Мария Люцифер : другие произведения.

To The Dying Lieutenant

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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To The Dying Lieutenant

Here you lay, the Son of Honour.

The couraged warrior of the truth;

Last minutes pass - there is just one more

Soon the Sea will take your youth.

I'm sitting near you - my heart is torn

And tears are flooding my sad white face,

Your eyes are dying - forgetting my warm

Friendship, and gazing into space.

Death is coming - I hear her breathing

I'm trying harder to hold you back,

You're smiling - it seems you're willing

To cheer me up, lying on cold deck.

Your lips get bluish and you are dying

Leaving me in this lonely night.

You leave forever - I won't be crying

I know, I'll meet you in heavens light.

So he died, lieutenant... and friend,

The sea now has him and I do not

The angel of God, killed by man...

But I'm still alive and blood is hot

I will take revenge - and I'll love you

And I'll remember your sweetest youth...

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