Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

Last summer

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I went to the river last summer in June,
But I had many problems with my friend, little goon;
And beautiful woman told me one thing.
She said that I had to die, and I would never win.
I asked her why she thought that I would die;
And she said that I had to, but she didn't say why.
So I didn't believe her and continued to go,
And ten minutes later I seemed to fall...

I had lost my best friend, I had lost little goon;
But I kept on going under yellow full moon.
And I saw that the river was so far away,
And decided to reach it in morning of next day.
That woman told me again another crazy thing.
She said that I'd never feel the pain, couse I had a sin.
I didn't heard that she said to me,
And that evening I was shot and I had to bleed...

I lie in the ground, two meters in Earth;
I have no air to breath in my big hard steel box.
I remember that woman, which said crazy things,
And realize that all she said is not so crazy as I think...

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