrE European economic performance then policy makers may try to talk the euro down or even make interventions in the market
блеск - (бриллианта): the cut of a diamond determines its brilliance;
- (в глазах): a steely glint in his eyes;
- (в глазах): gleam in his eyes;
- (в глазах): I could tell he was angry by the glint in his eye;
- (волос): the conditioner gives the hair a beautiful soft sheen;
- (волос): brown hair with golden glint;
- (для губ, т.е. косметика): lip-gloss;
- (доспехи были начищены до зеркального б-a): his armor was a silver plate polished to a mirror sheen;
- (льняные ткани обладают сильным естественным б-ом): linen fabrics have a high natural luster AmE;
- (лишить б-а образ премьер-министра): the near-collapse suggested that the Prime Minister's three years in office, the very accomplishment he boasts the most, had dulled his luster AmE / lustre BrE;
- (медные кастрюли были начищены до розового б-а): copperpots and pans had been burnished to a rosy gleam;
- (образно): in Claudius' evil gleam you can see why Gertrude threw her husband for him;
- (довольный б. в глазах): he sensed an unexpected glimmer of contentment in her eyes;
- (отполировать до зеркального б-а): he looked as if his personal tailor and hairdresser had polished him to fine sheen;
- (сиять зеркальным б-ом): his shoes shined to a mirror gloss;
- (б. сотрётся также образно): the luster will wear off;
- (стали): the glint of steel;
- (угля): the dark glitter of coal;
- (шелковистой поверхности ткани): Poplin, also called tabinet, is a heavy, durable fabric consisting of a silk warp with a weft of worsted yarn. As the weft is in the form of a stout cord the fabric has a ridged structure, like rep, which gives depth and softness to the lustre of the silky surface.
блесна - смотри файл OBJECTS
блеснуть - (зубами): "..." he said, flashing his brilliant teeth;
- (о глазах): his eyes flashed;
- (о металле): Something glimmered. He saw a curve of metal, barely poking half an inch out of the snow;
- (свет блеснул сквозь шели ворот): a feeble light was seen glimmering through the chinks in the weatherbeaten gate
блеснуть / блестеть - (глаза злобно блестели): his pale eyes were glinting maliciously;
- (глаза блестели от возбуждения): his eyes were gleaming with a peculiar excitement;
- (кожаные пальто блестели в светe фонарей): the policemen's leather coats glistened in the lamplight;
- (лицо блестело от пота): the face was shining with perspiration;
- (металл, блестевший на солнце): shiny metal hardware gleaming in the sun;
- (о бриллианте): the diamond ring glittered on her finger;
- (о воде): the water frothed and glistened;
- (о глазах): the frost seemed to glint in their very eyes;
- (о глазах): his eyes glittered;
- (о паркете): the parquet floor gleamed;
- (о снеге): the snow glittered under the trees;
- (о шприце): the nurse bent toward him, the tip of the syringe glittering;
- (туфли блестели, как зеркало): his shoes shined to a mirror gloss
блестящий - (автомобиль): gleaming cars;
- (автомобиль): a sleek, black limousine;
- (велосипед): a shining red bicycle;
- (волосы): her hair was sleek and shiny;
- (волосы): she is Chinese with shiny black hair;
- (волосы): her lustrous brown hair;
- (глаза): a black dog large as a bear, with gleaming eyes;
- (губы): red, glistening lips;
- (деревянные панели): the walls were paneled in shiny dark wood;
- (значок): shiny badge;
- (игрушка): a shiny new toy;
- (кираса): the officer in shining cuirass;
- (ключ): a brilliant gold key;
- (краска): posters were printed in radiant paint, mounted on hardboard and draped in thin streamers of black bunting;
- (красное дерево): the wood was a lustrous deep purple with a strong grain rosewood;
- (крылышки, т.е. знак различия офицера-десантника): his battle jacket adorned only with glinting steel wings of a paratroop officer and five campaign ribbons he had earned in raids across the border;
- (кузов автомобиля): the sleek black bodywork gleamed in the electric light;
- (латунная ручка двери): a door with a shiny brass knob;
- (ленточка из б-ей ткани): the cat had a string of tinsel tied around his neck;
- (ленты): he flew over roads and rivers winding through the landscape like strips of matt and glossy ribbons;
- (кофейные кусты): the hills were glossy with coffee bushes;
- (лицо): his round, shiny face;
- (лысина): a shiny bald head;
- (монета): a shiny coin;
- (перья): the glossy feathers slipped under his fingers;
- (платье): green luster AmE dress;
- (птицы любят б-ие вещи): these birds like sparklingstuff;
- (рождественские ёлки): shining white Christmas trees covered in snow and icicles glittered in every corner;
- ( туфли): shiny shoes
блёклый - a velvet jacket in a mossy green or faded brown
блёстка / блёстки - (ленточка с б-ами): the cat had a string of tinsel tied around his neck;
- (платье с б-ами): she had put on a green sequined dress in honor of the occasion;
- (свитера, украшенные б-ами): sweaters ornamented with sequins or other delicate trimmings;
- (тени для глаз с б-ами): he used a tissue to wipe his eyes and smeared the spangled eyeshadow she was wearing;
- (тени для глаз с б-ами): a shimmering cream eye shadow;
- (тени для глаз): a glittering powder eye shadow;
- (шаль в блёстках): she was draped in a gauzy spangled shawl
близко посаженный - (глаза): did you notice how close together her eyes were?
блик - (отбрасывать слепящие б-и): the sun beat down, striking blinding light from the shimmering surface of the sea
блистательный - (восхождение к славе): the meteoric rise to fame of the Beatles
блистать - (драгоценностями): to glitter with jewels;
- (т.е. проявить себя с блеском, о микросхеме): the area where this chip really shines;
- (отсутствием): we can notice no one on our files conspicuous by being missing
блюм, бобина - смотри файл OBJECTS
бобовидный - (структуры): lymph nodes are small bean-shaped structures that filter or remove waste, bacteria, and other harmful substances from the lymph
боевая раскраска - (индейцев): Indians mixed the oil with coloring matter to make warpaint
бой - (керамики): Ceramic tile mosaic art. Ceramic Pottery Shards sold by the one pound Bag;
- (стеклянный): glass that is crushed and ready to be remelted is called cullet;
- (фарфоровый): the unusually high amount of quality porcelain shards found on the site suggests these pieces would have only been used in a large, prosperous household
бойница - (для лучников): the archers' slits in a medieval castle;
- (навесная): further protection was provided on the east wall by a "machicoulis / machicolation" (a small square projection from the wall at high level) from which missiles could be dropped onto anyone attacking the entrance doorway below
боковой - (ветер): slanting wind;
- (ветер): crosswind / cross-wind;
- (грань): lateral face; - (б-ым зрением, я б- ым зрением видела, как он смеялся): I stared straight ahead, but from a peripheral peek, I would swear I saw him laughing;
- (крен, т.е. у стиральной машины): "My washer shakes vigorously during spin cycle, and washer is not overloaded." "If the washing machine is level and all four "feet" are firmly on the floor one of the balancing springs may be broken or unhooked. If one of the springs is at fault the tub will have a slight sideways list.";
- (поле зрения): when the glint of steel enters his peripheral vision he does not flinch
боком - (бежать б.): the book flipped onto its edge end scuttled sideways like some weird crab;
- (задеть б. / ударить б. , грузовик задел б. 4 автомобиля): a stolen pickup truck sideswiped four parked cars;
- (лодка стояла б. к катящимся волнам): the boat was now broadside on to the rolling waves;
- (пройти через дверь б.): he was so fat that he could only get through the door sideways [on];
- (сидеть в седле б.): she was sitting sidesaddle
болванка - blank / ingot;
- (т.е. для ключа): skeleton key;
- (стальная): bloom
болт, бон - смотри файл OBJECTS
боновое заграждение - (т.е. для сдерживания утечки нефти): the company has been using a mix of chemical dispersant, booms and burning to contain the spread of the oil spill
бордюр - (мебели): he pushed at a wooden edging and heard a spring click back;
- (т.е. для напольной плитки): you can use our glass border in the kitchen tiles as well as in the bathroom tiles;
- (обойный): border wallpaper;
- (тротуара): he left the motionless car by the kerbside
бордюрный - (плитка для пола): if you use solid color ceramic bathroom floor tile in your bathroom, you can add tile borders of a different color to the floor
борода - tangled beard
бородавка - wart;
- (покрытая б-ами жаба): warty toad
бородатый - a bearded man
бородавчaтый - (жаба): warty toad
бородка - (б. клинышком / козлиная б. ): he was twirling his goatee;
- (т.е. пера, б-и первого порядка / б-и второго п-а): A typical vaned feather features a main shaft, called the rachis. Fused to the rachis are a series of branches, or barbs; the barbs themselves are also branched and form the barbules. These barbules have minute hooks called barbicels for cross-attachment.;
- (т.е. петуха): sex was assessed by morphological characteristics (comb and wattle development) at the time of selection
бородочка - (пера): A typical vaned feather features a main shaft, called the rachis. Fused to the rachis are a series of branches, or barbs; the barbs themselves are also branched and form the barbules. These barbules have minute hooks called barbicels for cross-attachment. Down feathers are fluffy because they lack barbicels, so the barbules float free of each other, allowing the down to trap much air and provide excellent thermal insulation.
бороздка - (ногти с б-ами): ridged nails
босиком - (ходить б. по лужам): he was too old to go barefoot into the puddles;
- (ходить б. по снегу): people were walking barefoot in the snow
босой - (дети ходят б-ые): children go barefoot in summer;
- (наступить на гвоздь босой ногой): I stepped on a nail barefoot;
- (ноги): bare feet
босоногий - (бегун): international athletics legend and South Africa's barefoot Olympic runner Zola Budd;
- (варвар): shoeless barbarian;
- (детство): he had a rural, mostly shoeless childhood;
- (мальчишка): From a barefoot boy in Oklahoma, Dewey Sullivan rose to acclaim in the National High School Hall of Fame. When he died on November 8, 2006, he had more football victories than any coach west of the Mississippi River.
бочка - смотри файл OBJECTS
бочком - (пробраться): whenever he tried to sidle over to the staircase up to the dormitories, the crowd around him closed ranks
бочонковидный - (цветы): panicles of urn-shaped flowers
- (т.е. в гимнастике): N.H. practices her routine on the balance beam during practice last week at the J.S. Training Center;
- (не замечать б. в своём глазу): you see a splinter in another's eye while you ignore a log in yours;
- (раскалённые добела брёвна): white-hot logs;
- loggers sampled the best bars;
- (распиленные): a pile of sawn logs
бредень - смотри файл OBJECTS
брезент - A tarpaulin / tarp is a large sheet of strong, flexible, water-resistant or waterproof material, often cloth such as canvas or polyester coated with urethane, or made of plastics such as polyethylene. In Australia and in military slang, a tarp may be known as a hootchie.
брезжить - (...когда забрезжит информация о повышении процентных ставок образно): investors will watch signals from the Federal Reserve about the outlook for US interest rates with baited breath, ready to sell bonds when a shift to higher rates looms
брелок - смотри файл OBJECTS
бретелька - (снять б-ку): he unzipped the dress down the back and eased the thin shoulder-straps off
брешь - (пробить б. в городской стене): we've cut a breach in the wall and you can bring your jeep into the city
брикет - (соломы): straw briquette
брикетик - (тушь для ресниц в виде б-а и жидкая, т.е. в трубочке): mascara: cake and wand version;
бритый - (голова): in ancient Greece, long hair was a symbol of wealth and power, while a shaven head was appropriate for a slave
бровка - (тротуара): he left the motionless car by the kerbside
бровь - a speck of flour clings to her brow above the right eyebrow;
- (выщипывать б-ви): How to Pluck Eyebrows;
- Taming Bushy Eyebrows for Men;
- (густые брови): heavy / bushy eyebrows;
- (густые брови, с г-ыми б-вями): a heavy-set guy who looked like a thug, dark-skinned and heavy browed;
- (поднять б.): he cocked an eyebrow;
- (сросшиеся брови): a unibrow / monobrow / Synophrys med is the presence of abundant hair between the eyebrows, so that they seem to converge to form one long eyebrow
бронзовый - (век): the Bronze Age;
- (мох, т.е. цвета бронзы): bronze-colored pillows of moss
бронированный - (автомобиль): armour-plated car of the prime minister;
- (лимузин): armored limousine
броня - (судно обшито стальной б-ёй): to give adequate strength, the ship was fashioned out of 7/8 inch iron plates and was the first ship to have a double bottom;
броский - (автомобиль): some cars were older than mine, nothing flashy;
- (брошюры): the candidate is handing out splashy brochures and shaking hands;
- (листовки кандидата на выборах): his (candidate's) leaflets are snazzier (snazzy) than his opponent's;
- (стиль): articles written in a catchy style;
- (цвет): gaudy color
брус - смотри файл OBJECTS
брызги - (воды): we parked the car by the sea and it got covered with spray;
- (воды): a freshet of wind drenched him in icy spray;
- (крови): he followed spatterings of blood;
- (крови): he left spatters of blood on the crosswalk;
- (т.е. морской пены): Moderately high waves of greater length; edges of crests begin to break into spindrift; foam is blown in well-marked streaks.;
- (чая и слюны): The dog was lapping in the corner. Specks of tea and drool flecked her clean floor;
- (шампанского на празднике): the French are threatening to take some of the fizz out of Russia's New Year celebration, with planned legal action that could undermine some of the country's top sparkling wine producers;
- if you feel sprinkles, the breeze is blowing water drops off the trees
брюхо - (вверх б-ом, дохлая рыба плавает вверх б-ом): why do fishes, when dead, float on the surface of the water, with the belly uppermost?
- (самолёта образно): the belly of the plane was bare
брюхо / брюшко (т.е. человека) - people with a lisp, birthmark, limp, or potbelly;
- (небольшое): he had a slight paunch from too many client dinners;
- (с брюшком): a balding, paunchy middle-aged man
бугор / бугорок - on a knoll not far distant, wolves howled in unison with that cry;
- (т.е. земли): the construction lines ran over a rounded knoll beside the river;
- (т.е. на улице): the ATVs tooled across the Strand, hopping rises and troughs with nimble ease
бугорок - (на ветке): he could see the bare knobs AmE on the branch where smaller branches had been lopped off with a knife or a hatchet;
- (на голове камбалы): plaice have obvious rows of small bony protuberances on the head;
- (на дороге): the bomb is linked to suspension, so it will detonate when the car hits a bump at high speed on the highway;
- (на земле): the tents looked as though small oddly shaped hillocks had sprouted out of the earth;
- (на кармане): he pointed at the chest where a large lump indicated that the rat was curled up in his pocket;
- (на стене): inch by inch, he went over the brickwork, feeling with sensitive fingers for bumps or lugs, indentations or hollow areas
бугорчатый - (структура / текстура кожи): around 80 per cent of western women believe they have cellulite - the lumpy, bumpy texture usually found around the thighs, bottoms and knees
будильник - смотри файл OBJECTS
букет - a bunch of carnations
букет / букетик - A nosegay is one of the most important types of flower arrangement used to celebrate special occasions. Nosegay bouquets are a round arrangement of cut flowers in a creative way. They can be arranged using different flowers of varied colors. A white rose nosegay is often carried by a bride and used as a symbol of traditional bridal style and elegance. A nosegay is also called as a tussie-mussie or a posy. The original size of a nosegay is small, about 6-inch. In general, a nosegay follows the usual shape of a round bouquet with densely filled flowers. It can be a small, medium or a large size bouquet. Usually, a bride holds a larger nosegay, whereas a bridesmaid and a flower girl carry smaller nosegays.;
- (втыкать б-и в пучки волос): rich women would put nosegays in their buns;
- (вышитый): the collar had a spray of flowers embroidered in each corner;
- (т.е. традиционный б. королевы в Чистый четверг): Her task was to produce before dawn her own version of the traditional Royal Maundy nosegays of herbs and sweet-smelling flowers with which generations of monarchs in more noisome and infectious times warded off the smells and diseases of the poor. Еach large nosegay was composed of nine daffodils, 11 pieces of white stock, 15 narcissus cheerfulness, 14 bunches of violets, 12 bunches of primroses, 20 pieces of cupressus, 14 sprigs of rosemary and 12 of thyme. Each year eight to 12 of these large nosegays, 8in to 10in in diameter and backed by Victorian-style doilies, were presented to members of the Queen's party, and normally four smaller ones made for the locally recruited children of the Royal Almonry.;
- (т.е. подаренные актёрам): at the theater enormous expensive nosegays and huge baskets of flowers are handed to the favorite performers;
- (из нарциссов, розмарина и анютиных глазок): daffodils (with rosemary and pansies) feature in the buttonholes and posies carried by devotees during the annual Shakespeare Birthday Celebrations at Stratford-upon-Avon;
- (т.е. традиционный б. королевы в Чистый четверг): the Queen's Royal Maundy posies traditionally include sweet-smelling herbs as well as flowers
булава, булавка - смотри файл OBJECTS
булавочная головка - pinhead;
- (б-ые г-и света образно): he could see nothing below but tiny pinpricks of light
булыжник - he thumped to the cobblestones;
- (утоптанная земля под ногами сменилась б-ом): beaten earth underfoot gave way to cobbles
бумажка - he still had the slip of paper with the private telephone number of the lawyer;
- (сверяяясь с бумажкой, т.е. на которой написан номер): checking the slip of paper she had given him, L. dialed the number;
бумажник, бункер - смотри файл OBJECTS
бурда - (в черепе образно, т.е. о мозге): the hint of consciousness in someone who doesn't meet the usual criteria for awareness underlines how squishy science's understanding of consciousness is, starting with how something so sublime can arise in the three pounds of tofu-like glop within our skull
бурдюк - смотри файл OBJECTS
бурт - (болт с буртиком): flange bolt
бусина - (абажур из стеклянных бусин / отблески бусин / тени бусин): a bronze floor lamp with a beaded-glass shade provided a brandy-colored light, dappling the floor with bead gleam and bead shadow
бусинка - (пота): beads of sweat were breaking out over his pasty face;
- (глаза, как бусинки): beady eyes
бусы - innumerable chains and beads hung around her spindly neck;
- a string of worry beads hang from the driver's mirror;
- (т.е. архитектурный орнамент): shining a pencil torch onto the lintels, he gently fingered the wooden beading that ran down the two sides
бутовый - (кладка): when roughly dressed stones are laid in a mortar the result is a stone rubble masonry
- (платье из б-ей ткани, т.е. которую после стирки сушат в подвешенном состоянии, не отжимая): her shapely thin figure was camouflaged under a loose cotton drip-dry dress;
- (эпоксид): fast-setting epoxy
вагонка - (прибить на стены в-у поверх брёвен): they nailed clapboards on the outside walls over the rough logs
вал - (т.е. волна, огромные катящиеся валы): we were soon out among the great, rolling swell of the open ocean;
- (т.е. волна, набегающие с океана огромные в-ы): the ship sped on, cleaving through the great swells rolling in from the endless ocean;
- (земляной, земляные в-ы, которые сдерживали наводнения): he marked the solid earthworks that curbed the worst floods;
- (т.е. оборонительный): after the rebellion of 1641 a rampart was raised round the town, pierced by four gates on the land side;
- смотри файл technika
валик - (волосы свёрнуты валиком): his abundant black hair is folded back neatly in a small pompadour;
- (для нанесения набивного рисунка на ткань): we carefully poured the paint onto the edge of the silk screen and pulled the squeegee across to print the pattern on the fabric underneath;
- (краска наносится в-ом): X. is a matt acrylic paint. Application is by brush, roller, airless or conventional spray.
ванна, вантуз, ватерпас - смотри файл OBJECTS
ввалившийся - (глаза): hollowed / hollow eyes
вбитый - (железное кольцо, прочно в-ое в каменный столбик): the rope tied the boat to an iron ring set firmly into a little stone pillar
вверх тормашками - (перевернуться в.т.): Winnie-the-Pooh turned head over heels, and crashed on to another branch
вдребезги - (разбить): he blows a coke machine to smithereens with his burp gun;
- (разбиться): I dropped the plate on the floor and it smashed to smithereens
веер - (обмахиваться веером): she was waving the fan back and forth in front of her, trying to stay cool;
- (разложить веером карты): it is helpful to fan one's cards out so that if they have corner indices all their values can be seen at once;
- (расходиться веером, войска расходились веером за линией фронта): our tank forces ripped through the German defenses and fanned out behind the lines;
- (расходиться веером, от электростанции веером расходились высоковольтные линии передач): from power plants, high-voltage transmission lines fanned out
веерный - (в-ое отключениe электроэнергии): rolling blackout
веерообразный - (окно, т.е. над дверью): a many-coloured fanlight over the front doors
великан - the god flew off in the form of an eagle pursued by the angry giant;
- if I have seen farther it was by standing on the shoulders of giants
венец - (диска турбины): turbine disc rim;
- (т.е. диадема): a pearl-encrusted coronet resting among the haze of soft smoky curls that framed her face;
- (т.е. корона): crown
веник, венок, вентилятор - смотри файл OBJECTS
венчик - (т.е. волос вокруг головы): bald head encircled by a halo of grey hair;
- (т.е. для взбивания): whisk;
- (седых волос): an old man with fluffy white hair;
- (т.е. цветка): calyx lobed; corolla funnel-shaped and lobed
вереница - (автомобилей / грузовиков): a caravan of cars / trucks;
- (облаков): a caravan of clouds;
- (облаков): he stared at the sky, eyes moving as if there were a procession clouds above, and not the clear spring blue;
- (пленников, т.е. связанных друг с другом): we were lined up in a coffle of captives;
- (лимузинов): the cavalcade of hand-build limousines purred towards the three buildings in the northern part of Kremlin
веретено - смотри файл OBJECTS
веретенообразный - (ели): spindled spruces;
- (тело дюгоня): the dugong has a fusiform body
верёвка - (верёвки, связывающие лодыжки): he tugged and pulled at his ankle bonds but they held;
- (вешать бельё на в-у): she was hanging the wash on a clothesline;
- (висеть на бельевой в-е): wet overalls were hanging from the clothesline;
- (висеть на в-е, о человеке): as the launch moved on, both men were swept off the cabin roof to hang by the ropes;
- (колокола): at the fortress gate there hung a bell cord, at which N. tugged vigorously;
- (т.е. которой заводят мотор катера): he jerked at the engine's lanyard; the outboard coughed and roared;
- (т.е. крученая или плетёная в., которая когда использовалась в плетях): whipcord is a strong twisted or braided cord sometimes used in making whiplashes;
- (пеньковая): hemp line;
- (связывающие кого-л): he began to hack at the ropes binding her;
- (свёрток был перевязан в-ой): the bundle was tied with a cord;
- (т.е. по которой он спускался из окна): he had seen the thinness of the rope;
- striped blanket folded with two black cords and hung over the shoulder;
- the keffiyeh is held in place by a circlet of rope called an agal
верёвка / верёвочка - (воздушного змея): the string held taut, the kite rose to heaven;
- (дверного колокольчика): he tugged the bell cord;
- (связать чемодан в-ой): a battered case held together with a large quantity of neatly knotted string
верёвочный - (хозяйственная сумка): a string shopping bag
вертел - смотри файл OBJECTS
верховой - (езда, брать уроки в-ой езды): at Groton (college) I had taken horsemanship, and I could ride passably well;
- (езда, искусство в-ой езды): I could well observe the fine horsemanship that M. exhibited;
- (т.е. на лошадях, расставить в-ых часовых по кругу): they lit no fires, for they were uncertain of events; but they set a ring of mounted guards about them
верхом - (на деревянной лошадке): she was sitting astride a rocking horse;
- (на коне): I was astride the horse;
- (на коне): a warrior on horseback;
- (на коне): he was graceful only when he was horsed;
- (т.е. на лошадях): two girls on horseback are clip-clopping towards me;
- (нас приветствовал человек в. на коне): a man astride a pawing horse greeted us;
- (т.е. на лошадях, расставить часовых в. по кругу): they lit no fires, for they were uncertain of events; but they set a ring of mounted guards about them;
- (сесть в. на стул): he reversed the chair and sat astride;
- (скакать в.): he could see tiny figures on horseback racing along the coastal roads
вершина - (айсберга): the tip of the iceberg;
- (башни): at the top of the tower there was a door;
- (в-ы гор): the weather in its mountain fickleness shifts from rain to sun, coloring peaks a rosy pink;
- (т.е. горная): the snow-capped peaks of the Bavarian Alps;
- (т.е. горная): a snowcapped peak;
- (т.е. горные): the peaks of the Dolomites;
- (горЫ или холма): hilltop;
- (дерева): the tops of the trees were gilded with gold;
- (деревьев): no breath of wind disturbed the treetops in the forest;
- (замыкающаяся в пределах карты горизонталь показывает в-у): a contour which closes within the limits of a map indicates a summit;
- (остроконечная): pinnacles of rock snagged scraps of fog;
- (т.е. остроконечной крыши): The Queen's Chamber has a pointed roof with an apex 6.23 metres above the floor;
- (пик с плоской в-ой): the mesa-topped Bow-Peak;
- (пирамида со срезанной в-ой): the building is a squat pyramid with the top cut off;
- (равносторонний треугольник в-ой вниз): an equilateral triangle with an apex pointing downward;
- (резьбы): roots and crests of the threadform
- (т.е. траектории подброшенного тела): he watched it rise to the apex of its climb hovering for the moment in the void and then tumbling down;
- (холма): the tops of hills;
- (холма): a chill breeze swept over the hilltop;
- (холма): he could see into China from this hilltop;
- (холма): he came over the crest of the hill
веснушка - freckle
веснушчатый - (девочка): a freckle-faced girl;
- (лицо): a freckled face;
- (лицо): his face was so freckly that he looked almost tanned
ветвистый - (дерево / кустарник): a brunchy tree / shrub;
- (коралл): brunch coral;
- (кустарник): a large surculose fml shrub
ветвление - (точка в-я мат): branch point / ramification point
ветвь - (т.е. дерева): as the trees grew taller, the boughs overhead hid the spangled night sky;
- (дерева): a tall, wide-spreading tree with slender limbs and drooping twigs;
- (люстры): glass chandelier with 5 spiral twisted arms
ветка - (т.е. дерева): смотри ниже;
- (железнодорожные в-и связывают магистральные линии с окружающей местностью): branch lines link the trunk lines with surrounding areas;
- (интернет-форума): he sued the operator of the N. forums website and three pseudonymous members of the site for defamation, after the three participated in a forum thread in which the cleanliness of his store was critiqued
- (Интернет-форума): A thread / topic is a collection of posts, usually displayed from oldest to latest. A thread is defined by a title, an additional description that may summarise the intended discussion, and an opening or original post. A thread can contain any number of posts, including multiple posts from the same members, even if they are one after the other.
ветка (т.е. дерева) - A branch from a massive oak tree had come down in the night, overladen with half a ton of snow. The branch had crushed into the undergrowth and some of its twigs lay on the track.;
- the transistor swung from a low branch in a mild breeze;
- (метлы): a dozen bits of splintered wood and twig, the only remains of Harry's faithful broomstick;
- (омелы): a sprig of mistletoe;
- squirrels froze momentarily on limbs;
- (тонкие): gentle breeze, leaves and small twigs in constant motion;
- (собирать в-и): he collected twigs of the right size and tied the plants upright;
- (треск ломающихся веток): they heard snapping twigs, then crunching footsteps as D. emerged from behind the trees;
- A branch from a massive oak tree had come down in the night, overladen with half a ton of snow. The branch had crushed into the undergrowth and some of its twigs lay on the track.
ветхий - (аэропорт): the airport was a small, drab and shabby affair;
- (барак): a shabby little barracks;
- (доки): dilapidated docks;
- (здание): Hanoi's buildings were dilapidated;
- (здания): to repair run-down facilities;
- (магазин имел в. вид): the department store had a shabby miserable air;
вечнозелёный - (дерево): Yggdrasil is called an ash in the poems, although sometimes it seems to be the sacred evergreen, the yew
вещевой мешок / вещмешок - смотри файл OBJECTS
взбитый - (сливки): whipped cream
взвешенный - (в воде "каменная мука"): the glacier grind up rock into the fine particles and the light reflected off the so-called rock flour suspended in the water produces the brilliant blue-green;
- (осадок, т.е. в водоёмах): human activities in Northwestern watersheds, including logging, grazing, agriculture, mining, road building, urbanization, and commercial construction contribute to periodic pulses or chronic levels of suspended sediment in streams;
- (в-ые твёрдые частицы, т.е. в осаждемой эмульсии): overflow suspended solids are reduced by 50%, resulting in significant improvement in filtration
вздёрнутый - (нос): a snub nose;
- (нос): her slightly snubbed nose;
- (нос): upturned / turned-up / pug-dog nose
вздуваться / вздуться - смотри файл DVIJENIE
вздувшийся - (краска): blistered peeling paint;
вздутие - (живота): Abdominal swelling / abdominal distention fml can be caused by gas in the intestines from eating foods that are high in fiber
вздутый (живот) - a swollen abdomen that is caused by eating a heavy meal will go away when you digest the food;
- swollen belly;
- Numerous dangerous medical conditions can cause the abdomen to become tense. There may be internal bleeding; appendicitis; buildup of gas or bowel in the digestive tract; damage or swelling to the liver, spleen, or intestines; or tumors present in the abdomen.;
- in addition to pain, other symptoms include nausea and vomiting, fever, and a swollen, tense abdomen
взмокший - (т.е. вспотевший): Jason Looks Bedraggled After Workout. A line of sweat travelled from Jason's neckline to the centre of his torso as he clutched a water bottle and looked a little tired from the exercise.;
- (волосы, т.е. от пота): his floppy hair looked a little more bedraggled than usual, falling into a foppish fringe on his forehead and divided into sweat-drenched strands.
вздымающийся - (горы): we saw to our left the soaring mountains of the Hindu Kush
взмыленный - (конь): a rider arrived on a lathered horse;
- the horse was well lathered, so he took the lead and walked her for a while
взъерошенный - dishevelled BrE / disheveled AmE;
- (волосы): his hair is tousled like a boy's;
- (волосы): his slightly rumpled medium brown hair;
- (мокрый воробышек): the man was short and wiry, with the rumpled air of a damp sparrow;
- (птица): a dazed and ruffled-looking barn owl has collided with the closed window
виброгасящий - (винтовка с в-ей алюминиевой ложей): a sniper rifle with a vibration absorbing aluminium stock
видеоглазок - смотри файл OBJECTS
виднеться - (водяной смерч, виднеющийся вдали): the photo featured a massive waterspout looming in the distance;
- (дома были отгорожены живыми изгородями, между которыми виднелись вылизанные садики): the houses were screened off by hedges, between which I caught glimpses of manicured gardens;
- (мускулы виднелись под туникой): her muscles were showing through her tunic;
- (силуэт виднелся на фоне неба): the silhouette of an enormous shaggy dog clearly imprinted against the sky;
- (ушная раковина, видневшаяся в волосах): I see a pink shell of her ear poking through her hair;
- (шрам виднелся сквозь волосы на лбу): on his forehead, clearly visible through the hair, was a thin scar, shaped like a bolt of lightning
винт (т.е. движитель) - (гребной в. корабля): her great twin propellers;
- (гребной в. судна): deep in the water, the great propellers churn;
- (гребной в. судна): the four steam turbines were ready to drive her twin screws whose forty-foot-diameter bronze propellers could be vaguely seen glinting below the stern;
- (т.е. вертолёта): rotor;
- (воздушный в., биение в-а, т.е. самолёта): airscrew knock;
- (вращать воздушный в., т.е. самолёта): to drive a propeller
- (линия мат): A helix (helixes / helices plural) is a type of smooth space curve, i.e. a curve in three-dimensional space. It has the property that the tangent line at any point makes a constant angle with a fixed line called the axis. Examples of helixes are coil springs and the handrails of spiral staircases
- (линиямат, заряженная частица в магнитном поле двигается по в-ой линии): a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field follows a helical path
винтовой (лестница) - he descended the winding stair;
- a tight winding staircase;
- they climbed the tightly spiraling steps;
- circular staircase
виселица - (вести на в-у): they were taking him to the gallows;
- (висеть на в-е): a thief hang on the gallows;
- (повесить на в-е): he was caught and hanged on the gallows;
- (повесить на в-е): we're going to hang him from the gallows;
- (повесить на в-е, п. по закону на импровизированной в-е): he brings final justice to a horse thief, holding off dangerous mobs to give him a legal hanging from a makeshift gallows;
- (послать на в-у): the judge sent 60 men to the gallows;
- (поставить в-у): the gallows was set up at the back of the castle;
- (преступление, которое карается в-ей): a crime punishable by gallows;
- pirates were sometimes executed by hanging on a gibbet erected close to the law-water mark by the sea;
- a crossroads marked by a gibbet and a fingerpost
витиеватый - (буква): everything had a large elaborate W engraved into its surface;
- (ветви люстры): glass chandelier with 5 spiral twisted arms;
- (шнур): tools are individually checked out and attached to a huge coils so they cannot be stolen
виток - (т.е. вокруг Земли, трёхвитковый полёт): his primary goal during the three-orbit mission was to determine whether an astronaut could work in space;
- (обмотки трансформатора): the voltage per turn of a primary winding of a transformer is the same as the voltage per turn of the secondary winding of the transformer;
- (при вращении обмотки в постоянном магнитном поле поток через в. изменяется и в обмотке наводится электродвижущая сила): as a coil rotates in a constant magnetic field the flux through the loop changes, inducing an electromotive force in the coil;
- (пружины): the coils of the spring;
- (спутник сделал 8 витков вокруг Земли): the Russians did not announce Sputnik III until it had been on orbit 14 to 16 hours, long enough to make 8 circuits around the earth
витражный - (стекло, окна из в-ого с-а): leaded glass windows
витрина - (город как бы является в-ой проектов современной архитектуры и лесонасаждений): the city is a showcase of mid-century modern architecture and reforestation projects;
- смотри файл OBJECTS
вихор - (волос): a man with tufts of wiry hair sticking out from either side of
his balding head
вкладной - (папка с в-ыми листами): a looseleaf folder with stiff covers of cardboard bound in a black vinyl
вкопанный (стоять как в. ) - I stood stock still;
- he was stock-still, and the world was moving busily past him
вкривь и вскось - (перья расположены / растут в. и в.): the stormcrow presents an imposing picture at close range - or would if the bird were better groomed. Somehow the glossy feathers of his body and wings always seem unkempt, as if the crow never preens. The tail feathers are set slightly askew one from another.
влага - (влажность и в.): Hoar frost occurs around man-made environments such as freezers or industrial cold storage facilities. It occurs in adjacent rooms that are not well insulated against the cold or around entry locations where humidity and moisture will enter and freeze instantly depending on the freezer temperature.;
- (в. капала с мокрой одежды): wet overalls were hanging from the clothesline and the moisture was pattering on the concrete;
- (не пропускать в-у): he hated the idea of his explosive getting wet, and the tea can's lid would keep out the moisture;
- (содержание в-и в зерне): moisture content;
- (сохранить в-у): the substance is added to foundry sand for the purpose of retaining moisture;
- (хранить вдали от прямого тепла, солнечного света и влаги): keep this bottle away from direct heat, sunlight and moisture
влагоустойчивость - (керамической плитки): ceramic bathroom floor tile is often used because of its durability, resistance to dampness, and its ease of cleaning
- (т.е. в анализах): moisture / moisture contents (MC);
- (в жару при большой в.): I was running laps around the practice field in ninety-five-degree heat and humidity;
- (в. и влага): Hoar frost occurs around man-made environments such as freezers or industrial cold storage facilities. It occurs in adjacent rooms that are not well insulated against the cold or around entry locations where humidity and moisture will enter and freeze instantly depending on the freezer temperature.;
- (относительная): relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor (in a gaseous mixture of air and water vapor) to the saturated vapor pressure of water at a given temperature;
- (поверхности с низкой температурой, постоянно находящиеся в условиях высокой в-ти): low temperature surfaces that are exposed to continuous high humidity;
- (поддерживать в. 75%, т.е. в террариуме геккона): the humidity for marbled geckos should be maintained at 75 percent or higher;
- (тропических лесов): because of the moistness of the rainforests and specialized skin adaptations, they (Pacific Northwest tree octopuses) are able to keep from becoming desiccated for prolonged periods of time
влажный - (воздух): humid air;
- (волосы были в-ые после душа): her hair was still damp from the shower;
- (глаза были в-ые от жары): my eyes were moist from the heat;
- (грунт / почва): damp soil;
- (доклад, в. от пота): the man stood waiting, his sweat-damp report in his hands;
- (жара): the steam heat of a Washington August;
- (запах): the floor gave off a damp and humid aroma;
- (земля): my car's wheels had sunk deep into the soft wet ground;
- (земля): seeds are able to germinate in the moist, loose soil in the furrows;
- (климат): moist climate;
- (климат): the country's hot and sticky climate;
- (лоб): strands of black hair clung to her clear damp forehead;
- (побережье Грузии): the humid Georgian coast;
- (почвы): most of these fungi live in wet soils;
- (руки): his hands were a little moist;
- (салфетка для протирки кузова автомобиля): a moist wax-impregnated towelette suitable for polishing a lightly-soiled exterior surface of a vehicle;
- (салфетки, т.е. для очищения кожи): pleasantly scented, moistened towelette that is great for quick, convenient cleanups;
- (субтропики): moist semitropical lands;
- (трава): the grass was springy and damp underfoot;
- (штукатурка): fresco is the technique of painting on wet plaster
вложенный - (меньшая кастрюля вложена в бОльшую): two shallow pans, the smaller fitting into the larger
вмонтированный - (следящее устройство - в раму ценной картины): the thieves threw bits of the wooden frames (of the stolen painting) out of the window as they drove through the city, possibly fearing a satellite tracking device was implanted in the wood
вмурованный - (полушарие, в-ое в стену): above the door is a matte black hemisphere about a meter in diameter, set into the front wall of the building
вмятина - a jumble of smelly old blankets were piled on the floor and the small dent in the middle of it showed where he curled up to sleep every night;
- (бюллетени с в-ами, т.е. недопробитыми перфоратором отверстиями): the Canvassing Committee will not count dimpled chads;
- (в переднем крыле, т.е. автомобиля): a dent in the front fender;
- (в стене): Тhe walls withstood British cannon for 11 days. He pointed to spots where there were deep indentations;
- (на коже): these pits in my skin are from when I had chickenpox;
- (на кузове крузовика): the carnage was impacted by a large crowbar and looked like this: both headlights smashed, windshield broken, a bent hood, a bent cab, a few other dents and significant bruises to the truck body;
- (т.е. на шкуре животного): a hide free from holes, cuts, deep scores or gouges more that halfway through the hide, visible grain defects and broken grain and having a correct pattern;
- (оставить в-у на двери): he made a dent on the door;
- (сделать в-у в кузове автомобиля): he drove into some railings and gouged a hole in the back of his car;
- (шлем с в-ой): dented helm
внутренности - Achilles never suckled at his mother's breast and instead was fed the innards of lions, wild swine and bear marrow;
- I skinned the animal and sliced out the innards;
- stuffing: 350 grams diced hare innards (kidneys, liver, heart);
- (велосипедов и автомобилей образно): sidewalk repair shops, where the entrails of bicycles and cars and motorcycles are spread, mechanics poring over them;
- (в. и обрезки индейки): the innards and offcuts of a turkey;
- (птичьи): bird entrails;
- (удалять в., т.е. у рыбы): Most of the work that we have is called "Sliming AmE" or cleaning fish. This type of work involves removing the viscera fml (guts) and cutting off heads, fins, gills, or tail.
вогнутость - (щита): the shield's inner concavity pressed to his body
вогнутый - (в-ая сторона щита): the shield's inner concavity pressed to his body;
- (шрам тянется до уха, опускаясь по в-ой линии): a man with a scar stretching from just below his nose almost to his ear in a concave droop
водоворот - (корабль вертело, как веточку в в-е): the ship spun about like a twig in an eddy
- (крутящийся): forty-foot waves reared above the ship's port side, hovered for a moment, then crashed down to obscure her gigantic deck in a swirling maelstrom of white foam;
- (лодочка попала в в.): the little boat was caught in an eddy and spun round and round in the water;
- (попасть в в.): he had been caught up in the maelstrom;
- (сильный в. потока): the dog yelped as he slipped and vanished in the heavy whirlpool of current;
- the chimneys were like deep weels running up to the roof
водомёт - смотри файл OBJECTS
водонепроницаемый - (часы): integral bracelet, domed mineral glass, double lock safety clasp and water resistant to 50 m;
- (ткань для верхней одежды): polyester water-resistant outerwear fabric;
- (ящик): he took a headset from a waterproof box;
- (ящик): watertight box
водоотталкивающий - (придание в-их свойств одежде): The dry cleaning equivalent of waterproofing is called "sizing". It's an added treatment for outerwear, cotton overcoats / raincoats that helps them shed water.;
water repellent treated cloth
водостойкий - (часы): A wristwatch may be marked "water-resistant" if it is able to withstand perspiration, water splashes or rain. It is not suitable for swimming. Most water-resistant watches are not designed for prolonged active use in water.
водосток - (после дождя в-и переполнились): the drains overflowed after the heavy rain
водянистый - (глаза): watery eyes;
- (суп): watery potato soup
водяной знак - the paper has a watermark in the form of the Ukrainian trident
водяные часы - смотри файл OBJECTS
возвышаться - (горный хребет возвышался над городом): a ridge overlooked the city;
- (дом возвышался на склоне холма): the house perched on a steep hillside;
- (здание возвышалось над площадью): he was looking up the hill at the single building which dominated the whole square;
- (надстройка возвышалась / надпалубные сооружения возвышались над палубой на 5 этажей): the vessel was 90 metres broad, from scupper to scupper and her superstructure reared 5 stories into the air above her deck;
- (небоскрёбы возвышались над городом): the skyscrapers tower over the city;
- (о пирамиде): towering pyramid;
- (подмостки возвышались слева от чего-л): to its left rose a white scaffolding;
- (статуи возвышаются над пустыней на 60 футов): the statues rise nearly 60 feet above the desert floor;
- (студенческое общежитие возвышалось на берегах озера): my dorm perched on the shores above lake W.;
- (фигура возвышалась до потолка): a cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling;
- (холм, возвышающийся над деревней): the house stood on a hill overlooking the village;
- (холмы, резко возвышающиеся над пустыней): featureless hills that rise abruptly from the Saharan sands;
- (Мао возвышался над всеми): Mao towered above everyone
возвышенность - смотри файл PEIZAJ_POGODA
возделанный - (земля): hobbits love peace and quiet and good tilled earth
- (крышка пенала): a pencil-box with a wavy plastic cover that slid open and closed;
- (линия): wobbly line;
- (попугайчик): shell parakeet / budgerigar
волнообразно колеблющийся / волнообразный - (тело змеи): the snake's undulating body cut a wide, curving track through the thick dust on the floor
волнообразный - (грация): with sinuous grace the great wings opened;
- (женские фигуры): I was aching with the mystery of sex, with the terrible allure that such undulating figures could evoke
волокнистый - (неволокнистая трубная изоляция): this pipe insulation is non-porous, non-fibrous and resists mold growth;
- (пластинки китового уса): slowly the whale pushes its massive tongue towards the roof of its mouth, sluicing sand through fibrous baleen plates hanging from its upper jaw;
- (соединительная ткань мед): cellulite is a colloquial term for deposits of fat and fibrous tissue causing dimpling of the overlying skin
волокно - (верёвки / каната): little pops of fiber where the strands were giving away, some 15 feet down the taut length of the rope;
- (волОкна дерева): the wood was a lustrous deep purple with a strong grain rosewood;
- (пилить поперёк волОкон дерева): fleam teeth suitable for cutting across the grain;
- (пищевые в-а / растворимые в-а / нерастворимые в-а): Dietary fiber AmE (dietary fibre BrE) / roughage is the portion of plant-derived food that cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes;
- (пищевые в-а): prunes contain dietary fiber;
- (растительные волОкна грибов): mold is a conspicuous mass of mycelium (masses of vegetative filament of hyphae) and fruiting structures produced by various fungi;
- (ткань из нейлонового волокнА): the snow camouflage parka is made from a lightweight, white nylon filament cloth
волосатый - (грудь / рука / человек): hairy chest / arm / man
волосок - (грань между победой и поражением не шире волоска): the margin between success and failure at this level of players is at the hair's breadth;
- (держаться на волоске образно): he is holding on by a thread in the face of a fifty-per cent hostile Politburo;
- (микроскопические волоски на лапках геккона): The toes of the gecko feature millions of microscopic hairs, or setae plural, on the bottoms of the gecko's feet, with each seta ending in an array of nanostructures, called spatulae, that function as a dry adhesive.
волосы - her mother had combed her long hair loosely over her shoulders;
- (т.е. длинные распущенные): she dyed her platinum tresses;
(т.е. длинные распущенные): she combed her tresses and let the silky mass fall at her shoulders;
- (кудрявые белокурые): curly blond hair;
- (расчёсывать в. щёткой): she brushed her hair
волчок, вольера, воронка - смотри файл OBJECTS
ворота - he arrived at the entrance gate to the property;
- (в океан образно): the Bosporus is the gateway to the ocean
ворох - (газет на полу): he stared at the tangle of newspapers strewn on the floor around them;
- (падающих книг): he smashed into a bookcase and was promptly deluged in a cascade of heavy books;
- (разоблачений): the Administration might bleed to death amidst a cascade of revelations;
- (т.е. состриженных волос): snip-snip-snip went the shears and masses of curling gold (the lion's mane) began to fall to the ground
ворс - nap is the raised (fuzzy) surface on certain kinds of cloth, such as velvet;
- (в в-е ковра скапливается пыль): carpet traps the dust in its pile;
- (ковёр с густым грубым в-ом): a rug with a thick rough pile;
- (в. лежит в одном направлении, т.е. у полотнищ ковролина): be sure when laying the carpet that its pile is running in the same direction;
- (сукно бывает с ворсом и без): baize is available with and without a perceptible nap;
- (т.е. ткани): you can feel the nap by running your hand across the fabric;
- (ткань без в-а): napless fabric
ворсистый - (ковёр): shagpile carpet ;
- (костюм): hairy suit;
- (мало в-ая ткань): low-lint fabric;
- (ткань): all nap fabric must be cut in one direction
ворсовый - (ковёр): both flat and pile carpets are woven on a loom;
- (переплетение): pile weave
восьмёрка (т.е. геометрическая фигура, двигаться по в-е / описывать в-у) - We were the target ship for the sub's torpedo firing exercises. (The torpedoes were supposed to pass at least 20 feet under the keel.) We did lots of figure eights, rectangles and circles.;
- (фигурист вычертил в-у): the skater traced a figure eight;
- to make a satellite move in a figure-eight;
- when a bird is hovering, its wings move in a figure-eight pattern;
- the quadrille, in which the dancers move in a figure-eight pattern
восьмигранный - (призма): octagonal prism
вощёный - (табличка): waxed note-tablet;
впадина - (в куче тряпья): a jumble of smelly old blankets were piled on the floor and the small dent in the middle of it showed where he curled up to sleep every night.
- (т.е. в скале): on the cliffside 30 feet above the creek the mouth of a cave yawned and pale blue water cascaded over a natural stone trough below it;
- (в стене): Тhe walls withstood British cannon for 11 days. He pointed to spots where there were deep indentations;
- (глубоководная): a deep-water depression;
- (т.е. глубоководная, Марианская в.): the Mariana trench in the North Pacific;
- (т.е. глубоководная): The Philippines Trench (also "Philippines Trench", "Mindanao Trench", "Mindanao Deep") stretches from the northern top of Luzon up to the Indonesian Island of the Malacca Halmahera. 10,540 meters deep were measures in its deepest point.;
- (замыкaющаяся в пределах карты горизонталь показывает в-у): a contour which closes within the limits of a map indicates a depression;
- (на дороге): ice was glittering in the dips of the road surface;
- (на земле): the rain collected in several depressions on the ground;
- (на земле): a contour which closes within the limits of a map indicates a depression;
- (на плече): his head lolling against the socket of her shoulder;
- (на стене): inch by inch, he went over the brickwork, feeling with sensitive fingers for bumps or lugs, indentations or hollow areas;
- (т.е. на улице): the ATVs tooled across the Strand, hopping rises and troughs with nimble ease, sound-baffled engines humming as they powered the vehicles forward;
- (пылевая): cattlemen converted the semiarid lands into dust bowls;
- (пылевая): to strip the lands of their protective covering and convert them into dust bowls;
- (резьбы): roots and crests of the threadform
впадинка - (т.е. на часах): the cuckoo clock was hand-made, and there were countless frets on it, little indentations and ornaments scored in the soft wood
впалый - (лицо): old sunken face;
- (лицо): his face had been gaunt and sunken;
- (лицо): a sunken-faced man;
- (щёки): hollow cheeks;
- (щёки, со в-ыми щеками): lean and bony, with a hollow-cheeked, hook-nosed face;
- (щёки): his sunken, veined cheeks
впаянный - (детали / компоненты): recovering the soldered components from the board safely, and in a condition for reuse is a challenging task
вписанный - (окружности, в-ые в квадраты): we'll explore circles inscribed in squares
вплетённый - (в косу было вплетено золото): her long dark plait was braided with gold
вполглаза - (в. посматривать на площадь): seated at the table in front of the window, keeping half an eye on the square, with a pot of strong black coffee to stave off his tiredness, he went to work;
вполоборота - (сидеть в.): he was and sitting half-turned so that nothing would get in his way if he needed it in a hurry
впотай - (болт имеет головку в.): the bolt has a domed or countersunk head;
- (со штукатуркой): a steel door, flush against the plaster
впряжённый - (бык, впряжённый в плуг): a Heifer saw an Ox hard at work harnessed to a plow
вровень - (дверь в со штукатуркой): a steel door, flush against the plaster;
- (кусты в с забором): cut the bushes even with the fence;
- his eyes were level with mine
всадник - a rider arrived on a lathered horse;
- four horsemen of the Apocalypse
всклокоченный - (борода): a straggly beard;
- (брови): straggly brows;
- (волосы): смотри ниже
всклокоченный (волосы) - a man with untamed, white-blond hair;
- scruffy / straggling hair;
- she had straggly hair;
- a man with untamed, white-blond hair;
- scruffy hair;
- his gray hair was disheveled AmE / dishevelled BrE;
- his hair is tousled like a boy's;
- untidy hair;
- his thin colorless hair was unkempt
вслепую - (делать что-л): I could do it blindfold
вспыхивать / вспыхнуть - (автомобиль вспыхнул пламенем): with the bomb I have in mind, the car will go up in flames;
- (глаза вспыхнули гневом): anger flashed in his tawny eyes;
- (дирижабль вспыхнул пламенем): the airship burst into flames;
- (в. и гаснуть): flickering hut fires;
- (искры в глазах - от удара): the back of his head slammed into a stone wall behind him, tiny lights burst in front of his eyes;
- (о дровах): to gaze at the logs flickering in the open fire;
- (о молнии): purplish-blue lightning flared;
- (об огне в каминах): fire blazed up in the hearth;
- (пламя вспыхнуло в камине): bright green flames burst into life in the empty grate beneath the marble mantelpiece;
- (свеча вспыхнула зелёным светом): the candle flared a brilliant green and then went out;
- (факелы вспыхивали один за другим): the torches flared one by one into life
вспышка - (короткая в. света): flicker;
- (молнии): а great flash of lightning, much brighter than all the others lit up the sky;
- (молнии): another flash of lightning illuminated the stands;
- (молнии): a large window fills with a flash of lightning;
- (света): there was a blinding flash;
- (света от ракеты): the missile leaped off its launch-rail with a flare of yellow light;
- (света при взрыве): the explosion was just a muted flash and gray smoke;
- (света т.е. при возгорании газа): there was a sudden flare as he lit the gas;
- (солнечная): a solar flare is a sudden flash of brightness observed near the Sun's surface
вставка - (т.е. в библию): the manner in which Goliath's name appears suggests that it was a later insert into the story;
- (т.е. в телефильм): it might have been a later insert into the episode;
(т.е. дополнительного дня в феврале): In the Julian calendar, as well as in the Gregorian calendar, which improved upon it, intercalation is done by adding an extra day to February in each leap year. In the Julian calendar this was done every four years.;
- (знамя с тонкой вышитой в-ой): a banner with fine embroidered inset;
- (т.е. на груди лифа): green dress with orange gusset
вставленный - (горизонтальная деталь вставлена в паз вертикальной детали): the horizontal piece is mortised into the upright as indicated by the dotted lines;
- (капельницы, вставленные в руки): drip-feed tubes that entered both the man's arms
вставной - (зубы): false teeth;
- (папка с в-ыми листами): a looseleaf folder with stiff covers of cardboard bound in a dull black vinyl;
- (устройство, т.е. для электронного прибора): it is a plug-in device and is connected through two RJ 4-4 connectors with a 4-wire cable;
- (челюсть): dentures, crowns and bridges
втиснутый - (дровяные сараи, уборные и свинарники были втиснуты на узком пространстве): woodsheds, privies and pigsties were tucked into the narrow space that divided the uneven lines of houses;
- (телефонная кабина втиснута под лестницей): the payphone is wedged under the stairs next to slot machine
вшивый - (голова): he scratched his lice-infested head;
- (голова): she rubbed his lice-ridden head with soap;
- (дети): the school nurse sent the lice-ridden children home;
- (дети): more than half of lice-infested children have another infested family member at home
вьюк - he carried the larger pack
вьючный - (животное): beast of burden;
- (лошадь): packhorse
вьющийся - (волосы): curly blond hair;
- (волосы): she had curlish reddish-blond hair;
- (волосы, в-ся кольцами): the paws were covered with dense brown hair that curled and coiled like wire;
- (растения): I have several climbing plants in the garden;
- (растение): vine: any creeping or climbing plant with thin twisting stems, such as the cucumber, the melon, etc.;
- (в-аяся серпантином автодорога): the scenic serpentine route A1
- (стены): white-plastered walls were stained with shadowy mould
выбившийся - (прядь волос): an errant hank of hair hang across her brow
выбоина - (в камне): spinning particles of salt, silt and gravel have worked like diamond drills, carving out potholes and tunnels;
- (в стене): Тhe walls withstood British cannon for 11 days. He pointed to spots where there were deep indentations;
- (вездеход перепрыгивал через горбы и в-ы): the ATVs tooled across the Strand, hopping rises and troughs with nimble ease, sound-baffled engines humming as they powered the vehicles forward;
- (на дороге): the car hit a pothole;
- (на дороге): ice was glittering in the dips of the road surface;
- (на дороге): the horses were lamed by ruts in the road;
- (сделать в-у на дверце автомобиля): someone made a dent on the door of my new car
выбритый - (чисто выбрит): I am neatly shaved;
- (чисто выбрит): he's clean-shaven and good-looking
вывернутый - (ноги): splayed feet;
- (ноги балерины): she has the classic dancer's body: lean and loose-limbed, with slightly out-turned feet
вывеска - смотри файл OBJECTS
выглаженный - (костюмы): the sophisticated people, always careful of their press ironed costumes;
- (простыни): I like press ironed sheets;
- (рубашка была выглажена): his shirt has been pressed;
- (скатерть): a crisp white tablecloth;
- (форма, т.е. медсестры): present a professional image with a clean, pressed uniform
выгнутый - (стены помещения были выгнуты к нижней части танкера): the walls of the cavity were curved to the nethermost part of the ship's hull;
выгорать / выгореть - (краски выгорели на солнце): colors faded in the sun;
- (о волосах): The candlelight picked out the silver in her hair. The ferocious red that had earned her title of Vixen was long since faded.
выгоревший - (краски, в. на солнце): colors faded in the sun;
- (от внутренних помещений оставался лишь в. остов): after years of dereliction new joists and flooring were installed (after the fire); however the interiors still remained burnt-out shells
выгравированный - (чаша с в-ми на ней рунами): a stone basin engraved with runes
выдавленный - (буквы, в-ые на глине): letters impressed on the clay;
- (зубная паста, в-ая из тюбика): toothpaste squeezed out from a toothpaste tube
выдающийся (вперёд) - (подбородок): jutting chin;
- (подбородок): a woman with a very prominent chin
выдвижной - (лестница, т.е. на чердак): he found the retractable stairs in the main hallway and climbed into the attic
выдолбленный - (бревно): a hollow log served as a watering trough for the horses;
- (бревно): I was at the point where I'd seriously have suggested we try putting to sea in a hollow log.;
- (бревно): hollowed log;
- (камень): pitted stone;
- (каноэ): a dugout canoe;
- (ствол дерева): he had a craft - not much more than a hollowed tree trunk
выдохшийся - (пиво и газированные напитки ): flat beer and other gassy drinks;
- смотри выдохнуться / выдыхаться в словаре DVIJENIE
выемка - (в муке): place 4 cups of flour in a mixing bowl and make a hollow in it with the back of a spoon;;
- (в основании сосуда, который носят на голове, делается в.): vessels that are normally carried on the head are given a hollow in the base;
- (в песке): there was a shallow concavity in the sand where it had rested, but the melon itself was gone;
- (в печенье): make an indentation / depression in the center of each cookie;
- (в стене): an indentation in the wall;
- (для мачты): forward of amidships there was a single thwart across the boat with a hole in it for the stepping of a mast;
- (т.е. для ремня в креплении детского сиденья в автомобиле): thread the vehicle seat belt through one notch, then lace between that back plate and the child restraint harness, then thread through the notch on the other side;
- (т.е. для шипа): Tenon and mortise - a method of joining two pieces of wood in which a mortise (groove) is cut into one piece and tenon (tongue) is cut into the second. The tenon fits into the mortise and is secured by wooden dowel pins.;
- (на стене): inch by inch, he went over the brickwork, feeling with sensitive fingers for bumps or lugs, indentations or hollow areas;
- (т.е. на часах): the cuckoo clock was hand-made, and there were countless frets on it, little indentations and ornaments scored in the soft wood
выжатый - (губка): compost with the right moisture level should feel like a damp, wrung-out sponge;
- (лимон): squeezed lemon;
- (свежевыжатый фруктовый сок): freshly squeezed fruit juice;
- смотри файл DVVIJENIE
выжженный - (клеймо было глубоко выжжено на шкуре коня): a scrawling W had been burned deep into the hair and skin (of the horse's flank);
- (проводить политику в-ой земли): the French armies brutally suppressed the native population and practiced a scorched-earth policy;
- (земля, стратегия в-ой з-и образно): our experts sensed a scorched-earth strategy emerging on the Right;
- (т.е. по дереву, буквы, в-ые вручную на рукоятке ракетки): a squash racket with "J.P." hand-done in poker-work on the handle;
- (т.е. по дереву, легенда, в-ая на доске): I found a small bungalow with the legend done in pokerwork on a small wooden board hung over the door on two chains;
- (пустошь): parched wasteland;
- (солнцем лужайка): lawns that were once emerald green lay parched and yellowing;
- (трава в-ая солнцем): parched grass
выжимки - (виноградные): grape pomace extract is a natural weapon against bacteria;
(виноградные, оливковые): pomace / marc is the solid remains of grapes, olives, or other fruit after pressing for juice or oil.
- (сахарного тростника / ): bagasse is the dry pulpy fibrous residue that remains after sugar cane or sorghum stalks are crushed to extract their juice;
- (сахарной свёклы): sugar beet bagasse / sugar beet pulp is the main byproduct of beet sugar industry;
- to get the best recovery of oil from the residues they should be treated immediately after removal from the filter press
выкованный - (мечи, в-ые из стальных заготовок): the Roman gladius was an early example of swords forged from blooms of steel
выкрашенный - (в-ые белой краской веранды): a two-storey house with white-painted verandas running round both floors
вылизанный разг (т.е. ухоженный) - (берега): famous for its gin-clear waters and manicured banks, the river Test in Hampshire is one of the world's most impressive fishing spots;
- (побережье): as a resort town, every inch of the manicured coast boasts scenes of natural beauty situated between big-name fashion outlets;
- (садик): the houses were screened off by hedges, between which I caught glimpses of manicured gardens
вылинявший - (безрукавка): a faded denim vest;
- (бельё): faded laundry;
- (цвет хаки): the irises were like small disks of bleached khaki
выложенный - (государственная печать, в-ая венецианской мозаикой на земле перед входом в здание): the main doorway and the great seal of the United States paved in terrazza into the ground in front of it;
- (драгоценными камнями): they chose round shields: their bosses were overlaid with gold and set with gems;
- (в. каменными плитами пол): flagged stone floor;
- (в-ая каменными плитами дорожка): а flagstoned path;
- (в-ая камнями яма): stone-lined pit;
- (пол был выложен узорами, т.е. например, паркетный): the floor was inset with patterns;
- (в. поролоном футляр): if the console is to be regularly moved we recommend that it be installed in a foam-lined flightcase
выломанный - (дверь): no broken windows, no forced doors;
- (дверьбыла выломана): a barn door was pried open AmE;
- (половица): I tripped over the wrenched floorboards
вымощенный - (двор, в. булыжником): a cobbled yard;
- (в-ая каменными плитами дорожка): а flagstoned path;
- (в. каменными плитами пол): flagged stone floor;
- (переулок, в. камнями из собора): an alley cobbled with old stones from the cathedral
вымпел - смотри файл OBJECTS
выпачкать - (одежду грязью): his clothes were daubed with mud;
- (пелёнки): the baby soiled his diapers;
- (руки): you"ll dirty your hands if you touch that machine;
- (руки чем-л образно): these were top lawyers, the kind who wouldn't normally soil their hands with police work or criminal law;
- (челюсти, выпачканные кровью): the jaws smeared with blood
выпотрошенный - (вес в-ой птицы уменьшался при длительной предубойной выдержке): eviscerated weights were reduced with the long feed withdrawal period;
- (мешки с мусором образно): the service entrance smells of disemboweled bin bags and cat piss;
- (в. разбитый автомобиль образно): the site was marked by the gutted and rusted wreck of a car;
- (рыба): Gutted fish: fish from which the guts have been removed; alternative term is eviscerated fish. In the USA the term drawn fish is mainly used.
выпуклость - (бёдер): the tightly fitted bodice drew the eye to the attractive swell of her hips;
- (т.е. в центре щита): they chose round shields: their bosses were overlaid with gold and set with gems;
- (грудей): the beginning swell of her bosoms;
- (грудей): he was gently caressing the swell of her breasts;
- (затылочная): occipital protuberance: prominence on the outer surface of the occipital bone;
- (на кармане): the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge;
- (на стене): inch by inch, he went over the brickwork, feeling with sensitive fingers for bumps or lugs, indentations or hollow areas;
- (трость с в-ю на конце): a stick with a knob on its end
выпуклый - (бицепс): a bulging biceps;
- (бицепсы): a slender star with bulging biceps;
- (буква): embossed letter;
- (глаза): protuberant eyes;
- (стекло часов): integral bracelet, domed mineral glass;
- (функция): convex function
выпученный - (глаза): If the hyperthyroidism is quite severe, the eyes protrude and the protrusion may be permanent. This condition is called proptosis. Protuberant eyes are more exposed and dry more rapidly than normal.;
- (глазa): bulging eyes is the abnormal protrusion (bulging out) of one or both eyeballs.;
- (глазa): Exophthalmos, also known as proptosis, is the medical term for bulging or protruding eyeballs. It can affect 1 or both eyes and is most often caused by thyroid eye disease.;
- (глаза): he had a droopy face with a broad nose, and bug eyes;
- (глаза): his eyes were rolling and bulging
выпучивание - (балок): lateral buckling of beams;
- (в уплотнении подшипника): the bearing seal may also include some means of lateral support against columnar deflection or buckling, if needed;
- (глаз): bulging eyes is the abnormal protrusion (bulging out) of one or both eyeball;
- (глаз): If the hyperthyroidism is quite severe, the eyes protrude and the protrusion may be permanent. This condition is called proptosis. Protuberant eyes are more exposed and dry more rapidly than normal.;
- (гор): Waterton is the meeting of two worlds: the flatlands of the prairie and the abrupt upthrust of the mountains;
- (земной коры): large lake oil shale basins are typically found in areas of block faulting or crust warping due to mountain building;
- (мембраны): buckling of a compressed elastic membrane;
- (рельсов): rail buckling is caused by the compressive forces generated by the heat expanded rails in one section of rail
выпяченный - (грудь): he inflated his already bulging chest;
- (грудь): their women are huge and fat, with puffed-out breasts
выпячивание - (мембраны): buckling of a compressed elastic membrane
вырез - (врезные замки вставляются в в. в двери): mortise locks are box-shaped locks which fit in a mortise in the door stile;
- (т.е. горловины): смотри ниже;
- (для шпунта): Tongue and groove joints allow two flat pieces to be joined strongly together to make a single flat surface. Each piece has a slot (the groove) cut all along one edge, and a thin, deep ridge (the tongue) on the opposite edge.;
- (т.е. по краю листа): the leaf margin is marked with deep, wave-like indentations
вырез (т.е. горловины) - (заглянуть в в. платья): he had shamelessly tried to see down the neck of her gown as she curtseyed;
- (круглый, блузка / ночная рубашка с круглым в-ом): a scoop-necked blouse / gown;
- (мысом, кофта / свитер с в-ом мысом): V neck cardigan / sweater;
- (в. отделан кружевом): neck and armholes are edged in lace;
- (низкий, платье с низким в-ом): a low-cut dress;
- (низкий, платье с н-им в-ом): she was wearing her hostess dress from the cabaret, low-cut at the front;
- (платья): the soft swell of her bosom above the silk gown's low neckline;
- (сердечком): swimsuit with heart-shaped neck;
- (в. под шею): a pullover with a crew neck
вырезанный - (на шаре был вырезан барельеф, изображающий...): the orb was carved in basso-relievo and depicted all kinds of heavenly;
- (чаша с в-ми на ней рунами): a shallow stone basin engraved with runes
вырезка - (т.е. из газеты): I had a clipping which I had out of that newspaper;
- (т.е. из газеты): his news clipping has been of enormous value to U.S. government personnel;
- (т.е. кулинарная): tenderloin
вырисовываться - (дом вырисовывался перед ним): a large white house loomed before him;
- (на фоне неба): two figures were silhouetted against the starry sky;
- (неясно): now a dark hulk loomed out of the whiteness (of the snow);
- (силуэт парящей птицы вырисовывался фоне неба): a gliding bird silhouetted against a blazing sky;
- (силуэт вырисовался на фоне неба): the silhouette of an enormous dog clearly imprinted against the sky;
- (силуэты зданий Лондона стали вырисовываться сквозь моросящий дождь): the skyline of London began to materialize through the dawn drizzle;
- (чётко, лицо чётко вырисовывалось на фоне неба): the sky was light and his face was cut sharp against it
вырубленный - (карниз, в. в скале): there was a ledge cut into a rocky outcrop, where women mended crab traps;
- (лестницы, в-ые с неизвестным мастерством): a flight of 27 broad stairs, hewn by some unknown art of the same black stone;
- (площадка, в-ая в камне): a small flat landing cut in the stone;
- (площадка, в-ая в скале): the broad square had been hacked out of the rock to flatten the crest of the pass;
- (театр был вырублен в скале): the theatre was hewn out of the rockface in 1693
выряженный - (лакей): His painting, "French Valet and English Lackey" is a classic study in national identities. The overdressed English footman, so raw, so blunt and so guileless, is perfectly complemented by the French Valet, with his silk stockings, his affected manner of speaking and a conspicuous comb in his wig.
высветить / высвечивать - (луч фонарика высветил сейф): the thin beam of his headlamp picked out the front of a small wall safe;
- (т.е. огни улиц высветили развалины замка): there were lights twinkling down the main street, and the glow of them picked out the skeletal frame of the ruined castle brooding on its hills
высветлить / высветлять - (волосы): her hair had been unnaturally blonded
высеченный - (грубо в-ые гранитные плиты): the crudely cut slabs of granite;
- (лестницы, в-ые с неизвестным мастерством): a flight of 27 broad stairs, hewn by some unknown art of the same black stone;
- (петроглифы, в-ые в каменных глыбах): the scholars inspected the thousand-year-old petrogliphs carved into the boulders;
- (площадка, в-ая в скале): the broad square had been hacked out of the rock to flatten the crest of the pass;
- (театр был высечен в скале): the theatre was hewn out of the rockface in 1693
выситься - (горный хребет высился над городом): a ridge overlooked the city;
- (дом высился на крутом холме): the house perched on a steep hillside;
- (холм, высящийся над деревней): the house stood on a hill overlooking the village;
- (здание, высившееся над площадью): he was looking up the hill at the single building which dominated the whole square;
- (Мао высился над всеми): Mao towered above everyone;
- (над противником): he towers over his opponent with daunting ease;
- (надстройка высящаяся над палубой на 5 этажей): the vessel was 90 metres broad, from scupper to scupper and her superstructure reared 5 stories into the air above her deck;
- (небоскрёбы высятся над городом): the skyscrapers tower over the city
- (о пирамиде): towering pyramid;
- (подмостки высились слева): to its left rose a white scaffolding;
- (статуи высятся на 60 футов над пустыней): the statues rise nearly 60 feet above the desert floor;
- (студенческое общежитие высилось на берегах озера): my dorm perched on the shores above lake W.
- (фигура высилась до потолка): a cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling;
- (холмы высятся над пустыней): featureless hills that rise abruptly from the Saharan sands;
- (шале высится над долиной): a view from the cliffside chalet that dominates the valley
высотный - (болезнь): people get sick at high altitudes, such as in the mountains. This is called mountain sickness or high-altitude sickness;
- (дом): a troubled teenager who threw herself off a tower block;
- (здание): high-rise building
высохший - (кровь): the knots were caked with dried blood;
- (пастбище): sere grassland;
- (пень): wizened stump;
- (человек): the wizened, toothless landlord
выстиранный - (в-ая вручную одежда): How to Dry Hand-Washed Clothing;
- (джинсы): freshly laundered jeans;
- (рубашки, аккуратно в-ые и поглаженные работниками гостиницы): shirts that were neatly laundered by the hotel staff;
выстланный - (брюшная полость, в-ая серозной мембраной): Abdomen contains a cavity (abdominal cavity) separated by the diaphragm from the thoracic cavity above and by the plane of the pelvic inlet from the pelvic cavity below and lined with a serous membrane, the peritoneum.
выступ - (берега): a projection of land along the coast;
- (т.е. берега): the restaurant is located on a jut of land known as D. Island just south of Ronald Regan National Airport;
- (вырубленный в скале): there was a ledge cut into a rocky outcrop, where women mended crab traps;
- (горы): two rock climbers spent a cold and hungry night lashed together on a narrow rock ledge on a Q. Mountain;
- (т.е. горы): they stood on a flat shelf;
- (гранитный): a small hamlet that has stood on a jut of granite for 600 years;
- (затылочный): occipital protuberance: prominence on the outer surface of the -occipital bone;
- (на головке винта есть 8 в-ов, т.е. на опорной поверхности): the screw head has 8 protrusions, or nibs, equidistantly spaced from each other, that run from the outer edge of the head down the cone-shaped bearing surface;
- (т.е. на здании): A youth wasa edging his wy up a fire-escape ladder on the 19-story Kentucky Hotel. The climber reached the top, took a quick step and balanced erect on a narrow ledge at the roof level.;
- (на клюве птицы-носорога): horn: a projection from the beak of a bird, as in the hornbill;
- (на присосках на щупальцах кальмара): its tentacles are equipped with a series of suckers, each of which is surrounded by a ring of tooth-like projections;
- (о горбе верблюда): the camel's hump is an ugly lump;
- (о шпунте): Tongue and groove joints allow two flat pieces to be joined strongly together to make a single flat surface. Each piece has a slot (the groove) cut all along one edge, and a thin, deep ridge (the tongue) on the opposite edge.;
- (т.е. резьбы): When flat thread rolling dies are employed, the threads on the tapered end portion of the screw are not fully formed and do not have sharp crests. Since these leading threads are not sharp, they will not readily deform the metal of the workpiece, and when the thread-forming screws are forced into the workpiece, a substantial torque must be applied on the screw to cause it to form the desired thread.;
- (резьбы): pitch is the distance from the crest of one thread to the next;
- (скалистый): he stood on the rocky prominence
выступать / выступить (т.е. торчать) - (балка - из здания): an I-beam that protruded from the building;
- (бастионы выступают из городских стен): the bastions project out from the city walls providing placements for cannon guns and better line of sight for the defenders to cover all of the city walls;
- (ветка выступала дальше всех от ствола): he reached the branch that projected the farthest from the trunk;
- (камни выступали над песчаной почвой): he was following the rabbit through the rocks that jutted out of the sandy soil;
- (в. на 3 дюйма над поверхностью): the intertwined DB stood out 3 inches from the ring;
- (на поверхности, о чеканном рисунке): embossing: a process of stamping, hammering or molding material so that a design protrudes beyond the surface;
- (над поверхностью): another way of freezing fillets, steaks and fish pieces is to drop them into a container holding very cold salted water and then freeze the entire container, making sure that none of the fish flesh protrudes beyond the surface of water or ice;
- (труба выступала из стены): a pipe that jutted out of the wall;
- (шар, выступающций на поверхности пирамиды): the massive orb protruding from the face of the pyramid was carved in basso-relievo;
- (эркер, выступающий на наружной стены дома): bay window is a window that sticks out from the outer wall of a house and usually has three sides
выступающий - (балки, т.е. на потолке): a ceiling with exposed beams;
- (вены): prominent veins swelled in his hands;
- (грудь): a woman with prominent breasts;
- (коса, в-ая из материка): a wind-swept neck of land jutting out from the mainland;
- (нос): a prominent Semitic nose;
- (платформа на судне выступала над морем): he mounted a small platform that jutted over the sea and looked down;
- (подбородок): a woman with a very prominent chin;
- (подбородок): jutting chin;
- (участки суши, т.е. в болоте): a swamp is a wetland that features temporary or permanent inundation of large areas of land by shallow bodies of water, generally with a substantial number of hummocks, or dry-land protrusions
вытаращить глаза - (он вытаращил на неё глаза): he goggled at her for a few seconds;
- (он вытаращил глаза, у него отвисла челюсть): the farmer's eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped
вытатуированный - on the forearm was tattooed a number in blue ink
вытащенный - (в-ые на берег лодки): people were working all around beached boats;
- (рыба, в-ая из воды): he was a fish out of water;
- (сердце трепыхается в груди, как рыба, вытащенная из воды): his heart flip-flops in his chest like a landed fish
вытесанный - (грубо в. деревянный кубок): a roughly hewn wooden cup
вытисненный - (буквы, в-ые на глине): letters impressed on the clay;
- (рисунок змеи, в. на коже): a snake pattern embossed on the leather
вытянутый - (в ударе, нанесённом тыльной стороной ладони полностью в-ой руки, не было силы): at full stretch, his backhanded thrust had no strength;
- (ели): spindled spruces;
- (носки, т.е. прыгуна в воду): one of the primary factors affecting the scoring is the properly defined body position of the diver according to the dive being performed, including pointed toes and feet touching at all times;
- (носки, т.е. ноги): she balances a leg on the back of a chair with her toes pointed and leans forward until her forehead touches the knee;
- (рука): he hurried forward with his hand outstretched;
- (руки): with nothing to break his fall, his outstretched arms hit first;
- (руки): she kept her arms stretched out in front of her so as not to bump her face into the back of the wardrobe
выхоленный - (у него был в. вид): he was well groomed with a cheerful, somewhat vacuous face
выцвести / выцветать - (голубые глаза выцвели): her eyes were washed-out blue;
- (крашеные тёмно=зелёные панели, которые вероятно первоначально были синими и выцвели от времени): painted panel of dark green (which were probably originally blue and have become discolored with age);
- (о волосах): The candlelight picked out the silver in her hair. The ferocious red that had earned her title of Vixen was long since faded.;
- (о ткани): washed out cloth has become less bright as a result of being washed a lot;
- (фрески выцвели): most of the murals became discolored
выцветание - (т.е. фресок): there were upon these frescoes some symptoms of discoloration
- (в-ие на солнце портьеры): sun-faded silken drapes;
- (обои): dingy wallpaper;
- (фотография): faded photograph from 1931;
- (футболка): his T-shirt was baggy and faded
вычеканенный - (в. из меди полумесяц): a crescent of hammered copper
вычищенный - (дом): A Marlborough resident came home from work and was surprised to find his house had been thoroughly cleaned. But by whom?;
- (костюм был вычищен, т.е. в химчистке): his suit has been dry-cleaned
вычурно - (дом в. отделан тяжёлыми тканями и тёмным деревом): the house is pretentiously decorated in heavy fabric and dark woods;
- (украшенный резьбой): ornately carved
вычурный - (излишества, т.е. архитектурного стиля): some long-dead people that had been seduced by the florid excesses of that style, bequeathed edifices with frivolous carved swags and cornices;
- (манера разговаривать): a mannered way of speaking;
- (манера разговаривать): The classic example of flowery speech would be the way some characters in Dickens's novel talk. They don't talk in sentences, they talk in paragraphs. Instead of saying, "Glad to help," he'd say "It was a great pleasure for me to be of assistance to you.";
- (отделка Библиотеки Конгресса): but while the cognoscenti deplore the exuberance of its ornament, its overdone and pretentious decoration, the Library of Congress continues to be the admiration of the people;
- (стиль): ornate style means a style elaborately, heavily, and often excessively ornamented, or rich in decorative detail;
- (стиль прозы 18 века): the flowery style of 18th century prose;
- (стиль театра): the actress helped create an ambitious, intense style of theatre;
- (фильмы независимых студий): indie filmmakers are well aware that if they have to get out into the big lights, they need to make a movie with a real "innovative" story, something out of the ordinary, so their movie subjects have to be pretentious
вышивка - (в., аппликация и в. бисером) top-quality fabric and uncompromising details like embroidery, applique and beading
- (вяжите 2 ряда платочной в-ой): knit 2 rows in garter stitches
вязкий - (жидкости): viscous and heat-conducting fluids;
- (земля): every step was a separate effort, hauling his mud-clogged boots out of the sucking earth;
- (краска): a tough, quick-drying pastel ideally suited for applying intense color to flat surfaces
вялый - (мускулы): this article gives you some easy ways of toning up slack muscles;
- (мышцы): morphine overdose occurs when you take too much of this drug, causing symptoms of blurred vision, limp muscles, pinpoint pupils...;
- (рукопожатие): Many Dutch people may think your handshake is weak. They hate a limp handshake.;
- (салат): wilted lettuce
газ - (бытовой): cooking gas;
- (г. - одно из четырёх состояний материи): Gas is one of four main states of matter, composed of molecules in constant random motion. Unlike a solid, a gas has no fixed shape and will take on the shape of the space available. Unlike a liquid, the intermolecular forces are very small; it has no fixed volume and will expand to fill the space available.;
- (минеральная вода): "Mineral water, please" "Still or sparkling?";
- (напитки): "How about a Coke?" "We don't have fizzy drinks in the house.";
- (напитки): beer and other gassy drinks
газовый - (баллончик, т.е. для защиты от нападения): assault spray;
- (камин, т.е. с бутафорскими дровами): gas logs and grates;
- (плита): gas cooker
газообразный - (смесь воздуха и водяного пара): relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor (in a gaseous mixture of air and water vapor) to the saturated vapor pressure of water at a given temperature;
- (состояние воды): water can exist in a gaseous state
гайка - смотри файл OBJECTS
галерея - he heard her footsteps retreating down the passage;
- (картинная): picture gallery
галечный - (пляж): gravel beach
галочка - (отметить г-ой клетку / поставить г-у в клетке): please tick in the box below the description that best covers the availability of electric power where you work;
- (поставьте г-у в клетке под словом "да"): read the list carefully and put a tick in the box 11 under Yes for any problem that applies to you;
- (ставить г-у в клетке): he checked every box of an option paper
гармошка - concertina;
- (т.е. между вагонами): bellows for buses and railway vehicles;
- (сложенный г-ой): sheets are concertinaed, then stitched into the binding with a single piece of thread;
- (сложиться г-ой, ноги сложились г-ой под приборной доской, т.е. автомобиля): he is so tall his knees seem to concertina against the dashboard
гаснуть - (лампа / лампочка погасла): the lamp / bulb went out;
- (луч погас): so far below the surface that the strongest shaft of light died out far above;
- (о пламени): the flames died down, fluttered and waned;
- (о свечах): as the final chime echoed, every candle and lamp in the hall winked out;
- (о свече): the candle flared a brilliant green and then went out;
- (о спичке): he liked to hold up a match to the middle of his palm until the light fizzled out;
- (о фарах): the taillights died;
- (о фонаре): the lantern went out;
- (об окнах): the lights in the hotel just went off;
- (об улыбке): her smile faded
гвоздь - смотри файл OBJECTS
гибкий - (лук): the bow was light and limber;
- (материал): rattan is such a lissome material that it can be used for all manner of furniture and baskets;
- (материал): Wicker is often made of material of plant origin, but plastic fibers are also used. Often a frame is made of stiffer materials, after which more pliant material is used to fill the frame.;
- (правый желудочек более гибок, чем левый): in most cases with atrial defects, the right ventricle is more flexible than the left;
- (сердцевина японского клинка, т.е. сталь): the harder outer skin of the blade is better suited to sharpening than the more ductile core;
- (сталь): where the thick yakibatsuchi (a mixture of water, clay, ash, and other ingredients) was applied, the blade will cool more slowly, turning not into martensite but instead forming ferrite and pearlite, which are softer and more flexible;
- (танцоры): lissome dancers;
- (теплоизоляция): this pipe insulation is an environmentally friendly, flexible thermal insulation;
- (трубная изоляция): this pipe insulation is quite flexible for easy installation;
- (хвост): the animal was lashing its tail as long and lithe as a cat's;
- (юноша): he was tall and lithe
гибкость - (бамбука): its policy had the resilience of a bamboo reed but also its toughness;
- (борца): players must have the stamina of a distance swimmer, the strength of a weight lifter and the flexibility of a wrestler;
- (т.е. тела): as he swung over the rail and stepped on deck a hint of catlike litheness showed in the apparently heavy body;
- (трубная изоляция обладает превосходной г-тью в холодную погоду): this pipe insulation has superior cold weather flexibility
гидропульт - смотри файл OBJECTS
гидрофильность - (поверхности): the roughness enhances the hydrophilicity of the material, depending on the surface chemistry
гидрофобность - (поверхности): the roughness enhances the hydrophobicity of the material, depending on the surface chemistry
гидрофобный - (пропитка, ткань с г-ой п-ой): the snow camouflage parka is made from a lightweight, white nylon filament, water repellant treated cloth;
- (слой): the researchers added a hydrophobic layer to this surface
гирлянда - (т.е. архитектурное украшение из листьев, фруктов, цветов): some long-dead people that had been seduced by the florid excesses of that style, bequeathed edifices with frivolous carved swags and cornices;
- (т.е. лампочек, ёлка, украшенная г-ами): fir trees decorated with light chains;
- (т.е. лампочек, придорожный ресторанчик, увешанный г-ами электрических лампочек): he parked in a layby beside a roadhouse hung with fairy lights;
- (остролиста): the chandeliers were hung with garlands of holly;
- (остролиста и омёлы): thick streamers of holly and mistletoe were strung along the corridors
гиря - смотри файл OBJECTS
гладкий - (волосы): lank hair;
- (волосы): her hair was sleek and shiny;
- (поверхность, т.е. бетона): create a smooth surface by using a trowel;
- (поверхность воды): the still surface of the water;
- (построение фразы): his turn of phrase was too polished for extemporaneous speech;
- (функция): smooth function;
- (футбольное поле): the field looked smooth as velvet from their lofty position;
- (шерсть): there are two varieties of Border Collies: one with coarse hair, and one with sleek hair
гладко - (г. выбритое лицо): clean-shaven face
гладкошёрстный - (пёсик): a small glossy black dog with tan patches on his behind;
- (породы собак): short-haired dog breeds;
- (собака): how to wash a short-haired dog;
- (собака): if you have a short- or smooth-haired dog, you will not have to worry about matted hair
гладь - (водная): grass blades emerging from a beautiful smooth water surface;
- (водная): I was sitting on the landing, watching the river below as occasional soft circles of ripples expanded out when fish or insects disturbed the glassy water surface;
- (воды): anywhere - just a vast expanse of blue water;
- (т.е. вышивка): satin stitches to create flat, filled areas within a design
глаженый - (костюмы): the sophisticated people, alway careful of their press ironed costumes;
- (простыни): I like press ironed sheets;
- (форма, т.е. медсестры): present a professional image with a clean, pressed uniform
глазок - (т.е. дверной): смотри файл OBJECTS;
- (т.е. на картофеле): if cutting potato tubers for seeds, pieces should weigh 1.5 ounces or more and contain two or three eyes
- (сырок, т.е. шоколадом): chocolate-coated sweet cheese bite;
- (терракота): glazed terracotta;
- (ямс): candied sweet potatoes
глазурь - (т.е. на пироге): To make the frosting: in a small saucepan, melt butter over medium - continue to cook, stirring constantly, until the butter releases a nutty aroma and just starts to turn golden, about 5 to 6 minutes. Remove and let cool completely.;
- (т.е. на терракоте): terracotta with tinted tin-enamel glazes
глиста - (т.е. худая девушка): Skinny Minny
глобус - смотри файл OBJECTS
глотка - смотри файл MEDICINA;
- I saw him pouring a bottle of water down his gullet infml;
- (запихивать себе с г-у): look at the rate he is cramming that pizza down his gullet infml;
- he couldn't keep his big bazoo shut AmE slang
глухой - (стена): dead wall;
- (стена, попытки расспросить соседей наткнулись на г-ую стену): attempts to get information by questioning the neighbors ran into a blank wall
глыба - (гранита): We should have avoided the asteroid belt by plotting a course outside the plane of the ecliptic. But the captain wanted to make the schedule. The repulsion screen must have failed five minutes before that chunk of granite barged into us.;
- (железобетона): chunks of stressed concrete with the rusty rebar sticking out;
- (каменная, т.е. валун): the scholars inspected the thousand-year-old petrogliphs carved into the boulders;
- (каменные г-ы, т.е. валуны): a series of jagged niches led down to boulders that lay half submerged in water;
- (каменные, т.е. из каменоломни): Quarrymen split the rock, and extract the resulting blocks of stone from the ground. Sawyers cut these rough blocks into cubes, to required size with diamond-tipped saws;
- (льда): huge chunks of ice;
- (мраморная г. на каминной доске): there was an enormous block of marble on the mantelpiece
глянец - (навести на кого-л зеркальный г.): he looked as if his personal tailor and hairdresser had polished him to fine sheen;
- (сиять зеркальным глянцем): his shoes shined to a mirror gloss
глянцевый - (автомобиль): a sleek, black limousine;
- (бумага): glossy and heavy paper adds sheen and gives a professional look to the post card;
- (ежемесячник на г-ой бумаге с цветной печатью): slick-paper, four-color monthly;
- (керамические плитки): glossy tiles are ideal for bathroom walls and kitchen splashbacks;
- (журнал на г-ой бумаге): glossy magazine;
- (кожаный футляр): a sleek leather case;
- (красное дерево): the wood was a lustrous deep purple with a strong grain rosewood;
- (кузов автомобиля): the sleek black bodywork gleamed in the electric light;
- (кофейные кусты): the hills were glossy with coffee bushes;
- (паркетный пол): the room had satiny parquet floors;
- (пол): a glossy white floor;
- (перья): the glossy feathers slipped under his fingers
гнездо - (т.е. под деталь): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. птиц / насекомых): смотри ниже
гнездо (т.е. под деталь) - (т.е. под штеккер): a very robust plug and jack;
- (свечи зажигания): spark plug port;
- (стеклоочистителя): to fit windscreen wipers into the sockets;
- (телефонное): he rewired phone jacks to get free service;
- (уключины, т.е. весла): Ship oars!: Outboard arm cradles oar at elbow, inboard hand on handle, oar is lifted to a 45 degree angle and swung into the thole pins. Oars are lowered to the horizontal.;
- (шип и г.): Tenon and mortise - a method of joining two pieces of wood in which a mortise (groove) is cut into one piece and tenon (tongue) is cut into the second. The tenon fits into the mortise and is secured by wooden dowel pins.;
- he was slipping the crank into the socket at the base of the radiator
гнездо (т.е. птиц / насекомых) - (вить г.): in 1977 female gulls in California were nesting with females;
- (вылететь из г-а образно): Her daughter runs an art gallery in Nice. Her daughter is, by now, for all practical purposes French. Her son, with his American wife and American children, will soon, for all practical purposes, be American. So, having flown the nest, they have flown far.;
- (т.е. орлиное): eagle in eyrie;
- (разворошить осиное г. образно): to stir a hornet's nest
гнилой - (вода): the blue-green water was discoloured, putrefied;
- (ветка): he kicked at a heap of sodden leaves and bent to retrieve a blackened, rotten branch;
- (дыхание): his putrid, death-cold breath;
- (зубы): an old man with rotting teeth;
- (общественная система): you prop up rotten and unjust system
гнилостный - (бактерии): the product sterilizes 99.9% of various putrefactive bacteria and viruses;
- (бактерии): putrefaction is the decomposition of animal protein, especially by anaerobic microorganisms, described as putrefying bacteria;
- (дыхание): his putrid, death-cold breath
гниль - (в картофеле завелась г. примерно в период копки): the potato rot set in about the time of digging;
- (сухая г., т.е. болезнь растений): he was about as welcome in their house as dry rot
гнить - (в тюрьме образно): the killer is sentenced to rot in prison;
- (деревья гниют изнутри): in general, live trees tend to decay from the inside out;
- (ноги гнили от отморожения): he had the five toes of his right foot amputated, for they were rotten with frostbite;
- (труп гнил в воде): the hand was grayish, slimy-looking, and scabbed, like something dead that had decayed in water;
- (урожай остался г., т.е. на полях): US crops left to rot as Mexicans leave the fields for better-paid jobs. Ten percent of the cauliflower and broccoli harvest has been left to rot this year.
гниющий - (мусор): a pungent smell of rotten rubbish
гноящийся - смотри файл MEDIC
гнутый - (ножки столов и стульев): by the end of Queen Anne's reign, both tables and chairs were usually supported on cabriole legs without understretchers;
- (листовая сталь): bent steel plate;
- (фанера): curved plywood
голенастый - longshanks
головешка / головешка - The old lady made one end of the silk thread fast to Tom's tooth with a loop and tied the other to the bed-post. Then she seized the chunk of fire and suddenly thrust it almost to the boy's face. The tooth hung dangling by the bed-post, now.
головка - (болта): A bolt head is the enlarged shape on one end of a bolt. The type of bolt head determines the type of tool used to tighten it.;
- (булавочная, уместиться на б-ой г-е): These people are not doing the work of Christ. What they know about the Christ Spirit could be written on the head of a pin.;
- (винт с г-ой): Bolted joints are one of the most common elements in construction and machine design. They consist of cap screws or studs that capture and join other parts, and are secured with the mating of screw threads.;
- (грифа гитары): a guitar's frets, fretboard, tuners, headstock, and truss rod, all attached to a wooden extension, collectively constitute its neck;
- (г. душа с низким потреблением воды): low-flow shower head;
- (женская): her blond head was protruding onto the pillow;
- (маковая): poppy seed capsule;
- (погладить по г-е, т.е. похвалить): younger members seemed to crave greater recognition than an internal pat on the head;
- (полового члена): the glans penis (or simply glans) is the sensitive bulbous structure at the distal end of the penis;
- (птица с красноватой г-ой): robin, a small chiefly European thrush having a brownish olive back and orangish face and breast;
- (птицы): American thrush with olivaceous to slate gray upperparts, blackish head and tail, black and whitish streaked throat, and dull reddish breast and underparts;
- (сустава): your provider will reposition the head or ball of the joint back into the joint socket;
- (рукава): sleeve cap;
- (чеснока): garlic bulb;
- (эфеса шпаги / рукоятки меча): a boar carved on the pommel
голышом - (бегать по площади г.): to doff their clothes and run about a public square naked
горб - (верблюда): the camel's hump is an ugly lump;
- (человека): he has born with a hunch;
- (человека): Steinmetz had a deformed leg and also a hunch on his back
горбушка - (хлеба): he offered me the heel of a loaf fresh from the oven
горбатый - (ведьма): hunch-backed hag;
- (кит): humpback whale;
- (мостик): humpback bridge;
- (т.е. человек): the first witch was blind, the second was hunchbacked;
- (т.е. человек): King Richard III, Crookback
горбиться - he was stooping as if permanently looking for a mislaid piece of paper;
- (над магнитофонными бобинами): the men hunched over the slowly turning spools of a tape recorder;
- (над столом, читая): the boy was slouched over the table reading magazines;
- (над ткацким станком): he hunched over the loom;
- (он всё больше горбился над поводьями): the old man travelled without complaint but grew more and more hunched over his reins;
- he hunched on his elbows;
- (старайся не г.): straighten your back - try not to slouch;
- (сгорбившись): he scowled at her, arms crossed and shoulders hunched as though wishing to protect himself as much as possible from the indignity of the inspection;
- (сгорбившись): he sat fully clothed, hunched against the cold metal bars of his bedstead
горбун - (т.е. персонаж книги "Собор Парижской богоматери"): The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a novel by Victor Hugo;
- a deformed little hunchback, he was ailing throughout his life
горелый - (мясo): The intruder pressed down again, grinding the white hot object deeper into V.'s chest. There was the hiss of broiling flesh;
- (носки): an acrid smell of burning socks;
- (пахнет г-ым): there is a smell of burning;
- (спички): dead matches
гореть (т.е. светиться) - (горит свет, т.е. у консьержки): It's 3:00 a.m. There is a light on. He presses the buzzer.;
- (камера, в которой всё время горел свет): they put me in a cell with a light that stayed on;
- (лицо горело энтузиазмом образно): her face was alight with fervor;
- (о глазах): смотри ниже;
- (о свете): We"ll have all the electricity we need. The light will burn, the trains will run.;
- (о тормозных огнях, т.е. автомобиля): he could see the brake lights glowing on as the drivers ahead swung to the right to park at the curb;
- (о фарах): the next minute the vehicle was on her, lights blazing, tyres squealing;
- (об ушах, т.е. ярко покраснеть): his ears glowed red;
- (окно горело): the window was lit;
- (он видел, что у меня горит свет): He's out there. He saw my light burning.
гореть (о глазах) - his blue eyes blazed;
- his eyes were blazing in his white face;
- (тревожно): her eyes blazed with alarm;
- (ужасным огнём образно): the monster's eyes were lit with a hell light
горло - (Г. может пересохнуть по многим причинам. Пересохшее г. часто бывает симптомом более тяжёлого заболевания.): There are many things that can cause dry throat. Dry throat is often a symptom to a more serious problem.;
- (он шёл дальше с пересохшим г-ом): he walked on, throat dry;
- (прочистить г.): he cleared his throat;
- (у него болит г.): he has a sore throat;
- (у меня горло перехватывает, когда я вижу, как они держаться за руки и ласкаются): it does make me gag a bit to see the two of them holding hands and nuzzling each other;
- смотри файл MEDICINA
горловина - (т.е. платья): neck and armholes are edged in lace
горлышко - (бутылки): bottle-neck;
- (песочных часов): he looked at the sand slipping smoothly through the waist of the hourglass;
горошек - (галстук в г.): he wore a polka-dot tie
горстка - (людей): he was one of a handful of names linked with the post
горсть - (банкнот / купюр): he held out a fistful of crumpled notes;
- (кофейных зёрен): a handful of coffee beans
горшок / горшочек - смотри файл OBJECTS
горючий - (газ): highly inflammable hydrogen gas;
- (нефть): petrol is volatile and highly inflammable;
- (пыль): accumulations of combustible dust at worksites can provide the fuel for devastating explosions that kill and maim workers
горящий - (глаза): fiery eyes;
- (глаза): a black dog large as a bear, with gleaming eyes;
- (глаза, собака с г-ими г-ами): I saw a gigantic hound, eyes blazing, jaws dripping foam;
- (здание): a tenement building ablaze, with children trapped inside;
- (мясo): The intruder pressed down again, grinding the white-hot object deeper into V.'s chest. There was the hiss of broiling flesh;
- (факелы): the cavernous entrance hall was lit with flaming torches
гофрированный - (бумага): crepe paper;
- (воротник, т.е. деталь одежды XVI века): a ruff is an item of clothing worn in Western Europe from the mid-sixteenth century to the mid-seventeenth century;
- (лист): corrugated metal roofing sheets bring together high-quality steel and a corrugated design to provide incredible strength;
- (листовой поликарбонат): on the gallery, roof and balcony cladding is corrugated polycarbonate sheeting;
- (туфли на гофрированной подошве): the light sound of crepe-soled shoes;
- (шланг): Stainless Steel Bellows Flexible Hose;
- (шланг): corrugated hose
гравировка - the engraving on the decanter is the same as on the stopper, which shows that the stopper is original
град образно - (критики, попасть под г. критики): China and Russia both came under a barrage of criticism for blocking the UN Security Council resolution;
- (критики, попасть под г. критики): he is fighting back after coming under a barrage of criticism for remarks he made about homosexuality during an interview with P.M.;
- (обвинений): I welcomed the chance to respond to the latest volley of allegations;
- (обменяться г-ом ударов): they exchanged a flurry of blows
гранёный - (башня из стекла и стали): a faceted glass-and-steel tower;
- (бриллиант): faceted diamond ring;
- (бриллианты): large selection of ideal cut diamonds;
- (драгоценные камни / самоцветы): faceted gems on rings
гранула - (т.е. в мастоцитах): a mast cell (or mastocyte) is a resident cell of several types of tissues and contains many granules rich in histamine and heparin;
- (древесные): The fuel used in most pellet stoves. All wood pellets are biomass materials. The most common residential pellets are made from sawdust and ground wood chips, which are waste materials from trees used to make furniture, lumber, and other products.;
- (железной руды): the formation of raw iron ore pellets, also known as pelletizing, has the objective of producing pellets in an appropriate band of sizes and with mechanical properties high enough to maintain its usefulness during the stresses of transference, transport, and use
гранулированный - (шлак): granulated slag
грань - (т.е. в огранке бриллианта): Crown is the upper part of the diamond above the girdle. It consists of a large flat area on top called a table, and several facets below it (star, bezel and upper girdle facets) form the parts of the crown. Table is the largest and flat facet on the top a diamond.;
- (куба): Isometric of a Cube with Circles Inscribed on its Faces;
- (многогранника): enumeration of polyhedra with up to 9 faces;
- (пирамиды): the orb protruding from the face of the pyramid was carved in basso-relievo
грат - (т.е. на металле): grinding a metal part will remove burrs, deep cuts or saw marks
грациозно - (двигаться): he moved very gracefully for a man so large
грациозный - (рука): he pointed at me with a languid, graceful arm;
- (т.е. тело дельфина): I saw a lithe shape slide through the water alongside. "Dolphins!"
гребень - (т.е. волны): crest;
- (выехать на гребне волны настроений в обществе): transparent attempt to ride the crest of the growing sentiment;
- (горного хребта): the cross section through the Atlantic sediments is very difficult to interpret in any other way except by constant creation of new oceanic crust at the crest of the ridge;
- (дорога на гребне дамбы): eccentric hotel, set on its own island linked to the mainland by a tidal causeway;
- (на гребне волны популярности): the President is currently riding the crest of popularity;
- (на гребне общественных перемен): I came of age on the crest of tumultuous social change
гребень / гребешок - (т.е. петуха): crest;
- (т.е. петуха): sex was assessed by morphological characteristics (comb and wattle development) at the time of selection;
- (т.е. динозавров / птиц): The crest is a prominent feature exhibited by several bird and dinosaur species on their heads. Fleshy crests are called cockscombs.;
- (т.е. расчёска): she was attacking his hair with a wet comb;
- (т.е. расчёска): I draw out a steel comb, raking it through my hair;
- (т.е. расчёска с длинными зубьями): a rake comb with large handle
грелка - смотри файл OBJECTS
грибок - (мебель была покрыта г-ом): wooden furniture stood covered in fungus
грива - (льва): lion's mane
грим - (сценический): stage make up is applied heavily because they are so far away
гримаса - (недовольная): the shadowlike, ever so faint hair along her upper lip gave the impression of a perpetual pout;
- (с г-ой): with his face screwed up, as though he would rather have done anything than approached his master, the man walked forward;
- (состроить г-у): смотри ниже
гримаса (состроить г-у) - he gave / made a grimace;
- the customs officer grimaced when he saw my American passport;
- (кому-л): I grimaced at him;
- (при виде стакана): "This tastes horrible," said Tom, pulling a face at his glass;
- (строить г-ы): I was pulling silly faces to make the baby laugh
гримированный - (т.е. актёры): you can't spend an hour on one person if you have 10 others that need to be made-up within that hour;
- (г-ые неграми, т.е. белые актёры): in the early movies the roles of African-Americans were all done by white actors in blackface using the paste of burnt cork;
- (сильно г-ые актёры): the boy actors who played women were heavily made up;
- (труп): a carefully groomed corps
гримировать - (под старика): they made him up as an old man for the last act of the play
гриф - (ладовый гриф / гриф гитары): Also called the fingerboard, the fretboard is a piece of wood embedded with metal frets that comprises the top of the neck. A guitar's frets, fretboard, tuners, headstock, and truss rod, all attached to a wooden extension, collectively constitute its neck.;
- (т.е. птица): vulture (Aegypius);
- (штанги): a barbell consists of a metal bar, one or more sets of weight plates, and a set of collars
гроб, гробница - смотри файл OBJECTS
гроздь - (бананов): banana bunch;
- (бананов / винограда): a bunch of bananas / grapes;
- (винограда): clusters of purple grape
громадина - now a dark hulk loomed out of the whiteness (of the snow)
грохот - смотри файл OBJECTS
груда - (монет): F. took him to the Treasure room and showed him the mounds of gold coins, tall stacks of gold bars;
- (обвалившихся камней): a great jumble of fallen rock blocked their way;
- (опилок): the remains of an old timber mill: heaps of sawdust overgrown with weeds and lichens;
- (подарков): he awoke on Christmas morning to find a stack of presents at the foot of his bed;
- (подарков): he was halfway through opening his pile of presents;
- (развалин): the agents were sifting through tremendous piles of rubble
грудастый / грудастая - (блондинка): a buxom blonde;
- (т.е. женщины): I have always fancied big boobed infml, older birds like you
грудка - (птица с рыжеватой грудкой): robin, a small thrush having a brownish olive back and orangish face and breast
грузноватый - (она была немного грузновата): She was a little on the heavy side, which was odd. She wasn't a glutton, and it's not like we had anything to overeat anyway.
грузный - (тело, перелезть через ограду с ловкостью, неожиданной для его г-ого тела): he climbed over the rail with a deftness belying his bulk;
- (тело): he heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair;
- (человек): overweight;
- (человек): Yeltsyn was large and stocky;
- (человек): a heavy man with pink jowls
грунтовка - (т.е. под краску на автомобиле): Small areas of stone chipping are acceptable, commensurate with the vehicle's age and mileage. Chips should not have penetrated the base coat and should be rust free.;
- (т.е. холста художника): Artist's canvas must be sealed and primed. Some primers (or painting ground), such as Gesso, will seal and prime in a single process.
грунтованный - (сталь, т.е. перед покраской): Х. is a matt acrylic paint, suitable for use on exterior and interior surfaces of concrete, plywood, anti-rust primed steel
грунтовый - (воды): groundwater is the water present beneath Earth's surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of rock formations;
- (дорога): a dirt road that you couldn't find in broad daylight
гряда - (тумана): the vehicle hits the chain-link fence as if it were a fog bank
грядка - (перед домом): she spent hours outside, tending her vegetable garden, potting flowers, pulling weeds, mulching the beds along the front of the house
грязный - (автомобиль): a muddy Land Rover pulls onto the verge;
- (аудитория): a grimy lecture room;
- (балахон, т.е. в пятнах): a stained off-white robe from chin to floor;
- (бельё): dirty washing;
- (ветровое стекло): a wiper juddered uselessly over the grimy windshield;
- (вода): a carp had risen out of the mucky water and swallowed the paper boat whole;
- (город): filthy city;
- (город): close up, the city is grubby and chipped;
- (гостиница): the hotel looked rather scruffy;
- (дерьмо): you and your kind are the filthiest (filthy) crap that was ever elevated from the gutters of this country to positions of power;
- (джинсы): his jeans were torn and dirty;
- (джинсы): don't turn up on your date in scruffy jeans and a T-shirt;
- (картофелина): a muddy potato;
- (кафе): he worked in a grungy АмЕ, down-at-the-heel café;
- (кирпичи): the soiled bricks of this part of town;
- (курительная трубка): he fumbled nervously in his pockets and pulled out a grimy pipe;
- (лагерь беженцев): refugees are languishing in crowded, foul and unsafe camps;
- (лёд был г-ым от обломков): the ice was grimy with debris;
- (мальчишка): a scruffy little boy;
- (мальчишки на побегушках): gluttonous and grubby errand-boys;
- (ногти): grubby fingernails;
- (одежда): amid the snow-slush of the square, his suit would be wet and filthy within seconds;
- (одежда): The painter spent much time amid the destitute and the criminals. A contemporary describes him as wearing filthy clothes and as well armed;
- (одежда нищего): the beggar's bedraggled clothes;
- (очки): his glasses are smudged;
- (парк): waste-strewn park;
- (перекладины приставной лестницы): the rungs of the ladder were muddy;
- (пляж): the beach was cluttered;
- (полицейский участок): in the dark and dingy police station;
- (пруд): the cabin sat on the edge of a muddy pond;
- (ресторан): an earthen, unpaved square bordered by dusty shops and a filthy restaurant;
- (г-е ребята с рюкзаками выходили из вокзала): grungy kids in backpacks emerged from the station;
- (рука): he raised a very grubby hand in the air as though voting;
- (руки): your hands are filthy, go and wash them before dinner;
- (скамейка в метро): he sat on a grungy AmE bench nearby;
- (скатерть): a grubby tablecloth;
- (скрипка): dingy fiddle;
- (солдаты): weary and bedraggled soldiers;
- (сосулька): the ice was freezing to her pelt in dirty spicules;
- (старые г-е сапоги): manky old boots;
- (стены в зале суда): the cops are lined up in pairs against the grimy walls;
- (тряпки): filthy rags;
- (тряпьё): he was clothed in the grimiest rags imaginable;
- (улица): a poor and sleazy street;
- (улицы): littered streets;
- (цвет): a muddy russet color;
- (человек): he was scrawny, unshaved and dirty
грязь - (автомобиль увяз в грязи): the car got bogged down in the mud;
- (в канализационной трубе): it was amazing how much gunge had accumulated in the pipe;
- (в окна въелась г.): the bay windows were so encrusted with grime that very little daylight could permeate the room, which was lit instead with the stubs of candles sitting on rough wooden tables;
- (т.е. во взбаламученной воде): he was passing over vast expanses of black mud now, which swirled murkily as he disturbed the water;
- (грузовик был в грязи по рессоры): the truck was in mud up to her coil-springs;
- (заляпанные г-ю шпоры): the courtier's mud splashed spurs;
- (конюшни): he stood up, dusting stable yard grime from his hands;
- (на ботинках): I scraped the mud from my boots;
- (на окнах автомобиля): the windows of the car were coated with grime;
- (на окнах автомобиля, т.е. кашица из тающего снега на дороге): the windshield wipers were working constantly to clear the glass of the fluttering flakes and the mush thrown up by the trucks they passed;
- (на площади): amid the mud and snow-slush of the square, his suit would be wet and filthy within seconds;
- (т.е. от птичьего помёта): the mess was unbelievable... droppings all over the desks;
- (под ногтями): he has a gruel of paint and just plain dirt under his fingernails;
- (под ногтями ног): I used my pocketknife to pick out the crud under the toenails;
- (т.е. пролитая в море и выброшенная на берег нефть): when crude oil is spilled on the sea, it contains both the "lighter fractions" which evaporate into the air, and the "heavier fractions" which cannot evaporate and which are what viewers see washed on to the beaches as thick black gunge;
- (с приходом поезда станция превратилась в кучу г-зи): the train transformed the station into a muck heap;
- (снег с прожилками г-и): I picked my way cautiously over snow veined with dirt;
- (убирать г.): next time someone knocks in the name of the king, bestir yourself and you won't have a mess to clean up in the morning;
- (убрать г.): you must clear up the mess over there;
- (увязнуть в г-зи): the truck got stuck in the mucky spring earth
губка - (губки болтореза): He comes back with a set of twenty-four-inch bolt-cutters. I hold her ankles still as he eases the jaws around the shackles, pushing the arms together until the metal breaks and the chain snakes to the floor.;
- (т.е. губчатое вещество): compost with the right moisture level should feel like a damp, wrung-out sponge
губчатый - (в кричном горне получают г-ую массу железа и шлака, которая называется крицей / эта смесь шлака и железа в крице называется г-ым железом): A bloomery's product is a porous mass of iron and slag called a bloom. This mix of slag and iron in the bloom is termed sponge iron, which is usually consolidated (shingled) and further forged into wrought iron.
- (пещеристая ткань пениса): the penis consists principally of two long cylinders of spongy erectile tissue, the corpora cavernosa
гуля - (над глазом): a large purple lump was swelling above his eye
гусиная кожа - (от этого смеха у меня на руках выступила г.к.): that laugh raised gooseflesh on his arms;
- (покрыться г-ой к-ей): my skin was prickling with gooseflesh;
- (покрыться г-ой к-ей): he was covered in goose pimples;
- (у него на руках выступила г.к.): the cold was so intense that goose bumps had erupted up his arms
гусиная лапка - (т.е. узор, ткань в г-ую л-у): the attractive black-and-white houndstooth fabric
гуськом (идти г.) - (выйти г. из класса): they filed out of the classroom;
- (козья тропа была достаточно широка, чтобы всадники могли проехать по ней г.): the goat track was wide enough for men riding single file;
- three blind beggars walked in file;
- for an hour they went on silently, in a single file;