Луценко Роман Иванович : другие произведения.

Криминогенная обстановка в Украине

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  The crime rate in Ukraine
   The main aim of this investigation is to define the main reasons of the crime commitment in Ukraine and ways of reducing it. Several police records would be presented, as well as hard numbers being provided by the State Statistic Agency of Ukraine.
   Speaking about the level of delinquency, almost 50% of crimes are committed by adolescents under the age of 14-15. Among the main types of crimes among youngsters are shoplifting, pickpocketing, burglary and riot. According to the National Police of Ukraine, 23049 cases have been charged with the positive sentence - fines, in general, and imprisonment (the average time juvenile delinquents serving in prison is 2-3 years).
   People of the most represented group - people in their thirties and forties - are also committing such types of crimes in addition to murder, homicide and bank robberies. The interesting fact is the vast majority of people in Ukraine being sentenced to prison and, finally, severely punished is equal to the population of six Estonias (6,5 million people)! Furthermore, the dominant gender of criminals is male while the representatives of female gender are not numerous (about 1% out of 100% performed crimes per person). In addition, the most criminal regions of Ukraine are the Kyiv, Kharkiv and Dnipro ones as the population and the level of income is higher there.
   Taking to consideration the information have been given above it is reasonable to define the main ways of coping with such an urgent problem in our society:
  1) enlightenment of the society - people should be aware of their rights and duties in order not to commit crimes;
  2) parental control - this point is based on the idea that parents are to be more strict to their children while bringing up them in order to avoid the negative consequences being caused by the delinquency;
  3) social interaction - people should be more perceptive and understandable to other people"s problems.
   Lutsenko Roman, 2017
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