Маркова Наталья Самуиловна : другие произведения.

Русско-английский словарь эмоций Ка_На

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  кайф жаргон (т.е. удовольствие) - (им всё было в к.): They were both around seventeen years old. They got a bang out of things, though - in a half-assed way, of course.;
  - Whee! Who knew holding short-term Treasuries could be so exciting?;
  - Whee! Remember that feeling as a kid, when you were jumping on the trampoline and you'd stomped and stomped until you'd gotten so high that for a brief moment that time seemed to stop?;
  - Whee! I felt my baby kick tonight for the first time;
  - (ловить / поймать к. от чего-л): смотри ниже;
  - (под к-ом, т.е. от наркотиков): When you are high, it feels very much like your dreaming. When you are high, your vision gets messed up. Some people compare it to watching your vision in a movie theater.
  кайф жаргон (ловить к. от чего-л) - (думаешь, я ловлю какой-то извращённый к. от того, что тебя обманываю?): do you think I get some sort of perverse kick slang out of cheating you?;
  - (т.е. от героина): he got a quick rush infml from injecting heroin;
  - (от джаза): Bing (Crosby) got a bang infml out of jazz, and shared it;
  - (ловить к., т.е. от катания на лыжах): I am a freestyle skier. I like skiing because it is the coolest thing on earth, it gives me a kick infml.;
  - (он ловил к., заставляя меня ждать): he was getting a kick out of making me wait;
  - (т.е. от книги): I got a great bang out of this book;
  - (т.е. приятно захмелеть): after about 2-3 drinks, I get a nice buzz infml and I only consume water for the rest of the night;
  - (т.е. от телепередачи): the TV audience got a kick out of infml it
  кайфовать - (т.е. от наркотиков): When you are high, it feels very much like your dreaming. When you are high, your vision gets messed up. Some people compare it to watching your vision in a movie theater.
  каланча - (т.е. кличка слишком высокого человека): some examples of nicknames related to physical characteristics include "Beanpole" or "Short Fry" for a person who is tall or short
  канючить - (дети канючили, чтобы им разрешили поиграть перед тем, как идти спать): the children were trying wheedling for some extra leisure before bed
  капец жаргон - (вам к., т.е. по аналогии с нокдауном в боксе): Your secured creditors can repo the equipment or assets secured by their debt. If you're in the tree business and all your vehicles get repo'd, you are definitely screwed and down for the count fig.;
  - (Если Т. подаст на него жалобу, ему к. Условно-досрочное освобождение отменят.): If she lodges a complaint, he's screwed infml. Parole revoked.
  каприз - (зависимость канцлера от к-ов региональных партийных боссов): the revolt of her regional barons underlined the Chancellor's vulnerability to the whims of the 11 ambitious politicians, some of whom are eyeing the chancellery;
  - (погоды): vagaries of the weather;
  - (потакая к-у президента): When Nixon's special counsel Charles Colson arranged a night out at the Kennedy Center for Richard Nixon to conform to a sudden presidential whim, he was dressed down by chief of staff H.R. Haldeman in these terms: "You could have put the President's life in jeopardy, the Secret Service wasn't prepared.";
  - (у него были свои к-ы): he had small personal follies;
  - (к-ы читательских вкусов): due to the vagaries of public taste, it's all but impossible for authors to predict which books will find publishers
  капризничать - (дети начинают к.): once kids get bored, they get cranky, start crying and once the fidgeting and ants-in-the-pants set in well you've all but lost the battle;
  - (дети капризничают, оттого что они нездоровы, несчастны или ничему не обучены): children are naughty solely because they are ill, unhappy or untrained;
  - (четырёхлетний малыш капризничал, оттого, что его разбудили): The four-year-old was cranky at being woken. "I want Mother," he said.;
  - о ребёнке): People of all ages like to eat out. While some kids are impressively well mannered, those who act up can ruin the experience of others.;
  - (о ребёнке): when the young boy acted out and was violent and unsettling, his adoptive mother thought it was a good idea to stick him on the plane and send him back to Russia;
  - (ребёнок закапризничал): the child began to grizzle
  капризность - top officials are resigned to such fractiousness
  капризный - (девушка): a beautiful but moody girl who's ready to sleep with you one moment, scream on you the next, then completely ignore you, sleep with your friends but then cry on your shoulder begging for forgiveness when you try to leave her;
  - (дети): once kids get bored, they get cranky, start crying and once the fidgeting and ants-in-the-pants set in well you've all but lost the battle;
  - (женщина): she is a small, feisty, sometimes capricious woman;
  - (женщина): a fire wants as much watching, and coaxing, and attending to as a fractious woman;
  - (кот): Do you have a finicky cat that often plays with her food, refuses to eat it and then meows in protest, demanding something else? A fussy cat that refuses to eat can be hard to deal with, not to mention the pitiful howls for food that follow.;
  - (младенец): The baby has started to become very fussy and cranky on her last 2 main feeds - 4pm and 7pm, worse on the 7pm. She jerks, cries, and can't seem to latch on to the teat, her tongue gets in the way - it's like she has forgotten how to latch on.;
  - (младенец): the lullaby soothed the fractious baby;
  - (ребёнок): Ever since my daughter turned three last months, she has been like a moody teenager. In the last hour we've had three major meltdowns. Once because she wanted to wear her green pants like me. Once because her juice was out of ice. Once because I had sandals on and she had tennis. I am out of patience.;
  - (ребёнок): Sometimes children can react to things that they eat such as dairy products. It can make them cranky, hyper, over-stimulated, etc.;
  - (ребёнок): a cranky baby
  кататься со смеху - After a time, Jack came to the palace of the King of all the Birds, and there at the front gate were a sparrow and a crow marching up and down with matchlocks on their shoulders. Now at this Jack laughed fit to split.;
  - we were rocking with;
  - he collapsed in a fit of giggles
  каторжный - (труд): writing was an underfunded, arduous sometimes backbreaking form of secretarial work
  каюк разг - (Если Т. подаст на него жалобу, ему к. Условно-досрочное освобождение отменят.): If she lodges a complaint, he's screwed infml. Parole revoked.
  кидать / кинуть (т.е. обмануть) - (кого-л): he pulled a fast one on me by paying me with a worthless check
  кипеть - ( в сценарии кипели страсти): emotions are running high in the script;
  - (внутри него всё кипело от гнева образно): his insides writhed with anger;
  - (деревня кипела от потрясения): the whole village had seethed with shocked curiosity and ill-disguised excitement;
  - (о ненависти): a boiling hate erupted in his chest;
  - (о чувстве, внутри него всё кипело): his inside seethed;
  - (от возмущения): she's been simmering with resentment ever since the meeting;
  - (к. от гнева): lascivious guffaws down by the door prompted one of the Lord's men to half draw his sword, the rest stirring with anger;
  - (к. от гнева): he is absolutely incandescent with rage;
  - (к. от злости): In order to embarrass him, they deliberately wasted his time. It made him seethe with anger;
  - (к. от негодования): to simmer with indignation;
  - (от несправедливости): the injustice of it all welled up inside him so that he wanted to yell with fury
  кипучий - (идеализм): the exuberant idealism of the Kennedy Administration;
  - (натура): everything about her incenses the left - her bubbly personality, her high-pitched voice, her lively manner of speech and facial expressions;
  - (к-ая политическая культура Гонконга): the chief executive had his hands full balancing the boisterous Hong Kong political culture with the much conformist Chinese central government;
  - (энергия): I cannot help but recognize the carnal appeal of his vitality
  кипятиться образно (т.е. злиться) - (к. из-за кого-л): Ron was seething about the teacher;
  - "Hog damn," fumed he;
  - (к. из-за чего-л образно): "What have you got so het up slang for?" "I'm not het up about that horrid old Nazi."
  - (он будет к., называть Р. ничтожеством, но потом согласится): he'll huff and puff and call R. a fuck-up, and say: not this time, junior, but he'll come through;
  - He tore my ears off for disseminating half-baked rumours. I said to him, "I was only reporting. No need to get hot under the collar."
  кирдык разг (т.е. придётся плохо) - (как ни крути, ему к.): whichever way he looks at the situation, he's screwed;
  - (он понял, что ещё немного и ему к.): He'd taken care of the one with no problem, but the others had been wound up. One wrong move and he had been cornered. They'd circled him like vultures, and he thought he was about to bite the big one infml.
  - (Если Т. подаст на него жалобу, ему к. Условно-досрочное освобождение отменят.): If she lodges a complaint, he's screwed infml. Parole revoked.
  кисло - "They don't have tank commanders painting rocks around the motor pool, as we do," B. noted sourly
  кичиться - (...и он кичится этим перед нами): "Did he confess to the crime?" "He's too smart for that. But he did it, Judge. And he wants us to know he did it. He's rubbing our faces infml in it.";
  - (своей утончённостью): he was standing out like a sore thumb in his elegant London-tailored suit as if flaunting his sophistication to a group of men who hated all forms of Western-ness;
  - (к. своим патриотизмом): he hated sanctimonious demagogues parading as patriots;
  - (к. своими пороками): the king flaunted vices of the most sordid kind with a cynical indifference to public opinion;
  - (к. своим презрением к пристойности): these young women wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to the new jazz music, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior
  кишка тонка разг - (у него на это к.т.): Al Gore won't run for president because he hasn't got the stones infml for it;
  - (если у тебя на это к.т.): If you haven't got the stones for it, go back to the camp. I can play the victim.;
  - (у этих ребят к.т.): Those Merrill Lynch guys have no balls infml. Their idea of taking a risk is pissing in the shower.
  классно разг - (к. провести время): I met loads of great guitar players and had a cool time
  классный разг - (автомобиль): a cool sports car
  клеить - (девочек): How to Pick Up Girls: A Guide by Girls for Boys
  клеиться (т.е. знакомиться с особами противоположного пола) - (к кому-л): the woman at the bar was coming on to slang me
  клёво жаргон - cool!;
  - (как только дела начинают идти к., обязательно случится неприятность): once things are going hanky dory AmE slang, trouble must arrive
  клёвый жаргон - (платье): her dress is really cool;
  - (тёлка / чувиха): a total babe;
  - (чувак): he's a cool slang dude
  клюнуть - (Они пытались ей ещё морочить голову... Она на это не клюнула.): They tried to fed her more of the same bullshit story about it taking five days to get it into the computer system and transfer it into another computer system. She wasn't going for it.
  клянчить - (сигарету): sometimes, the traffic police might also cadge infml vulgar a cigarette, then ask the driver to light it
  кобылка - (горячая разг, т.е. сексуальная): she's hot to trot infml
  коварно - (действовать, о наркотиках): these drugs act insidiously;
  - (спросить): "Do you live all alone?" the box inquired cunningly
  коварный - (Альбион): the French used to refer to Britain as "Perfidious Albion";
  - (Бог хитёр, но не коварен): god is subtle but he is not malicious;
  - (болезнь): an insidious disease;
  - (изощрённость): the international community should oppose the insidious sophistication of terrorists with united, thoroughly calculated and decisive action;
  - (интриганка): she was a deceitful scheming little thing;
  - (месть): sly revenge;
  - (мир): I am certain of nothing in this fickle and treacherous world;
  - (наличие свинца в окружающей среде является к-ым фактором, который может привести к необратимым изменениям здоровья): lead exposure is a particularly insidious hazard with the potential for causing irreversible health effects;
  - (оговорка): an insidious rider as a condition for...;
  - (отравление - убийство для к-ых): poisoning is murder for the underhanded;
  - (план): they execute a devious plan to cause ships to run aground, pillaging their wrecks;
  - (политик): at the age of 71 he was craggy, brooding and immensely cunning;
  - (политик): a crafty politician;
  - (раса): "rguing with Griphook about whose race is most underhand and violent isn't going to make him more likely to help us, is it?" Hermione says.;
  - (ремесло мошенников): partnerships among law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Canada are making it tougher for cross-border scam artists to ply their deceitful trade;
  - (скалы): to navigate the treacherous rocky shores;
  - (т.е. служанка): her housemaid L. is a young, catty eavesdropper;
  - (сумасшедший): a madman is twice as cunning as anyone sane could be;
  - (тактика): wily tactics;
  - (тебе предстоит спасти его из лап к-ой распутницы): now it's down to you to save him from the clutches of a scheming harlot
  коварство - (Альбионa): the perfidy of Albion;
  - (в нём нет к-а): When Jesus saw Nathaniel coming toward him, he exclaimed of Nathaniel, "Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile old use!" (John 1:47);
  - ("К. и любовь" Шиллера): "Intrigue and Love" by Friedrich Schiller;
  - (изощрённое): the international community should oppose the insidious sophistication of terrorists with united, thoroughly calculated and decisive action;
  - (краснокожих): it is always the redskin who attacks, and with the wiliness of his race he does it just before dawn, at which time he knows the courage of the whites to be at its lowest ebb;
  - (лисье): "I offered to present scientific backing for your beliefs. And I did!" "Yes, you did - with a fox's subtlety, for your pretended explanation backed our beliefs, and at the same time removed all necessity for them.";
  - (прaвителей): the perfidy of Pakistan's rulers;
  - (к. прaвительства заключается в том, как оно десятилетиями скрывало эти данные): The insidiousness comes from the way the government hid this data for decades;
  - (при всём своём к-е, он умер, как и остальные): for all his astuteness, the judge had gone the way of the rest;
  - (с макиавеллиевским к-ом): he did it with Machiavellian subtleness;
  - (к. смены ударов, т.е. в драке): the cunning of switching from jab to hook;
  - (к-ом убедить подписать документ): he persuaded her to sign the document by guile fml
  козёл отпущения - a fall guy is a person who is used as a scapegoat; someone who ends up taking the blame for the actions of another person or group
  кокетка - And since she has plunged Tavy head over ears in love with her without any intention of marrying him, she is a coquette, according to the standard definition of a coquette as a woman who rouses passions she has no intention of gratifying;
  - (она высокомерная к., которая сама виновата в своих несчастьях): she is an uppity minx who's the author of her own misfortunes;
  - (она страшная к.): she's a huge flirt
  кокетливо - (к. сдвинутые набекрень каски): their steel helmets tipped saucily awry to suggest a lack of discipline;
  - (к. захлопать ресницами перед кем-л): I fluttered flirtatious eyelashes at him;
  - (к. сделать ударение на последнем слове): "Why thank you, sir." I stress the last word flirtatiously, batting my eyelashes at him deliberately.
  кокетливый - (девушки): flirtatious girls may flirt with guys who they consider to be just friends, and it can be misconstrued as a crush;
  - (женщина): is she open, trusting, flirtatious or more enclosed and introspective?;
  - (поведение): flirtatious seductive behavior
  кокетничать - (с кем-л): flirtatious girls may flirt with guys who they consider to be just friends, and it can be misconstrued as a crush
  кокетство - there was no attempt at flippancy or false coquetry on his part
  колкий - (высказывания): her rapier-like wit and biting sarcasm had been compared to the stinging utterances of the legendary Dorothy Parker;
  - (комментарии): he made a rather tart comment;
  - (комментарии): pungent comments by leading Congressmen expressing growing skepticism about foreign aid;
  - (литературный стиль): a pamphleteer with a biting literary style;
  - (ответ): a stinging retort;
  - (ответ): I was about to make an acid reply;
  - (ответ): he expected a tart response to his mockery;
  - (ум): she was known for fierce integrity and withering intelligence;
  - (ум): his political opponents feared his mordant wit;
  - (юмор): her mordant sense of humour
  колко - (сказать): "That explains a great deal," said M. tartly
  колкость - (выдержать его к-ти): they were too young to have grown sufficiently thick skin to withstand his caustic remarks;
  - (обменяться к-тями): the Vice President traded quips with the talk-show host;
  - (обменяться к-тями): Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson clashed on Friday over Russia's alleged interference in the Brexit vote even as they sought to mend ties after years of antagonism. They also exchanged barbs on everything from Russia's alleged interference in British politics to Moscow's involvement in Ukraine and Syria, and the atmosphere at times grew tense during their joint news conference.;
  - (причинять боль своими к-ями): she causes me endless pain with her snide remarks;
  - (терпеть к-ти): his hide's thick enough to put up with snide remarks;
  - there was a barb in his casual geniality
  колоть - (в боку, у меня кололо в боку, т.е. после бега): I had a side stitch today because I decided to push the pace a little at the end of longer than usual run;
  - (в боку, у меня кололо в боку): for the past two weeks I've had a stitch in my side that only comes out when I start to even walk too fast;
  - (грубая ткань колола кожу): He unfastened his cloak and tossed it at her. She clutched it against her chest. The coarse weave was scratchy against her skin.;
  - (страх колол его изнутри, как иголками): fear jabbed at his insides like needles
  колотьё - (в боку): A side stitch is usually a cramp in the diaphragm - the large muscle located between you lung and abdomen that controls breathing
  колоться - (грубая ткань кололась): He unfastened his cloak and tossed it at her. She clutched it against her chest. The coarse weave was scratchy against her skin.
  кольнуть - (её кольнула обида): she felt an immediate flash of resentment;
  - (шрам кольнул): his scar gave a painful twinge
  колючий - (ткань): What fabric is itchy? Sometimes wool can be scratchy and rough, so wearing it against your delicate skin can lead to itching and even rashes or hives.;
  - (характер): his prickly personality
  колющий - (боль): he was awoken by a sharp stabbing pain in her chest
  комок нервов - I have been under so much pressure in the office and at home recently that I am little more than a bundle of nerves.
  комплекс, комплексовать - смотри общий файл
  конфуз - (ей грозит к.): Palin Faced with Embarrassing Situation. The governor is facing fresh embarrassment after the arrest of the woman who's due to become her daughter's mother-in-law;
  - (пережить унижение и к.): in 1804, while still in Harrow, Byron suffered a moment's humiliation and discomfiture when in response to his classmates' intimation that he was admired for his wide ranging knowledge of publications and literature - and that surely this must be owed to his reading of Reviews, he responded naively: "what is a review?"
  копаться в грязном белье - (т.е. мусолить сплетни о личной жизни): as the newspaper raked muck last year with the apparent motive of destroying Clinton, it aired Bush's dirty laundry with little apparent reason except to exonerate him
  кореш жаргон - an old pal infml of mine;
  - every professional criminal would sell his sidekick slang unhesitatingly if the price were right;
  - the young inmate is enduring the vicious bullying of his cellmate, sidekick of G-Wing's psychotic "top-dog", S.D.
  корыстный / корыстолюбивый - (женщина): a smart and self-interested woman who strives to escape the poverty and servitude dictated by the lowly circumstances of her birth
  - (т.е. люди): Andersen's only error was to exaggerate the effect of one small boy's voice among the brayings of the self-opinionated and self-interested;
  - (к-ные интересы / цели, бесстыдно преследовать к-ые цели): he accuses advocates of free enterprise of pursuing unabashed self-interest with no concern for the common good;
  - (избавьте меня от ваших к-ых оправданий): spare me the self-serving justifications;
  - (политик): self-seeking politician
  корыстолюбие - (просвещённое к. больше способствует стремлению к счастью, добродетели и общественному благу, чем общество, сильно зарегулированное временными государственными деятелями): many advocates of the marketplace argue that enlightened self-interest is often more conducive to the pursuit of happiness, virtue, and the common good than is a society massively regulated by temporary public leaders;
  корысть - self-interest motivated the Good Neighbor policy;
  - (поддерживать кого-л как из к-ти, так и из сочувствия): she will back him, out of self-interest as much as compassion
  косноязычный - he stumped around, up and down the sidewalk, an inarticulate man stymied by the complexity of his emotions
  косный - (Олимпийский комитет): he persuaded the hidebound Olympic Committee to...;
  - (постановки оперного театра): Great is Manhattan's Metropolitan Opera. But most of its stagecraft is pompous, hidebound, stodgy.
  косо смотреть образно (т.е. не одобрять) - (благочестивая женщина косо смотрела на политическую деятельность мужа): the deeply pious woman had always looked askance at her husband's political activities;
  - (британские власти к. смотрели на браки между британцами и немцами): in early post-war decades, marriage between Brits and Germans was much frowned upon by the British authorities;
  - (на разрешения на ношение оружия смотрели к.): He probably had a gun permit, but in Ford County one was not really needed, not in 1970. In fact, permits were frowned upon.;
  - (пуритане к. смотрели на развлечения): strict Puritan ideas still prevailed, and such recreation was frowned upon;
  - (фирма к. смотрела на разводы, т.е. сотрудников): the Firm had never hired an unmarried lawyer, and it frowned heavily on divorce, as well as womanizing and drinking;
  коту под хвост разг - The movie dragged on like a piano recital. My husband and I looked at each other like "There was 2.5 hours of my life down the toilet."
  коченеть - (руки закоченели на морозе): my hands grew numb in the sharp frost;
  - (о трупе): the dead dog began to stiffen up
  кошатница - (т.е. любительница кошек): cat-loving old lady
  кошмар - the continuing nightmare that has befallen the Persian Gulf since the Shah's overthrow;
  - (мечта обернулась к-ом): the dream had turned into a nightmare;
  - (его мучили к-ы): nightmares besieged him;
  - (самый страшный к. студента - тест, который все проваливают): it's every student's worst nightmare - a grueling six-hour test that almost everyone fails;
  - he kept revisiting the graveyard in his nightmares
  кошмарный - (истории): nightmarish stories are told of labs in which postdocs are set against each other on the same project;
  - (обстановка в мэрии): the atmosphere within City Hall became nightmarish
  красавец / красавчик - He is a pimp and a small-time coke-dealer, but these are just sidelines. His main action is running a lover-boy scam out of nightclubs and bars, picking girls and showing them a good time. Flash car, flash clothes, just the right patter. He wines them and dines them, buys them baubles, takes them to stay at expensive hotels.
  краснобай - in a room full of flamboyant egos, where everyone was the greatest lawyer God created, the most obnoxious windbag was V.B.
  краснобайство - (в социальной политике): replacing rhetoric with reality in our social policy, we could make a difference in reflected common sense and creative thinking;
  - (популистское к. президента): Obama's populist rhetoric - see "fat cat bankers" - may have sounded good to some in his liberal base, but it left the business community wondering if he understood its role in helping the economy recover
  красоваться - смотри Общий файл
  красотка - a schlumpy guy walking with a tall chick slang who was striding along on spike heels
  кретин - (какой-то к. вламывается в квартиру): some cretin breaks in there;
  - some bonehead slang trumped up some security charges against him - turned out they were all bullshit;
  - (самодовольный): what a silly self-righteous dolt!;
  - (распутный): lecherous dolt;
  - don't drop it, you dolt;
  - he's such a blockhead;
  - James Baker must have been thinking: "I told your dad not to let you (President G.W. Bush) in here. I could tell you how to get of Iraq in 10 minutes, but you're too under the sway of that nutball Cheney to listen."
  - Nutball. A zealot who wishes to force others to accept their fringe belief system. Usually reserved for persons of right wing (conservative) persuasion. Nutballs are so sure they are right, they may do physical harm to anyone who disagrees with them. Some common nutball types are: bomb-packing terrorists, Christian evangelists, creationists, way-right republicans, war-mongers, hate-mongers, white supremacists, nazis, extremists.;
  - that nutball is trying to get evolution out of our school;
  - Moron. A person whose IQ lies between 45 and 59. Slightly stupider than a retard (60-69) but still smarter than an idiot (below 45).;
  - Bush is a moron;
  - (самый большой к. в мире): you must be the world's greatest moron;
  - J.C., a presenter on British TV, wrote a newspaper editorial that accused privacy activists of being hysterical over giant data-leaks. To prove that identity theft wasn't a big deal, he included his bank account details in the article. Whereupon someone promptly began making fraudulent withdrawals from his account. I never understood why this obnoxious moron was so popular in the first place;
  - Imbecile. A mentally retarded person having a mental age of three to seven years and requiring supervision in the performance of routine daily tasks of personal care.;
  - the worst thing is that this imbecile is a Senate Majority Leader;
  - I said to myself "what imbecile I've been";
  - A pinhead is a person born with a condition known as microcephaly. It is a neurological disorder and is characterized by a smaller than average head. It is very common that the development of motor functions and speech re also usually delayed and mental retardation is common in persons with microcephaly.;
  - don't screw with my computer you pinhead; you'll break it;
  - what kind of dumbass infml hits a car in a parking lot and confesses if no one sees the accident;
  - without his father's clout that jerk couldn't get a job cleaning toilets;
  - you're not some cocky little gobshite Irish slang who thinks he's seen it all
  кривить душой - even if politicians realize they are bending the truth, technically, they may believe that they are still expressing the truth;
  - the bottom line is that nobody knows how long it's going to take, and anybody who says they do is bending the truth
  кривляние / кривлянье - she is sincere and quite without affectation;
  - (не обращать внимания на его к.): I learned to take his opinion with a pound of salt and overlook his histrionics and self-aggrandizing;
  - (к. певицы на сцене): I don't like this singer. Her voice is piercing. Far too much affectation, screaming, and melisma for my liking.;
  - (к. певца перед камерой): the singer gave a very strong vocal performance, though I couldn't help being disturbed by his grimacing at the camera
  кривляться - he was baffooning, playing both sides of an imaginary press conference;
  - Did mom ever tell you to "stop making faces" otherwise your face would "freeze up"?
  крик моды - (в конце восьмидесятых годов эти джинсы были к-ом м.): in the late eighties Levi's 901s were the hottest ticket on the high street;
  - (самый к. моды): hammams are all the rage in Paris
  крикливый - (всезнайка): the work of any board can grind to a halt if one of its members is a loudmouth know-it-all;
  - (группа политиков): there had been a vociferous group inside the West German Cabinet in favor if shelving the deal;
  - (кретин): a loud-mouthed wise-arse needy moron;
  - (меньшинство): he had every confidence that the Chancellor would not for a moment consider yielding to the pressure of vociferous minorities;
  - (северяне считают себя забавными, но они по большей части к-ые и надоедливые): the northerners think they're droll but mostly they're gobby infml and annoying;
  - (хвастун): a loudmouth braggart
  крикун - my next door neighbor is a loudmouth;
  - It was as if I was out of control, I was so angry... But I've never been a shouter at work or at home. I have a reputation for being calm, coolheaded, and softspoken.;
  - (т.е. о младенце): as soon as the squaller awakes, set the child up, propped by pillows, if he cannot sit alone, and smear its fingers with thick molasses;
  - (т.е. о младенце, этот ребёнок такой к.!): this new baby is a real bawler
  кричащий - (драгоценности): flashy gold jewellery;
  - (костюм): that's a very flash suit he's wearing;
  - (куртка): garish jacket;
  - (одежда): flashy clothes;
  - (цвет): Avoid loud or over bright colours. Dark suit with a white shirt always looks clean and smart.;
  - (цвет): this colour is a little too garish for me;
  - (цвет): The Lipstick Didn't Live Up to the Hipe. Not moist enough, wears off quickly, colors are gaudy.
  кровожадный - (варвары): the German missionaries and priests who fought against pagan beliefs were seeking to show pagan Slavs as idolatrous, blood-thirsty barbarians;
  - (злодей / негодяй): a murderous villain;
  - (культ): bloodthirsty cult;
  - (люди): the attempt on the life of the Danish cartoonist, K.W., goes on to reinforce the stereotype of Muslims as bloodthirsty men prone to violence;
  - (нравы / обычаи индейцев): blood-thirsty practices of the Indians;
  - (режим, т.е. в стране): he stands accused of selling weapons to the world's most murderous regimes;
  - (шлюха): history printed her as a corrupt and murderous harlot
  кровопийца / кровосос - (берегитесь, к-ы образно): let the bloodhounds fig of money who have dogged us this far beware;
  - (т.е. о вампире): could a vampire movie - with two unknowns starring as a hunky bloodsucker and a gawky teenager - become the biggest blockbuster of the season?
  кроткий - (внешность, жёсткий тон не вязался с к-ой в-ю): his firm, steely tone of voice was out of sync with his mild-mannered appearance;
  - (глаза): submissive, meek-eyed horses;
  - (государство): no country actually dealing with Hanoi entertained a shred of the illusion that North Vietnam was a benign nationalist power victimized by senseless and arbitrary American pressure;
  - (девушка): the girl was meek and pleasant and quiet;
  - (девица): a meek lass;
  - (женщина): a pleasant mild woman;
  - (как ягнёнок): the little girl terrorizes the other children, but she's as meek as a lamb around her elders;
  - (характер): he has too mild a nature to get angry, even if he has good cause;
  - (человек): though muscled enough to strike down his oppressor, he was too mild-natured to bother to curse in offense
  кротко - (сказать): The man who survived could never let go of the guilt that he had survived and his friend had lost his life to save him. He became a tramp and an alcoholic and drug user. One day he had a visitor. It was the father of the friend who had died saving him. The father knelt beside him and gently said, "My son lost his life so you could keep your life. But look what you have done with that life!";
  - (сказать): "..." he said meekly
  кротость - When man first saw the Camel, he was so frightened at his vast size that he ran away. After a time, perceiving the meekness and gentleness of the beast's temper, he summoned courage enough to approach him.
  крохобор - the Saturn ION's oil filter housing is cheap plastic because bean counters decided that a metal one was too expensive
  крохоборство - The economist allows that extending the benefits will increase the deficit, but only slightly and, he adds, "penny-pinching in the midst of a severely depressed economy is no way to deal with our long-run budget problems. And penny-pinching at the expense of the unemployed is cruel as well as misguided."
  крутить - (живот крутит): (Homer eats some expired, rancid ham.) Homer: Oh, stomach churning... bowels clenching...
  - (к. хвостом разг перед кем-л, т.е. стараясь понравиться): You're a good-looking guy. Has she shined up to you yet?
  крыша поехала (т.е. сошёл с ума) - (он думал, как ему заполнить дюжину заявлений на должность преподавателя, чтобы у него от этого не п.к.): he was wondering if he could possibly manage to fill out a dozen teaching applications without going totally bоnkers infml;
  - I went bonkers infml when I first read it. It was such an unexpected way of looking at work.;
  - Jesus, they're talking about making a move on the president. Are they totally off their fucking rockers slang?;
  - either I will go nuts infml or I will pick myself up;
  - he lost his marbles infml;
  - Apparently, six years of torture during the Vietnam war has made John McCain (U.S. Senator and presidential candidate) lose his marbles infml. He now believes that killing and torturing people in a failed illegal occupation is good for America.;
  - (у неё к.п.): The deranged ten-year-old who shot her mother has now resurfaced under a different name. She flipped when she found herself back in home sweet home;
  - she was heartbroken when her friend flipped out infml and punched her in the face;
  - (у него совсем к.п., раз он даёт нам такое задание): he must have gone completely loopy infml to give up a job like that;
  - (у него совсем к.п.): he's completely cuckoo;
  - (у неё к.п.): she seems to be going queer in the head infml;
  - (у неё к.п.): she was turning into a crackpot;
  - (я думал, что у него к.п.): I thought he was going a bit haywire
  крышка разг - (Если Т. подаст на него жалобу, ему к. - условно-досрочное освобождение отменят.): If she lodges a complaint, he's screwed infml. Parole revoked.;
  - (как ни крути, ему к., т.е.ему придётся плохо): whichever way he looks at the situation, he's screwed;
  - (вам к., т.е. по аналогии с нокдауном в боксе): Your secured creditors can repo the equipment or assets secured by their debt. If you're in the tree business and all you vehicles get repo'd, you are definitely screwed and down for the count fig.;
  нам всем к.образно): if he goes straight to the police, we've all had it;
  купить (т.е. обмануть) - (его всегда можно было к. на рассказ о несчастьях): he was always a sucker for a hard luck story and was quick to put his hand in his pocket, never worrying if he was being conned
  купиться (т.е. поверить обману) - (т.е. на обман): he had conned her all along, and she had bought it hook, line, and sinker;
  - (на что-л, т.е. поверить): "The leading cause of breast cancer is the use of antiperspirant," says the e-mail that popped in my in-box. The concept is easy to buy into because there is so little known about breast cancer.
  - (он всегда покупался на рассказы о несчастьях, т.е. давать себя обмануть): he was always a sucker for a hard luck story and was quick to put his hand in his pocket, never worrying if he was being conned;
  - (Они пытались ей ещё морочить голову... Она на это не купилась.): They tried to fed her more of the same bullshit story about it taking 5 days to get it into the computer system and transfer it into another computer system. She wasn't going for it.
  кутить - his companions caroused old usewith them;
  - (он никогда больше не будет ни выпивать, ни к.): he said if she'd marry him, he would never drink or carouse again;
  - he continued to hobnob with the friends of his early days
  лажа жаргон - (выступать на ТВ - л., т.е. нечто недостойное): going on TV is a blast;
  - (л. - главное в жизни банкира): The staple of your private banker's life was not cash. It wasn't bull markets, bear markets, hedge funds or derivatives. It was cock-up BrE slang. If you didn't happen to like living in a state of unremitting siege, the odds were that private banking wasn't for you.;
  - (т.е. ошибка / путаница): thanks to a classic cock-up slang, B. is misidentified as the mad woman and sedated down the block, while T. herself is sent to G-Wing;
  - (полная л., я купил там компьютер, и оказалось, что это полная л.): I bought a computer here in the last year and the thing was a total dud infml;
  - (полная л., я купила щвейную машину, и оказалось, что это полная л.): I bought a B. digital sewing / embroidery machine in February that was a total dud;
  - (это полная л., т.е. неудача / провал): this is a pretty good wash-out infml
  лажаться / лажнуться жаргон - every new job began with the agonizing certainty that this was the one he could flub AmE infml;
  - (ты облажался с повышением, т.е. по службе): you blew your chance at a promotion when you decided to come in late to work each day this week
  лапа образно - (тебе предстоит спасти его из лап коварной распутницы): now it's down to you to save him from the clutches of a scheming harlot
  ласка - (поцелуи и ласки влюблённых): the kisses and caresses of lovers
  ласкательный - (прозвище): the Master was half affectionate and half respectful nickname for any holder of the post of director-general of the firm;
  - (имя): she usually giggled at this pet names
  ласково - (говорить): he talked in his caressing oriental lift;
  - (клюнуть): the tiny owl nibbled one of his fingers in an affectionate way;
  - (л. обратиться к кому-л): to address someone in an affectionate way;
  - (л. положить руку на лоб кому-л): he laid a fond hand on her forehead;
  - (ущипнуть): the owl gave Harry an affectionate nip with her beak
  ласковый - (кокон, т.е. атмосфера, в которой рос ребёнок): I recognize that this benign cocoon was an illusion, but it is one that I would wish for every child;
  - (прозвище): the Master was half affectionate and half respectful nickname for any holder of the post of director-general of the firm;
  - (уменьшительное имя): "Volodya," he said quietly, using the affectionate diminutive of Vladimir
  ластиться - (собака ластилась к нему): the dog was fawning on him as if understood every word
  лгун - смотри лжец
  лебезить - (купцы лебезили перед дамами в шелках): ladies in flowing silks were fawned on by obsequious merchants;
  - (л. перед знаменитостью): he gets people fawning over him all the time;
  - (л. перед кем-л): he had to grovel to get her to accept his apology;
  - (л. перед кем-л): She's dating deputy mayor. Everyone in the department has been fawning over her, - laughing at her jokes, getting her coffee.;
  - (л. перед кем-л чтобы получить деньги): he ingratiates himself with me in order to get my money
  легковерный - Hanoi published the letter and suppressed the qualification, earning itself for the gullible ones more demonstration of our (U.S.) duplicity;
  - (переводчик): the interpreter had no psychiatric experience or training, and was very gullible;
  - (группа потребителей): middle-class parents are an insecure, easily gulled consumer group;
  - (ты такой л.): you are so credulous!
  легковозбудимый - she was tense and high-strung
  легкомысленно - I could not bear this thing that he had done do lightheartedly;
  - (л. говорить о чём-л): if you can speak of your beatings in that casual way, they clearly aren't hitting you hard enough;
  - (относиться л. к чему-л): this is not the time to be flippant about your health;
  - it was thoughtless of her to have rushed out and not said where she would be going;
  - that's very thoughtless, typical lack of consideration
  легкомысленность / легкомыслие - (проявление л-я): most wicked problems stem from many small acts of thoughtlessness;
  - (придворных, т.е. в одежде): Clothing in the Restoration expressed the suppressed feelings of freedom during the Puritan period. Тhe frivolities of courtiers was stifled for 11 years.;
  - there was no attempt at flippancy or false coquetry on his part; he recognized that they were in a lot of trouble
  легкомысленный - (блондинка): small, slender, and very pretty, with a heart-shaped face and a penchant for frilly clothes, the initial impression she gave was that of the air-headed blonde;
  - (л-ые гирлянды и карнизы, т.е. архитектурные украшения): some long-dead people had been seduced by the florid excesses of that style, bequeathed edifices with frivolous carved swags and cornices;
  - (болтовня): the boys chattered their usual scatter-brained gibberish to one another;
  - (л-ая бывшая жена): his flighty ex-wife;
  - (в л-ом духе): in a frothiest vein;
  - (водители): we have too many cyclists and joggers succumb to thoughtless motorists, because of drunkenness, road rage, cell phones or just not paying attention;
  - (времяпровождение): Are you playing card again? What a frivolous way of spending your time!;
  - (дебаты о войне были л-ыми): they would have us believe that the debate over the Vietnam war was frivolous;
  - ( ые замечания о смерти): the hospital is scarcely a place for such flippant remarks about death;
  - (спекуляция): reckless speculation;
  - (человек): don't be reckless with other people's hearts
  леденящий - (л-ее душу доказательство): the most chilling evidence of human propensity for atrocity;
  - (л-ее душу зрелище): it had always been a chilly sight to those who'd known who the man (Дзержинский) was whose bronze image had stood alone in the square;
  - (л. [душу] крик, от л-его душу крика волосы на шее встали дыбом): a blood-curdling yell raised the hair on his neck;
  - (предчувствие): an icy foreboding penetrates his bones
  ледяной образно- (высокомерие): her chin came up, her expression one of frosty hauteur
  лезть из кожи вон образно - one might wear oneself to the bone for them and not get so much as a word of thanks;
  - What would happen if a war erupted one day between China and the United States over Taiwan, and Washington asked Japan for support? Japanese government officials are tying themselves in knots fig these days addressing that issue - or, sometimes, not addressing that issue;
  - (л.и.к.в., чтобы досадить родителям): he seemed to have gone out of his way to annoy his parents;
  - (он и.к.в. лезет, чтобы она обратила на него внимание): he falls all over himself to get her to give him a tumble
  лезть на стенку образно - (т.е. сильно волноваться): I was so upset, I almost went up the wall.
  лелять - (дарования ребёнка): her parents recognized her gifts and nurtured them;
  - Didn't you promise to love and cherish me?
  лениво - (л. бросать кости): he was idly casting dice as he sat;
  - (говорить, л. растягивая слова): "..." said M. in his usual lazy drawl;
  - (двигаться, пятно нефти л. двигалось по воде): the gigantic stain (oil slick) was moving sluggishly on the face of the water;
  - (думать): he drowsily thought of certain women he had known;
  - (подойти): one of the lasses sauntered over, hips swinging;
  - (покачиваться, корабли л. покачивались на якоре): there were ships, swinging lazily at their anchors;
  - (л. помахивать щупальцами): the giant squid was waving its tentacles lazily above the water;
  - (л. разглядывать книжные стойки): he was standing at a comic rack, spinning it idly to see if there were any new Batmans;
  - (сказать): "Settle down, settle down," said S. idly
  ленивый - (л-ым движением он поймал мяч): on a lackadaisical quick-out, he snatched the ball with one hand simply to show off;
  - (л-ое течение реки): the sluggish flow of the twisting, muddy river;
  - (л-ое течение реки): the river had sunk so far in the centre of its wide bed that shallow islets had broken through the sluggish flow;
  - (ум): a torpid mind;
  - (человек): смотри ниже
  ленивый (человек) - you prop up rotten and unjust system, just because you are too lazy;
  - he won't work; he's just too lazy;
  - he was so stupid and indolent that he broke more than he mended;
  - (люди): Townsfolk might have organized bucket chains or begin tearing down threatened houses to save the rest (from fire). The mercenaries were so drunk, so feckless, they merely fled the flames;
  - Drinking does not make you indolent and we are definitely not an indolent nation. In fact, Indians are the most hardworking people.
  лениться - don't be lazy;
  - (не л. украсть): producers, not slouches when it came to thievery, were...
  леность / лень - the report criticizes the government's sloth in tackling environmental problems;
  - my failure is probably due to my own indolence;
  - I could go to the gym - it's just laziness that stops me;
  - his consummate idleness was the cause of their dreadful divorce
  лентяй / лентяйка - what a sloth you are today, reading a trashy novel instead of cleaning house;
  - (законченный): I never in my life met such a thorough lazybones;
  - this commanding officer really had a tough job, because his men were the worst slackers and layabouts in the bunch;
  - Bertram Wooster, a well-intentioned, wealthy layabout, has a habit of getting himself into trouble and it's up to his brilliant valet, Jeeves, to get him out;
  - her mother was a partial, ill-judging parent, a dawdle, a slattern, who neither taught nor restrained her children
  лентяйничать - (дома): when she is not loafing around the house, she is mourning the loss of her beloved puppy
  лесть - he read the minutes in a tone of unctuous flattery;
  - (великие люди, окружённые л-тью): great men surrounded by adulation lit rarely perceive themselves to be wrong;
  - (л. на неё не действовала): flattery didn't work on her;
  - (не поддаться лести / устоять перед лестью): he resisted to blandishments;
  - you did it with cajolery in its most abject form
  лжец - (врождённый): a congenital liar;
  - (в лгунишка): you're a nasty little liar;
  - it's a special collection of behaviour that gives the liar away;
  - (мысль о том, что все эти люди считают его достойным восхищения, а не чокнутым л-ом, так воодушевила его, что он до сих пор был весел): the knowledge that all those people did not think him a lying weirdo, but someone to be admired buoyed him up so much that he was still cheerful
  лживость - he looked to England as the fountainhead of duplicity;
  - (вопиющая): I've never seen the profound combination of blatant mendacity and obvious cynicism that is his presidential campaign;
  - (т.е. неправительственных организаций): he ranted on about their (NGO's) duplicity and traitorous challenges to the state
  лживый - (интриганка): she was a deceitful scheming little thing;
  - (интриган): one in 10 Australian managers are deceitful, cold-hearted manipulators bent on attaining power;
  - (история): an absurd and untrue story;
  - (ответ следователям): untruthful responses to congressional investigators about his activities;
  - (пропаганда): these powerful controlling groups manufacture consent by disseminating bland and mendacious propaganda intended to fool the people about the forces that govern them;
  - (реклама): false advertising;
  - (слово): I swallow every beguiling word;
  - (т.е. человек): the installation of a mendacious and cathartic white president who will replace Obama
  лизать зад грубо - (кому-л): we are at war under a Labour Government which sycophantically suckles up to the USA, and sends our young men and women to die due to their insufficient numbers and poor equipment.
  лизаться разг - (т.е. целоваться): to smooch infml
  лизоблюд - the king and his lickspittles
  ликование - the "Wedding of the rails" was scene of great jubilation;
  - he greeted the Agreement with jubilation;
  - (переходить от л-я к отчаянию): he oscillates regularly between elation and despair;
  - (т.е. после победы на выборах): Democrats across the country could barely contain their glee after Election Day, when their party swept to control of both the House and Senate in a stunning electoral triumph;
  - (праздничное, нормальный обед был поводом для праздничного л-я): His early life was conventional for the genre. Hardscrabble local youth, no money, no frills, his mom a pillar of strength, his dad working two jobs. If you take political candidates as a population sample, then the United States is a Third World country. Everyone grows up poor, running water is a luxury, shoes are rare, a square meal is cause for jubilant celebration.;
  - (празднование было отмечено не криками л-я): the celebration was marked not so much by shouting exuberance, as by genuine happiness that our nation was in better shape;
  - (толпы): apart from the size and exuberance of the crowds, the September events offered anecdotal evidence that things were going our way
  ликовать - to Mohammad this victory appeared to be a divine vindication of his prophethood, and he and all the Muslims were greatly elated;
  - (л. из-за унижения кого-л): he didn't hear it, so jubilant he was with her humiliation;
  - some British politicians exulted at the news of an American victory
  ликующий - (заявление для прессы): in an exultant statement to the press the President announced...;
  - (л-ая картина, прославляющая царствование): a jubilant painting celebrating the reign of the king;
  - (смех): jubilant laughter
  липа разг (т.е. подделкаего документы оказались липой / липовыми): it turned out his ID was phoney;
  - his story was phoney;
  - he took about two minutes to decide the painting was a dud
  липовый разг (т.е. поддельный) - (теория): when push come to shove, they'll gin up some screwy theory about how he planted this on the computer;
  - (удостоверение личности): a phoney ID card;
  - (цифры): he called these figures phony infml and fuzzy
  лихач - (т.е. водитель автомобиля, превышающий допустимую скорость): the Government will consider hardline measures such as crushing or selling the cars of hoon drivers
  лихачество - (т.е. афериста): but the swashbuckling came to an end in 2006, when he plead guilty to fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion;
  - (т.е. при вождении автомобиля): "hoon driving" is a word used to describe driving dangerously or causing nuisance on the road
  лихо - (т.е. наречие): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. существительное, не буди лихо, пока тихо): don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
  лихо (т.е. наречие) - (л. закрученный сюжет): one of the show's greatest aspects is the wildly twisted plot and how everything ironically turns out at episode's end;
  - (на голове его л. сидела фуражка железнодорожника): he sprawled in his chair, a railway cap perched cockily on his head;
  - (л. сдвинутая набекрень шляпа): a jolly fat man with his pork pie hat at a jaunty angle.;
  - (л. сдвинутые набекрень каски): their steel helmets tipped saucily awry to suggest a lack of discipline
  лихой - (его волосы были растрёпаны, придавая ему л. пиратский вид): his sleek hair was mussed, making him look rakish as a buccaneer;
  - (л. главарь преступной группировки): his account of the rakish crime boss' rise to power reveals how federal officials struggled to find some way to put Capone in prison;
  - (ездок / наездник): he was an excellent shot, a deadly swordsman, a dashing rider, a youth of spirit and bravery
  лихорадка образно - (Золотая Л.): Golden Rush;
  - (покупательская): buying rush
  лихорадочно - (л. думать / искать, чем остановить кровотечение): he cast about distractedly for something to staunch the bleeding;
  - (л. думать, что сказать): he saw Ron looking at him so anxiously that he quickly cast around for something matter-of-fact to say;
  - (л. искать тему разговора): he cast around for another change of subject;
  - (л. шарить в траве в поисках ключей): she scrabbled feverishly for her keys in the long grass
  лихорадочный - (возбуждение): the atmosphere of feverish excitement was highly infectious
  лицемер - liar and hypocrite
  лицемерие - he scorned hypocrisy disguised as policy or politics;
  - such was Hanoi's contempt for bourgeois notions of legality that it
  did not feel the necessity even for hypocrisy;
  - he's made a sport out of mendacity and deception;
  - (с моей стороны было бы л-ем вкладывать во временные рамки, т.е. повествование): "What events have changed Los Angeles the most since the 1940s, which you often write about?" "I"m from Los Angeles. It would be disingenuous for me to ascribe a timeline, since my relationship to Los Angeles is largely fictional, extrapolated partially from fact, mostly filtered through my imagination."
  лицемерить - he wondered if in fact she loved him or had all along been disingenuous
  лицемерно - (прекратите л. отпираться): Take your share of responsibility for the shooting down of MH17. Stop your disingenuous denials, your lies and deceit.;
  - (сказать): she said sanctimoniously that she was not the kind of mother who bothers her children
  лицемерный - (кивок): the sight of her sanctimonious little nod goaded him into the speech;
  - (отрицание): Take your share of responsibility for the shooting down of MH17. Stop your disingenuous denials, your lies and deceit.;
  - (психика): what the president lacked in the understanding of the tortuous psychologies of Europeans could be made up by his advice
  ловелас - Berlusconi the Lothario is caught flirting with female politicians;
  - (прослыть л-ом): he's got a reputation as a lothario with a penchant for older women;
  - Lothario: a heterosexual male womanizer
  ловить рыбку в мутной воде - the Soviets were clearly seeking to fish in troubled waters
  ловкач - (важный чиновник): he had had his eye on a small but exquisite Fragonard, but a shifty grandee in Treasury had got there first;
  - (о братце Кролике): Brer Rabbit is a trickster character who succeeds through his wits rather than through strength, tweaking authority figures and bending social mores as he sees fit;
  - that the man we entered into agreement with was quite a wheeler dealer and a weasel to boot
  лодырничать - (дома): when she is not loafing around the house, she is mourning the loss of her beloved puppy
  лодырь - bum / loafer;
  - what a sloth you are today, reading a trashy novel instead of cleaning house
  лопаться со смеху / лопнуть со смеху - (чуть не лопнуть с.с.): After a time, Jack came to the palace of the King of all the Birds, and there at the front gate were a sparrow and a crow marching up and down with matchlocks on their shoulders. Now at this Jack laughed fit to split.
  лопух жаргон - (т.е. доверчивый / наивный простачок): His name is not B. You're a babe in the woods infml
  лох жаргон - (банки взимают возмутительную плату с таких л-ов, как мы): This is how the banks make their money. Charging outrageous fees to us shmoes yiddish.;
  - (обдирать л-ов, похотливых бизнесменов и иностранных туристов): he rips off mug punters BrE slang, horny businessmen and foreign tourists;
  - I can't tell you how many of those get-rich-quick-doing-nothing schemes I tries. I spent a few thousand bucks on online courses. The only thing I learned is what a sucker I'd been to buy into them in the first place.
  лукавить - (я не лукавлю): I speak without guile because I know you have escaped my net
  лукаво - (сказать): "..." N. said archly;
  - (улыбнуться): she smiled archly;
  - (ухмыляться): he was grinning shiftily
  лукавство - (т.е. выражения лица): his face reassumed its normal look of benevolent cunning;
  - (лисье): "I offered to present scientific backing for your beliefs. And I did!" "Yes, you did - with a fox's subtlety, for your pretended explanation backed our beliefs, and at the same time removed all necessity for them.";
  - (государственный деятель, для которого л. стало второй натурой): a statesman to whom cunning had come as second nature;
  - (лицо исполнено л-а и величия): the judge's large face is full of wiliness and majesty
  лукавый - (анекдоты): sly jokes about the ruler's follies;
  - (взгляд): смотри ниже;
  - (подмигивание): a sly wink;
  - (улыбка): an arch smile;
  - (улыбочка): a roguish grin;
  - (юмор): a politician known for his arch humor
  лукавый (взгляд) - a sly glance;
  - he rears his head and fixes me with an astute gray eye;
  - an arch look;
  - (его взгляд приобрёл л-ое выражение): a cunning look came into his eyes
  льстец - he is not allowing flatterers to deceive him
  льстиво - (лизать зад США): we are at war under a Labour Government which sycophantically suckles up to the USA, and sends our young men and women to die due to their insufficient numbers and poor equipment.
  льстивый - (голос): she spoke in a flattery, girlish, high-pitched voice;
  - (елейно-льстивым тоном): he read the minutes in a tone of unctuous flattery;
  - (заверения): conservative leaders were less likely to be taken in by Soviet blandishments;
  - (политики): I tried to picture how I would have reacted if a bunch of smarmy, camera-seeking politicians came anywhere near a hospital room where my relative was hooked up to life support;
  - (речи, не слушайте л-ые речи): you must never lend your ears to the blandishments of the world;
  - (речи, не слушайте л-ые речи): turn a deaf ear to blandishments of all kinds;
  - (слова): King Lear decides to divide his realm among his three daughters, and declares he will offer the largest share to the one who loves him most. The eldest, Goneril, speaks first, declaring her love for her father in fulsome terms.;
  - (слова): it is difficult to shut one's ears to blandishing words;
  - (тон): "..." F. said in a tone that was mostly wheedling, but a little threatening too;
  - (улыбка): he has that blarney smile;
  - falsehood may be detected in the whining voice, and uplifted eyes of the hypocrite; in the smooth-tongued words of the dissembler; in the fawning and cringing form of the adulator; as well in the brazen front of the shameless liar
  льстить - (кому-л): he (the restaurant owner) learned how to deal with celebrities, how to flatter them without surrendering his own dignity, how to glad-hand them, but make them glad to get his nod of recognition and approval;
  - (чему-л): oh, your Majesty, you flatter my poor sex
  любвеобильный - the sight of so much beauty in affliction strongly affected the amorous king
  лютый - (волк / дракон): a fierce wolf / dragon;
  - (огонь / свет, глаза горели л-ым огнём): the monster's eyes were lit with a fell light;
  - (пёс): а fierce dog;
  - (холод): blistering cold
  малодушие - should the banner be lost in battle because of faintheartedness, the commander and all officers are subject to court-martial, and the unit is broken up.;
  - (она проявила меньше м-я, чем другие): in refusing to apologize for her vote to go to war in Iraq, Hillary Clinton has been less craven then most;
  - the feats of intrepid mountaineers underscored our pusillanimity lit, but I for one was grateful to view Mount P. with its hanging glacier in comfort;
  - pusillanimous spirit lit;
  - it is an example of the pusillanimous nature lit of contemporary political argument;
  - (оставить друга в беде - м.): it is pusillanimous lit to leave a friend to face a danger alone
  малодушный - (компромисс): the Democrats' craven "compromise" on telecom immunity;
  - (не для м-ых): there are marvellous things to do, but not for the faint-hearted;
  - (она показала себя не такой м-ой, как большинство): in refusing to apologize for her vote to go to war in Iraq, Hillary Clinton has been less craven then most;
  - (поведение): pusillanimous lit behaviour;
  - (страх): the horror film is an invitation to to give in to our most craven fears;
  - (человек): at what point does talking about feelings instead of just "bucking up and taking it like a man" get you labeled sensitive and unmanly?
  маменькин сынок - he made his disparaging comment about doll's houses and sissies
  мандраж жаргон (т.е. страх) - he was starting to feel nervous, but he knew his butterflies were as nothing to R., who was clutching his stomach and staring straight ahead, his jaw set and his complexion pale;
  - (т.е. перед свадьбой): despite her jitters infml, the wedding goes off without a hitch;
  - (предыгровой): the pregame jitters were so bad in the locker room that the players fled as soon as they were allowed;
  - (у меня был м. из-за экзамена на вождение): I've got the jitters about my driving test;
  - I always get the jitters the morning before an exam
  манерность - he hid his keen brain behind mannerisms of great cheerfulness
  маразм (т.е. старческий) - (впадать в м.): Could my mother be going senile? She started acting incredibly forgetful and weird for the past couple of years.;
  - (он еще не впал в м.): if he had left his youth behind, he wasn't yet in his dotage;
  - (я ешё не впал в м.): I am not yet in my dotage
  маразматик - (старика называли м-ом и путаником): the old man was called senile and confused
  марать - (имя кого-л): he won't sully her name again
  - (репутацию): to smear the reputation of somebody;
  - (м. руки участием в политике): When he was a freshman in Congress, he told them he approached Wal-Mart for a campaign contribution. The government affairs director of Wal-Mart told him that Wal-Mart didn't like to sully their hands with political involvement.;
  - (м. руки повседневным руководством работой правительства образно): he didn't like getting his hands dirty with the nitty-gritty of running the government
  махровый (т.е. отъявленный) - (м. торговец контрабандным оружием): at eighteen he was a fully paid-up infml gunrunner
  медоточивый - (голос): he had a fruity, unctuous voice;
  - (речь): the actress plays the former British prime minister over four decades of her life; the likeness - from the imperious look to the mellifluous diction - is uncanny
  меланхолично - (сидеть за графинчиком портвейна): we sat pensively over our decanter of partners' port
  мелкая сошка - I was the last to find out because I'm low man on the totem pole;
  - I can't be of any help. I'm low man on the totem pole;
  - the small-fry are sent to jail;
  - a bar where the small fry of the world of mercenaries and arm sellers are wont to foregather and take a drink together;
  - they were underlings, but good ones, well-trained pros; who merited the smile
  мелко / мелочно - (т.е. неблагородно): I"m sorry, M. That was ungenerous.;
  - (м-но обойтись с кем-л): the musician was shabbily treated by the singer, going uncredited on the album and being paid just a stingy £15 for his work
  мелочность - (жизни, которую он вёл): the pettiness of the life he was leading
  мелочный - (интриги): acts of historic magnitude must not be mortgaged by petty manoeuvers that risk their ultimate purpose for marginal and temporary benefits;
  - (человек): a vindictive, petty, emotional person
  мерзавец - these two heels slang take the poor slob of a husband for a ride and the boyfriend puts a bullet between his eyes;
  - these two heels begin a systematic poisoning program on her husband;
  - She would have been away by now with her lover and all the money but for me. Ever since my poor old master prevented her from marrying that tipsy blackguard...;
  - (вооружённые мерзавцы, т.е. морские пираты): Navy SEAL snipers on the fantail of a destroyer cut down three Somali pirates in a lifeboat and rescued an American sea captain on Easter Sunday. Тhe surprise nighttime assault in choppy seas ended a five-day standoff between a team of rogue gunmen and the world's most powerful military;
  мерзкий - (в серии провалов пиара проявилась м-ая сторона его личности): a string of PR disasters showed a nasty side to his personality;
  - (вечер): it's a foul infml night tonight;
  - (врунишка): you're a nasty little liar;
  - (город): filthy city;
  - (дерьмо): you and your kind are the filthiest (filthy) crap that was ever elevated from the gutters of this country to positions of power;
  - (м. дым сигарет): a rancid haze of old and new cigarette smoke hang in layers;
  - (еда): vile food;
  - (запах): there's a foul infml smell in here;
  - (кусок дерьма): listen to me, you repulsive piece of dogshit;
  - (люди): his mother was accusing him of mixing with "nasty people";
  - (мальчишка): a nasty little boy who considers rules to be beneath him;
  - (напиток): a foul sweet drink;
  - (негодяи / сволочи / ублюдки): he joined the police to stop nasty bastards wrecking other people's lives;
  - (негодяй / тип / урод): slimy git BrE;
  - (обвинение / деяние): "That is a vile accusation." "For a vile act.";
  - (орки): "First we must tend the fallen," said Legolas. "We cannot leave him lying like carrion among these foul Orcs."
  - (перебежчик): filthy, stinking turncoat;
  - (план): to stop the Nazi's nefarious plan to attack America;
  - (погода): the weather is beastly;
  - (поступок): a foul infml deed;
  - (тряпки): filthy rags;
  - (улыбка): "And that gives us an advantage," Z. said with a ghoulish smile
  мерзко - (чувствовать себя): I was feeling pretty rotten because I was in the middle of a divorce
  мерзость - The peasant gestured for me to follow him into the gloom of his hut. Within, all was filth and grease and squalor.;
  - (в Библии сказано, что гомосексуализм - м.): homophobes say that the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination;
  - (запустения): squalor;
  - (куча м-ти): the train transformed the station into a muck heap;
  - (какой отец породил одну м. от ругой): what father had sired one abomination on another
  меркантильный - (в наш м. век): in this materialistic age where everything works on the give-and-take basis, we cannot expect teachers to ne immune to career inspirations and concerns and focus exclusively on the teaching
  мертвецки - (напиваться / напиться): people who binge drink may find that their friends drift away;
  - (напиваться / напиться): if she were a grieving husband, we'd go to the pub and get rolling drunk
  - (пьяный): "three sheets to the wind" has been used to describe a highly inebriated person who is no longer in control, and is in danger of upending and falling over;
  - (напиваться / напиться): do you often spend an evening getting "smashed" at the bar?;
  - the best 10 places for binge drinking around the world;
  мещанин (т.е. человек с узким кругозором неуважительно) - ("Мещане" Максима Горького): The Philistines / The Smug Citizens / The Petty Bourgeois by Maxim Gorki;
  - square infml: a person who is conventional or conservative in taste or way of life
  мило - (засмеяться): she flushed, then laughed prettily and said, "...";
  - (улыбнуться): he smiled engagingly
  милосердие - смотри Общий файл
  милосердный - (Бог милосерден): God is just and merciful;
  - (Бог): for this powerful but insensible fate the Qur"an substituted a powerful but provident and merciful God;
  - (он не был столь милосерден): I could have urged the Justice Department to investigate the charges of tax evasion; instead, I said the House should handle it "and then, we should get back to the people's business." Two years later, when the shoe was on the other foot, Gingrich would not be so charitable.;
  - (проводник поезда): a merciful train attendant saw us flailing to make the train and pulled the emergency break
  милостиво - (принять извинения): I give her an apology which she accepts graciously;
  - (согласиться): Their Royal Highnesses have graciously consented to attend;
  - (успокаивать): "Don't worry," Sir H. said graciously putting us all at ease. "I've learned that Americans are rarely punctual.";
  милостивый - (Бог): for this powerful but insensible fate the Qur"an substituted a powerful but provident and merciful God;
  - (Бог милостив): God is just and merciful;
  - (Господи, будь милостив ко мне, грешной): Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner
  милость - смотри Общий файл
  милый - (девушка): the girl was meek and pleasant and quiet;
  - (образ Санта Клауса): a lovable image of Santa Claus;
  - (он считал негров м-ыми): D. hated niggers, E. thought them lovely, M. thought they were all right in Africa;
  - (персонаж): Pinocchio is a lovable character;
  - (ребёнок): cute child;
  - (ребёнок): the boy is so lively, so likable;
  - (старичок): I think he's an old dear;
  - (старушки): the women were pretty old things;
  - (ребёнок): she was a dear, sweet kid;
  - (улыбка): endearing smile;
  - (человек): by then an international icon, Havel was shy, yet eloquent, funny and utterly charming;
  - (человек): a likable man with buoyant personality;
  - (человек): he could be so engaging, so grateful for his chance
  миндальничать - I didn't pull any punches infml. I told her exactly what I thought of her.
  мишура - he respected her and thought she'd had an amazing career, but he wasn't dazzled by the tinsel
  мишурный - (привлекательность): she was attractive in a brittle meretricious way
  мне-то что [до этого] - sulk all you want, no skin off my fingers;
  - I was notified on 6 Aug 2007 that that same IP had been used for multiple attempts to access my account on an unrelated message board, resulting in a temporary "lock out". No skin off my fingers since I haven't visited that site since registering on a whim.
  мнительный - I have always been an anxious person - my imagination runs wild, and I find myself truly believing harm is going to come to me, even when it is not;
  - I hadn't heard from her for three weeks. And you know me - I'm a worrier, so I checked it out.
  многострадальный - submissive, long-suffering citizens;
  - (пролетариат): if the Soviet proletariat, long suffering, patient, ox-like in the face of deprivation, ever went berserk...
  молодец - (т.е. возглас одобрения): смотри ниже;
  - (он доказал, что он м., справляясь с самыми трудными заданиями): he proves he's a sport, getting to grips with the hardest tasks;
  - (они были хорошо подготовленными профессионалами, и заслуживали улыбки и кивка, когда они были м-ами): they were well-trained pros who merited the smile and the nod when they did things right;
  - (полный м.): He tore my ears off for disseminating half-baked rumours. I said to him, "I was only reporting. No need to get hot under the collar. Yesterday I was the cat's whiskers slang."
  молодец (т.е. возглас одобрения) - you've done very well;
  - well done / good job;
  - (все вы молодцы): We just launched two fish on a pair of enemy submarines. We won't be seeing either one of them any more. Well done to everybody.;
  - (м., полковник!): Colonel, that was well done!;
  - (м., что выступил против банка): Well you go, boy! Good for you for standing up to this bank.;
  - Good for you, Harry;
  - as he ran over the finish line, everyone cried, "That's the way to go!";
  - "Way to go!" said Mary when Bob finally got the car started.;
  - "How are you?" "All right." "Good man.";
  - "Can you do it?" "Yes." "Good man.";
  - attaboy AmE / Good job AmE
  молокосос - (т.е. неопытный): she treats him like an amateur or some wet-behind-the-ears wannabe;
  - (т.е. слабый духом): believe me, I'm no milksop, and after betraying the organization, even I'm running scared of them
  мольба - (м. о милосердии): a plea for mercy;
  - (м-ы о помощи): he was deaf to my pleas for help;
  - (м-ы о помощи, обращённые к консулату): As the months passed after his arrest, he came to the creeping realization that he'd been hung out to dry. The State Department had done next to nothing to get him sprung, despite pleas for help to the consulate.;
  - (м. о примирении): with this plea for reconciliation the delegates coupled a stern message;
  - (м., обращённая к богам): with a plea to faceless gods
  - I cannot recall his wistful plea without a pang of shame
  мороз по коже - (от зрелища у проходящих под аркой шёл м.п.к. т.е. от ужаса): The heads of persons executed for high treason were formerly fixed on iron spikes over Temple Bar. It must have been a chilling sight to people passing under the arch.;
  - (от одной мысли о том, как..., у неё шёл м.п.к. ): just thinking about the weird way he talked / the way he had touched her made her skin crawl;
  - (такое жуткое место, у меня от него м.п.к., т.е. от страха): the scenery is so scary that it gives me creeps;
  - (там, где он к ней прикасался, у неё шёл м.п.к., т.е. от волнения): her skin tingled where he'd touched her
  морока - (она могла добраться до Манхэттена за двадцать минут без м-и с вождением и парковкой): the train station was down the block, so she could be in midtown Manhattan in twenty minutes without the hassle of driving and parking;
  - (с получением визы была м.): getting a visa was a pain
  морочить - (голову): смотри ниже;
  - he used his handsome look to cozen and seduce men and women alike;
  - (противника, т.е. сбить с толку): we have totally befuddled our enemies so often that one wondered why they even bothered employing intelligence officers, they had been snookered so frequently;
  - (судебная система морочила его, т.е. тянула время): a French citizen living in Glasgow claims he has been "given the runaround" by the Scottish legal system in his attempt to right a legal error which has resulted in a serious slur on his character
  морочить голову (т.е. обманывать) - Have we been bamboozled slang all these years by Big Hardware or did these things actually work?;
  - (ты думал, что сможешь нам всем м.г.?) did you really think you had thrown dust in all our eyes fig?;
  - I've been in this job too long to have the wool pulled infml;
  - (м.г. насчёт стоимости строительных работ): we were led up the garden path infml about the cost of the building work - it turned out really expensive;
  - (не морочьте мне г., что люди не знали...): don't give me that bullshit about people not knowing the hurricane was going to be that bad;
  - (т.е. о женатом мужчине, который обещал любовнице, что разведётся с женой): he had conned her all along, and she had bought it hook, line, and sinker;
  - (они пытались ещё м. ей г., что...): they tried to fed her more of the same bullshit story about it taking five days to get it into the computer system and transfer it into another computer system and blah, blah, blah ad infinitum;
  - (продавец морочит г. покупателям расспросами): while a long line waits, the employee grills customer after customer about skin and hair characteristics and then disgorges detailed information about the products;
  - (т.е. разыгрывать): I panicked when he said the test was tomorrow, but then I realized he was just pulling my leg infml;
  - (США морочит голову Израилю с помощью на поселение советских иммигрантов): the ambassador complained to the press on February 14 that America was giving Israel the "runaround" on housing aid for Soviet immigrants;
  - (Ты её бросил. Что же ты теперь морочишь ей г.?): You ditched her. What are you doing now, messing her around?
  морочиться - (...и ей не надо было м. с вождением и парковкой): the train station was down the block, so she could be in midtown Manhattan in twenty minutes without the hassle of driving and parking
  мот / мотовка - his life stands as a messy tangle of contradictions: he was an aristocrat who was suspicious of elites, an avatar of freedom who owned slaves, a spendthrift who believes in government austerity;
  - (м.-жена): He tries to save up as much money as he can to take over the firm. His spendthrift wife does not make it easy for him.
  мошенство - (президента называли "Его М."): they called the President "His Fraudulency"
  мразь - (м. и убийца): does Allah think a murdering scumbag like you turning religious is taking the piss?;
  - we will not be intimidated by the scum that seek to reduce this great city of Gotham to ruins;
  - we had to clean up Europe from the pollution of this Jewish filth;
  - (я бы из этой мрази оставил мокрое место): I would have pounded the scumbag to a pulp if you hadn't been holding me back
  мрачнеть - (о людях): people are becoming gloomier;
  - "You look lonely," the girl says (in a pub). "You look expensive," replies S. She gets the hump BrE infml and walks off;
  - to scowl
  мрачно - (будущее выглядит м.): тhe future looks dismal;
  - (заметить): as Prime Minister Shimon Peres grimly noted;
  - (заметить): "They don't have tank commanders painting rocks around the motor pool, as we do," B. noted sourly;
  - (молчать): the flight back was bleakly silent they lost 30 men);
  - (он м. пнул жалкий трупик носком сапога): "Another frost-killed bird." He gloomily nudged the pathetic corpse with a booted toe.;
  - (отказаться от приятного приглашения): he called Ben up (to invite him to the cinema), but Ben told him glumly that he had to take some kind of speech-therapy test;
  - (пить): he drank morosely;
  - (сказать): "..." H. said gloomily;
  - (сказать): "We're going to throw people back into the sea, when their prince has sent them here on the promise of a new life?" he said dourly.;
  - (смотреть на разрушенный замок): he looked bleakly at his ruined hall;
  - (м. смотреть на тучу): he scowled at the nearing cloud;
  - (усмехнуться): he chuckled blackly;
  - (уставиться на кого-л): he was staring somberly at her
  мрачный - (атмосфера на собрании): the mood at these meetings has been somber;
  - (будущее): bleak future;
  - (взгляд): the villagers exchanged dark looks;
  - (вид / лицо, я понял по м-ому в-у сына, что утро прощло неважно): I could tell by my son's woebegone face that the morning hadn't gone well;
  - (выглядеть м-ым): he scratches his chin and tries to look crestfallen;
  - (м-ое выражение лица): he has picked up weight and a perpetual grimness of expression;
  - (город): a grim city;
  - (депрессия): doctors say 3 in the morning is the lowest ebb of the human spirit, the hour of weariness, slowest reactions and gloomiest depression;
  - (зрелище): an eerie sight met his eyes;
  - (истории): there are grim tales of kings sacrificing their sons to gain their desires;
  - (история): a dismal story;
  - (картина): the grim images of a declining empire trying to bomb its rebellious citizens into submission;
  - (картина жизни в лагере заключённых): the author paints a stark picture of life in a prison camp;
  - (лицо): heartsick, she looked at her daughter's woebegone face;
  - (лицо): a very surly face with heavy black eyebrows;
  - (место для подрастающих детей, т.е. сиротский приют): the orphans looked reasonably well-cared-for, but there was no denying that this was a grim place in which to grow up;
  - (настроение): my mood was somber, but I had not yet given up hope;
  - (настроение): a man of a sour or suspicious disposition;
  - (обстановка): the harsh climate and bleak surroundings discouraged settlers;
  - (перспектива): was there a more gloomy prospect than...?;
  - (перспектива): the perspectives that face us are only four and they are extremely bleak;
  - (перспективы): their prospects were grim;
  - (перспективы): bleak prospects;
  - (перспективы экономики): bleak outlook for American economy;
  - (последствия): the consequences could be even more grim;
  - (сдержанность): he spoke with a gruff reticence;
  - (тучи): dull grey clouds;
  - (улица): a poor street, ill lit and gloomy in the slanting sleet;
  - (человек): смотри ниже
  мрачный (т.е. человек) - (революционер): that dour, dedicated revolutionary;
  - (старик): a morose, close-fisted, pitiless old man;
  - I had never seen her be so morose before, but having a close friend murdered will upset anyone;
  - he looked much older than the last time they met, scraggy and grim;
  - a sullen, sulky, awkward boy;
  - that dour, dedicated revolutionary;
  - the adults seemed incurious, even surly;
  - dour people;
  - he was saturnine, with savage wit and closed face;
  - people are becoming gloomier;
  - (что ты такая м-ая?): Mary, dear, why so glum?;
  - (м. из-за чего-л): he was despondent about it
  мудак грубо - prick / asshole;
  - that tool slang doesn't even know she's just using him
  мужественно - (бороться с раком): she faced her cancer bravely;
  - (драться, о солдатах): the soldiers fought courageously;
  - (притворяться): I was manfully pretending that like scenarios have not describe themselves to my imagination on a hundred occasions in the last year;
  - (м. пытаться улыбнуться): she tried valiantly to smile;
  - It was the duty of a good soldier valiantly to withstand his enemies
  мужественность - both men, fine specimens of physical manhood, bore the reputation of having lots of grit;
  - (испытать свою силу и м.): in those days, when knights fought together, it was often not at all in malice, but only to test their strength and manliness;
  - masculinity / manhood / manliness is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles associated with boys and men;
  - handsome, muscled, and driven, he's a prime example of masculinity;
  - virility can first of all be seen as a "materialisation" or embodiment of postulated male qualities that make bodily appearances, organs, essences, nerves, musculature and anatomy the essential signs and sites of masculinity;
  - testosterone is the main androgen hormone, and is also responsible for masculinity, virility, libido and possibly aggression
  мужественный - (политическое выживание): Clinton argued that her (Hillary Clinton's) feisty act of political survival, defeating Barack Obama in Pennsylvania by more than nine points, confirms her contention that she would be the stronger challenger against Republican John McCain;
  - after 19 years of war, the courageous people of that country should be able to enjoy real peace;
  - (черты лица, молодой человек с резкими, м-ыми чертами лица): the photographs of Jack London showed a dreamy young man of unusual handsomeness; rugged and masculine
  мужество - (т.е. борца за свободу): his courage and conviction sustained like-minded dissidents around the world for decades;
  - (для прыжков с парашютом требуется большое м.): parachuting takes a lot of nerve;
  - (иметь м.): both men, fine specimens of physical manhood, bore the reputation of having lots of grit, and never having shown the white feather;
  - (иметь м. сделать что-л): they didn't have the manhood to stand and fight for their own land;
  - (испытать м. кого-л.): the first task is designed to test your daring;
  - (мы выбрались отсюда в прошлый раз благодаря его м-у): we'd got out of here last time thanks to his fortitude;
  - (нужно большое м., чтобы): it takes a lot of guts infml to do something like that;
  - (нужно большое м., чтобы): it takes a lot of grit infml to overcome a physical handicap;
  - (перед неизвестностью): courage in the face of unknown is an important quality;
  - (проявить м.): in this affair he displayed courage;
  - (проявить м.): you have shown bravery beyond anything I could have expected of you;
  - (проявить м.): your wife has displayed remarkable fortitude during your repeated absences from the family home;
  - (проявить м.): to show grits;
  - (проявить м. в битвах): the companies forming the First Florida cavalry were distinguished for their intrepid gallantry and fortitude in the battles of Richmond, Perryville, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge;
  - (собрать всё своё м.): the Cardinal summoned what manhood he had and transformed himself before her eyes;
  - (хватить м-а): if I had the nerve to look around, I might see...;
  - his daring and his reputation for having never met a blowout he couldn't cap earned him a nickname Hellfighter
  мужик разг - It's a number game. Women won't go to a club where drunk blokes BrE infml outnumber them and blokes won't go to a club where there are no women.
  - (м. в юбке): she is a sharp and sassy "babe with balls";
  - (неотёсанный, злоключения неотёсанных м-ов в большом городе): a comedy about the misadventures of yokels in the big city
  мука (мУка) - (испытывать мУки): Richard Nixon was enduring the long final torment of his political career;
  - That's the biggest torment of all. When I think about it, I can't even work.;
  - to ensure the cohesion and self-assurance in America had been the preeminent purpose of the policies - and sometimes the anguish - of Nixon's second term;
  - (м-и голода): homeless children sniff glue to dull their hunger pains;
  - (душевные м-и, притупить душевные м-и): he had always used alcohol to numb his heartache;
  - (предсмертные / смертные м-и): Jesus, alone, with no help - in weakness of body and in death pangs - bore away the enormous load of human guilt;
  - (М-и и радости, т.е. творчества): The Agony and the Extasy;
  - (м-и ревности): people who suffer pains of jealousy;
  - (м-и ревности): the tortures of jealosy;
  - (муки супружеской неверности): the agony of infidelity
  мура рaзг - (классическая, о фильме): what element made these films schlock classic?;
  - (это м.): Is anyone watching that TV series? I hope not, because it sucks slang;
  - There are two things you have in abundance when you're pacing an exercise yard: time and prison gossip. Most of the stories are bullshit.
  мурашки - (когда находишься с ним с одной комнате, по всему телу идут м.): he knows exactly what to say to cheer you up, kisses passionately and being in the same room with him will send tingles down your entire body;
  - (от зрелища м. шли по коже): it had always been a chilling sight to...;
  - (от одной мысли о том, как он к ней прикасался, у неё шли м. по коже): just thinking about the way he had touched her made her skin crawl;
  - (от одной мысли о том, как странно он говорил, у неё шли м. по коже): just thinking about the weird way he talked made her skin crawl;
  - (такое жуткое место, у меня от него м. по коже бегут): the scenery is so scary that it gives me creeps;
  - (там, где он к ней прикасался, у неё по коже бежали м. ): her skin tingled where he'd touched her;
  - (у меня по всему телу пошли м. ): I felt tingles starting all over my body;
  - (у меня по всему телу шли м. ): my whole body was tingling and my heart was pounding;
  - (у него в предвкушении встречи бежали м. по коже): when he hanged up the phone, his skin tingled with anticipation
  мурыжить - (т.е. долго допрашивать кого-л): the lawyer emphasized that he grilled AmE D. at length, even to the point of irritating him, and he never showed the slightest hint of dishonesty;
  - (т.е. допросами): it was unbearable to watch her raked over the coals fig again and again;
  - (продавец мурыжит покупателей, т.е. расспросами): while a long line waits, the employee grills customer after customer about skin and hair characteristics and then disgorges detailed information about the products;
  - (судебная система мурыжит кого-л): a French citizen living in Glasgow claims he has been "given the runaround" by the Scottish legal system in his attempt to right a legal error which has resulted in a serious slur on his character;
  - (судмедэксперта уже столько раз мурыжили, что ничто не могло его сбить): The attorney made the pathologist admit that some of his opinions might possibly be wrong. I got the impression that he'd been grilled so many times nothing rattled him.;
  - (США мурыжили Израиль с помощью на поселение советских иммигрантов): the ambassador complained to the press on February 14 that America was giving Israel the "runaround" on housing aid for Soviet immigrants
  мутить (т.е. тошнить) - (её мутило): her stomach lurched, and she found myself once more vomiting into the toilet;
  - (меня мутит, т.е. тошнит от химиотерапии): The next day, I went in for chemo treatment. I don't have much of appetite now while I"m feeling so queasy.;
  - (многих гостей стало м.): At a party hosted by J. he barbecued a rattlesnake and served it to the guests under the pretext it was Pacific salmon and, when he revealed what he'd done, a number of the guests became nauseated, and several were sick to their stomachs
  мучение - Richard Nixon was enduring the long final torment of his political career;
  - to ensure the cohesion and self-assurance in America had been the preeminent purpose of the policies - and sometimes the anguish - of Nixon's second term
  мученик - (праведный / святой): the pious / holy martyr endured all this with steadfastness;
  - (святой м.): a martyred saint;
  - (с видом м-а): he got into the car with a martyred air
  мученичество - martyrdom of St Lawrence;
  - (претерпеть м.): he was martyred in 303, at the height of Diocletian's persecutions of the Christians
  мучимый - (страна, мучимая нравственными законами): this wasn't America, overrun with pointless and counterproductive "ethics" laws
  мучитель - his tormentors kept him in a tiny dark cell
  мучительно - (было м. осознавать...): it rankled to realize how much I owed him when I just wanted to be mad at him;
  - (вспоминать об том, как он это делал, было м.): She blinked away tears. Her daughter looked so like her father. It was agony to remember him doing this.;
  - (т.е. для обманутой жены м. оставаться с мужем): it was excruciating for me and Bill to be locked up together;
  - (ковылять): helped by D., the man hobbled painfully to the window;
  - (м. переживать конец империи): meanwhile the Russians will be struggling with the end of empire;
  - (смотреть): K., the one responsible for agriculture, stared at the table in misery;
  - (м. трудная работа): few people have the training it takes to do what can be an excruciatingly difficult job (translating and interpreting);
  - (чувствовать себя м. неловко): he was excruciatingly embarrassed
  мучительный - (воспоминания): he has painful memories of the lost game;
  - (голод): gnawing hunger;
  - (день): the king was about to face one of the greatest - and most nerve-racking - days of his life: his coronation;
  - (жажда): he took a few mouthfuls of snow, but they could not slake his raging thirst;
  - (заболевание / недуг): a most grievous affliction of the skin;
  - (кашель): to ease a troublesome cough that had been plaguing her for a week;
  - (минуты перед аварией): 15 excruciating minutes before the aircraft plowed into mountains;
  - (мысль): I could not erase from my mind the poignant thought of R. Nixon so alone and beleaguered;
  - (м-ые недели выздоровления): the weeks of dreary convalescence;
  - (т.е. ожидание призыва в армию): it was agonizing for everyone;
  - (опыт): harrowing experience;
  - (переоценка): agonizing reappraisal;
  - (поездка): the trip was dusty and harrowing;
  - (последнее м-ое "почему?"): the last anguished "why?" of so many that...;
  - (м. пробег лошади на дистанции): he has painful memories of two agonizing stretch runs by Silver Charm and Real Quiet in the Belmont Stakes: one lost the Triple Crown by three-quarters of a length, the other by a nose;
  - (простота правды): he felt the truth come crushing down on him in excruciating austerity;
  - (раны): Hanoi and Washington had inflicted grievous wounds on each other;
  - (решение): it was an excruciating decision for him;
  - (решение): it was a gut-wrenching decision;
  - (смерть): смотри ниже;
  - (способ): Because it's tied to the euro, Ireland hasn't been able to devalue its currency like it could before joining the monetary union. So the country has had to regain its competitiveness relative to the rest of the world in a more excruciating way: by lowering the prices of goods and labor in real terms.;
  - (тошнота): racking nausea;
  - (м-ая уверенность, что он провалит дело): every new job began with the agonizing certainty that this was the one he could flub;
  - (чувство): a gnawing sensation grew in the pit of his stomach;
  - (чувство неблагополучия): American's gnawing sense of ill-being
  мучительный (смерть) - she shoots him to spare him an agonizing AmE death;
  - her death would be quick but extremely painful;
  - that crime warrants agonising BrE death;
  - (умирать м-ой с-ю): through the 1920s, more than fifteen thousand youngsters annually suffered agonized deaths from diphtheria alone
  мучить - (вице-президента мучила критика тактики полиции мэра): the vice-president was also bedeviled by continuing criticism of the Mayor's police tactics during the convention;
  - (возможность разоблачения мучила шпиона): that could be discovered, and it's preying on the agent's mind;
  - (воспоминания мучили его): whatever memories tormented him, he moaned and whimpered inarticulate pleas;
  - (государственные заботы мучили монарха): whatever cares of state or other annoyances might prey upon the monarch's mind, his story-teller was sure to send him to sleep;
  - (т.е. допросами): it was unbearable to watch her raked over the coals fig again and again;
  - (его мучает тревога): although my business partner is often plagued by anxiety, he is able to meet his responsibilities;
  - (его мучают головные боли): he is plagued by blinding headaches;
  - (его мучила совесть): He was wracked with guilt. He cried, as he realised the enormity of what he was doing.;
  - (его мучила тревога): he was plagued by anxiety and couldn't sleep for days;
  - (его мучили судороги): cramps wracked him for a day;
  - (его мучило чувство вины): he confessed to the police because his guilt was eating away at him;
  - (его мучила депрессия): depression was slowly eating away at him
  - (её мучили видения его истерзанных конечностей): all through the night vigil she was tormented by images of his martyred limbs;
  - (его стала м. мысль): he began to be devilled AmE infml by a recurring idea that a hand would fall on his shoulder and when he turned he would see the grinning face of the magician;
  - (её стало м. чувство вины): Angela and Kenny intend to get married next year. At an office party, Angela flirted with Tom, the company salesman. Tom invited her back to his apartment where they made love. The next day, realizing her mistake, Angela became consumed by guilt.;
  - (кашель мучил её): to ease a troublesome cough that had been plaguing her for a week;
  - (м. кого-л, т.е. придирками / наказаниями): watching Harry being bullied by Uncle Vernon was Dudley's favorite form of entertainment;
  - (кого-л расспросами): she tormented and worried the poor man so terribly that she exhausted his patience, and he told her at last...;
  - (меня будет м. родильная горячка): He'll be asking me to fill his nursery soon. I'll be wracked with childbed fever and hemmed in by cradles.;
  - (меня всё время мучает подозрение): I have a nagging suspicion that...;
  - (о совести, было незаметно, чтобы его мучила совесть): there were no signs of queasy consciousness at all;
  - (о совести, при мысли о крови Макбета мучила совесть): Macbeth felt compunction at the thoughts of blood;
  - (о совести, меня мучают угрызения совести): I am conscience-stricken;
  - (о страхе, меня так мучает с., что...): I am so consumed by fear that my life is not pleasant anymore;
  - (пациент психиатра может сказать: "Меня мучают врачи"): a psychiatric patient may say "I am being illegally held here and tortured by these doctors.";
  - (т.е. премьер-министра мучил провал попытки создать условия для демократического правительства в Ираке): Tony Blair was consumed by the failure to establish the conditions for democratic government in post-dictatorship Iraq;
  - (противоречие между гомосексуальностью и религиозными убеждениями мучило его): He spent years hiding the feelings that drew him to other men, at first refusing to acknowledge them and then praying daily for them to be taken away. As he grew older, the attractions grew stronger, but so did his religious convictions as a Mormon. The contradiction tormented him.
  - (расспросами): he paraded past and present White House aides in front of the cameras to grill them about the death of V.F.;
  - (сильно м. кого-л, т.е. пытать): they tortured him pretty badly;
  - (страна, которую мучают проблемы): such a quaint land beset by such quaint problems;
  - (толстых мучают болезни): fat people are plagued by diseases and heart attacks;
  - (таможенник мучил мексиканца): a bullying customs officer tormented an elderly Mexican;
  - (чувство безнадёжности, которое мучило его): the feeling of hopelessness that had plagued him all summer rolled over him once again;
  - (чувство вины мучило его): he was tortured by guilt
  мучиться - (м. в неопределённости): it would be bad enough if her body had been found, but because it had not, Mrs. C. agonized constantly in a kind of limbo, wondering under what circumstances her daughter may be living, if indeed she is alive.;
  - (всё время я мучаюсь подозрением): I have a nagging suspicion that...;
  - (м. из-за тайн секса): I was aching with the mystery of sex, with the terrible allure that such undulating figures could evoke;
  - (м. над вопросом, не послать ли коня к объездчику): if you have a young horse that's ready to start under saddle (maybe even several young horses), you've probably been agonizing over whether to send it off to a trainer;
  - (о девочках-подростках): Teenage girls are trickier. They're more likely to fret, to stop eating, to become depressed or promiscuous.;
  - (она стала м. чувством вины): Angela and Kenny intend to get married next year. At an office party, Angela flirted with Tom, the company salesman. Tom invited her back to his apartment where they made love. The next day, realizing her mistake, Angela became consumed by guilt.;
  - (м. от непреодолимого приступа тоски по дому): she suffered an overwhelming wave of homesickness;
  - (м. от тошноты, о беременной): she had suffered from queasiness with her daughter;
  - (т.е. переводчик мучился с предложением): I have been struggling with this sentence;
  - (пёс мучается без хозяина): I couldn't leave poor old dog. He pines if he's away from me;
  - (при мысли о чём-л): he could lie on his bed for an hour at a time, staring dazedly into space, aching at the thought of the hearing;
  - (руководители компании мучились из-за стоимости мелких приспособлений образно): most of his peers were huddled over balance sheets and worrying about the cost of widgets;
  - (м. с грубым, дерзким ребенком, который любит поспорить:): Are you struggling with a child who is disrespectful, argumentative, and defiant?;
  - (сомнениями): Mother Teresa of Calcutta was so tormented by doubts about her faith that she felt "a hypocrite"
  - (м. угрызениями совести): to be conscience-stricken
  мщение - the vengeance blackened and rose in her
  мыкаться - (промыкавшись около пятидесяти лет в Ливане, палестинцы...): after nearly five decades of bitter wandering in Lebanon, the Palestinians...
  мытарство / мытарства - (мытарства солдат остались незамеченными): Eighteen rifle companies were shattered or foundered before they could start to fight. Several contributed not a man or bullet to the battle for the high ground. But their ordeal has gone unmarked because its detail was largely ignored by history in the first place.;
  - (после пятидесятилетних мытарств в Ливане палестинцы...): after nearly five decades of bitter wandering in Lebanon, the Palestinians...;
  - (после более чем пятидесяти лет мытарств): only after some fifty years of bitter wandering and suffering is his true heritage revealed
  мышиная возня - rat race
  мягкосердечие - his spectacles seemed to drain his eyes of the last dregs of human kindliness
  мягкосердечный - (человек): she's soft-hearted, kind, and extremely loyal to her friends;
  - (человек): he's getting soft in his old age
  мягкотелый - (либерал): he's a wishy-washy liberal;
  - (либерал): although scorned by socialists as a milk-and-water liberal he was denounced by conservatives as a dangerous radical;
  - She (wedding planner) was a soft touch. People asked for dream weddings - with all the bells and whistles - then they refused to pay or delayed sending the cheque. She wasn't tough enough.;
  - (т.е. с осуждением): she is too much of a softie / softy infml to fire anyone
  на дух не переносить - the former SS hate his guts and have tried to kill him a couple of times
  набраться разг / набухаться жаргон - (т.е. быть пьяным, ...я так набрался, что не мог отличить правду от вымысла): he said I was so plastered slang these days I didn't know fact from fiction;
  - do you often spend an evening getting "smashed" infml at the bar?
  навеселе (т.е. выпивши) - "Is it okay to drink when you are using this medicine?" "I took one pill at 8 AM. I was disgusted with the food. Later that evening I met some friends at a bar and drank 3 glasses of wine. Where I would normally be buzzed slang from a fee glasses, I was smashed.";
  - he had the girl's head on his shoulder, but she was half cut infml and in her seventh heaven;
  - he was tiddly at supper;
  - to be fair, we were all more than a bit merry;
  - she watched him meander tipsily to the cattle
  навесить лапшу на уши / навешивать лапшу на уши образно - did you really think you had thrown dust in all our eyes fig?;
  - they've been giving me the runaround for six months now; they just won't give me a straight answer to a straight question;
  - the ambassador complained to the press on February 14 that America was giving Israel the "runaround" on housing aid for Soviet immigrants;
  - (т.е. врать, что он пришел снимать показания счётчика газа): She peers through a security peephole. He gives her a spiel about infml reading the gas meter.;
  - (избирателям): the voters had been led up the garden path infml too often to take a candidate's promises seriously;
  - (нам навешивали л.н.у. насчёт стоимости строительных работ): we were led up the garden path infml about the cost of the building work - it turned out really expensive;
  - (не навешивайте мне л.н.у., что люди не знали...): don't give me that bullshit about people not knowing the hurricane was going to be that bad;
  - (он из тех, кому л.н.у. не навесить): he's one of those guys who doesn't take any crap from anyone;
  - (они пытались ещё н. ей л.н.у., что...): they tried to fed her more of the same bullshit story about it taking 5 days to get it into the computer system and transfer it into another computer system and blah, blah, blah ad infinitum;
  - I believe the boy, not because he isn't capable of pulling the wool over his father's eyes and sneaking out in the middle of the night, but because this just wasn't a kid's trick;
  - don't let insurance companies pull the wool over your eyes - ask for a list of all the hidden charges
  - (я слишком давно этим занимаюсь, чтобы мне можно было н.л.н.у.): I've been in this job too long to have the wool pulled infml
  навести страх / навести страху / наводить страх - (зубной врач навёл на меня страху разг своей иглой): the dentist really freaked me out slang with that needle;
  - (выражение твоего лица наводит страх): The look on your face is starting to freak me out slang. Are you okay?;
  - (я не хотел наводить с. плохими новостями): I didn't mean to freak out slang everybody with the bad news
  навзрыд - (плакать н.): she ended up sobbing her heart out
  навороченный жаргон - (автомобиль): a fully-loaded car;
  - (автомобиль): fully loaded, as it is commonly called in the US, means that all available factory options were ordered with the car;
  - (т.е. дорогой и сложный компьютер): high-end computers
  навязчивый - (н-ая американская культура в Канаде): American culture is so strong and pervasive in Canada that it quickly wipes out these childhood memories (about pronouncing "zee" instead of "zed");
  - (н-ая брошенная любовница): Bunny Boiler is a pejorative term for an obsessive and dangerous individual, most commonly referring to a jilted lover who is stalking the person who has spurned her or him. The term is normally used for a woman. The phrase derives from the film Fatal Attraction, about a woman who begins stalking a man with whom she had a one-night stand. It was inspired by a scene in the film where a scorned woman, seeking revenge on her ex-lover, places his beloved family pet in a pot of boiling water when he is away from the house.;
  - (друг): some officious friend offered his unwelcome courtesies to accompany me;
  - (звук): an intrusive sound;
  - (идея): consuming obsession;
  - (идея): notion of compulsion;
  - (идея): the reason why S. had taken a liking to me and confided in me when he refused to do so with other Americans, was that I spoke French and he could thus indulge his obsession that diplomacy must be conducted only in that language;
  - (идея): she had this bizarre idée fixe that people were spying on her with electromagnetic waves;
  - (мысли): intrusive thoughts are thoughts that consistently enter your mind against your will;
  - (настроение): haunting mood;
  - (нищие): persistent beggars;
  - (фраза): a haunting mnemonic phrase;
  - (человек): a person is officious who obtrudes his offices or assistance where they are not needed;
  - (человек): an obtrusive man
  навязший в зубах - (шаблонные персонажи): the critic found a book stuffed with cloying stock characters
  наглеть - (не наглей): don't get wise / be fresh infml with me!;
  - (она обнаглела): she was getting a little uppity infml and needed to be slapped down
  нагло - (вести себя на людях): he has always been shameless in public conduct;
  - (лгать): he had been lying in his teeth infml and someone had been covering up;
  - (лгать): Bogus dentist lied through his teeth to work in the UK. He has been found guilty of faking identity documents and qualifications to practise in the UK.;
  - (н. продвигать войска, то, как он продвигал войска, было необычно и н.): what was unique - and ballsy vulgar - was the way he moved his second echelon group forward, then, through the defensible terrain, to push the foe toward the heavier line of fire;
  - (сказать): "..." she said unblushingly;
  - (так и будешь н. на меня смотреть?): "You'd give me a saucy look, would you?" she exclaimed and cuffed him on the ear
  нагловатый - he was brash, but well spoken, "rough" yet poetical
  наглость - the man's condescension almost bordered on mute insolence;
  - nor did he abandon his courtesy - except once, in May 1972, when, carried away by the prospect of seemeingly imminent victory, he was tempted into insolence;
  - the switchboard operator knew from the line the call was coming that this was neither joke nor impertinence;
  - (н. богатого ребёнка): when the monster tries to befriend the boy, Willy replies: "Hideous monster! Let me go. My papa will punish you." This piece of rich-kid snottiness infml is Willy's last.;
  - (вы проявляете чудовищную н., прийдя сюда с этим дерзким предложением): you display an infernal gall in coming to me with that impudent proposition of yours;
  - I was shocked by the impertinence of his questions;
  - (ей не хватает н-ти отрицать свою вину): she hasn't got the nerve infml to brazen it out;
  - (ему хватает н-ти подaть в ссуд н прокурора): Only in America. A Muslim terrorist goes free. Then, the terrorist has the chutzpah AmE slang to sue the prosecutor. His prosecutor is indicted for pursuing him.;
  - (ему хватило н-ти называть пленника почётным гостем): he had the gall to call the captive an honoured guest;
  - (за 36 лет, что я занимаюсь этим делом, ни у кого не хватало наглости заставлять меня ждать): in my 36 years in this business never has anyone had the gall to keep me waiting 40 minutes;
  - (Какая н.! Убивает человека, а потом является на похороны.): Talk about nerve. He kills the guy, then shows up at the funeral.;
  - (Ле Дык Тхо, которому н-ти было не занимать, осмелился поучать меня о том, что было уместно включить в коммюнике от нашего президента): Le Dyk Tho, never lacking in chutzpah AmE Yiddish, presumed to instruct me as to what was appropriate to include in a communication from our president;
  - (набраться н-ти пригласить на свидание): I finally gathered nerve to ask her for a date;
  - (ну и н.!): you've got a lot of nerve infml!;
  - (с её стороны было страшной н-ю приехать на Олимпийские игры для инвалидов после того, как она сказала "отсталые"): I think Lady Gaga's got a bloody cheek to join Special Olympics after saying "retarded";
  - (тебе хватило н-ти): you had the nerve, the damned crass nerve, to tell me that you were a patriotic German
  - (у тебя хватает н-ти болтать о везении): Here we are in a tenth part of a spaceship, comprising only three whole rooms, with air for three days, and no prospect of being alive after that, and you have the infernal gall to prate about luck.;
  - (у университета хватает наглости требовать огромную плату за обучение): And yet it still has the chutzpah to charge astronomically high tuition. I have a problem with a university charging over $31,000 per year in tuition, per student (and that doesn't include room and board), while at the same time boasting an endowment of $34.9 billion.;
  - Detroit Mayor K.K. entered office in 2002 with extraordinary gifts: charisma, pedigree, connections, ambition and chutzpah - everything a 31-year-old needed to make a difference in one of the nation's most broken cities;
  - the effrontery of his deceptions inside and outside the conference room could be enraging;
  - with the casual brazenness they explained the violations in terms that were irrelevant to the issue but served marvelously to confuse it;
  - not even the Soviets would have the gall AmE infml to complain of our fleet's moving to a point where the Soviet squadron had been manoeuvering for days;
  - (поставить высшую отметку за н.): he had to give her full marks for cheek infml;
  - she believes that she can sort anything out with her attitude and her fists
  наглый - (вопрос / замечание): an impertinent question / remark;
  - (ложь): often candidates' claims to be well read in a subject are exposed as barefaced lies;
  - (ложь): despite my outright lies, the tenor of my e-mails alerted my mother to my depression;
  - (ложь): The court heard that B. initially told police his father had asked him to bring the gun into the hospital because there was someone interested in antique firearms. But this was dismissed by the judge as a "whopper" of a lie.;
  - (т.е. по отношению к начальству): I can hardly believe the impudent things he says to the boss;
  - (поведение): impertinent behaviour;
  - (политик): no less audacious was Representative T.D. of Texas, last seen on "60 Minutes" a few weeks ago deflecting questions about his proximity to allegedly criminal fund-raising by saying he would talk only about children stranded by the tsunami;
  - (похищение): this kidnapping is extremely brazen;
  - (преступные действия): some of this country's most unscrupulous criminal operations;
  - (ребёнок, т.е. по отношению к старшим): a cheeky child infml;
  - (человек): смотри ниже;
  - impertinent: contrary to or offending against, the rules of propriety or good breeding; guilty of or prone to, rude, unbecoming, or uncivil words or actions
  наглый (человек) - a person is impertinent when he intermeddles in things with which he has no concern;
  - this cocky young man quickly gave me the basic facts about himself;
  - a brash and forceful man;
  - (н-ая ехидная шваль): he's not partial to smart-mouthed sarky toerags who ask too many questions;
  - (женщина): an impertinent young woman;
  - (женщина): she is a sharp and sassy infml "babe with balls";
  - (кретин): you're not some cocky infml little gobshite who thinks he's seen it all;
  - (т.е. по отношению к старшим): impertinent young man;
  - (самодовольный щенок, которого недостаток образования сделал н-ым): he was an insolent young puppy, made bumptious by a little and very inadequate learning;
  - (самоуверенный, но не н.): coolly self-assured, but never cocky;
  - (сопляк): they're cheek little snotrags, we definitely weren't that rude when we were in first year;
  - (сука): that snotty vulgar bitch;
  - (сука): uppity infml bitch;
  - (хлыщ): impertinent coxcomb;
  - such woman is called pushy, such man - successful;
  - he was much too brash;
  - (человечек): he called his daughter an impertinent little snip;
  - (юнец): a brash, impertinent youth;
  нагоняй - (дать / устроить н. , клиент устроил н. официанту за то, что суп холодный): the customer dressed down infml the waiter for bringing cold soup;
  - (делать / задать / устроить н. кому-л): his parents gave him a hard time;
  - (делать / задать / устроить н. кому-л): he tended to give me (Kissinger) a short shrift whenever I ventured within the three-mile limit of domestic jurisdiction;
  - (ему предстоит н., дисциплинарное взыскание и отстранение от работы): the policeman faces being hauled over coals, disciplined and maybe even suspended;
  - (получить н. ): смотри ниже
  нагоняй (получить н.) - (от главы администрации Белого дома): When Nixon's special counsel Charles Colson arranged a night out at the Kennedy Center for Richard Nixon to conform to a sudden presidential whim, he was dressed down by chief of staff H.R. Haldeman in these terms: "You could have put the President's life in jeopardy, the Secret Service wasn't prepared.";
  - as a restaurant critic, C. took flak for confusing sushi with sashimi;
  - the committee got considerable flack about it;
  - the sergeant received the worst dressing down of his life;
  - technology gets the rap slang for disrupting industry after industry
  надавить разг (т.е. оказать давление образно) - I've got some friends in the police department to lean on infml him;
  - (в полиции на него надавили, чтобы он признался): he wouldn't talk, so the police were putting the heat slang on him to confess;
  - (в полиции умеют н.): the police know how to put the squeeze on slang;
  - (за годы слушаний адвокат приобрёл репутацию человека, который умеет н. на свидетелей своим перекрёстным допросом): the barrister has developed a reputation over the course of the hearings for putting witnesses under heat with his silky smooth cross-examination;
  - (на кого-л, сыщик будет использовать нас, чтобы распускать слухи о немимуемых арестах, чтобы н. на подозреваемых): That detective is contemptuous of the media, but at the same time he'll use us to float stories about imminent arrests, just to squeeze infml people he thinks are hiding something.
  надменно - (противиться переменам): always arrogantly resistant to change, the program...;
  - (рассматривать кого-л): he regarded her imperiously;
  - (спросить): "..." he asked superciliously
  надменность - (в осанке): their common feature was an unconscious arrogance in their carriage;
  - (короля): the haughtiness of the king;
  - (н., присущая благородным господам): one of his more appealing qualities was a lack of the usual arrogance that goes with noble blood
  надменный - (взгляд): he gave her an insolent stare, which took in the patches on her clothes and the dilapidated suitcase;
  - (выражение лица): "Enough," said F. with a very supercilious look on his face;
  - (лицо): it was a beautiful face, but proud and cold and stern;
  - (н. молодой лорд): a bumptious lordling;
  - (нет никого надменнее князей церкви): there's nothing so toffee-nosed BrE infml as a Prince of the Church;
  - (семейство): embroiled in a dispute with one R.T., whose arrogant family threw its weight around in his neighborhood, Caravaggio provoked a fight in the course of which he fatally wounded his foe;
  - (улыбка): he smiled a superior smile as he drove past in his expensive new car;
  - (усмешка): he attempted an arrogant smirk;
  - (философы): those haughty philosophers who claim to hold in contempt all that men esteem;
  - (человек): he was too arrogant for his green years
  надоевший - (избитые персонажи): the critic found a book stuffed with cloying stock characters;
  - (повторения): tiresome repetitions
  надоедать / надоесть - (Америке надоело терпеть двуличие суданского президента): America has finally ran out of patience with Sudanese president's duplicity and will press the international community to stand up to the genocide;
  - (вдовам надоело носить траур): widows grew tired of black weeds;
  - (н. властям письмами и петициями): she harried the authorities, writing letters and getting up petitions;
  - (до смерти, мне до смерти надоели его объяснения): he bored me to sleep with explanations;
  - (её прелести скоро надоели): her attractions too soon palled;
  - (ему надоело бороться за средства к существованию): he was sick of scrabbling for a living as a journalist;
  - (ему надоело разговаривать с ней): he soon got bored with talking to her;
  - (ей смертельно надоели лёгкий флирт, салонные разговоры, мелкие умы): she is sick of infml small loves, small talk, small minds;
  - (ему смертельно надоели краткосрочные контракты на преподавание): he was sick of infml short-term lectureships and scrabbling for a living as a journalist;
  - (им надоело совокупляться): they were wearied of coupling;
  - (когда Рим станет нам надоедать, мы сможем отправиться в путешествие по Азии): when this Rome begins to pall, we can journey round Asia;
  - (н. кому-л вопросом): I pestered people with the question;
  - (мне смертельно надоели эти разговоры): I am dead tired of that sort of talk;
  - (невнимательным детям работа может н-сть через несколько минут): children who are inattentive may get bored with a task after only a few minutes;
  - (проблемы надоели многим угандийцам): these issues became irksome for many Ugandians;
  - (речь стала н. напыщенностью): the speech began to bore by its stately eloquence;
  - (руководителям партии начинает н-ать затянувшаяся борьба, т.е. за выдвижение кандидатов): party leaders are growing impatient with the drawn-out struggle (for nomination);
  - (соседям расспросами): their misnomered discreet enquiries were confined to pestering neighbours, tradesmen, and bank managers;
  - (тебе надоело ухаживать за мной?): I wonder... perhaps the task of nursing me has become wearisome for you?
  - (ты мне надоел): that's enough from you, old horse-face!;
  - (я вам не надоел?): not boring you am I;
  - he overstepped himself in importuning me with his sack
  надоедливый - (звук): intrusive sound;
  - (мухи): She slapped at a tickle on her neck. She was relieved to feel a trickle of sweat beneath her fingers, not one of the pestilential flies which emerged as the day cooled.;
  - (человек): I could shoo her when she was too irksome
  надорвать - (животики н. от смеха): This movie is so funny. I nearly busted a gut laughing.
  надрать уши образно - he tore my ears off fig for disseminating half-baked rumours
  надраться - (т.е. быть пьяным, ...я так надрался, что не мог отличить правду от вымысла): he said I was so plastered slang these days I didn't know fact from fiction;
  - do you often spend an evening getting "smashed" infml at the bar?
  надрывно - (кричать): one part of her is dispassionately watching the head bounce in the dust, and the other part of her is screaming her lungs out
  надувательство - (т.е. в торговле): much advertised nostrums are often frauds;
  - (путаница или н.): to decipher whether the mixup is a simple mixup or a hoax
  надувать / надуть разг (т.е. обмануть)
  - (вас надувают): You're getting screwed infml. I'll put some technicians together and we'll do it much cheaper;
  - (не пытайся меня н. ;): don't try to pull a fast one on me;
  - (он меня надул): I paid him for six bottles of champagne, but he pulled a fast one on; infml me and gave me six bottles of cheap wine;
  - (он меня надул - заплатил необеспеченным чеком): he pulled a fast one on; me by paying me with a worthless check;
  - he was always a sucker for a hard luck story and was quick to put his hand in his pocket, never worrying if he was being conned;
  - you feel the house builder has ripped you off slang;
  - we would scarper before he realizes that we've double-crossed; him;
  - "Price was 320 roupies. I gave the guy what I thought was a 500 roupie note. He took it down to his level then seemed to put it back on the counter and said: "I need 500 not 100". When I looked at the note it was indeed 100. I mumbled something about not being used to Indian money, took back the 100 note and replaced it with 500. He then gave me 180 back and I got the taxi to my hotel. It is only later on in my hotel room that I realised that I had 400 roupies missing. I then realised what had happened." "No excuses for him, you were suckered; infml.";
  - he used his handsome look to cozen; and seduce men and women alike
  надутый - (т.е. важный): a swaggering; cop;
  - (т.е. недовольный, выражение лица): she has a limited repertoire of facial expressions: cute and pouty; cute and sultry; perky and interested; smiling and receptive;
  - (т.е. недовольный): a sullen, sulky, awkward boy
  надуться - (т.е. злиться): the little boy sulked because he couldn't go to the circus;
  - just like a girl sulking somewhere
  нажохать разг - (т.е. обмануть, он меня нажохал - заплатил необеспеченным чеком): he pulled a fast one infml on me by paying me with a worthless check
  назло - (как н., у нас лопнула шина): as luck would have it, we had a flat tire;
  - (он занял моё место на стоянке н. мне): I"m sure he took my parking space just to spite me
  назойливо - ("позитивное социальное государство" призвано играть более активную роль в жизни своих граждан, но делать это менее н.): "positive welfare," a scheme according to which the state would play a more proactive yet less intrusive role in its citizens' lives
  назойливый - (вдали от н-ых взглядов): hopefully you will be able to read this away from prying eyes;
  - (друг): some officious friend offered his unwelcome courtesies to accompany me;
  - (звук): intrusive sound;
  - (посетитель): to get rid of an importunate caller;
  - (продавец): a pushy salesmen;
  - (реклама): some marketers want your attention at any price, but intrusive advertising backfires in the long run;
  - (человек): a person is officious who obtrudes his offices and assistance where they are not needed;
  - I hope you don't think us intrusive;
  наивно - I replied, naively as it proved, that this would be an admission of guilt;
  - yet more naively, he had hoped to bare his soul to another man;
  - (верить): he fondly believed he was still in command
  наивность - he is scathing of her naivety;
  - her real crime was her naivety; her trust and suppressed love for her corrupt employer led her to do things she would never normally consider;
  - (школьника): Defendants rarely tell the truth. They lie with a look of schoolboy innocence.
  наивный - he berated himself - what a fool he'd been, how naïve, to have imagined that she expected him here tonight;
  - (деревенская девушка): an artless village girl;
  - (лгать с видом наивного школьника): Defendants rarely tell the truth. They lie with a look of schoolboy innocence.;
  - (мечтатель): one more starry-eyed visionary unable to turn his dream into reality;
  - (не будучи таким н-ым, чтобы...): without being so naïve as to think you're all chaste angels, I will give you this bit of advice about your sex lives;
  - when I was in my first year - young, carefree, and innocent...;
  - (простачок): His name is not B. You're a babe in the woods infml fig;
  - (я не такой н., чтобы верить политикам): I am not a sucker slang for pols (politicians) and when they say that you can cut taxes and cut the deficit at the same time, I will confront them. But I'll also confront Democrats when they refuse to acknowledge that the deals cut with public employees' unions, with gold-plated health plans and diamond-encrusted pensions, are no longer affordable.
  наигранность - (в нём чувствуется какая-то н., т.е. в поведении): there is an odd theatricality to him
  наигранный - (в ней не было ничего н-ого): There was no artifice about her. You knew exactly what she was thinking at all times.;
  - (весёлость): "I do hope that never happens to me. Well, of course, it may have done, mayn't it" And I wouldn't know!" he declared with false levity.;
  - (симпатия): spurious sympathy
  накалённый - (обстановка): "Okay, then," I said flippantly, trying to alleviate the suddenly tense atmosphere.;
  - (отношения): with tensions running high between Georgia and its two separatist regions, B. and the small fleet he directs are under presidential orders to sink any vessel that tries to make an illegal port visit in Abkhazia;
  - (страсти в сценарии накалены): emotions are running high in the script
  накалиться / накаляться образно - (обстановка накалилась): the political temperature reached a fever pitch;
  - (об отношениях): India-Pakistan tensions heat-up;
  - (об отношениях): with tensions running high between Georgia and its two separatist regions, B. and the small fleet he directs are under presidential orders to sink any vessel that tries to make an illegal port visit in Abkhazia;
  - (обстановка на переговорах накалялась): negotiations with the pirates were growing heated;
  - (страсти накалились / были накалены): in 1765 colonial tempers were running high;
  - (словесная война может н. в преддверии выборов): the war of words between the politicians is likely to hot up during the run-up to the election;
  - (страсти накалены): emotions are running high in the script
  накалывать / наколоть жаргон (т.е. обмануть / обсчитать) - Bob's tickets cost much less than ours. I think we've been ripped off infml.;
  - (кого-л): I paid him for six bottles of champagne, but he pulled a fast one on infml me and gave me six bottles of cheap wine;
  - he was always a sucker for a hard luck story and was quick to put his hand in his pocket, never worrying if he was being conned;
  - you feel the house builder has ripped you off slang;
  - we would scarper before he realizes that we've double-crossed him;
  - "Price was 320 roupies. I gave the guy what I thought was a 500 roupie note. He took it down to his level then seemed to put it back on the counter and said: "I need 500 not 100". When I looked at the note it was indeed 100. I mumbled something about not being used to Indian money, took back the 100 note and replaced it with 500. He then gave me 180 back and I got the taxi to my hotel. It is only later on in my hotel room that I realised that I had 400 roupies missing. I then realised what had happened." "No excuses for him, you were suckered."
  накачка - (т.е. психологическая н. спортсмена перед соревнованием, проведи с ним / сделай ему н-у): give him a pep talk
  накосячить жаргон - (будьте готовы к тому, что на первый раз вы накосячите): We can close deep cuts and lacerations without stitches with butterfly bandages. Expect to make a schlock job of it the first time. Have at least half a dozen butterfly bandages on hand and do not worry if you have to scrap a few and try again.
  - (в любом случае, накосячили): More than 200 soldiers on their way home from Afghanistan had to strip off their uniforms on the tarmac at Birmingham International Airport and don civilian clothes before being allowed access to the terminal building. Was it just some Jobsworth? Or was it another case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing? Either way it was a right cock up.
  накричать (на кого-л) - his mouth set in an impatient scowl, like he was ready to bawl me out infml for my sarcasm;
  - I felt bad for having snapped at him;
  накрываться [медным тазом] / накрыться [медным тазом] разг (т.е. не получиться / сорваться) - we'd arranged to be in France that weekend but it all went pear-shaped BrE infml
  наломать дров разг - (по-крупному, т.е. о взрыве в здании полиции при краже вещественых доказательств): I got MI5, Special Branch and the Counter-Terrorism boys rattling cages and putting a bug up people's arses. Your boys fucked up slang vulgar big-time.;
  - (сгоряча н. дров): he looks to me like the kind of a guy who could go off the deep end slang;
  - to make a mess of things
  намудрить - (они что-то намудрили с грузами и блоками): the cables aren't just lashed from one ship to another; they've done something clever with weights and pulleys to allow for some slack when tough seas pull the ships opposite ways
  намучиться - (он намучился, пока подобрал нужный оттенок): He wore a blue suit and a blue shirt. His tie was blue but carefully differentiated from the other blues: he had taken a lot of trouble to get the shade
  наорать - (на кого-л): his mouth set in an impatient scowl, like he was ready to bawl me out infml for my sarcasm
  напакостить - Eventually the computer bug would have to send a message back to the headquarters of the National Security Agency that would describe the structure and daily rhythms of the uranium enrichment plant. Expectations for the plan were low; one participant said the goal was simply to "throw a little sand in the gears" and buy some time.;
  - (н. кому-л по-крупному): She didn't mean merely to scare him. She is fucking vulgar with him big-time from the grave.
  напиваться / напиться (т.е. быть пьяным): - (я много пью, редко напиваюсь): I drink too much, rarely to excess but seldom heading off to bed without first administering some liquid anesthesia;
  - (они напились) - They are in their cups fig. Do not concern yourself.;
  - (н. до бесчувствия): he spent his nights drinking himself into oblivion;
  - (н. как свиньи / как свинья): by evening the king's guests had become swinishly drunk
  наплевать (т.е. безразлично грубо) - (мне н.): I don't care;
  - (мне н.): "Where shall I go? What shall I do?" "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn infml.";
  - (н. на осторожность с налогами): in the end, the government threw fiscal caution to the winds, authorizing massive amounts of overtime and bonuses for workers to finish the projects (for Olympics);
  - (н. на предосторожности разг): she worried that he might throw caution to the winds infml and turn up;
  - (размалюй хоть весь кампус мелом, мне н.
  - (тебе н. где мы): A fat lot you care infml where anybody is or isn't. I could be dead in the street three times over and you wouldn't know a thing about it.;
  - (экзаменаторам н. на удаль будущих студентов на стадионе): admissions tutors care not a fig about their future students' prowess on the sports field
  наплести - (н. кому-л о ком-л / чём-л, т.е. наврать): you gave me a cock-and-bull story infml about some guy whose racket is getting onto expensive apartments as a potential buyer and then coming back to burglarize them
  напористо - (бросить вызов кому-л): when anyone urged Bill to be more confrontational and even aggressive in taking on Gingrich, he'd explain that first people had to understand exactly where he and the Republicans differed on the issues;
  - (вести партнёра в танце): she was steering him so forcefully that he felt as though he were a show dog she was putting through its paces;
  - (вести себя н.): Blonde, muscular and unmarried, she has the sort of aggressive posture that leads some men to think she's gay
  напористость - (он сохранил свою прежнюю юношескую несдержанность, н. и резкость): he retained his old youthful edginess and his pushy, abrasive ways;
  - the men on the committee were taken aback by her assertiveness;
  - Detroit Mayor K.K. entered office in 2002 with extraordinary gifts: charisma, pedigree, connections, ambition and chutzpah Yiddish - everything a 31-year-old needed to make a difference in one of the nation's most broken cities
  напористый - (адвокат): feisty AmE infml, sharp-tongued trial lawyer who had been serving as deputy chief of the Public Integrity Section;
  - (быть н-ым, иначе в бюджет не уложиться): in sales and marketing, you have to have an aggressive attitude, or you won't meet budget;
  - (женщина): such woman is called pushy, such man - successful;
  - (лидер): he isn't forceful enough to make a good leader;
  - (н. мальчик, всегда готовый поспорить): an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue;
  - (продавец): he is too assertive as a salesman;
  - (характер): my boyfriend's bumptious and assertive personality is one of the reasons why we sometimes have trouble agreeing;
  - (человек): Clinton's aide was smart, funny, combative and effective;
  - (а-ая честолюбивая женщина): her mother was an aggressive social climber who wanted her daughter to marry serious money
  напортачить разг - It was such a simple plan. How could you have screwed it up infml?;
  - (в операции): he botched on infml operation spying on French trade strategy;
  - (ему нужно было сделать дело, и нельзя было н.): he had a job to do and one he must not bungle;
  - (дело, т.е. испортить): every new job began with the agonizing certainty that this was the one he could flub AmE infml
  напряг жаргон / напряжно жаргон - (т.е. лично являться в банк, чтобы инкассировать чек и положить деньги на счёт, не ожидая, пока это сделает банк): We can't wait for the banks to hold our checks. It's a hassle, but we go right up to the bank and cash the check and then deposit the money into our account. It sucks to run around like that because we don't want to wait 7 to 10 business days for it to clear.
  напуганный - I was so scared I couldn't move;
  - frightened people gathered to talk about the day's events;
  - Lucy felt a little frightened, but she felt very inquisitive and excited as well;
  - the Soviet leaders were rattled, at a loss as to how to recapture their waning influence;
  - (банки, т.е. из-за финансового кризиса): banks are so skittish nowdays that they are passing on a lot of solid deals;
  - (инвесторы, т.е. во время кризиса): the President tries to calm skittish investors;
  - (инвесторы, т.е. во время кризиса): skittish investors sent the markets down to a lower close even as factory orders rose;
  - (кони): fearful horses whinnied and stamped;
  - (он явно напуган, т.е. тем, что раскроют его тайну): he is clearly spooked;
  - (н. падением репутации компании): a number of candidates refused the job, daunted by the company's declining reputation;
  - (я был напуган убийством): I was dismayed and unnerved by the assassination
  напугать - (безумно): if he hadn't seen it before it would have scared him out of his wits;
  - (зубной врач меня напугал своей иглой): the dentist really freaked me out slang with that needle;
  - (кого-л): did you hear that car backfiring just now? Gave me quite a turn infml.;
  - (меня напугало выражение твоего лица): The look on your face is starting to freak me out slang. Are you okay?;
  - (ну и напугал же ты меня): you gave me quite a fright;
  - (...это его напугает): Say you'll take him to court if he doesn't pay up - that should put the wind up BrE AustrE infmlhim;
  - (я не хотел всех н. плохими новостями): I didn't mean to freak out slang everybody with the bad news
  напугаться - (н. дО смерти / страшно н.): I was scared stiff when the dog growled at me
  напускать / напустить (на себя вид) - (...которая напускает на себя высокопарный вид): the arrival of Stella's sister, Blanche, with her highfaluting put-on airs, precipitates a crisis in the Kowalskis' marriage;
  - (н. на себя деловой вид): he put on his businesslike manner usually reserved for people who tried to borrow money off him;
  - (н. на себя вид оскорблённого достоинства): do not put on that air of injured dignity;
  - (н. на себя суровый вид): looking as severe as naturally jovial face would permit him, Winnie-the-Pooh...
  напускной - (с н-ым безразличием): he received the prize with an air of nonchalance
  напыщенность - (в нём есть какая-то н.): there is a hint of pomposity about him;
  - (смешная): The years have been unkind to Tim Rice's lyrics (Jesus Christ Superstar). They are disastrously prone to bathos ("How can someone in your state / be so cool about his fate?").;
  - his usual bombast had not gone well
  напыщенный - (баллада): a turgid ballad called "Prayer";
  - (дискуссии / полемика): the thriller expresses its political fury not through tub-thumping polemic but by letting a tale of idealism and treachery unspool at its own space;
  - (жесты): the grandiloquent gestures were part of a conscious strategy;
  - (журнал): the magazine is eclectic but focused, ecumenical but not wishy-washy, conservative but not reactionary, intelligent but not highfaluting;
  - (красноречие): the presidential candidate has openly changed his style of late, eschewing his usual highfaluting oratory for some down-home straight talk of his own in Pennsylvania;
  - (пропагандистский опус): Last week, the Wall Street Journal published yet another in a long line of turgid propaganda pieces denying the threat posed by climate change;
  - (проповедь): a bombastic sermon on the evils of cardplaying;
  - (режиссура): Great is Manhattan's Metropolitan Opera. But much of its scenery is hideous, most of its stagecraft pompous, hidebound, stodgy.;
  - (речь): when actors take Shakespeare's mighty language and, through fussy declamation, make it ungraspably high-flown;
  - (стиль): turgid style;
  - (н. стиль обстановки): he disliked the heavy, fustian over-stuffed and brokaded decor of Soviet officialdom;
  - (фраза): he speaks with the orotund, balanced phrases of peer in the House of Lords;
  - (человек): смотри ниже;
  - (язык): turgid language;
  - a Texas town of pompous insignificance
  напыщенный (т.е. человек) - she was never totally at ease with her frequently pompous son-in-law;
  - the attorney was pompous and condescending and threatened all manner of vile legal action if C. did not buckle immediately;
  - he had always thought of him as a kindly figure, a little blustering, a little pompous, but essentially good-natured;
  - I knew he was a banker and expensively educated so I was expecting him to be a stuffed shirt;
  - a stuffed shirt infml is a man, who behaves in a formal, old-fashioned way and thinks they are very important
  нараспашку - (душа н., у этой девушки душа н. ): the girl is wearing her heart on her sleeve and everybody knows that she is having problems with her boyfriend;
  - (душа н., она играет Салли как обыкновенную мечтательную девушку с душой н.): she plays Sally as an ordinary girl with lots of dreams who wears her heart on her sleeve
  наскучить - (ему наскучило с ней разговаривать): he soon got bored with talking to her;
  - (им наскучило совокупляться): they were wearied of coupling;
  - (до смерти, мне д.с. наскучили его объяснения): he bored me to sleep with explanations;
  - (когда Рим нам наскучит, мы сможем отправиться в путешествие по Азии): when this Rome begins to pall, we can journey round Asia;
  - (тебе наскучило за мной ухаживать?): perhaps the task of nursing me has become wearisome for you?;
  - (я вам не наскучил?): not boring you am I?
  насладиться / наслаждаться - (блаженством): the bliss the couple must have enjoyed before the shadow of a sullen, disaffected prince (Hamlet): fell across their Eden;
  - (н. в танце): she seemed to be enjoying herself; she was beaming around at everybody;
  - (н. весенними днями): I was savoring every moment of the long English spring days;
  - (н., глядя, как...): he is enjoying watching R. struggling on his own toward shore;
  - (н. горячей ванной): he luxuriated in the steaming water;
  - (н. действием своих слов): he stopped there to enjoy the effect of these words;
  - (коллекционер хочет н. картиной): the picture was stolen for a reclusive collector who wants simply to relish it as a trophy;
  - (лицо наслаждалось в тёплой воде, т.е. для бритья): my face luxuriated in the soothing water;
  - (н. неистовством и смятением битвы): he relished the rush and flurry of battle;
  - (н. общением с журналистами): trained to maintain a stone face and loathe the press, he was having a delightful time with the reporters;
  - (одиночеством): he used to pitch a lone tent and enjoy a solitude;
  - (н. одиночеством, а не страдать от него): I found myself reveling in the aloneness instead of being lonely;
  - (н. свежим воздухом): he was savoring the fresh air;
  - (н. своей красотой): she was reveling in her restored beauty;
  - (н., сравнивая мальчика со своим сыном): he delighted in comparing the boy with his son;
  - (счастьем): he was savoring the happiness that was flooding through him;
  - (н., удивляя своим могуществом): he delighted in surprising people with his power;
  - (удовольствием): he paused for a moment, apparently to savor AmE / savour BrE the pleasure of insulting her;
  - (н. физическим трудом): he dug with a kind of fury, relishing the manual work
  наслаждение - (было огромным н-ем): it was highly enjoyable to swim in hot and foamy water;
  - (говорить о чём-л с н-ем): he was talking about the murder with amusement;
  - (для большинства наслаждений, предвкушение доставляет н. ): as with most pleasures, it's not so much the experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable;
  - (маленькие н-я, оставшиеся в его жизни): he looked forward to the tiny little treats left in his life;
  - (н. от понимания литературы): the teacher made the understanding of literature both a pleasure and a revelation;
  - (предаться н-ю): he unzipped his fly and devoted himself to enjoyment of man's second greatest single pleasure;
  - (редкое н. для слуха): Austrian string quartet is a rare treat for ears;
  - (слышать этот голос было н-ем): they remembered only that it was a delight to hear the voice speaking;
  - (смаковать н.): he paused for a moment, apparently to savor the pleasure of insulting her
  насмехаться (над кем-л / чем-л) - "Peres," jeered the placards, "Is this how your new Middle East looks?";
  - He was spiteful. He sneered and jeered at her;
  - he stopped at nothing to mock her;
  - the law of supply and demand, which I've been scoffing at for years
  насмешка - he expected a tart response to his mockery;
  - (голос не заглушали ни свист, ни н-и): his voice carried clearly through the catcalls and jeers;
  - (н. над правосудием): Mockery of Justice: the True Story of the S. Murder Case;
  - (пьяные насмешки): recalling his drunken jibes;
  - (пьяные н-и): drunken jeers and mockery;
  - (с н-ой говорить о чём-л): the discussion of these issues led some Washington pundits to talk derisively about "the feminization of politics";
  - (слышались н-и): the laughter was becoming louder, and there were catcalls and jeering;
  - (терпеть н-и): his hide's thick enough to put up with jibes;
  - (терпеть н-и): she had watched the Japanese Americans in her school endure blatant discrimination and daily taunts from the Anglo students
  насмешливо - (кивнуть): he nodded sneeringly to W.;
  - (рассматривать себя в зеркале): he examined his face quizzically (in a mirror);
  - (сказать): "We are talking about a 100-year war, and it is not going to end by the end of Bush's term in 2008," the 74-year-old British-trained academic said mockingly during one of the information-packed and entertaining tutorials he gives from time to time for a small group of foreign journalists on the history of this volatile region, adding that there is nothing wrong with trying.
  насмешливый - (взгляды): under the baleful and jeering eyes of the Indians;
  - (замечание): a quizzical remark;
  - (крики): they greeted his suggestion with shouts of derision;
  - (лицо): a sneering face;
  - (улыбка): he had a quizzical smile playing around his mouth;
  - (фырканье): derisory snort
  насолить - On the eve of the revolution, France was effectively bankrupt. Extravagant expenditures on luxuries by Louis XVI were compounded by debts that were run up during the reign of his even-more-profligate predecessor, Louis XV. Heavy expenditures to conduct the losing Seven Years' War against Britain (1756-1763), and France's spiteful attempt to poke a finger in the eye infml of the British by backing the Americans in their War of Independence, ran the tab up even further.
  наступать на мозоль / наступить на мозоль - (т.е. задеть чьи-л интересы, он многим наступил на м.): he had stepped on a lot of toes
  настучать разг (т.е. донести) - (не вздумай н. в полицию об этих разговорах): Another thing, son, I don't want you even thinking you might lip off BrE Old Bill about these discussions. And if you did go shooting off your mouth at some later date, I get a dozen people who'll put me three hundred miles from here.;
  - he could cope discreetly with those who elected to squeal slang on their comrades;
  - (на кого-л, т.е. донести): You tattled on her? I can't believe ?it! You're a freakin' tattletale.;
  - (на меня настучали в службу соцобеспечения): A patient says in a thick Birmingham accent: "I was signing on and grafting cash in hand at the same time, but some fuckin crackhead pillock grassed me up to BrE slang the social". ("I was claiming state benefits and working at the same time without paying tax [both illegal] but a crack cocaine addict informed on me to the Department of Health and Social Security").;
  - (н. на сокамерников): she wouldn't think twice about grassing on slang her fellow inmates to get herself off the hook
  настырность - (он сохранил свою прежнюю юношескую несдержанность, н. и резкость): he retained his old youthful edginess and his pushy, abrasive ways
  настырный - (женщина): such woman is called pushy, such man - successful;
  - I just shrugged and said, "News to me, old boy." Not pushing, you see. Mustn't be pushy, ever. Scares them off.;
  - (характер): my boyfriend's bumptious and assertive personality is one of the reasons why we sometimes have trouble agreeing
  натереть / натирать (т.е. о раздражении кожи) - (до крови, верёвка натёрла запястья до крови): the rope chafed his wrists raw;
  - (мне натёрло, т.е. седлом велосипеда): I'm a newbie to bicycle commuting. The only problem I had was chafing. The trick is in the saddle.;
  - (мне натёрло кожу между ног, т.е. седлом велосипеда): I noticed that the skin on my inner thighs was chafing so badly that I could hardly ride the bike back to the guest house;
  - (ноги): смотри ниже;
  - (тугое серебряное колье натирало ей шею): her tight silver collar was chafing against her throat;
  - (туфель натирает палец / пятку): my shoe is rubbing against my toe / heel
  натереть / натирать (ноги) - (обувь так сильно натёрла ноги, что...): he began barefooting in 1997 after shoes blistered his feet so badly that he had to walk the final five miles of a marathon;
  - (они натёрли н.): they were footsore and tired;
  - (т.е. от езды верхом): he rode a camel and got chapped legs;
  - (он натёр ноги в походе): his feet blistered during the long hike;
  - (туфель натирает [ноги]): my shoe is rubbing;
  - (я натёр ноги): my feet are sore
  нахал - some smart aleck in the audience kept shouting clever insults at the nervous speaker
  нахалка - cold-blooded young hussy
  нахально - (звучать н. и элитарно): We were told that we were the cream of the cream. That sounds really bratty and elitist now.;
  - (продвигать войска, то, как он продвигал войска, было необычно и н.): what was unique - and ballsy vulgar - was the way he moved his second echelon group forward, then, through the defensible terrain, to push the foe toward the heavier line of fire;
  - (сказать): "..." she said unblushingly;
  - (так и будешь н. на меня смотреть?): "You'd give me a saucy look, would you? " she exclaimed and cuffed him on the ear
  нахальный - (н-ая ехидная шваль): he's not partial to smart-mouthed sarky toerags who ask too many questions;
  - (женщина): she is a sharp and sassy infml "babe with balls";
  - (кретин): you're not some cocky infml little gobshite who thinks he's seen it all;
  - (т.е. по отношению к начальству): I can hardly believe the impudent things he says to the boss;
  - (политик): no less audacious was Representative T.D. of Texas, last seen on "60 Minutes" a few weeks ago deflecting questions about his proximity to allegedly criminal fund-raising by saying he would talk only about children stranded by the tsunami;
  - (ребёнок, т.е. по отношению к взрослым): an impudent child;
  - (розничные торговцы): sassy, youth-orientated retailers were coming on the scene;
  - (самоуверенный, но не н.): coolly self-assured, but never cocky;
  - (сопляки): they're cheek infml little snotrags, we definitely weren't that rude when we were in first year;
  - (сука): that snotty vulgar bitch;
  - (человек): this cocky infml young man quickly gave me the basic facts about himself;
  - (человек): such woman is called pushy derogative, such man - successful;
  - (человек): you mutter under your breath: "Some people are so pushy.";
  - (человек): coolly self-assured, but never cocky;
  - (человечек): he called his daughter an impertinent little snip;
  - (самодовольный щенок, которого недостаток образования сделал н-ым): he was an insolent young puppy, made bumptious by a little and very inadequate learning;
  - (н. шестилетка выхватил игрушку у своего младшего брата): the bumptious six-year-old grabbed the toy from his little brother;
  - (юнец): a brash, impertinent youth
  нахальство - (н. богатого ребёнка): when the monster tries to befriend the boy, Willy replies: "Hideous monster! Let me go. My papa will punish you." This piece of rich-kid snottiness infml is Willy's last.;
  - (набраться н-а): I finally gathered nerve to ask her for a date;
  - (набраться н-а, т.е. пригласить куда-л без предупреждения): a business dinner was canceled, and I worked up the nerve to try you on short notice again;
  - (ну и н.!): you've got a lot of nerve!;
  - (с её стороны было страшным н-ом приехать на Олимпийские игры для инвалидов после того, как она сказала "отсталые"): I think Lady Gaga's got a bloody cheek to join Special Olympics after saying "retarded";
  - nor did he abandon his courtesy - except once, in May 1972, when, carried away by the prospect of seemingly imminent victory, he was tempted into insolence;
  - the switchboard operator knew from the line the call was coming that this was neither joke nor impertinence;
  - Le Dyk Tho, never lacking in chutzpah AmE slang, presumed to instruct me as to what was appropriate to include in a communication from our president;
  - with the casual brazenness;
  - not even the Soviets would have the gall AmE infml to complain of our fleet's moving to a point where the Soviet squadron had been manoeuvering for days;
  - Detroit Mayor K.K. entered office in 2002 with extraordinary gifts: charisma, pedigree, connections, ambition and chutzpah - everything a 31-year-old needed to make a difference in one of the nation's most broken cities;
  - (ему пришлось поставить ей высокую оценку за н., т.е. с иронией): he had to give her full marks for cheek
  нахлебник - (т.е. на фабрике): my production manager helped me to clean out the debris-laden plant and unload the freeloaders who spent their days fishing, drinking, and napping on bare mattresses under their workbenches.
  находчивость - (встретить кризис с н-тью): we have to face the crisis squarely - wielding our courage, resourcefulness and solidarity as a nation and people
  находчивый - (ответ): a shrewd reply;
  - (ответ): I enjoy listening to their witty repartee;
  - (поступок): the investment was a shrewd move by Gates to deflect criticism that Microsoft was stifling competition in the computer industry;
  - (н-ое предложение выйти с достоинством, т.е. из неудобного предложения): she accepted this adroit offer of a dignified exit gratefully;
  - (ребёнок): a resourceful child;
  - (человек): he was quick-witted and great fun, and quite gregarious;
  - (Черчилль, как всегда н.,...): During one of Winston Churchill's visits to the United States during WW2, he spent the night in the White House. Churchill loved to retire late, take a long, hot bath while drinking a Scotch, and smoke a cigar and relax. On this occasion, he climbed out of the bath and naked, but for his cigar, walked into the adjoining bedroom. He was startled to see Abraham Lincoln standing by the fireplace in the room, leaning on the mantle. Churchill, always quick on the uptake, blinked and said "Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have me at a disadvantage." Lincoln smiled softly and disappeared.
  нахраписто - (он обычно действует очень н., навязывавая свои идеи в чужие проекты): he's usually very pushy about insinuating his own ideas into other people's projects;
  - (действовать): The spy was sent to Brazil to make a crash offer of a bribe to an armaments minister known to be in deep water. The spy was too rough; the minister panicked and told the press.
  нахрапистый - (молодой руководитель): an aggressive young executive;
  - (продавец): a pushy salesman;
  - (страховой агент): a pushful insurance agent;
  - (он обычно бывает очень н-ым, навязывавая свои идеи в чужие проекты): he's usually very pushy about insinuating his own ideas into other people's projects;
  наябедничать (на кого-л) - have you just been to tell on us?;
  - (на кого-л): You tattled on her? I can't believe it! You're a freakin' tattletale.
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