Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

Your Friendship To Me

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Do You know what Your Friendship means to me?
My life would be unbearable, no future would I see.
With Kindness and Understanding, our Friendship seeks no name,
No Envy, no Malice, no Jealousy, no Pain.
Love and Understanding, between Friends should always be,
No need for explanations, with Tears we both set free.
Sadness and Happiness, Heartache and Fears,
All are banished away, when we each re-appear.
From one Continent to another, one Culture one Race,
Never did I think, one thousand problems would I face.
With Your Help and Support, Your Patience, Your Time,
You absorb all my Fears, you become my Life-line.
My Best Friend, My Soul mate, My Companion through Life,
You have made my journey bearable, through all these toils and strife.
Never forget what our Friendship means to Me,
Here at home or miles away, Your Merciful Heart I always see.
Remember these words, Unspoken lines of Heartfelt truths.....................
Monday 13th June 2005

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