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Bonnie and Clyde 2009

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I never said I will never change, 
But, I find it strange, 
That I lose my head, 
'Cause now I have, what I never had. 
It is hard to understand, 
But, till I can stand, 
I will never live you alone, 
Ask me if it is love. I don't know. 
Only time can answer. 
And just once more 
Say me, that you need me, 
Whatever how it can be, 
But, when I look into your eyes, 
I see the sense, i see the life. 
You can keep my hand, take my soul, 
Take my heart, I'm forever yours! 
And if you want it could be, 
As you can see, 
We know, that we fill each other, 
That's why I don't need noone another. 
'Cause, when we're talking, 
And only when we just walking 
Together, I fill like I'ma high... 
You are not the whole my life, 
But you really chaged me. 
And the time, which I thoght I waste, 
I find full of the sense... 
And now I have the chance 
To get a friend, 
Who will be near till the end. 
I'll be near too, just keep my hand, 
'Bonnie and Clyde' just like new brand. 
And nobody can explain. 
It is so cool, that we don't play. 
And I only one thing know: 
You makes me happy, and that's all!

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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