Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

By The Back Door

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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You creep into my mind, by the back door,
So silent you enter, no creeks on the floor.
My dreams I search, and you I find,
With strings of my heart, with yours outlined. 
Whispering silent words, of unfathomable love,
Then release from your hands a brilliant white dove. 
You stay for a while, and then have to go,
Your heart on your sleeve, but I say 'Don't Go'.
Why do you come to invade all my thoughts? 
Like a deer that is trapped and forever caught. 
Many years you have come, to enter my mind,
A path you have worn, a stranger could find.
Messages you drop, like the post on the floor, 
Collected by me, as I walk past the door. 
Searching through notes, I sift them all out,
Reject some, accept some, but never throw out.
Messages of Love, are drenched with desire,
You enter my mind through a framework of fire.
Silent, loving words, whispered and spelt,
Their passion so strong, in my hands they do melt. 
You enter at Noon, and depart at Midnight,
Resting on wings of a dove in mid-flight. 
You creep into my mind, by the back door, 
My key you stole, like my heart forever more. 

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