Майсурадзе Михаил Васильевич : другие произведения.

In my tomb

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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1. Come with me
   To my tomb,
   Die with me
   From heart wounds.

2. I am dead.
   You're alive.
   And my head
   Needs a fire.

3. You can't run
   From your fate;
   Death has won -
   You are late.

4. Dying girl,
   That's cruel world
   With cruel rules.

5. Stars don't shine,
   Birds don't sing.
   Blood like wine
   Flows on street.

6. Death has come
   In this world
   And begun
   Searching souls.

7. You're in hell,
   Here with me.
   You can tell
   What you see.

8. We are dead,
   In my tomb.
   In the bed
   Under moon.

 Your blood like the wine...
 In hell you'll be mine...
 My love on my arms now...
 To the sky, to the white cloud...}

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