Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

A Dozen Red Roses - Especially For You!

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I looked into your eyes, and saw a yearning Love,
Did you travel on the stars, from the Heavens above.
When you smiled, I knew, in my heart from then.
I was captured by you, I had to tell you with a pen. 
How was I to know, what you would do?
My mind was made up - to ambush you!
My plans I thought out, my objectives set,
To the Florist - post haste, my first task to get.
A dozen red roses - especially for you,
No need to wait for the 'Valentine Queue'.
No signature on the card, it was for you to guess.
Just a message to say 'With my eyes I caress'.
I waited on the corner your expression to seize.
Your face lit up, sadly; no camera to freeze. 
You read every word, and examined the bouquet,
The roses all packed, in gold cellophane array. 
I saw from your eyes, silent tears gently fall,
That wasn't what I expected, from my poetic call.
I knew from that moment, my fate had been broken, 
Your unspoken words, needed to be spoken. 
Walking to the door, no words could I think,
Something in my heart told me, I was going to sink.
I waited a second, my fate in my hand,
The doorbell played a tune, by the famous Abba Band.
The door slowly opened, a women showed her face,
I looked at her wedding finger, no golden space. 
My voice was frozen, I could not speak,
All of a sudden, my heart it felt weak.
She asked me my business, what was I selling,
No answer could I give, my heart it was yelling.
You came to the door, with my roses all broken, 
With tears in your eyes, over my fateful love token.
I said I was sorry, how could I ever know,
Your heart was taken, I had my dreams to let go. 
I turned away - not daring to look around, 
My heart in tatters, the air empty, not a sound.

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