Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

My Heart On My Sleeve-But Only From Afar

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I have to tell you, just how much you are,
Loved by me, but only from afar.
The first day I saw you, I knew from the start,
That you were the one - we would never be apart.
What was to happen, how could I tell?
Was it only my Heart, in Love that fell.
You were so shy, and I so bold,
I knew in my Heart, that you were not cold,
Your Heart had been broken, I just had to find,
A pathway there, in a letter signed.
I tried to write, the words would not come,
So I decided to follow, the rays of your sun.
With my Heart on my sleeve, I walked past your door,
I rang your bell, and froze to the core.
You opened the door, and smiled at my sleeve,
 And turned to your side, I could not believe!
My name was there, all sparkling in gold,
How could you be so romantically bold?
You asked me in, I couldn't say no,
My Heart on my sleeve, I just had to go.
You said you'd fallen for my poetic eyes,
Coupled with my smile, that warmed the sunrise. 
What more could I say - You had said it all,
I couldn't believe, that for me you would fall.
'Only from afar', those words I used to say,
I now 'Thank God' for your Love every day. 
How could I ever, imagine my life?
To be, without you, or not be your wife.
How thankful I am, for the Heart on your sleeve, 
Never ever let my Heart, from yours, ever leave.

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