Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

'I Told You So'

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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We have all heard the saying 'I told you so',
But I had to find out, the hard way - I know. 
One morning I saw you, just clocking in,
Your first day at work, like a shining new pin.
 I looked at your face, and saw you smile,
I knew in my mind, I should stay awhile.
In our Lunch hour, when first we spoke,
A harmless 'Hello', my sleeping heart awoke. 
We laughed and chatted, over croissants and ham,
We wanted to linger, so ordered scones and jam. 
From Lunch to Tea, and then on to Dinner, 
My fate was sealed, I would be no winner.
I now had embarked on a new way of life,
I worked all day and thought of his wife.
My friends all told me, I had to let go,
It sounds so simple - but they just don't know. 
Each time, I tried, to finish the affair,
My Heart was starved of his loving care.
Forever my thoughts would stray his way,
Stolen moments at work, in pain every day. 
Walking the dogs, always at night,
We'd meet at nine, by the lamplight.
From one day to the next, my mind did slowly find. 
Within my Heart, my love grew increasingly blind.
Twenty years have passed by, what have I to show? 
Missed birthdays, holidays, and nowhere to go.
I always believed, that 'Love Conquers All',
How little I knew, the price for my fall.
Past chances missed, what could I have done, 
Would one day soon, my Heart feel the Sun?
Another ten years, how the time flies, 
Believe it or not, I at now worldly wise. 
From mistress to wife, in the last year,
But into my Heart, someone threw a spear. 
For just as before, I stole from his wife,
The tables have turned, now I'm his past wife.
And so begins another circle of lies,
Nothing said by me, but my Heart it then dies.
Could this be my punishment, for what I have done? 
Will it be that my Heart, will never feel the Sun.
So when your friends tell you, 'I told you so',
Please listen to your mind, - not your Heart - I know!

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