The article considers the historical epoch of Mikhail Gorbachev through the "prism" of so-called Fibonacci cycles, the duration of which is a multiple of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. This approach allows us to construct convergent Fibonacci spiral Russian history and thereby identify predestination and fatalism of Mikhail Gorbachev's epoch, the last three epochs of Russian tsars: Alexander II (epoch of openness and liberal reforms), Alexander III (the conservative epoch), Nicholas II (the revolution and the collapse of Russian Empire). |
Fig. 1 Gala concert in London, devoted to Michael Gorbachev's 80 anniversary
Fig. 2 Chart of the periods of history of Russia according to cycles of Fibonacci
Since 1861: black the last epoch, by shading - future are allocated.
Fig. 3 Simplified the image of the similar historical events on different branches of a spiral of Fibonacci of ancient history of Russia
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