Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

Fingerprints And Footprints

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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You left your fingerprints on my mind,
Each waking day, you are there I find. 
You left your first print, the day we met, 
I knew from then, that the ink was set.
You asked me to go, to Church, and sing,
My voice you heard somewhere, a whispering.
We walked through the rain, together hand in hand,
Leaving our footprints imprinted in the sand.
Each day, you rang, to share your thoughts, 
Your mind, you said, needed my support. 
Each time, I gave you, my fingerprint of Love,
You beckoned to me, to fly up above.
You left your footprints, by my front door,
I asked you in, your heart to outpour. 
Fingerprints and footprints, all leave their mark,
Only at night, do they glow in the dark.
Growing old together, and our journeys fewer,
Shadowed footprints now left, are sadder and bluer. 
Holding hands together, by the flickering lamplight,
Saying 'God Bless' before our prayers at night.
And so when our lives, are coming to an end,
The time will come, to lay down and send, 
Fingerprints of Love, footprints to our hearts,
Belonging to each other, and never ever part.

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