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Boris Yeltsin"s Fatalism: Like A Risen Bird Phoenix

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The article considers the historical epoch of Boris Yeltsin through the "prism" of so-called cycles of the Golden Section (Fibonacci cycles), the duration of which is a multiple of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. This approach allows us to construct convergent Russian history"s spiral of the Golden Section and thereby identify predestination and fatalism of Boris Yeltsin"s epoch: Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, created Soviet Power.


   Despite new historical challenges facing the country, and the ever-incasing volume of daily shocking news, including and from Ukraine, periodically appearing publications relating to the discussion of the image of the first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin, his fate era, his famous "squiggles" and political heritage. And in the occasion of the 85th anniversary of Boris Yeltsin and the approaching 25-year anniversary of the August putsch and the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, we all have already witnessed a new wave of such studies. The author decided to make a strong contribution in this process.

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Fig. 1 First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin.

   Of course, a modern view and an objective assessment of this politician of Russian history, now will be impossible without taking into account the recent developments with Russia in the international arena, including the situation in Crimea, Ukraine, economic sanctions against Russia and the beginning of the confrontation with the West.
   However, as has been shown in similar research for the first President of the USSR Gorbachev M.S. the majority of the answer to the questions, which can supply the inquisitive reader can hardly be found in the area usual logical and rational. With this standard materialistic approach behind the entire series of events is difficult to discern a General pattern, to understand the main basis of the current moment and the general trend of the historical process.
   However, the author's method based on the use of cycles of the Golden section (or cycles of the Fibonacci - duration's cycles which is a multiple of the numbers of the series) in the history of Russia, gets you closer to understanding the irrational essence of many of the key events in the political fate of Boris Yeltsin, had a profound effect on social processes in Russia in the late twentieth century. To some extent, the irrational search for the essence of historical processes can be considered as a subject of study of metahistory started by S.N. Bulgakov and later developed Daniil Andreev in his famous book "Rose of the World".
   As in other sections in this article used the hypothesis about the similarity of the character and nature of historic periods, located in the same angular sector in different branches of a spiral of Fibonacci. Fig. 2 consist of a Fibonacci spiral with loops composed of key dates from 1862 and to nowadays. This spiral is convergent and is marked by the shaded figure, which covers an angular sector that links key dates the most active phase of the political life of Boris Yeltsin during 12 years from 1987 to 1999, and the corresponding date of the previous branches of a spiral of Fibonacci with 1887 (the year of "leaving Lenin in the revolution") and 1953 (the year of Stalin's death and the end of a long period of Leninist-Stalinist phase of Soviet power).
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   Fig.2 The Political epoch of Boris Yeltsin (1987-1999) and the Lenin-Stalin's epoch (1887-1953) that precedes them (in a selected angular sector: striped and square sectors), spiral of the Golden section on the history of Russia.
   Fig.3 consist of a shaded figure from fig.2 with larger scale, which shows that the political fate of Boris Yeltsin from 1987 to 1999, consists of two parts, in compressed time the form has incorporated the milestones in the political fate of the leader of October revolution Vladimir Lenin (striped sector) and Joseph Stalin (square sector):
   1) Lenin's, the revolutionary period in the life of Boris Yeltsin from 1987 to -1993, including historical moments such revolutionary the life of Lenin from 1887 to 1917/1922 years;
   2) Stalin's more relaxed reform period in the life of Boris Yeltsin from 1994 to 1999, including historical moments and milestones of this activity of Joseph Stalin from 1922 to 1953.
   This division is conditional, does not reflect political preferences, trying to make this study the most apolitical and objective. It seeks to reflect the "internal springs" of history, the implementation of which through a fatal historical events, regardless of the wishes of Boris Yeltsin put it before need to solve different historical tasks, programmed by the previous history of Russia of the early twentieth century, as unresolved karmic knots. Generally with these positions and will be submitted for the next material.

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Fig. 3 Lenin's and Stalin's "fatal periods" in the political epoch of Boris Yeltsin,

which incorporates the key milestones of Lenin and Stalin.

   In the author's website
   you can read the other part of the article at the address
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