Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

Friendship, near and Far

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Friendship, near and Far

Never have I known, anyone like You,
Who gives from their Heart, so generous and true.
Your knowledge and wisdom, I listen and learn
No different in age, do I discern.
Here in this land, so foreign to me,
I find in You, a safe haven to be,
Through clouds of sorrow, You give me hope,
Never would I manage to simply live and cope.
With life's daily battles and challenges each day,
Praying for guidance, to see clear my way.
Your Friendship so warm, like the sun's healing rays,
Stay close by my side, through all my rainy days.
Be it here in this land or many miles away,
I know you will stay, by my side every day.
Your armour you give, to shield my Soul,
Little do You know, how You repair my weeping hole.
Friendship and Love, has no boundaries, no chains,
I need Your strength, to ease my aching pains.
I listen with my eyes, and see with my Heart,
Thank You for 'Friendship' from the bottom of my Heart.
October, 8, 2004

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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