Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

Why Do I Love You?

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Why do I Love you, after all these years?
The heartaches you caused, and the countless tears,
When I first saw you, my heart it just leapt,
Now all these years later, I guess it never slept.
It stands by your side, in the pouring rain,
In Summer and Winter, no matter the pain.
Over the years, you have gradually changed,
Your timekeeping improved, your clock rearranged, 
You've learnt by now, the message of 'Promised',
I'm still waiting for my cards, the post man missed. 
You remember my Birthday, Anniversary - our time, 
Since I am a Poet, every card I write has a rhyme.
Love is the key word, in all that I do,
I awake loving you, I fall asleep loving you.
Do you perhaps think of me, once, every day?
Or do your thoughts fly over me, and  pass by my way. 
One day you will awake, and I will not be there,
God took me away, he needed my presence to share.
Before its too late, here on this Earth,
We need some years together, sharing sadness and mirth. 
In my heart I know, that you are the one,
But I have to find the proof, and follow the sun, 
Remember my words of 'I told you so',
The days never roll back, only I can say 'I know'. 

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