Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

The Memories I Have

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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The memories I have of your gentle face,
No other on Earth can ever fill your space.
Eyebrows that frame those caressing blue eyes,
Those lips, that smile, which I memorise. 
Thoughts gently unfolding, awaiting a sign, 
The hours and days, never ending in time.
That voice, which whispers, verses of Love, 
Matched only in beauty by the Angels above.
That body, that mind, that kindness of heart, 
Michelangelo saw you, the rest was 'Art'. 
Filling your dreams with unspoken desire, 
Who will you find to quench your fire?
Try as one may to put into words,
How can one count ten thousand birds? 
Poems and songs, we all try to write,
What we all need is that beacon of light, 
To say what we feel, we know and desire, 
To replenish our thirst and rekindle our fire.
I believe in God's eyes you are a Saint,
Sent here on Earth to help those who faint. 
Love and kindness, you export to all, 
Sadness and loneliness, you give them a call. 
No thought of one's self, no malice in mind, 
To learn from this Angel is goodness in kind.
The memories I have of your gentle mind, 
Many times, I try, to sit down and find.
Unspoken words written on pages,
Promised letters to send, in various stages. 
Night has come round to close my eyes, 
Hoping you are there, when I arise.

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