Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

A Day At The Zoo

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I watch the sunrise, and think of last night, 
Wondering if my answer would come out right.
How could I imagine, that only last week, 
That I would be here, your dreams to seek. 
You stepped into my life, just out of the blue, 
Crossing my path, outside Chester Zoo.
My day out with the girls, was supposed to be fun,
What happened to them, was fate on the run. 
Like all 'Get-togethers', friends just drop out, 
In the end I was left, by myself to seek out. 
The arrangements were made, the tickets bought, 
To see the penguins, how the fish they caught.
I believe in fate, or so it seems,
I looked into your eyes, and saw my dreams.
You asked me my name, I could not speak,
So shocked was I, my knees went weak.
I whispered 'Hello' , Suzzannah is my name, 
The Heavens just opened - What a time to rain!
You came prepared, an umbrella you produced,
I'd never met a man, I wanted to seduce!
We walked in the rain, my toes soaking wet,
But nothing else mattered, my mind was set.
I knew in my heart, I had to be yours,
My heart I had lost, by opening my doors.
We toured the tigers, the lions and the bears,
We talked of our lives, and all of our cares.
I asked you to hold me, I felt so alone,
Wrapping your arms around me, I knew I was home. 
Where could we go, What would we do?
We'd only come out, for a day at the Zoo.
I watch the sunrise, and look at your face,
And all of a sudden, my heart it does race.
Could I have guessed, just one week ago,
That I would be here, with you, I know.
I believe that your Love, will see me through, 
Life's trials and tribulations - if your Love is true. 

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