Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

Your Hand In Mine

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Your hand in mine, you often will find,
With strings of my heart, with yours - my lifeline. 
Pulsating rhythms beat quickly at dawn, 
Evading the shadows, of love so forlorn.
Beat quickly my heart, never stop for a rest,
I need all your love, with which I am blessed.
Your hand in mine, my secrets are held,
All sorrows and fears with you are expelled. 
We walk until dawn, you ask me to stay,
To kneel at the shrine, for some time to pray, 
We pray for our hope, our charity, our love, 
Our prayers are answered in Heaven above.
 Your hand in mine, a journey to make, 
How many promises, do we all break?
Try as we may, to all share one thought, 
Our lives end up, like the bird that is caught. 
With hope in my heart, life's journey I make, 
And there with your hand, each step I will take.
Your hand in mine, forever please hold,
To lead me through life, as once was foretold. 
Many times I have wandered, alone in the night, 
Searching for someone to show me the light.
Your hand in mine, forever please hold,
Never let go, as my heart will grow cold.

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