Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

Another Evening As Before

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Another evening as before, but little did I know
Your call to me, would a life-line throw.
Three hundred miles, your voice did send,
Messages of warmth, sad feelings to mend.

From Strangers to Friends, one step at a time,
I needed to hear, for my Heart wished to climb,
Those treacherous rocks, of grieving pain,
With arms outstretched, I caught your 'healing rain'.
From nowhere You came, and touched My Heart,
Our special, spoken language, only You could impart.
Your feelings You shared, and whispered to Me,
My Heart catching each syllable, only I could then see.
Travelling East to West, to see You soon,
Only hours apart, covering three full cycle moons.
Your warmth I feel, enveloping My mind,
Another evening as before, no sad thoughts will You now find.

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