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Turn back time

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
 Ваша оценка:

   Turn back time
   Turn your running back, please, the time inside my mind,
   Let me see your eyes, so close, and blue, and nice,
   Gazing so far in the blue space of my dreams,
   Telling me how great love can be.
   In the space is your soul so great and blessed,
   Two destinies are together as two stars,
   Through heaven is given the thin and hard thread
   We're together in heaven till the end.
   Give me, time, this moment of life,
   When I fly and don't think about the time
   Which goes quickly and keeps all behind my back,
   I remember about this love which was so great.
   Turn, my river, please behind - I run so fast,
   I believe that my love in the blue space lives,
   And I'm waiting for you in the clouds, I call,
   I believe: you will come back inside my mind.
   12. 09. 2009
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