Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

In The Stillness Of The Night

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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In the stillness of the night, my thoughts turn to you, 
Of the day we met, when I was so blue.
You looked into my eyes, and softly said 'Hello',
I felt that from then, my heart was aglow. 
You asked me my name, and if I would stay,
I saw in your Heart, what you wanted to say.
The first time we touched, I knew straightaway, 
My Love for you, would never fade away.
The decision was made, it was you or nothing, 
I'd had in my life, a great deal of suffering. 
My aim from now, was to prove to you, 
That I, was the only person, right for you.
The next step I took, with you in mind,
Was to think of the ways, that you were kind. 
To prove to you, just how much I really care,
I was prepared, my whole life to share.
Respect and Honour, Loyalty and Understanding,
I wanted to prove that my Love was binding.
Over the years, with all my good deeds,
I can see now, that my fruit has borne seeds.
You tell me how special, I am in your life,
I await the day, when you make me your wife. 
In the stillness of the night, I think of you, 
May our Love forever, stay refreshingly new.

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