Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

Footsteps And Memories

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Footsteps and memories are stored in my mind, 
Of past days, sad days, my thoughts outshined. 
Your face, it beckons, to me in the light,
When loneliness and sadness need some respite. 
I remember those days, when I stayed with you, 
How could I now search, for someone new?
Who else knows the passions in your heart? 
Or your desires that you can impart. 
Whispered words of love, float into my mind, 
Winging their way to you I find.
Why wait at all for you to be told?
With all of my thoughts for you to behold.
Morning passes to Noon, then on into Dusk, 
Once again those thoughts, return they must. 
Footsteps and memories of the key in the door, 
The radio switched on for the latest score. 
Thoughts of an evening meal to prepare, 
Memories of past recipes, together we did share.
Candles that sit unlit in the light,
Missing the warmth that the match will alight. 
Challenging questions fought out in my mind, 
Searched answers unfold, in letters unsigned. 
How many years, will my thoughts be so blue, 
Will I still feel this way, next year over you?
Every evening, I wait, for the phone to ring,
Silence floats by, my thoughts go a wandering. 
Another evening, another day, with sadness in place,
Will they turn into months, or years with some grace?
I lay down to sleep with you on my mind, 
With footsteps and memories, my heart they find.

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